#not the best quality so i must apologise
ghoulez-vous · 1 year
( gender neutral reader x papa i-iv / hurt/comfort / sfw / under read more for length )
How each Papa would comfort their lover who is going through difficult times.
It’s the sort of hug that washes away all of your sorrows: tender, gentle, but firm enough to remind you that he’s there for you. He’s the most lithe of the Emeritus brothers but his hugs envelop you regardless of his figure. The scent of freshly cut roses and sandalwood is strong and you can tell that he’s abandoned his garden to be there for you. His head is nestled in the crook of your neck as he whispers meaningful words of wisdom in Italian that would help with your daily worries. Other times he remains silent, simply being there for you. He can read you like a book and knows exactly how to wash your pain away with a hug, even if it is momentarily. His hugs are a gentle reassurance of his love for you and it pains him when you leave his embrace. He parts with a gentle kiss on your cheek, rubbing the back of your hands with his thumbs. Although he’s disappointed that you have to part, the sight of you makes him smile with a warmth that he never though possible. You know you’ll make it through your troubled times with him by your side, with all his wisdom and adoration for you.
It’s the sort of hug that makes you focus on him, and only him. Any negative thoughts are replaced with the sensation of his firm grip and intimidating frame that melts at the mere sight of you. The scent of his cologne is strong and he’s dressed in his mitre; he must have been getting ready to attend to his duties as Papa. No work was more important than you. The Clergy would manage without him for a while, and a quick glance at a nearby ghoul signalled that the message be passed on. You’re his primary focus now, a large hand caressing your hair as you press your face into his chest. His heartbeat is slow and steady but it speeds up a little with every squeeze that you give him and he begins to suspect that you’re doing it deliberately. His other arm is wrapped tightly around your waist, his head resting atop your own. Although he is the most stern of the Emeritus brothers, you can tell that he is worried from the way that he refuses to take his mismatched eyes off you. His embrace is secure and unyielding; he wants you to know that he is there for you, and that you are his priority. Nothing else mattered while you were nestled in his arms.
It’s the sort of hug that nearly knocks you off your feet: desperate but soothing. You’re not certain who needs it more. Before you can open your mouth, you’re in Terzo’s demanding arms. His face is buried in your shoulder, occasionally placing a chaste kiss on the exposed skin of your neck when he feels your grasp on him loosen. He smells of the expensive cologne that you bought him for his birthday. However, you can also smell your own scent; he must have been sleeping with your garb again. Words of Italian fill your ears, his breath tickling your neck as he whispers sweet nothings that comfort you both. He sways slightly, moving your body with him in a soothing manner. It’s hard to focus your mind on your worries when you’re wrapped so firmly in Terzo’s arms. It’s an embrace that you both needed. After you’ve calmed down, he’ll reluctantly part from you and lead you to his room where he can attend to you properly. There’s a freshly laundered comforter on his bed and you knew that Omega must have seen you both. He pulls you down onto the bed with him, your back flush against his chest. From there, he holds you as long as you both need.
It’s the sort of hug that starts off tentative but grows in strength. He’s so worried about you and it shows in his body language. He’s shifty, toying with the hem of his sleeves. His brows are knitted together as he begins to speak but hesitates. At first, Copia approaches you slowly to assess the situation and see what you need, worried about upsetting you further. You lock eyes for a moment and he can tell from your gaze just what you need. An arm slinks around your waist as he draws you closer, pressing a chaste kiss against your lips. You return the kiss before reluctantly leaving his embrace as he guides you towards the sofa. Brushing aside empty juice boxes with an apologetic glance, Copia urges you to sit down with him, patting the plush pillows. He’s wearing his favourite red tracksuit and Vvlgari t-shirt and you knew that he had been relaxing after yet another exerting ritual. The dark residue of skull paint still lingered around his eyes, and you could tell that he was exhausted to the point of putting little effort into his evening routine. You curl up beside him and bury your face in his chest, hands grasping his soft jacket as he gently stroked your hair. You both needed this.
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babyleostuff · 1 year
Ok ok but how cute would they be when you try to teach them how to make your favorite comfort foods, i feel like there would be so much playful banter
oh my god, i love you so much for this request this is the cutest shit everrrr 😭 i low key cried while writing this, cuz i'm never going to experience this (i'm really fighting for my life here)
teaching them how to make your comfort food | ot13
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𓆩♡𓆪 he’d probably whine at some point that it’s to complicated and that he’s already lost, but at the same time he’d fight you for the knife, because he insists that it’s too dangerous for you to chop the ingredients on your own 
𓆩♡𓆪 when you get past the whining stage though, he’d be actually so excited to learn how to make your comfort food, and (he would not admit this) for some reason he was very touched by the fact that you wanted to show him how to do it 
𓆩♡𓆪 because it surely must be very personal to you, and the fact that you want to share it with him??? His tummy is all warm and fuzzy from the amount of love he has for you 
𓆩♡𓆪 but then again, he’d randomly tell you that you’re doing something wrong and how you’re supposed to do it, which shut up Choi Seungcheol
𓆩♡𓆪 you actually called him by his full name once and he got whiny again 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d try to gaslight you that he already know how to make it, which??? how??? 
𓆩♡𓆪 you’d drag him to the kitchen and tell him to make it then, to which he’d just give you his sweetest smile and say that he was just joking - nothing new when it comes to your “devil dressed in a disguise of an angel” boyfriend 
𓆩♡𓆪 but that would be the perfect opportunity to actually teach him how to cook your comfort food, so you’d put on some music, give him one of your matching aprons and get to work 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d question everything you were doing, acting as if he was the pro here, but anytime you’d turn back to him, again, he’d have his sweet smile on his face, acting as if he wasn’t just bossing you around 
𓆩♡𓆪 but after some time, he’d get really invested in the cooking and he’d abandon the teasing to actually focus on you and how you were explaining everything so patiently, looking so happy to teach him how to cook your favourite food 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d be the type to roll up your sleeves and kiss your forehead, while still focusing on what you were doing, just because he didn’t want to miss any of the steps 
𓆩♡𓆪 you’d think that it would be just a normal afternoon cooking time with Joshua, where you’d spend some nice quality time together, make your favourite food and listen to some comforting music, while you did all of the corny relationship things, right? 
𓆩♡𓆪 wrong 
𓆩♡𓆪 for some reason, the one time that you actually wanted to show him something important and dear to you, he decided to pull out the most random moves on you 
𓆩♡𓆪 it’s not that he ignored the fact that you were about to teach him how to cook your comfort food, no - he loved it, but why make it an ordinary cooking session, when he can make it fun and very much unforgettable? 
𓆩♡𓆪 so when you’d try to show him one of the steps, he’d take the ingredient and do something very much questionable, while having the prettiest smile on his face and saying “look at this, darling”
𓆩♡𓆪 in the end, not only did you teach him how to cook your comfort food, but it turned out to be one of the best and fun dates you’ve ever had 
𓆩♡𓆪 I don’t know why, but I feel like he would giggle at everything that you were doing??? You could literally be cutting a steak with a machete, and he’d still laugh??? I don’t know, but I’m sure he’d be all giggly and smiley if you’d drag him to the kitchen, trying to persuade him to cook with you
𓆩♡𓆪 but he wouldn’t be able to say “no” to you (he never is)
𓆩♡𓆪 the moment he messes up, he turns into the poutiest baby, apologising for doing it wrong, but when you mess something up - he just straight up laughs in your face, which is so not amusing Wen Junhui (but then he does something wrong again, and you laugh at him in revenge)
𓆩♡𓆪 still, he’d try his best to focus and follow your directions, looking at you and mirroring your movements carefully, as to not mess up your comfort food, that he knew was important to you 
𓆩♡𓆪 no matter how it turned out in the end, you were still proud of him for even trying and grateful that he found some time in his crazy schedules to do it with you 
𓆩♡𓆪 we know he doesn’t quite know how to use a kettle properly, so putting him in the kitchen is a bit questionable, but you thought it would be a fun activity to cook together, especially because you’d teach him how to cook something that is important to you
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d really try to keep up with you, looking frantically around the kitchen with wide eyes, acting as if never had to cook before (at some point he’d try doing something to make you laugh, but he accidentally knocked over the flour, so the kitchen ended up looking like a big mess)
𓆩♡𓆪 to be honest, he lost the grip on what you were doing after adding like the second ingredient, so he just decided to improvise and see what happens, which led to you chasing him around the house with a kitchen cloth 
𓆩♡𓆪 but you knew he tried, he really did, and he put a lot of love into the making, so no matter how it turned out it, the most important thing was, that it was made with love 
𓆩♡𓆪 okay, making him cook is a dangerous thing and Wonwoo in the kitchen usually equals disaster, but you really wanted to teach him (+ you’d get to spend some quality time together) 
𓆩♡𓆪 you’d tell him to get some salt to which he’d pull out a bag of sugar, BUT to his defence he forgot to wear his glasses, so he couldn’t really tell the difference (at some point he also almost burned the pot and you almost threw him out of the kitchen)
𓆩♡𓆪 but after a while he got a hang of it, and actually started doing a good job, so as a reward you decided to peck his cheek anytime he got something right - which wasn’t the best idea, because he got so distracted every time you did it 
𓆩♡𓆪 also, when you fed him small spoons to check if everything was good, his answer was always “tasty” 
𓆩♡𓆪 but to be fair, it really was tasty, and because Wonwoo was so proud of himself, he was flexing for the next week how good of a cook he was (you did most of the work, but that made no difference to him) 
𓆩♡𓆪 when you proposed teaching him how to make your comfort food he simply nodded, trying to act indifferent, but the slight blush that adorned his cheeks didn’t go unnoticed by you 
𓆩♡𓆪 he was actually a lot more focused on the cooking than you thought he’d be, which made you so happy, you couldn’t stop smiling the whole time
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d turn on some music, and you’d fall into a comfortable conversation, making sure that he was getting everything right from time to time 
𓆩♡𓆪 at one point, you tried to open a jar, which you were struggling with, and instead of helping you Jihoon stood by, his arms crossed across his chest, looking all smug (are you trying to flex sir?)
𓆩♡𓆪 you had no other choice but to give him the jar, which he opened with ease (who would’ve guessed)
𓆩♡𓆪 at the end, he even suggested himself that you should do it again some other time, trying to act as nonchalant as he could - despite that, the happiness was so prominent on his face :(((
𓆩♡𓆪 you know that soft smile Minghao has when he looks at his members - that smile would be apparent on his face for the whole time that you were cooking, and even after when you were eating it on the sofa, cuddled under a blanket 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d be attentive to your every move, but at the same time he’d tease the shit out of you (I’m sorry, how am I supposed to hold the spoon according to you Minghao?)
𓆩♡𓆪 but you knew that it was all for fun and games, because would he roll up your sleeves if he didn’t love you? Would he hold your hair back anytime you’d lean over the pot? Would he put his arm around your waist when he was standing closer to you? 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d also blow at the spoon anytime you wanted to try the food to see if it was okay 
𓆩♡𓆪 you’d probably giggle a lot about some random stuff, slowly realising how domestic you were being, which made you both a bit shy, because you both knew that this is how you’d love to spend everyday 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d act all Gordon Ramsey on you and try to teach you how to make your comfort food. Which, excuse you Kim Mingyu??? 
