#not to brag but..well I guess bragging is a little bit the point of this blog
resplendent-dwellings · 7 months
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reiderwriter · 5 months
So obviously Spencer is iconic for his wide range of haircuts over the show, and I have this vision of a Spencer x hairdresser fic where he goes to the same hairdresser all the time because he likes the routine and it’s what he’s used to. So like they’re low-key friends bc he’s been her client so long, but then she notices he can’t come as usual and he tells her it’s because he’s always away or working late. So because they’re close she gives him private late appointments after she closes bc they’re more accessible for him, and then they’re always together late at night, and eventually they fall for each other!! And like she loves his curls and cringed when he wanted it cut short but loves it regardless AHH I JUST LOVE IT. Bonus points if Spencer gets to recommend his hairdresser girlfriend to his teammates just to brag about the fact he has a hot girlfriend lmao. I get it’s kinda long lol, if it’s too long a premise then no worries, just sharing it is nice :)
A/N: Hi! I love the idea of hair stylist reader, so I had a lot of fun writing this~♡ Thank you for your request, I hope you enjoy it!
W/C: 2.1k
Warnings: implied Autistic Reid, brief mentions of sensory issues, writer does not care for the shows Canon hair continuity and does basically whatever she wants.
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The first time you'd met Spencer Reid, you hadn't been able to cut his hair. Which was a damn shame because it really did need cutting. 
Sweeping up the floors of the hair salon you worked at, you had noticed the man lingering outside, wringing his hands together and pushing them awkwardly through his hair, approaching and retreating every few seconds. 
You watched him through the mirrors, and let him dance around like that for five minutes before deciding that the evening breeze would be a boon during the hot summer night that was about to set in on you. 
Opening the salon door, you stepped outside and soaked in the fresh air before turning to the now frozen, slightly awkward man. 
“Can I help you?” You tried to put a welcoming smile on your face, but the salon was past closing and empty beside you. You should've been heading home by now, but something in the man's posture had you dawdling.
“The barber shop down the road closed down,” he said quickly, as if the words were practised on his to guess moments before. 
“Yes, that's true. It's been six months now.”
“Six months?” he squeaked out, running a hand through his hair as he turned inwards. 
“Do you… need a haircut?” 
“Yes. Yes, are there any other barber shops in the area?” 
You rolled your eyes and walked back into the salon, picking up a robe and a shoulder cover and spinning around the closest chair to welcome him. 
“Well, are you coming in?” 
“But you're closed. Your sign says you're closed.” 
“And I'm still here, aren't I?” 
He didn't argue any further and hesitantly stepped into the salon. 
You helped him out of his bag and put it away before helping him into the robe and shoulder pad. 
He awkwardly stood around as you prepared your scissors and station again, switching on the mirror light so you could fully see his face and hair. 
And damn was he attractive. As you smoothed his hair out of his face, you were met with warm brown eyes, open and anxious, like a deer caught in headlights. Or, more accurately, a dear caught in a hair salon. 
You had to blink and look away as you remembered what you were about, standing up and leading him over to the sink. 
“I'm… I'm a little bit sensitive about my hair,” he admitted quite meekly as you tested the temperature of the water. 
“Okay. Is there anything specific?” 
He sat himself in the chair but didn't lower his head to the bowl, so you waited. 
After a minute or two, he gently lowered his head to the bowl, and you helped his progress, making sure he was comfortably settled. He didn't speak, just let his shoulders relax and closed his eyes as you turned the water on his locks. 
You enjoyed the simple repetitions of your job. Everyone's hair was different, that was true, but there were really only so many ways to wash hair. 
You rinsed his hair thoroughly, keeping the water away from his face and ears with a face guard before beginning to lather it up. 
For a man who hadn't seen the inside of a salon in six months and likely a hairbrush in the same length of time, his hair was healthy. 
De-tangling as you went, you ran your hands through the lengths of his hair, taking note of how it fell, which parts were healthy, and which had developed split ends. Then you began massaging his head, working the shampoo into his roots, making sure his scalp was free from any possible dirt or dry skin. 
This was the best part of the haircut for you, and you knew your regular clients enjoyed it greatly as well. Which is why you probably shouldn't have been too surprised when the man fell asleep. 
It took you a few minutes to realize that was what happened, the face guard obscuring his face from your vision. When you squeezed the water from his hair, patted it dry, and twisted it into a towel so the water wouldn't run down his back, you had no clue that he was away with the fairies. 
It wasn't until you asked him to stand, and he didn't even move that you moved around the sink and lifted the face guard. 
If he seemed anxious awake, it had melted away now. He looked younger asleep, more calm and confident somehow. His eyelashes were long, a fact you only noticed when you leaned in to get a better look at him. 
It was your hand unconsciously tracing a hand along his jaw that woke him back up, and for a second, you just stared at each other, faces inches apart. 
“I'm.. I'm so sorry, I should go. Thank you for… I should go,” he said hurriedly, pulling the robes and towels off and snatching his bag up, running out the door. 
“Wait, your hair,” you called after him, but he was gone. 
And he hadn't paid. 
It took a week for you to collect the payment, though you couldn't care less about the money anyway. 
But a week thinking about the man's delicate features, his shy smile and stutter, and you were very distracted. 
Thinking about him had become your full-time job, as much as cutting hair had, and you'd had a few close encounters with the scissors when you were lost in thought. 
You'd been thinking up back stories for the man ranging from the romantic to the obscure to the downright realistic. So, a week later, you found yourself behind on work and needing to stay late, just as he stepped into the shop a second time. 
“Hello?” You shouted from the backroom, hearing the doorbell jingle as it opened. “We're actually closed right now, so- oh.” 
He stood awkwardly in the door, his face already flushed slightly. 
“Hi,” you said, trying to stop the grin spreading across your face. You didn't want to scare him off a second time. 
“Last time, I… kinda ran away. I was… I'm not the best with-” 
“With haircuts?” 
“With change.” You both nodded at that, awkwardly staring at each other. 
“So…?” You lead, trying to encourage him to introduce himself, hoping he would reveal something you didn't already know. 
“You're closed again, but could you cut my hair?” He asked, pushing the long locks back on his head as he stood a little taller. 
“It would be my pleasure…” you trailed off as a question, needing to know his name. 
“Spencer. Spencer Reid. Doctor… just Spencer is fine if you'd prefer.” 
“I'm Y/N. Come and take a seat.” 
You slid him into the robes once again and got through a hair wash without any accidental naps this time. Though you did notice that he seemed to be enjoying it just as much. 
His sighs left you feeling hot, your heart beating as you focused on his hair to draw your gaze from his lips. 
When he was back I'm front of the mirror, he again looked like a scared cat that had been backed into the corner. 
“So, what'll it be, Spencer?” You asked cheerily, combing your hand through his locks to detangle them. 
“Hmm? Oh, a water would be nice.” 
“For your hair, Spencer. What haircut do you want?” 
“Oh! Oh, um, just a…just a haircut.” 
Your face scrunched up in confusion as he doubled down. 
“But what kind of haircut?” 
“What kind?” 
You pulled away from his chair for a minute and went to grab a cut reference book. 
“Okay, so we've got undercuts, or trims, I can do pompadour or bowl cut or-” 
You looked at Spencer's face again and saw that he looked more than confused. 
“How about I just cut your hair and after you tell me if you like it or not?” 
He nodded and gave you a weak smile as you grabbed your scissors. 
Twenty minutes of silence later, and you felt Spencer exhale in relief as you dusted off the back of his neck and pulled the robes off of his clothes. 
You'd gone for a shorter cut, but his curly hair had such a nice natural texture that you left it a bit longer on top. Without his hair in his face, his jawline was sharper, his eyes brighter, and you were somehow more infatuated. 
He stood up shyly and you smiled at how good he looked. 
“Okay, perfect! Let me just-” You lifted your hand and smoothed out some of his hair, picking up some strands and pushing them back and forth until it was just right. 
He caught your hand just as you were about to pull away, and you suddenly realized how close he was. Or more accurately how close you had gotten. It was like you were breathing the same air. 
“D-Do you like it?” You asked, voice small and high as it battled your heartbeat to be heard. 
“Yeah. I like it. It looks… it looks like a haircut.” 
You giggled as his grip became gentler, and your hand fell down to your side, brushing his chest gently as it descended. 
“How much do I owe you?” He asked, and you led him over to the register to complete the payment. 
“Thank you,” he said as he grabbed his bags to head out the door. 
“Just doing my job. I'll see you in six weeks,” you said, waving him off. 
“What for?” He asked, voice confused but bright. He sounded almost hopeful. 
“For your next haircut, Spencer.” 
He smiled and waved back as he walked back into the dark and disappeared down the street. 
No one could ever accuse Spencer Reid of being forgetful, and six weeks later, he was back in your chair. 
Except he didn't arrive at 11pm this time, but instead 11am. 
The other customers and stylists gawked at the man as he walked in, and you thanked the gods that your seat was free as he met your eyes. 
“Spencer! You're back.” 
He nodded shyly, head hanging a little as he ignored the many looks from the women in the room and the eruption of whispers and loud glances in his direction. 
“It's been six weeks. You said that's when I'd need another haircut.” 
You laughed a little as you pulled the robe around him. 
“You know, I say that every time, but most people ignore me. I love a man who can follow directions.” 
The eruption of red on his cheeks left you feeling suddenly tongue tied, and you carefully redirected the conversation back to the task at hand. 
“Same again, Doc?” You asked, readying your spray bottle and supplies. 
“Actually, could we, ah, go shorter this time?” Hesmiled sheepishly and watched as you ran your fingers through his tangled hair. 
“My boss, last time, said I looked like I joined a boyband, so…” 
“Your boss at the hospital?” You asked, clinging to every detail you could get from him. 
“The hospital?” 
“You said you were a Doctor, do you work in a lab instead or-”
“Oh. No, I work at the FBI. I'm not a medical doctor, I have a PhD. I have three, Chemistry, Engineering, and Mathematics.” 
You whistled. “Impressive. You can't be older than 30.” 
“I'm 29.” He said, smiling at you in the mirror, and you smiled back, hands still running through his hair. 
“So, no boy band haircuts, okay. For what it's worth, though, you look totally hot.” 
The words cut the conversation short, and you tried your best to take the words back as you went off to the sides to grab your sheers. 
Half an hour later, and you could swear that half the salon had given up pretending to be doing their jobs and were just awkwardly ogling the man. If the shorter “boyband” hair was good, the undercut you'd done for him was even better. 
You turned him around to get a closer look, using the excuse of making sure his hair was symmetrical enough to stare at him some more as you got closer to finishing. 
“Okay,” you said with a sad sigh. “You're all finished, Spencer. Let's get you rung up.” 
He nodded and followed you quickly, pulling out his wallet as he paid quietly. 
“Okay. And I'll see you tomorrow,” you said, as he picked up his bags to leave. 
“Tomorrow? I thought you said it was six weeks between haircuts.” 
“It is. But it's also my day off tomorrow, so I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner. With me.” 
He blinked at you once. Then twice, and another time before smiling and looking away. 
“Okay. See you tomorrow, Y/N.” 
He ran a hand through his hair and nearly walked into the door he was trying to walk through, but your heart still fluttered as you waved him out. 
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mehkers · 2 months
OM Bro's react to MC having a shrine of them
okayokayokay- everyone shut up and hear me out-
TW: not much? I guess it's a little suggestive, mainly fluff, teasing, just light hearted
Might make the Triworld and the others if people like this 🤷‍♀️
Part one (ur here), part two
He would be stuck feeling confused, weirded out, and prideful at the same time
Do not tell me that this mf would not break out in the most biggest grin if he finds this shrine you've made of him in your closet
He won't say anything at first
Waiting to catch you off guard
You'll be in his office, helping him with some documents or just chilling there
"I recently found something in your room, lamb.. I did not realize you adored me that much~"
The smuggest bastard ever
He'll tease you for a bit but then let it go
Just know that he will give you more attention, and would even leave small trinkets that would remind you of him to add to your shrine around
"Remember that shrine you made of me? Yes. Do you think I could see it again~?"
