#oh well at least my cat was happy to see me when i woke back up lol
no-one-anon · 2 years
So this is my second ever, and little fanfic? Blog? I think you know what I mean- So if it's really crap, don't come at me pls
SN: did this at 1 in the morning so ignore all grammar mistakes -
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Team force 141 + Valeria w/ reader who has lots of pillows on their bed. E.g. six, seven, eight - just A LOT.
Simon Ghost Riley:
Ghost was injured. Very injured. So when you all landed back onto base you rushed into the base with Ghost leaning on your shoulder. You knew that your room was closer to where you both currently were, and that you also had a med kit somewhere in your room.
So, that made you rush in the direction of your room instead of the medbay. Now, ghost was disoriented. So disoriented that he didn't seem to know where he was being lead to. He had only noticed where we was when you had plopped him onto your bed. Right on-top of something squishy.
What he had landed on, was a soft pillow. Multiple pillows. They were quite soft, but there were so many. He would have to use two hands to count the amount of pillows.
When you had found the medkit in the corner of your room. You hurried back to where Ghost was sitting. He was bleeding out on your bed. On your pillows. Your abundance of pillows.
So, of course he had to ask about your mountain of pillows. While you were patching him up, of course. He asked you. "Why do you have so many pillows?" It was so sudden you had to take a moment. "Oh, uh. I just.. like them. They give me comfort and I just like them overall."
He just gave you a look that you couldn't decipher. But, expect to see a couple of pillows at your door every now and then.
John Soap Mactavish:
Soap woke up. In your bed. Yes, in your bed. The reason? He drank too much. Way too much. He was so drunk that you had to drag his body from the bar, all the way to base.
Now, his first thought was. Why is my bed so squishy? Obviously his question was immediately answered when he gained consciousness and opened his eyes. The sunlight was attacking him from behind the thin curtains. Soap tried to stop the attack from the sun, but it was no use.
He was already awake and awoke in a room he doesn't know of. He shot up, a wave of nausea hitting him like how the sun had done not long ago.
"Where the hell am I? What the fuck...." Soap groaned. He didn't drink that much....... Did he?- The door opened, quietly. Moving his attention from the wall to the opening door.
He saw, you. Holding a glass of water and a pill bottle. "Oh, I hope I didn't wake you up." You softly spoke. "You didn't, where are we?" Soap asked curiously.
"My room, you were too drunk to be dragged to your own room." Oh. Well, made sense. He did drink a bit too much.... "Why do you uh.. have so many pillows here?" Picking one up Soap asked.
You replied, snatching a pillow from the bed. "Oh! They bring me joy, I like them. Some as presents form my family and friends, some I just bought that were soft or cute."
"This one's cute." Soap says while picking up a small brown dog. "Oh, you can keep it if you'd like, I have too many. Plus, I don't think anyone gave me it, must've been one that I bought a bit ago."
"Sweet! Thanks!" He was quite happy, even thought he had a throbbing headache. At least his hangover wasn't so bad now that he has a soft and squishy buddy with him.
Captain John Price:
John was checking up on everyone late at night after a mission. As some people were injured severely on the mission. So, when he made it to your room. He noticed that there was light peeling out from underneath your door. You know what happened to that cat about curiousity.
So, John bit the bullet and opened the door quietly. Only to find you on your bed, sprawled out like a starfish. Your hair was everywhere. All over the pillow where you head was resting on, and on your face. You were lightly snoring and you had left your bedside lamp on. With the way you were positioned on the bed, your pillows were bunching up and creating small hills.
You looked like you were having the best sleep of your entire life. Sleeping away without a worry about the world and its problems. But, of course. Not all good things last forever. He had to wake you up. You had to change into your pajamas. Price would never forgive you and himself if you slept in your gear.
So, he shook you awake. Lightly, of course. "Hey, you gotta get up." Your response was just a groan and turning to your side.... Back facing him... Price sighed.
"Hey, wakey wakey. You gotta get changed.." This earned another groan from you and you sitting up. "Why'd you wake me up...." You whined.
"You gotta get changed, and why do you have so many pillows?" Price chuckled seeing as you were slightly cuddling a cute cat pillow. You groaned and yawned. Taking your time to answer his question. "I like pillows, they're cute and comfy. Don't you agree?" Holding up a pillow to his face.
Price chuckled. "Yeah yeah, kid. Time to get changed." You groaned once again.
Kyle Gaz Garrick:
You and gaz decided to have a movie night. In your room. So, when he arrived with the snacks. He laid down on your floor and started watching the movie. Paying no attention to anything else but the movie. It was one of his favorite movies after all.
When the movied had ended, Gaz was very sleepy. So sleepy, that he decided he was going to sleep on your bed. In your room. Even though his room was only 3 rooms over. But, oh well. It's late, you're both tired. Why not? Plus, nothing bad would happen.
Yeah. Nothing bad did happen. Except, something embarrassing did. You didn't have the time to put away all your pillows, since you didn't know that Gaz was going to be sleeping in your room. In your bed. So, when he walked over to your bed. All he saw was pillows. A mountain of pillows. On what should be your bed.
"Hey... Uh... Why are there so many pillows here?" Gaz started. "Oh, uh. Yeah.. that's my uh, collection of pillows." You replied. Nervous on how he would react.
"Oh, cool. Which one is your favourite?" Gaz questioned. "Oh, uh. This one is one of my favourites." You replied, holding up a small dog pillow.
"Cute, but why are there so many?..." You hadn't really noticed about how much you had, but now that you were looking at.. Your bed? "Well.. I admit I have a bit too much, but I like all of them."
How embarrassing.... "I'm too tired to deal with this." Gaz needed his beauty sleep. He'd deal with you and your obsession on the morning. Right now, he just wants to catch some z's.
Alejandro Vargas:
Alejandro looked for you all over base. He was bored and needed something to do. You weren't in the dining hall, nor in the medbay. So, he went to your room in hopes to find you.
When he reached your room, he could hear some humming from inside. Alejandro knocked and could hear a muffled 'Come in!' from the other side of the door. He opened the door to see you sitting next to your bed and cuddling a pillow while reading a book whilst some music played in the background.
He noticed that, around you. On the bed, and the ground. Was littered with pillows. All different shapes, sizes, colors, etc. How could someone have so many pillows? Jesus Christ. You had an obsession with so many things. He heard you humming along with the song, not even paying attention to who had opened the door and entered the room.
Alejandro decided to break the silence. "Hey. What are you doing?" All you did was look up from your book and respond with a simple sentence. "Reading, why?" Jesus Christ, you looked totally unfased with how many pillows there were.
"Why do you have so many goddamn pillows?" Alejandro asked. Oh.. You hadn't realized that all of your pillows were laid out on the bed and some had fell onto the floor. "Well, I like them. Some of them were gifts from some people, and some that I had just found." You said, as you grabbed another pillow that had fallen to the floor.
Alejandro hesitated for a moment. "Alright.... Well, would you like to hang out with me?" Well, it would be good for you to go out and stretch your legs rather than sitting on the floor and reading by yourself. "Sure, I don't see why not." You replied while getting up and brushing the non-existent dust from your knees.
Valeria Garza:
Valeria was walking by your room when she noticed you lounging about on your bed. You were cuddling a pillow and the rest of your pillows were surrounding you. There was at least ten. They were colorful, and looked soft. What were you even doing with this amount of pillows?
"What the hell? What are you doing?" Valeria said as she leaned on the door frame. "Huh? Me? Oh, I'm just reading, why?" You were confused on why Valeria was asking you.
"Well, you have so many of these pillows here. Why do you have so many? Did you steal these?" Valeria asked. "I like pillows, they bring me joy, and no. I did not steal these. Some of these are gifts that my friends and family gave me." You huffed out.
Well, you had to admit. You did have a bit more than what an average person would have... But, you couldn't throw out any of them! They were apart of you, and you loved every single one of them. You didn't know why Valeria had such a problem with your obsession with pillows. Was she jealous of them or something?
"Are you jealous of the pillows, or something?" To be sure you asked, duh. "No. I would never be jealous of an inanimate object. That's just stupid!" Well, Valeria was a bit too quick to shut that down..... Ah, oh well.
"But, do you like them? A lot?" Ah, she definitely was jealous of them. Well.. Maybe?- "Yes, I do like them. Quite a lot. If you don't like them you can just leave." You huffed out.
So, with that. Valeria left your room. But, expect to see some pillows to appear on your bed when you go out of your room to go shopping or what not. Or expect a knock on your door, and seeing a pillow on the floor when you open the door. Maybe also seeing Valeria speed walk around the corner.
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kat-thepoet · 1 month
Veins of Violet
Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader
Part 9: Unexpected coincidence
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A/N: Just waitttt 😭
Previous Chapters ☞ HERE ☜
4.6k words
"Oh my god, Violet, he proposed!!" Vanessa's excited voice burst through the phone, making me rub my eyes as I groggily walked out of my room. It was only 12 am, and I was still shaking off the remnants of sleep when her ecstatic screams echoed in my ears.
"Oh my god, he did? Congrats!" I replied, my voice still thick with sleep, but genuinely happy for her.
"I'm sorry, did I wake you? I just had to tell you, but we can talk more tomorrow, yeah? Same place and time?" Vanessa's voice softened a bit, realizing she might have interrupted my rest.
"Yeah, same place and time," I confirmed, already heading back to my room, where the bed still held the warmth of Logan's presence.
I glanced at Logan, who was still peacefully asleep. I've been using my powers to help him sleep, but he's getting better at it on his own. The sight of him resting so soundly brought a small smile to my face as I quietly slipped back into bed beside him.
I woke up from my slumber, nestled against Logan, his strong arms wrapped securely around me. His scent filled my senses—an intoxicating blend of pine trees with a hint of wood. I think it’s his new body wash, and I find it addicting. The faint smell of alcohol that used to linger around him is gone now. He’s stopped drinking like he did before, and it makes me happy to know he doesn’t need to rely on that anymore.
I couldn’t help but gaze at him, his slow, steady breathing the only sound in the room. His beard, just an inch away from me, was one of my favorite things about him. It was rough yet neatly trimmed, accentuating his strong jawline. His hair was a bit tousled, but his cat ears still peeked out adorably. I’ve always liked tugging on them when I kiss him; they’re just too tempting not to.
As I was lost in thought, admiring every detail of him, Logan’s eyes slowly fluttered open. His gaze met mine, and for a moment, we just stared at each other in the quiet stillness of the room. The soft light filtering in through the curtains highlighted the warmth in his eyes, making my heart skip a beat.
“Caught you staring,” he murmured, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips, his voice deep and husky from sleep.
I felt a blush creep up my cheeks, but I didn’t look away. “Can you blame me?” I replied, my voice soft and playful. “You look too good not to stare.”
He chuckled, the sound low and rumbling in his chest, as he pulled me closer. “Well, if I get to wake up to you every morning, I’ll take all the staring you’ve got.”
His words made my heart flutter, and I leaned in, brushing my lips against his. I couldn’t resist tugging gently on one of his cat ears, just like I always did, earning a soft growl of approval from him.
“Good morning,” I whispered, feeling his breath warm against my lips.
“Morning, Bub,” he replied, his voice laced with affection. “What do you say we stay in bed a little longer?”
I smiled against his lips, but then gently pulled back. “I can’t,” I said, a hint of regret in my voice. “I’m meeting Vanessa for coffee. You know, girl talk and then I'm heading in for work.”
Logan groaned playfully, his arms still holding me close. “Girl talk, huh? Sounds dangerous.”
I chuckled, playfully swatting his chest. “Don’t worry, we won’t be plotting world domination… at least, not today.”
He smirked, finally releasing me from his embrace. " okay then but text me when you get to work." 
“I will,” I promised, leaning in to give him one last kiss before reluctantly slipping out of bed. As I got dressed, I could feel his eyes on me, his gaze lingering with the same intensity I’d felt when I was watching him sleep.
“See you later?” I asked, turning back to him as I headed for the door.
“Yeah,” he said, a grin spreading across his face. “I’ll be right here.”
With one last smile, I grabbed my phone and keys, heading out to meet Vanessa for our coffee and much-needed girl talk.
I knocked on Vanessa’s door, and it swung open almost instantly. “VIOLET!” she squealed, pulling me into a tight hug. I couldn’t help but laugh at her infectious happiness.
As she pulled back, she immediately thrust her hand toward me, showing off her ring. “Isn’t it perfect?” she asked, her smile stretching from ear to ear.
“Oh my god, yes, it is!” I exclaimed, taking her hand to get a closer look. The diamond was even bigger than I remembered, sparkling brilliantly in the light.
Vanessa grinned, her eyes narrowing playfully. “I know you helped him pick it out.”
“Actually, he did all the work. I was just there to calm his nerves,” I said truthfully, smiling at the memory of Wade’s excitement and jitters.
“Well, you both did amazing,” she said, her eyes shining with joy as she admired the ring again.
“Alright, let’s go! I’m dying for some caffeine and girl talk,” she said with a laugh as she grabbed her bag and quickly closed the door.
We stepped out of her apartment and made our way down the familiar streets, the morning sun warming the pavement beneath our feet. The conversation flowed easily between us as we walked, with Vanessa bubbling over with excitement about wedding plans and every little detail she wanted to share.
As we rounded the corner, our favorite coffee shop came into view—a cozy little place with a welcoming atmosphere and the best coffee in town. The bell above the door jingled as we entered, and the familiar scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, instantly putting us at ease.
“Our usual spot?” Vanessa asked, already heading towards the corner table that had practically become ours over the years.
“You know it,” I replied with a smile, following her to the table and settling in for what promised to be a much-needed catch-up session.
As we waited for our coffee, I glanced down and noticed something unusual. “Hey, what’s that yellow stain on your shoe?” I asked, pointing it out.
Vanessa rolled her eyes dramatically, letting out a sigh. “Ugh, it’s Wade’s dog. She peed on my shoe, and I tried everything to wash it off, but the stain just won’t come out.”
I couldn’t help but laugh at her rant, the image of Wade’s dog causing trouble popping into my head. “That’s what you get for being around Wade too much,” I teased, earning a playful nudge from Vanessa.
“Honestly, the things I put up with…” she said, shaking her head but laughing along with me. “I swear that dog has it out for my shoes.”
“Maybe it’s just her way of welcoming you to the family,” I joked, and we both burst into laughter as the barista called our names, signaling that our coffee was ready.
As we settled into our seats, steaming cups of coffee in hand, I turned to Vanessa with a curious smile. "So, did you expect Wade to propose to you?" I asked, taking a sip of my latte.
She chuckled, shaking her head. "No, not at all. I knew he was taking me to dinner because it was the anniversary of when we met, but I didn't think much of it," she replied, her eyes sparkling as she reminisced.
"Yeah, Wade told me everything. I couldn't believe it! You're one step closer to having the family you've always wanted," I said, smiling warmly at her.
Vanessa's smile widened as she took another sip of her coffee. Then, her eyes narrowed playfully. "Well, what about you? Are you and Logan finally together? Wade might have mentioned that you two... you know," she teased, wiggling her eyebrows.
I felt my cheeks heat up, memories of Logan flooding my mind and making my heart flutter. Vanessa noticed my reaction and laughed. "By your face, I have my answer," she giggled.
