#oh to be a fly on the wall to witness that incident
Beforus!Eridan: so, in reality, wwe do not learn, and wwhat wwe call learning is only a process of recollection-
Beforus!Karkat: DO DO DO DO!
Beforus!Eridan: oh goddamnit not you again
Beforus!Karkat: WHAT’S UP, FUCKERS?
Beforus!Karkat, holding up a featherless chicken: HEY CHECK OUT THIS PERSON I FOUND!
Beforus!Karkat, still holding up the chicken: ISNT IT SUCH A HUMAN?
Beforus!Karkat: LOOK AT HIM, WOW!
*He just, throws it on the floor.*
Beforus!Karkat: WHAT A GUY!
*Beforan Kanaya raises her hand.*
Beforus!Eridan: *sigh* yes my student
Beforus!Kanaya: Yeah Uh What The Fuck
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keeksybee · 1 year
Rimmer’s Incident:
I think that under the right circumstances Rimmer would go absolutely feral if he believed something was enough of a threat to Lister, this is roughly based on the “Get in the Water” sound from Epic the musical with the concept that when someone with a great deal of power is pushed far enough they can cause untold destruction.
Trigger Warning: Blood, Gore, fairly extreme violence.
Something has hurt Lister, they’re on the ship of whatever alien-ish thing they’re facing off against and it’s seriously hurt Lister, maybe mortally, he could die. Kryten is trying to administer emergency first aid and Lister is playing it like there’s nothing wrong but he’s pale and the nauseating puddle of blood collecting around him makes Rimmer want to wretch.
The thing is laughing. The thing is smegging laughing.
It may take Lister away from him, his friend, his brother, his…he doesn’t want to think about those feelings but they’re there, his only real connection to the living, in short, his everything. That thing may take his everything and it’s laughing, suddenly his vision whites out, his mind clouds with such an unimaginable rage his that sensory processing unit fritzes, and he’s laughing too, high, and tinny, and utterly crazed, the laugh he saved for moments of great hilarity, the thing stops laughing.
When he comes back to himself his face is wet and he’s clutching a stunned, shaking Lister whose clutching him back, the area around them is decimated and he’s covered head to toe in green, vicious, blood.
From Lister’s point of view the sight was as horrifying as it was precise and almost graceful if it hadn’t been for the ear piercing scream, the savage charge of the group of combatants and the spaces where Rimmer eyes should have been going jet black, for the first time he witnessed the true potential power of a hologram, Rimmer must have tapped into the electrical system because power leads flung themselves off the walls creating a rain of molten sparks, pieces of shrapnel flying as whole panels of the ship corridor bent and warped itself sending a thick, bitter smog into the air. He watched as Rimmer tore through creatures almost thrice his size with primal efficiency, twisting heads clean off and using spare bits of shrapnel to gut others like hapless fishes, he saw Rimmer squeeze the life of one of them with his bare hands ensuring the light left their eyes before he released its throat, their blood stained deep into his ruined clothes as he left what appeared to be the youngest of the soldiers alive, trembling staring up at Rimmer’s blank, soulless gaze.
“I have a message for your people” he speaks stilted and unnaturally, the electricity making him fizz and crackle, but it’s more determined than he’s ever seen him.
The trembling thing nods.
“In human culture we protect our friends and loved ones by any means necessary”
The soldier nods again.
“Let this…” he gestures to his carnage “serve as an example of why you are not to cross that line, ever” he fixes his stony eyes on the thing.
It scarpers off limping.
Rimmer then makes an equally unnatural 180 degree turn and walks toward him falling to his knees and hanging on to him like a limpet muttering “I could have lost you, I could have lost you” over and over until a sob breaks out of his chest and his protestations became agonised wailing as if a lifetime of anger, grief and self loathing could be let out in a sound, he can only cling on to Rimmer and allow this to pass on its own, it must take more than an hour for the vacant look to vacate Rimmer’s eyes and for him to start saying words again. No more creatures come, he surveys the remains of the ones Rimmer had dealt with, that was probably a good thing.
After what seemed like eons finally, finally Rimmer actually stares back at him, completely alert.
“Hey you”
Rimmer rubs his head slightly taking in his bloodied hands “What happened here?”.
“You did”
Rimmer thinks for a moment “Oh” he says quietly “That’s right”.
“Why?” He asked softly.
“They hurt you”.
Lister squeezed him tighter, Rimmer had done this for him, he cared about him that much. Just then Kryten appears.
“Sirs, I’ve scoured the ship for resources we might need and already put them in vacuum storage, now let me help you back to the ship’s medibay, and Mr Rimmer I believe a shower is in order”.
“Thanks Kryten” he said as the mechinoid assisted him to his unsteady feet and back to the Dwarf, Rimmer was already following behind them with this look on his face that said he was worried, it was cute, maybe his stay in the medibay wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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the-septic-maniac · 1 year
July 30, 2030
"Deraila and Amy seem awfully down today" Marina noted seeing the two with their heads down, drinking their coffee together in silence. Orlando walks in and sees the situation. “Oh my…” He notices the shirt that Deraila is wearing. It was a Hawaiian button-up but not one of her usual ones. “That shirt carries quite the history to it. A heavy history about a broken man. A broken family.” Raising an eyebrow, Marina asks “How so?” He gives a bit of a shocked look. “In the 4 years you've known Amy and the possibly more that you’ve known Deraila, they haven't told you about their old partner they used to share?”
Amy speaks up clearly irritated “Orlando, if you want to talk about The Knight Family don't do it around me and Deraila. 15 years might have passed since the entire family’s death but it weighs just about heavy as it did back then”. Deralia speaks up clearly depressed “It's fine Amy. Orlando can talk about them. It's not the most traumatizing thing I’ve witnessed in my life…”
Orlando with a bit of a heavy sadness in his voice “it is not. Ive looked at their history over the at this point in time, almost 20 years of police work, but it is…” he swallows thickly “certaintly up there. Along with witnessing multiple attempts of suicide, one of which was successful…” He looks like he is wavering. “Her partner at the time during their first years, h-had…” it seems like he’s struggling to get the appropriate words out. He keeps clearing his throat. Deraila interrupts him, speaking in a monotone voice. “Me and Jones had witnessed the suicide of our Chief at the time…”
She stands up from their bench and grabs them all some coffee. “Let me tell you a story… When I first joined the Pacific Bay team, I had just got off from Grimsbourgh, my home town and Amy was just a junior officer when we met. We both met who we knew as our senior and the original owner of this shirt, Frank Knight.” Amy nods, a solemn look on her face. Deraila took a staggered breath. “He wasn’t a good man… but dammit he wasn't a bad one either. He was broken… broken in many ways and regretted so many things…” They take a sip of his coffee. The room is filled with silence. Amy broke the silence after a few minutes.“He… despite his actions in the end almost treated me like his own kid…” Deraila had a increased frustration in their voice as they spoke “He just wanted his damned family back. And gods whe he started emptying out his heart about his past-” Amy completed their sentence “Some of his behaviors and actions made so much more sense” "the one thing I won't ever let him down on if he was alive was the murder of Danny Moto… he was just a kid when frank killed him. Sure yeah, Frank's guilt about the incident weighed heavy on his shoulders, and if there ever such thing as a afterlife, it probably still does weight heavy on him, despite what Erikah Mabayo said."
A heavy silence came into the room. Deraila's grip on her mug white-knuckled as her frustration as memories started flooding into their head. "To make matters worse for him around this time, his daughter was in a coma and he and his wife Karen Knight had just reunited. But that was short lived because of those fucking bastards Albert Tesla and Alden fucking Greene!!!" The volume of Deraila's voice had risen exponentially. The other members on the team looked on in shock as they see how angry Deraila seems. Amy placed a hand on their shoulder. "They dangled the promise of them being a whole family again. Nothing pisses me off then an empty promise. especially one that puts loved ones in a choke hold when it was just a scheme for something else!" Marina and Orlando look on in absolute shock. They haven't ever seen Deraila this angry. "TESLA HAD THE FUCKING GALL AFTER SENDING SOMEONE TO KILL FRANK TO TRY AND BAIT US AND KEEP THE UTOPIA OPEN BY USING THE KNIGHT FAMILY!" Deraila sends one of her fists flying through a wall. after that, she breaks down into tears. Amy looked like she was about to go into tears as well, remembering the happy faces of the complete Knight Family in the utopia. It was a first for Marina and Orlando to see Amy like this.
Sobbing between Amy and Deraila were the only things heard for just a few moments as those hours repeated in their heads. The desperation for answers from the suspects and their coworkers. The search for clues and the skull rattling laughter from Tesla mocking them. The adrenaline spike from the tension. Then came the bitter-sweet ending… Those smiles… the smiles of Laura and Daisy that they have only seen once but damn will they never forget them. The smiles of Frank and Karen, a broken couple that has been broken apart due to their grief but reunited for their bedridden daughter. In death, this family was reunited…
But Deraila and Amy can't help but weep at their deaths. After 15 years… they still couldn't help but cry for a family they barely knew. Yet somehow they loved the family all the same.
"I-I think I'm gonna head home after repairing this," Deraila said as she pulled her fist out of the wall, her hand a little bloody. Amy nods and says the same thing. Orlando, Marina, and Jack stand there in silence as their teammates walk off, wondering what they could possibly do to help…
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Twisted Wings Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Dawn was almost breaking by the time Celeste returned to Ramshackle. She had spent the past few hours flying around the island, pondering her meeting with the horned man.
She was hesitant to return, afraid that the horned man wouldn't keep his word. However after several hours of debating with herself, she quietly landed on Ramshackle dorm's doorstep. She couldn't just leave Grim and her new friends without so much as a good goodbye. Perhaps the horned man would keep his word after all.
Retracting her wings, she opened the rickety front door and walked inside, putting away her sword.
"There you are! Where have you been?" Celeste jumped slightly at Grim's voice behind her. She spun to see him sitting up on the couch in the lounge.
"Grim? I went out for a stroll. Why are you not in bed?" Celeste was amazed to see him up so early.
"I had a nightmare and when I woke up you were GONE! I looked all over the dorm for you! I figured I'd wait for you on the couch but I fell asleep..." Grim flattened his ears as he gave her a pitiful look.
"I'm sorry Grim I was gone longer than I meant to be." She went over and patted him on the head, surprisingly he let her do so with no objection. "I won't disappear forever without informing you first I promise." She tried to reassure him but he narrowed his eyes at her suspiciously.
"You say that like your plann' on disappearin'." He grumbled his forked tail twitching.
"Grim, I'm not going anywhere at the moment. Now let's get cleaned up. I suspect Riddle will be waiting for us to continue the investigation." She said as she left the room to put on her school uniform.
A short time later they made their way to the main street. It was still relatively early but students were already out and about. She was relieved to see that she wasn't getting any unusual looks. It appeared that the horned man had indeed kept his word.
Now that I think of it, he said to call him whatever I liked... She thought, remembering he hadn't told her his name. Perhaps she should call him Pan, after all, he appeared to be like a mischievous horned spirit.
"Mornin' Celeste." Cater's greeting snapped her out of her thoughts. She looked to see him and Riddle walking towards her.
"Good morning Cater, Riddle." She said smiling back at them.
Riddle's brow furrowed slightly when he saw her. "Hm. Your tie is crooked you know. A disorderly uniform suggests a disorderly dorm." He reached out towards her and adjusted her tie.
Celeste glanced away, feeling slightly embarrassed. "Oh, your right. Sorry, I'm not used to wearing such things." Usually, Zaphiel assisted her with complicated accessories and with her hair.
"Where are Ace and Deuce?" She asked noticing they weren't with them.
"In accordance with rule 249, it's their turn to wear pink clothes and feed the flamingos." Riddle explained before his expression darkened slightly. "By the way, there was another incident last night."
"Oh no! Was the student badly hurt?" Celeste gasped dismayed.
"Celeste you're such a sweetheart. I believe he's alright." Cater smiled as he reassured her before continuing.
"According to the portrait that witnessed it, the victim was a sophomore from Scarabia house. His name is Jamil Viper. It appears the accident happened in the kitchen." Cater said checking the information on his phone.
"I see. Sentient portraits are quite beneficial for such matters. We have several at home for just that reason." Celeste said recalling the number of portraits that lined Eden's palace walls. They were part of the palace security and would shout if something was amiss.
"So you got talkin' pictures where you're from too? Am I the only one that thinks it's weird?" Grim grumbled.
Riddle ignored him. "It's time for breakfast so he may still be in the cafeteria. Let's go."
They entered the cafeteria and Cater began scanning the room. "Jamil has long black hair. Let's see... There he is!" Cater pointed towards two Scarabia students eating breakfast together at a table not far from them.
Unfortunately Grim darted over to them before she could stop him. "You're the guy who got banged up in the kitchen yesterday, right? Mind if we chat?" He said hopping onto the chair across from them.
Jamil folded his arms and scowled at him. "What is this? An inquisition?" His long black hair was tied in a low ponytail with several tightly braided locks. His dark eyes glittered with distrust as he eyed Grim.
The other boy drew back, startled. "Oh hey! That's the weasel who set me on fire at orientation!" He had short white hair, scarlet eyes, and tan skin. He wasn't wearing a traditional uniform rather he had on a white cardigan instead of a black blazer and a golden head wrap fastened on his head.
"My apologies! He's just eager! We wanted to inquire about how you got injured is all." Celeste said hurriedly, catching up with Grim along with Riddle and Cater.
"Grim you need to work on your tone. You're giving Celeste extra work." Riddle admonished Grim who shot him a glare. "Forgive us for interrupting your breakfast." Riddle apologized glancing back at the two boys.
The boy with white hair grinned at them in a friendly manner. "Wow, a beautiful girl and a fire-spitting weasel. Ahaha what a fun combo!"
"I ain't no weasel!" Grim huffed but Celeste spoke over his rude outburst.
"I am Celeste, Prefect of Ramshackle dorm. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintances." She introduced herself with a pleasant smile.
"The pleasures all mine! I'm Kalim, Scarabia's Housewarden. And this is my vice Housewarden, Jamil." Kalim beamed as he gestured to Jamil.
Celeste was a bit surprised to find out he was a Housewarden. His carefree attitude didn't seem to match any of the Housewardens she'd met so far.
"Why do you want to know about my accident?" Jamil asked, giving them a guarded look.
"The headmage has requested us to investigate all of the mishaps involving Spelldrive players." Celeste explained and he appeared to relax.
"The headmage? I see... Well okay." Jamil nodded in understanding and began to explain how he was injured.
"Last night I was in the kitchen chopping ingredients. It was like my knife hand went wild and cut my other hand all on its own." He said holding up his bandaged hand.
"It makes no sense! Even the dorm's head chef can attest to Jamil's legendary knife skills! Were you tired from Spelldrive?" Kalim spoke up shaking his head in disbelief.
Jamil shook his head. "No. Not so tired that I couldn't control my hands. But at one point while I was cooking I felt kind of lightheaded." He frowned as if deep in thought.
"Like you were dizzy?" Celeste looked at him intently, hoping for a new clue.
"Most people would think that, but I know that sensation. I think I was feeling the effects of someone's signature spell." Jamil said narrowing his eyes and Cater gasped. It seemed her guess about someone using telekinetic magic was correct.
"Oh right! Because your signature spell is-" Kalim was interrupted by Jamil slapping his hand over his mouth. Kalim shook him off and gave him a bewildered look. "Why'd you do that?"
"Because we are not talking about me here." Jamil hissed at him before continuing. "Anyway my theory is that someone was controlling my movements with magic."
Cater looked at Celeste. "It seems like you might have been right about telekinetic magic. It would be a way to hurt people and have it appear as if they were just being careless."
"A spell that could control someone... If I could learn how to cast that, I could really clean up on bakery day!" Grim exclaimed excitedly and Celeste gasped as she recalled the events of that day. The hyena beastman and the hotdog bun...
"Grim! Do you remember how you lost your sandwich on bakery day?" Celeste asked turning to him.
Grim scowled, clearly still bitter. "Do I remember?! I'll never forget! ... That sandwich stealing... AAAAAHHH!" He let out a screech as the realization hit him, causing everyone to jump.
"WHOA! Why are we screaming?!" Kalim pulled back confused.
"I, Grim Expert Detective, have solved this case! I know who's got that signature spell!" Grim stood upright and puffed out his chest proudly.
"What?" Riddle looked over at her for an explanation.
"Ruggie used it to get Grim's sandwich on bakery day." Celeste explained and Cater's eyes widened.
"Ruggie? That lil dude from Savanaclaw?" Cater asked and she nodded.
"Let's track him down and see what he has to say." Riddle declared with a determined face.
"Thank you both for your assistance. I sincerely wish you a fast recovery, Jamil." Celeste said glancing back at the two Scarabia students.
"No problem, anytime! Good luck!" Kalim said waving to them as they left.
Cater led them to the classroom Ruggie was supposed to be in. Inside, Ruggie and a few other students were chatting amongst themselves.
"Ruggie Bucchi, we need to ask you some questions about the spate of injuries that have befallen prospective Spelldrive players." Riddle said causing Ruggie to spin around.
"Oh ho. This sounds like some serious business." Ruggie smirked and raised an eyebrow at them.
"How about we move into the hall and keep this in the figurative DMs if you catch my drift?" Cater narrowed his eyes at Ruggie in a slightly threatening manner.
Ruggie flattened his ears at Cater's tone. "I'm cooperating. Let's all try to be gentlemen now." He said brushing past them as they stepped out into the hall.
"Ruggie we have reason to believe that you have been utilizing telekinetic magic to cause injury to other students." Celeste spoke up once they were all out in the hall. She folded her arms and gave him a stern look.
"Do you now? So you've got everything worked out have you?" Ruggie scoffed at her narrowing his grey eyes.
"While we do not yet know exactly what transpired, it is abundantly clear that your signature spell is a dangerous one. I will be casting off with your head to-" Riddle was cut off by Ruggie who had a sly grin on his face.
"But Riddle, are you sure you should be casting such a powerful spell without your magical pen?" He smirked and Riddle's hands flew to his blazer pocket where he usually kept his pen.
"Huh? Wait... What?! Where is it?!" Riddle cried out in alarm when he realized it was gone.
Ruggie snickered at Riddle's reaction. "Children of privilege all of you. So unprepared. So complacent. Like stealing candy from a baby." He held up his hand. In it was not only Riddle's pen but Cater's as well and a star pendant dangling on a silver chain.
Celeste gasped and reached for her star pendant but Ruggie backed away.
"Ruggie please give that back! It's not a magestone, it's part of a matching set I have with my brother!"
"Relax I'm just gonna borrow it for a bit. Anyway, having a showdown in the hallway isn't on my agenda for today so I'll be on my way. Tootles!" Ruggie veered around and darted away taking off down the hall with surprising speed.
They all scrambled after him but Ruggie was agile as well as fast. While she could have certainly caught him at her normal speed she still hesitated to use it in front of her friends. They turned a corner and practically ran smack into Ace and Deuce.
"Huh? What's going on? Why are you running?" Deuce asked surprised as they skidded to a halt.
"The culprit! He's getting away!" Riddle screamed his face contorting and turning completely red with rage as he pointed to Ruggie running down the hall. "You need to apprehend Ruggie Bucchi immediately! Housewarden's orders!"
"What's this got to do with us?" Ace scowled not wanting to get involved.
"Listen to him! He grabbed their pens and my necklace!" Celeste cried out growing more anxious as Ruggie got farther and farther away.
Deuce immediately swung around and started pursuing Ruggie. Ace let out a groan and went after him.
Celeste sighed as they took off with Grim on their heels. Even though Deuce was fast, Ruggie was extremely nimble, clambering up a wall and running along the edge, forcing Ace and Deuce to take the long way around.
With a hesitant glance at Cater and Riddle, Celeste took off after Ruggie. Utilizing her natural swiftness, she was able to reach the wall within seconds, leaping onto the narrow ledge with ease. She balanced herself perfectly and proceeded to pursue Ruggie.
She gained on him rapidly and he peeked behind himself as she approached. "WHOA?! Holy shit you're fast!" He shouted seeing her about to overtake him. He scrambled off the ledge and into the courtyard, hitting the ground running. She leaped onto a higher ledge so she could track him better- she couldn't let him get away.
Ace, Deuce, and Grim burst out into the courtyard panting and hurled a few spells at Ruggie slowing him down. She jumped down in front of him blocking his getaway route.
Ruggie skidded to a halt his eyes wide. "... That was a two-story drop..." He huffed in astonishment backing away.
"...Celeste?... How'd you get in front of us?" Deuce panted catching up to them along with Ace and Grim.
Ruggie frowned. "Seems like I misjudged you. I thought you were just some pampered noble but it seems like you've got some skills."
"Ruggie hand over the necklace and the pens. I think I've more than demonstrated that I'm able to overtake you." Celeste said narrowing her eyes at him angrily.
"Hold on there princess- what makes you so sure that I did it? I only took em in self-defense." Ruggie said putting his hands up. His ears twitched when he noticed how Celeste tensed at his remark.
"... Your actions do not exactly seem innocent." Celeste hissed at him as she crossed her arms.
"Well, what was I supposed to do? Let Riddle collar me? Where's your evidence? Do you have any witnesses who saw me casting a spell? Did anyone snap a picture? You don't have anything like that do you?" Ruggie grinned at her confidently when she didn't immediately respond. He knew he was right.
"You know very well that no incantation is needed for telekinetic spells... As for witnesses, it's rather obvious that you used it on Grim to swipe his sandwich on bakery day." Celeste said after a moment but Ruggie snorted.
"What happened on bakery day had nothing to do with the Spelldrive stuff. You've got nothin' to prove that I did it."
Celeste grimaced knowing he was right. She sighed and shook her head. "I don't understand... Your dorm is so skilled, why do this? Surely you don't need to employ underhanded methods to win?"
Ruggie let out another snort and shook his head. "Someone like you who's had everything handed to em wouldn't understand... Next time make sure you have some proof before you come after me next time. I'll just leave your necklace and the pens here. Tootles!" He set down the necklace and pens by the base of one of the apple trees before once again darting off.
Celeste sighed and picked them up, clasping the necklace back around her neck.
Ace shouted in frustration and Deuce grimaced. "Housewarden Riddle is not going to be pleased." He sighed shaking his head.
"Unfortunately he was correct. While I'm certain he is the one who's been injuring students- we have no solid evidence. We had no choice but to let him go but his use of the term next time concern's me." Celeste sighed running her hand through her dark hair.
"So you guys are still on the hunt, huh?" They all turned to see Jack walking towards them.
Ace glared at him. "Yeah. Hey here's an idea, next time maybe give us a hand?"
Jack's ears twitched. "Celeste seemed to have it covered. That was pretty impressive, I've never seen anybody catch up to Ruggie like that. Where'd you learn to move like that?" He asked eyeing her curiously.
"I had special training back at home." Celeste said thinking back to how she was trained in the army with her mother. She couldn't tell them that, otherwise they'd start questioning her age. Things would get confusing fast since angels aged differently in the celestial realm.
"...Huh. Anyways why're you going through all this trouble for the sake of total strangers? I mean, I'd understand if you were out for vengeance for an injured friend or something." Jack asked after realizing she wasn't going to elaborate.
"Several of our friends have been hurt but I wouldn't say I was doing this out of vengeance. I simply don't want anyone else to be needlessly hurt." Celeste said looking up at the tall beastman with conviction.
Ace snorted. "Yeah, yeah Celeste you're too nice. You're both missing the point here."
"What?" Jack blinked as Celeste frowned at Ace.
"We're not doing this for anyone else sake!" Ace said with a smirk.
"This is a chance for us to score some kudos by catching the culprit." Deuce grinned as well but caught sight of Celeste's disapproving gaze. "Oh! And of course help Celeste!" He added hurriedly.
Ace let out a fake cough. "Ahem, simp mhm." Deuce shot him a glare and elbowed him in the side.
Ace moved away from Deuce and continued. "I feel bad about what happened to Trey, but if there's an opening on the roster... I'll take it."
Jack smirked and crossed his arms. "Wow. I was doubting if I could trust people who would suffer like this for strangers... But it turns out you two are total scum." He looked pointedly at Ace and Deuce.
Ace glared back at him. "If we're scum then you're less than scum. You knew all along didn't you?"
"That would explain why you were so confident that you wouldn't be targeted. Your dorm was behind it." Celeste said narrowing her eyes.
