#oh except for the dragon witch
radiance1 · 7 months
Inspired by @puppetmaster13u and various dragon aus they have.
BUT! This is also a bit of a fantasy/DnD au I guess...? IDK BUT HERE WE GO-
Okay now so, I'm imagining that that Danny, Tucker, and Sam create a pocket dimension for their game via the use of reality warping (via scepter) and something given to them by Pariah Dark before he went off on that whole honey moon thing with Clockwork.
For the record, Danny isn't the ghost king here, Pariah Dark is he's just the prince.
Sam created a garden from the barren earth, that eventually grew into a great forest and spread out to the rest of the world, which technically made her the creator of life but anyways. So, she's holed up in said garden turned forest.
Tucker bestowed upon his subjects (after they were made of course) knowledge and technology and is regarded as the greatest teacher in that world's history.
Danny? Oh yea he became that one that giant dragon that everyone knows is there, is afraid of, and just sleeps all day in this one specific place. You'd have to cut him some slack though, because no one told him creating a world and its laws would be so hard even with help.
That and him, as the one with basically the most knowledge and resident fanboy of space, created the stars surrounding the place as well!
Of course, they couldn't stay there all of the time. What with work (Tucker), high-society (Sam), and studying (Why the heck did Danny decide to go to collage again?). That entire place was just made to play around in before they had to go their separate ways and be, you know, actual adults, so it was easy enough to let go of it really.
Except for Danny. Not of any great reason, really, he just needed someplace where he could quietly study in peace, nap, think or just get away from the Ghost Zone before he had to go through all that princely nonsense again. Plus, none of their creations in that pocket dimension really wanted to mess with the giant fuck off dragon who was said to created the place anyways.
For the record, Danny is more of an eastern dragon in design with a long body rather than western. So that probably just added more into his intimidation with his sheer length.
So, you know, of course he would have been none too pleased when someone actually did disturb his solitude (as stated by the dimension's residents) as soon as the world was thrown off-balance by an outside force.
Meanwhile, Klarion the Witch boy is having the time of his life coming across a whole world that somehow hasn't been affected by Order or Chaos. So he's capitalizing on that.
Then he came across a place that was said to be sacred, not that he cared, and then came across a boy who didn't look a day over his teens (which frankly doesn't say much in regards to immortals) with a frankly long tail that looked longer than he was tall and very majestic looking horns.
Danny was annoyed yet curious, Klarion was surprised yet delighted.
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bump1nthen1ght · 3 months
Silver and Gold (M!Siren!Reader x M!Pirate Captain)
Pairing: Male!Flirty!Siren!Reader x Male!Pirate Captain
Genre: Pirates, Flirting, First Meetings
Word Count: 2570 words
Warnings: N/A
Summary: For living a life in a sailor’s death trap, you think you’d be used to handsome pirate captains, rushing headlong into adventure. But something about today’s quarry seems different.
Request May I request a flirty male! siren! reader with a male gruff pirate captain? I'll leave the details up to you! Love your works by the way, take all the dang time you need. :3
A/N: Alright now THIS one should be accurate to the request lolol. You guys get a two for one special!
Life in the Dragon’s Teeth was shockingly boring.
Its reputation is infamous, the majority of sailors being sensible enough to leave it well enough alone. Of the people who dared to enter most were young and braggadocious sailors looking to prove their worth, who often made for quite boring sport. They always thought they were somehow better than siren magic, that pure belief could beat an enchantment powerful enough to literally make men wantonly fall to their deaths.
You think, watching one such ship entering into the gorge, men lined up the sides like pigs ready for slaughter. Your ravenous siblings all leap for the chances, hiding behind treacherous rocks or laying alluringly on outcrops, all ready for a taste. Despite the ship you all sank just one week ago, their bellies never seem to fill.
You however, have grown tired of this. Too easy, too monotonous. Maybe it’s time you finally spread your fins and leave the gorge, head into open water and explore the seas. Would be much more interesting than this, that's for sure.
You roll back over on your fins as the siren’s begin to sing, a haunting chorus bouncing off the chasm as the ship deftly avoids the rocks. Rolling your eyes, you daydream about the Great Barrier Reef, wondering if it’s as magnificent as they say.
But then-
“Ugh, come on!” A particularly voracious sister of yours hum to a tune of discontent, harshing her usually sweet melody. “I’m hungry! Why is this taking so long?”
“I don’t know.” A more rational brother of yours whispers, just loud enough for you to hear from your outcrop. “They should be overboard by now.”
That’s enough to have you turning over, eyes lazily sweeping over the ship, now deep in the Dragon’s Teeth. To your surprise, every sailor still seems hard at work, keeping mindful of the edges of the ships, but fulfilling their duties. Even the watchman at the crow’s nest, isolated as they are, stays perched and at the ready, looking over at your beckoning family with nervous yet un-enchanted eyes.
Now this is new.
You slide down a mossy outcrop, slipping in between the confused masses of your siblings, whose songs grow more and more discordant. Some have even swam up to the sides, clawing at the bows and preening like young pups. Still, the sailors ignore them, not paying any mind.
For a whole ship to be free of a whole horde of siren’s is a shocking thing, a terrifying thing, a wonderful new thing. You have to know more, so you crawl along the rocks, exploring the entire hull with watching eyes. 
Is there some boon they’ve brought with them? Did they find a witch and ask for safe passage? Has Poseidon himself blessed their voyage?
You wander from man to man, trying to find a hint of any wills breaking. But while curious eyes occasionally steal a glance at your siblings, curiosity is its reason, not compulsion. Any who dare get a sharp retort from the man at the helm, though they hardly deem to notice.
It’s then you realize, all these men are deadly silent. Not a peep between them, not even shouting orders. Except the helmsman, all the others silently following a preapproved pattern, a routine.
Oh, and what a helmsman he is.
It's easy to see how much better dressed he is than his men, a crimson coat that falls to his knees, closed by several belts and buckles over a ruffle white shirt. Gold studs decorate up and down his ears yet he is sparsely decorated elsewhere. Long black hair peppered with gray is tied in a low ponytail, healthy and silky despite a life at sea. His beard is less maintained, more scraggly, split apart by the occasional scar across his jaw. His boots are polished leath, not a scratch or stain on them, and his trousers are well fitted. Especially across his buttocks, which you take the time to appreciate.
The other thing that catches your eyes are his hands. Hands which swiftly attend to the wheel, in fact are tied to the rudders. His breathing is labored slightly, his cheeks darkened from focused exertion. Still, he keeps his eyes straight, shouting loudly to a young third mate who dares to ean over the side of the ship. The man ignores him, up until the captain kicks at a nearby can into the man's leg, shocking him to attention.
Oh, I see.
Seems you’ve found yourself an interesting prey.
Royce felt like a fool.
All his life he’s been a pragmatic man. Where other Captains gambled, brawled, and squandered their lives in stupid feats of bravado, he had always kept a level head. Sure, he’s a pirate and knew to have some fun, but he always did so with care.
He had weighed his options heavily before deciding on the Dragon’s Keep. It wasn’t easy, nor without risk, but the quickness of the route and the assurances of his men had convinced him. His plan would allow them to reach their next port in half the time, beating out any other rival crews to what was rumored to be an excellent bounty. He had even concocted a plan to ensure casualties would be at a minimum, scrounging for texts and stories about the fabled place to be best prepared.
But he had just been so goddamned curious.
“Cotton in the ears, huh?” 
A melodic voice knocks Royce out of his focus, thanking the gods for his resilience and not flinching at the site of the siren, now hoisted up the side of his ship. He thanks his foresight in tying his hands to the wheel, knowing that even without a song, the siren could easily lure him to his death.
“It’s a good plan, surprised you’re the first to think of it. There’s always a risk of course, that we’d be louder, but it seems they’ve packed those eardrums full.” The siren drags a clawed hand across the railing. The siren has a more human disguise, fins and teeth and scales all out to show. It does not make him any less alluring. 
Glowing yellow-green eyes dance up and down the captain’s form, a black tongue wetting the siren’s lips.
“So why not you, Captain?” The title drips out of the siren’s mouth like honey, his beck arching as he relaxes along the railing, precariously balancing his weight yet not a care in the world. “Is it supposed to be a challenge, a test of your willpower?” Sharp eyes dart to his tied hands “Or just plain ego?”
Royce takes a deep breath, meeting the beast’s gaze. He is a proud man, maybe too proud, but he’s not stupid.
“I am an example for my men, siren. I cannot be bested by a simple song.”
“Hmm, a likely story.” The siren sits upright, tail now swung over and onto the ship. He leans forward, a gleeful look in his eyes. “You are doing rather well. Most men would have torn their arms clean off by now.” A heat lingers over Royce’s arms, the siren’s gaze covetous. “It would’ve been a shame, they seem like very nice arms indeed.”
Royce tries not to feel flattered. These are games, that is all.
“I have faced many challenges in my life. None of them have claimed me yet.”
Royce keeps the details to a minimum. He’s content that he’s able to keep his composure this much, the siren testing his strength.
The siren’s laugh is as frightening as it is charming.
“Ah, so ego it is. Though you seem smarter than other idiots who have tried it before.” The siren goes back to his tied hands, to his tense posture. “And far more handsome. Awfully bold, coming into a territory like this looking like that.”
Royce scoffs. 
“Are you here only to play with you food, beast? Or do you find joy in plying me with compliments instead of singing?”
“Ooh, some sass! Good to know your words are as sharp as your sword, Captain.” The siren licks his lips. “And that jawline. My, my, I think you put even my kind to shame.”
Royce rolls his eyes, only making the siren laugh more. It seems that this Siren is less interested in eating him and more in entertaining himself.
“I have to ask, most others who pass through here are looking for a fight. A chance to prove themselves. You seem rather content on passing through, your men as well. Why come through this place?”
Royce stays quiet, thinking over any potential danger in revealing his plans to siren. If anything, nothing could be more dangerous than the position he is in now.
“It’s the quickest route. My men seemed up to the challenge, and so was I. We’re pirates, it’d be unbefitting for us to cower away from the riskier route.”
The siren nods. “True, true. Still, quite a risk indeed.” The siren flashes a smile full of glittering fangs.
The ship rocks, several of his men thrown to their knees as a stray rock scrapes against its side. The siren rocks with the waves, easily keeping his balance.
Royce grits his teeth. Is that what this was? A distraction? But the siren seems disquieted, slightly annoyed.
“Gah, fucking ridiculous that lot. So gluttonous.” The siren leans over, hissing an angry song. Royce almost wishes for the cotton, but finds no compulsing rhythm.
The ship stops rocking, the sound of rushing water as sirens fall to the wayside. The cacophonous songs fall to the side, though some still linger, waiting for a fortunate accident to occur.
“This place you're going to, will it have adventure?”
Royce raises his eyebrow.
“One would hope. Treasure too.”
The Siren’s smile is giddy, almost like a child.
“Then it’d be a shame if you got stuck here, then.”
The siren leans over the side, raising his hand, pointing to the portside.
“You’ll want to turn 20 degrees. There's a hidden outcrop that will cut through your hull.”
Royce grits his teeth, but follows the siren’s instructions. The ship sails smoothly, barely rocking.
“Now 10 degrees.”
  Royce turns again, just missing another jagged set of rocks. Sirens hiss in the water, Royce’s companion hissing back.
“Seems dangerous, betraying your own kind like this.”
“Bah, they’ll survive. They’re not even hungry, just peckish.”
The siren eyes him up and down again.
“Though you have me absolutely ravenous, Captain.”
Royce focuses on the wheel, hoping the siren doesn’t see his ears tips turn red.
This is definitely the most fun you’ve had in the while.
The Captains is as cunning as he is handsome, deft hands talented with the wheel. He peppers in anecdotes from his times at sea, a casual tone for such riveting stories.
In between instructions you take the time to eye him up more, those thick thighs and that strong back. You weren’t lying, he does put some sirens to shame.
“You’ll want to avoid those.” You point toward a deceptive spot of calm water. “The area alone sank an entire Navy Ship once. We feasted for weeks, though the meat was less than exemplary.”
“With only military rations, I’d imagine they aren’t very tasty.”
“Exactly! Gods, you’d think I’d be the only siren with taste around here.”
You see the faintest of a smirk from The Captain, which he quickly stomps away. He shares your dark sense of humor, quite fitting. You’ll get a laugh out of him yet. “15 degrees, starboard-side.”
The Captain follows with ease, your directions trustworthy by now. The crew still seem wary, unaware of the conversation due to the cotton in their ears, but they continue their work. Either their trust in their captain is strong, or they're too terrified to disobey in such treacherous waters.
The sun has begun to peak through, the end of the gorge insight. Your mind is slightly conflicted. A sadness, that the most interesting person you’ve met will soon be on his way. A glee, that this might be your best chance to leave the Teeth and explore the world.
The Captain clears his throat.
“It’s got its ups and downs, pirate life. Plenty of boring days, plenty of dangerous ones, plenty in betweens.” The Captain’s eyes stay on the horizon, safety so close for him and his crew. You smile.
“Would this be one of the ups, or one of the downs?” You wave to the jagged rocks, to the hungry eyes that linger from the water.
“I’m still undecided.”
You and your arm on the railing, watching the tides front the gorge clash with the ones outside.
“Still, it’s better than the same thing everyday. I think that's why most men go to sea, for the adventure, the undiscovered.”
Your eyes must be sparkling, minds filled with whales, sea turtles, with sunken ships and glorious battles.
The sun now speckles the hull of the ship, men visibly relaxing as the bow breaches the Dragon’s Teeth and splashes into safe waters. No one removes the cotton from their ears, however, still aware of your presence.
“I must thank you for your service, siren. I do not think we would’ve made it through unscathed if not for you.”
“____, It’s ____.” You say, eyes still on the wide ocean, on all the possibilities.
The Captain smiles, a familiar longing in your eyes.
