#one is a zalgo x reader
painbringer · 1 year
so lmao me reinstalling obey me(s) happend at the same time span of my fp replacing me witb ankther guy so...
instead of sleeping or tryinv to talk things out incase if its a misunderstandin im writing another hyperspecific yn/mc comfort fanfic
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eldritch-nightmare · 11 months
Can you make a scenario about how the pastas would react after an argument? Like, if the reader left to get some fresh air? (I crave angst)
a/n: indeed i can my friend here's a healthy amount of (very mild) angst just for you. i'm so totally gonna use this idea in a future chapter for the silly lil scenarios book as well because uh angst. maybe the prompt got away from me just a little bit i won't lie.
how do they react after an argument?
includes: jeff the killer, laughing jack, slenderman, nina the killer, eyeless jack, jane the killer, candy pop, clockwork, ticci toby, nurse ann, x virus, kagekao, jason the toymaker, the puppeteer, homicidal liu, sully, the bloody painter, the doll maker, zalgo, and hobo heart.
warnings: the aftermath of an argument, relationship disputes, some of these are healthy and some of these are not, inconsistent length.
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JEFF THE KILLER would honestly be more upset if you walked out after an argument. he's already upset enough as it is, so you turning your back to him and storming out just makes his blood boil. he won't follow after you, but he'll definitely disappear for the next few days. he really isn't the best at resolving arguments, no matter how small they are. and unless he really fucks up, then he isn't going to apologize even if he is in the wrong. he's jeff the fucking killer, what the hell does he have to feel sorry about? you should consider yourself lucky that he didn't gut you for pissing him off.
if you want to have any form of resolve to this argument, you'll have to force the conversation because he will actively try to shut you down. he can't. he literally can't. resolution is not something he is good at, and unless you're the one to apologize, even if you aren't the one who is at fault, he's just not going to let any of this resolve. does that make him an asshole? yeah, it does. does he feel guilty? just a little. does that change anything? no, not really.
LAUGHING JACK, similar to jeff, would feel more upset over you walking away from the fight rather than the fight itself. he can come off as pretty scary during an argument, especially if it's one where he feels like he's in the right. he gets frustrated easily, and he's just overall a very expressive person, so. and he can get pretty fucking mean if he wants to, so yeah honestly you needing to walk away makes complete and total sense and he knows that it makes sense but that doesn't make him any less upset.
he'll just blame it on his abandonment issues or something because seeing you leave just to go and calm down should not have hurt as much as it did. and he debates going after you but he ultimately decides it would be best if he didn't. he wants to resolve this though, and he'll try but it'll be painfully awkward because, i mean, yeah.
SLENDERMAN is, by default, a pretty scary being the begin with so i imagine an argument with it would be pretty unnerving. it isn't used to people arguing with it, that's for sure. i think it would be more amused than upset, seeing such a small being stare up at it as if trying to intimidate it... it's a cute sight to see, that's for sure. it'll keep that thought to itself, of course. it imagines that saying such a thing out loud may only make things worse.
slender won't be upset when you walk away. it understands that you're just going to cool off. it'll take this time to clear its own thoughts until the two of you are ready to talk again and clear up the tension.
NINA THE KILLER would be immensely frustrated seeing you walk away. she'll probably let out a groan and tell you to come back, but she won't follow after you. she understands that if the two of you kept arguing any longer, things would only get worse. she knows that, so she'll use this as a chance to calm down herself. nina gets over things easier than you would think, and if this argument wasn't over anything major then the next time you see her, she'll most likely be back to her usual self.
she'll probably be the first to apologize as well, even if she feels as if she's not the one at fault. she can't stand when you're upset at her, so just accept her apology so the two of you can move on, yeah?
EYELESS JACK is always viewed as mature and in control of his emotions. and he is. a little too in control if we're being honest here. for most arguments you guys may have, he'll keep his cool and will try to understand your point of view and where you're coming from. there are times, however, when the control he has over his emotions slips, and you get reminded that oh. your boyfriend is a cannibalistic demon that can literally kill you in the blink of an eye. he really doesn't mean to scare you, but it's definitely a good thing you choose that moment to walk away to cool off because he has to physically force himself to not go after you.
and once he calms down, he will apologize. it's a genuine apology, one written all over his face. he never wants to or means to invalidate you and your emotions, and he never wants to make you scared of him.
JANE THE KILLER would probably be the first to walk away from an argument, if we're being fairly honest. if this is richardson we're talking about, then she's definitely more mature about it and politely suggests that you both take fifteen minutes to cool off before continuing the conversation. she does it because it's one, a healthy thing to do for your relationship, and two, while she is heavily in control of her emotions, the liquid hate running through her veins enhances her anger and it would be really bad if she genuinely got angry.
if this is arkensaw, i think she'll be a little less mature than she would like. she portrays herself as someone in control of her emotions, but her emotions and her hatred are what drive her. she does her best to her burning-hot anger in check but if you two have an argument, then it's fairly difficult. if you walk away first, then it'll only serve to upset her more, but she won't go after you. honestly, she'll probably even avoid you in the coming days because her anger lingers. it always lingers.
CANDY POP thinks it's cute that this little argument of yours got you so worked up that you had to walk away from him. honestly hell yeah if i were you i'd walk away from him as well because there is simply no winning with this guy. worst man you could ever argue with, to be honest.
but as we all know, his mood can change in an instant with no warning so. one moment, he thinks you walking away from him is cute and adorable. the next, he's getting frustrated and following after you because you don't get to walk away from him, silly. haven't you realized that he owns you?
CLOCKWORK, while she has her own anger issues and tends to get easily frustrated by the smallest of things, does try her best to keep her emotions in check if you two ever have an argument. it's not easy, and there have been times when she's snapped at you, but she always apologizes immediately after.
you walking away would make sense. she understands, she knows that you both need to take time to calm down before things get too heated. she gets it. but depending on what you two are arguing about, doing so could only serve to make her more angry. it's... frustrating, really. she won't follow after you though, because she knows it's what is best.
TOBY would want you to walk away. he needs it, to be honest. he tries to avoid getting into arguments with you for various different reasons. arguing with you stresses him out more than he would like it to, and it reminds him of the hold you have on him. you walking away from the argument would give him time to clear his head and cool off.
once you've both calmed down, he'll probably be the first to approach you because he cannot stand the awkward tension that always lingers after arguments with people. he wants to clear the air so this can all just be water under the bridge. it'll be a painfully awkward conversation though. he's not good at... resolving arguments. never had a positive example, to be honest.