𓆩♡𓆪 but seriously though, he’d be over the moon, because well - he loves cooking for you, and now he’d be able to make that one special dish that always brightens up even the gloomiest days for you 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d be so so so focused on you and what you were doing, so that he would get everything right later on
𓆩♡𓆪  it’d be so adorable, honestly - he’d have like this cute little pout, while his eyes would follow your every move and he’d ask a bunch of questions and ughhhhhh
𓆩♡𓆪 at some point he’d try to make it corny as well, like wrapping his arms around your waist from the back, putting his head in the crook of your neck or on top of your head, kissing your cheek from time to time 
𓆩♡𓆪 Kim Mingyu focus, it’s not the time for your puppy-like behaviour 
𓆩♡𓆪 the amount of love he’d pour into making your comfort food is astronomical - he is so focused on doing everything perfectly, because it’s your comfort food, and it makes you happy, so he has to get everything perfectly
𓆩♡𓆪 but you’d have to take some breaks in between, because his attention span is rather short
𓆩♡𓆪 at one point he just randomly started singing and dancing to “Fighting”, because he was struggling with something, which okay??? Everyone has their ways of dealing with stuff, I guess
𓆩♡𓆪 and because he is so random with his antics, once, he spooked you to the point where you dropped a bowl full of ingredients to the ground 
𓆩♡𓆪 but over all, you had such a great time and you were laughing so much to the point where your stomachs were aching, but you wouldn’t have it any other way
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d make the whole experience so funny, there would be a second where you didn’t want to crumble from all the laughing 
𓆩♡𓆪 even when he was silently judging your ingredient choices, giving you his famous side eye, you laughed so much to the point where your stomach ached (in the best way possible) 
𓆩♡𓆪 when you insisted he was doing something wrong, he threw a tantrum, waving the spoon, causing some of the food to land on the walls
𓆩♡𓆪 and he never touched the spoon again, so you ended up doing most of the work yourself 
𓆩♡𓆪 but that didn’t change the fact that he was paying attention to your every move, and he was already planning when he’d make you your comfort food by himself to surprise you 
𓆩♡𓆪 you’d have to write him a manual on how to use the kitchen and a VERY specific recipe (at least two pages long), before he even stepped into the room (otherwise it would end with a fire)
𓆩♡𓆪 did someone say fire??? Uh, take off your mask now / 이제는 해제 now, it's time to dance now, uh (ooh-ooh!)
𓆩♡𓆪 even if he can’t cook and does not do it often, he’d really try doing his best - like, just take a second to imagine his confused, yet focused face (he’s the babiest of them all, I can’t anymore), and you’d have to be very patient with him, but it’s okay, because he’s trying :(((
𓆩♡𓆪  he would constantly be asking questions, and nudging you with his shoulder to get your attention, so you could check if he wasn’t messing anything up
𓆩♡𓆪 and even if he was, if he added too much or too little of something, you’d still tell him how great of a job he was doing
𓆩♡𓆪 it made him so smiley, and he blushed a little at your words :(((((
𓆩♡𓆪 oh, he was so happy when you suggested that some time you could try teaching him how to make your comfort food, to which he went “some time? Let’s do it now”, and he dragged you to the kitchen himself 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d take it so seriously, even when you assured him that he doesn’t have to get everything perfect, as long as it’s edible it’s fine, but he insisted (he’s such a perfectionist, I swear) that he has to get everything right 
𓆩♡𓆪 guys, I can practically hear his laugh echoing in your kitchen when you joke around
𓆩♡𓆪 then again, Chan isn't the best cook out there, so there were times where you just wanted to laugh at him for being so clumsy and oblivious, but he looked way too cute for you to do that 
𓆩♡𓆪 so you just stuck to helping him out (also the way he smiles when you put your hands around his waist to guide him, I NEED HELP)
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d spoon feed you after, because why not 
taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star
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Old Scars, New Blood 4
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, manipulation, borderline bullying, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Reader has accepted that she’ll never be wanted, not only by the man she’s crushed on for years, but by anyone. That is until a new player enters the game. (f!, short!reader)
Character: Lloyd Hansen, Thor Odinson
Note: Still sick but going to have to work.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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With meal prep complete, you return to Lloyd’s office to find it empty. The remnants of his earlier spill remain speckled over the desk and floor. You clean it up, leaving a lemony fresh scent in your stead. While you’re at it, you tidy up the bookshelves.
You hesitate on your way to the door. You glance over your shoulder as something tickles in your head. You still don’t get why Lloyd didn’t tell you about Valhalla. For months, he hid that from you. You think about that day in the car and being left on the side of the road. Maybe he’s been planning to cut ties with you for a while.
You stare at the large iMac. It would be wrong to snoop. Even if it isn’t his redeeming quality, you’ve always been honest with Lloyd. You’re just confused. He’s never anything less than straightforward so if he’s going to fire you, why hasn’t he just pulled the trigger?
Maybe… you know too much. That sends a shiver through you. It may actually end with shots fired.
“There she is,” Lloyd interrupts your inner turmoil and you whip around to face him. He’s freshly showered and styled. You can smell the specialty oil he puts in his mustache, “the fuck are you doing in here?”
“Cleaning,” you reply quickly.
“Looks pretty fucking spotless,” he tosses keys at you and you flinch, catching them against your chest, “I need a ride.”
“Um, I can get Jackie–”
“He drives like an old man,” he retorts, spinning on his heel as he snaps his fingers, “chop, chop, kid.”
You swallow your agitation. Usually, you’re better at it. Today you just find him grating. Maybe you’re just a bit sore about him leaving you on the highway. Well, get over it, he’s not apologising.
You follow him with the keys in your hand. He’s several paces ahead of you as you scurry to keep up. His stride is tense as he opens and closes his fists.
As you come outside, you hear a whistle. Lloyd peers over and scuffs to halt as he faces Thor. The large blond bounds over, a shirt with only one button done up displaying most of his chest. He looks over Lloyd’s shoulder and his cheek dimples.
“Running away?”
“Business,” Lloyd says flatly, “I’ll be back.”
“What about my business?” Thor challenges. Lloyd doesn’t respond. “Relax,” he slaps Lloyd’s arm, “I’m ragging on you. Tonight, we will share some of your scotch, eh? Get you nice and loose.”
“Mm,” Lloyd grumbles, “we’ll see.”
“The little one prefers wine, I think,” Thor points over Lloyd’s shoulder, “oh, and she has quite the sweet tooth, eh? You must know that.”
“Whatever. She’s the assistant. Her job is to worry about what I like,” Lloyd sneers, “don’t wait up.”
He turns back towards the car and you send an apologetic smile past him. Thor smirks and winks, flicking his tongue out lasciviously. You blanch and swiftly follow Lloyd.
You still don’t believe what he said in the kitchen. Not only that he said it but that he meant it. You’re certain it’s all just a part of this pissing match between the men. Thor keeps stepping onto Lloyd’s territory, he’ll keep going till he gets bit. You don’t how much longer Lloyd can hold out.
Lloyd’s in the passenger’s seat of the SUV before you even get to the door. You open it and swing yourself in. You hate how big all these vehicles are. You shove the keys in the slot and turn the engine. You shift in the seat and slide your phone out of your pocket, placing it in the cup holder.
You check the time then the mirrors. It’s not unusual for Lloyd to head out later in the day but you didn’t have anything on the agenda. You know better than to ask questions. That’s what he liked about you, if he likes anything about you.
“Would you just fucking drive?” Lloyd growls.
You wince and shift into gear. You look behind you then ahead of you. Thor watches you as you ease into reverse. Or maybe he’s watching Lloyd…
You roll the wheel and turn towards the gate. Lloyd takes out his phone and slumps in the seat as he scrolls and taps. You steer through the gate and pull out onto the road. You don’t even know if you should ask where to go.
“Head northeast,” he says.
Right. You take his direction and turn onto the ramp onto the highway. He grumbles at his phone but says nothing else until you have to get into the exit lane. What is he up to?
You head into the city and he directs you through the main row where much of the nightlife thrives. You’ve been there many times before. He isn’t shy about his nocturnal activities. He commands you past his typical spot.
When he points you into the lot behind a Hilton, you frown. Is he that desperate to get away from Thor? You don’t say a word as you idle by the back wall.
“Right,” he doesn’t look up from his phone as he undoes his seat belt, “I’ll be a while.”
You look over at him confused. What does he mean?
“I’m sure you can keep yourself entertained,” he pokes his tongue out as he smirks at his phone. You catch the glimpse of a chat, a picture sent of a woman in a thong. You cringe and grip the wheel.
“I’ll just go back to the compound–”
“You’ll stay the fuck here,” he tears his eyes from the cell and jabs his finger at you, “you need to remember who the fuck you work for, kid.”
You say nothing as he opens the door and drops out of the SUV. You know this side of Lloyd. His ego is bruised. It happens after rough missions or when an agent gets mouthy. It’s worse now since he can’t do much about his problem. 
He slams the door behind him and you watch him march towards the entrance. You sigh and roll down the windows before you shut off the engine. There’s no use in wasting gas for who knows how long. You’re certain if you get bored, you’ll have enough time to get a coffee down the block.
You grab your phone and shuffle through several apps. You can’t focus on any of the time-eating games you keep for when you’re restless. You have nothing else to distract you. Your sister hasn’t answered the text you sent her a week ago and Lloyd is busy.
You open up your downloaded series and turn on the same show you’ve seen a dozen times before. Still, you’re not paying attention. You don’t think Lloyd is here for business. It really shouldn’t matter to you but it feels extra humiliating to have to wait outside while he does…whatever.
You turn off the show and let the car go silent. You adjust the seat to recline and close your eyes. You’re exhausted. All the chaos has got the best of you. 
Your phone vibes before you can get cozy. It’s Lloyd. You tap the preview so it expands.
‘Need lube. Ten minutes.’
You scoff. Is he serious? Your heart shrivels up as your stomach turns. He’s punishing you. Not because you did anything but because he can’t punish Thor. You’re so so tired.
You grip the wheel and stare at the phone. You wonder if he knows? Is this why he’s doing this? All these years, talking about his escapades, you just assumed it was his usual crassness. He talks like that with everyone. If he’s not boasting about killing, it’s fucking.
Either way, he knows what he’s doing. This is low. You are low.
You open up maps and search for a shop nearby. You fix the seat and pull out, driving numbly as you follow the automated voice directing you through the street. You park without paying attention and get out, nearly stumbling from the height of the SUV’s lift.
You stroll inside the shop with its blackened windows and enter with your head down. Your eyes scan furtively as you search for your goal. The task is made more difficult as the flesh toned silicon and shameless displays set you on fire.
“Hello, hon, can I help you find something?” The man behind the counter asks.
“Er,” you cross your arms, “lube.”
“Alrighty, are we looking for flavoured? Water-based? Oil?”
You blanch as he rounds the counter and strides towards a rack. You shrug and trail after him. You see a black bottle with cherries on it.
“That’s fine,” you pluck one off the shelf and quickly retreat to the counter. “Credit.”
You bring up your card on your phone and tap. The man behind the counter tries to break the tension but you’re not listening. You shove the receipt in your pocket and swipe up the bottle and leave.
Back in the truck, you have to hold back from screaming. What are you doing? You don’t need this shit. Why do you keep bending over backwards for Lloyd when you don’t have a chance? Why have you wasted a decade hoping for nothing?
Because, you don’t have any other options.
You turn the car on and roll out of the lot. You make your way back to the hotel in a haze. You check your phone. He sent the room number and nothing else. You walk into the hotel, ignoring the front desk clerk, and wait for the elevator. You step onto it and watch the doors shut.
You get off and follow the signs to the exact door plaque. You knock with your knuckles, your hand fisted around the bottle. You hear giggling. It’s more than one woman. Footsteps approach the other side.
A woman in an open robe opens the door. She has dark wavy hair and smeared lipstick. Lloyd growls in the background as you glimpse his naked ass.
“Hurry up, sugar tits,” he calls, “I’m starting to chafe.”
You shove the bottle at the woman and drop it. You don’t wait to see if she catches it. You spin on your heel and you’re gone. Your eyes fill with hot tears. Tears like acid. Tears of stupidity.
When you get back to the car, you keel over the steering wheel and heave. You don’t hate Lloyd. You hate yourself. You need to cut it out but somehow, you just can’t. He’s the worst person you know and yet, you want him so badly.