Jack sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "All right, I'll tell you what I know. I'm betraying my own dorm here, but I can't stay quiet any longer." He looked down at them with a determined gleam in his eyes.
"I don't care how strong the foe- I wanna face them with my own two fists. I've been training for this tournament and was excited to see how far I could go. But these cowardly schemes are making me sick! A triumph won through treachery means nothing!" Jack declared adamantly.
"I see. So am I to understand that the entire dorm is in on this?" Celeste asked and Jack nodded.
"Leona has Ruggie doing his dirty work. Ruggie's signature spell makes its target copy his movements. He's able to make it look like an accident on their part." Jack let out a growl and shook his head. "I'm disappointed in Leona. He has incredible talent but refuses to use it!"
"Yeah, for as lazy as that guy is... He seemed insanely strong." Grim muttered, his blue-flamed ears twitching as he remembered yesterday's Spelldrive game.
"Right?! Why would you possess such power and not even hone it?! I despise guys like him!" Jack snarled in disgust before shaking his head in disappointment. "The way he played when I saw him three years ago... It blew my mind. That was the reason I came to this school."
Celeste gave Jack a sympathetic look. It seemed he had greatly admired Leona and was feeling let down by his actions. Fortunately, his morals wouldn't let him blindly follow Leona like the rest of Savanaclaw.
"All of these accidents are just an incidental part of their plan. They're hunting bigger prey here." Jack continued frowning.
"Bigger prey?" Deuce asked raising his eyebrows.
"Malleus Draconia, the Diasomnia Housewarden. He possesses monstrous power. He led Diasomnia to victory two years running. He's the reason we were knocked out of both tournaments without scoring a single point. The older dorm members won't ever forgive that. The upperclassmen want to redeem themselves but the way they are doing it is despicable." Jack's face twisted in disgust as he look away.
"So they are plotting an attack on Draconia on tournament day..." Celeste murmured wondering how they intended to take down someone so powerful.
"Yep. That's why I need to stop them!" Jack made a fist with a determined look on his face.
"I believe I've heard enough." They all looked to see Riddle and Cater walking towards them. Cater waved at her cheerfully while Riddle remained composed.
"Riddle, Cater, here are your pens back." Celeste said handing them their magic pens. Relief flooded their eyes when they saw the pens in her hand.
"Thank you, Celeste." Riddle nodded at her before continuing. "I cannot allow such an important tradition to be tarnished by personal grudges."
"So what's the stitch Riddle? We got a plan?" Cater asked after thanking Celeste and tucking his pen back into his pocket.
"As we have no proof of Leona's machinations, nor of Ruggie's assaults, we cannot take this to Crowley. Without solid evidence, that sort of accusation would never stick to someone as sly as Leona." Riddle stated in a solemn tone.
"So we need to catch him in the act?" Ace asked raising an eyebrow at Riddle who nodded.
"Yes. And I have a suggestion to that end. First -" Riddle began to say but was cut off by Jack who raised his hand to stop him.
"Stop. I've told you what I know, but that doesn't mean I'm joining your merry band. Savanaclaw is my dorm, and I'm gonna be the one to settle this. See ya." He said gruffly and turned to leave.
"That would be an incredibly foolish move." Celeste spoke in a warning tone compelling Jack to spin back around to face her.
"What'd you just say?!" He growled at her flattening his ears.
Celeste gazed calmly back at him, unfazed. "The entire dorm is in on this yes? So it's you against the entire dorm- do you really believe you can take them on all by yourself? Do you think they will fight fair as you do?"
Jack drew back slightly in shock and began to protest again but she interrupted him.
"You will not win a battle by charging in head first. You must strategize and plan your movements." Celeste said staring up intently at him.
Jack grew silent for a moment, his ears twisting with uncertainty. "... Fine. I'll hear you out, but I'm not committing to anything. If I don't like the sound of your scheme I'm out." He grumbled crossing his arms.
"Very well. Now if I may continue." Riddle said and proceeded to explain his plan to them.
"That's very clever Riddle, but will Cater be alright?" Celeste asked giving Cater a worried look.
"Don't worry about me hon, I'll be fine. Thanks though." Cater winked back at her.
"Yeah, that plan's actually not half bad dude." Ace said grinning at Riddle and Deuce nodded in agreement.
"Sounds like I got a lot of prep work before the big day." Cater said with a smile before glancing over at Jack. "So how about you Jack? Are you in or out?"
"There's nothing cowardly about it at least. I suppose we can work together this one time." He huffed after awkwardly clearing his throat.
"Cool beans. Let's all get back to our dorms for today. I know I'm about really to keel over." Ace groaned his shoulders slumping with exhaustion.
"Yes, you guys must be tired from chasing Ruggie. Thank you for helping me corner him by the way." Celeste said giving Ace and Deuce an appreciative look.
"You did most of it, Celeste. You caught up to him in no time flat." Deuce said looking guilty that he hadn't been to one to retrieve her necklace.
"Yeah, is that necklace valuable or somethin'? You were really bookin' it." Ace asked with an inquisitive glint in his eye.
"Well, yes. It's crystalized Moonbeam- a crystal from my world. Mother gave my brother and me each a matching necklace when we were children." Celeste said holding up the necklace so they could get a better look. The clear crystal glimmered in the sunlight and emitted a soft glow.
"How many cans of tuna do you think we can get for that?" Grim asked his eyes sparkling and she glared at him.
"None because we're not selling it." She huffed putting the necklace away.
It was after closing time at the Mostro Lounge and Azul was finishing tallying up the sales for that day. It had been a good day for him, Leona Kingscholar had even come to him to make a deal- a first.
Perhaps the angel feather he had acquired had become his lucky charm. His eyes flickered over to it in its glass case. It still hadn't lost its soft iridescent gleam. His mind wandered to what he had found out about angels through research.
" The angels were beings of light energy able to take on human-like forms. They worked alongside humans for thousands of years and were rumored to have given the first mages their magic. They resided in a realm just beyond twisted wonderland and could travel between the two as they pleased. Angels were known to have as many as six wings, the number of wings seemed to relate to the amount of power an angel had. A seven-winged eye known as a celestial seal was used to represent the highest-ranking angels, the seraphim. Angels tended to introduce themselves in relation to a specific star through which they granted wishes. Around a thousand years ago they seemed to have vanished from twisted wonderland altogether and now are widely regarded as extinct."
There hadn't been much information on angels for him to find. He had scoured the school's library in search of more information but came up empty. The one thing he knew for certain was that angels were very much still alive and in twisted wonderland.
Azul let out a sigh and rose out of his chair. Perhaps a nighttime stroll would do him good, he thought grabbing his cane and walking out into the empty lounge. In all honesty, he was hoping to get another glimpse of the angel, a least of her face. He wanted a face to the beautiful voice that now haunted his dreams at night.
He made his way back to the fountain in the courtyard, disappointed to find it empty. He couldn't say he was surprised, after all, it was doubtful that he'd ever see her again. A cold October wind blew through the courtyard, ruffling his silver hair.
There was a soft thud behind him as if something had landed on the ground. He turned and saw a small figure standing in the shadows of one of the apple trees.
"Azul Ashengrotto? What brings you here this time of night?" A soft voice questioned him as the figure stepped into the moonlight. It was Celeste, the girl from flight class. She wasn't wearing her uniform instead a long blue coat and knee-high boots. A black leather waist belt held a winged short sword in a decorative scabbard over her hip.
"I could ask you the same thing." Azul said raising an eyebrow at her as she walked over to him.
"I go on nightly strolls often, I have trouble sleeping you see, and being under the stars makes me feel at home." Celeste said with a slightly sad smile.
"So that's the case. I merely wanted some fresh air." Azul said adjusting his glasses.
"Ah yes, the brisk air is rather refreshing." Celeste nodded as a gentle breeze blew through her inky black hair.
"You said you often walk the campus at night. Have you noticed anything out of the ordinary?" Azul asked her, wondering if she'd seen the angel as well. It was rather frustrating being the only one to have seen her. He hadn't told anyone, not even Jade or Floyd for fear they would poke fun at him for it. It was a rather difficult story to believe after all.
"No, I haven't. Why do you ask?" Celeste narrowed her sapphire-colored eyes and her demeanor became more guarded.
"You have a weapon on you. Perhaps you were expecting some sort of threat?" Azul glanced at the sword on her hip as he avoided telling her the real reason behind his question.
"Oh! Um,... it's a rather special type of sword from my homeland. Only I can use it so it has a sort of sentimental value to it. I find solace in having it at my side." Celeste appeared slightly uneasy now and he noticed she evaded actually answering his question about a threat.
"Oh? So it's a magic sword. To have a custom-made magical weapon like that... You must be quite well off." Azul murmured suddenly very interested in her. He noticed that her attire was well made and that she wore a glittering jewel in the shape of a star around her neck.
"That was in the past I'm afraid. Now I have very few things from my old life." Celeste watched him wearily as he broke out his best smile.
"Say, Celeste, would you be interested in a study guide for the upcoming exams? If you'd like, you could stop by the lounge tomorrow and we could... Make a deal?" He grinned as he put on the charm however Celeste seemed unmoved.
"Thank you but I have no interest in that sort of thing. True, Grim does drag down my grades but I don't intend to stay at this school for much longer. So the grade I make on the exam won't matter."
Azul's shoulders slumped. "How terribly disappointing... So you intend to leave? To where may I ask?"
"I suspect I'll be traveling to all sorts of places... It was never my intention to stay in one place for so long." Celeste said looking away.
"I see. Well if you change your mind, let me know. I'd be more than happy to make deal with you." Azul said and bid her farewell, heading back to his dorm.
A few days had passed since the encounter with Ruggie. As a result, Riddle and the rest of Heartslabyul were incredibly busy with both working on his plan and preparing for the Spelldrive tournament.
So it was a rather rare moment for Celeste to be alone without any of her Heartslabyul friends during school hours. Even Grim had gone off to PE ahead of her while she returned a library book.
The peaceful solitude was short-lived, however, as two tall boys suddenly fell into step next to her. They positioned themselves so close that their sleeves brushed against hers.
"Heya Angelfish! No school of Heartslybul fish today?" Floyd grinned as he saddled up next to her.
"Good morning Celeste. I trust you are doing well?" Jade spoke from her other side.
Celeste stopped and frowned at Floyd. "Angelfish? Why did you call me that?"
"Because you move and talk like one!" Floyd beamed at her and she relaxed.
"Floyd likes to give everyone nicknames of sea creatures." Jade clarified to her still smiling.
"Ah, I see. That's why you referred to Riddle as goldfish." Celeste said with a nod as she recalled their past encounter. "Oh is this about the other day? I assure you that it was a misunderstanding. We were investigating injuries related to the Spelldrive tournament and were concerned that you were potential targets."
"Aww! You were worried about little ol us?" Floyd exclaimed, throwing his arm across her shoulders which she promptly removed.
"So that's why you were watching us? My apologies for jumping to conclusions. You should have just said so. Instead, your friends dragged you away before we could get properly aquatinted." Jade's expression seemed downcast.
"My apologies, I never properly introduced myself did I? I'm Celeste prefect of Ramshackle dorm." They probably already knew who she was but it was rather rude of her not to introduce herself.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Celeste. I'm Jade Leech and this is my brother Floyd." Jade motioned towards Floyd.
"Yeah yeah. All these introductions are borin' me. We're here because the boss wanted us to invite ya to the lounge." Floyd reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card and handed it to her.
"Ah yes, your Housewarden mentioned this Mostro Lounge. So it's a... Restaurant of sorts? And it's located in the Octavinelle dorm?" Celeste scanned the information on the card a bit confused. None of the other dorms she had seen had anything like the business that was described on the card.
"Yes, we serve food and drinks there. We also grant wishes to those in need... As long as they can pay the price." Jade's lips stretched into a sinister smile, revealing his sharp teeth.
"You should stop by soon! We can't wait to have ya over Angelfish, it'll be loads of fun!" Floyd said excitedly.
"Yes, well thank you for the invitation, I'll definitely keep it in mind." She said politely as she slipped the card into her pocket. "Now you must excuse me I must get to class."
"Take care... Angelfish." Jade and Floyd waved to her as she pulled away from them.
Celeste's eyes slowly opened and she sat up in her bed. She frowned in confusion when she saw that she was back in her room in the celestial realm.
Her silk sheets felt cool against her skin as she pulled herself out of her oversized bed and looked around bewildered.
Everything was as she had left it, the spacious room had a seating area next to some well-stocked bookshelves, a vanity area next to her jewelry box, and a golden room divider by her walk-in closet. The walls were dark blue with golden stars painted on them in constellation patterns.
A breeze blew in through the balcony, rustling the sheer canopy curtains on her bed. Had it really all been a dream? Saving the child, the fall, Night Raven College?
She stepped out onto the balcony and looked out over the horizon. She could see the palace stables and pastures for the pegasus that were used to pull carriages. Beyond that was the cloud sea. Dawn was just breaking, coloring the clouds a soft pink.
She glanced over at Uriel's balcony next to her own and called out to him. "Uriel! Are you awake? I just had the most vivid dream..." She waited for a response but there was none. Perhaps he was still asleep.
It had been such a long dream, it felt like she hadn't been home in months. Wanting to see her father she rushed out of her room, not bothering to change out of her nightgown. Zaphiel would scold her for not being dressed but she didn't care at the moment.
She ran down the long hallway, her footsteps echoing on the marble floor, and into the throne room. Her father and the attendants should have been up at this hour but she found the palace oddly empty.
"Seraphim Gabriel?" She called out her father's name as she entered the throne room. She slowed down seeing something was wrong.
"Father?" She eyed her father's figure, which was slumped forward slightly on his throne. Dread washed over her as she got closer reaching out to touch him. Her fingertips brushed against him and her father crumbled to ashes before her eyes. She let out a cry of horror as his magic staff shattered along with him.
Celeste sat bolt upright in bed, this time in Ramshackle. The rickety bed creaked as she gasped and looked around. It'd just been a nightmare.
She slumped forward with a sigh of relief. Grim was still asleep at the foot of the bed, sprawled out with his paws in the air.
There was a slight knock on the door and it creaked open as Jack slipped into her room. "Hey, Grim wake-" He froze when he saw her and abruptly spun around.
"Sorry! Ace said you didn't usually sleep in here so I thought it was just Grim!" He said hurriedly as she slipped out of bed still in her silk nightgown.
"I don't use the bed very often, no. Hold on I'll put on my robe." She said reaching for her matching dark blue old Hollywood robe, it was silk and lined with down feathers that swept the floor as she pulled it on. "It's alright you can look now."
Jack peeked back at her with a faint blush on his cheeks. Grim sat up still groggy and frowned at him. "What are you doing in our dorm anyway?" He grumbled rubbing his eyes.
Jack rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "I'm on my morning run. Today's the Spelldrive tournament and I wanted to make sure you didn't oversleep."
Grim's grogginess vanished. "That's right! Today's the big day!" He exclaimed, leaping off the bed.
"I appreciate the thoughtfulness... And the modesty. Though I don't think my nightgown is THAT revealing." Celeste let out a slight chuckle and Jack looked away embarrassed.
"I just didn't expect you to be in here is all. Besides, it's rude to barge into a ladies' room." He grumbled crossing his arms.
"Alright, I'll get dressed and meet you out at the tournament grounds. Until then take care." Celeste said while Jack made a hasty exit.
Grim left the room in search of food while she put on her school uniform. She paused when she saw Starfell poking slightly out of her bag. She had an odd feeling that she should take her sword with her. With a sigh, she reached over and attached it to her belt before walking out into the hall.
She and Grim went out to the side street that lead to the coliseum. It was unrecognizable, lined with all sorts of merchandise and food stalls. They were quickly joined by Ace and Deuce.
"Man I can't believe I didn't make the team after all that." Ace moaned looking wistfully at the stadium.
"Me neither..." Deuce's shoulders slumped with disappointment.
"There is always next year! And I'm sure you two will have gotten even better by then. Besides we still have important roles to play." Celeste said trying to cheer them up.
Deuce immediately perked up. "Yeah, you're right Celeste. We should focus on the task at hand."
"Yeah. Good point. Focused. That's us." Ace muttered begrudgingly before snatching Grim who was making a run for one of the food stalls.
"Eat later, we need to go!" Ace hissed dragging him with them as they made their way to their positions.
"What's with the sword Celeste?" Deuce asked as weaved their way through the crowded street. He eyed her sword with curiosity as he fell into step next to her.
"Oh, it's something from home. I brought it with me as a precaution... And if I'm being honest... I miss having it with me." Celeste admitted with a slightly embarrassed look.
It didn't take them long to reach their positions in the stands. From their viewpoint, they were able to get a good look at the playing field.
Crowley's voice sounded over the PA system as the tournament started. "Welcome, one and all, to the Night Raven College interdorm Spelldrive tournament! First up will be last year's champion. But can lightning really strike thrice? Give it up for the Reigning light... DIIIIAAASOOOMNIIIAA!"
The crowd roared as what appeared to be Diasomnia students taking the field. Celeste had to admit she was impressed with how convincing it was.
As the players took their places, a murmur rippled through the crowd as a large group of people suddenly leaped out of their seats. The civilians screamed in confusion and fear as they ran onto the field in one large group straight at the Diasomnia players. Crowley desperately tried to calm everyone over the PA but to no avail.
Celeste watched anxiously as the Diasomnia players scrambled to protect their supposed Housewarden only to get mowed down by the crowd. With one final glance at the disastrous scene, Celeste, Ace, and Deuce left to find Riddle and Cater for the next part of the plan.
They had to weave their way through the civilian's being evacuated from the stadium to reach the Savanaclaw dorm. They passed through the mirror and headed to the Spelldrive field where Cater and Riddle were waiting.
Hiding in the shadows of the bleachers, they watched as Ruggie and several other Savanaclaw students ran up to Leona, who was waiting at the edge of the field.
"Leona, I did it! Did you see the broadcast?" Ruggie panted as he halted in front of Leona.
Leona smirked and flicked his tail. "Yeah. That was nice work, Ruggie. So long Malleus. This year, the throne is mine."
Ruggie snickered as the rest of the Savanaclaw students cheered. At this Riddle stepped out of the shadows with everyone following behind him.
"I believe we've heard enough." Riddle said sternly causing Ruggie and Leona to whirl around.
Leona recovered from his surprise quickly and scoffed. "Well, well, if it isn't the Heartslabyul kids. And is that Jack? You transfer to Heartslabyul on us frosh?" Leona narrowed his eyes at Jack who boldly glared back at him.
"Nah. I just don't feel like celebrating the underhanded accomplishments of a bunch of cowards." Jack growled holding his ground.
Leona flattened his ears. "You filthy traitor!" He spat lashing his tail.
"You have tarnished a proud Night Raven tradition. As Housewarden of Heartslabyul, a dorm focused on orderliness, I cannot possibly overlook this." Riddle declared crossing his arms.
Leona snorted. "Listen kiddies- save the heroic speeches for someone who cares."
"Want us to take care of 'em, boss?" Mano stepped forward with an excited grin. His muscles rippled under his tattooed skin.
"Sure. Have a little fun with them." Leona smirked as the Savanaclaw students rushed them.
Mano blasted Deuce with a water spell and pulled Ace towards him with magic, his fist raised. "I've got you HOOKED!" He snarled menacingly, flashing his sharp teeth.
Celeste darted forward and hit Mano in the back of his head with her sheathed sword. He immediately let go of Ace, clutching his head as he turned to glare at her.
"Damn, you're stronger than you look..." He grumbled his dark eyes flashing with irritation as he started towards her. However, he was stopped when Riddle cast his signature spell, collaring him. He and the rest of the Savanaclaw students groaned and struggled against the collars as they realized they had underestimated Riddle.
Leona shook his head in disappointment. "I knew those chumps would be no match for Riddle."
Ruggie only laughed. "Maybe not! But this doesn't change the fact that they were too late to save Diasomnia!"
"Oh? That's quite an interesting claim." They all turned to see Lilia and two other Diasomnia students striding onto the field. Lilia had a wide smirk on his face as he came to stand next to Riddle.
"They seemed right on time to me." The Diasomnia student with slicked-back green hair and sharp green eyes said putting his hands on his hips.
The student with silver hair and lavender eyes nodded in agreement. "Indeed. It's thanks to them that not a single Diasomnia player got hurt."
Ruggie flattened his ears and took a step back. "What? How?! I saw you get swallowed by a stampede!"
Cater grinned and strode forward, waving at Ruggie. "Oh! About that... So it turns out those were actually duplicates of me, made with my signature split card spell."
"What?" Leona hissed in disbelief, his fur starting to bristle.
"Riddle told us everything. So we had him put on that little charade for us." Lilia smiled up at the lion beastman triumphantly.
"So then... Malleus?" Ruggie stammered going pale.
"Oh, he's in tip-top shape of course! He's been clearing up the chaos using his magic to guide people to safety. You can thank him later." The green-haired boy glared at Ruggie.
"H-how could this happen?!" Ruggie cried out in shock.
Leona sighed and shook his head. "... Whatever. I don't even care anymore. I'm done. It's over." He looked down at the ground seeming to lose interest.
Celeste gave him a surprised look. She hadn't expected him to just disregard all of his dorm's efforts like that. For him to stoop so low as to cause injury to other students and then say he didn't care...
"Boss, what are you saying?!" Ruggie looked at his housewarden in dismay.
Leona gave him an annoyed look. "Are you payin' attention? If Malleus is able to take the field then we got no chance of winning. There's no point in even trying. I'm out."
"Y-you can't just...! Malleus might still be in the game, but we took out all the other dorm's best players, right? You're just going to abandon our dreams?" Ruggie looked at Leona in disbelief along with the other Savanaclaw students.
"For all the talk about the world watching this is still just school kids playin' a game. All you wide-eyed tenderfoots talkin' about your dreams... Pfft. The whole thing amused me so I threw you a bone. That's all this was." Leona said with a dismissive tone as he watched everyone coldly.
Ruggie seemed confused. "What do you mean? What happened to working together to turn the world upside down?"
Leona scowled at him. "Are you seriously still goin' on about that? All right fine. You want to hear the truth? You're a hyena who grew up in a dump, and I'm a second-born prince who won't ever be king. And there is NO turning that around!" Leona spat at him baring his fangs.
"What? You've gotta be kidding me! You can't just quit after we've come so far!" Ruggie screamed back at him and the Savanaclaw students also started to protest.
"You're gonna play, even if we gotta drag you out there kicking and screaming!" Mano snarled baring his sharp teeth at Leona.
Leona let out a roar of anger and lashed his tail. "I'm sick of this! Shut up, you nobodies!"
The Savanaclaw students near him suddenly doubled over in pain, including Ruggie. Celeste noticed the air around them had suddenly grown incredibly dry, sucking every last drop of moisture out of her skin. The grass beneath Leona's feet started to turn to sand, spreading slowly outward.
"This is my signature spell, the King's Roar. Ironic ain't it? Nothin' the savanna hates more than a drought. Yet its prince's magic desiccates everything- reduces it to sand." Leona growled clenching his fist as he glowered at them.
Ruggie groaned next to him his skin starting to crack. Mano screamed in pain, the spell seeming to affect him more than the other students. Sabu crawled over to him and tried to pull him further away from Leona.
"Boss snap out of it! Mano's a Merman! If you keep this up you'll kill him!" Sabu shouted his fluffy grey ears flat against his head. Leona didn't even cast him a glance as he continued drying out the area around him.
"Your spell can legit dry out a HUMAN BEING?!" Ace cried out horrified as he watched the student's skin crack.
"Leona I cannot allow this to continue! Off with your head!" Riddle yelled only for his collar to bounce off Leona's neck. Riddle watched in dismay as Leona sneered at him.
"Maybe you're some kind of prodigy, kid but don't go thinkin' your smarter than your elders."
"Leona Kingscholar that is ENOUGH!" Celeste shouted her voice carrying across the field as she moved towards him.
"Celeste are you crazy?!" Ace shouted at her as she fearlessly moved forward.
"How could you? This is not how a leader behaves! Leaders protect their people! As a prince, you should have been taught that!" Celeste cried, her tears evaporating off her cheeks as she stood before him.
Leona flattened his ears. "You sure act high and mighty for a nobody. Who are you to criticize me? I'll turn you into sand." He growled at her narrowing his emerald green eyes.
Celeste knew that his signature spell most likely wouldn't kill her however it could potentially cause her corporeal body to turn to sand. Rematerializing would take time and expose her true nature. She clenched her teeth in frustration as she came to a stop.
