#not tagging a lot cuz I just did this for fun tbh
mourninglamby · 1 year
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Redraw of a redraw of an old drawing
(first from march 2023, second from 2022, third from 2021)
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Day 30: Written Apr 17, 2024
Part 19
CW: Major character death (not permanent), depictions of drowning, and water zombies (inferi)
“Go.” Regulus commanded. Kreacher disappeared and Regulus was alone. Alone and dying from the Dark Lord’s cruel potion.
He ached in every limb. The burning spread throughout his body and his head was boiling. 
Where his eyes open? He couldn’t tell. Everything was so dark.
His throat. It hurt. It hurt. It was itching. No, it felt raw like a scraped knee. He needed something. What did he need?
Something cool and wet touched his fingers. Wet. Water.
He needed water.
There. He was already touching it. His hand was submerged in the lake.
He scrambled. Desperate.
He felt it. On his face. In his mouth. Down his throat.
Oh the water. So lovely.
His wrists were wet. His head. The back of his neck.
His shoulders.
His chest.
It wasn’t just water. There was something else on him. Grabbing him.
Pulling Him.
He was weightless. No crystals pressing into his knees.
His lungs burned. He needed to breathe. He expanded his chest.
And water rushed down his throat, into his lungs. No. No.
He struggled. But something-someone stopped him. He tried to shake the hands off, but they wouldn’t let go. Then more hands joined. He felt their slimy skin against his.
This wasn’t exactly what he expected to happen, but this wasn’t any worse than the potion.
He stopped struggling.
There was a sharp blast of light and heat and the hands left him. Alone. Then he was gone.
beginning | previous | next
Notes/thoughts under the cut:
The formatting doesn't work on tumblr so imagine some really dramatic indents.
This was actually really fun to write cuz it's just Regulus' thoughts and nothing else. So I was kind of writing nonsense but I think it works.
I also want to mention that I changed my blog rules (? I don't know what to call it). When I first started posting it felt very personal and I didn't want to deal with any criticism whether it was good or bad. Now I feel a lot more confident with all the amazing interactions I've had. So I'd love to hear any feedback you might have especially headcanons or theories on this series (cuz I need ideas).
Also, if you want to be added to a tag list like @zn0v1a (my biggest fan tbh <3) just comment, reblog, etc.
Thank you all so much for the support!
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trashofspace · 3 months
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Updated! (2024-04-21)
Sup, welcome to my art blog. Username is trashofspace, but you may call me TOS.
About me:
She/her. And does English and Korean. And...yeah. I am korean.
I am an adult (20) ! I will not make NSFW content in this blog but if you are a minor and uncomfortable with me following you (I just follow back people who follow me without checking bio), then feel free to tell me :) I will unfollow you right away.
Multifandom but I think this blog would dedicated to BFDI-related stuff so yeah. Especially Pen or Tree. Cuz they are my best bois.
Art tags:
#TOShoomanizes for a humanized arts
#TOSobjects for a non-humanized arts
Closed for now!!!
I am lazy af and forget a lot. So it will take a bit longer. I mean, loooooooooog. If you are fine with it, then feel free to request it! I can do:
-general arts including ships (humanized and non-humanized. Plz let me know if you want a humanized one! If it is the character that I did not make a humanized version, it will take a lot more time...)
-mild gore (not organ-explosing things.)
-A little bit of adult joke things (?) If you know what I mean. Not explicit things.
Quality may vary so keep in mind! Sometimes I get too much enthusiastic that I might pour a soul in it lol
If you are a Racist or some kind of weird person or stuff (like, shipper who ships adult×child), you are not allowed in this blog. And people who are under 13 years old are not allowed in this blog, either. Sorry.
You can have inspiration from my art, and you can draw my humanized designs too. (If you decided to draw my design, I would be glad if you could credit me!)
Also, I have noticed...a few bots following me, and it is getting on my nerves tbh. I will be cautious about it but I might block you if you are sus. So plz keep it in mind!
And that's it. Have fun at my blog and have a nice day :)
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kirby-the-gorb · 8 months
reply roundup!
I guess vaguely once a month is just how these things work now, I do try to read everyone's tags and replies and stuff but a lot of them I just don't really have anything to reply with sorry! as always I appreciate the supportive words and well wishes and stuff <3
I also love the trifurcation of responses to [go to bed]: one group of people is like "yeah u right I sleep now thanks", one is like "sorry but I can't", and one is just like "no! I refuse!!!" lol
I did get two different "posts that have 10k to me" tags though, on [one] that actually passed 10k and [another] that is still barely triple digits and will probably stay there XD
anyway [chess kirb] was on the radar which is neat
also my birthday is this weekend :)
oh yeah and reminder that I also have a craft blog @sleepy-princess-craftery
on [the last roundup] @sacrasm said: oh the clonk'd is just my queued post tag! thr other one is self explanatory he is little he is pink and i affectionately call things freak sometimes (in combination with other words)
ohhhh that makes sense lol it was the clonk'd that I was baffled by thank you for explaining -u-
on [drowsy] @ceylonsilvergirl said: being laid up sick or injured is terrible, but I think we also need to acknowledge that it’s also boring as hell. can’t do anything fun. boring boring boring
it is!!! it's so boring!!! especially since I'm already baseline sick all the time so I have less options to start with, so to do even less than that is literally nothing!
anonymous asked: Gwah being sick sucks. I wish immune system upon you!
thank you! (I think I actually need less immune system? on account of the immune disorder. but either way I do not have an active infection anymore 👍)
on [tumble] @chefwhatnot said: get chucked idiot
where's that post like "'get (blank)ed idiot' is the funniest joke" cuz they're right
on [mask] @macro-microcosm said: glad you're feeling better! i agree that we should all still be masking up, it bothers me soooo much to see that so many people have stopped
like honestly, scientifically speaking it is way more effective and more accessible than just leaning on vaccines, and it protects people from all kinds of stuff not just covid! but nobody wants to wear masks and even people who think they're being cautious just want to lean on vaccine requirements, which is doubly inaccessible for me personally and probably millions of other people :( stresses me out too.
anonymous asked: Magicking you up some new containers
thanks! they didn't have what I wanted at target but we got some usable stuff from daiso, so at least it's not all still shoved in a ziploc bag.