As the sky darkens, you get out of the SUV to stretch your legs. You pace around and check the time. You don’t want to get back in the car. Instead, you wander down the street to the coffee kiosk you drove by earlier. You get an Americano and drag your feet back up the pavement.
You stand outside the SUV and sip from the cup. You chew the paper brim anxiously and look at your phone. Another car door opens and closes.
“Candy?” A man approaches.
You look up, the glow of your face making the stranger nothing more than a dark shadow, “not me,” you back up and press your phone to your chest.
“Oh, sorry,” he puts his hands up, “thought you were someone else.”
You shake your head as he turns and wanders off. You’re not entirely sure how he mistook you for a prostitute. That is what he thought, isn’t it? Candy? Sounds pretty tasty.
You get back in the SUV and lock the doors. You put your phone in the cup holder and it flashes. A message. You don’t bother reading it. You tap your fingers on the console and close your eyes, sipping from the warm cup.
A knock on the other window startles you. You turn on the light and see Lloyd peering in. He winks and tugs on the handle. You hit the locks and sit up.
He gets in and lets out a sigh, “ahh, I feel good.”
You don’t say a word as you slip your cup into the empty holder beside your phone. You start the car and press the gas. As you come to the exit, Lloyd yawns and stretches his arm between the seats, gripping yours above your shoulder.
“I’m fucking starving, let’s hit a burger joint,” he says as he rubs his stomach, “you don’t think I would be with how much I ate.”
He cackles and you bite down. You don’t understand it. He repulses you and yet there’s that sharp pang in your chest.
“You see the tits on Kasia? Fucking pert–”
You veer onto the next street and he hits the door with the motion, “hey, be fucking careful.” He shifts in his seat as he touches his crotch, “I’m tender.”
You sniff and pull into the drive through. You stop by the menu, “what do you want?”
“Get me some of that honey chicken and some rings. Extra honey sauce for the rings. Oh, and a sprite.”
“Sure,” you answer as you drive up to the speaker. You recite his order and the fuzzy response tells you to drive up to the window.
“What’s up? You’re not hungry?”
“I’m fine,” you insist.
“Aw, you on another diet,” he taunts, “bone broth?”
“No,” you answer flatly.
“I’m not sharing my rings,” he says.
“I don’t want any,” you insist.
“You’re fucking testy,” he accuses as you pay.
“I’m tired,” you utter and roll up to the pick-up.
“You’re tired? Fuck, my back is aching from all that thrusting.”
“Would you stop?” You snap before you can stop yourself, “I don’t want to hear about your dick anymore.”
He snorts and sits up straight, “excuse me, kid?”
“I don’t care,” you reach over and give a blunt thanks to the drive-thru worker as you take the paper bag. “Why don’t you shut up and eat?"
You shove the bag in his lap then take the cup and move your phone to plant it firmly in the holder. You follow through the lane and back onto the street. The silence is still and stolid around you.
“If you wanted to join in, you just had to say–”
“No,” you snip. You know he’s not serious, he’s teasing you. You’re a joke to him. “No, I don’t want that.” You grip the wheel tight and bite down until your jaw hurts, “I don’t want you.”
He inhales and blows it out heavily through his nose. The bag crinkles as he opens it and reaches inside, unleashing the smell of chicken that makes your stomach rage. You ignore the discomfort and focus on the road.
“Learn to take a fucking joke, kid,” he snickers, “maybe then, you’ll catch a dick or two.”
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prideofcelestia · 2 years
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❝grocery shopping with him❞
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« characters - demon brothers, solomon, diavolo»
« gender neutral reader »
« headcanons »
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He is very efficient. Knowing exactly where every aisle is, the shopping basket is full in the blink of an eye. You are there only to keep him company. Time with you is precious and he intends to keep you close whenever the opportunity presents itself.
He scans the prices and brands before making a decision. He gets the best coffee beans directly from the plantations and he pays them well. He is “husband goals” if you are of an economic mind. He has a lot of coupons but his pride forbids him from using those. Beel is only too happy to receive it from his eldest brother. Owing to his busy schedule, he sometimes gets the necessities delivered. The bored cashier straightens up and greets him very respectfully.
He insists on carrying the bags himself and doesn’t listen to your protests.
Well, he’s scared to visit some stores because he hasn’t paid them back for decades. He is very particular about the stores you two can visit. Once there, he vanishes to check out the shelves and schemes about what he can sell for a higher price.
“After all, demons would pay extra to buy it from THE Great Mammon. We can send the bill to Lucifer. Hahaha,” says Mammon with a bunch of mismatched stuff in his shopping basket.
The burden of completing the shopping falls on you.
You sigh, “Let’s get it done before Lucifer calls and asks for dinner.”
You two carry the shopping bags together.
He buys you a gift while browsing.
He is incapable of completing this mission alone. You must accompany him as he makes a comeback in the outside world in what feels like an eternity! His eyes dart to and fro as if afraid that someone will be disgusted by his presence.
“Where can we get this item, [Name]?” he asks for literally everything on the list.
You give him a tour for the future despite him refusing to follow.
“Levi, you should know where everything is!”
He literally gags when he sees seafood and runs away as fast as he can.
“Levi, wait! You can’t go out with the basket without paying first!”
You apologise for him but keep supporting him. You carry all the bags because he looks shaken and weak.
“Oh, [Name], look at these cute shaped cookies. We should definitely get these for my Devilgram!”
Within a few minutes, he has gotten everything in the store that’s not on the list.
“Asmo,” you say breathlessly as you try to catch up to him, “We need to buy groceries for dinner! We can’t eat chocolates and cookies… is that lip gloss? Let’s grab some vegetables!”
Asmo pouts but you shield your eyes from his cuteness. “No, Asmo! It’s been an hour. We should get started now. Plus, the two of us can’t carry all that!”
That’s when he gives up. “You are right. Maybe we can come back some other time. Let’s get the food before Lucifer gets mad.”
He returns some items since it got too heavy and then you two easily carry it to HOL.
He’s very methodical and knows where the best deals are to be found! The shopkeepers know him only too well. Oh, vegetables? He knows a place where you can get fresh ones. Ah toiletries? Why, allow him to show you where good quality yet cheap toilet paper can be found. Name it!
Owing to his influence, he never returns from a shopping trip without getting everything that’s on his list - even if it’s sold out everywhere.
“I must get fresh ingredients to prove that my food is better than Lucifer’s,” he grins as he starts dinner preparations. “Oh, and try this coffee. The beans are a delicacy. I stayed awake for 2 days after drinking half a cup. I completed an entire series by a writer I like.”
“Sounds dangerous for the health, Satan.”
You accompany him to make sure that he doesn’t eat the grocery store while he’s at it. He listens to you and tries to control himself but his hands still stretch to grab some food items that nobody should eat raw. So you have to devote half of your attention picking items for dinner and the other half to make sure that Beel doesn’t cause a lot of trouble.
“I’ll make you something you will enjoy for dinner so just wait for a bit longer, bub,” you promise and he behaves.
The rest of the trip is spent imagining all the delicacies that he will request you to make.
He carries all the bags back.
He’s too lazy to care.
“Why didn't you ask one of my brothers to do the shopping in your place?” Belphie groans, looking drowsy. The supermarket was not his idea of an ideal date. “You know that they would have been only too happy to do it if you had asked. Then we could have taken a nap together instead.”
You put some onions in the basket and turn towards him wearily. “But it was my turn today. I can't always drop the burden on someone else. Besides,” your tone softens, almost apologetic, “Why don't I make something you like tonight? Something light on the stomach that will help you get good dreams?”
He narrows his eyes but looks pleased, “It seems that I am no different than my brothers. I can't say no to you. You make me melt. What can I say? You know me too well… ”
You carry the bags while he carries a pillow.
He tags along to spend time with you. The idea of chatting with you while doing the most mundane daily activities appeals to him. It’s sweet and endearing and he likes to stop talking and instead observe you deciding between two brands. These are Barbatos’ duties so he never gets the chance to enjoy these. He seems to be familiar with tea and coffee and can guide you about the best ones, even though he rarely drinks store-bought beverages.
He bombards you with questions about what you usually buy and make for dinner and promises to join you again if he's free.
He won’t let you carry the bags. Let him help you. Whoever sees the demon prince with grocery bags in his hands feels startled. Even royal demons are involved in housework! Mothers will be telling this story to the little ones for centuries to come.
Solomon takes his time since you are there with him. A man needs to relax after researching all day.
“Ah look at this leafy cabbage. This was grown at the Hellfire Plantation. They use a special kind of manure. It’s very tasty,” he says and buys two.
The extent of his knowledge is bizarre. When he catches you looking mystified, he laughs. “Haha you look so suspicious of me. I am sorry. For some time in the last century, I took special interest in learning about the agricultural and rearing practices in the Devildom.”
“Wow Solomon,” you say impressed. “There seems to be nothing you don’t know!”
“Haha, that’s kind of you but there’s still a lot to learn about the world.”
“Thank you for coming shopping with me. Why don’t we return to Purgatory Hall? I will treat you to my cooking?” he offers with a satisfied smile.
Your instinct tells you to run but you ignore it and smile shakily instead. “Eh… ah… I actually promised Levi that I will play games with him tonight. Sorry! Maybe next time?”
That's when your legs start moving in the opposite direction, deserting him with all the bags.
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moonswolfie · 11 months
can u write for iwaizumi +2, 3, 7 and 8 for the event? congrats on 200 followers!
Prince!Iwaizumi x Knight!reader (gender neutral)
Thanks so much 🥰🥰
Seriously how do these anons accurately guess every fic plan i've ever had because I wanted to write a prince!Iwa x reader au for a while now😣😣 like are yall psychic i'm genuinely scared
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The thing you would have least expected to happen was travelling back home in the same carriage as the crown prince. You were sent on this trip with him as a means of protection, of course. It's your job as a knight.
But knights don't usually sit with the person they're protecting.
You realise what this means for you. The royal family trusts you a lot more than you thought. You grew up during the same time as the prince, sure, but you were never super close to him, only seeing him in passing or during training sometimes.
Even so, Iwaizumi has always been a very amazing man to you. Both looks and personality wise. He is a little rough with others, but kind and strong willed nonetheless. You respect those qualities a lot, especially in a leader. Have you mentioned how attractive his muscular arms are yet?
In fact, it was about time for him to get married now. A wedding with him painted your deepest fantasies.
You know you shouldn't think of his majesty that way, as you are just a knight working for the royal family and it would be very arrogant of you to even attempt a relationship with him. So you've settled on gazing at him from afar.
The grip on the sword in your hand increased, you tried your best not to stare at him for too long. You're supposed to be protecting him, not crushing on him!
"Here is our stop for tonight." The other knights outside announced in a firm voice, the carriage stopping in front of a luxurious inn. They really are pulling out all the stops here, aren't they?
Well, you probably should have expected that the royal family spares no expense for their son. The carriage driver opens the door, and you step out first, standing to the side to let his majesty exit.
As the knights, including you, sorround him for protection while walking inside the inn, the royal advisor who was assisting Iwaizumi with the work on the trip calls you over.
"WHAT?!" Everyone in the room turned to you, and you quickly corrected yourself. "I mean excuse me, sir?" The royal advisor glared at you for a second before explaining again, now with everyone's attention on the two of you. Yet that didn't make you feel any less mortified.
You were to share a bedroom with Iwaizumi Hajime. Nobody said anything in response but you could tell by the look on Iwaizumi's face that this was not a pre-arranged matter or atleast it wasn't discussed with him. It was as much of a surprise for him as it was for you.
And so the two of you walked to your room for the night. "I'm sorry about that. It wasn't my decision." He apologised, and you immediately reassured him that everything is fine. Well, mostly.
The two of you entered your room... to find a single bed.
"I'll sleep on the floor, your majesty." you offered before he could say anything. You've slept on the dirt as a knight before, and while it wasn't the most fun, you are not about to let the prince sleep anywhere but on the bed. And besides, the clean floor is much better than dirt.