NURSE ANN struggles to speak, so i think she would try to avoid getting into an argument because she feels as if she won't be able to properly get her point across. but arguments are bound to happen sooner or later, even in the healthiest relationships. and ann, to put it simply, is a very angry person. she keeps that anger in check when you're around, but it's literally impossible to not slip up a few times.
since ann rarely ever vocally speaks, her anger is typically conveyed in her stares and her jerky gestures as she signs. you walking away is the smartest thing you could do in that moment, leaving her alone to stew in her always-burning anger that she'll choose to take out on any nearby destructible objects or some sad poor soul that just so happens to trespass at her hospital in the coming hours.
X-VIRUS seems like the type of guy who has never really been in any arguments, to be honest. maybe when he was at the orphanage he got into a few petty arguments between the other kids, but nothing that would warrant needing to walk away, y'know? and i definitely don't think he'd treat the argument seriously, brushing off your words and whatnot.
he only realizes that you were genuinely angry with him when you walked away. it's definitely like... a slap in the face that oh. i'm a fucking asshole. he's not really sure what to do in this moment, and he waits until you come back on your own to try and apologize. but he's not the best at apologies.
KAGEKAO wouldn't treat the argument seriously at all. at least, not at first. honestly, he'd probably purposefully get you even more upset just to get a reaction out of you. does that make him an asshole? oh, most certainly. he just likes seeing you feel anything towards him, even if it's anger. he likes getting a reaction out of you because it's him you're reacting to. and it's entertaining as well, though you don't need to know that.
when you walk away, he'll feel a little frustrated at not being able to see you but he won't follow after you. he knows when to stop his antics. shocking, i know. and, if you're lucky, he may even hold you in his arms once you calm down. it's his way of an apology, i suppose.
JASON THE TOYMAKER fucking hates arguing with you. you're his other half, so arguing with you makes him feel sick to his stomach because what if... what if you aren't the one? he likes you too much to lose you, so you have to be the one. he definitely seems like he'd try to keep the argument short, and he'll be relieved when you walk away to cool off.
you don't try to leave him afterward, even if he was at fault for whatever you two may have been bickering over. that's good, really. that means you want to stay with him, even if you two have arguments like this. that's... that's so good.
THE PUPPETEER can't stand when anyone argues with him, so yeah, any argument you may have with him will be horrible and tense and it will not be pretty. he has to be the one to get the final word. he has to be the one in the right, even if he isn't. you must be aware of this, right? i mean, you're (hopefully, i assume) willingly sticking around this guy, right? so you should know that there's no winning with him.
and you walking away is simply not something he'll take kindly to. it's something that'll more than likely get a how dare you reaction out of him. you're a fool if you think he's just going to let you walk away. no, he'll either follow after you, or he'll pull you back with his strings. the conversation isn't over until he says that it's over.
HOMICIDAL LIU definitely does try to avoid any potential arguments with you. to be honest, most of your arguments with him will more than likely stem from his almost blatant disregard for his health and safety when he's injured as well as his almost suffocating habit of needing to protect you and keep you safe. it's inevitable, even if it's something he tries so desperately to avoid. that desperation is what tends to lead to arguments as well, if we're being honest.
he's not upset when you walk away. honestly, he's glad that you do. he always feels pretty damn awful whenever you two fight, and he patiently waits until you're ready to pick things back up so you two can resolve things and move on.
SULLY listens to everything you say with rapt attention. the only thing that matters to him at that moment is whatever you two are arguing about. hell, he doesn't give a shit about the argument itself rather than what you say, the expressions you make, and your tone of voice. every little gesture or movement you make catches his attention. honestly, if you asked him what you two were arguing about, he'd just look at you with a slightly confused expression because he's already forgotten.
and when you walk away to cool off and get some air, he has to restrain himself from following after you. he forces himself to sit down and he bites his fist as his mind hyper-focuses on every word you said and the way you looked at him and just... yeah, he's already moved on from the argument he just wants to see your face and hear your voice again.
THE BLOODY PAINTER is definitely not someone you want to have an argument with, honestly. not because he's an angry person or scary to get into an argument with or anything like that, no. he's just... very apathetic. it'll feel like you're arguing with a brick wall rather than a person, and you'll maybe even feel as if he doesn't care about you or your feelings. he just stares at you, blank-faced and monotoned.
once you realize that this argument is going literally nowhere, you leave to calm yourself down and he stays behind. it's not that he doesn't care about you and your feelings, he does, truly, he just... well... i could go into heavy heavy detail about his apathy when it comes to arguments but to spare you the length of that, just know that he does care, he's just absolutely horrific at showing it. once you come back, he will apologize for not better expressing himself and for unintentionally invalidating you and your feelings. he'll be better, though it will take time for him to become expressive.
THE DOLL MAKER seems like the type of person who wouldn't handle arguments well, i think. he's a fairly closed-off person and has some trouble conveying his thoughts and feelings sometimes, so i think it would stress him out a bunch if he got into a fight with you. depending on how bad the argument is, he'll either try to diffuse the situation or he may get angry and make things worse.
the moment you walk off, vine will be throwing himself into work to both calm himself down and distract himself from any potentially needless thoughts. he'll certainly try his best to resolve the conflict with you once you've both taken time to calm down but it'll definitely be stiff.
ZALGO would be very amused if you try arguing with him over something. you, a silly little mortal that somehow managed to catch his interest, are trying to argue with him, an eldritch horror beyond human comprehension that literally creates chaos for shits and giggles? how adorable. he's not going to take you seriously at all, i hope you know that.
and even if you walk away, you won't exactly be alone. zalgo is always there with you, even if not physically. a part of him is stuck with you, so he's always able to watch you, to talk to you. he thinks you're being dramatic for getting upset over something that he deems to be so utterly insignificant. there won't be any form of conflict resolution with him, so don't expect any form of apology or empathy or anything of that sort.
HOBO HEART you gotta be careful with, i think. the last time he felt as if he'd been wronged by the person he loved, he tore her heart out. not to say he'd tear your heart out over a minor argument or anything like that, no, that would be pretty petty and... he doesn't really think he's a terrible enough person to do that. maybe. depending on how serious the argument is.
he'll be a little disheartened when you walk away because he would rather clear up the air and tension immediately rather than wait but he understood, somewhat, that it'd be better if you both took time to cool off before either of you tried to resolve the conflict hanging in the air.
