#oh i could go up in flames right this moment
Rowaelin Month 2024, Day 19: A Day with the Kids (canon) @rowaelinscourt
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: none!!! enjoy the fluffy fluffs!
“Mama?” A knock pattered softly against the half-open door of Aelin’s study, and a pair of irresistibly huge emerald eyes peered into the room. “May I come in, Mama?” 
Aelin set aside the stack of letters she was reading through and turned in her seat, opening her arms to her youngest daughter. “Of course you can, my little love.” 
Rielle Whitethorn Galathynius, all of seven years old, came slowly into the study, looking curiously around at the shelves of leather-bound books, journals, rolled-up maps, and scattered artifacts that lined the walls of the queen’s study. After a moment, though, she raced to her mother and all but threw herself into Aelin’s lap. Aelin laughed and caught her daughter, kissing her wild silvery-blonde curls. “Hi, lovey.” 
“You’re so busy, Mama,” Rielle murmured, small hands curling into the soft cotton of Aelin’s loose blouse. 
“Never too busy for my family,” Aelin promised. “What’s going on?” 
Her daughter’s eyes glossed over with tears. “When are Dada and Lana gonna come home?” 
Aelin pulled her youngest close, rubbing a hand up and down her back. “Well, according to the letter that Lana just sent me, they should be home in a couple of days. Definitely by the end of the week.” Gently, she brushed a stray tear off Rielle’s cheek. “I know they’ve been away for a while, lovey, and I know Dada misses you too.” Rowan and Lana, their oldest daughter, had gone to Doranelle for a few weeks to visit Sellene and give Lana the chance to train at the Academy that the Fae Queen of the East had established for all young magic-wielders. 
Rielle’s lower lip quivered. “I miss Lana,” she whispered. The oldest and youngest Whitethorn children had a close bond, even though they were nearly fifteen years apart in age. 
Aelin kissed her baby girl’s forehead. “I know, lovey.” She glanced out the study’s wide, arching windows, looking down into the courtyard, and an idea sparked. “Do you want to go practice with me?” 
Nodding, Aelin curled a ribbon of golden flame around Rielle’s head. “Practice.” 
The little girl beamed and jumped off her mother’s lap, ecstatic. “Yes!” 
“All right.” Aelin stood up, reshuffled the papers on her desk, and left the study hand in hand with her daughter. Rielle chattered excitedly as they came out to the courtyard, where two of her siblings were already sparring with a mix of wooden practice knives and their magic. 
Light as air, Charlotte danced circles around her brother Brannon, flicking ice darts against his shield of hard air even as she slashed at him with the wooden dagger in her free hand. Bran fended off each stroke, but Aelin could tell that her son was starting to flag under the constant strain of Charlotte’s offense. He broadened his shield, pushing wind behind it to propel him forward against her onslaught, lunging at her with the short wooden sword in his left hand, but she swiftly gathered her darts into a long ice sword and batted away his lunge. 
“Watch your right, B!” Aelin called across the courtyard, and Bran flicked his sword sideways just barely in time to dodge the sly jab that Charlotte was sending towards his unprotected right side. 
“That’s…cheating,” he panted, clenching his fist so that his shield shrank in size. He wove a breeze around one of Charlotte’s legs and tugged, yanking her off balance. 
She swore at him as she wrenched out of his magic’s grasp. “Says the dirty cheat himself.” With a flick of her wrist, her ice sword shattered into tiny, bladed crystals that she shot at Bran’s shield. He grunted under the onslaught and focused hard enough on blocking that attack that he didn’t notice her swoop in with her wooden dagger and jab him hard in the thigh. He topped with a yelp, and she had her practice blade at his throat in seconds. “Do you yield?” 
He grumbled in frustration and tried to wriggle free, but she pinned him with ice around his wrists and ankles. “Gods damn it! I yield.” 
Charlotte retracted her ice and let Bran up. He shook out his wrists and begrudgingly gave her a short bow. “You would’ve had me if Mum hadn’t said anything,” she said graciously. 
Some of Bran’s grumpiness—inherited directly from his father—ebbed away. “Yeah, I guess.” 
Rielle tugged at Aelin’s hand. “I can practice too, Mama!” she declared. Aelin nodded encouragingly, and Rielle walked a few paces away, closed her eyes, and pressed her hands together in concentration. After a long moment, sparks flickered between her palms, and she carefully brought her hands apart, growing the ball of red-gold flame between them. Scrunching up her little face as she focused, she grew the flames into a sphere, then a ring, then two rings that turned in circles. 
“You’re doing so good,” Aelin praised, and she spun out a ribbon of blue flame, weaving it through her daughter’s flickering flame rings. Her magic brushed up against her daughter’s power, greeting it warmly. 
“Look, Mama!” Rielle’s grin was infectious as her flames fell apart into ribbons, and she wove them through the air. Her small fingers flexed with the strain of control, and she clenched her fists, trying to spool the flames back into a ball. 
But the red-gold fire just winked out. 
Frustrated, Rielle let out a half-sob, half-yell and slumped down to the sandy ground. Aelin snuffed out her flames and dropped down next to her daughter, tucking her fingertips under Rielle’s fallen chin and lifting her face. 
“That was so good, Rielle,” she said, comforting her daughter. “Lovey, when I was your age, I could barely hold onto the fire for a few seconds, and you’re already making shapes.” 
Rielle sniffled. “Really?” 
“Really,” Aelin reassured her. “Can you show me again?” 
Slowly, Rielle nodded, and she curled into her mother’s warm embrace as she clenched her small fist and brought forth a shuddering ball of flame. Aelin cupped her hand under her daughter’s and wrapped Rielle’s flame in her own wildfire, guiding the flames into the shape of a sword. Together, she and her daughter slowly brought the sword down as if striking a blow. 
And it struck a shield of ephemeral silver flame. 
Rielle’s flames flared bright and disappeared, and she shot across the courtyard in a blur of silver-blonde curls and eager shrieking. “LANA!” Indeed, her oldest sister leaned against the archway at the entrance to the courtyard, and as Rielle launched herself up, Lana caught her, hugging her tightly. 
“That was so good!” Lana praised, grinning at her little sister. 
“Really?” Rielle’s eyes were big and hopeful. 
“Really,” Lana beamed. Unlike either her mother or her sister, the crown princess of Terrasen wielded flames of silver—moonfire, a gift that ran parallel to the Galathynius wildfire. A gift that had lain dormant until the goddess Deanna co-opted Aelin’s body that fateful day on the ship, leaving behind a remnant of her gift that had passed down to Aelin and Rowan’s firstborn. 
“Lana’s right, little love.” Rowan wrapped his arms around both girls from behind. 
Rielle shifted from her sister’s arms to her father’s embrace, beaming. “I missed you, Dada!” 
“I missed you more, little love,” Rowan murmured. He swung her up into the air, and she shrieked with joy, a cascade of laughter echoing around the courtyard. 
Lana crossed the courtyard to Aelin and wrapped her arms around her mother. Aelin smiled into her daughter’s hair, marveling at how she had grown so tall. “How was the trip?” she asked. 
“It was…a lot, but in a good way.” Lana wove a thoughtful strand of sheer fire around her wrist. “Aunt Sel and the instructors at the Academy know so much, and I hardly had any time to absorb even a little bit of it.” 
Aelin raised a brow. “And the rest of it?” 
Pink crept into the edges of Lana’s cheeks. “The rest of it was fine.” 
Aelin chuckled and took pity on her oldest. “We can chat about it later, if you want.” 
“Hopefully without half the castle snooping on us,” Lana mumbled. She turned to go and greet the rest of her siblings—which meant spar with them, probably—but flashed her mother a sly wink and a little smirk. “I hope you won’t be too scandalized.” 
“I believe your father and I are plenty scandalous enough already.” Aelin winked right back. 
Lana groaned loudly and covered her eyes. “No!” She headed across the courtyard, seeking refuge from her mother’s naughty humor in the laughter and companionship of her siblings. 
Have we not scandalized her enough already? Rowan’s amusement curled around the corners of her mind. 
Never. Aelin winked slyly at her husband. One might think, though, that after twenty-two years and, perhaps a love of her own, our crown princess wouldn’t be quite so shocked. 
Do not get me started on Lana’s lover—life. On her love life. 
You know I heard that. 
You’ll forget about it soon enough. Rowan slid his arms around Aelin’s waist, one broad hand landing squarely on her hip, his thumb moving in a languid, heated touch. 
She dipped her fingers under the hem of his shirt, dragging her nails lightly across his smooth, warm skin and reveling in his tightly leashed inhale. Is that a promise, buzzard?
It is. That quickly, he turned her own game right back around at her as he brushed a teasingly light kiss against the side of her neck. 
Welcome home, love. She rose onto her tiptoes to kiss him, and he cupped the back of her head, supporting her. We missed you. 
Missed you more. He kissed her again. 
A shower of snowflakes burst over the queen and king’s heads, abruptly yanking them apart. From the other side of the courtyard, their children were alternately catcalling or groaning with theatrical disgust, though they’d all long since grown used to their parents showing affection. 
“Are you done yet?” Lana teased, snickering. 
Aelin laughed. “She’s got the commanding voice, for sure.” 
“She’ll be a wonderful queen one day,” Rowan agreed, his eyes soft, distant. 
Naturally, Charlotte chose that moment to drop a handful of conjured snow down Bran’s shirt, and he shrieked like a small child and chased her around the courtyard and into the gardens, as if the two of them were children rather than nearly adults. Rielle, seeing the fun, hurtled after her older siblings, yelling “You’re it! You’re it!” and Lana, with a flash of a wildfire grin, followed suit. 
“They’re a handful,” Rowan chuckled, pulling Aelin back against his chest. 
She smiled, the warmth of it radiating from her face. “They’re our handful, love.”
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osarina · 20 hours
Waking up next to Chuuya or Dazai must feel like heaven, because who wouldn't wanna have a handsome lad next to themselves ? So if the waking part is that good, then it means that the former moment, aka the ZZzzzz , must have some disadvantage to it.
First off, Dazai: this guy has NO bed etiquette whatsoever. The very first time you share the bed you can already say bye bye to your blanket because he is HOGGING that shit!!! If that was not enough for you to send him straight to the couch then maybe the fact that he will absolutely not stay still, always moving and changing positions, which sends you to the good ol' floor ™ , will make you do it. I could also go on that he is a sleeptalker and one of those weird af individuals that undress themselves to literal nakedness while asleep but I feel like he has been flamed enough already.
Chuuya whereas snors like a middle aged father of 4 (and shockingly, gets louder when he drank beforehand, how is this even possible????), runs hot 24/7 and sends you temperature wise straight to Florida Keys and Miami because he is not just the big spoon, he is the iron one (which is sooooo cute and romantic at first, to be held like that until it turns into an oh no! situation once you realize that you gotta go to the toilet though)
Feel free to add more stuff or disagree
(and just to be clear, this review is very /lh, love these two dummies)
dazai TRULY has 0 bed etiquette, and yk what, the night starts out fine too. he lays on his side of the bed or he curls up at your side, and it's soooooo precious to see him sleeping for once because this man RARELY lets himself sleep, but once he's knocked out ... the first time you're woken up, it's because he's literally sprawled entirely on top of you and his elbow is digging into your side. you have to shove him off of you because you literally cannot BREATHE. the second time you wake up, it's cuz you're literally SHIVERING because this man has taken all of the blankets and demands for the AC to be cranked even though he's always cold. the third time you wake up, it's because he literally can't sleep if he's not touching you in some manner, so he becomes restless and starts moving in his sleep trying to seek you out. you get a foot to the shin and a hand to the face before he finally manages to get his arms around you to curl back up next to you ... and of course the cycle repeats after that. dazai is a HELLISH bed partner but </3 he's pretty so it makes up for it
LMAOOOOOOOOOOO CHUUYA SNORING HELP ME WHY IS THAT SO ACCURATE, and you know this man adamantly denies it too. "wdym i don't snore" and he gets SOOO passionate about it. even when you take a video to show him, he accuses you of editing it bc he refuses to admit he snores like a fucking truck. IM CRYING BC NOT ONLY DOES HE RUN HOT BUT YOU LITERALLY CANNOT ESCAPE HIM, so not only do you have to pee desperately but you're also sweating because he's literally a FURNACE
they're such LOSERS i love them pls this made me giggle i love YOU
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navramanan · 7 months
persian women took the killing of a kurdish woman and the resulting jin jîyan azadî movement, inherently kurdish in its origins, and portrayed it to the world as theirs instead of acknowledging where it came from. it will never not make me angry
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deadsetobsessions · 7 months
Of all the places he could have been summoned to, Danny Phantom had never considered a private school’s bathroom to be one of them.
With glowing green skin, a shock of flickering flames for hair, and a suit made out of the spaces between collapsing stars, Danny stared down at the stupefied faces of Gotham Academy’s finest students. One of them had their face in their hands, having caught sight of him and undergoing all the stages of grief in but a moment.
They sat around a circle that he was appropriately impressed with considering the limited space they had to work with. Danny could see the empty stalls, some of which were adorned with drawings and writings that were left by the, no-doubt, extremely busy caretaker.
“Seriously, a bathroom?” Danny wrinkled his nose.
“Holy shit, that actually worked?” One of the kids blurted out, then slammed their hands on top of their mouth.
“Did you expect it not to?” Danny squinted at them, frowning. It’s Friday, so it’s not like he had much to do, but Danny would prefer it if his time wasn’t wasted.
“No- no, your… uh, highness?”
“All of that schooling and you’re still uneducated,” one of the other ones hissed at the red headed kid who spoke. It’s “Your Majesty.” He’s a king, idiot!”
That was a pretty solid burn but, “It’s actually just Phantom. Did you guys want something? I’m busy.”
He’s not busy, but who cares?
“Uh…” the kids exchanged glances. The one in the back sighed and spoke up. He adjusted his glasses.
“We’re sorry for bothering you, Phantom. You wouldn’t happen to have a solution for dimensional separation, would you?”
“Huh.” Danny tilted his head, face souring. “I hate dimensional issues. They’re the worst. Who’s causing them?”
“His name’s Klarion!” The one who slapped a hand across his mouth earlier piped up.