“And it’s no problem. I think you’ve helped me more than you know.”
You whisper, heart thrumming. 
“You could join us, you know.” That has you whipping around, eyes wide. “I think you’ve proven yourself more than trustworthy. Besides, it would be helpful to have someone as powerful as you aboard.”
Your heart rises, bubbling up with excitement. But the fearful gaze of the rest of the crew still stings on your back, hackles raised.
“I think I’m gonna go out on my own for a while.” You hum, tapping your claws against wood. “See the world, really prove myself.”
The Captain keeps the quiet, nodding along silently. 
You sigh. Just a couple of hours with this man and you’re already melancholy to leave. For shame, ___, don’t you know better?
“Well, it’s a big ocean, Captain. But I’m sure we’ll see each other again.” You ready yourself on the rail, sitting upright and pivoting your tail to the outside of the ship. “Who knows, maybe I’ll be especially hungry next time.”
The Captain smirks, clicking his teeth.
“I’ll put up a hell of a fight, ___.”
“Oh, I’m sure you will-”
“Royce, the name’s Royce. Captain Royce.”
You smile, scaly cheeks glittering like diamonds in the sun.
“Until we meet again, Captain Royce.”
You give him a wink, eyeing up that gorgeous body of his one last time, and jump tail first into the ocean.
His ship fades into the sun as you swim away, hopeful that you’ll bump into it again one day. A day when you’re more worldly, have more adventurous stories to share.
You eye up the reef, several sirens slinking away, discontent with their food stolen. Whatever, they’ll get over it.
Your older sister might be a little upset about your abrupt departure, but she’ll get over that too. After all, she often leaves to visit that pirate paramour of hers, so what's the big difference?
Hell, maybe next time, you’ll come back with one of your own.
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zweetpea · 2 months
The Hatchling and The Cursed Princess
For @liuaneee
Once upon a time there was a princess-
“Hold on hold on! That’s so cliche!” Scara had the audacity to interrupt me. Anyway so it all started a long time ago-
“Audacity? This is my love story!”
Excuse you? Boy sit down before I make you sleep on the couch!
Anyway… where was I?
“Not so long ago?” He reminded.
Fine (¬_¬) it wasn’t so long ago. An old witch had been snubbed- really? Not gonna say anything?
“Nah, you’re spitting facts.”
Okay so the old hag had not been invited to the baby shower of the princess. 6 other Mages and their familiars were invited. They all gave the princess lovely gifts.
Venti and the dragon of the Winds gave the princess a beautiful voice. Zhongli and the drake of the Earth gave the princess the gift of loyalty. Nahida and the Aranara of the Flora gave the princess an exceptional mind (both brilliant and wise). Furina and the dragon of the Waters gave her beauty both inside and out. Murata and her dragon of flames gave her strength of will. And The Tsarista and her jester gave her true love.
Everyone was- boy what are you smirking at?
“nothing.” Scara barely tried to hid his smirk. “Hey! Don’t call me out.” He chuckled.
Anyway everyone was laughing and cheering and just when all the gifts had been handed out the Witch of the land far far away had appeared in a cloud of purple mist.
“A party? Without me?” She glared at the king and queen.
“We were very frightened.” Thanks mom. Note the sarcasm.
So the old ugly witch walked over to the king and queen who held their baby. Her familiar the Kitsune of lightning sat on her shoulder. She held out her hand and recited a spell.
“On the girl’s 20th birthday she will prick herself on an Electrograna thorn and die!”
Everyone cried out in horror as she summoned a strike of lightning and disappeared. The king and queen were devastated. They resolved not to loose their baby so they burned all the electrograna in the land and kept their baby under 24 hour surveillance at the castle.
“Because seriously, who decides “oh yeah let’s keep her safe by sending her away where we can’t look after her”?” Scara spitting facts there.
So the princess grew up surrounded by love and protection. One day she met an adorable cat, his fur the color of midnight. “Hello little kitty.” She said and in response the kitty nuzzled his face into her hand. “I’m gonna keep you.” She picks him up and walks into her room. She named the cat midnight after its beautiful black fur.
She’d sneak him lots of fish but after a few days the cat revealed his true form as a young boy around the same age as her.
“please no more fish.” He whined. “No I didn’t!”
Yes you did!
“I do not whine.”
Fine you begged. “I don’t do that either!”
Do you want to tell the story?
“gladly. She fell in love at first sight with me and my awesome powers-”
Okay that’s enough! The cat boy asked for something other than fish.
So the princess and the boy snuck through the castle to get the boy some bread and eggs. “Midnight. Why are you human.”
“Mine name isn’t Midnight. It’s… Scaramouche.”
“Nice to meet your Scara.” She shook his hand.
“Nice for you to meet me too princess.” They smiled at each other.
Over the years the two of them became the closest of friends. She watched him study magic. And he would do tricks for her.
Around her 20th birthday-
“Wait wait wait! You’re going to skip 15 years?! But so much happened in that time! The time I almost died falling out of a tree and you caught me. The time I transformed into a black leopard and mauled a guy for kissing you. Your 18th birthday-”
We are not going to mention my 18th birthday.
“You looked pretty in pink lace though.”
Scara! Do not be a perv right now! Anyway it was around the princess’s 20th birthday-
“Okay skip the best part of that day but tell the rest of that story at least!”
The- the best part!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE BEST PART!!
“just saying.”
Stop being a perv or get out!
“Okay I’ll stop but tell the rest of the story!”
Okay, okay. “My dear scara comes back today!” The princess cheered as she ran through the halls. He had left three years before to go to this magic academy.
After the “incident” with him-
“the third greatest moment in my life.”
The princess and- third!?
“First is a three way tie between our wedding and the kids births”
So what’s the second?
“Our wedding night.”
Wipe that smirk off your face! Anyway the princess came to properly greet her friend after three years of being apart. Only to find another girl snuggling up to him, he however didn’t look all that pleased to be there.
“Scara? Who’s this?” Her smile was strained.
“I’m Mona. I’m courting him.” She said with a smirk.
“No she’s not!” “Well she wasn’t doing a very good job. I didn’t want her to.”
I know Scara. Anyway the princess smiled at her. “It’s nice to meet you Mona. I didn’t know women could court me.”
“It’s probably not something you need to think about considering you’ll have an arranged marriage. Who’s the viscount you’ll be marrying?” She asked insincerely.
“It’s me- “considering what happened this morning.”
Hey! I’m trying to tell the story.
“Well I remember what I said that day.”
Stop interrupting me! Anyway Scara assured the princess Mona was just a classmate. Barely an acquaintance of his.
Anyway on the-
“You’re not going to talk about how you beat the crap out of Mona when she kissed me?”
I did that to avenge you after her assault.
“It was just a kiss.”
That happened without your consent! That’s assault! Anyway So on the princess’s 20th birthday her parents held a party for her.
“My dear Scara. I do hope you’ll accompany me to my Party tonight.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He looked away ashamed. “Shut up.”
You did. Anyway the princess responded, “But, I really want to share this moment with you. Mother and Father said that after Tonight I could roam the world as I please. Tonight is my last night in the palace for a while. Plus I want the first face of the night to go to you. Please?”
“Fine.” He said against his better judgment.
“I thought it was worth it when she gave me a hug right after.” Cut it out you cheese ball.
It was later that night and the princess had dressed up in a beautiful purple dress to match Scaramouche’s purple suit. He took her hand in the ball room as many of the older nobles gasped and glared. She didn’t care, she was having the time of her life in his arms. Stop smirking Scara. Anyway after the dance the monarchs tore their daughter away from him.
“Get away from her you monster!” The King yelled.
“Father what are you doing?!”
“Sweetheart you don’t know what you’re doing. This is Kunikuzushi. He’s the son of The Witch Raiden! His mother cursed you to die today!” The king explained.
“Well he’s not her! He didn’t curse me!” She exclaimed. “I want him here!”
“WHY?!” The king exclaimed in terror.
“Because I love him!” The ballroom fell silent upon her declaration.
“I- I should go.” Scara looked down and walked away curling in on himself.
“Scara wait!” The princess called to him but it was too late. She started to run after him, but the guards kept her in place. “Let me go father!”
“You don’t know what you’re doing.”
“I do! I love him! I can’t live without him!” She shouted.
“You said that?” Shut up.
She slipped away from the guards and ran out to look for him. “Scara! Scaramouche! Come back please!” But it was too late. He was gone and she was taken back to her room by the guards.
After a while of the princess crying a woman appeared on her balcony. “My my. What a cute little pet my son has.” She came over to the princess.
“Stay away!” She scooted to the back of her bed.
“tsk tsk tsk. Silly girl I’m here to help. Your father slighted me 20 years ago and when I called him out for it he made up lies about me. Why do you think you’ve never heard anyone tell you about a curse before?”
“I… I don’t know?”
“You said you love my baby, right?”
“I do! I love Scara- Kuni more than anything. More than my own life.”
The witch grinned at this. “Then give me your hand and I shall take you to him.” Without a second thought the princess reached out and took the witch’s hand.
“ow!” She shrieked as the witch revealed a small Electrograna thorn in her hand. The world became dark. The witch cackled as she ran everyone else out of the castle.
A few hours later Scara showed up to save the princess! It wasn’t easy and (he had to kill his mom who’d turned herself into a dragon) but it was worth it in the end.
Until he got to the tower and saw her lying on the ground. He tried an assortment of different spells to revive her. He hadn’t known one had worked and so he held her in his arms and placed one kiss on her lips. A final farewell to his love.
“That’s weak for a first kiss. How about you come over here and give me a proper one?”
“You’re alive!” He exclaimed and hugged her.
“All thanks to you.” She kissed him again.
“Okay why is what I did fine but what Mona did is Assault?” I told you I loved you a few hours beforehand, you had my consent. You always have my consent to kiss me.
Anyway so the King and Queen came back and accepted Scaramouche as one of their own citizens. Then a few months later the two got married.
“And that is how your father and I got together.”
“Happy birthday Mama!” The children cheered in unison. Their mother opened up the box to find a Lolita style pink lacy dress. They had the idea because of what their dad said in the story. However he was referring to different garments at the time, though they’d have no way of knowing that.
Needless to say she was not pleased.
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kalmiaphlox · 5 months
Crash Landing
AO3 Link / Masterlist
Astarion has never been a bat before. He's never wanted to be a bat before, but a little sneeze is all it took for him to be stuck as a disgusting rodent.
Wait- He can fly!
But maybe flying isn't all it's cracked up to be...
Main Tags: Batstarion, FLUFF!, Dadstarion, Established Relationship
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Waking up next to Astarion is a new experience every time, and this morning is no exception. 
The moment she opens her eyes with a yawn, his head looms above hers, ruby eyes boring holes into her face as if she might dissolve into nothing if he looked away for even a moment.
“Any particular reason for being a weirdo this early?” Kalmia asks while placing a hand over his eyes, but he leans forward to nip at her fingers instead and once she pulls away, Astarion bares his teeth. “Ah, so no reason.”
“Do I need a reason when I'm with you, little wyrm?” He holds her wrist and presses a chaste kiss to her lips. “I just want to see every side of you, even when you snore louder than a dragon… Oh, wait…!”
She pinches his nose. “Awe, the vampire has learned comedy this morning. How fun.” 
“I'll show you fu-” Astarion rears back, blinking in bewilderment. His nose scrunches up, sniffling before sneezing - violently.
She didn't even know vampires could sneeze.
Gone is the dastardly man with the killer good looks though. Just… gone from her sight. Kalmia sits up swiftly and an alarmed squeak brings her eyes down to the emerald green duvet. A fluffy white bat with overly large ears and a short, pink snout stares up at her with confused red eyes. 
Well, isn't this something? 
“My, oh my, irthiski, seems I'm not the only shape changer around.” She rubs at his fuzzy head with a finger, and in typical Astarion-fashion, he bares teensy fangs that shimmer like pearls. “What a cutie pie! I could eat you right up!”
That raises another squeak from him, though she can hear the rage burning behind it. How mighty it is, but a dragon does not cower from such things. 
“You should be able to speak normally, come on, use your words.” Kalmia nudges him a bit too hard, knocking him over on the sheets. “Oops, sorry!”
There's little grumbling noises that sound suspiciously like speaking, he must be getting a grasp of this new body, it'll take time. Astarion is wobbling around best he can, using his wings as crutches to stand up, the little hook at the end catching on the bedding so he gets stuck, letting out more angry squeaks.
Oh gods, her heart might explode from the cuteness.
“I'm going to pick you up, can't have you tearing all the bedding.” Gingerly, Kalmia wraps her hand around his fuzzy body, picking him up and offering her other hand as support beneath his legs.
The grunting finally becomes audible, “You- What have you…” His lungs aren't at their usual capacity, a full sentence is a struggle. “What have you done, you witch?!”
“Oh, I turn you into a cat once and now it's my fault?”
“What in the…" He gasps, "hells am I?” His small head is angling around to get a look at himself, but she'll do him one better.
The Truesight mirror, its shiny reflection and lacquered wood encasing reveals all.
They stand now in front of it, holding her hands out so Astarion can gaze upon his visage - his favorite activity, but definitely not hers. “You're a bat, irthiski. I've heard vampires can do this sometimes, but maybe you're a late bloomer.”
“Late bloomer-!” He erupts into more enraged squeaks and growls, almost completely falling off her hand before his grabby feet latch onto her finger on instinct, dangling precariously upside down. “A damned bat! I don't want to be this! Where's my beautiful body?!”
Ignoring his dramatics and pressing a smooch to his head, she smiles widely. “I know someone who would be very excited to see this sight.” And they depart from their room, striding into Izmezine's where the girl is just waking up. “Good morning, anon ! Who do you think this is?”
Izzy sits up, blinking her bleary eyes and rubbing them with a big yawn, before scrunching her button nose to inspect the white ball of fluff in Kalmia's hands. Her lips form into a frown, turning her head away in disgust. “It's ugly.” 