I joined in her laughter, nodding. "Yeah, he makes me happy, and I honestly don't think I can live without him. He's everything I've been looking for—caring, respectful, considerate, and he actually listens when I'm speaking," I confessed, feeling a warm glow as I spoke about him.
Vanessa leaned back in her chair, a satisfied smile on her face. "I'm so happy for you, Violet. You deserve someone like that," she said sincerely.
"Thanks, Vanessa. It means a lot," I replied, reaching across the table to squeeze her hand.
As we sipped our coffee, Vanessa looked at me with a teasing smirk. "So, how is he in bed?" she asked curiously. "Does he fuck hard? Gentle? Or is he just bad?"
I cut her off with a grin, "No, he’s perfect. When we did it, it felt amazing. He was the first to actually make me come, but I didn't tell him that—because, you know, men and their egos." 
Vanessa laughed, raising an eyebrow. "Lucky you," she teased, and we both burst out laughing.
"So, have you guys been doing it non-stop?" Vanessa asked with a playful nudge.
I shook my head, smiling. "No, we’ve only done it once. I think I want to take it slow, you know? And besides, he still hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend."
Vanessa raised an eyebrow, looking intrigued. "Really? I figured with the way you talk about him, it’d be a done deal by now."
"I know, right?" I chuckled. "But I guess I'm just waiting for the right moment. I want to make sure we're both on the same page."
Before heading into work, I realized that today was Laura’s 18th birthday. It was hard to believe she was now a grown woman, and I knew that it was finally time to share a part of myself with her that I’d kept hidden for so long—to tell her about me, about being a mutant, and to show her my true self.
On my way, I stopped by a quaint trinket shop, picking out a few things I thought she’d like: some bracelets, matching earrings, and a book that reminded me of her. With the gifts wrapped up nicely, I felt a mix of excitement and nerves bubbling inside me.
As I walked into the shop, I spotted Laura in the back, carefully washing the flowers. Her focus and care in everything she did always made me proud.
“Hey, Laura!” I called out, putting my stuff away.
“Hey! Be right there,” she replied, her voice cheerful as she finished up her task.
I walked over to her, waiting for her to turn around. When she did, I greeted her with a warm smile. “Happy birthday!” I exclaimed, wrapping her in a hug and handing her the present.
Her eyes lit up as she took the gift from me. “Thank you so much! You didn’t have to get me anything,” she said, but I could see the genuine appreciation in her expression.
“Of course I did. You deserve it,” I replied, watching as she started to unwrap the present.
As she carefully opened it, I took a deep breath, knowing that after she saw the gifts, it would be time for the bigger conversation—the one I’d been preparing myself for all day.
As Laura unwrapped the gift, her eyes widened with delight as she saw the bracelets, earrings, and book. She looked up at me with a big smile, clearly touched by the thoughtful presents.
“Thank you, Violet! These are beautiful,” she said, holding up the bracelets to admire them.
I smiled back, feeling a warm sense of connection with her. "I’m glad you like them.”
Then, with a bit of hesitation, I added, “Hey, I was thinking… do you want to come over today? You can meet my bo- Logan, and meet Vanessa and Wade. We can have some cake and celebrate, but only if you don’t have plans with your folks or other friends.”
Laura’s face lit up with surprise and curiosity. “Really? I’d love to! I don’t have any big plans, just a small dinner with my parents later, but I can definitely come by before that.”
“Great! I think you’ll really like them,” I said, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. 
“I can’t wait,” Laura replied, her enthusiasm evident.
The hours passed by, and soon enough, the clock finally struck 5 PM. After a long day, it was time to close up the store. Laura and I locked up, and as we stepped outside, we both glanced toward the bakery next door.
“What flavor do you like?” I asked as we walked inside, the sweet aroma of freshly baked goods filling the air. Laura’s eyes widened as she took in the overwhelming selection of cakes.
“I think I’ll take the chocolate one with vanilla frosting and sprinkles,” she said, her smile brightening as she pointed to the cake.
“Perfect,” I agreed, and we made the purchase before heading home.
As we walked, the cake nestled safely in its box, I found myself deep in thought. Should I tell her now that I’m a mutant? Or would it be better to wait until later when she’s met everyone?
The decision weighed on my mind, and with each step, I tried to gauge the right moment. Laura was happily chatting about her plans for the evening, blissfully unaware of the inner turmoil I was experiencing.
I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone to text Vanessa and Wade, asking them to come meet Laura—the girl I’ve been hiding from Wade because, well, for starters, he’s Wade, and two, she doesn’t know I’m a mutant. I didn’t want to put her in danger. Vanessa had met her once when she came to the flower shop on Laura's shift.
By the time we reached home, I still hadn’t made up my mind. I figured maybe I’d see how the evening unfolded, hoping the right moment would present itself.
We walked into my building and headed toward my apartment, a sense of unease starting to settle in my chest. I unlocked the door and stepped inside, the familiar scent of something cooking drifting from the kitchen.
“I'm home,” I called out as I let Laura in, trying to keep things casual despite the strange tension building inside me.
"You never texted-" Logan looked up from the stove, and the moment his eyes fell on Laura, his expression froze. The color drained from his face, and his usual confident demeanor wavered. “Hey,” he managed, his voice tight, his eyes locked on Laura as if he’d seen a ghost.
Laura stood still, her own eyes widening with recognition and confusion. She looked at Logan, then at me, and back at Logan again. “You’re Violet’s Logan?” she asked, her voice trembling slightly, as if trying to piece together a puzzle that didn’t quite make sense.
Logan stared at her, his mind clearly racing. “Laura?” he whispered, his voice barely audible.
Before the tension could snap, the door behind us swung open, and Wade and Vanessa strolled in, completely oblivious to the charged atmosphere.
“What’s up, Laura?” Wade announced loudly as he held Dogpool, but then he stopped short, his eyes darting between Laura and Logan. “Well, I’ll be damned…”
I turned to Wade, feeling utterly lost. “Wade, how do you know her?”
Wade gave me a grin, completely out of place given the situation. “Oh, just that she’s Logan’s kid. No biggie.”
“What!?” I blurted out, trying to process the impossible. “Logan, you have a daughter? Why didn’t you tell me?”
Logan looked like he’d been hit by a freight train. “I didn’t know she was here, Violet. I didn’t know this Laura existed in this universe.”
Before Logan could continue, Wade jumped in, holding up a hand as if making a grand reveal. 
“Okay, so here’s the deal. This universe’s Logan? Dead. Kaput. Which is why our Laura here was left alone with no Logan. Surprise!”
Vanessa’s eyes widened in shock. “Wait, what? Logan has a daughter? And you knew about this, Wade?”
“Of course I knew, babe,” Wade said with a smirk. “But tracking her down was like trying to catch a greased pig at a rodeo."
I stared at Wade, my emotions swirling in confusion and disbelief. “Why didn’t you tell Logan?”
Wade shrugged, completely unfazed. “Because he didn’t know she was here. I figured it was better to keep things on the down-low until I could find her and put the pieces together. And hey, look at that—happy family reunion!”
“Wade, you’re impossible,” Vanessa muttered. 
Logan, still trying to process everything, turned to Laura. “Laura, I… I had no idea you were here.”
Laura shook her head, clearly overwhelmed. “I didn’t know about you either. I… I thought my Logan was gone.”
The room was thick with emotions, everyone trying to process the shock of the situation. I looked at Logan, trying to understand how all of this had been kept from me, and what it meant for us going forward.
The room was heavy with tension as the reality of the situation began to sink in. I looked at Logan, my mind racing with questions. “So… Jean’s her mom?” I asked, trying to piece together the puzzle.
Logan immediately shook his head. “No, Violet, it’s not like that—”
Before he could finish, Wade, ever the disruptor, jumped in with a grin. “Well, technically, it’s a bit more—”
Logan cut him off, his voice sharp. “Wade, shut up or I’ll slice your throat.”
Wade raised his hands in mock surrender, still grinning. “Alright, alright, no need to get all stabby. Just trying to help out here, but go ahead, Mr. Drama.”
Logan took a deep breath, trying to find the right words, but before he could speak, Laura stepped forward and faced me, her voice calm but firm. “Let me explain. They used Logan's DNA to create me. I’m not his daughter in the usual sense. I’m a mutant, just like him. That’s why I recognized him the moment I saw him because we have history.”
The air seemed to still as her words hung between us. I stared at Laura, trying to process what she’d just revealed. “You’re a mutant?” I asked, the shock evident in my voice. “Why didn’t you tell me Laura? Here I was, thinking I shouldn’t tell you that I’m a mutant because I didn’t want to put you in danger but you are one too." 
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. The room felt like it was spinning, but amidst the shock, I found a strange sense of relief—I wasn’t the only one who had been hiding something about being a mutant. “What do you mean you’re a mutant, just like him?” I asked, my voice trembling slightly.
Laura looked at me with a steady gaze, then at Logan, before turning back to me. “Let me show you,” she said calmly.
With that, she slowly closed her fist, her knuckles tightening. A moment later, three sharp, metallic claws extended from between her knuckles, identical to Logan’s. The sound of the claws unsheathing filled the room, a mix of metal scraping and something almost organic.
Vanessa gasped, her eyes wide with awe. “Wow…” she breathed, clearly taken aback by the sight.
The room fell silent, the reality of what we were seeing sinking in. Logan’s eyes were locked on Laura’s claws, a mix of recognition and pain flashing in his expression.
I stood there, staring at the claws, the shock still settling in. “You really are like him,” I whispered, the truth of it finally hitting home.
Laura slowly retracted her claws, the metal sliding back into her skin with a soft click. She looked at me, her eyes full of understanding and something that felt almost like a plea for acceptance.
"Yeah, I am,” she said quietly, the weight of her words hanging in the air.
The room was thick with tension, the reality of Laura’s revelation still settling in. I stood there, trying to process everything I’d just seen and heard, when suddenly, Wade broke the silence in the most Wade-like way possible.
“Well, who wants cake?” he blurted out, his grin wide as if we hadn’t just witnessed something life-changing.
Vanessa turned to him, a mix of exasperation and amusement on her face. “Wade, seriously?”
“What?” Wade shrugged, unbothered. “We’ve got claws, drama, and a family reunion. Seems like the perfect time to cut into that chocolate-vanilla-sprinkle goodness.”
Logan shot him a look, but there was a hint of a smirk tugging at his lips, the tension easing just slightly. “Only you, Wade,” he muttered, shaking his head.
“Hey, I’m just trying to keep things light. Plus, cake fixes everything, right?” Wade said, already moving toward the kitchen to grab the knife.
Despite the whirlwind of emotions, I couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. “Yeah, Wade, sure. Let’s have some cake.”
Laura glanced at me, a hesitant smile forming on her face. “Cake sounds good,” she said softly, the tension in her shoulders starting to relax.
Just as Wade was about to hand out the first slice of cake, I quickly interjected. “Wait! We have to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ first!” I protested, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips despite everything.
Wade paused, holding the cake knife mid-air, and rolled his eyes dramatically. “Oh, fine. Let’s do the traditional thing, then.”
Vanessa chuckled, clearly amused by the situation, and Logan gave me a small nod, appreciating the effort to bring a sense of normalcy back to the room.
We all gathered around the cake, with Laura standing at the center, clearly touched by the attention. Wade, with his usual over-the-top enthusiasm, started the song off-key and louder than necessary. “Haaaaaappy Biiiiirthdaaaay to yooooou!”
The rest of us joined in, laughing as we tried to keep up with Wade’s exaggerated performance. By the time we reached the end of the song, everyone was smiling, the heaviness of the earlier conversation momentarily forgotten.
Laura looked around at all of us, a genuine smile on her face as she blew out the single candle Wade had somehow managed to find and stick in the cake at the last minute.
“There, now we can have cake,” I said, feeling a little lighter, knowing that despite everything, we were here together, celebrating Laura’s special day.
Wade wasted no time in cutting generous slices and passing them around. As we all dug in, the atmosphere in the room grew a bit more relaxed, the sweetness of the cake acting as a balm to the intensity of the evening.
As the celebration continued in the living room, I quietly slipped away to my bedroom to change out of my work clothes. The evening had been a whirlwind, and I needed a moment to gather my thoughts. Just as I was pulling on a fresh shirt, the door creaked open, and I turned to see Logan standing there, his expression heavy with guilt.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly, his voice filled with regret. “I should have told you about her, but I honestly didn’t think I’d ever see her again.”
I looked at him, taking in the pain and uncertainty in his eyes. Despite everything, I understood where he was coming from. “Logan,” I said gently, “you don’t have to be sorry for anything. You couldn’t have known this would happen.”
He took a hesitant step closer, clearly searching my face for reassurance. “I just… I didn’t want to hide anything from you, but it felt like a part of my past that was gone, like something I couldn’t bring back.”
I reached out, placing a hand on his arm. “I get it. But now that she’s here, you have the chance to build a relationship with her. Take that opportunity, Logan. I think it would be good for her, but also for you.”
Logan sighed, a mix of relief and lingering guilt washing over him. “You really think so?”
I nodded, giving him a small, encouraging smile. “Yeah, I do. She’s been through a lot, and so have you. Maybe this is a chance for both of you to heal some old wounds.”
He looked at me, a flicker of hope in his eyes, and I could see the weight lifting from his shoulders just a bit. “Thank you, Violet. For understanding.”
I squeezed his arm gently. “You don’t have to thank me. We’re in this together, remember?”
He nodded, his expression softening as he pulled me into a hug, holding me close. “Yeah, we are.”
For a moment, we just stood there, holding onto each other, finding comfort in the quiet strength we shared. 
As Logan and I held each other, finding a brief moment of peace amidst the chaos, we suddenly heard scratching at the door. We both turned to look, and Logan let out a small sigh as he moved to open it.
The door swung open, and there she was—Wade’s dog, affectionately known as Ms. Dog Pool, wagging her tail excitedly. She immediately bolted toward me, her small paws tapping rapidly against the floor.
“What a cute little thing,” I said with a laugh, scooping her up and giving her a hug. Her soft fur and warm presence brought a smile to my face as I petted her.
Logan, however, looked less than thrilled. His expression was a mix of mild annoyance and resignation. “Of course, she had to find us,” he muttered, shaking his head slightly.
I glanced up at him, still holding Ms. Dog Pool close. “Oh, come on, Logan. She’s adorable,” I teased, scratching behind the dog’s ears as she snuggled into my arms.
Logan’s lips twitched into a reluctant smile, though the exasperation in his eyes didn’t entirely fade. “Yeah, yeah. Just try not to let her get too comfortable in here.”
“No promises,” I replied with a grin, kissing the top of Ms. Dog Pool’s head. She wriggled happily in my arms, completely content to be the center of attention.
Logan shook his head, but there was a softness in his expression that told me he wasn’t really upset. He just liked pretending to be grumpy. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Logan replied, shaking his head but with a softened expression.
Before we could move on, Laura, who had been quietly observing, suddenly spoke up. “Wait, if you’re a mutant too, Violet, what can you do?”
I glanced at group and with a small smile, I turned my attention to Ms. Dog Pool. I raised my hand, and with a subtle flick of my wrist, purple magic began to swirl around her. Slowly, Ms. Dog Pool lifted off the ground, floating in the air, surrounded by a soft, glowing aura.
“Careful with my dog or I’ll cut you!” Wade quickly interjected, his voice half-joking but with an edge of protectiveness. He rushed over to Ms. Dog Pool, who barked softly as she floated, clearly a little confused by what was happening.