@thewizardgnome asked: But what if I say bye
I mean yeah you can do that too if you want I guess lol
on [paper] @breathelifeintothatsoul said: Cool! I've always wanted to try and make my own (recycled) paper one time
it's fun! there's a lot of extra steps you can add in if you want to, but the absolute basics of it is just dump a bunch of paper strips into a bin, fill it with water, wait until it breaks up enough for your liking, then dunk some kind of stiff screen into it (horizontally) so you can pull out even layers of pulp to dry somewhere.
on [paper] @hermitfox said: oooo making your own paper is do much fun, I have fond memories from kindergarten doing that. ... actually what stops me from doing that as an adult. I should make paper again
do recommend, making things is fun and also good for you :) also the paper pulp is very Texture (affectionate) (to me) (I'm sure to others it can be very Texture (derogatory) but I like it)
on [yarn] @ceylonsilvergirl said: I am very envy of people who can follow a pattern, I can’t do that. I can do a friend being like “Oh this next one is two one two one’’, i can’t translate abbreviations into an idea in my mind. give me a diagram instead
I'm the opposite tbh, I find the abbreviations really easy to follow but looking at a diagram for knitting and crochet just turns into like, visual noise if it's more complex than like, a single fan stitch or whatever.
@my-life-is-a-bad-sitcom asked: You’re Kirby’s are so cool and I love your art style. Honestly awesome. Giving you a standing ovation. 👍
thank you! I love to draw a little guy
anonymous asked: I saw you on tumblr radar just now!! congrats!! -@secondbeatsongs
woah thanks sbs!
@darkchaogarden-blog asked: Tumblr's doing that dumb thing it's been doing lately where I can't reblog anything, so I'll just write to you personally that your art is excellent! Have a good day!
that sounds like such an irritating bug but thank you! I hope you had a good day too whenever this was :)
on [chess] @shiinteractsif said: dudes at the search thingy image. congrats
oh cool I wondered where the radar posts showed up on mobile!
on [chair] @mads-is-tired said: i’ve never played a kirby game but i desperately want to BECAUSE LOOK AT HIM
honestly so valid, he's basically a character brand to me (like hello kitty or rilakkuma). I'm probably biased, but I feel like the best games to start with are either forgotten land (the one that came out on switch last year) or crystal shards (originally for the n64, also available through the nintendo online vc). I think they're the most visually appealing (aside from epic yarn which is not a mainline game) and while they reward exploration they're not as complex as some of the handheld titles to fully explore, nor are they as hand-holdy as some of the other console titles. a good middle ground of feeling like you did the thing, without being frustrating.
on [soup] @give-soup-please said: ME #soupblogging #fucking same
how delightful that this post managed to find you :) these tags make me happy whenever I think of them
on [soup] @lord-chiopet said: me too bud. you too op hope the weather approved
good news, the weather has improved :) now it is overcast and drizzly, my favorite!
on [chess] @wealmostaneckbeard said: Neither of them know how to play so they made up some rules...
what a cute idea! I hope they are having fun with their new game.
on [baseball] @hutbug said: the teal color is called northwest green and we still wear it all the time!! its beautiful u did an amazing job
thank you for the info! before this season I hadn't really had access to baseball for the past like 8 years or something and a lot has changed lol so I didn't really trust my memory
on [blue] @ceylonsilvergirl [added] "I CAN TRY AGAIN TOMORROW! Or next week! or next month..."
that really is the vibe lately huh.
anonymous asked: Your kirbys bring me daily serotonin
aww good!
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yardsards · 3 months
I hope you don’t think it’s weird for me to comment on a hc you made weeks ago but omg I had the same idea that Emira gets into the arts. But yours is brilliant that you have Raine be like a mentor figure. She needs an adult.
(context for the curious)
thank you! it's a headcanon i had a ton of fun thinking of and talking about!
i'm gonna ramble some more here:
i feel like emira really needs some hobbies/interests that aren't connected to anyone in her family. a bit because if we take her "being stuck with you forever" as more than just a mean joke, there seems to be manor desire there to really be seen as her own person rather than just half of a matched set. and a bit because i feel like she would benefit from a space away from her siblings and the caretaker persona that she sometimes has to step into.
like, pretty much every interest of hers that we've seen in canon was something she shared with edric. except for healing magic. which, while she did seem genuinely excited about multitracking into it, we don't see much of why she likes it other than when she's healing her siblings. so while healing can be a good interest for her in terms of it being her own thing, it's not something that would give her a real break from being in caretaker mode.
of course, there are near infinite interests/hobbies you could choose for her. but something artistic just feels right for her. part bc she seems to have a creative side (being on the illusions track and having what seemed to be a bit of an interest in fashion). part bc the arts are often used to express yourself and your individuality, and she needs that kind of thing in her life
i think she could dabble in stuff like painting or poetry too, but the connection with raine and bard magic is too neat for me to pass up. because i think that there is a lot of potential between raine and emira.
and yeah, part of it is just that she needs an adult in general, and raine fits the bill well enough as a kind and caring adult character that doesn't have super direct connections to any of the other blights, (and that we know enough about as a character to create interesting dynamics with lol)
like, as i rambled about in the tags of that post, i think emira would really benefit from having a trusted adult mentor in her life, someone who will care for and guide her instead of her needing to care for and guide them. especially someone other than her father. cuz like, yeah alador got better as a parent, but emira would probably need some time before she could trust him, and an adult that has never hurt her would be very beneficial in the meantime (as well as even after she her dad earns her trust again tbh, because the more sources of positive attention and guidance a kid can get, the better). and like, she seems like she desperately needs some attention and care from some adults in her life (the "i want a tshirt too!" scene, as well as the popular interpretation that her and edric's troublemaking was a cry for attention).
but also like, i think raine in particular would jive with her. raine's got a mischievous streak of their own and would get emira's rebellious tendencies. raine understands how it feels to have lived years under a cruel authority figure and to have rebelled right under that authority figure's nose. plus, we know they've got experience teaching younger people and seem to be really good at it and encouraging creativity
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murfeelee · 11 months
Get to know you - Sims Style
Thanks @descendantdragfi here and @obscurus-noctem here for tagging me! ❤️
What’s your favorite Sims death? Every death is hilarious--fire and drowning are iconic, ofc. My fave sims GHOST, however, is the Haunted one from SN, and the Hologram one from ITF.
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Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Alpha CC. I don't mind Maxis Match in TS3, but EFF NO in TS4--get that clayfied crap out of my face, alpha all the waaaaaay~!
Do you cheat your sims weight? YES, I use a weight gain mod.