"Unleash the Beast!" Jack shouted and transformed into a large white wolf. He charged past her and knocked Leona off his feet and breaking his concentration on the spell.
Riddle took advantage of this and quickly collared Leona who was momentarily stunned. Leona growled and pulled at the collar as Ruggie and the Savanaclaw students coughed violently as they tried to recover.
"He let go of Ruggie! This way quickly!" Deuce said as he ran over and pulled Ruggie away from Leona. Jack transformed back into his human form and looked down at Leona disapprovingly.
"Sebek, let's get the wounded to safety." The silver-headed boy said to his dorm mate.
"Don't presume to order me around Silver!" Sebek barked back at him but complied anyway. He and Silver ran over to Mano, who was in the worse condition, and pulled him to his feet.
"No... NO! You can't collar a lion!" Leona screamed in frustration as his dorm was taken to safety.
His eyes fell on Jack. "Jack! How did you... Transformation potions are forbidden! Where did you get that?"
Jack shook his head. "I didn't use a potion. That's my signature spell." He took a breath and glared down at Leona. "Housewarden Leona, I want you to know... I only came to this school because of how much I admired you! What happened to the man you used to be?"
Leona looked away frowning. "Shut up... Your dreams have nothin' to do with me." He grumbled, grimacing.
"I understand the irony of me being the one to say it, but it pains me to see you like this. You'd be wise to confine yourself to your room and try to calm down." Riddle spoke with a concerned look on his face.
"What do you know about how I feel?!" Leona spat back at him, his tail lashing wildly behind him.
"What Celeste said earlier was correct. If you ask me that collar suits you better than a crown ever could." Lilia said coldly as he walked over to stand next to her.
"...Huh?!" Leona snarled as he scowled at Lilia.
"You bemoan the fact that you're not next in line to be king yet you seem to have no concept of what being a king is really about. With that sensitive ego of yours that so quickly directs all your petty anger at your retainers... Well, the idea of you ever contending with a REAL king like our Malleus- is absolutely laughable. You'd never be fit to rule." Lilia scoffed at him waving his hand harshly to make his point. Celeste glanced over at him as he glared at Leona and she couldn't help but agree with him.
She didn't quite understand Leona's obsession with becoming king. Her father who ruled over Eden had always seemed terribly burdened with responsibility. Constantly having to make sacrifices to keep his people happy and safe. In the end, both she and her brother were glad that the system didn't operate on succession.
Leona threw back his head and started laughing, startling everyone. "Yeah, you're probably right. No, you're EXACTLY right...! I will never become king. No matter how hard I try!"
A heavy oppressive feeling filled the air as negative energy crackled around Leona. Grim crouched by her legs his fur standing on end.
"His magic power is surging... I don't think my collar can hold it!" Riddle cried backing away as black ooze started falling from Leona's eyes and nose.
"He's starting to blot!" Celeste shouted exchanging a glance with Lilia as they both backed away. Riddle's collar broke and fell from Leona's neck as he glowered at everyone.
"I've been loathed since the day I was born. I've never had a place, never had a future! None of my hard work was ever rewarded! How could any of YOU possibly understand? MY disappointment?! MY pain?!" Leona screamed at them, letting out a roar as the blott overtook him. His appearance started to distort and the blott pooled around him as it started to form a phantom behind him.
"What's happening? What's that shadow coming out of him?!" Jack shouted flattening his ears as his fur stood on end.
"That the incarnation of his blott!" Deuce cried as everyone watched in horror. A wind kicked up and dark clouds seemed to form in the sky casting the field into shadow.
"If you can move take shelter! Ace, Deuce help me take the wounded outside! Lilia, please get help from the faculty!" Riddle shouted as Leona's magic went haywire sending clods of dirt and rocks flying everywhere.
Everyone scrambled and did as Riddle ordered however Ace and Deuce paused to look at her. They seemed to be remembering how the blot burned her skin.
"Don't worry about me! I can handle myself! After all, I have Starfell with me today!" Celeste said patting her sword and smiling at them as she dodged some rocks flying her way. Ace and Deuce nodded and ran to help the remaining injured Savanaclaw students.
"Why does this keep happening to us? This is sooo not my brand." Cater said looking at Leona apprehensively.
"I dunno what's going on but if we hit Leona hard enough will it snap him out of it?" Jack said dodging a rather large rock.
"Yes! Aim for the phantom behind him! It must be destroyed as quickly as possible!" Celeste said shielding her eyes from the dust that was being kicked up.
"I... I'll help too. There's no way I'm taking what he said lying down!" Ruggie coughed as dust blew into his face.
"So even the lowly hyena turns against me?" Leona growled his eyes flashing in the dim light of the dusty field. He now had a black mane around his neck and his clothes had become tattered as the blott swirled around him.
"Celeste, are you sure about staying? You don't have any magic to fight him." Riddle gave her an anxious look however she smiled back at him confidently.
"I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. So please don't concern yourself with me." Celeste reassured him, unsheathing her sword. With her sword, she was feeling considerably more confident this time around.
As she drew her sword, the blade ignited into a white flame. Ace and Deuce returned in time to gawk at the flaming sword in her hand.
"YOU HAVE A MAGIC SWORD?!" Ace shouted over the ongoing battle. Ruggie and Jack were blasting Leona with fire and wind magic but he was nimbly dodging them. Cater was shielding Riddle with wind magic while Riddle cast fire spells.
Celeste ignored him and rushed towards Leona, aiming for the phantom behind him. However, as she started moving in his direction he spotted her forcing her to skid to a halt.
The phantom seemed to pull him in her direction. His green gaze locked onto her. "That light...such power... GIVE IT TO ME!" He roared and lunged forward at an alarming pace.
"Celeste! Look out!" Riddle screamed as Leona bored down on her.
Fortunately, due to her unnatural speed, she was able to dodge him. In a blink of an eye, she was already behind him. She slashed her sword straight through the phantom, the white flame burning through the blott. The phantom immediately dissolved and Leona collapsed to the ground with a heavy thud.
Celeste watched Leona fall to the ground as everyone stared at her wide-eyed. She looked down at Leona lying in a pool of blot, as a dark memory flashed before her eyes.
-50 years ago-
"Seraphim Gabriel, phantoms have been spotted by the gorge in the valley of plenty." Zaphiel stated his report to her father, his expression grim. He wore a long dark blue overcoat with silver trimming, his rapier hung from his belt that wrapped around his white suit.
Her father shared his grim expression, his blue gaze sweeping over to her mother standing next to him. "They've never gotten this close to the palace before..."
"I'll alert the other archangels right away. Celeste and I will take our squadrons out there to take care of them." Her mother said starting to pull back her wavy white hair into a braid for battle. Her green eyes flickered over to Celeste who nodded and started doing the same with her hair.
"Alright, Seraphina I'll leave this to you and Celeste. But just in case... Take Belphron and Albus with you." Her father's anxious gaze swept over them as he moved across the throne room, his white gold-lined cape brushing the floor behind him. Belphron and Albus were her and her mother's steeds that were trained to protect them in battle.
"Father, don't you think you're being a little overprotective?" Celeste sighed as Zaphiel helped her with her armor.
"Your father only wants to protect you. You don't technically have to fight with the archangels Celeste, you're a virtue remember?" Zaphiel quipped, a roundabout way of saying he didn't approve of her decision to fight alongside the archangels with her mother. Her mother's rank as an angel was lower than hers, even though she was married to the seraphim, it didn't change her assigned rank.
"Yes I'm a virtue but I'm also the daughter of the Seraphim of Eden. I wish to protect the angels of Eden, regardless of rank." Celeste said and just for a second, she thought she saw a glimmer of pride in her father's eyes.
10 minutes later she and her mother mounted their steeds and flew to the gorge. Belphron, her large black pegasus, seemed to be able to sense the growing negative energy as they neared the location. Albus, her mother's white alicorn, seemed slightly unnerved as well.
They reached the edge of the gorge and were greeted with a horrifying sight. There were well over 50 phantoms congregated there, black ooze was sapping the life out of all the plants turning the cliffside brown.
"This is far too many for us to handle. We'll have to go back and request b-" Her mother started to say but suddenly a phantom shot up into the air like a black wave and crashed into Belphron.
Belphron screamed and tried to adjust himself but Celeste was knocked off his back. Celeste tried desperately to unsheath her sword and unfurl her wings but the distance to the ground was too short. She crashed into the side of the cliff and everything went black.
When she opened her eyes all she could see was darkness. Fear coursed through her as she struggled to remember what had happened. She reached out and felt the familiar softness of Belphron's feathers. At her touch, Belphron lifted the wing he'd draped over her and pulled himself to his feet.
Celeste groaned and clutched her battle helm as she staggered to her feet. Quite some time had passed since she'd been knocked out as night had fallen. She cast a light spell to illuminate her surroundings.
She had apparently fallen off the side of the cliff after she crashed at the top of the gorge. She looked up but couldn't hear any sounds of battle. She saw that Belphron had several injuries on his legs and flank but none seemed life-threatening. The ground around them was covered in pools of blot.
"Hello? Is anyone there?" She called out after a moment but was only answered by a dreadful silence. She began moving forward and her stomach dropped. All around her were archangels, their bodies ashen. Feathers were strewn about everywhere, and she started hyperventilating.
"Mom? MOM?!" She screamed out her voice echoing off the sides of the gorge as she searched frantically through the bodies of her fallen comrades, the slightest touch turning their bodies to ash.
She finally spotted Albus and ran towards him, Belphron limping along behind her. Tears poured down her cheeks as she saw him motionless on his side, his horn shattered. Her eyes fell on the figure lying next to him and she let out a wail as she recognized her mother.
She fell to her knees, sobbing. "I'm so sorry... This is my fault... If I hadn't fallen." She choked as a cold rain started to fall. She lifted her wings and held them over her mother.
"Don't worry mother I'll make sure you stay in one piece." She choked shielding her mother's body from the rain.
-end of flashback-
"Hey, Celeste are you ok?" Deuce was peering over at her, his blue eyes filled with worry.
Celeste blinked as she returned to the present. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm fine." She said sheathing her sword. She felt a slight dampness on her cheeks and realized a tear had escaped.
She quickly wiped it away and went over to where Riddle kneeling over an unconscious Leona.
"Will he be alright?" She asked and Riddle nodded, rising to his feet.
"We were able to overpower him relatively quickly thanks to you, so I think he'll be fine." Riddle said just as Lilia returned with Crowley.
"Oh, I see that you've already handled the situation. My that a relief." The headmage sighed as he looked down at Leona.
Riddle nodded at the Headmaster as he approach them.
"Please excuse me for a moment. I need to check on the others who were injured." He announced, satisfied that the situation was under control before striding off the field.
Lilia raised an eyebrow. "I have to say I'm impressed you subdued him so quickly. He's quite a powerful mage. I was expecting to see a full-on battle when I returned with the headmaster."
"Thanks to Celeste it was over pretty fast." Jack said glancing at her questioningly. "Where'd you learn to fight like that? You certainly don't look the type."
Celeste thought carefully for a minute before answering. "I trained hard to fight alongside my mother who was a commander in the army, even though I was not required to do so."
"Wow Celeste, so you came from a military family?" Cater said looking surprised.
"Well, not exactly. My father... Holds a powerful position in Eden. So I suppose I also wanted to prove myself to be worthy of the title I was born into." Celeste admitted looking down at the ground, her gaze once again falling on Leona.
"Don't tell me... You're an ACTUAL princess?!" Ruggie said flattening his ears, remembering calling her that earlier.
"Princess isn't really the correct term for it... Our government doesn't operate by succession but it's not unusual for me and my brother to be referred to as a prince and princess." She explained to them and everyone looked at her speechless. Due to the long lifespan of angels, they held their positions for thousands of years, which was why the seraphims family was treated as royalty.
Grim was the first to break the silence. "So that snazzy crown in yer bag at home is REAL?! You've been holding out on me!"
"Wh-! You went through my things?!" Celeste shouted, her voice shooting up an octave in outrage.
"Well I mean yeah, you were gone all night being all mysterious an' stuff and I got bored." He huffed defensively crossing his arms.
Celeste was about to scold him again however Leona let out a groan reaching for his head. "Pipe down my head's poundin'." He moaned sitting up clutching his head.
"Leona... Take it easy, you were unconscious for quite a while. You overblotted. Do you remember anything?" Celeste said softly, kneeling down next to him and his eyes widened.
"Wait, ME...?! I overblotted? No way..." Leona looked shaken as he gazed at the torn-up Spelldrive field around him.
"Celeste! Don't start being nice to him, make him confess! The Spelldrive tournament is about to begin and the headmaster promised I could play if we caught the culprit!" Grim demanded waving his paws about frantically.
Leona's ear twitched. "Heh. If this is a joke I ain't laughing." He growled.
"The headmage got Celeste and Grim to investigate the accidents in exchange for letting them compete in the tournament." Jack explained to him and Ruggie gawked at him.
"Whaaaat? THAT'S what this has been all about?" He cried out in disbelief, his eyes darting between her and Grim.
"He also agreed to fix the holes in the walls at Ramshackle. Isn't that right headmage?" Celeste cast him a stern look and he jumped slightly.
"Ah yes! Of course!" He said quickly with a nod before turning to Leona. "Are they correct? Were you responsible for the injuries sustained by the competing players?"
"...Yeah. That was me." Leona sighed heavily, running his hand through his messy brown hair that had become tangled in the battle.
"Very well. Then Savanaclaw house will be disqualified from this year's tournament. The rest of your punishment will be decided after I discuss it with the victims. Are we clear?" Crowley crossed his arms and gave Leona a stern look.
"... Understood." Leona said looking away. Ruggie and Jack both let out sighs of disappointment.
"Wait a moment, headmage." Riddle called out and they turned to see that he had returned with Trey, Jamil, Harry, and Nameer.
"Mr. Rosehearts? And I see you're with...ah." Crowley trailed off seeing who was with him.
"Correct. I've brought the victims with me." Riddle nodded and glanced at Trey who stepped forward.
"Headmage, speaking on behalf of the victims, I have a request for you. We would like you to permit Savanaclaw house to play in the tournament despite their crimes." Trey said with a serious expression.
"What...? Are you saying you... wish to forgive their crimes?" Crowley gasped in complete disbelief. Everyone exchanged stunned looks however the victims scowled at Crowley's words.
"No. That's the last thing we want." Jamil spoke up scowling at Leona and Ruggie.
"If Savanaclaw is disqualified from the tournament, we'll lose our chance at revenge." Trey said with a mischievous smirk.
"Wh-what?" Ruggie stammered shocked at their motive. "Revenge?!" Jack gasped just as flabbergasted as Ruggie.
"After all, fighting with magic is forbidden on campus." Riddle reminded them, crossing his arms.
"But during a Spelldrive game, it's all in the name of sport right?" Trey's grin grew wider, his hazel eyes glittered excitedly behind his glasses.
"Yeah if we lose our chance at revenge it'll hang over us all year." Harry said scowling at Ruggie.
"You're going to pay dearly for burning my hands. They could've scarred." Nameer growled lashing his tail and flattening his ears as he stared down Ruggie and Leona.
"Plus, I dunno what happened here, but it looks like it left the Savanaclaw kids in even worse shape than us." Jamil smirked at Leona who was still sitting on the ground.
"Normally I would demand their heads. But if Trey and the others insist on settling their grudges on the field... I'm willing to overlook their disregard for the rules this once." Riddle said casting a cold glance at the Savanaclaw students.
Crowley nodded. "I understand stand where you're coming from. However, the question is: Are they even capable of taking the field? Mr. Kingscholar has only just regained consciousness!" He turned and gave them a doubtful look.
Leona however let out a laugh. "Don't you underestimate me, Crowley. I wouldn't even need to be awake to handle this sorry pack of herbivores."
"Don't go grouping me in with them! The audacity!" Nameer hissed at him offended. He flicked his tail disdainfully as he glared down at the lion beastman.
"I got no intention of bowin to anyone. If you want your apology come and take it." Leona smirked goading him further.
"Dear me, aren't I the fool for thinking you all wanted to talk about your feelings?" Crowley shook his head and sighed before continuing. "Your petition is granted. Savanaclaw will be allowed to participate in the tournament as originally planned."
Jack and Ruggie exchanged joyful looks as Leona pulled himself to his feet. He grunted flinching in pain as he stood up.
"Leona, here have this. This will help you recover faster." Celeste reached into her pocket and pulled out the other half of the chocolate bar that she had been saving.
"...huh? It looks like an ordinary chocolate bar to me." He frowned eyeing the chocolate in her hands skeptically.
"It's medicine. The chocolate actually hides the taste. It removes residual negative energy and heals any damage that's been done. It's from my homeland." Celeste explained as Leona wavered for a moment before taking it from her.
"Fine." He grumbled before mumbling, "Thanks." He quickly stuffed it in his mouth as Ruggie walked up to him with a scowl on his face.
"Don't think you've earned my forgiveness." Ruggie glared up at Leona who let out a sigh.
"Right, and?" Leona huffed looking away.
Ruggie sighed his expression softening a little. "Still... I couldn't stand seeing that pathetic look on your face. That smug, sneering grin of yours suits you better. So come on laugh with me!" Ruggie cast his signature spell, forcing Leona to smile.
"Owww! Ruggie what are you doin'?" Leona tried to talk around the broad smile plastered on his face.
Ruggie let out a laugh. "I can't tell you how long I've wanted to do this!"
"Knock it off! Now!" Leona hissed still mirroring all of Ruggie's movements.
Jack shook his head a smile forming on his lips. "You guys are a bunch of idiots..." He let out a laugh as he watched Leona and Ruggie.
"Everything is going to be alright now." Celeste said watching them with an amused expression.
"I have you to thank for this. I owe you one." Jack said turning to look at her. After a moment he hesitantly asked, "... Was all that stuff about you being a princess true?"
"I have no reason to lie about it. However, that is in the past now so please don't treat me any differently than you already are." Celeste smiled up at him and he nodded.
"I don't understand. Did I miss something?" Riddle gave her a confused look after overhearing their exchange.
"Oh man, you totally missed out on some mad Celeste lore. I'll tell you about it later!" Cater said grinning as he gave her a wink.
"Hey, headmage what about my reward you promised?!" Grim glared up at Crowley who was getting ready to leave.
"Oh... Um oh, dear. I'm afraid it's far too late. The tournament brackets have already been announced. What to do...?" He glanced nervously at Celeste sensing her frown.
"Headmage does it have to be part of the tournament officially? Could we make it a sort of warm-up match?" Celeste suggested seeing that Crowley was drawing a blank.
Crowley's head snapped up at her suggestion. "Ah! Yes! That's a brilliant idea, Celeste. However, we will need to work out the other players for your team and an opposing team as well..."
Ace and Deuce both perked up at hearing this and made their way over next to Celeste. "If you need teammates we could help you out." Deuce spoke up looking eager.
"What are you doing? You're members of Heartslabyul!" Riddle frowned at them.
"There's no rule sayin' we can't play for another dorms team." Ace said with a shrug and Trey let out a chuckle.
"He's right! I guess no one thought that would ever happen so no one ever wrote it down." He chuckled.
"I didn't do all that to sit back and cheer for you guys. If I'm getting the chance I wanna play!" Ace said with a grin.
"I'm not like him Celeste! I just want to help you out!" Deuce gave her an earnest look, not wanting her to get the wrong idea.
"Thank you I appreciate it. Both of you... Even if you're doing it for yourself." Celeste said eyeing Ace who tried his best to look indifferent.
"If you need someone to play against, Savanaclaw will be happy to help." Jack announced earning annoyed looks from Leona and Ruggie.
"Jack? Are you sure?" Celeste raised an eyebrow at him. She was surprised he'd offered the assistance of his entire dorm and even more surprised that Leona hadn't stopped him.
Jack nodded. "Of course. We'll give you a good game. After all, we owe you one. You guys don't have a problem with it right?" Jack glanced back at Ruggie and Leona.
Ruggie let out a sigh. "... Yeah sure. What's one more game when we're already on the brink of exhaustion? You're a monster, Jack."
Leona let out a snort. "I don't even care anymore. Come on and take your best shot, herbivores. It may be a warmup match but we won't be playing around here. You better be ready for us."
Crowley let out a sigh of relief. "Ah, splendid. You only need three more members for your team."
Grim let out a frustrated hiss while Celeste thought for a moment. "Oh! Why don't we ask the other members of Ramshackle?" She said after a moment and Grim frowned at her.
"What? There's only us two!" Grim huffed but she shook her head.
"There's no rule against ghosts playing is there?" She smiled and Grim perked up.
"That's right! One of them said he used to be a real good player!" Grim exclaimed hopping up and down with excitement.
"Alright now that everything's decided hurry off to the tournament site." Crowley announced and everyone turned to leave.
Jack paused and smiled down at her. "C'mon Celeste." He said his eyes were filled with warmth as he motioned for Celeste to go ahead of him.
Thirty minutes later, they were all in position on the field. The murmurs of the crowd filled the air as the starting whistle blew announcing the start of the game.
Having no magic, there wasn't much Celeste could do. Halfway through the game she was starting to feel like a dead weight. The Savanaclaw students weren't even bothering to try and hit her with their spells and were ignoring her completely. She saw the disk flying towards their goal and decided she'd had enough. She darted forward and caught the metal disk with one hand earning a loud gasp from the spectators. The Savanaclaw players gave her stunned looks as she in almost the same moment, hurled the disk across the field and through the goal, actually scoring their first point.
There was a roar from the crowd as the Savanaclaw students gawked at her. She noticed Leona narrowed his eyes at her from across the field as they regrouped.
As the next play started she noticed someone in the stands that looked familiar. She frowned and squinted as she watched the man with sky-blue hair and tan skin make his way through the stands as if he was searching for someone. He turned and his green eyes meet hers.
"Zaphiel?" She said incredulously her blue eyes wide. She was so distracted that she didn't hear the warning shouts of her teammates until it was too late. She veered around only to be smacked directly in the forehead by the Spelldrive disk, knocking her off her feet.
She could hear he teammates running towards her as she clutched her head, squinting in pain. However, before they could reach her someone was already helping her to her feet. "Wow, Celeste, that hit you so hard I felt it."
Celeste blinked as she turned to see Uriel standing next to her with a grin on his face. He was wearing a white medic uniform with a cap tilted slightly so it obscured his face. He raised his hand signaling to her teammates that she was alright. "Don't worry! I'll take her to the infirmary!" He called out to them as they gave her concerned looks.
Uriel walked with her off the field, stopping when they were out of sight. He gave her a sheepish look. "So now... Could you tell me where the infirmary is?"
She chuckled and lead him to the campus infirmary. It was empty since the tournament had just barely started.
"Uriel, what are you doing here?" She asked as she sat down on one of the empty beds.
"I haven't seen you in a while and I had a bad feeling. Like you were in danger." Uriel frowned as he looked her over, despite not having any actual medic experience.
"That must have been because Leona overblotted. But it's all over now, really there's no reason to come running to my rescue." Celeste tried to reassure him but he grimaced slightly.
"I know you can take care of yourself it's just... It's difficult without you at home. We're all worried about you. Father's been pushing petitions to the elders to revoke your sentence but you know how long that takes..." Uriel trailed off, looking uncharacteristically stressed.
Celeste looked away feeling guilty. "...Uriel was that Zaphiel I saw earlier?" She asked after a heavy pause.
Uriel let out a light laugh. "Probably. He insisted on coming with me this time. I ditched him at the food stands so he's probably still out looking for me." He chuckled.
"We've always given him a hard time haven't we?" She chuckled, recalling all the times when they'd given him the slip as children. Uriel laughed and nodded his blue eyes twinkling with mischief.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a couple of vials of medicine. He set them on the table next to her.
"Here you should take some... I know the hit on the head probably didn't do much but if you've been fighting overblotted mages it couldn't hurt." He said with a concern returning to his gaze.
"Now that really is overdoing it." She huffed but took one of the vials anyway. "And it's not even mixed with anything. It's the pure potion." She groaned dreading the taste.
"Sorry, it was all I could grab at the moment." Uriel shrugged and she closed her eyes and downed the golden liquid in one go, shuttering at the bitter taste. She felt the potion spread through her, causing a warming sensation.
"By the way, where did you get that outfit?" Celeste eyed his white medic uniform curiously.