I gently lowered the dog back down, releasing the magic as she settled safely onto the floor. Wade immediately scooped her up, cradling her like a baby. “It’s okay, it’s okay,” he cooed, giving me a playful glare before turning his attention back to his dog. Ms. Dog Pool wagged her tail, barking once more as if to protest her brief airborne adventure.
Logan chuckled, shaking his head at Wade’s antics. “You’re such a softie when it comes to that dog,” he remarked, his tone teasing.
Wade shot him a mock-serious look. “Hey, she’s my best girl. Gotta keep her safe from all you crazy mutants.”
Laura, meanwhile, was watching with wide eyes, clearly impressed by what she’d just seen. “That’s… amazing,” she said softly, her gaze shifting between me and Logan. “I had no idea.”
I smiled, feeling a sense of connection with Laura as we both shared a part of ourselves with each other. “It took a lot of practice” I said modestly, but Laura shook her head.
“You do it so effortlessly,” she replied, her voice full of admiration.
Wade, still coddling Ms. Dog Pool, added with a grin, “Yeah, well, just remember—no more floating the dog, okay? She’s a ground creature.”
We all laughed, the tension of the earlier moments completely dissipating as we settled into a more comfortable and light-hearted atmosphere.
Part 10: Hide and seek
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midnightbrightside · 4 months
I’m desperate to your immaculate takes on Krisnix from that one ask—what do you think about 2 and 39 (bonus if the little animals get thrust upon them…it’s Trucy who brings home a box of kittens or something)
ayyy thank you im glad you like my krisnix thoughts!
2- What would they do if the other woke up in a manic state after a nightmare?
when phoenix has nightmares kristoph holds him as he sobs, gently shushing him and saying it was just a dream. phoenix grips kristoph's arms tight to ground himself and it sometimes leaves bruises. kristoph always points them out in a "look what i put up with for you" kind of way that fills phoenix with shame. "really, phoenix, what would you do without me?"
when kristoph has a nightmare he needs to be completely alone but also held as tightly as possible, he also stops speaking. phoenix holds his hands but kristoph snatches them away like the touch burns him and he looks up with wide, scared eyes. so phoenix keeps his distance and encourages kristoph to breathe deep until he stops shaking. then he asks kristoph if he wants to talk about it, kristoph shakes his head. phoenix then asks if he wants a hug, kristoph croaks out very quietly "im not... a child" and phoenix nods "you're not" and holds out his arms. kristoph collapses into them.
39- Who would rescue an injured animal and nurse it back to health? What would the other think?
i got too excited abt this one. gonna put everyone one my "kristoph loves animals" agenda.
trucy comes back home absolutely drenched by the rain holding a box of 6 sopping wet abandoned kittens. she begs phoenix to let her keep them and it absolutely breaks phoenix heart to say "we dont have the space or the money for everything they need. it's late so we can keep them for tonight but we'll have to take them to a shelter tomorrow, im sorry, sweetheart." trucy is NOT happy about it. in true preteen fashion she takes them to her room and starts planning all the ways she, a 12 year old, could raise 6 kittens. phoenix sighs and starts searching what he should feed them, just for tonight.
kristoph arrives later on to pick phoenix up for a date, sees the little furballs meowing around the apartment, and immediately starts fussing.
"these poor babies! where did you find them, and why are they so filthy?"
phoenix explains whats going on and adds "we tried to give them a bath but..." he holds up his arms to show the scratches.
kristoph scoffs, "really, phoenix, you dont have nearly the means nor the knowledge to take care of one animal let alone six." he looks down to where trucy is sitting, playing with the kittens with a makeshift toy made of scrap cloth, and frowns.
"well, first of all, kris: ouch. i was actually thinking we could maybe keep one-"
trucy interrupts from the floor "THREE at LEAST!"
"- and secondly, as i said, we are going to take them to a shelter first thing tomorrow" he looks so apologetic, so sad.
"Absolutely not" Kristoph snaps, "the local shelters are overrun as it is, to say nothing of how they are managed. I wouldnt trust them with these poor creatures either." he looks like hes thinking about something, "Trucy, dear, have you noticed if these kittens are injured or perhaps sick?"
trucy perks up and lists how each cat is faring, which ones are walking funny and points out how one of them has a weird spot near it's eye. as she's rattling off each one's ailments, phoenix notes that she's already named them and his heart melts a little more.
kristoph tuts, "we'll have to take them to the vet then, we can get them microchipped while we're there. vongoles' carrier should be big enough for the journey, oh, she would make an excellent mother..." he almost sounds like he's thinking out loud.
"so we're keeping them???" Trucy beams.
kristoph explains that they're not old enough to be separated from their siblings yet and that she and Phoenix dont have the space to care for all of them, but he is more than happy to take them until they are ready to go to a good home. he shoots a sharp glare at phoenix as he says "typically, cats adjust to a new home much better when adopted in pairs", phoenix gets the memo.
the next day they take the kittens to the vet and kristoph buys all the supplies he could need. over the next few weeks he nurses them back to health and trucy drops by almost every day after school to see how they're doing and play with them. phoenix knew that kristoph liked animals, but it's something else to see this 6'1 icicle of a man dote on these tiny creatures, he even calls them by the names trucy gave them. in moments like these he doesnt seem dangerous at all.
and vongole LOVES them, she's so excited when she first sees them she barely knows what to do with herself. kristoph was right, she makes a great mother. phoenix finds everyone's energy infectious, he buys food, 2 cat beds, some toys, other supplies, and when the time comes he asks kristoph about the kittens.
"sorry, Phoenix, i already found good homes for them" kristoph smiles apologetically and phoenix's heart drops, "i didnt even know you wanted one, i know trucy did, but you didnt seem too enthused. perhaps it's for the best, you dont have the means to take care of a pet." oh.
trucy is miserable. phoenix feels like hes dissapointed her. kristoph is smug as all hell.
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ziteyra · 1 year
A good soldier
Recom! Miles Quaritch xfemal!Reader
🐟 Synopsis: Quaritch needs to settle into his new Navi body and mind while y/n tries to help him as a scientist after they have admired him for years. They work together with all of Operation Phoenix and the recom Team
🐟themes: no smut(yet), but cursing, a tiny bit of Quaritch trauma, relationship in development, enemy's to friends (?) feel free to suggest any other !
🐟 warnings: none except cursing
🐠 Note: Hehhe this is my first official try at something like this so feel free to send some tips. And I'm really not sure where this is supposed to go so well see ! Love y'all 💙
Chapter 1/? :))))))
Chapter 2
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"I'm a monster" he screamed. Furiously trotting around in the small room, he first woke up in.
"Don't tell me I'm better equipped to hunt them now. If you could make me like this, why not give me back my original body?"
His tail swung around quickly behind his body and his ears were laid flat on his head like an angry cat. Although he tried to deny it he exhibited all the primary Navi emotions.
You happily note something down on your tablet and then look at him again with his narrowed eyes. "Sir this was your free will, you saw the recording that you left…" for a moment you loose your voice. " I mean not really you but in a way.."
The longer you look at him the more your voice disappears as gets bigger by the second.
"Listen lady. I know you ain't the head of this operation but don't try and weasle yourself out of this" he hisses at you. Although he gets more quite with every word he doesn't become less threatening.
With his face only centimeters from yours he hisses: "Do you have any idea how it is to wake up in the body of your enemy. Knowing that you should have been dead long ago ? I've lost any respect for you scientists, and I've known quite a few. Believe me when I say it's best for you to leave now and crawl back to wherever you came from"
You quickly swallow any remaining courage you had left in your body and try to back away slowly from him. His sharp theeth still smiling at you and his eyes following your every move.
You feel like you've brought a save distance between you and the angry Lt. ,When you finally find your voice again.
"Lt. Quarritch sir, we really need to do at least some more test before operation Phoenix can start. I understand your dismay but I have clear instructions from General Ardmore, I need to follow."
"Oh for god's sake fuck your instructions" he shouts, not as angry as you expected him to be, but still with his ears laid flat to his head, flexing his shard theeth. "Who is this General Ardmore anyway?"
The mentioning of military ranks seems to have brought him back to some kind of reality and calm you realise as you clutch your research tablet closer to you.
"Well sir, General Ardmore is the chief organiser of this whole second conquest of Pandora as we call it. And I have to say, I was always quite impressed when I read and heard about your role in the first. I mean you basically single handedly managed the assault on the enemy's base. With all due respect your in our history books, sir."
"Don't try and suck up to me, it won't work." he growls but you do notice his tail stopping to swing as well as his eyes widening just a bit more.
He seemed to regret at least some of his as action as he harshly asks just a second later:
"Goddamn it soldier I don't even know your name or rank to properly berate you. Who even are you?"
"I'm y/n, Lt. " you manage to say as your barely containe your happiness about him finally calming down. " I got ordered here to Pandora ,to work and assist you with project Phoenix. Well, not only you but also your team."
"No need to bow y/n, I'll be damed if I'm really working together with one of you scientists but I guess it can be useful." He snares at you " You don't seem half bad, but don't think I'll forget who you are even for one second. Well then go be a good scientist and fetch me the rest of my godamn crew y/n we got some Navi to hunt"
You nod at his request, just happy to leave the room alive but before you can turn around he puts his blue hand on your shoulder.
" Oh and before I forget y/n you can run your darn tests too if you really need to. " Your whole body shivers as he touches you and your even more surprised when you see a smile on his sinister face.
"At last a soldier has to follow orders doesn't he."
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timaeusterrored · 10 months
(Happy Birthday Vax Florence Eurodyne)
((Well, it’s finally here. A whole year (give or take) of me first playing Cyberpunk. It’s been a wild ride and I’ll be honest, there for a second I didn’t think I’d make it a year. I’ve met so many amazing people, met some not so great ones, and lost some amazing ones as well. But at the end of the day… Vax has survived a year. Happy birthday, sweet boy!))
Kerry had done it on purpose, getting Vax fucked up the night before so he could sleep in. Vax didn’t normally sleep in, and normally he woke up when he felt his partners getting up… and yet he somehow woke up at 10am completely alone without realizing.
The penthouse was silent, but the smell of a nice breakfast greeted him as he came to his senses. He whined and face planted back into the pillow, glaring at where his husband should have been.
Fucker… wait.
What day was it?
Oh fuck him. It was his fucking birthday. Well, his and Vex’s birthday…
He should text her at least today. Maybe they could go- no. Maybe not.
Vax rolled out of bed, stretching as Nibbles and Pluto tried to take him out. The cats meowed at his feet, and Vax realized Jupiter was nowhere to be found. Venus must’ve took him out.
Well this was a little rude. He didn’t expect much from his birthday but some kisses would have been nice. But no one was here. Though a plate of delicious looking pancakes sat on the counter and a full pot of coffee had been made just for him. A little whipped cream heart with cherries added made the fixer smile, and realize he hadn’t been forgotten about today.
As he ate, he realized a note had been left on the coffee pot, in Venus’s handwriting.
‘Come to the place we first shook hands for your next clue <3’
Next clue? What the hell?
Vax thought for a moment, wondering where the hell that could have been. When he and Venus met, his sickness was at its peak and he had been preparing for his meeting with Hanako. He frowned at the memories of that time, of headaches so bad he couldn’t move, the mornings he woke up choking on his own blood…
He shook the thoughts away and looked at the note again, trying to think.
It had been somewhere in the badlands, guess he should go ahead and get ready then.
V had gotten dressed after he finished his food and had started his long drive out to wherever the fuck Venus was dragging him. He found his partners laid out on the back of the Beast, absolutely blasting Lizzy Wizzy’s newest album with Jupiter laying next to him.
The nomad looked up when he heard Vax’s car roll up and Vax smiled. He truly believed he had scored the hottest people in Night City somehow.
When he got out, Venus was standing with a piece of paper in their hand. But when Vax approached, they simply held their hand out for a shake.
“It’s a pleasure doin’ business with ya as always, Eurodyne.”
What? No kisses? No darlin’?
When he looked at the new note is when he realized what was going on. A fucking scavenger hunt.
“No kisses? It is my birthday.” Vax pouted, tugging on Venus’s chrome hand.
“Don’t tempt me! No kisses until later, boss’s orders.” Venus pulled his hands away, and got back into the vehicle, calling for their dog to follow as Vax pondered who the boss of this whole thing was. He thinks he knows.
The next note read: ‘Come lose at cards again, I’ll be waiting -The better J’
On the drive over to Judy’s place, Vax had to admit this whole thing was cute and exciting. And obviously a lot of effort was put into it. As he pulled in, Judy was standing outside, messing with the note in her hand with a smile.
“Happy birthday.” She said as if she couldn’t contain herself.
Vax smiled as he held his hand out for the note, honestly excited to see who all was involved.
“Who else is in on this?” V finally asked, just wanting to know.
“Boss’s orders, can’t say.” She shrugged, before heading back inside. She had always been a shitty secret keeper.
‘Come find me at the place we had the most awkward dinner known to man- R’
Vax laughed as he headed back to his car. River.
Kerry and Johnny’s newest song came on the radio as he drove, he couldn’t help but turn it up and wondered where his husbands would be in all of this.
He pulled up to the trailer and found his best friend sitting on the table outside, watching Dorian and Monique play.
“Vax! Happy Birthday!” The kids were immediately on him, giving him hugs and saying they had something for him but it wasn’t done yet.
“Alright you two! He’s on a mission. Happy birthday, V!” Joss said from the door, letting the kids come back in.
“And this is for you now.” River handed him the note, Vax eager to figure out who was next. “Having fun?”
“Dude I’m having a fucking blast. Getting to see my favorite people on my day? Hell yeah.”
“Good, I’m glad. I’ll- uh. Bye.” River quickly walked off, rubbing the back of his neck. Okay so River was a shit secret keeper too. Good to know.
‘The place I hid your man’s asshole ex manager’s couch. -SM’
He was glad to see Mike embracing the Small Michael joke.
He found Mike behind the El Coyote, sitting on a dumpster while he waited.
“Hey dude! Happy birthday!” Mike hopped down and wrapped his friend in a hug. “Was told to keep the meeting quick so here ya go.”
Ahhh, so the boss wanted the meetings to go quick. He obviously had to be somewhere by the end of this.
“Goooooo! You got people to see!”
‘Nice and Cozy in here. Come to bar. -P’
Panam was being straightforward as always. It was late afternoon by this point, each place taking quite a bit to get too and find, as well as his rather slow and late start to the morning. Depending on where he was dragged next, he was starting to worry Kerry and Johnny wouldn’t be on this adventure…
He pulled up to back, once again finding his target outside. Short and sweet.
Panam handed him the note, then leaned back against the wall.
“What? No kiss? It’s my birthday, Pan.” Vax teased, making the nomad roll her eyes.
“Short and sweet. Boss’s orders.”
“Didn’t think you followed orders.”
“He’s really convincing- fuck. Fuck you.” Aha! A pronoun! And now a pissed off Panam. She glared at him as he blew a kiss to her and got back in his car to read the note.
And his heart swelled…
‘Go to the place we knew we were fucked. -J’
He’d know that handwriting anywhere. And the note lead him to the oil field.
Johnny Silverhand was sat in the same place Vax had been all those years ago, looking at what was possibly the note he had carved into the metal.