Do you move objects? MOOOOOOOO! 🐄🐮
Favorite Mod? I juuuuust made a whole post drooling over my faves.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack? TS1 Makin Magic. Iconic.
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Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing? aLIVE.
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? My avatar sim, Sakura Rain, the time-traveling Japanese cherry-tree faery of the Unseelie Court. (She's inspired by all my fave pink-haired anime characters.)
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Have you made a simself? Yes, but only when I play The Sims with my family members, and we take turns making each other and our home. It's so much fun.
Which is your favorite EA hair color? White. Especially after TS4 came out with no CASt or color wheel and I couldn't even recreate my main sims like wtf. I have a type, EA!
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Favorite EA hair? PFFT! 🙄 I can't stand most of the hairs EA makes in general, especially not the ones for male sims, as most of mine have very long hair.
Favorite life stage? Young adult, by default. But as more mods have been made for kids (No Stretch, Child Magic, Toddler Interactions) I have been enjoying child sims FAR more than I used to.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? I'm a builder--that's how I got into TS1 way back in the day. I like decorating interiors--my exteriors are usually sad, I suck at using CFE--and just cluttering up my lots. As a fandom-inspired storyteller, I rely on in-game interactions to give my sims the poses/scenes I need, so having deep and immersive gameplay that allows me to recreate whatever fandoms I want is key.
Are you a CC creator? Unfortunately.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad? A "sim squad"???
Do you have any sims merch? No, but I want one of those plumbbob headbands so I can dress up as a sim on Halloween. XD
Do you have a  Youtube for sims? Technically no. I got into making TS3 machinimas inspired by my favorite music a few years ago, and would upload them to Youtube cuz that's what everyone did, but omfg all the recent changes in copyright and music policies has made it SUCH a headache uploading ANYWHERE--including Tumblr!
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Like, my most recent IWTV insp. machinima on Tumblr has that stupid Copyright Guidelines thumbnail on it, even though Tumblr ACCEPTED the video and let it go through--it plays! It's not removed, so wtf??? No matter how many times I tried reuploading it I got the same problem--this BS is more trouble than it's worth, tbh.
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing? My gameplay will always look a bit pudding, but I think/hope I'm getting better at recreating different fandoms, and getting the level of detail down just right.
Who’s your favorite CC creator? It takes a village. There is no ONE creator--especially since all my OG faves retired a long time ago: Luna, @qingshuangtongzi, Hekate999, etc. And new simmers pop up everyday that blow my mind, so yeah, it's just the community at large, really. 💚💚💚
How long have you had Simblr? 2013--this July will make it a full decade. Tumblr's trash but it's also the absolute best, LOL.
How do you edit your pictures? I suck at editing--in GIMP I just tweak the "Curves" brightness & saturation when the in-game lighting is hot garbage, then call it a win.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite? (TS1) Makin Magic, (TS2) Apartment Life & Night Life are tied for witches & vampires, (TS3) Supernatural, (TS4) Vampires. Like, Supernatural changed my life, I seriously doubt I'd've kept playing TS3 as long as I have without SN. I also love World Adventures and Into the Future of course, but Supernatural gave us Witches, Faeries, Werewolves, (I'm not even gonna talk about TS3's busted Vampires like how the EFF were they "updated" or "fixed" when we STILL didn't get a functional coffin, like what frikkin vampire would sleep on a frikkin altar exposed to the sunlight like a effing BUFFOON, EA?!) and all kinds of fanciful content that I just can't live without. Hands down. 🧙🪄🧙‍♀️✨
Y'all know me--if y'all want to do this, too, just say I tagged you! <3
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rzyraffek · 1 year
If slashers interact regulalary, like as if going about more or less like rgeular people(but still slahsers of course :P), I am curious. Jamie Llyod, how would slashers interact with there buddies niece?Suddenly finding herself with a bunch of honorary "uncles"
Specific curisiotes include, Brahms, Jason, Bubba, both Scream guys(Billy and Stu), Leslie Vernon, and anyone else you might wanna toss in there if your happy to answer :)
AWWWW (i had to google Jamie Llyod cuz i thought you meant a guy from lego ninjago cartoon series and i was a little confused) Request open!!
Voorhees Jason
Accually he seems to be great with kids, he is just overthinking. If they go to shop together he wont be able to resist buying her whatever snack she wants!
He would rather pick her up and carry her around than to hold her hand because he gets distracted easly and he would just loose her in middle of forest
Jason will melt if jamie will say something along the lines "you are the best unlce ever!!" he will litteraly pass out and die
Jason and Micheal are besties so i can see them just hanging around and Micheal just randomly bringing her with him. just to chill and vibe. It would be very quiet vibe due to them being mute but it doesnt stop them from hanging out!
Billy and Stu! (tw to yall homophobes, this biches gay)
"ew a child..." "sup uncle Billy and Stu" "uhh look you are here only because Micheal made us baby sit you" "lol okay"
"I hate childen so much Stu :( " "Cmon its not that bad! She painted my nails!" "of course she did" "Also she said Im way better baby sitter than you!" "I- aint no way you are better than me"
This evening just turned into Billy and Stu trying to beat each other in "who is better uncle" competition
"Hey Jamie wanna see a scary movie :]" "cmon shes like 4" "im almost sure shes like 7 dude"
"I'm hungry im calling Micheal" "NONONO I- i mean why- we ordered fastfood! right Stu?" "uhh yeaahh, wait i just need to go outside for a, eeehh for an *runs to nearest fastfood to buy sometihng to eat*
they forgor that children accualy have to eat
they are so chaotic, they will fall asleep together (all 3) while watching Sponge Bob (Stu and Billy are secretly boyfriends btw i do not care that it has nothing to do with this headcanons, i just wanna inform you all)
"I know you guys are gay" " :O WHAT! I mean- who told you that! pfff some prankster probably" "I saw you hold hands! and thats what people do when they love each other! :3"(top tier sin)
Billy and Stu live together probably and their house is such a mess! its probably huge too, because Stu perents kinda rich. So i can imagine them loosing Jamie in middle of hause and then looking for her (shes goofy ah she will pretend they are playing hide and seek jsut to scare the shit out of them)
Heelshire Brahms
HE he would be so akward!!! Like "ehhh uhh hello child why are you in my house child, uhhh bloody hell" (Quick reminder that hes British and i will make fun of him)
HE WOUDL PROBABLY CALL MICHEAL "Uhhh Mr Micheal ur eeh your niece is here uhh can you like pick her up-" Jamie just standing behind hir "AAH-You, you wanna play scrabbles?" "ew no, can we play hide and seek" "Oh.My.God nevermind you can stay"
Micheal just comes to pick her up or something and Brahms with Jamie are already besties and they prolly made frienship braslets (and shit talk some people too)
okay ladies im back and i will write some more soon! pls comment and dont remember to like and subscibe and hit that bell button
tbh i dint have a lot of ideas (thats why Bubba isnt included i just had no clue what to write) but its good ig, and if i will find any people bullying stu/billy for being homosex i will steal ur steam account B)
x reader tags are only for more people to reach this post nothing sus here
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manasurge · 8 months
My Characters
Thought I might as well do this since I like how a few of my in-game characters turned out, so here's my roster so far (subtracting a few that are in limbo). Tried to put it in order to most to least used. I'm not one to make my in-game characters as OCs, but I still like to give them a name/aesthetic/theme that matches together (and colour-coordinated) so it sort of seems like they could (also for fashion wars reasons. Name above their respective images below). Also I like giving them singular names. (oh gosh I really hope this automatically shrinks the length of the post bc it's not giving me the "Read More" option >_>') My Main: Vespaura (Mesmer/Mirage). Crystal Bloom/Branded themed. Still waiting for proper crystal aesthetic looks lol (none available in game atm are what I'm looking for). I'm pretty much on her almost all of the time since I'm a ho for Open world and I love GS lasers, clones, portals, and evasion hax (I'm squishy so I need the survivability and sustain, and I tag almost everything, so it works well when doing metas and stuff).
