#now that i know where she is on the map I do not intend to progress the plot again for a fair while
fell-court · 8 months
Today's gameplay progress:
I finished Myths of the Realm! I enjoyed the alliance raids a lot more than I thought I would, honestly, even if I did have to have the camera zoomed all the way out to get my bearings most of the time. (It helped that I was playing with people who mostly seemed to know what they were doing, including my level 90 friend.)
My friend and I also managed to get through Mount Ordeals - I didn't even die, somehow! - so I'm now done with patch 6.3 as well!~
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I took this, to commemorate the event ^-^
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dcxdpdabbles · 6 months
DCxDP fan fic Idea: Danny Fenton's Ex
Danny wants to know that he did not go looking for a fight. He merely wanted to have some of the best hot dogs this side of the USA, in Tucker's words. The human world had changed a lot across differnt timelines but his best friend had assure him, this one was particually tasty.
He planned to pop in, hunt down the street cart filled with buns and meat, then pop out of Gotham. He was meant to visit for less than an hour at most.
He just happened to be at the wrong place and time. It really wasn't his fault! Danny had been minding his own business, using a paper map on the edge of a tall building (his phone had broken in the last ghost fight. Not that it would do any good since it wasn't connected to any living towers), squinting at the streets below, hoping to figure out where he was. The next thing he knew, an angry child leaped out at him with a sword.
Of course, he defended himself! The kid was doing some insane slashes in the air, and Danny had fought enough samurai ghosts to know not to underestimate how powerful a katana indeed was. He had been able to beat the child, encasing his arms in ecto-chains, after a full half hour of combat.
Danny had been dead tired- pun not intended- but just as he thought he was done, a second child had leaped out at him. This one carrying a bo-staff. It took another thirty minutes to beat this one, and just as he was gearing up for a lecture, a third child appeared.
She was wearing all purple and seemed to favor strong kicks. Danny had the bruise to prove it, but just as he could take her down—and stop the other two from escaping since they were attempting to do so—he was attacked by an actual shadow and her red bucket-head friend.
Now, those two were difficult to beat, especially when it was two vs. one. Shadow reacted as if she could predict all of his moves before he even made them, while Bucket Head made incredible shots with his guns covering her attacks.
Danny had already been expelled from his other two fights, so it was a miracle he was able to trick Shadow by allowing more of Phantom to bleed into his fighting style. She couldn't predict the dead!
He ended up on a roof with five children- okay, more like a child, two teenagers, and what could be the early twenties, but they were all young to him. Each was tied up securely with some of his own ecto-chains and glaring- he could feel the hate in their eyes even behind their masks- trying desperately to catch his breath.
"Oh boy, I'm not as young as I used to be. " He gasps between huffs. Maybe Sam was on to something when she lectured them for not having enough greens, normal exercise routines, or even taking vitamins. They really weren't teenagers anymore. "Ugh, I think I pulled something. I need to lie down..."
Just as Danny is allowing himself to slide to the floor, two more shadows jump at him. This time he's far too tired to dodge, and the blue one manages to land a drop kick to his chin. The force has Danny spinning in place, losing his balance, and slamming hard against the roof.
The tied-up children cheer, and if he wasn't a walking bruise right now, Danny would be half tempted to show them all a round two.
"Great Gatsby!" He cries out of reflex, rolling onto his back, ready to take a swing-
"Danny?" a new familiar voice cuts in. The sound is something Danny will never forget, even after all the years they have been apart. He used to fall asleep to that voice, muttering into his hair and warm arms wrapped around him, making promises never kept.
Danny whips his head around to see a man in a bat costume. He squits, studying the strong curve of a very familiar jaw and his voice-
"Wayne?" He blinks. Those lips- so familiar and different all in one- curve into a surprise, but please smile. Yes, that is definitely Bruce.
"Danny, I haven't seen you since-"
"You broke up with me through a letter on the hotel note-pad? A note-pad that I had to pay for since you touched it!?" Danny hisses, suddenly energized with pure, unadulterated rage. The man freezes.
"I, uh, see you're still upset about that." Wayne winces, shuffling on his feet- Bruce Wayne, the little human he found wandering the Infinite Realms, rescued, helped, trained, and had become human again to have the man dump him to "find himself."
Danny knew he found a lot of ladies on his self-discovery trip. He never forgave him. It has been embarrassing to have to return to the Realms to his friends' knowing eyes and his sister's sad shrug.
You knew a human could never understand or live with beings like us. We aren't like them anymore. She had told him. It was bond to end in disaster.
"What is happening?" The bow-staff kid asks
"I don't know, but I don't like it," Blue tells him.
Danny ignores them to glare at the man. "What the hell are you doing here, Wayne?"
Wayne frowns. "You used to call me Bruce."
"I used to do a lot of things, Wayne." Danny stands, gesturing to the group of people he has captured. "Can you kindly disappear again? I'm in the middle of something."
The man makes no move to leave. Instead, he tilts his head. "Those are my children."
"Of course they are." Danny rolls his eyes. "Tell them to not attack innocent tourists-"
"Are you here on vacation? Would you like me to give you a tour?"
The familiar words- the ones from their first date- make rage boil in his core. "Oh, go burn in the worst levels of hell!"
He doesn't stick around for a reply, twisting in a tight circle and ripping a hole into the Realms. He ignores Wayne's call of his name; it's too late- fifteen years too late- and shifts back into Phantom.
He prays he never sees that deadbeat again. Or the family his wife gave him. Not that Danny cares; it's been years, and he could care less what Bruce Wayne and his stupid kin got up to.
"Bruce, I say this with all my heart, what the fuck was that?"
"That was the one I let get away."
There is a moment of silence before Damian speaks up. "I demand to be taken out of my misery. Mercy, kill me now, Drake."
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ganondoodle · 2 months
totk rewrite- botw2 edition
been thinking about the other totk rewrite again (the one only based on botw in which the sonau stay a mystery while being expanded upon)
i talked about it before but heres a lil breakdown (im reusing alot of mechanics from the villain rauru rewrite bc they work too well to be discarded for this one)-
(edit, about five hours later .. its not a little breakdown, its a pretty complete summarized breakdown of the entire new rewrite that i didnt intend to spend the last hours of my sunday on but here we are .. long post, but with pics bc theres lots of concepts im reusing or reviving)
okay START:
zelda and link explore the caverns below hyrule castle bc the shiekah tech has been losing power and their research as to why lead them here
they discover ganondorf and through zeldas curiosity break the, already weak, seal on him (no enigma stone here, the seal was done by an ancient queen of hyrule)- he wakes up attacks them, breaks the mastersword and miasmas/malices links arm off (also idea is that you have to fight him but meant to lose horribly lol) and then have to play an escape sequence (or watch a cutscene of it) in which zelda drags link after herself running from gan
(remember this old first idea drawing i made when i started to think about a rewrite? yeah im reviving that, except theres no totk sonau in this anywhere)
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they get out and immediately afterwards a heavy earthquake runs through the land, completely, and actually, changing the map (also using the idea of devastating the regions climates- gerudo desert is flooded, death mountain collapsed inwards, the zoras realm is dried up, rito village has completely frozen over - ACTUALLY frozen over, everything encased in thick ice, the temperature has a special new low point, the winds too strong to glide anywhere-, mountains and rivers shifted, caves are revealed- oh and most of the main villages have tried to flee somewhere saver so theres no literal 1 to 1 repeat of points of interest from botw; also no uh .. miasmas holes that are literally jsut like drilled out bc what?? i want the access to the underground be few and hidden to make it more special to discover)
links arm gets amputated and replaced with a shiekah tech one (maybe using the botw shiekah stone/slate since they still dont know how to make them and its the best self sufficient piece of tech left that doesnt rely on the breaking fuel structure) (reusing this concept from the villain rauru one, with the difference beign that theres no corruption of link -or maybe it does have an effect to have shiekah tech literally hooked up to yourself *thinking emoji*- the abilities remainign the same)
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when link wakes up some time has passed (so its more logical that the other regions have tried to cope with everything happening) you get a tutorial by purah and other shiekah (bc with zelda in charge theres more shiekah doing tech stuff again! cool!) and now have a magic meter (functions like in the previous pic, recharges over time depending on environment! bc i find that idea so cool for interstign puzzles and storytelling- like i said in an older post, a place where lots of people died might be richer in spirit energy recharging your magic faster- others have been hollowed out of luminous stone which slows down the recharge) and you are left to decide where to go
both zelda and you have a shiekah stone/slate replica but its incomplete since as mentioned the knowledge on how to make it is still lost so it only has the basic functions, such as the map, journal, camera and teleport
zelda is your companion from the start, in the years since botw she trained in basic self defense and can use her sealing powers as a shield to protect herself (though reluctantly since she doesnt want to rely on them) so you dont need to babysit her- you can tell her to be aggressive in encounters, supporting you (occasionally shields you or heals you a little?) or stay out of it/only self defend if an enemy targets her (in case you dont want any help) - she also copies your movement in a way, when you glide around she will too etc- in cases where you go very fast to one thing, like the hookshot, she will grab onto you
zelda also acts as your mobile crafting station, to put it bluntly, as she can craft and repair weapons, which is at first limited but can be expanded upon by doing quests (like the options of spear crafting being hugely expanded by a zora quest- fitting their fight style), when she does it you need the material needed for it though it costs no money- theres new little smith shops around the world that can repair and craft as well in which you can spend money instead for material you are lacking (and a little fee for the work you know)
(one of the first rough concepts for a pair of smiths, one is at the shop (green lady, the scars on her arms are her missing fins bc she burned them or lost them in battle), the other walks around it like terry (beedle) does and from whom you can buy already crafted simple things, like arrow types-
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oh yeah, arrow types return and get more options bc theres no way in hell id make anyone scroll through that awful menu just to fuse one arrow at a time (the old types return, but theres new ones and all are craftable in bulk, here and old rough sketch)
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(also theres no new 'in the same location jsut a few steps to the left' towers that shoot you into the air bc it just destroys the entire world design- even if there is no sonau tech in this one so no gliders- i want the sky to feel as dangerous and mystical as the underground)
the sky has to be reached via the hookshot, its got big islands mostly with old shiekah ruins, including that broken titan prototype i drew before, and the bird mechanic (you can tame birds and register them at a location there, idk if im keeping the idea of a lone shiekah there, but the birds will stay)-which is if you tamed a bird you can call it when gliding to gain a little boost in height, enabling you to reach islands further away (since no building, yeah that mechanic is better used in a game actually built around it, which totk just isnt- do not argue with me about that- to really let it shine instead of just being a tiktok viral funney build simulator that adds nothing meaningful to the game and actively makes it worse due to its implementation just not fitting there) or save you from falling if you barely missed the edge of one - theres few points of teleportation up there so the world map isnt made skippable, theres no shrines there (and in general, there are no shrines, just minidungeons- ACTUAL minidungeons- integrated into the world, like really big caves that are each unique and filled with challenges- and much fewer of them) (the islands being mostly made nigh invisible from the surface bc clouds gather on their underside)
perhaps different glider types?! and you can switch their design via zelda too
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the old botw shrines are non fucntional due to loss of power, either overgrown or broken into pieces due to the ground breaking open, some might be infested with malice/miasma and comes alive like a weird mix between guardian and miasma crab (which also goes for guardian wrecks that hadnt been taken apart for research yet), some are fallen into caves that got revealed or got swallowed by the ground with only the tip remaining- the titans (divine beasts) are all repurposed (like in the other rewrite ideas i had)- the rito tried to flee the blizzard using medoh but sicne no one has piloted it and unstable connection to them causes them to crash in the hebra mountains, unable to leave it due to the storm and thus on limited time; vah rudania was perhaps made into a temple, or training ground but fell into the underground when death mountain collapsed (imagine ... malice/miasma infested rudania being an actual boss itself, chasing after you in the underground); vah ruta was absolutely made into a place of worship and after their domain dried out a few remained there praying to it convinced their faith would save them- its not able to move but manages to produce a little water still; vah naboris might have been used as a stronghold/lookout but due to the desert flooding (which is in fact, bad) its one of the 'islands' people now reside in
new weather types, including storm and darkness caused by mushroom spores that are invasife to the surface
theres at least six dungeons, one for each region (but not in the exact place as in botw bc that is literally just plain stupid though i might use the zora sewer/water system idea for an actual dungeon instead of .. a single button- bc how cool would that have been?? no no lets put the fish people in the sky and put a single button in the coolest part of it that only activates a waterfalll .... coming out of a tiny island in the sky- all just by of the visual neatness of swimming up??- anyway) plus a yiga one that is in and below the akalla citadel- also might put hyrule castle into the underground and inaccessible for a good portion of the game- and one in the forest of the krogs that was corrupted (which i thought was the reaso nfor the backpack krogs, but no, they literally have no goal and serve no purpose than to make funney videos with em, and then even the forest is nothing more but a reused lame fight agaisnt phantom gan- im starting to rant, sorry)
the abilties of the champions will be similar but there are changes, as in tulins (who i might just change to teba bc lets be real he was the one you interacted with in botw really..) isnt a gust of wind, since its both contrary to revalis whole deal of how difficult it was for him to create the updraft and then tulin can just do an almost exactly the same thing as like, a 12 year old- also its little usefullness after me adding in the birds for the sky and different glider types- maybe ill make it a strong windcut forward like in the other rewrite, like the yiga officer windattack but on steriods id also consider most of them not having the innate ability for it anyway, except for yuno maybe since he literally inherited daruks shield and as my idea was could make a variation of it adding the roll an fire to it but still having the shield, bc it kinda makes them like a boring copy of the botw champions and also lessens both their impact in a way (perhaps bringing dungeon items back?? idk,so still working on that)
each dungeon has a unique boss, at least on of which being a corrupted friend (PROPERLY DONE not like poor yuno in totk >:I ) bc each being just some monster tm is kinda boring (like twilight princess was so cool for how it mixed its bosses tbh)- also want satori to have a dark (also nice) counterpart that you might have to fight first bc you are trespassing into its domain (an old sketch gonna revisit it at some point)
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new armor sets of course, and you still own YOUR house in hateno, zelda either has her own one in the spot where landa (the funky building lad that you bought your house from in botw) had the 'example' houses or yours got an additional building added onto it for zelda (and you can customize like, trees around it and have a lil farm spot too!!) and in your house theres a chest you can store armor sets in so you dont have to sell them to avoid inventory clutter
POUCHES return!! you can find some but most are locked behind quests (since logically people likely would have pouches) making them a really good reward and dont force you to engange with krogs if you are tired of them, it also avoids making you go back to them over and over just to expand inventory (you can choose for which part you want to use the pouch for, weapon or shield slot etc)- krog seeds are now its own currency for a lil shop you unlock in the forest, one of the highest rewards being the eponator zero (the motorcycle from botw)
also BOTTLES return! the main way to store healing, which also has to be consumed in real time (like in skyward sword, select in on a wheel so link takes it in his hands and 'a' to use it) avoiding the pause and spam apples into your mouth problem-
now cooking is NOT removed, it has even better effects than potions BUT it cant be stored and has to be consumed where you cook it (hear me out-); the cookbook in totk i find pretty annoyingly useless so, the cookbook is now a proper book you can fill out and when you want to cook a recipe you select it there and cook it with what you have (it shows if you dont have it all and also if you wanna swap an ingredient that would end with a similar effect) AND since you cant store it, theres special NPCs that reappear throughout hyrule (like a group of chefs that have one in each region at least) that let you just cook whatever you want without it wasting your materials, and if you hit a recipe it unlocks and is saved in your cookbook (you have to have the materials you want to cook with but it wont consume them, so you cant jsut spam it and fill the entire book out in one go- maybe the chef can give you subtle hints with expressions if something might be good or not before you try it out so you dont waste ages just cooking the same shit over and over xD)
(also possible idea for an item or big quest reward, a portable pot you can set up to cook with -with wood and fire- on the go without having to rely on finding them in the wild, and zelda can act as you chef giving you hints ... honestly i love this idea, remember all the cute botw art of them travelling and cooking together?? make that real you idiots!)
to upgrade your health or stamina you have to get spirit orbs still, but this time you get big ones that each can be traded, since thers fewer minidungeons but they are 4 times bigger than shrines they also give you 4 times the reward- but still one where you can choose which one you want bc i find that an important bit of freedom (idea still is that you free trapped souls and they give you the orb as a reward, majority of which are in caves in the underground or in the surface caves) which encourages you to vary your gameplay and not focus just on one area bc you probably want all those things, go for quests for puches and bottles, for minidungeons for health/stamina etc
oh yeah, the underground houses several dungeons, the weird gravity effect is in either the entire underground or in parts of it- it does not span the entirety of the map, isntead its smaller and often enclosed areas that each are more detailed and 'finished', theres different bioms and enemies you dont find anywhere else, and some enemies on the surface (like the miasma hands but like .. less easy and no phantom ganon bc that got boring rly fast) that sport those hands can grab you and drag you underground- which can either mean doom for you or .. discovering a new area down there hmmmm a risk to take isnt it :3 (also wanted there to be a mount there but idk if i will use this old concept of the dongos or if i want it to be a crab like thing bc of the underwater theme i want to go for)
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so as you explore you may discover caves and areas in the underground containing sonau architecture (the type from botw, not totk) most of which heavily damaged, but theres few that are in 'better' shape bc they have been in selaed off caverns that werent yet discovered-
you find out the sonau, which you only vaguely knew from ruins in the overworld, were in fact real (but no you dont suddendly know they fucked with hylians and even their names of untold thosuands of years ago that you just so happen to have read in a book all of the sudden like it was an always known fact and not at all a myste- .. rant alarm .. ), and given the ruins underground they must have originated from there, but there are no scriptures that survived and all sculptures are in very bad shape, alot of which seems intentionally destroyed- slowly you and zelda piece together through vague clues (VAGUE game VAGUE, let people THINK) that they had knowledge of the past and the nature of the ever repeating return of disaster to hyrule; the biggest reveal beign that they knew the cycle wasnt natural at all and that it keeps being repeated only through the structure of how this land operates, the beliefs of the people that rule it, altered history etc.
the ancient shiekah under the rule of hyrules royalty found out what the sonau had discovered/knew and persecuted them (parelells to what the king would do to them later on, anyone??) since the divinity of the kingdom must be upheld by all means necessary- which is why the sonau had disappeared so entirely, with little of their culture left and none of them, and by doing so the ancient shiekah also discovered the previously lost knowledge of the gerudo king having turned into the biggest threat to the kingdom in the past (which the sonau had kept secret, knowing what consequences it could have if not handled carefully), which starts up a whole other betrayal plot of the kingdom planning to imprison gan before he can become a true threat (im gonna guess the relations between the gerudo and hyrule havent been that great even before since hyrule was still the main empire)
gan finds out before the plan goes through and assasinates the king of hyrule, the ancient queen declares war (yes, the queen for once) and in the end sacrifices herself to seal him away, more for revenge than any prophecy, but it nevertheless leads to the cycle doing its thing yet again
calamity ganon is a product of ganondorf trying to break free of his seal- and perhaps in an attempt to weaken his unbreakable will the shiekah discover they can use his spirit as a powerful source to their newly invented tech- which previously ran with processed luminous stones (yes battery theory will never let me go idc) and essentially use his own power against him by beating the calamity with their tech
(this knowledge is also how you get the yiga to work with you, using your knowledge of the past as leverage and zeldas ability to negotiate - and bc i thinks it would be cool to see her develop that way, and no i dont mean it as they all gonan fix it uwu either, its hard to go into more nuance here, its already way longer than i wanted- and yes this also ties into the koga is one of the ancient monks that made himself basically immortal through malice experiments HC of mine)
he attacks the regions bc they too sided with hyrule, he drags you to the underground bc its where he has spent thousands of years in agony, hes only out for revenge, an understable one and one you can sympathize with, but one you cannot negotiate with, its been too long, too much, no amount of apology could sate the desire for payback (which keeps the whole link and zelda defeat ganon formular alive BUT gives it nuance, right?? more tragic really, i hope that comes across)
he attacks link and zelda, breaks the masterword bc he has seen it all before, the original calamity, through the eyes of malice, he knows what you will do, inevitably so, you too will come for him, again
at the midpoint of the game you will reach hyrule castle (underground? perhaps it depends on how much health you have, getting grabbed and dragged into its depths losing hearts and if you have enough you survive until you are inside the castle and let go, you cant teleport outside - oh and zelda is either absent for the fight bc you got separated or she held onto you and protected herself with her power- honeslty kinda like the seperation idea bc after having her around all the time its gotta be super creepy to be suddendly alone) and will have a fight with him, that you kinda lose but are saved by the rest of the crew that zelda had banded together and brought here after being seperated from you- maybe without koga yet bc he would be locked to late game i think
there will be a quest to reforge the mastersword, which if you havent already gone to the forest will now lead you there (oh also some of the krogs you find outside the forest now will tell you that they had to flee, but maybe warn you not to go there yet if you are still in early game, others might not know bc they left to plant new forests, windwaker style, maybe a quest there too! to give them purpose beyond being your plaything and then just disappearing- ahem .. )
(old concept for the krog forest/dekutree boss)
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the dekutree will tell you to restore it it will need the blessings of the three dragons (who might not have appeared yet, or slowly disappeared one by one, they might need to be rescued bc gan probably knows you are gonna try and repair the sword) (oh look more old concepts still relevant!)