Vax whistled as he approached, his man looking fine as hell today if he had to say so himself. By now, it was around 4:30pm, and most of Vax’s birthday had been spent driving all around the city and Badlands looking for people. He wasn’t complaining though…
“Took you long enough.” Johnny stood, hands in his pockets as Vax stood directly in front of him.
“Had a long day, very little birthday affection I might add. The fuck is that about?” Vax pulled his husband closer by his collar, making Johnny grin a bit.
“Boss’s orders… never listened to orders anyway.” Johnny gave Vax his first birthday kiss, hands sliding around his waist. Their kisses were always a bit intense trying to become one again.
“Where’s my note?” Vax asked when they finally pulled away, but Johnny shrugged.
“Don’t have one. I do however think you should go get you a Jackie Welles at the bar. You’ve earned it.”
“Where’s Ker, J?” Vax asked finally, no note, no nothing. Not even a text from him all day. He had a feeling he knew where he was but if he went down there and Kerry wasn’t waiting for him, he’d be destroyed.
“Just go get you a drink. He’ll be around later. I swear.” Johnny lightly pushed him towards his car, making Vax frown.
The frown didn’t go away when he didn’t see Kerry’s car at the bar… or anyone’s as a matter of fact. He sighed and wondered if Johnny was his prize in the end. Maybe. He hadn’t completely lost hope.
The Afterlife was suspiciously quiet. That was the first thing he noted, the second thing he noted was that Claire wasn’t at the bar, and also the there was no one fucking here-
Hands covered his eyes.
Normally he’d tense up but he could smell the cologne and could recognize the hands from a mile away. He smiled.
“Happy birthday.” Kerry whispered before uncovering his eyes.
Friends and family alike had come out of their hiding spot, with none other than his twin sister at the front, Blue standing behind her as if he had been covering her eyes. The twins stared at each other before everyone burst out a loud ass ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY!’
“Did you have both of us running through the city- did you plan all of this?” Vax turned to finally meet his husband, wearing that blue shirt he loved so much.
“Yes I did and apparently we had some close calls because some of your people overlapped. Now what the fuck is about you thinking I forgot your birthday? I’m an asshole not a fucking monster-“
Vax pulled his husband in for a kiss, one he earned and had been craving all day. Whistles and laughter alike from around them as music began to play.
“How’d I do?” Kerry whispered when they pulled away. It was easy for Kerry to drag them into their own little world.
“Would’ve liked to have a good morning kiss… but other than that I had fun.” Vax teased.
“Then I did my job.”
The rest of the night was filled with talking and drinks, and the twins’ favorite foods. Vax was attached to his partners the rest of the night, okay yeah maybe he was a bit codependent but he loved them! And hadn’t had them all day.
Rogue stated she couldn’t believe Kerry had slipped this by Vax, and honestly Vax himself was surprised. But Kerry knew him like an opened book so he couldn’t be too surprised that his husband knew how to keep secrets… it was Judy they had been worried about.
At some point, Mama Welles had called for cake. Vax was surprised there even was one, but for the first time ever, the Kane Twins got to blow their candles out together.
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doodliydoos · 5 months
You can also read it here
Sun kept a level head to avoid his steering wobble. The winds in the sky indicated that rain was forming into a thunderstorm, as shown through the little glimpses of rays of sunshine. He keeps his stance planted in the center of his cloud. Could it be the rain that made his fur prickle with nervousness? What could be so hard with taking some needed vacation time away from the kid? Wukong knew that his successor was more than capital of taking care of lessons and learning through the given scrolls he sent out to the kid. Sure there was a biting pain of neglectfulness, and a tug of the heart strings each time Mk gave him the look of disappointment, but he's a strong guy! Wukong's gaze narrowed in reminiscing the memory of a similar time when Macaque had gave such an upheaval of praise for Wukong. They both shared that bright eyed, happy admiration and looked up to Wukong like a hero in their eyes. A distant call of his name caught him back into the present. It was Sandy's voice.
"Hey! Mr. Monkey King!" He called, as he waved his hand up at the sky beside his boat home. There was a large sheet that covered a outline of something behind him and a toolbox beside Sandy's sneaker. Wukong halted, in attempts to make his hasty stop look natural.
"Hm? OH--didn't realize you were here!" Sun Wukong stated, with a forced smile. Sandy brushed off his pants with metal dust on it as he placed his wrench away.
"Yyep, figured as much you were out training Mk before this storm hits, or beating up bad guys. It's good to see you though."
Sun sat back on his cloud with arms behind his head making a disbelief grunt. "GHah, nahh...I'm retired! Getting too good for demons to even keep up with me I suppose." he remarked, in a humble brag tone. His cloud started floating down near Sandy's dock towards the ground as Sandy pushed the covered object back into his garage.
"What's that you making?" Sun asked tilting his head curiously.
"Oh this? Just making some ramifications of an escape plane in case...something were to happen but that's just a loose presumption. You heading back to Flower-Fruit Mountain?"
"Oh yeah, yeah days already passing by no thanks to that storm overhead." Wukong addressing Sandy's pointient comment. He felt his tail bristle with slight annoyance as his mind replayed the sentence Sandy said.
Call it imposter syndrome, but the slight bit of his ego crept in.
"The kid wasn't doing to well so, no practice for today. At least he can get some nourishment from staying off his feet. I mean he would need all the rest given that he's got me training him." Wukong continued on,
Sandy blinked, and his brow furrowed slightly. "Uh...okay then? I mean its not like you would forget to tell Mk that he wouldn't have to train today --where are you going?"
Wukong was already inching with his cloud out into the sea, back to where Megapolis was. He perked up and turned his head to see Sandy's dissapointed gaze and arm cross combo.
"Haha..ha....Yeah, I'll just, I'm just gonna go soo, byeee~" Wukong said in a gleefly tone as he whisked himself back into the city, as the storm began.
Mk woke up feeling something drip down the center of his nose. He scrunched up his eyes to make sure the room stopped spinning, as he wiped his nose. When blinking open his eyes, there was a smear of blood in which he immediately was awake. Mk stayed laying down to just trying to recall everything before blacking out.
Okay, Pigsy sent me up to my room because Tang said that I needed to get better. So that happened...early today, because that storm was said to come in the evening , instead of lunch time--ok next!
I then slept, and there was a..a uh monkey--
"Monkey King?--ACK" Mk winced at the sudden stingy pain on his forehead, and placed a hand over the open wound, sitting up from his bed. The visible memory of the interaction was, blurred. Almost choppy.
Staring at the sheets, the rain from outside of Pigsy's noodle shop was pouring to substitute the silence. Mk checked his palm again to see if the bleeding had stopped, and sighed before placing the hand back on his forehead. The feeling of loneliness started to creep in, and was having immense self doubt on his own ability to handle being Monkey King's successor.
I should get some more bandages just in case Mk thought and proceeded to get to his headband and jacket. He knew Pigsy headed home whenever injuries like this happened.
Just minus the Macaque giving a blaring headache. Once getting his shoes on ,he headed towards the convenience store, using his back of his hand to apply pressure.
The rain was coming down hard and Wukong's fur wasn't helping with keeping warm, zipping through the buildings in a blind frenzy. Everything that he thought someone had a yellow jacket, it wasn't Mk. For the past millenia, humans still enjoyed playing in the rain like tiny children exploring what rain is. He could picture a memory of one of his baby monkey's sitting beside looking out into his home, wide eyed and intrigued.
A loud thunder broke his tender nostalgia, and he turned up at the sky, with his arms crossed.
"Rude." He said, and directed his cloud to the ground, where he was in front of Sandy's tea home. When going to knock, the door had already been unlocked. Wukong's eyes switched off his golden gaze and into a red, lava magma color to set up his defense.
His tail pulled the door closed once inside and...Mo was looking up with a blue blanket.
He blinked and started to clean his tiny paw and got up to weave around Wukong's legs. Wukong sighed in relief, as he leaned down to pick up the blanket and throw it behind himself onto his shoulders.
"It's nice to see ya too, Mo. You're lucky that your in here and not out there."
Wukong suddenly shivered and went to sit down on the floor ,in where Mo followed, and he say in front of the king.
Wukong wrapped the blanket and smiled nervously at Mo.
"I just realized I can't understand you ..sorry bud." Wukong apologized.
Mo shook his head before padding up to him and reached a paw out.
Wukong's tail swished curiously, and tilted his head. "Huh? Oh are you trying to point out that I'm soaked, because if you haven't notice, there's like this storm system moving through the while city--MNNFGPHF??"
Wukong got silenced by Mo placing a paw right on his mouth, as his expression showed disinterested.
Wukong stayed quiet and looked at the paw covering his mouth when it hit him.
Mo wasn't who he should owe an explanation.
Wukong's tail lowered in guilt. A heaviness overtook his hidden emotions and he looked at himself. Covered up, bundled up and exhausted.
Wukong started to wonder how often he missed these small details.
He let out a disgruntled groan, letting his shoulders droop, putting his head down with the blanket serving like a oversized hood.
Mk...how ignorant of me to have ignored you. So stupid am I..
Sun thought to himself, his eyes glowed back to its golden color, and reminisced the moments to continue his self beating up tendencies in silence.
The journey, his Master, his brothers, all of the Celestial Court, Macaque...
Mo slipped into Wukong's blanket and sat underneath his chin, with heavy cat blinks.
Wukong felt tears going down his face before noticing the extra warmth and glanced down.
Mo was purring super loud, and rubbed his forehead at Wukong's chin.
Wukong, felt his heart lift and brought his tail to curl around his feet nicely, and returned the nuzzle.
"Thank you.."
He muttered as Wukongs' eyes drew a close and he began to sleep sitting up right.
Mo, gave a smile before peeking his head out from the blanket.
"I don't know if that was for a your welcome but I'll take it
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jessysapphireblue · 10 months
One Piece Advent Calender Door 3
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Today you spend a Day with our beloved Nami.
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Door 3: A day with a Cat
Still under the covers with Luffy, he was hugging you close, drooling a little on your head, you were woken up by a loud bang. “WAKE UP!!!”, Nami barged in and you sat up, groaning. “Nami, what is-” “LUFFY!!!!”, Sanji joined in by your door, both of them looking like they could kill your boyfriend. suddenly, you were wide awake.
“Jessy, be a dear and step out for a short moment”, smiled Nami and freed you from Luffy grasp, your captain slowly waking up, and guided you outside, Sanji giving you his coat before the door to your room closed. The soundproof barrier around your room made you even more anxious before the door opened, both stepping out. “Thank you, Sanji” “It was a pleasure”, both said serious and gave each other a high five. “W-What happened?” “Oh my beloved Goddess! Luffy sneaked away at night to eat the storage room empty!” “He got what he deserved...why are you still with him?! You can pull so much better guys!” “But Nami, he brings me to laugh and makes me happy!”, you beamed at the Navigator, so full of love that she hugged you. “You´re an Angel, my dear!” “After breakfast, I sit down with you and check what we need ok? I even give you some money if it´s too short” “You Goddess!! Kya~ I´m so blessed with you here. But now go change, it´s pretty cold today”
Nodding you handed Sanji his coat back before walking into your room, seeing your boyfriend all messed up by these two. Sighing softly, head hung, you bend down to touch Luffy, using your heals on him. “Thank you”, he smiled at you, jumping up. “Why didn´t you woke me up?” “I tried! But you were out for good. So I got up and went to grab food...” “Haaa, my sweet idiot. You ate too much”, cupping his cheeks, you pressed a gentle kiss on his lips as you two changed.
It was after the breakfast that you sat down with Nami, Sanji listing what everything was missing, as you wrote it down, Nami began calculating. “I go to town then. Be careful, my precious ladies~~” “You also, Sanji”, you smiled as he slipped his jacket on. “Ah~ it scents now like my goddess~ Like a warm hug on a blessed day”, he swooned and walked out, making Nami sigh. “such an idiot” “Nami, all guys are idiots” “True. I can only count on Robin and you”, she lied her head onto your shoulder.
“JE!”, Luffy barged in, a big smile on his face. “Come with us! We´re gonna explore the island” “No”, you hummed. “What?!...Did I do something bad?”, his voice sounded sad. “Apart that we have no food today! She helps today with fixing your black hole of a stomach!”, Nami shouted at Luffy. ”...come with me!” “LUFFY”, Nami said low and a dark aura surrounded her. “Meh! But next time!” “Promise, bub” “Shishishi! Love it when you call me bub”, he cupped your cheeks and pressed a kiss onto your lips. “Bye bye!”, and with that, he was gone from the kitchen. “You know, I have to charge him when you two kiss...we would be swimming in money!”, her eyes flashed berry signs. “Nami, focus” “Oh, yes”
It took a while but you were finally done. “Luffy will pay!” “Like I said, I can always-” “No. This is yours. Luffy will get no more money for AT LEAST 2 months” “Oh he will be sad” “I don´t care...but now. I wanted to talk with you about this Christmas Dinner. What is...or was common by you” “Ehm, every family was different. There was either goose or turky. That was the base. My family made soup, potato dumplings and cabbage. I was always looking forward to it. On Christmas eve we had fish. In fact we had the whole day no meat”
Nami grin devilish. “Oh~ is that so. Hehehe~ perfect” “should I be worried?” “No why”, she smiled lovingly at you, as you sweatdropped. “Maybe I shouldn´t have told you that”, you whispered as she went back to looking evil. In her mind there was already a wicked plan, as you know her.
“Why would you want to know?” “Well~ since you know the most about it, I am thinking if we could ask Sanji to make it” Your eyes widen. “NAMI!”, you cheered and hugged the navigator with glee and happiness. “Nami~ I love you~~” “I love you also~” both of you smiled as “No meat on Christmas eve, hm~” “No. No ham, meat or anything with meat. Just fish, mashed potatoes and cabbage. Was my family tradition” “I like it. When Sanji comes back, we use my charm and your absolute adorableness to swoon him over”
Both of you laughed.
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 4: The Missing Key
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Now I have a snack to get me through this episode so let's get started!
Haggar cat is kind of cute but in a decrepit way lol
oh right the boys are presumed dead Allura is crying once again, this time I get it she gets to cry
Not to say you shouldn't rely on Pidge, but Pidge shouldn't be the only chance left to protect the universe at this point
Oh poor Pidgey, he's stumbling all over the place trying to get back into the control room I know he's ok but ow my heart
Either an animation error or another scene being reused for this one, Pidge falls to the floor and the mice jump over him to get into a hole in the wall, as we see pidge he's in his civvies instead of his flight uniform
oh god now he's sobbing because he's worried about the rest of the team,, my heart cant take him being sad
NO PLEASE I'm GONNA CRY WITH HIM The boys are alive (obvs) and got into contact with Pidge, and now he has happy tears Also, the first thing Keith asked when he woke up was if Pidge was ok,, Keith is a single mother in the middle of a war
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What a cutie, I'm protecting this kid with my whole life he deserves everything and has never done anything wrong ever
God more happy tears, I know he's happy, but I never want to see a tear on that face AGAIN unless it's from laughter damn it
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"Pidge has a funny sense of humor" I'm so glad the team knows him well enough to know what pranks he plays found family and incredibly believable that they really care about each other
Can mice make holes through stone? Either way the space mice being able to do that through A COFFIN is insane
Not the mice doing a line dance for Allura, cute but funny svnosd I wonder if Allura has very small telepathy powers that let her talk to the mice specifically, magic is probably why the team was able to see Alfor in the first place too
The last key is found! Time to start up the final kitty cat!