That was not the reaction I anticipated. 
The wail of anguish that leaves his tiny bat body is very impressive, if not over-reactive. Setting Astarion down on the bed, Izzy pulls away slightly, what a terrible start but Kalmia will fix this. “Izmezine, sweetie, please, this is your father. He's turned into a bat by accident. Let's be nice.” 
That gets Izzy to take a peek again, and she looks to Kalmia for confirmation. “T-Th-That’s my papa?”
Poor Astarion is trembling against the bed, the words of his daughter like a stake straight through his heart, but at least he's stopped crying. Izzy reaches forward hesitantly, brushing a finger against his fur and she gasps, “He's s-soft!” She goes back in for a more gentle pet, “W-Why is papa a-a baby?”
Finally finding his words again, Astarion speaks up, “I don't know, I just turned into a bat, but kitten, you think I'm ugly ?” That last word barely makes it out as a squeak. Gods, he's going to be hung up on that for ages.
Izzy scrutinizes him further, golden eyes narrowing and appraising the bat before her. “Uhm, a l-little ugly?” Kids are always so blunt, Astarion should feel lucky that Izzy has enough sense to walk her statement back. The gold eyes turn up to her now, “Kalli, I'm hungry.”
“Me too, let's go have breakfast. What would you like?” Kalmia scoops up the whinging bat and places him on her shoulder, then holds Izzy against her hip. 
“Cake!” Is Izzy's first breakfast suggestion.
“Normally I'd agree, but a cake takes a long time to make, how about we make one later and we can have some scones and jam now?”
The dhampir thankfully concedes to that idea and they settle in for an easy breakfast while bat-Astarion clumsily scrabbles along the counter, whining, “I'm hungry too, you know.”
Seems Kalmia isn't the only one that becomes ravenous when changed. “I'll get you food in a bit. Let me take care of my anon first.”
He collapses into a sad pile, crying endlessly, “My daughter thinks I'm ugly, my lizard is starving me. Where is the love?!”
Kalmia slathers some jam onto a scone, ignoring him, “Izzy, what would you like to do today?”
“Can p-papa go in my h-house?” She asks around a mouthful of food.
“Hmm,” Kalmia eyes the worming creature before her, the image of Astarion being stuffed into the doll house is hysterical, but… “I don't think he would like that. Bats are supposed to be able to fly, maybe we can help him learn.”
Both Izzy and Astarion perk up at that, their eyes shining with new possibilities. “You really think I can?” Astarion seems apprehensive at the prospect.
“I don't see why not, irthiski. We can try it out once you get some food.” With breakfast finished, Kalmia takes the bat downstairs, leaving Izzy with the task of gathering pillows and blankets. “What blood do you want?”
She brings the bat in her hands close to her face, “If you have it now, you can't have it later.”
More grumbling follows, “Fine, get me a glass of the boar.”
Filling a goblet to the top, Kalmia rests them both on their desk. Astarion's little wing hooks grab onto the lip and he shimmies his little body up the length of it, long tongue lapping up the blood. She watches quietly with her head tucked between her hands as a red stain begins to bloom along his snout and neck as he drinks. 
“Kalli! The-The blankies and p-pi-pillows are ready!” Izmezine shouts down the stairs.
Astarion pulls away, flopping down to the desk, “I'm full.” The goblet's halfway empty now, she's impressed by his apetite. They return upstairs now after a cleanup, finding the sitting room absolutely covered in blankets and pillows. 
Setting her bat on the couch, Kalmia gives Izzy a big kiss on her cheek and squeezes her into a tight hug, “I knew I could count on you to go above and beyond! Wow, look at all this coziness!” 
The girl giggles in her arms and Astarion pouts, crossing his wings in a pitiful stance, “What about me? ”
“I didn't forget you, irthiski!” Kalmia showers his tiny head in kisses and Izmezine does the same. He melts at their love. “I don't know how different it is from being a dragon, but my first time flying was… a little wild, you know? I think my mother just threw me off a cliff a few times until I got it. Be thankful for our care, Astarion.”
Izzy nods like she completely understands the lengths they are going to take care of him and he scoffs, “Your mother is a brute.” Kalmia only remembers those days with fondness, he wouldnt understand.
“No! Nafl i-is nice!” Izzy corrects him with a tap to the snout.
“I turn into a rodent and you both gang up against me? Where is the-”
Kalmia interrupts, “Enough. This should come somewhat naturally to you, but we'll start here on the couch and move up in height, ok? Now get to flapping.”
His beady little eyes glare at her and she just smiles sharply back. He's testy, big or small. With a despondent huff, Astarion shuffles along to the edge of the couch, stretching his leathery wings and shaking them out. 
The first few attempts end with an immediate face plant to the ground, and while he may not admit it, Astarion is very thankful for the pillows now. The fifth attempt though? His wings find the right rhythm and angle, so he glides down to the end of their makeshift protections. More tries are made, his gliding and flapping now consistent. 
Kalmia and Izzy erupt into applause, and she isn't quite sure if she imagines the blush on those little bat cheeks. “Higher now, Astarion?”
“Yes, yes!” He's glowing with pride at his newfound capabilities. Raising him up to the fireplace ledge, he huddles on the ledge peering down to the blanket laden ground. “Alright, I can do this.”
Izzy cheers from the sidelines, “Papa can f-fly!”
With one step, Astarion dives over the edge, flapping vigorously to maintain his height, and it sticks. He's flitting about excitedly, if not a little haphazardly, cackling gleefully. Kalmia, while very happy for Astarion, is concerned he's being too reckless. “ Irthiski,��you should slow down and watch where you're going!”
His head whips to her, “Never! Nothing can sto-!” and he smashes head first into a wall, crumbling to a heap of bat limbs on the floor. Izzy shrieks, running over to his still form.
The downside to an undead partner? Can't really tell what kind of damage they've sustained because they don't breath or exhibit any of the normal symptoms.
Astarion is probably fine though. 
I hope.
“Don't worry, Izzy, your father will be ok. He'll just need to… sleep that off.” Kalmia strokes the girl's head, whose eyes are welling with large tears. “We should find him somewhere to rest.” She is concerned that he's not changing back… but vampires don't die that easily, no matter how small they are.
Izzy zips downstairs and returns with two doll-sized beds, laying them down by the fireplace with extra bedding so it's very cozy. Kalmia assists in putting his bat-self onto the bed and covering him with blankets. “Kalli, m-ma-make a f-fire! Papa’s c-cold!” Stacking some logs, Kalmia breathes fire onto them, stoking the flames until the room is toasty. With a sniffle, Izzy lays out next to her father and rests her hand on him, “I take c-care of papa.”
“I know you will. You watch over him so I can get lunch started, ok? We can eat here.” Kalmia kisses her forehead before setting off to the kitchen. 
It's always an adventure with them.
Over an hour later, Izzy has fallen asleep looking after Astarion's limp body, which hasn't even twitched all this time. 
Maybe it's time to take matters into her own hands. 
Or fingers.
Pricking the tip of her index finger, Kalmia places it up against Astarion's bat snout, hoping the pooling blood will work like vampire smelling salts.
And of course it does, she should have thought of this earlier. 
His snout wiggles side to side, seeking out the delicious scent before him, and begins licking at the drop the moment he makes contact. Red eyes blink open, looking haggard, “What- What happened?”
Kalmia picks up her sad bat, cradling him in her arms, “You crashed into the wall going much too fast. Izmezine took very good care of you, so you should thank her once she's up.”
“How do I change back? If I spend another moment like this, I'm going to become quite cross with-”
“Hush, you're always angry. I normally just think about being me, so maybe try that?” 
Astarion goes silent for a while, so he must be trying anything to be himself again. Nothing happens though and he grumbles unhappily, “This is stupid. I don't want to be stuck as a flying rodent for the rest of my life. How will Izmezine be able to introduce me to people? ‘ Oh, come meet my father! The bat? Yes, that's him!’ Kalmia, I can't stay like this!”
“Shall I tickle your nose? A sneeze seemed to set it off the first time.”
His bat face goes through a range of emotions, before settling on sadness, “This is so unbecoming, but fine. Do it.”
Kalmia locates a feather pretty quickly, Gale has quills laying out everywhere, and lightly shuffles the tip across Astarion's nose. His nose wrinkles but nothing happens, and he folds in on himself in defeat. 
“I'm sorry, irthiski. We'll figure something out.” She does feel terribly for him, nothing is worse than being stuck in a form at the wrong time. She knows it well.
“Mmm, papa?” Izzy’s sleep laden voice pulls their attention as she starts grabbing at the doll beds, but realizes nothing is there, so she shoots up, alarmed. “Papa?! Wh-Where are y-you?”
“I have him, anon, it's ok.” 
Crawling over, Izzy pets her father, also seeming sad that he's still stuck like this. Who's going to read the bedtime story for them?
But if Astarion continues to be a bat, might as well take advantage of this opportunity. “You know, Izzy, I think he's kind of dirty. We should bathe him.”
The girl's eyes light up, “Yes!”
“What?! What do you think-” Astarion begins to shout.
Kalmia presses a finger against his snout. “You've been outvoted. Accept your fate.”
He whines and complains all the way downstairs, and once the bath is filled a few inches deep, she settles the little bat in. Izzy gets to work swiftly, wetting his fur and carefully working in the shampoo. Kalmia assists from the sidelines, but Izzy has it handled. 
Astarion's taking this with as much grace as possible, letting Izmezine do as she pleases, because there is never a world in which he would deny her.
But this time must come to an end, it seems.
He makes a strange noise, like a sharp intake of breath, and sneezes, splashing water everywhere when a vampire reappears where a bat once sat.
His resting clothes are soaked and Astarion is absolutely covered in soap, hair flattened against his head as he sneers at the two of them. ‘You two have had a lot of fun today. I think daddy needs some payback.” Izzy and Kalmia both shriek with laughter as they attempt to run, but Astarion grabs them both, dragging them into the tub, turning the water on. “If I had to suffer, then so should you!”
Once they're all soaking wet and giggling, they climb out of the bathtub, drying off, Kalmia has a new idea. “Ready to make a cake, Izzy?”
The girl jumps up and down in excitement, “I w-want pink frosting!”
“Any requests, irthiski?”
He runs a towel over Izzy's curls, “One of Gale's nice bottles of wine. I'm just… going to lie down, my body hurts.”
Kalmia laughs, “You'll get used to it.”
“Ugh, I sure hope not. If I never turn into a rodent again, it will still be too soon.”
Notes:-anon = flower (draconic) -nafl (short for nafldask) = grandmother (draconic)
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roboticchibitan · 10 days
I decided to take pictures of my shawl pin collection to share today! Most of them are cheap hair sticks. A few of these photos I pulled from other posts because they're stuck in shawls I have misplaced. First up, the pretty box I keep them in that's bent in such a way that it does not close properly. Got it for $5 at a vintage store!
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Next, a dragon shawl pin I got because the whole joke that started A Cottage Witch and her Dragon (the cozy story I write! See my pinned post) was about a witch's dragon familiar that transforms into the shape of a shawl pin and rides around on her shawl
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A wooden lotus themed shawl pin that's currently downstairs in my rainbow pride shawl and a leaf pin that's got LOTR vibes that I wear with my green oh to be covered in moss shawl and a Celtic knot pin I've never worn that's got witch vibes.
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The shawl pin (and shawl) I am currently wearing: a treble clef design with a stick that goes through the fabric to secure it
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A bunch of flower shawl pins. The college I went to when I was 16-18 had a bunch of Japanese cherry blossoms because the city's sister city in Japan had gifted them and so cherry blossoms are nostalgic for me. There'd also a blue version of the above lotus and a pretty purple shawl pin that my best friend has a matching blue version of!
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These are a little too wide to be shawl pins except maybe for bulky weight shawls with a loose gauge but they are pretty so I included them
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Some fake Jade hair sticks I just found pretty but have never actually used
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My fun shawl pins, a bee themed one (of course) and a cat shaped one (of course)
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That's all of them I think! It was fun to go through them! Maybe I should look for a lotus shawl pin again. The wooden ones are pretty but I want an actual two piece shawl pin or hair slide that's a lotus.
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amber-laughs · 4 months
Thank you so much for your answer! I'd love to hear your thoughts on their relationship before the series begins. We know that the scene they shared in agot was not reflective of their actual dynamic even if most people loooove to forget that part. How did they interact? Did they ever? How was their relationship especially when Jon was a toddler or around 7-8? Thank you for your time!
oh fun question! well let's start from the beginning, we know that Catelyn was upset to find Jon in Winterfell before her
When the wars were over at last, and Catelyn rode to Winterfell, Jon and his wet nurse had already taken up residence. That cut deep. A Game of Throne- Catelyn II
but keep in mind Catelyn didn't know Ned yet. they'd obviously met and married but she doesn't really know anything about his temperament yet and even with that she's just arrived in a new place that will be her home forever, there's no way out, so the idea of her immediately showing her displeasure with Jon or Ned feels unlikely to me because in Family, Duty, Honor fashion she would first and foremost try to make her new family work to fulfill her father's alliance and be forced to put her wounded honor to the side. we know she did eventually work up the courage to ask Ned about Ashara Dayne
The Lady Ashara Dayne, tall and fair, with haunting violet eyes. It had taken her a fortnight to marshal her courage, but finally, in bed one night, Catelyn had asked her husband the truth of it, asked him to his face. That was the only time in all their years that Ned had ever frightened her. "Never ask me about Jon," he said, cold as ice. A Game of Thrones- Catelyn II
Ned scared her so bad she never asked again and neither did the servants. Now the fandom has a pretty simplistic, whitewashed view of Ned that isn't supported in canon but I would still call this out of character for him and Catelyn does too but remember, she barely knew him at this point, so it makes sense why she completely dropped the topic of not just Ashara but probably Jon as whole for a few years. but of course we know it does come up again.