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Mourynn (Necromancer/Scourge) - This is the one I took my OC's name from lol, so it's funny seeing her in game bc I forget sometimes lsjflksf. I Tried to make her look like an infected/toxic/poisonous Awakened Nightmare Courtier Duchess, and the squiggly tentacles are meant to portray turning into the necrotic glider below. I really wanna get her a bunch of Mordy and Zhaitan leggies (one day~)
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Ferahla (Revenant/Renegade) - I actually updated her back piece and colours a bit since this new back piece was released bc it fit her look much more. I tried to make her look gnarly (also this outfit makes her look a bit nakey, but I'm kind of okay with that tbh alsjflskdjf), and I'm trying to match her to the Chuka leggy for whenever I get around to finishing it. Renegade is also one of my favourite specs cuz I like being at ranged and having the support of Kalla and her Lesbian Warband.
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Faihan (Ranger/Soulbeast) - I still adore her look and her name is one of my favourites too. I was sort of going for a pheonix/firebird Hunter (bloodborne) kinda vibe. I couldn't decide between capes so she has one for Power and one for Condi. Also it's tricky to dress for leather armour, so I like how this turned out.
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Vaipaura (Mesmer/Virtuoso) - All my mesmers have similar names bc I think it's funny to headcanon they're just different AUs of each other (not gonna show Chrono here bc she's in Limbo. Her name is Vastaura). I wanted to give Vaipaura a Regal Canthan Noble Madam kinda vibe (also I just love the combo of this outfit and backpiece). She also has Exordium cuz it also matches this look too. However I still heavily prefer playing Mirage bc despite this one being great for DPS and very neat. It's just super squishy with not a lot of survivability/sustain and no clones to distract, and it feels so slow, but regardless it is still fun to play as well (I just miss spamming dodge all the time :( I also miss my clones)
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Mortesque (Necromancer/Reaper) - I'm not 100% sure if this will be the final look for her or not, but I was mostly just trying to match her to Zhaitan's Bite when I finally unlocked it a little while back. As you can tell I really like greatswords (the only 3 leggies I have are GS lol)
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Shroudryss (Thief/Specter) - My newest sapling. I'm stll not 100% sure about the outfit, but it'll do for now. Specter is really fun!! I really like fancy magical mobile classes. I need to play thief way more tbh since it's more of less up my alley (this one will be my first to go to)
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Jadesta (Engineer/Mechanist) - Her name and look are very on the nose. HOWEVER I am proud of the name I gave to her mech: Caladborg (also I really like the Aetherblade look here and at least it's easy/fun to give her stuff for fashion wars)
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Prismysta (Revenant/Herald) - I wanted to make her fit the pretty pearlescent look of Glint's facets, and I did want one light-themed cute character. Also there was just so many pretty pieces that wouldn't work with Vespaura that I thought it'd work well for her!
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Hexirax (Thief/Daredevil) - I still super need to change her name bc it for sure as hell does not suit her at all lmao!! But since I still needed a pink Sylvari, I thought it would be funny to make it my Daredevil (also the weapon worked well for this so I made her Sakura themed. Her outfit is still subject to change if I find something better)
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Vallotash (Guardian/Dragonhunter) - Still not sure what to do with her yet (might switch her elite spec, idk yet), but I'm still super proud of her name and I forgot I made this look on her. I like the colour combo, and I still might keep it (subject for change tho, but I don't hate it)
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snarkythewoecrow · 7 months
20 Questions for fic Writers!
thanks for the tag @mammameesh @underwater-ninja-13 💙
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
9-1-1 (mostly buddie), MCU, dabbled in Torchwood, Sherlock, HP, and Old Guard, oh and supernatural for a while too, though I don't have a lot of my supernatural and Torchwood moved to ao3, something I've been working on since like 2012 (there aren't that many more to move, I am just amazing at procrastinating)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Overall, these are my highest: Unexpected Finds (MCU, irondad)- 5 206 If I Could Do It All Over, I'd Find You Sooner (MCU, stuckony)- 2 593 emergencies only (MCU, irondad)- 2 154 between wanting and needing (MCU, stuckony)- 2 087 abuse at your hands, broken at your feet (MCU, irondad)- 1 960 But since I'm mostly writing 9-1-1, I'm going to include my top two from there, cuz I can: I choose you, Pikachu (or the ways two idiots finally say you’re mine) - 1 595 sometimes an onion really is just an onion (and that’s all there is to it) - 1 302
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try really hard to respond, but sometimes I get behind, and there are times when I'm low on spoons and I put them off, and that doesn't mean I don't love them all, seriously, people who comment are so generous and sweet, but it does mean that sometimes they will get a random reply from me two years later lol
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
honestly, not super sure, cuz I can't remember them all off the top of my head, but I guess the one I wrote for irondad, where peter was using hard drugs and it didn't end with a promise of things turning out good, hugs didn't fix things in that one