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scary-lasagna · 10 months
HEYY! Wondering if you do everymanhybrid and if so could you write a HABIT x reader headcannons? Relationship in general I don’t have specifics in mind
I might have mentioned him in passing before, but I'll definitely write something about him for his place in my AU, it's a bit ooc from EMH but it's very interesting.
Habit is...not mentally stable in the slightest.
The only time he would fall in love is if it either a.) benefited him or b.) you were smokin' hot and he obsesses over you
And be prepared to hear him mull and complain over both Slender and Zalgo, both who equally piss him off but he's forced to be nice to one of the two.
But when Habit falls, he will fall hard. You will sit on a royal pedestal, and HABIT your knight in shining armor. There would be nothing he is against doing for you.
He grovels at your feet, swearing to always protect you, to keep you fed, to keep you safe and warm, to-
“I KNOW you only asked for Kirspy Kreme, but darling my point still stands.” And he pulls his unsettling, ear-to-ear grin out of his back pocket to plaster on his face.
But all-in-all he’s your little guard dog.
Most of his working hours are spent obsessing over Slender’s history and origins, striving to find any bit of information that will lead to his downfall.
The rest of his work day is spent over tea with Zalgo, not that he ever drinks any, he’s really just there for the lemon squares and latest celebrity news that haven’t hit the 6 o clock channels yet.
After all, Zalgo has close ties to all of the higher ups. He always has the best gossip.
He might shove some pastries in his pockets for you if anything looks of your taste, but they’re usually melted or crumbled by the time he gets home. Usually he licks the remains out of his pocket (gross).
There’s also a room in your shared space that you are never allowed to go in, two if you’re counting the closet.
A room filled to the brim with ancient texts, books, artifacts, and knives hold a red herring for a closet in that same room filled with many different types of guns, weapons, cursed artifacts, and a haunted McDonalds coupon from 2008.
HABIT and Evan function similarly to Liu and Sully, however HABIT has the upper hand in the body. It’s a once in a blue moon occurrence that Evan will peek through and attempt to escape the house and/or try to kill you, thinking you kidnapped him.
Freaked the hell out of you the first time it happened before HABIT managed to grab hold of the reigns.
Safe to say, Evan was properly dealt with that night in the dimension of HABITs brain, being held in a void of endless whispering and torment while you sat with HABIT, watching Twilight just to make fun of it.
He’s also kind of…not the brightest. He always has the right idea, but never quite sure how to execute it properly. This is the explanation of the many failed assassination attempts toward Slender and his brothers.
He has been sucker punched more times than he can count by 3/4 of them. Splendor just talks him down with a therapy session and it works in more ways than one.
But this also applies to relationships. You want roses? He gets you daisies because they look better, even though you specified roses.
A fancy restaurant date? Takes you on a cruise. You didn’t want or pack for a cruise. Neither did he. Don’t ask where he got the money.
Right idea, wrong execution.
He’s also extremely clingy, even though it’s been implied, but he will quite literally hover around you, waiting to be acknowledged or asked to do something for you, because if he’s not working, he doesn’t have anything else worth tending to except for you.
You’ve once asked for alone time and he quite literally sat in the floor of the kitchen and twiddled his toes until you got peckish for a snack and stumbled on him.
“Why are you on the floor?”
“I was waiting for you to ask me to get you a cookie.”
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Creepypastas of your choice with a mysterious reader that has been with slender man the longest/was the first creepypasta
eyeless jack, laughing jack, slenderman, and jeff x reader who was the first creepypasta/has been with slenderman the longest!
NOTE that jeffs part is written as platonic since im still not comfortable writing romance for him, but the other two can be seen as either or! eyeless jack was chosen thanks to the admin personally hcing that eyeless jack and slenderman have beef over living in the same woods, laughing jack was picked because haha funny clown who is also old as shit reader is implied to be nonhuman, to explain how theyve been around for so long so! admin headcannons that zalgo was the one who made all the non-human creepypastas and they may or may not come into play here that aside, hope you enjoy!
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now he doesnt want to control who you hang out and who you dont hang out with... however ej isnt all the keen on the fact that you sometimes hang out with the tall lanky forest demon.. but he holds his tongue. their basic beef is that they mostly fight over space; slenderman is possessive over his woods, and ej fled to the woods after he started eating flesh to live as a hermit... is a little suspicious on how you seem to know so much about the curse-thing that turned from from a human to a man eating monster.. though lets up if you open up about things (cough cough zalgos role in everything cough cough) soooo.... as for actual relationship stuff? honestly as long as you dont bring slenderman around you guys have a pretty solid relationship! especially since you know so much of whats going on you kind of fill him in on a bunch of stuff.. like how people fill in the new guy at work about the drama and lore of the workplace, you know? is a relieved that youre not exactly human, so a lot of his worry of accidentally attacking you while in one of his feral blood frenzy things is minimal... sits.. tension in the beginning that melts as time passes and explanations are given, you know?
honestly hes just happy to have someone whos not super young compared to him/was there to see what was going on at least a century ago.. or more (fandom wiki says origin story takes place in 1800s, jack is OOOOOOOLLLD) so its nice having someone he can talk to about stuff from the past. and to joke about stuff from the past... and to have someone actually. GET IT. you know? really strengthens your bond, as well as reassures him that youre likely not going to die anytime soon due to your mortality... i always think about that stuff for immortal characters/characters who can technically outlive everyone, especially for jack since i feel he has abandonment issues... shrugs... you guys probably exchange tips and tricks for loads of things. just two old people in love but they both act like reckless young adults (assuming reader matches his energy). has no huge thoughts or opinions on slenderman since i dont think they would interact often :0
i mean i think it would be a given that you guys, against all odds, have stuck together and grown close. slenderman is reclusive, very much so. i mention that eyeless jack is a hermit, so naturally ej doesnt connect with many people. but slenderman takes that to a whole new level. i mean he barely even interacts with his proxies (still dont know how im going to write toby, masky, and hoodie. esp masky n hoodie since... theres the creepypasta/marble hornets thing.. shrugs... thats a problem for future admin)
so consider this a huge victory that he hasnt gotten rid of you in some way and has instead let you into his.. well i was about to say heart but i dont think zalgo considered giving him one when it was creating him.. though.. it is nice to have someone just as ancient as him, makes it easier to relate to people AND youre also a creature like him, made from zalgo? even more ability to relate to you.. though its a very quiet dynamic, slenderman isnt much of a talker so i hope you dont mind carrying conversations!
pushing once again that this segment is strictly platonic since admin isnt comfy with writing romantic for jeff so they just had an interesting idea for him!