Now I personally think the real trouble would start to come in as Jon was weened and was still in Winterfell. If he no longer needed a wet-nurse there's no reason not to foster him off in classic bastard fashion and Catelyn clearly thinks so too
Whoever Jon's mother had been, Ned must have loved her fiercely, for nothing Catelyn said would persuade him to send the boy away. It was the one thing she could never forgive him. A Game of Thrones- Catelyn II
Catelyn, of her own admission, was often trying to get Ned to kick Jon out of Winterfell. now this is where I need to remind people that I LOVE Catelyn Tully Stark. I'm on her team, I'm on her side, I'd buy her Mother's Day gifts if I could. most people in this fandom are actually pretty chill about the Catelyn Jon dynamic but there are two sides that think catelyn was an evil abusive wicked witch of the west specifically out to get an infant because she just feels like being evil and another side that thinks she never did anything to him and he's a spoiled brat who should be grateful she didn't make him sleep outside and eat only dog food. both are extremely annoying.
the truth is Catelyn was cruel to Jon and yes by George RR Martin's own words she never laid hands on him and she wasn't directly berating him throughout the years because like I said Catelyn isn't evil and she doesn't enjoy cruelty but when a child says he feels guilty eating in front of you there's a problem.
Jon wondered how Lady Catelyn's sister would feel about feeding Ned Stark's bastard. As a boy, he often felt as if the lady grudged him every bite. A Dance With Dragons- Jon IV
now it's possible Jon is projecting his own insecurities on to Catelyn here except:
Catelyn had nothing against this girl, but suddenly she could not help but think of Ned's bastard on the Wall, and the thought made her angry and guilty, both at once. She struggled to find words for a reply. A Game of Thrones- Catelyn VI
Catelyn does feel guilty for the way she's treated Jon. yes making Jon feel uncomfortable in Winterfell served a purpose, making sure he knows its not his. he has no right to it. Robb does. Robb will inherit. If not Robb then Bran, if not Bran then Rickon and so on and so forth. but none the less it was fucking mean. but here's the thing, Catelyn can't change society, she's navigating the rules she's given and Ned isn't, I imagine that would send her up a wall sometimes. because as she said Ned can have all the bastards he wants and she wouldn't care but Jon has no business being there and no business being treated like a true born next to her actual true born sons
"This is Valyrian steel, my lord," he said wonderingly. His father had let him handle Ice often enough; he knew the look, the feel. A Game of Thrones- Jon VIII
why the hell is Jon being allowed to handle the Stark ancestral sword? this is so widely out of the norm for Westeros it almost feels illegal. I can completely understand why Catelyn started trying to drill into Robb's head that Jon was different from him
That morning he called it first. "I'm Lord of Winterfell!" he cried, as he had a hundred times before. Only this time, this time, Robb had answered, "You can't be Lord of Winterfell, you're bastard-born. My lady mother says you can't ever be the Lord of Winterfell." A Storm of Swords- Jon XII
and it's also known throughout the Winterfell that there are hostilities between Jon and Catelyn. when Robb see's Jon is upset he immediately wonders if his mother is the reason
His voice was flat and tired. The visit had taken all the strength from him. Robb knew something was wrong. "My mother …" "She was … very kind," Jon told him. A Game of Thrones- Jon II
Jon also famously has the line where he admits Catelyn has never so much as called him by his name before so on Catelyn's side the relationship is somewhere on a spectrum from non existent to hostile. on Jon's side? well we know that Jon very consciously craved a mother
He knew nothing of his mother; Eddard Stark would not talk of her. Yet he dreamed of her at times, so often that he could almost see her face. A Game of Thrones- Jon III
often felt like he had to prove himself to his father
Bastard children were born from lust and lies, men said; their nature was wanton and treacherous. Once Jon had meant to prove them wrong, to show his lord father that he could be as good and true a son as Robb. I made a botch of that.  A Storm of Swords- Jon X
and I want to be clear, I know it wasn't Catelyn's job to make Jon feel welcome in his home, Ned really dropped the ball. It's Ned's fault that Jon just assumed he'd be destitute with no prospects by the time he turned 16 and it shows in the way Jon craves father figures in his life after he leaves Winterfell. Jeor Mormont, Benjen Stark, Mance Rayder, Maester Aemon, Stannis Baratheon I mean the list goes on. The thing is though there are no older women in Jon's life. Not at the Wall and not really in Winterfell either. He and Robb don't seem to take lessons from Septa Mordane and while Old Nan certainly taught him some important stories she doesn't seem to have set a maternal presence in his life.
I'm not saying Catelyn was or should have been Jon's mother because she wasn't and it surely wasn't her job but I do think she subconsciously fills that second parental placeholder in his head next to Ned because he clearly craves one but has no other woman to fill it.
Lord of Winterfell. I could be the Lord of Winterfell. My father's heir. It was not Lord Eddard's face he saw floating before him, though; it was Lady Catelyn's. A Storm of Swords- Jon XII
while this isn't Jon's deciding factor the idea of upsetting her or once again being rejected by her really bothers him, so much so that he can't even go on training with his friends, he has to leave and take a walk all alone. She's also one of the deciding factors when he's deciding whether to take his lifelong vows for the Night's Watch.
By the time the moon was full again, he would be back in Winterfell with his brothers. Your half brothers, a voice inside reminded him. And Lady Stark, who will not welcome you. A Game of Thrones- Jon V
but let's be clear Jon isn't just sitting around waiting for her to hug him. he doesn't like her either.
"Lady Stark is not my mother," Jon reminded him sharply. Tyrion Lannister had been a friend to him. If Lord Eddard was killed, she would be as much to blame as the queen. A Game of Thrones- Jon VII
he blames her for Ned's death just as much as he blames Cersei which is unfair and a bit delusional but childhood resentment will do that to a 15 year old.
So what was Jon and Catelyn's relationship like? Bad. Catelyn and Jon never had a chance. they were failed by the system. women and bastards seem to have a lot in common in Westeros in the sense that their agency is greatly limited. their safety rests on the graces of whatever man has placed their claim on them and this woman and this bastard were vying for the graces of the same man and felt one couldn't have it if the other did too. which is a shame in and of itself because I think they're both better at this game than Ned was.
***Less about their pre-series relationship but Jon and Catelyn have so much in common thematically and politically speaking. I did a parallel of them if you'd like to check it out
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Just another manic Monday
Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles, day 17
Prompt: Platonic Stobin
Rated: G
CW: monsters
Tags: Urban fantasy AU; Magic AU; Creature AU; background Steddie; background Buckingham
Notes: Based on an idea and the gorgeous art by @house-of-the-moving-image - so happy I got to throw a little something together for it. 🥰
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“I don't understand this,” Steve yells, jumping over another garbage bag like a hurdle sprinter. “That thing is fucking huge, where was it even hiding?”
“Gee, I dunno, Steve!” Robin skids to a halt beside him and impatiently hops from foot to foot while he pulls out their scooter from  between two dumpsters. “I didn't ask, you think we should wait up?” 
Somewhere behind them, something lets out a loud, gargling roar. A giant body scrapes against the walls of the alley. 
Steve gulps. 
“Nah, I'm good,” he says and tosses her the egg. It's larger than his own head, and Robin sags briefly under its weight. “Get in!”
Sometimes, Steve really, really wishes he was normal. 
In a world where ninety-seven percent of the population are either magic users, non-human, or hybrids, people like Robin and him tend to get the short end of the stick. Take the job market, for example. What's a guy to do if most entry-level positions require basic flight skills, or rudimentary knowledge of summoning spells, or two years minimum of experience in applied runology? 
The job at Fleetfoot Delivery is actually okay, all things considered. The pay is decent, the uniform isn't completely humiliating, and his coworker is his best friend and platonic soulmate who happens to be just as lamely human and completely unmagical as himself. 
It's easy work. Customers trade items via the app, Steve and Robin deliver the goods from the pickup location right to the lucky new owner. 
Basic stuff. 
Except for the days you get chased by giant fucking monsters. 
“Who even sells a phoenix egg online?” he asks while he waits for Robin to clamber into the side car. “I mean, shouldn't we be calling child protection services or something?” 
“Phoenixes are extinct, Steve, everyone knows that!” 
He hums vaguely. He does know that, of course, but the question has its desired effect - namely to send her off on a tangent and get her mind off things. 
“The eggs that are left are infertile, but they're highly coveted in certain circles. Rumor has it that consuming one will boost your magic like nothing else. Chrissy says there's a sea witch living off the coast who's been looking for one for-”
“Chrissy, huh?” Steve grins and swings a leg over the saddle. The scooter stutters to life. “The cute little mermaid with the milkshake order from last week? You two on first-name terms now?” 
“Oh, fuck off!” Robin jabs him in the ribs, but quickly clutches the egg again as he needs to swerve around a stack of old, soggy cardboard boxes. They're picking up speed, but not nearly enough in the crammed, narrow alley. Behind them, the roaring and scraping are getting louder. “You don't get to berate me for flirting with clients. If I see you do that ass-wiggle in your stupid shorts in front of that dragon dude one more time-” 
“His name is Eddie,” Steve snaps, neck erupting in heat. “And I don't think he has any idea what my first name is. Or my last name.”
“Yes, Steve, of course,” Robin deadpans. “That is why he calls you big boy and honey and sweetheart. That is the actual reason.” 
Steve lets this statement simmer for a few seconds. 
“Shut up and tell me where to deliver this thing,” he then says. 
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Robin smirk while she fishes her phone from her pocket and tells him the address.
“Oh, freaking great,” Steve grouses. “That's only on the other side of town. Won't take forever at all at this-” 
“Steve?” says Robin. Her hand is tugging at the sleeve of his uniform jacket, like she's been trying to get his attention for a while. “Steve, you may wanna go faster.” 
“I know!” he groans. “Need to beat rush hour, or we won't be home until-”
“That's not what I meant!” Robin shouts. Her voice goes all shrill and grating towards the end, and he almost crashes them into the wall in his impulse to cover his ears. 
“Well, what do you-” he starts to say, but doesn't get any further.
There's a loud crashing sound as the dumpsters are mowed over. He glances over his shoulder, just long enough to see a slimy, clawed something that's roughly the size of his house erupt from the alley behind them. It shrieks. The rush of hot, stinking breath sends garbage flying in all directions. A fist-sized glob of spit hits the back of Steve's head with a wet splotch. 
“Ugh, what the fuck? I just washed my hair this mor-”
“Drive!” Robin slaps his arm. “Oh my God, drive, drive, drive!” 
Steve does. 
They shoot out of the alley and onto the main road, just narrowly avoiding a collision with a flock of banshees. As their scandalized shrieks and the roar of the monster fade behind them, Robin's wristwatch buzzes. 
“Oh,” she says. “Today's your lucky day. A certain dragon just ordered an entire crate of aventurine, express delivery.”
Steve groans and takes a right, reaching up to disentangle half a banana skin from his drool-coated hair.
The day is shaping up to be a real Monday. 
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All my holiday drabbles
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do-not-consume · 2 months
Sanders Sides predictions!! (On my burner account just in case anyone takes this too seriously) this is just for fun, don't sue me. (Includes all characters... Uhh in some form, there is no violence except threatened and I do realize at least some of it could never happen due to being too complicated to film in an apartment.) It starts very vague and then gets to dialogue for the really good part. DLDR
The video starts with Thomas. He's really struggling to put together a video. Logan immediately jumps to the opportunity to talk about the healthy schedule he proposed. Patton is summoned pretty early (pops up for a pun) but after he stays uncharacteristically quiet. When he's pushed, he admits he'd rather be quiet than wrong.
Logan assumes it's an anxiety problem then and summons Virgil. Who, for some reason, is avoiding Thomas like the plague. He tells them he has nothing to do with it, which immediately calls up Janus. Virgil leaves asap. Janus explains that, actually, he's not here because of Virgil, he's here to watch what Remus is about to do. Turns out Remus has been walking around all excited about this new change in process that's supposed to happen today and since he wasn't in his room, Janus figured he would find him up here. But there's no Remus.
Janus also looks confused as to why nobody went to get Roman. Logan admits he still doesn't like him very much and would have preferred if he stayed out of the picture for what is clearly a Patton related problem, because Patton is very soft spoken right now and Roman would just talk over him like he always does (and he had plenty screentime in the last video anyway). Both Thomas and Patton feel too bad about last time to talk to him first. But alright, if it will help the case, we'll summon him... Exept he doesn't show up. Thomas isn't scared, he's got complete creative block.
Roman must've ducked out.
They decide pretty quickly that they should go to his room (at least once Janus reminds everyone that they don't know where Remus is and what he could do if he's alone with Roman)
So they get into his room.. but it's dark. There are torches on the walls, beautiful paintings of Prince Roman, slaying the Dragon Witch, slaying on the stage, royal portraits of him and Mrs Snuffles. A single painting of two young boys, playing together in the garden, one dressed in black and one dressed in white.. And there's a throne.
"Well well, look who decided to finally show up." A man gets up from the throne. His voice sounds ice cold. And as he steps down into the light of the torches, they turn green. And they see a man with a big crown, worthy of a king, with a white streak in his hair and a sword by his side.
Janus looks like he'd just seen a ghost. "We have to leave. Right now. This isn't safe for any of us"
"Awwwh, Janus," the man before them slips into a Remus-like voice, walking closer and closer"don't spoil the fun." His voice turns cold once again. "You know.. I've been thinking about what you said to me last time we met. That I'm just the same as my brother. That we're both evil and cruel.. and it hurt me. It hurt me very very deeply," he grabs Janus by the cape. Others try to help him but he dismisses them. "I never wanted to leave my room again, how much it hurt. I couldn't believe you would say something like that... Something so.. true. I was too blind to see it before, but you were right. I am just as bad, as my brother is. And if I'm just as bad.. there's no reason to stay split apart."