“Oh! The lords of chaos or whatever. Yeah, I can help, for a price.”
Danny is against unpaid labor. Extremely against it, considering his side gig is being a half-dead vigilante. Then again, are you really a vigilante if you’re not half dead on a regular basis?
“What do you want?” Despite the reluctance from earlier, it’s clear the one with the glasses made the big decisions in this weird friend group.
“… A hundred dollars.”
“That’s it? No stipulations?” When Danny nodded, the kid had a calculating expression. “Deal.” The teen said immediately. He pulled out cash and wow, Danny’s definitely in a place with a different tax bracket.
He snatched it. Nasty burger money!
“Deal’s a deal. Also, don’t ever summon me again, but if you do, don’t ever do it in a bathroom again. You kids are so weird.” Danny floated out of the circle, grinning sharply. He formed a small bird- he doesn’t know why, but it felt right- of ice and handed it to the kid with glasses. “There. Proof of the deal.”
With that, Danny disappeared. Private school kids were so fucking weird, but… Dash and his goons were probably worse. What’s a little ritualistic summoning in the face of teenagers?
“I leave you guys alone for ten minutes and you summon the king of the dead?” Robin narrowed his eyes at his teammates, traitors who had the good graces to look sheepish. “How could you?! I wanted to try, too!”
Kid Flash patted him on the shoulder, a granola bar appearing in his mouth now that the possible world ending terror disappeared. “Sorry, Rob. Maybe next time! Magic still isn’t real though.”
“I’m not doing this shit in a bathroom again,” Artemis rolled back to her feet. “He sounded like he was going to rip our bones out if we ever summoned him in a bathroom again.”
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alastorss · 7 months
brother i still have no idea how tumblr works and this is my first request and it might not even be in the right place but—
why does NO ONE talk about the fact that “Allie” would be such a silly nickname for Alastor? i would love to see some headcanons/a lil story about how he would react to the reader calling him that. maybe completely detests it at first but secretly likes it?
a/n: hello lovely, you've come to the right place 🫶 yes yes yes!!! i'm obsessed with this idea <3 i'm adding to this: he would think you're mad at him when you finally call him normally again ^ ^
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
"What did you say?"
"Huh?" You hum, attention devoted to fixing Alastor's bowtie.
"That thing you just said. Repeat it."
You finally blink at him, using your palms to smooth out the front of his jacket before stepping out of his bubble. "I said your tie was undone."
"No, dear, before that."
The Radio Demon can feel his eye twitching in irritation. You look at him again dumbly, trying to retrace your steps.
"Oh!" You flash him a little smile and he thinks his brain is going to explode. "Allie?"
He just gawks at you, surprised by the sheer audacity you have. And it doesn't help that he's so fond of you that he doesn't even want to strike you down.
Had it been someone else calling him so endearingly, he might have done something violent. But how could he do that to you, his darling companion, when you look so sweet calling him such a ridiculous name?
"My apologies but... where did that come from?"
"Isn't it cute?" You grin, completely dodging his question.
No, he wants to say. Absolutely not. However, your smile is ever-growing and he can't very well deny you this pleasure. So he sucks it up, draws in a deep inhale to compose himself, and nods.
"Of course, cher."
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Weeks pass and the rest of your friends in the hotel begin to raise a brow at how casually you address such a powerful Overlord. And more than that, he doesn't seem to want to correct you.
It becomes his name reserved exclusively for you. Angel had tried, once, to purr out Allie in a seductive way that made Alastor's skin crawl. Never again.
He gets used to it. Even likes the idea that there is something shared between you that no one else can have. That is, until you're pushing around your breakfast on a plate one morning.
"Can you pass the salt, Alastor?"
He looks up from his mug of coffee in confusion, brain taking a moment to buffer before it catches up with his already moving mouth.
"Alastor?" He repeats his own name, staring at you intensely and most definitely not passing the salt over the table.
You look back up at him blankly. "That's your name, don't wear it out."
He scoffs at your lame joke before sliding the salt shaker over the table. There's something unsettling him and he can't quite place it.
Setting down his newspaper, he watches you as you eat. His gaze is so fiery that you look up from your food almost instantly.
"What's wrong?"
"Are you alright? Have I done something to upset you?"
Your brows scrunch. "No, why?"
"Why did you not call me Allie?"
Complete and utter silence settles over the dining table until he feels like he can't breathe. Your spoonful of food hovers just in front of your open mouth as you stare.
Then, laughter. Laughter fills the room and his ears so heartily that he feels it in his own chest. You double over the table in your fit, spoon clinking onto the plate as you drop it.
"What?" He grumbles.
"Of course I'm not mad at you!" You howl, using a finger to wipe up the tears gathering in your eyes. "'Sides, I thought you hated that name?"
His jaw grows taut. "Hate is a powerful word."
"So you like it?"
"Absolutely not!"
"Liar, you do!"
Alastor is never one to get flustered, but here he is for the first time in his afterlife, teetering on the edge of bursting out in flames. "You are terrible, you know that?"
You snicker, leg getting trapped between his under the table. "Yeah, Allie, I know."
Yet the way his smile softens says it all.
taglist: @the-lake-is-calling @dragons-and-dwarves-are-nice @averylonelysea @bri22222 @cxrsedwxrlds @amarokofficial @anae-naea-zacheria @for-hearthand-home @fantasy-is-best @angixyc (send an ask to be added!)
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sturnsdarling · 29 days
You're much better company, tough girl
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fratboy!matt has met his match with smartand'mean'!reader, and he can't get enough of her
vibe check: SMUT, mattthemunch, unprotected cuddle time (I'd tell you to wrap it but i'm not your mother) bigdick!matt, choking, spitting, praise, reader strumming the bean, pet names (angel, tough girl), all that good stuff.
4k words
A/N: This concept was born from and is my take on the wonderful, amazing and ridiculously talented @sturnioz fratboy!matt au, and its also my first fic so, be kind. PSA REGARDING PART 2
love and cigs, merc
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The autumn air was cold, and the fishnets on your legs weren’t doing you any favours. you’d snuck out the party to escape the weirdo guy that was basically stalking you since you had arrived. You'd hoped to find your friend, but she was somewhere tangled up with one of the resident frat boys, her shy demeanour acting like catnip to the renowned player Chris Sturniolo. You found yourself outside the front of the house, genuinely considering leaving, but knowing your friend would need company once Chris inevitably got bored of her. From around the corner, you heard  a lighter flick and the deep inhale that normally follows, turning and walking down to the side of the house, you saw a shadowy figure being periodically illuminated by the butt of his cigarette. 
"What're you doin’ out here?" you questioned, walking over to Matt who was leant against the side of the house, trying to escape the "new age, shit rap music" Chris put on.
Matt held up the cig in his fingers and gave you a short smile, before placing the cigarette between his lips and taking a long drag, his jawline becoming even more prominent as his cheeks hollowed slightly. 
"Thought you didn't smoke?" you said, arms folded over your chest as the cold air bit at your nearly bare legs. 
"I don't smoke weed, but, I do love my cigs" He held the open box out to you and you pulled one out, placing it between your lips gently. He brandished his silver lighter in front of your face and lit the cigarette, absentmindedly staring at the way the flame illuminated your features. 
"Chris is the stoner, kid fuckin' loves it" He said as he flicked the lighter closed and placed it back in his pocket. 
"Cigarettes still contain drugs, y'know that right?" You smirked, taking a drag and letting the smoke come out with every word. 
"Yes, smart-ass I know that" He quipped back, "everyone needs a vice, you know?" 
You giggled slightly as his philosophy, "a vice? you need something to help you escape the plaguing reality of being a frat bro?”, smiling as you placed the cig between your teeth and took another drag.
“Ugh, don't call me that" he responded, spitting the foul taste out of his mouth onto the floor, "besides..." He paused to take a drag, "If I was a frat bro, which I'm not, I could have a plaguing sense of reality, frat boys have feelings too you know, kid" he smiled, his perfect teeth almost reflecting the light from the street lamps. 
“oh, do tell, what plagues the infamous Matthew Sturniolo" you grinned at him, rolling your eyes in faux sympathy.
"Infamous? ouch.” He held his hand to his chest, pretending to be offended. 
Pausing for a moment, he looked at you and then to the floor, shuffling where he leant slightly and shrugging his shoulders, "I dunno, l've always got somthin' going on up there" He gestured to his temple with the cig in his fingers.
“But, 'nough about me, what're you doin' out here?" he asked, desperately trying to change the topic from himself, pointing his cigarette at you in an accusatory
"Came lookin’ for you" you said, blowing the smoke from your pursed lips. 
His eyebrows raised at your confession, "Me?" He questioned. 
"mhm" You nodded, taking another drag. 
“Why?” his brows furrowed as smoke bellowed out his open mouth. 
“I didn’t actually, jus' thought you’d like the flattery” You chuckled, ashing your cigarette.
“wow, okay, how tough are you?” He smirked, standing up from his leant position and throwing his cigarette to the floor, just before stamping it out. 
“Me? tough? never.” You said sarcastically, placing your cigarette back in your mouth. 
Matt came forward slightly and pulled the tiny stick from your lips, placing it between his own and taking a drag whilst maintaining a firm stare. You watched him intently, your big eyes burning holes into his as he placed the cigarette back into your mouth. 
“You didn’t answer my question, kid” he said, his tone faltering as he blew the smoke from his mouth.
a long huff left your mouth as you rolled your eyes, “I needed to escape this guy, he was fuckin’ relentless and I was not into it”. 
Matt paused for a moment, still baring down into you, “yeah?” half of his teeth coming onto display as a smirk encapsulated his face, “what are you into?” he asked, tilting his head to the side slightly so he was even closer to you, his breath nearly touching the cold apples of your cheeks. 
As he was speaking you took a long drag, and in response to his clear attempt to rile you up, you blew the smoke into his face with pursed lips and a smile. Matt blinked slowly with raised brows at your bravery, letting the wind carry the smoke from his face. 
“What do you think i’m into, Matthew?” you asked, matching his earlier cadence. 
“I think, you act all tough, but really, you want someone to tell you to sit down, shut up, and to take it like the pretty, pretty girl you are” he said, so non-challant you’d think he was explaining that the sky is blue. 
Your breath hitched in your chest, and your eyes fluttered slightly, not quite fully closing. 
A cheshire cat smile formed on Matts face, he knew exactly what type of girl you were from the moment he laid eyes on you on the first day of the semester. 
“You think I’m pretty?” you asked in a condescending tone, pulling your confidence back, trying to ignore the growing sensation in your stomach. 
Matt simply nodded in response, tucking a messy strand of hair behind your ear and letting his fingers trail down past your neck and over your bare arms. At some point during your back and forth, Matt had edged his face impossibly close to yours, he hooked a finger under your chin and pulled your head up to face him, 
“I think you’re beautiful, tough girl” he whispered, almost into your mouth as it parted with his words. 
With that, you threw your cigarette to the floor and thrust your lips into his, the force pushing him backwards to into the wall he was leant on only moments ago. His hands found your waist, pulling you in tight against him as yours pulled and tugged at the loose brown curls on the back of his head. The kiss was feverish, animalistic and messy, you were positioned snug between his legs as one of his hands found its way to the covered flesh of your ass, he squeezed it with a low growl and slapped it quickly after, rubbing the sting away with a soft hand. The sensation caused you to whimper into his mouth, jolting against him as his hand smacked your ass. He chuckled into the kiss, his hands roaming all the way up your back and into your hair. He pulled you off him with a firm hand wrapped around the back of your neck.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to hear you make noises like that” he dipped his head down, capturing your neck in his teeth and soothing the sting with a flat, warm tongue. 
“Matt” you whispered, your head hanging on your shoulders, resting in Matts large palm. “What’s up, angel?” he murmured from the curve where your neck and shoulders meet.
“I’m not—shit— I’m not gonna fuck you round the side of your house” You manage to get out, slightly distracted by the sensation of Matt nipping at sucking at your neck. 
“Let’s go inside then” You even mentioning fucking him was enough permission to take your hand and drag you inside. 
The music boomed against your skull as he pulled you through the party with your hand in his, both of you ignoring everyone that tried to spark up some kind of drunken conversation. He led you up the large staircase in the centre of the main room, his focus on your destination only faltering to glance at Chris who, had your best friend tucked under his arm on the sofa, the pair exchanged a knowing look and Chris shot Matt a wink, quickly returning his attentions to the shy girl perched next to him. As you and Matt reached the top of the staircase, he turned, pulling you into him for the second time that night for a desperate kiss. This time, he leant down, taking the backs of your thighs in his hands with a tap that you knew meant ‘jump’. You obliged and within moments, you were being thrust into his dimly lit bedroom. He kicked the door closed with his foot, never breaking the kiss, and walked the two of you over to his bed, placing you down somewhat gently onto the brown satin sheets. 
“You’re so pretty, y’know that?” he said breathlessly, breaking the kiss to tear off his red sweatshirt. 
“I think you mentioned it once or twice” You replied, desperately clawing at the back of his neck to pull him back into you, your legs loose around his waist. 
“Such a smart-ass” he groaned, his hand suddenly gripping your throat as he pushed you back down onto his sheets, squeezing the sides of your neck. 
You moaned at the sensation, brows furrowing as your hips involuntarily bucked upwards. Matt chucked at your responsiveness, his hand trailing down your chest to toy with the hem of your top. 
“Can I take this off?” He asked, softly. 
“mhm” you nodded, desperately. 
“Words, angel, I need words” he halted his movements, his voice stern. 
“Yes, Matt, take it off, please”  The pleading in your tone evident, despite your attempt to be moody. 
“Begging already? I knew I’d like you” with that he pulled your top over your head and left you exposed in your lacy black bra, your hard nipples perking through the sheer fabric. 
“Fuck” Matt uttered under his breath, his large hands roaming around your nearly bare torso. 
He couldn’t help himself, he leant down, pulling the thin fabric from your tit and wrapped his mouth around your hardened nipple, grinding down onto your core as he did, chasing the friction. Your head rolled back at the feeling, and as if on instinct, your hips rolled against his. Matt trailed his kisses down your stomach, each one igniting a hot fire all over your skin. He hooked his fingers round the hem of your skirt, still trailing hot, wet kisses down your heaving torso. He looked up at you, being met with your pleading eyes staring down at him.