He wouldn't be able to look you in the eyes
Dude is cosplaying a tomato at this point
He didn't plan on telling you that he found it, it'd just slip out of his mouth
His brothers would be calling him a scumbag or whatever
And he'd just pull you closer by the waist
"MC here has a whole shrine feh' me in their closet! So take it all back!"
It was embarrassing af
He announced it to everyone
And ended up getting flustered
He says while fidgeting with his hands and staring at the ceiling
He'll bring it back up whenever if he wants to tease you, but mainly as a reassurance that you do love him (poor bby needs sum love)
Locks himself in his room for even longer
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-" screaming into his pillow
Please, for the love of anime, PULL HIM OUT OF THE SPIRAL HE'S FALLING INTO
He's first super happy, but then the self deprecating thoughts come
He won't be able to look at you properly for a month straight though
"Y-you.. you really like.. me!?"
Yes, my darling otaku, YES-
Give him two more months to actually be able to talk about it
He'll probably ask to see it again
don't ask about his tho-
He doesn't know what to feel
he's seen Levi's shrines (of Ruri-chan, and you-)
Will question you immediately
Like father like son
Will be absolutely smug about it
"Oh? I see.. Why don't you worship me instead of a silly little shrine~?"
Will fluster and tease the HELL out of you
He will constantly ask you about it
He's a little shit sometimes
If you do tell him to seriously stop, he'll respect your boundaries
Oh but he'd be so happy
He'd stand closer to you, holding your hand
You'll find him gazing at you from afar with a soft blush on his cheeks
"Hm..? I'm fine! Apologies for zoning out again.. I couldn't help but- ugh. never mind. You may continue with what you were telling me."
Will rush over to you and hug you till you can't breathe
You'll have to smack his back repeatedly to get him to let go
Even then he's grabbing you my the shoulders
Shaking the life out of you
And smooching all over your face
"Awwww, I'm so honored! You have a shrine of me!"
Whenever he sees you, be prepared to be attacked with kisses
He is bragging to everyone everywhere
Will beg you to take selfies with the shrine you built of him
It's all over his Devilgram
The entire school knows
He didn't mean to tease you, he's just suuuuper happy that his favorite human feels the same way about him!
"I love you SOOO much! <3"
You can find him snacking on the snacks you probably left there
He doesn't really mind it
He couldn't careless about it, but seeing you embarrassed and worried made him feel sad
"Mc... Don't worry, let's go to Hell's Kitchen together."
All in all, he's pretty chill about it
In a week or so he'll bring it up again and ask you about it
Once you explain it, his cheeks were redder than Diavolo's hair
"I didn't know you felt that way. It makes me oddly happy.. and hungry."
He's more protective of you now, keeping an eye out for you and even leaving snacks for you around
The cute bby is always following you around with Belphie in tow
He was looking for his pillow when he found it
The shittiest of all little shits
"Mccccc, guess what I found in your closet~?"
He's so smug
Watch him brag to Lucifer especially about it
He won't tell everyone about it, but he will mention or hint at it if he's particularly jealous
Like Beel, he wouldn't really care much
Buuuut, he would totes use it to his advantage all the time
"C'mon Mc, ignore the others and nap with me! Unless you want me to tell the whole school about your little secret.. Kidding! Just come here, I'm sleepy."
Geez, this took like- 3 hours I think. I never knew it was that hard to write these.. well, it is past midnight- I'm gonna sleep now 😭
Hope you enjoyed this random hc I pulled out of my ass
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just-aake · 1 month
Everlasting Devotion - Part IV
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Pairing: princess!Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: Sequel of Boundless Devotion Series. MedievalAU. With her coronation over, Natasha is now the queen of the Romanov Kingdom. However, the position comes with challenges from both old and new enemies as Natasha tries to maintain the peace while also navigating her relationship with you.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Warnings: light angst, violence
Words: 2,599
The clatter of horse hooves and the steady roll of wheels over the path fill the evening air, masking the conversation inside the carriage as it continues to your manor.
After you finish your brief explanation, Wanda holds up her hand and shakes her head in disbelief.
“So, just to be clear,” she begins, her voice filled with confusion. “Queen Natasha didn’t break up with you?” 
“No,” you reply in a quiet whisper. “I’ll explain more later, but regardless of what did or didn’t happen, that doesn’t give you two the right to do something like that back at the castle.”
Wanda huffs in disagreement, crossing her arms as she leans back in her seat and turns to stare out the carriage window.
Sighing at her response, you lean back in your seat as well. 
While you’re glad that Wanda is growing more comfortable with her powers, you also want her to understand the need for more caution when using them.
Sitting next to his sister, Pietro awkwardly glances between the two of you and attempts to lighten the mood. With a cheerful tone, he holds up a small basket, pulling back the cloth to reveal an assortment of pastries.
“Hey, I got you some treats from the bakery to welcome you home,” Pietro announces, offering the basket to you with a broad grin.
Before you can reach for them, Wanda’s hand darts out, slapping his hands away. Her eyes widen in alarm as she grabs the basket, quickly inspecting its contents.
“Pietro!” she exclaims, exasperated. “Were you even paying attention when you bought these?”
Pietro blinks, confused. “What? What’s wrong with them?” 
Wanda holds up one of the pastries, her finger pointing at the glistening red filling. 
“Y/N can’t eat these. They have raspberries in them. She’s allergic.”
Realization dawns on Pietro’s face, and he looks at you with wide, apologetic eyes. 
“I’m sorry! The baker’s daughter was flirting with me, and I guess I got a little distracted…” 
You give him a reassuring smile, waving off his concern. 
“It’s okay, Pietro. The thought is what counts.”
Pietro’s face brightens with relief, his smile returning full force. 
“Well, on the bright side, I did score a date with her next week.” 
Wanda immediately slaps his arm in reprimand, her glare sharp. 
“Really, Pietro? She just lost her relationship, and you’re bragging about yours?”
Pietro winces, rubbing the area where Wanda had hit him, and turns to you with another sheepish apology. 
You can’t help but chuckle at their familiar antics. However, the laughter feels a bit hollow when you remember that your relationship with Natasha is technically over for now. 
As you glance down sadly at your hands resting in your lap at the thought, Wanda’s warm hand suddenly covers yours, drawing your gaze back up to meet her concerned eyes.
“Are you really okay with this?” she asks gently.
“I’m fine, Wanda,” you reply, attempting to sound reassuring. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Her expression softens with concern, her brow furrowing slightly. 
“Because you were happy.” 
“I still am,” you insist, looking between them reassuringly. “It’s going to be okay. This secret will not be any different from when we pretended to be together.”
Pietro shifts uncomfortably in his seat, his fingers fidgeting anxiously with the hem of his clothes. 
After a moment of hesitation, he blurts out, “Is that the only thing you wanted to tell us?” 
Before you can respond, Wanda’s sharp elbow digs into Pietro’s side, cutting him off with a yelp. She shoots him a warning glare before turning back to you with a more composed expression.
“What he means is… we’re here for you,” Wanda says, her tone softening. “Anything you need or want to talk about, we’re…here.”
Your eyes flicker to the stack of books beside you, the top one charred and blackened—a silent reminder of the other secret you’ve been keeping from them. 
It’s not that you don’t trust Wanda and Pietro; it’s just that you’re unsure if you have the courage to reveal the truth.
How can you tell them that you’re part of the family responsible for the tragedy that took their parents from them and destroyed their lives?
You shake your head lightly, forcing a small smile. 
“Thank you, both of you, but there’s nothing else.”
Wanda’s brow creases with concern, and she opens her mouth as if to say something more. But then she hesitates, biting back the words, and instead presses her lips into a thin line, offering you a small, understanding smile. 
“Okay,” she says quietly, though the look in her eyes tells you she’s not entirely convinced.
You turn your attention away, picking up one of the other books to silently signal that the discussion is over, pretending to read. The rest of the ride continues in relative silence, occasionally broken by light whistling from Pietro.
After a while, familiar landmarks come into view, and you realize you’re nearing your manor. Leaning forward, you peer out of the window, a mix of conflicting emotions rising at the sight of your home.
The last time you were here, you nearly lost your life. 
As the memory resurfaces, a sharp, jarring pain erupts in your mind, forcing you to clutch your head in agony. Everything around you suddenly falls into a numbing silence, and for a moment, you can’t even remember what you were thinking about.
Then, a piercing whistle slices through the disorienting quiet, immediately followed by Pietro’s urgent warning.
“Watch out!”
Before you can react, Pietro shoves you back against the seat, the force of his push nearly knocking the breath out of you.
An arrow thuds into the carriage wall, embedding itself in the exact spot where you had been just moments before.
“Whoa—steady! Steady!” the driver shouts, desperately trying to calm the horses as they rear back in terror, their hooves clattering against the cobblestones.
Another arrow slices through the air from the shadows of the trees, aimed directly at the carriage. 
But before it can strike, it suddenly halts mid-flight, surrounded by a crimson glow. 
The arrow hangs suspended for a second before it’s flung back into the shadows from where it came. 
Standing in front of you, Wanda’s hands are still raised, her fingers enveloped in that familiar red mist, and her eyes glowing with power from when she controlled the arrow’s trajectory. 
Her expression is one of fierce concentration, every muscle in her body taut with tension. 
Brushing away the subtle pain in the back of your mind, you scramble to the window, trying to catch a glimpse of the attackers hidden in the darkness of the trees. 
But the forest remains eerily silent, the shadows concealing any sign of movement. 
Then, out of the corner of your eye, you catch a glimpse of something. 
A yellow glow begins to pulse within the shadows, faint at first but quickly growing brighter and more intense. 
Your heart beats faster as a feeling of uneasiness hits you. You turn quickly to the other two.
“Get down!” you shout, grabbing Wanda and Pietro and pulling them to the carriage floor just as a volley of glowing shards erupts from the trees, streaking through the air like a swarm of deadly fireflies. 
The shards tear through the air, embedding themselves into the carriage with a series of loud cracks. You can feel the heat emanating from them as they pass overhead, singeing the edges of your cloak.
“What was that?!” Pietro exclaims, his voice tinged with shock. 
“I don’t know, but they’re not going to do it again,” Wanda says, determination lacing her words as she rises to her feet.
“Wanda, don’t—” you start to warn her, but it’s too late.
She’s already standing, her hands and eyes glowing with an intense red light. The power radiates from her, casting an eerie glow inside the carriage as she prepares to catch the next wave of attacks. 
Another barrage of shards shoots toward the carriage, moving faster than any arrow. 
But Wanda is ready. 
With a flick of her wrist, the shards freeze in midair, their yellow glow clashing against her crimson aura. The air hums with energy as she holds them suspended for a second when the sound of another whistle pierces through the air, followed by a new barrage of glowing shards, too many for Wanda to control.
She tries to catch them all, but her focus falters as the shards move rapidly, slipping past her defenses. 
Some of them manage to strike the driver, who lets out a pained cry as he falls from his seat. 
The horses, already on edge, rear up in panic, the sudden movement jolting the carriage violently.
“Wanda, get down!” you call her back to safety, reaching for her, but the chaos is already unfolding too quickly.
Now wild with fear, the horses break into a full gallop, dragging the carriage behind them. The sudden acceleration throws all of you off balance. 
Wanda struggles to maintain her concentration, but the erratic movement of the carriage makes it impossible. The red glow around her hands flickers, and with a sharp gasp, she loses control.