Coran is being such a wishy-washy bitch like first you praise that voltron is finally coming back, but now you're like "we can't risk it!" yes you can shut up Coran
Is it weird that Keith's voice kind of reminds me of Sonic?
Black lion joins the pride! No difference to the rest of em other than the color really
Oh good I couldn't remember if the team could automatically form voltron or not, I'm glad they struggled a bit before they formed up They didn't say the whole interlocking preamble! But they did do it for formation at least
It seems like they were trying to add some GoLion references into the script, but it's not working out so well And there he is! The robot of the hour!
They're just standing there as voltron burns just to scare the robeast and it WORKED oh shit it's the big sword!
And thus begins the adventures of the voltron force! Standing in a very cool pose after defeating a robeast lol
Episode 4 end! Now we're getting into monster of the week territory, and will probably drop another episode review too
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windalchemist001 · 1 year
electric twilight
I sighed deeply as I woke up, I knew that I should be more excited, but honestly today felt like there was a weight on me, maybe because of all the stuff I had to do?
Soghing at the thought I got up after all Crowley wanted me to do some stuff for him, and hopefully that jerkwad would actually keep his promise and give me some extra spending money for tonight. Taking a moment to pop my joints I stood up and moved about to change into some clothes that I had manged to scrap money together so I wouldn't be stuck wearing just the uniform or trying to piece together clothes from the outfits I've been given for different celebrations we've had.
I yawn left my mouth and I rub at my face as I hoped to get rid of the sleep that seemed to want to pull me back to its grip. But nope work. And thankfully I had help with said work as I moved over to my lovely feline and picked him up. Though it was clear he wasn't to happy. Not that I cared we are both going.
"Come on grim, we need to earn money to go to the light's festival tonight." I set grim down since he was now awake and complaining about being awake so early which I than rolled my eyes and mention I'll make food which seemed to make him happy.
Honestly how is it that food always makes him happy, I don't know but at least it made my life somewhat easier to deal with him.
I hummed as I moved to get out of my room and waving to the ghost who were sort of my roommates. It was so odd I've slowly gotten use to all this. And yet I sort of had to though I wish I didn't but it is how it is, at least ill have a lot of fun so I can't wait, oh and if I'm lucky both of my crushes will actually make an appearance since both said they were going so being able to interact with them always made my day.
A weak hearted fool i am, but damn it, I need something to keep me sane in this crazy place. And its not wrong for me to have feelings. Though my heart ached knowing that the feelings were sadly one sided. And I couldn't help but sigh knowing that.
But pushing that thought to the side I washed my hands and than begin working on breakfast, amy mind already thinking about how after eatting I would have to deal with the headmaster dumb ass and than I need to meet the guys to take the bus lead to town. It was a lot but it would be worth it hanging with friends after all. And with that I smiled deeply thinking about how fun the night festival was be
Several hours later had me hummubg as I shifted my bag. After all the bs and struggles we arrived in town, honestly im super excited we some how manged to get here since Crowley had me (and grim to a lesser extent) that i had almost missed the last bus heading to town.
Though I had told the guys to leave ahead of me. Only ace and deuce stay behind the others left. But ill be honestly i was rather greatful they hadn't left me behind because i hate being alone despite me always asking for it. I am rather cat like in my personality.
I was also glad that my three dummies were not to upset with me, maybe because they felt it was Crowley's fault (which it was, because fuck him) i took a deep a breath to calm my nerves since no need to be ticked when I'm off to go do something fun righr?
Though I must admit I did find myself a bit nervous since unlike the other few times I went into town with professor crewel or professor train. I was going to have to be the adult in the group given my dummies did always find themselves getting in trouble and i sometimes wonder if they were all toddlers rather than freshman in collage. Again I signed deeply hoping for the best.
But with that sighed it seemed my vision came to focus and I begin actually seeing everything out the window rather than be blared out do to me zoning out and faded into my own world. And I must admit this experience was much more different than looking out the car window because I didn't have to keep grim controlled (well not as strictly any way) on my lap rather grim had his own seat and was currently getting in another verbally disagreement with ace. About what I wasn't fully sure but I tune it out since it didn't seem to important for now.
No rather i spend my time looking out the window hoping to remeber the way everything looked to try and draw it, if I can even begin to try to give it justice (which I'm sure I can't but I want to at least try) but I also decided to take a picture since at least I would have a lesser copy to use as reference.
But of course taking a picture seemed to draw deuces attention who wasn't fully un the fight and with his questioning grim and ace seemed to turn to me.
I rolled my eyes and explained i was taking a photograph of the city and the setting sun. After all the way everything looked could be the perfect background for a movie or comic. And i didn't mention it but I could use it in my not so rewrites of my/borrowed stories (hey! It's not like copy infringement can get me in another world) and its not all borrowed works since some were my own stuff too.
I made a mental note to continue some of my work since i need to put out a few chapters, but didn't think to much on it as ace than begin talking about what he planned on doing again, which I softly tuned it out so I could still respond to, but honestly I wasn't interested in having to watch ace hit on girls, if I was a guy, maybe, but I wasn't into it, and I wonder if it was a good thing or a bad thing that ace was cool with saying it infront of me, though wish they felt like this, before and maybe we could have avoided the whole azul incident..... maybe.... probably not.
I sighed again, and it seemed deuce my second fave (favorite if only humans) dummy decided to speak at least seeming to be aware that I wouldn't be into trying to hit on random people.
Which I agreed to and even voiced that I would rather wait with a first aid kit from the side lines. Hinting that I was sure someone would end up slapping ace in the face. Actually, I could picture ace as Johnny brovo and him going flying. Honestly it made me chuckle at the thought and admit to nothing when questioned about the laugh.
Thankfully deuce had said something to annoy ace and thus the two begin fighting and I decided it might be wise to break into the snacks I bought to shut them both up. Again I couldn't help think of them like toddlers. I again hoped the bus ride would be quick
Sure the bus ride wasn't that long when trying to be peace keeper it felt so much longer. But once done the guys quickly darted over to the ticket booth while I followed behind them, not just because of my lack of height, but also because I always did prefer to be in the back hidden away and not dealing with to much bull.
Ace was going a mile a minute trying to seem to get the guy to drop the price a few thaumarks so we can get ride all the ride wristband. And while that was nice and all but I sort of didn't want to ride all the rides since I didn't know if I felt safe riding a pop up roller coaster and given that last pop up ride, I rode I almost fell out of (me being a small child be damn)
So me avoiding things that go up high would be nice. But I did want to do that gravity ride which would be cool. I hummed as it seemed ace manged to get the wrist bands for us and i thanked him. Sure ace can be a tad annoying but he was still a good friend (though a bit of an ass hole, but in a good way)
Taking the bands for me and grim I moved to put it in his ribbon collar knowing he wouldn't be able to keep it on unless I put it on his tail but it would be easier to lose it there once done I put my own on. And moved to give him what I owed for them which I had mange to catch being thirty percent off, which wasn't a lot but it still also helps.
So once money exchange hands I waited for the guy to lead the way and rolled my eyes when ace tried to get deuce to pay him full price due to some bs fee.
Honestly these two idiots. So again I cut in and mention we should try to do a lot of stuff before the parade and fireworks begin, which seemed to get them in gear. I also wonder if we would find the others. Which also made me wonder if I would see the two guys I really wanted to see. Even if this love or perhaps crush was all one-sided just being near them made me happy.
Even if it was stupid and foolish, sighing wistfully I found myself trailing behind ace and deuce and ended up seeing and pointing out a water gun game and moved over to see the prizes. Looking about i trying to decide what I would want i soon found and adorable rabbit stuff animal and I turn to tell the guys only to see they were gone.
I couldn't help but frown and pushed down the panic that begin to fill me. Was it because I got abandoned, or was it because those three always got into trouble when left alone, maybe a bit of both. Quickly moving away from the booth and did my best to weave between people hoping to find a hint to one of the three. heck ill make due with anyone I know, since either they can help me find those three or at least make me feel safe.
I called out for my friends hoping they would answer me, seems now I've become the toddler lost in the crowed, it unsettled me how they could invite me and than abandoned me, like some sort of cruel prank, perhaps that was where the panic was coming from? Knowing and conformation that im unwanted?
Like some cruel reality check that I've forgotten as if me diluting myself into belive I had friends was only but a fools earns and I like always am nothing more than a tool to be used for nothing more than a punching bag.
Breathing was slowly becoming to much as the dark thoughts began making its way to the surface choking me, as I continued looking about. The bright lights of festival seeming to be some cruel reminder of what I can't feel like.
It also highlighted the joy and happiness of others far different from my own state of mind. I called out for the guys once more I could hear the slight cracks in my tone as a mix of fear and panic seems to slightly bleed into it.
Surely if I didn't calm myself I would send myself into a panic attack. But the sound of my name being called seemed to snap me out of my mid panic and had me jump at the suddenness of it.
Turning to see who called, shame suddenly replaced the feeling of fear, after all a familiar group and sort of unlikely group were walked up to me. And while one was the most important of the group two were the ones I didn't like for a couple of reason.
"Are you ok? You seem to be slightly panicked." The voice that was filled with concern, while normally was made me feel comfortable, as if i didn't have to worry about the bs that im normally surrounded with. But at the moment was filled with a mix of emotions. After all how was one meant to feel with your crush seeing you doing something shameful? But than again he seems to actually be very worried about me, which belive but made me feel at least liked even if he only saw me platonic
And while I wasn't really fine I didn't want to seem needy and thus lied that I was fine . Though I decided to mention that I misplaced the trouble trio.
Seeming simpathic trey informed me he hadn't seen the for a while and I quickly apologized to him saying it wasn't his fault. And honestly it wasn't. Rather it was mine for getting distracted like a small child. But than again I was the type if child who got lost at Walmart and even as I got older I still did only difference was that I was old enough to run around looking my family or when I got a phone called for locations.
At this point I seemed to be reminded of Carter the first guy I didn't like, he one for how fake he was. And sure I didn't have proof Carter wasn't actually faking his personality, but as far as I knew it just felt phonie. And run me the wrong way.
The second reason being that somehow the jerk realized. My crush/one sided love for trey, which the jerk kept being up, even if subtly. Like for example at the very moment suggesting trey give me the stuff animal that I had been eyeing in his arms when I hadn't been looking at him.
And the second person I hated for three reasons rather than just two like Carter. For one the guy was unsettling, to the point I wanted to run, two for the dance comption (I still want to rain his neck for that bull shit) and third because he somehow figured out my crush/one sided love for both Trey and Horton!
How i got screwed with that I don't know but either way the jerk seemed to also enjoy mocking me like Carter and say and do shit I don't need him doing. Like example right now he seemed to think it was ok to work with Carter.
The urge to kill them seemed to fill me but I didn't want to do that infront of trey. And I apologize for them being stupid and that he didn't have to follow along with the other third years probing since I didn't want to bother or inconvenience him.
"No it fine, i think it might be better to give it to you" Trey moved to hold out the stuff animal to me. The very stuff animal looked like the one that looked like the one at the water gun booth.
I looked from the rabbit back to trey and than the rabbit again before reaching out to take the stuff animal my hands brushing against trey's and I felt my face heat up at the simple touched. I sort of wonder if I was crazy or if he felt anything but given the fact he doesn't say anything made me belive its just me like always.
I looked away from him unable to keep gazing into his face and moved some hair behind my face as I moved a few stray hairs behind my ear. As I thanked trey for the gift and found myself holding the rabbit to my chest.
Though after a moment I recalled something and looked back at trey. Informing him that I've tweaked the recipe of the apple roses I've enjoyed making, and like always wanted his thoughts. It was something I've been trying to make and make perfect all on my own, but that doesn't mean I can't ask for thoughts.
"I will see you Sunday than." Trey smiled with such kind eyes.
Honestly it made me want fangirl. How could trey be so kind and handsome?! Like ah! But its not like I can say all that and I simply nodded, the fact he recalls i always want to show him on Sunday was super nice too. He is such a good guy.
He made me happy if only my feelings were mutual, but ill settle for just being allowed near him, since I rather enjoy our time together rather than ruin it by make it awkward and than end up being avoided.
Though it seems cater and rook decided to speak and ruin this good mood of mine, and I could feel the twitch of my face with their annoying comments. But at least they also mention they just saw the trio and looking behind me I manged to catch a glimpse of them.
Cursing under my breath I turn back to trey and told him I better catch up and moved to run off though I did pause to wave at trey and tell him bye the rabbit being shifted to under my arm and off I went to try and catch up with my trouble makers.
Having caught up with the guys it seemed the rest of our first year group just meet up. And it seemed the other were pretty happy. Even sebek who normally was a bit much. A lot like my dad honestly. I felt a ping in my chest. As I mildly wonder if my family even missed me, but I pushed the feelings back down were they belong.
Rather I focus on how sebek had glowing horns and was currently gloating about how they were meant to look like his master. I also noticed the glowing spots on his face that looked like scales and its not like he was the only one with glow and dark paint it seemed since both epel and jack (surprisingly) also had some.
Jack reminding me something out of inuyasha or basically any humanoid demon form anime. Kind of made me wish he was wearing a costume, but I wasn't going to say that, mostly because how does one convince someone to do so? ... well maybe Leona and ruggie could get jack to do so, but I don't want to deal with those two since it would be like moving though landmines.
Epel on the other hand was wearing something that was rather cringe. And i looked back to where I had been before, mildly wondering if rook would rat him out to vil. If so, I should probably prey for him, cause I don't know if he'll live.
Though given the fact he was as lit up like a Christmas tree, I'm not sure my prayer would be answered and made a note to get the heck out of dodge, if and when vil comes stomping about. Cause I refused to be bought into a lecture i have no part in. Being shorter than everyone one (not including ortho) had its advantages.
I was quickly bought out of my musing when grim called for me and I turn to him wondering what was up. Which gave the feline the chance to complain that he wanted food but I wasn't around to buy him food. I apologized and mention I'll buy him something right now only to glance up and see the guys taking off again and I looked to grim who darted off telling them not to leave us.
Honestly I was glad he said something as I moved to catch up this time not losing them and asked what should we get to eat since grim wanted to try something.
The guys begin discussing food options and I manged to give my own thoughts, but like always felt like I was butting into a private conversation rather than be part of it, but still I wanted to be included, with my friends.
After a bit we all made our way to an area that had a lot of food options and I admit I sort of wanted to see what they might have.
After having everyone eat their fill, in which sebek ate so much, I wasn't fully sure where he put it. and sure I could eat quiet a bit, but even I had limits (also shame) and thus only ate what I thought was perfectly fine, but shit man how did these guys stay so fit with their eating habits? But than again, I think I'm the only introvert in the group, who would rather stay inside while these guys did have hobbies that involved running about.
Perhaps that's why I tend to always feel like an on looker rather than part of the group. Well that and the no magic. Being a girl, and of course being from a whole diffrent world might do that to you.
None the less I followed along quietly as everyone seemed to be in high spirts talking about all sort of things. Grim was currently eatting cotton candy (his on the go snack) as there was playful shoves between the guys. I would try and comment here and there, but the twisted of feeling like a third wheel just kept bothering me, even though I really wish it wouldn't.
It soon got to the point I had decided to go quiet for a while now. and despite that it seemed the guys didn't notice.so rather than focus on the loneness, i felt it better to looked around. All the while Hoping to see a familiar figure in the masses since despite my small stature the other tend to be easy to spot.