"Oh! This is actually one of my magic tools!" Uriel grinned and pointed to a brooch pinned to his pocket. It was a clear stone filled with a rainbow of different colored fragments. "I'm calling it the camouflage pin. It changes my outfit to match to situation. Here watch." He tapped it and the stone flashed before his clothes changed into the Night Raven College uniform.
"Oh, that's new! When did you make that?" Celeste asked but before he could answer Ace, Deuce, and Grim came running into the infirmary.
"Celeste! Are you all right?!" Deuce called out stopping when he saw Uriel.
"I'm alright. It was just a bump on the head." Celeste reassured them. Grim hopped up onto the bed inspecting her forehead.
"I'm sorry Celeste! I didn't mean to hit ya!" He apologized his blue eyes wide.
"...Wow you already got a pet here?" Uriel leaned forward looking at Grim curiously.
Grim whipped around and glared at him. "I ain't no pet! I'm a powerful mage! Who are you anyway?" He huffed puffing out his chest.
"Relax Grim. He was just making sure I'm ok." Celeste said glancing at Uriel.
"Your friend is fine. She just needs some rest, so I'll be on my way." Uriel turned to leave giving her one last concerned look before slipping out the door.
Ace, Deuce, and Grim left after she told them to go finish watching the game. The potion, being in its pure form, made her sleepy and she found her eyes drifting shut as she fell into a deep sleep.
When she opened her eyes again it was dark outside. She sat up in her bed and saw that the infirmary was now full of students, many of them Savanaclaw.
"Oh hey, Celeste is awake!" Grim stood up on the edge of her bed where he'd been curled up.
Ace and Deuce got up from their chairs and walked over to her bedside. "Did ya have a nice nap? You were out for ages." Ace said with a smirk. Both he and Deuce appeared to be uninjured.
"That medicine he gave me... Made me drowsy. Why are you all here? You don't appear to be hurt." Celeste said with a small yawn as she stretched.
"W-well, um... You took that hit to the head and you slept for so long after... We just wanted to make sure you were ok." Deuce mumbled his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.
"Yeah, I was kinda weird seeing you sleeping so much... You slept through the entire tournament." Ace said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
"I did? Who won?" Celeste asked her eyes wide.
"The grand champion was Diasomnia house." Leona sighed from the bed next to hers.
"In the end, there was nothing we could do... It certainly didn't help that we took a beating from every other dorm on the way to the finals." Ruggie said from his bed on Leona's other side.
"I'd heard rumors, but man, seeing Diasomnia's Housewarden in action... That dude does NOT mess around." Ace said his crimson eyes wide.
"Yeah, he was incredible. You wouldn't have believed it Celeste." Deuce added with a nod.
"I have to say that point you scored was pretty impressive Celeste. I bet you'd be a formidable player if you're magic wasn't sealed." Jack said from his chair, his ears twitching. Out of all the Savanaclaw students, he was in the best shape with only a few scrapes and bruises.
Celeste chuckled. "Why thank you, Jack. We happen to have a similar game to Spelldrive in my world so that's probably why."
"Hmph. I'll admit you caught us off guard. It won't happen again." Leona huffed though, in the dimly lit room, she could make out a slight smirk on his face.
"Oh? You think so?" Celeste smiled cryptically and Leona snorted unfazed.
Just then a small boy ran into the infirmary, waving his hands in excitement as he darted over to Leona's bed. "Unca! There you are! I finally found you!" He cried out jumping into Leona's bed.
"Unca Leona!" The boy was a lion beastman with tan skin and bright orange hair. Leona groaned as the small boy clamored on top of him.
"Unca Leona?" Jack asked confused as the boy sat on Leona's chest.
"This furball's my brother's son, Cheka. You know... My nephew." Leona grimaced and everyone gasped.
"So he's next in line for the throne?" Ruggie said gawking at the small boy riding Leona like a horse.
"I saw you play, Unca! You were so cool! Next time I visit teach me how to play!" Cheka bounced excitedly.
"Fine. Fine. Just stop screamin' in my ear." Leona groaned flattening his ears. "Where're all your attendants? They gotta be tearin' their hair out lookin' for you!"
"I couldn't wait to see you, Unca, so I left them all behind!" Cheka said with a mischievous smile.
"Aww, Leona he looks up to you." Celeste said earning a glare from the exhausted lion man.
"Attendants can be rather dull. I'm afraid my brother and I gave ours hard time as well." Celeste chuckled and Cheka turned to her tilting his head curiously.
"Who are you? Are you a princess?" He asked her his brown eyes wide.
"I was once upon a time. Now go easy on your uncle now. He's had a rough day, he needs rest." Celeste said getting out of her bed and walking towards him.
"Is that true Unca? Are you gonna be ok?" Cheka turned back to Leona who let out another groan.
"Yes! I'll be fine if you get off." He grumbled and Cheka slid off him onto the floor.
"I'm sure he'll want to talk to you later." Celeste comforted the slightly downcast Cheka.
"You said you're a princess right? Of what kingdom? Are you gonna marry Unca Leona?" Cheka turned his attention to her and started bombarding her with questions, the last of which caused Leona to choke on air.
"Oh no! I'm not going to marry anyone!" Celeste said quickly throwing her hands up. "H-how about this! I'll sing you a song until your attendants come and get you how does that sound?!" Celeste tried to distract him away from herself.
Cheka seemed to perk up at this. "Ok! I like songs!"
"What? A song?" Jack frowned skeptical of her methods.
"Celeste is actually a really good singer. You're all in for a treat." Ace said with a shrug.
Celeste felt everyone's eyes on her as she cleared her throat.
"Look at this stuff isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my collections complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the girl, the girl who got everything?
I've got gems and jewels a plenty
Diamonds and sapphires galore
You want gold coins? I've got many
But who cares? I want more"
Singing Celeste made her way over to the window, the moonlight highlighting her silhouette.
"I wanna be where the people are
I wanna see, wanna see them dancin'
Down where they walk, down where they run
Down where they spend all day in the sun
Wandering free- wish I could be
Part of that world
What would I give if I could live out of these skies?
What would I pay to lay in the grass?
When's it my turn?
Wouldn't I love, love to explore that world down below?
Out of the skies... Wish I could be... Part of that world."
Celeste finished her song and Cheka clapped happily. Celeste was glad he enjoyed it, she distinctly remembered singing it as a little girl. She had so badly wanted to to the human world.
As if on cue, Cheka's attendant's arrived and escorted him away much to Leona's relief.
"I don't get it, Celeste, if you had all that stuff why'd you want to see a bunch of regular people doing boring stuff?" Grim asked after they'd gone.
"Because I wanted to help them. I wanted to make something of myself. I suppose in the end I got my wish- just not the way I wanted." Celeste said after a moment and everyone grew quiet.
"Celeste... So you helped a commoner and that's why they sent you here and sealed your magic?" Deuce asked trying to piece everything together.
"Ah, something like that." Celeste said feeling the familiar twinge of guilt at not being able to be honest with her friends.
"What?! THAT'S why you're here?!" Jack said aghast flattening his ears as be looked at her.
"It's getting late now. I think we should all head back to our dorms don't you?" Celeste said once again changing the subject.
Ace, Deuce, and Jack glanced at each other before begrudgingly heading out the door, leaving those who were injured in the infirmary. Celeste stayed behind as well, walking over to Leona.
"May I speak with you for a moment?" She asked standing at his bedside.
"Do I have a choice?" He grumbled and she took that as a yes.
"... You're closer to being a king than you realize Leona." Celeste said softly and Leona stiffened.
"Being king is leading your people through hard times and making tough decisions for them. That's what my father always taught me. Your dorm sees you as their king and I'm sure where ever you go your kingdom will follow, as loyal as they are." She continued but Leona stayed silent and she wondered if she'd said too much.
"My apologies. I shouldn't have brought it up. I'll take my leave." She turned to leave but was still able to hear Leona whisper "Thanks." As she left the infirmary.
13 notes · View notes
eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Okay, after reading the one about reader strutting into the monster bar, I need one where they don't get scared. Imagine, this huge dumbass walking into a den of monsters, not giving a flying fuck.
And the catch is, they have the biggest luck and the most killer charisma imaginable so they just get out of every situation somehow (that implies that stuff like this happens a lot) I need unhinged gremlin reader with god on their side, please 😩
[Outstanding, you have the power of God and anime on your side, nobody fucks with you anon.]
God rolled the dice and your stats somehow came out intelligence 0, charisma 10 and luck 20. That makes 30 altogether, you're overpowered as fuck.
You've become a bit of a phenomenon around The Clergy's Eye. A strange sort of creature feature, a minor celebrity of sorts.
Everyone knows about that one random human that walked inside the establishment one day and immediately began hitting on the majority of the workers there. Why did you do it? What possessed you to enter The Clergy in the first place? Why are you determined to fuck every asshole monster you see? How are you even still alive?!
Such are the mysteries of The Clergy's Eye's universe.
Almost every single day, you find time in your schedule to show up at the establishment with a new scheme to get into someone's pants (or lack thereof). Krulu is particularly interested in your existence, for The Clergy's unnatural aura fails to irk you out of approaching the place. The eldritch being cannot tell if you're a particularly powerful human, or quite possibly so unintelligent that his mental illusion work bounces right off your utterly concave skull.
Part of them is almost terrified of it.
The manager also isn't fond of how some employees are starting to get cozy with you. You've acquired a bit of a quasi-protection squad along time- His workers began deeming you too entertaining a human to simply dispose of, and now you've charmed them into keeping you safe within The Clergy's walls. More often than not, you actually fail to realize the levels of danger you're in. Krulu can count dozens of incidents where you were unknowingly at death's doors and escaped unscathed because some attentive fool whisked you away just in time.
It's incredible how you've moved the hearts of some of the monsters working here with your unfiltered buffoonery. Krulu themselves had more trouble convincing a couple to work here than you had getting them to adore you. It makes him livid and bitterly curious.
Gallon will go through the trouble of softening his every drink so you can drink without contracting grave illnesses, purely so you'll hang around his bar longer. Grimbly will neglect deliveries so he can zoom around you and try to drag you into sitting at a booth with him. Santi is determined to give you his phone number and doesn't even mention money when you start making hints. Morell outright refuses to cook you and even allows you to hold his cleaver. Patches and Nebul constantly beckon you to their floors so they can shower you in gifts.
You're like some disruptive therapy animal parading around the place and it has Krulu clawing at his horns. You're a menace to this business and he's sick and tired of you meddling around. You need to be terminated. Perhaps they were wrong all this time. You're not some half-wit with extreme luck, you're a mastermind. You know exactly what you're doing, this is a scheme. What are your goals? What could such a human want with his establishment? Is this revenge for what Krulu has done to your kind?
The elevator to Krulu's darkened lair chimes softly. They sigh in relief.
" Admin, finally. I must have a word with you immediate- "
" So you're the big cheese around here, eh? "
Oh fuck. Oh no. IT'S YOU. Who gave you access to this floor?
You have finally come for him.
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op, p l e a s e do this one.
gn-mc is a great fighter according to their profile, but everyone severely underestimates them, since they’re kinda short and they’re thinking it’s to human standards. as soon as they come though the three (Diavolo, Barbatos, Lucifer) realise that the number of fights have gone down, and that RAD is a lot more quiet. Apparently mc had fought all the trouble makers or scary students on a whim, and has forced like 30+ scary demons into pacts, and plans to conquer RAD’s bad students. on top of that, they’re just like “one day i’ll beat the shit out of diavolo too fair and square, and conquer him as well.” for the brothers and undateables. bonus if mc said they only started their “conquest” because someone tried to bully Luke, so they decided to just conquer the demons for him like a good? older sibling
Holy shit OP this is what I signed up for when I started doing headcanons. Recently I’ve been working on my actual novel but I am still writing these out! I decided to answer this first because the creativity just HIT me.
The part that killed me is just how they did it for luke, I love him like my own son. Also side note the goth theme on tumblr hits different I really like. WARNING - a little bit of language, and violence.
Everyone reacting to GN!MC “conquering” RAD’s demons
He had chosen you and noticed your profile, thinking that is was almost cute humans would consider a tiny thing like you strong.
He immediately brushed you off when he saw how close you were to the chihuahua, thinking that you too, are just like a tiny chihuahua then.
But he soon hears less and less about fights going around, and even Diavolo investigates with him, and he is beyond shocked. He severely underestimated you.
He finds out because he forced some lesser demons to talk, and they were in tears saying you forced them to make a pact with you each time they lose, and by your order they weren’t allowed to fight students anymore, or else you’d punish them.
Although it was the truth he didn’t quite believe it, so they followed you around for a day before realising it absolutely was, you kicked ass so hard, the demon was crying and unrecognisable, and you forced him into a pact while snot was even coming out his nose.
He then sees you open the door behind you and take Luke’s hand before walking away from the bloody scene you had just caused. He was slightly angry and a bit intimidated, how did you, a tiny human do that?
When he confronted you about it, you just held onto his shoulders tightly, answering with “I’ll conquer you too, I’ll conquer Diavolo, I’ll conquer all of RAD, fucker. I am going to protect this child with my life.”
He was about to argue back, possibly attack you, but according to all the students investigated, you had well over 50 pact marks by now, and Diavolo found it amusing, so you were let off with that.
He swears he won’t submit to you, and has to stay on high defense because even at the HOL you will try to attack him with murderous intent to get the pact. 0/10, wants a new exchange students.
He was the first one you made a pact with, and afterwards he started following you around like a dog, despite literally calling Luke a dog.
He knew you were a good fighter since you kept saying so, but he kept telling you demons were another level, and you should be glad to have him.
You and Luke hung around a lot, while Mammon thirdwheeled, and finally came the day of your first fight. Mammon was ready to defend you, but you ordered him to sit as you beat the literal fuck out of the demon.
Mammon couldn’t tell if that was a lesser demon or a dismembered corpse at that point, and covered Luke due to all of their screaming in agony. When you were done, you kicked their head into a wall and demanded a pact, making him slightly pouty but happy he’s alive:
Getting the pact, you left and gave a head pat to both Luke and Mammon, telling them that they’re safe with you. Mammon didn’t like it at first but then he loved it.
It didn’t take Lucifer long to find out, and when you told him with such confidence that you’d “conquer all of RAD, including Diavolo” he was like woah!! You’re going to die for that, but you’re amazing!!
And then you didn’t die, because Diavolo found it funny, and you were only serving justice to those who cause mayhem at the moment, so it was fine. He also accidentally finds out that you rival Lucifer in power, and absolutely won’t let Lucifer punish him, because in your words, “Mammon is my property now, whore.”
You were the only person to protect him, and he absolutely loves you, he may be weaker than you, but he loves staying by your side and saying he’d beat people up for you anyways.
Levi never really talked to you at first, nor found out about the incidents because he didn’t go to school, but when he heard Mammon talking about it he thought he was exaggerating a lot.
Even Lucifer said you were strong, but he refused to believe it at first, even denying the pact marks you had. Until you beat the life out of Levi during the TSL games.
He got angry at you and tried to kill you, so you ripped him apart, quite aggressively. He swore his tail had bite marks in them, and that he couldn’t see out of his left eye for a week. The icing on top was you demanding a pact from him. He finally believed.
After you calmed, he made a pact with you, and was now afraid of you, until you comforted and apologized to him, telling him he did try to kill you first.
When Luke comes over one day, you invite him into Levi’s room, no permission, and start to talk, and when Levi tries to make fun of him, Mammon shuts his mouth.
“Luke is the whole reason they decided to start their conquest, the whole school knows that by now!” Mammon shushed him, and Levi began feeling a little jealous that the chihuahua got more of your attention than him. But when he hears that you ALSO want to conquer Diavolo, he’s just like !?!!??? You’re crazy.
But more than that you’re like some over powered anime protagonist who got sucked into a different world with over powered plot armor, Levi thought, and he really liked it.
Begs you to come with him when he’s trying to buy stuff in lines, so anyone who tries to cut gets the life beat out of them when they do.
Absolutely member #2 of your fan boy club, Diavolo being the first one in it.
He thinks oh yeah, you can fight sure. But when he witnesses it he absolutely loses his mind. A human shouldn’t be that strong, but the way you force a pact mark from them, and even defended the tiny chihuahua before leaving, while being tiny yourself, he was interested in how your body worked.
But what really excited him and made him like you is when Lucifer entered the room and you sent a flying kick to him, putting up a harsh fight as well, before you break the table when you were knocked into it, calling it a tie.
“I swear one day I’ll conquer you and force you to make a pact with me. I’ll wipe that smug look off your face, fucker. And once I do that, I’ll beat the shit out of your prince, too.” You spat, getting up and holding your back.
So now you went from protecting the chihuahua to devildom domination? Basically asks you to make a pact with him so you can use him to fight Lucifer. When you tell him you want a fair fight, and that you’ll beat Lucifer yourself, he’s just so excited because you held your own for five minutes, and Lucifer can’t even kill you!
Literally tags along each time you decided to fight Lucifer and cheers you on so hard. Will purposely try to make you and Lucifer run into each other at the halls, so you automatically try to hurt him.
Please tell him not to eat so much popcorn, we know the show is good but it’s like he has boxes of them now knowing you’re hating? on Lucifer like him.
Has absolutely freaked out and began cowering in a corner, shaking, begging you anywhere but the face.
He came to watch the show of you beating up a demon, not realizing it was you at first. When he did, he was so shocked and got closer to make sure.
You mistook him for the demon’s crew who made fun of look and tried to attack, seeing red. He held his own for a minute, before you almost rip off his wing in one swing.
He’s begging for forgiveness like the demons, despite not doing anything wrong at all. When you calm and realize it’s just human, you make the other demons unrecognizable and get your pacts, before making your way to him.
He’s just crying not his face, while you just say “Pact mark.” Pointing out you won fair and square against him, too.
He gives it too you beyond willingly, just not his face, he doesn’t even think twice. Nodding, you take Luke’s hand and leave.
He has to leave too for then next class, but then sees Lucifer, Diavolo, and Barbatos confront you.
Is afraid for you but then you literally punch Lucifer and tell him you’ll conquer him, and then turn to Diavolo and declare his ass as your own, making Asmo secretly swoon but worried.
Actively tried to avoid you while at the HOL for awhile, but noticing your docile nature when you’re not fighting, he felt a little comfortable with you, and right now his only concern is how many callouses your hands are getting from punching thick skulls.
This man wanted to believe you when you said you were a strong fighter in passing conversation with him, but he just couldn’t. You were the tiniest creature he’d ever seen, and he was so sure you’d crush under one of his hugs.
He heard you were protecting Luke from the whispers of lesser demons, but he didn’t think it was through fighting.
This all changes when on his way to practice, he watches you beat up one of his teammates so hard they’re crying, they’re so huge, and yet lost to you, and the fact you sent him flying and cracked a wall, by one kick.
When you said you wanted a pact mark, he was shocked the rumors were true. On top of that, Luke was near by holding a cake he planned to give Beel as thanks for something he did for him earlier that week.
He watched you wipe the blood off your hand and pat Luke’s head, with a gentle smile. When he came in, Luke ran to him and gave him the cake, and he learned everything.
You were the one subduing the demons around here, big or small, and even protected Luke. He even learned that you challenge three totally strong demons, Lucifer, Barbatos, and Diavolo.
He totally believed you could do it now, with what he just witnessed. He’s seen his fair share of fights with egotistical demons thinking they’re so tough just because they play sports, and he’s seen guys at the gym, you were beyond that.
You had speed, strength, and great perception. Wasn’t even mad that practice was delayed, and began going to the gym with you, and will happily play with Luke too, another older sibling figure for Luke.
When he exited the attic and tried to kill you he watch his brothers grab popcorn from the sidelines, as they said to him enjoy dying.
He was confused at first, but then got the LIVING HELL beat out of him, oh how the turns have tabled. He intended to murder you, but you nearly killed him.
You forced a pact out of him as well, kicking him repeatedly where the sun doesn’t shine until he agreed, understanding why even Lucifer stood back. It’s not because they wanted you dead, it’s because they couldn’t stop you.
When he gains consciousness later, he finds out Lucifer is the only brother you haven’t made a pact with, and that you have over 80 pacts at this rate, and that you even planned to conquer Diavolo.
He thought it was stupid at first but after seeing you fight Lucifer, with no cheats just your normal hands for combat, while Lucifer was in demon form struggling, he understood he really liked you.
“Soooo... when are you beating the shit out of Diavolo?” He asks, and he also nearly makes the mistake of calling Luke a dog before Beel puts a hand over his mouth.
Jaw nearly drops and he loses his mind when he finds out you only started beating the shit out of people to make Luke happy.
This man just fucking cackles, like after watching you fight, he’s just in full tears from laughing. He’s just clapping, and telling you that’s amazing.
When Lucifer asked why you did it, you stood tall despite your short stature, and looked him in the eye with no fear. “I’ll beat each fucker who approached Luke, I’m going to defend him with all my fists got, and if you get in my way, I’ll do the same to you.” You said, before turning to Diavolo.
You walked up to him, and pulled his tie down so he could meet your eyes, and declared, “I’ll even beat the shit out of and conquer you too, one day, prince. I’ll be the ruler of this place one day. Prepare yourself for that day, until then, I won’t stop:”
This makes him laugh, not belittling you, but telling you he can’t wait, and he hopes that day comes soon, because he wants to fight you as well, and he hopes you hold nothing back against him.
He loves how strong you are, he loves how you want to protect Luke, he loves that you only did it to protect, and didn’t even bother to summon a demon, you did it with your own style. That took guts, confidence, and the fact you told him of all people with that confidence you would one day conquer him, his heart fluttered.
He would definitely start watching over you, and probably fan boy over you. The first person to ever force the prince of the Devildom to lower himself; and they even declared they would be the one to make him their’s, by forming a pact mark. It was honestly amazing to him, and he likes it.
He really should of seen this coming, a new fighting student, who was clinging to Luke protectively, and suddenly all the bad demons were being silenced.
Guess there’s no need for his torture chamber anymore, you’re much more feral than whatever he does, he just needs to sick you on them.
Joking aside, he doesn’t really take it too seriously. It’s great you can get a lot of pacts, and defend yourself, and even want to conquer Diavolo by forcing him to give you a pact mark, but he knows you’re still no match for him yet.
To get to Diavolo, you’d need to beat him up, and he’s a bit of a harder fight than Lucifer, by that he means a lot, he won’t even flinch if you bite his tail when he grabs you by it and puts you out the room, with a smile on his face.
It’s become a game at this point for the both of you to try and fight each other, you trying hard to get a pact mark out of him. He even offered it to you at one point, but you told him you wanted to win it fair and square, and he’s just in love with you even more because of that.
He’s pretty much a dad to Luke, so he appreciates how kind you are to him, and appreciates how you have your own set of morals for fighting, making him know that if Diavolo were to ever make a pact mark with you, it would all be fine.
“Hey... are you sure you’re not actually the demon?” Solomon asks you, looking at the sheer amount of pact marks on your body, one week after coming to the devildom.
He’s seriously impressed by you, considering how easily you beat up demons without any weapons, magic, or underhanded tactics. You simply use your fists and legs, sometimes your head, but you get the job done scarily.
He’s even more impressed when he finds out the reason, you were visiting purgatory hall and Luke was being rather loud. “I can’t believe that’s the 7th demon this week that fought with you! You’re just so cool, you’re so strong! Thank you for protecting me!”
Probably wants to try to enhance your strength with a potion, and offers it to you when you try to have your epic showdown with Diavolo, claiming he is the boss and Barbatos and Lucifer were his right hand men who dragged Luke into this mess.
You decline though, wanting it to be fair and square. Truly admires yet fears you. But then again, i don’t think you stabbing him would making him afraid of you. I don’t think this man can feel it at all, unless it was you dying.
Anyways, he’s delighted to ask the demons you make pacts with to make pacts with him as well.
Nearly loses his mind at first. He’s so concerned if you’re hurt,, but then he’s just like wait what.
Luke had told Simeon all about it when he reached purgatory hall, about how you beat up a demon for him, and even promised to always protect him. Simeon is really distraught you may of been hurt protecting Luke while he was busy.
But then Luke tells him about how you forced a pact mark out of the demon, and you didn’t even break a sweat, and that is was the coolest.
He doesn’t tell Diavolo about this thinking it was just a one time thing, and tries to watch over you two more. But then he sees you and he’s literally just frozen.
Humans aren’t that powerful right? And when Lucifer Diavolo finally confronts you about it, he watches as you just stare him down and declare that you’re going to conquer him as well, to make Luke feel happy and safe in devildom.
