#now thats some genius thinking right there
stubz · 6 months
Kim and Max and the adventures of running an alien child care centre
"Human Max I'd like you to meet Ezshi, they will be joining you soon in the youngling centre."
"Oh hey there buddy, nice to meet you!"
"Now, what do we say Ezshi?"
*croc sounding hissing and snarling*
"Ezshi! You apologize right this instant!!"
"...oh boy"
days later~
"I don't know what to do! The kid won't stop hissing at me everytime they see me! As soon as they spot me they flare up and won't stop hissing at me, they almost bit me when I tried giving them their chocolate milk!! I don't know how I'll survive this year Kim."
"That's rough buddy," she gives sympathy pats to him. "but why don't you try my method? Y'know, the one I used with my siblings and cousins."
"Kim if I did that I would get fired."
"Yes, in an earth school you would without question buuut...here?"
"...here I wouldn't! Kim you genius!"
"Ah, human Kim, I am here to pick up Ezshi early today. May you point me to them?"
"Yeah sure, right over there with Max." she points to a large crowd of children and parents.
"Thank you Human Kim."
"Of course....maybe I should've stalled them for a bit...shoot."
"Ezshi! Where are you? Ah, there you-- oh my."
In the middle of the crowd is Ezshi and Max both hissing and snarling at each other. The young reptilian slowly advancing towards the human, eyes slitted.
"EZSHI! Youngling you will stop this at--!"
"Wait Mx. Ezshi's Bubba! Maxie is okay, look look!"
"Youngling Human please release your tiny hands off me, I must save your 'Maxee'...huh."
Max advances as well but more predatory like, circling around the youngling until their back hits a table. Jumping onto it thinking it'll make them look more intimidating, Ezshi hisses down at the lowly human. No one interferes, especially the other reptilian and predator like species.
"Okay now here it comes Max, remember not too much spit and be aggressive!"
Back straight, toes pointed, chin up, the young man closes the gap between them with a headbutt while releasing a roar. Silence. Until finally, with eyes dilated, Ezshi chirps and bows their little head.
"Aw, its okay buddy. Now go get your stuff, your Bubba is here."
"Thank you caretaker Maxee! Lets do that again!"
"Human Max how did you know how to assert dominance among my people? Was it Tarlak's family? Tigihalaxes and Repilixes do share similar customs..." they muse.
"Oh it was Kim."
"And how, may I ask, do you know how to assert dominance among my people Human Kim?"
"My siblings and cousins."
"....you were taught by your human kin?"
"Some of them started to roar and hiss while we goofed around and to make sure they still listened to me while we did this I would 'assert dominance' by doing exactly what Max did."
"I thought humans did not have displays of dominance and that everyone is to be treated equally, like a herd."
"Yes thats right."
"But you just said..."
"Oh that was just us playing around. We still do it every now and then, just over the holidays my little sister and me did the equivalent of the gorlazitics display of dominance."
"For fun??? And not to be the new leader? No one was killed?"
"Save for our mother's opinion of us, no."
"Are you sure you two are herbivores?"
"The proper term is vegetarian, which is what I am, Kim is a pescatarian."
"May the fish forgive me for finding them so delicious in sushi form."
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Hi now that I’ve got your attention
I’m going to yell at you
Cuz I love you but y’all killing me with this
“I have the urge to move”
Or my favorite
“I didn’t get symptoms”
Mmmm this one is ultimate favorite
“How do I enter the void?”
Sweetie what do you think my posts are about???
How to find the tooth fairy?
Please stop asking me that when it’s literally in ALL MY POSTS
I literally got blocked cuz I was asked over and over again
By someone I thought was a friend
How to get in the void
I told her
It’s in my posts
Read my posts
I guess she didn’t wanna do that
All you’re doing is meditating
Yall act like you have to clean a whole warehouse or work a 10am to 2am shift!
Like it’s giving
“Omg I have to lay still and affirm and breathe and actually be relaxed and ignore the 3D which I hate anyways and leave this physical plane to go to my 4D which is pretty much me in my most powerful and purest state to gain peace and comfort and manifest my desires because I was born to do this and then wake up with my desires because it’s literally so easy ugh that’s too much it’s soo hard!!
Im not comparing trauma or anything everything you’re going through is valid
But somebody is probably going through something so horrible
And they don’t know about the void state or manifestation in general!
Because guys I love you but you’re all asking the same thing over and over and over again
It’s driving me insane
Every post I make is about the void
What it is and how to get in
If my account was about making bagels
Would you ask me
“Do you make bagels?”
You see what I mean?
I love you so much but stop asking the same thing
And I made a post on boundaries
Still had someone asking me to enter the void for them
How am I gonna take time out of MY DAY
To enter the void for someone with the SAME POWER AS ME!!!!
That’s like helping a genius with his homework
You already know how to do it tf you asking me for????
What do you think the void is???????
It’s not Disneyland
It’s not your mamas house
It’s not a Beyoncé concert
There’s is no luck when it comes to the void
I’m not gonna keep repeating myself
Everyone on here keeps telling yall the same things
Yet you still ask
How to enter
Complaining about not having symptoms
“But I’m_(excuses)”
Not to be rude but you might get blocked if you ask
“How to enter the void?”
Quit overcomplicating
You made the void
It exists because of you
Put YOURSELF on a pedestal not anything or anyone
Sometimes I feel like yall just use me and other blogs on here to get info on something we already talked about on our posts
Just for you to get mad when we get fed up with repetitive questions
If this still doesn’t help you
Idk what else to say
I love you much love 🩵
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cumulo-stratus · 10 months
Communication Issues
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Plantonic!BAU team x french!reader
Description: reader is from France and lived there until he was 11/12 and then moved to america and his first language is french. He also has a little bit of an accent. Basically reader is new to the team and it is their first late night back home on the jet with him. And basically they learn that when hes tired he reverts back to his mother tongue.
CW: possible swearing, I can't think of anything else
A/N: I'm thinking of making a series about this, like just funny scenarios related to the reader being French, if y'all have any ideas let me know! Also reader is gonna be loosely based off me when im rly tired cus i get kinda giggly/floppy/goofy. ( also sry it's short)
French, translation
3rd person POV:
after a hard, and long case the team was very ready to go home. They had found a 9 yr old girl and rescued her from a man holding her in his basement to torture her. And even though it took the profilers almost 3 full days with almost no sleep to find her. To say they were tired was understatement. It was almost 2 am when they trudged onto the plane, all tired physically and emotionally. Y/N was the last on the plane and decided to take the couch to get some sleep. Just as he was sitting down Reid plopped down next to him. (Y/N and Reid liked to sit next to each other so they could read together)
“Désolé reid, je veux lire avec toi, mais je suis trop fatigué pour ça” (sorry reid, i wanna read with you but im too tired for that) you said to him, slightly slurring your words. “Huh?” Spencer looked up at you with a small crease between his eyebrows. The switch in language caught the rest the rest of the team off guard as well (evidently by the looks on their faces) you peered at them just as perplexed and asked “Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?” (Whats wrong?).
“Dont worry guys I’ll talk to him” said spencer with a little giggle at his new friends antics. Morgan gave spencer a little knowing look and eyebrow wiggle at his conversation with Y/N, despite having no idea what they were saying. “Mon biche, tu parle français maintenant, pas anglais.” (Darling, you’re speaking french right now, not english) says spencers with a small smile. a look of understanding dawned your features and you said “je suis?! Oh c'est pas grave, Oh, tu n'as besoin que de me comprendre de toute façon.” (I am?! Thats okay, you’re the only one who needs to understand me anyways) you say with a wink ad a giggle. Spencers cheeks went red and emily gave him a questioning look. “Y/N, tu fais quoi?” (y/n, what are you doing?). you just gave him a mischievous look before putting your head on his shoulder and snuggling into him to fall asleep. The rest of the team got bored of making fun of the pair and began their own conversations or trying to sleep. But after a minute or two the team heard and hushed but strict “shhhhh!” coming from their resident genius. “You guys are so loud! hes asleep!” said spencer’s while he gestured vicariously to the sleeping figure drooped over his left side. “hush up pretty boy, your little boyfriend over theres out cold dont worry about it.” said derek with a teasing smile. spencers cheeks turned even more red than before if hat was even possible and started stuttering about the sleep man not being his boyfriend. “okay, okay, hes not your boyfriend,” said derek with his hands up in surrender after spencer kept spluttering on about y/n not being his boyfriend.
(small time skip)
As the plane landed people began packing up their things and getting ready to get off the plane. But y/n and Spencer had moved and when the team looked over they found the two agents passed out on top of each other and snoring lightly.
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princesssmars · 9 months
another one of my dreams that i have to write out because it flabbergasted me and two of my friends. but this time about hazel from bottoms.