Sadly that didn't seem to be the case. And I wonder if maybe I had been hoping for to much, after all imsure he had more important things thab come here and than say hi. Feeling disappointed I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to keep the tears away.
Honestly I hated how weak I felt over stupid things like this. And I couldn't help but find myself to be a little greatful for the stuff animal that had only been given to me maybe an hour or so ago. Since I was able to bury my face into it to help with my emotions, if only for a bit.
Though once i pushed down my emotions for the uptiniing time I took a moment carefully listing for a pause in conversation before speaking. Asking jack if he could do me the favor of watching grim since out of everyone in this group he was the only one I could trust to keep an eye on the feline.
But before Jack could respond to me, ace spoke up. He seemed offended at the remarks of not being able to watch grim. Which is ironic, since he normally complains when I ask him to watch grim when I have to leave for a small moment.
None the less I looked to ace rather unamused with him. he was in fact acting like a small child. And decided to remind ace of the events that happened just the day before (the reason riddle had ended up collaring him in the first place)
Ace though seemed to be offended, but I could tell not really. (Or so I hoped) After all I had just left the alchemy room to run a quick eran for professor crewel, only to return to my three idiots with neon color hair/fur because ace decided not to behave and egged both duace and grim to fucking up their potions, but he also got hit with the cross fire. And of course the three of them getting chewed out.
And if not for me (reluctantly so begging) grim and deuce would still have neon hair. But I can't wait for the pay back to kick in because ace is getting that collar back on once today is over and I'm so not letting him stay with me for a few days.
None the less, I looked away from the pain in the ass that is ace. And looked back to Jack. To slightly begging for the most trust worthy of this make shift group to watch grim whole im away.
Jack who seemed torn for a while, sighed deeply. Once it seemed he manged to decide what he wanted to do he nodded which I have to admit had me sort of realif since it meant I didn't have to drag grim away from all the fun of the festival.
So with that I thanked jack, since it would be rude not to do so, and took a moment to reached into my bag and pulled out some thaumarks. Holding them put to jack i explained that this would be for grim should he want something while I wasn't with them.
I also rolled my eyes as epel, and ace seemed to be acting like idiots and fake asking for money acting like they were some mere beggars, I just wonder why I delt with these idoits.
None the less I looked to grim wanting him to understand that whst I was going to ask him i really meant it.so once I had his attention i asked grim to behave while i was gone. After all I really didn't want to clean up his mess.
Once I was sure he at least understood I looked to the rest of our make shift group, I than wave to to them, before turning to walk away from them. I could hear them make some comments behind my back but ingore it, since it was best to not acknowledge it and just slipped away.
walking, everything was so loud and busy reminding me being at a con, with so many people moving about getting and buying things. But unlike at a con where I felt at ease since the people were like me, people who wish to indulge in a hobby that makes them happy despite the world's judgment. So much so I could blend into the crowed with out feeling like I stick out or in being judged.
Sadly Here I was around a bunch of Stanger with out the aid of music to help tune out the world, which only made me feel more uneasy, by the moment. Which was why I was trying to get away from everything. Since I knew I was getting overwhelmed and I needed my escape. Not that being near the guys was a bad thing, but we shared no true wave length, thus I got no comfort from them, at least not in a way I needed it.
So with some walking passing booths for foods and games I manged to find what looked like a way out from the crowed of people and slip between couple of booths. one seeming to be selling fry food that smelt really good and the other booth that had stuff animals pin to the wall for prizes. They even seemed to have one that looked like mine's partner.
I made a mental note to check onwhat the game was later, because I didn't really see it. Though because of the food and the toys I was sure I would be able to remember enough when I trying to retrace my steps back to the guys (or so I hope anyway)
I sighed deeply and kept walking taking a moment to glance behind me to try to get rid of the uneasiness I was feeling even roll my shoulders and neck hoping to get rid of the tightness hoping that would make me relax. but even than I dont think it fully worked as I walked and walked till I found myself at the top of a tall hill. Or rather more a say I ended up walking up a slope that over looked the grounds (at least it wasn't stairs since I'm and i quote healthier end quote, but not by much)
Pushing away those thoughts i re focused on the area around me, noted that slope seemed to plato to a field of white that seemed to shimmer in the moon light. the unnatural light from below didn't seem to effect it much, or maybe it did I can't be fully sure.
But looking up the sky it self seemed to be effect by it as if the stars were taken from it even the color of the sky wasn't its true color. for it was effected by the light pollution thanks to being so close to the festival and the town. But back at ramshackle the stars shine and seemed to be more clearer. And a part of me longed to gone back home.
Though the thought of ramshackle as home made my heart ache. For the stars and this place were not truly my home, all of it was foren lands; the stars were not the ones I grew up under, nor was the soil I stood upon was not the ones I learn to walk upon. Everything was not anything I knew and yet I have come to slowly plant roots.
Closing my eyes I took another deep breath and let go of a heavy sigh. The weight that rested on me felt almost suffocating. But all I could do was keep moving forward. After all my roots might be stretching but they can still be easily killed. Sighing once again I bent down and plucked a dandelion and took a moment to roll it between my thumb and index.
I watched it spin for a bit my mind filled with thoughts before I closed my eyes once more. For despite my fragment memories and this foren world, I was still me. And thus my beliefs and habits are still in tacked. So needing something stronger than a wish and hope (not to say I didn't do both)
I prayed for the safety of my family and that they don't stress to much about my absence. I than took a deep breath and blew on the flower. And hoped, prayed that it would reach them.
I than moved to pluck another dandelion though thus time i turn towards the lights which honestly made me want to take a picture. For in its own way, the festival was lovely yet it was a reminder that i was in forein lands.
I found myself humming and wonder if the guys were behaving, I honestly felt like I was taking care a bunch of small children. Or maybe that was a guy thing? But than I again I've had guy friends before. Though once that thought crossed my mind I frowned.
I tried to think more on that fact, yet like it usually happens, when ever I try to recall certain things my head would ache, as if something was locking away things from my world. And no mater how much I tried to recall information it wouldn't allow me to remember it and would only stop once I stop trying recall. Unfortunately it was sort of normal here in this new world, but I had no real way to get around it, well besides stop thinking about what I was trying to recall.
Sighing to push away those thoughts and go back to what i had originally been thinking about, I made a wish that they guys would behave and not do anything stupid, that I would have to try and fix. But if they must to at least give me a week of peace. And than I blew on the second flower.
Sadly I couldn't get off all the seeds which i wonder if that meant i wouldn't get that sane peaceful moment which may have been to much to ask for anyway given the fact i know my idoits. But still i have to ask for it. So I decided to just look at the lights for a bit.
Though after a while of watching said light twinkle before me. I sighed softly again for the uptin time. Recalling a promise that seemed to not have been answered, and i begin to wonder if I was foolish for getting my hopes up. Tears pooling at the conor of my eyes. closing them to try and push back the tears, they seemed to fall instead. Shifting the rabbit in my arms I used it to quickly wipe them away using its head.
I than grab another flower as I kept looking at the lights. For a while I watched out to a view that looked perfect for a painting or story setting. So shifting the rabbit back under my arm i than used my left hand to hold the flower while my right to get my phone to take a picture, which didn't seem to do it justice but will hopefully be enough for me later, when I was being creative.
I than return the phone in my pocket and than took the flower back to my dominant hand and looked to the flower again. Closing my eyes rather than give my wish and prey silently I spoke this next one out loud. Hoping that by speaking it out loud that this dream/wish/hope and prayer would be heard. for it was the thing I long for the most, despite its selfishness. I beg to find the happiness I've spent so long wishing for.
For the other half of me, who would see me and despite every cracks and flaw I carry on all sides, that they would find me good enough to want me beside them. My voice craking as I pleaded with all my souls begged with every ounce I had and apologize for being imperfect and not the best follower. But still asked for forgiveness for that and that I will continue to try my best. And asked and pleaded not to be alone. Ending it with a final plea i than ended the prayer like one would end a prayer.
And with that selfish prayer done, I blew on the flower not daring to open my eyes fearful to see if I failed and let my hand and than the flower drop to my side before opening my eyes wiping at more tears pooling in my eyes.
I knew i needed to relax before returning so no one would see me crying. And I honestly didn't want to deal with a headache especially since there was going to be fireworks later. Which honestly would only be a pain if my head is trying to kill me. Taking a deep breath I wonder if I should head back though I could see all the lights from here.
Fixing the rabbit i rub my face more into its soft fake fur. Hoping it would comfort me in some sort of way. Because the aching in my heart only seemed to fester dark thoughts, and maybe those dark thoughts would start to consume me, a double edge sowrd of being alone meant I felt both relaxed and depressed.
I sighed softly and wonder if I could ever be loved.
"Child of man." The voice was a familiar deep ethereal tone that sent chills up my spine, and quickly turned to look behind me and see a familiar male. Again I felt the shame fill me after all I was in the middle of crying not to mention how long had he been there?
"Horton!" I practically shouted the nickname i have long given my friend/crush months ago. Before I found myself rambling on about how I didn't see him, asking where he's been and what ever else came to mind, honestly a wish I could just shut up, but wouldn't that make it more awkward? And all the while I just prattle on i hadn't even looking at him (not that, that was new, since I don't look at people in general when speaking) none the less I was possibly making myself look more stupid than I probably was before.
"Yuu~" the sound of my name on his lips seemed to make my face feel more warm and my heart flutter in my chest. While also stopping me from just word vomiting continuesly
Taking a moment to actually look at the male. I wondered what he wanted to ask, since neither of us normally used the others name. So surely it was something of importance.
Watching him, malleus extended his hand to me their was a look on his face that seemed to steal my breath and make my ownersface warm up.
"I did promise to watch the fireworks with you, so would care to join me?"
Hearing that I did recall asking him to join us with watching the fireworks at the festival, if he didn't feel comfortable with everyone we can separate from the others a bit and watch alone (along with grim since I was a tad worried how he'll react to the fireworks and thus didn't want to leave him alone).
Either way I reached out to take his much larger hand, which was so much larger than my own. But it made me feel happy, I can't even remember ever holding anyone's hand so this was rather nice.
Though it seems before either us could leave the sound of fireworks suddenly sounded and while still holding the males hand I turn to watch in awe, the display of fireworks. I must have underestimated the parade since I swore it was going to be later and a lot longer but I guess I was wrong.
No matter what though I couldn't help but hold on tightly to the hand I now held as the lovely colors flashed in the sky before us, truly glad I got to spend this time with guy I held the deepest of crushes on, even if my feelings are one sided I'm just glad to pretend even for this moment that im his and he is mine, even if for but a moment.
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Dearest @rose-fairryy,
As I write this I’m listening to No One Knows Who I Am from J&H. Very vibey, it is. I have good news and bad news; The good news is that I discovered why my room has been smelling horrid. Julie’s cat started shitting in my closet whenever I leave my door open because she’s too lazy to go to her litter box upstairs. Fortunately, none of my clothes or anything have feces on them. The bad news is that now that I’ve uncovered the source of the smell, air is getting to it and now the smell is much stronger. I know how to get rid of it, but it’s still extremely unpleasant. I also woke up with a migraine, which forced my eyes shut and made me fall back asleep, which made the migraine even worse when I woke up. I’ve been drinking water and taking Midol and ibuprofen and it still hasn’t improved. Why must this be my cross to bear in this life? Can’t I have something typical like homosexuality to deal with? Oh. I do have that. I have both! I’m a gay who suffers from migraines! It could be much worse, but it could be much better. I think I have OCD because my tech posters keep bothering me due to them being slightly off. I’ll straighten them against the wall, but they end up coming loose anyway somehow, and even if I spend way too long making sure they’re level, the next time I see them they always seem slightly off. It’s driving me insane. At least I’m getting around to cleaning my room. Also, I might start liking more country music because Morgan Wallen actually has a lot of very Sad Songs TM that I can relate to a strange majority of my OCs. Oh, now Blow Us All Away is playing. Might cry, love, you know how it is. I’ve also seen Malevolent fanart and tumblr posts being reposted to Pinterest, which makes me very happy because when I first started listening to it, there were nothing but these two fanarts. Now it’s flooding my dash. Very cool! I’m very bored now that there isn’t any tech, and I want to spend time with you really really bad because I don’t feel as close to anyone as I do you, except perhaps Ava, but I’ve been around her way too long this past week. Oh, Wenn ich tanzen will. I have to finish cleaning my room. Good morning in advance! I hope you slept well.
- Mac <3
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for the meme can you answer !
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
✍️ What’s your ideal writing setup?
🚀 Do you like to outline your fic first or create as you go?
👓 What helps you focus when you write?
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Damn, honey, you don't mess around, do you? Ok, let's do these in order. ^_^
❤️ That's a tricky one, because as my own primary audience I write a whole lot of stuff that I'm very happy with. Here's a good bit from a fic I haven't yet finished, which is about Haruto running into John Constantine:
At this point the monster's pretty well beaten and Haruto steps back, motioning to the boyfriend and shouting something in Japanese. The boyfriend nods, flashes a thumbs up, and says, in very thickly accented English, "It's dinner time," and the monster is sucked wholesale into his belt. Which then burps faintly.
Zatanna says, softly, "John, what the fuck."
“See my prior comment re: beats me.”
And one from a recently posted fic, Gimme Shelter:
"And then I died, mostly, and then I un-died and woke up in the morgue, and now–"
"I beg your pardon, you what?"
"I died, and then I un-died. As in to un-die, the process by which one becomes undead. You know, I died, and then I did it in reverse."
"No, no, that'd imply that I'm all the way alive now. I ain't. I'm a little bit alive, but mostly I'm just not dead. So. I un-died."
All Wangji could manage to say, after a long minute of stunned staring, was, "That is etymologically unsound."
And last but not least, a classic that never fails to make me giggle, from the (quite old at this point) "Hearts, Minds, and Stomachs":
“Noh-Varr. We will get you. A falafel.”
I will answer the rest of these questions under a read-more, because this is already quite long.
💥Oh, boy, there are so many canon things that I would change, in so many different canons. Here's an easy one, I'd cut out the whole weird thing with Karizaki Masumi implanting his devil Chic into George. That was just messed up.
✨️Literally every nice comment I've ever gotten is my favorite. This is a cop-out, I know, but I roll around and squeak happily whenever I get comments. Recently, though, I put a sort of dry academic joke into a chapter of "Gimme Shelter" and a commenter told me they'd enjoyed it, and that made me smile a lot.
👻Hm. I have a lot of wild headcanons. Oh, but here's one I was telling Davis about a few weeks ago: I think that Kaguragi films every single sexual encounter he has, so that afterward he can go over the video and examine/critique his technique. This is not amateur filming, either, we're talking three kurokos in the bedroom catching everything from multiple angles.
✍️My ideal writing setup is one where I can control the noise level--I generally write either in dead silence or while listening to music. Currently I have my personal laptop set up on a tray table next to my desk with my work computer, in my office, and that's very good--I keep snacks in here, and I have a window with a beautiful view of the trees, and the cat hangs out with me. An ideal setup would involve having proper desk space for my personal computer, and a nicer desk chair, but otherwise it's pretty much the same. Unless I'm writing longhand, in which case my ideal writing setup is me curled up in a recliner, with an overhead lamp for general light and a focused reading light for working, an A5-sized notebook, and a purple fountain or gel pen with really smooth ink flow.
