wandersoul8 · 1 year
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COLLAB Yipee! Since I’m on the spectrumand its still Autism Acceptance month, I wanted to start drawing a series of Nurodiverse Animals- starting off with an Octopus since I’m currently hyperfixated on Cephalopods atm. This one was based off the Coconut Octopus, a real species I did the sketches, colouring & shading and my Uni friend Lucedragon (who is also on the spectrum) did the linework. We are both super proud of it & Luce even did a different version based off a different species of Octopus. Anyways! Thank you for checking this post out ^^
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chaos-of-the-wilds · 1 year
Having hyperfixations is so funny because your brain is alert to everything that could be related to whatever your hyperfixated on
Which leads to situations where like the news is talking about some legal thing and they something like “the prosecution brings up more evidence” and you turn to look at the screen cuz your stupid brain is like “oh shit Miles Edgeworth”
Like prosecutors aren’t a real thing that exist in real life
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whereserpentswalk · 11 months
I just heard someone call neurodivergent people "spicy brained friends". Please just call us slurs if you're considering saying that.
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greenflamethegf · 1 year
I love neurodivergent friendship that is nothing but sending the other person anything related to their special intrant. "Oh you like bunnies, alright I will send you every thing bunny related that I see "
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anti-subtle-b · 2 years
Whenever I go back to the Murderbot Diaries book series it’s very comforting. Part of this is because I’ve listened to the books so many times and I know what is going to happen. But the familiarity isn’t just ‘I know these words,’ I also feel very seen in the text.
SecUnit isn’t like the people around it, the people it cares about. And it doesn’t want to be. The crux of the series is navigating an array of challenges that stem from the fact that SecUnit doesn’t want to be human, but it still deserves rights and autonomy and it isn’t wrong to feel these things. 
In one of the books we get the line
“I don’t want to be human.”
Dr. Mensah said, “That’s not an attitude a lot of humans are going to understand. We tend to think that because a bot or a construct looks human, its ultimate goal would be to become human.”
“That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.”
The fight for personhood has to do with rights, not for being person-like. The point is not to change SecUnit, the point is that the system has been abusing SecUnit.
This is part of what makes me feel seen (the rest of the being seen is all in the autistic coding of our lovely SecUnit). Because I don’t want to be different than I am, at least not in most ways. 
I want to be met where I am at. 
Other neurodiverse and disabled folks **EDIT** *AND QUEER FOLKS I CAN’T BELIEVE I DIDN’T THINK OF THAT UNTIL PEOPLE POINTED IT OUT!!* have voiced this same idea I don’t need to be like you to have personhood, my personhood should not hinge on whether you ‘get’ me.
Through the book we SEE people, humans and bots, meeting SecUnit where it is at. When it tells the Preservation crew or ART that it dislikes eye contact they don’t try to make eye contact with SecUnit, they give it drones to look through so it can continue to AVOID eye contact. We also see SecUnit meeting other bots where they are at, communicating in the languages native to their processing systems. It’s so lovely.
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Okay it’s like midnight but is it a nurodivergent or aroace thing to be like why is *insert action* romantic/sexual
Edit: okay so this was poorly written cause it was super fuckin early and i wanted to clear sum stuff up + I have no clue how to like idfk pin a rebog or smth anyways
I know I'm autistic, so im just wondering if this is something that i should expect from having ASD or if it could ALSO be a sign that I could be aroace
Yeah thx :]
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cl0uderrr · 2 months
When the hyperfixation gets so bad it genuinely becomes draining:
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wlw-venting-blog · 1 year
Adhd sapphic/autism sapphic
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that-bluesybitch · 2 months
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natashaslesbian · 1 year
The Ice Cream Is Too Hot
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Summary: Natasha helps you to unmask and relax after a long day
Word Count: 823
Pairings: (Natasha Romanoff x Autistic!Reader)
Warnings/content: Neurodivergent behaviours and struggles
Your eyes were still so tired, you just didn’t want to open them. You sunk further into your pillow and blindly reached for your phone. “No, no, no!” You groaned ‘8:47am’ you started work at 10am, there was no way you would be able to continue your morning routine as normal now. It was all mapped out in your head, and on your phone, perfectly timestamped with each step. It must seem silly to everyone else how important it was to you, but messing up your morning routine was everyone else’s experience of falling face first down 10 flights of stairs.