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ok, reader is the new girl at school. in my dream i was kind of a loser (accurate) but because i can write what i want (and i've read @ptolemaeacles cheerleader headcanons ten times) im changing it.
so reader is trying out to be cheerleader! it helps you make a few friends, isabel being the best one because she’s amazing, beautiful, and a little weird in a really endearing way. she finds you interesting, given your natural talent for dancing and how despite doing vulgar dance moves on the football field, off of it you can be a shy and sweet person!
because of this isabel, brittany and you are pretty much always together. and since they're popular and seen everywhere, that means you are seen everywhere!
which means hazel cant take a fucking break.
walking to sit with pj and josie during lunch and means almost having a heart attack when she sees you handing out flyers for the next school event, looking so ethereal in your cheer uniform she nearly trips over herself.
or when every morning she sits two rows over from you in math class, not so sneakily staring at you for minutes at a time while doing her worksheets.
despite being close to a genius, she thinks there's no way in hell you have ever noticed her. never seen the way your eyes will drift to her when she's sitting in the bleachers while, you're practicing, how you're heart will race when the teacher is calling names for project partners with the chance that the brunette could be in your group.
so sure you had a crush that was going nowhere, but you had a nice bunch of new friends, so people we're starting to like you!
all except one.
mrs. fucking barnes.
for whatever reason, your second period english teacher had decided on your first day to make your senior year a living fucking hell.
put a good amount of effort into an essay? you get a d minus!
want to share a comment you had about the book the class is reading? shut up silly, jeff is going to popcorn read and stutter over a basic sentence!
but one friday, you decided to skip class and the next week she went ballistic.
now, since moving to town, you had noticed that the people here were a little odd, regularly seeing a normal interaction or conversation go to the extreme in seconds.
so, when you're hovering over the toilet in the girls bathroom, a small thought in your brain that loves to say what if's asks: what if somebody bursted in here right now?
when you finish and stand up to pull your jeans up, only to be interrupted when the stall doors bust open with a loud bang! you think for split second that god can literally hear your thoughts and is making you pay for whatever sins you've committed.
those sins must have been fucking murder to make up for how mortified you felt standing in a cramped girls bathroom stall, your pants down with three people staring at you/
the first, mrs. barnes, wearing a look thats a mix between anger and regret.
the second is nettie brown, a girl you recognized from your art class who you remember complimented your heels and you did the same for her coat.'
and then, standing in front the sinks with eyes that look as big as fucking saucers, hazel callahan herself.
your brain catches up to your body and you manage to splutter out a string of curses and yells, forcing the door back closed as the teachers splutters out an excuse about someone telling her you had started doing weed in the bathrooms.
you hear her and some more shoes shuffling out of the bathroom, taking a minute to gather your bearings before you leave the bathroom. when you open the door again you rest your hands on the counter, your eyes closed as you take a breath. when you look up to your reflection, in your peripheral you see a figure standing awkwardly at the back of the bathroom, blue eyes avoiding looking at you.
"hazel?" you ask under your breath, turning around to look at her dead on. she flinches to attention like a child called to attention.
"uh...i just wanted to make sure that you were alright, what she did was really fucked up."
"oh," you mouth, grateful that after something so embarrassing this girl who you barely knew was waiting in a crappy bathroom to make sure you were alright. if it was possible your crush on her just grows. "thank you. that means a lot to me."
her face lights up so brightly you think it could light up a city.
"no problem! i mean, really who cares that much about weed, anyway? i've never cared about bush anyway-"
the room gets silent.
as she quickly rushes out an apology and leaves, all you can think about is how its weird you've been shocked like this twice in a span of ten minutes, and that you have got to ask hazel callahan on a date.
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i made this a lot cuter than it was in my dream. i was in the bathroom, looking at these really nice coats on the counter ?? when the door opened, hazel just said "y'know ive never minded bush" and the sheer confusion made wake up.
i put my senior year english teacher in here because. i still hate that bitch.
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anytime atsushi gets excited his tail pops out and wags but no one tells him becuz they think its funny to see atsushi try and pretend he's not excited and act nonchalant
atsushi is genuinely surprised and confused how everyone always knows what he wants or wants to do
dazai, kunikida, and atsushi coming back from a mission
kunikida, noticing atsushi looking at an ice cream stall: atsushi do u want ice cream
atsushi: oh i dont care either way! if u and dazai san want to then...
dazai: i dont re-
kunikida and dazai staring at atsushi's wagging tail:
dazai: ooh~ kunikida-kun~ how kind~ to offer us ice cream~
kunikida: as if bastard! i'll buy it for atsushi but ur a grown ass man
dazai: if only i had a tail :(
atsushi: what
dazai: what
like that
yosano: how did u choose a gift for atsushi? theres so many things i could get... since he's not used to owning much
ranpo: my genius deductive skills obviously
ranpo: okay fine i chose like 10 and mentioned them to him subtly and bought the one he wagged his tail for the most
yosano: oh shit u are a genius
ranpo: why r u acting surprised
atsushi: cant believe i have to work with you again,,, why do we always have to see each other ugh
akutagawa, staring (like wan staring) at atsushi's wagging tail:
bet atsushi never takes time off becuz idk he doesn't think he can - like he knows he can but he also doesn't think he can
that doesn't make sense but i hope u get it
anyway he never requests time off - he's only not there if he's sick (and was bullied into resting) or something like he personally never puts in the request
if there's some festival or event or anything that anyone thinks atsushi would want to go and would go if not for work they let the boss man know
fukuzawa: atsushi, you haven't taken much time off, but it's good to take a break now and then. if you want, you can have monday and tuesday off. (which weirdly is the exact time that that one event u wanted to go to is on but obviously thats just a coincidence)
atsushi, tail wagging: oh that's alright
fukuzawa: i insist.
what else hmmmmmmmm
kyouka: atsushi, do you want me to make that dish again? you liked it right?
atsushi: oh i did! but you dont have to if you dont want to! i mean if you do you totally can
kyouka, staring at his tail: i'll make it
junichiro, after coming back from a longer mission:
atsushi: heyyy we didn't see each other all day!
junichiro, trying not to show how touched he is becuz atsushi's tail is wagging, showing how happy he is:
and so on
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yourbpdgf · 2 years
beel, the munch
warnings:: pussy eating,, monster fucking (?),, really long tongue,, semi public sex,, slight voyeurism,, overstimulation,, lmk if i missed smth .
your boyfriend,, beelzebub,, is a munch.
and you love it .
"fuck,, fuck,, fuck!" you screamed.
you really shouldnt be as loud as you are considering youre doing your... immoral... acts in the kitchen. and even though none of beels brothers are home it still feels wrong.
but you cant help it,, your boyfriends just so good with his mouth.
beel suckles in all the right places. he thrusts his abnormally long tongue into you perfectly,, filling you up so nicely,, the bulge in your stomach as proof. and the way he holds your legs open,, his nails digging into your thighs,, feels heavenly on your skin.
beel makes you feel so good you dont care that youre overstimulated,, you just want more.
beel though,, beel appears as though he couldnt care less that his brothers could come home any time and catch you,, he is too pussydrunk to care. beelzebub loves the way you taste,, and considering his sin,, he will not stop until his gluttony is satisfied.
how'd this all start? i'll tell you.
beel was hanging out with asmo,, who had the brilliant idea to do some car karaoke. asmo shuffled his playlist,, and the song that came on was ice spices munch.
asmo immediately looked to beel like he just had a genius realization,, and in a way he did. asmo spoke,, "beel, your definetely a munch!" and with that he laughed the rest of the car ride.
beel,, being beel,, had no clue what asmo was talking about,, so he came to you. beel found you in the kitchen making dinner. when he asked you laughed and explained it to him. he laughed with you and once you were both done you made a little remark that did you in.
"i dont really think youre a munch,, beel."
with that you started laughing again, but beel took that personally.
what? you think he cant make you feel good enough with just his mouth?
and thats where we are now,, you on the counter thighs clamped down on beels head. beels shifted into his demon form to add extra length to his tongue,, relishing in your taste. your hands gripping onto his horns for any shred of stability,, meanwhile beel licks and spits on your puffy,, overstimulated clit.
but little did the both of you know asmodeus is on the other side of the wall enjoying the scene that he caused <3.
i was busy last month sry. but heres the munch fic i promised. might be bad bc this is my first fic back. this is wayy shorter than i thot oops. lilia vanrouge fic coming soon 👁️👁️.
everything ?
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sharksandjays · 3 months
Creative Challenge Winners!!
Honorable mentions!
@fancypersonaskeletonturtle with Pain Inhibitors Jay
I LOVED the scientific reasoning behind your headcanon. I ate it right up. I see this headcanon a lot around the fandom but it never gets old. And your art is SO amazing. Jay looks super super cool.
@officercooks with colored eyes Jay
I've actually been so obsessed with this idea that I altered my Jay headcanonned design a little bit to include a yellow eye T-T. Seriously this is GENIUS and the way you drew the lightning grrr i ate it right up.
@ammo0648 with merge Jay
Dude I LOVE this idea. It makes so much sense considering what happens in DR. And again, I eat the scientific reasoning right up you killed it. Also the scars you drew on his back mhhhhhhh I love you and i love the art.
@lightning-chicken with the only submitted fanfiction!