"Absolutely not." the conviction in his voice surprised you. He was that unwilling to let you sleep on the floor?
"I will go back and request another room for-" Iwaizumi walked to the door, fiddling with the door handle that looked to be stuck. "Hold on- A new room just for- you!!" the door refused to budge.
"What the hell?" Iwaizumi muttered. He isn't a weak man, and you know that well. So that must mean...
"...The door is locked." both of you came to the same conclusion, saying it out loud at the same time. You would smile at the timing, but that meant you were stuck together. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, but rumors will spread and you do not want to dirty the prince's image.
"Dammit... who did this?" the door was locked from the outside, and neither of you could discern a good reason as to why someone would want you two in a room together.
An abstract assasinaton plan? But then why would they need you to be locked in for it? You're extra protection, the opposite of what an assasin would want. Are they scheming something with the royal advisor? Or are the two of you just overthinking it?
Iwaizumi sat down on the bed. "Well, nothing bad has happened so far. We can relax our guard for a bit." he stretched his neck, removing the sword from his belt and placing it on the ground.
"You can take your armor off. Wearing all that crap on you all day makes your back hurt. I would know." he said, looking off awkwardly into a random corner of the room.
He takes on a surprisingly gentle tone when talking to you. And you know that isn't the case with all of the other servants. Not because he's arrogant or overly bossy to them, but there's just this... kind, gentle undertone to his voice when talking to you.
You slowly and cautiously take off your armor, looking to him with a sense of uncertainty. He simply gave you an encouraging nod in response. Without armor, you look a lot less intimidating, or so you would like to think.
"Why are you just standing there? Join me." He tapped the bed beside him.
"But your-"
"Just shut up and join me. My reputation will be fine." Somehow he knew exactly what you were thinking, and you silently joined him by his side. He looks even more handsome up close.
You didn't even realise you were staring before his eyes met yours. You quickly looked down. It's quite embarrasing for a member of the royal guard to be so easily distracted, no?
"Um, we should get to sleep, you know?" he suggested, albeit a bit awkwardly. Despite your inhibitions, you are to follow the prince's orders and suggestions. (You definitely were not over the moon to sleep in the same bed as him deep down.)
You lay down next to eachother, your entire body stiff and too afraid to move. There's no way you're getting any sleep tonight.
Even so, you close your eyes. After god knows how long, you got a bit more comfortable, rolling over on your side, facing away from Iwaizumi. Though you still felt far away from being able to sleep. You're living every noble lady's dream right now.
You tried your best to steady your breathing, trying not to make it obvious how much this is affecting you. Agh, he's probably asleep anyways, why are you so worried?
Suddenly, you felt two arms wrap around your waist, and you had to hold back from flinching. You heard a satisfied huff behind you as his chest pressed against your back.
Eh?! Is this a dream? Is what you think is happening actually happening?
"Mm, I love you..." he mumbled, and you damn near died on the spot. You tried your hardest not to show that you're still awake, not wanting to make things awkward. And besides, with how flushed your face is right now, you worry that you might not have the confidence to adress his words anyways.
He chuckled slightly. "God, I'm such a coward..." he sighed before resting his head on the back of yours, slightly squeezing you in his hold.
You weren't going to lie, his arms were a very comfortable and warm place to be. But you had bigger issues right now.
He... loves you. Huh.
If you couldn't fall asleep before, you're definitely not sleeping now. Not with your heart beating a thousand times a minute.
"Was it a success?" the queen asked the royal advisor, who nodded briefly. "Well, when I checked in, they were all cuddled up, so I assume it was atleast somewhat successful."
The king huffed, satisfied with the answer.
"Ahh, the plan is going along swimmingly! We'll have that knight falling for our little Hajime in no time!" the queen clasped her hands, happy at how things turned out.
"Shouldn't we atleast apologise to them for locking them together so abruptly? They must have been scared." the king reasoned.
"And reveal our plan?! No, that won't do. And besides, you know Hajime. Being the good respectful son he is, he would just help our knight get a new room if I hadn't done this."
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hahaha i'm sorry i didn't know how to include the "locked in a room" prompt realistically so i just made iwa chan's parents sneaky lil bastards
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miyooree · 11 months
Can we please get a jealous Emerald as the little artist goes through her fair share of affairs in multiple time travels to save Godheim :3c he’s probably learning what jealousy is, though.
Is This Envy?
Cael x gn!reader | jealousy | Godheim settings 🦋
This work was cross-posted on ao3
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Cael was confused.
He looked after you for so many years. Ever since your mother passed away, he kept his word; he raised you as his own child. He saw you grow as a talented artist, he saw you work hard throughout your childhood – he was so happy to see you finally enroll into St. Shelter's University.
And yet there you were, being close with another man who was not him. It made him irritated, frankly speaking. You saw Cael as your guardian; you shared your troubles with him, and then suddenly you forgot about him and went to talk so affectionately with another man. Ever since you mentioned that you met a new boy on orientation day, he knew something was about to go wrong – and something did go wrong.
To his surprise, he noticed you somehow ending up in Godheim – posing as a threat to his plans. Your curious nature and noble characteristics drove you forward to unravel the secret behind Godheim's disaster – the same disaster he had planned.
Cael could never let that happen. He knew you would be heartbroken – that you would feel helpless to learn that your own mentor had done such heinous things to mere peasants in another world. Thus, he came up with cunning plans to push you away every time you tried to get close to the truth.
He saw your each and every move. He witnessed your attempts, your deaths, your victories – and even the moments he shouldn’t be seeing.
Cael knew deep down that his actions were not right. Such a polite man like him shouldn't be prying into other's business, but he couldn’t help it. He watched you from afar, watched you laugh with another man, watched you embark on a journey through the blizzard with another man, protecting someone you should be wary of. He watched and wondered: what did I ever do wrong?
Why couldn’t that person be him? He looked after you, gave you shelter, gave you the affection you needed to grow. But why... Why didn’t you see him the way you see them?
Ever since you set foot in Godheim, they were busy trying to sacrifice you in one way or another; they were selfish – while Cael was thoughtful, thinking about ways to keep you away from this mess, and was that the way you repay his benevolence?
Cael was confused. He was a man who always kept his calm, he understood his emotions well and knew how to keep them under control. But this feeling... This was new for him. Is this envy? But why must he be envious? He was simply trying to protect you, nothing else.
Cael shook his head and looked away. He must think of another plan to keep you away from your new beloved one.
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Note: THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING + READING THIS! I apologise for the wonky quality + the time I took – I am literally going through my finals, I'm trying my best to wip something up! Thank you again!! 🤍
130 notes · View notes
omg hi babe it's been so fucking long im not even sure if you remember me but how are you love omg 💗
i had like the worst fucking day ever and lately my mental health has been so fucking horrible and i just wanted to see if you could write a cute little fic ab reader having a horrible day and accidentally snapping at peter quill abt it and feeling annoyed by him a bit. you can write it whenever you want mwah 🫶🫶
but how are you doing omg ive been keeping up w u and your drabbles are so fucking cute omg 😭💗💗
ily mwah
hii!! AAAH!! ofc I remember you, ive missed you omg!! im really sorry you’ve been having a hard time bby, I hope this can be of some comfort to you. I got a little carried away as I love comfort fics sm and must admit I kinda needed it too😭 but im doing good, hope things are going well for you too (or as well as they can) you’re so sweet thank you😩 ily angel💗 thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
got your back
peter quill x fem!reader
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word count: 807
warnings: little angsty? reader snaps at quill and mentions of reader being insecure in the relationship. fluffy ending
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Peter has many admirable qualities, the most endearing being his deep-rooted ability to empathise. You adored how he cares so deeply about others, especially the ones he loves most. It was one of the things that drew you to him the most. 
Lately, you have been having a rough time, so to speak, and things weren't going in your favour. Your boyfriend, Peter, was aware and did everything he could for you to feel better, even if it was only for a little while.
Every day was different. Some days were easier, others, not so much, and it just so happened that today was one of the more difficult days. It was the kind of day where everything went wrong. The day where your clothes get caught in every door handle, the kind where you drop everything you hold. The sort of day that leaves you with an empty pit in your stomach when you finally catch a minute alone. 
Peter was always so kind and patient with you that it often made you question what you did to deserve him. For you, he's loving and caring, sweet and funny, the perfect combination of all the best traits a person could have. 
You felt overwhelmed with many things and the self-doubt that Peter would find someone better than you weighed heavy on your mind. You were in your bedroom alone, door closed, curtains shut with your head in your palms. 
A soft knock on your door interrupts you from your thoughts. "Hey, honey? Everything okay?" Peter asks through the door, his tone full of warmth.
"Yeah," you reply shortly, burying your face in your arms.
"Are you sure? You can talk to me," he says. "I'm right here."
"Yes, I'm sure," you respond with more bite, growing frustrated.
"Okay, I'm here if you need me," he adds, speaking just as sweetly as before despite your harsh tone.
"I'm fine, just go away!" you snap, throwing a pillow at the door. "Fuck off, just leave me alone."
You didn't have to see his face to know how much your words had hurt him. You regret the sentence as soon as they slipped past your lips, but it was too late. You said them, and they can’t be unsaid. 
"Okay," he whispers, tapping on the door as a farewell.
It felt like it had all just got a whole lot worse, and you just tarnished the one thing that made it easier to cope. The guilt was eating you up, and all you wanted to do was apologise. But you told him to leave, so why would he still be here?
You pace your room for a few minutes, gathering your words for an apology while momentarily cursing yourself out. You were scrounging for ways to make it up to him and patch over the mess you made.
With a small pep talk and a final nod, you open your door and see Peter sitting on the floor beside the door, leaning against the wall with crossed legs.
"Hi," you smile weakly.
"Hey," he smiles, an airy tone to his voice, speaking like he finally got his breath back. "I'm sorry— I shouldn't have pushed you. I know how you get. It’s the last thing I wanted—" he anxiously gushes, talking like he had practiced it. 
You interrupt, shaking your head. "No, please don't do that. You have nothing to be sorry for. It’s all my fault— I'm so sorry. I should have never spoken to you like that. It all got too much, and I couldn't— I'm just really sorry," you profess, fidgeting with the hem of your sweater. 
"I know, honey," he replies, nodding understandingly. 
"You're too good to me," you whisper, avoiding his green gaze. "I'm just not used to it."
"I'm still here, baby and I ain't gonna leave you," he says, looking up at you with sweet doeful eyes. "I'm not leaving you like the others." 
He extends an arm, his hand reaching for yours as he guides you closer, gently tugging you downwards. He nods at his lap, so you straddle his crossed legs, pressing your chest to his, wrapping your arms around his neck to hug him tighter. His big, warm arms encase you and his hand brushes comforting strokes down your back, as his other clutches the back of your head, holding you like he's protecting you. 
You bury your face further into the crook of his neck, silently weeping and embracing him tighter. "I love you," you mumble against his skin, playing with the curls behind his ears. 
"I love you," he smiles, pulling back to look at you. He wipes under your eyes, softly brushing away your residual tears. He kisses the damp patch of skin beside your nose, looking at you with nothing but admiration. "... so much."
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
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everythingpeaches · 3 months
In Which Sirius Makes a Mistake Part 1.
'I'm sorry,' he says quietly over breakfast that morning. Remus doesn't answer, just shakes out his copy of the prophet and dissappears behind its pages.
'I'm sorry,' he whispers over Remus’ shoulder in charms. The boy in front doesn't reply, but Sirius knows he has heard him by the tension that ripples out across his back.
'I'm sorry,' he scribbles on a piece of parchment and charms it over to where Remus is sitting writing out his notes in History of Magic. The scrap of paper ignites and dissapears into ash.
He can't apologise at lunch, because Remus isn't there, and he has muggle studies that afternoon with quidditch practice straight after so he can't apologise then, either.