very similar to eyeless jacks bit where you fill him in one a bunch of lore and how things work, as well as filling him in on the teeny tiny detail that demons and monsters exist. jeff is a little different in admins au/hc, since he kind of just. exists rather than being created explicitly to cause issues + hes new to the being a creepypasta thing (if you can call being on the run and being off the grid for the past decade or so new, admin is working on timeline stuff </3) (new in comparison to the other characters hush hush) so a lot of your dynamic is filling him in on things as well as perhaps even offering some sort of guidance in how to actually go about interacting with these creatures that he know.. just has access to.. torn between dad slenderman because hes not TOTALLY evil and cold in admins interpretation, but also that one jeff the killer vs slenderman fall out boy video lives rent free in his head. the beef would be insane, honestly... jeff doesnt have much of a sound idea outside of you being more of a guidance figure for him... person with their nonhuman guide my favorite trope that needs to be in more stuff especially in horror media where the characters are antagonists and shit
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unikron-kitten-kat · 1 year
after that i dont want. i need a part 2 >:) give us the goods!
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Oh my Zalgo ITS DONE!! Ya'll wanted some part 2, and you shall receive!! One of my previous posts clears something up about [the reader] in this one, so you can find that if you end up getting confused about a certain something mentioned in here!
Slenderman x Male Reader, Smut this time!
Kinks may include: mpreg; tentacles; praise; nicknames: slender maybe calls you stuff like pet or little spiderling, or stuff like that; overstim;
No tws that I know of in here.. I dont think anyway... Now enjoy!!
His Dearest
Mine Nøw
It has been a while since you have become a Slenderbeing.
A long while.
You are now completely adapted to the warped time of the dimension your Boss keeps you all in, your internal clock warped when you transformed completely.
It was the next day, after your completion.
The others saw you.
And oh boy..
Were they jealous.
They despised you. They hated how you, a total outsider to them, ripped the spotlight off their stage, and held it over yourself.
But they knew how oblivious you were to it all. They knew. And they hated your.. Naivety. They hated the favoritism.
And don't get me started on the Big Boys, the.. The Proxies Slender favored before he brought you home. Before he introduced you to his other servants finally.
Toby, Masky, and Hoodie were slapped in the face the hardest. They no longer had the large favor they used to have with Slender, and Toby even got into serious trouble with Slender for messing with you.
But now that you were... Like that!?
God, being that close with Slender was only something any other Proxie could dream of now.
But, they don't know the full extent to your closeness. At least, the fondness Slender has for you, anyway.
You see, ever since you started... Blooming.. Really fitting into your new body.. He had slowly become infatuated with you. He slowly started to find you adorable.. Cute.. So naive... Fuckable... Breedable... His to have.. His.. To own.. His.. His...
And lo and behold, after being under his wing for the few decades you were, the universe finally let him have you..
In the form of the results of your receiving a piece of Slender's magic and powerful essence to grow more powerful with... In the form of a Slenderbeing Cadaver.
The perfect chance to finally make you his.
And he took it without hesitation.
If he didn't find you so cute as a tiny little human, he certainly found you cute and gorgeous now.
You are sitting on a log, fiddling with your magic, letting the sparking, ribbony lengths of sickly-green and gold wrap and twine between your fingers, even motioning for it to flow around the chest claws you had.
There was something about the colour that entranced you. Something was off about it. And, you very soon learned what it was. Your magic, green and gold as it was, had some semblance of His. There was a hint of a dark maroon that cracked and sliced through your magic.
You wonder if it had anything to do with the fact it was his magic that made you like this. That his magic gave you your own.
You inhaled sharply, startled, whipping your head to see it was only him who touched your tentacles.
Yours, unlike his, looked like long ropes of whispy cobweb, bundled up. They had your magic coursing through them as well, giving them a green and golden glow in some parts.
"Hello Little Spider.."
"H.. Hey.."
His hands were on your shoulder. Your face flushed, the dark green that was your blood now painted your face a different colour than a human.
He pressed his body against yours. His face rested in the crook of your neck.
Both sets of his arms wrapped around you, and he hummed in contentment. His tentacles wrapped around yours, some even trailing to your body, and wrapped around your thighs or chest.
His arms moved to lift you off the log, him then moving himself onto the log behind you, you now sitting in his lap.
His arms are back around you, holding you against him. He is warm. His arms and tentacles were trailing and rubbing their touch all over, not leaving an inch of you untouched. He wasn't applying any pressure either, just touching you. His touch still felt hot even through your clothes.
His hands, one pair, trailed down from your neck, to your abdomen, and they stopped. The rest didn't stop though. Just the one pair on your abdomen.
You let out an inquisitive whimper, looking down to his hands resting there.
"... Would be.." He paused, and moved his face to the back of your neck, "Would be endearing to see you..", his hands resting on your abdomen rubbed it in circles, "full.. Of my children..."
Your face lit up bright green, your eyes widening, your other eyes even opening in your shock at his statement.
"Wh.. What?"
"Wouldn't you like that, [Name]?"
"You can't deny it, [Name]. I know.. What you dream about.. I know what makes you wake up wet in the pants.."
Your face might as well be a lamppost with how deeply coloured your face was now, the green glowing bright with the help of your magic, which seemed to.. Imitate your emotion with brightness and fluidity.
"I.. Could see what you dreamed of, you silly little thing. I saw what you thought of when you tried your hardest to keep those... Filthy thoughts to yourself."
You made a small noise, your body tensing with embarrassment at the realization his hands and tentacles were getting more.. Antsy.
The ones on your abdomen trailed down to rest on the inside of your thighs, rubbing the sensitive skin in circles very close to your crotch.
You hadn't realized that your hands, the four, had grabbed onto his arms, your embarrassment leading to quite a grip that human bones wouldn't be able to withstand.
"I mean.. Even if you weren't a Slenderbeing at this current time..", he trailed off, his upper hands slipping under your shirt and trailing up to rub and grope your pecs, his palms would rub over your nipples, "I would still be rewarding you for being such a good servant for me..."
His voice was right next to your ear, his mouth opening to nibble at your jaw.
You were trembling, and your crotch was throbbing, so was that spot on your neck that Slender licked with his tongue a while back. The feeling seemed to only ebb away when Slender got close to touching them.
This made you subconsciously move your throbbing areas against him, chasing his touch there.
His other hands and tentacles were getting more sensual with their touches, squeezing sensitive areas of your flesh, flitting over the ridges of your neck, ribs.. His fingers would ghost over your mouth, his tentacles wrapped around your limbs, opening your legs, and wrapping your arms behind you to pin them to your back.