I LOVED READING THIS!! I love the connection with Jay's mom, like, I've always thought about how his powers might be connected to her. You explored lightning in such a cool area that it made Jay so cool to me. Your writing is also just gorgeous in general.
And there is some art and a comic from a deactivated account, but it included Jay creating objects out of his lightning and that is amazing.
@taddymason's lightning striking art
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Your art in general makes me sob but THIS?? The way you draw the lightning?? And hsi hands glowing?? i love this. And I read the fic you wrote and this makes so much sense to me it could even be canon.
@vivilingriphyn's snake Jay
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I. Ate. This. Up. You really cooked a whole meal. This is such a unique idea and I may redraw it in some way just because of how amazing this is. The snake idea KILLS. I love this thought that he can influence the shape/personality of the lightning he uses. And youur art is so beautiful.
@adeleba's anxious Jay!
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This idea is exactly what I was going for when I asked for this challenge. I love thinking about how Jay's powers affect his own mind and through that his own relationships. How each of the ninja deal with his powers and how his powers react to his own emotions is DELICIOUS. You portrayed it so perfectly in your art. I love you so much Adie.
AND THATS A WRAP!!! Check in for your prizes in DMs, details about what prizes you got found here. Thank you for participating! I love you all!!!
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thealexanderfiles · 7 months
DCU from a Marvel fans limited perspective
recently i've accidently been sucked into the DCU universe, mostly Bat family, if i'm being honest, and although i've never watched a single movie/episode, this is what i have gathered from purely reading the occasional fanfiction/lots of tumblr posts
SPOILERS i guess
There are A LOT of batkids
Bruce Wayne adopts these motherfuckers like they're some kind of limited edition pokemon set
no one is actually sure how many there are but if you have black hair and blue eyes and live in gotham, Batman doesn't care if you've got parents or not. you're coming home with him
There appears to be five Robins and Batman goes though these children like a chainsmoker with a pack of cigarettes
people die a lot
Thats okay though because people come back to life a concerning amount as well
Jason Todd died and came back to life by being dumped in a pit of magical water
Damien Wayne is the only biological child of Bruce and he mentions this a lot
Dick Greyson was the first Robin and the first adoption and i think he and Bruce got in a fight and he left to become Nightwing
Jason Todd stole the Batmobile's wheels and became the second Robin. after he came back to life he became Red Hood
Tim Drake was not an orphan, he just fit Bruce's target demographic and was conveniently close (I mean come on, it's like express shipping) He is also some kind of super-genius. He was the third Robin but became Red Robin/Drake
Stephanie brown(?) was the fourth robin(?), not sure for how long. People get upset when other people forget. I think she's called Spoiler or something
Damien Wayne is the final Robin. Hes this assassins son and im pretty sure Talia dropped him off at the Wayne Manor and said, "I had him through the terrible twos, you get the teen years'
Not entirely sure if Tim runs Wayne enterprises
Brucie wayne is the funniest fucking thing i swear
He's so stupid
not sure is Tim, Dick and Jason follow Bruce's lead and become absolute airheads as well
Alfred is a butler
Alfred has guns
There's someone called Duke and Cass knocking around
The Justice League think Batman works alone
someone in the JL is allergic to the colour yellow
there is a concerning amount of Danny Phantom x DC crossover fics
sames goes for Miraculous
Tim Drake is Bi and for some reason people don't like that
internet is divided on whether of not Batman is a bad dad
#OnlyInGotham is a thing?
Gotham is like an australian NYC
the Riddler is a not funny, less aggressive version of the Joker
apparently Alcatraz and Arkham are different prisons but thats on me
there's a whole group of superheroes out there, each have strong powers and they decide to leave the most dangerous city to the member that has no powers and dresses up as an anthropomorphic bat and runs around the city causing copious amounts of property damage with his children
there is a girl called barbra? Gordon
there is a criminally small amount of content for the girls
for some reason people ship the bat kids together, ike, anytime you have to remind yourself 'its TECHNICALLY not incest is Not Good'
Clark Kent is running round acting as if his reading glasses are the only thing standing between a normal life and CHAOS and the worst thing is that he is right
i am a MCU fan and i was SO sure that Deadpool was MCU but now i'm not so sure
Fandom likes to have this troupe that Bruce wayne doesn't believe batman exists when obviously the superior troupe is that Gotham is pretty sure they are exes
teen titans and young justice are a thing but i cant figure out which robin is who.
Damien Wayne has enough animals to open a zoo
who tf in the batfam are metas?????
Batman has definetely used the Tired Dad voice on villains and the Brucie Wayne voice on the JL
Bruce Wayne has contingency plans if someone discovers his contingency plans
it took 2 robins until batman realized that a small child running around in a vest top and speedos was not the greatest idea
Someone needs to tell me, like right now what's going on, where to start and what to read. bc rn im LIVING on chaotic fics
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moonlight-sonata99 · 11 months
Walk the line
Trigger warnings: domestic fights,talk about addiction, suicide mentions. Loss. Alot of cussing.
Carmy Berzatto x reader
A/n: I love carmy bro - but yea, this is uh..a passion project, honestly. I haven't wrote in a hot minute. But..I feel confident. Btw. This story will focus alot on addiction, not the Reader specifically, though. But her dad.
Slow burn/angst/comedy
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The sounds of furniture falling and glass breaking behind the door as it Slams open and her face is red and her chest rises up and down quickly as the man behind her on the floor his cheek red from the hit he received from his daughter as his wife stands beside shocked, unable to move the only sound was them getting their stuff and leaving before making their way out the door they looks back and points their finger at the man who's cheeks are red his left a bit bloody
"Dont fucking talk to me unless you've been sober for a year. you hear me?" They breathe out as their mom calls out to them as they turn their back to their parents and rush away. Only leaving the cries of their mother and their father left on the floor as the sound of the ambulance gets closer and closer. 
That was a while ago.
Since then, i think i've done well. Maybe. Got a job at some restaurant,the boss is cool. The coolest boss I might have had Honestly. Micheal Berzatto, AKA… Mikey, I've known him about… maybe a few months now? It's been a while since I've been "away" from home, anyways yea. Been working at this cool joint called the beef. Everyone feels like one big friend group. Yeah, it's really nice. I got a nice apartment, too. Well, " nice" is better than any other house that deadbeat ever got us.
 Anyways, yeah. I hope you've been well ma. I sent you money with this. Don't try to send it back. And don't let that asshole see you with it.
I'm doing good, So don't worry.
With much love. 
"Hey,speaking of assholes, what's the big deal with this brother?" You ask, looking down at the piece of onion you were cutting as mikey cooked behind you. 
"Asshole? Ooh you mean my brother carmy? " He replies, keeping his gaze on the meat. 
"Well there's a lot to say about him " he breathes out but a smile can obviously be detected in his voice 
"Well then tell me about him genius" 
"hes not your type " Tina chimes in as the rest laugh,
"Thats not- Okay, maybe that's why i asked. But if you really say so, " you reply, shrugging and putting the knife down and leaving the onions to grilI as - you turned to look at him. But he kept his back to you as he began to speak.
"no yeah- Carm… little brother Carmen. he's a chef in some fancy restaurant, nice right? " He admitted, watching the knife gliding through the meat smoothly.
"for real?" you gasped out looking at his back,
"for fucking real."
Remembering when that had happened. Mikey had a smile on his face when he spoke about his brother. Later on, you learned the two weren't on speaking terms. A part of you cursed yourself out of even having the gall to ask about a slightly  sensitive topic, but another part of yourself felt...good to know at least he didn't hate his brother, Who'd want to hate their own siblings? 
You knew better than to intervene.
It was february 21st, as you gathered your sweater, in the corner of your eye, you noticed Michael sitting in his office looking at a small white envelope. 
"Hey, mikey," you guy, as you knocked lightly before entering his office, and he looked up his eyes, meeting yours.
" hey- " he coughed  " hey whats up? " he said, rubbing his nose with the tips of his fingers. 
" I should be asking you that '' you reply, putting on your bag.' You okay ? You've been… out of it these past few days. '' You say, tilting your head slightly.
"Im good" he mumbles out his hand over his mouth as he nods. 
" Okay … if you ever need anything, just call me. Okay?" 
" Gotcha," he says as you nod and make your way outside.
"hey uh be careful " he yells out as you heal out the door and the leans against his office door frame as you turn your head back to look at him.
" Yeah you too mikey" 
Hey ma, me again. It's been a hot  minute since I sent you a message. in terms of like… talking. i just wanted to check up on you. Make sure everything is okay, y'know? i'll be honest. I haven't been doing so well. if were being honest…  I lost a friend. a good friend. Mikey, he Uh… Comitted  suicide. and i don't know how to feel. Well,I feel sad. I spent… all week crying. 
Yea i have brothers, but Mikey felt like the brother I never had.
due to moving so much as a kid, i didn't have any friends.
no girlfriends, boyfriends.
i didn't want any if i'm honest.
but Mikey changed that.In terms of friendship I mean.
i remember when i first met him, i was about to blow him off because he was pestering me about his  restaurant. i mean, i was working for Petes sake. But he was loud,
and i gave in.
after that he let me into his family, albeit made of people working in a restaurant.
you know that thing when Companies say their employees are family and it's usually bullshit??