“Can I?” he tugged slightly at your skirt. 
“yes, please” you nodded frantically, lifting your hips up to aid him in removing the fabric that separated his mouth from your aching cunt. 
“Such a fast learner, such a good girl” he smiled as he pulled your skirt down over your knees, leaving you in nothing but your bra, fishnets and thin black panties. 
“Jesus christ” he said as he perched on his knees by the edge of the bed, “these are staying on” he said, caressing your legs with firm hands. 
He edged his hands further down towards your core, spreading your thighs apart for him as he lowered himself down, hooking your legs over his shoulders. As his hands reached where you ached for him the most, he pressed firm fingers across your pussy, rubbing upwards and finishing his movement with a short circle of both of his thumbs over your throbbing clit. With one quick motion, he ripped a hole in your fishnets, exposing your dripping cunt to him as your wetness seeped through the thin fabric of your thong. His eyes might as well have sparkled at the sight, 
“Look at that, tough girl, you’re all wet over me taking charge” he said, taking a finger and swiping it up the wetness that had collected  at the entrance to your pussy. 
You whimpered, bucking your hips once again at the stimulation, whining slightly in attempts to coax him into touching you properly. 
“I need to taste you, angel, can I?” he asked, like a boy begging to stay up to see Santa on christmas morning. 
“Yes, Matt, please, fuckin' hurry up already” you whine, desperate and aching for any sense of relief from this agonising feeling. 
He didn’t need any more permission, with a low hum (more like a fucking growl), he pulled your soaked panties to the side with vigour and latched his mouth around your clit. Your back arched off the bed immediately, his tongue sending sweet euphoria up your spine as it toyed with your sensitive bud. The moan that escaped you was pornographic, and it only egged him on further. He slipped his tongue into your entrance, lapping at the juices that seeped from your hole as his thumb found your clit, moving in slow circles over the sensitive bud. He moaned into your pussy, as if he was getting off on eating you out, the vibrations from his groaning only adding to the knot growing in your stomach. Your hands found his hair, tugging at the messy brown curls that covered his beautiful face as he devoured you. 
“Fuck, Matt, that feels so fucking good” you cried out, tears pricking at your eyes as he moved once more to suck on your clit. 
His fingers swirled and prodded at your slick entrance, your walls nearly sucking him in as they clenched around nothing. He took your incessant moans as invitation to insert two long fingers all the way inside of you, curling up into that perfect gummy spot as he did. Your thighs clenched around his head, tensing and shaking as he brought you to the edge. He raised himself up slightly, pushing your legs apart with his forearms and pinning you down under his weight, his fingers relentlessly curling into you as he sucked and lapped at your clit, desperate to make you come undone all over his mouth. You tugged at his curls once more, earning a deep groan from him that vibrated around your clit and, that feeling, coupled with the warm pressure of his body weight on your thighs and his intense, animalistic eye contact, sent you over the edge. Your orgasm ripped through you, your whole body shaking as you moaned his name over and over again, bucking your hips up into his face as he continued his pace, mercilessly lapping at your sopping pussy. You started to tether on the edge of overstimulation just as he pulled his mouth from you, his fingers still pumping in and out of your dripping cunt. You stared down at him with fluttery eyes, your fingers caressing his scalp as he helped you ride out your orgasm with a tender smile and tiny bites down the inside of your thigh. 
He pulled his fingers from you and got to his feet, the bed shifted under his weight as he brought himself up to hover over you. 
He traced the outline of your plump lips with the tip of his finger, asking for invitation. You obliged and opened your mouth, exposing a flat tongue to him. 
“Taste how sweet you are, angel. fuckin’ delicious” He said, placing his fingers on your tongue before edging them down your throat, watching intently as you gagged around them. 
He chuckled slightly at your submissiveness, pulling his fingers from your throat and trailing them down your chin. He placed a firm palm on the front of your neck and pulled you into a kiss, his face still wet from your cum. You whimpered into the kiss, frantic hands moving down in between you in attempts to unbutton his jeans. He smiled into the kiss and squeezed the sides of your throat with his fingers, bucking his hips into your hands as they freed him of the confines of the thick denim. He assisted you in pushing his jeans down his legs, not once breaking the kiss as he expertly shuffled them off and kicked them across the room. He crawled back on top of you and pushed you further up the bed, with one hand on the back of your thigh and the other round your neck, he hooked your leg over his waist and began to grind down into your sensitive core, the fabric of his black boxers giving just the right amount of friction between you. 
“Matt, I need you inside of me, now.” you whine, the demand sending shivers up Matts spine as he locked eyes with you. 
“What’s the magic word, pretty girl” He smirked, you rolled your eyes in response and brought your other leg to hook around his waist, your feet locking him in. 
“Please, matt” you reluctantly (you loved it) begged. 
“So good for me, angel” he smiled as your hands snaked their way into his boxers, palming his hard cock. 
Your eyes widened slightly at the size and he noticed, a sense of pride washing over him, “Bigger than you thought it would be?” he smirked.
 A wave of nervousness overcame you but you pushed it down, biting your lip and tightening your grip on his throbbing member, “I always knew you’d be huge, the quiet ones always are” you said, pumping him slowly. 
He couldn’t help but rut into your hand, his head falling into the curve of your neck as he palmed your tit, pinching at your hard nipple whilst his other hand left bruises on your thigh. Small whispers left his mouth and fell onto your skin, his warm breath only turning you on even more. You pushed his boxers down completely and he kicked them off, looking down at where you were attempting to line him up with your weeping entrance. 
“So needy, huh? tough girl? lemme help you angel” He pressed his tip against your folds and aided you in guiding himself into your slick walls. 
The feeling of him stretching you out made your back arch off the bed, your hands flying to the sheets for some sort of leverage. He chuckled slightly, slowly thrusting his leaking tip in and out of you, letting you adjust to his size inch by inch as he trailed soft kisses down your jaw and neck, biting every so often only to sooth the sting with his warm tongue. 
The feeling was euphoric, he was somehow keeping you between feeling completely satisfied and overstimulated all at once. 
“fuck, angel” he drew out, “y'so fuckin’ tight and m'not even half way in— Jesus christ- y'gonna be the death of me” he grunted, capturing your open mouth in a wet and tender kiss, his tongue pressed against yours as he thrusted into you completely, bottoming out. 
You both moan at the feeling, your legs tensed around his waist and your arms found home draped over his shoulders, hands tangled in his hair. 
He pulled out of you almost entirely, still kissing you mercilessly before thrusting into you again, this time with a lot more force. You moaned into his mouth, tugging at his hair to counter the sting of your pussy, blissfully stretched out around him and aching for him to move faster. 
Matt broke the kiss, taking your jaw in his hand and squeezing your mouth open, he gathered a ball of spit in his mouth and lowered it towards yours. You caught it on your tongue and swallowed it with a smile as he watched in awe.
“You’re perfect” he uttered, leaning down to kiss your squished lips before releasing your jaw and earning another smile from you. 
With that, he set a relentless pace, fucking you into the bed with each hard thrust. You moaned out his name, pulling him in impossibly close to you with both your grip round his waist and your hands in his hair. His head fell next to yours, hot breath panting in your ear as he moaned and whimpered at the feeling of your slick walls clenching around him. 
“Fuck matt, you're so big, stretching me out s’much, oh my fucking god” you trail off, your words bouncing with every merciless thrust. 
“Take it angel, fuckin’ take it, I know you can” he panted into your ear, sucking on the lobe. 
He slowed his pace but fucked you harder, each thrust inciting a pornographic moan from your lips. 
“you sound s'good when you moan, so fuckin’ sexy” he groaned, pounding into you harder just to earn those beautiful whimpers from you. 
His tip formed a bulge in your lower stomach, poking out of you over and over again as he hit your g-spot, bringing you closer to the edge for the second time that night. You brought a hand up to his mouth, silently asking for permission to collect some spit from the pad of his tongue, he obliged, biting your fingers slightly before you pulled them from his mouth and placed them down between the two of you, rubbing fast circles over your clit. The stimulation made your walls clench around him, milking his painfully hard cock. 
“Fuck, oh my, fuck, keep doing that, pretty girl, keep touching yourself for me” his command comes out in a near whimper. 
“Matt, m'gonna— “ before you could even finish your sentence, your orgasm hit you like a freight train, your thighs shaking around his waist as white hot tingles covered your entire body, you clenched your eyes shut and all you could see was stars as you came all over his dick. 
“You’re clenching me so hard right now angel, y'gonna make me cum, look at me pretty girl, please, let me see those pretty eyes” Matt rambled as his high was rapidly approaching, his pace quickening as his movements became sloppy, 
“cum inside me, please matt, I need it” you cried out, still reeling in the after shock of your crippling orgasm. 
With your pleading, he realised strings of warm cum inside you, coating your walls as he fucked his seed into you, riding out his orgasm, shaking and trying desperately not to buckle completely on top of you. 
He thrusted in and out a few more times before reluctantly pulling out, the cold air hitting his softening cock as he fell down next to you, immediately bringing you into his side and pulling at your limbs so you were lazily draped over him. 
You laid there, panting in each others arms, both trying to catch your breath as the sound of the party suddenly became more prominent from the other side of his bedroom door. “You” he said, still catching his breath, “are incredible.” He turned his head to look down at you.
“You’re not too bad yourself, Matthew” you smiled, bringing your finger to trace along his pink bottom lip. 
He watched as you admired the plump skin for a moment and with a smile, he bit the tip of your finger. You giggled and pulled your hand from his mouth, resting it on his now steady chest. 
“Can I see you again?” he asked, captivated by the way your face lights up when you laugh. 
“If you actually start coming to classes, you’ll see me all the time” you taunted him.
“Oh, I’m gonna have the best fuckin’ attendance in this whole college” he responded, pulling you fully on top of him. 
You squealed at the sudden movement and shifted to straddle his lap. You sat up, looking down at him as he tugged and needed at the flesh around your hips. 
“They’re all probably wondering where you are” you said, referring to the hoard of people in his home. 
“Fuck ‘em, they’re all losers anyway” he leant up closer to you, a sneaky hand came and wrapped itself around your neck, pulling you desperately close to his face.
“You’re much better company, tough girl” he whispered through a smile before capturing your mouth in a tender yet rough kiss.
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rodolfoparras · 1 month
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Four in the morning ( when you creep back into bed )
Pairing: Wolverine x Top Male Reader
Cw: 18+, fingering, anal sex, sub!wolverine, dom!male reader, fwb,
Thinking about Wolverine who’s always so impatient to wind down after a long day, calls you over to his place with someone else’s blood and guts still caked onto him.
He hasn’t even finished up the call when he’s stripping the clothes off of him, before pushing strong thighs up to his chest, spit slicked fingers working on loosening the tight ring of muscles, all while counting down how long it takes for you to get there, silently wondering if he should have someone else finish up the job instead.
By the time you arrive, he’s already driving three fingers up inside his tight wet hole, the muscles in his wrist flexing with how hard he’s going, angry red cock uselessly slapping against his stomach as he fucks himself down onto his fingers , all while frustrated noises roll off of his tongue because of course this isn’t enough to make him finish
The frustration only grows when he sees you standing motionless at the door, and he’s quick to tell you to hurry over and fuck him already, even huffing and puffing as he proceeds to turn over and present his ass for you because fuck does he have to do everything around here?
“come on come on come on” he rushes out, hand parting his cheeks to show you his hungry cunt, momentarily wondering if he should just tie you up and use you however he wants.
But just as the thought strikes his head he feels your cock brushing up against the furls of muscles, and a sigh of relief escaping his lips as you finally slide inside him.
Despite the amount of prep there’s a slight burn that comes with the stretch, muscles reflexively resistant as you sink further into him, but he happily welcomes it; toes curling, clawed nails threatening to poke hole in the sheets, as the pleasurable flames slowly but surely engulf him “mfp - ah fuck that’s it yes yes yes, took you ah took you long enough,”
He steadily takes you inch by inch till you’re buried to the hilt; ass flushed with your hips, pressed so close he can practically feel your heartbeat against his skin, even feels himself going lax in as if you’ve finally quenched the fire that’s burning inside of him.
“Couldn’t exactly teleport here now could I?”
Just as he’s about to retort with something sarcastic, you give an experimental roll of your hips cock head brushing up against the wall of nerves that knocks the wind out of him , desperately gasping for air when he demands “Fuck!, oh -oh need more come on, please!!”
“Easy there , going ah- to hurt yourself,” you splurt out , fingers digging into his hips as if to prevent yourself from ramming into the man.
Logan however couldn’t care less, uses his hips to push himself back down onto your length, body shuddering and groans escaping his lips as he starts fucking himself on your dick. “I’ll - ah - I’ll heal,”
That’s when he feels your fingers yank at his hair, pulling him back til his head is resting on your shoulder before driving up into him at a relentless pace, all while keeping a sturdy hand on his hip, turning and twisting his body as you please- as if he weighed nothing .
“This what you wanted huh?” You breathe into his ear while continuously slamming into his hungry cunt.
For a moment he’s unable to muster up a response, lost in the way you’re slamming your hips into him so hard it almost hurts, stretching his body in ways that makes him feel like he’s being split in half on your cock.
But the constant jabs to his prostate eventually coaxes the words right out of him “Yes! Yes! Yes! don’t stop fuck!” He gasps out feels himself already inching closer to his orgasm, and maybe he’d be embarrassed about it if he hadn’t been worked up for such a long time. All he can do now is keep a vice like grip on your cock fearing you’d be cruel enough to pull out when he’s so close to cumming
Fortunately for him you don’t do any of that, instead you continue ramming straight into him til the tension in his balls grow unbearable tight and he’s withering in your arms.
“Cum-cumming-“ is all he manages to blurt out, body tensing for a moment before spurting ropes of cum all over the mattress. “Mph fuck!” He cries out, , world blurring, ears ringing as he continues rides out his high in your arms.
Eventually he stops shaking in your embrace and upon catching his breath he’s hit with the smell of a coppery scent, one heavy eyelid prying open just to be met with the sight of his claws digging into your now bloody hands. A wave of panic rushes through him, and he’s quick to retract his claws before he goes to say something. But just as he’s about to speak you interrupt him “it’s okay”
He doesn’t say a word as he brings your hands to his lips, tongue slipping out and lapping up the bloody mess on your skin.