A surge of power lashes out uncontrollably, and you feel a sharp, searing pain as Wanda’s magic strikes you. 
The force of it slams you back into the carriage wall, the breath knocked out of your lungs. 
The carriage continues its wild, uncontrolled dash, the horses veering off the path and heading straight for the manor gates.
The carriage smashes into the gates with a deafening crash, the wood splintering under the force of the impact. The world spins as the carriage tips over, throwing all of you against the walls and ceiling before coming to a shuddering halt. 
In the aftermath, the silence is broken only by the distant whinny of the panicked horses, now free from the wreckage. 
The carriage lies on its side, broken and battered, the once-sturdy gates of the manor reduced to twisted debris.
As you struggle to regain your bearings, the sound of footsteps approaching cuts through the haze, and you realize the attacker is closing in.
Besides you, Pietro realizes this too and acts quickly. With all his strength, he slams the broken carriage door into the approaching figure, knocking them to the ground. 
You catch a glimpse of the attacker as they roll away from Pietro, their identity completely concealed by a hooded black outfit and mask.
Wanda emerges from the wreckage just as they stumble upright, her face twisted in fury. She seizes the shattered remnants of the iron gates with her powers.
With a flick of her wrist, she hurls the gates toward the attacker. 
They attempt to dodge, but they’re not quick enough. The heavy iron catches their arm, pinning it to the ground with a sickening crunch.
The attacker lets out a muffled cry of pain, struggling to free themselves, but they are trapped. 
With the attacker momentarily stalled, Pietro rushes to your side, his face pale with worry. 
“Y/N, are you okay? Can you move?” His voice trembles, but he tries to keep it steady.
You wince as you try to sit up, the pain from Wanda’s accidental strike still sharp in your side. 
“I’ll be fine,” you manage, though the words come out more strained than you’d like.
Hearing your voice, Wanda turns to you, her expression crumbling as she sees the pain etched on your face. The red glow fades from her eyes, replaced by a look of horror and guilt.
“I’m so sorry…I didn’t mean to—” she stammers, her voice breaking.
You reach out, placing a hand on hers to steady her. 
“I know, Wanda. It’s okay. I’m okay.”
Before you can reassure her further, the pinned attacker, still trapped beneath the iron gate, snarls in defiance, catching your attention. Despite the pain, they reach for something on their trapped hand—a small, glinting object atop their glove.
“Get down!” you warn, recognizing the danger. You pull the twins to cover, shielding them just as the object explodes in a blinding flash of light, turning the world around you white. 
When your vision clears, you look toward the broken gates, only to find the area empty—the attacker has escaped. 
A conflicting mix of relief and worry washes over you at the knowledge that you’re safe for now, but the threat is still somewhere out there.
You let out a deep sigh, wincing at the slight pain it causes, before quickly turning your attention to the twins.
“Are you two okay?” 
You gently hold their faces, examining them for injuries.
“Ow, ow, just some scratches,” Pietro insists, pulling his face away slightly. “I’m okay.”
Seeing that he’s telling the truth, you shift your focus to his sister. 
Her hand trembles slightly as she grips your wrist, then gently pulls your touch away from her face.
“I’m fine,” she mutters softly, her head bowed in guilt.
A soft groan draws your attention to the walls of your manor, where you see the driver leaning heavily against the wall. 
“Pietro, can you check on him?” you ask.
After a brief, hesitant glance at his sister, Pietro nods and moves toward the driver.
You turn your attention back to Wanda, who now looks as small and uncertain as she did when you first met her—the younger of the orphaned twins brought into your home after losing everything.
“Hey, look at me,” you gently coax, guiding her eyes to meet yours with a reassuring gaze. “Wanda, you did a good job.” 
“But I—”
You quickly shake your head, cutting her off with a firm tone.
“No, you protected us all with your powers,” you remind her. “You did good. Do you understand me?” 
Wanda hesitates before nodding, though the uncertainty and doubt are still evident on her face. Realizing she’ll need more reassurance later, you decide to let it go for now.
“Alright, go see if Pietro needs any help,” you gently instruct, giving her something to focus on to distract her from her troubled thoughts.
As she moves away, you slowly rise to your feet, wincing at the lingering soreness in your body. Your gaze drifts to where the manor’s entrance gates once stood, now reduced to a twisted heap after the carriage crash.
And just when you thought all the repairs to the manor were complete. 
Adding that to your growing list of concerns, you head off to check on the others once more. As you pass by the fallen iron gates, something catches your eye—a faint glow from beneath the wreckage.
Upon closer inspection, you spot a metal glove, that must’ve been left behind by the attacker, trapped under the gate. The faint light comes from a stone embedded in the glove. 
Curious, you reach for the object, your hand hovering above the warm yellow glow and feeling the lingering heat of its use. The stone seems strangely familiar as if you’ve encountered it before. 
A dull ache suddenly blooms at the back of your mind, causing you to close your eyes briefly and press a hand to your temple.
A quick flash of memory flits through your mind—a voice, someone speaking, no, commanding you, but you can’t make out what they’re saying.
The headache subsides just as quickly as it came, and when you open your eyes again, the yellow glow of the stone flickers and fades away.  
You frown, staring at the stone in confusion, struggling to remember what had just crossed your mind. 
Why can’t you seem to recall what you were doing just now?
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
a/n: this was meant to be a part of the previous chapter but it ended up too long so I decided just to cut it and put this as its own short part. thanks again for reading!
Taglist : @midastouch013, @2silverchain, @dvrkhcld, @observeowl, @x-drowned-x, @fireandblood-3, @natsxwife, @leequifey, @blacklightsposts, @srt-sah, @scar-letwidow, @likefirenrain, @autorasexy, @natsbiggestfan1, @lex13cm, @iheartjohansson, @tofu9162, @nothanksbye07, @unexpected-character, @natashasilverfox, @acciowriting, @qtreesfanstuff, @mrsrushman
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Tommy Shelby- His Ballet Girl
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I had the idea of Tommy dating someone who is a ballet dancer and one of my followers gave me the idea of Tommy cheating on his wife. This does not represent my beliefs, cheating is horrible
Warnings- Tommy cheating on his wife and reader not caring.
YN has been dancing since she could walk, she feel in love with ballet when her parents took her to her first theatre show. From that moment on YN begged her parents for ballet shoes and lessons.
Now being 29 years old she is now dancing in the same show she first saw, The Nutcracker.
YN sits in the garrison with the Shelby's, who she's known for many years. Even though she was from a different social class she always got on with the brothers and Ada, but she's specifically close with Tommy... very close to Tommy.
YN walks through the garrison to their room. Not knocking she walks in and sits next to Arthur 
"No thanks Arthur. Have rehearsal early tomorrow"
"How is it going?" Lizzie asks sitting on Tommys lap. Although YN feels a little jealous, she knows that tonight Tommy will be warming her bed not theirs which puts a smile on YNs face
"Good thank you. Are you guys coming to the first show?" YN asks looking around
"Actually I wanted to ask you for a favour" YN looks at Lizzie "I'm not sure if you know this, but Tommy is throwing me a huge party for my birthday" YN did know because Tommy was in her bed moaning about having to throw this party "and I was wondering if you would perform"
"Of course. Tommy can let me know the date" Tommy sits quietly, he's not uncomfortable with this situation, his wife and his mistress talking
"So YN how's your mystery man?" Esme asks
"He's great. Bought me this" YN shows off her necklace
"When are we meeting this mystery man?" Lizzie asks, oh if she only knew
"Not sure. He needs to leave his wife first" Tommy coughs nudging Lizzie off his lap
"I have to get going if I want to get to London at a decent time"
"Ok. I'll miss you" she leans down and kisses his lips
"Yeah you too" he replies leaving the room
"Well I'm going to head off home" Lizzie says saying goodbye to everyone
"You sure you don't want a drink?" Arthur asks
"No I'm good thank you. I probably should also go home, go to bed early. I'll see you all tomorrow".
"When are you telling her?" YN asks Tommy lying in bed
"Soon. I want to get her birthday out of the way" YN groans "I know your having fun messing with her though. Showing off your necklace"
"Yes but she's sitting on you lap, asking me to dance at her birthday, it's a bit fucked"
"You agreed to do it" Tommy chuckles making YN smile
"Yes because I wasn't going to get invited else and I would love to sneak off with you at some point during the day"
"I'm sure you would" YN yawns interrupting Tommy "tired?"
"Mmm" YN hums
"Go to sleep. I'll be here in the morning" Tommy kisses her forehead.
Weeks later and it's Lizzie's birthday, she's going around bragging about how amazing Tommy is for making this party possible. YN is stretching before performing when Esme walks over to her
"I know who the mystery man is"
"I'm guessing you spoke to the spirits" YN jokes standing up
"Don't be stupid YN. How long have have you and Arthur been sleeping with each other?"
"Arthur!" YN yells getting you "you think I've been sleeping with Arthur?"
"Well you sit next to him every time we're at the garrison, he's always getting you a drink, taking you home"
"I promise you it's not Arthur" YN watches as Tommy walks into the house without Lizzie "I'll be back later Esme" YN follows Tommy into the house looking for him. Suddenly she's pulled into another room by Tommy locking the door behind him. His lips are immediately on YN's smudging her lipstick.
"Who the hell is it Thomas?" Lizzie whisper yells at Tommy while YN is performing. After Tommy and YN's rendezvous Tommy went back to his wife, not knowing their was lipstick on his shirt
"I'm not doing this now Lizzie"
"Not doing... it's my birthday and you've been fucking someone?"
"Lizzie" Tommy sighs rubbing the temples of his head "just enjoy your birthday and we will talk about this tomorrow" Lizzie crosses her arms in a huff and turns to look at YN who's dancing. She notices YN glances in their direction, she looks at Tommy and notices him staring at her. That's when it clicks
"It's her. You fucking bastard Thomas Shelby" Lizzie storms off but Tommy doesn't go after her. He stays to watch YN.
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ksnfangz · 6 months
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New year, Same Crush, Same friends, Same Grades, and what’s this? A new handsome face!
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Y/n L/n was well known for her bright and bubbly personality, the cheerful girl always smiling and jumping around throughout the school day despite her low scores, and the mean comments made by her classmates about her loudness or existence within their school.
She is also known for her very obvious crush on the school's golden boy Yang Jungwon. The girl does little to nothing to hide the fact that she likes said boy. Even mustering up the courage to confess during their freshman year.
" Jungwonie ~ I like you." you smiled voice pitched a bit higher than usual, eyes shimmering under the bright sunlight. A simple " I am not interested." is all you received in response as the boy walked away leaving you to sweep by yourself.
However, the rejection didn't at all phase Y/n. You were a determined woman and you wouldn't let Jungwon's rejection stop you from crushing– it had become a part of your daily life at this point.
So here you are a year later and still as in love as you were a year prior. Only now you and Jungwon were part of the same friend group. Thanks to your best friend Sunghoon who had become good friends with Jungwon over the Summer. And the final cherry on top was that Jungwon sat at the desk to your right so you could stare at him freely without being called out by their teacher or straining your neck... again.
" Y/nnie~ Guess what! your best friend is going to be one of the top idols in Korea soon." Sunghoon brags sitting himself in the seat to your left. The male had been your best friend since kindergarten so now you were stuck dealing with his randomness forever.
" Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it." you reply eyes never leaving the boy sitting to your right. Smiling as you watch him write down notes from his textbook. No wonder he's at the top of the class, he never stops studying.
" Hey you may doubt me now but I know about 10 companies that would beg to have a face like mine under their label." Sunghoon is about to continue his rant when he feels a tap on his shoulder.
Kim Sunoo.
Kim Sunoo was pretty cute for a guy, very smart, sometimes mean and a bit scary but that just made Sunghoon even more interested. How could someone with the face of a baby be so tough and outspoken?