Yea,Mikey always meant that shit. 
Ritchie told me his brothers were coming to take over. I'm not sure how to feel about it . The asshole didn't even come his funeral. Anyway, yeah, that what has been up with me. Sorry for suddenly dumping all of this on you.
i lost a good friend. 
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A/n: I really like writing for this series, honestly. Please tell me if you guys want more :]
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chl-owo-e · 1 year
(Spencer Reid X Reader)
Summary; The current case has both Spencer and you on edge. It only worsens when he locks himself in the lab with Anthrax inside, as his symptoms worsen you can only think about him leaving you and his child alone in the world.
Warnings;S4 EP24, Angst, baby genius, fluff, mentions of death, sick Spencer, crying, some small flirting,
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-Spencer and you met during the FBI camp, the only one reading as everyone else was socializing and hanging out with friends. When you spoke to him it was like everything clicked. He was nervous around you, and he spoke diligently telling you facts about the color of your nails and what it means about you.
It wasn’t till he asked you out on a date shyly that you knew you wanted to stay with him for the rest of your life. As the both of you gotten accepted into the BAU thats when Spencer brought up the idea of moving in with each other. Two years later Spencer had asked you to marry him, it was in a library where you both had your first date.
When you find out you were pregnant Spencer couldn’t be any happier. He was elated to know that his beautiful wife was carrying his child. Spencer couldn’t wait to hold the bundle of joy, he almost always spoke to the bump at any time of day especially when he gets excited about something. Late at night he would mumble facts to the bump tiredly as he rubs it soothing you to sleep.
Now you stand here, married to the love of your life for 6 years with a 4 year old toddler at home being taken care of by your parents. Spencer and you were rushed out of your house with a very urgent call from JJ. Not stating anything only to come to the office it’s important.
“Spence! Are you ready? We have to go now or JJ will have it out with us!” You had yelled from inside your room as you slid on your black Mary Janes. You stood up and fixed your earrings whilst you made your way out the room. In-front of you stood Spencer and your little boy smiling and laughing. From context clues you figured out that Spencer had showed him his signature penny magic trick.
You looked down towards the wooden flooring, a shiny burnt sienna coin catches your eye facing heads up right at you. Your eyes trail up to the two boys with a small happy smile over your features. “Sorry honey did you say something?” He says in between giggles next your son screams and runs straight at you “MOMMY!” His pitter pattering of footsteps fills the hallway, his hands reach up making grabby motions for you to pick him up.
Your hands reach down and wrap around his body as you pick him up and set him on your waist. “We have to go, are you ready?” You ask Spencer again more clearly, your hand brushes the little boys curly hair out of his face. “Oh, yeah! Just let me get my badge and we can go.” Spencer shot up from his crouching position and walked off into the bedroom for his badge.
“You ready to go to grandmas? Come on buddy lets get your shoes on.” You baby talk him and walk to his room where his shoes were tucked away. After Spencer and you were done getting ready with your son, Spencer buckles him up in his carseat. With a sippy cup in one hand and a baggy of goldfish in the other your son happily sits patiently in his seat.
Spencer sits in the passenger seat as you buckle yourself in the drivers. The drive to your parents house was short, Disney music playing throughout the car and your child screaming the lyrics at the top of his lungs. Spencers hand lays gently on your thigh as he hums the lyrics quietly.
Right as you dropped your son off at your parents giving them the time to take care of your bright sunny child. JJ called with an urgency in her voice. “Are you guys coming now? Sorry to be bothersome, but this is really important and I need you guys here asap!” Her voice had some wavering through it. Spencers eyes widen and looked at you with a concerned face.
“What happened? Is there a case?” Spencer asked as a slight crack etched its way into his voice. “I cant say now, especially on the phone. You guys will have to wait till you get here.” She says exasperated. Spencer and you said your goodbyes to JJ and hung up. You continued to drive to the BAU but little bit faster.
Entering the BAU you see a lot more people than usual. “Military? What’s happening.” Spencer questioned as he paused after going through the glass doors. Standing next to him you look at him with confusion lacing on your face. He looks back at you with the same face, sooner or later Hotch comes out of his office and called for a meeting with the team.
“This is Dr.Linda Kimura, chief of special pathogens with the CDC” JJ introduces a young women while she sorts pills into small cups. “Hi, I’m sorry to meet under these circumstances.” Linda says in a soft professional voice. “Wait what circumstances?” You asked as you face scrunches as you look at Linda and JJ. “We need to get started.” Hotchner walks into the room and gives everyone his signature stern look.
JJ gave the brief for the case quickly, to the group. There is a mass break for anthrax that is hitting in certain points of the town and is leaving people sick only for them to die in the hospital hours later. Aaron soon tells everyone that we are not to tell anyone about it either. As it will cause a mass hysteria.
Hotch then gives orders for each person in the room, “Reid got with DR. Kimura to the hospital and talk to the victims. Agent Reid, morgan and, Prentiss a hazmat team will accompany you to the crime scene. Theres CIPRO, everybody needs to take it before we go.” He finishes his orders and everyone takes a cup that Linda hands to us.
Right as Spencer left you wanted to make sure you see him well before he could get sick. “Stay safe…please. I don’t know what I’ll do without you.” Your saddened voice came out wavering, you gently grabbed his face and gave him a kiss on his forehead. “I will, you need to stay safe too! You’re going to the crime scene.” Spencer replies with his eyebrows furrowing in an upset manner.
“Ill never leave you, I hope you know that. I have to go now, stay safe please.” Spencer spoke right before he got into Dr. Kimura’s car. You watched as the car turned out of the parking lot and into the road on its way to the hospital. Now that only leaves you to go and help Morgan and Emily at the crime scene. You walk speedly to the black SUV and got in the back.
“Took you long enough, I thought you were making out with pretty boy over there.” Morgans voice had snapped you out of the trance you were in. “Ha Ha very funny. I was just telling him to be safe, you know since he’s going to be around a lot of sick people.” You tell him with some worry in your voice.
The drive felt short, your brain trying to shut itself off from worrying you too much kept it from thinking about the time crunch you are on. Made you forget you were even in a car driving the opposite direction that Spencer was going. Once you had gotten to the park Emily spoke right to one of the people in the suits.
The guy walked off to continue on with everything with his friend. “This park doesn’t scream ‘target’ to me.” You spoke as you looked out onto the beautiful scenery. “Terrorists usually target symbols—white house, pentagon, world trade center. I mean its a nice park, but its not a symbol.” Morgan adds trying to get and explanation for everything.
“Ok, so, maybe it’s symbolic for the Unsub.” Prentiss says while looking at both you and Morgan. Soon we get a call from Garcia and she tells us to go to a Book front.
We appear there and have some more people wearing hazmats and checking the place out for more Anthrax residue. You hear Morgan say his goodbyes to JJ before talking to Emily about keeping quiet about everything. Next one of the men calls Morgan to tell him there was a positive test. “This had to be where he did his test run.” You told the two as you looked back to the book store.
The three of you got back into the black SUV and drove back to the BAU for the profile Hotch will be conducting. Right has Morgan parked into the lot you basically ran inside to see Spencer again. Only wanting to be in his presence, to see his face once more.
“Do we have everyone for the profile?” Hotch questions Rossi as he replies to him about the room having too many alpha males in the room. “Lets get started. Because the locations are not symbolically significant, we believe that these attacks are personal.” Aaron speaks in a dominant tone to everyone in the room.
“Understanding the significance of the locations will be the key to identifying him.” Prentiss says informing everyone as well. The team took turns and gave out the profile to the military people that stood in the bullpen. You started to zone everyones voice out, from what JJ told you is that Spencer was still at the hospital talking to all the patients. You wish to see him, but you wish to see your son the most.
He likes to play outside with your parents dog, what if he gets sick too? What if Spencer get sick at the hospital? What would you do then? Losing your son would mean you lose you life. But also losing Spencer would mean you would lose your whole world. Nothing could bring you back from those losses.
“Y/n, are you ok? I know, it’s scary to know that we cant tell anyone. Im here for you.” Emily placed her hand on your shoulder. “Yeah, I know, I should be fine as long as i have Spencer.” You tell her, your voice cracks a bit as tears brim your eyes.
“Y/n, pull Spencer from the hospital and go to Dr. Nickols’s home.” Hotches voice was powerful over all the other noises in the bull pen. You give him a nod and you run to the SUV, driving all the way to Spencer. You sped walked inside the hospital’s emergency room all the way to the ICU. Once you caught sight of his signature long fluffy brown hair, you ran to him.
Spencer turned to you and automatically opened his arms for a hug at the sight of you. His arms pulls you into an warm embrace. You hide your face into his chest taking in his scent brings comfort to you and your stiff body relaxes. “Im here, you’re here, were here.” His voice was soft with you, whispering it in your ear.
You and Spencer drove to the suspect’s house, it looked nice like a normal family home. “He had guests over for a party last month.” You tell him as you take in your surroundings. “We should probably take a look around anyways.” He says before whispering a small ow under his breath while you and him pass a bush on the sidewalk.