“Jesus Christ Logan,” you wince out, head dropping into the nook of his neck as he cleans you up, swears he can feel your cock twitching inside as he continues on with his task , his lips all bloody and smiling ear to ear when he says the words “Another round?”
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aajjks · 6 months
The Devil Wears Glasses (m)
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Synopsis. you were a bitch and he was your puppy.
Pairing: jungkook x Reader
Genre: bully au, mature. Fluff, angst.
warnings: sêxǔäl thèmès, YÂNDÈRÈ, dïrty thêmês, büllyïng, másôchïst kôôk, mâtürè thèmès, jèálôúsy, pôsèssïvènèss, pröfânïty.
note. OH MY GOD GUYS I JUST KNOW YOU’RE GOING TO LOVE HIM. HE’S SO UNPREDICTABLE AND THERE’S A HUGE SURPRISE SO LOOK OUT FOR THAT. ;) you can send asks for him, so let’s welcome a new jk into the multi.
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You are such a bitch.
Oh you are the bitchiest person to ever grace this planet. How can you be so insensitive? You are heartless.
You deserve to burn in the deep flames of hell. Do you even have a heart? Were you even a human at this point? You could be a witch. Oh! Yes, that must be it, because...
You have got him tranced.
What does he even see in you? Jungkook is not sure, You are only a pretty face, with a hot smokin body, But that was about it.
He should hate your guts because he hates people like you.
Because you are a bully.
And he is a sweetheart. An innocent young man. While? You are the spawn of the devil. There you stand right in front of him, Jungkook fixes his glasses, feeling so nervous.
His heart is thumping, so loud.
“Puppy!” You call out to him, his eyes widen, you’re right in front of him and his mind is going blank. He stands tall over you, but you’re the one who is in control.
It’s so obvious and ironic.
You’re so pretty. And that cruel smile on your face, is making his pants grow tighter. Fuck, you’re not supposed to have this effect on him.
“P-Please don’t pity me.” He utteres in a small voice. You raised your eyebrow as your “friend” giggles.
“Oh, aren’t you a little masochist, puppy?” You coo at him, leaning in and whispering the words in his ears. He shudders, goosebumps on his neck. A sadistic laugh leaves your lips. Your eyes fall on his face.
Red as a tomato.
He seems to be lost as you trail your freshly manicured fingers on his rather hard chest. Your finger stops for a moment, can’t believe that you’re feeling his chest up.. right in front of your friend.
Yes, he works out.. it’s important.
Your touch feels so good- oh, someone help him.
He looks up in surprise, his doe eyes widen as he closes his eyes and whimpers quietly. “God.. this is all? A simple touch is all that’s needed to bring out the sick bastard in you?”
Your tone is mocking, cold.
He bites his lip, your words are crude but so true.
“You better complete the project, jungkook. Or else.” You spit in sarcasm, your eyes hardening, his heart flutters, He is pathetic.
He quickly nod. “y-yes I will, Y-Y-Y/N!!! I-I promise, p-please don’t get angry with m-me....” he pouts as you roll your eyes and leave him alone with your friend.
He watches with heart eyes as you walk towards the other direction of the school hallway with your minion.
God. You have such a bouncy ass, and such pretty legs. He blushes shamelessly, watching you move, his sudden lewd thoughts that surround his mind are making him feel a little embarrassed,
But you’re just so perfect.
You’ve got a perfect body, And a worth dying for laugh too?
Your laugh makes him weak in the knees. No, just a glance from you is all it takes to make him fall on his knees.
The way you walk, and the way that your hips sway make his mouth water. He stands still on his spot as his hand finds itself touching his chest, where you touched him.
He smiles, You touched him!!! Again! Was it the third time or fourth? He needed to know!!! He needed to write it down.
He needed to! But.. first, he needed to give you the already completed project. He smirks.
He turns to walk where you are now.
Slowly and cautiously.
...he feels like a really bad boy for lying to you... but as much as he deserves to be punished.. he can’t bring himself to give a fuck.
And also... if he didn’t lie then how would he get to see your pretty face and feel your touch? And listen to you cuss him.
God.. that turns him on so much.
Your pretty mouth saying such dirty words... he gulps quickly. His throat is getting dry.
But he adores it the most when you called him puppy.
That was so romantic!! It was such a lovely term of endearment. His heart flutters abnormally when you called him that.
He is your puppy. “gah, I love her so much.” He gushes to himself as he walkea slowly. “She’s so lovely.. I’m going crazy.” He breathes. Walking so carelessly, lost in his fantasies as he bumped into a person.
It was yunho.
His right hand man. Jungkooks face does a complete 180 change, now, jaw clenched and his eyes... hard. “Watch where you’re going, fucker. This was the First and last time. I’ll fucking shoot you next time.” He growls in a dangerously low tone.
Making sure that you can’t hear him.
Yunho eyes widen with fear. “I-I am so sorry Sir but... this was important..” he stutters. Looking down at the floor. The weight of jungkooks murderous eyes on him is making him regret every single decision in his life.
Jungkook looks around to see that the whole hall was finally empty. Everyone has gone to their classes, even you, he scoffs in annoyance.
This fucker is going to die.
“W-We found him. The guy you asked for...”
Jungkook smirks. “Great.” at least now he will get to get his frustrations out on someone, he doesn’t exactly appreciate your stupid bitchy attitude, but- you manage to get him hard so.
Oh today is really a great day, Now he could finally be his real self. He’s getting tired of hiding to you, of course. It’s just been awhile since he got to kill someone.
He loves being always be your ever so loyal puppy, but now it’s about time he makes you his bitch.
But to the underworld. He was Jeon Jungkook.
The biggest fucking gang leader of South Korea.
Jungkook fixes his glasses once again, these glasses are fucking annoying- he needs to take them off- his eyesight is perfectly fine, but he looks cute in them like you said-
“where is my fucking homework?” He asks.
He only does your homework, and his people do his, sometimes he’s not sure what the fuck he’s doing.
he doesn’t even understand what he’s doing here because he doesn’t need to study. He just needs to take care of the business, but ever since you caught his eye when he was visiting this University, since his mother had insisted.
He wanted to be with you.
“I-I have it in my bag!”
“Fuck off now.” He growls, and Yunho doesn’t need to be told twice.
Oh, the things Jungkook does for you. It’s OK.. once he has you? You are going to find out about everything. Just a little bit more.
You were just the spawn of the devil. But he was the fucking devil himself.
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top - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 397 - NSFW and suggestive but not explicit
"...I think Barty'd be on top."
The statement makes Barty look up from his admittedly difficult Transfiguration work, and he wonders if he's hearing things. But there they are: James and Regulus sitting in the corner of the library, muttering to each other. He listens closer.
"That's bullshit and you know it, James. Evan would clearly be on top," Regulus retorts, rolling his eyes.
Barty, though embarrassed, takes a moment to at least be thankful that his best friend knows him well. But his appreciation quickly leaves as he realizes that James and Regulus shouldn't be having this conversation as they shouldn't know about any of this! He and Evan have been working hard to keep everything extremely secret.
"Nah, I think Evan would be too nervous," James insists. "Barty would be brave enough."
Barty considers this. He doesn't think it has anything to do with bravery, really, but he appreciates James's vote of confidence all the same. Actually, now that he thinks of it, it's kind of being in the other situation that requires a bit of bravery.
"Nah, Barty's not nearly as brave as he puts out," Regulus scoffs, and Barty feels a pang of anger. "Plus, he's shorter, so-"
But that's quite enough for Barty. He stands and walks over to the others. "Hey, I could just as easily be on the top as the bottom!" he insists, turning red at the fact that they're having this conversation in the middle of the library.
The others stare. "Really?" Regulus asks, looking shocked. "I thought you were afraid of heights?"
Barty thinks about this, wondering what it has to do with anything. "It doesn't matter," he shrugs, deciding not to go into details.
"Alright, then," James smirks to Regulus, like he's saying I told you so inside his head. "So Evan will take the bottom bunk and Barty will take the top and-"
But now Barty is confused. "Wait- what?"
The two others stare again. "We're talking about sleeping arrangements. For when we go camping in that cabin next month....right?" Regulus asks slowly, but he's grinning so much that Barty immediately knows that he knows.
Because oh. They were talking about bunk beds. Not....other things.
"Erm. Right," he nods, face flaming.
It's not until later that he swears out loud, because realizes he's stuck on the top bunk for the entirety of their two-week trip.
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restinslices · 1 month
Believe Me
Gwayne Hightower X Female!Reader
Word Count: 2792
Summary: Gwayne bumps into an old flame and smut ensues (from his pov)
Content Warning: Smut (so minors dni), fingering, handjob, cheating, light hair pulling, light degrading and praising, vaginal sex, public sex (I hate this but we move on😭)
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Gwayne Hightower was only human, and as a show of this, he had made plenty of mistakes in his lifetime. “It is not worth the stress to beat yourself over what could have been” he'd always remind himself. “What could've been if you chose the right card, woke up earlier, listened more, aimed a little to the left, ate breakfast…”. 
The list went on and on because humans make mistakes all the time. He had vowed to himself that he would never stress over these mistakes. What good would it do? The mistake was already made. 
That's the thought process he tried to keep as he made his way inside the Sept. He was not afraid of the gods deciding to punish him for the sins he was sure he had committed, or of the building crumbling down and burying him underneath. The current war going on wasn't even on his mind. 
What was on his mind was a singular person. And as he got closer and closer to the room he knew they'd be in, the thick fog covering their face in his memories started to move to the side. 
His steps began to falter when he finally saw them. When he finally saw you. 
You were sitting on the bench, back to him, candles aplenty in front of you. Just as he thought about turning around and leaving, you took off your cloak and set it next to you, revealing the open back to your dress. 
You were inviting him. Discarding your defenses and showing that you were open to being around him again. Or mayhaps he was delusional. Either way, he found himself sitting on the other side of you soon enough. 
“Is that really a dress appropriate for the Sept?” he tried to joke with you as he lit a candle. If it was a different time, you would've lightly shoved him and said something like “oh fuck off” while laughing. Unfortunately, that time had been long forgotten. 
You looked over at him at once, and he wondered if for a moment you thought all this was a dream. You looked him up and down, and must've realized this was all real. “Gwayne…” how could you say his name in such a delightful way? 
The surprise from your eyes soon fell, and instead it filled with resentment. “Gwayne” you said more lifeless. “Anyone is welcome here. A common whore could come, wearing hardly any clothes and she'd be welcomed”. 
“I'm sure common whores do lots of cumming”. 
You simply rolled your eyes at him and looked in front of you. “A jest, dear friend-”
“We are not friends”. 
He had known it, but fuck did it hurt to hear. It was said so coldly and cruel, like you wanted it to sting. It definitely had, though he wouldn't show it. 
“We have not talked in some time” he said with his eyes still trained on you. How could you sit there and be so beautiful? Even with a scowl and pinched eyebrows, you looked marvelous. “When I heard my sister had summoned you here as well, I admit I was a bit surprised”. 
“Why? Alicent is in need of a friend. And I am her friend”. 
Well you really knew how to rub something in, didn't you? “I tried writing to you-”
“Years too late” 
You snapped, eyes glancing over at him. Okay, mayhaps you were right. Mayhaps he should've wrote to you sooner, but he eventually did! That had to be worth something! “Why are you here?”. 
“I thought anyone was allowed here”
“It is the gods you should be speaking to. Not I”
“It is not the gods I crave” he spoke honestly. You simply scoffed in return and looked away again, causing him to sigh. “I should have wrote to you sooner, but I did eventually. And I am here now-”
“To do your knightly duties” you said dismissively. “Not to speak with me”. 
“I can do both!” his hand found your arm and he pulled you close to him, making your legs press against each other. He could hear how your breath hitched. He could see the way your chest rose and fell as a reaction to his touch. 
His fingers inched closer to your chest. “What are you-” you began to say, but the words got caught in your throat when he wrapped his fingers around the long necklace that fell in the long V neck of your dress, right in between your breasts. 
“You've kept this?”. 
Years ago, Gwayne gifted you a necklace with a large green pendant, and while the chain was completely different, the pendant was still the same. “Did the chain break?”. 
You shook your head. “No. My husband gave me a new chain. Said gold fit better”. 
He frowned. 
Your husband. Some boring guy with brown hair, brown eyes, patches in his beard and a voice that was far too high for a man. He had no real talents or skill, besides money and luck. That's how he landed you after all. 
“It is best for both of us that you do your praying and then leave. I imagine I will not be ready to leave anytime soon”. 
The moment his hand fell from your arm, he felt cold. He forced himself to look away from you and focus on the candle in front of him. So what was he to do now? Just let you go? Go off to war and accept that he'd likely never see you again? Accept you'd hate him forever?
“No” he answered himself out loud. “No. I am to just accept that your husband messed with a gift I gave you?”. 
“I beg your pardon?” You asked in disbelief. “That is what you are focusing on? That your gift was ruined?” You scoffed again and rubbed your temples. “Selfish as always. Nevermind to ask how I feel or how I have been. No. It is just stupid jokes and being offended. Did my gift put a dent in your pocket? Here then!”. You unclipped the necklace, grabbed his hand and shoved the necklace on his palm. “Take it!”. 
His chuckle afterwards was filled with bitterness. Here he was, trying to patch things up, and you kept making it difficult. “This resentment you hold towards me is ridiculous. I took too long to write to you after your marriage, but I'm here now. And this-” he set the necklace on the table. “This is a gift I gave to you”. 
“My husband gives me plenty of gifts. I do not need anything from you”. 
As if his gifts were anything special. Probably cheap and terrible material. You deserved more than that. You deserved more than some husband that probably couldn't even make you laugh the way Gwayne had. 
“Husband this. Husband that. Does shoving him in my face excite you?”. Maybe he had no right to be angry, but he was anyway. 
“I wouldn't be able to if you vied for my hand when you had the chance!” You snapped. For once, Gwayne had no response. No witty comeback or complaint. He just watched you as you realized what you said. You huffed, grabbed your cloak and got to your feet. “Good day Gwayne”. 