Needless to say Simeon is extremely panicked about your well-being, but extremely happy Luke is protected by someone so kind to him. Probably doesn’t approve of the violence, but Luke adores you.
The first time you met him you told him not to worry about the demons, because if they ever bullied him you would beat the life out of them.
He thought you were just saying that, and he said that he too would protect you, which you found extremely adorable and nearly went “I’m taking this kid home with me and he’s my child now.” not that anyone could physically stop you.
He found out you were actually sincere about it when the two of you were alone in RAD’s hallway, trying to leave for purgatory hall since he invited you over.
You two were stopped by a demon, who tried picking a fight on easy prey, and it was quite frankly, the worst mistake of his life, ever.
You beat the LIVING SHIT out of him, and even told Luke to look away, because this man was beyond recognisable, because you were so small you could easily duck and move fast, so the demon didn’t even land one hit on you.
Just because he’s a demon, doesn’t mean his stamina is forever you figured, and beat him up, forcing him to make a pact with you. You had one with Mammon already, so you knew how it worked, especially knew you could have multiple due to Solomon.
When it was over, you told Luke he could look, and there was zero damage to you and he was just like woah!! You’re so cool! And from then on you stuck close to him, literally demolishing any demon he thought looked scary, or just stared at him for too long.
When Diavolo comforted you about it, you stared him dead in the eyes saying “I would literally beat the shit out of you for Luke, so you better hope he starts liking the devildom soon, fucker.”
Diavolo laughed and Luke insisted you didn’t have to go that far, but you just patted his head and said it was okay.
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pippytmi · 3 years
Howdy! For the little au trope prompt ask. 2, 2, 39. Supercorp please. Thank you! (Hope it helps your writer's block!)
Everyone knows that when the Quidditch season starts, rivalries begin.
As a general rule, Lena doesn’t mind the Gryffindors. If she had to pick a house she hated, the Slytherins would be the unfortunate lot; Veronica Sinclair and Andrea Rojas alone give the group a bad name. (That could be Lena’s own personal bias, given the fact that both girls have broken her heart, but she maintains it goes far deeper than that). But the point stands—Lena isn’t a hateful person. Generally.
There is just something about Kara Danvers that brings it out of her. The one and only Gryffindor that Lena despises is that moronic, reckless Chaser who scores nearly every single goal she takes. The Ravenclaw team is nothing to sneeze at either, but Lena hates that of all people to throw her off her game, it is a girl who blew up her broom when attempting to fly on it during her first year. Seven years that she has known Kara, and still Lena is annoyed at the mere sight of those perpetually-askew glasses, those untucked robes, that undone tie; Kara Danvers is never expected to be poised and perfect, even with all the expectations on her shoulders. She’s just so...blasé. People talk about Kara like she is destined to join a Quidditch team straight out of Hogwarts and all Kara does is stroll into the Great Hall on game day with her head in the clouds.
So far up the clouds that she apparently can’t watch where she is going, either. Lena throws Kara the nastiest glare she can muster when they just about knock each other’s heads together, but all Kara does at the sight of it is grin. She always grins, not in a way that is arrogant or snide, but stupidly amused. Stupidly amused, as if everything Lena says or does is a bloody laugh, like Lena’s simmering hatred is nothing more than an inside joke.
“Hey, Luthor,” Kara says cheerfully, and there she goes, pushing those crooked glasses up her nose. There is a scratch on one lens, and Kara has either not noticed or not bothered to repair it. “Trying to take out the competition a little early, even for you.”
“You were the one in my way, Danvers,” Lena replies tightly.
“Was I?” And here is the kicker, that golden girl charm that fools everyone: bright blue eyes peeking out beneath those eyelashes, hand rubbing at the back of her neck, undone tie slipping an inch further. Kara tilts her head unassumingly as if that is even an actual question.
It makes Lena furious. “Here’s a tip,” she says, “for here and the Quidditch field. Maybe if you got your head out of your ass, you could actually see where you’re headed.”
Kara has the audacity to look affronted. “Is this because of the Brainy incident during training? Because he and I agreed that it was a joint effort. Joint…blame. Whatever you call it.”
Lena rolls her eyes. “Just keep your aggression to yourself, Danvers,” she mutters, and then she resolutely brushes past. She has no time for blank, witty banter, especially when this is the year’s first game and she has a team to rally.
“My—? Hey,” Kara’s voice rings out, louder than necessary, and that idiot is actually following her. “Hey, wait. Lena. Do you seriously think I’m aggressive? It was an accident! Both times!” A beat. “I mean both the Brainy thing and right now. I didn’t knock into Brainy twice. I did knock James off his broom once, but you probably don’t care about that since he’s not from your house, so…well anyway, just so you know, that was also an accident.”
“I have zero interest in your training squabbles,” Lena says exasperatedly, “and you’d do well to keep that in mind.”
“Oh so this is about the Brainy incident,” Kara says. “How many times do I have to say that the training pitch was ours?”
“According to you,” Lena counters. With that she whirls around, nearly colliding into Kara’s chest, but she still manages to lift her head up high and stare down that egotistical jackass. “I know you might think you’re entitled to any space you waltz into, but some of us mere mortals actually schedule training sessions. You know, like we’re supposed to.”
“I did schedule the—!” Kara has a tendency to become flustered mid-argument, it seems, because her mouth opens but no words come blustering out. Finally she settles on scowling when she declares, “You are a piece of work, you know that? Would it kill you to apologize to me once in a while?”
“That would imply that you have apologized to me at some point,” Lena scoffs. “Which you haven’t, for the record.”
“Yes I have,” Kara is quick to disagree.
Lena crosses her arms; it’s a challenge, and Kara immediately stands a little straighter when she notices. “Oh?” Lena prompts. “Like when?”
“Like…when I knocked into Brainy.”
“I fail to see how I fit in that scenario,” Lena says, “since you didn’t break my nose.”
Kara gives a little huff, as if this back and forth is all so inconvenient right now; as if she hasn’t instigated it. “Okay, but I apologized for disrupting your practice, remember? I took complete responsibility even though it was your fault you couldn’t keep track of when your team was scheduled—”
“That was not an apology. You literally said ‘Sorry Luthor, we need this more than you do’ and then refused to leave for the next half hour!”
“But I said sorry in there, ergo, it is an apology.”
“Well then, when my team beats yours to dust I’ll be sure to apologize properly for that in that exact same sympathetic manner,” Lena sneers.
Somehow, trash talk only makes that dumb, signature Kara Danvers grin come back, completely wiping away any sign of vexation. “Oh yeah? Tell me more, wise old Ravenclaw—”
Before Lena can even begin to dissect that childish comeback (and stupid sing-songy imitation of the Sorting Hat), other students come filtering down the hall and they are practically swept up in the masses. One kid completely shoulders Lena before she even realizes what’s happening; she stumbles to the left, nearly collides with the wall, and opens her mouth to shout, but then:
“Hey!” Kara is already brandishing her wand with one hand and catching the boy’s collar with the other. “Ten points from Hufflepuff! You could’ve hurt someone, walking around without looking where you’re going.”
Lena bites her tongue to stop from making a quip on how ironic that statement is, because Kara is engrossed in a stare-off with the pimply sixth year who is demanding to see her prefect badge to prove Kara can even take points. She would normally side with the kid—anything to knock Kara Danvers down a peg—but, well. For once, Lena can’t be bothered to actively hate someone getting into a heated argument on her behalf.
Two minutes later and the boy stomps off with ten points gone from his house and a detention to boot. Kara, meanwhile, is still frowning as he leaves. “Are you okay?” she asks absentmindedly, still tracking the kid’s every movement with her eyes. “I swear, if there weren’t so many witnesses I would’ve hexed him.”
“Winning move for a prefect, I’m sure,” Lena says dryly, and Kara turns towards her with that slow-growing buffoonish smile and another sheepish nudge of her glasses. Her next words kind of just fall out, almost as if she’d never formed them in her mouth but in the deep recesses of her subconscious alone: “You know, you confuse me.”
“Huh?” Another nudge. The smile slips a fraction, but just enough to show Kara is slightly confused by the change in subject.
You confuse me, Lena wants to repeat. You are the opposite of self-aware. You are messy, and reckless, and selfless whenever it counts and it’s confusing because all I can really hate you for is being able to get away with being imperfect and still be adored by everyone.
But none of those words, thankfully, leave her head. All she says is, “Your approach to discipline confuses me. It’s not like he purposely tried to run into me—ten points might have been too harsh.”
“This coming from the girl who once threatened to curse me into oblivion for tripping her when we were twelve?” Kara’s eyebrows shoot up. “Who are you and what have you done to Lena Luthor? No, hold on, I know. You’re really Jess in disguise, right?”
“Hilarious, Danvers. I wouldn’t quit Quidditch, it might be the only place you’re suited for,” Lena mocks, but all Kara does is laugh.
“Nope, definitely Lena,” Kara says, and the way she says it is almost…fond. Come to think of it, Lena can’t remember a time where Kara actually called her Lena. It’s always Luthor and Danvers and stop breaking the faces of my best players and never—never anything else.
Lena clears her throat and looks away; she can’t take another second of those warm, bright eyes. “Whatever,” she says. “I…guess I’ll see you on the pitch.”
“Sure thing,” Kara says, and she takes a step back, tucking her wand into her pocket. “I’ll be the one rocking the winning team uniform.”
Slowly, Lena begins to feel the corner of her mouth twitch. Completely unbidden, completely unpredictable. “Dream on, Danvers.” She allows the space between them to grow, but their eyes remain locked, and the air feels heavy—thick—and the weight of their shared gaze holds a meaning Lena can’t possibly unpack right now.
But Kara’s tongue pokes out between her teeth cheerfully, and she doesn’t appear half as bothered by this development. “Always, if you’re in them,” she says, twists a little on her heel to walk away, but she pauses while she is still in earshot. “You know—next time you can just thank me for defending you.”
“You mean abusing your power as a prefect,” Lena replies automatically even as her head is running a mile a minute; even as Kara is getting farther and farther away and the scratch on her glasses lens catches the light.
“That too!” Kara shouts as she gets lost in the crowd, and damn her, Lena has to put her hand over her mouth to hide the absolute idiotic smile that has formed on her own face.
(Joint blame indeed, Lena muses, and she figures that she might as well form a rivalry with the Slytherins instead of the Gryffindors after all).
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lillywillow · 3 years
For Heart or For Country
Summary: “You’re in line to be the next ruler of your kingdom. But first, you must marry the young ruler of your worst enemy. Would you risk all of your happiness for the sake of stopping a war? Or will you find true love in the town’s pub?”
 Word Count: 3089
 Pairings: Natasha x gender neutral Reader/ gender neutral Loki X Reader (arranged)
 Warnings: Seductive Nat, arranged marriage
Written for @caplanbuckybarnes ‘s writing challenge. Go check out her amazing works!
From the moment you were born, you were destined to take over from your father. You spent countless hours in lessons learning how to be ruler of the kingdom, been taught everything from politics to art, sword fighting to etiquette. Long story short, everything you needed to take the throne and face the challenges that came with wearing the crown.
 For years, the kingdom had been at war but recently there was at last a chance for peace but it came with a cost... an arranged marriage. You weren’t so sure about it but if it meant your people being safe, you would sacrifice your own happiness.
 Ever since your father had made the announcement of your impending wedding, it had consumed your every thought. You hadn’t even met your betrothed and, yet, you were supposed to spend the rest of your life with them. You had watched the older servants with their spouses and to be honest with yourself it melted your heart. Even your father was a kind and gentle person when it came to your mother. With any luck, the person you were going to marry would be kind to you.
 Deciding you needed a distraction; you put on a disguise and managed to sneak out of the palace. Sure you could have gotten drunk in your room but where was the fun in that? You had crept out on a few occasions so you knew that the townsfolk knew how to party compared to those stuffy nobles.
From the moment you stepped inside the tavern named The Nest, the atmosphere was abuzz with excitement. The walls were decorated with purple fabric hangings, crossbows, longbows, arrows and other archery items. A taxidermy hawk was perched above the door, its eyes ever watching. A one eyed dog ran about the patrons, getting pats from some of them and cleaning up pieces of dropped food. People were dancing, singing and drinking, some leaning on each other for support as they swayed. To any other noble, the scene may have looked chaotic but to you, it only looked like fun.
 With a grin, you made your way over to the bar and took a seat. Still taking in your surroundings, you barely noticed when the sandy haired bartender stood in front of you.
 “What can I get you?”
 “Oh! Um...” You tried to think of something that would not give away your identity as a noble. The man raised an eyebrow at you.
 “Hey, Clint! Two boilermakers over here,” another patron called.
 The man whom you now know as Clint poured them the drinks and turned back to you.
 “I’ll have... o-one of those,” you said, making a feeble attempt to pound your fist on the counter in an attempt to fit in.
 Clint tilted his head and gave you a curious look.
 Clint made the boilermaker and placed it in front of you. Thanking him, you took a swig of the drink and felt instant misgivings about it as the alcohol burned not only your throat but your ears and the very pit of your stomach. Clint laughed as you coughed and spluttered.
 “You’re not from around here, are you?”
 “You... might say that,” you mumbled, wiping your mouth.
 “You picked the right night to come. Nat’s doing a show.”
 “Wow, you really aren’t from around here if you don’t know Natasha. Just watch,” he advised, nodding his head over to the stage.
 The stage was well lit and crowed around the edges by men and women who were eagerly waiting for whoever was about to appear from behind the purple curtains.
 Music began and a foot decorated with a silver anklet emerged. The audience cheered loudly as the woman behind her curtain slowly began to reveal herself. She wore a black piece of fabric around her upper body, twisted just a little in the centre of her chest. The bottom of her costume was made up of a red fabric front and back which started out solid but faded to transparent as it went down and held together by delicate chains. Silver cuffs adorned her upper arms and wrists. Her lips were painted sinfully crimson. Sparkly onyx hairpins held her red curls in place. She was absolutely stunning.
 The woman slowly began to sway her hips to the music, arms and feet poised. It was almost hypnotic in the way she moved. As the beat picked up, so did her dancing. One of the men near the front of the stage started to get a little carried away and tried to climb up.
 Fearing for the safety of the dancer, you tensed and shifted to help her but Clint placed a hand on your shoulder.
 “Easy. Nat can handle herself around these drunk idiots.”
 You watched as Nat placed her foot on the man’s cheek before kicking him off the stage. The crowd jeered and laughed at the man, some pouring their drinks on him. Despite the interruption, Nat continued her performance.
 Her face was calm and collected, never faltering, as the audience got more and more rowdy.
 Nat ended her performance by kneeling and giving a graceful bow. The throng of people got even more riled up as she headed back behind the curtain and before you knew it, a fight broke out. You could only sit on your barstool and laugh as the place erupted into bedlam. As a noble, the most you had ever witnessed people scuffle as a heated argument that never went beyond words and even then they never used the language you heard flying around the room. Sure, there was the battlefield but once again that was an entirely different situation.
 However, your humour was soon cut short as the royal guards walked in to break up the fight. You felt your heart sink to the bottom of your stomach.
 “You hiding from those guys?” Clint asked, not even fazed by the mayhem around him.
 Clint jumped over the bar and prompted you to follow him. You weren’t entirely sure what made you decide to trust a total stranger nonetheless, you followed his lead. As he walked along, he dodged all fists, tankards and bottles that flew his way. You did your best but still caught the occasional projectile to your body, taking great care not to let any hit your face lest there be questions tomorrow.
 He stopped to look around before opening a panel in the back wall, just big enough for you to squeeze out.
 “Follow the tunnel until the end. That’ll take you to the backstreets. Be fast. The guards will start patrolling the minute they break things up here. Just make sure you close the exit on the other side.” With that, Clint pushed you through the gap and closed the panel behind you.
 Just as he said, you followed the tunnel until the end, closing the door behind you and made your way through the backstreets until you had made it all the way home, fortunately without incident.
 As you got ready for bed that night, you couldn’t stop thinking about Nat. She was just so beautiful... Could this be just a crush? You had to know for certain.
 The following night, you once again crept out of the palace and back to The Nest and sat at the bar. The place was busy but nowhere near as packed as it was last night.
 “I see the guards failed to catch you,” Clint commented, making his way over to you.
 “Yeah... um... is Nat dancing again tonight by any chance?”
 Clint gave you a sly look.
 “She’s not dancing but she is working. Hey, Nat!”
 Your heart began to race as the red head walked over to you. Tonight she was wearing a black, off-the-shoulder dress with a red belt around her waist. Even outside of her dancing costume she was beautiful.
 “This is the one I was telling you about.”
 You felt panic seize in your chest. They were talking about you? What in the world could they have possibly been saying? Nat looked you up and down, carefully examining you before glancing over at Clint who gave an approving nod.
 “Let’s dance...”
 Before you could protest, Nat grabbed your hand and dragged you onto the dance floor. It was no surprise to you that she was just as graceful on her feet as she had been on stage. As you danced with her, you could feel her brushing her hands over your hips and waist. You found yourself surrendering to her touch. At the end of the song, Nat wrapped her arms around your shoulders and pressed her lips to your ear.
 “Tell me... what is a noble doing in a place like this?”
 You completely froze.
 “Wh-what makes you think...?”
 “Everything. From the way you dance, to your posture and your speech. So, answer my question.”
 “Is... is there somewhere private we can talk?”
 Nat lead you to the backroom after checking the coast was clear.
 “Now talk...”
 With a sigh, you removed your hood, showing her your face.
 “The heir to the throne,” she whispered reverently.
 You put your hood back on and looked down.
 “You should get out of here. Folks in these parts don’t take kindly to nobles, especially members of the royal family. What are you doing here anyway?”
 “I... I wanted to experience as much freedom as I could before I get married...”
 “So one last fling before finally settling down. How sweet.” Her voice positively dripped venom as she spoke.
 “It’s not like that!”
 “Then tell me what it is like...”
 With a sigh, you looked out the tiny window on the back wall that let in a sliver of moonlight.
 “Ever since I was young, I dreamed of having a perfect wedding with the perfect person I would spend the rest of my life with... but with this war, I’m to marry one of the children of the opposing kingdom as a token of peace... I don’t know what kind of person they are. If they’re good, maybe we could work together to fix some of the broken parts of the city and of course, I would help in their kingdom too but if they’re not a good person, well...”
 Nat was quiet for a few moments before finally speaking.
 “I really hate it when Clint is right,” she sighed.
 You turned to look at her.
 “You see, Clint has this innate sense of finding the good in people and helping them out. He helped me a few years back...”
 You held her hand, encouraging her to continue.
 “I was in a really bad place... did some really bad things... Clint helped me get out of it. Got me a job, a home... even made me partner. I owe a lot to him...”
 You couldn’t help but feel a small pang of jealousy for the man even though you knew it was completely irrational.
 “So you and he are...?”
 Nat shook her head.
 “We tried it once but it didn’t work out. We’re better off as friends.”
 You couldn’t help but feel a tiny sense of relief.
 “I would like to get to know you better... for however I have until my impending marriage. That is if you’ll let me.”
 “What about after?”
 “I’ll try and see you if I can... and if not; you can be my one who got away.”
 “That was... really cheesy,” she laughed.
 “I guess it was... but what do you say?”
 “On one condition; don’t make any promises you can’t or don’t intend to keep. I’ve been through enough of that in my lifetime.”
 “It’s a deal.”
 Over the next few weeks, you got to know Nat quite well. You knew everything about her and she knew everything about you and not just as future sovereign but as a person. Eventually the time came when the feuding royal family came to your kingdom, bringing with them your spouse to be.
 They introduced you to the youngest member of the family named Loki. Loki was about your age and attractive enough but in the short time you spent with Natasha, your heart purely belonged to her. Your respective fathers left you alone to bond, catching daggers in their backs from the glares from both you and Loki as they left.
 “They certainly can be civil when they want to be,” Loki sneered.
 “You got that right...”
 “You don’t really want to be married to me do you?”
 You thought carefully about how to answer.
 “I don’t even know you... but how else can we stop this war?”
 “I have been doing research on my end. If we can pool our resources, perhaps we can find how it began and how we can stop it. Shall we?”
 Loki offered a slender hand which you took.
 “We shall.”
 In the time leading up to your wedding, you and Loki spent every minute of the day together. To anyone else, it looked like a couple bonding and getting to know each other before your upcoming nuptials. To you and Loki, it was a mission; one to find out the truth and put an end to the war.
 Your nights were spent with Nat, talking about Loki and what else you could do to stop the fighting. There was one night you had crept in after seeing Nat and Loki had caught you and you thought for sure you were done for but instead, Loki covered for you. Loki was fully supportive of your relationship with Natasha and encouraged you to pursue her once this whole thing had blown over.
 Eventually it came time when your wedding was fast approaching. The night before the big event, you were of course with Natasha, wanting to spend as long as you could with each other before whatever happened tomorrow.
 “I promise you Nat, we will be together...”
 Nat teared up and shook her head.
 “Remember the deal you made, Y/N. You said you wouldn’t make promises you couldn’t keep...”
 “But I intend to keep this one...”
 “Just go!”
 Nat turned away so you couldn’t see her cry. You gently turned her back to you and kissed her softly. She kissed back, holding you tight as if she didn’t want to let you go. Eventually you had to break for air.
 “If... if this really is our last night together... then let’s make a memory that will last a lifetime...”
 With that, you kissed her again, this time with all the love and passion you could muster. It may have seemed scandalous to spend the night before your wedding with another but you wouldn’t give Nat away for the world.
 The following morning, you and Loki had set your plan into motion. The wedding started out like any other with guests arriving and people all taking their places. Your heart was hammering against your ribs and blood roared in your ears as the ceremony began. Loki remained calm and collected, keeping cool until the right moment.
 “If anyone has any objections as to why these two should not wed, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
 “We object,” both you and Loki said in unison. The whole room erupted into shock. Instantly, both Odin and your father rounded on the pair of you, absolutely seething.
 “Silence!” Loki snarled. The room fell quiet.
 “Now, the whole point of this wedding was to stop this ridiculous war. A war that was started over a futile reason...”
 Both you and Loki went to where you had hidden two ancient artefacts; one from your history and one from Asgard’s.
 “Many years ago, our kingdom was accused of taking this,” you said, holding the item up high.
 “But they were wrong. We had our own the whole time,” Loki stated, holding up the other.
 “Our two kingdoms went to war when they should have been joining forces as we were once centuries ago...”
 The pair of you combined the two items to show they fitted perfectly together.
 “We should be united once more. Let us put a stop to the fighting once and for all!”
 The gathering all cheered and rejoiced at the prospect of peace. Your fathers sat there sullenly while their wives attempted to gently comfort them. Loki gently turned to you.
 “Isn’t there someone you want to see?”
 With Loki’s blessing, you ran out of the church.
 Nat had been drowning her sorrows at The Nest. She had known this day was long coming but it didn’t stop the ache she felt in her heart from losing you to another. Clint did his best to try and comfort her but it wasn’t enough. She didn’t even look up when her name was called but eventually Clint did catch her attention.
 “What?!” she hissed. Clint pointed behind her to where you were standing still in your wedding clothes.
 “Y/N? What are you-” You cut her off with a kiss.
 “Loki and I did it. We were able to restore peace and we didn’t even have to get married. We can be together now...”
 “But I’m just a common barmaid. You’re going to take over the throne...”
 “And when I do, I can make whatever rule I want and marry whoever I want. I want to marry you one day Natasha... that is if you’ll have me...”
 “I...” Nat looked over to Clint who smiled and nodded. “Yes...”
 Over the next few weeks, you worked in tandem with Nat to fix the rough parts of the city, just as you had told her. There was a lot of gossip surrounding your relationship but neither of you cared. You had also made a point to stay in touch with Loki to find out how things were going in Asgard.
 After so many years of war, it was nice to finally see some happiness. Maybe in time, there would be a royal wedding after all. A real one out of love that was formed between two hearts that truly cared for one another.
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babbushka · 3 years
Hello My Dear! I Hope you have fun and relax this weekend! I was hoping to request some Mob!Kylo and reader! Perhaps the reader has to go away from him for a short period and then they reunite? Thank You!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for asking and thank you for your patience! I hope you enjoy this little something :)
Young mob!Kylo; 1k no warnings just fluff !