Logan finally gets between him and Janus. He lets him go willingly. "Falsehood. You all have your own specific purposes in this system. So please, Roman-" a deep chuckle interrupts him
"Roman? Oh, haha, no. Roman's dead now. Me and my brother are one once again, no prince, no duke, but King. No Roman. No Remus. I am King Romulus, and you will address me as such. Now, get out of my room. Before I feed you to Mrs. Sniffles."
Behind the throne, a large plume of smoke emerges.
"Well, that ain't a cat" Patton is still quiet, staring down a giant silhouette of a dragon witch rising up.
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calissarowan · 3 months
Winx Fairy Blog
So, I don’t know how many people have actually read the Winx Club Comic series, but I’d like to (very sarcastically) summarise a season seven comic that ‘finishes’ the Wizards of the Black Circle’s ‘arc’ in the comic series. Issue 145: ‘Winx Fairy Blog’. I’m gonna put in a keep reading link, since this is gonna be long.
So, the Winx all have blogs now, because they do everything the others do, and everyone’s blogs make sense, except Bloom’s where they’ve reverted her back to being an artist, since they realised you can’t have a blog about how to get everyone else’s screen time. And they’re being interviewed by a news reporter, who’s talking to them about their blogs about accessories and doodling rather than the numerous times they’ve saved the world. They’re in the Winx’s Gardenia apartment, because, unlike the show, the comics do remember this exists.
The reporter talks to the Winx, but mostly Bloom, who, despite not having been an artist for six seasons, is now so good at art that her drawing lessons make her the queen of the web, so even the web is now about Bloom. Great. They ask for a demonstration, so Bloom takes Tecna’s smartphone, starts painting it, comes out with something dreadful, tries to brush it off, before breaking the smartphone. Tecna’s mad for a second, then remembers Bloom’s the protagonist, so nobody’s allowed to say she’s done anything wrong, so she tries to fix the phone, but it’s apparently much harder than she thought, and all her technical knowledge has just vanished from her brain.
The other girls lose their talents: Musa can’t play music, Stella apparently recommended a bad outfit on her blog, Flora can’t feel a connection with nature, and Aisha…Aisha can’t stand. Her talent is apparently linked to movement and exercise, so when she loses it, she can’t freakin’ walk. Bloom can’t draw a smartphone, and Aisha can’t stand. Wow.
Musa says they’ve all lost the spark that makes them unique (not sure fashion advice or drawing made them unique; I’d say that honour goes to their personalities, but what do I know?), and Bloom says to remain calm and find out why.
Tecna uses her computer to find a techno-magic virus corrupting their blogs, because she apparently kept plot-convenient technical knowledge. Thank god the plot gods continue to smile on the Winx. The virus corrupted their blogs to steal their talents, so now Bloom is just going to have to live without her art skills, so presumably nothing changes from the last six seasons, and I guess Aisha can’t move now, but let’s be sure to worry about Bloom, because we’ve mentioned Aisha, so we’ve given her enough attention.
Then there’s…a random golem. Just walking down the street. Roaring. The news reporter tries to chase it for the story, gets roared at and Musa says to get out of there, and Bloom tells Flora to stop the golem with her vines, which she can’t, because she’s lost her connection with nature, because it’s been over a season since she got the inextinguishable power of the Dragon Flame, meaning she can’t lose her powers; this is season seven, we’re doing Butterflix. Bloomix has been relegated to the bin of irrelevance along with Roxy and continuity.
The golem tries to crush Aisha, and Aisha can’t move away, because this virus has taken all her energy, so it’s less like a talent-stealing spell, and more like a deadly curse, but Stella grabs her and pulls her aside and then we have to get back to Bloom, who says that without their talents, their magic has faded, because apparently the ability to wield the source of all life in the universe is directly tied to one’s ability to draw a horsie.
And then, the saviours of the universe, the legendary Winx that have faced witches and demons and monsters oh my! …Run away. Great.
Musa says the energy of the monster is familiar, like they’ve faced it before, Bloom says they need to remember how to defeat him, and that, having lost their talents, they can’t attack him individually, but maybe, if they transform into Butterflix, the power with nothing to do with the situation, they can defeat him together, and they overcome the problem by using the most generic, uniform transformation they’ve got, and, through a generic convergence, they defeat the golem with the power of conformity! Huzzah!
Bloom says they need to get their talents back, because she got confused and thought she was in World of Winx instead, and, thank God, Tecna says they only need wait a few seconds, because they’re too close to the end of the comic for any kind of creative solution, and they already did a convergence, so now the plot gods have decreed that the virus corrupting their blogs will disappear. Tecna, despite having lost all her technical knowledge, apparently carries a user manual for her tablet everywhere, because she’s using that just fine.
Flora asks if the golem was responsible for the virus, because it’s a typical random golem move, but Tecna says no, it was just a pawn controlled by someone else, like a big, yellow version of the Trix after season one, and she says it’s probably controlled by the same person who played that nasty trick on them. I mean, Aisha couldn’t walk, and you all almost died because of the spell, so less of a nasty trick and more an attempt to kill you all, but let’s keep things light and casual.
Bloom says they need to find out their identity as fast as possible, so they of course subsequently do nothing; maybe they go back to the loft and say ‘Hey, Google! Who corrupted our blogs?’ and when they do, and Google has no idea, they shrug and go, ‘Eh, well, we tried.’ They’re very busy making sure the return of their talents doesn’t compromise their delicate hivemind, so they haven’t got much time to launch an in-depth investigation.
Then, we cut to Solaria! The perfect random end to a random adventure! We go to the dungeons, where our world is rocked as we realise that past villains do actually still exist, and we see the Wizards of the Black Circle! Ogron is just casually summoning some random blue lightning or something, which the guards just…ignore, I guess. Maybe they think he got a flashlight.
Anyway, Ogron helpfully reveals that his techno-magic incantation only had a temporary effect (thanks for the exposition, Ogron. What would we do without you monologuing?), because apparently he has…techno-magic powers. Okay, well, you know what, he did send them into Tecna’s videogame in season four, so yeah, we can say this is canon. He says its temporary effect is a sign their magic energy has not yet fully returned, and thankfully nobody on Solaria thought to fit them with some magical dampeners or something, because these villains are from three seasons ago, so nobody cares; they gotta get ready for the Trix coming back for the ten-millionth time.
Gantlos says it’s a shame his golem was also defeated, because he can summon golems now, using a power he hasn’t used before for reasons known only to him, but I have reason to believe it’s that mysterious force known as ‘plot convenience’. Despite having been complaining about his own failings just seconds prior, Ogron tells Gantlos to never mind, and basically shut up about his golem, and Gantlos says they’ve tested their powers and now they know they can beat the Winx (are you crazy? They just obliterated your golem), before Ogron asks Anagan if he’s amassed enough energy to get them out, because apparently he was conserving his new magic while Ogron and Gantlos had a fighting the Winx blowout, and Anagan gets them out in that most magical of ways: ripping the door off its hinges. I thought Gantlos was the one with super strength, but I also thought he couldn’t summon golems, so I’ve got no idea what’s happening anymore.
Ogron says they’ll take their revenge on the Winx once and for all, because revenge has been their friend so far, and of course, they don’t. That, or Ogron takes such subtle revenge that nobody notices, which seems pointless, but he had a plan that was undone by kibble, so who knows what’s going on in his head?
They presumably get out of the dungeons, though I’d love to know what the guards are doing while they’re ripping doors off hinges. Also, guys, great security. Really top-notch! Maybe the guards do come, and the wizards realise they should have conserved their magic, rather than taking away Stella’s fashion sense, since now they’ve gotta fight guards, and the guards just cuff them and put them in a more secure cell. That’d explain why they didn’t show up again. They orchestrated the worst jailbreak ever.
Thanks to anyone still reading all the way down here! I hope you enjoyed my (very sarcastic) summary!
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duhragonball · 9 months
Dragon Ball Super Manga ch.97-99
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Cell Max is running wild, but don't worry, because Goten and Trunks are here to pad the story give Piccolo and Gohan a breather.
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To be fair, the boys do a little better once they turn Super Saiyan, which kind of begs the question of why they didn't just turn Super Saiyan from the start. This page's sole purpose is to have the Gammas notice their "resemblance" to Saiyaman X-1 and X-2. This would be annoying enough even if they did look alike, but they don't. Look at them! Trunks and Goten have tights and some sort of Stormtrooper midriff thing going on. The Gammas are wearing jodhpurs and bellhop jackets. And Goten and Trunks' color schemes are clearly reversed from one to the other. The Gammas match perfectly except for their red and blue capes.
The only real similarities here are the numbers on their costumes, and the fact that there are two of them. Oh, and Gamma 1 has a red cape, and Goten has a red cape. Eerie! What are the odds of two superheroes having red capes? You almost never see that. I mean, there's Superman, Thor, Great Saiyaman, Dr. Strange, Spawn, Great Saiyaman 2, the Scarlet Witch, Supergirl, Great Saiyaman 3, Power Girl, Steel, but other than those characters, I can't think of anyone else!
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Then they all pose together and attack Cell Max in concert. It looks impressive, but their quadruple-team fails to do any damage. The Gammas acknowledge that Cell Max is still getting used to moving around in his body, so he's not fighting as effectively as he will be later in the story. So that's why Goten and Trunks can do this well without actually hurting their opponent. And that's fair.
What doesn't make a lot of sense is the Gammas' role in this part of the battle. Of everyone involved in this battle, they alone understand the danger Cell Max poses to the world, because Dr. Hedo told them about Max's powers. That's why they went in first when Cell Max first emerged. They knew they had to shut him down as quickly as possible. And they're not rusty like Goten and Trunks, or unfamiliar with their bodies like Cell Max. If there's a window of opportunity here for Goten and Trunks to fight Cell Max without looking outclassed, then you'd think the Gammas would use this chance to target Max's head and finish him off.
Of course, they can't actually do that, since that's not what happened in the movie, but that's the problem I have with all of this. Toyotaro keeps shoehorning Goten and Trunks into this story, and their scenes tend to interfere with the plot instead of adding to it. The Gammas have a cool gimmick and aesthetic with the super hero thing. It works. They don't need two more characters aping that look right beside them. At best it's redundant, and at worst it just cramps their style. It'd be like if Frieza had a teen sidekick following him around repeating everything he says. It would kill his whole vibe.
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Okay, so once Goten and Trunks fuse into Gotenks, the battle plays out mostly like it did in the movie, but there's one part that got changed up and it caused some controversy in the fandom. Remember how Pan almost got killed, and Krillin called out to her and told her to fly, and then she managed to fly for the first time?
So in the manga, Pan has the same moment, except she doesn't take flight. Instead...
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In this version, Krillin just flies over and grabs her. And that makes sense. Why would he just assume she can fly on her own? Why not just zip over and get her? However, this kills the character arc Pan had in the movie. She started the film wishing she could do more advanced training, but Piccolo won't let her because she can't fly yet. Then in this scene, she does fly, and when the movie ends she shows Piccolo and he proudly agrees to start giving her the advanced lessons.
Fans didn't like this version, because Toyotaro appeared to be saying "no" to something the fans enjoyed in the movie. Krillin doesn't need a hero moment in this scene because he gets a couple of hero moments when he helps fight Cell Max. He saves 18 and distracts Cell Max with a solar flare. Krillin's fine. So it sure looks like Toyotaro just scrapped Pan's big moment for no discernible reason. This happened in Chapter 97.
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Hey, check out this cool shot of Orange Piccolo fighting Cell Max.
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Right, back to what I was saying.
So in Chapter 98, Toyotaro redeems himself by having Pan fly for the first time, just in a later part of the battle. When Big Orange Piccolo gives the last senzu bean to Gohan in the movie, Gohan just eats it and that's it. But in the manga, Cell Max attacks Piccolo and knocks it out of his hand. No one can catch it, until Pan goes after it and follows it over a ledge. Gohan's worried, but then it turns out she can fly now so she was never in danger, and she gets to help him this way.
Is it better than the movie? I can see a case for this version, but one thing that bugs me is that it seems a bit contrived for Pan to notice the senzu bean and be able to follow it through the air the way she did. I believe she could and would catch it for her dad. That's fine. But I'm not sure she would understand the need from where she was sitting in Bulma's aircraft.
For that matter, I don't know that it makes sense for Pan to understand what a senzu bean is, or why Gohan would need one so badly. Someone might have explained it to her at some point, but Pan's only three years old. I wouldn't expect her to know everything about everything.
Anyway, it goes to show how much can change from one chapter to another. People were mad about Chapter 97, but only because they didn't have 98 right there in front of them to show them it wasn't that big a deal. This is one major reason why I don't like to read the manga as it publishes.
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From here, well, I think I'm just down to cool shots of the fight with Cell Max.
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I don't think much is different here, but the art is cool, and this is one of my favorite parts of the movie.
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I think this is a manga-only bit. Cell Max works over Piccolo with ki blasts, and it looks like Piccolo blows up, which triggers Gohan's Beast form, but then later it turns out Gamma 1 was protecting Piccolo with his force field, which allowed him to withstand the blast.
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Also, when Cell Max tries to use his wings to escape the attack Gohan has planned, Toyotaro has Gamma 1, Krillin, and 18 cut off his wings. Not sure we needed this, but sure, it gives those characters one more chance to shine.
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And then Piccolo holds Cell Max down and pleads with Gohan to take the shot, and that's the end of chapter 99.
And that gets me all caught up. Now I just have to wait for Chapter 100, which is supposed to drop on December 20. Hopefully, it'll wrap up the Super Hero adaptation, but I wouldn't put it past Toyotaro to drag this thing out another three chapters with some sort of press conference featuring Sergeant Nutz, Saiyaman X-1 and X-2, and Cleangod.