You managed to make it a few feet away before he finally spoke. “I should have”. Regret had gnawed at him for years now. He let you slip away. Why? Because he wasn't sure he could be committed. Did he love you? Yes. Was he a young man that wasn't fond of becoming a husband and a father? Also yes. 
“You have to understand,” he began as he rose to his feet. “Marriage was not something I wanted at the time”. 
“And you think I did?” You asked in disbelief. “Marriage was not something I wanted either. It was forced upon me. Marriage terrified me, but I knew that if I was married to you, marriage wouldn't be that bad. You were my best friend and lover. And what did you do, Gwayne?”. He couldn't make the answer leave his lips. The words felt like they were stuck in his throat and refused to go anywhere. “You left me” you answered for him. “And once I was married, you avoided me. Then years later you decided you wanted to speak again. What were you too busy doing? Drinking and fucking whores?”. 
That made him laugh. Drinking? Maybe a little. Fucking whores? It's not like he truly wanted to. It made time pass and got an orgasm out the way, but he didn't want painted whores. He wanted you to be under him. He wanted to feel your soft skin on his fingers. He wanted to hear his name pass your sweet lips over and over again until that was all he heard. 
“I made mistakes-”
“I made terrible choices” he corrected. “Awful ones. But you and I both know that I have always wanted and will always want you”. Those words seem to catch you off guard, which he assumed because you didn't push him away when his hands found their way to your hips. 
His face inched closer and closer to yours until your lips just barely brushed against each other. Unbeknownst to the both of you, your hearts beat as one in that moment. Both hearts erratic but somehow managing to be erratic together. 
“I want you desperately. And I know you want me…”. 
The remaining bit of space was broken and your lips finally met. Your lips responded to each other immediately and your arms wrapped around his neck. Finally… after so long you both were able to taste each other again. 
Reality came crashing down faster than he wanted it to. 
You shoved him away, making him stumble. You breathed heavily and wiped at your lips. “Won't change what happened” he said to your displeasure. 
“You are selfish” you spoke through gritted teeth. “You are an asshole” you shoved him again. “And a liar” another shove. 
Each insult you gave was followed by shove, and instead of feeling insulted, he felt something else. 
That desire is what led to him grabbing you, switching your positions and pushing you onto the table where no candles were. 
Your expression was full of shock, but not disgust or fear. Good. He never wanted to frighten you. What frightened him a little bit though, was his growing erection. Something that made no sense since all you had done recently was insult him. Gods, he was way more desperate than he realized. 
“Get all your insults out” he said as his thumb traced your lower lip, “tell me how much you hate me”. 
A request you had no problem fulfilling. 
“You are a vile man. Seducing a married woman in a Sept. Is there a line you're not willing to cross?”. 
There it was. Just like that. 
He began leaving open mouth kisses down your neck, eagerly awaiting what you'd say next. 
“You are a defiler full of sin”
“I am, aren't I?”. He held you in place as he bit and sucked at a particular spot on your neck, and a small smirk formed on his face when he heard you moan in response. “It seems you enjoy my sins” he taunted. 
“I hate you. No. I despise you. Even that word can't describe how I feel for you”. 
Gwayne untied your dress strap and unbuttoned the buttons in the front, allowing him to free your breasts. 
“I loathe you”. 
“I'm sure” his words dripped in sarcasm. Loathe him yet you allow him to undress you. Loathe him, yet you allowed him to fondle your breasts, then lick and suck at one of your nipples. That's how your little game continued. You'd throw insults at him in between your gasps, and he'd lick and suck harder at each breast, showing them both proper attention. His erection pressed against his trousers, it becoming almost painful. 
You lifted your leg up in response to him twisting your nipple, and your knee brushed right against his erection. He moaned around your breast before he even realized what had happened. His own eagerness being exposed only dawned on him when he felt your palm fully press against him. 
Your other hand pulled his head back by his hair, causing a sharp but welcomed pain to burn at his roots. “I always knew you were pathetic Gwayne, but this?”, a soft breath slipped past his lips when you pressed harder against him. “You like when I insult you?”. He nodded. No point in lying. Still though, he didn't just wanna hand you all the power in your game. 
He hiked the bottom of your dress up and kept eye contact with you as his fingers pushed your undergarments to the side and made contact with your soaked cunt for the first time tonight. He watched you try to keep a stone face, but you couldn't hide the sharp inhale you did. “Seems like you've enjoyed our little game too. What does that say about you?”. 
“What does it say about you that you like being called pathetic?”. 
Gwayne chuckled. He looked you over, watching as you tried not to react to his fingers sliding in between your folds. “You're marvelous…” he said almost as if in a dream. 
You yanked on his hair again and pushed his trousers down, freeing his erection. “Is this when I say you're disgusting?” You taunted. Your hand wrapped around him and shamefully he almost came from that minor touch alone. 
“If it pleases you”. 
His middle and ring finger slowly but surely made their way inside you, all while he whispered praises in your ear. 
“You're so pretty like this”
“You're taking my fingers so well”
“Open up for me. Just like that. Good girl”. 
Your head fell on his shoulder and his fell on yours. The Sept filled with both of your noises as you both continued to pleasure each other with your hands. It was clear that that wouldn't be enough. The question was just who would bend first. 
“I've got you” he whispered before placing a gentle kiss under your ear. You lifted your head off his shoulder to meet his eyes, and while there was still lust behind them, there was clearly something more. 
“Do you really?” You asked. 
He answered at once, “yes. I swear to you on all the gods in every religion that I'm never leaving you again”. 
You swiped at his hands and pulled him closer to you until his tip was lined up with your entrance. “And what about my husband?”. 
Damn your husband. He'd cause an “accident” to happen if he had to. He wouldn't let a man like him keep him away from the one person who truly wanted in this whole world. “I will deal with your husband and I swear you will never be able to get rid of me. Do you believe me?”. 
He asked his question as he began to push inside you. Your answer got stuck in your throat, so instead you nodded in response. Your nod wasn't enough for him, but he'd address that later. For now, he kept whispering encouraging words to you to soothe the stretching he knew you'd feel. He kept telling you that he had you, that you were okay, that you were safe with him and always would be. 
When you finally seemed adjusted, he spoke again. “Do you believe me?”. You nodded. “Out loud”. 
“I believe you”. 
That was all he needed hear. Once he got confirmation, his lips found yours and he moved inside you. Was this an all around terrible idea? Absolutely. Was there a chance of getting caught? Yes. But neither of you could care less about that. How could that possibly be at the forefront of your minds when you were finally feeling each other in the way you both craved?
You both enjoyed each other, ultimately hitting your peaks while you were still connected, mouths swallowing each sound the other made, and foreheads pressed against each other so you could catch your breath. 
His hands cupped your face and he pressed a softer kiss to your lips. Of course there was still that sexual desire there, but he wanted more than to just fuck and be rid of you. He wanted to hold you forever. He wanted to tell you about his tales of knighthood over dinner, and hold your hand as you went on walks in the garden. 
“I swear-”
“I believe you”. 
You believed him. That was all he needed. 
For you to believe him and for you to give him another chance.
Bitch I hate this shit but I haven’t posted in awhile soooooo here we are😭😭. Also the way I forgot about that necklace-
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entirelysein-e · 2 months
Hiiii! How are you? I've never requested from you before...or at least I don't remember doing so.
👉👈 could I maybe request headcanons for what the first kiss would be like with Genya and Kyojuro and maybe...Zenitsu? If you don't like those picks of characters,.then I'd be open to other demon Slayer characters.
Thank you so much! Feel free to make it smutty if you feel it could be. Otherwise I'm super happy with fluffy and super cute and blushy blushy
Oh I can so do that hehe 🫶 I already have this in wips with 3 other characters but fuck 'em
Some cute tooth rotting fluff coming right up!
『 First Kisses』
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☼ synopsis: Your first kiss with them
☼ characters: Genya / Kyojuro / Zenitsu
☼ wc: 1,3k
☼ cw: gn!reader, first kisses
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ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹ Genya:
✧ It was nerve wrecking for him to even think about leaning in and kissing you right on the lips
✧ So nerve wrecking that he had to wipe his palms on his trousers to rid himself of the sweat that built there
✧ He knew your lips felt soft, they kissed his hands and the scar on his face countless times but what if he was bad at it? what if you hated him after?
✧ It took him countless times to actually kiss you and he always got so mad at himself after, chewing the inside of his lip or biting his tongue until he tasted the coppery taste of blood
✧ Why can't he just kiss you? You deserve a partner that shows how much they love you
✧ Genya leaned in again after making sure you get home safely after your date but kissed the corner of your lips again
✧ Every time he leaned in, he got a little closer to your lips and you could see the way he beat himself up again on the inside
✧ Gently you grabbed his cheeks and leaned in to kiss the scar on his cheekbone once again but didn't pull back, your lips hovering over his
✧ You didn't want to force him, giving him a moment to decide what to do
✧ But you felt his lips on yours just mere seconds later, a little chapped and the kiss was rough
✧ You knew it was his first kiss, not your very first but the first with him and you didn't expect it to be perfect
✧ His lips moved against yours roughly, almost overly excited to the point where he pinned you against the door unknowingly
✧ His body gravitated towards yours, wanting to be so close
✧ You pulled away for air and he looked like a kicked puppy, thinking you hated it but your little love sick smile told him everything he needed to know
✧ You wanted to be with a whirlwind of emotions and that's exactly what you got - and you loved every second of it
✧ "Good night, Genya" you whispered and kissed him once more before going inside
✧ Genya stood in front of your door for a moment longer, his brain struggling to process that he just really got to kiss you, his cheeks slowly turning pink
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ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹ Kyojuro:
✧ Kyojuro and you both never kissed anyone before, the nerves about it obvious
✧ Although he left the decision to you, wanting you to initiate when you're ready for it, scared he'll push you to do something you're not ready for yet or don't know how to say no to
✧ But he was more than ready to finally feel your lips on his, the act of kissing so intimate to him
✧ Perhaps he got a whole lecture by the sound pillar before, learning the etiquette of what to do and what not
✧ But he patiently waited for you to lean into him, to capture his lips into a loving kiss, to steal his breath away with your love
✧ Kyojuro was a patient man but the way you struggled to initiate it made it hard to hold back
✧ So he didn't hold back when you two were sitting on the Engawa of the Rengoku residence
✧ His haori was secured around your shoulders to keep the cold breeze of the night away
✧ You two spent a beautiful day together, now sharing some sweet Dango as a dessert while watching the crackling fire in front of you
✧ Every time he spoke you turned towards him, your eyes flickering to his lips after every second word and at first he thought the sweet sauce was stuck to his lips but that wasn't the case
✧ "My flame, is there something you would like to do?" He asked politely, the corner of his lips curling up to a smile
✧ You could feel the heat rush to your cheeks when he asked the question and struggled to find words, your eyes however were glued to his lips
✧ "Perhaps you would like for me to kiss you?" He asked more bold this time, waiting for your permission before he even leaned in
✧ The moment you nod softly however, his lips are you in an almost possessive way
✧ It was his first kiss but he took the lead, taking your breath away with how good it made you feel
✧ Hips lips were soft and you could definitely taste some of the dango you two just shared on them but that made it so much sweeter
✧ His hands respectfully rested on your neck and cheek when he pulled away, looking deeply into your eyes and you saw a side of him you've never seen before
✧ Kyojuro looked at you with so much love and adoration, now being absolutely certain that you're the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with
✧ A single little kiss held more power than both of you assumed so you leaned back in, pecking his lips until both of you had to stop
✧ heavy breathing shared between the two of you, lips slightly swollen and your hearts burning
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ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹ Zenitsu:
✧ Zenitsu was never silent about his crush and his feelings for you, everyone knew that he was head over heels for you
✧ He doesn't mind showering you in his words, telling you how beautiful you are, how happy you make him, how much he loves you
✧ But when it comes to physical intimacy? Holding hands? Kissing you? The thought alone makes him so giddy he almost faints
✧ He wants his first kiss with you to be as perfect as you are to him but that's impossible - no first kisses are magical which is what gets him panicking
✧ He tries to play it down when you two talk about your firsts and shockingly enough he learns that he's not your first kiss
✧ So you could compare him and if you hated how he kissed? That would absolutely shatter his heart
✧ “Oh I've kissed so many people before!” He laughed nervously after that sentence left his lips
✧ It was so obviously a lie but you acted along, teasing him about it and leaning in, taunting him to show off his skills and kiss you
✧ Of course he leaned away and told you he can't just take your breath away unprepared like that. What if you pass out?
✧ At this point it was hard to stifle a laugh so you pouted “don't you want to kiss me?” You asked slightly dramatic and saw even more panic bubble up in your boyfriend
✧ His heart was beating like the heart of a hummingbird as he felt the sweat build on his palms
✧ “I do but… I never-” he mumbled, fumbling with the right words to say but you looped your arms around his neck, lips dangerously close to his now
✧ “May I kiss you?” You asked sweetly, not making fun of his inexperience but instead of an answer he leaned in, bumping noses with you on accident
✧ Zenitsu was so embarrassed he wanted to sink into the ground but you didn't let him ponder, gently cupping his cheeks and leaning in
✧ The kiss was a little messy, almost sloppy but the shaking in his hands got less, the longer it lasted
✧ And the love struck expression on his face when you pulled away, made you want to kiss him over and over again
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sleepingdead96 · 5 months
Prepared for Anything Pt. 2
Part 3, MasterPost
Gotham was a terrible place to live.
It was great.
People weren’t overly friendly or familiar with people they didn’t know, meaning they paid Danny no mind. No one mentioned he had fangs. No one commented on his slightly pointed ears. And no one questioned his strange ability to ward off muggers and would be criminals without even having to speak to them. His ghost aura came in handy sometimes.
It also mean that rent was dirt cheap. Especially in Crime Alley where Danny had taken up residence. It was made even cheaper by the fact that Danny didn't need heating with his ghostly physiology. It cut a lot down on bills. Not that it really mattered much. As Ghost King, he had an abundance of funds that he wasn’t sure he could dry it up within fifty lifetimes, let alone his one. However immortal it was.