When he gets back to the common room, damp and cold from the rain, he searches for Remus and finds him sitting at a table beneath the windows with Lily. They are doing homework, papers and books spread out around them. Remus sees him, catching his gaze and then breaking it again just as quickly.
This may be, he thinks as he trudges slowly up the stairs of Gryffindor tower to his dormitory, the worst thing he has ever done. It is certainly the worst he's ever felt, worse even that when his family disinherited him and kicked him permanently out of his home. At least then he could flee to the safety of James and his family. This time, even his best friend has no comfort for him, just a reproachful tone and disappointed gaze.
He keeps replaying that night in his mind, acting it out over and over with a different outcome every time. If only he had kept quiet, if only he had just shut his mouth for once in his sorry life. What he would do to take it back, to swallow those careless words which have caused so much damage.
Things had been good. They had been happy. Sometimes Sirius thought he could not help but ruin things. It must be some innate quality, some inherited evil that he cannot fully repress. The Black in his veins, corrupting everything it touches.
He showers, the water burning his skin and soap stinging his eyes. He cries, something he hasn't let himself do since he was a boy in a house full of family who hated him. When he comes out of the bathroom finally, James is there sitting on his bed. He takes his glasses off, rubbing the bridge of his nose, and Sirius wonders when the scrawny boy from his childhood had grown up into a man.
'Hi,' Sirius says, because he can never stand a silence and he especially cannot stand silence from James.
'Hi,' James replies tiredly. 'Have you spoken to him yet?'
'I've tried, he doesn't want to hear it.'
'I don't blame him.' It hurts, but it's true. Sirius doesn't blame him either. 'I'm really mad with you, Pads.'
'I'm mad at me too.'
'Yeah, I know.' James was always so calm in his anger. Sirius wishes he would shout at him, maybe give him a good smack. This quiet disappointment was so much worse. 'I still don't understand what happened, what were you thinking?'
'I don't know. I don't think I was, really. Snape was just going on and on about how he knew something was going on with Moony, how he'd find out and then he... well he said some pretty disgusting stuff. About him and about me, I just lost it.'
Tears are welling up in his eyes again and James has the deceny to pretend not to notice when Sirius wipes them away.
'I get that, believe me I do, but why the Willow? Why tell him to go there when you knew-'
'I don't know,' Sirius cuts him off, unable to hear James say it. When he knew Remus was there, when he knew what it would mean. 'It's the worst thing I've ever done.'
James doesn't reply to that.
'Do you think you-'
James cuts Sirius off this time, 'No, Sirius, if he doesn't wanna speak to you that's his decision and you have to respect it. This is for you to fix, if you can, me and Pete won't get involved.'
Sirius nods, ashamed for asking.
'You're right.'
'I hope you can, though, for what it's worth. I've never seen you both so happy as you have been this year.'
The tears are threatening to return, so Sirius turns away to slip behind his curtains.
'Thanks, James,' he says, before climbing into his bed and hiding himself beneath the covers.
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wewebaggit · 1 year
The Big Byler Theory
This might not be well structured but I will try not to be all over the place and keep it as short as possible. So here goes.
How it's gone so far
First and foremost, Mike's got to earn it. He has been a bit of a bitch and an asshole and has not yet learned the art of apologising. The show and Mike rest on Will's enthusiasm to forgive and forget to make it seem like all's fine and dandy. Mike hasn't apologised for his homophobic remark in season 3 and neither has he apologised for repeatedly ignoring Will. (season 4 apology was lame sowie) Mike has to learn to make amends (not just with Will) and take responsibility for his words. You can't just be the heart and then simultaneously be the asshole.
Will on the other hand needs to get to a point where he "doesn't hate himself" or at least makes major improvement in his self worth. His arc can't be about realising that he's deserving of Mike's love. But love in general.
Van Scene/Garage Scene aka Byler create a Scene
People talk about how Mike doesn't make him feel like a mistake at all and apply it to Mike making him feel like he's okay/better for being gay. NO. Mike's love and friendship makes him better for being different. Different in the way he's small and shy and easily intimidated but better cuz he feels like he can voice his opinions in front of Mike. Different in the way that his clothes are colourful, he draws and is artsy and sensitive and has been regularly bullied for those qualities even by his own father but better cuz Mike plasters his art everywhere. Different in the way that his songs are "stupid" or not Kenny Rogers but better cuz he can sing them around Mike anyway. Different in the way that he was possessed by a netherworldly entity and used as a spy but better cuz Mike made him their super spy. Different in how he was alone on the swings and Mike walked up to him and asked him to be his friend and it was the best thing he ever did. Different in the way he feels not everyone understands him but better cuz Mike does and would be gladly go crazy together with him. Different in how he is usually treatedlike a baby, like a freak but better cuz Mike doesn't treat him differently at all.
But that does not give Mike a pass. The 2020fication of the 80s or the post-homophobiafication of humanity in general has made people excuse homophobia just because it came from a gay guy. People need to realise that just because you suspect someone to be homophobic, you don't just cut them out of your life. Many do. Many don't. There's militant homophobia and then there's the hate the sin not the sinner homophobia. And everything in between. So Will regardless of what he thinks about Mike's homophobia is not just gonna dump his ass. As far as Will knows Mike's just straight. He does not have Tumblr perspective. Heck he has lesser than casual viewer perspective. So his gayness is still definitely something Mike doesn't make him feel better about. Cuz Mike doesn't even know for one. And Mike is just rubbing his relationship in his face even if it's not about being homophobic but just a bad friend. (In Will's POV)
And no. This is not to call Mike the devil's spawn. But to say that an express apology is fundamental to his own arc. Because to apologise to Will he must first forgive himself for wanting what he wants.
I resent the idea that Mike is aware of AND willing to explore his feelings for Will but ONLY stops himself because he loves El so so much and doesn't want to lose her. Makes no sense. She hasn't really been sending him any signals of wanting to chuck him out of her life.
Mike's arc is about conformism. And it is because he's someone who can successfully do it without being "clocked". He isn't scared to lose her. He is scared to lose his shield. He's scared to face his "difference" cuz if he doesn't have a girlfriend he is only a boy who doesn't really want girlfriends and honestly can't get girlfriends.
And again that's not a commentary on his frog face or inability to rizz up or whatever the kids are calling it these days. It is his canon inability to know anything about dating a girl. Something that is very instinctual. (Confusion over how to get back El vs just knowing to go after Will). He keeps looking up to Lucas who's by no means an expert since that's his first relationship too. But my boy Sinclair has his hetero instincts with him. Puberty slapped Mike hard and he is now not only aware that he's attracted to boys but also that he's not attracted to girls.
It's his defensiveness and self-hate that made him lash out at Will. Was he projecting? Yes. But was he really remorseful? No. Because he intended to say what he did. That's what people do when they're defensive. Cuz it was an entirely disproportionate response to "some stupid girl". Also a hetero would know bros before hoes. (ik shit) But he completely cuts off his bros? Ya. So so straight. As seen with Lucas not finding it hard to find a balance. (It's been like this all summer - Lucas Sinclair himself said it).
So what does it mean for Byler? (That is so horribly underdeveloped LMAO I can't even bt that's for a different day).
How it should go moving forward (I feel/hope/pray/manifest)
Well, the timing of it could be anything. But that painting is gonna be brought up. And it is going to be messy. I know people want Mike to be sad and not angry, but sad and angry is just so much better and makes sense. There is a fight. Because neither are ready to lay it all out in the open. You don't suddenly gain that confidence. I hope they're separated after. If it is because of avoidance, different team ups, or both. Doesn't matter. They both need time with their thoughts and the time being spent thinking about their own selves. This growth may be through convos with their loved ones and some other self reflective moments. I think that Mike's gonna get a coming out scene most probably with Karen. Will might get a scene like the one he already got in SBP with Jonathan but maybe with Joyce. (I hope she needs to make a comeback as a mother.) It could be a private moment or a Byers family moment. I don't want a party coming out. I want the boys to share this with the people that are closest to them and their fiercest supporters and rocks. Karen for Mike and Joyce n Jonatan for Will. Also, I think it's Mike who's gonna HAVE TO expressly say it while Will's could go either way. This is cuz of the differences in their circumstances - in/visible gayness.
How do they get together? Well believe it or not, a lot of unnecessary supernatural and sci-fi plot shit is crammed in (bullshit right?) and maybe they're now more okay being around each other cuz their deepest fears have been mostly assuaged. They don't feel alone with their truth and therefore, their place in the world does not rest on the reciprocity of their feelings. Imagine not HAVING to need each other but CHOOSING to. Cuz they just really really really want it. And it would make them happy. How they pursue each other is by not hiding. Nothing too brave I feel. Just being themselves. The vibes will carry. How THE getting together scene goes - I don't know. Surprise me, honestly. But for all the shit treatment their storyline has gotten so far I want s5 to fix it so well that WHEN it happens we all go crazy together! 💙💛
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dranna · 10 months
writing request: lucius comforts sev after lily's death. something angsty, maybe?
Thank you for the request dear!~ hope you’ll like it
AO3 / Commissions / Links / Contents: Angst angst angst, it’s purely angst. Little tiny comfort at the end , no happy ending
Summary: Lucius tries to comfort Sev in his own arrogant way, not realising that how deep it cut Severus . Oh dear
a/n: She meant a lot to Sev for sure, but it didn’t mean that Lucius liked her too. I think it wouldn’t make any sense he made an exception with her only because of Snape (of not knowing fully how much Sev adored her), so she remained an “another worthless mudblood” in his eyes. What you guys think🤔
tags my beloveds: @giosnape
Me while writing this:
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Eventually the news reached him too,
Crushing him,
And leaving a forever open wound.
She is dead. 
But her son,
The Boy Who Lived survived,
Pouring newfound hope in people’s minds.
I don’t care about the boy! 
But Her.. She is dead!
Dead, dead, dead, dead!
And because of you! 
His heart cruelly sang,
Echoing it in his mind,
Filling his whole being up.
What was I thinking when I ran,
With the Prophecy to the Fiend? 
I should’ve known,
I should’ve..
Thoughts ended in quiet sobs,
While his knees gave out, 
And he sank,
Deeper and deeper into despair, 
Cursing himself to death. 
He was shaking in his house, 
Eloped in cold and dark. 
However he stopped to feel, 
The physical stiffness and ache, 
A much more sinister pain, 
Was crushing him into the ground, 
Which broke to the surface from the depths of his soul. 
Like waves suffocating a shipwrecked, 
Abandoned mortal, 
Filling his lungs with ice, 
Burying him alive. 
Dead, dead, dead, dead!
And because of you! 
As he was lying on the floor, 
Severus lost the ability to think or feel, 
He could only endure, 
The shattering Truth, 
His Dark Mark being his grim witness to this all. 
Who knows how long he’s been there, 
Froze in time and place, 
When, from somewhere far away, 
The sound of faint knocking could be heard. 
He didn’t move,
Not even tried, 
But the knockings kept pouring over his mind. 
As time went on, 
They didn’t stop, 
Only got louder and more harsh. 
With the last strength he got in his bones,
He pulled himself together and opened the door. 
A wizard was standing in the frame, 
Hair white, face aristocratic, 
Robes the best quality. 
He glanced once, at the broken man, 
And let himself in, in silence. 
Snape was still at the door, 
Not registering what was going on, 
“Close the door and come, 
Sit with me on the bed.” 
Commanded the white haired man, 
His voice was firm but honey sweet, 
Worry and adoration hidden within. 
With a move of his wand, 
The fireplace roared with warmth.
Severus did as was told, 
Like a machine without thoughts,
He sat down besides Lucius, 
Still achy and cold.
He was boneless and without a feel,
Staring into nothing.
Warm, elegant hands locked his jaw,
Gently turning it towards Lucius, 
“She was a mere mudblood,
You need not to feel ba—“ 
Jumping back on the bed,
Screamed the professor, 
With the force of roaring winds,
Loud and wrecked like a wounded animal,
Fighting for his life in the corner. 