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in the end it will .. end with you defeating ganon, just like always (unsure of the place where it will will be but OH LOOK old concepts- here it was still with hyrule castle in mind but that might be jsut for the midpoint fight now- maybe id put the end fight on the forgotten plateau, to round it up nicely, ending where botw began ... ;3
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i really like this one .. even more than the villain rauru one, though that one is fun bc a twist like that is pretty neat and fighting with ganondorf is also rly cool- but sicne i just dont like the totk sonau and much prefer them remaining mostly a mystery im very fond of this (also .. im so sick of ancient people with high tech bs now..)
the aim with this is to .. make a botw2 that actually feels like a botw 2 (for me), shiekah tech is still there but little functions still, logically bc its main powersource is breaking off of it, the sonau are a mystery and kinda negatively talked about bc the shiekah persecuted them just like they would later be - also explains why there are shiekah things in every sonau building, of course they would overtake their places and try to erase a much as possible of them (the thunder plateau might have been a place of worship to farodra or for research- now look its a puzzle for a shrine to strengthen our hero to defeat the thing we caused :)) ), the sonau are expanded upon WITHOUT destroying their mystery (none of them are shown, there are NO memories in this game, everything happens in real time and what you can learn about the past is mostly vague clues pieced together by nerd zelda!)
it gives more depth to the shiekah as well as add an important ounce of nuance to the yiga and shiekah, to ganondorf as well while adressing and fixing the things that needed work in botw in ways i would find enjoyable (instead of making it WORSE)
i also dont want to go too hard on 'zelda is totally agaisnt the monarchy bc monarchy BAD', its not meant to come across like that, i just wanted to do sth interesting that does question everything and bc i like to think she could be lead to a different way of thinking, especially if so through her own research and discovery of previously buried history, being confronted with her own biased views by her passion for her interests
anyway, if you read through all of this, i probably forgot stuff, buts its very late and i spent alot of time writing this (bc i cant stop once i started i guess) and theres lots of things repeated that i already talked about BUT if yo actually read through it all, i cannot even begon to express just how much that means to me, and id i dare request, do tell if you like it!!! and thank you so much!!! it might not seem like much but this is also very important to me, i still dream of gamedev after all and i see this as a sort of practice, are my mechanics and stuff actually better os does it just seem like it to me etc -
(though keep in mind, this is in part self indulfent bc hey, its not real and is never gonna be so i might just do what i want- and yes i do believe it is doable, even if this all sounds alot, the magic lies in making it less but make that 'less' more dense and detailed, hence the underground being like at least cut in half in size and the building mechanic being removed (to give to a game where its better used than totk) alone should free alot of time and space for the things i described here)
-thanks again for reading, posts like these rarely get much attention so uh ... its pretty much never worth the time i spent typing designing and writing it (even if theres still lots missing here, like the dungeons and details to the champions ..) so every bit of commentary weighs alot more <3
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patrywoso · 1 month
11. Lena Oberdorf
+18 SMUT.
I'm still having a big writers block. I'm sorry for not posting, I promise i'm trying my best to get over it. Hope this one is not that bad cause i don't feel great about it.
You walk out of the bathroom wrapped up in a fluffy white towel, your damp hair framing your face and completing the look. You’d put on Lena’s favorite lotion, the one that smells of jasmine and coconut; you are on a mission tonight and you intend to entice Lena into giving you what you want.
Lena is sitting on the bed, propped against the headboard with a book in her lap. The tip of her tongue is peeking out as she reads, and you have to try hard not to giggle at the look of sheer concentration on your girlfriend’s face. Lena looks up when you walk in and her features immediately take on an expression of silent awe. You walk with purpose, crawling up onto the bed until you are kneeling next to Lena and grinning mischievously.
“You’re too cute, baby.” You say, taking your girlfriend’s chin between two fingers and tilting her face forward for a soft kiss.
“Why, thank you.” The brunette replies against your lips. “You look like a snack.”
“Oh yeah?” you say, innocently tucking a strand of brown hair between Lena’s ear and smiling.
Lena nods slowly, claiming you’re lips again more fully. Her tongue flicks out to lick at your bottom lip and the kiss deepens. Somewhere between two strokes of Lena’s tongue, you drop your towel and your nipples pebble against the cool air of the room, effectively earning yourself a groan of appreciation from your girlfriend. Lena’s book has fallen from her lap, long forgotten, and her hands are now busy with mapping every single inch of your body.
You lie down on the bed, pulling Lena down with you so that the brunette is hovering over you. Soft, plush lips are tracing every curve, line, and edge of your torso, from the arch of your throat to the swell of your ample breasts. And you let out a breathy whine.
“Lena… I want…” you are now struggling to form coherent speech because Lena has started devouring the more sensitive skin on the side of your breasts. “I want…”
Lena lifts her head to give you a chance to speak, one eyebrow quirked up inquisitively. “What do you want, love? Tell me.”
“Can we use the strap tonight?” you ask sheepishly as the corner of your lips curls up into a smile.
“Yeah, sure,” Lena says, but just as she is about to get off the bed to retrieve the toy in the bottom drawer, you pull her back by her sleeve.
“I want to try something different if that’s okay with you.”
Lena cocks her head to the side like a puppy waiting for instructions and you almost melt at your girlfriend’s eagerness to please. You can almost see the cogs turning in your head.
“I love what we do in bed, you know that, right?” You say and Lena nods, clearly not knowing where the conversation is aiming. ‘I just… I want you to be rough tonight.”
Lena is slowly processing your request. You know that your girlfriend is the softest human being in every area of their life together, sex included, so it is a big request to make. Your sex life is far from boring, quite the opposite actually; you both often discuss new things and make lists of what you both want to try and what each of you is open to experimenting with. You both have acquired a small collection of toys over three years of relationship, among which are dildos, handcuffs, vibrators, and even a plug.
Recently, you suggested buying a harness and a strap-on and you both have been experimenting with that too. Lena wears the strap most of the time, although she has been on the receiving hand on a few occasions too, but you are the one who enjoys penetration the most so Lena is always more than happy to deliver. As adventurous as you both are in the bedroom, Lena is always soft and gentle for you when she is on top, and well, you sort of have a kink for power dynamics and rough sex.
“For real, baby,” you say, taking your girlfriend’s hand in yours and squeezing softly to prove your point. “I want you to take me with the strap and fuck me like you mean it… please?”
You feel your own cheeks flush when you say the words, but you are relatively pleased with yourself when you see Lena swallow hard, her adorable face turning a darker shade of pink.
“Anything for you, my love. I don’t want to hurt you, though…”
“I trust you.  If something doesn’t feel good I’ll tell you to stop, okay?” you stroke Lena’s cheek reassuringly.
“Yeah, okay.” Lena nods and gives a small smile before walking to the other side of the room to retrieve the harness and the strap.
She strips from her clothes, giving you a good eyeful of her tan skin, taut stomach, and small perky breasts. They bounce slightly when Lena bends to take her pants and underwear off and you lick your lips at the sight of her bare center. Lena slips into the harness, fastening it around her hips and butt before sliding your favorite dildo through the ring, it’s blue and six inches long, thick enough to fill you up nicely but small enough that it doesn’t hurt.
Lena comes back to bed afterward, crawling back to rest between your spread legs and picking up where she left off. She nips at your chest, sucking here and licking there, working each of your nipples into stiff peaks. You give a breathy whine at your girlfriend’s renewed enthusiasm and feel yourself grow wet at the prospect of being taken by Lena.
Lena continues her journey downwards, encouraged by your hands in her hair. She bites at the tender flesh in the crook of your hips and you are keen when your girlfriend’s lips, usually so gentle, start sucking aggressive bruises above your pelvis. You feel the tip of Lena’s regal nose tickle the short patch of curly hair there before her mouth descends to kiss and lick at the inside of your thighs.
You groan when Lena finally makes contact with your already dripping cunt, enveloping it in the warmth of her tongue and devouring you whole. It isn’t long before Lena has your clit swollen and throbbing between her greedy lips; when she slips two fingers in and starts pumping fast and hard, you go flying over the edge before you can even voice your pleasure.
“Oh fuck…” you pants when Lena comes back up, looking smug with a shiny glaze all over her lips and chin.
Lena kisses you and you taste yourself in her mouth, salty and delicious mixed with the taste of Lena’s mouth.
“Please, get in me. Fuck me, baby.” You groan, begging against your girlfriend’s lips.
“Do you need lube?” Lena asks, sitting back on her heels and rubbing the shaft of the toy between your soaked folds.
“I don’t think so,” you say, winking. “Please, Lena..”
Before you finish begging, Lena has pushed the strap all the way in, sheathing herself inside of your heat. You yelp at the sudden intrusion but quickly go limp, readying yourself.
“Are you sure about this?” Lena asks upon seeing the momentary tension in your jaw as you accommodate the stretch.
“I’m fucking sure.” you bite your lip and wrap your calves around Lena’s waist, digging your heels into Lena’s ass cheeks to pull her closer. Your hands find purchase in the bed sheets and then Lena pulls out almost all the way before plunging back in, setting a fast rhythm that has you reeling with the overwhelming sensations. The toy keeps hitting a deep spot inside of you and it hurts just the right amount, you can both hear the dildo bottoming out with each thrust.
Lena’s hips are pumping roughly but her eyes remain alert as she checks your face every now and then for any trace of discomfort; she finds none, only pure bliss. Your mouth hangs open in ecstasy, taking in every inch Lena gives you and reveling in the obscene sounds of your bodies colliding in the middle of your wetness.
“Oh god, yes!” you cry out, throwing your head back into the pillows. “Harder, baby!”
Lena complies and soon loses herself in the act, too. Something is captivating in the sight of the toy splitting you open over and over, and your breasts bouncing in rhythm with Lena’s thrusts. Lena shifts your legs so that they rest against her shoulders and finds herself saying things she’s only ever heard in porn.
“You like that?” She groans, her nails sinking into your calves as she drives her hips into you harder. “Fuck, that’s it, take it!”
Lena cringes internally at the words that flow out of her mouth but finds relief in the fact that you seem to like it, judging by the long answering whine she gets. Lena leans over you, effectively folding you in half and you cry out as the new angle brings more friction to your g-spot.
Lena’s lips latch onto your neck to suck bruises where the skin is pulled taut by your moans. She can feel every cry that rumbles up your throat before it is even released into the stifling air of the bedroom. Sweat is starting to bead at your hairline and between your breasts and Lena, too, can feel herself growing hot with the exertion. your feet make a thudding sound when they repeatedly hit the headboard.
“Oh god, oh Lena..” you cry out, and Lene can feel your walls start to clench around the shaft.
Lena pulls out immediately, leaving you empty and confused and breathing heavily. “What are you..?” you ask, your voice raw and used.
“Turn around.” Lena orders, with an unfamiliar cold edge to her voice.
You obey with an eager whine, rolling over onto your belly, and you yelp in surprise when Lena pulls you back by your ankles so you end up bent over the edge of the bed. Lena stands behind you and takes a moment to enjoy the voluptuous curves on display, stroking them and taking her sweet time. You are panting heavily, your face pressed into the mattress as you wait for Lena to fill you again. You know this is all a strategy to delay your orgasm, you and Lena are no strangers to edging.
You yelp when Lena enters you again in one swift motion, her thighs smacking against your ass. “Still good?” Lena asks, because of course the fear of potentially hurting you has never left her.
When you nod, Lena takes hold of your hips and retreats before slamming back in just as fast as before. It takes a little additional effort from her to work you back up to where you were just moments ago; Lena can feel your body coiling and tensing underneath her and your rising whimpers are muffled into the bed sheets.
When you reach back for one of Lena’s hands and settle it on your throat, pressing slightly, Lena doesn’t know what to do with herself, because this is new. She lets you regulate the pressure on your windpipe and watches in awe as your back muscles ripple with each thrust. Lena wraps her free hand underneath your hips to rub your clit and this is your undoing.
You are sent hurtling into ecstasy, your body arching like a bow under Lena’s strokes as you scream into the mattress. You release Lena’s hand from your throat and Lena slows down her thrusts, circling your hips in the way she knows will make you shudder. your body finally settles, sagging limply into the bed after what feels like an eternity. Your spine is glistening with sweat and your cunt spasms when Lena pulls out carefully. Lena gets rid of the harness, leaving it on the floor to be cleaned later.
“Hey, you okay?” Lena asks, slightly worried because you still haven't moved.
A distant, muffled Mm-hm Is the only answer she gets from you. Lena rolls you over gently and sits beside you on the bed, waiting for you to come back from your high.
“I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“No, that was amazing.” you sigh, flashing Lena a dreamy smile before opening your eyes.
“Oh, good. So you liked it?”
“I loved it. What about you?”
“It was really hot, seeing you enjoy it the way you did.”
Lena lies down on the bed and wraps an arm around your waist to bring you closer.
“What do you think you’re doing?” you ask, lifting yourself onto your knees and shooting Lena a look.
“Come here.”
You make Lena sit on the edge of the bed and in gratitude for her service, you make her come twice with your mouth before you both finally call it a night.
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johnwickb1tsch · 2 months
andar conmigo ~ part 15
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A Walk in the Clouds/Don John crossover outline/fic- Paul Sutton x fem!Reader x Don John triangle ~ You grow up at Las Nubes vineyard, and have to go home to your dying father. You take your fake new husband, Sgt Paul Sutton, with you...Your old flame don John does not like this at all. Warnings: angst, survivor's trauma, smut, FLUFF chapter map
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-You stay together for a few days in the hotel in town to recover from your ordeal. Burns, Paul’s slashed arm, a possible concussion, raw scrapes at your wrists and ankles, and the lacerations upon your back that you feel sharply every time you move. A persistent cough dogs you without mercy, your lungs raw from smoke and the pure heat you’d endured in the inferno. 
Anjélica is able to slip away once to check on you. She tells you that Las Nubes has fallen into chaos. No body was ever recovered from the ruins of the house, but it was such an inferno that there’s no conceivable possibility don Juan survived. You hug your sister tearfully, certain you’ll never be able to return to your childhood home again. You do not know how your misadventure will pan out for the rest of your family, living in the shadow of the Aragóns.
When doña Maria sends a representative to your door to make noises about murder and arson, you tell them you’ll be glad to tell the world in court about what depraved things her son Juan Aragón y Espinosa did to you. The papers will eat up every sordid detail. To people like the Aragóns, saving face is everything. It would be their worst nightmare. 
They went away, and you haven’t heard from them again. 
You are sure they will rebuild, and the winery will go on, eventually under Juan’s younger brother, Pedro, who has been away at school. 
You have mixed feelings about Juan’s death. 
A part of you mourns the loss of your childhood companion. The more logical part of you insists that there was nothing left of that boy in the prideful monster Juan became. He fully intended to destroy you for the sake of his own ego, one way or another. He left you to die, and you should feel nothing for him. 
You always thought you would have been burned as a witch in an earlier century. 
You never imagined it was a fate you might actually face in the present time, had your sister, Paul, and the Veterans, bless them all, not banded together to save you. 
Now you and Paul have harrowing nightmares about your pasts, together. You cling to each other at night in your little room, taking turns soothing the other. 
What a pair you make. 
Paul helps change the dressings upon your shoulders. Some of it will heal, but you will be scarred for the rest of your life by what Juan did. You watch Paul work in the mirror, see the dismay upon his handsome features as he peels back your bandages. The wretched words fall from your lips before you can stop them: “Am I ugly?” 
His touch upon you freezes for a moment, taken aback by the vehemence of your outburst. 
You’re afraid that’s your answer, until he asks a question back: “Do you think my scar is ugly?” 
He surely means the long raised cicatrice that stretches the entire length of his abdomen, a souvenir from war shrapnel that nearly took his life in France. You turn in his arms on the bed to look at it, for he is shirtless behind you, only wearing blue-striped boxer shorts and a bandage around his upper arm, every inch your battered war-hero. Your heart is filled with so much love you fear it might explode, and you climb into his lap with your arms around his shoulders.  
“Of course not,” you answer without falter.  
“Why not?” His hands on your waist anchor you, pulling you closer. There’s no where you feel safer, as though finally you’ve found the place where you belong. You cup his face in your hands, tracing those high cheekbones with your thumbs. His eyes are liquid pools filled with so much earnest yearning–this man is so good, so valiant, so true, and you don’t know what you did to deserve him. 
“Because…I love every part of you, Paul Sutton. I love you.” Realizing the magnitude of this admission, you start to cry, but then somehow, you start to laugh too, ducking to hide in the bend of his neck “I’m so sorry.” 
“For what?” he asks through his own tears and laughter, flummoxed by joy and squeezing you carefully in his strong arms.    
“For…everything. For being me. For what happened. For getting you involved–”
He effectively shuts you up with his mouth on yours, a bone-melting kiss that renders you soft and pliant in his arms. “I wouldn’t trade you for anything,” he insists with his forehead pressed to yours. “I would only change…that you got hurt.” 
You’ve never really talked about Juan’s demise, and the parts the two of you played in it. You find that your only remorse in that moment…is that you have no remorse. 
You kiss him again, a lingering lock of lips that feels like offering up a piece of your soul to this man. You feel him smiling against your mouth, and for the umpteenth time you think your heart will burst. 