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
no idea? they are mostly all happy to some degree
8. Do you get hate on fics?
eh, not often, but sometimes, more in the mcu than other fandoms
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes, and mostly gay, many kinks, from vanilla to wtf are you even writing type things, but i do seem to lean toward bdsm dynamic in smut, daddy kink often, and a/b/o (tho i really love writing non-traditional dynamic, a lot of omega/omega and alpha/alpha)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
yes, and probably sam wilson/harry potter, honestly, I really still adore that one, it worked, I swearm, harry was older and fucked up with ptsd, and sam was awesome, as usual
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of? well, i mean, i've once found them posted on small fan sites serving other countries and tbh, it didn't bother me too much, like it wasn't great, but like, hey, life's too short and they obvs liked them, and they did give me credit, sorta
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah, a handful over the years, maybe 5 on ao3? and i know i gave others permisson over the years, but they never linked back so idk
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yeah, totally, done it a bunch and had fun
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
steve/tony, then stucky is a close second, like they are the true standbys, I'll always love them, but I have a armada of other ships that also serve me well
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
we don't talk about bruno, dude
16. What are your writing strengths?
description maybe, or writing emotional shit? and like with dialogue, I'm either a god of it or a pathetic feral creature that has never spoken aloud
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
depending on the day, the same as what is written in prior answer
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
honestly, i try not to do it anymore, cuz I don't like making it harder for readers in anyway to consume, so unless I can keep it short and clear enough that you can still gather what they are saying without knowing the language, then I leave it out. I will try hard to find other ways, and i'm not super into translations posted after the text, looks clunky, and not super into translations at the end, but yeah, to each their own
19. First fandom you wrote for?
dudes, i dont know when i ate last, no idea, like maybe some MASH or like Highlander in notebook as a kid? probably my first shared was interview with the vampire, resulting in much anxiety as a teen
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I'm picking from more recent fics, and I kinda love this one atm: sometimes an onion really is just an onion (and that’s all there is to it)
tagging @buckybeardreams @limetimo @painted-doe @psychiccatpanda and anyone else who wants to do it!
Blank copy under cut for you to use 💙
20 Questions for fic Writers!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
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miintsprigz · 1 year
Ohio RTC live-blogging
I watched the Saturday stream, and I documented my thoughts because hyperfixation goes brrrr
there was a lot of ableism in the chat (I do discuss what it entails below so you’ve been warned) so I was distracted at the end of the stream
-Karnak’s frantic tone during the accident + freeze frame moment, very cool
-them holding up the prizes
-Constance’s mumbled “sorry”
-post-possession Noel and Mischa stuff is so good (the o.e face and shoulder shake)
-I don’t like Ricky’s disability being stolen again, but I do like the fact that they’re happy that he’s happy, seems to be “bro”ing it up with Mischa a bit, I do love that
-JANE! (OVERANALYZES LIKE CRAZY) The way she tips her head a lot like it doesn’t fit her body comfortably. She sounds so timid…awww, honey…she moves a bit like her body is off-balance from the new head, I love the details
-I see evidence of platonic (at least) spacedolls already. Ricky waved at Jane!!!
-even in the “ocean’s life” segment Jane’s movements are just a BIT off. I think it’s cool when the Jane is taller in the cast, makes me think of a Barbie/pos
Poor gal seems real uncomfy in those lenses tho, can’t blame her
-all of the cast looks like they’re having the time of their life
-Mischa’s mannerisms are already cracking me up
-I am appreciating Noel very much in this production tbh, very sharp-tongued and excellent emoting in the face
-Jane’s delivery of That One Line (I hear it gives you an—)
-despite the small theatre and tech limits because of that, they really do well getting the point across with the props
-gosh props to Noel that change takes too long even in the main show, but he works it
-ngl I’m in love with this Ricky
-these dances are so fun!
-not a ton of Nischa in here with the end of the lament but—
-Constance’s “w h y” after the F word joke
-B O N S O I R
-them adding improv in ESGAL is a bit silly, but oh, RuPaul ref. That blindsided me lol
-they seem to be sort of un-possessed in TSIA, and Mischa seems a bit more friendly in this production so I think that fits decently
-I love how they try to make it like he can’t remember his rap—or can he actually not remember? Either way they played it off like it was on purpose and I appreciate that
-interesting how Jane’s a stand-in for Talia, cuz she could be anyone, she’s a blank body sorta
-I love the dances so so much, how they seem to be fencing Mischa in, and HE SINGS SO WELL, they did their best with the projector and got it across
-NOEL AND MISCHA HUG? NOEL AND MISCHA HUG!!!! AWWWWW IM CRYIN they seem so genuine about that whole part! person I’ve tagged said they noticed Mischa is audibly crying for quite a bit, poor dear
-again, Mischa encourages Ricky, I appreciate this! They see the Ricky and Mischa friendship supremacy!!!
-Mischa and Jane acting like generally strange parents and tHE FAKE ACTION SCENES which I genuinely think should have been in the original
-the implication that zolar daydreams came from food poisoning, this poor lad, I know it’s not exclusive to this version but dang
-this Ricky is just very captivating, I think this is a part that takes a lot of…uhhh, chutzpah, to play
-(sees Jane being a very passionate kitty) … (adds to spacedolls evidence folder)
-hehe I love that Mischa is Count Dogula
-also that black hole sound frequency reference made me so happy (“68 octaves below the middle C”)
-this Mischa has ADHD imo and I live for it
-AW JANE HAS SUCH A TINY MEMORY BOX. …big enough for a head. Cruel.
-they really worked with what they had for the background on Jane’s song. The way she blends into the scenery fits. That’s what she’s been doing this whole show. Also her trying so hard to grab her memory box and it’s always out of reach ;A;
-HER VOICE IS EXCELLENT this is impressing me in a bigger way than I thought it would
-the shadows moving!!! the way she can kind of recall knowing them, but not enough to know their faces or names
-the circling with the lights does make me think she’s falling, and the fact that she’s holding an umbrella…and sounds like she’s crying at the end…she’s so alone dude, I care her
-that last note was like a final scream
-Noel and Jane interaction!!! something I never see!!! I love it!