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He can’t stop it, the pacing. You’ve been gone for three days now. Three days, twelve hours, and thirty four minutes. This is the longest that you’ve ever been apart from him ever since the incident, ever since that fateful night. It makes Kylo’s hands clench into fists, makes his leg bounce in anxious anticipation of your return. He’s at the apartment, a humble something that he’s only renting for now. He doesn’t have the money to buy you the penthouses that you deserve, not yet. So instead he’s in this brownstone pacing back and forth back and forth.
The clock on the wall tick-toks again, thirty-five minutes. Kylo sighs, chews on his lip, and he paces.
That is, until Fives, who has been dutifully sitting by the window for the past two hours, snaps his fingers, immediately drawing Kylo’s attention when he murmurs, “She’s back.”
Kylo is running out of the apartment before Dopheld can even put the car in park. He bolts down the building steps two at a time, round and round until he’s practically flying off the front stoop, stumbling from too much momentum as he crushes you into his arms.
“Thank fucking god.” He kisses the top of your head and hugs you tight tight tight. Dopheld unpacks your bags from the trunk of the car, silently carries them up the steps. He’s just gotten his license and is on a trial period. If he does well, Kylo will hire him as a full-time chauffer, and Kylo notices the way that he treats your bags with the utmost care.
“Hi honey, I missed you.” You’re melting into his embrace, your arms winding around his middle as you snuggle into his chest, right there on the curb.
That shouldn’t be as marvelous of a sentence to Kylo, he knows. You’ve been dating for a couple months now, officially and truly dating. You lived together in this little apartment together, you held his hand and kissed him on the mouth, and yet somehow, the thrill of those few words sends a shiver down his spine.
“You missed me?” Kylo grins there in the dark, a rare sight these days. He’s been too busy with the Business, getting it off the ground again. He’s going to make a name for himself, he’s decided. Now that his father’s dead, now that Snoke is dead, there’s no one to stop him from becoming as powerful as he knows he deserves.
So if he hasn’t been smiling all too much the past few weeks, stress from organizing and managing and planning getting to him, well, the shark-like grin he gives you now makes up for all that, he thinks. You must think so too, because you’re nestling yourself even further against his chest, and you’re grinning right back.
“You bet your bottom dollar I do.” You have a playful twinkle in your eye, and your breath puffs out in gentle plumes against the chill of the Spring night, and Kylo thinks that you’re the most radiant thing that he’s ever seen.
Lifting a hand, he traces the contour of your cheek. Just the barest hint of a touch, his scarred and burned fingertips gliding against the curve of your jaw, his thumb swiping across your lower lip softly, carefully, Kylo swallows hard.
“I don’t like it, when you leave me like that, darling.” He murmurs, and you duck your head ever so gently, pushing your cheek further against your boyfriend’s palm.
“I know, but I’m back now.” You sigh a little, an apologetic smile gracing your lips.
You had gone on a girl’s trip for the weekend, somewhere tropical and sunny where your skin could soak up the seaside air. He can smell it on you, can smell the salt and the sunscreen as it lingers from earlier that morning. A girl’s trip meant no boys allowed, much to Kylo’s immense displeasure. He had been a nervous fucking wreck from the moment he watched your plane take off from the tarmac.
But you’re right, you are back now, and Kylo doesn’t want to waste anymore time, so he tilts your chin up with a crook of his finger, and his eyes slip closed as your mouths meet. Humming sweetly in the back of your throat, your arms slide from his waist up up up to around his neck, and Kylo gets the hint.
He hoists you up so that your pretty ankles are crossed behind you, feet clean off the floor as he gives you a small twirl, smiling against your lips. You laugh and the sound is more beautiful than all the symphonies man could have ever written, and Kylo feels that everything is finally right with the world.
Your tongue slips between his lips and he opens his mouth gladly for it, for you. Oh how he missed the taste of you on his tongue! Kylo’s hands practically shake as he indulges in the way you sigh and bite at him. He could cry at the reunion, when your hands tangle in his hair, keeping your bodies flush together, close as close can be.
Without breaking the kiss, he hoists you up once again, this time in a bridal carry in the way that he envisions himself doing one night sooner rather than later, and he walks you up the stoop steps and into the parlor of the brownstone that you call home. It’s got you giggling, tucking your face under his chin, finger idly tracing his still-healing scar.
“Did you really miss me?” He asks, when he finally puts you down.
The Knights have filed out, knowing when to leave before things get a little more hot and heavy than they would care to bear witness to, and Dopheld has gone back to his car and driven away. It’s just the two of you in the brownstone now, and you still have that twinkle in your eye.
“Why don’t you meet me upstairs, and I’ll show you just how much.” You whisper, walking two fingers up his chest, prompting Kylo to grab you by the hand and bring you up himself, leaving nothing but pieces of clothing and laughter in your wake.
Tagging some Kylo lovin' pals! @mochabucky @sacklerscumrag @artsymaddie @bitchydecisions @direnightshade @reyloaddict55 @thembohux @kylorenswhxre @sunflowersinthesnow @babayagakeanu @safarigirlsp @rennasiance-mama @steeevienicks @mousemakingjam @the-unmanaged-mischief @materialisthicc @slut-for-harri @littleevilme13 @erys-targaryen @leillaa @lovinghufflepuffgirl @hswritingrecs @han68000 @rosi3ba3z @chapterhappygirl @schopenhauerdeathsquad @loverofallthings @groovetoob @bxnnywriting @glassbxttless @angel-bxby3 @smallgirlbigpersonality @cowgirl1234 @lovelyyy-luna @2000andwhat @raddo1975 @cornmousequeen
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multiplefandomsblog · 3 years
Bomb Squad! S/o w/ Kaito, Kaito, Korekiyo
request; Kaito, Korekiyo and Rantaro with an SHSL explosives expert s/o? How would they react to seeing their s/o flying across the room because they’ve blown themselves up
warnings; gender-neutral reader, cussing, tw; explosives, tw; bomb accidents, bombs and getting harmed by bombs.
note; aargarhgrjgrhjsjah mod bread helped me a lot with this one!! i hafta admit, they totally carried-
Kaito Momota
◊ Kaito Momota, the luminary of the stars. Despite taking large pride in his ultimate despite never actually going to space, he gets intimidated by you. Though he’d never admit that; not even to himself.
◊ He’s not scared of you per se, he’s just intimidated by how cool and serious your ultimate is if that makes any sense.
◊ Well anyway, you’ll definitely hear many praises from this man; because, well, you save millions of lives from blowing up! It’s just all-around heroic! And- well yeah— bombs!
◊ He’s not an explosive person, so he wouldn’t really want to be too close to any bombs, though he’d definitely try helping at least once.
◊ which doesn’t go too well.
◊ the man will have shaky hands the entire time and dead-ass will have small tears in his eyes as he’s fiddling with it. It’s extremely silent other than a few whimpers here and there, so it gives you the perfect opportunity to—
◊ now then... Let’s see how Kaito would react when you blow yourself up, yeah?
— Imagine this; Kaito wanders around the school, partially looking for an escape, but mostly looking for you. The astronaut hums a small tune under his breath as he walks around the pavement in his way too comfortable slippers.
“Hey now, you’re an all-star... Um, wait- how did it go? Put your… Put your-“ Kaito’s quiet and confused muttering had been cut short, as he suddenly jolted his head up to the sky- where he had seen—what he thought was—a shooting star.
Kaito gasped loudly, jumping back in surprise and scraping the heel of his slipper as he pointed at the star-shaped object in the sky, moving at an incredibly fast pace. Hm, though it could’ve been a meteorite judging from the smoke trail it left.
“Oh my god, a shooting star! Awesome!”
It didn’t seem to hit Kaito on how abnormal it was to see a shooting star in their situation. Especially one that had been flailing its arms around and screaming.
Kaito’s wide and amazing eyes seemed to widen more, though this time; in complete dread and shock.
You were the shooting star.
“S/o!? Holy shit—“
The man would sit in between amazed and borderline scared for your life. Was he… Was he supposed to clap? You did tons of crazy shit, so he had no idea whether this was planned.
◊ Kaito would definitely sprint across the school to get to you, he was genuinely afraid if you had survived or not.
◊ Damn, giving the man a heart attack? How heartless of you smh
◊ Kaito has to restrain himself from hugging whatever life was left inside you, he wanted to feel if you were alive and safe.
◊ It definitely takes some time for him to become less worried about your safety 24/7, so get used to coddling and nagging from this man.
◊ He’s kind of an idiot, so he doesn’t know exactly what to do to ensure your safety other than a, uh,
Bicycle helmet.
◊ so just wear one of those, and he’ll leave you alone!
◊ As you two discuss your safety, Kaito ends up accidentally blurting out how cool you looked shooting across the sky. Yeah, he was worried about your safety; but you’re alive, right? Cut him some slack, the man witnessed a flying explosion, of course, he’s going to think it’s cool.
◊ S/o: “You thought I was a shooting star? What’d you fucking do? Make a wish?!”
Kaito: “If I told you it wouldn’t come true.”
Korekiyo Shinguji
◊ Korekiyo would be intrigued by you, but also somewhat disturbed by you. Which only seems to fuel the fire.
◊ Korekiyo would enjoy talking to you about how bombs work; he enjoys listening to you talk about your passion, as well as taking in all the information about bombs. It’s entertaining for him to compare how bombs have evolved from the past to the current.
◊ though he loves you and your ultimate if you’re ever going to work on a bomb, stay far away from him. I head-canon that he doesn’t enjoy loud and explosive things, and just witnessing explosions in general. He’s a pretty chill and quiet guy, so it clashes with his vibe, you know?
◊ Sorry, this is so short, I have little to no idea how to write for this man—
◊ It would probably be near impossible to have this man witness your explosions up close. He’s always in his lab studying, so it’s hard getting him out of there, and you can’t exactly go into his lab with your bombs anyway.
◊ But let’s say you somehow did. After persuading him, or maybe he was just too tired to say no.
◊ So imagine this!
— Korekiyo would be sitting on his desk, a nice ancient book splayed out on the wooden surface, and he’d be muttering under his breath small phrases of other languages, as well as small words for himself like, “Humanity truly is beautiful-“
Famous last words.
A sudden explosion echoed out throughout his lab, causing Korekiyo to jolt up and almost crease the pages of his very precious book. Luckily, he did not.
‘I take that back.’
He had been more concerned about his book than the actual human being who had thudded against the bookshelf right beside his head, dropping on the ground after they had peeled off the shelf like processed American cheese product.
“S/o...” Korekiyo sighed, standing up from his chair to step over you and help you up. “You do know that humans were never meant to fly, correct?” He hadn’t even been looking at you when you flew across the room like a baseball thrown by Leon Kuwata, but the quick flash of movement he had caught at the corner of his eye told him what he needed to know.
It was as if he had gotten used to this despite never having witnessed such a feat before.
◊ Korekiyo would definitely give you a small scolding after bandaging you up; yes he was worried about his book and lab, but he had also been worried about you too. He wasn’t just scolding you, so he could avoid future possible destruction in his lab. Pshhh noooo...
◊ Korekiyo would put a sign outside his door after the incident, it’s definitely personal and very passive-aggressive, but he just does not want to witness that again. “Bombs and other destructive weaponry stay OUTSIDE.”
Rantaro Amami
◊ Rantaro wouldn’t be repulsed nor would he be extremely excited about your ultimate. He definitely thinks it’s an incredible ultimate; I mean, bombs are pretty incredible.
◊ But also pretty dangerous too.
◊ I feel like he’d always have to be given a reminder that you’re okay and not dead from your own explosions. Trust me, he definitely trusts you to be careful; especially since that’s your ultimate, of course, you would have lots of experience. But even so, he will still nag you about it. He means well, I swear.
◊ Rantaro would, despite being hesitant about it himself, always want to be with you when you work on a bomb. He’d wear the proper bomb suit and everything, but he’s mostly there because he wants to make sure you’re wearing the bomb suit properly too; please don’t be too reckless, he will take away all your bomb equipment if you are.
◊ You’d get a time-out from it for a couple of days. Yes, he has that power.
◊ You may or may have not made a mistake having him as your boyfriend— but seriously! He’s just being careful, he doesn’t want to lose you.
◊ God, now that I’ve said all this, you’re going to feel reaaaaal bad when I write the scenario for when you actually blow up.
— Rantaro would most likely be by your side the moment you blow up, worried green head over your shoulder as you reassured him, “Pshh, no, it’ll be fine!” Rantaro winced as the bomb you had been working on, made a sound. “Just be careful, I don’t want you to get hurt,” Rantaro spoke with a soft, but scolding voice as his eyebrows seemed to crease further.
“Don’t be such a worrywart, it’s fine-!“ You seemed to be proven wrong, and Rantaro had unfortunately been proven right, as the both of you shot back, a large explosion noise following— Rantaro, on instinct, grabbed you and tucked you underneath his chest, clenching his eyes closed as he awaited the impact of the wall they were about to slam into.
The two of you had flown across the room, clutching each other tightly; if this had been a movie, that would’ve definitely been one of the more romantic scenes.
The air had been knocked out of the two of you, Rantaro more so as he had done the stupidly brave act of shielding you with his body.
Despite being disgruntled and slightly irked that you hadn’t listened to him, he seemed to throw that all aside as he had caught you wincing. “Did you get hurt anywhere? Are you okay? Any burns—?” Your strained groan—shockingly— turned into a laugh, “... That was so fucking fun! Can we do it again!?”
With narrowed eyes, Rantaro had given you the stare you tried your best to avoid being the victim to. The disappointed mom glare. The glare didn’t last long, however, as his eyes softened at the excited look you had on your face. He gets what he signed up for, right?
If this had been anyone else, they would have gotten an earful from him. “You’re insane.” Rantaro halfheartedly laughed, voice still laced with concern despite being playful.
“We’re not doing that again, you explosive monkey.” Rantaro shoved your head gently, only to receive a playful hit back.
◊ Rantaro would be extremely worried if you ever put yourself in danger like that. Unlike Korekiyo, he cannot get used to it when you blow yourself up. No matter what, he will always worry about you.
◊ Mom Mode: ON
◊ He is now more careful with you, the worry he has for you has now increased by 100% so yeah, good luck with that.
◊ the next time will not be as forgiving. Next time—if Rantaro even lets you have a next time—; you will be in scoldings galore.
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frostedfaves · 4 years
Repercussions (10)
Pairing: dark!Natasha Romanoff x dark!Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Summary: Natasha and Wanda take you out for a bit and you work on escaping.
Warnings: dark themes, staged suicide attempt, mental health discussion, angst
A/N: good morning/afternoon/night! enjoy this chapter of reader using a bit of what she’s learned from watching her girlfriends...
Previous part
A few days later, you woke up to find your shared bed empty as usual. Deciding to get a head start on whatever they had planned, you took a shower and got dressed, grabbing a bottle of water on your way out to one of the swings in the backyard. You were lying on your back, looking up through the tree branches to the sky when you felt gentle hands lifting your legs and placing them on a lap.
“Good morning, sweet girl,” Natasha spoke to you in a soothing tone, smiling when you sat up to meet her eyes. “Have you been up long?”
“Yeah,” you sighed heavily in response that caused her to frown. “Just wanted to sit outside for a while.”
“What’s wrong, baby? You seem different today.”
“I guess being stuck inside is making me feel all moody or whatever. I don’t know.”
“Well, today is grocery day,” she reminded you, rubbing her hand across your knee. “Did you make your list?”
“Yeah, it’s in the kitchen with the main one.”
“Good. Wanda’s just about ready, so let’s head to the car and wait for her.” 
She moved your legs and stood up, grabbing your hands and pulling you onto your feet and into a kiss, a sweet one that had you smiling against her lips.
“There she is,” Natasha praised as she pulled away.
“Do I get one of those too?”
Natasha laughed when she spotted Wanda in the doorway, leading you over to the house and dropping a quick kiss on Wanda’s lips before continuing into the house without you.
“Printsessa,” Wanda began with a frown, intense gaze focused on your own as she touched your shoulders. “What’s going on? I could feel your bad mood across the yard.”
“It’s nothing, Wan. I think getting out to the store today may help.”
“I hope so. I hate seeing you like this.” Her hands slid toward the base of your neck, her touch warming your skin as she leaned in to peck your lips a few times. “Mm. Delicious as always, baby. Come on, let’s get out of here.”
You were given your list upon reaching the store, along with the freedom of shopping on your own. At first you noticed them hovering while you shopped, but they eventually backed off with time as they needed to grab their own things. You were quietly inspecting cereal boxes when you heard your name in a voice that made you freeze. Brittani.
“Hey.” She approached you quickly as you faced her. “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for days now. What was that?! Do you need help?”
“Britt, you shouldn’t be here,” you warned, keeping your eyes and ears open for one of your girlfriends. “I’m fine, but please leave while you can--”
“No. I can’t stand by knowing you’re in an abusive relationship.”
“That’s not what--”
“Here.” She quickly grabbed your hand and shoved a small object into your palm, closing your fingers around it. “It’s a burner. I programmed my number into it in case you need me, okay? I’m only here for another few days or so, but I won’t hesitate to fly back out here.”
“You don’t have to do all of that for me, okay?” you insisted after sliding the phone into your pocket discreetly. “I don’t need any help.”
“Y/N, please listen to me! I can…” she trailed off, eyes widening slightly at something behind you as an arm came around your waist, the hand gripping your right hip possessively.
“Is this woman bothering you, printsessa?” Wanda questioned softly and directly into your ear and you nodded slowly, placing your hand over hers and lacing your fingers together. “Let’s go somewhere else while Tash handles this.”
You allowed her to guide you to another aisle, catching a glimpse of Natasha approaching Brittani and ignoring her calls of your name. When you got to the cart, you turned in Wanda’s hold to rest your head on her shoulder, wrapping your arms around her torso and sighing lightly when her hands began to run down your back.
“I got your cereal, printsessa,” Natasha’s voice interrupted your moment, and you pulled away slightly to meet her eyes when you heard the box drop into the cart. “Did that bitch touch you?”
“She grabbed my hand, but that’s it.”
She nodded in response as she grabbed the short list sticking out of your back pocket. “I’ll finish up in here, Wan. Just wait in the car,” she requested, kissing the two of you before you walked away.
“You’re okay, right?” Wanda asked as you walked outside, her arm around your waist again. “We don’t mean to scare you...we just don’t like anyone coming too close, especially that shitty ex-girlfriend.”
“I’m fine,” you assured her with a gentle smile. “Everything is fine.”
It was better than fine, but Wanda didn’t know that.
The rest of the day went without incident, coming home to unload the groceries and watching Wanda as she made an adorable snack tray for the three of you to have during your movie marathon. The three of you fell asleep during the second movie and woke up just in time to order something for dinner, which you also ate in the living room in front of the television.
“It’s Clint,” Natasha sighed as she looked at the text she just received. “He needs to discuss a mission with us.”
The two of them glanced over at you, wrapped in a blanket and asleep in a corner of the couch, and quietly decided to take the call in the locked office area in the basement. As soon as you heard their footsteps hitting the bottom of the staircase you sat up, pulling the burner phone from your pocket and drafting a text to a number you’d always remembered.
I need your help. Don’t reply to this or any other messages I send you.
You quickly explained your plan and signed it all with your name, putting the phone on silent and coming back to delete the text when you were sure it was delivered. You then head upstairs as quietly as possible, slipping into Natasha’s room and setting up a bug on her mission bag, repeating the same steps in Wanda’s room. Next, you wandered into your shared room and reached on the side of the bed, pulling out the gun Natasha hadn’t realized you’d seen her hide for emergency protection.
Your eyes watered as you stared at the heavy object in your hands, shaking a bit at the feeling you’d never thought you’d experience again. At least, you hoped. Part of you wondered why Natasha would dare keep any type of weapon this close to you given that she knew everything about you, which included the dark thoughts that led to the first time you held a gun. Still, she was an Avenger and former assassin, so the hidden gun made sense to you.
“It’s okay,” you tried to convince yourself nervously as you walked into the bathroom to see your reflection. “It’ll all be over soon.”
The call came from down the hall, and you took a deep breath as you turned the safety off and closed your eyes, lifting the barrel of the gun to your temple.
“Baby, what are you--no!”
The gun was ripped away from your hand and smashed against the wall, and you opened your eyes as Wanda ran over to wrap her arms around you.
“Baby, please please don’t ever do that again, okay? We can’t lose you...I can’t lose you.” Her entire body seemed to tremble against you, and it reflected in her voice.
“What’s going on?” Natasha questioned as she entered the room, eyes widening at the sight of Wanda squeezing you against her and the remnants of a gun at your feet. “Wanda, what happened--”
“I’ll explain downstairs. Go.” You flinched at her unusually cold tone as Natasha left, and Wanda placed one hand on your jaw as she pulled away a bit. “Wait for us on the bed, okay? Don’t touch anything and don’t move, please.”
You nodded and sat on the corner of the mattress as she passed you and closed the door behind her. As soon as you heard her footsteps hit the bottom of the stairs, you jumped to your feet and pressed your ear against the door, listening as the two began an argument downstairs.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Natasha?! Putting a gun in a room with a woman that attempted suicide in the past, seriously?!”
“I didn’t--”
“No, you did know, Natasha. You told me!”
“It’s for protection, Wanda! If someone attacks us in the middle of the night, I can--”
“We live in a fucking fortress! We set this place up so that no one could get in and she couldn’t get out without us knowing! If you need the gun that badly put it in a fucking safe so it won’t be so fucking easy for her to get it! We almost lost her tonight because of your carelessness!”
A moment of silence passed, and you pressed further against the wood to make sure you didn’t miss anything.
“I’m sorry, Tash. Come here, please. I’m sorry.”
“I don’t want to lose her, Wan.” The words were separated by sobs and you felt a bit of guilt settling in your heart.
“I know, I don’t either. That’s why I panicked and I took it out on you, and I’m sorry.” Another moment of silence passed. “I’m gonna check on her while you calm down, okay?”
You quickly climbed onto the bed again, scooting back to the headboard and forcing yourself to think about terrible things to build more tears as Wanda came back upstairs. You lifted your head as she opened the door, one of the building tears gliding down your cheek without warning.
“Oh baby,” she cooed as she came to sit on your left side, quickly pulling you in against her. “You’ve got to let us in that pretty head of yours more often. Is this what you’ve been blocking me from hearing lately?”
You nodded, sniffling as you tucked yourself into her hold a bit more. “I didn’t want to worry you but it got worse so fast.”
“What happened when we left, printsessa?” Natasha questioned gently as she climbed onto the other side of the bed, wrapping her arms around you from behind. “I thought you were sleeping.”
“I was, but I had a nightmare. It was a recurring one I hadn’t experienced in years and with everything I’ve been feeling lately, it was too much. I came here to find a sweater or something to comfort me because I didn’t want to bother you, but I found the gun and my mind just went blank.”
“We want you to bother us, printsessa,” Natasha told you with a crack in her voice, and you felt a couple tears drop and soak into your shirt. “No matter what time of day or night, no matter what we’re doing...please always bother us.”
The two of them whispered more soft reassurances that you ignored as you sank further into their holds, getting in a comfortable sleeping position. They followed your lead when they realized you were tired, each of them kissing your cheek as they also settled, and you couldn’t fight the smile that came to your lips.
Phase one was complete.
Tags: @littlegasps @imnotasuperhero @nat-km-mh @natasha-danvers @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @emilyprentisswife @fayhar @cherrieloco @bebe404 @seventeen0 @muted-stoneheart @its-a-long-way-to-ba-sing-se @sxphiaswitch @wannabe-fic-reader @becka107 @buckmesidewaysandcallmesteve @trikruismybitch @beforeoursecrets @mjaudrey @messuhp @creepingwolfberry @cosmicbrownies7 @darkangelxoxo @witchxaf @sakurat123 @natashadeservedmore
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The Next One Is Free
A/N: A long long time ago I posted an ask where for people to request befores, afters, or POV changes for any scene/ chapter of any of my stories, and @suchatinyinfinity​ (thanks Dani!) asked for the scene from Passing Through when Ryan and Reader meet from a different POV (which we get from Reader in the main story) and I am sorry it took me so long to get to because I had a blast writing it. It also goes along with the first prompt from this September prompt list- which I am going to try to utilize in some way shape or form through this month in an attempt to write daily. The goal for September is to empty my inbox and catch up on things I have been meaning to write so without further ado... 
Request/ Prompt: Ryan & Reader’s first meeting- POV Remix // September Prompt Day 1- the smell of coffee  
Word Count: 1k
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It was a typical Tuesday morning shift at Caribou. 