“Will you say it again?” he asks, so shyly with such a sparkle in his dark eyes. He is breathtaking beyond words, and in that moment you don’t know how you haven’t told him, every day and every hour. 
You never told him what you said to Juan to earn the worst part of your thrashing–you never intend to, you know he would just feel guilty, and that is not a weight you intend to lay on his shoulders, when he already carries so much. But you know what you said that night is true. This man owns you–in the way two puzzle pieces meet, or a lock that has finally found its long lost key–and incredibly…you are fine with that now. There is a freedom in this acceptance of the truth that makes you absolutely giddy inside.  
“I love you.” You say it again, and again, between kisses and running your hands over his form you adore so well. He shudders as your nails graze his scalp and your hips press into his, finding him at full attention between you. Suddenly what little clothing you’re wearing is too much between you. Yet he catches your hands when you reach for the buttons of his shorts. 
“Sweetheart…I want to,” he sighs raggedly. “I want you so much, but you’re hurt, and I–” 
You kiss him again, merciless in your sudden need to devour him whole and lick the bones clean. It’s amazing, how desire acts as such an effective painkiller.  “I’ll be fine. I will not be fine, if I can’t have you inside me.” 
He laughs, that beautiful, unassuming sound that fills you with sunlight. “Honey…” 
“Come here.” He lets you–of course he lets you, you could not budge this strapping man without his cooperation–nudge him over until he can lay back on the bed, and you can straddle his hips. As you undo his buttons you can tell Paul is fighting a war with himself, torn between need and worry. Taking off your brassiere helps slightly–you can’t help but grin with a bit of wickedness as a small sound escapes him, looking up at you. 
“I’m alright,” you tell him gently. “Because of you. Let me thank you.” You feel the burn in your back, the sharp ache as you stretch your skin to lean down to press your lips to his scar, but you have no intention of stopping. 
“You don’t need to thank me…” His breath hitches, his fingers tangling in your hair as you brush the velvety tip of his manhood with your chin 
“I want to. I want to be close to you.” 
That much he agrees with, and you watch him nod, eyes half-lidded, before taking him into your mouth. 
Though he clearly loves it, his head thrown back into the bedclothes, he only lets you savor him for a little while before he tugs gently on your hair, urging you up, needing you too, guiding you with those big hands on your hips until you are sinking onto his thick length, and the both of you see stars. 
“Go slow,” he cautions you sheepishly. “Or I’ll lose it.”
You are so pent up with desire and emotion that you know you won’t last long either. You savor the delicious stretch of him inside you, riding him slowly with your breasts in your hands, his thumb on your ripe little clit driving you mad. He brings you like the sun cresting the horizon, a warm and bright pleasure that fills your center and spreads through your bones. You know he holds on by a thread as your greedy cunt milks every last drop of golden ecstasy from him, his strong fingers digging into your hips with a moan. Breathless, you take mercy on him, uncoupling to take him in your mouth once more. The taste of him spilling upon your tongue is divine–his throaty moans the most wonderful sound. 
With a satisfied sigh you curl up beside him, resting your cheek on his ribs, shuddering for his featherlight fingers tracing over your hair, careful of your shoulders. That disbelieving laughter you love so much draws your attention back up to him, finding him looking down at you with so much joy shining in those lovely dark eyes. 
Not for the first time, you think he’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. 
“I love you so much.” 
“I love you too,” you answer with a smile, and in that happy moment you know you are equally blessed and ruined. 
The latter, you are finally ready to accept with an open heart.  
epilogue to follow...
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stomach-bugg09 · 2 years
uhhhh can i please request a sully! reader fic wherein she’s lo’ak’s twin and is so so much like jake that although neytiri wouldnt admit it (shes her favorite) but shes also smart like her uncle tommy and brave like her late uncle tsu’tey? i just want more platonic and familial sully family love 🥹 basically just her life and the people she’s impacted, maybe she almost dies bc come on lets give neteyam a break 😭 and her family’s reactions + her recovering 🙏🙏🙏🙏
sully family x lo’akstwin!reader
tags: @pinkhotdogsfr @eywas-heir
a/n: so, first of all, thank you so much for the request!! second of all, this is so cute and def right up my ally. i decided that, just bc it's generally broad, i’d format it as a head canon so i can continue to test my horizons with writing. hopefully i do your req justice!! feedback is always appreciated. (p.s... please send in requests 🙏🙏 i need the inspo)
you were a sully, and sullys stick together
lo'ak's twin headcanons
being lo’ak’s (older) twin, there’d always been some sort of… fued, if you will, between the two of you. of course, it was light hearted—most of the time.
you’d always try and one-up each other, watching each other’s (extremely dangerous) antics and deciding that the next best idea was to perform something even riskier. let's just say, the two of you liked to keep neytiri and jake on their toes.
because of your quite idiotic decisions, both of your parents, although it was usually more jake than neytiri, felt like they were constantly scolding the two of you. together.
and don't even get me started on poor neteyam, always trying to take the blame from you two. man, he is tired. can't you just be.. i don’t know, smart for once? (the answer is no)
but, one thing that neytiri and jake constantly talk to each other about is the reason you and lo'ak are hazards to yourself and to others is all because of jake. you are just too goddamn alike — dangerously so!
as a result of the two of you being a constant reminder of his own problematic personality, he is harsher on the two of you than he intends.
he’s just scared of you getting hurt.
neytiri almost always reprimands her mate for yelling at the two of you, but she also knows exactly where he’s coming from. she’s been on the front lines of jake’s stupidity for years, so she’s all too familiar with the dangers it brings
but, joke as they might about how dumb you are when it comes to risking your life just to one-up your twin, a small sentimental part of jake notices how goddamn smart you are. not only is your daring personality similar to himself, your intelligence is uncanny to his own twin.
every day he’s reminded of tommy — as you sit next to him with a map, helping him plan the escape route if a raid goes wrong, as you converse with norm, as you examine every living creature that wanders the forest… all of it is a reminder of the brother he once cherished, and that just makes you even more valuable to keep safe (from other threats, but mostly from yourself + lo’ak)
sometimes, when you’re sitting with your father and discussing the best way to approach or escape a raid, neytiri will be sitting nearby, doing her own duties. she always has at least one ear open to listen, and as she hears the alarmingly mature and smart words that leave your mouth, she swells with pride. she may deny it forever and ever, but a part of her favors you because of.. well, everything in all honesty. you're a brave young woman who knows exactly how to speak for herself, what's there not to like?
on occasion, when you aren’t grounded for doing something dumb, neytiri will take you on hunts. the two of you bond, and it is just adorable because mother-daughter bonding is where it's at.
and do not forget how brave you are. oh my god, how is it even possible that you jump towards danger. you would put your life on the line for your siblings, and you would do it again and again. in that, neytiri is reminded of tsu’tey, another piece of pride being sewn into her soul.
now… what happens when you guys have to leave?
well, first of all, let's acknowledge the fact that yes, you did join neteyam and lo’ak to flying from your spots on patrol and into the raid. why’d you do it? lo’ak said he was. it was a no-brainer.
secondly! yes, you were extremely proud when lo’ak flipped the avatars off after they captured you. and you most definitely bit the one that held you when it was your time to escape. and then maybe you hit him over the head with a gun on the forest floor. (you couldn't do anything after that — kiri grabbed you before you could.)
now, when you got word from your parents that you would be leaving… you were not happy. like, at all. you were actually quite pissed, if anything.
the forest was your home. weren’t you just giving the sky-people even more satisfaction by allowing them to drive you from your home?
but, alas, you were eventually able to tone down your stubbornness and actually understand your parents’ point. you were in danger, and that meant having to sacrifice comfort for the lives of you and your siblings.
so, off you went.
by the time you reached the metkayina tribe, your ass was so extremely sore from riding your ikran all that ways. and your legs were so very stiff. do not recommend!!
oh, and the way that that metkayina boy eyed your apparent “freak-like attributes,” that had you set off pretty quickly. kiri had to grab your wrist before you thought to say or do anything.
the pride you felt when your mother stood her ground… of how we love neytiri. an absolute boss.
but, all in all, you could stay. so.. you did. and even you had to admit, the water was gorgeous, even if swimming was the worst form of cardio.
you were quicker to learning the metkayina ways than your twin was, so that was gratifying of course. but, you also knew it wasn’t all that easy learning to breathe when he was head over heels for the girl teaching him (a fact that you definitely did not miss… and you most definitely teased him for it)
now, of course when it gets the point in with ao’nung being an absolute bitch ass to your sister… oh yeah you wouldn't let that slide. unfortunately, you came to scene a tad late, so you only witnessed the ends of the fight. that didn't keep you from smiling with pride at your two brothers who annihilated a group of.. what? four? five? it's hard to say, but they still somehow “won?”
and do NOT get me started on when you and neteyam found out what ao’nung did to lo’ak. you almost murdered a bitch. thank the lord lo’ak ended up being okay, because otherwise ao’nung would have been dead.
you were skeptical at first when lo’ak told your group about payakan. but, based on your deep rooted knowledge of each other, it didn't take long for you to realize he was telling the truth.
so, when it came the time post sky-people’s arrival, you were completely on-board to join lo’ak to warn the whale.
you, of course, tried your hardest to remove the tracker, but you were also an unfortunate victim of yet another kid-napping.
by the time neteyam saved you, lo’ak, tsireya, and tuk (who clung closely to you as soon as you were released), you and lo’ak were fully aware of spider’s presence on the ship
while you weren't really looking to save the human boy, you knew, morally, you would feel better if you did… so, you left tuk to tsireya and joined the boys
you have a lot of battle intelligence just based from listening to your father speak and eavesdropping on the conversations he had when planning raids, so you helped neteyam lead the way.
unfortunately, by the time you all escaped, a bullet had pierced your shoulder. you could barely keep your head above the surface.
you barely even acknowledged as your brothers laid you on a rock, tears pouring down their cheeks as they attempted to not only reassure you, but reassure themselves.
you were losing blood quickly, but tsireya was quick. she knew exactly what to do, so she did it. neytiri and jake were barely functional as they watched the metkayina girl tend to your shoulder. but, as much as they wanted to, they could not stay. they had two other daughters kidnapped by quaritch.
so, as they went to save their girls, tsireya kept your from bleeding out (temporarily) before rushing the two of you on her ilu back to her mother.
the recovery process was long but sweet. every member of your family was overjoyed when you woke up and ended up being alive and okay. lots of tears were shed.
they were quick to help you recover to your full abilities, and they were more excited than you were everytime that you reached a new achievement. getting out of bed was apparently something to be proud of.
but, all in all, you were a sully, and sullys stick together.
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yeaimsafiya · 6 months
CHAPTER ONE back from rehab
SYNOPSIS the beginning of a teenage girl named y/n who is fresh out of rehab but doesn't intend to stay clean.
FROM THE WRITER AHH IM SORRY IM LATE GUYS!! This is the first chapter I'm ever writing, I took some inspo from episode 1 but I'm going to have to cut each episode into fourths because I really don't want to spend a whole week trying to finish a whole episode and school work. But I hope you guys really enjoy this chapter as much as I did - Love you guys, Sapiyah <3
WARNINGS Lots of unnecessary writing, female! reader, mentions of drugs and drinking, strong sexual content, nudity, violence, adult content, adult language, scenes might be uncomfortable for some, some scenes might include mentions of mental illness'
CHARACTERS INCLUDED members of the bakusquad & dekusquad, big three(?), some characters of class 1A
NOTES MDNI! Ageless blogs will be blocked or removed.
Readers discretion is advised
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Suddenly, the whole world goes dark and nothing else matters except the person standing in front of you.
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You were once happy. Content.
Sloshing and swimming around your own private, primordial pool; Then one day, for reasons beyond your control, you were continuously and repeatedly crushed...
Over..and over.. again by the cervix of your mother, M/n.
You put up a good fight, but eventually lost, for the first time, but not the last.
You were born 3 days after 9/11, your mother and father spent two days in the hospital, holding you under the soft glow of the television, watching those towers fall over and over again, until the feeling of grief gave away to numbness.
And then, without warning, a middle-class childhood in the American suburbs.
You were sitting at the dinner table with your mother, M/n, and Father, F/n. But it appeared something else had gotten your attention, a set of numerous lights above the dinner table, in which you wanted to count.
"Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen.."
" What are you looking at y/n?"
"What are you doing? ..Y-y/n look at me."
"One, two, three, .."
"What are you doing Y/n?"
"Id say she's suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder..."
Its not like you were physically abused..
"...attention deficit disorder..."
..Or had some type of clean water storage..
"..general anxiety disorder.."
..Or was molested by a family member.
"..and possibly bipolar disorder. But she's a little bit too young to tell."
So, explain this shit to me.
"Honey, it's just the way your brain was hardwired; Plenty of great, intelligent, funny, interesting and creative people have struggled with the same things you struggle with."
"Like who?"
"Vincent Van Gogh, Sylvia Plath, and even Brittney Spears, your favorite!"
You haven't remembered much from the ages of eight to twelve. Just that the world moved fast, and your mind moved slow.
"Does anyone have an idea of what a perception might be?"
And every now and then, if you focused on the way you breathed...
You'd die.
"Slow down, just breathe"
Until every second of the day, you'd find yourself trying to outrun your anxiety.
"What's wrong Y/n?"
..And quite frankly..
"I'm just fucking exhausted"
Coming down to the kitchen, you could hear the small talk between your mother and younger sister, S/N.
"You said the doctor was in our network. How can he suddenly be out of network?"
"I can't afford it."
"Did you see that video of the girl who got acid thrown at her face?"
"What? No.."
"It's pretty fucked up.."
"Mom do you know where the tampons are?"
"In my bathroom, right under the sink."
And at one point, you'd make a choice of who you are and what you want.
"Alright Gia, let's go"
"Why do the co-payments cost $300?"
"Y/n did you eat breakfast?"
"What's with the glasses?"
"What glasses?"
You just happened to show up one day, without a map or a compass..
"Attention students, we need to lockdown."
..Or to be honest, anyone capable of giving on iota of good fucking advice.
And I know it all seems sad but guess what? You did not build this system up, nor fuck it up yourself.
But then it happens. That moment where your breath starts to slow. And every time you breathe, you breathe out all the oxygen you have.
Then everything stops: Your heart, your lungs, then finally, your brain. And everything you feel, you wish, and want to forget, it all just sinks.
And then suddenly... you give it air again, give it life again.
You remember the first time it happened, where you were so scared you wanted to call 911. Go to the hospital and be kept alive by machines and apple juice. But you didn't want to look like an idiot, and you didn't want to fuck up everyone else's night.
And now overtime, that's all you've wanted.. those two seconds of nothingness.
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You spent a good portion of summer before junior year in rehab. God granted you the serenity to accept things you cannot change, the courage to change the things you can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
"Y/N," your sister yelled from afar, greeting you after your long leave. You smiled, and whilst running up to her, tried to continue the conversation with your younger sibling.
"Hey, Come here!"
"How are you?"
"Good, I missed you."
"I missed you too."
"Look at you, are you growing?"
Looking over, you see your mother standing by your family car.
"Hey," you yelled out to her, only to receive a small smile from her.
And with that. you knew it was your time to go.
"I'm very happy for you Y/n. You're about to start a brand-new chapter," Your mother says while driving you and your sister to school. You looked at her with a smile, then turned your attention back to the car window.
You had no intentions of staying clean. And yet, Jirou just moved into town.
"There's some new girl in town that I think you'll be friends with," Shoto said, with you standing beside him in his store.
"Shit, I don't know. She came in looking all punk rock and shit; So I'm thinking to myself, like, 'look like somebody Y/n would be friends with'."
Which was sort of a dead-on observation for Shoto, who's not normally revolving in the same direction as planet earth.
"So how long have you been back?" He asked.
"About five days."
"And how are you feeling?"
"I mean, ever since I gave my life over to my lord and savior Jesus Christ, things have been, like, really good."
"Word? That's what's up," You chuckled at his snarky remark, giving him a small smile.
"I'm fucking with you," you said whilst laughing, "It was a joke."
"Shit, hey, I don't judge," he defended, hands raising to just above his chest.
"But for real, is Deku in the back?"
"Are you serious?" Shoto questioned, seeming very disappointed in you.
"What, you think cause' I went to rehab I stayed clean?"
"I mean, ain't that the point?" he asks.
"Yeah, well, the world is coming to an end, and I haven't even graduated high school yet."
You gave Shoto one more smile before going to Deku, whilst Shoto stared at you the entire way there; There was a hint of sadness in his eyes, but since you were too busy looking for Deku, you didn't see.
You opened one of the doors of the refrigerators, leading you right to him with a bowl of fruit loops,"I thought your ass was dead," he said one he saw your appearance.
"And I thought you had Asperger's till I realized your just a prick," you barked back.
"This a fickle industry, y'all come and go. I'm just trying to stack my cash, pay off our mortgage," he said while pulling out a bunch of plastic bags out of a microwave.
"So what the fuck do you want?" You gave him a knowing look before he handed you needed.
"You sure you don't want to try something new?" He asks you.
"Like what?"
"2C-T-2, 2C-T-7, and 5-MeO-DIPT."
"I'm sorry I have no fucking idea of what you just said."
"It doesn't matter," he stated, "but this shit, is fucking lit."
"What is it?"
"N-diisopropyl-5-methoxytryptamine. It's a fast-acting psychedelic."
Got some similarities to LSD, but with, like, key differences. Not as visual as shit, but definitely a sense distorter.
"What's wrong?" That same dark purple hair girl questioned.
"I'm just so happy," you responded back.
"I don't know, this shits been going off in Tampa, and mad people like to fuck with this," Deku continued on with his descriptions with the drug.
"Okay. Yeah, why not."
"That'll be 120."
"Oh uh, Shoto said he'd spot me."
"Shoto doesn't spot nobody."
"Yeah, well, it's a post-rehab discount, so you should ask him."
"I will go ask him, cause' I know your full of shit."
Those were the last words he said before you walked out. Those were the last words you heard before you saw the same two boys in freshman year.
Bakugo and Kirishima.
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TAGLIST: (send an ask or reply to add or remove) @urinejaeger, @saturxnn, @lv9su, @minnipe, @flamgosstuff, @lilrockzstar, @actfsgxcv, @lovebuggyboo, @russochild19, @iits-lexie, @mendez5657, @animatronicrat, @thirstygorl, @scrittynotfound, @pleaseleavemebelol, @thymebread, @cocojellie, @vxnanaaa-blog, @tn-johnson, @knotatwink, @hpttstears, @blackcatluna, @queennb-123, @nndntahg
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hitmewithsomebooks · 7 months
@jegulus-microfic Feb 11 - map
527 words
Cowboy James 🤠
First part Previous part
“Wanna kiss ev’ry inch of you, gonna map out your skin with my lips, ‘m gonna have you committed to memory, baby, I—”
“Regulus Black where the fuck is my lipstick??” James’s sappy rambling was cut off by a rather loud Dorcas, who proceeded to slam the door open.
“Because I know you took it you little— oh… hello.” Dorcas cut herself off this time, as she took in a very naked James next to a similarly naked Regulus. Luckily, the sheet was covering their bottom halves, though in James’s case it was only just.
“Howdy.” James replied with a grin, grabbing his hat off the nightstand and tipping it.
“Are who are you?” Dorcas asked, now smirking at a rather proud Regulus. I mean, who would be embarrassed to have that in their bed?