-Ricky is so gentle with Jane ;-;
-(chat is ableist about someone either ticcing, stimming, or having a meltdown in the audience and distracts me)
-Sugarcloud was excellent sorry I was too busy being full of rage
-Piano go breaking noises
-“you will soar to great heights” o u c h
Do I have criticism? Uhhh well it wasn’t perfect but hey, from what I saw they didn’t have a ton to work with (nobody’s fault there) and they used their resources well.
I also constantly have to remind myself of the fact that this show has a cast of at most eight people acting, and it makes sense that it’s difficult to remember all of your lines, and the fact that everybody has a solo song!!!
I dream of some day playing an alto Jane, although I doubt it will ever happen, but I’m not sure I’m talented enough to do with this cast attempted
Also frick the people in chat who were being jerks about that audience member. git gud, Ricky would hate you you’re breaking the one rule
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cerebralabyss · 2 months
USELESS INFO I FEEL LIKE PUBLISHING!! and also just archiving on my blog 4 my own sake :D
here is the stories/reasons 4 all my alters’ names cuz they’re all weirdly significant in some way or another OR went thru a very long process 2 become the name it is today
putting it under cut cuz it’ll probably be longish
reffy & ramen - they both went thru different processes, but come from the same origin. VERY LONG STORY I AM NOT SHORTENING IT!!
we were finding a new collective name cuz our old one did NOT suit us at all!! and at the time, our understanding of our system was very different. we had a lot of trouble separating reffy/ramen cuz not having one host scared us, so ramen was a sort of “sub-alter” to reffy for a good while until we were comfy with the distinction.
we settled on the name remiel/ramiel, but couldn’t decide the spelling. we ended up using remiel collectively, but that name was also specific to reffy because again at the time afraid of deviating from host. so ramen ended up with the scrapped spelling!!
reffy - when we realized we in fact were not just one host, having reffy’s name as our collective name was rly confusing!! we ended up shortening it to “remy” for a rly long time. then, we ended up fusing the names “remy” and “maffy/maffal” (maffy is a sub-alter to reffy that we had treated as distinct for a while b4 realizing it wasn’t healthy for not fun reasons!!) so it became reffy!! and yes, reffy is short for reffal!! no one calls him that tho cuz it’s weird (other than dire cuz he’s strange but he only does that in private) (and sometimes jax scolds him using his full name cuz it’s funny)
fun fact: reffy decided 2 use the name reffy instead of remy in the vegetable section of a grocery store. very useful information ik (sarcasm)
ramen - this name didn’t end up getting changed till like a little over a year ago now!! they stuck with “ramiel” for a good while, purely because we have a dog tag with the name ramiel engraved on it and they didn’t want to change their name cuz then the dog tag would be WRONG!! but eventually they were like NO im CHANGING IT. the nickname “ram” rly stuck (since no one called them ramiel anyway cuz it was confusing with it being so close to the collective name) so took the ram and turned it into ramen like the instant noodles cuz enby behaviour (lh)
they actually considered the name “azriel” for a bit n couldn’t decide between that n ramen. ramen is much more fitting i could not IMAGINE IT BEING ANYTHING ELSE
(i’m writing this and im writing in third person to avoid confusion and it FEELS WEIRD!!!)
jax - ok i’m leaving out the context of my 2020 system yrs cuz it’s not rly relevant and complicated BUT!! this name came from back then. it came out of NOWHERE LIKE LITERALLY IT JUST POPPED INTO OUR HEAD LIKE “yea this guy… he’s jax” and i don’t know WHERE IT CAME FROM cuz we probably only ever heard that name less than 10 times our whole life. it’s RLY WEIRD but it kind of makes it feel oddly special cuz it just happened without us consciously thinking. like that’s just how the name was Meant 2 BE
his name has not changed a SMIDGE since then. he did end up deciding it’s short form 4 something else somewhere along the line, but only one non insys person& knows what it is cuz he’s weird abt it. it’s been years n he’s still keeping it a secret .. and no it’s not jackson !!! that’s ur one hint :3c
nuni - this one is kinda silly!! when we were like 8-12 our online alias name was our cat’s name and since nuni was the primary host at that time the name rly stuck with her. when she came out of dormancy a few yrs ago, we wanted to change it since it could get confusing differentiating our CAT from our HEADMATE so we went with a random nickname we called our cat!! idk where it came from exactly tbh,, but our parents still call our cat that sometimes like once in a blue moon and each time they do it feels SO WEIRD!!
dire - ima be real i know there was a reason behind this name but i can’t remember it 4 the life of me. none of us can it’s rly weird. just pretend this is an awesome cool backstory ok thx
BUT!!! there’s a neat story behind one of his many old names!!! he first developed/split as an oc introject, we called him “corgo” cuz he more closely resembled the comfort au version of said oc (which in hindsight was not a comfort au it was just the personification of the introject) and combined the word “comfort” with “margo” (the oc’s name)
driell - him n his sibling (who isn’t in our sys) both have names that r their parents’ names combined together n letters smushed around a lil bit!! his sisters name (alexis) is a combination of the specific alter names, and driell’s is a combination of collective names!!!
THIS WAS ACTUWLLY A LOT LONGER THAN I ANTICIPATED i expected it 2 be long but i underestimate how much i love infodumping about my system WAYGYH. if u read this all the way thru it means the world 2 me u have no idea
i wanr to infodump abt system stuff more cuz it makes me happy :33 just worry abt clogging up my blog a bit :P
that’s it that’s all!!! good day 2 u
- 🖤
(🥀🎀🧸 co-con)
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tsunderesalty · 3 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thank you for the tag, @mrsmungus and @oceangirl24! Sorry I'm late on this!
❣️How many works do you have on AO3?
109, as of today! A whole lot of very varied fics with multiple genres, tropes, and fandoms and ships! I've been working on a lot of OC stuff as of late, and that's become a decent chunk of my fics. Well, if you consider 1/20th a decent chunk XD
❣️What is your total AO3 word count?
I swear I did not plan on this happening, I didn't stall for time just to reach this number, but my exact word count is 420,000!
❣️What fandoms do you write for?
Ah, fuck, there's a lot! Off the top of my head (because I'm too lazy to check Ao3), I'm trying to do more DC, Jujutsu Kaisen, One Piece, Demon Slayer, Chainsaw Man, Attack on Titan, Marvel, and OC stuff!
❣️What are your top five fics by kudos?
Skull Signs - 553 kudos
Just Accept It - 525 kudos
Penguin Promise - 413 kudos
What Hurt Brings - 378 kudos
Putting Down The Book - 353 kudos
❣️Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try my best to respond to comments, but sometimes I let them slip and fall under an avalanche that I'm too tired to dig myself out of.