Garcia calls you leaving you distracted as Spencer runs off and explores the home without you. “The lab is clean.” You tell to Spencer only for you to see he disappeared. “Spence? Spence? Spencer?” You start to twist and turn to try and find a glimpse of your lover. You walk up the sidewalk to the house and towards the inside. “No! Dont! Stay back!” Spencer yells as he runs to the door and locks himself inside.
“Spencer what’s wrong? What are you doing?” You start to panic and try to wriggle the door open. “Im sorry, Im so sorry.” Spencer whimpers with tears in his eyes. “Im going to call Hotch, and were going to get you out of here. Okay? Were going to get you out of here and into the hospital.” You were on the verge of tears also, now understanding what predicament you’re in now.
You lean your forehead on the glass letting a few tears roll down your cheeks. “I just want you to know I love you, and if anything goes south and I dont make it out of here tell our son I love him too.” Spencer cries tears freely run down his face finally accepting that he’ll probably not see his son again. “Don’t talk like that Spencer! You’ll see him Again and you’ll be able to tell him yourself. You’ll be fine! We’ll go home and watch cartoons and eat ice cream with him like we always do. You’ll be fine Spence, you are fine Spencer.” You cried to him remembering the time you and him stayed up late on a Wednesday night eating strawberry ice-cream with your son while watching cartoons.
Everyone came to the scene, the whole team. Emily was consoling you about everything, you knew you had to be strong but your biggest fear was happening right now. You could lose Spencer right now and you’re doing nothing about it and you couldn’t do anything about it. “Y/n let Morgan, Hotch and I do this, you should take a break. Only god knows how you feel right now.” Her voice breaks you out of your thoughts. “He needs me Em. He needs me, and im here crying about it! I should be helping him! Better yet i should be the one in there and not him!” You were sobbing now, you’ve seen how the people turned out like. They were in pain through out the whole time they were sick and now Spencer has to go through that.
Emily hugs you as a way to calm your racing heart, and your tears as they were never ending. You automatically hugged her back, arms wrapping around her neck as a heart wrenching sob breaks through your throat. Emily stood there and held you as you cried your heart out. No words left her mouth, she just soothingly rubbed your back till your tears seemed to stop.
Morgan walked to you and Emily with a smile like he heard the best news ever. “Spencer figured it out, hes out of the room and he is now being hosed down. You should ride with him to the hospital.” He was slow with the way he said anything. You unwrap your arms around Emily and went to hug Morgan. “Thank you so much.” You tell him with your chin on his shoulder.
Then you let go of him to see Spencer, you run all the way to the tent Morgan said he was being hosed off at. “Spencer?” You say aloud as you walk into the tent. “In here!” He yells slightly as his voice goes hoarse. “They’re going to get me naked so I don’t think you wanna be here.” He tells you shyly with a small pink tint on his cheeks. “Ive seen you naked before Spencer, i have seen every crevice on your body.” You giggle at him as you cross your arms over your body.
A/N;This took me like 3 hours help
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A Betting Woman
AN: Hey y’all! So I’m trynna do some palate cleansers while I work on BTB3 cause lord is that one just emotionally taxing to create lol. 80% of this fic is just Riri and Shuri talking about you and how they view you so there's that. This was heavily inspired by the wonderful work of @generallysapphic who is thee supreme when it comes to Shuriri postings. There's someone else who wrote a Shuriri fic but I can’t find them anymore. Just some cute shit to post fr. Set on a timeline where you went with Shuri to defeat Namor but Riri is a super genius. 
Summary: Normally these types of moral dilemmas don’t bother Riri but after meeting your girlfriend, the queen of Wakanda. Riri decides to pay you a visit to end things. 
Pairing: Shuri x Fem!Reader, Riri x Fem!Reader and the beginnings of Shuri x Riri.
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of D/S dynamic, kissing, i think thats it. 
Translation: Sthandwa - my love , Entle - Beautiful & Usana - baby. 
Word count: 2,864 
Suggested listening: WILSHIRE - Tyler, The Creator. 
“It's morals I really have, it's lines I could never cross But you got somethin' that make All them good intentions get lost I try to keep it together, never felt this way”
Riri knocked quickly on the door three times, rocking on her heels as she did it. 
“Busy right now!” Someone called from the other side of the door. The genius didn’t know if the voice was yours or not but she didn’t care.
‘Oh no, that bitch did not.’ Riri thought to herself. She brought her fist to the door and knocked harder this time. Everything was always on your schedule and Riri was going to be damned if her ending this fling was on your time too. She heard some rustling around and the bed creek before the door opened up enough to reveal a person on the other side. 
The person Riri was expecting to see behind your dorm door was you, it was your room after all. Instead, she was met by the exact person she was here to talk to you about, Shuri. The taller woman stood in your doorway leaning up against the post. She was wearing a black sports bra and a matching pair of black sweats with golden embroidery on the side. The sweatpants hung low on her waist and Riri could make out the band of Shuri’s boxers. ‘She’s a Calvin Klein girl huh,’ The thought came to the mechanic quicker than she could stop it and she mentally cursed herself for getting so off track. 
“Riri Williams, right?” Shuri tilted her head to the side, allowing the name to roll off her tongue. 
Riri’s eyes flashed over Shuri’s figure one more time before she finally pulled herself together. “Yeah that’s me,” She cleared her throat. “Is uh Y/N here?” Riri tried to look further into the room but Shuri blocked her movements with her body. 
This unintentionally gave the younger girl an opportunity to ogle at the Queen’s perfectly sculpted abs and steal a glance at her waistline again, so she wasn’t complaining. 
“No Y/N is busy right now, can it wait?” 
Snapping back into the conversation Riri finally got back to her original plan. “No it really can’t wait, I’ve been needed to talk to her about this.” 
Shuri pondered over Riri’s words for a few moments looking her up and down as she did. Riri wondered if she might melt under Shuri’s gaze. Something about the monarch was slowly starting to make her weak in the knees. She averted her eyes back down to the floor, once again sneaking glances at Shuri’s body as she did. 
“Well I’m sure whatever you wanted to tell her, you can tell me and I’ll relay the message,” Shuri suggested. She had noticed the way Riri was staring at her and decided to play into it. “Is it normal for American girls to make it this obvious when they’re checking someone out, or is it just you?”
Riri snapped her head back up to meet Shuri’s eyes, “What!? I wasn’t- Why would you say that? No, I wasn’t! '' Riri slowly started panicking.
Had she really been that blatant in her staring that the queen would notice? And this was totally not what she came here for or what she had rehearsed saying. 
Shuri relished seeing Riri’s cheeks flush with a dark red blush as she tried to regain herself. “Ah. No matter.” Shuri said with a smile. “What is it that you wanted to tell Y/N?” 
‘No fucking way.’ Riri thought to herself. ‘No fucking way did I just get bested at my own game! Bitch had me stuttering over MY words when I came here to end shit with HER girlfriend. I can’t go out like that.’ 
Riri opened her mouth to speak, after brainstorming something logical like ‘No I need to talk to her in person.’ or ‘I literally have her location and know she’s here right now. I need to speak with her.’ All of those would have been rational things to say but instead what came out of Riri’s mouth was fueled by nothing but good old-fashioned Chicago pride. 
“I’m fucking your girlfriend.” She blurted out.
Shuri tilted her head to the side and chuckled lightly before turning around and closing the door behind her. Riri was left standing in the dormitory hallway staring at the now-closed door. What the fuck was she thinking?? Telling the Queen of arguably the most powerful nation in the world that you were not just seeing her girlfriend, but FUCKING her? Surely that was enough to get her killed and probably in a way no one would know. She would just slowly fade out of the popular consciousness until no one remembered her name; all over some pussy. Great pussy at that, but still. She was roused from her thoughts by the door opening and Shuri standing on the other side once again. 
“I know you’re ‘fucking my girlfriend.’” She said the last part in air quotations with a chuckle. “Are you going to come in so we can finally discuss this or just stand outside confused?” 
The question caught Riri off guard and she stood there staring at Shuri, unsure of what her next move should be. She hadn’t planned for this at all. She had expected to come to your dorm room today and completely end things with you. Normally she didn’t have an issue with sleeping with people who were cheating on their partners. That was someone else’s moral dilemma not hers. But after interacting with Shuri today while she was a guest speaker at a lab on campus, the guilt started eating her alive. 
Eventually, Shuri got bored of waiting and grabbed Riri’s shoulder pulling the small girl into the dorm room and shutting the door behind her. 
“Come in and sit down.” Shuri walked back over to the bed and hopped onto it. When Riri didn’t move it prompted Shuri to speak again. “Do not act like you do not know her room entle, make yourself at home.” 
Riri wanted to ask what entle meant but decided that was the least of her problems right now. She made her way over to the bean bag in the opposite corner of the room and sunk down into it. She could hear the sound of the shower running in the bathroom connected to your dorm and assumed that's where you were since your location had pinged as here, yet you weren't in the room currently. 