“I’m James, lovely t’ meet you.” James answered, and made to get out from under the covers to shake her hand.
“Ah, no!” The very lesbian Dorcas stopped him abruptly. “You do not need to get up, thank you very much. You can shake my hand later… after you’ve washed yours.” She added, sending a pointed look at the both of them. James chuckled.
“Alright then. An’ might ah ask who you ‘re?”
“I’m Dorcas. Regulus’s best friend and roommate.” She replied, arms crossed firmly over her chest.
“You didn’ tell me y’ had a roommate.” James murmured, and Regulus scoffed.
“I most certainly did, and there’s two of them. You didn’t hear because you were too busy…” Regulus trailed off with a wary look at Dorcas, who rolled her eyes.
“You two can discuss that later. James, I have only one thing to tell you,” she stated, and James directed his full attention to her. “Treat him right, because his group of friends —myself included— are both not afraid of and good at hiding a body.” Dorcas said firmly, staring the cowboy down.
“Yes ma’am.” He replied, casting a wide-eyed glance at Regulus, who giggled.
“And Reggie, I’m proud of you, love.” Dorcas added with a smirk and a wink, before stepping out, closing the door behind her.
“Well that was… in’erestin’.” James commented, turning on his side to face Regulus again. The younger man chuckled, reaching up and playing with one of the cowboy’s curls.
“Indeed. That’s Dorcas, for you. And she’s the most sane one, aside from Pandora. I’m just glad she didn’t come in about 10 minutes sooner.” Regulus murmured, and James bit his lip, his eyes darkening.
“Or ‘bout a minute later.” He rumbled, pulling Regulus close again.
“James!” He scolded, but it was a laugh. “She’s just in the kitchen! Haven’t you had enough this morning, anyways?” James scoffed.
“Can nev’r get enough o’ you, sweetheart.” He growled, pulling the sheet off. Regulus rolled his eyes, but he had to force himself to hide his smile.
“Fucking insatiable, I swear, you’re a… you’re…” Regulus’s own hitched breath cut him off as James hummed and began trailing his lips downward. James had said cowboys always kept their promises, and he intended to show it.
And, Regulus had stolen Dorcas’ lipstick. Later, he would show James why.
Next part
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hundredandsix · 1 year
CRIMSON ✩ [ ellie williams ] ✩
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[ ellie x fem!reader ]
✩ wc: 1.7k
✩ summary: ellie really likes your red nail polish.
✩ cw: mdni (18+), top!ellie, bottom!reader, fingering (reader receiving), masturbation (reader), bathroom sex, an obscene amount of references to red nails
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You were fucking with her.
At least that's what Ellie told you when she shoved you into the restaurant's bathroom, tattooed hand glued to your waist.
And maybe you had been. You didn't miss the way her eyes followed your crimson nails. They were short. Nothing special. But Ellie's eyes had been on them the whole night.
She watched as you ran your fingers around the rim of your glass, dim light reflecting off the red polish. She gazed at your hands as you drummed your short nails on the table while Dina told a story you'd already heard before. And she nearly gaped at you when you bit your index finger as you decided what to order.
So, yes. You were fucking with her and it was turning out exactly how you'd anticipated.
"Don't know what you're talking about, El," you said, looking at her through your eyelashes.
She rolled her eyes and locked the door to the family restroom. It was spacious with a large sink behind you. You doubted this was its intended purpose, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
Her hands found your hips again, pushing you against the granite countertop of the sink. She was close, so close that you could feel her breath against your lips.
"It's not my fault you get horny at basically anythi—" you started.
Your lips connected in a bruising kiss, her hand finding its way to your hair. She gripped at the crown of your head and tugged backward to expose your neck.
She was quick, not wanting to waste time. The food was likely at the table now, and people would wonder where you were.
Placing wet kisses down your neck, her other hand traveled beneath your shirt, caressing skin she'd mapped out ages ago. She slid her fingers beneath the band of your bra, kneading your breast harshly.
She ignored your gasp and removed her hand to yank your pants and underwear down in one movement.
"Don't see you complaining though, huh?" she mumbled against your neck.
Her hands slid to the backs of your thighs. With a grunt, she lifted you to rest on the edge of the countertop. The movement caused your pants to slip off your right leg, dangling from the left as you spread your thighs for her.
She dropped to her knees, gazing at your soaking cunt like she was about to devour you. That was what you'd been wanting her to do all night.
Instead, she grabbed your right hand, dragging it to your center. When you cocked your head in confusion, she let out a laugh, a smirk painting her features.
"Want you to touch yourself."
When you opened your mouth to protest, she grabbed your hand again, moving it to circle your clit with red-painted nails.
"But I want you to—"
"Don't think you deserve it for being so mean. Plus..." she trailed off. "You look so pretty like this."
Her fingers moved to stroke over the shiny, red polish. You had never seen her hypnotized by something so small.
Fine. If she was going to be like that, then you were at least going to give her a show.
You shook her hand off, placing it to rest on your inner thigh as you slid two fingers into your cunt to dull that ache spreading through you. Gasping at the stretch, you wished you had started slower at first, but there was no turning back now.
Your thumb moved to rub over your clit as you crooked your fingers, trying to find the spot that made you see red. It was a lot harder to do on your own than when her fingers were shoved inside of you. She knew exactly where to press and how to kiss you. You were a bit out of practice, to say the least.
But the sight of your girlfriend kneeling in front of you and practically drooling made you fuck into yourself with a newfound fervor.
Ellie groaned at the sound of your fingers pushing in and out of your slick cunt. It was obscene, and maybe Ellie was right because your pretty red nails seemed to make it so much better.
Her hand moved back and forth over your thigh, nails gently digging into the sensitive skin. The tile squeaked beneath her Converse as she moved to stand between your legs. Her other hand trailed up your side and came to rest on your shoulder, gently massaging the tense muscle.
Green eyes trained on your cunt, she rubbed the back of her hand over your forehead to wipe away the sweat on your brow. She laughed and it was so mean that it almost made your pace falter.
"Bet you wish it was me fucking you, huh?"
You refused to make eye contact, fingers pumping even faster, but she was right. The red on your nails was pretty, but it would be so much better if it was her instead.
"Maybe if you ask nicely I'll help you out. Can't go back to the table with my girl all desperate."
At her words, your body flung back to rest against the wall, but Ellie was faster. Her hand cupped the back of your head as you knocked hard into the mirror behind you.
You just wanted to cum, but it was so difficult with her watching you like this. And you couldn't fucking find the spo—
"Ellie, please. Want you to touch me."
Her hand left the back of her head and slid to rest on your inner thigh. She knelt in front of you again, gaze still trained on your red nails.
"But you look so pretty like this. It would be rude to interrupt you."
"You said if I—if I asked then you would."
"Right, but I don't know, babe. Still don't think you deserve it. Maybe if you say you're sorry..."
You groaned in frustration and pulled your hand out of your cunt, your clear slick glistening on your fingers beneath the fluorescent lights. Your hand gripped hers and guided it to your cunt. For a moment, all the both of you could focus on was the contrast between the red of your nails and her pale skin.
You pushed her hand against your core, but she refused to move, staring up at you with a stupid smirk on her face.
"I'm sorry," you tried, a pout forming on your lips.
"That's better," she said sliding her ring and middle fingers into your cunt.
It was almost strange how much better her hands felt than your own. Her long fingers found your spot immediately and pressed against it. You gasped at the intrusion, rocking against her fingers.
But she wouldn't fucking move.
"I don't think you really mean it," she said, voice so slow you had to strain your ears to hear it.
"No! I do. I really am sorry!"
Her fingers moved at a languid pace, so slow that you barely felt it at all. You cried out, the small movement somehow feeling better than your own fingers from moments earlier.
"Just wanted you to fuck me. 'm sorry for teasing."
She stood up again and your head fell to rest on her chest.
"If you wanted me to take care of you, you could've just asked."
You gazed up at her. "But it's more fun this way."
She cocked her head to the side, pondering your words, but she nodded. Her free hand grabbed yours, moving it back to your clit.
"Help me out, yeah? Don't have much time."
Her fingers sped up, and despite the new angle, she hit that spongey spot inside of you with such precision that you had trouble keeping up with her movements.
Her eyes were glued to your nails as they circled your clit. Your own fingers tried to match her speed, but it was so hard to focus when she was looking down at you like that. A strand of hair had fallen from her bun, dangling in front of her face. If your hands weren't completely soaked in your arousal, you would have tucked it behind her ear for her.
You felt that familiar feeling pooling in your stomach, and it burned all the way down your legs and to your torso.
"Want it so bad, El. So fucking close," you mumbled into her chest.
"C'mon, you owe it to me. Cum all over my fingers before I change my mind and make you finish yourself."
Her words sent you over the edge, and you clenched around her fingers as you reached your high. Her pace slightly faltered at the tightness, but she didn't stop helping you ride out your high.
For once, her eyes weren't focused on your face as you came. Instead, they were trained on your fingers. The red of your nails was covered in the glossy sheen of the slick coating yours and her fingers.
The sound that echoed in the otherwise silent bathroom as she slid her fingers out of you made you blush.
She reached behind you to wash her hands in the sink, and you let your body collapse against your shoulder. You weren't even hungry anymore, and the thought of going back to dinner after that made you want to cry.
Ellie appeared back in front of you with a few paper towels to help you clean up.
"We've gotta hurry before Dina comes looking," she said, helping you slide your pants and underwear back up your shaking legs.
"We've been gone for too long already. Pretty sure they already know what we're doing."
Loud knocking from the other side of the door made you jump.
"You two almost done? Your food is getting cold," Dina's voice called out.
"Yeah, just a sec," Ellie shouted back, helping your stand on unstable legs.
Dina's response was much quieter, but you still heard her muffled reply as she walked back to the table. "Can't even last 30 minutes."
"I blame you," Ellie said as she unlocked the door, hand sliding around your waist as you exited the bathroom.
"Like I said! Not my fault you get horny at—"
She slapped her hand over your mouth, and the look she gave you made you want to forget dinner and head straight home.
"C'mon, red. The food is getting cold."
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thespectral-wolf · 3 months
An Enigma in Shadows: Epilogue - Left Unsaid
A thousand thanks to @w0lp3rtinger for beta reading and helping out with the writing.
As the title says, this is an epilogue to my comic, which if you haven't read yet, you can find the first page here.
“Amy, please, let me help” Sonic pleaded to her for what felt like the fiftieth time this week.
Amy chose to ignore him and instead focused on making sure she packed everything she needed for today’s search. Almost three weeks had passed since Shadow left abruptly after her friends’ intervention. Fourteen days of her hoping the hedgehog would return so they could set things straight. Six days since she decided to find his residence herself and maybe, just maybe make it up to him. She took another look at her map to see where she would continue. Only four hundred square kilometers of jungle to search through. She let out an audible sigh.
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Sonic waited behind her, arms crossed and one foot tapping rhythmically, betraying his otherwise patient expression. She turned her head slightly. 
“I don’t think I want your idea of help.”
Sonic groaned.“Look, I know I messed up-”
“That’s an understatement.”
Sonic let go of his irritation with a huff. He continued, “I do want to make it up to you, Amy. At least don’t go into the jungle alone again!”
Amy turned around to look him in the eye.
“Okay, fine! Let’s say I consider taking your offer. How do you intend to help me with this?”
The tension left Sonic’s body, the look of relief spread across his face. “Finally! Thank you!” he exclaimed, and before Amy could say anything, he stepped closer and continued, “You know, I often take a morning jog around the island. Maybe I’ve seen the place you’re looking for.”
Amy snorted, “Yeah, because you look at the places you pass by during your mach-one ‘jogs’.”
Sonic mocked a hurt expression at the accusation. 
“Come on now, I do appreciate the sights. Besides, I should mention that I have an impeccable visual memory,” he leaned on the table, arms crossed and looked his usual smug self. Amy normally liked his cockiness — not that she would ever admit that — but this time, she found it irritating.
“Go on,” he continued, “Test me. Describe the place we're looking for,” and gestured to her map with his head.
“Okay then,” she recalled what the part of the jungle looked like to her best ability. It wasn’t hard, even after so many weeks. The initial shock of Shadow’s living situation embedded the details of the place in her mind. The small incline Shadow used for sleeping, the little camp that was rather civil despite the roughness. The storm shelter that was probably a long abandoned property,  repurposed by the black hedgehog, hidden carefully from curious eyes. She even surprised herself by remembering where the two places lay relative to each other. Sonic did not say a word throughout all of that, only nodding a few times.
“So,” Amy spread her arms expectantly, “any ideas, Mr. Know-It-All?”
“I’m not sure about that shelter, but a small cave in a clearing facing north…” Sonic murmured, as he looked at the wall, eyes darting about. Suddenly, he snapped his fingers. “Yeah, I think I know where that is!”
Amy blinked, “Really? Just like that?!”
“Yup! Pretty impressive, huh?” Sonic smirked.
She wasn’t going to be convinced so easily, “Okay then, can you show me where it is on the map?”
Sonic glanced at the item in question, and gave her an amused smile, “You know reading maps is not my strong suit.”
Why wasn’t she surprised…
“Well, thanks for nothing, I guess…” she was ready to pack up and leave.
“Buuut,” he leaned into her line of sight, “I can still take you there.”
“I’m not letting you carry me there, Sonic,” any other day, the idea would’ve excited her, but she was still bitter over his actions.
He shrugged.
“I could take you on the Blue Force One, too. Tails just upgraded the offroad mode.”
“Isn’t the Blue Force One only for one person?” she raised an eyebrow.
Sonic looked away and rubbed his nose.
“It can fit two… if you hold on close,” he murmured.
“Ugh!” Amy threw her hands up and turned her back on him. For one, because she couldn’t hide her flushed face, and she felt ashamed that even when she’s supposed to be super mad at him, he could get this reaction out of her. And another, she couldn’t believe Sonic is still playing around like that.
“Hey, I’m just teasing!” Sonic held up his arms, and gave his most apologetic smile. The glare he earned from her then melted that smile off right away. After a moment of silence, he spoke up in a softer voice, “C’mon, Amy. You trust me, don’t you?”
She wanted to say no. Sonic betrayed her trust when he still went out of his way to spy on her and Shadow and got himself and the others involved. But also, he was one of her closest friends. Even if he hurt her, she couldn’t stay mad at him forever. And she knew he was genuinely sorry. She rubbed her eyes.
“Fine, but when we get there, you hang back, okay? The last thing I want is you and Shadow get into a fight.”
“You know it’s usually him who initiates them, right?” Amy glowered at him for that, and he immediately put his hands up defensively. “Right, no fisticuffs, got it.”
The ride was… unusually silent. She sat behind Sonic, trying to hold on to him in a way that wasn’t too uncomfortable for either of them. She didn’t see Sonic’s face, but as he drove at a reasonable pace on the uneven trail, the tension in his body told her he was focused on the task.
At one point, he slowed to a halt, turning off the engine.
“We gotta go on foot from here. I love this thing, but it can’t tear through the foliage… yet,” Sonic explained as he got out.
“Just don’t run off, okay?” Amy grumbled.
“Hey, I can walk if I want,” Sonic turned around to face her, walking backwards very fast.
“Are you sure you’re walking?”
“This is walking for me,” Sonic joked, then turned around and started to jog.
“That is a lie, and you know that!” Amy shouted, keeping up with his speed. She could hear Sonic’s laugh in front of her. She shook her head. He can’t take things seriously, can he?
They trudged through the forest for quite some time before the plant life started to thin. Amy squinted at the sudden brightness, but when her eyes adjusted, she loudly exclaimed:
“Yeah, this is it!” Amy couldn’t hide her surprise when she looked around. It was definitely the cave where Shadow was staying in during their time working together, although it was strange to see it in daylight.
Sonic kicked a pebble and looked as nonchalant as always. “And if you accepted my help earlier, you would’ve saved a lot of time.”
She ignored his comment, and instead approached the incline. She had to be cautious. Shadow avoided confrontation last time, but it could’ve been because he was taken by surprise. She didn’t know how the other hedgehog would react if she approached him uninvited.
It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the dark, but once she could see, she had noticed that the cave was completely empty, the only thing indicating that someone was here were the rocks and charcoal making up the firepit. Everything else — the old sleeping bag, the dirty rags that covered the log used for sitting, the various tools, even the empty food cans — were gone. He has left. She should have expected this, yet disappointment still washed over her. There might still be a chance though…
She dashed out of the cave, and went in the direction of the shelter. Sonic, who was leaning against a tree the whole time,  hurried to follow. She didn’t say a word.
She ground to a stop when she saw that the shelter’s door was torn off from its hinges and tossed to the side. It also looked like as if the earth collapsed where the rest of the shelter should be. She felt a tightness in her chest, but pushed past it and went for the entrance.
The ladder was missing, so she jumped down. Using her communicator’s in-built flashlight, she took a better look at the scene. The place caved in, leaving nothing but rubble and dirt. She cautiously moved some of the debris. She could see the remains of what used to be the shelf, but on a closer look, all the knick-knacks Shadow had there weren’t in the rubble.
That meant he took them. 
So he must’ve destroyed it on purpose.
She just stood there, staring at the ruins where barely a month ago she was spending entire nights awake trying to solve a mystery. Trying to help someone…
She absentmindedly hovered a hand to her cheek, feeling the freshly healed skin.
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“Yo, Amy, all good?” Sonic shouted in from above, snapping Amy out of her thoughts.
“Yes, it’s fine,” she told him. She walked back and climbed out with the aid of her hammer.
“No sign of him,” she dusted herself off, and looked away into the thick of the forest.
“Do you want to try tomorrow?” he asked as they made their way back to the clearing.
“No… I don’t think we’re going to meet him here,” she looked off in the distance. “Just give me a sec, okay?”
Amy entered the small cave again and fished out an item: Shadow’s glove sealed in an airtight bag. Ideally, she would have given it to Shadow in person or at the very least leave it for him. But was he coming back here? Or will this place be vacant forever? A part of her wanted to resume the search, but the island was large, and Shadow would continue to elude them until he decided to be found.
If he ever decided he wanted to be found…
She finally made the decision and put the glove down on a flat rock where the elements hopefully won’t disturb it. She left, only taking one more glance back at the now empty place before going home.
It took several days before a figure appeared in the cave again. His heavy boots dug into the clay floor as he took in his surroundings. After he felt he was in the clear, he approached the item placed so clearly out in the open, it might as well be a bait for a trap. 
His instincts screamed that it was, but a small part of him said that he doesn’t have to be wary. That it will be okay.
It was strange how easy he listened to that small voice.
He picked up the bag containing the glove, and after making another quick check that nobody was watching him, he practically scrambled to put it on.
Something inside touched his fingers, making him freeze. Slowly he pulled out what appeared to be a neatly folded piece of paper.  He stared at it for a short moment before his fist closed with such force that were it not for the glove, his claws would have dug into his palm for sure. With the same rush of energy, he was ready to throw the crumpled note away as far as he could.
Something in the back of his mind stopped him, that little voice again, and his fist hung high in the air frozen mid-swing.