“Sorry that I called Her that, 
Would you please come back?” 
Sighed Lucius slightly annoyed,
But gentleness remained in his tone,
However Severus didn’t move,
Just stared with burning eyes into his soul.
Eventually the light haired moved,
Tenderly putting one finger under his jaw,
“I didn’t mean to upset you even more, 
I came here to comfort you,
Knowing how much She meant in your eyes,
I shouldn’t have called Her this title.
I apologise.”
Knowing how much it took for Malfoy to utter these words,
He really must have meant every letter,
Reflected Severus with a softening glare,
While slowly moving closer,
Besides it’s not his fault,
It’s all mine,
She was nothing in his gaze,
He only came to help Me. 
He climbed into the other’s lap,
Curling into Lucius’s chest.
His arms immediately held him tight,
Long sleeves shielding him from outside,
Malfoy started rocking back and forth,
Eventually calming the other down. 
You’ll see, She will fade out of your memory!”
He exclaimed cheerfully.
You idiot, 
I know you mean well, 
Saying this thinking it will help,
But I need your presence not your words,
Your embrace comforting on its own,
“I forgive you Lucius.”
Whispered Snape after some time, into his robes,
Feeling an invisible hand,
Putting weights into his soul. 
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taegularities · 3 months
rid, my lovie !! my sweets !!
🚨 : ( rant incoming )
some of these recent asks have been making me want to start throwing gang signs or sum 💀 i know there are always gonna be some of these asks given the vast audience you have, and that they are just drowning in anticipation.
however, the undertone? 😭 do these people realize that you are a prolific writer, churning out quality contents faster than locusts can reproduce and infest? 🤨 RELATIVELY SPOKEN !!
good contents take time to plan, produce and publish !!
REMEMBER THE TRIPLE P. for an author who doesn't even ask you to pay, and responds with kindness only.
so, let's learn and practice more kindness and respectfulness here. thank you. ( sorry, if i sound like a teacher's pet, but rid is just too good to us )
anyway, we are nonetheless excited for your next releases, and 'entertainer' even after all this time.
( rant end )
꒰ ❛ ❜ personal lil message ꒱ ‎
rid, am so sorry for not getting back to your last 'ruined' response. i thought you hadn't answered it yet !! and are you kidding me? a!oc is my babiest baby !! of course, i adore her a lot. i remember somebody saying she is like a 'sunny weekend after a wet weather' or something, but bit more condescending— made me wanna throw some gang signs again, tafaq 😫 had to overcompensate with my repeated 'ruin you' asks, but i promise i equally read and enjoy your other stories. even sent asks about them before ( just not in my 🎀🖇🩵 style, haha ) and i'm thankful for each of the sweet responses from you : every. single. time!!
oh, by the way, i came across this pin today : https://pin.it/2rY2xnZtj
kinda ruined!tae on wedding night coded? 'i missed this' x 'it's only been two days' x 'and? i miss you all the damn time' ❤️‍🔥 can i please just ask what's the duo's moodboard like? ik they are a v monetesque, pastoral, serene and the whole artists garden at giverny + the water lily pond + beach at saint adresse!based couple.
but if possible i still wanna see them more from your artistic mind, my love. thank you. xo.
last but not least, must i mention how proud i am of you bc of the whole gaza take and activism on this platform? 🍉 it might be a bare minimum for a reality so cruel, but it matters. thank you for using your resources, and for saying how you listen to certain artists less bc of their lack of voice on this issue. every act matters. let's stay strong and
—take care. 🎀🖇🩵
gang signs omg lol 😭 honestly, i'm so thankful for the audience and the excitement everybody brings! the tone was a little off, but as i said, i'm pretty sure they didn't mean it that way, so i'm like, not mad or anything hehe. i hope they enjoyed entertainer!! it's true, though, that i've been a bit slow this year, but we try our best in this corner of our world. but thank you so much for saying that 😭 i'm flattered you appreciate my existence here and are so kind <3
it's okay, love, no reason to apologise. a!oc was everyone's baby, like she's still one of my favourite ocs i've written!! it's beyond crazy that people still remember her and this story overall. lmao yeah someone said she feels like a wet weekend after a sunny vacation or something idk it was way out of line, but what can we do.. i laughed 🤣 THANK YOUUUU for dropping by, whether with your signed asks or in any other way ily ily!!!
plsss on their wedding night?
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more like always 😂 but so true. their mood boarddd hmmm, wait i'll go and make one rq brb *5 minutes later* i'd say that's them 🥺 def some monet, rain and autumn vibes
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and ofc!! i think i could do even more and share even more. every thought counts. i can't even remember saying i listen to artists less, but it's 100% true, and i also try to avoid big chains such as starbucks, which i think we all should. take care as well, love 🤍
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popponn · 9 months
hehe popon !!! i'm like trying my best to keep my eyes open bc i am v tired 😞 so i am apologising in advance if there are any grammatical mistakes in this chunk of text 🤞🏻😸 but hi lovely:
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WISHING U A HAPPY BIRTHDAY, POPON !!!! i not sure whether it's like ur birth date where u live yet, but it is for me, so i hope this mssg is on time ! but happy birthday to one of the cutest, cleverest and sweetest yoichi kissers in the world 🫶🏻😽 isagi loves u sm and giggles and kicks his legs when u post him on ur blog (real. bro told me and i was "damn yoichi 🤨")
on my friends' birthdays, i usually write a letter and give them my thanks for a number of things. and i think the number one thing i wanna say "thank u" to u for is definitely our interactions <3 u have always been friendly to everyone who interacts w u, including me, and i reckon i'm rly lucky to met u this year !!! u're a kind soul w a lot of love to give, and i think that's why we all love u sm !!! and i'm super thankful for all the times u've visited my inbox/mssges 🫶🏻🫶🏻 it makes me happy hehe
i must also mention that i am so thankful that i was able to find "coincidences and flickers" one fateful day,, like that series has the potential to forever change me as a person and even make me become a temporary isagi kisser (never forgetting who i am 😤) <33 it was that series that helped me find ur blog and realise the insane amount of talent u have for writing !! my favourite writers on this platform often changes (sometimes it's a, or sometimes it's b), but i think u have a fixed position up there <3 i truly adore u and the way u write, so thank u for all the works u post 🫂 it's such an honour to be mutuals w a v skilled writer
i also wanna thank u for all the reblogs u make on everyone's works <3 when u reblog my fics w a bunch of tags, it truly makes me feel like that the effort i have put in didn't go to waste bc there was someone who appreciated what i wrote. also like,, the quality of my writing often fluctuates (😞💔), but u reblog them anyways, and i will ALWAYS thank u for that !! i love uuu (⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ🫂💞
oh, and, thank u for constantly feeding my reo delusions 😸😸 not sure if i'd love him the same without u telling me that reo loves me too lol 😽🧎🏻‍♀️
i do hope that everything will treat u nicely today !!! and every other day bc u deserve it <33 eat cake, laugh w friends and mb be silly for a little while—u're not a grandma yet, so have fun being in ur twenties, popon !!!!
love u always 🫶🏻☹️
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(i hope u like words bc this was a bit of a read lmao)
SAKI IM SOBBINGGG???????? WHATT????? D: JESUS I WILL BE WORDY TOO!! HOW DARE U MAKE ME ALL SOFTTTT thank u so much for typing all this despite being very tired omg ;;;; im gonna bawl mom im so glad i meet saki the sweetest adgudk (also...my grammar is also a mess i hope this shall be forgiven as i am sincere ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡))
it already is!! :">> thank u for remembering it bae :""" and omg yoichi did all that? i get even more in love :(( pls tell yoichi i also kick and giggle when he breathes :(( AND HEY YOU ARE OVERPRAISING ME WHAT IF MY HEAD GET BIG [ahjussi voice]
saki :(((( im also very thankful i get to meet you this year ue ue ue ;;; i never thought i will ever talk to you (or anyone here at all tbh sksk) like i was very shy and hesitate a lot, but then you are there?? being so sweet friendly and welcoming ;;; like you are one of the reasons i'm here and i mean it??? like you are one of the person who gave me courage to be more friendly here too hehe <3 im so glad i meet someone as kind you saki <3
im gonna start blushing and bawling fr now. IM SO GLAD I MAKE THAT SERIESS ;;;;; (CHAPTER WILL COME SOON TRUST!!) hdfkdj idk what to say here before sounding like a madman so uh ;;;; pls know that i was so happy too when u commented and reblogged so positively ;;;;;;; ghjk saki your praises i think i read them over and over girly u r too sweet for me sometimes ;;;;;; ♡( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
okay channeling my coolness energy a bit, saki 🫵i like your writing GENUINELY!!! okay! so im glad you like the madman ramblings in the tags :>> and come on buddy fic writer to fic writer, it would be impossible to like everything we write SKSKSK remember that one time i immediately lose it after posting that rin studying fic. sigh. stupid ass me. BUT YOU AND EVERYONE WERE THERE AND IT SERVED ITS PURPOSE HOHOHO SO I TOO FEEL IT WASNT A WASTE HEHEHEHE
and i will keep feeding ur delusion get ready (❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡ also quick mention real quick your cats are cool sunglasses or not
THANK YOU FOR THE WISHES SAKIII!!! omg :((( thank you so much for?? writing all these gosh uhuhuu i will reread this over and over again a lot of times today hehe (no matter how busy and hard it is to open tumblr today!!!) this make my day so much ;;;;;; uhuhuhu and aw <3 i will!!! i wanna make a grandma joke again but for today i will spare saki uwu
i love you always too!!!! 🫶🏻😤
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idolsummons · 11 months
Records of Professor William Jones: 2019
Before reading over the below notes of Professor Jones, it is recommended to revise his records from both 2001 and 2003.
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
I am absolutely delighted to hear that you, Catherine and Jacob will be spending your holiday in France next year. I am so excited at the thought of seeing you again, and getting to meet your beautiful wife and son.
I think Alice is excited about having a boy around her age about, even if she doesn’t really show it, but, well, you know how teenagers are!
Keep in touch and let me know what your plans are. Maybe I can be your tour guide around Paris!
Alice sends her regards, in those words.
I have not returned to Europe since those fateful months back in 2001. Admittedly, as much as I would have loved to return, time simply got away from me; with my teaching career, the engagement and marriage to my beautiful wife and then the birth of our son, I found no time for such sojourns to other countries, even in the name of furthering research in the field. I am grateful, at least in this small part, that this particular field is not one which is of great interest to others.
Although, yes, this is to be a holiday with my family and the chance to spend time with an old friend, I do hope there will be some time in which I can further my research into La Cour de la Lune. Much time has passed since my last visit, of course, and I have formulated new theories in regards to the uncovering of information. I can only hope Sylvie is enthusiastic of being of some help - and perhaps the young Alice, who has spent her entire life within the congregation, will have some insight that even her mother does not possess!
Rest assured that I am just as delighted as you are about the thought of seeing you again. As soon as I know of our plans, I will send you an email with regards to them so as to not delay the process.
Catherine and Jacob also send their regards, not in those words.
P.S. The thought has just struck me as to how much technology has evolved since our first contact. It is almost amazing that we still write to each other in a way that anyone would consider old fashioned now!
Monday, January 21, 2019
Catherine is not particularly delighted about my plans to research the occult while we spend our family vacation in France. How lucky I am to have such a wonderful and understanding wife, though! We have come to an understanding that I might spend some downtime on my research, as long as I spend most of the time with herself and Jacob. I am, of course, amicable to this proposal; if there is one thing more important than my research, it is spending time with my beautiful family.
Thursday, February 14, 2019
I must apologise for the quality of my writing in this entry, for my hands cannot stop shaking after having read the most recent letter I have received from Sylvie. I will allow the letter to do the talking, lest I fill the page with nonsensical scribblings.
I must apologise. I will not be able to accompany you, Catherine and Jacob when you come to visit in the coming months.