" Sunghoon hyung you're in my seat!" the boy claims foxlike eyes staring into Sunghoon's widening round ones.
" Oh yes! sorry." The park boy apologizes before moving to the desk behind Sunoo. " Thank you!" the boy said sending Sunghoon one of his usual bright smiles as he sat down in his newly acquired seat. There were no assigned seats but Sunoo knew he wanted to sit beside you this year to make sure he could help you if necessary and because you were a pleasure to be around.
" Yah Kim Sunoo your hair! it looks great, I am jealous." Y/n whines playful pout resting upon her lips as she admires the boy's dark red hair. " Wonyoung dyed hers blonde! I’ve heard that's Jungwon a type." Sunoo whispers. Y/n sighed she had been wanting to dye her hair for ages but her mother would kill her if she ever put color anywhere near her hair. People like Sunoo and Wonyoung were very lucky. Y/n watches as said girl talks to Jungwon with her doll-like smile and flowing blonde locks.
" Do you think I would look good blonde?" The girl asks looking back at Sunghoon. "Of course not!" earning an eye roll from y/n and a smack on the arm from Sunoo that leaves him softly rubbing at the area. “ow.”
" You'd look beautiful with any hair color y/n don't let this fool give you any advice. He once got bleach and dye mixed up and almost went bald!" Sunoo laughs.
" I'm starting to think all the bleach went to his brain." Sunoo adds grabbing his notebook from his book bag.
" Hey! My scores are pretty good in my opinion." Sunghoon argues. " Doing good on the exam is one thing but remembering the information is another Hoon." Sunoo replies.
“ yeah well, I don’t see you offering tutoring sunshine.”
“ as if I’d waste my time tutoring you.”
" Will you two quit flirting in front of me please it's disgusting." Y/n sighs turning her attention back to the cat-eyed boy in front of her. Completely missing the way both of her friend's cheeks flushed in embarrassment.
" Yeah well, why don't you wipe the drool off of your lip and pay attention for once?"
" Yang Jungwon is far more entertaining than whatever Mr.Lee is teaching." Y/n responds her smile growing as she rests her chin in her hands. Of course, you should be paying attention to the lesson since your English grade was a bit low for your parents liking but you’d rather spend your time studying jungwons face than studying the English language.
" Y/n L/n."
The girl snaps out of her trance eyes widening. All eyes shifted towards her. "Please come write the sentence that Wonyoung Just read!" Mr.Les says gesturing towards the freshly wiped chalkboard. Slowly standing from her seat y/n timidly makes her way to the board.
I lost everything, I became a monster that can't die, but now I know what I have to do, Follow the blood token...
The girl freezes what was the last word again she thinks to herself trying to recite the poem in her head again,
how do you even spell that word is it an F or Ph....
English is stupid.
"Fate," says an unfamiliar voice. The chalk is removed from her hands as the unfamiliar male finishes the sentence. Y/n looks up at the boy silently thanking him with her eyes. The boy smiles before turning to face the class.
" he's handsome" "Is he the new transfer from Japan?" " how's he so tall?" I heard he's good at basketball... even better than Lee Heeseung " "No one is better than Lee Heeseung"
" Everyone let's quiet down and give our new student a chance to introduce himself. Y/n you may return to your seat." Mr.Lee says. the girl quickly made her way back to her desk dusting the chalk off of her hands.
" Hello everyone my name is Nishimura Riki, you can all call me Ni-ki, I'm from Japan, and I like sports." The male— Ni-ki informs, the class once again breaking out into small conversations as the male walks to the only empty seat which happens to be right behind y/n.
The boy softly tapping the girl's shoulder to get her attention. "Fate," the boy says once again, showing the word engraved cover of his journal. " Guess I got lucky." he smiles earning a small chuckle from the girl. Completely unaware of the pair of eyes that were lingering on the two.
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A/N ; short first chapter i’ll try to make the next ones longer! I just wanted to get the introduction out of the way. Please let me know if you see and spelling errors, or the name soojin anywhere this was originally an x OC! || next update may take a while i just go a surgery done and the medicine makes me very sleepy
masterlist . next
Taglist Status : open
©KSNFANGZ. please do not plagiarise, repost, copy or translate any of my works without permission!
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖎𝖙 [Change of Heart]
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One step forward, two steps back. But why are you both dancing around like that?
Tags/Warnings: (here we go...) werewolf!kook, Alpha!kook, werewolf!reader, omega!reader, some angst, blood and fighting, we love drama, strangers to mates, soulmate AU, major injury
Length: 2.5k
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You watch from the sidelines as everyone gets ready to shift with their partners to go on the pack hunt- smiling as you see Seokjin and his mate.
"You're not coming?" Jungkook's voice asks from behind you, and for once, you've stopped being so jumpy around him. He's not really done anything that would suggest he wants to just fuck and drop you- so maybe, he's not all that bad of a person. You shake your head, turning it to look at him- his hair a bit curled today. He's probably just showered, considering the way he smells. "Not your thing?" He wonders, visibly happy to notice your pretty obvious shift in behavior towards him as he sits down next to you.
"No-" You shake your head, watching Minjee complain to her mother why she can't tag along. "-just, it's lame to go without a hunting partner. And Yoongi doesn't attend, really." You shrug, when he teasingly bumps his shoulder into yours.
"I'm here though?" He asks, and there's a playful glimmer in his eyes you've not noticed before. Well- there's a lot of things you've not noticed before, considering you didn't bother paying attention to him in detail. Maybe you should. He wants to be your mate, after all- and taking everything into consideration, you're starting to become pretty comfortable with that thought.
"I'm slow." You decline, waving him off with a hand gesture. "And I get lost pretty easy, so, it's not really my thing I guess." You explain to him- but he's stubborn.
"Well, that's why you run with a partner. I don't really know the woods here, but I've got some good orientation skills to make up for it, if I'm allowed to brag." He chuckles, making you roll your eyes. So much to giving him a chance.
Though you can't deny that he's actually not that bad.
You jump up from your spot on the bench, stretching your arms before you turn around. "You know what? Alright." You almost challenge, and you just know from the sight of his sparkling eyes that he'd wag his tail if he had one in his human form. "If I get lost, I'm telling Yoongi it's your fault." You threaten at him as he stands up, your finger poking at the middle of his chest.
But he only grins, lifts your hand to his face, and kisses the back of it with n impish glimmer in his eyes.
"Don't worry." He says, letting you take your hand back. "I won't lose you." He promises, and you look away, walking towards Namjoon and Yoongi to let them know you'll both attend as well. You can sense Jungkook right behind you, and Yoongi seems to notice too- eyeing the alpha behind you with suspicion.
"Yoongi, Jungkook here wants to kidnap me for the hunt this time." You say, earning an insulted gasp from behind.
"That's a lie, you brat!" He scolds, making Namjoon laugh- though Yoongi doesn't seem too impressed.
"I'd rather you stay here." He says, catching you off guard. "You're not suited for a hunt like this. You've never attended before-" He starts, and Jungkook cuts him off.
"Then it's a good time, no?" He says calmly. "She's got to learn at some point. Wrapping your omegas in bubble wrap will only make them easy targets." He says with crossed arms, and you can practically taste the tension suddenly rising.
"Are you telling me how to lead my pack, whelp?" Yoongi threatens lowly, a growl underlining his statement, as Namjoon coughs awkwardly, trying to ease the situation before something could snap.
"I'm sure he simply got a little overexcited, right Jungkook?" He targets his friend and packmember, who you can see grits his teeth with a sharp gaze on Yoongi. "Jungkook."
"Of course. Pardon my manners." He growls just as aggressively at Yoongi, who doesn't back down- though he does relax a bit.
"Though, if I may give my opinion-" Namjoon calmly says to Yoongi next to him. "Jungkook is more than capable of keeping your packmember safe, I assure you." He tells him. "If anyone is to trust, it's him. I'll put my honor in him." He says, and you're not sure what to do now.
"I- don't have to go, actually." You try and pacify everyone in this situation. You always hate things like these. As an omega, you simply can't stand situations like these were people are so close to fighting. The only thing that confuses you right now- and visibly draws both Yoongis and Namjoons attention as well- is how you instinctively stand in front of Jungkook, protectively.
Which probably just looks hilarious, but that's besides the point.
"I see." Yoongi just says after a moment, moving his gaze from you, to Jungkook- before he reaches out to tap the top of your head, a silent wolf-sign of approval, before he leaves you all be, Namjoon following after him.
"I'm sorry." Jungkook suddenly says behind you, a lot softer now than minutes prior. "I didn't mean to get you in such an uncomfortable situation." He says, but you just shrug your shoulders.
"No, you.. were right." You nod, still looking after Yoongi until he disappears from sight. "It's time to learn. Be less dependent on him, you know? Not so weak all the time…" You say, and Jungkook gently offers his hand on your shoulder.
"I think you don't give yourself enough credit." He reassures. "The way you shielded me from your own packleader was pretty attractive, I won't lie." he teases into your ear, and you turn red, attempting to hit his chest-
though he runs off before you can catch him, a boyish smile full of excitement on his lips.
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"Omega, stop looking at the clouds." Jungkook's voice echoes in your head, his heavy body colliding with yours as you get gently scolded.
In a way, you feel a lot more comfortable with his alpha next to you, instead of Jungkook himself- because compared, his alpha is a lot more clear in his behavior, plays with his cards open on the table, so to speak. It reassures you, and gives you a huge feeling of security, especially in an unfamiliar situation such as this one.
So of course, you can't help but be playful with him.
What humans don't understand, is the relation of the subgender to yourself. It's not like you and your omega, or Jungkook and his alpha are two different entities- it's more complicated than that. Jungkook is his alpha, his alpha is him. The only difference existing in this form is what isn't there- it's like who's in control at what time. His instincts are free in this form, emotions raw and uncontrolled, everyone simply existing in the moment, neither in the past nor the future. In this form, he's the purest version of himself, so to speak, no social boundaries or human insecurities clouding his actions and words. And it's the same for you.
And to him, it couldn't be any more beautiful.
Gone is the damage that the past had inflicted on your human soul. Forgotten is what holds you back from seeing him right in front of you. Instead, you're playful, carefree and wild- you're what he's always been longing for, what he's finally found. But his moment of tranquility is interrupted by a sudden movement close by that makes him stop in his tracks, listening closely as you walk closer as well, and come to a stop next to him. Something doesn't feel right- there's no prey around, nothing jumping through the forest, not even birds chirping as if they've all gone away.
As if something scared them off.
And then it happens.
A shot rings out, and you yelp- he can't check if you're injured or not as you both run off into the direction you came from, another shot landing in a tree right next to Jungkook's face- so close he could've sworn he could hear it whizz past him. He runs and keeps an eye on you- changing his side to the one the shots come from, to shield you in case another shot tries to land. You luckily don't seem to be injured- and soon, he can see Seokjin and the others already high alert as they've probably heard the noise. "What happened?" Seokjin wonders, but Jungkook shakes his head as he doesn't slow down.
"Run back!" He barks out, and everyone follows the advice instantly.
Another shot falls, and he can hear it so close to him it makes his spine shiver. He can see the pack houses come into view, and every pack leader and beta already protectively out in front, expecting everyone as they've probably sent all the others inside. Whoever had been running after them has gone by now- scent leaving, a car speeding off in the distance. "What happened?" Namjoon demands instantly. "Is anyone hurt?"
"No-" Seokjin pants, before he turns around. "-right? Jungkook? You both alright?" He wonders, and just then the Alpha finally gets the time to check you over.