There's been talk of a big surprise twist or something in chapter 100, but I'm not holding my breath. Usually when this franchise has a big announcement, it's about the date for some actual announcement later, and that announcement usually turns out to be something the fans kind of already heard about anyway. "Yes, we will be releasing a Chapter 101" is the sort of thing I would expect them to "announce" in chapter 100.
It would be cool if Chapter 100 ended with Black Frieza showing up and killing Vegeta or something major like that. Or, I don't know, maybe Goten and Trunks turn evil. Those would be shocking developments, but I doubt this manga would go that far. We'll just have to see...
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
*a deep breath* imagine,
Baby Prince/Princess Targaryen got lost. Or a very young Prince/Princess Targaryen got lost. The Prince/Princess was never found. But now the Prince/Princess has a new family.
Far beyond the borders of his/her native home lives Y/n, a creepy monster/witch/sorceress/follower of a non-classical faith. And she finds the lost child. She, in general, does not like people, and even more so children, but this plaintive cry made Y/n roll her eyes and take the silver-haired child with her. The baby immediately stopped crying, as she/he found her/himself in the arms of a strange woman/The little child stopped crying, and hugged the strange woman tightly by the neck. Y/n did not plan to keep the child, but it turned out, how it turned out. And now she is the "mother" of son/daughter, who absolutely adoring his/her monster/witch/sorceress/follower of a non-classical faith mama. Y/n lived alone all her live. And now she has a child, who does not move away from her not a step.
Perhaps, Y/n has a coven, of "monsters/strange people", like herself. And every time the coven gathers, the silver-haired child is surrounded by attention, affection and games of "creepy monsters". Or even he/she plays with other children, the same "monsters". But even when other "strange people" and the lost Prince/Princess are having fun, playing, he/she always returns to mommy, and hugs her very tightly, promising, that he/she will always love only her. Or is she raising a child all by herself.
And so, the child has grown up, and Y/n has to comfort the sobbing boy/girl, why he/she does not have the same horns/hooves/claws/fangs/magic/anything, as mommy. She/he wants mommy to love her/him, to make mommy so proud. She/he will do everything for mama. The silver-haired girl/boy loves her/his mama more, than anything in the world. "How many times have I told you, I'm not your blood mother. Oh... Come here, poor child, everything will be fine. I love you. I don't care, if you look different." And even as an adult man/woman, the silver-haired child will painfully adore his "creepy" mother, and do everything, that she would look only at him/her.
Or, someday the lost Prince/Princess will be found. After all, his/her dragon egg has hatched, and the dragon is alive and well. And the royal court believes, that the child is alive and well.
Already the young Prince/Princess was returned to his native home. Everyone is happy. Except for the loss him/herself. A young woman/man knows, that people like Y/n, still observe ancient treaties, and "do not go out to people." That's why most people, like him/her have forgotten about people, like Y/n. The Lost Prince/Princess is trying to escape.
-Excuse me. I want to go home. To my mom. Goodbye.
-I'm your mother! You're already home!
-No, I'm sorry, you're not my mother. My mom, is the most beautiful woman in the coven/in the world/My mom has the most beautiful horns, but you don't have horns/My mom has claws, like your heel, but you don't have them/My mom has the strongest and most beautiful magic, and you can't even light candles. I don't know you. I don't like you. Leave me alone! Don't follow me! - And even to lure Targaryen home, with the help of a dragon did not work. He/she just stole the dragon and disappeared.
Or. Already old enough, but still a child, the silver-headed child was returned to his/her native home. The child cried and struggled for days, calling for his/her mother. The child was inconsolable. Perhaps, the child will be able to escape. Or a single mother will have to break her promise, and take the "not her" child back herself.
Or. For some reason, he/she did not escape, and remained in the Targaryen house, accepting his/her original fate. But the future King/Queen never called "mama" this woman, who called herself his/her mother. Perhaps, he/she will establish a relationship between people and "creepy monsters/strange people". Maybe, he/she will even bring Y/n, his true mother, to the royal house, so that her wisdom and warmth will always be there. If the mama agrees, but if not, the silver-headed child will persuade her, beg or even force her. Or maybe, even already being a strong ruler, the King/Queen Targaryen will, from time to time, run far-far away, back home, to his/her mommy. To cry and bask in her arms.
No matter, what fate the silver-headed child chooses, the "creepy" morher Y/n will always be his/her priority, the most important person in life, the biggest and strongest love. His/her tearfully adored mommy.
You're amazing at writing screenplays.😍❤ Even if Targaryen Prince/Princess can't get away with Y/N, Y/N won't leave her alone. Sikca will visit. Maybe he will move in with the child. The child does not accept his biological mother. Even if Y/N does not accept it out loud, he sees the child as his own child. No force can separate the two.
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hi I'm learning destiny lore the hard way and I've seen you in my notes, who's Eris Morn? What's her deal? This is an invitation to infodump you seem like the person to ask XD
Oh wow! I will answer your question, despite feeling unworthy to do so, but before I do, since you mentioned you're learning the lore, this is the Eris page from the Ishtar Collective website: https://www.ishtar-collective.net/categories/eris-morn It gives a list of main plot points for Eris up until just before the Season of the Witch and links to all Eris lore that exists in-game, going into far more detail than I can in one Tumblr post.
The Ishtar site pulls a large amount of its info from the D2 API and then supplements anything it can't get from there with human volutneer transcribers pulling from sources like the Destiny Lore Vault: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqJlWJF0IucG7HXcEao78Cw .
If there is lore you can acess in-game, now or in the past, Ishtar has it and it is searchable via keywords. It is official lore, not someone's interpretation of it, and I cannot recommend it highly enough.
However, not everyone realizes that the Ishtar Collective also has a Discord: https://discord.gg/v8GsggCV
And that Discord is full of lore nerds who you can just go to and ask obscure lore questions and they will happily answer them (or sometimes get into adorkable near-academic-level debates over them, with citations as well as historical and philosophical references) because that's their definition of fun. They are, for the most part, genuinely lovely humans and I adore them all.
Everything I know about Destiny I learned from either playing the game or reading that website or asking those people.
Now, to answer your question, I'm going to give you a short quick answer and then a longer more in-depth answer afterwards.
The short quick answer is a quote from a story I wrote (A Dance with Vengeance) where I have the Drifter explaining where Eris got her eyes to an Eliksni character I made up:
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Please note: this is fanfiction. This conversation never happens in lore, and the closest we've gotten to Driferis in-game is a delightfully sweet hug buried in the lore tab for a sparrow vehicle, but the events the Drifter is narrating (with a bit of dramatic flourish) did happen to Eris in-game.
The longer answer:
Eris, a former Hunter (and Ahamkara wish-dragon slayer), is the sole surviving member of the First Crota Fireteam, a team of six guardians looking to avenge all the friends and loved ones who died in The Great Disaster (when humanity sent an army of guardians to try to reclaim the Moon from the Hive) and, in particular, to avenge the death of a badass Titan named Wei Ning (Eris' friend and lover of Eriana-3, the fireteam leader). Their goal was to kill Crota, the then-leader of the Hive forces on the Moon (Crota is the son of Oryx, who, himself is both a Hive god and the Taken King, brother to the other Hive gods, Savathun, Hive god of Lies, and Xivu Arath, Hive god of War).
Everyone on the First Crota Fireteam except for Eris died horribly and Eris was lost in the Hellmouth on the Moon for a century. Eris' ghost (Brya) killed itself to protect her and Eris no longer has access to Light-based guardian powers. She killed a Hive acolyte and took its eyes (cutting out her own) since she had wished on her bone to know the way out of the Hellmouth but could no longer see. (Ahamkara wish magic is always tricksy - they're basically wish-granting genies who always twist what you ask for into the worst possible outcome.)
Eris has a few titles: "The Forgotten Blade," "Bane of the Swarm," "Crota's Bane" and, more recently in Season of the Witch, "Hive god of Vengeance." She is our main point of contact on the Moon (the Shadowkeep DLC is fantastic and the Moon is awesome and creepy and one of my favourite places to go in-game - I could go on and on about my favourite spots there).
Eris has devoted the rest of her (now mortal) life to exterminating the Hive and has guided the Guardian (the player character) to do so through many adventures, notably the Crota's End raid (where we kill Crota and finally accomplish what her fireteam set out to do), the Kings Fall raid (where we kill Oryx), the Pit of Heresy dungeon, and the Scarlet Keep strike (where she has one of her infamous fantastic lines: "Do you feel it as I do, Guardian? A hatred as pure and potent as sunshine, soaking through your skin?"
Season of the Witch is all about Eris becoming the Hive god of Vengeance to deal with Xivu Arath. If you've ever watched Full Metal Alchemist, the logistical problem with Xivu is the same: going to war with something that feeds off of violence and death just makes it stronger. Season of the Witch is still available (at the time I'm writing this) and there's some amazing scenes in there. I highly recommend playing through it but if you can't, here's an 8.5 minute video of the 3 main cutscenes including the ending [i.e. this is a spoiler if you haven't played it yet and still want to!]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVUWu-DqZvU
Eris' storyline in-game is all about recovery from trauma. Many of her quests are either helping her seek vengeance or helping her find peace (such as recovering mementos of her fireteam from various spots on the Moon). She is haunted (literally) by the ghosts of her past (here's 19 seconds of her yelling at them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lcs1io-kvdg ) and her recovery from that has made her the unofficial trauma therapist for the Vanguard.
In Season of the Haunted (sadly no longer playable) she guides Zavala, Crow and Cabal Empress Caiatl through combatting and laying to rest their own nightmares-of-the-past-made-real. Here's a link to a 9 min video of the main cutscenes from that season (there's more content if you watch a full playthrough): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWHphu-iT3w
Eris taught herself how to wield Hive magic from a combination of her century of wandering on the Moon and the journals of Toland the Shattered (one of the members of her fireteam who betrayed them to the Hive and is now a floating sparkle-ball who sometimes helps us and sometimes just insults us on the Moon).
Eris is the Vanguard's Hive expert and Darkness expert. She is also one of Ikora's Hidden (Ikora is the Vanguard spymaster and the Hidden are her network of spies.) One of Eris' main story elements is that most people don't trust her, and not without cause. Another D2 character, Elsie Bray, aka the Exo Stranger, has been living her own personal Groundhog Day time-loop hell where she has watched humanity fail over and over against the Witness and then goes back in time to try to stop it. In most of Elsie's time loops Eris succumbs to her trauma and the corrupting nature of the Darkness powers she wields, goes full Hive, and leads the forces of evil to wipe out humanity in what is referred to as "the Dark Timeline."
Eris is constantly dealing with accusations that she's crazy, that she's evil, that she's unstable, and every time it's proven she's not, but people still find her untrustworthy and it isolates her from most of humanity, noteworthy exceptions to this being Ikora, Queen Mara, the player character, and the Drifter.
I am (obviously) especially enamoured of the relationship between Eris and the Drifter, and their in-game banter is absolute top-tier (he flirts and Eris roasts him and it is glorious), but the very core of their relationship is built on comfort and understanding. He trusts her (something almost no one else does) and she gives him hope (which is genuinely impressive and beautiful because the Drifter's own backstory is brutal and bleak as fuck).
Throughout most of Eris' narrative in-game she is a recovering survivor, but in Beyond Light (the DLC where we get our not-ice magic Stasis powers) we get to see Eris not just psychologically and emotionally recovered, but also getting to be a badass in battle. This is, in my opinion, the best cutscene in the entire game: (it is 1 min an 35 seconds and far, far too short): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAD6E_vESJY
I love this cutscene not only because it is visually spectacular, but because Eris has, for most of her narrative, been an injured survivor needing the player character to fight in her place because she no longer can. But in Beyond Light she is now able to kick ass and, perhaps even more importantly, be a part of a fireteam again.
There's more but I'm going to stop there. Eris is badass and amazing and creepy and fantastic. She uses the weapons of the Hive against them. She uses her own traumatic experiences to heal others. Her dialogue lines are evocative and snarky and brooding and poetic. The voice acting for her is some of the best I've ever heard anywhere. Her character has a complex, empowering, healing, hopeful, and beautiful narrative. And I love her intensely for it.
Ideally, this has answered your question at least somewhat, but do feel free to ask me any follow up questions you have about this or anything. I maintain I am not an expert in D2 lore. I am a writer and I don't just have biases, I use them to make art. But I do love the game and while I am not an authority on anything, I have immersed myself in much of the lore with wild abandon and will happily point you to places where you can find more information where my own understanding is limited.
And with that, I leave you with another fantastic Eris quote that so many people have connected with and found beautiful but that also encapsulates "who is Eris Morn" pretty well on its own:
"Recovery is a spiral, not a circle. You may return to the same patterns, but you will break free." —Eris Morn
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sonicjustbecause · 7 months
Lost in translation (general). Unavoidable.
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"What girl witch cute". Yes. This is the plain translation. I'll come there later.
I'm not a native English speaker. I can say I know one language and half. Written/spoken Italian (native), written English.
I like to watch shows in Italian and Japanese usually. Seldom I watch them in English. In general i dislike the translation and the voices they choose for characters from foreign shows.
Like, I would watch easily The Simpson in English because is their native show and the voice they choose are good. In the Italian show they went as far as finding VA who have very similar voices to the original VA.
Sonic Prime worked fine with English voice (because they choose canadian VA and not the american ones. Both RCS and Kirk Thorton are... uhmmm... I loved Deven Mack and Ian Hanlin). Is maybe one of the few shows I watched happily in English. And I could somewhat understand what they say because of a clearer pronunciation.
For other shows I often watch them either in Japanese with English sub, or translated in Italian. For Dragon Ball I watched the whole DB and DBZ in Italian, DBS in Japanese with English subs.
I watched my favourites episodes of Dragon Ball Z in Italian, Japanese and English, to see how they differ and how voices work.