“She shouldn’t take too long,” Shuri said noticing where Riri’s line of sight was going. “We can wait till she gets here or you can ask whatever you’d like to ask now.” 
The younger girl shifted in her seat and contemplated what Shuri had proposed. “I’ll wait for Y/N to get out of the shower.” 
Shuri nodded and picked back up the book that was lying on the bed. Riri watched Shuri intently as she read. How was she being so cool right now? Sitting in the same room as your girlfriend's lover would typically draw a stronger reaction out of the average person but the royal seemed to be in a very relaxed state. 
‘Duh’ Riri thought to herself, it’s because Shuri already knew. She had told Riri already so her presence couldn't have been that much of a surprise to her. This thought in turn only raised more questions for Riri. 
‘How long had she known?’
‘Was she upset with Y/N?’ 
And most importantly,
‘How much did she really know?’ 
Shuri looked up from her book and caught Riri staring at her once again, which must be a theme for the night. Riri cleared her throat and spoke. “I change my mind, I’d like to ask my questions and you answer them.” She paused, “Right now.” 
Shuri chuckled at the girl's forwardness. “Y/N did say you didn’t have much patience, I see she wasn’t lying about that… Among other things,” 
Riri swore when Shuri said it she caught Shuri looking her up and down. Shuri didn’t even give her enough time to react before continuing. “But go ahead, I’ll do my best to answer them.” 
“How long have you known about us?” 
“Since the beginning,” Shuri replied simply. 
“And you’re not mad?” Riri questioned, sitting up in the bean bag chair.
“Why would I be?” Shuri questioned back with a genuine look of confusion on her face. 
Shuri’s look of confusion was replicated on Riri after hearing her answer and seeing the woman's face. “Uhh, because while you’re in Wakanda saving the world and shit, I’m here with two fingers buried deep in your girl!” 
“Just two? Normally she likes three but whatever works for you guys really.” Shuri’s sarcasm left Riri’s mouth agape and which only fueled Shuri’s laughter. Once she had pulled herself together Shuri apologized and said she would actually answer Riri’s question, earning a huff of agitation from her. 
“You already answered your question in your question, entle.” Once again Shuri spoke coolly and used that entle word that Riri couldn’t understand. 
“What the hell does that even mean!” Riri sucked her teeth as she spoke. “No more weird shit, no more nicknames in other languages, just explain this shit to me 'cause it’s not making any sense.” 
Shuri nodded, understanding that Riri did deserve the full story. She wanted to wait for you to come out of the shower but the combination of not knowing exactly how much longer you were going to take and her sensing Riri’s agitation; she was compelled to speak. 
“What I mean by that is you gave yourself the answer already. Y/N is here for school for most of the year and I’m kept busy looking after Wakanda. My love has needs that unfortunately due to the distance most of the time I cannot fill. She’s permitted to fulfill these needs in any way she chooses, as am I.”
Riri looked dumbfounded once again as she digested Shuri’s words. “So you’ve known this whole time?” 
“About everything?” 
“Pretty much yeah.” Shuri tapped her fingers on her stomach where they lay interlaced. 
“Even the sex?” Riri probed. There was no way Shuri was just so chill about this. 
Shuri was humored, sensing that Riri was hoping to incite an angry response. “Yes, even the sex. Of which I only heard good things about so I must give you credit Ms.Williams, you kept my girl satisfied.” 
The blush returned to Riri’s face and she felt her lips creep into a smile upon hearing Shuri’s praise. Her cocky side came out and she decided to get smart. “You weren't worried I was gonna take her from you?”
“Oh, not for one second. Y/N’s collared, she’s not going anywhere anytime soon.” Shuri replied confidently. Seeing Riri’s confusion she moved her hand down to the necklace resting on her chest; holding it up before letting it fall back down. “Never noticed her necklace? I know she doesn't take it off.” 
Riri’s mind flashed images of you and to Shuri’s credit in all of the scenes, a golden necklace with a small claw was hanging from your neck. Even in the ones where Riri’s head was buried between your thighs and your head was thrown back as you cam-
‘Focus Riri!’ She thought to herself. 
“So she’s your submissive?” Riri clarified.
“Wow, you are pretty smart. Maybe you do live up to that genius title after all.” Shuri quipped with a smirk. “But yes, Bast has gifted me with an amazing girlfriend and sub.”  
Riri desperately wanted to make a smart remark back at the royal but she stifled it in favor of getting more information about your dynamic Shuri. What she had learned thus far intrigued and turned her on. “And she listens to you, a hundred percent of the time?” 
“A hundred and fifty percent of the time.” Shuri corrected her. “Does she not do the same for you?”
“Hell fuckin no she does not!” Riri exclaimed. “There is not a bone in that girl's body that knows how to listen, everything with her is a fight.” 
“My Y/N? Never. She knows better than to even make me repeat myself.” Shuri was baffled at what Riri had said but also intrigued at the idea of seeing a more bratty side of you.
“I don’t believe it, she’s not physically capable of listening.” Riri tapped the side of her head to mimic how hard-headed you acted with her. 
The sound of the shower turning off, signifying your arrival soon gave Shuri an idea. “Do you want me to show you just how well she listens?” 
A smirk slipped onto Riri’s face as she picked up on Shuri’s idea. “Yeah I do, show me how well your girl listens.” 
Shuri let out a puff of air along with her laugh and nodded. You stepped out of the bathroom looking down at something on your towel. 
Let the show begin.
Your bathroom door was on the wall that ran parallel to where your bed was, so when you looked up you were first met with Shuri. “Whew! I needed that baby, I don’t think I was conscious for the first ten minutes of that shower.” You beamed as you made your way over to the bed, still unaware of Riri’s presence in the room. 
“Of course sthandwa. And more to come tonight, you know that. We wouldn’t want to be rude to our guests before that though. Why don’t you go say hello to our friend.” Shuri nodded past you and to the corner. 
You spun around confused at what “friend” Shuri was referring to and immediately alarm bells began ringing in your head. There sat Riri, looking calm as ever manspreading on your bean bag chair. 
“What’s up ma.” She said with a smirk. 
“Oh fuck no.” You murmured under your breath. Never in your life did you expect to mix your worlds like this. Sure both women had known about the other but never in a million years had you imagined them to be in the same room together. You instantly started moving towards the bathroom door, hoping to lock yourself in and formulate a plan without being under either woman's gaze. 
Of course, Shuri calling out a strong “Stop.” ended all hopes of that as a means of escape. “Go give Riri a kiss, I’ve taught you better manners than that.” 
You looked back at your girlfriend as if she had lost her mind. Yes, you had told her every detail about your relationship with Riri and described the sex in explicit detail. But to kiss her in front of Shuri? Something about that felt so wrong it was right. 
“You know I won’t repeat myself without punishment, usana. Go.” Shuri gestured over to Riri who was taking the whole scene in. She watched as you shifted your weight between your feet, debating if you would listen to Shuri. If Riri was a betting woman, she would have bet her entire life savings at that moment that you wouldn’t listen. 
Good thing Riri didn’t like to bet. 
You walked over to Riri and gave her a small smile, slightly embarrassed knowing that Riri just watched you fold to Shuri. “Hi.” 
“So you do know how to listen the first time?” Riri concluded, the smirk still on her face. 
“Only when the right person asks me.” You maintained, crossing your arms across your chest to keep the towel from falling. Shuri heard your response and let out a light laugh and a “Be nice my love.” 
“You heard what your girlfriend said though ma, gimme me a kiss.” Riri sat up in the beanbag chair awaiting you to make the move. 
You looked back at Shuri one more time, kissing other girls had never been an issue for you before but for some reason doing it in front of her felt different. Secretly it turned you on to know that your girlfriend not only ordered but encouraged you to kiss Riri. 
Fuck it. 
You bent down and Riri pulled your face to hers so that your lips met. As soon as they touched Riri hungrily devoured them savoring the taste of you. By now you knew her style and you opened your mouth slightly so her tongue could come in and meet yours. Shuri watched from the bed as you two made out, turned on by the hunger you both displayed. She could tell the two of you were getting into it, Riri especially as she brought her other hand up to cup your cheek.
Deciding this was the perfect opportunity to prove her point Shuri ordered. “Step back Y/N.” 
Once again if Riri could bet she would have bet her life on the fact that you wouldn’t pull away. You loved kissing and she could tell that you were especially enjoying this little makeout session by the way your chest was heaving up and down. 
And once again it was a good thing Riri didn’t bet often. 
You unlatched your lips from Riri’s and stood back up, taking a few steps back in the process. Riri’s eyes flashed between yours and Shuri’s unable to believe what had just happened. 
“Told you she could listen.”
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enden-k · 5 months
I think Kaveh deserves to be admired more in Sumeru in a way that becomes more and more noticable. As a treat. Starry eyed students and collegues, former classmates, debate rivals, groupmates, etc. Everyone who has met him loved him, hates him, admires him or all of the above for his passion and kindness and stubbornness and beauty. People sabotage each other when they notice someone else is trying to make a move on Kaveh cause they want him for themselves. In the desert AND the rainforest, Kaveh is much desired by people far and wide.