❣️What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Last Words, cuz it straight up is just bad ending through and through. Even the happy moment is sad.
❣️What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A Wooden Castellan, maybe? Just some good ole birthday fluff!
❣️Do you get hate on your fic?
Hate on my fics? No. Hate because of my fics? Yes. We all met Evil Anon way too many times.
❣️Do you write smut?
Eh, a bit. It's not really my forte, and tbh there are times where I feel pretty left out because I see so many people writing smut and having fun with it and I'm just like "...I can't do that. I don't really write smut."
Gah, sorry for whining
❣️Do you write crossovers?
I think I have two crossovers?
A Detroit: Become Human x Wenclair fic I did by myself and a Ace Attorney x SCP that I'm writing with my best friend, @axolotlsupremacyowo!
❣️Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, and I honestly don't see why anyone would want to.
❣️Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but @mrsmungus did do a podfic for me, which I absolutely love! (She also sends me voice messages where she sings really nice songs amazingly, even if she doesn't think so!)
❣️Have you ever co-written a fic?
As I mentioned above, I co-wrote a fic with @axolotlsupremacyowo, but that's one of three! We did a thing last week where we started fics by ourselves, then swapped them with the other person to finish them! It was so much fun and I can't wait to do it again!
❣️What's your all-time favorite ship?
To be perfectly honest....I have zero clue. I have a lot of ships that I love, and I would struggle to pick out a favorite!
❣️What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ah, I wanted to finish an old MHA fic from...January of last year, I think, but I doubt I'll ever return to it at this rate. It's just not on my to-do list.
❣️What are your writing strengths?
Oh great, here we go! Ugh. Well, I'd say dialogue and characterization is something I'm pretty great at.
❣️What are your writing weaknesses?
Low confidence, honestly. I don't write well because I don't think I will write well. It's a problem.
❣️Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I do my best to avoid it, because I really don't know any words in any other language! If I find myself needing to do it: I write it like this.
"Random phrase!" [Character] said in [Language].
❣️First fandom you wrote for?
My Hero Academia.
❣️Favorite fic you've ever written?
Not choosing. You can't make me.
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jackwalten · 1 year
Why do you hate managerboy? I’m genuinely curious cuz I stopped listening to the hotel a couple years ago and I didn’t realize how popular that ship had become, I don’t really see the appeal either :o
hii anon thank u for giving me an excuse to complain about how much i dont like managerboy i love doing that LOL.
its mostly because managers and lobby boys relationship in the first three seasons is just very toxic and codependent in a very fucked up way and theres obviously a power imbalance there because lobby boy would do anything for the manager even if he REALLY didnt want to do the thing she asked of him plus in one episode he literally mentions that she would punish him if he did something she didnt like?????? and it just made me uncomfortable to see people ship them.
and at first it wasnt that popular but then season 4 came out and the caveman room episode happened and it got BAD. basically its an episode that mentions and talks a little about lobby boys love for the manager. i liked this episode a lot when i first listened to it but everyone else just went crazy and immediately interpreted it as romantic love and watered it down to aww he has a crush on her so cute and i thought it was a very boring way of looking at it. i even made a whole post talking about it here if u want to read it.
a thing i noticed and i find kinda annoying also is that travis would just add stuff fans came up with or wanted to happen or their headcanons to the podcast and make them canon which i guess most people found fun but that also started to extend into shipping and now the official hotel tumblr tags stuff as managerboy or howner like help me lord. its like they just started pandering to the fandom. but yeah anyway i stopped listening to the podcast halfway through season 4 so i dont know everything that happens after that and tbh i dont care that much.
MAYBE i wouldnt hate it that much if it just happened naturally and after their relationship got some development and not just because fans wanted to see it happen so to make them happy they keep just adding stuff thats supposed to be interpreted as romantic or whatever theyre doing now.
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weizhiyuan · 1 year
8 Shows To Get To Know Me
Thank u for tagging me @jyuubin!!
Invader zim
I was a big nick/cartoon network kid & invader zim is just such a classic. I would watch the shit out of it, I’ve bought the whole series, the whole deal. When I was little I based my identity off of gir and when I was rewatching not too long ago I realized I still have so many lines memorized… it’s so silly and stupid and smart and gross I love it
My babysitter’s a vampire
Since this is a get to know me tag we’re like going through time with these series. This is another one I have lines memorized from! If I were to say which character I am it would be Rory and that is Important to know. A bunch of my friends love it too and we’ve rewatched it together it’s so fun whenever we do <3 another classic if u ask me
If u asked me in like 2015-2017ish what my fav show is I probably would’ve said Merlin. And it stayed up there as a fav show for a WHILE. I’ve never been able to rewatch it bc of like. The Pain the finale caused me but I was obsessed with it when I did watch it. I had some huge multiship mindset going when I watched it and was shipping basically everyone together which I don’t think I’ve done for any other show… I watched tf out of the bts for it too. Like I was kinda in deep…
Skam/druck/skam austin
Is it cheating if I put a show and my two fav remakes LMAO… I’m a big skam girlie. We should all know this. I made this acc when druck was airing as a skam + remakes blog. I had a skam austin username for the longest time (rip gracefulnosplinters). The og is such a classic and gave me some of my fav pan rep (so did druck)! I was so so so obsessed and in my heart I still am. I’ll defend skam austin to the ends of the earth. I met some of the druck cast members (heyyy Lukas). I lived and breathed those clip drops in real time like they were AIR. I completed the Norwegian duolingo course and my streak is still going. But really which skam viewer has ever been not entirely invested in the series. I’ll stop now cuz I could talk Forever about it all…
The untamed
Oh god. If you knew me when I first watched cql I’m genuinely so sorry… I would NOT shut up. It was every other word out of my mouth. I related every goddamn thing I saw to the show. It consumed me for MONTHS. As in I literally couldn’t watch anything else until a few months later after binging all sorts of bts, adaptations, and reading parts of the novel (funny thing is I still haven’t seen all adaptations/everything lmao). I always say it’s a good thing I couldn’t legally drive people when I was in this phase cuz I ONLY listened to/played the fucking character osts in the car for months like I knowww my mom was sick of it (she’s the only one who had to deal with me in the car lmfao). It was also the first time I ever actually made a sideblog for anything. I found the show at a very fitting time in my life too. Probably one of the hardest times ever but some of the themes in the series stuck with me in ways that felt so personal. A lot of love here
Another one I was super invested in at the time. Would not shut tf up about vegaspete. Very annoying about. Rewatched tf out of it. You know the drill. The few months I spent watching it was so eventful
HIStory2: crossing the line
Okay I think I’m really just in a HIStory mood lately but this fucking show. THESE TWO. YU HAO AND ZI XUAN. WHAT THE FUCK. The best way I can explain this is in a way no one else can understand: it appeals to a younger part of me in a very specific way. Like it’s scary. The chemistry is insane like going back to it after about a year still made me feel the exact same crazy way. One of the greatest losses caused by covid was the sequel that got cancelled 💔
Bad buddy
We all saw this coming. Gotta end with a bang. My favorite ql of all time. Insane to experience live and such a perfectly crafted show (thx p’aof). Layers upon layers of depth to write about (which like tbh every bad buddy fan basically has, me included). Just so much to love. Speaking of love: milklove origins too!!! We get it all from one silly little series. I remember exactly where I was so vividly when I experienced so many iconic scenes. It’s legendary!