Yoongi watches as the wolf scans you urgently for any signs of potential injury, noticing the way you don't put weight on one of your back legs. "It's just sore." You explain. "I.. bent it weird when I got scared." You reassure, though he intently sniffs your fur, not letting your words ease his mind before he can make sure himself. It's an oddly reassuring sight for Yoongi to see- it's first proof to him that you'll be fine in the hands of the alpha, if you choose to stay with him. Jungkook huffs in relief when he doesn't find anything that could tell him you're hurt- and a sore leg would heal quickly on it's own.
"Maybe we should call of the-" Seokjin starts, but you whimper at that.
"No, Jinnie!" You complain. "You've waited so long!" You whine, and he walks closer to try and calm you down.
"I know, but it's not worth it if we're potentially in danger." He denies.
"We can just stay a little longer, and discuss if your mate could stay here until the next full moon." Namjoon offers. "If Yoongi agrees, she could stay here."
"We would need an exchange." Yoongi shakes his head however, arms crossed. "I can't randomly take in members like that, Namjoon."
"I know." The leader says, a little amused. "And I think.. I might know who could help with this." He says, looking at you, who's still being licked and groomed by an overly worried alphawolf next to you, large beast all over you as he makes sure no scent of fear would stick with you any longer.
Yoongi sighs. "We'll talk about that later." He simply says, walking off.
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"I'm exchanging." You say the next morning as you've sat down across from Jungkook at the table where he's having his breakfast at. He falls into a cough at that, almost choking on his cereal.
"What?" He asks, and you shrug, putting your own spoon in your bowl.
"I offered myself." You say simply, and he's a lot more collected now.
"I- yeah, I assumed as much. But-" He puts down his spoon. "Yoongi agreed?" He wonders, and you nod. "So you're coming with me? m-My pack, I mean. Namjoon's pack." He corrects himself almost in a hurry, making you smile.
"Yep." You nod. "Gotta pack my things tonight, and we'll still have the festival, though things are gonna be changed a bit to fit the new event better." You say, before pointing your spoon at his bowl. "You wanna have your cereal go soggy?" You tease, and he picks up his own at that remark, continuing to eat-
though you can feel his eyes on you the entire time, until he finishes.
"I hope you know that you don't have to do that." He says after putting the bowl back down, placing the spoon in the empty dish. "I'm happy, don't get me wrong- but,"
"Don't worry." You shake your head. "I would've offered myself either way. Seokjin deserves to be happy. He's waited for a long time, and it's time I find myself a mate too, don't you think?" You wonder.
Jungkook crosses his arms, leans them on the table.
"Your pack has a lot to offer." You rant on, finding amusement in the clear boiling emotions in the alpha in front of you. "Namjoon spoke to an alpha named Jimin, yesterday. Very pretty face. Not too intimidating, seems very nice." You almost sing.
He deserves this, you think to yourself. After all, you've spoken to other's of his pack as well- and the stories you've been told about him are anything but nice and of any nature that would cause trust. He's done this in the past, if the things his packmates told you are correct; he plays around with omegas of other packs during the festival times, and leaves them behind once they're over. He probably hoped he could do that to you too.
But you're not that easy.
He notices the shift in behavior towards him by now, the icy stare you send him reminding him of the very beginnings when he's first met you. He just doesn't know why- has he done anything to come off too strong? Has he pushed you back for one reason or another?
He can't come up with an answer.
"What's gotten you so petty at me suddenly?" He wonders, a little irritated by your behavior. He doesn't like that you're jabbing at him with cryptic hits instead of openly explaining what's on your mind- and it seems like you won't tell him no matter how much he wants to, as you stand up and collect your bowl and spoon.
"Nothing." You simply answer. "I need to go pack my things." You excuse yourself, and he wants to reach out, grab after you-
but he doesn't. He's got no right to keep you at his side-
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showtoonzfan · 11 months
Hey it’s been a bit! The Mammon episode finally came out, so here’s my review!
- The sign language scene was cute. Kinda weird that a kid was seeing a show that was clearly for adults but I love me some representation so it gets a pass.
- Despite Blitz not really needing to be in this episode, I thank god he had little screen time and more time was dedicated to Fizz.
- The fish ladies (despite having wonky color palettes that made them EXTREMELY hard to look at) were cute.
- Mammon is so flat and uninteresting but I don’t know what I expected from a creator who always hypes her characters up that always end up being one of the three go-to personalities she picks for her male characters. In Mammon’s case he’s just a loud mouth cursing bum so way to ruin another Deadly Sin and make them boring af, moving on.
- I don’t like how Mammon and Fizz’s relationship are similar of Val and Angel’s, Viv keeps recycling stories, characters and plot lines ect, it makes Angel’s story for Hazbin really predictable/underwhelming and not exciting to look forward too especially since we already have the “mafia bad daddy” aspect to him too that they pulled for Moxxie. I guess the idea of Mammon being a controlling ruler is fine on paper but not much is done with it, Fizz just quits in the end like it was easy with zero consequences so what was all that build up for.
- Fizz himself once again feels REALLY out of character, he’s just too soft compared to how he was introduced in season 1. He’s constantly nervous in this episode and insecure, as well as walking on eggshells, and even in Oops he wasn’t THIS sensitive. I’m all for characters struggling and being kicked down but it has to make sense and not feel forced, and once again it feels like Viv is trying way to hard to make the characters she once introduced as snarky assholes to uwu innocent babies. I refuse to believe Fizz was actually INTIMIDATED by this random geeky imp who insulted him, as well as the fish ladies whom he was weirdly nice and welcoming to. It’s also weird seeing how uncomfortable/nervous he was around his fans when I thought the whole point was that he LOVED praise and loved being famous, at least that was season 1 Fizz. Now he feels retconned. Seeing him say “I just need this gig” is weird too, the explanation to why he went through all of this makes no sense, Fizz still has Ozzie and is famous in the Lust ring, and I understand Mammon is his idle but to go through all that abuse for so long for something that could have been so easily avoided feels forced to fit the plot, but it also makes Fizz look dumb.
- There’s confusing lore stuff regarding Mammon and Ozzie, and it makes me realize that Viv should have picked ONE storyline aka ONE Seven Deadly sin to go with Fizz’s story because this is getting mixed up. Fizz acts like if he looses this completion, he looses everything, which confused the heck out of me because no he wouldn’t have? First of all, Ozzie is a fucking powerful sin, how would you loose him? Second, from what we know from season 1, Fizz is a jester who performs at Ozzie’s club. It was Ozzie who built the sex robots across the rings of hell, NOT Mammon, and in season 2 we see that Fizz is under Ozzie’s care and lives in his house. Yet for some weird reason Mammon also represents Fizz and uses him for profit, but it’s not really explained in a way that makes sense, like Love’s art had said in her Fizz redesign video, Fizz’s job is really confusing on what exactly he does. Having both Ozzie and Mammon represent him overcomplicates things and the show did a poor job at explaining how this goes.
- Once again Viv dumps trauma and struggle onto her characters without building it up first. When did Fizz ever give off the impression that he was being controlled or abused, or even that he was so insecure and constantly walked on eggshells to be perfect. In Oops he was happy to be in the spotlight and happy to get the attention, he bragged to Blitz about how successful he was. He seemed happy to perform for Mammon and talked of him highly, and now you’re pulling an Angel Dust situation where he’s expected to be perfect 24/7 and it gets to him emotionally, while also being someone who’s physically and mentally abused. Yet another season 2 episode that wasn’t planned, same as how Millie wanting to feel important wasn’t planned, same as how Stolas seeing Blitz as genuine love wasn’t planned. Different episode, same issues.
- I’m so done with the Hell lore bro, this place officially has no rules and demons can just do anything without consequences. There’s no class system, there’s no rankings, there’s no power dynamics, screw anything that Viv says. There was no fucking reason why Ozzie and Fizz’s relationship needed to be a secret. There was no reason showing Ozzie threatening his workers to not tell anyone about his love life if he was just going to admit it to EVERYONE THE NEXT EPISODE IN FRONT OF ANOTHER SIN ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME— what was the POINT. What is the point of Stolas and Blitz’s conflict. What is the point of Stella being classist. What is the point of these class systems and rules if you can just announce that you technically broke a hell rule and no one gives a fuck and you get off scott free. Mammon telling Ozzie “you’ll regret that” like a cartoon villain doesn’t do anything either. What is he ganna do? Tell Lucifer, the character that canonically won’t appear in HB because the sins won’t appear in HH? If Lucifer rules over the sinners, who the fuck is in charge for the rest of Hell. Where’s the authority? And Mammon is just ganna come back for another episode to give the gang trouble cause lord knows we don’t have enough fucking villains already.
- It feels weird that Ozzie would just sit back while someone whom he knows is a piece of shit is treating his loved one badly. I get he was concerned but you’d think one of the seven deadly sins would have more power and authority.
- I was expecting some big gross bug-like thing to appear when Mammon was transforming into his final form, only for it to the exact same design but with small extra eyes and a spider lower half that isn’t even visible in most shots….GOD VIV.
Watching this episode also made me remind myself that this is supposed to be Hell. Seeing Fizz feel better and stand up for himself was sweet but these soft lessons and morals don’t belong in a show like this, and it’s extra aggravating regarding Viv’s double standard, how she can just pick and choose which characters she wants to be evil and which characters are saints. Overall not anywhere near the worst episode of season 2, but I am officially done with Helluva Boss so-
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lu-zijing · 4 months
Soooooo, me and @cherllyio looked through some scenes in the ~ LMK S5 trailer ~ again, and stopped by this specifically scene yet again:
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Credit to "@SimplyRemarkable" on YouTube for uploading the trailer
Who Is MK Attacking???
Cherrlyio (aka Cory) was like the first time we saw it and said again: "That kinda looks like Li Jing, you know, The one MK is attacking." And I was also like the first time we saw it and said again: "Hmm, are you sure?? I don't know, it could be, but who knows? It's so blurry." Cory: "Well, maybe.. I guess it could be something else, but still." Me: "Fair enough."
((I think they made a post about the whole thing- Go check out their channel, they got good stuff—))
*Us looking through the trailer again today-*
Imagine that whole conversation again- and THEN—
Me: "hm.. I'm still not sure... Waiiiiiittttt-- Dosn't it kinda look like the Black Tortoise? It's feet, I mean."
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Me: "The one who was likely also present in the scene right before?~"
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Cory: "....OHSHI——"
Me:"( ̄︶ ̄)"
Cory: "SHIT YOU'RE RIGHT——!!! w(゚Д゚)w"
Cory: "Ah damn, I just made a post about it being Li Jing...."
Yes, I'm bragging a little bit over for Cory—
It could just be that the angle turned after that first picture we see the Black Tortoise in, where it is behind the kneeling Mk.
Because, it is not behind MK any longer, in the scene where he is seemingly attacking it.
And it could even be in this scene too-!
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Where - in that case - we see Sandy seemingly attacking it??
Credit to @deliveryboysomewhatequaltoheaven For pointing that detail out!
And here comes a theory: ~~
The Black Tortoise is one of Four Mythological Creatures that appear in Chinese Philosophy/Astrology.
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Picture 1: http://www.ianridpath.com/startales/chinese.html
Picture 2: https://www.mapcompanion.org/constellations-song-dynasty/
It is usually represented with a snake coiled around it's body, but I mean - We haven't gotten one good look at it in the trailer, so that doesn't mean it can't be what we saw in LMK
Soo huuh~? Could it be that they are appearing in LMK??
If you wanna know more about them @deliveryboysomewhatequaltoheaven seems to have made some posts about it! I didn't know they had also noticed it, so go check that out if you can't wait!!
Because I am also currently making a video about it, hoping to be posted in the near future on YouTube, A continuation of my collab with @cherllyio "The ULTIMATE Breakdown of the Season 5 Trailer" (on YouTube)
So You might ask... Even if it actually is a black turtle, how do you know it's the one from the Four Mythological Creatures in Chinese Culture??