Only too bad for them because Al-Haitham stole his heart when they were students and has held it even when they were seperate and before they even were a couple and tho their relationship now is private its also like an open secret for those who see them frequently and Al-Haitham is so fucking smug about it. He's amused by Kaveh's little admirers amongst the student body, knowing they stand no chance. He's a little annoyed but also amused by the staff and Kaveh's collegues, because he knows Kaveh is already in the palm of his hands (sometimes literally, squeezes Kaveh's butt).
He finds it hilarious tho that Kaveh is slowely starting to realise that people are utterly infatuated with him, maybe after the competition when he decides to let himself heal from his farhers death and gains just enough self love to notice peoples advances on him.
Also there is a "secret" off-the-books gossip publication that existed even before the downfall of the Akasha system with relationship speculations and the amount of thirsting over Kaveh in both an academic, romantic and physical sense is both increadible and hilarious and Al-Haitham definately has access to it.
idk i feel like we have really different ideas and headcanons and interpretations of kaveh and haitham. its cool if thats how you like to think of them tho, not saying that your characterization is wrong bc mine is different
i think its good the way it is. kaveh is a well respected senior and got a big name in everything related to architecture. the way i like to imagine is, that kaveh was this kind of popular student that was admired and loved by many bc of this radiance. he enters a room, he smiles at someone, and you feel how its gets 10x brighter. he is incredibly kind and considerate and passionate and always ready to help, a trait most admire and some may use. hes beautiful and his sense of aesthetics and his works are equally beautiful. he jsut seems so perfect and elegant and bc of people imagining how his life must be, he starts to pretend to be this person they think he is. he doesnt want people to see the cracks. haitham though, he sees them. sees right through him
i think kaveh is not dense or "cutely unaware that everyone wants him" or what tf ever. hes a genius on the same level as haitham after all. i think he is well aware what kind of effect he has on other people. its just that he doubts if ppl are genuine bc they admire a kaveh they fabricated. its just that hes bad at turning people down. you can see him get crowded by some kshahrewar students swooning over him and his works and while he is laughing and smiling and thanking them, you can see the discomfort in his shoulders when it gets too much. its that deep down he doesnt understand their admiration for him as a person bc the person they admire is a person they fabricated based on his achievements and their ideas. he sees his own imperfection and faults and failures and shame, knows that they have a false idea of him since he masquerades to save face. he thinks he is undeserving of the attention or affections. he doesnt let it show, he pretends and pretends and pretends
i like to think, since he is so passionate and pours his everything into his works, that as soon as the attention on his work shifts to him as a person, his smile gets wobbly. he cares about the arts and not much about the titles. he is troubled, always. he feels acknowledged but also shackled. acknowledged for his works and talents, shackled by the idea, the public image of the talented, renowned architect ppl have of him. i like to think this goes for many things
im starting to ramble so back to the topic, i think kaveh is well aware of the admiration ppl have for him, both for his arts and his person. some other ppl he cant read tho so thats where he gets all like "no way!" when haitham bluntly tells him they had ulterior motives based on their body language or phrasing
for haitham, i completely disagree with your idea. again, not saying youre wrong or whatever, everyone is free to imagine or interpret how they want ig
im a sucker for pining and yearning. if we talk about pre dating, young akademiya students kavetham, i like to think haitham always keeps an eye on kaveh. he might feel a little irritated by the amount of fellow students flocking around kaveh like moths to a flame but the moment he sees the slight discomfort and strain in kavehs smile after a while, its gone. he soon learns that kaveh is too kind, too considerate so in order to help him out a little - and also bc it rlly is starting to annoy him as well, all that noise - he gives kaveh an out to escape. as soon as they start to hang out so often, ppl think twice about pestering kaveh bc haitham doesnt hesitate to tell ppl to calm down and shut up when theyre annoying. simply bc he doesnt care what ppl think of him, unlike kaveh
haithams main belief is that not everyone can be saved, thus people should prioritize themselves first - like this theres much less problems or trouble for others. its why he focuses on himself and cares for himself sm but seeing how kaveh does the exact opposite (the reason for their arguments and falling out), i like to think he cares for kaveh too bc who else does if kaveh doesnt
a troubled kaveh is a troubled haitham
he fell first and he is content with being in kavehs presence. he is fine with never making the first move bc he rather wants to keep their relationship as it is instead of bringing change that could very much end in them distancing. if anything, if kaveh ever felt the same as he does, hed rather wait for kaveh to do it, be silent and give him the chance. he regularly has the trouble of ppl approaching him like this, haitham has no interest in being one of those
ofc hes not aware that kaveh develops feelings for him after time but never approached him bc haitham is as indifferent and cool as ever. thinking that its unrequited and not wanting to make a fool of himself
later, in the present time when theyre in their 30s and together, i still dont think haitham would be smug about dating kaveh, the architect desired and admired by many. or annoyed or amused by ppl still trying their luck. bc haitham wouldnt even bother looking. he is confident and sure in his feelings for kaveh, in kavehs feelings for him; in their love. theres no reason for him to care or to bother with other ppl. tho i do like to think he might get pissed if ppl are really bold with kaveh. but if anything, i imagine kaveh is more of the jealous possessive type simply bc despite everything, theres still some fear in him that he might lose haitham and be all alone again. not bc he doubts haithams feelings but bc sometimes the fear, his anxieties, the thought hes still unworthy pops up
sorry for the word vomit, i just wanted to type out how i think of them and my thoughts jumped
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Calamity Ganon, as we know, was more like a primal force of nature, though it did display some level of intelligence with its ability to formulate and execute plans (Spawning the blights and unleashing them, corrupting the Guardians, etc) it wasn't exactly a big brain genius. I mean, come on, it had 10,000 years to plan, and the best it came up with, while effective, was "Uno reverse lol" And with an additional 100 years its plan became "Cyborg time!"
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And then just. "Big pig!"
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It wasn't a tactical genius. It won because Hyrule was overly reliant on the ancient Sheikah technology to the point that they were helpless against that very technology when it was turned against them.
But what the hell was Calamity ganon? Well, we see it in three, maybe four forms. Pig Cloud
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Which Creating a Champion states is a "spirit composed of malice"
Fashion disaster Ganon
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An incomplete, slapped together body made of Malice and machinery (Apparently he started building this body when he sensed Link awaken in the chamber of resurrection)
Kaiju Ganon
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A body formed of pure malice as a final "screw you though" after his cool new cyborg body was destroyed.
And the fourth body is possibly the malice itself, seeing as he seemed to be hell bent on using it to make his new bodies. It was like clumps of flesh just sort of laying around waiting to be assembled into something.
So now that we know the calamity's 3 (or 4) main forms, I want to focus on the pig cloud, because I think that is Calamity Ganon's truest form. The malice is something it created, either intentionally or as a byproduct of simply existing, and its other bodies were things made of that malice.
Now, we know that Calamity Ganon was utterly destroyed at the end of Breath of the wild. It didn't like, return to Dry Ganondorf in the depths. That thing got nuked.
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And that means that Ganondorf's consciousness was always in his dry body and not acting through the Calamity. In fact, when Rauru seals him away, he taunts Rauru and says "Thousands of years will pass in the blink of an eye" which to me says he knows he gonna be stuck in that spot for a hot minute.
The Calamity spawned from him, but it was not him. Its almost like a giant, out of control Phantom Ganon thats just sort of up there doing its best. But with Ganondorf sealed away, how did Calamity Ganon get loose? Well, it might seem odd, but I think Majora's mask (the object) can point us in the right direction
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Majora's Mask was once just a normal mask. Carved from normal wood. (actually if you look at the renders it looks more like it was carved from stone, but whatever) It wasn't alive, it didn't possess magic powers. It was just a mask. A mask used in ancient hexing rituals. Over time, the negative energies created from those hexing rituals sort of infected the mask and eventually became conscious, with the mask acting as a body. It was a Tulpa that was housed inside the mask. (A tulpa is a concept in mysticism of an object or being that is created through mental or spiritual power. To make it extremely basic: A tulpa is an imaginary friend that stops being imaginary. Actually in that sense, Phantom Ganon is basically a tulpa.)
So, Ganondorf, sealed away, conscious or not, was just seething. Pure hate for Hyrule, for Rauru the first king, and all his descendants. That hate was so pure and intense that it basically manifested as Calamity Ganon. The pig cloud. A separate entity born of Ganondorf's sheer spite and hate.
And if you need further proof that they are not the same entity, we need only look to Ganondorf's profile in Tears of the Kingdom, unlocked after completing the game.
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Ganondorf had been slowly working on his revival for 100 years INDEPENDENTLY of Calamity Ganon. Link and Zelda just pulled a "wrong place/wrong time" when they found him at the exact moment the seal finally weakened enough to break.
Man what would Ganondorf have done if he broke out of his seal like 5 or 8 years earlier, made his way to the surface, and found pig cloud ganon just up there partying?