One hand came up to grasp your chin, his fingers splaying slightly, and his palm gave enough force to push your head back, you now facing up.
The little whimper that scrimped past your trembling lips made Slender chuckle.
"You like this, [Name]? You like my hands on your body? My tentacles on your body?"
You let out a trembly affirming hum. He chuckled again, and he used to fingers to trail down your neck from your chin, and back up.
"Use your words, my pretty mate....." He whispered, his voice trailing off.
Your voice wavered as you spoke, "Y-yess... Mm.. I-I do like it..." Your voice trailed to a whisper.
His sensual touches continued. His hands would squeeze your arms, your chest, your thighs, and rub back up again, his fingers ghosting their touch along the lines your muscles made as his hands traveled. His tentacles resigned to holding you, their slimey cold touch moving as they pulsed and slithered against your skin in the places they held you.
Your pants were interrupted with trembly moans and gasps at his touch and the stimulation.
One of his hands groped your crotch, soon slipping into your pants, his palm rubbing against the wetting slits of the flaps covering your dick, your back arching and a gasp leaving your slightly drooling mouth at the touch.
His fingers rubbed at the slits to your flaps, another hand of his slipping your loose pants off your legs and down to your ankles easily.
Your hands, now held behind your back, tensed into fists with the new attention to your aching, pulsing wet.
Your dick was pressing against the flaps, making it easier for Slender to slid a finger in the middle of the four flaps, sliding them apart, trails of slick and pre covered his fingers and stretched between the flaps. Another hand came down to help his other seperate the flaps, all four now splayed, your throbbing dick out for him to see.
Slender pressed his palm to the base of all your tender flesh, a moan drawled out your mouth, his fingers wrapping around the base of your dick, gently squeezing the knot you now had, and another moan shook your throat.
He stroked you, up and down, your legs shaking, breath shuddering, body trembling. Your tentacles wavered, them finding his own arms and legs to weakly wrap around. Pre beaded at your tip, Slender's thumb rubbing over it to smear your dick with it.
Your back arched more, your shoulders pressing into Slenderman, his upper hands slid down to your hips, to rock you against his own excitement. You settled after he stroked you a few more times, trying to and failing to roll your hips against his touch to your dick.
He kissed your neck. Not where you needed him to though. He scraped his teeth against your skin, gently biting you. He nipped your jaw, trailing bigger bites down. He found sensitive areas you'd shiver at, and sucked them black and blue.
One of his lower hands traced the wet, tender flesh of your unhidden dick lower, to your begging tunnel. He kissed your neck hard, resting his face into your neck as your body arched in his lap again, a quick moan escaping your drooling mouth, his fingers dipping into your dripping hole. His fingers gently and slowly rubbed along your entrance, sliding in and out against your walls, a breathy chuckle came from him.
"You are doing so well [Name]. So good.. Keep being good and I'll give you a bigger reward~" He whispered into your ear.
He hummed at the following shudder that shook your body against him. Your cunt quivered around his fingers, you whimpering, squirming at his touch. Slender dragged the length of his fingers against your entrance, the tips dipping into you briefly. He brought his slick coated fingers to his mouth, where he tasted your essence.
"Mmm, you are tasty, [Name].."
You shuddered, exhaling.
Your clothes were feeling hot against your skin. You needed them off.
You were in quite the daze, so it took you a moment to register that Slender was pushing the both of you up into standing.
Once you both were though, he had to hold you against him. Your legs were wobbly. You weren't used to the increased stimulant of being touched places in this body.
It was the faint but sudden breeze that made you realized he had removed your coat. He was starting on your shirt then too.
He suddenly turned you around, and you were suddenly against a tree. He was removing his suit jacket now.
It was your mouth he wanted open. And you opened it, exhaling slightly when you did.
The force of the kiss had you whimpering, his upper pair of hands roughly grabbed your wrists, a pair of tentacles grabbed your lower ones. His sudden roughness had you squirming in between him and the tree, your crotch was also unbelievably hot, and was leaking with slick and pre.
Your upper arms were held against the tree, level with your head, and your lower ones were "cuffed" with his tentacles behind your back, making it arch into him.
He was rough with you. He was grinding his leg in between yours, his pants getting wet with your excrement, he was hardly letting you breathe with the messy kisses with tongues.
Your squirming against him riled him up. Jeez, he can't restrain you enough can he?
He pulled away, finally letting you breath in short, moaning gasps.
You froze and shuddered, a low growl emanating from him. The sound only made you chitter weakly, a groan left your throat as he started trailing nibbles down your neck.
His tentacles were holding your thighs apart.
His mouth was resting on the spot that was oddly throbbing now. You were (trying) to push your neck up into his mouth.
Slender hummed.
He dragged the tip of his tongue along the achy spot, making you shudder and squirm. He pressed against you after hearing the whimpery moan you made.
His skin was smooth, and in your sex-numbed daze you saw prominent veins of magik pulsing with his magik colour along his arms and body.
You gasped as you felt him press against your weeping tunnel.
"You ready, [Name]?"
You whimpered an answer, shuddering at the huskiness of his voice.
You yelped as you were both suddenly down, on a floor, him on top of you, but you weren't able to process that much before his dick started sliding into you.
You were so wet he didn't need to stop until he was completely inside you.
His lower arms were holding your hips as your back arched, his upper ones each had both sets of yours in their grasp, still pinning you down.
He had finally bitten that spot of your neck that ached for it, it sent a pulse of something through you.
You gasped, and moaned sweetly as he started rocking slowly into you, pulling out till just his tip was hitched on your entrance and then pushing back in.
He had you pinned down to the carpet covered floor completely, still slowly thrusting into you, and kissing you roughly, his tongues playing with yours.
As his hips rocked against yours, his body rubbed against yours.
His kisses didn't waver in their passion, and he didn't neglect your 'mark', the specific spot of your neck he bit.
Your moans filled the room. His groans and quiet grunts were stiffled by them. Your cunt would squeeze him, blinding you with stars and filling you with pleasure, making your arch into him. His tentacles were stroking your dick in between your bodies.
The sounds of his dick slipping into you were wet.
"Fuck, [Name], your so tight... And wet... So warm too..."
You whined, his dick felt so large, even despite your new size compared to him. You thought it wouldn't feel as tight.
It was pulsing inside you, the ridges it had rubbed along your walls, making you shake and fat tears well up in your eyes.
He was thrusting very deep into you, you swear even being around his size and height he was filling you much more than you were supposed to handle. But you loved it. His dick was warm, and thick. And hard. Its ridges rubbed against your gummy walls whenever he moved inside you, making pleasure reverb through you.