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He let out a shaky breath, lowered his hand and stared at the little paper. Seconds stretched on, he could hear nothing but blood rushing in his ear, the buzz so loud it was almost drowning out his thoughts. Choppy breaths evened out, every long intake of air bringing in the smell of damp clay and moss. A faint memory of bamboo and scented candles and freshly cooked pasta tried to wriggle itself back to the forefront of his mind. Finally, he neatly straightened it and started to unfold it, the curiosity to find out what was inside finally taking over him. He read its contents. And read it again. And again. The wrinkles of his brow deepened more and more at his puzzlement. He turned it over, but found the rest of the paper empty. He read it again, taking in each word, like it was a riddle.
“You forgot it at my place. I figured you’d want it back. I did wash it though, I hope you don’t mind.”
That was all of it. He was expecting an overly sentimental message about making amends and the importance of friendship and something about Amy’s door being always open to him… yet this here was as plain as it could get. It baffled him. And yes, he did mind the smell of the detergent.
It was pointless to keep the message. But he did not throw it away. Instead, he folded it back and pushed it inside his glove so it sat between the fabric and his hand in a way that wasn’t too bothersome. Shadow turned tail and left the cave with a thought that felt so dangerous: what would it mean to him if he left a bridge unburned?
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the-ellia-west · 4 months
Silver Blood and a Glass Crown
Alkain Short Story 2/3
(It’s got a lot of small time skips and setting changes)
This was Written very Quickly in 3 days because of procrastination, I'm sorry (ToT)
I hope you Enjoy it!
(This one is very long, Also sorry, Lovelies!)
Alkain smoothed the map across the table with all four arms, arranging the pieces over the miniature landscape. “So this is the situation, correct?”
The messenger nodded sagely. “Yessir.”
“Then I suggest you move battalions here, here, and here. They can stay hidden amongst the trees here.” He moved a few of the pieces. “You don’t want to strike first in case the negotiations go well, and we don’t have to fight.” 
“If I may, this seems a bit excessive sir.” The General stepped up beside him.
“Hm, you’re right.” Alkain pulled back, studying the map as his voice dropped to a contemplative mutter, “Better safe than sorry...”
“Mister Ciranes!” Another messenger slammed the doors open, panting. “The King Requests your presence in the throne room immediately!”
“Understood.” The elf fixed the cuffs of his uniform and bolted down the hallway. He didn’t want to make a mistake. Not here, not now, not after he’d gained so much in his mother’s memory and finally earned the king’s favor.
The Advisor brushed off his uniform, tried to smooth out his hair, and trotted into the room. “Your majesty,” He dropped to one knee, silently cursing his frazzled appearance.
“Ah! Alkain, rise. It has come to my attention that the Valerίan princess will arrive this evening instead of three days later because of tensions on the road and the rushed negotiations.”
The elf glanced up. “Yessir?”
“I called you here to tell you this because it now means you must be extra vigilant in your duties tonight. You are one of the most prevalent advisors she’ll be dealing with throughout the negotiations, so if possible I’d like you to greet her in my place.”
Alkain tensed, shocked at the question as he nervously ran his upper hands through his sandy golden waves, holding the other two to his chest for comfort. “It would be an honor, Your Majesty! Is there anything else?”
The king examined him with scrutiny and frowned. “Did you run here?”
“Um… Yessir.” Alkain shrank in on himself. “May I go, Your Majesty?”
“Yes, but may I ask where you’re so eager to leave me for?”
“My room sir. If I present the palace to the princess, I ought to look presentable myself. If I could… Your majesty.”
The King nodded thoughtfully, taking the crown from his head. “I understand, and I agree.” 
Alkain folded his lower arms behind his back and nodded once. “Thank you, sir.”
But he jumped as the king called toward one of the doors, “Kinnea!”
A young servant girl stepped into the room, bowing her head. “Yes, your majesty?”
“I intended to gift a stylist to each of my advisors, and since you need one, this is Kinnea. Kinnea, could you attend to Mister Ciranes here? If you would.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.” She nodded sagely and looked up, deep scarlet eyes sparking with worry.
Alkain rubbed his wrists nervously. “Thank you, your majesty.” 
“You’re very welcome. Now, I’m going to check on my son. You two have fun!” The King motioned for Alkain to go as he left the room.
The elf waved for Kinnea to follow him and stopped when he reached the door. “Aren’t you coming?”
“I respond to orders, sir. It’s my job. You haven’t given one.”
“Oh, uh… right. Follow me, please.” 
“Was that a request or an order?”
Alkain sighed. “I’ve never had a servant before. I don’t know what I’m doing.”
Kinnea set her shoulders and put her hands behind her back, “You don’t have to justify yourself to me. I’m here to serve you, sir.” She wove around him and held the door, bowing her head. “My orders?”
Alkain adjusted his suit's neckline, tie, and tailcoat as he glanced back at Kinnea. “You’ve outdone yourself.”
The servant nodded and stepped back as the carriage pulled around the bend. Glittering glass strings hanging from the ornately carved frames jingled against one another as the horses slowed and one whinnied.
The King’s advisor held up a hand as a servant rushed forward, pulling the carriage door open himself. He bowed and gestured one arm toward the doors. “Your Royal Highness, Welcome to Seikaria, it is our honor to have you! Allow me.” He offered her a hand.
“Thank you.”
“My pleasure, Miss.”
“The pleasure is all mine…” She trailed off, raising an eyebrow at him as she took his hand.
“Alkain. Alkain Ciranes, Your Highness.”
“It’s wonderful to make your acquaintance, Alkain. Might I ask, what your position is that you would be sent to greet me in place of the king?”
“I am an advisor, your Highness, and a negotiator. The King wishes you well, but he cannot greet you himself as he is busy finishing the preparation for your arrival. You did arrive quite a bit earlier than expected, would you like to see the palace?”
“It would be my pleasure.” The Princess smiled at him and allowed him to take her arm and lead her toward the palace doors.
Kinnea followed close behind as Alkain and the princess made polite conversation. “We’re so glad to have you, your highness.”
“Valeran and Seikaria have been at odds for far too long. We must agree upon a treaty as soon as possible.”
“Do you think there will be peace?”
“There has to be, and I have no doubts with you in the negotiations.”
“You flatter me, your Highness.” Alkain bowed his head. “This is the war room where we will discuss the treaty.”
He led her through the halls, showing her to the ballroom as the King sent for him.
“Your Royal Highness!” The king smiled at the princess. She clung to Alkain’s arm, and smiled, though her voice came pleasantly through gritted teeth.
“Your Majesty, it is good to see you!”
“I’m glad to see you too Nirscia.” The King bowed to her. “And you, Alkain! You look good, I’m glad Kinnea did her job well!”
“My presence has probably become bothersome to two minds so great as yours. I will be on my way. It was truly an honor to make your acquaintance, your Royal Highness.”
“It is truly a pity to see you go. Must you?” Her smile lifted a little as he let go of her arm.
“It seems I must, I hope I will meet you again.” He bowed.
“I’ll still be within the walls for a few more weeks, don’t say farewell too soon. I may miss you myself!” She raised a hand, and Alkain retreated, smiling.
“He's one of your advisors?”
“He's very sweet. I think I'll enjoy his company.”
“I'll be sure to tell him that for you.” The King smiled. “I hope you have a good time here. But before we join in on any of the festivities, I would like to discuss things.”
Throughout the rest of the night, the princess was warmly welcomed by the palace officials and servants and retired to her room late after the sun had already gone to rest beyond the horizon. 
Alkain drew the blinds and laid on his back, staring at the ceiling. Everything seemed different now. What with the princess in the castle, there would have to be double the preparations and double the meetings to compensate for the negotiations. 
He sighed. Closing his eyes, when all of a sudden, a hand reached over him and he jumped, pulling the knife from his sleeve and holding it to her neck. Kinnea glanced down at the knife, unflinching. “Sir. I don't think the king would appreciate a death in the palace while the princess is here.”
“Oh… it's you.” Alkain lowered the knife. “What are you doing?”
“Taking off your suit, sir. It would be uncomfortable to sleep in, and it may rip.”
“Um… thank you, Kinnea.”
“Hm.” She nodded as he sat up and allowed her to take it from his shoulders, handing her the tie.
“You're dismissed Kinnea.”
She nodded to him and left.
Alkain startled awake at a sharp jab to his shoulder. “Ow!” Kinnea set the poker down and straightened. The Elf rubbed his shoulder and sat up. “What the hell was that?”
The servant didn’t reply.
“You can speak.”
“The king wished for me to wake you. So I did, Sir. My apologies.”
“Did you have to stab me with a poker?”
Kinnea fixed his hair and his coat before he left for the meeting. 
The Elf took a seat in the middle of the table. The Princess waved to him. He smiled back in her direction and bowed his head. “It is good to see you again, Your Highness.”
“It's good to see you again as well, Mister Ciranes.”
“Could I get you a drink?”
“Oh. But that’s a servant’s job, isn’t it?”
“But it is an honor to serve you, Your Highness. I am not a royal such as yourself, so I am content resting in my station below yours if it means I get to elevate yours.” He stood and went to a cart, pouring a cup of water for the princess as he knelt and reached for her hand. “May I?”
“I’m a little afraid, what are you asking?” She smiled, offering it to him.
Alkain took her delicate fingers, rubbing his calloused thumb over her soft, smooth skin. “I’m offended you would consider me a threat, Your Highness.” He smiled and raised her hand, brushing his lips gently over her knuckles.
She laughed, “Your hair looks nice.”
“Thank you. You’re more beautiful than I could even describe, your highness!” He retreated to his seat, eyes straying back to her as his words echoed back in his mind. Her thick brunette hair spilled over her shoulders in waves, an intricate web of braids tying together into a strange pattern behind her head, showing off the glittering beads and pearls weaved into the glossy strands.
“Good morning everyone.” The King strode into the room and sat on his throne, surveying the table before he leaned forward. “We have a lot to discuss before the whole palace wakes, and starts missing us.”
A few of the advisors chuckled at the statement as the king began. “Princess Nirscia has come to our kingdom to finalize the terms of the peace treaty, and we will make her journey worthwhile. Valeran and Seikaria will have peace once more, but for now, we will go over the terms of the previous treaties and discuss why they failed and what we can do to make this one last.”
The meeting proceeded quickly and efficiently, suggestions, ideas, and details whirling in Alkain's head as he was assigned his job and sent to do it. 
He glanced between the servants in front of him. “Alright. You, go fetch some parchment. The rest of you,  find the rest of our team. We need a plan before noon.”
“Yessir!” The servants saluted him and promptly scampered off to their separate jobs. Alkain took the pieces of parchment as they were offered to him and scratched off a list of tasks on each one. He handed all four of them off to separate servants as he raced to find the team's planner. 
He found her in the gardens, conversing with the princess over a bush of roses. He called over to her. She looked up. “Ah, Mister Ciranes! What brings you here?”
“You, Miss. We need you for preparations inside. If you could.”
“Your Highness?”
“Got are welcome to go if you wish, but I would like to borrow the king's advisor for a moment.”
“Oh of course your highness, if he agrees. But we may need him back. Make sure you handle our fragile package carefully in conversation, he's a little brittle.”
Alkain stared after the planner in shock. The Princess giggled, trailing a hand down the leaves of the rose bush.
“Um, what would you like, Your Highness?”
“Only a moment, I know you're busy. Please,” She waved him over. “You have been nothing but kind and welcoming to me, and I appreciate that. Mister, Ciranes, you are fascinating and amazingly respectful. I may enjoy your company.”
“I… thank you, Your Highness!” Alkain broke into a grin. “That means a lot coming from someone so great as yourself.” His face tinged pink and he avoided her eyes.
“Hm.” The Princess smiled as she plucked a rose from the bush and flinched as a thorn pricked her, drawing a bead of blood from the pad of her finger. But she ignored it, threading the rose into the breast of his overcoat. “You're a lot like this Rose, Ciranes. Complex and beautiful. But those virtues make many… forget your flaws, and shield their eyes from seeing your danger. It takes someone skilled and thorough to appreciate you fully.” She pulled away, the drop of blood staining into the dark fabric. “Open up a little! It might do you some good!” 
Alkain looked down at the Rose, “Alright, I will make it my mission, Your Highness.”
“Would you like to join me for tea this afternoon?”
“I… yes. I think I would like that very much, Your Highness
“I'll see you soon.”
“Um… yes! I'll see you soon… Your Highness.”
Alkain turned quickly, face flushing as he cursed himself in his mind. Stupid, no, that was awkward and weird. She is a princess, you are a low-ranking advisor who comes from a slave house. That is your worth. You are dirt compared to her.
He brushed off his uniform, face and ears still pink as he returned to the house and stepped up beside the planner. The elf cleared his throat, “How is it going so far?”
“Well. The lists you made were remarkably accurate- Are you okay? You're looking a little sick.”
“Uh, no, I… uh… I'm fine!”
“You sure? Your face is a bit red.”
“Yeah! It's just… a very hot coat. I'll go inside and… survey the progress!”
“Don't be gone too long, we just might miss you!”
After a few hours of planning and preparation, Alkain went to greet the princess. They discussed cultures and kingdoms before night fell and he returned to his room. The next day continued about the same, and the next. But after the days of preparation came to a close, a dinner invitation came to his hands from the king. 
“Welcome! All of you, I thought it would be best if we were all acquainted before the ball tomorrow so we mustn't make the hassle of introductions.”
“Nirscia, this is my wife, Jevari, and my son, our future king, Makan.”
“Lovely to meet you!” The princess curtsied and Makan stood.
“Your Highness.” The Little prince kissed her hand and bowed, smiling hopefully up at her.
“You'll make a good king one day, I know it.”
“Thank you!” The little boy nodded to her and scampered back to his parents. 
Alkain smiled as the princess greeted the king and queen. She chose the seat next to him. “Good evening.”
“Good Evening, Your Highness. Are you well?” 
“Indeed, I am.” The Princess smiled back and turned to her meal, making light conversation with the royal family as the dishes were brought out. 
Nirscia looked at the roasted meat, surprise flickering over her face. “You have birds large enough to eat here in Seikaria?”
“You don't?”
“No! I haven't seen meat like this in ages, this is amazing!” She grinned.
“It may look nice, Your Highness. But trust me, It tastes even better.” 
“We'll just have to see, won't we?” 
“We will indeed. But I bet you'll like it!” Alkain smirked.
“Perhaps I will, Perhaps I won't.” She winked at him. “What are these spices?”
“I think it's a type of pepper flakes? I don't know. You'd have to ask the chef.”
“Hm, do you like it?”
“I do, are you having a difficult time admitting I was right, your Highness?”
“I like it as well. I'm perfectly capable of admitting anything I need to, Mister Ciranes.”
The two laughed and talked for the rest of the meal until the king finished and dismissed them. The Advisor stood, offering the princess his hand. “Would you like me to escort you back to your room, Your Highness?”
Nirscia hesitated, shock sparking in her eyes before a smile softened her lips and she took it, allowing him to lead her into the hallway. “You look nice… Mister Ciranes.”
“As do you, Your Highness. But I have no doubt you’re more beautiful than I could ever hope to be.” Alkain smiled as he held her arm a bit tighter, turning a corner. “I’m glad I’ve been able to see you so much, Your Highness. I really appreciate your kindness.”
“And I, yours. But Mister Ciranes, My name is Nirscia, you may use it.”
“And Mine is Alkain.” He smiled as her hands slipped into his.
“Alright Alkain, I’ve loved your company, but there is something else you need to know.” She glanced around.
“What?” The Elf tilted his head, his other arms raising to hold her hands as well.
Nirscia spun him toward the wall and pinned his arms above his head. She took a breath and kissed him.
Alkain’s eyes widened, but instead of pulling back as he knew he should, he leaned into it and kissed her back, his body melting into the wall, electric sparks racing between her fingertips and his wrists. They stayed there for a while until they had to pull back, both gasping. 
“I… Your High- Princess Nirscia… What-”
“Don’t speak… please.”
“I… I’m flattered!” Alkain sputtered, his entire face turning beat red.
“And I- Oh shit.” The Princess’s face flushed a bright pink, but this time Alkain threw his arms around her and pulled her back into another kiss, finding one another over and over again, until both fell back, Alkain too flustered to speak as Nirscia gathered her composure, accepting what had just happened.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” Alkain hugged all of his arms to his chest and looked down.
“I… I love you?” The Princess looked at him, her statement just as much of a question as an answer.
The two locked eyes and Alkain tripped over his words several times before he fumbled a response. “I don’t… this is… I love you too. I’m sorry… just- I- I’ll see you tomorrow!” He bolted down the hallway, the heat in his face burning hotter with every second as he slammed himself into his room and collapsed onto his bed, panting.
Kinnea didn’t comment as she pulled off his overcoat and tossed him a nightshirt, drawing the blinds and snuffing out the candles for him. But she did, as he wrestled on the nightshirt. “Is there anything you need, sir?”
“Uh, no. I… It’s a lot cleaner in here. Thank you Kinnea.”
She nodded to him and left.
“What happened to make you so panicked last night, sir?” Kinnea fixed the sleeves of his undershirt and fluffed the ruffles around his neck.
“Can I trust you with a secret?”
“Yes. I am your servant, it is my job to keep your secrets.”
“Even from the king?”
Kinnea looked up for a second, then said, “Yes. Even from the King.”
“Well, The Princess kissed me.”
“Huh.” Kinnea picked up an overcoat.
“I don’t know why she did it, but it was nice. I know I can’t be with her, but it’s a strange feeling. I’m not sure what I should do, it’s a little terrifying, to be completely honest.”
“Can you keep that a secret?”
“Can she keep it a secret?”
“I think so. Why?”
“Then you have nothing to worry for, sir. Anything else?” Kinnea finished with his suit, moving onto his hair.
Alkain stopped, a little stunned. “I- Thank you.”
Kinnea ruffled up his hair, weaving some simple braids into a higher ponytail. She stepped back and nodded. “You should be ready there, sir.”
“Thank you Kinnea. I mean it.”
Kinnea stopped and glanced back at the other room.
“Go on, put on your dress. I’m not leaving without you.” Alkain took a flower from a vase, fixing it to the lapel of his suit, and waited by the door until Kinnea stepped out of the room, tense and straight-faced.
The long black dress covered her feet, intricate golden swirls matching the ones on Alkain’s suit. “It looks nice.” He took her by the arm and led her down the hallways into the main ballroom, breaking away from her to greet the princess, Kinnea trailing close behind him.
He knelt, kissing her hand. “Your Highness, It’s good to see you, Princess Nirscia.”
“As I am glad to see you, Alkain.”
“Glad to hear it!”
A long silence stretched between them. The Princess lowered her voice. “About last night, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean you any harm or disrespect, I hope we can remain on good terms.”
“As do I.” Alkain offered her his arm. “May I have a dance?”
“Of course.” Nirscia followed him to the dance floor, both ready to escape the topic of the previous night for the time being.
The Dances took them to afternoon, some light conversation and greetings with other friends bringing the ball to a height as it grew dark. The King rose from his throne to speak, but just as he began, a shriek pierced the dim atmosphere and something hit him, sending him reeling back against the throne. He wavered for a second on his feet and fell back into his seat, crown clattering to the floor beside him as he cried out. He reached for something, voice too faint to hear even in the perfectly still silence, and then he fell limp, deep scarlet red pooling at the base of the throne. Panic erupted. Voices shouted, and Alkain screamed, the shock finally dropping as he pulled for the king. Makan started for his father, but the queen whisked him away. Crowds jostled and guards crowded around the room. Alkain couldn’t tell what was happening anymore as two people pulled on his wrists. Kinnea fought back grief and fear, fighting to protect her master, as Nirscia tugged Alkain away from her into the crowd.