The downside was the old wiring. Leaving him here. Eating Mac and cheese out of the pot he’d been cooking up as he watched the fire flicker and smoke plume out the windows.
Now, Danny hadn’t been planning to flee his apartment, it’s not like he woulda been in any danger, but his neighbour, some guy named Jason, had gone door to door, ensuring everyone was following the fire drills that children learned in elementary school which were ultimately incredibly flawed. Who really believed that an entire school of children would stay calm and collected during an actual fire?
Jason was nowhere to be seen now, though. Danny wondered if he was okay, but that guy currently helping a family out onto a fire escape, Red Bird. . .Red Helmet or something, would probably make sure he was. He was apparently a crime lord, but a good one?. . . .
. . .
Gotham was weird.
Just as the red guy and the family reached the ground, a scream for help called from the second top floor. They sounded young. Danny looked up to see a little girl at a window and flames raging too close for her to go anywhere.
Well. . . that was concerning. Who had left such a young kid unattended? 
Red Dude was dashing out to the front of the building to get his bearings, looking for a way up. He wouldn’t be able to reach the girl using the fire escape. Danny took another bite of his Mac and Cheese, watching as the man’s grapple gun jammed.
Danny heaved a deep sigh. 
He supposed he would have to get involved.
Leaving the crowd of tenants that had huddled on the sidewalk, Danny trudged back across the street and into an alley. He went far enough that no one would see him and opened a portal. With one hand, he reached in, found purchase on his quarry, and turned away to drag the ladder out and behind him.
Danny found Trigger-Happy-Dude starting to scale the building. Danny interrupted him before he got too far.
He belatedly wondered where the fire-fighters and cops were.
“Oh, hey, look what I randomly found in that alley.”
Red Dude paused to look at him. Looked at the ladder trailing behind Danny.
“It’s a ladder.” Danny raised it slightly from his lazy hold, noting how much he felt like he was giving an infomercial right now. “Pretty long, huh? Long enough to reach that floor, I bet.” Danny added helpfully with an encouraging nod. “How fortuitous.”
The Red Dude was quick to drop down and take it from him, but stared at Danny the whole time as if was abnormally weird.
Which was rude. Danny was just abnormal, thank you very much.
“Uhh. . .good work.” Red Dude said, setting up the ladder with Danny’s help. The vigilante tested it for stability. 
Danny scoffed. As if he would purposefully tamper with it.
Which wasn’t too far-fetched in this city.
Red Dude deemed it acceptable. “Hold it steady for me, would ya?”
Danny nodded.
The man climbed up and Danny held both sides, pouting down at his pot of Mac and Cheese he’d had to set aside for the moment.
Ah, the sacrifices he makes.
Across the street, there were a multitude of cheers as Red Dude reached the little girl and settled her on his front like a backwards piggy-back hold.
Danny stepped aside when Red reached the bottom to pick his pot back up.
Sirens cut into the roar of flames above their heads and the loud call of the tenants that had lasted rather short, a few half-hearted cheers dying on the wind.
It was the middle of the night. Everyone was tired.
The mother of the little girl ran up to take her child and flagged down the first paramedic to arrive on the scene.
Danny returned his gaze to Red Dude who equally eyed him. Or at least, Danny assumed. His head was facing him.
“You’re that guy who punched out Joker.”
Danny paused with his fork halfway to his mouth. He slowly brought it the rest of the way. “How’d you know about that?”
“Cameras.” Hood tapped his helmet with a finger. “I saw RR and Robin’s video feed.”
Danny hummed, nodding along as he chewed. He wasn’t terribly concerned. Danny was just a random guy that happened to punch another random guy. It probably happened all the time in a place like Gotham. There was no need for further investigation into who Danny was. The vigilantes had probably forgotten all about him until this instant.
Red Dude looked at his pot. “That’s what you’re eating?” He said, somehow conveying judgement through the modulator.
“Yep.” Danny took another bite. After a moment of contemplation, he left the fork in his mouth to produce another from his hoodie pocket. He held it out to Red Dude. “Mac and Cheese?”
The dude leaned back slightly and his crossed arms gave the impression he was offended. “You just carry forks around in your pockets?”
Danny shrugged. “Ah, ya know, never leave home without a back-up fork.”
Red Dude considered him for another moment and Danny thought he’d decline. But then, he shrugged, his stance relaxing somewhat. “Sure.” He accepted the fork.
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1980shorrorfilm · 15 days
every road i know
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click here. resources for palestine, congo, sudan, and other countries.
pairing…ellie williams x gn!reader
in which…ellie thought it was time to solidify your relationship. she might have been wrong.
before you read…inspired by the strangers, minus the killing n stuff. modern day fic. angst with comfort <3
the autumn night is silent, save for the occasional creak of the old miller’s cabin settling into its nighttime routine. you listen to the wind whistling outside, through the tall pines surrounding the small wooden home. 
it’s a lonely town, the nearest house a few miles down the road, something vastly different from your shared apartment in the city. 
ellie started bringing you here after joel had let it collect endless dust and cobwebs, the woman cleaning it all up for you. whenever life got too busy, chaotic, or hard, this way your getaway. peace. just you and her and the nature that surrounded you.
now, it feels as though it’s purgatory. 
the fireplace flickers softly, its glow dancing on the wooden walls, but the warmth couldn’t seem to comfort you. not right now. ellie sits in front of the flames, her silhouette outlined by the orange gentle light.
she has yet to utter a single word to you. the car ride here was silent. even the radio on mute, because ellie couldn’t find the simple strength to turn it up.
the moment is replaying in her mind, over and over, the sad smile you had given her burned into her memory. the thing she’s had anxiety about for the past month. proposing, to you.
the dark velvet box holding the special ring, now lying on the coffee table beside her. a stark reminder of the event.
you’re sat on the couch, chewing your lip, a rose petal in your hand. it’s soft, you find yourself stroking the smooth flower. they cover, nearly, the whole cabin. ellie had thrown the petals around before you had arrived together, trying to make it appear as romantic as possible. 
it’s not her strong suit, her appreciation toward you shown in much different ways than typical lovey-dovey things you see on television, but tonight it felt right. long candles garnish whatever surface she could put them on, yellow and smelling like vanilla. they’re not lit. 
she assumed she’d spark them when you came back from the long day you had. one that started with your favorite breakfast, ellie waking up extra early to make it as perfect as she could. and she did, you made sure to compliment her repeatedly.
then she took you downtown, viewing places you rarely visited, spending more time admiring you than the other pretty views. what occupied most of your time, was going to a museum she took you to on your first date, reminiscing on how awkward you two were compared to now.
she swears that’s her favorite place, and not just because she’s a nerd, because she now associates it with you. 
ellie had took you out to dinner, to your favorite restaurant, hardly eating and claiming she just wasn’t hungry. that was a lie, she just didn’t think she could keep food down. her nerves were washing over her, multiplying when you had finished, and you took a walk near the river, beneath the red trees that blew softly above you.
you had felt her pause in place, holding her warm hand, and you thought maybe the tie had come undone on her sneakers. she had washed them the day prior until her fingers pruned, you found it odd for ellie but didn’t say anything. but that wasn’t the problem. she stared at you like she saw a ghost, and it worried you.
you almost thought this was the end, she was about to tell you those four dreaded words. we need to break up. oh, the idea terrorizes you. that, however, also wasn’t it.
she had whispered inaudible words to herself, then mumbling ‘okay, okay, okay.’
you thought the woman was breaking before you, concern in your eyes, holding her hand tight. then she gulped, trying to get out the rehearsed words that seemed to vanish the longer she stood in your presence. 
how much you mean to her. from the very moment you two got paired up for a project that she insisted she’d do all the work for, but you fought back, finding yourself in her bedroom the entire week, the girl studying you more than the work laid out before her.
she found herself by your side all the time afterward.
she needed to be by your side. 
she doesn’t know how she lived before you, and if she could live without you— no, insisting she could not live with you. she simply wouldn’t have the will. waking up to a bed you didn’t occupy, not hearing your genuine laughter to her most idiotic jokes, not being able to hold you when you experienced the hardest day of your life.
she couldn’t have that. she needs this…you and her, to last forever. so, she asked those four words that you weren’t prepared for. will you marry me?
to which, you didn’t say yes.
you couldn’t. you love ellie, more than you could ever put into words, you swear on your life that you do, and it didn’t at all reflect your feelings for her. you were just…paralyzed. by fear, uncertainty, and the weight of expectations that you couldn’t hold up to for her. every single insecurity, hitting you at once, in the worst moment it possibly could.
you had said her name in a weak whisper, and ellie gulped, realizing what was happening. a tear slipped from your eye, that she quickly wiped away, reassuring you it was okay. that you’re okay. putting you before her, a habit of hers. bits of her broken heart being blown away in the cool wind that hits you, while she cradles yours. 
you walked to the car together in silence, a suffocating fog. a silence that seemed to last forever.
the tension between you two is almost palpable, both of your minds are currently a whirlwind of heavy emotions. a gentle crackle of the fire and ellie shifting in place, makes you finally turn your attention to her. “ellie,” you say her name softly, voice strained as you finally break the unbearable quiet. “can we talk?”
her gaze remains on the fiery flames, her shoulders tense. “we don’t have to,” she replies quietly, “i get it.”
“i don’t think you do,” you lowly say, heart aching at the mere thought of all the negativity running through her precious head, doubts about herself and your relationship. that’s the last thing you could ever want.
ellie swallows thickly, “it doesn’t matter.”
you watch her get up, turning her back to you as she leaves the room. your eyes trail her to the kitchen before you follow her. she doesn’t glance at you as you lean against the nearby counter, watching her grab an expensive champagne bottle. 
you assume she bought it just for tonight, she wouldn’t drink it any other time. she won’t even touch a glass of wine. she pops it open, pouring it into one of the two glasses beside it. “i don’t…” you begin to say as she hovers over the other glass, ellie nodding in response. you’re afraid if you drink it you’ll throw up all the nerves inside your system. 
“i got your favorite ice cream…if you want that instead,” ellie mentions, tapping her finger on the glass, “went to like…3 different stores. couldn’t find the brand you like.”
she ends the sentence with an attempt at a laugh, finding it so silly now. all the effort, for what? humiliation? pity? she sips on the disgusting drink like it would make her feel better. the only other thing that helps her in trying times, is you; and that’s not exactly possible in this scenario.
“do you…” she pauses, staring at the liquid as she swirls it around, “do you want this…us?”
“of course i do,” you answer her without hesitation, taking a step closer to her, but still out of reach. “it’s not that, ellie,” you tell her, trying to figure out how to inform her it’s you and not her, without sounding like a poor cliche overused excuse. 
“it’s just…we’re young…im scared you’re making a mistake,” your voice wavers near the end, ashamed to admit such a thing, that you are her mistake. ellie looks at you like you just spit in her face. she doesn’t know how to interpret the comment, she slightly feels insulted that you would think that she’s making a ‘mistake.’ 
this isn’t putting a shirt on inside out. this isn’t forgetting to turn the light off when you leave a room. it’s not tripping over your step. it’s her committing herself to you, after five beautiful years attached to you, something she wants hundreds more years of, if that were possible. nothing about that is a mistake.
you’re the love of her life. cementing that is not a fucking mistake. 
“is that how you feel?” she flips the script, putting the spotlight on you, feeling like you’re burning beneath it at the accusation. “what?” you whisper, “n-no…no ellie.”
you can’t read her expression, she’s swallowing the rest of her drink, blankly staring ahead. 
she ignores your response, “i’ll drive us home in the morning. you should get some sleep.”
she turns away, placing her glass carefully in the sink, resting there for a moment. your eyes are boring into the back of her head as if you could read the thoughts inside it. so many bad thoughts. 
you push yourself forward, taking a few quiet steps to her. you plant your feet behind her, wrapping your arms around her body. her breathing is slow, her figure painfully stiff, hugging a tree and not your person. so solid despite the endless embraces where she would melt into you.
you murmur her name, holding her tighter. 
ellie can’t resist you.
her hands reach for yours, resting against the center of her torso. her fingers brush against you softly, her breath hitching slightly, before letting out a sigh she’s held in for hours. 
just for this moment, the tension settles beneath the old floorboards of the cabin, giving you air to breathe instead of holding in. your hug is so tender, ellie could be lured to sleep by it. and her body is so warm, you’d rather die than pull away.
you wish it could last forever, and the hours prior could be forgotten. 
then her phone rings from her back pocket, vibrating against you, and she shifts. you let go, biting your lip, watching her fish the device out. joel. assumingly calling to congratulate her. ellie wishes she never told him, because fuck, this is going to be awkward. 
“i uh…should take this,” she whispers, not sparing you a glance when she walks away. you hear the front door open, then shut. you can’t help but walk back into the living room, standing before the window and peeking at ellie, who sat on the porch steps. 
you can’t see her face, her head down, a glow from a cigarette, and grey smoke surrounding her figure. it’s clearly not a happy conversation, there was no sugarcoating what had happened. it pains you. 
you turn back around, following the rose petals that scattered the floor, all the way down the hall, and stopping at the bathroom. you open the door, turning the light on, eyes falling on the several small candles on the edges of the bathtub. red, grey, and purple, they decorated the space. 
ellie really tried to make tonight special.
you stand idly, taking a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, staring at yourself with shame. a dog with its tail tucked between its legs, knowing it did something so drastic, that the only person they love, finds it hard to look at them. 
you quickly turn away. 
you run the bath and wait, tugging your top and pants off, kicking them to the side. you strip naked when it fills up completely, steam radiating from the water. you step in, adjusting to the high temperature, before sinking into it. it almost burns you, but not in a way that you mind. you just don’t care right now. 
ellie is the only thing on your mind. you wonder if she’s talking about you, openly questioning where your relationship lies, if she thinks it’s even going to last after today. 
before you know it, a single tear is falling down your face.
you hug your knees, turning your head and laying your cheek against them. you stare out the open bathroom door, to the wood paneled wall, a framed photo of a deer hung on it.
you forget to blink, spacing out, not noticing the creaking of the front door or the floor. not until ellie is within your view, pausing in the doorway, looking down at you. you’re crying to yourself.
her expression softens, not saying anything when she joins you, kneeling beside the bathtub and touching your face. her thumbs wipe the salty tears from beneath your eyes, but they don’t stop. 