Despite being pinned, you still squirmed, and pressing into him.
He had let go of your lower arms, the hands of which were tightly gripping his lower shoulders.
He was thrusting so deep. So so deep. You felt him squeeze his way further into you, you felt him in your tummy. It made that area of your body feel tight.
His teeth were marking any place he could bite down on; your shoulders, your collar, neck, nibbling on your jaw, your chest. Anywhere. The moans and sobs of pleasure eminating from you made him warm and riled. He was close to going feral on you.
The crotch tentacles you both had were wrapping around eachother and were trying to pulling your hips closer.
He thrust into a particular area that made moans get caught in your throat, and he didnt stop hitting it.
His rough but soft thrusts would drag his dick along that spot, making your legs turn to jelly, and the breath leave your lungs. The hot, pangy and painful pleasure the motion spazzed through your body made you go limp against him.
He hugged you to him as you arched into him again, his mouth next to your ear.
"You are doing.. So, so good [Name].."
He shuddered as your sopping cunt squeezed him. His tentacles squeezed your dick when it pulsed in their grasp.
Your moans wavered, his hand grabbed your head.
"That's it [Name], be a good little spider. Be a good little spider and spill. Come on, little spider.. Cum for me.."
His deep and gruff words sent you ober the edge, your moans loud, his tentacles pumping you even as you came all over the both of you. His tentacles slithered in spirals around your dick, moving as they climbed and sank, one rubbing over your slit as cum continued spilling from it.
You felt your cunt was quivering, and he laid you completely down to the ground again, hugging you still, as he sped up his thrusts, bringing quick and loud moans out of you.
Your cunt clamped around him as you spilled there too, your claws scratching at his back you came around his cock, and your loud, wanton moans echoed in the room a bit. The pressure from how tightly you were squeezing him made your vision darken and stars appear.
He didn't stop thrusting into you, however. In fact, he did quite the opposite, thrusting harder into you, his dick roughly rubbing along your sweet spot now, the ridges pulling small squeals of pleasure from you.
Two pairs of large tentacles messaged your chest muscles, and smaller tentacles slithered along your body and found ares to suction to to leave dark bruises on your now moon-pale skin.
The hands Slenderman didn't have occupied with keeping you pinned were used to slide and rub across your body, squeezing other sensitive areas.
Your moans quivered and wavered, and your lungs desperate for air, pulling even more desperate pants out of you, and yet he wasn't letting up. You tried to find words to plead for less, to beg him to go easier on you, it was too much, but your voice couldn't muster the words, nonetheless form them in your head.
Drool and tears were ebbing from your mouth and eyes, your eyes were heavy and lidded with the pleasure, your upper ones closed because you were beginning to grow tired and exhausted from how much at once your body was experiencing.
Slender could tell you were getting tired. Your grip on him was softening, your body was practically going limp beneath him, your voice was wavering and stuttering, your pretty song was fading.
The slick and sloppy sounds his dick made as it slid in and out of your soaking cunt were now loud with the added slick from your orgasm, making a mess.
Your dick was beginning to hurt, it was being overstimulated beyond belief. Your hadn't made yourself cum more than once at a time before.
You choked as you felt a second pair of orgasms building inside you, the feeling spreading warmth and making you exhale shakily.
You whimpered feeling him drill into you as hard as he could. He was looming over you, no longer needing to pin you down himself anymore.
He chuckled, the sound making you lazily look at him.
"You look so cute like this [Name].. Had I known you would look so good, I'd have done this to you at least once while you were still human..."
You couldn't react to his statement as the orgasms that were building finally released. Your back weakily arching as both your throbbing dick and swollen pussy released cum at once, your jelly legs weakily moved too, and your upper hands were grabbed by his as they closed from the immense wave of pleasure that shook your body.
When you body went limp again from the end of it, he was still going. Your hands weakily closed around his.
You sobbed as your dick was painfully brought back to life from Slender's tentacles, and your tired pussy was also pushed beyond its limits.
Your body was loosing its strength seemingly. The orgasms came much quicker, a third already sneaking up on you, and your loud wanton moans were reduced to whimpers and whines.
You whimpered loudly as you felt the third orgasm.
"Don't worry, [Name], we'll have.. a nice hot bath when we're done here.." His words were interrupted with his quiet grunts.
It didn't take long for a third set of orgasms to shake your body, tears spilled from your eyes, and drool from your mouth as you let out weak little moans.
It was now you were feeling his movements become sloppy. His lower hands softly grabbed your thighs and folded your legs, giving himself a much better angle to fill you.
But this new angle had him reaching deeper into you, somehow. You looked, a shuddery gasp escaping you as you saw the small but noticeable bulge that showed. Your dick was red, and painfully throbbing.
You let out a pained moan as a fourth pair of orgasms slienced you, your meak moans getting caught up in your throat.
Even more so when you felt the sudden hot spread up into you. You shuddered, whining with pleasure.
He was still inside you, his knot inside you as well.
He was beathing deeply, you were panting.
He thrust slow and gentle a few times, to lessen the mess.
You squirmed, gasping and whining at a bigger lump forcing its way into you.
"Shhhh, it's okay [Name]."
Slender held you cheek.
"It's just my eggs~"
You let out a meak whimpery moan as the lump slid all the way into you, down to where his tip was in you, right up against your.. Ah.. Uterus? Did you have one of those if you had a pussy? Yes. You do have one, and Slender was filling it.
"Fuck, you look so cute all fucked out like this... We should do this more often [Name]."
Your body felt numb, and limp. It felt so warm to, the hot from Slenderman's seed spread through you.
It took a moment before he was done. He had trouble pulling out though. You were very tight now, something all Slenderbeings did when they got their fill. It was a way to keep it all inside.
He pulled out, finally, your cunt actually closing up. He pulled you down, level with him.
He was gentle in pulling you up. And slow.
Your legs were completely jelly. You couldn't even stand with them.
He picked you up though. Bridal style.
"Looks like someone's too tired for a bath..."
You were pretty much asleep in his arms.
You inquisitively whimpered feeling warmth cover you.
You felt him cuddle up with you. Ah, you were in a bed, under some blankets.
"Sleep well, [Name]... I love you, my pretty mate.."
One of his hands stroked your cheek.
"L...love you too..."
You fell asleep in his arms, wrapped up in eachother.