🚀Six of one, half a dozen of the other. Recently, for the MDZS ghost stories, I've been doing partial outlines, but sometimes I just like to have vague notes, and sometimes I do a full detailed outline, and then again sometimes I just pants it.
👓Good music. I have several big playlists that I put on shuffle, but I also have one playlist for when I'm really unfocused that's multiple full albums, which definitely helps my brain to work. Lately I've also been listening to more instrumental stuff, primarily Glenn Gould playing Bach's "Well-Tempered Clavier" and the Don Byron album Bug Music. My "I need to finish this paper" album in undergrad and grad school was Treasure, by the Cocteau Twins.
💕Oof, that's tricky in the same way that the favorite-lines one was tricky. I have over 200 works up on AO3, a number of which are large prompt collections. Still, though, here are a few of my favorites--this list doesn't include any short fics in large prompt collections, because I don't feel like sorting through them.
flaming june (Donbrothers)
sunset, no regrets (Heisei Phase 1 Kamen Rider)
but it is sunlight (Kamen Riders Agito, Kabuto, Gaim, and Ghost)
compromise is made out of peace but history's made out of violence (Kamen Rider Amazons)
what could be nicer for you? (Ultraman Z)
We Enter The Circle After Dark And Are Consumed By Fire (Yakuza 0)
The Legally-Mandated First Date Experience (Lazy Town)
Break That Face (Batman/Superman)
Thomas and the Fucking Tiger in the Living Room (Secret Six)
The Queen of Elfland's Favored Son (Young Avengers)
Nag, Nag, Nag (Secret Six)
An Afternoon's Entertainment (Birds of Prey)
Kiddo (Young Avengers/Avengers)
And, for good measure, a couple of fics that aren't up anywhere:
Writ in Blood (MDZS--this is the next fic in the ghost story AU, the first chapter will be going up in about a week and a half)
Proof (WWE--I took down all of my wrestling fic and won't be reposting it, but this was a very silly monsters-AU story about Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins taking werewolf!Dean Ambrose to the groomers)
And on my Google Drive there's an entirely untitled Ultraman Gaia fic in which Gamu works through a science problem while he and Fujimiya are having sex, and I really ought to post it because it's very funny
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
“Where’s my goodnight kiss?” ( Beerus/Whis )
| Muse interaction
Whis sighs heavily to himself, he wished those saiyans were here still so they could take over on the chores again. Sure it kept the angel busy when Beerus slept. You know when he wasn't sneaking off to earth to spend time with Bluma and enjoying the most delicious food he has ever had in his life time. Not the point Whis, but the chore could get so very tedious and boring to keep up with. In truth? he often would skip out on them here and there. They didn't always need to be done after all but it had been some time since he last swapped out the bedding for his lord so he needed to take care of it. Then maybe he could sneak away after? Sounded like a good plan to the angel after all, he thought as he was busy smiling away just thinking of what he may be feeling to have now.Something savory maybe? hmm was he feel meet though hmm what something sweet? Oh something sweet would be very nice like cake maybe? Whis is already imagine he vribrant colors used in so many desserts. When he got to the bed of his lord.
Of course he paid a moment to look over their sleepy face, hand held over his mouth so he wouldn’t wake them when he offered a slight chuckle over the slight. “You are so unrefined when you sleep kitten~” he softly sings out to himself, they were adorable though. If only that grouch would let the angel dot over him about it more. Staff tapped to the ground now as he was careful to lift his lord from the bed. “alright back to work I can admire you later there are sweets waiting for me after all. And since you want to sleep over spending time with me.” He huffs a bit as he started to strip away the old bedding hmm maybe he waited a bit too long, oh he’ll make it up them and change them out sooner next time. Didn’t take long for him to get the newer sheets set up, another tap of his staff to lower the cat back now. Waiting a moment for them to settle back in. 
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“You’ll get you’re self sick if you sleep like that though?” he says setting the staff aside so he can take hold of the their blanket, “well not likely fools never catch the cold after all.” he smirks to himself, wishing they were awake to hear him say that. Even if it would mean dealing with the temper for daring to mock him. “Not to mention you would be ten times as much trouble to deal with if you did get sick.” Being God likely made that impossible but Whis was more sure it was because of that saying when it came to his lord. He paused when he noticed they seemed to awake? hmm maybe Beerus could slightly stir before surely be awake so he waited a moment, darn it. If Beerus woke up it meant no sweet Earth sweets for him. “Hello sleepy beauty you awake?” he hums softly in case it was just them readjust or something.
“Where’s my goodnight kiss?” 
Whis blushed slightly, no they must still be half asleep uh? he did smile though “oh forgive me how rude of me kitten~” He slightly purred as he leaned in, hey for all he knew Beerus was truly asking, softly pressing his lips against their forehead. Letting it linger a extra few seconds then needed, So their would be a faint imprint of the coral blue lip stick he wore on them. Pulling back he smiled far more warmly seeing that it did leave a print. “There sweet dreams kitten.”
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Far more happy now, that would be far sweeter than anything in the universe sorry Bluma, slowly to move away when they seemed to fall back asleep. A little giddy now as he near squirmed around in flight. Biteing his bottom lip a little so to stifle the squeals he wanted to let out. Hands setting to his face, he was going to need a moment to cool off or he would be showing up redder than lobster. Glancing over his shoulder to his Lord. Debating on if he should wash that mark when he returned or simply leave it be, chances were it rub off on the sheets from how they thrashed around. But if he were lucky? maybe it last till they till they wake up fully at least? Would be funny to try and explain that if they noticed it. Well he’ll make sure to bring something back for them this time...hopefully unless he eats it before they are awake again.
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mudskip-muses · 2 years
fuckin,,,,trying to remember how to be a living person after a nap i Shouldnt have taken,,,,,,,,
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lowkeyerror · 2 years
Her First & Her Future pt 3
Maddy Perez x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Angst, intervention, gun violence
Summary: Things get complicated when Maddy finds out the what she thought was a love triangle was more of a square. Since the cats out of the bag, Nate has no reason to hide his demon anymore. Luckily Y/n isn't afraid of Nate's demon.
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.4
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Y/n woke up in a good mood for the first time in a long time. Maddy on her mind, but no turmoil in her thoughts. Things were clear. She was finally in control.
Y/n filled Lexi in on what happened over text. The girl was happy for Y/n, though she advised her to be careful.
Y/n took her words to heart. She was already slightly weary of Maddy. Not of her intentions, but of her actions. Maddy was a reactive person and that was something Y/n had to look out for.
Lexi used Maddy as a segue to ask Y/n to come back to the Howard household tonight for Rue's intervention. Y/n didn't know Rue too well, but Lexi was asking because she needed support. Y/n agreed to go, not knowing the mess that would unfold at the intervention.
When Y/n arrived, Maddy and Kat were also there. As someone who had recovered from slight addiction Y/n didn't like the way this was set up. It felt like an ambush and she was sure Rue would think the same.
The group waited for Rue to come down the stairs. Y/n stood in the back with Lexi. There was the classic denial from Rue.
When Cassie spoke, Y/n wanted to roll her eyes. It was such a generic statement about one day at a time. It wasn't original everyone had heard it before.
Rue must've thought the same thing. Even in her clearly intoxicated state she set her eyes on Cassie. They narrowed in on the girl and in an innocent tone Rue spoke," Hey Cass?"
" Yeah?"
" I have a quick question for you," her tone was definitely a trigger in Y/n's head.
" What?"
The words slowly exit Rue's mouth," How long have you been fucking Nate Jacobs?"
The air feels like it has been sucked out of the room. Cassie's nervous laughter is the only thing filling the room.
" Wh-what, what, what are you talking about?"
Lexi's hand slaps over her mouth. Maddy looks back at Kat. In case no one heard her the first time Rue says it again.
" How long have you been fucking Nate?"
Everyone is quick to see through Cassie's crocodile tears.
" I’m not," she laughs again," What? I’m not."
Maddy's attitude did not surprise Y/n at all. The girl can sense the feeling of betrayal in the Latina's body language.
" What are you talking about?"
Rue takes the opportunity to deflect even more attention," Oh, I just-I, I saw her get his truck, and then, kiss him and drive off. That was, like, what, like, uh… like a month ago?"
Cassie tries to come up with a lie. It fails. Things start to make sense in Y/n's head. The way that Cassie was acting, yesterday. It was so obvious now that Rue said it outloud.
" Are you kidding me?" Maddy faces her best friend in disbelief.
" Cass that's like really bad."
Y/n keeps her eyes on Maddy, not knowing how the girl would react to this. For at least a month her best friend had been fucking her ex-boyfriend.
Maddy raises her voice," You’re fucking Nate? Are you kidding me?"
Cassie finally tries to defend herself," No, I… I don’t even know why she would say that."
It wasn't believable. The panic on her face and the tremble in her voice gave it all away. She was lying.
" You’re lying!"
" Can we just table this conversation?" Suze interjects.
Maddy claps back immediately," No."
Kat is already trying to calm Maddy down," Okay, let's go."
Y/n on the other hand is still waiting to see how far Maddy is going to go. She was going to stick by the girl, regardless of her actions. Cassie was Maddy's best friend, probably the first person she could actually trust. Even more than Y/n. This wasn't something that anyone would have predicted.
" No, no. You expect me to stand here next to my best friend who’s been lying to me about fucking my ex-boyfriend! I’m literally gonna get violent."
" Maddy-" Y/n finally speaks, but Suze cuts her off.
" No, there is no need to get violent, okay, because we are having an intervention!"
It escalates quickly as tears fall from Cassie's face. Maddy gets mad seeing the blonde girl cry," Oh, you’re crying?!"
Kat is on her heels.
" Y/n-"
" Give her a minute, Lex."
Maddy yells in the girl's face," You’re the one who’s hurt? You’re the most self-centered, idiotic person I have ever fucking met! You fuck my ex, and you’re fucking crying?!"
Y/n can see the anger bubbling in Maddy as the adults keep trying to mitigate the situation. Maddy's hands clasp together as if she is calling on the lord himself.
Cassie throws one last shot in the dark to shift the blame off of herself," I don’t even know why you’re believing her. She’s a drug addict."
At this point the act is over Maddy isn't buying it," How long have you been fucking him? Be honest."
" I told you these ambush style interventions aren't the best," Y/n says to Lexi watching the situation escalate further and further.
" Rue? When was this?"
Rue responds slowly," Right after New Year’s."
Once Maddy hears this there's another shift in her demeanor. Y/n stands, knowing that it's just about time for her to get involved. The way that Maddy cocks her hand back as she points at Cassie says more than the words.
" You dumb fucking bitch! I’m gonna fuck you–Don’t fuckin’ run away from me, you stupid fucking bitch!"
Cassie tries to run up stairs and Maddy is right there with her. This is when Y/n finally gets involved. She follows the pair quickly trying to grab Maddy.
" Maddy! Maddy, no."
Cassie locks herself in the bathroom. Maddy doesn't care; she keeps banging on the door. Y/n could see the girl's heart breaking in real time.
" Open the door and tell me it was worth it, you owe me that. Open the fucking door Cassie! What kind of fucking friend are you? What the fuck? "
Once Y/n hears Maddy's voice cracking she laid a hand on the girl's shoulder. " Maddy, please."
" This isn't about Nate. This is about you and me. And our friendship and if you wanna throw it away then fine. Cause I don't wanna be fucking friends with you."
She stopped talking to Cassie and started speaking more to herself," He put me through hell then he took my fucking best friend... like what the fuck? When is it going to end?"
She tries the door again, but Y/n stops her. Maddy glares at the Jacobs girl and Y/n throws her hand up in surrender. Maddy's eyes soften for a moment.
" You're a fucking coward. I would've never done this to you," she storms away from the door.
Kat goes to chase her but Y/n stops the girl," I have her."
Maddy goes right out of the Howard household. Y/n stops the girl by wrapping her arms around the girl. Maddy fights the hold.
" Get off of me."
" Maddy, it's just me."
Maddy seems to crumple in the girl's arms. She sobs into Y/n's chest," I fucking hate her."
Y/n doesn't have anything to say. All she can do is hold the girl," I'm sorry they did that to you."
Maddy wipes at her eyes," This is some fucked up type of karma isn't it? I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like this."
" I mean you did, but at least you feel bad about it."
She laughs through the tears," I can't with you. "
Y/n shrugs," What? It's true, she was too busy playing victim to feel bad for anyone, but herself. "
" You're right."
" She's not worth the tears. She wouldn't shed them for you, Maddy."
Maddy takes a deep breath and shakes her head a little," Fuck them."
Y/n kisses the Latina's forehead," Fuck them."
Maddy looks into Y/n's eyes. The want, present in her gaze. Y/n smiles lightly," You want something, Maddy."
Thr girl licks her lips, the taste of her tears coating her tongue. She nods slightly. Y/n doesn't make her wait any longer, placing a true kiss on the girl's lips.
Maddy holds Y/n's jaw in place as their lips move together. She doesn't want the Jacobs girl to pull away. Y/n's hand rests on Maddy's lower back, pulling her close.
Y/n missed the way Maddy tasted. The feeling of Maddy's lipgloss against her lips was her favorite . The slight stick it added was enough to drive the girl crazy.
" Damn I missed you," Maddy says, hands still on Y/n's face.
" Then don't lose me again."
Maddy places a gentle kiss on Y/n's lips," I won't."
Y/n finds that times move fluid when she's with Maddy. They never announce that they're a couple, but when it's Y/n instead of Nate walking down the hall with Maddy the school begins to talk. Especially since when they do see Nate walking down the hall Cassie is by his side, in what could only be described as a poor cosplay of Maddy.
For Y/n and Maddy it's a big joke. Seeing Cassie try her best to be something she's not. The lack of self really shines through as she becomes Nate's new barbie. However their relationship doesn't concern the pair. Even at home Y/n makes a point to not address the Cassie situation.
Things at home are relaxed for Y/n for a small period of time. The family seemingly gets along better without Cal in the picture. Even though things were tense with Nate, Y/n made an effort to be civil around their mother.
Nothing was perfect but things were alright.
With the way things were going in their relationship, it wasn't uncommon for Y/n to pick Maddy up from her babysitting gig.
When they got to Maddy's house, Y/n did not plan on getting out of the car. That was until she saw her brother's car parked further down Maddy's street.
As her girl began exiting the car, y/n stopped her. " Are you expecting Nate?"
" No?" Maddy's confused tone said more than enough for Y/n.
" Something is up," Y/n reached into her glove box and pulled out one of her father's guns.
" What the fuck, Y/n?" Maddy panicked at the sight of the weapon.
Y/n tucked the piece in her waistband," Do you trust me?"
Maddy's eyes shifted to the weapon and then Y/n's," I trust you."
Y/n got out of the car and Maddy followed her lead.
" His car is parked here, a ways down so you don't see it immediately. I think he's in your house and I don't know what he wants, but I just have a feeling," Y/n explained as they walked towards Maddy's front door.
" What if it's nothing?"
Y/n shook her head," It's never nothing with him."
She was right. Maddy insisted on going into her room alone. She wanted Y/n to wait outside and if she heard anything, to come in immediately.
Y/n's nerves were through the roof. It was quiet, their voices were muffled. She could hardly hear anything from outside of the room. Seconds seemed like hours waiting for something, anything.