I have made the decision to give my life to Vh’thra on the next new moon, falling on the 6th of March.
I understand that you might be saddened by this news, but you needn’t worry. My soul will be back in the hands of Vh’thra, and one day I might be reborn anew.
Alice will remain well and safe. She is a young woman who can make her own choices, but I understand she will continue to live among the others in our congregation. Of course, I will support her no matter which path her life might take from the moment I am no longer with her.
There will be no need to mourn me; rather, celebrate that I am one with my dear Vh’thra once more.
I wish you all the best with your family, research and any endeavours the future might hold.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
I never did respond to the correspondence Sylvie had sent.
The next letter I received was on this day, though it is in a markedly different hand than the letters which I had received before it.
Mr Jones,
I felt as though it was my responsibility to inform you that my mother, Sylvie Delecroix, sacrificed herself to Vh’thra some few hours ago on this day, the 6th of March, 2019.
If you wish to continue the correspondence you had with my mother with me instead, I will happily answer any queries you might have. Likewise, I have been informed of your impending visit to France and that I should meet you if you so desire. For the purposes of preparation, I will be using my mother’s email address. For anything which is not of an urgent nature, please continue to write.
I have taken and sent photos both for your research and as proof. I hope you find them useful.
Ms Alice Delecroix
I feel violently ill doing so much as recounting the contents of the accompanying images.
The images were numerated so that I might view them in the correct order. Though I have included the images in this bundle, I implore anyone in their right mind to not view these images. I have provided written descriptions for those curious.
The first image depicts a semi-clothed, seated Sylvie. She is being marked by a robed figure in symbols which I have come to learn over the years represent various ideas and creatures which relate to La Cour de la Lune. These symbols in particular relate to Vh’thra, defined by their long and pointed shapes.
The second image, which is particularly close, depicts Sylvie with the same lack of clothing, now laid upon the stone table. Unlike sacrificed beasts I have been sent images of over the years, Sylvie’s hands and legs are unbound. It appears that a robed figure is carving markings into her skin with a sacrificial blade. Blood has already begun to pool to the surface of her skin.
The third image is taken from a distance, behind other members of the congregation. It appears that a hooded figure has the same sacrificial blade which had been used to carve into Sylvie’s skin high above his head. It’s difficult to tell, given the distance, but Sylvie doesn’t appear to be struggling or distressed.
In the fourth image, Alice seems to have gotten to the front of the crowd. The blade is lodged well between Sylvie’s ribs. Although he is hooded, part of the executioner’s face can be seen. He, just like Sylvie (who now smiles towards the camera, or rather, her daughter), appears to be at peace.
The fifth image, like the second, is taken closer. Alice’s finger has partially obscured the lens, but this is just as well - it means that I have been spared seeing a friend dismembered.
I cannot bring myself to respond to Alice’s letter tonight. How can a child remain so calm in the face of their only parent being taken from them, particularly of their own choice? How can she take photos of the acts, and do so well enough that they are not blurred or otherwise obscured (except for in one very lucky situation)?
Is this the toll spending one’s entire life in a cult takes?
Thursday, March 28, 2019
I still feel ill and my hands still shake, if that is not proven by this entry. Sleep evaded me last night, and in those small moments when I did begin to drift, the images I had viewed burned themselves into my mind once more.
Thankfully, Alice has asked for correspondence by email for the time being, sparing me the trouble of having to write coherently by hand at the very least.
I try not to think about how she can so casually use the email address of her deceased mother, particularly in the present day when it is so common for people to have addresses of their own.
Ms A. Delecroix -
I must specify the Ms Delecroix I write to, otherwise I will feel like I am speaking to a recently deceased friend -
I thank you for the notification of your mother’s passing. Under ordinary circumstances, I would say that I am sorry for your loss, but I understand that is not what your mother wanted, nor what you believe. I hope that her soul finds its place among us again soon.
I would also like to thank you for the photos you sent.
They are grotesque, but do they not aid me in my research?
Please see below for details of the holiday I will be taking to France along with my wife, Catherine, and my son, Jacob.
Not too long after I send this email do I receive a response back.
Mr Jones,
Please keep in mind what I said about emails being for urgent matters only. I might be young, but I do appreciate receiving and sending handwritten letters much more than a soulless email.
To bring an end to this line of conversation - do not waste your worry or your pity on my mother. I hope for her to be among us once more soon enough.
I look forward to meeting you in Paris next month.
Kind regards,
Ms Alice Delecroix
Though I am curious to meet the child Alice of whom I have heard so much, I swear that my heart is no longer beating in my chest.
I cannot help but fear the person I am soon to meet.
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caguaydreams · 2 years
A fellow Jotahan enjoyer is DESPERATE for the crumbs. The time has come, I shall unveil my true nature in order to lend you a hand. We'll survive this together, Anon!
Ohhh boy, where to even begin. I know the bewildering absolute lack of fanart out there and my comment about crumbs might sound discouraging, and could make it seem like a worse situation than it actually is. But do not fret! AO3 got ur back! (I must apologise in advance for rambling, but honestly many of these fics are amazing and I owe their writers my life. Feel free to scroll down to the bit where I put the links to fics, lists, and authors that sometimes carry this ship on their backs).
I'm gonna list a bunch that I've recently been bookmarking in the website, as part of my months long personal crusade to read every single Jotahan work up there, and I'm kinda halfway through now I think, so I've got the stuff. Currently, there's a total of 393 Jotahan fics on the Archive, not all of them are the best quality, naturally, but that's okay, because the good fics are— and I'm gonna stress this out— The. Shit. Some Jotahan writers are wonderful masters of their craft, to the point you'll most likely eventually forget that, canonically, Rohan and Jotaro barely even exhange a few words in the first place! There is utterly delightful, suuuch delectable material here; fics that made the ship for me and elevated it from lol funny crackship to one of my top tier favorite romances/relationships of all time, in all of media, period.
You'd think, initially, that authors have to do some crazy acrobatics to settle on how they'd go about fulfilling the task of feeding dying starving suckers like me; how they'd go about making a relationship between these characters believable and feasible. But! surprisingly, there have come to be actual tropes in Jotahan narratives, stemming from how oddly natural their dynamic flows when you just give it some thought. My brain decided to conclude one day, that this is sorta like stepping into different possibilities of how Rohan and Jotaro would hit it up, because some fics can be quite similar in their approaches, but nonetheless distinctive and remarkable all the same. These characters can work SO well together, for better or worse, that there's no questioning it anymore for me. You'll understand, or maybe not (maybe you already do) but regardless I think you'll have fun checking these out!
So without further ado, and before I go on an errand of an essay about how this ship deserves more love and attention than it gets, I'm gonna drop the links. I know AO3 can look messy or be intimidating for people who are not familiar with the interface, but the first thing that will come in handy is knowing about pairing tags: your typical character/character tag that is often the first one you see following the title of a fic. If its got the characters of your preference, click on it, and you'll be sent to all the works in the Archive that feature that tag . You can start browsing for goodies from there! here's the tag to the huge assortment of fics starring the couple of mildly disfunctional adults that we want to see together.
And here is a lil bit of my latest (on-going) effort to build up a personal list of favorites and must-reads:
Underneath Perfection by Shorktooth ; I'm gonna be biased, because this one right here is my absolute. favorite. Nothing comes close. I'm even getting a little emotional by barely thinking about it. Actually, not entirely sure, but it was the fic that first sold me on this pairing when I wanted to give it a chance. Get-together fic, fairly long but definitely worth it. Not tedious, very fun, lots of variety, lots of incredibly sweet moments, it's a good deal all around. Of course there are little details here and there that keep it from being perfect, but they're minor and insignificant when viewing the whole picture. Much respect for how the author handles these characters, the progression of events, the story's pacing, and overall how organic everything feels; how natural. There are a bunch of scenes that have been embedded in my mind for months, and bits of dialogue I even reference and feel are strongly akin to what Jotaro or Rohan would actually say, even if this is fanwork. Okay, okay, I'll stop here because I'm saving my final thoughts for when I finish reading this story; Stone Ocean's animated adaptation must reach its end first. This fic follows Rohan and Jotaro across parts 4 to 6 of JJBA, so if anyone's avoiding spoilers they might have to be wary of those, skip this fic, or put it on hold like I did. Can't wait for part 6 to be over so I can get back to this work lmao. Its ending will probably crush me and be painful as hell but I don't care
How Soon Is Now? by Morioh-Cho-Radio (crimsonherbarium) ; Listen, one cannot talk about Jotahan fanfiction without mentioning "How Soon Is Now?". Underneath Perfection is my personal favorite no questions asked, but this series??? this is a must-read. Mandatory almost. Fuck, I haven't even gotten past the first three or four works in this collection but I tell you it's amazing (forever saving the rest for when I have the time to sit down and immerse myself into it because it is that special). It's got 10 single chapter stories in total, varying in lenght. Crimsonherbarium is one of those authors that manage to rightfully appropiate these characters and what they're about; nothing feels out of place, and the writing is just *chef kiss* it is thoroughly polished and hooks me in instantly, every single time. This fanfic even has its own playlist! and the songs selection, both for it and the fic titles, I think is fitting as hell for Jotahan, what else can I say?? read this series. go go go!!! have a feast!!
oh i know (it goes on, it gets old) by theultimateburrito ; Oh man... this one is something else. Is its own thing, I believe. Single chapter, kind of a long read, but you'll be enthralled. Feels like a novel, and it's not ncesarily out there, romantically speaking. The words I'm looking for to describe it are subtlety, and patience. It's a very unique short story that features comfortable company, familiarity, introspection, Rohan being his insatiably curious self, and one intriguing mystery that sounds straight out of Araki's work. I won't spoil it, but there's a particular place that I didn't even know existed irl until I read this fic and that on itself is maddeningly funny to me.
Now, some improvised picks of mine, done in speedreading fashion, because I've read too many works by now and can't actually think of what to put in here (keeping this list relatively brief and simple was more difficult than I thought). A list consisting of short stories to pick up on the go, separated by the general feeling I get from them:
Short and sweet:
Art Kids by anarchaick ; mild parallels made between Rohan and Noriaki, as well as Jotakak mentions are quite common. How these affect the mood of the story or the nature of Rohan and Jotaro's relationship is up to the fic, but in this one that is simply heartwarming
old recipe, new need by bishounen_curious ; this one's a sickfic, and it encapsulates some aspects of their dynamic SO well. I love this ficlet. It's all in the details, and the Domesticity
Ecotone by kujo (curricle) ; please read this one. That's it just read it. It is plain, bitesized perfection
the loneliest whale by pinkdarkboy ; wholesome, cute, and works as a comfort story
Short and steamy (not necesarily explicit):
Falling In Love by Kinda sad this one's by an orphan account :') regardless, it is a great read
Short and angsty/bittersweet:
It Is What It Is by illmoure ; .... sigh. Conflicting feelings about this one, but because it is an incredible work expertly written to achieve that purpose. Also, last Jotahan fic (yet...?) by one of the BEST writers for this ship. I'll later just drop a link to them directly
Save the speeches, flowers are for funerals by Morioh-Cho-Radio (crimsonherbarium) ; Hanahaki disease, I eat that shit up. It is the perfect combination of angst and romantic yearning, and as it is to be expected from this fic's writer here, this is another banger.