Italian in general stay true to the Japanese dialogues (few exception here and there, I'll come later). English? Oh God. The scene with Vegeta being possessed by Babidy made me laugh in English. Something like: 'He is in my head! I'm attacked! I can't! Oh no, I'm not innocent" Talkative Vegeta. The context was the same, the message was about the same (more ambiguous and open to interpretation in Italian and Japanese, more one sided in English) but a dramatic scene like that became a comical scene in English. And the voices... oh no!.
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English dubbing! NO! My ears!
Language, context...
Monolingual people think all language are the same. Not the case, languages are influenced by enviroment. Inuit have many ways to say 'snow' with a single word, referring to the different quality of it.
Coming to the language we are referring to, English is known to be a low context language. It has a word for everything and a very rich vocaboulary.
Italian is a mid context language. It has not a so large vocaboulary,
Some words are the same but with different meaning.
Salutare: it does means either 'to greet and' 'healthy' Sale: it does means either "going up" and "salt"
Batteria: 'set' 'drums' and 'battery' Piano: "plan", 'floor' (of a building), 'flat' (like the surface of a table), 'piano'
Those words can be easily translates in English though.
The problem come with figuratve language. Every language has one. I don't speak Japanese so i can make examples using italian and English.
When someone is lucky, we say, vulgarly: "che culo!" But, translated in EWnglish it turns in a "What an ass!". The phrase is the same, litera, the meaning change completely. For this you can't always stay true to the original material.
Another example, still involving luck in Italian might be:
"Avere un culo così".
In English it turns something like
"Having a big ass"
From having luck to being fat. And there it turns even funnier because in Italian you can use the very same phrase to tell that either someone is fat or that a woman looks curvy in the butt area in particular. Though all of them are not nice and can be used only among close freinds. Otherwise there are three distinct phrase for the different things like: "avere fortuna" "essere grassi" "avere un sedere formoso". Context.
Japanese is abnormally high context.
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Let's talk about the above monstruosity that make us laugh hard.
Among people who like Japamese stuffs, there are some who are so passionate that they would sacrifice grammar in order to have a product that is true to the original. In Italy we have many translators. Some are better, some are worse. We got cursed by this man in particular:
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Gualtiero Cannarsi.
To be honest, is unfortunate. He talks the finest Italian you can hear. But his translations from Japanese to Italian suck. he is one who think the product must be true to itself, so he just change Japanese words into italian words, leaving the Japanese rules, grammars etc. Yes, nothing got lost in traslation. But the result is incomprehensible so to say the truth, everything got lost.
If transtated in Cannarsi style, Versailles no Bara turns into Versailles di Rosa (The correct translation is 'La rosa di Versailles). For a better understanding of what I'm saying, in English, if I just switch the words, I get 'Versailles of Rose'.
His translation get some... uh, funny results:
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Porco Rosso is supposed to be settled in Italy. Then why do they talk like barbarians?
"To stay to have fun to those places you'll end to be kidnappen in company" Is bad I know. I tried to stay true to his awful translations. This is terrible, considering that Gibli tried to write in Italian, as best as they could to create a better atmosphere:
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"Non si fa credito" "Le rosse ali si sono spezzate (correct but arcaic) "Vivo o morto?(sounds better) "Di nuovo il canto di trionfo del Porcellino Rosso (perfect)" "Le bambine sane e salve" Still the atmosphere is there, is true!
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You have to be fluent in Italian to understand this. Then you can either laugh or facepalm or be disgusted.
We also have good example of translation from Japanese. Luckily we have many good products from Japan that are treated correctly. One that I can think off is from Dragon Ball Super - Broly.
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In DBS - Broly, I can feel the Japanese aura/culture/mentality from every phrase, every word they speak. They all sound solemn without sounding the same. But at the same time it is translated in a fine Italian, we all understand what they say just fine. The actor were great at acting and... do you know that the one who dubs Goku is the same VA who dubs Shadow? And the voice sounds different, very silly when he dubs Goku, more serious and mature when he dubs Shadow.
We of course also had some bad translation because there was a period we relied on 4kids. Luckily we still had manga, they came directly from Japan and got translated in italian. Some of them unfortunately went translated by Gualtiero Cannarsi. Dark days for anime. It seems things are getting better right now.
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Same VA, different personalities.
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dessertpanda · 1 month
To be a Hero....Or maybe Pt2
(PT link Above)
This story is heavily based on one of my OC, it mentions kidnapping, suicide, bullying, sex, yonder behavior, and abuse. Please be warned this is a little more graphic compared to my other stories. Also, the timeline for the story is a little different when compared to the actual MHA, the characters are all in college vs being in high school. Please enjoy and note that I do not own any of the named characters except for Paris, all credit for the characters goes to Horikoshi. (Izuku x Fem Reader)
        Their relationship continued to bloom and grow, it was relatively healthy except for the slight obsession that flooded from both sides. It was now their Senior year, sticking out the rest of middle school and the entire length of High school, many of their classmates refused to believe that they were dating but after Y/n's tussle, she gained a reputation for being violent, so many decided to keep their distance from both her and Izuku. It had a heavy effect on their social life but they had each other... and to them thats all that mattered. Bakugo.... who Y/n has met a couple of times and grown to hate him... treating Izuku the way he has was despicable... she wanted him dead, but Izuku had yet to ask that of her. He was the only one who continued to dare mess with Izuku, but as per his request... Y/n kept her distance.... lucky for the firey blonde, she was never present when he would harm Izuku.
        They sat in their homeroom class, Izuku was in the corner, by the window... trying to remain unnoticed, while Y/n was dead center in the very back of the room. She sat bored, sketching silently and air pods in with her music blasting, using Izuku staring out the window as her inspiration. Both their attentions were dragged to their annoying teacher who clapped his hands loudly "ALL RIGHT CLASS WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE" As soon as he finished the class erupted into a loud mess. "Entrepreneur" "A cop!" "A nurse" There was a multitude of responses came from the students. However, three sat quietly, two of them annoyed and one ashamed of his own answer. Y/n drew her attention back to her drawing, rolling her eyes at the others, and putting her air pod back in. Her action caught the teacher's attention, who seemed to have personal beef with the girl. "HEY ARE YOU EVEN TRYING TO PARTICIPATE IN CLASS?" The man roared, pointing at Y/n, who simply sighed and removed her air pod once again. She took a glance around at all her classmates, whose attention was now strictly on her.
        "I want to be a hero, with Izuku... simple as that" Her tone was bored and annoyed. "HA and what makes you think you have what it takes?" He growled at her, crossing his arms and shaking his head. "You make me laugh, You should think of something more realistic... Like a housewife!" His tone was harsh and mocking towards her. He wanted to discourage her and embarrass her in front of the class. Y/n was unbothered by his words, in fact, she laughed at him. "HAHAHA.... I've been training since the day I got my quirk! The only reason I'm here in Japan is to attend U.A. and get my hero license" She spoke, nonchalantly. The teacher only responded with a scoff, no one believed that the girl had a quirk, not even her own teacher who had records that stated her abilities. "oh yes, this little witch's ability" He did magic hands, acting as if he was a witch found in a fairy tale. "My Quirk is called Dark Magic" She stated, slowly beginning to pack up her bag.... she knew where this was going. "Dark Magic? Oh please, this isn't a land of Unicorns and dragons" He placed his hands on his hips and mumbled about how stupid she was. Izuku was the only one in class who had seen her magic firsthand, she refused to use it as a way to say Fuck this society. "Think what you want to teach...I don't give a damn about your opinion" He was flabbergasted, how dare she show him no respect "Alright then you wench.... show us your little quirk! Prove that you're worth something and not just an immature child!" He yelled at her... marching towards her seat. "No, because you're the only one here acting like a child, having a strong quirk isn't all that matters, and I owe you no reasoning" With her bag packed and phone in hand, she was ready for her next destination which was enviable. "THAT'S IT I'M TAKING YOU TO THE PRINCIPAL" He roughly grabbed her arm and dragged her up out of her seat. She showed no reaction but simply spoke, "Please do, get me out of this class" With a rough tug, she yanked her arm out of his grip before sending him a glare. Picking up her bag, she walked away from the man towards the window. "Izu, will you watch my bag?" She asked setting it down next to his. He smiled at her and nodded, "O-of course" his face was slightly red but it only grew darker in color when she leaned down and set a gentle kiss on his lips. She smiled in the kiss, before pulling back and gently petting his hair. "I'll see you after school love" She gave a soft wave as she made her way towards the door. "o-okay, l-love" He was dark red, she had just kissed him in front of the entire class and their teacher. As she walked out the door, he couldn't help the dreamy expression that had overtaken his face, gently touching his lips as if to feel the linger of them. A certain blonde was not happy about the interaction that had just occurred "Damn Deku"
        She silently followed the man, stuck listening to his complaining about her attitude and lack of participation. She was actually relieved to see the familiar door that belonged to their ignorant principal. The teacher hastily knocked on the door, and both sat waiting for a response. A soft "Come in" was all he needed before practically busting down the door. He pushed Y/n inside, his hand brushing her waist to which to snapped at him "Watch your filthy hands" With a huff and a roll of his eyes, he wasted no time to start complaining, Y/n took a seat in the chair while he paced around the room going on and on. "Ah, Y/n welcome back" The principal smiled at the girl... "Seems you're back again.... for a 3rd time this month" The woman sighed, giving Y/n an apologetic look, "I'm praying for a good reason this time?" Y/n grumbled, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms, she huffed "I'm a top student, straight A's, I've been accepted into U.A on recommendation and I'm dragged down here because I refuse to share personal information about myself" the principle sighed, setting her head in her hands, "Please tell me this isn't true?" She asked the man who had stopped pacing for a moment "W-well yes, But she had a horrible Attitude!" He tried to defend himself, with a horrible reason. "I have a truthful one" With a soft chuckle the principal nodded, understanding Y/n completely, "Yes, and I truly appreciate that" She ran her hands down her face before pointing to the teacher "Uh yes, the future is important to talk about, but it's highly inappropriate to single out a student simple because she doesn't wish to share" The teacher tried to argue, "S-she needs to hear feedback and criticism from her peers..." "He also called me a wench" Y/n interrupted him, deciding she was done with this conversation. "of course he did, so glad she doesn't have parents or we'd be sued" She was moaning and groaning to herself. She knew it was a horrible thing to be thankful for but after everything this teacher had done to the young woman, she was truly glad. "Right... Mrs.Y/n you are dismissed...." She smiled at the girl before turning her attention to the man "And you.... will be staying very late, it's about time we have a heart to heart" He looked utterly defeated... "Yes Ma'am"
        Skipping back to the classroom in hopes of finding Izuku, she couldn't help but smile to herself... the thought of that dick getting in trouble was quite entertaining. Walking back through the door she saw that most of the kids had left, those who remained gave her a disgusted glance before fleeing the classroom. She looked for Izuku, realizing his absence instantly 'I hoped he'd wait for me' she thought to herself. She was about to walk out the door back into the hallways in search but familiar voices caught her attention as they flooded through the classroom from the open window. "DAMN DEKU" Y/n instantly rushed to the window to find Bakugo and his buddies standing over Izuku in the courtyard. She watched for a moment as they kicked at him and tried to snatch something from his hands. From the window, she saw the light reflect off her Eraser-head key chain, and instantly her heart sank realizing that was her bag he was holding... protecting. "Whos bag is it Deku?" Bakugo asked, setting off small explosions in his hand. "must be the bitches" His friends laughed. "S-shes not a bitch" Izuku tried to argue but a blast shut him up. Filled with rage from the interaction, she had never realized how badly Bakugo treated him. Izuku refused to tell her Kacchans quirk but now it all made sense, the burn marks on his clothes, his notebooks, shoes, and his body. How she had met him that day on the rooftop.... catching him. It broke her heart to watch him being treated this way, especially when it was her bag he was protecting... That's her boyfriend, her best friend, the nicest person she'd ever met, without thinking she jumped from the second story, catching the attention of a few other lingering students who gasped at her action. She focused her magic at her feet to cushion her fall, landing in a squat she quickly ran a hand through her hair to adjust it out of her face. "Leave him alone" She growled, standing up, her magic was seeping off of her, creating wisps around each step she took. The group's attention was on her, from the second she had jumped to the moment she hit the ground... gasping with open mouths as the air began to shift. Kacchan quickly recovered, glaring at her "Oh look, if it isn't the Witch... come to protect your little playboy" He asked, smirking showing off his shark K9s. "Damn right, I am" She was now only a couple feet away from the group, and Izuku.... she quietly assess the situation. Finding the best way to get Izuku out of harm's way.
       The group settled as Kacchans confidence came radiating, they all laughed together "W-what gonna poof us away?" They taunted her... wanting to rally her up. With a simple step, she was now in front of Izuku... like a mother bear, but her eyes held no affection as she glared at Bakugo. Stunned by her sheer speed, the group was caught completely off guard, none of them expected her to be so fast. "Get the fuck out of here! This doesn't concern you" One of the minions called "Oh but it does when it involves my boyfriend" She argued, refusing to budge from her spot. Kacchans fury only intensified at her interference, he refused to believe that a useless Deku had bagged the strongest bitch he'd ever met, that is to put it in his words. However, to save his own ego, he refused to believe she had a quirk and that her bite was nothing to her bark. He scoffed at her "Get the hell out of here, if you continue blocking my fun, I'll roast the damn nerd alive and end this little romance. "Like hell I'd let you do that" Y/n laughed at him, refusing to move from her protective stance. Setting off a small explosion in his hands, he hoped to see a bit of fear light in her eyes "Come on now, we'd hate for him to miss out on the fun", With her stone-cold face turned into a smirk, Kacchan was taken aback slight at her sudden change "Oh trust me, he'll have plenty of fun when we get home" She glanced back at Izuku winking at causing him to blush. The audacity that she had was beyond Kacchans understanding, and her quick remark left his friends chuckling at him. She left the stunned boy, turning her complete attention to her lover, "Izu, you okay baby?" She asked kneeling down to him. "a-ah yes I'm okay" He was so thankful for how quick she had come to his aid, watching her jump from the window... exposing herself, just to ensure she could get to him in time. It left him speechless, her smile, her motherly nature, her beautiful eyes.... he could feel his mind wandering to the comment she had made earlier... "I'm gonna marry you" He whispered to himself mostly but it still caught Y/n attention "What was that love?". He didn't have time to respond because Kacchan was growling and grumbling behind her. She only huffed at this and turned her attention back to the spiky-haired dick.