Little did you know, the catastrophic morning you had would only turn into one truly catastrophic day. Work was a sensory nightmare, the constant change between the air con and the steaming hot kitchen was too much, and your hair was pulling and scratching all over your scalp. You started to crash after 3pm, confusing orders on the tickets and asking customers if they wanted their ice cream in a ‘cub or a tone’ rather than a ‘tub or a cone’ by 4pm it was starting to get too much, your skin was crawling, it was like their was someone else inside you trying to break through your skin. Thankfully, there was only one more hour to endure before your girlfriend came to pick you up.
“Hey beautiful” Natasha said as she pecked your cheek “how was work” she asked “it was alright” you lied. Nat suggested you pick up some takeout as a treat for dinner after your long work week, the two of you settled on pizza. After the table was set, the pair of you sat down for a semi-romantic dinner lit with candles and served with a side of wine. You were finally starting to calm down, relaxing after a very draining day, but as you bit into your second slice of pepperoni the gooey sauce spilled out onto your cheek. It was the final straw.
“Eugh! Ew ew ew!” You couldn’t take it anymore, the tears you had held back all day started to fall as your hands began to stim “hey, hey, hey” the redhead said as she made her way around the table, napkin in hand “it’s alright, come here” she said as she wiped the sauce from your cheek “Tasha” you sobbed as you crashed into her arms “bad day?” Natasha asked “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I should’ve said something I-I just wanted it to go away” you continued to cry into your girlfriends arms for a while longer. She just held you, held you with the perfect amount of pressure and allowed you to fiddle with her rings as an alternative to your injurious stimming. She continued to whisper sweet nothings into your hairline until your sobs turned to a quiet muffle of sniffles.
When you pulled away, Natasha offered to clean up dinner and put away the pizza for later. She knew you wouldn’t be up for talking just yet so when she finished, she joined you on the couch and simply asked “do you want to cuddle or just sit?” She politely asked. You reached out your hand and she softly took a hold of it. You squeezed gently and began to fidget with her rings one again, the rings she bought especially for you “when I was waiting for you out front I saw there was a new ice cream, party rings?” You giggled slightly “every time I walk in there there’s a new flavour, last week it was blue marsh mellow, it was really good” at first you knew Natasha was getting you to chat and ramble to help you unmask but after a while you forgot, happily just being yourself “the weirdest one was popcorn flavour, it tasted a little odd. I don’t even know how they make it, come to think of it I don’t know how they make ice cream at all” you shot up to grab your laptop, needing to research this burning question “I probably should know considering I work in an ice cream parlour” Natasha let out a small chuckle.
An hour raced by, the two of you on the couch, Natasha just listening to whatever you wanted to talk about. You came upon distraction after distraction, you were surprised your laptop hadn’t crashed because of all the random tabs you had open “no way!” You exclaimed “what?” Natasha said as she scooted to closer to see your screen “you know when cats do that slow blink thing, apparently it’s them saying that they love you!” The widows smile was so smile “I mean I knew that when they show you their belly it means that they trust you and that when they….what?” You said as you finally realised Natasha staring at you “I love you” she said “I love you too” and you truly did, Natasha was the safest place on earth.
Defiantly not an actual overwhelming day I actually experienced at actual work…
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artbyamyoc · 3 months
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Happy disability pride month!
Disability Pride Month is an event in July that celebrates diversity, raises awareness of different disabilities and encourages positive conversations around disability.
“disabled people remain one of the most marginalised communities in Irish society, experiencing higher levels of poverty, unemployment, and social exclusion due to societal barriers.” - Maryam Madani, activist and chairperson of Disability Power Ireland 🇮🇪
Some information on the hidden disabilities sunflower lanyard, JAM cards, As I Am autism ID cards and Irish sign language finger spelling:
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disbestyx · 1 year
Bringing you my internet peeps, another handcrafted meme by yours truly:
•My romance repulsed aromantic and autistic brain when affection and *shudders* "...lOvE.." is thrown my way.
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I hate it when people say "it's not a disability, it's a different ability." No it's a disability, it's frustrating, it actively makes my life harder
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whereserpentswalk · 1 year
Reblog if a Fandom would consider you "minor coded".
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I’m curious cause all the artists iv met a either diagnosed or neurodivergent coded. Including my self.
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tobi-draws · 16 days
When someone says "Eat it or go hungry" when something has a bad texture, expecting you to choose the eating option, but instead your autistic ass, shocks and bamboozles them by choosing the go hungry option.
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