Chaos turned His vision blurry and confused him to the point of madness until the Guards managed to calm the crowds and file them out of the room. The next few hours were spent in shock and fast-paced decisions until the Queen announced that the Assassin had been found to be a Valerίan. This meant war, and the Princess had to leave.
Alkain stopped, horrified and confused. Everything had changed so fast. What had happened? He slammed the doors open and ran to find Nirscia. They met in the entrance, and she wrapped him into a kiss the instant he drew close enough, not caring of the witnesses, as she grabbed his shoulders, voice stern and fiery. “Alkain, This means war. But no matter how long it takes or what I have to do, I will be back for you.”
If you see this, please comment your thoughts, or just put something in the comments so I know you read it
|Part 1 | Part 2 (Here) | Part 3|
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Thank you for reading, have a wonderful day! :] <33
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brokenpieces-72 · 3 months
So admittedly this was going to be a future story. For some extra context, the reader's father I haven't decided whether he exists yet or not, but the mother is... admittedly also undecided in terms of what she is. When I started writing this I intended it to be a drabble and now it’s… yep. Enjoy!
Massive trigger warning!!! Abuse, kidnapping, torture, poor eating mentions, cannibalism, angst, let me know if I missed anything.
First and foremost you know they tried, all of them. You saw it before everything went dark. Johnny was screaming for you, ready to tear everything apart just to keep you safe. He didn't care who the bitch was, you were his sister. Konig already was tearing everything apart, only he didn't notice your situation until it was to late. The cadejos had nabbed some shadows to rip up with Alejandro and Horangi grabbing at more, trying to restrain themselves from just ripping into them. As you were taking off, Kyle went so far as to try and chase after you, but had his wings shot at, making you scream and fight to try and help him. Ghost had been too far away to try and grab at the heli. Price would have burned the whole thing down but you were inside, and not fire resistant.
Seconds after they'd lost you, Hunter got Kyle into the infirmary to fix his wings but they were still garbage. The entire team is anxious and worried about you. They'd all learned as much as they could about your relationship with your mother but could only imagine what she wanted from you now.
Simon wasted no time. He dragged thrall after thrall into interrogation, demanding answers of where they could be taking you. Being brutal and pissed he put any humans they were able to take alive in the room to show he wasn't playing around. If a thrall wasn't willing to talk, the human better be ready to scream and beg.
Price and Laswell and working around the clock to get everything they can on your mother from medical records, to bank statements. The two friends are keeping each other calm, as best as they can when they are as fired up as they are. Laswell has to step out of the room more than once because of Price releasing smoke to keep himself from getting too heated.
To the surprise of many, Horangi contacts KorTac. He's getting information on... well anything. While he keeps to himself, he can't deny your presence hasn't been welcoming. The team was up in arms, and the last thing he wanted was to sit around and do nothing while he waited for this to be fixed. KorTac can look into any jobs or contracts they may have gotten from Graves or your mother as a one off. Maybe someone gave up information thinking it was just an innocent missing persons report. Maybe your mother had tried contacting KorTac before Graves. Whatever he can get to make this go faster.
Alejandro and Rudolfo did the same, contacting other bases to see if they may have run into Graves or thralls recently. If they mapped out previous locations they could find a pattern. They even went back to facility where they'd first encountered your mother, seeing if there could be any signs of where she might have gone. Aside from that they had taken the initiative of running everything on base, giving the rest of the team more time to focus on you.
Kyle is pissed because he couldn't do anything to help. His wings were too damaged to fly anytime soon. All he could do was join Alejandro and Rudolfo on recon. He hated wasn't about to just sit, wait and heal. He wanted to help now. Alejandro and Rudolfo aren't about to stop him either.
Konig became restless, and the percht was practically beating against him. It wanted nothing but violence, blood and revenge. Konig just wanted his little friend back. You'd helped him even when there seemed to be no hope.
As for Johnny... it's something everyone gives him space for. Simon is one of the few who approaches him. He's restless and the full moon approaching makes it worse. All the wold wants to do is to find you, and Jonny wants the same. Sleep is near impossible, and he's started going to your room in order to do so. Your scent is still there, smelling like earth, grass and pine. If he isn't trying to find you, it's like he's trying to remember you. After 24 hours of you being gone Simon found him.
"Did you tell your mom?" He asked. Johnny looked up from where he was sitting on your bed. Simon was in the doorway looking at him, mask off for once. The question is one Johnny never wanted to think about. Telling his mother he'd lost her new baby. Johnny just stares down at his hands. Simon comes in and sits next to him on the bed, picking up a small plushie. The last thing Johnny needed was his pessimism. Simon didn’t have high hopes for you but he wasn’t going to give up on helping you. Johnny still hasn’t said anything so Simon took out his phone and offered it to Johnny.
“You need her too.” He said. Johnny took out his own phone, and dialed his mother. Simon stood up to leave but Johnny asked him to stay. He didn’t want to be alone for this.
The call goes well at first. It’s short-lived. As soon as Johnny told his mother you were taken Simon could hear her asking questions. Johnny answered as much as he could but regretfully most of the answers were “I don’t know”. By the end of it, he was fighting tears, with Simon putting a hand on his shoulder. Johnny’s mother asked Johnny how he was doing, and if he was okay. He was fine. He was going to find you. He promised. He hangs up and his breathing is unsteady. Simon didn't say anything or move to comfort him knowing a lot was going on underneath the surface. Johnny was honest enough to tell him if he needed it. There was silence for a while until Johnny took a deep breath.
"What kind of a shite brother am I?" He wondered aloud.
"One that will find his sister even if he has to do it barehanded," Simon answered. Johnny looked at him. Simon looked back and just gave him a nod.
For a while, you thought every moment you had experienced, every smile, every joy, every triumph, every bad day, every victory... you thought it had all been some mental episode of escapism. A dream your mind had put you in to save you from the torment of your mother. You don't know how much time has past, but it's been long enough for her to try and starve you and feed you more raw flesh. The more feral part of you is starving and ravenous. You want to eat so bad but you know Graves probably put something in it to make your feral state more powerful. You're chained to the wall with a collar and cuffs on your ankles and wrists. Waking up had sent you into a panic attack where you passed out. When you woke up again, the food was there, staring at you with vacant eyes. Dead bodies were not something new to you, but in this setting it just awoke you trauma. This wasn't the first time you'd fought your hunger. You turned away facing the wall, trying to hold your breath so you wouldn't smell the carcass. You held your nose when you needed another breath. Next you took the chains and wrapped them around your limbs to make them shorter. You knaw on your shirt to resist.
Then your mother came in. Your spine went frozen, your whole body tensed, and your held sped through the horrible moments her voice awoke. The way she talks is like burning sugar.
"Hello my little bunny." She said, soothingly. It's not soothing, she is not soothing, the only thing she would soothe was her own heinous actions. Little bunny was her name for you. You didn't know your own name because she would just give you pet names. All you want right now is to do the same thing you had done to innocent people who got lost in the woods. She'd set you on them, letting you hunt to the feral monster's content. "Come on, I want to see you. Can you look at me? I want to see how much you've grown. They took you away from me, my sweet girl."
No. They saved you. There had been missing person reports pointing to the woods you'd grown up in. A hunter came, properly armed to deal with hybrids, with some blurry photos capturing your image. He'd saved you with his hunting party. They'd found you feasting on an elk, starting to come back to your normal state. When you tried to flee, a hunter shot you, wounding you. You curled up on the ground they gave you a sedative. You were too small, and they weren't about to kill a kid who was probably just running on instincts. They saved you from your mother, continuing to search the woods.
Your mother moved closer, voice staying motherly and warm. "Please sweetheart? I'm sorry it had to be like this. I just wanted you back."
No more. You wouldn't give her anything. You didn't care what punishment she would give you. Whether it was burns or cuts you wouldn't give in. Your whole body shivered and tensed up as you felt her gentle hands on your shoulder and back, kneeling behind you. Your mother rubbed your back and shoulders, trying to coax your body to relax. When she tried to tug on your shoulders, to pry open your balled up position, you yank away.
"How did you get tangled up like that?" She asked noticing your efforts to keep you from the food. You don't look at her but you can hear her shuffling. There was a horrible wet sound as she moved back to you. You covered your nose, breathing through your teeth, as she tried to give you the meat. "Come on sweetie you need to eat. You want to be big and strong for mommy don't you."
You cowered, blindly swatting and pushing her away. In any other context her reaction would be that of a mother trying to keep her child from hitting her. You know it's a facade, the setting was evidence of that. "Now now bunny don't hit your mother."
"YOU'RE NOT MY MOTHER!!" You shrieked at her. The wendigo, the guardian state could be heard within your voice. Your mother stopped.
"B-but... l-little bunny-"
"I'm not your little bunny you fucking bitch! You are not my fucking mother! You are nothing but a psychopath who made me eat the closest thing I had to a friend! I'm not your daughter!" You yelled, not looking up at her, head covered by your legs.
"I know baby, I know, I am so sorr-"
"No! No you're not! If you were sorry you would stay behind bars! You would have moved on when you got out! You would have walked away knowing how much damage you did." You argued. There was no excuse for the crimes she had committed. Your mother didn't say anything for a while. You heard her toss the meat to the floor.
"Fine," she said, sounding like she was biting back heartbreak. "We can try again tomorrow. Please eat something though. I don't want you to starve."
"That's exactly what you want." You said, your voice overflowing with poison.
From then on, the routine continued, with a new body put in every other day or so. Your mother continued to coax you to eat, giving you kind and gentle praises. She's changed truly, she just wanted her cute little bunny girl back, her precious baby. Then she tried gaslighting you, burning and cutting your skin, only to hurry away to retrieve a first aid kit, acting like you'd come to her with a scraped knee. Oh dear did you scratch yourself too hard? Don't worry she'll fix it. Do you want mama to kiss it better? No? Then she'll get Mr. Graves to come in and talk to you about the mean things you did to his thralls. Maybe he can get you to eat something too. Open wide, here comes to airplane. Don't spit it out!
It goes on... and on... and on...
Your stomach churned. Food you need food... there's some right there. You don't smell anything wrong with it... no... no not again...
When Price found you... damn. You were back to your feral state but this seemed to be worse. Blood drunk, but hopefully not on Graves tainted shit. It had taken them some time, too much time to track you down. Right now Johnny and König were making for a good distraction tearing into the thralls in fully shifted forms, Johnny having the full moon on his side. Kyle, now fully healed and flying again was keeping overwatch dive bombing anyone who might try to take up a sniper position. Rudolfo had the cadejos tracking your scent. Horangi was keeping Hunter safe, using the clouds for their cover. Simon was moving through the bunker looking for two other people, Graves and your mother, shadows keeping him from being noticed. Of course he also yanked a few thrall into them, as they tried to make it out to Soap and Konig.
"Captain, what's your status?" Alejandro asked through comms.
"I found the target." Price said. "Soap keep on the thrall. Lieutenant, what's your location?"
"South Hallway." Ghost replied, voice quiet.
"Have you located the other targets?" He asked, holstering his gun slowly approaching. Your blank white eyes looked up at him, and you launched yourself at him. Your chains snapped taut, making you fall back. Shit. You were still yanking and pulling on your chains to try and reach the fresh food that had stepped into your cell.
"Not yet. Wait, the cadejos may have found something." Simon replied. Before Price could get Simon's help, Alejandro came up beside him. He stepped back when you tried to lunge at him next.
"Fucking hell." He said under his breath.
"Horangi, get Hunter to our location, east side, second floor." Price said.
"Copy." Hunter said.
"She needs to be restrained." Price said. They needed to wait for Hunter, but until then you needed to be pinned down. Alejandro understood shifting to the jaguar form and stalking in. The meat was coming closer. You shrieked, getting on all fours, watching him closely. The meat kept his eyes locked with yours. It's growling, it won't let you eat without a fight. You screech back at the meat, encouraging some play before you feasr. Your body tightens in a crouch as you move back a little, readying yourself. You strike, but you can't. A huge weight is put on your back and you thrash around. Your arms are pinned behind you. No! You're hungry! You have fresh food right in front of you! Price wasn't about to let you enjoy Las Almas cuisine. Alejandro backed away the moment Price put his full weight on top of you. Hunter arrived a few minutes later, and Horangi stayed close. One sedative wasn't enough. Two wasn't enough. They gave it time, ut you weren't relaxing fast enough. One more. The world slowly goes dark. Hungry... you're still hungry.
You're released from the chains, but bound in them again. Simon acquired a blanket after trying to pursue your mother. He had a feeling he knew what Graves was actually doing and what was going on with your mother but he could wait. You're the priority. Your unconscious body was rolled up in the blanket, with the chains wrapped around to keep you restrained if you woke up. Johnny was demanding updates to your status, still outside with König, waiting on orders. Price ordered them to head to evac, and they had the target restrained. Johnny didn't like that answer but doesn't argue.
When he finally saw you, Gaz made sure to be in between you and Johnny. Johnny got out of the chopper and came over, back to his human state, clothes destroyed. Price wasn't about to deny his sergeant, even when he wasn't shifted. Johnny took you from Price and held you tight. The look on his face was focused as he got back in the heli, and the whole ride back he said nothing. Hunter got to work immediately giving orders for the medics on base to be ready. As soon as you woke up you would be hungry again. despite this Johnny just kept you close, as if you didn't show signs of being feral, or wouldn't try to dig into his flesh as soon as you woke up.
The healing process takes time. You're kept under for a very long time. Hunter had to get a feeding tube so you would return to normal. Your wounds are cleaned thoroughly, and you're put in a safe place. The team visited and stayed with you in shifts. The feeding tube was not a tested method for you yet, and Hunter was concerned about over feeding you, thinking it may cause you to vomit or get sick.
As expected Johnny had to be pried from your side more than once. Ghost did it to spar with him, knowing Johnny had plenty of aggression built up, and he could take the hits. The last thing he wanted was for a punching bag to receive that kind of treatment. Once you had been put under observation, Johnny called your mother. Your real mother. She'd relieved to hear you are okay, and asked Johnny if you would be able to stay with her for a bit to help you recover. Johnny would talk to Laswell about it later, you needed to wake up first.
When you finally wake up they’d already taken out the feeding tube, your state much more relaxed. You wake to see Johnny had fallen asleep in the chair next to you, his head rested on the bed. You sort of squirmed down further under the blanket to press your forehead to his. There are silent tears down your cheeks, as you feel a great sense of relief. Johnny woke up and pulled away to look at you. He wanted to pull you close to him, but he didn’t want to overstep. You sat up and he held your face in his hands, pressing your foreheads together again.
“You came to get me.” You said.
“Made a promise. Wouldn't go into the dark unless I 'ad to pull ya out.” Johnny said. You threw your arms around him and he gently returned the gesture. It was perfect. It was safe. You had your family back, and to make it better they had come for you.
The next while isn’t fun. Well a few times you enjoy yourself, but it’s mostly filled with recovering and exhaustion. Your mental state was damaged, your body was sore, and your hunger was difficult, as you were craving food but couldn't eat as much as you wanted without getting sick. Hunter does an amazing job of helping your body heal. While you do have a healing factor, the wounds weren't healing as much as they should. Your team's medic sits with you when you eat, keeping the portions smaller than you'd usually take, but they gave you snacks to sustain your stomach in between meals. Once you were out of the infirmary Price granted you a week off. Johnny was still in the process of getting you a month or so away from base.
For the most part, you became Johnny's shadow, if he wasn't yours. Part of it is because the wolf is now more protective over you, and well Johnny is too. He'd told you about getting time off and honestly it would be really nice to have it. Outside of that, you found yourself snuggling up with him. Johnny had done a good job at sleeping in his own bed since your return. Now though, you'd taken to curling up with him at night. He didn’t mind, finding your presence comforting. Seeing you asleep in his arms brought him peace.
Johnny still has tasks to do on base though so he can't be by your side 24/7. You go to the others on the team who don't mind having you nearby. You did a little where you could, like retrieving items or doing prep work. Sleeping and lazying around wasn't your thing. Hunter let you help them with prepping the medical supplies and take inventory as usual. The rest of the team either made something up or just let you observe.
König had taken to standing in when Johnny was too busy. He was grateful and happy to have you back. This was also a chance to return the favour for all the hard work you’d put into getting him in control. At one point you had a panic attack, accidentally knocking over a bowl had created a loud noise. Before anyone could step in König had you in a tight hug, talking to you. He ran you through the process of naming things in the room you see, smell, hear, touch and taste. Panic attacks were a first hand experience for him, having his own social anxiety. While he didn't know what exactly happened when you were in captivity, he wasn't about to let you suffer through the small triggers by yourself. König had promised he wouldn’t go into the dark. He wasn’t about to let you go through it alone.
If neither Konig nor Johnny was shaodwing you, Simon was quite literally shadowing you. In that he would peek in on you through your shadow just to be sure you were okay. He doesn’t hesitate to talk to about what happened. Abuse is something he will never forgive. Simon for the most part though would stay out of the way. You deserved some privacy, and a chance to heal on your own. Until another soldier was a little too clumsy and made a mess of the ammo bins. The crash is loud and you jump back, as the other soldiers raise their voices to hound him. Bloody idiots, keep yelling when there’s a startled kid! You back into the nearest corner and start to breathe heavy. Your ears ring, and Simon found you. He goes through the piles of ammo cartridges and suddenly the argument is muffled, and there’s only ringing. Until Simon’s voice broke through, and you looked up at him. You see you’re surrounded by darkness but Simon looked normal. His mask was on, but his focus was on you. Just take a minute. You needed it. This happened again, but only when you doing really bad.
Kyle hasn't stopped spending time with you, and if you're struggling to get up to the roof you guys like to sit on, he'll help you up. The wings are always around you, which can really help. It makes you feel like you're alone with Kyle, even if there are soldiers down below running drills or moving supplies around. You don't talk as much, but Kyle talks a bit more to fill the silence. Sometimes you guys don't talk at all. That's fine. Yeah, you could lean on him if you want. His arm goes around you, avoiding any scars you have.
The cadejos paid you a visit in your room one day, and they had... a ball? Rudolfo poked his head in and asked if you wanted to play some fetch for the dog spirits. You didn't think they played fetch but you don't say no. You follow them outside and throw the ball for them. The white spirit comes back like a golden retriever each time, front paws tapping away, tail whipping about, tongue lulling with happy pants, all while waiting for you to throw the ball. The darker spirit is a little less trained. When it caught the ball it sped back to you causing you to flinch. Rudy got his hands on your shoulders pulling you back, reminding the black cadejo to be gentle. Your body tenses but when Rudolfo checks in you tell him you're okay. Just startled a little. If you want to come out with the spirits again, you can ask.
You went to Alejandro and Horangi directly, asking if they could show you some better self defense techniques. You could fight, but you wanted to be better prepared if someone grabbed you again. Alejandro is hesitant because the last thing he wants is for you to have a panic attack in the middle of it. Horangi however is all for it. Knowing that stuff had saved his own ass more than once when he was building up debts. Why shouldn't you be able to drop captors like a sack of potatoes? Small bonus, he could make Alejandro be the one that got dropped on his back a few times. After all Alejandro had him outweighed, so learning more built attackers would be beneficial. Throughout the demonstrations, they do check in after check in. He was going to grab your wrists next okay? Alright, then he would whip you around, yep don't let him turn you around. Still good? Perfect.