        His eyes were burning with pure rage, his hands clenched at his sides, muffling the booming sound of the explosions only a little. The amount of anger that flowed off him left his friends and Izuku trembling, but Y/n remained unaffected. "What you think you're better than me BITCH? JUST BECAUSE YOU FELT SORRY ENOUGH FOR THE DEKU" He screamed, his form hunching, as if he was ready to lung at her. "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU BULLING HIM? WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU?" She asked, shifting her stance to brace for a possible attack. "Deku is a worthless piece of shit! And I'm making sure he stays in his place" His friends nodded and agreed, still keeping a distance due to the fear of getting tangled up in the mix on accident. "And you have a tiny dick but no one put you in your place" She smiled internally as Kacchans face flushed red in embarrassment. "SHUT UP YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT" His friends only snicked a little before going to defend him "YEAH HE'S AVERAGED SIZED" However their comment did little to help because a single glance from Kacchan shut them up completely. "If I can't talk about you shrimp dick, then you can't call Izuku useless"
        Her smile couldn't be contained any longer, in all honestly... she's been waiting for the chance to face off with him, truly wanting to remind him how little he mattered in this big world. "YOU CAN'T SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT" He screamed, taking slow menacing steps towards her and Izuku, "I'll speak as I damn Please" She matched his steps, hoping to move any danger away from Izuku. With his body shaking and his palms sweaty, he took a single look at her before launching himself at her, using his quirk to add speed. Taken slightly aback by his speed, Y/n was unable to dodge the sharp right hook that caught her cheek. It stung, it continued to bloom in pain as she stood for only a moment, motionless, that is until her face blossomed into a large grin. "Let's GO" She screams before quickly sending a sharp swing back at him. Her backhand connected with his lower jaw, causing him to stumble and stagger for a moment. His head was spinning, but he quickly recomposed himself "BITCH" He lunged at her again, with a raid of punches and explosions, the close distance made it difficult for her to dodge them all. She was able to deflect most punches the the explosions still left slight burns across her body, face, and uniform. "You hit me first" She taunted as she continued to endure his attack.
        Smoke continued to rise, blocking the view of the otter world. Kacchans friends were left speechless, and Izuku sat worried for his girlfriend "Come on Y/n" He silently cheered for her. However, they all gasped when Y/n came flying out of the smoke... her smile still prominent on her face. As soon as her feet hit the ground, she was on the offensive, launching herself at Kacchan, she sent her own raid of punches and kicks. With elegance and skill, Y/n landed hit after hit... feeling the mixture of pain and impact of each hit, Kacchan was sent staggering, groaning, and discombobulated. Never in his life had anyone ever laid a beating on him like this, and his friend where in just as much shock.... no one hurt Kacchan.... no one had been able to. The attacks stopped, only long enough for Kacchan to see the girl's fist coming directly for his face, his nose specifically... with quick thinking, he turned his head to avoid a broken nose. The pure power behind the hit sent him staggering back, she had really loaded up for that one. With a moment of peace, Y/ glanced back at Izuku to ensure he was still safe.... "Are you finished?" She was huffing, bleeding, and sweating but if he wished to continue.... she would not let him down. Kacchan struggled to gain his footing, stumbling on his way to a straight stand, wiping the blood from his lip and wincing at the pain in his eye, he continued to glare at her "I- I not finished... Not yet" He ran at her, arms loaded back with an explosion in hand. Sinking seeping into a stance... Y/n shifted her hips to load her final blow... Izuku could see from his position behind her... the dark purple, blue, and black swirls that began to collect around her hand. Izuku was in awe... watching her use her quirk for attacking was something he had never seen... and unfortunately, he wouldn't get to. Feeling a harsh tug on his hair, a hand suddenly covered his mouth, restricting any noise he could make along with his breathing. He whimpered and screamed into the hand at the sudden pain that bloomed in his scalp.
        The sound of feet kicking up dirt and dust caught Y/n's attention... His attempt to get away was enough to alert her of the danger, she only glanced back... for a moment and what she saw scared her, angered her. Izuku was there, eyes wide and filled with tears... his hands and feet clawing at the dirt in an attempt to get away.... not to mention the single streak of blood that ran down the side of his face from how hard they were pulling on him. Y/n had only meant to add a little extra punch to her attack... but watching her sweet boyfriend struggle against those boys, his friends... Kacchans friends, left her emotions to take control a little... leading to a near-fatal amount of magic being produced. "STOP THAT" She screamed, sending her punching into the gut of Kacchans approaching figure. Coughing up blood, Kacchan was sent flying back, falling to his knees and cradling his stomach. With a quick wave of her hands, the two that were holding Izuku were sent flying... she did not care where they landed... hopefully in a ditch, but with them gone she quickly approached the trembling boy. Quickly wiping the blood from her nose and lip, she gently took his face into her hands "Mi amor, I'm so sorry, are you okay?" She wasted no time using her magic to heal his wounds, they would still hurt as if they were still there but the actual wound would be gone. She sighed as she checked his head to ensure any harm was completely gone... with a sigh she gently kissed his head, holding him close. "I-I'm okay... you were absolutely amazing" He breathed, embracing her torso. He couldn't believe her... she not only beat Kacchan, but she toyed with him.... not even taking their fight seriously enough to use her quirk. He continued to gush over her, from her stance, her endurance, her pain tolerance...
        "OMG YOUR HURT" he screamed lifting his head to stare at her face... he gasped as the swirls of magic slowly healed her wounds... small burn scars were left on her cheek back near her ear, and her lip held a small scar right in the center of her bottom one. "Amazing" He whispered. Kacchan and his friends were also left awestruck, for a much different reason than Izuku but nonetheless.  "Thank you, for being my protector" He gently pecked her lips... blushing at his action but flashed her a warm smile. "F-for some reason.... my hero doesn't sound like it means enough. He whispered against her lips explaining his reasoning for his change of words. Pulling away from him slowly, she began to stand, ensuring to help Izuku on his way up as well. Wincing at the pain in his head, Izuku assured her he was okay, once both were standing and safe, Y/n looked back to where Kacchan was still sitting on the ground, his friends now by his side. His eyes held nothing but pure hatred and disgust at the couple. Izuku glanced at Kacchan and shrived at his glare, as a way to shield him Y/n grabbed his hand and began heading towards the exit of the school grounds. Making sure to pick up their bags and Flipping Kacchan the bird as they turned their backs...
        "Come on Izuku.... if we want you in the U.A with me we got some training to do" Izuku laced his fingers with hers, staring at her with awe and nodding along to her words... it took a moment for them to register but eventual as they made the turn onto the streets he gasped "YOU GOT ACCEPTED!!???" She giggles at his realization, only nodding to confirm his suspicions. "YEP and once you pass that entrance exam you will too!" As they approached the park that was only a block from their school, Y/n stopped standing in front of Izuku. "So let's work hard together so we can accomplish this dream of yours!" She held out her fist, a way the two of them made a promise... "Let's flip this world on its head! No matter what it takes! WE WILL BE HEARD" She yelled pumping her other fist into the air. Her bright smile was blinding to him.... he wanted to change the world.... he wanted to be seen, and he knew no matter what it took Y/n would ensure it happened. Meeting her fist he smiled at his lover, "What it takes" His voice held pure determination. "To be a hero...." He glanced back at the school they had just come from... hated suddenly crossed his mind... for that school, Kacchan, this society. "No" He set his other hand on her shoulder, causing her to look at him. "TO BE HEARD NO MATTER WHAT" His face was smiling once again... fueled with love and reassurance knowing that no matter what Y/n would be there for him. 'To be a Hero.... or maybe' they both thought to themselves.
Okay, this will continue!!!! UGH I LOVE THIS OC SOO MUCH (RANT TIME) Kacchan has grown on me a little but sometimes people forget just how badly he treated Izuku Thank you all for the support and love!!! HAVE A GREAT DAY AND REMEMBER TO EAT, DRINK, AND LOVE YOURSELF BYEEEEEE LOVE YOU ALL
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anemoarchonhoe · 2 years
Imagine Bayo!reader using the demon slave or just wicked weaves and the more sentient demons arguing or teasing the shit outta the characters, Xiao and Chongyun especially. I feel like Hu Tao would have a blast with them and Cloud Retainer would probably study the Umbran clock tower and wartrain Gouon. I think reader would tell Zhongli about the history of the umbra witches and lumen sages and the witch hunts and Shenhe and Ganyu about how they normally beat up angels and the like. And reader just going off one Childe switching weapons out. I feel like Yun Jin and Xinyan would get along with Baal so well.
Oh imagine a normal afternoon with Itto and the gang just chilling and then they see a huge plant monster (Alraune) and a giant butterfly woman (Madama Butterfly) arguing, or just straight up fighting, and reader’s sitting there, power’s activated, wicked weaving, with popcorn rooting for Madama Butterfly to get her lick back. I feel like Itto would be a little shocked seeing other world demons. Imagine reader trying to see if they can use demon slave on HIM
Zhongli just taking a walk through nature and then hearing reader shout some enochian and then a huge sound of a dragon. So then he runs over to see reader dancing around while a giant demon dragon is wrecking havoc on huge group of treasure horders. Then they look at him and wink
This is so long I am so sorry 😭🤚🏾
Lmao imagine Baal (demon frog) and Ei looking at each other like, "omg... same name" and Venti chimes in saying "I like this Baal frog", then losing his mind when he sees Baal Zebul and requesting a duet immediately.
Chongyun and Xiao getting existential crisis over this, but you solve the problem by saying your demons are True Demons while the evil spirits they fight are just some "bootlegs". True Demons only likes to eat angels and doesn't harm humans at all, and that they work with you under a binding contract where they serve you. That set the two of them at ease. You strategically left out the part where your contracted demons will devour your soul should you die in battle. They don't need to know that.
I don't think Bayonetta!Reader would purposely use their demons on anyone in Teyvat unless it's imposter au, but even then, she won't rely on them too much. It's because demons only want angels. Though maybe vision wielders/allogenes could be exceptions since they're kinda like god candidates, and thus have some sort of divinity (vision?) on them, so they qualify as snacks. Archons definitely would be good food, they're of divine origin, and Celestia would be like Teyvat's version of Paradiso.
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The Ex Text ✓ ↠ ex boyfriend with benefits, booty call
The 2 AM texts have started again. It’s a bittersweet familiarity that you can’t run away from, and despite wishing to forget him: no one will ever measure up to the exceptional standard set by your ex, and you’ll never have anyone as good as him either. Like a permanent mark on your heart, Jungkook’s presence has become an insatiable craving, an addiction you’ll never outgrow or cast aside. ❤︎ ☺︎ ☹︎
Oh Brother ✓ ↠ brother’s best friend, college au, pwp
Things are bound to get messy when you fuck your brother’s best friend repeatedly. Better not get caught, for both of your sakes. ❤︎
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The Taste of Sin ✓ ↠ witch/warlock au, s2l, black magic au
Following his sister’s passing, Taehyung faced a daunting battle within himself, one where he eventually succumbed to the enveloping shadows that gripped his soul. Your task is to free him from the clutches of the black magic that now consumes him. The only problem? He doesn’t want to be saved. ☹︎ ❤︎
Ten out of Ten ✓ ↠ college au, enemies to lovers, fratboy!bangtan
For the past three years, Kim Taehyung has made it his mission to annoy you relentlessly on campus, finding every possible way to drive you up the wall during your shared classes. However, as you both enter your senior year, something strange happens. Taehyung begins to sense a shift in his energy, realizing he might just have some secret feelings for you. What unfolds when you make this earth-shattering discovery too? ❤︎
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Just Dance It Off ✓ ↠ ballet dancers au, e21, smut, angst, fluff, college au
You're over the moon when you land the female lead in the end-of-semester show. It feels like your hard work has finally paid off, everything is going great. Well, until you learn who your partner is… ❤︎ ☺︎ ☹︎
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Chasing Clouds ✎ ↠ military au, doctor au, s2l, slow burn, smut, angst, fluff, romance
Namjoon made the decision early on in his training that he would abstain from dating or entering any form of relationship while in active duty. He’s determined not to burden anyone with the likelihood of being to be notified of his death or causing pain to someone he loves by his long absence. Ironically, he found himself drawn to you, a doctor who challenges his beliefs and contradicts everything he upholds.
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Baby Maker ✓ ↠ slice of life, romance, fluff, smut, newlyweds
You and Yoongi have been relishing the comfort of your newly married life, savoring each moment together. However, there’s an additional want tugging at your heartstrings – the thought of becoming a mother. That’s right, you want a baby. Yoongi isn’t sure if he’s ready for the journey of bringing a baby into your lives. But he’ll agree to anything that makes you happy, and if it’s a baby you want, it’s a baby you’ll get. ❤︎ ☺︎
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All About You ✎ ↠ hockey au, pro athletes, OT7 (oneshots for each member)
The upcoming season for the Denver Dragons is predicted to be an absolute game-changer! From lightning-fast breakaways to jaw-dropping saves, get ready to witness a showcase of skill, determination, and pure passion in both the game on the ice and the one in these player’s hearts. The team is hungrier than ever, prepared to do whatever it takes to secure their victory. With rivalries heating up, new talent on the rise, and fresh sparks flying, this season promises unforgettable matchups that will have fans on the edge of their seats. So grab your jerseys and get ready to witness what this season has coming. Let the games begin!
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