“i’m scared, ellie,” you say just above a whisper, ellie only hears you because of how quiet the cabin is. besides the repetitive dripping from the sink. “i’m gonna fail you…” you continue, your voice now giving up on you, “scared’m gonna ruin this…ruin us…you’re so good, ellie— i just —i couldn’t say yes.”
you choke into a sob, her green eyes now glistening with unshed tears. “oh baby,” she says so softly, giving you the time to process your emotions, to let the tears fall while she holds you. 
“i can’t…” she stops, gulping and sighing, “i can’t change what you think…but i can promise you that nothing could ever change my mind about you.”
her grip on you is firm, reaffirming, as she continues to speak, “we can wait…i’m willing to wait forever for you. i will show you no matter what happens, i will still love you— i will always love you. i just needed…need you to know that.”
very faintly, your lips twitch upwards slightly, ellie mirroring you the moment she notices. “you’re enough for me,” she says, “just you. that’s all i want.”
ellie is, unfortunately, right; it doesn’t change the tainted mindset you have. that, however, has nothing to do with her. you don’t doubt the things she tells you, you’ve never felt more love from someone in your whole life, and you know for a fact that you never will.
and that’s why it brings you relief, to listen to her, understanding her point of view rather than your own, and the cruel demon on your shoulder whispering harsh words into your ear. 
ellie williams is the angel. 
it’s not the first time she’s eased the anxiety taunting you, and it will not be the last. she will always be there, rain or shine, you pushing her away or letting her in. she truly means what she says. you’re enough for her. and soon, you will accept that for yourself.
“i really want to hug you right now.”
ellie chuckles, a lightness in the air as she gets up, grabbing a beige towel. you stand, letting her wrap it around you, shivering at the coolness in the air. not caring about the water droplets still coating your body, ellie’s arms are quickly around you, her palm on the back of your head, cradling it gently.
you instantly feel warm again, at peace.
after the moment of serenity ends, ellie is leading you to the bedroom. she grabs your pajamas from your still-packed bag, letting you put them on while she does the same. your eyes fall on her pale back, watching her throw a white tee on, looking away when she turns her head at you. 
“was thinking about leaving at 8…wanna beat the traffic,” she says, hoping the statement doesn’t go back to making things awkward. just in case, she adds, “can stop at that pancake place you love.”
you can’t ignore the glum undertones of the suggestion, but you still give her a smile, barely modding your head.
you sit in bed, ellie exiting the room to turn off every light in the lonely cabin, leaving you with your thoughts. you hate it. thinking about how happy the two of you were coming here, compared to you leaving. you don’t even want to leave. you want to shut out the rest of the world, but more importantly, your mind.
how differently things would be right now, if you could just do that.
your eyes meet hers when she enters the room again, and you debate what you’re about to ask her. you can’t help it. “can i see it?”
“hm?” “the ring.”
ellie looks at you, freezing for a moment, stuttering, “y-yea…sure.”
again, she exits the room, grabbing the velvet small box on the table, the one she avoided even sparing a glance at just a minute ago. then she jogs back, scratching the back of her neck. she’s nervous as she approaches you, placing it in your open hands, like it’s a baby. 
it’s the first time you’re getting a decent look at it, having been unable to observe it during the moment, and it’s beautiful. it’s simple, yet the green sapphire is so elegant, resembling the way ellie’s eyes look beneath the sun. you smile at it. 
“i…can’t return it…if that’s what you’re wondering.”
“i’m not,” you tell her, “it’s gorgeous, ellie.”
you don’t want to give it back to her. it feels…so right, in your possession, that you can’t help but nervously slide it down your finger. there’s a bittersweet smile on your face at how perfect it is. how when you look at it, ellie is the first thing to come to your mind. 
your lover, for eternity. your lover that swears to you, that your need for her is as mutual as her need for you, no matter the circumstances, it is permanent. that your worries are just that. worries— self-doubt, and bitter thoughts about yourself, that are only present in the moment. they won't last forever. not like you and her.
with hesitance, you take it off, avoiding her gaze when you give it back to her. “i’ll be ready,” you promise, your finger oddly feeling so lonely despite only wearing it for a minute. “i will…i will be,” you find yourself mumbling, ellie getting closer and grabbing your hands.
“hey, i meant what i said,” her thumbs stroke your skin, reminding you once more, “i can wait forever for you.”
and she means it.
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nanamiscocksleeve · 3 months
"I don't know why people complain about sloppy seconds" with pervy professor nanamin after his favorite student shows up to class already creampied by someone else >_< pervy prof nanami drives me crazyyyy
My god people talking to me about pervy professor Nanami are gonna drive me insane, I love him so much. Are you the same anon that participated in the game and mentioned pervy Nanami with the ropes?
(it might be kind of obvious how much I enjoyed writing this. can't help it. I'd be his cum dump if I could).
"I don't know why people complain about sloppy seconds"
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You were his student. HIS STUDENT.
Kento knew better than to get involved with you but something just drew him to you like a moth to a flame. Maybe it was how you were so close to graduating but still looked like an innocent doe-eyed thing, your cute little skirts too short, those thigh-high socks you liked to wear so coquettishly inviting.
He knew you had a boyfriend, he'd seen you two hanging around campus, barely hiding his envy as the two of you got handsy and made out shamelessly in view of everyone. It should be HIM gripping your thigh like that. It should be HIS lap that you sat on while you made out. But with gritted teeth he kept his composure, keeping a cool attitude towards you whenever you were in his class.
Today however, he was distracted the moment you came in. You were walking differently, almost gingerly, like you were holding in a breath. You took deliberate, slow steps to your seat, putting your bag down then turned to talk to a friend, leaning your upper body on the desk. He swears you're doing it intentionally to tease him, to make him lose his goddamn mind, and that was when he saw it; your too-short skirt hiked just high enough to flash him a little strip of your adorable pink panties, a stain of moisture visible, bleeding into the back part of the crotch.
Jealousy hits him in the stomach like a strong punch, practically leaving him winded. You had dared have sex right before his class? With that annoying frat boy who was barely keeping a passing grade? And then had the nerve to flaunt your used cunt in his classroom? Oh, that simply wouldn't do. With a huge effort he grits his teeth and starts his lesson, unable to ignore how you kept squirming in your seat, clearly struggling to keep whatever load your boyfriend had given you inside, to keep it from dribbling into your panties and down your thigh...
It was merciful when he was able to dismiss the class. But he called your name. Your heart skips a beat as you hear his gruff voice but you turn around, wide-eyed and sweet looking, and he feels his cock tighten painfully in his pants.
"Kindly close the door and lock it."
Your breath hitches and you feel like your legs are wooden but you follow his instructions and approach him at the front of the class.
"Is something wrong?" Oh you poor, sweet, lamb, standing there without a clue as to what's going on in your professor's head.
"You need to be more careful of your attire," Kento clips out, not failing to observe the way your nipples hardened under your shirt as he spoke. So he did have an effect on you.
"Excuse me?" you ask incredulously. "Who are you to tell me what can and can't wear?"
"I can if half your cunt can be seen from under your skirt. Yes, that's right," he adds with a smirk as your face reddens. "I saw a lot more of you than appropriate. Were you being intentionally provocative, or are you unaware what an inappropriate length all your skirts seem to be?"
"You-you...!" You gasp at him in embarassment and slight shame, but heat pools in your belly at the knowledge that he had been privy to your upskirt flash. "You perverted old man! I'm telling the dean that you're preying on your students!"
"Hmm go right ahead," Kento says smoothly. "And I'll tell him you're flashing your cunt to everyone that will see. With the way you're dressed, I'm sure there will be no questions left. And to make it even more interesting, I might add that there were...questionable body fluids all over your panties. As a concerned professor, I was only expressing my concerns for my student's well-being." The smile on his face could not be more smug and you wanted nothing more than to wipe it off his handsome, chiseled, face.
"Is that all? You wanted to lecture me about my clothes?"
"Are you aware how inappropriate it is to come to class with another man's semen in your cunt?" He grins as you look gobsmacked, spluttering.
"I-but I!"
"You were very uncomfortable for the length of the class. I could see you squirming." The grin is positively wolfish now.
"How dare you! You have no proof."
"Then you wouldn't mind showing me your panties? Since you're so keen on proving your innocence."
His words send a thrill down your spine straight to your clit which throbbed under his scrutinizing eyes. You could've said no. But the predatory way he was looking at you, jealousy barely contained made you want to do something shocking and brash. With a huff, you stand.
"What do you want me to do?"
"Kneel on that desk chair." You do so, feeling a little turned on as you do so, then try not to react as Kento's large hands hike up your skirt, revealing the pink panties that were stained with another man's cum.
"So utterly shameless," he growls before bringing his hand down on your ass, the resounding smack satisfying to his ears as your cheek stained red, your squeal of shock echoing through the classroom. Kento covers your mouth and spanks you again, your squirms futile as the slaps filled the classroom. When your ass was perfectly red and bore signs of his handprints, he stops. There were tears in your eyes and you sniffle.
"Aw, is the little slut crying from getting a much needed punishment? Will you remember not to enter classrooms full of cum from now on?"
You gasp as he pulls the panties off, running his hands over your thigh-high socks, then coming to your front to cruelly pinch your nipples.
"Have you ever been fucked by a real man before?" One of his hands drops to your cunt and traces your lips. You whine and try to move, which only results in your earlier creampie trickling out of your cunt, dripping obscenely onto the chair. Kento's eyes go feral at the sight.
"Shameless cumdumpster of a whore," he whispers into your ear, almost lovingly. "Let me show you what it's like to carry a real man's load."
You hear his zip being undone and you find that you don't want to resist him. Your hot professor wanted to fuck you, and you were damned if you said you hadn't thought about it before. His tip lines with your entrance and he slowly spreads your folds apart, splitting you into two and he fills and stretches you. You whimper at how thick he is, how good he felt inside you.
"I don't know why people complain about sloppy seconds," he growls in your ear as he starts to thrust. "Pussy is all nice and wet and slick. You'd been needing a second fuck today hadn't you?"
You moan as he begins to rut into you with abandon, the noises filling the clasroom. "Professor..."
"Professor..." he repeats in a high-pitched mocking tone, the humiliation adding on to your arousal. "That's right, I'm your professor. And I own your cunt. You think your pathetic keg sucking boyfriend has any idea how to please a woman?"
His fingers find your clit and begin to circle it and you cry out, your vision going hazy.
"That's right...real men not only fuck their whores, they satisfy them too."
He continues to firmly stroke your clit and to your embarrassment, you cum sooner than you thought you would, the orgasm hot and intense, something your boyfriend had never been able to achieve. You sob in delight as your pussy flutters around his cock, setting his teeth on edge.
"That's right. Let it all out you pathetic slut. How many times were you fucked and left dissatisfied? When you could have been on my cock, getting off?" He sloppily thrusts into you, lewd wet noises filling the air, then with a bark, feels his ball tighten satisfyingly before emptying themselves into your pussy, hot ropes of thick cum filling the cavern.
"Don't waste it," he says as he withdraws, watching your hole pucker in an attempt to keep it all inside you.
"Now you can go to the rest of your classes knowing what it means to be properly fucked. Tell your boyfriend I said hi later, when he tries to eat you out and tastes only me."
(I am now horny. Any hot professors need a cunt?)
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thebluester2020 · 3 months
Sdv Bachelors X super loud Farmer in bed?
SDV Bachelors x Loud Farmer (In Bed)
Summary: How SDV bachelors react to their usually quiet farmer being surprisingly loud in bed. Warning(s): SMUT, Slight degradation on Shane's part, Sebastion and Elliot being canon munches, Alex kinda gives “sex in cemetery before zombie apocalypse” vibes.
Side Note(s): I've always wondered where people would get those nsfw headers and I finally found the sauce as to where I get them. I'm literally over the moon right now.
Also, I'm in the firm belief that Alex is a gay man but for the sake of fairness. I'm including him in this 😔
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Pleasantly surprised (and eager to hear your voice again).
Throughout y'all's relationship. Elliot knew you to be a very level-headed person, and it was hard to get an intense reaction out of you. Even when you two first kissed on a boat, you offered him nothing but the sight of faint dusting on your cheeks and you stuttering a little.
From then on, he naturally thought you'd be like that with everything! Including the bedroom.
Boy was he wrong, and he was more than happy to see how loud you could get.
♡ - "My...what was that, my dear?" He purred, looking up from between your thighs with a teasing glint in his eyes. As you steadily came out of your daze, trying to relive the last few moments, your cheeks suddenly burst into flames as you remembered the noise you just made. "N-Nothing," You said. "You were hearing things..." Elliot tilted his head with a teasing smile. He was no fool, and nor would he allow yourself to so easily disregard the noise you just made. A noise that nearly made him cum untouched within his pants as the sound played over and over and over again within' his head.
He had to hear it again.
Suddenly, his tongue flicked over your clit again, a sharp gasp tearing from your throat at the act. "Seems we'll have to set aside some time to teach your mouth to be as honest as your pussy, huh?" Without leaving you room to respond, his mouth quickly found your pussy again, lewd slurping noises leaving from between your thighs as he switched between tongue-fucking your sex and sucking on your clit.
Let's just say that Elliot managed to get more than a few more noises out of you that night...
See, you and Sebastion were similar in the quiet department. Personality wise at least.
He knew how you'd react to certain things because it was how he would react, and that dynamic made your relationship very smooth sailing. And like Elliot, he thought that personality would follow into the bedroom. So imagine his face when you let out an adorably loud moan.
It felt like all time stopped in that very moment, his thrusts stilling immediately as he looked down at you with wide eyes.
Oh, he was going to have so much more fun with you now that he knew that his spouse had a secret set of lungs in her.
♡ - He froze the second he heard it.
A breathy and needy little moan that left your kiss swollen lips from the heavy makeout session Sebastion and you had earlier.
There was no mistaking the noise he heard. As you slowly started to come down from your high, a disappointed yet quieter moan leaving your lips as you began to open your teary eyes to look down at him. The pout that appeared on your lips after made Sebastion's cock harden even more inside his shorts. "Sebby..." You whispered, breathlessly. "Why'd you stop...?"