Soon it was your last day off, and tomorrow you would be on leave with Johnny. It would be nice to see Scotland again. You wandered into the rec room where you saw Price on the couch. The tv was on likely watching the game. You sat down next to him, a blanket around you, and he gave you a smile.
“Are they winning?” You asked.
“Not who I’d like.” He admitted. You played on your phone for a bit and then started to nod off. Everything felt so much better. You were safe. No one could hurt you with your pack nearby. Price didn’t pay much mind. He assumed you came to the break room to have some privacy, and he kept his voice down for you in front of the tv. Until he felt the couch move. When he looked over, he saw you trembling. Fuck. He got off the couch and knelt down in front of you, shaking you awake.
“Come on kid, it’s not real. It’s not real!”
“NO!” You cried out, waking up and found Price looking at you, shaking you awake. Tears ran down your face. Nightmares were becoming more frequent again. All because that witch decided to force herself into your life again.
“You broken?” He asked. A gentle but calloused hand going, resting on your head. You gave him a hesitant nod. “Okay.”
Without asking he picked you up giving a playful roar. It surprised you, but you couldn’t help but laugh. He sat back on the couch, reclining so you could rest against his chest. You never noticed how warm he was. His wing wrapped around you unconsciously as he went back to the game. The captain’s heartbeat was calming against your ear.
“I’m sorry-“ you start to say.
“Don’t say sorry. You can’t control it.” He said. You continued watching the game until he turned it over to a show he saw you watching earlier in the week. Slowly you fell asleep again. Price found himself subconsciously stoking your ears as you relaxed into him. Before Price didn’t know what to make of you. Right now, he was worried about you. At first you were a requirement, something he was obligated to take on. Then you proved yourself, showing value to the team in more ways than one. Now… you were part of his hoard. You were a treasure worth protecting. His team had been doing better, and much better now that you were back.
“John I hav-“ Laswell walked in and looked up to see a scowling Price, shushing her.
“Just fell back asleep.” He said voice very low. Laswell raised a brow with a small smile. You shifted a bit and Price hushed you, not wanting you to wake up. John ran his claws gently through your hair, keeping you relaxed. Even Kate can’t deny you’d exceeded her expectations. When she first met you were about a terrifying as… well as a rabbit with antlers. You’d grown so much.
“You ever expect this to be a scenario we find ourselves in?” Price asked her.
“No. The time off has been approved… but there’s an issue.” Laswell said. Price looked up. “Colonel Vargas has offered an alternative.”
“What does that mean?” Price asked, a slight scowl at the word ‘alternative’.
“The program still has some authority, and with what’s been going on with the mother and the kidnapping they think sending her back with Johnny might put her at risk.” Laswell explained.
“…Alejandro has offered to take them in instead?” Price asked. Clearly the program wasn’t concerning themselves with separation anxiety.
“I’m trying to convince the program to let Johnny go with her. They’re proving difficult.” Laswell said.
“But she’ll be safe?” Price asked. Laswell nodded. Price got up, carrying you with him, still swaddled in your blanket. “Taking her to bed.”
Price took you to your room where he saw your things ready and packed. He set you down on the bed, and you shifted, rolling to your side. You would be safe. He knew that. He trusted the colonel, he was just worried about you. You’d only been back for a short while, and instead of going somewhere you knew, you were being tossed into a whole new environment. Hopefully Johnny would be understanding.
@yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @talia-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846 @graystorm444 @chibiduck @reaperxxxxzz @danielle143 @sobbingnshtting @cringeycookies @cryingpages @dcnocap207 @reaper-chan666
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aebeism · 3 months
it's time to go — bada lee
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synopsis : stress takes over your brain, to the point where you wander through a world you can’t remember much about. while your memories are gone, bada, love and sadness are the only things you carry with you for a while — as well as your limitations in having and offering each.
wc : 2.1k
warnings : angst, ex!bada, reader suffers from temporary memory loss, homophobia, clichés, mention of reader as y/n, lowercase intended. inspired by paris, texas by lana del rey.
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'how long would it take for you to forget me?' you would ask. 'a lifetime wouldn't be enough' bada would always say, without fail. it's been months since you last saw your ex. or smiled. and you're back in the country, nervous to see her again, when she insists on taking you for a walk, which seems to be going smoothly . . until she gets weirded out by all your questions and the fact you seem genuinely lost at everything.
but, even though you're not together anymore, she cares a lot for you, enough that she doesn't mind retelling bibles and bibles of the endless moments you spent together. that is, until your eyes light up at the map you come across on her phone case.
"we've been to france before, haven't we?" your voice echoes through the place you're in, the moonlight shining through bada's blonde strands as she seems to glow softly, as a whole.
she only seems to be able to whisper, as if that’d keep her feelings suppressed well enough. "we have. paris, with barely anything but a suitcase" she slightly smiles at the memory. "i'd take you there again, if i could."
silence floods the air around you.
"why can't you?" you stare at her face, intensely, waiting for her answer as you clench your hand into a fist.
"you know why" she says, and your heart aches at the familiarity of her look. "because i loved you, so i can't anymore. and you remember i hardly ever change my mind, don't you?"
“i do” you nod, even more confused, eyes stuck on the map that she had let you take from her hand. the tiny map tucked inside her phone case is covered in doodles — lines and hearts mark so many places. "why does spain have a heart?"
"that's where we performed together for the first time" she sounds happy until you question further.
"you still love me, right?" your voice is soft, you don't raise your tone, nor did you try to force the sentence into her head. yet, bada seems like she was struck by a thunder right next to her ears.
it's no surprise that bada was caught off guard, her head tilted from an angle that would make her eyes stare at yours directly. "why ask that?" she says, her voice a bit shaky.
"hm . . you said that in the past. and you still keep this thing, with hearts on both countries."
"ah. yeah" bada shifts her attention back to the paper, her eyes slowly direct themselves to your shaky hands and your shivering body, and it makes her question why you're shaking so much even though what surrounds you is a warm summer breeze. she gives you a look, her eyes taking a peek at your face as she slowly says the next sentence. "for the memories. i don’t know about now. people never really understood our love, y/n. all of my friends could show off their lovers, and some were more loved by people than others, but you always had to be my secret just because we're both women. . and i hated that."
you don't seem to recall that, you can't seem to remember what she's talking about. yet, for some reason, as painful as a heart-wrenching breakup could be . . it still burns all over your chest; the pain seems to spin, and twist your insides, in flames. perhaps, the pain was made from acid and was turned into acid as it burns your whole body. your eyes water for a second, and you frown. your expression shows that you're a bit too lost by your own emotions.
"the more they knew, the worse it got. we've been over this, y/n, don't cry" bada's words seems to pierce your heart, they make your stomach churn as you stare intensely down to the ground beneath you.
the new sentence only adds to your confusion, and although you understand every single word, you don't even know why you're here anymore, or why it hurts so much, why a woman so pretty remains by your side. it feels like your brain is trying to reconnect to reality in the middle of the night but can't catch up on anything.
“this isn’t funny” you mumble, your hands shaking, and your jaw closes up as you furrows your brows. your brain tries to work to its max as you try as hard as you can to figure out what's going on.
"it really isn’t. i proposed to you here, in venice, not long after you joined our team. and we broke up in california, remember?" she shows you the circle around italy and a small dot in the united states. "it was sweet while it lasted, though, wasn't it? our friends would get drunk on any shit they could get their hands on and pass out, and you'd just be talking and dancing with me. my memories of you are really pure, y/n."
her tone is warm, her words are just as lovely, her eyes still sparkle whenever they glance at you. but there's something so heavy behind all of that, that knowing her, you can feel it even though you can't tell what it is.
"but it really was time to let you go" bada says, a deep sigh leaves her mouth as she shifts her gaze up to look at the sky, and you think you can see the corner of her eyes starting to turn red as her eyes sparkle so brightly.
while your mind remains empty, malfunctioning even, you stare and stare as it starts to get a bit too hazy. bada's mind, in another case . . is running through all the flashbacks of the flight you two took together back home, the time when you had to leave as you two were breaking up, the many times she agonized as she wanted to call you but knew she shouldn't, she let herself sink into her own loneliness . . everything burns behind her eyes. and staring at the pain she possessed hurts you just as badly.
if you could remember all the good things she did to you right now, at this moment, you think you wouldn't be able to live with yourself anymore.
. . but, in reality, you really can't live with yourself. because you do remember.
that's why life's been so stressful. that's why suddenly your memory has a gap.
"i hope you can forgive me for that" bada says, her tone ever so softly as she still looks up at the sky. her face lights up a smile, so, so bitterly.
your brain unwires slowly as she speaks and you're met again with that look on her face, one that could make your heart ache and your stomach churn from the pain it feels. bada's watered eyes make your cheeks wet unintentionally as you dodn't realize how a cheeky tear softly rolls down the surface of your skin.
"and i'd rather you didn't ask me about love anymore, if you could" bada speaks up again. this time, she turns her head to look into your eyes, and you feel like she's begging you with how intense her gaze is.
"but our love is so sweet, why wouldn't i?" you say, your hand raises up to wipe the tears that are waiting to sneakily roll down your cheeks once again before you clench your hands into a fist, as an attempt to hold your tears back. "people don't understand it, but does that really even matter if we understand each other?" your voice is yet again so soft, unlike how determined bada sounds like when she asks you to stop asking about your relationship. you don't know why you clenched your hands, or why you cried, you don't even know why you asked bada that question, but you eagerly wait for her answer, like a puppy waiting for a treat.
the bitterness in bada's stomach feels like it's climbing up her throat and staying stuck in the middle of its way, her eyes are burning as they bore into yours, and perhaps the pain she's feeling has taken its toll on you as you can feel your heart drop for a split second. you never really want to know why you're feeling her pain, you just always do.
. . but you're content with feeling that pain, because that's the closest you can get to her heart now.
"didn't you just hear me?" bada says, her voice cracking as her eyes water once again. it's as if she's taking all her will power to hold back the tears in her eyes. it's as if she could breakdown at any moment if she let her guard down.
yet, it seems like everything suddenly goes away; you can't recall why bada is crying, and a confuse look displays on your face.
"not sure i did" you blink, your head tilted as you see the map in your hands once again, a glimpse of a memory brings you back as you quickly say . .
"oh, that's cute. we've been to france before, haven't we?"
“i just told you, y/n” bada's voice is shaking as she stares at you, her brows furrow as she starts to think that this is some kind of joke; a sick joke that you thought of to make her feel embarrassed, to remind her of how sweet you two were, and how she can never achieve what she had always wanted with you.
bada stares intensely into your eyes, she tries to get pass your facade. she wants to rip off that mask, that unfunny joke that you're trying to make. she wants to scream to your face that this isn't funny. yet ,your innocent look and your sweet smile catch her off-guard as you still wait for her answer. you even have a confuse look on your face, as if you don't understand a single word she's saying.
. . as if . . she's the mad one.
"you really don't . . know?" bada asks, worried. "do you even remember what we are?"
you nod, a weak smile on your lips as you sound way happier than you should, even though tears stream down your face just because they're streaming down on bada's face. "girlfriends."
even when bada's panicking slightly, her pretty presence still glows, and it's distracting enough. she rushes to get you in her car and you don't understand a thing, yet you let her do whatever she wants. and that's how your first hanging out in months ends.
while you're in the passenger seat, your eyes scan her whole being. and your chest does flips as you stare at her form.
"why are you so worried?" you ask. "where are we going?"
"we need to get you checked out, y/n."
you go quiet for a moment, not enjoying the concerned look on bada's face, not enjoying something despite not being able to tell what it is. you feel uncomfortable, your head's light as a feather, and the pain is spreading and slowly taking over your whole body on its own will. "ah, maybe. maybe . . everything feels . . fuzzy" you mumble. her hands grip the steering wheel harder as she speeds up. "don't worry, though. it's fine. i'm fine" you reassure bada, a weak smile shows up on your face as you hold your head.
that reminds her of how she died a little inside every time you'd say that, whenever she'd see your suffering. it doesn't help how you'd say that so many times whenever you'd both be upset about how others seemed to hate seeing you together, and the way you're saying it now only reminds her once again that her heart still aches for your words.
it reminds her that she can't put you through anything as heartbreaking again, it doesn't matter if she still cares enough to keep you alive in her memory.
letting you go was the right thing to do, and when she's right, she's right. even when she's wrong.
and she feels at home when she's alone, anyway.
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© aebeism 2024
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 6 months
More voice line posting! Because I like digging them up and I always want to see/hear more of Isobel.
At some point you were able to have Isobel join your camp by herself even after letting Shadowheart kill Aylin - a game state that's no longer possible, as Aylin's death means Last Light falls, too. But all the voice lines and dialogue trees are still there. I haven't had a chance to try, but manually messing around with the "SHA_Nightsong_State_PermaDefeated" flag might be able to get these lines to trigger.
Here are some highlights (and transcripts) from the Moonrise reunion and the camp conversation that we now only see the "take care of my angel" branch of.
Isobel: You did it. I knew you would. Player: Yet you don't seem glad. Isobel: Oh, I am. It's a momentous day. I suppose I need to catch my breath or the momentum will outpace me.
Player: What will you do now that your father's gone? Isobel: Oh, I don't know. Change my hair colour. Buy a horse. [Curse was lifted] Isobel: In seriousness, I intend to help you fight the Absolute - what lies behind the Absolute, that is. Isobel: None of us will be safe until that looming horror is defeated. When the time comes, I'll fight at your side.
[Curse wasn't lifted] Isobel: In seriousness, my home needs me. It's still enveloped in Shar's horrific curse. If it can be cleansed, I'll find a way. Isobel: But I admit that plays second fiddle to helping you. None of us will be safe until the horror behind 'the Absolute' is defeated. When the time comes, I'll fight at your side.
Player: Why wait? Isobel: To be perfectly frank, I'm exhausted. It feels a bit as though I've been dropped into another dimension. Isobel: A little time to rest and reflect, and I'll be ready to go at it anew. What say you? Player: It's not over yet. A nautiloid is on its way to Baldur's Gate. Isobel: Gods. One day, you go to sleep and everything's square. Then you wake up, and it's a dodecahedron. With tentacles.
You could also talk about Aylin specifically. If you were feeling particularly horrible, you could lie and convince Isobel she could still find and save her beloved. Presumably, however you played this, she would leave your camp either hating you or trying to save Aylin - which is a bit similar to how the Act 3 Lorroakan betrayal pans out.
Player: Aylin - do you mean Nightsong? Isobel: Nightsong? What do you mean?
Player: Ketheric captured her and was using her to fuel his invulnerability. She was called the 'Nightsong'. Isobel: She... what?! Does this mean she's still alive? I've got to find her - set her free! Tell me everything you know. Please.
Player: It's too late for that. She was dead when I found her. [Roll Deception] [Roll succeeded] Isobel: My father said she was gone. I'd tried to make peace with it. But... she was so special. So very dear. Isobel: When we met, it was like a lightning strike. My father wasn't sure about us - she was immortal, after all - but I never doubted. [Roll failed] Isobel: Liar. Wicked, wicked liar. Murderer.
Player: Give me your map. I'll show you where she's being kept. [Roll Performance] [Roll failed] Isobel: You're lying. She can't be saved, can she? My father told me she was... gone. It's true, isn't it? Isobel: Why would you lie? What's the matter with you? [Roll succeeded] Isobel: Thank you - thank you so much. I'll gather some supplies and head out shortly. Aylin... I can't believe she's alive. Before the day's end, I'll have her in my arms. Incredible.
Isobel: I hope Aylin's alright. I can't wait to have her in my arms again.
Player: Never mind. Isobel: As I was saying, I fell in love with Aylin swiftly. It was as easy as breathing.
Player: That's what Ketheric and his chums called her. Killed her myself. / It's too late for that. I killed her. Isobel: You what?! But she was immortal. How could she... how could you...? She is the Moonmaiden's daughter. And you call yourself a Selûnite?!
Player: It was the only way to make Ketheric vulnerable. Isobel: Was it? Was it truly? I don't believe that. Not for a second.
Player: Shar got the better of me. It won't happen again. Isobel: Oh it won't? Then I suppose we'll just forget this little misstep, file it under 'lessons learned'?
Player: It was a mistake. One I bitterly regret. Isobel: I should hope so. I can't imagine what insane course of thought led you to murder someone so dear. Isobel: Get out of my sight before I do something you'll regret.
Player: When the Lady of Loss speaks, her faithful act on her behalf. Isobel: You're disgusting. You've killed someone so precious, so good. I knew Shar was wicked. But I'd hoped for better from you.
Player: I couldn't hold my companion back. She had a mission to fulfil. Isobel: A mission? A mission?! That Sharran murderer destroyed someone so precious, so good...
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chrissdollie · 5 months
eclipse part one˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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♡ a/n: so i decided to post the chapters after i write them. this does mean that they'll posted far apart and not every other day like i originally intended. for those of you who don't already know, this series is pretty much the first three twilight books with my own twists hehe. it's going to be separated into three Acts. Act 1: Twilight, Act 2: New Moon, Act 3: Eclipse. i can't wait for this journey and hope u guys enjoy it ! :)
♡ summary: you moved from the sizzling hot arizona to the depressive rainy washington in a small town called forks. it was terribly boring.. until you meet a gorgeous townie and fall in love. but what do you do when your childhood friend interferes with your feelings? ♡ warnings/notes: a matt sturniolo and chris sturniolo love triangle series, cursing, lowercase intended, use of "yn", cry!baby reader n/n = nickname ♡ wc: 3.5k
♡ masterlist
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you miss arizona terribly. moving to the small town of forks in washington was something you never would have dreamed of. your wacko mom sent you to stay with your father for a while and start a new life while she went away with phil, her new husband. it had rained every single day since the moment your plane landed-- it was summer when you moved. you despise it here. summer was supposed to be hot, and you should have been going to the pool! you were going to get a lovely tan to show off for the new school year, but instead, you were stuck inside your girly room reading for the entire break.
though you must admit, when you first entered the shabby house filled with dingy furniture--(you could practically hear your mother's voice complaining), you hadn't expected to get so comfortable so quick. charlie, your dad, wasn't half bad. he's a cool and laid-back guy who didn't prod into your life and bug you as much as you thought he would. unexpectantly, your small black kitten lilith took a liking to him too. lilith is your little companion who you bring along anywhere. her fur's always decorated in cute pink bows so the two of you could match. in a way, she's your best (and now only) friend.
as you sit in a rusty old truck gifted to you by charlie, you bite the inside of your cheek, looking around the tarnished vehicle with a distasted frown on your gloss-covered pouty lips. you couldn't complain, of course, you really appreciated it. you've been wanting a car for forever... but it was so slow!
groaning at the speedometer, you realize that the maximum speed is 55. you sigh, deciding to stop nitpicking the truck considering it's the only one you've got. the rain pitter-patters on your windows along with your squeaky windshield wipers swiping the water off. you pull into your new school's parking lot where students were just beginning to arrive. you put the vehicle into park, but you don't get out right away.
you exhale as your manicured nails anxiously tap against the steering wheel. you miss your friends back home. you don't want to go here! everybody looks so dreadful. besides, you'd already spent the last two years sucking up to your teachers. all of that was down the drain now. and to make matters even worse, forks high school has an underwhelming amount of students: 357 kids-- well, 358 now. in this small town, everybody knows everybody, which means that everyone is going to know that you're an arizonian freak... maybe you're overreacting.
you bite your glossy lip hesitantly before grabbing your pink puffer tote and umbrella. you quickly jump out and slam the truck door shut. you hurriedly rush to the main building where you're greeted by a woman in a purple t-shirt, automatically making you feel overdressed in your denim skirt and pretty brandy melville shirt with a brown zippered jacket over it-- not to mention the sum of all your accessories. you close your umbrella and greet the woman back with a soft smile. she kindly hands you a map of the school and your assigned schedule. "your first class is in building three, room 3-104, dearie."
you nod and thank the lady for her help before opening your umbrella again to head to the building with a black "3" sloppily painted on the side. you open the door, stepping inside and shutting your umbrella once more before walking down the hall to your classroom, checking the number on your paper schedule to be sure. you arrive, your hand reaching for the doorhandle, taking a quick breath. you'd already gotten a few double takes in response to your girly appearance when you were strolling down the hallway. you hope no one bothers you about it.
the door opens creakily. the classroom is small and tight, almost suffocating. you hang up your coat on one of the hooks lined up against the wall. walking up to the teacher's desk, you hand him a late pass with your basic information. you prepare the words you're going to say when you're asked to introduce yourself. you aren't a social person, so maybe this'll be good for you! but the scruffy man grunts and points to an empty desk at the back of the room. oh. well, it'd be hard for people to judge your appearance in the back, so you can't say you're disappointed.
you kept your eyes down for most of the class, not bothering to scan the room and learn people's faces along with their names. the teacher had given you a reading list, but you'd already read everything before. shakespeare, bronte, faulker.. how boring! though it was also a comfort that you already knew everything and had nothing to worry about. suddenly, the bell rings-- not a satisfying chime like the one back home, more nasally and uncomforting. a short but brawny boy sitting in front of you turns around and brushes back his fluffy brown hair. "you're yn swan, aren't you?"