WELL, ma bud ~ Because there IS proof that ALL THE OTHER THREE CREATURES actually appeared in the trailer-!!!
You wanna know what~? []~( ̄▽ ̄)~*
*Psssst* Then here-! Take a quick little sneak peak at the video in process~~
An Azure Dragon:
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A White Tiger:
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A Vermillion Bird:
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AND the Black Tortoise:
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As It seems very likely that we have seen three, if not ALL four of them . . .
-It would make quite a lot of sense that these four creatures who are appearing in the trailer IS INDEED the Four Auspicious Beasts Yes, they got many names, google it- from the Chinese Constellations.......!!!!?OAUFR)EKWNADOIFNKAAODNKFLF——!!???
But WAIT! I'm not done yet--
Here's ONE more detail that we're gonna cover in that video I mentioned~ :
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These characters are wearing White Tiger accessories AND holding an Azure Dragon, instead of an red-gold Dragon that is usually held during Chinese Lunar New Year, which this could very well be..?
Even if it actually IS a thing to use Azure Dragons too, it IS a little suspicious they BOTH have an Azure Dragon and things that represents a WHITE TIGER..?
I'm pretty sure orange tigers is more usual too, just like red-gold Dragon is more common in China as well.
What do you Think~?
If you're interested in that video, where me and Cory will be covering more details and some basic knowledge about these Four Creatures, Then keep an eye out on my Blog!
I will defintely Post an Update here. And Cory will do so too, as it is a Collab~
Well, that was all for now!
Just realised this is the first time ever I made a long theory post like this—
I like it
Cory: "...........*sighs in tiredness, after making so many long theory-posts at this point already...*"
Hope You found it interesting..!
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cafeacademia · 2 years
𝐒𝐥𝐢𝐩 𝐔𝐩
𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐝 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 | 𝐒𝐌𝐔𝐓 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐃𝐍𝐈
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: While at Rossi's for a dinner party, Spencer has a bit too much to drink and accidentally spills the details about your secret relationship...
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: Some sex descriptions, oral, Spencer's a little bit wine drunk but mostly just chatty and giggly, reader is embarrassed, flirting, you can look at Morgan and Penelope as a couple or just flirty friends in this one.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: Approx 1k
𝐌𝐲 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 | 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Hello! This one was requested by @reidsbookclub! I hope this turned out okay and you enjoy it!!
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Rossi had decided that after a string of particularly heavy cases you had all worked on nearly back to back over the last few months, that it was well and truly time for a proper night off. He’d invited you all over to his house for dinner, you’d offered to help him with cooking, being good with cooking yourself, but he refused and told you that you needed to relax.
Which was what led you to sitting next to a partially wine drunk Spencer while rain poured down in torrential sheets outside. Dinner had been and gone and now the evening continued with casual chatter in the living room. But Spencer kept letting Rossi and Derek top up his wine glass a few times, to the point that he was now a bit beyond tipsy and oh so giggly and chatty.
“Oof, no I think my worst experience was with a guy who bragged so much about knowing what he was doing but when it came to it, he had no idea how to please a lady.” Emily said, adding to the current conversation about awkward and embarrassing sexapades. “What about you, Morgan?” JJ moved the conversation across the room to him and he raised a brow, smirking while he thought about what could be the best story to tell. “It better not be about me.” Penelope warned and he grinned over at her. “Oh no, baby girl. You know you’re the best for me.” He winked.
But as Morgan told his story, Spencer was getting lost in his thoughts. He’d had sex before, but nothing compared to the sex he had with you. But no one on the team knew that. They had no idea you’d even kissed before, let alone the secret nights where he fucked you deep into the motel mattress after sneaking to your room on a case, or the times you had a heated makeout session in the back of one of the SUVs or… Well any of it.
But the thought that came to his mind almost made his mouth water. You loved to let him dom you, you loved the way he treated you in bed. He was the perfect mixture of soft and dominating and you would do anything he told you to so long as he called you his good girl.
But his favourite of all things to do to you was work you up and up until you were so sensitive, making you cum on his tongue over and over again until you couldn’t take any more orgasms. It was a thought that almost made him feel even more drunk just imagining it.
“Spence?” “Mm?” Spencer snapped out of his daydream and locked eyes with JJ. “Any embarrassing sex stories, boy wonder?” Penelope asked, almost teasingly. He didn’t even think, the words just poured out from his lips before he even had a chance to consider that it was a secret. He looked right at you, heart eyes and all as he spoke. “I wouldn’t know, but I do know that my good girl loves it when I use my-.” He was quickly interrupted by a sharp jab to the side and he looked over at your shocked face as the realisation dawned upon him. “Oh shit.” He muttered. “Oh my god! You two? You two are dating?!” Penelope gasped. “I knew it! I knew you were a thing!” Emily was all too ecstatic about it with JJ at her side getting excited that you two were in fact together.
You wanted the sofa to swallow you whole when you saw Rossi, Hotch and Morgan passing their bets to each other. “I told you.” Hotch told Rossi in his very I told you so dad tone. Fuck knows how long he’d known this was going on for and you weren’t really sure you wanted to know how he’d guessed.
“Sweetheart I’m so sorry.” Spencer whispered to you. While part of you was absolutely mortified, you were grateful at least that he hadn’t actually said the full act out loud. But maybe a little part of you was a tiny bit turned on by how much you had short circuited him into accidentally blabbing your sex life to everyone. Okay, no, you were very turned on, but you couldn’t deny that you were horribly embarrassed all at the same time. But you thanked yourself at least that it wasn’t like anyone had walked in on you and Spencer doing something in secret, especially on a case when you definitely shouldn’t be fucking.
“So when did this happen?” Penelope asked, sitting forwards in her seat and pointing between you two. “Seven months, thirteen days and,” Spencer paused to look at his watch. “Approximately three hours ago.” He confirmed and you wanted to fully climb behind the sofa and escape. “You’ve been keeping it secret for seven months?” Penelope asked.
“You okay, baby girl?” Spencer asked, leaning in to speak to you quietly. “I don’t know if I was ready for them to know about us.” You sighed softly. “But it’s okay, they seem happy about it at least.” You smiled. “I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you later.” Spencer dropped his voice to a whisper, hand coming to rest on your thigh and the dark tone in his voice was enough to make your breath hitch in your throat. “I’ll do anything you want.” He whispered while the others chatted loudly about how surprised some of them were and the rest of them boasting about how they’d always known you’d make a good couple.
“Anything I want?” You asked quietly. “Yeah, baby girl. Anything.” You might have felt embarrassed by Spencer’s slip up, but you knew he’d more than make up for it. You were in for a few nights of anything you asked for… Maybe letting that secret slip wasn’t such a bad thing after all.
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@reidsbookclub @russian-potatoes @hallecarey1 @deanhisbaby @alexxavicry @guridoodles @liltimmyst @f-me-reid
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diagonal-queen · 2 years
ok so wht abt flexible!reader with dazai, chuuya, and fyodor? like it can be taken in an nsfw way or just their general reaction to it
Reader who is flexible
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♡ pairing: Dazai Osamu, Chuuya Nakahara, Fyodor Dostoyevsky x gn!flexible!Reader
♡ synopsis: How do these boys react to finding out their S/O is flexible?
♡ cw: Suggestive content (damnit Dazai and Chuuya), swearing, for Chuuya I'm assuming reader is also in the mafia.
note: Of all the reqs I never expected one like this, I enjoyed writing it! Also what do you guys think of this colour scheme? I know it’s random but like it reminds me of the ocean a little bit…I hope you like it too 🌸 Apologies for errors, I hope you enjoy :)
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It wouldn't be Dazai if he wasn't sometimes being a little bit of a pervert (exhibit A: "Miss Sasaki's sexy." - Dazai, while she's sitting right there after enduring physical trauma)
His mind definitely wanders to some inappropriate places. And he lets you know about it (damnit Dazai)
But he'd also be generally curious about it, and ask you to do certain poses and stuff and be like 'woahhhh :O' when you do them (it's actually really cute to see)
Probably comes up with some fancy new double suicide methods that are compatible with your flexibility, kinda like the barrel thing he did in ep. 2 I guess? But less painful
Would bring it up out of nowhere. Like if he sees a vent or something in the ceiling he'd point it out and be like 'Do you think you'd be able to fit in there'
Makes 'The Ring' and 'The Exorcist' jokes and asks you to recreate their poses from the movies lol
You have to remind him that being flexible doesn't make you a contortionist (in his head they're basically the same I guess lol)
Despite all this he's actually very impressed by it. You're his S/O after all! Anything you do is worthy of his praise ^-^
He is concerned about your health. And your spine.
Don't get me wrong, he's definitely impressed. But he can't shake off the twinge of worry that you're gonna dislocate a joint or something whenever you're stretching/flexing. At least, this is the case the first time he sees the extent of your flexibility lol
That being said, he does think not only can it be useful while fighting but ~other things~, so he doesn't mind it at all
Chuuya strikes me as a mating press enjoyer
Chuuya is also pretty flexible so you two would work on incorporating that into your self-defence skills (we all saw that one scene from Fifteen- y'all are doing some epic kicks)
He thinks it's cool but he always reminds you not to overexert yourself and to try not to tear anything. If you did though, don't worry- he'd help take care of you <3
Probably asks you to demonstrate it to your guys' friends like 'Hey babe show 'em that thing you did the other day' lol (he wants to brag about it so bad)
Even though it makes him worry a little he does legitimately respect your flexibility. He knows it would have taken a lot of work to develop the skill and so he admires it
He's an old-fashioned Russian dude who enjoys the arts. This man has seen a Swan Lake production or two in his life.
So he's rather impressed to see that you're physically flexible, because he respects ballerinas and how much work they put into their physicality (AND SO SHOULD YOU 😤). This is the case even if you don't do ballet (he just assumes that you've trained hard regardless), but he does suggest it to you. He'd also probably offer to pay for lessons lol
One of the main reasons it impresses him is because he isn't able to do it himself (he's brittle T-T) so he's like...'well you must be a very special individual' lol
Tells you not to tell Mykola about it, not for sexual reasons- Mykola's just a dick and he'd mess with you for hours (and tbh also probably make sexual comments on it now that I think of it)
He lowkey finds it kind of interesting. Like Dazai he'd probably ask you to do certain poses and stuff since he's kind of amused by it
Honestly, besides that he doesn't really...care? Lmao it's not like he doesn't care about you or he's not impressed by it, but it really just doesn't affect his life at all outside of that
Unless you guys...uhh...use it in other ways? > - >
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i'm sorry if this is a little vague and boring...i got a big case of block today... (ノ_<。) i'm sorry anon i love you
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captain-mj · 1 year
May tumblr endure the pain of all the angst fics on it's sight for eating your askbox.
Well then, I'm really glad you liked the Selkie!Ghost prompt I sent in :D, I loved what you did with it ^^ -X/3NH
(If you want the old prompt just tell me)
Okay new prompt: Ghost is a monster that lives under the bed and in the closets of children. Soap has been the singular person he's haunted, not by choice, just because Soap won't have a single nightmare related to him. In fact, Soap sees him as a friend.
Ghost's kind feeds off nightmares related to them, so he's latched to Soap until he can get a singular nightmare out of him. But Soap is now in 141 and he still hasn't had that nightmare relating to him.
So Ghost now protects Soap because he's grown attached.
(Do what you want w this concept, but I was thinkin Ghost takes a shot for Johnny, but gets that nightmare he wants so bad, it's about him dying in Soap's arms. Ghost's now free, free to choose another contract, but he doesn't want to get anymore nightmares, he wants to be with Soap. (also his family isn't too nice cause "he's the reason SOap doesn't experience nightmares, he's doing it wrong" (No soap is just a massive fan of monsters and doesn't feel scared around them)))
Wow thats a lot, well enjoy ^^
Hello friend! I want to say, I absolutely adore your asks and I'm sorry for always taking so long to answer them! They usually need to be a tad longer than my normal stuff and I want to do them justice! Also, did some very mild experimentation with some formatting/punctuation. Nothing super noticeable but if you notice something looks weird, its on purpose!