"That noise you made..."
"Do it again, I didn't know you could be so loud."
Your cheeks suddenly felt like they caught on fire as you quickly shifted your head to the side. "I-I don't know what you're talking about- Oh!" There it was again, this time thanks to the curling of Sebastion's skilled fingers inside your warm pussy rather than his surprisingly talented tongue. He began to wonder how many more times you would make that noise for him, how long you'd be able to make those noises from him until you were too fucked dumb in order to say anything else.
Sebastion then started to lightly nip at the insides of your thighs, gently calling your attention back to him as a smirk crawled onto his lips. "Y/N..." Sebastion whispered only for your ears to hear.
"How many more times can you make that cute noise~?"
Oh, he's blushing.
Before the two of you started dating, the only thing Sam knew about you was that you were the quiet and sweet-hearted farmer who was eager to help everyone. There weren't any rumors of you getting upset with anyone or raising your voice a single time!
And he loved it.
To the point where it developed into a perverted fantasy of his to hear you moan just once. That fantasy served as his favorite jerk-off material inside his head as he's creamed in his pants more than a few times because of it.
So, when you two started having sex with one another and he managed to get a loud whine from you?
He was hooked from there.
♡ - "Y/N?" Sam said to you, sweat dripping from his brow as his thrusts slowed. "What was that?"
You would've thought he was asking a mundane question about the weather with how innocent it sounded. As if he weren't just plowing into your cunt just a second ago. As you dazedly opened your eyes to look into his blue orbs, wide and practically gleaming with the eagerness of an over-excited dog. You slowly licked your top lick as you tried to find your words.
The only ones you could find were- "I-I don't know..." You panted.
Immediately, a frown came onto Sam's lips as he resumed his movements, his grip tightening on your love handles and thus restarting your loud moans bouncing off the walls.
"What do you mean, you don't know?" He questioned.
"You're making the noise right now! It's not good to lie..." Sam continued as he eyed your tits bouncing from underneath him, his cheeks somehow turning an even deeper shade of red as all he wanted to do was suck on them. But, he had an even bigger mission in front of him.
To make sure that you never hid your pretty moans again.
They were everything he had ever wanted to hear since he had developed a crush on you! To hear something different come from those pretty lips of yours that he fisted his cock to every other night since before you two started dating...now he finally had what he wanted, he couldn't just let you hide them and act like nothing happened!
"Fuuucckkk..." Sam moaned, drool dribbling out the side of his mouth as he relished in your pussy. Whiny 'aht aht ahts' leaving your lips as your cunt tightened around his dick.
"Don't ever hide your noises from me again babe~"
Not very surprised tbh.
Alex would've probably assumed there had to have been a crack under that quiet, seemingly "perfect" facade of yours. And before you two were dating, he was doing almost everything to find it.
Teasing you, trying to say certain words in order to fluster you and even being (respectfully) touchy with you via bumping into you and placing a hand on your arm from time to time.
Still, you didn't crack once.
He almost gave up until one fateful night when you were at the beach and he came across you. One meaningful talk later and you were somewhere in the forest against a tree and him behind you, pulling you onto his cock repeatedly like a man starved.
Safe to say, you were making noises then.
♡ - When you let out a whiney "Alex~!". He didn't stop even for a moment.
Oh no, he continued pistoning into your sloppy pussy as you struggled to hold yourself against a tree somewhere deep within Cindersap forest. Yet, all he could ever think about was how much he longed to hear those noises since the first moment you two met.
How many nights he spent in his bedroom imagining the shy farmer underneath him or on top of him as he fucked you until you scarcely remembered your own name. Now? It was finally a reality, and with more fire than his imagination could ever hope to recreate.
"Fuck yeah farmer," Alex smirked to himself as he grabbed your ass, using the grip his other hand had upon your hip to slam you further down his throbbing dick. "Bet you didn't even hear yourself, huh? I know you didn't." He continued to talk, not even caring if you were coherent enough to hear what he was saying as your moans only increased in pitch and frequency while your slick started to drip down the front of his thighs.
"'Cause if you did-" A drawn-out groan interrupted his line of speech as you suddenly clenched around him. A loud keening noise leaving your lips as his jaw dropped in shock at your squirt splashing against where you two were joined.
Oh, now he definitely needed to fuck you again.
"Fuck farmer, didn't know you were a squirter~" He smirked as he leaned forward a little to take your chin into his hand, shaking your head like you were a ragdoll to make you come to a little.
"H-Huh...?" You said dazedly.
He pressed a chaste kiss to your temple, a cocky laugh leaving his lips as his hips started to move again. "Don't worry farmer, we have all night to recreate those cute moans again...as well as you squirting on my dick again..."
I think that he'd be blushing and would be just as embarrassed as you would be.
Harvey may be knowledgeable about female anatomy since he's a doctor but he's not experienced in personally having sex. I think that would make him think that he's not exactly 'good enough' to make the well-known quiet farmer let out a loud moan.
Once he managed to though (and did a quick check-in to make sure he didn't do anything wrong and it was actually pleasurable for you) he's definitely going to repeat the action over and over without fault.
Anything for his pretty spouse.
♡ - Harvey looked up at you like a confused little puppy when you made those noises, his brown eyes wide from shock and curiosity as he studied your facial expressions for a beat.
He didn't think this would ever happen.
He was content in your soft moans and quiet pleas for him to continue his ministrations whenever you two would become intimate. He never thought you would be loud in bed with him and he was fine with that! So long as you weren't in pain and you were enjoying him, he didn't need a louder moan or needier whine to spur him to continue.
But...he wouldn't deny that the absolute hunger that was in his name when you said it a little bit louder than usual. Your hand gripping his wrist in a need to try and ground yourself, the covers on the bed no longer seeming to do it for you. This moment...he could find himself becoming addicted to it easily. "Y-Y/N?" Harvey broke the silence as he moved up a little to better look into your eyes, to double-check to make sure you weren't in any pain.
"...Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, right?" He asked hesitantly as you slowly opened your eyes to look at him.
Your breath was fast but soft, almost like a rabbit's as you looked at him as if he hung the very moon and stars for you and you alone. "I-I'm fine..." You said, your eyes following him as he went back to his position between your thighs, his fingers slowly returning to his task as they grazed your pussy.
Your thighs twitched at the contact. "Why'd you stop...?" You asked, a little impatient. "Keep going."
Oh, he planned to.
"Sorry," Harvey said as he pressed a gentle kiss just a little under your navel as his fingers plunged into your pussy once more, curling just enough so that they rubbed against that sweet spot inside your cunt. Teasing but juuussttt enough to make you ache and crave for more, to make your pussy drip. "Just had to make sure you were okay." He continued as he finger-fucked you, his lips pressing against the inside of your thighs appreciatively as he listened to the needy squelching of your pussy.
He'd keep going, again and again and again.
So long as he got to hear more sounds from you.
Imma add in my two cents to the dom Shane crowd and say that Shane would be confident but in a less 'dude-bro' way. (like Alex)
He wouldn't be shocked. He's had a few one-night stands here and there, and would definitely know his way around. Man or woman.
So when you let out a symphony of pleasurable screams when he was rearranging your insides, your hands gripping onto your pillows for dear life. He didn't dare ease up or take a minute to let yourself notice that you were letting out such lewd noises.
He just kept on moving, silently committing each moan, whine, and scream to memory.
♡ - Your face was deep in your pillow when you let out a drawn-out scream as you came around Shane's dick. A creamy ring starting to form as Shane continued to fuck you through your orgasm.
He always knew you were capable of it, being louder and no longer abiding by that 'shy, quiet little farmer' title that the town liked to place on you. From the moment you talked to him when you were a few days into being in Pelican Town, a thought flashed through his mind that begged to know the answer to a question that plagued him for a while now...
Were you just as quiet in bed?
A fleeting question at first until he really started to take notice of your figure. Plush thighs and a soft stomach, a cute full face, and doe eyes, those features all serving to make his cock as hard as diamond as you became the face in his imagination when he jerked off at night.
Now that you two were dating, however...he no longer had to imagine or wonder.
He simply had to fuck you right and press the right buttons in order to get you to make the sounds that he desperately wanted to hear.
"Fuck Y/N..." Shane moaned as his grip tightened upon your ass, both fucking you faster and trying to control your squirming through your overstimulation. "Always knew that quiet shit was a fucking farce, you just needed to get fucked right, yeah? Cute lil' slut."
When you turned your head to look behind you with teary eyes, he sucked in a breath as a smirk came onto his lips. He'd take that as a 'yes' to his answer. "Fuuckkk...I'm right aren't I?" He said.
"Seems like I'm finally lucky in this town, eh? Cute farmer begging for the local drunk's dick. Bet this is why you started talking to me in the first place."
"N-No...." You said with a dumb smile coming onto your lips after. "O-Only you..."
"Eh? You only talked to me for me?" He leaned down as he said that, hiding his pinkening cheeks via tucking his face into your neck, excusing his actions by sucking hickeys onto your skin. "Cute."
"Almost makin' me want to go easy your ass." Immediately, he contradicted his words as his thrusts sped up. His groans and grunts began to shift into quick yet deep gasps as he felt his orgasm approaching. "...Not that I will, we still have allll night~"
Bonus! Mr. Qi
He's very playful when you let out a noise you or him didn't think you were capable of making.
He'll tease you and question why you didn't make such a sound earlier. The quiet and sweet farmer? Not making a sound, even though he didn't fully believe that himself, he wouldn't deny that he was in the process of doing so seeing as it really seemed that way from your past sexual encounters!
But, when his cock finally pressed against the right spot against your twitching walls?
He definitely wasn't going to let you live that down, he's talking your ear off the entire time as you're losing your voice over his dick.
♡ - "Ohoho...care to make that noise again farmer~?"
Of all the explorations he's been on all the secrets and mysteries he's unraveled within this valley and beyond...his favorite and most enjoyable journey has been with you. Even when you first arrived to the valley, talk of the late farmer's quiet grandchild spreading like wildfire, he was interested in you!
You challenged yourself and had morals he could get behind.
He didn't even realize he was taking a more...intimate interest in you until you happened upon him one day and he saw you in the flesh for the first time, your cute body and shy demeanor captivating him similarly to a drug.
And now...now that he has you underneath him, pressing your hands against his chest in an attempt to ground yourself as his cock rubbed deliciously against your walls. He was most definitely hooked, even more so now that he has unraveled yet another mystery.
The mystery of whether or not you were capable of being loud in bed or not.
Qi pressed a kiss to your cheek as he pressed your legs further down, your knees nearly touching your ears as the blue-skinned man fucked you in a tight mating press. "I knew there had to be something lewd under that delicate appearance you tried to maintain," He whispered in your ear, a teasing lilt to his voice.
"Though, not very fair of you farmer to keep it hidden away from me for so long!" He chuckled when you cracked open your eyes, your vision dazed and blurry from your tears as you heard nothing but white noise in your ears.
Not that he minded much, he'd have all the time in the world to recount your cute voice to you later...
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lumibuns-blog · 10 months
Omggg i saw the new episode of jjk and it gave me such a big idea i think you'd love. Imagine one day sukuna finds his wife that he married thousands of years ago and due to their marriage his wife was granted immortality. And just like she never cheated or kissed another man just waiting for her husband to return and when they reunite (even if he doesnt say it) he is over the moon and just wants to never leave his wifes side ever again. Just much fluff and romance ahhhh
Sakuna x reader fluff
Sukuna scoffed to himself, the boy had finally allowed him to take control after all this time. Even in this deep underground it felt good to feel the air on his face and not through that brat. He continued forward. Thousands of year of stored power and he had been reduced to a fraction of it, despite the immense power he held he couldn't help but miss the time when he ruled over the landscape, unchallenged.
He had a partner even, the one human who he couldn't bring himself to kill, the one he realized he couldn't live without. You had married him, been granted immortality by his hand, and still he had lost you. His last memory before being split and exorcised, was you running to him, crying his name. He was happy that was his last memory.
Sukuna tore himself from his own thoughts, they so often drifted to you but right now he wanted to use the small amount of freedom he was granted.
He moved his hand foreword, fire erupting from his fist as he threw the heat forward, it crashed through a wall, tunneling through the train station. He heard peoples screams like music to his ears, he walked foreword through the rubble. People ran, screaming, away from him. Fire cast from all around him, bursting every human in his sight into flames, he hummed contently to himself.
"S-Sukuna?" A feeble voice trembled from beside him
He knew that voice, he knew that voice, he slowly turned, a truly befuddled expression on his face, his lip curled as he dare not get his hope up but...
There you were, you looked exactly as gorgeous as the last moment he saw you, nothing changed, your clothes were more modern of course but there was no mistaking it, you were here.
"I knew it was you!" you cried, tears streaming down your face. You threw yourself into his arms.
He was too stunned to speak, his arms unmoving, all he could he process was the blood running down your leg, he moved his arms to gently put you down,
"Did I do this to you?" He asked, his hand moving down to your leg, activating he reverse curse technique to heal the gash. He just couldn't believe that he had hurt you, it had been 1000 years and the first thing he did was hurt you
"Oh my love don't worry about that now" you smiled gently, you had always forgiven him no matter what he did
You moved a hand to his face to gently tip his head to look at you.
"I thought you would have found someone else by now, had a family moved on, I mean I'm sure you have" his voice grumbled low in his throat
"I would never" you leaned your forehead against his "I haven't touched a single souls since I lost you, I-I knew you would come back just like you promised"
Sakuna remembered the promise he had made to you that dim moonlit night, on the engawa of the palace you shared, that he would never leave you, even if the world fell apart he would always find you.
"I've missed you" he whispered moving his lips to kiss yours, he moved back to take in your entire person
"Your as beautiful as the day I lost you" he breathed
You smiled sweetly
"What the hell is going on?!?-" the onlooker was silenced as his head burst into flames
You continued to smile as if it was nothing
He picked you up bridal style, "we'll go find the house we used to share" he smirked to you
"I'd like that" you giggle
'Hey what the hell is going on' the brat who's body he had been forced to posses voice rang out in his head
Sukuna slapped his face "just shut it would ya" he growled to himself
"What was that?" you questioned from his arms
"I have a lot to explain" he breathed out
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