"uh-huh." you nod, looking up in small surprise. some people turned their heads to see why their friend was speaking to the weird girl from out of town. he hums contently. "where's your next class?" he asks, not even bothering to tell you his name. "oh, uhh.." you check your schedule before looking back up. "...government with jefferson. building six." his curious eyes brighten. "i'm headed to building four.. i could show you the way? i'm nate." the corner of your lips turn up. "that'd be really helpful, thank you." you smile in a friendly manner, nate smiling with you.
the two of you picked up your jackets and headed out into the rain, which had picked up heavily. as you walked, you noticed a few people lurking behind you-- almost as if they were eavesdropping nosily. nate clears his throat. "soo, this is pretty different from pheonix, huh?" he shoves his hands into his pockets as his head cocks towards you who's still looking down. "oh yeah, very."
"how often does it rain?"
"mm, three or four times a year."
"shit, what's that like?" he chuckles.
you shrug awkwardly. "sunny."
once you two reach your class, nate opens the door for you, a little over-helpfully. "well, good luck. maybe we'll see each other again in some other class." he said almost hopefully. you nod vaguely and head inside. the rest of the morning passed by in fast forward. your trig teacher was the only one who made you stand in front of your classmates to introduce yourself-- you stammered and tripped over your shoes on the way back to your seat.
in every subject, there was always at least one person who decided to be bold and chatty, asking you questions about living here in forks compared to pheonix. in all honesty, you just lied a lot. you didn't want to be that loser who hated something without really giving it a chance, so you repeated the same phrase every time someone asked how you were liking forks so far. "it's cool! this is what i needed, a change of atmosphere." one girl sat next to you in trig and french, a pale girl with a ginger ponytail. she was the chattiest of chatterboxes.
in trig, she turned to you abruptly, grabbing your hand. your eyes widened unexpectantly, but she spoke before you could. "hi! are you new here? i've never seen you before. wow, you're SO pretty!! i love your outfit, it's so cute. everyone normally dresses like they're homeless, but not you-- oh! my name is jessica, sorry, that was SO rude.."
she thoughtfully demanded she walk you to lunch, prattling about teachers and students as you walked to the cafeteria, but you didn't try too hard to keep up. she leads you towards a long table, full of her friends. she introduces you to every single one and you annoyingly forget all of their names as soon as she says them. you sit squished between all seven students, trying to keep up with the conversation when a certain group captures your attention.
they're sat in the corner of the cafeteria away from everyone else. there's four, but none of them spoke. they didn't bother to look anywhere else besides their table, so your eyes were free to roam. they all grabbed curiosity without even trying-- they're angelic. two boys and two girls. the girls look like polar opposites. one is tall with luscious golden hair, the type that'd make any girl furious with envy. the smaller one is chubby with long silky black hair. her eyes are big and doe-like. the boys seem to be twins, but you can easily tell the difference. the bigger one is wearing a blue zip-up sweater but still manages to look majestic. you notice he often messes with his red-dyed hair or nose ring. and then you shift your gaze to the other twin. he was the most beautiful out of them all. his small silver earrings shook as he moves his head to the side, clearly thinking about something. he has tattoos littering his arms, giving him a tough image.
at the same time, they're all very similar. every one of them is chalky pale, very pale. they all have dark eyes despite the difference in hair coloring. they also have dark shadows under their eyes, like they were suffering from many sleepless nights. you can't look away. they look perfect. inhumanly beautiful. the students at your table were still talking to you though they weren't exactly aware that you hadn't been listening for at least five minutes. "erm- jessica. who are they?" your words stop the conversation as the students' eyes follow your pointed finger. their eyes flicker over to the table before back to you within a second. jessica giggles almost nervously. "well, that's rosalie and madison filipowicz, and nicolas and matthew sturniolo. they all live with jimmy sturniolo and his wife." she lowered her tone so only people close by can hear.
you don't mind keeping your eyes on them, they're mesmerizing. "so, which are the sturniolos? the girls don't look related.."
jessica glances towards them again. "they're not. they were both adopted by dr. jimmy and his wife, marylou. nick and matt are twins obviously and they're the doctor's actual kids." you nod along and find your focus staying mostly on matthew. his long pale fingers slowly peel an orange, his eyes filled with boredom. you don't move your glance when you talk again. "have they always lived here?"
jessica replies in a voice implying that it should be obvious, "no, they moved here two years ago from alaska or some shit, i dunno.."
you're still examining them when matthew looks up directly at you. your eyes widen and turn away immediately filled with embarrassment. jessica noticed you eyeing him and grins. "matt doesn't date. bummer, 'cus he's totally gorgeous.. guess none of the girls here are good-looking enough for him. self-absorbed rich boy..." she mutters the last part under her breath and you wonder if he's turned her down before. you bite your lip to cover up your smile, then you look at him again. his face is turned away, but it looks like his cheek's lifted as if he were smiling too.
lunch went by fast and your next class is biology two. when you get to the room, you notice that all the black-topped lab tables are taken with partners-- except for one. right in the center, matthew from lunch sits by himself. you huff quietly and walk down the aisle to your teacher's desk to introduce yourself. and of course, he assigns you to the only free seat next to matt. when you're walking back to the table, you notice how he's become stiff and rigid in his chair. he looks at you with a strange expression, a furious expression.
you avoid eye contact, sitting down and dropping your bag on the floor next to you. matt readjusts himself so that he's leaning away from you, as far away as possible. you scoff silently, wondering what his problem is. maybe it was what happened at lunch? oh shit, he probably thinks you're a creep. your teacher begins a lecture on cellular anatomy, something you already did back home. you decide to take notes anyway, pulling out gel pens and highlighters.
you feel his eyes on you again. staring. criticizing. you don't care though. you perkily take your pretty notes and he'll just have to deal with the noises of uncapping and recapping highlighters. you glance down at his arm laying on the table close to you. it's pale and muscular. his hand's clenched into a tight fist and you can't help but wonder if it's because of you. nono, it is because of you. it's almost ten minutes later and he still hasn't relaxed his tense figure, so the annoyed clench must be your fault.
the class ends after what felt like forever. as the loud bell rings, matt abruptly sprints out of his seat with his belongings and rushes out the door. you exhale with a pout. why is he so mean? maybe you should've apologized for admiring him during the earlier period. you start piling your stuff into your pink bag, ignoring the hot tears rising and blurring your vision. infuriatingly, you cry for everything like a little baby. you pull your schedule out of your pocket, unfolding it to see your next class. last period is p.e? that sucks. not only are you terrible at anything physical, you're gonna go home a sweaty mess.
you make it to the girls' locker room and see jessica tying her bright red hair up into a tight ponytail. she notices you walking in and smiles brightly. "oh my gosh, hi yn!! what a coincidence you're here! i haven't seen you since lunch, feels like it's been hours-" as she begins to ramble, you choose a locker and load your jacket and purse inside. while she's talking, another girl comes up behind her, tapping her shoulder fast. "jess! chris is coming to pick up nate after school." she shrieks, clapping her hands together excitedly. jessica's eyes widen and her smile somehow grows wider.
you watch the both of them squeal, and wonder if they're talking about your chris, your best friend when you were younger and visited forks on holiday breaks. jessica catches your eye and calms down to explain. "christopher owen is the hottest guy you'll ever see! probably even better looking than matt- you remember, right? the guy i was showing you- yeah anyway, he lives in la push which totally sucks but his best friend goes here so sometimes he comes on his motorcycle to pick him up."
you nod along. "christopher owen? like.. brown hair blue eyes?" you realize how his face kind of reminds you of matthew and nicolas. but maybe your memory's just hazy. jessica's eyes widen like a cartoon. her friend grabs her hand, "holy shit, you know him?! you have to introduce us, pleaseee!!"
you shrug awkwardly. "oh, i dunno. i haven't seen him in a couple of years-" you're thankfully cut off when the coach walks in and blows his whistle to signal that class is starting. the two girls badger you as you walk out into the gym where a volleyball net is set up. ah great. you cringe just thinking about the so many ways you could get hurt.
forty-five minutes later, you only got hit on your head by the ball two times! that's a win. jessica and her friend make it to the locker room before anyone else, collecting their stuff and yours to then run back to where you're still not even out of the gymnasium yet. they grab both of your arms and drag you out of the building. jessica's friend lets go of your arm, shoving her hands into the back pockets of her jeans. "can i see your schedule?" she asks, holding her hand out. you hum, "sure, one sec.." you check your jacket pockets just to find them empty. "uh.." you mutter, looking through your bag.
"maybe you dropped it somewhere?" she suggests, peeking into your bag. you sigh and stop walking. "i have to get another one. when does the front office close?" you question hurriedly. "umm in a bit! go!! but be back quick, chris is gonna leave soon.." jessica whines at the last part. you hold onto your bag tightly and run to building one, the wind strongly blowing in your face along with little drops of rain. you swing the door open and see matthew standing in front of the receptionist's desk. you bite the inside of your cheek unpleasantly. he's arguing with the woman in a low attractive voice. it sounds like he's trying to trade sixth period biology to any other class... wait a damn minute.
your mouth opens into an 'o' with pinched eyebrows. he has biology with you. what a dick! he turns around annoyed and gives you a cold glare. he exhales and turns back to the receptionist. "nevermind. it's alright, thanks anyway." he waves his hand and storms out the door like earlier. your lip quivers but you blink back tiny tears, walking up to the desk. you explain the stupid situation, already beginning to show your irresponsibility. she prints a second schedule and hands it to you without a problem. "how was your first day?" she toothily smiles.
you purse your lips. "not bad" is all you say before you're waving to the sweet lady and walking out the door. you see a small crowd formed in the parking lot and catch sight of jessica and her friend with hands on their mouths. you curiously walk faster to where they stand. you see a big intimidating motorcycle revving up to which the students cheer. wow. you weren't wrong, chris looks identical to nick and matt. however, you fold your arms with a big grin spreading on your face. your childhood friend sits on the bike, his fluffy hair blowing in the wind. jessica latches onto your arm, "talk to himm!" she urges. you suck your teeth.
"why aren't you wearing a helmet??" you call out maternally. some people turn around, but you keep looking at chris' reaction when his eyes go big. "IS THAT MY- holdon man." he starts but slaps nate's shoulder as he gets off his bike. chris chuckles, observing your face. he's big, much bigger than you expected. his arms are large and lean in his black tank top-- gosh, he must be cold. he comes up to you, ruffling your hair with his big hand. "i'm not wearing a helmet 'cus it'll fuck up my hair. what the fuck are ya doin' here? it's been so long!"
you giggle, giving him a hug. he pats your back somewhat awkwardly as the small crowd begins to decrease as people get into their cars. jessica and her friend hang around and squeal girlishly at the physical contact, but you ignore them. "i moved here over the summer!- wow, you're tall." you look up at him, cheeks starting to hurt from all the smiling. he kisses your head in a friendly manner and pulls away from the hug. "yeah, justin says i'm gettin' too big to live with." he grins playfully. you like how his face didn't change that much compared to the rest of his body. he still has the same cheesy smile that was always plastered on his face.
"well, how d'ya feel bein' here? actually, my bad n/n-" you let out a small giggle at the familiar nickname that only he was allowed to call you. "-i gotta take this punk home. but i'll stop by your place soon, promise." he gives you another quick hug before patting your head jokingly. you laugh, waving his hand off. "okay, bye!!" you wave as he gets onto his motorcycle, nate clinging onto his back. he gives you a small wink and drives off.
"i didn't know chris was a triplet.." you mutter. jessica happens to pick it up. "oh yeah, but i guess they're not really close. they never talk to each other when chris comes here. actually.. i don't think i've ever seen them all together." she quickly shrugs it off, changing the subject. interesting, chris doesn't even have the same last name as matt and nick. you shake away these thoughts, who cares? not any of your business anyway. you catch matthew getting into the driver's seat of a white volvo a few cars down from yours. he eyes you for a quick second before pulling out and driving away. you chuckle in disbelief. dick.
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♡ tags ♡
@leah-loves-lilies @imtalkinnonsense @star-sturn @junnniiieee07 @mattsneezing @freshloveee @freshsturns @emma4eva @r6diosturns @matthasmywholeheart @donthugmeimhot @blahbel668 @chrissturnsss @joanofarcily @mattscoquette @slutsturn @imsosillygoofylol @joanofarcily @slutsturn @imsosillygoofylol @sturnioloremarker @ashley9282828 @jnkvivi @sturncakez
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harque · 6 months
" vows "
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summary ੭୧ 0.8k — SFW “innocent” prince kunikuzushi, only son of the almighty shogun, is desperate to overthrow his mother after being abandoned. he ends up marrying the leader of an enemy nation, who promises to help him get his revenge.
features — gn!reader, kingdom! au (?), reader in a suit, enemies and lovers, manipulation, mild angst, murder mention, kuni's planet sized ego (we love to see it)
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As Kunikuzushi gazed into the vanity mirror, mindlessly smoothing invisible creases from his flowing veil of purple tulle, he could hardly bring himself to believe that the vision of beauty staring impassively back was his reflection. His hair was perfectly arranged, his makeup was precise, and if he tilted his head the right way his eyelashes would catch the candlelight and cast a sparkling shadow across his cheeks.
With an expert touch, he straightens to apply the tiniest amount of blush to the outside of his eyes, a blossom of color to freshen his ghostly complexion. Then, he adjusted his narrow lips—adopting a look of serenity closely resembling his Mother's calm, composed frown.
(Where was the carefree boy who loved craft and dance more than anything in the world? When had he been replaced by a man with ancient eyes?)
He'd been molded into a perfect copy of her.
Kunikuzushi's passive expression twisted into something between rage and disgust at the sight. He wished his reflection showed someone else. Anyone else.
“You know, you look a little pale, doll,” came a voice from behind, and he turned to see you leaning in the doorway. “If you're getting cold feet, it's not too late to change your mind.”
“I'm fine,” Kunikuzushi huffs dismissively, trying to keep the irritation out of his voice. The suit you're wearing is immaculately clean and well tailored—the expensive fabric drapes tastefully over your figure, demanding attention. (It's ridiculous how well it fits you.)
“Don't you have somewhere else to be right now?” He knows his voice sounds more sour than he intends, but he can't help it. You annoy him.
“Oh please,” you scoff, brushing past the door frame. “I'm just here to check up on you, I thought you might need some company.” He watches you casually saunter over to him, your footsteps making quiet clicks against the marble flooring.
“I don't.” He answers flatly. However, he already resigned himself to your presence, shifting to make room for you on the plush bench. You sit, smiling, taking a moment to observe him.
His simple, yet elegant white kariginu robe fit snugly, but it was the dark purple veil embroidered with flowers that gave him an air of softness. You don't think it was supposed to look gorgeous, but he'd always been pretty, it was hard not to notice.
Kunikuzushi's gaze was now directed at the wall, carefully blank and eying decorations, as if he's trying to avoid letting you see any hint of feeling.
Cute. If he could trust you fully, he wouldn't be able to keep his eyes off you.
“I'm sure you do, no need for all the attitude.” You lean your shoulder against his, the scent of your fragrance filling the space between you. His nose wrinkles, trying not to inhale too deeply.
“Besides,” you say, brightening your tone. “I do have another reason for visiting! The Shogun just sent a letter inviting us to the capital.” Kunikuzushi whipped around to give you an incredulous look.
This is the opportunity he's been waiting for, after all—the chance to eliminate his mother in a public setting.
You've already mapped the assassination out together very thoroughly (so precisely to the point where every detail was accounted for). However, you also know there is a slim opportunity to seize the throne after. He wasn't thinking about that right now, but with a little nudge he was sure to pick up on the rest.
“She wants to officially recognize our union with a celebration. I think we should go.” You stand and pull him up with you, flitting past the vanity, twirling him out into the empty space as if he was your personal puppet.
“The entire empire will be there for us. They'll applaud the bravery of their precious prince for his sacrifice... marrying a monster to spare them from war.”
When you tug him back in, he automatically rests his free hand on your waist. You adapted easily, splaying your opposite hand over his shoulder. There was something undeniably hopeful in those dark eyes of his, a glimmer of greed he could try to choke down all he wants, but you know him too well to ever truly forget.
Kunikuzushi guides you in a proper dance, the veil swaying behind him with enviable grace.
“...they'll be cheering for her too, of course. The poor citizens will believe it was all her idea.” You went on, sounding wistful. “Soon, they'll have no choice but to see she is nothing but a pathetic imitation of a person; a shadow designed to deceive. They deserve someone real.”
You feel his delicate hand pressing into the small of your back as he makes a particularly sharp turn, leading you into a dip.
“You can be real. What do you think, doll?” The words slip from your tongue, but you don't even feel it.
“I think,” he finally responds, leaning close enough so his breath ghosted against your lips, “you should stop calling me that. I'm not a doll.”
“I never said you were,” you amended, tilting your head. “It's a term of endearment. What would you like me to call you instead?”
His heartbeat is pounding so forcefully that you can almost feel his pulse through your own chest.
“Lord,” he says.
That was the only confirmation you need. He's so eager, you find it sweet that he already confidently claims the title. Oh, the things you do for him…
“Fine,” your smile widens. “If you insist, my lord.”
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© harque — all rights reserved — notes & reblogs are much appreciated ¡¡¡( •̀ ᴗ •́ )و!!! thank you for reading!
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