Then she heard it. The sound was unmistakable. She was entering the room with her own weapon drawn without a second thought.
Y/n placed the cool metal on the back of Nate's neck. His hands raise slowly and his weapon drops to the floor. Y/n grabs a handful of his jacket and slams him against Maddy's bedroom wall.
" You need help Nate," Y/n keeps the gun at his head.
" You don't understand Y/n."
Y/n almost laughs," What is there to understand? You pulled a fucking gun on her Nate. There's no reason."
He looks at Maddy, but Y/n steps back into his field of view.
" She has a tape of dad and Jules."
Y/n furrows her eyebrows," What do you mean she has a tape of dad and Jules?"
Y/n presses the gun further into his skull.
" They slept together."
Y/n feels sick. Her whole body rejects the thoughts.
" I was going to turn it in anonymously," Maddy whispers.
Y/n ignores the girl for the time being," Why do you want it, Nate?"
The boy clenches his jaw," If anyone is putting him away, it's me. I want him to know it's me. He deserves it and I deserve to do it Y/n."
Y/n stares into her brother's eyes. For a moment they're young again. He's not a monster, but a victim. Maybe for this one instance he deserves justice.
" I can't keep saving you from your actions, Nate," Y/n turns her attention to Maddy," Give him the tape."
Maddy gets the recording and passes it to Y/n. The girl then hands it to her brother. She removes the gun from his head.
" Now go and leave Maddy the fuck alone."
Nate leaves without a word with the disc in his hand. When Y/n hears the front door close she drops the gun.
" Jesus fucking christ," she closes her eyes overwhelmed by the entire situation.
She looks over at Maddy and instantly crosses the room to wrap her arms around the girl. She holds Maddy tighter than she's ever held her before. The thought of what could've happened if she wasn't with Maddy invading her mind.
" If you didn't-"
" But I did and I always will. As long as I've got breath in my lungs, I'm going to protect you."
" Stay with me tonight?"
Y/n takes that at a sign to lie down in Maddy's bed. The dark haired girl is quick to cuddle into Y/n.
" Always"
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
Cuddle Time w/ the OM Cast
Baby Simeon woke me up from my slumber. That card is fucking adorable, I want it.
The fact Lucifer doesn't immediately throw them off whenever they try to snuggle should be proof enough of his love.
Cuddling is mostly done in the privacy of his bedroom. Occasionally he'll allow it in his office, but only if he's not busy.
He prefers to do it on one of the many chairs or cushions he has by the fire. Between the warmth of their body and the heat of the fireplace, he'll relax into it in seconds…
His favorite position is face-to-face with them on his lap - it's a way for him to "hand over" control while still feeling perfectly in charge. Sure, they can trace his jaw or fluff his hair as much as they like, but it's his arms holding them in place.
Gets beyond grouchy if they get interrupted... First, it's embarrassing, but second, who even has the right? If he gets pulled away for anything less than a house fire, someone (usually Mammon) is getting tied up to the chandelier...
Jumps at cuddle time, but always tries to play it off afterwards like an indecisive puppy.
Like Lucifer, he prefers his bedroom or theirs, but he'll do it in the Common Room too if he really needs a "pick-me-up." It's just that they usually get interrupted in there, so…
Likes to cuddle in bed or on couches, any place that's long enough to let him stretch out a bit. He wants to monopolize as much MC as he can.
Favorite position is laying on them so that his head is on their stomach or chest, kind of like a blanket. Like I said, the MC Surface Area to Mammon ratio is very important to him. More than half of MC must be cuddled for supreme satisfaction.
Whines like crazy if they get interrupted (and they usually do). Nearly every brother has an automatic gut reaction to toss him across the room if they see it happening, but that never stops him trying.
Levi had to warm to cuddling but after that he was all-in for life.
Really only does it in his room (duh). He gets so nervous about trying it anywhere else that you'd think it was scandalous or something...
Actually prefers to cuddle on the floor - on beanbags or pillows of course. It's not terribly comfortable to cuddle and play games together in his bedtub and he needs the multitasking.
Favorite position (scratch that, the only position) is with their back to him and his arms around them in some way, probably also gripping a controller (or vice versa). They can do it laying down or sitting up, but that's what he can muster. His brain stops functioning if they ever try to face each other...
Not above vague thoughts of homicide if they get interrupted. He already doesn't like letting go, so add on the depletion of his all important "MC Meter" and he's going to be very grumpy indeed…
Cuddles a bit like a semi-social cat. Less big on full-on snuggling, but he still requires physical contact.
Much more relaxed about the PDA than the others, but his affection style is more casual looking as well. He'll cuddle right about anywhere, but mostly whenever he's reading.
Couches or loveseats are easiest. Chairs are less so, but manageable as long as they can sit close to each other. 
Favorite position is to have them sit next to him with their legs over his lap. He only needs one hand to read so the other usually roams around mindlessly while he's engrossed in a book. He may rub their thighs, hold their hand, or play with their hair.
Hates being interrupted with a burning passion. The death glare he'll send to anyone stupid enough to try could curdle milk… Give Satan his MC time if you know what's good for you.
Needs cuddle time like he needs air, but would you expect any less from the embodiment of Lust?
Down to cuddle anytime, anywhere - zero shame and no hint of hesitation. Sometimes he'll come over and latch into them in the middle of someone else's conversation...
Fond of using beds but he's also mastered cuddling in the tub, his bathroom is certainly built for it. Nothing beats a nice hot bath with his nice warm MC! 😘
Favorite position is really any of them. He's hardly going to be picky - though if given the choice, he'll pull them to the nearest bed and wrap himself around them so tight that they may get stuck together.
Whines louder than Mammon if they ever get interrupted and pelt the intruder with pillows or shoes to make them go away (it rarely works though…). 
Always happy to cuddle with MC!... as long as they don't mind his stomach growling from time to time.
Prefers to cuddle after he's downed some big feast. When the food coma is setting in, it's really nice to hold MC for a while… They make him feel full for at least five extra minutes!
He tries to incorporate MC into his training sometimes so his favorite position is to have them latched onto him like a kola while he goes about the House. If their arms or legs get tired, he'll carry them over to a couch and just continue from there.
If he's got to be still, then he prefers to cuddle in a bed, ideally one where Belphie is. Nothing warms his heart more than having the both of them clung into him in some way, it's very therapeutic. 😊
Not AS bothered when they get interrupted… If anything he's just disappointed. He was probably having fun, but they'll come back, right...?
Look, all time is "Cuddle Time" and any other activity is just a distraction. If Belphie could hot glue the MC to his body, he would. 
Being cuddled to sleep is a MUST. He thrives on their proximity and the sound of their heartbeat is the world's best lullaby.
Unfortunately, he doesn't even need to be particularly comfortable to get cuddling in… He has been known to just collapse onto their lap if he's tired enough, all else be damned.
His favorite position is any way that lets them be his pillow. Any particular soft parts of the body like the stomach are fair game. He'll use their thighs like a neck pillow if he wants to (and hope that they don't try choking him out of revenge...).
There's really no interrupting Belphie. If someone needs MC, he'll latch onto their legs so they either stay put or bring him too. The others have to use magic or spatulas just to pry him off...
Big on cuddle time. HUGE on cuddle time! This man has hardly ever been touched, so this is a dream come true!!
Look, he's the king so he'll cuddle them wherever he damn well pleases! (That's a lie, Barbatos won't let him do it during work hours… Otherwise it's fine.)
He's very enthusiastic but uh… kind of inexperienced so a lot of things (like convenient location) don't occur to him right away. Like sure, they could go cuddle in a big ass bed, but he really wants to hold them RIGHT NOW so they're just going to have to do this in an empty ballroom somehow...
His favorite position is probably best described as the "Teddy Bear," where they just sit on his lap and he hugs them from behind. He'll even rest his chin on their head if he can. It looks vaguely like he's holding them hostage but they actually seem happy about it.
Unless your name is Barbatos or Lucifer, you do not interrupt them. As far as he knows, there's still a snake in the dungeons and you don't want to be the person he sends to check…
A spot of quiet intimacy is quite rare for him… but never unwelcome.
Assuming Barbs even finds the time in his schedule to sit still for a while, he will almost always opt to do so when utterly alone (sometimes even in deserted timelines). It's very embarrassing to be caught procrastinating at work...
Ever the pleaser, he'll claim that he has no real preferences but if he were being honest it's when they're curling up together on a cushion or loveseat. It's comfortable, but still allows for some proper conversion.
Unlike others, no matter what position they take he'll always want to be face-to-face. When he gets to be with them so rarely, why would he ever want to see their back turned…?
NO ONE interrupts them. No one. Short of Diavolo needing him desperately, if someone sees the two of them together they will turn around. Even an irritated Barbatos is scary, an angry one is terrifying…
Oh man… This is the height of intimacy for an angel. Cuddling with Simeon is just as sweet and relaxing as it sounds - it's an almost photogenic level of serenity, fit for the brushes of Renaissance painters trying to define what divine love is...
Naturally, because it's such an intimate act Simeon will only do so in absolute privacy. He doesn't even want Luke to see, it's just that personal...
Part of why he's so guarded is because it's one of the rare times he'll let his wings be free. They're very delicate, so he has to sit on stools, logs, or other backless seats to even let them out but it's worth it.
His favorite position is to have the MC sit across his lap while he holds them as close as possible. He'll beat his wings for a nice breeze on hot days or fold them in to shelter the MC from cold ones. No matter what, their movement is so glimmering and graceful that they're practically mesmerizing…
To him getting interrupted is legitimately so mortifying you'd think he got caught streaking. Even the brothers - sans Satan - will avert their eyes if they find them like that… while still telling him to back off but at least they're considerate about it.
Solomon's softest moments come when he's cuddling MC… but he's still a little mischievous no matter what.
They pretty much have to do it in secret because if any of the brothers see them, they'll throw a fit… So snuggling in cramped storage closets or "so-high-up-in-the-air-no-one-can-stop-us" it is!
But when he wants to poke buttons, Solomon will magic them onto his lap dead-ass in the middle of RAD, like, two minutes before a class starts just to watch the world burn…
If he had a favorite position, it's sitting wrapped up together in his cape. It feels intimate, warm, and the starry-sky pattern makes him feel like there's nothing in the universe but them…
Interruptions are frequent - thank the PDA police - but only in the Devildom. In the human world, though? They're all his and he soaks up every minute of it... Sorry fellas. 😏
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
adult jaune, who for reasons is the adoptive father of ren and nora's daughter, then when a suitor arrives for the hand of his "daughter" and she calls him dad for the first time in some way the story ends with this:
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Hmm… “Play-by- Play Colour Cometary In Another World…” Or something close to that…
Good manga; I got the photo for the first, or second NNN: R from it. Same pairing too.
Wish it updated more often…
This Is How It Was Meant To Be
Rieka: Uhh… J-Jaune…?
Jaune: Hmm…? Oh, Rieka, you need something?
Rieka: Y-Yeah… Abraxas, and I wanted to talk to you…
Abraxas: Hello, Mr. Arc, how are you doing this day?
Jaune: Abraxas! Good to see you, how’s your mom?
Abraxas: Mom is fine, a bit exhausted, leading a group such as the White Fang will do that to you.
Jaune: So long as she doesn’t start overworking herself again, your mother tends to hyper focus on a project. Hopefully, Sun will keep a eye on her.
Abraxas: Dad is… helping…
Jaune: That…! That’s to be expected…
Abraxas: Yeah…
Jaune: So, you two needed something?
Abraxas: Yeah… W-Well I wanted to ask you something…
Jaune: Ask away then.
Abraxas: O-Okay then… You see the thing is…
Jaune: …
Abraxas: The thing is…
Rieka: Go on, you can ask him…
Abraxas: I know… T-This is just hard to talk about…
Jaune: What is?
Abraxas: …!
Abraxas: Mr. Arc! May I have permission to marry your daughter!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Eh…?
Rieka: Jaune… Abraxas, and I have been dating for quite sometime now… A-And, we would like to get married…
Abraxas: So I am here… To get your blessing, Mr. Arc.
Jaune: Wow… I didn’t expect this when I woke up this morning… W-Why didn’t you tell me, or Pyrrha for that matter, that you two are dating. Did you think I’d be upset, or something?
Abraxas: It was my idea not to tell anyone we are dating, Sir.
Rieka: More like your fault…
Jaune: Meaning?
Abraxas: Well, you see…?!
Rieka: He’s too hot! Everyone thinks he smoking hot, and let me tell you, he is! We were worried some sort of mad brawl would happen if anyone found out he was taken. To which I would have won, he’s mine now, none one else’s can have him… Only me!
Abraxas: Uhh…?
Jaune: Pfft! Hahaha!
Reika: What’s so funny?
Jaune: Your possessiveness; Your mother was just like that with your father back when we were at Beacon. It’s nice to see the Valkyrie warrior spirit lives on in you! Hehe… Haa… I miss them… They would have been over the moon for you…
Reika: You really think so…?
Jaune: Without a shadow of a doubt.
Abraxas: So… Do we have your blessing…?
Jaune: …
Rieka: Please, Jaune…
Jaune: …
Rieka: Can we please have your blessing… D-Dad…?
Jaune: W-What did you call me…?
Rieka: Dad… A-Am I not allowed to call you dad…
Jaune: Y-Yes… You’ve always been allowed to call me, Dad. I just never expected you to call me it considering… everything. However, are you just calling me dad as a means to emotionally manipulate me into saying yes?
Rieka: Y-Yes…?
Jaune: You are, Nora’s daughter! She did that to me all the time! Or, at least tried to…
Abraxas: So do we have your permission then?
Jaune: You may have my permission…
Abraxas: Oh! Thank you! Thank you, Mr. Arc!
Reika: Dad! You have no idea how much this means to us!
Jaune: You didn’t let me finish.
Rieka: Eh?
Abraxas: Beg pardin…?
Jaune: You may have my permission, and my daughter’s hand in marriage, but only after you defeat me in mortal combat!!!
Abraxas: W-What?!
Rieka: Dad?! You can’t be serious?!
Jaune: I must: Your mother would have wanted it this way! Now, defend yourself spawn of Cat, and Monkey!
Abraxas: Y-You must be jo…?! Ahh?!!
Rieka: W-W-What the hell?! Dad stop it! I-I…?! MOM!!!
Pyrrha: What did you call me?!!
Rieka: Mom, you just destro…?! GRK?!!
Pyrrha: Oh, Reika! You finally see me as your mother! I know I could never replace your mother, but I wanted to be the best I could be in her place! It makes me so happy to hear you say this!
Rieka: Can we talk about this later?! Dad’s trying to kill my boyfriend!
Pyrrha: You called, Jaune dad?!! Oh this is such a wonderful… Wait, boyfriend?! Since when have you been dating Abraxas, and why is, Jaune trying to kill him?
Rieka: C-Can we talk about us dating later?!
Pyrrha: Really, cause it would probably explain all of… this?
Rieka: Abraxas was trying to get Dad’s permission to marry me, and…
Pyrrha: You two?! Oh, you’d make such a wonderful couple~!
Rieka: Mom, Dad said, Abraxas could only get his permission if he defeated, Dad in ritual combat!
Pyrrha: So?
Rieka: So we have to stop him!!!
Pyrrha: No, we have to do this; It’s what, Nora would have wanted.
Rieka: …
Rieka: W-What the fuck?!
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