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crxshed-skxlls · 1 year
May I request a Zalgo x Male reader fic? No other requests for it, just that you go all out with the kinks 🤭 (If you don't want to do a fic, headcanons would be great as well)
Ooo such a intriguing request! Dont worry, your sins are my command 🙏
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— ❝ Technical Difficulties
Zalgo x Male!Reader fanfic
Word Count: 2k+
Plot: You had been an internet sleuth and explorer for a long time. While you scroll a forum you are met with an interesting "ritual" of an internet entity. You decide out of curiosity to follow such steps, and that was when you were faced with a lustrous entity...
Authors note; This fic is based a little more into the original Zalgo creepypasta, but it's a mix between fanon and canon Zalgo.
NSFW tags: Dubcon, Teratophilia, Dacryphilia, BDSM elements, "Sir" kink, Degradation, ass eating, anal sex, and breath play
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Click, click, click went your keyboard as you mindlessly type and search. You weren't always this interested and curious about such trivial urban legends, but something about it made it all the more alluring. You had read up on a forum about a mysterious seeming virus or something that corrupted old Garfield and kid cartoons. At first, you couldn't believe what you were hearing about. After all, a demonic internet entity wasn't exactly the most sane and convincing narrative. Though, forums suggested that you could easily "summon" this sort of demonic malware. You sigh as you brush back the hair that stood lazily in your face as you scroll through reddit for more information. 
Soon, you're met with a reluctant link from a user. You became a little suspicious, brows furrowing as you read the small message. "I believe that I found the site. If you view this image, you will summon Zalgo. Be warned," you haphazardly space out as you read the rest. Was this some sort of scam or malware? You didn't bother to heed whatever warning this user had as you clicked the link. You prayed that you didn't get a virus as the site slowly booted up. You're met with a simple Garfield comic, along with some scandalous advertising on the sides. You weren't familiar with the url, .xyz at the end of the link. 
The Garfield comic wasn't super to say the least, and the set up was sketchy at best. It was the one where Jon was at his breaking point with Garfield and Odie, the final panel of him being dragged off in a straight jacket. It was unnerving, but you managed to pull through a bit. Your eyes wander the advertisements on the page, swallowing as you watch the promiscuous cartoon girls in compromised positions. For a second you notice a flash of black in the panel's image in the corner of your eye. You whip back to the panel but– nothing. It wasn't out of place at all. You had assumed it was just the late night scrambles of the caffeine intake you took. 
Overall, you were slightly disappointed. You thought this was the real deal, and even refreshing the page did nothing but flash you with digital tiddies and the overwhelmed look of Jon's face. Your computer soon pings with a notification, which sends you to a very interesting feeling. Garfield.xyz wishes permission for audio reads in the small box. You are skeptical of what may happen, but you feverishly click the allow button. Nothing happens. Silence fills the room as you anticipate something, but nothing comes but the whispers of the night. You furrow your brows, becoming frustrated as you get up from your swivel seat. Little did you know that once your back turned to go grab some water, that all hell would break loose. 
You grabbed the water bottle you had from the nightstand before you hear a gargled, metallic voice hum in the room. 
You can hear distinctly over the static crackles. Your blood runs cold as you are paralyzed with fear, your blood rushing through your body. You hear dark chuckles, the sounds of static and pixelated sounds grew louder. You shiver as your adrenaline readies you to dart out the room. 
"Foolish mortals. You all just have to give into curiosity, do you?."
You whip your head back to find a horrendous sight. A black and red mass had crawled halfway out from the screen. You can see its massive horns and pixelated mouth as it attempts to crawl from the tiny screen. It wasn't long until the tall figure finally emerged, several mouths crossing it's body. It watches you with gleaming red eyes. You can feel yourself drop the water bottle, fumbling backwards before you fall into your bed. The being walks– no, prowls in your direction. It licks its sinister lips as it wanders over. You feel yourself stumble over your bed, your breathing becoming shallow.
"Wait – wait what I didn't know that was–"
"But you did. You knew deep down that you did."
The being hisses at your pleas as it stands over you. Your small form compared to his own was staggering. You couldn't believe your eyes as you watched Zalgo with a terrified look in your eyes. His giant hand quickly grabs you, pushing you further onto the bed with black claws. You can feel yourself tear up in fear and disbelief. This couldn't be happening, this was theoretically impossible. Zalgo's mouth curls into a mischievous grin at your pitiful struggle against his hand. 
"You poor sack of flesh."
"Please don't –"
"Quit whining or I'll gut you right here."
You let out a whimper as you close your eyes, your hands grabbing the being's claws. You can soon feel a weird sound, the sound of ripping. You couldn't even process it, your eyes blurring your surroundings. Before you could even know it, your shirt was off. You feel a sense of confusion as you slowly flutter your eyes back open, just to watch Zalgo lick his lips. His other hand gently glides a clawed finger down your chest to your abdomen as the being examines you. You can feel your heart rate accelerate as your surroundings mute into blurs and dissociated colors at such an unreal event. You feel a strange heat pull into your body as you feel the rough touch of such an entity. 
His claws were so rough, but they were firm in handling you. You feel yourself choke on your own words as you shiver in the being's grasp, hearing his dark words cut your dissociated thoughts.
"You're quite a compliant mortal, aren't you?"
You manage to croak nothing but terrified babbling at the weird compliment, gasping as you feel a claw tug at your sweatpants. You sheepishly try to kick away the monster to no avail, feeling his monstrous grip tighten slightly. You let out a squeak, making Zalgo chuckle under your pathetic struggle. The crimson orbs that stared hungrily at you made you gulp, your Adam's apple bobbing as you swallow. 
"If you quit struggling, you'll feel much better than right now."
Zalgo's softer words hit your ears with a confused unfamiliarity, your eyes staring with a glint of puzzlement. His clawed finger soon pushes down under the hem of your sweats and boxers, making you gasp from the complicated touch that hits your hot body. The revealing your half hard cock makes you flush red, averting eye contact as Zalgo oggles your form. His eyes trail down your body, his hand laying plush against your inner thigh. 
"You have such a soft yet alluring complexion. Who knew you would be into me."
"What– no, no I'm not. What are you doing? Why are you doing this?"
"For my own pleasures of course, why else would I ever do something so carnal?"
Zalgo trails off as his hands glide upward, his clawed digit tracing the growing cock in front of him. You suck a breath in, letting out a whimper as Zalgo teases your aroused organ. His touch was gentle yet sharp, and you can feel yourself warming up for such a foul tease like the devil in front of you. You want to deny it, a sick feeling of shame hitting you as you struggle to contain your hitched breaths and choked moans. You can feel Zalgo take his time toying with you, pulling you close. Your calves hit the sides of the devil's hips as he sits between you, toying with his newest possession.