I’m gonna tag @dumpsterslugz (I can tag you in things like this now >:D) @pondphuwin @heart-ming @markpakin & anyone else who wants 2 do this !!
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sungbeam · 8 months
Firstly I wan’t to apologize for the spam once again 😭 but I wanted to show you how much your writing means to me and to all of deobiblr since I see that you’ve been struggling with reblogs :(
I just want you to know that it’s not your fault, nor is it your writing. While I was going through the LIU ML I did notice that there was quite a huge difference in reblogs and interactions but please don’t think that it’s because of your writing! Tbh it can be a multiple of factors such as people only reading fics for certain members (even though they’re missing out on amazing stories but wtv-), ghost readers, people forgetting to reblog the second part (cough cough), shyness ig??, not realizing it was a part of a series, they’re no longer active to complete reading the series, they want to wait fir the series to end before reading it all in one go, or because they simply don’t know that reblogs weigh more than likes on tumblr :(
So…. Yeah! I just wanted to reassure you that all your fics hold such a dear place in my heart and I never want you to forget how much joy you, your fics, and your writing bring to people! Including me haha
I’m also wishing that my reblogs helped at least a little with getting more exposure to the LIU series and provide you with a little comfort that people are still reading and appreciating! Sorry, I feel like I keep repeating myself haha ^^;
Oh! And I’ve also read all your replies and thank you! Ily too 😭🫶 I wish my reactions were a little fresher but I kept up with the series since the beginning basically and I haven’t re-read them (YET!) so my reactions might be a little dull or repetitive/doesn’t bring anything new to the table but thank you for taking your time to read through all of them!
I’m a bit of a blog lurker sometimes so tbh I just read whatever was posted/asked LMAOOOO so I can’t remember exactly where I get some info from but I do know that it was said at one point 😭
Ok sorry that I keep trailing on but thank you once again for taking your time to read this and all my other reblogs and I only wish you the absolute best! Good vibes, lots of love, showers with kisses and roses for you forever! 😚
(P.s. you can decide if you want to answer this publicly or like… subtweet me or smth idk 😭 I was just a lil too shy to be all up in your dms HAHA ok bye fr now muah)
omg user floatingpluto ur so precious 🫂 PLS don't apologize for the reblog spam, i literally had the absolute time of my life both reading thru ur tags AND replying to them (´Д⊂ヽ sometimes idek what to say in response to reblogs bc i feel like i get repetitive even tho i just wanna express my appreciation :')) but it was really fun replying to urs !!!
ahhhh the trouble w reblogs 😔🤧 i fear it's a struggle for everyone nowadays, and i feel a little silly being such a child abt them when ik i prob get a little more interaction than some others :') but thank u for being so kind and considerate abt it!! no matter what, ur reblogs did help me in more ways than one and i appreciate that so, so much. also w the less interactions bit, i def understand that things r going on in people's lives other than fanfic, which is what i keep trying to remind myself of when i do have those really low days of interaction </3 ig my insecurity is just glaringly obvious nowadays 🤡😭
ALSO no worries abt whether or not u bring something "new" to the table in ur replies TT i personally thought they were quite fun and unique!! take ur time w the rereads, and don't feel like u have to just cuz u told me u were gonna !! 😋
much love and hugs!!! 💖💖
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sparklymuses · 1 year
Tumblr media
favorite color (s) : orange!! it used to be red, but orange just kinda felt a lot more pleasant when i got older. so i just warmed up to it - no pun intended.
favorite genre (s) : for movies, i do enjoy some horror elements along with action. for video games, action again with some first person shooters here and there. though i wouldn’t call them my absolute favorite ?? though def fun.
favorite music : definitely rock is somewhere up there, i have found a lot more interest in more electronic music ?? i’m not sure that’s the right word for it but uh, we’ll just say that.
favorite movie : currently, shin godzilla. i just love godzilla in general so i would also slap down final wars next to it. i also really really liked dragonball super: broly, def my favorite anime movie.
favorite series : game wise, definitely kingdom hearts. i know the lore is a complicated fuckfest - but i love it to death regardless, people rag on it too much. anime series, probably my hero academia currently ??
last song : not really the full song but, this video featuring two time by jack stauber. it’s super fuckin’ good and gets me motivated to draw.
last series : record of lodoss war !! wanted to try the game but i decided to watch the OG series first cuz the elf girl was really cute. before that was gundam iron orphan and ... mercury witch? tbh, did not like mercury witch. felt more like a highschool melodrama more than a gundam series.
last movie : puss in boots: the last wish !! i honestly forgot it was a fucking shrek spin-off for a good chunk of the last one, it was so good. dreamworks coming back with a bang so big we can forgive them for boss baby and trolls.
currently reading : nothing tbh - i’m not really a reading guy ?? i just kinda don’t have the patience for it nor can i really find a book i really enjoy.
currently watching : my hero academia s6 and uh ... that’s the main one so far ??
currently working on : a ryukyu picture !! i’ve made a shite ton of progress on it and it’s my first time using my big huion tablet with clip studio paint. it’s going great tbh and i’m proud of it!
tagged by : both @dcviated & @boomermania !! tagging : @knightshonour , @celestiialnotes , @truexman , @truethes , @stovthearted​ , @ofdetonation , @ofgravitation , @electricea and @corrchoigilt !!
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