Also, Ghost is also a child for the first portion of this. He matures a bit faster but their age gap is only really a year (felt weird writing about an adult monster under some kid's bed)
Ghost had never, ever heard of a kid like Soap. The kid was... well. If changelings were real, Ghost would put money on him being one.
Soap regularly grabbed spiders and played with him. Not the cruel playing of little tyrants that ripped their legs off, but a genuine, loving little thing. He'd pet them and let them crawl over his hands and set them outside when they started to get agitated.
Snakes fascinated him. The first time he managed to see one at school, he came home, sat on the floor and told Ghost all about it. How the scales moved and reminded him of Ghost's arms. Then he asked Ghost if he was a snake which made him lash out and try to yank the kid under the bed.
However, since Soap feared him no more than he feared snakes or spiders or soft kittens, he just went straight through him. It looked more like he tried to pat him than anything else.
Ghost couldn't believe it. Other monsters his age were back home! Bragging! And here he was, taking way too much time.
"I'm going to kill you!"
Soap sighed. "You're always so grumpy. Do you want me to make you a cup of tea?"
"...I guess." Ghost pouted.
Soap smiled at him, radiant. Ghost wondered if he was made out of the sun.
The tea was delicious. He even got biscuits on the side.
"Why do you want me to be scared of you anyway?"
Ghost refused to talk to him about it, worried it would ruin his chances of ever going home. Soap smiled at him.
"Is it like a grade? If you scare me, you get a better grade?"
"Something like that." Ghost agreed. "I need to scare you."
"I will do my best to be scared by you!" Soap smiled at him and finished eating.
On Soap's thirteenth birthday party, far far after when Ghost should be long gone, he asked for some odd things. Horror posters and books about mythology. Ghost knew he was trying to get more information on him, probably to banish him.
Soap never did anything though. He continued to be his friend with so much ease. He also never told anyone else. At some point, Soap realized this was abnormal and instead of panicking like Ghost had hoped or maybe telling someone, he just moved on.
"We're friends. I couldn't endanger you like that." Soap had answered honestly when Ghost asked.
"We are NOT friends."
Soap smiled easily. "I'll get you to admit it one day. I promise." He gently nudged Ghost's shoulder. Ghost hadn't been touched in a while and the fact that Soap could touch him but he couldn't quite touch Soap was... weird. A little scary.
Soap smiled at him gently.
Ghost hated the day that... man put the idea of the military in Soap's head. He inspired Soap apparently. Sent him on this spiral to try to get into the military.
"Fucking hell, Johnny. The military?" Ghost sat on his bed and stretched out. His shadows had shifted from... well shadows into dark clothing. Recently, he had gotten used to adjusting them to look like a leather jacket, leather pants and dark gloves. If this so happened to be exactly like Soap's most recent movie crush, then it was purely coincidental. And if maybe, just maybe, Ghost enjoyed the lingering gazes from Soap, that was also coincidental.
He cropped up in Soap's dreams sometimes, but it was never frightening. The only reason he even knew was because Soap sometimes muttered his name in his sleep.
"It would be great! Going out there, helping people, good innocent people. Going on missions and adventures."
"Your brains being splattered against the ground. Dying. Fucking up and hurting people that don't deserve it." Ghost grinned, ignoring Soap's scrunched up face.
"Stop being such a bawbag. This isn't going to scare me so you're just doing it to be a dick." Soap hit Ghost with a pillow.
Ghost laughed and laid flat on his bed. He went quite when Mrs. MacTavish passed by, asking if either of them needed snacks. "She can't hear me, can she?"
"Course she can. Why couldn't she?" Soap tilted his head.
Ghost frowned. At this rate, he might as well just become human. He already fucking was. "How long?"
"About two years now. She thinks you're super shy." Soap explained, not understanding how terrible this was for Ghost.
Ghost dissolved, slinking under the bed.
"Wait, Ghost!" Soap looked under the bed. "Come on. Are you sad about your family again?"
Soap flinched and sighed. "I'll make you tea, okay?" He left Ghost alone for a bit while he did.
Ghost did miss his family. He couldn't go back until he fucking got a stupid nightmare and he was hungry because Soap's dreams were so fucking devoid of any fear. Stupid asshole.
The tea made things a little better.
When Soap finally got everything together to join the military, he was 15. Too young to actually join, but that wasn't going to stop the asshole. He planned to join and Ghost had to go with him.
The problem? While Ghost was roughly 16, he didn't have any papers saying he existed and he couldn't just wait for Soap to come home on his leaves. So he just made some stuff. Fake documents and different things. he was also very, very fleshy. Soap and him had touched hands and his skin felt the same way.
It disgusted him. He really, really hoped that while they were in the military, Soap would learn fear.
But that didn't happen.
Because Ghost was accepted and Soap wasn't.
"You're clearly too young. Try again next year."
Ghost felt his heart drop.
This did not occur to him as a possibility.
Soap immediately started in on the man while Ghost sat there, stunned. He tried to smoke away. Dissolve and reappear miles away and back home.
His body refused. Panic flooded him.
Ghost spent... three years? Time was weird. But he bumbled around the military. For the first time... ever, he ate what he was supposed to. Nightmares. None of them were good enough. They weren't Soap. It was better than the nothing he had been experiencing the past 19 years. That's when they reunited again.
Soap flinched when he saw him before hearing him speak and immediately brightening. "Hello... Simon."
"Hello, Johnny."
So Ghost watched out for him. He had to keep him alive and safe. Both because of his job and also because Soap needed to dream of him to set him free.
Soap still dreamed about him. Ghost could hear him speaking his name in the dark of night. Saying it with a tone that Ghost heard other people use in these scenarios. It was different than the playful manner of when they were younger. For some reason, it made Ghost's chest flutter.
Somehow, Ghost became a Lieutenant and Soap became one of his Sergeants. They worked together well and no one ever suspected it was because they were old friends.
Ghost had long since felt human. Any connection he had to being a monster gone. Even if he fed off the fear of his comrades, they weren't exactly Soap. He still had to eat human food and had human problems like cold hands.
Still felt pain.
The bullet went straight through his chest and the blood from his wound splattered all over Soap's face.
Soap's blue eyes widened. He was finally afraid.
It tasted rather bitter.
Ghost collapsed into him and Soap cradled his body. His blood covered them both.
Soap screamed his little head off. So loud and insistent.
Ghost wanted to dissolve. Wanted to sink back into the darkness and hide under Soap's bed again.
"never wanted to join the military."
"Why did you then?"
"wanted to stay close to you." Ghost admitted, panting. His mask felt tight around his face. "it wasn't just a job for me. hadn't been for a while."
"The military?"
"No. Johnny." Ghost leaned up and kissed him through the fabric.
He finally dissolved.
His consciousness floated somewhere. It felt like home. He could still smell the soap Mrs. MacTavish used on the sheets.
Soap dreamed of him. Ghost was rather violently dragged into it, spectating whatever Soap finally put together.
The fear and adrenaline was intoxicating. Finally rid him of the awful feeling of being hungry that had plagued him for so long.
Soap held his body. It looked much worse than it was. The entire world seemed tinged with Ghost's blood.
"Please. Please. Stay with me." Soap begged, rocking his body.
Johnny wasn't afraid of Ghost. He was afraid for Ghost.
How endearing.
The bond between them, the hold, snapped. Ghost felt himself start to spiral away from Soap, his body wanting to spin back into smoke.
But he dug his heels in.
"No." Ghost mumbled. "Got this fucking far. Can't ditch now." He had spent the majority of his life with Soap and he was realizing now that he wanted to spent the rest of it with him too.
It continued to drag him and he struggled and thrashed until his eyes flickered open to see Soap staring at him.
"You're awake."
"Fucking hell, don't stare at me like that. And I'm supposed to be the monster here." Ghost sat up, fully healed.
Soap went to stop him before pausing. "Always forget you're not human. You okay?"
Ghost nodded.
"Do you remember what happened?"
He nodded again.
"All of it?" Soap batted those damn eyelashes at him.
"If you're asking for another kiss, you can just lean down."
This kiss didn't have fabric between them.
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moonlight-tmd · 3 months
Audio edits bring me new ideas-
Team Prime and Elite Guard having some sort of beef with who's really a better team and them having a little competition event to prove it. Not everyone has their role matched or can be tested easily so only a part of the teams compete-
First is Optimus vs Sentinel in combat- the first one to disarm the other one wins. Sentinel pulls shady moves left and right and Op just goes with it, I guess they do bicker while they're at it which results in more like "real violence than just a spare" type of combat. Eventually the clash they have ends up injuring Sentinel unabling him from using his shield, but it also breaks Op's axe which also disarms him. It's a tie. (Op doesn't regret injuring Sentinel one bit)
Next day is Prowl vs Jazz: whoever strikes the most targets in a timed run wins. They're not much on competition against each other but they still take it as a little fun test for themselves. They end up in a perfect match with points and targets, a well respected tie.
Then the final competition is up, Blurr vs Bumblebee. Race across the city. The first on finish line wins. Bee surprisingly takes it easy, unlike Blurr who is practice-speeding left and right even tho he doesn't have to. The race day arrives and they both start out at the other side of the city, Prowl and Jazz give them the signal. Jettwins spectate above and watch Blurr leave Bee in the dust- but Bee doesn't chase him. Instead he takes a different route in the alleys and on buildings. At the finish line stands Ratchet, Op, Sentinel and Bulkhead. Longarm, who's been chosen as the judge in the competitions, awaits any sight on the final stretch of the race.
Blurr emerges from the turn and is speeding towards them, Sentinel says some snarky comment like "Looks like your yellow brat is not as fast as he thought". But then, on the bridge above the road there's a yellow car- Bee, drifts and jumps off the edge- in slow motion he winks at Blurr who's right below him and transforms right in front of him, booking it to the finish line. Blurr tries to go faster but Bee sways just enough to block him from getting next to him. They cross the finish line, Team Prime's cheering when the two come to a stop and Sentinel is so pissed and accuses Bee of cheating.
"I didn't cheat- we only had to get from point A to point B the fastest. There was no established route we had to stick to in the race." Bee claims, cutting Sentinel off. "He's right sir, there was no rule forbidding Bumblebee to use an alternative path." Longarm confirms. Setinel is just steaming with rage and Blurr is equally upset that he lost to a compact. Bee then turns to Blurr and with the most smug expression says "You may have speed, but I have smarts and agility to pull maneuvers you only dream of doing."
Team Prime wins and Bee has official right to brag about winning that race. Team Prime couldn't be more proud of him.
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she-karev · 3 months
Maya meets Andrew DeLuca (Maya x Carina Sweet Imagine)
Previous Part Here
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Three of Three
Fandom: Station 19
Ship: Maya Bishop x Carina DeLuca
Canon Episode: Season 4 Episode 3
AN: Here’s the final chapter guys! Let me know what you think and like and reblog.
Summary: Maya and Andrew talk and get along to Carina’s joy.
Words: 885
April 6th, 2020
Maya sips her coffee sitting in the middle of the table with Carina at one end and her brother, Andrew at the other as they enjoy their breakfast. The conversation shifted to Andrew’s first day at work.
“Wait so you didn’t correct them when they thought you were an attending? I’m not judging I’m just…no I’m judging just a little bit.” Maya says honestly causing Caring to laugh, “Don’t be mad, I tell people what their doing wrong for a living.”