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Ajax - Beautiful
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Warnings - Smut, Choking, dirty talking, praise kink, sub!reader dom!Ajax
Y/n's POV We were in the nightshades library talking about the recent incident with Rowan. Xavier told us how he was out of control. I couldn't understand the rest he was saying because my boyfriend Ajax decided to pull me into his lap and with a smirk he started to knead my thighs.
Luckily no one noticed Ajax's sensual behaviour. I obviously wanted to ask him why he was acting all sexual without bringing any attention so I decided to...
Third persons POV Y/n leaned back on her boyfriend and he instantly put his head on her shoulder, knowing she had something to say.
"So, what's with the sudden behaviour?"
"What behaviour? Ajax asked innocently, clearly sounding amused.
"Sir-." Ajax groaned and Y/n felt a lump growing underneath her. "Oh God that turns you on?" Y/n quietly giggled. Ajax squeezed her inner thigh in anger, making her moan quietly.
"Stop being petty. Now be a good girl for me and make some sort of excuse to get us the hell out of here." He whispered harshly in her ear. "Oh, and fail to do that, I'll take you right here, right now. So you can get all hot and messy in front of everyone. But you wouldn't mind would you? You're a slut like that, aren't you?" He added.
Y/n felt wet just by his words and started wiggling in her boyfriends lap, trying to get some friction between her dripping heat, but Ajax got up, making her get up and walk towards the group, who were huddling a desk reading some historical book about the nightshades.
"Hey guys-."
"Finally! N/n, you seen this picture before?" Bianca asked.
Y/n tried focusing on the picture, that seemed to be ripped in half, but all she could think about was her boyfriend and the sinful things she wanted him to do to her.
"Well thats Joseph Crackstone." She pointed to the painted figure with a hat.
"Well no shit genius!" Kent stated. Y/n jerked her head towards the boy and raised an eyebrow.
"You want another black eye?" She dared. Kent scoffed and looked behind Y/n, who was Ajax. He gave Kent a 'try anything and I'll kill you' look.
The sound of Yoko clearing her throat broke the tension in the room.
"So Y/n, you were gonna say something?" She asked.
Y/n's eyes lit up in realisation and she grabbed Ajax's arm and walked to wards the stairs.
"Oh yeah! me and AJ have to um-."
"Study!" Ajax finished off and the two lovers ran off towards Ajax's dorm.
"We all know they're gonna fuck, right?" Xavier stated, receiving a simultaneous nod from everyone.
Back to Y/n and Ajax
Ajax threw Y/n onto the bed lightly as she giggled. The E/c eyed took of her shirt and bra off. This made the pretty gorgon boy stare down at the girl like she was some sort of prey and he was the predator.
Like any other predator, he attacked when the moment was right. He attacked her breasts like they were his last meal.
Y/n moaned every time he would flick his tongue on her nipple, whilst massaging the other breast and switching from time to time.
Y/n grabbed both sides of his face and started to make out with him. Ajax broke the kiss to take his shirt off, making sure his beanie was still in place.
This made the H/c haired girl grow impatient, so she unbuckled his belt while wiggling out of her own jeans, but Ajax stopped her.
"Someone's impatient." He tugged, bringing a finger up to lift her chin, staring into her eyes.
All he saw was lust and with that, he pulled his pants down fully and shoved his hard cock into Y/n's mouth.
The gagging and moaning was music to his ears as he groaned from the movement.
Ajax then rubbed Y/n through her F/c panties.
"Oh baby don't tease!" She sighed due to the lack of friction. But Ajax wasn't having any of it. He slapped her clit, which gained a breathless moan from her and he leaned down to her ear.
"You think you can tell me not to be a tease?" He dragged her panties down her legs and inserted a finger in her. Y/n moaned loudly, which made him stop, but Y/n quickly quieted down by putting a hand over her mouth, so Ajax could continue what he was saying. "When you've been dressing like a slut for the past couple of days?" Y/n's moans were muffled and her eyes rolled back.
"You think I don't notice the way your skirt lifts up when your bending over the desk to help others?" He inserted two more fingers making her cunt sound so sinful. "Each day I felt like fucking you on every desk in the school. You're a cumslut for me aren't you baby? You like making me suffer by that sexy body don't you?"
Y/n looked at her boyfriend with pleading eyes, meaning she wanted him to replace his fingers with his cock.
"I guess you do deserve it baby. You've been a good girl for me lately, but your still a whore and I'll punish you, but right now I just wanna hear the pretty noises you make when I fill you up."
And with that Y/n removed her hand from her mouth and it went straight to her clit. Ajax didn't stop her, instead he chuckled and lined himself towards her dripping cunt.
"What's our safe word baby?"
"Midnight." Y/n breathed out.
With the approval, Ajax slowly inserted himself inside of her, making her moan in pure pleasure and her eyes rolled back.
"Oh Ajax! Fuck me, right there please."
This encouraged Ajax to go faster. Thrusting in and out of her walls faster and faster each time, making him groan and praising the girl in front of him.
"Ah, your such a cumslut baby. Look at you, coming undone under my control. What a good girl." He moaned.
Y/n could now feel a knot in her stomach that could release any moment, she tightened her walls around his cock.
"Fuck, my baby is close isn't she?"
Y/n moaned louder and louder as the sound of skin slapping each other and Ajax's groans made her come undone.
"Cum for me baby."
That's all it took and with that she milked all over his cock and Ajax finished off on her stomach.
Ajax panted as her lied down next to her and kissed her forehead. Y/n grabbed the tissues from his bedside table and wiped the cum off her stomach.
Ajax pulled the covers on both of them and pulled Y/n closer to him, with her back facing him.
"I'm sorry if I was hard on you baby." He sighed in her hair and Y/n shook her head in response.
"No Jax, I like it when your dominant" with that, Y/n felt a smile on her cheek as he kissed her.
"I love you, N/n."
"I love you too, my love."
"And don't you worry about this whole monster stuff, we will get through it together I promise."
Y/n smiled and snuggled up more towards him, feeling protected. And with that, the two fell asleep in each others embrace.
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kitkitkittycat · 3 months
I am once again thinking about Hozier anywaying the genius that is the poetry of First Time. Listen, he sings about the presence of life in the form of the flowers given to him by his mother so far as going to say he owes his life to that presence and we all know the song was written in the middle of the pandemic and that presence mattered a lot in the general absence of life at the time. (Ignoring the depth of the line about motherhood "ain't that like them gifting life to you again" that's for some other time) ANWAY then he goes on an absolutely beautiful description of this simple living things and I just....there's a lot of feelings about the metaphor of life situated in a jar of flowers that's trying its best at life before it finally wilts stuck in a house away from the natural light.PANDEMIC. anyway
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mbohjeezart · 7 days
doin another little analysis? ohohoh i find this interesting? ramble? right now post end pre explanations. SO watchers are def the big bad- still not sure who the pc is tho. We're killing the dragon but she isnt the monster out there really. Whenever a hermit reveals to much(?) or tries to they get silenced. (note, not locked to hermits, they also silenced you). Shown by them wrapping their hands around the victims mouth. Ren has only recently been Fucking Got. Etho has as well? Sometime probably very soon pre 'game' as joel comments on them getting etho 'again'. This may be hurting him more or from how we see him currently. I dunno.
Joe seems to be possessed by the watchers maybe? Theres something fucked up going on there tho lmao. but we knew that.
CLEO though. Shes intresting. Shes surrounded by spiderwebs for one, (in arachnes place i believe?) but we see her turning to stone. And shes a gorgon so maybe turning herself into stone in some way? Shes also called the 'eternal prisoner' so shes kinda suck lmao. But not ALONE as the other hermits are able to reach and talk to her. (She mentions that the server talks)
Joel, is mentioned to be a fallen/former god in some way, but its unknown exactly how /that/ all happened. Hes now a 'vengeful' nymph. He's seen with a dagger (ever the violent, that one is) Hes waiting for etho. Etho is known to be a 'genius' maybe etho has something to do with getting back god hood? Maybe he was kicked out for being an asshole. Shit wait. Iskalls crysalization and Cleos becoming rock are probably intertwined in some way- theyre mentioned by impulse as being fucked with by the watchers. Bdubs was cut off- which seems to be one of the watchers signature moves. so thats cool ya know. Grian mentions that the watchers want nothing to do with him- he has a watchers mask in his collection though, so im assuming that hes an ex watcher in some way. Hermits are also going /missing/. Which i think is what we saw happening with Ren there in the end. I was also wrong about the hermits you have medallions having significance. TLDR: So idea on what the story is. So i think the watchers released? are working with? The dragon to cause havoc on the hermits in some way. Hurting and attacking the people. For some reason the pc is called upon to stop the dragon. Alas the watchers are actively interfering to stop the pc from killing the dragon. (And maybe thus freeing the hermits?) I dont know why though. Hermits have some fucked shit going on. Cleo and Iskall have the same effect. Ren and Etho are in the same situation. Hypno wants to kill
Im not exactly 100% sure how much I can and cannot confirm (at least to not spoil future projects and such) but I will say that you're pretty close! Not exactly there yet, but close on a lot of things :)
There's a few thoughts that you've already got there, but if you connect them together... well. You might get further.
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