The bell above the door hadn’t stopped jingling for more than a few seconds at a time as customers came and went. The chiming sound was accompanied by the near constant clanking of ceramic mugs jumbling together in the dishwasher and the drip, drip, hiss of the coffee pots to create a sort of soundtrack for her to work to. With only one song. One long song on an endless loop. 
Maggie stared through the steam of the espresso machine at the line of customers stretching out from the counter. Their number never dwindled to less than four no matter how quickly she filled cups or frothed foam. The fast pace could sometimes be exhausting, but it did help to make the time fly when she was consistently busy. Her eyes darted up to the clock mounted to the wall on the far side of the room, squinting to read the time as a man with broad shoulders stepped into the line. Ten thirty. One more hour to go. You can do this, Mags. 
By then she had already had her slew of early regulars with their routine orders and friendly smiles, their “have a great day hun”s and their “see you tomorrow”s genuine even if they were also routine. The daily stream of half sleeping students stopping in for a pick me up en route to their 9 am class a few blocks over at the UC Denver campus had already come through too, Maggie recognizing a few of them as classmates from her night classes and making small talk about assignments or upcoming exams as she made their drinks. There was also a group of middle aged women who she could count on every other week to take up two tables in the corner while they discussed whatever it was their book club had read recently. Though it seemed like it would do the opposite, seeing certain faces, chatting with the same people, even if it was about the same thing every time, helped make a monotonous job less so. 
Not all regulars were a welcome sight though, and she groaned as she recognized the broad shouldered man in the gray suit as the jerk who had made her new co-worker cry the previous week with his rude demeanor. Ugh. Not this guy again. It was undoubtedly him though, his voice cutting through the busy space as he spoke into the phone pressed to his ear with the same condescending tone he used to order his coffee. Letting out a sigh, Maggie capped the tiny cups she held and cashed out her current customer, mentally crossing her fingers in hopes that the jerk in the suit wouldn’t cause any problems. Please I just want my shift to end in peace. I have one more hour and then I’m free. I really just want it to go smoothly. 
The next customer, it seemed, had heard that silent plea, the man ordering a small coffee with a kind smile. He dropped his change directly into the tip jar, thanking her in a slow southern drawl with a tip of his head. He wrapped his long, tattooed fingers around the cardboard cup she passed him and stepped aside, heading for the table where creamers and sweeteners were stocked. 
Before she could even process the pleasant interaction though, the jerk was barking his order at her and she felt herself struggling to keep a customer service approved smile on her face. The effort wasn’t lost on the woman in line behind him, and she gave Maggie a sympathetic look. Luckily, the well dressed asshole didn’t have any complaints about his coffee this time, and since his order was simple he was out of her hair relatively quickly. Good. Now get out of here before-
But it was too late for him to leave without incident as dark brown liquid splashed onto his coat. Maggie saw it happening in slow motion, but there was nothing she could do to stop it. She was already helping a different set of customers when the nice but apparently clumsy woman who had just shot her a look of solidarity had spilled her beverage. And of course it had to be on him. Maggie watched helplessly as the woman tried to diffuse the situation before it became a shouting match, apologizing for the stain and offering to take care of his drycleaning. More than he deserves, but she’s trying. 
He wasn’t having it though, and just when Maggie wondered if she needed to call for her manager, the kind man with warm eyes was back to intervene. Though he didn’t appear to know the woman, he stepped between her and the jerk and addressed the other man directly. He calmly but sternly repeated what the woman had offered, telling the man to either accept her apology and courtesy or move along. For half a second, Maggie wondered if the well-intentioned canvas and denim clad young man hadn’t made things worse by stepping in, but something in the combination of his tone and the way his calm eyes flashed dark and serious must have made the jerk think twice because he left, grumbling about taking his business to the coffeehouse over on Larimer. Oh. Please do. 
Pressing a fully punched card with a hand-written “next one is free!” on the back into the hero of the morning’s callused palm, Maggie thanked him for ridding the shop of the undesirable customer and poured a fresh cup of coffee for the woman whose beverage the jerk had left wearing. Continuing to help the customers in line, Maggie kept one eye on the pair as they introduced themselves to one another, the woman thanking him again and both of them grinning over their steaming cups. Did I just witness one of those coffee shop meet cutes? Like in hallmark movies and fanfiction? 
Laughing to herself, she watched the two of them leave the shop, the bell announcing their departure, and hoped for one more thing- I hope when he comes in for his free one… they come back together. 
Thank you for reading! If you would like to be added to or removed from the tags please feel free to let me know or use the form at the top of my masterlist! 
Tags:  @something-tofightfor @suchatinyinfinity @malionnes @thesumofmychoices @gollyderek @pheedraws @beautifuldesastre @alraedesigns @dearmarii @fific7 @obscurilicious @luminex3 @vetseras @blackbirddaredevil23​ @its-my-little-dumpster-fire​ @yespolkadotkitty​
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Could I request something for Shinsou who is accepted in the the hero course with a bf who is still in the general course of UA? How would they handle the drastic change of Hitoshi changing courses? (or just any Shinsou insert tbh of this isn't anything you're really feeling atm) ❤️ love your writings
Day of Surprises|{Shinsou Hitoshi}
I tried going for the first idea but all of my ideas came out so sad for some reason😔
So I hope this is okay and that you don’t mind🥺
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479 FOLLOWERS.. ALMOST 500!? I didn’t even notice I want to thank you all I’m so glad you like what I write!! I love you guys so much and I hope you’ll stick around to watch me improve and keep making content for you all!💖💖
I hope you enjoy💖
Pairing: Shinsou Hitoshi x Male Reader
Words: 1.7k (1,753)
Warning(s): Injuries, Badly written villain encounter
Requests: Closed
You stared at the ticking clock from behind the convenience store counter.
2 hours to go until your shift is over.
You covered your face and groaned. The store had been practically empty all day with only a handful of other teenagers popping in for a minute for snacks and other various things.
You jumped and turn around.
It was the store’s owner standing there. A short woman in her 40s with a permanent soft smile on her face.
“What’s got you so antsy today? You seem like you’re ready to bolt.”
You smiled.
“I have my first date with my boyfriend today after work.”
She smiled fondly.
“A first date is very important.”
You blushed and looked away.
“Yeah, I want to make it nice for him since it’s his first date too.”
The manager glanced at the clock and hummed.
“Well, the shop has been rather quiet today.”
She turned to you and smiled.
“I do suppose I can run the store myself until your coworker gets here.”
Your eyes widened in surprise as you faced her.
“Are you sure?”
She nodded and smiled.
“You’re a nice young man and you really help me a lot around here so I don’t mind letting you off early.”
You beamed before rushing to grab your stuff and clock out.
“I owe you one!”
You shouted as you rushed out.
As you jogged your way through the train station you pulled out your phone and proceeded to call Hitoshi.
The phone rang for a moment before you hear your boyfriend’s groggy voice answer the phone.
“Good morning Toshi how was your nap?”
You hear shifting and a groan before he speaks.
“It was good, are you on break?”
You pass through the ticket gates and walk to your platform.
“Yeah, the shop’s pretty crazy today for some reason.”
He hummed.
“Where are we going today?”
“I was hoping we could go to the mall and maybe to that new cafe that opened there a few weeks ago.”
“Sounds good to me.”
A yawn sounds from the other side.
“Toshi if you want to go back to sleep you can, I have to get back soon anyway.”
“Alright then, I’ll see you when you get here, bye.”
The line clicked and you rushed into the train and await your destination.
When the train stopped you hopped out and headed home to change.
Unlocking and pushing your way inside the door you slipped off your shoes and made your way to your room.
You immediately went to your closet and began to brainstorm on what to wear. It was a casual date to the mall so nothing too fancy. Though everything you put together didn’t seem to be good enough.
Hitoshi had the same issue.
When you had called he wasn’t in bed at all. He was actually getting ready for the date.
He was rooting around his closet for what seemed to be forever. All of his outfits didn’t feel right for a date.
It’s been over an hour after your phone call and he wanted to surprise you at work but he couldn’t choose what to wear.
After picking up what felt to be the millionth article of clothing he thought.
’Screw it.’
And changed into the set of clothes he held in his hands.
He wore a plain black shirt with a purple jacket over it and a pair of ripped jeans.
It wasn’t the worst outfit he could’ve chosen so he’ll take that as a win.
He checked his phone.
’45 minutes left, enough time to get to his store before he gets off.’
Hitoshi quickly stuffed his keys and wallet into his pockets as he made his way to the front door.
Shouting a goodbye to his parents he opened the door. But he immediately froze when he caught sight of you frozen mid knock.
“Uh hey.”
“(Y/N) I thought you were at work?”
You rubbed the back of your neck and chuckled.
“Yeah I was able to leave early and I wanted to surprise you so um, surprise?”
Hitoshi smiled.
“Do you need anything else before we go?”
He shook his head and held out his hand. You took it, your larger hand enveloping his and with that, the two of you began on your way to the mall.
The two of you hadn’t had lunch yet. So after arriving at the mall the two of you immediately went straight to the food court. The two of you each got a simple snack to eat while walking around.
You visited a few stores, goofing around buying cute things. Like a matching set of fluffy cat socks, you insisted that you bought so the two of you could match.
The two of you were sitting on a bench when Hitoshi saw merch of your favorite hero through the window of a shop. So he excused himself with the excuse of using the restroom and walked away towards the store.
You had already bought him so much stuff that he had taken an interest in so he needed to get you at least something no matter how small it was.
He had paid and grabbed the bag his gift was in when a scream came from behind him followed by the sound of the shop’s window being shattered and a loud crash.
Hitoshi spun on his heel and witnessed the cause of the destruction. A trash can was embedded into the wall opposite from the shattered window.
He ran outside and there was more chaos.
Objects floating and slamming into walls and stores, some people already injured and being carried away by other civilians.
He needed to find you and make sure you were okay.
He ran in the direction you were going last.
The villain was standing in the center of the chaos, objects of varying sizes around them being lifted and thrown.
Even with objects almost hitting him Hitoshi still cried out your name and continued looking around frantically for any sign of you.
He didn’t have to look for long when someone shouted.
“Oh god, what’s that kid doing?”
His head snapped where the person was pointing to see you charging towards the villain.
“(Y/N) what are you doing?!”
Hearing Hitoshi’s voice made you pause and look over at him.
But as you look to your boyfriend you didn’t notice the display case being hurled at you.
“Look out!”
You looked and only had enough time to put your arms up to cover your face.
The case shattered and sent you flying backward until you landed sprawled out on the ground.
Shinsou immediately began running to you.
He needed to get you and get away from there and wait for the actual heroes to come.
You groaned as you sat up placing a hand on your head the air was also knocked out of you from your rough landing.
It hurt but if it wasn’t for your quirk it would’ve hurt more.
You looked to see Hitoshi running to you.
He was so focused on you that he didn’t notice the villain dragged a nearby truck from outside and begin aiming it at him.
You noticed though and used a nearby wall to brace yourself as you climbed to your feet.
“Hitoshi, watch out!”
He gasped and his foot snagged on a piece of the ground that had been jutting out.
He looked up to see the truck heading towards him.
His mind blanked all he could do was close his eyes and press himself against the cold surface of the wall behind him.
But the pain never came. Instead, the sound of crunching metal and cracking concrete next to his head was all he heard.
Hitoshi cracked his eyes open to meet your worried gaze. He looked over your shoulder and saw your hand buried in the bumper of the now destroyed truck sitting behind you.
“-Toshi? Hitoshi!”
He jumped and looked at you.
“I asked if you’re okay, here.”
You wrenched your hands from the holes you made and dusted them off before offering a hand to him.
He stared at your hand for a moment before grabbing it.
You hoisted him up with ease but as soon as Hitoshi’s feet hit the ground he cried out and stumbled into you.
“What’s wrong?”
Hitoshi winced and lifted his right foot off of the ground.
“My ankle, it hurts.”
You knelt and rolled his pant leg up to reveal that his ankle was red and starting to swell.
He must’ve twisted it when he tripped. You thought for a moment before an idea popped into your head.
You stood up and hooked an arm under his knees and simply picked him up princess style.
He yelped and clung to your shirt.
“I’ve got you now, let’s get out of here the heroes should be coming soon.”
And just as you said that the pro hero Kamui woods showed up.
“See? Perfect timing.”
You took off towards the mall’s exit with Hitoshi in your arms.
A while after the mall incident and getting checked by a paramedic getting Hitoshi’s ankle wrapped the two of you sat on a train. Your arm around Hitoshi’s shoulders and his head resting against your chest.
“Hey Toshi, sorry our date was ruined. I wasn’t even able to get you a gift since I dropped our stuff back there.”
“It’s fine I had a good time, minus the whole villain attacking the mall part.”
You smiled at him and were about to resume resting your head on his when he jolted up.
“Wait, hold on I almost forgot.”
He shoved his hand in his pocket and rooted around for a moment before pulling out a crumpled receipt and something shiny.
“I uh got us matching keychains, I managed to swipe them before we left.”
You took the keychain from his hand. It was a charm of a small black cat. It was a little scuffed but other than that it was okay.
You chuckled and pulled out your set of keys hooking the keychain onto it.
He blushed and looked away rubbing the back of his neck.
He wordlessly placed himself back into your side and placed his head on your chest.
You hooked your arm around his shoulders and gently pulled him closer.
Your first date will always be a rather memorable moment in your relationship. But now you can schedule even better dates. Ones without villains.
{Tag List}
@your-strangelove @yumeneji
(If you want to be added, just comment on this post or send an ask and I’ll be sure to tag you in future posts. And if you don’t want to be tagged anymore just ask to be taken off and I’ll do it asap.)
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Reckless Rescuer
I literally just came up with this idea at midnight last night when I was just starting to go into fever dream mode so... This will be interesting. You asked to be tagged so here you go @justconfusedperiod!
Imagine that Marinette never became Ladybug.
Master Fu chose actual adults to go save Paris while Sabine and Tom gave Marinette combat training.
Despite not being a hero Marinette was still caught up in a lot of akuma attacks (Because Hawkmoth is a bitter ass) so she learned how to use everything and anything to her advantage.
Even though she's crafty Marinette still dies in akuma attacks and gets revived by the Miraculous Cure at the end of the day.
As sad as it is, she becomes used to dying.
That doesn't mean that she TRIES to get hurt during attacks, it just means that she expects her life to end one day because of an akuma or something and for her to not come back, so dying isn't a fear for her anymore.
She also builds a tolerance for pain during attacks where she doesn't die, but still gets very injured.
It's amazing how trauma can practically destroy someone's life while others are just so desensitized that it doesn't affect them anymore.
One day the Dupain-Chengs move to Gotham to both expand their business, and to get away from a certain magic fueled fashion disaster.
I mean, seriously.
You're supposed to be a designer but here you are walking around looking like a cardboard candy cane beige toothpick of a man.
Don't get me started on what the heck happened with Hawkmoth's costume.
What is that?
Are you wearing a silver condom on your head or what??
Anyways, Marinette attends Damian's school and they bond over being the only one's not overly worried about danger in certain situations.
At one point Damian thought that she might have been a hero or something but threw that thought away when he witnessed her somehow fall UP a staircase. (I've actually done this before. Surprisingly it's pretty fun.)
All was fine and dandy until one afternoon when they were walking to Neti's place after school to work on a project.
They were walking through a less populated part of the city and were passing a shoe store when two thugs held them at a gunpoint demanding for their cash.
The youngest Wayne was fully prepared to attack the men when Marinette started scolding them for being rude?
Marinette: Hey! You can't just do that! Do you know how rude it is to interrupt someone's conversation?! Apologize right and leave us alone right now OR ELSE.
The two men just looked at her for a moment before doubling over and bursting out in laughter.
After all, what can this tiny school girl do to hurt them?
The first guy calmed down and was about to threaten them again when all of a sudden a pink flat was thrown at his face.
Because of he was unprepared and because of the force behind the flying shoe, he was knocked over and fell to the floor with a thud.
The second guys turned to look at the girl who just threw her shoe at his partner when he was suddenly wacked in the face as well.
So there they were.
Two teenagers, one with no shoes on, in front of a show store with two thugs at their feet.
Truly a sight to behold.
Marinette turns to Damian and asks him for his shoes.
She then turns to the second dude who was on his knees and says in a dark tone, "You better go and leave us alone before I get my hands on a pair of iceskates. Got it?"
He nods his head and scrambles to run away from the short girl with pigtails that just single handedly smashed her arm through glass and was somehow not wincing in pain from her many bleeding cuts and she threw shoes at them.
His partner frantically got to his feet and followed him.
After making sure that the two would-be-muggers are far away Mari turns to Damian and waves her still bleeding hand in front of his face.
"Heelllooooo? Anybody home?"
She then shakes his shoulders a bit.
Damian, now no longer in shock, starts freaking out about her injuries.
She tries to get him to calm down but that honestly makes him freak out even more.
"Well that would make it the 2615th time."
Marinette was trying to get him to breathe since he was almost on the verge of a panic attack when the owner of the shoe store came out with a first aid kit.
The elderly woman proceeded to patch up Marinette's arm while thanking her for scaring away the muggers.
"Those two just keep scaring the customers away so I cannot thank you dearie enough!"
"Oh, it was no problem ma'am. They really needed to learn some manners anyways!"
"They really are so rude aren't they. And there we go! Your arm is all bandaged up. I would be careful with it if I were you."
She old lady then turns to Damian who has calmed down a bit now that Marinette's arm is bandaged.
"You've got quite a wild girlfriend here. Be sure to watch out for her safety or else you're gonna lose her."
That causes the two teens faces to burn red.
"Oh no you've got it wrong. She's not my girlfriend although I do agree that I should start looking out far her health more." He turns to Marinette as he says the last bit.
She just replies with a sheepish smile and a shrug.
"She's definitely going to give me gray hairs early."
The store owner gave Marinette and Damian a knowing look before sending the two on their way.
On the walk to Marinette's house Damian kept scolding her for her brash decisions and worrying over her arm at the same time.
At one point Damian asked her if she could actually feel the pain from her cuts or not and she just replied with "I got injured a lot when I lived in Paris so I have a high pain tolerance. This isn't even the worst wound I've ever gotten."
Needless to say, that did not reassure Damian at all.
When they did reach their destination they ended up deciding to finish the project on another day to let Marinette's arm heal a bit.
He calls Alfred to pick him up and when faced with the butler's questioning stare he just replies with "Too much excitement for today."
Before the limo drove off Marinette ran outside to the car and handed Damian a bag full of pastries.
"Consider this an apology for making you freak out so much."
He nodded and took the bag but still told her "You're an idiot you know right?"
"Haha. Or so I've been told." She shrugs. "See you tomorrow in class if you're not too traumatized!"
"Tt. We live in Gotham. It's gonna take more than that to truly scar me. Although I have to say, that's the closest someone's gotten in a long time. Don't do it again."
"No promises!" Marinette yells as the limo drives off.
That night Damian got a nightmare filled with shoes.
Marinette is now known and feared throughout the more amateur criminal community.
True to her word, Marinette tried to reduce the amount of risky choices that she took.
I mean, there was that incident with the llamas, trumpets, and skateboards but we don't talk about that.
Her safety streak ended when Damian was kidnapped.
And by the Joker no less.
Ya, no.
She's not just gonna stand by while her friend litteraly gets kidnapped by a clown man thing when she could do something about it.
The Joker called the Waynes through a video chat and threatens the dump Damian into a pool filled with unidentified and possibly contaminated water until they give him half a million dollars.
And because it's a two way video chat and all of the Waynes (except Damian) are there they can't 'call the batfam' to save him.
Because they were all so busy panicking and Joker was busy laughing, no one but Damian noticed a dark silhouette sneaking around in the shadows.
The moment he saw them he immediately knew who it was.
'Oh no. ThaT'S MY IDIOT!!'
Marinette noticed Damian's panicked stare on her and just, gave him a thumbs up? Before going back into the darkness.
'Oh no oh no ohnoohnononono what's she doing?!' He thought to himself as he heard quiet shuffling in the shadows.
Going back to the screen, Bruce was about to send the money when all of a sudden a bright light was turned on from behind the Joker to the left.
And they weren't expecting what they saw.
There under the light was someone in a Barney the Dinosaur costume sitting in a rainbow bumper car with a radio and a bag filled with something strapped in the passenger side.
TrULy RaDiAnT.
The purple dino turned on the radio, (which was playing the Barney theme song) made eye contact with the clown, and promptly said "Beep beep bitch." in a robotic voice (there was a voice changer in the costume) before driving full speed at him.
At first the Joker tried to run away from the vehicle but for some reason the bumper car was extremely fast and RAN HIM OVER before turning around,
Double oof.
They did this around 12 times before the Joker managed to push up from under the bumper car at the perfect time.
Marinette did a backflip (dramatics are guaranteed) as she jumped out of the rainbow ride while simultaneously throwing the radio at the Joker at full force.
The Joker, not expecting that, was thrown against the base of a wall.
He got up just in time to see his attacker pull out a shoe from the bag and chuck it at his nuts.
*cue everyone either laughing at his pain or wincing in sympathy*
The Barney pulls out a sandal from the bag and throws it at his face and uses a black stiletto to pin the clown's arm tO THE FRIGGING WALL when he reaches to touch where the flip flop hit him.
(Is there a difference between sandals and flip flops?)
She then uses another stiletto (a red one this time) to pin his other arm and pulls out YET ANOTHER SHOE (a rainboot) to hit his face.
This time he gets knocked out though so there's that.
The power of FOOTWEAR!!
The purple and green dinosaur goes to untie Damian while his family just watch through the screen with their jaws on the floor, still processing what the actual heck just happened.
They get snapped out of their shock when the youngest Wayne launches himself into the Barney's arms and starts rambling about how worried he was and did the store owner give you all those shoes and why the heck did you follow me here.
They don't know what they were expecting the person under the Barney costume to look like but they definitely weren't expecting a young girl with pigtails wearing stilts to come out.
Apparently she needed them to fit into the suit.
Damian: How did you even know I was in trouble?
Marinette: I sorta have a six sense for this kind of stuff. It's disappointing that I didn't get to use all of my amo though :(
Damian: Wait. You brought MORE shoes?
Marinette: Yep! And a couple other things as well. Like this trumpet case, and this bowling ball, and this duck themed alarm clock (I have one lol), and oh! Wait a moment would ya?
*walks over to the pool and dumps around 30 bath bombs in*
Marinette: There! Now this place will smell super nice!
Damian: Did you just dump a ton of bath bombs into a pool of unidentified liquid?
Marinette: Yep!
Damian: Let me rephrase that. Did you just dump a ton of bath bombs into a pool of possibly chemically contaminated water which could possibly have a bad reaction to the bath bombs which could possibly explode or just generally be the death of us?
Marinette: ........
Damian: ........
Marinette: ......
Damian: ........
Marinette: ....well it wouldn't be the FIRST time I-
Damian close to tears: yEs I KnOw PLeaSe StOp ReMinDiNg mE.
Ya so this was just a random idea I had and that I will probably not be adding to but y'all reading this are more than welcome to! If you do continue or make your own little spins on this please tag me! I would love to read them :D
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novantinuum · 4 years
Fandom: Steven Universe
Rating: Teen Audiences
Words: 2.2K~
Summary: A series of shorts detailing what might’ve happened in the moments after I Am My Monster, told from six different points of view.
Greg apparently had a LOT on his mind, because this was supposed to be short and instead it’s over 2000 words, ahah. Final chapter!
If you read this and enjoy, I’d greatly appreciate your support through reblogs here, or kudos/comments on AO3. Thank you! <3
Chapter warning: Allusions to past non-canon character suicide.
Chapter 6: Greg
Hours pass.
Bismuth makes quick and quiet work of replacing the cracked slider door in Steven’s room while he sleeps, and secures a thick tarp over the open front of the house to keep the coastal breeze somewhat at bay until she can finish her repairs to the windows and siding. She warns that might take a day or two. Garnet, meanwhile, busies herself the rest of the afternoon and evening fielding all of the Diamonds’ frazzled calls, and reassuring them of the boy’s current stability. Pooling their knowledge, Dr. Maheswaran and Peridot make sure to confirm that. Beyond some minor scarring, neither his organic or Gem half seems to exhibit any serious physical health conditions in consequence of what happened today, news which works to ever so slightly lift the air of the household. With no other concrete tasks to complete, Pearl, Amethyst, Lapis, Connie, and Greg all rotate between sweeping debris off the floor, wandering the beach to mentally recuperate, and dutifully sitting at Steven’s side as he rests. It may not sound like a lot, but alas the level of emotional labor demanded by such a situation is immense.