Short and funny:
useless questions by bishounen_curious ; weed shenanigans. It's pretty humorous, but that isn't mutually exclusive with tenderness, or physical intimacy. Therefore, I was torn between putting this one under the Short And Steamy category, but the first half is fairly hilarious on its own right so, yeah.
the death of kishibe rohan (1999, colorized) by oredatte ; Rohan being ridiculous, give it a read if you're looking for pure absurdity. Just satire here, and a bit of second-hand embarrasment
Short AU ficlets that are really nice:
A Sort of Homecoming by Morioh-Cho-Radio (crimsonherbarium) ; Japanese folklore inspired, in which Rohan is a yokai inhabiting a long abandoned place that belongs to Jotaro's family. I JUST noticed the fic was temporarily removed, but I read it long ago and still remember how beautiful it was. Actually, anything written by Morioh-Cho-Radio is absolute gold. ... pssst, you can still find this story via the Wayback Machine, but you didn't hear it from me—
Beyond the Sea by illmoure ; Mermay fic :) Marine Biologist Kujo Jotaro has a fascinating encounter. This one's just straight up lovely and refreshing
tears of heliades by pinkdarkboy ; inspired by the tale of Pygmalion and Galatea from Greek mythology
I was planning on listing authors who deserve way more than a honorable mention, but the post was getting too long, and I simply find it hard to rush a selection like that. Maybe some other time? Although, definitely do check out some of the writers whose work has already been featured above!
Oof.... Being honest, there are many more titles I wish I could just gather in one place but I haven't had the time yet. This pairing has provided me with an endless amount of comfort, besides being mostly a what-if scenario, but it quickly turned just as important to me as the source material it came from. Fanfiction can feel just as valid and impactful as media published by conventional means, and I'll think about these stories from here on out, long after I found them. I'll think of these characters, and the silly little made up reality in my head where they're genuinely happy, finding comfort and a safe space with each other, growing and developing with time, and it'll make me smile like a total fool. I really don't mind that in the slightest 🎶
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blubberquark · 5 months
How Not To Do A Podcast
Don't have a web site: You don't really need one is this day and age. People find your podcast on Spotify, or on Apple Podcasts, or on YouTube. If you put your episodes up on YouTube, don't need hosting or a domain or a home page!
Don't link to the RSS Feed: If you do have a web site, you can just not bother with a public RSS feed. People on Apple podcasts get your episodes from Apple. If you want to post the episodes to your Web site, just embed the mp3a in blog posts! Don't give the hoi polloi access to the RSS feed, or they might steal your content, or worse, drive up hosting costs by downloading all the mp3s at once!
Don't bother with show notes: Show notes limit your reach. They don't show up the same on YouTube and Spotify, and you can't embed images in a pinned comment. Even worse, show notes lead people away from your podcast or the app. Alternatively, treat show notes as required reading. If you must have them, this is the way to get the most out of your show notes. Refer to the show notes all the time, and tell our audience to just read or listen to the linked stuff. Don't bother excerpting or paraphrasing things from elsewhere on the Internet. People are on a PC, they can click on links! In the show notes, don't bother adding context either. When your listeners have listened to the episode, they will know what the links mean.
Talk about your editing process and audio setup: Did you just buy a new mic? Are you recording on your laptop microphone in a hotel room? Don't just apologise for the audio quality, tell your listeners that normally you would record on the same hardware that NPR uses for This American Life. Talk about how you bought a new Mac Studio Ultra with 128 GB of RAM for editing the pauses out, and that time you had to interrupt the interview because your guest opened the door to accept a package delivery.
Keep introductions to a minimum: Your listeners have listened to the previous 500 episodes in chronological order, so they know what your podcast is about and who is hosting it. Don't start your podcast episodes with the name of the podcast, or introductions where every host says "Hello, I am Alice" "And I am Bob. This is the Alice and Bob send cryptic messages podcast. Today we're going to discuss PGP." This stuff is lame. Just say "Hi, here we are again, how has your last week been?" or "We're back! Sooo..."
If you really have to introduce multiple speakers, just have one host name everybody. Instead of repeating what the podcast is and who is doing it every time, start the episode with frequently updated information like upcoming meet-ups, listener feedback about the episode before last, how to reach you on twitter, your new mastodon instance, and current Patreon goals.
Use .mp3, .aac, or .wma: As long as the bit rate is high enough, people won't notice. Your goal is to reach as many people as possible, so an old file format like WMA is the best. For audiophiles, also have a feed in FLAC format. In the past, 250MB episodes would have been annoying, but everybody listens on YouTube and Spotify anyway (they do the transcoding for you). If they don't, maybe the 250MB per hour will make them reconsider.
Episodes should least at least 80 minutes long: Sometimes time flies, sometimes you need a lot of time to get to the point. People love to listen to the Joe Rogan Experience, which is sometimes 3 hours long. If your guests have more to say, don't record a bonus episode, just ask yourself: What would Rogan do?
Chapter marks work against you: Chapter marks let listeners skip past the ads, but they also let them skip past the part where you announce the next listener meet-up, the new URL of the t-shirt store, and ways to contact you. It is of vital importance that in five years, people who listen to your podcast will be familiarised with the old twitter handle you used to have, the old coupon code for RAID: Shadow Legends that doesn't work any more, and the listener meet-up in downtown Mariupol.
Frequently upgrade your web site: Like I said, it's usually not worth having a web site. But if you do, you need to
keep it fresh.
To do this, you should frequently update the URL of your home page, the URLs of blog posts where users can listen to individual episodes in their browser, your commenting system, your domain name, and the character encoding of your transcripts.
Listeners love banter and personality: Don't read from a script, because that sounds lame and stilted. Don't even have an agenda or written notes. If you want to talk something out, do it live on air. If you talk to a co-host or a guest about the topic or the ground rules for the episode, then do that live on air, too. If you go off topic, or if you have to spend a minute googling something during an episode, if your dog barks, a host goes on a tangent or if there is a package delivery at the door, just say "we'll edit that part out" and then leave the whole thing in, or edit but leave in the bit where you say "we'll edit it out in post". That joke never gets old. Asking your co-hosts about the topic of today's episode gives your podcast personality, rich texture, and entertainment value. The key is to be your raw, unfiltered self. Anybody can read from a script, but only you can answer the door for an Amazon package.
Listeners love drama: If somebody sends you a mean tweet, don't ignore it and move on. Use it! Read out all the mean tweets on your podcast. Make them a regular feature. Ask your listeners whether they agree! They will shower you with sympathy and engagement. If you don't have enough twitter drama to go on, you can invite guests for drama: Get people from twitter onto your podcast. I know, it sounds like a threat when you have twitter beef with somebody and ask them onto your show where you can edit them and you have an audience that's on your side, but you're reasonable here. You can say "twitter is such a terrible format for this, let's hash it out somewhere more appropriate". In the best case, you win the twitter argument without actually having to record the episode. You can just say in your podcast they didn't want to debate you.
Don't record episode 0 or -1: Back in 2005, it was customary to record an "episode zero" as the first thing in your RSS feed. There was even a cool service (now defunct) that aggregated all every "episode zero" from feeds into a feed of upcoming podcasts. These days, you record a trailer for your podcast and that is inserted into feeds of other podcasts at Wondery, Tortoise Media, and Serial Productions. It's passé to have a 15 minute introduction to an upcoming podcast.
Similarly, it used to be customary to record one or more "negative" episodes where you just check out your recording equipment and get used to the process, figure out which segments and interview formats work. You're a professional though. You don't need to get used to hearing your own voice.
You can go the extra mile and scrub everything but the latest 5 episodes from the feed.
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aeoki · 1 year
Seven Bridges - Love and Peace?: Chapter 5
Location: Yumenosaki Garden Terrace Characters: Adonis, Arashi & Mika
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Arashi: Heey, Mika-chan? Anzu-chaan?
You two must be having it nice. Seeing as you’re getting someone else to help while the two of you are having a nice ol’ chat.
Mika: Ngh, I’m not ditchin’ or anythin’. My hands are movin’!
Arashi: I know. I was just joking – I’m kinda in a bit of a mean mood.
Mika: Ngh~ Sorry. I’m not good at talkin’ and I can’t tell whether you’re bein’ serious or not~
Adonis: I feel the same way.
Mika: Ngh? Wait, huh…?
Adonis: I’m Adonis Otogari from “UNDEAD”.
Mika: Well, I do know who you are but why’re you here, Otogari-kun?
Adonis: I was in the middle of track and field club activities, but while I was on a run, Narukami saw me and said, “Come help if you’ve got nothing better to do.” and dragged me over.
I’m not exactly free but our physical strength is more or less the same. I came to the decision that it would be less tiring for us both if I followed obediently.
Mika: I see… I’m sorry Naru-chan did that.
Arashi: Hey, Adonis-chan! Don’t phrase it in a way that makes it sound like I’m some muscle head!
Adonis: I simply said the truth. But if my words hurt you, I apologise.
Arashi: As you should! The truth can hurt people, you know? Be careful next time!
Adonis: I will. You’re always teaching me many new things, Narukami.
Mika: Ahaha… I don’t really get it, but we were short-staffed so if you’re here to help, then I’d really appreciate it.
Arashi: Yeah. Mika-chan and Anzu-chan were saying how they were going to clean the entire school by themselves.
There’s no way that’s possible. We’ve got to help them.
Adonis: You’re right. The good you do for others is good you do yourself.
Mika: Right. What we’re doin’ right now is a pretty common “school job”.
But startin’ this year, the reward is now paid in “L$”. Other than that, it’s basically the same.
It’s a school cleanin’ job that’s posted every so often. It’s kinda like what a caretaker does – pickin’ up the rubbish, waterin’ the plants, sortin’ the P.E. equipment and stuff.
Adonis: I’ve always wondered, why let students who don’t know how to do those things properly do it instead of employing an actual caretaker? If they did, it would be faster and the quality of work would also be better.
Mika: That’s true but there are kids who can’t afford their idol activities, so it’s a valuable source of money for them.
Adonis: ? “Valkyrie” has a lot of funds, don’t they?
Mika: “UNDEAD” and “Knights” have a lot too, right? It’s “Valkyrie’s” life mission to be constantly creatin’ the best performance, so we can never have enough money.
That’s why I do the school jobs whenever I have time. I don’t wanna go back to how things were last year – times were hard when we didn’t have the money to perform.
And it’s relaxin’ doin’ the things I’m used to…♪
Still, maybe it’s a bad side effect of the “L$” system, but they’re makin’ it so that you can’t earn “L$” outside of idol work.
It’s not really an advantage in terms of fundin’, though.
Adonis: Yeah. I checked the details behind the “school jobs” out of curiosity one time, but it’s not exactly a fitting reward for the work. 
Arashi: But even so, if you were to do a normal part-time job and then convert those earnings to “L$”, the exchange rate would be pretty low.
They’re really making “L$” to be something you can only earn through idol activities.
Mika: Yeah. That’s why all the other Yumenosaki students have pretty much stopped doin’ “school jobs”.
It’ll just turn out to be a waste of time and labour.
They’re all probably thinkin’ if they’re gonna be earnin’ money, they’d probably wanna earn it doin’ idol work.
Arashi: I do understand that though. Up until last year, the entire industry was in a recession and there were barely any jobs for idols…
I think it’s a system put in place for idols to live and make money. They’re part of the employee benefits from the initiative the Student Council started.
But ES was created and work for idols has increased exponentially. That system might be something useless that’s left to die out.
They just haven’t gotten around to it at the moment, so maybe it’ll be discontinued next year.
And maybe ES will use the money they got from that to hire a professional caretaker to do the cleaning and stuff.
Those days, when it was the idols who did the cleaning with a broom and dustpan, might end up being something of the past.
Mika: Yeah… This is where we live so obviously we’d want to keep it nice and clean.
And I got to be good friends with Anzu-chan ‘cause we were both doin’ “school jobs”.
But this “large wave” ignores those personal sentiments and washes it all away, changin’ things in the process.
That’s the sort of “era” we’re livin’ in, right?
Adonis: That’s a very deep comment. I’m touched.
Arashi: Wow, you’re so cool, Mika-chan! It was like a scene straight out of a movie ♪
Mika: Nghahhh, don’t make fun of me! It’s embarrassin’!
“Valkyrie” has been makin’ a lotta story-based performances lately, so sometimes I find myself sayin’ those sorta lines…!
Arashi: You don’t need to be embarrassed ♪ If anything, people want us idols to say those “sorts of lines” that can move people emotionally, right?
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