Andrew chuckles amused, “I don’t blame you. None of them actually called me an attending when I came from the scene. I told them it was my first day and they took it and ran with it. I was busy with the traumas, and it probably didn’t help that I stalled college for four years and looked older than the rest of my class.”
“It didn’t help no.” Maya eats a piece of the French toast that causes her to moan at the deliciousness, “Okay that is better than sex.”
Carina scoffs at that with a smile, “That sounds like a challenge.”
Andrew chuckles lightly at how predictable his sister, “And now I lost my appetite.”
Carina rolls her eyes and tells Maya, “Pay no attention to him, he’s skittles when it comes to sex because he isn’t having any.”
Maya chuckles and corrects her, “It’s skittish, skittles is candy.”
“And my sister’s insult turned around on her, this is a good morning so far.” He says with a grin sipping his coffee and continues to talk to Maya, “So a female fire captain that is very impressive I’m sure your coworkers love you over there.”
Maya groans, “Not at first but then they eventually saw my leadership skills after a few bumps and a bear in the road.”
“She told me about that too, she said it was at the pit where she first saw you. She was with a patient, and you were carrying a nose you ran with from the woods at the time. I gotta say it sounds really badass.” Andrew says impressed.
Maya smiles at that compliment, “Well thank you, it was pretty badass. I also helped contain a bomb inside a hospital and delivered a baby during a blizzard but I’m not bragging.”
Carina grins, “It sounds like you are, and I was the one who helped you deliver that baby, without me calling you you would have dropped that little girl on her head.” Andrew laughs at that with Maya smiling knowing it’s true.
“I don’t do well with babies, not all of us have to deliver them from vaginas. Firefighters are usually trained to put out fires and break down doors with axes but that part I leave to you guys.” Maya points out.
“I guess it’s not a requirement for the Olympics either?” Andrew asks jokingly.
“No.” Maya says, “And if it was, I would probably be dead last which would be a first in my life.”
“I would win the gold.” Carina boasts causing her brother and girlfriend to laugh.
Maya’s phone beeps causing her to groan, “I gotta go my shift starts, I’m so sorry.”
Andrew shakes his head, “Don’t worry go save lives.”
“You too, it was really nice to meet you.”
Andrew grins, “It was really nice meeting you too. I can see why you’re the longest relationship my sister has ever had but it wouldn’t take much time to exceed the standard she set before you.”
Carina grins amused, “Again please ignore him.” Carina stands up as Maya approaches her and they kiss, “Be safe Bella.”
“You too.” Maya steps back and looks at the siblings with a grin, “I’ll see you both later?”
Andrew nods with a smile, “Absolutely, I would love to hear more about this baby in a blizzard and bomb in a hospital story.”
Maya chuckles, “I have plenty more stories to tell and hopefully more time to share them.” Maya leaves with an I love you to Carina who says it as well. The door closes as Maya leaves and the DeLuca’s are left in the apartment where Carina looks at her brother with an anxious look while he finishes his breakfast calmly.
“Well…?” Carina asks, causing him to look up.
“Well, what?”
Carina gives a ‘really?’ look at her idiot brother, “Did you like her?”
“Oh…she was okay.” Andrew says dismissively causing Carina to smack him with the dish towel over him teasing her. He chuckles and speaks seriously, “I like her, I really do she has my approval not that you need it but still. She is perfection as you said.”
“I know.” Carina states with a smile and does a little happy dance, her brother chuckles, “I’m really glad you two met.”
Andrew smiles, “Me too. I’m really happy for you.”
“Thank you, that means a lot to me…and you’ll be happy too Andrea.” He looks up surprised she’s turning this on him, “Just give it time.”
He sighs but nods gratefully, “Thanks…Do you have anymore of that toast?”
Carina chuckles at her brother’s hungry attitude but heads to the kitchen to serve him another slice happy the two most important people of her life finally met and love each other almost as much as she loves them.
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littlehypnone · 10 months
Fic request!! Reminder that you don't have to respond if this is triggering!! But phantom accidentally tripping over little dew drop and falling over, dew doesn't fall down but he gets scared when phantom starts crying
I made phantom trip over dew's tail and they don't fall fully on the ground but onto the couch and swiss' arms so it wouldn't be... "drastic" hahahah I hope its okay and that you like it!
755 words, tiny dew, little phantom (they/them as usual when small), phantom trips over dew's tail, no one gets hurt just a bit sad and scared, everything ends well with giggles, cg rain, cg swiss, mentioned cg aether
Dewdrop has been dropped all day now. It didn’t begin well, but after some time with Aether and then Rain he was happy. Currently, he was playing with Phantom, being watched over by Rain from the couch.
Phantom and Dewdrop were in a little pit of blankets and pillows on the floor, various toys thrown all around. At the moment Dewdrop seemed to be taking a break from playing, chewing on the tail of his axolotl plushie as he stared at Phantom, who was busy smacking two toys together. They were fighting.
Rain kept a close eye on Dewdrop when he stopped engaging, looking for any signs of the fear or anxiety coming back to the small ghoul. There was none, thankfully.
Everyone was calm and content. It was quiet for the next fifteen minutes or so, apart from the noises of Dewdrop gnawing and Phantom smacking their toys together, and sometimes making special sound effects, too. At some point the three of them heard footsteps from the corridor and soon enough Swiss walked in.
“Hi, Swiss,” Rain greeted him.
“Hello, Raincloud.” He plopped down next to him onto the couch and kissed his cheek. “Hello to you, too, two little gremlins.”
“Swissy! We nod g’emlins!” Phantom protested, even though they were giggling, happy to see the multi ghoul. Swiss always bragged he was Phantom’s favorite (and he probably was).
“Hmmm… I’m not so sure about that,” the multi ghoul took on a dramatic expression, as if he was lost deep in thought. Rain rolled his eyes next to him. “You know… gremlins don’t cuddle. I guess you gotta come over here and prove you’re not one by giving me a hug.”
Phantom giggled again and jumped up, careful to not step on any toys or Dewdrop. Unfortunately, they didn’t predict the fire ghoul’s tail twitching just when they were stepping over it and Phantom ended up tripping on it and falling face first into the couch. 
Swiss caught them, thankfully, but the quintessence ghoul already had tears in their eyes—mostly feeling bad for potentially hurting his little friend, but also out of shame. Rain dropped to his knees next to Dewdrop, all but waiting for his breakdown, but nothing was happening yet.
“‘m s– sorry, D– Dewy,” Phantom cried, hiding in Swiss’ neck. The loud sobs were what finally got to Dewdrop. He looked over at his friend with scrunched up eyebrows and Rain saw tears welling up in his eyes in real time. He pulled the tiny ghoul into his lap and held him tightly, knowing any words or shushing him wouldn’t do any good.
“Hey, bug, it’s okay, Dew is alright,” the multi ghoul assured them, getting a nod in confirmation from Rain. “Isn’t he Rain?”
“Yeah, baby bat, he’s okay. He just got sad because you got sad,” Rain told them. Both he and Swiss knew Dewdrop got a bit scared, rather than sad. Not for himself, but for his friend—he couldn’t filter his love for his packmates when little as he tended to do when he’s big—but Phantom didn’t need to know that when they were small, too, it’d possibly make their little breakdown bigger.
Phantom pulled away from Swiss’ neck and looked down at where Dewdrop was cradled in Rain’s arms. There were a few tears trolling down his cheeks and his eyes were wide, but he wasn’t sobbing or shaking. 
“D– Dewy, are you o– ogay?” the quintessence ghoul asked, but didn’t expect a verbal response. Dewdrop wiggled his arms out from between him and Rain, and made grabby hands in Phantom’s direction.
“Go, buggy,” Swiss encouraged them, ruffling their hair. Phantom extracted themself from the multi ghoul’s arms and got down onto their knees on the floor. They carefully crawled over to Dewdrop and Rain and sat down in Dewdrop’s arm reach.
“‘m sorry,” they apologized again, but the other was having none of it. He blew a raspberry, and extended an arm to—very clumsily and not really successfully—wipe some of the tears off Phantom’s cheek with his pointer finger. Both of their eyes and cheeks were still wet but they both erupted into giggles, quickly forgetting about their sadness as Dew took on poking Phantom’s flushed cheeks for fun.
Rain and Swiss both sighed with relief, glad the situation didn’t escalate into big panic on either of the little ghoul’s side. Soon enough Dewdrop and Phantom got back to their playing and Rain returned to the couch to cuddle up to Swiss and continue watching the little ghouls.
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momoyukirin · 6 months
Momo's "An Idol's Daily Life" Rabbitchat Part 4
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
A parent's treasure
Momo: Maneko-chan, help me!* \"(о°Д°о)/"
Tsumugi: Thank you for your hard work, Momo-san!
Tsumugi: Is something wrong!?
Momo: Well, I'm looking for a restaurant to have healthy but tasty lunch, you wouldn't have any recommendations, would you?
Tsumugi: In that case, there are a lot to choose from!
Momo: 。*:◦ ☆\(*'∀'*)/☆◦ :。*。
Momo: That's our* Maneko-chan! I knew I could rely on you! \"(*゜∀゜*)ノ
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Tsumugi: For reference, can I ask what kind of atmosphere you're looking for?
Momo: Something that girls would like I guess? My sis and I planned to go buy a present for our parents' wedding anniversary, so we've been talking about getting lunch while we're at it!
Momo: She's been conscious of calories since her wedding's coming up and all, so she's looking for a healthy place to eat (; •`~ • ΄ )
Tsumugi: I see! Then, I shall gather a few restaurant recommendations where you won't risk getting recognised and send them to you!
Momo: Thanks! \(* ΄ ∀ `)/\( ΄ ∀ ` *)ノ
Option 1:
Tsumugi: What gift do you plan to get for your parents?
Momo: Our parents are very close and like using matching things, so a couple outfit would be nice!( 。•_•。)人( 。•_•。) My sis and I have a few options in mind, but we mostly circle back to 'well, they already have that', so it's really difficult.
Option 2:
Tsumugi: Do you often go out with your sister?
Momo: It's been a while since the last time! Our schedules don't really match (;∀;) Though it doesn't feel like it, since we rabbitchat a lot! Yuki often tells me how nice it is that we're so close \(•΄ε`•)ノ
Option 3:
Tsumugi: Do you celebrate your parents' anniversary every year?
Momo: Momo-chan's the type who cherishes anniversaries after all ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o...:*☆ It'd be hard to get the whole family together without opportunities like these!
Momo: We have to give it our all since it's such an important day (。+•`ω•΄)stern✩
Tsumugi: I hope your parents like the present!
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Momo: I'm also thinking of writing a letter this year, for the first time in a long while.
Tsumugi: Wow! That's nice!
Tsumugi: I remember that a long time ago, when I gave my father a "Thank you for everything" letter on Father's day, he was also really happy!
Momo: Parents will really treasure anything you give them when you're little, you know?
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Tsumugi: However, it seems that when he gets drunk at drinking parties, he talks about the letter even to this day, to the point where Banri-san can recite the contents by heart.. ><
Momo: That's so embarrassing www
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Momo: But it made Otoharu-san so happy, he can't help bragging about it (*΄艸`)
Momo: Our parents have kept the drawings and origami we gave them when we were little too!
Momo: Even though they were just messy crayon drawings at the back of some leaflet and the colors are all mixed up too ww
Tsumugi: Despite being embarrassing, it's nice knowing that they treasure them so much.
Momo: Right? (P∀`q*)sparkle
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Momo says this in English (ヘルプミー!)which doesn't change much but I just thought it's adorable lol
Momo uses "sasuga"(as expected"). The "our" bit adds extra nuance, but all else sounded too stiff so i decided to go with it and just explain it here
Momo uses キリッ and テル next to the emoticons to describe the way they look/feel.
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