All in all, the sun’s long since dipped below the horizon by the time Greg finally collapses onto the mattress laid out in the back of his van, craving if but a moment of privacy and respite from all the chaos. It’s been... an insufferably long day, to put it lightly. Busy. Tons of cleaning, and intercepting nosy neighbors, and bedside monitoring...
He offered to take the first night shift watching Steven a few minutes ago, but Pearl must’ve noticed the dark circles creeping ever wider under his eyes, because she proceeded to gently overturn his offer and remind him of humanity’s daily sleep requirement. And she’s right, of course. He can’t stay up as long as he used to in his twenties anymore. Plus, he probably deserves some time to himself after everything that’s transpired. There’s plenty of Gems left in the house who can keep watch, after all. Steven will be fine for a few hours. Surely nothing else can happen when he’s asleep, right?
Exhaustedly slumping against the side wall, Greg offers a glassy, vacant stare at the contacts list of his phone, roughly wiping the damp from his cheeks with his other hand as his thumb hovers over one of the numbers. Does he dare drag someone else into this whole situation? Surely the kinder solution would be to refrain from widening the circle any more, from letting anyone else learn about today’s harrowing events. And yet if he fails to find a proper outlet for the raw emotions all of this has violently hauled to the surface, he fears he just may suffer a mental break himself, repressed memories bursting like a vicious flood through the dam he desperately tried to seal them behind all those years back. Much of this is just... far too familiar.
His phone slips right through his trembling hands as the cruel reality of what he witnessed today finally begins to carve its indelible presence in his mind. A strained sob leaking from between his tightly pursed lips, he buries his head between his knees, clutching at the worn bottom hem of his jean shorts like an infant to a parent’s finger. Small. Vulnerable.
His son... oh stars, his only son, he—
He can’t talk about any of this to the Gems; they wouldn’t wholly grasp the uniquely human nature of his concerns. And he doesn’t feel comfortable discussing these matters with Dr. Maheswaran, especially not after the stern words she dealt to him back at the hospital. He’s burdened her enough already, by this point. No, there’s only one fellow human he feels close enough with to engage in this sort of conversation.
Taking a deep, cleansing breath, he reaches for the phone he dropped on the mattress. Turns it on. Nervously clamps down on his bottom lip as he selects his cousin’s contact and dials.
The passing heartbeats slamming against his ribs are almost nauseating in their needy clamor as he waits, his calloused fingers tapping against the thick rubber of his phone case. Andy’s never been a particularly tech savvy guy, so honestly, it’s well within reason he might not even carry his phone on his person to answer. And that’d be fine, really. In fact, he might even prefer it, since he’s still not confident he’s emotionally prepared to discuss any of this at this precise moment, anyways. But just as he’s beginning to undergo mental preparations for what on Earth he might leave as a voicemail message, his older family member finally picks up.
“Greg?” Andy’s gravelly voice rings through, sounding somewhat tinny through their connection. “Hey, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? How’s the ol’ Universe family unit doin’?”
“Not great, honestly,” he narrowly manages in response, his throat constricting tight. “That’s kinda why I’m calling, if you have the time to listen?”
“Heh. I’m a drifter, you know I ain’t got no schedule. Carry on.”
“Well... geeze, how do I put this. There was, uh... a bit of an incident today. With Steven.”
“An incident?” his cousin questions, marked worry immediately painting his tone. “The kid okay??”
He falls silent for a few seconds upon this question, threading his hyperactive digits through the split ends in his hair on automatic, a stress-induced habit. “Unclear,” he says, a slight quiver making itself intimately known in his words. “I mean, physically, at the moment, yes, but—“
He cuts off once more. It suddenly occurs to him that little of today’s events would make sense to Andy without providing the appropriate context. Or, at least, what little context he’s capable of giving as a father. It’s still terrifying to admit the truth to himself— that he doesn’t possess the full story. That he hasn’t been paying close enough attention. That, in many ways, he willfully blinded himself to all the troubling events transpiring around his son throughout the years, foolishly believing that if he didn’t involve himself... that if he simply stayed out of the Gems’ hair... everything would go to plan, and Steven would finally receive the training he needed. He didn’t expect things would grow so complicated.
He didn’t expect that his teenage son would have to march into battle carrying nothing but his wits and a shield time and time again.
With a weary sigh and a quick apology, to which Andy brushes off, Greg begins to weave a verbal picture of everything that’s transpired across the last few days. First, the hospital call. Rushing home from tour, only to find his son giant and flushed pink, literally filling an entire room with the sheer volume of his trauma. The shattered x-ray in his chart, hinting towards hidden hurts that— before all this— even Steven seemingly hadn’t processed or quantified. Then, the road trip. The unwanted reminders of his childhood. That blasted CD. His expression sobers as he describes the fateful argument they had on the road home, one which lead to his son accidentally breaking the steering wheel and flipping the van. Next... his disappearance. No texts for four whole days, which is so unlike him. He was worried sick. And the next time he saw him, he was eight feet tall, glowing, and painfully manic in behavior, with each new sentence spilling from his mouth revealing an even more heartbreaking picture of the sort of poor mental state he’d spiraled into. It was nothing short of a father’s worst nightmare, propelled into horrifying, vivid reality.
Nothing in this corner of the galaxy could’ve prepared him for the primal surge of terror and anguish he was engulfed within when that nightmare distorted and transformed even further.  
His only son... colossal and coated in thick scales and spines, sclera black as night... roughly clawing at this unfamiliar form, smashing his skull against the cliffside, roaring with an inner pain so primal that the sound now haunts the depths of his very soul—
“I- you remember what happened with cousin Jo, back when we were young?” Greg says softly once he’s caught Andy up with the details of situation, his voice frail and unsteady, the tone of a man helplessly marooned amidst his anxieties. “Before she was sent to that mental rehab place? Well, I’m... with the addition of Gem magic, it almost felt like that. I mean, h-he’s fine for now, we have him resting, but... but I’m just so scared he won’t come out of this, like her, a-a-and that one day he’ll—“
A mewling sob bubbles up in his throat, swiftly severing that train of thought. N-no. No, he refuses to even utter that horrible idea out loud! After all, a world without Steven in it isn’t worth envisioning.
Andy’s eventual response— albeit tinged with a justified shade of awkwardness, given the emotionally charged nature of this conversation— is filled with genuine compassion, and for that he’s dearly thankful.
“Aw, hell... Greg, I’m- I’m so sorry. I, uh- I could fly over, if any of ya’ need me? For emotional support, or whatever?”
Upon this kind offer, he inhales deep to steady his breath, and wipes away dewy beads of moisture from the corner of his eyes, desperately hoping that he can mitigate the pitiful wavering of his voice over the phone. He’s gotta fight to reliably keep some form of composure in front of other people, damnit. His kid can’t have his dad breaking down around him too, of course.
“No, you’ve got places to be,” he replies evenly, pressing his thumb and pointer against one of his aching temples. “I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
“You ain’t asking,” he retorts, the eye-roll evident in his tone. “I’m offering. Listen- family takes care of family, y’hear? And I’m only about a day’s flight away, anyways. It’s really the least I could do.”
He sighs. Absentmindedly tugs at a thick strand of his hair. Offers a long, contemplative stare at the rickety age-worn handle affixed to the inside of the van’s back doors. Truth be told— ignoring his deep-seated guilt at dragging Andy into all this to begin with— he’d love having another family member around to embrace, especially a human one who can more deeply understand the crux of his anxieties about this delicate situation. But in the end, he shouldn’t be prioritizing his own feelings and comfort. He’s not the one in crisis, his son is.
Desperately hoping he’s making the right choice, Greg flexes his fingers, and acquiesces to the offer, on one condition: only if Steven consents to having visitors, once he’s awake.
Andy hums in approval. “Understood. Don’t wanna overload the poor guy with any surprise visits, or whatever.”
“Yeah. The last thing I want to do is push him too hard, too fast.”
He pauses, braving waves of parental grief to spend a moment to reflect on Steven’s emotional progression over the past few months... a stray negative comment here, an unusually forlorn mannerism there... All of them events that, in isolation, wouldn’t point to anything more than your standard ‘teenage angst,’ but when observed in strong, unceasing patterns, begin to reveal deeply harrowing truths about the state of an individual’s self-image. How did he never notice? Why wasn’t he there to catch him in his fall?
“I think he hates himself,” he says quietly, his voice hitching up at the end. “He didn’t say so directly, but- but I can sense it. And I don’t know how to help him, I-I... I don’t know if I can.”
“Nonsense,” his cousin scoffs, “‘course ya’ know what to do! What does any good father worth their salt give their sons?”
Unable to evade the momentary temptation of feeling miserable and sorry for himself, he slumps back against the wall, giving a weak shrug that his current audience would never see.
“I dunno, maybe a stable, safe childhood? Not growing up poor as dirt in a van?”
“No, you numbskull,” Andy immediately cuts back, “you love on ‘em and support ‘em just as much as you always have! Y’ show him that you’re always gonna be there for him, and that he can trust you with anything.”
“But I haven’t always been there for him,” he exclaims petulantly. “That’s the whole problem! That’s one of the reasons he ended up like this.”
“Greg,” he says, his voice softer this time. “Listen to me, ain’t nobody perfect, okay? We’ve all made our mistakes with people. Me? More than most. But what we can’t do is let those mistakes cloud what’s happening right now. Y’know, that’s one of the hard lessons I’ve had to learn over the past two years, that you can’t always make things about you. Because right now, it’s about him. He’s dealin’ with some hard feelings, and he needs all of our help. So, let’s help him. Together. We’ll start with one foot in front of us, and we can take it from there. All right?”
Closing his weary, exhausted eyes and pressing his thumb firm against his still-aching temple, Greg Universe gives a long sigh and finally concedes to the reality that— just as he’s not solely responsible for the decline of his son’s mental state— no man should be an island when it comes to the task of supporting one’s journey towards recovery. As with everything, the extended Universe family unit will face the future together, hand-in-hand. Step-by-step.
“Yeah,” he breathes. “Yeah, I think that’s do-able.”
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ary-se · 4 years
Mankai with a roach
some of these are based on irl experiences so i hope y'all enjoy reading this as much as i did writing it LMAO no braincells were involved in doing this i am so sorry.. also tagging @tsum-uwu-gi for some of the totally whack ideas, tysm 🥰
🐪 the mankai dorm never really experienced having a roach flying all over the place that much, and even if it did, they're immediately dealt with by the moms of the dorm
🐪 that was mostly the case until that one specific day arrived, when the reliable people were gone for different reasons. tsuzuru was in his part-time job, omi was getting groceries, tasuku was a guest actor for another troupe, and no one knows what in the world sakyo was up to
🐪 anyways the first one to notice was azuma, he walked in the bathroom probably to take a dump or something - who knows really lol - when he found himself staring at a roach that was literally on the toilet.
🐪 azuma literally has no idea how or when it got there, but the fact remains that there is no freaking way he is going to use the toilet unless he wants a death sentence. the logical choice was to close the toilet and flush it, but at that moment he kinda lost his shit, both literally and figuratively, and so all he did was act composed as he quickly left the bathroom
🐪 "azu-nee, why do you look so pale?" yuki asked him out of curiosity in the dining room, but azuma is hella smooth so he just laughs it off and acts as if he totally wasn't horrified at all, "it's nothing, you're probably imagining things."
🐪 after that incident, nothing happens for at least an hour. unfortunately, a roach doesn't simply disappear just because you want them to, which was why azuma's efforts of not letting the roach escape from the bathroom were in vain...
🐪 for some apparent reason taichi sometimes has this tendency of holding his own pee before he sprints to the toilet and just bursts in there, so when he ran to the bathroom and immediately let out an ungodly screech, it's all fucking over
🐪 did taichi piss himself? who the hell freaking knows. if he did, mankai would normally either laugh or feel bad for him or both, but at that moment nobody cared about that. what actually mattered was that taichi left the fucking door open so the moment he screamed, the roach already started flying EVERYWHERE
🐪 the one who was nearby the bathroom that time was kazunari. even if kazunari acts like he is scared of roaches, he actually isn't and he is capable of killing a roach in sight. would he help taichi, who has his fly almost open, by killing the roach and call it a day?
🐪 the answer is hell no. killing it doesn't even cross his mind. kazunari thinks this is really hilarious, and if he finds something funny he doesn't do anything to solve the problem. kazunari would basically make things worse by going live on his instablam to record what is happening. in this case, it is all about the unwanted creature and where in the actual world it is gonna land
🐪 gladly, kazu's sanity is still intact that he didn't include taichi in his live for the first few minutes. if kazu did, taichi better say bye bye to his remaining dignity and write his last will so he can finally dig his own grave. people will forever know him as the ugly sobbing, screaming dude in the bathroom with his fly open, and that is honestly the last thing taichi wants to be known for
🐪 sakuya goes to where the chaos is, poor boy was legitimately confused as to why two people are yelling and laughing at the same time. it is normal in mankai but every time it happens, somewhing whack is happening. unfortunately for sakuya, he was completely unaware of the roach flying behind him
🐪 "hi kazunari!" sakuya greets, and the roach lands on the sleeve of his hoodie. sakuya is a pure little bean, he is ALWAYS a pure bean but if kazu was being honest, the current image of sakuya smiling widely while a roach is chilling on his sleeve was really unnerving in its own way
🐪 kazu started to laugh so hard that he is physically unable to explain to sakuya what was happening, and he felt so bad about it. sadly, kazu doesn't have the capability to stop laughing by force, does he? because of the lack of explanation, it took sakuya approximately 7 seconds of obliviousness before he notices
🐪 tenma arrived right after that, and the roach flies off sakuya's hoodie after he jumps from surprise. high and mighty carrot boy is now in for a storm cause the moment he appeared, the roach lands on top of tenma's freaking head out of all places
🐪 "hey guys, what's happening?"
🐪 "there's a flying roach. and it is now on your head." kazunari deadpans. he always tricked tenma when it comes to these kinds of things, but he is serious this time
🐪 tenma literally HUFFS as if he doesn't believe kazunari in the slightest, and tbh you can't blame him cause summer troupe gave him trust issues from their pranks. sorry mister. unlike their old pranks, it is actually real right now... kazu ain't joking, please believe him now
🐪 tenma shrugs and places a hand on his head nonchalantly to ~prove his point~, "you won't fool me again-" he froze the moment he actually felt something moist moving under his hand
🐪 at that moment tenma screamed one hundred fucking times louder than the entire mankai company could, the entire neighborhood would learn their lesson to bring earplugs wherever they go cause his screams are literally ear-splitting
🐪 tenma should say goodbye to his reputation as a k00L b0y 4ct0R😎 that he has maintained for so long cause a lot of people are already watching the live. also rip to the people who were using earphones... at least you have witnessed tenma's most unglorious moment on public. from that moment he is already and permanently a meme and there is no going back
🐪 "STOP SCREAMING HACK!!" yuki yells at him with all of his might, but it was super inaudible because his scream still reigns. the roach lands on the wall, so yuki grabs whatever was on the table. it was banri's fashion magazine, which is fucking useless by the way, because he still can't dress himself up no matter how many fashion magazines he purchases. good job yuki for using it as a sacrifice
🐪 yuki rolled the magazine and repeatedly whacked it to the wall out of pure annoyance so he can kill the roach. in all honesty, the roach would've been dead by now from yuki's wrath, but curse his height cause he can't reach the freaking roach no matter how hard he tried. sorry yuki, your courage and bravery were all in vain
🐪 amidst all the chaos, nobody freaking noticed muku, who was deadass in the living room the whole time. question is, how is muku not aware of what was happening? how did he manage not to hear taichi's and even the mighty tenma's screams? the answer is simple. HE WAS TOO ENGROSSED IN HIS SHOUJO MANGA.
🐪 when yuki was about to finally hit the roach, it flew to the cover of muku's shoujo freaking manga. for an unknown reason, muku doesn't even flinch. HE JUST KEPT ON READING. muku, everyone adores you especially with your love for romance but the kissing scene isn't important right now, PLEASE STOP READING THIS INSTANT
🐪 everyone literally went silent, nobody had the heart to tell muku. they just watched the roach crawl slowly to muku's fingers in suspense. after what seemed like forever, muku closed his book while giggling, but that didn't last forever cause he saw the roach and in a split second he dropped his book without any hesitation
🐪 muku got so freaked out they all felt sorry to the poor boy. he just stared at the shoujo manga that is now on the floor, endlessly mumbling about having to buy a new one because the roach already cursed his book and he will become unlucky and he might pass on the curse to everybody else and they will fail all their upcoming shows and---
🐪 anyways. the roach lands on citron's palms, and citron... surprisingly doesn't freak out. he doesn't care. actually, CITRON'S HAPPY??? he just looks at the roach in fascination and if it were any other creature it would look so adorable. but no, it had to be a ROACH and it's absolutely whack and disgusting. please remember that it is the same roach that came from the freaking toilet. citron, please wash your hands RIGHT NOW.
🐪 "NO, NO! POOR COACH!" citron shakes his head, reluctant to kill it. he kept the roach in his hands so nobody would be able to kill it... he was oddly protective of it and NOBODY KNOWS WHY. THEY ALL DO NOT WANT TO KNOW WHY EITHER. citron please stop, what you're doing is making everything way worse. let go of that roach this instant and be hygienic just PLEASE oh my god
🐪 everybody already lost hope on trying to kill the roach, citron and his questionable logic is beyond their comprehension. but they refuse to waste their time fighting him about it because it will fly everywhere and no one wants that... lucky for them, tsuzuru finally arrives the dorms. HE IS EVERYONE'S SALVATION! SOMEONE WHO CAN FINALLY KILL THE ROACH! FREAKING FINALLY,,
🐪 yeah no, nevermind that. tsuzuru was so fucking tired from his part-time job that he just collapses right after he closed the door. please let the poor man sleep, don't even bother on trying to wake him up to kill the roach cause there's no way he is gonna wake up any time soon. cut him some slack. they felt bad for him but it happens way too often so they just left him on the doorway and that's it.
🐪 a few minutes after tsuzuru passed out, banri got back from no one knows where, probably shopping for more animal print clothes... who the hell knows. unlike the others, banri already knew what was happening without asking cause he has been watching kazu's live for like ten minutes already. if he was being honest, the whole thing was making him lose his shit so he tried to go back to the dorms asap to not miss out on anything good
🐪 coincidentally, juza also left their room from his long ass nap to see wtf was happening cause they were being hella noisy. after some explaining, when juza already fully figured out what was going on, he was aboutta kill it, ACTUALLY KILL IT, when banri stopped him. "you get out of this. i am the one killing it."
🐪 "get your own roach for you to kill, settsu"
🐪 curse their competitive asses cause it has reached to the point where they're already starting to beat each other up to death. the goal here is to kill the roach, not each other you dumbasses, get your brains straight please that's not helping anything don't be stupid for once
🐪 the roach flew from citron's hands and everybody screeched but finally, FINALLY AN ADULT walks in. tsumugi went in the dorm from the garden with a bottle of pesticide in his hand. once everybody noticed what he was holding, they were all getting panicky so they angrily screamed at him to spray it to the roach, it was too chaotic
🐪 tsumugi was so confused??? why was everybody angry at him?? what did he do to deserve this?? he doesn't actually think his pesticide works on roaches, but it was probably better if he stays silent about it since everyone will not listen and would force him to spray it on the roach anyways, what's the point
🐪 and so he did. at first, the roach stopped moving, so they assumed it was already dead. tsumugi then sprayed a lot more to make sure it actually was dead and everybody collectively sighed in relief. finally the fiasco is over. everyome can go back to their normal lives before this fucking happened
🐪 or not. the ROACH DEADASS FLEW AGAIN AND THEY ALL PANICKED. funny enough tsumugi calmly explained amidst all that, and it turns out tsumugi's pesticide was weak, and to top it all off it was water-based so it had no freaking effect on the roach whatsoever. too bad, so much for everybody getting false hope, huh. they wanna blame tsumugi for not saying anything before spraying but it is also their fault for getting worked up so whatever
🐪 itaru arrives from work, and one quick glance on what everyone was yelling about tells him that he refuses to participate in this crap. give him a freaking break please. he was dealing with work and you're telling him that he has to put up with this, too? hell fuckin no. he manages to quickly escape to his room to catch up on his games and it is a good thing that no one really noticed. they're too busy screeching every time the roach just flies outta nowhere.
🐪 masumi was deadass watching them from the sidelines. he could tell them to open the windows and just wait for the roach to fly outside so they can get it over with and call it a day. what a joke though, masumi giving helpful tips so everyone can calm down? yeah right haha no. he doesn't want to waste his energy on doing that even if their noise was actually getting into his nerves, so the whole duration he stays silent while he watches them lose their shit
🐪 this is one of the moments where they all legitimately wished misumi was here right now. him blabbing about triangles every second made them think that the roach kind of looks like a triangle when its wings are out. misumi what did you do to them to make them think this way?? did you make them do the triangle calisthenics or cathletics or whatever the heck that is??
🐪 knowing misumi, he can catch the roach in a matter of seconds. so where in the world is misumi? he is out again for his daily triangle hunting, obviously. come back, misumi... literally everything would be over in a flash if misumi decided to stay in the dorms today
🐪 despite this, for some apparent reason homare manages to find inspiration in all this. look, mister. the dorm is a fucking chaos. actual chaos. kazunari is somehow still live on instablam, wheezing so hard like he is gonna die any second now. the scene is literally just teenage boys screaming and running all over the place. two of said teenage boys are beating each other up... and one (1), ONE roach flies on top of everything, still fucking alive. EXACTLY WHAT PART OF THAT MAKES YOU FEEL INSPIRED HUH HOMARE!!! SPEAK UP!!!
🐪 the noise levels of mankai dorm is practically a headache at this point, if sakyo was here his boomer brain would be having a migraine that would be worth a week of pure pain and agony. for some reason, hisoka, who is on the sofa in the living room, literally in the MIDDLE OF THE CHAOS, just sleeps through it all.
🐪 how does he do that? just what kind of marshmallows does he eat?? do they permanently damage a person's hearing?? no matter how many times they woke hisoka up, he doesn't budge. what the actual fuck. and tsuzuru is still sleeping in the freaking doorway. at this point they could cuddle each other for all they want until they fucking die cause no amount of noise is gonna wake them up from their eternal slumber
🐪 after what seemed like forever, sakyo arrived and everybody immediately went silent. they stopped what they were doing except kazu, who was either incredibly stupid or incredibly brave, nobody wants to answer that right now. he is still live on instablam. even the live chat went silent.
🐪 sakyo still doesn't know what was happening but he knows it is BAD news, so he glared right at kazunari's camera and the last moments before the live ended was sakyo angrily stomping his way to kazunari and the screen blacked out
🐪 after learning that everything was only caused by a roach, sakyo got so mad that he managed to snatch a flip flop out of nowhere and killed the roach until it was completely crushed. it was safe to say everybody felt bad to the roach despite being the cause of everything. by the way, whose flip flop was that? nobody knows.
🐪 tasuku, misumi and omi arrived in the dorms while sakyo was lecturing everyone, and they still got dragged in without knowing what in the world happened. please pray for these poor souls they have to deal with his yelling without even being a part of it.
🐪 omi just bought groceries for dinner, he didn't waste his time to do that just to have no dinner tonight oh my god please give this man a break from everyone's bullcrap. tasuku's role in the other company's play was some random teen whose parents were mad at him for doing shit. he doesn't have to deal with sakyo actually getting mad too please let this man live in peace. and misumi? he isn't happy that he got dragged in, too. this is not very sankaku of you, sakyo
🐪 the lecture lasted for 5 hours and nobody ate dinner that night. everybody was so tired after that. nobody was allowed to speak and if someone mutters, sakyo will yell at them next. can sakyo still lecture you for another 5 hours even after that long ass session? unfortunately yes.
🐪 everybody was banned from eating meals the next day. the resident moms reached an agreement that at least one of them always stays in the mankai dorm so this never EVER happens again. once is enough, they do not need another fiasco like this one.
🐪 oh and was it mentioned that kazunari doesn't have a phone for a solid month? cause that happened, sakyo banned him. you bet he managed to live a phoneless life by logging on his social media platforms on other people's phones without sakyo knowing,, not really the definition of "phoneless" if you ask him..
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