"No, no I'm not into this, yet your anatomy says otherwise Y/N."
"You– You have no idea what I want."
"Oh, why yes I do. I know everything."
Zalgo's glitched tone hums in the room as his hand wraps around your penis. You feel yourself physically arch as he starts moving his hand up and down. You let out a moan, whimpering as you dig your nails into the plush sheets below you. Zalgo watches in amusement, chuckling at your miserable attempts of denial. You bit your lip, your hips sputtering into Zalgo's hand as you lose your composure. Zalgo patently watches, his other hand resting on your plush thigh.
"See, isn't that much better than defiance?"
You shake your head, refusing to answer the teasing question before Zalgo rips another moan out of you. You cock throbs in his giant hand, dribbling some pre-cum that smeared on Zalgo's hand. You feel his hands leave your body, making you pause slightly. You gasp as you feel yourself lifted slightly from the bed, your legs instinctively wrapping onto Zalgo's shoulders. His claws grip your plush thighs so hard it threatens to break skin, leaving you whimpering in cowardice. You look up to meet with those same crimson eyes between your legs, dazzling like dark rubies. You open your mouth to say something, but–
"If you start whining now, I'll completely stop."
Your interrupted by his dark voice's commands. You shakily nod, hesitantly watching as the devil's tongue slithers out of his mouth. His warm, wet tongue laps at your ass. The weird sensation causes you to let out a hitched squeak, feeling his tongue rim your soft hole with a curious hum. You shiver as you helplessly feel Zalgo's tongue trace your bottom side, only for him to slowly insert his large tongue into you.
"Oh – oh God–"
You moan out loudly as you feel the light stretch of the wet tongue, his saliva providing a little bit of lubricant to get used to. He hums with a glitched sound, his tongue exploring your inside as he stretches you out. You feel yourself tremble as you moan and whimper, gripping the sheets until your knuckles turn white.
"Wait– wait it's too good, Zalgo please–"
You plead with a whimper, throwing your head back as you feel Zalgo tease your prostate with his inhuman tongue. Your cock drips pre cum slightly, dribbling from your urethra as Zalgo plays with your ass. His tongue slowly stretches you out, humming pleasantly as you quiver in his hands.You whimper, your breath hitching as Zalgo's tongue slithers out of you. You pant, eyes dilated as you watch Zalgo lewdly lick his lips. 
"Hmmn, for a mortal you're much more delectable than I thought."
The devil practically purrs, his dark voice sending shivers down your spine. You soon are dragged more onto your bed, the devil between your legs. Your face reddened as you pant, catching your breath as your cock twitches with neediness. Zalgo's clawed hand scales your figure upwards, moving across the plush skin of your body. You soon feel something wet glide across your cock, making you gasp and gaze downward. Zalgo's slick cock laid with your penis, immensely bigger than yours. The small veins and textured sides of Zalgo's cock throb, making him let out a guttural groan. 
"Wh– you expect that to fit?"
"I would assume so, I know your fleshy body can take it."
"No you don't!"
You snap back hesitantly, only to lay in fear as Zalgo narrows his eyes at you. You gasp as you feel his clawed hand wrap around your neck, pressing against the sweet spots that made you lightheaded. Your hands shoot up to the hand, the obvious slight choking making you distracted. Zalgo opens your legs wider, presenting your saliva slicked hole to him as you pant and groan. Panic fills your senses for a moment as you feel the tip of the devil's penis rub gently at your hole. Your eyes are set on Zalgo's, peering red eyes laying upon your figure.
"You are going to listen to me, got it? You will take it, and you will like it. Do you understand?"
"Y– yes, yes– "
You nod as you attempt to relax, Zalgo's hand releasing your delicate neck. You cough, swallowing the thick air around you as you watch intently. Before you knew it, Zalgo had slammed himself entirely inside of your walls. You let out a Yelp, hands grasping onto Zalgo's shoulders as you arch into him. Zalgo huffs, guttural groans and moans left in the air as you clench onto him.
"Breathe.. Relax…"
Zalgo slightly murmurs, making your cock twitch. Your hitched breathing slows slightly, only before Zalgo lifts and slams back into you again. Your body trembles as heat pools into your stomach, swirling with a pleasant pain. Your head spun as Zalgo shoves you back into the bed, his hand splayed out onto your chest as he thrust into you again. You both let out a moan, yours being a little pained as you feel the stretch of Zalgo making your body adjust to him. You whine as he puts a slow, almost painful pace.
"S- sir please–"
You whimper out, Zalgo's attention snapping into reality as his eyes wander your face in a bit of surprise. You grip your sheets again, looking at the small bulge that appeared everytime Zalgo sank his dick inside of you. Zalgo grunts, his breathing shallow as he thrusts into your tight ass. 
"I– I need more sir, please–"
"You mortals and your words."
Zalgo hisses, effectively cutting you off with a hitched breath. The devious soon gradually picked up the pace, lifting your leg to dig deeper inside of you. You can tell how much he adored the pet name as his cock twitches inside of you. His red eyes peering into your eyes as he thrusts roughly into you. 
"You just love being my personal fleshlight, isn't that right Mortal? Letting me have my way with your ass so shamelessly."
The carnal nature that dripped from Zalgo's dirty lips makes your cock tremble with precum. You let out your shameless whimpers, each moan bouncing in the room as you chase your high. The devil soon hits your prostate, allowing you to lose yourself more. Your chest heavily rises and falls against Zalgo's hand, tears glinting your pretty eyes. Zalgo gutturally growls, slamming himself into your prostate at a faster pace. 
"My, my… Such a slut you are."
It wasn't long until you couldn't take it anymore, crying out as you finally shot translucent white ropes onto yourself. Your own cum leaves your abdomen a sticky mess, making Zalgo's breathing become faster. He continues to mercilessly slam into your ass, causing sparks of overstimulation to hit you. Rough panting and slapping of flesh fills the room as Zalgo continues to play with you. You can tell he enjoyed your painful pleasure as he groans and moans into your ears.
"Aah fuck, si- sir please–"
You whimper and whine as you feel a second orgasm approaching, feeling Zalgo's cock bury into you more with each thrust. Zalgo soon grasps at your hips, lifting you up slightly as he sputters his hips into your ass. Soon enough, Zalgo buries himself deep into you, groaning as he shoots hot ropes into you. You twitch and squirm, moaning out as you cum for a second time. Soft panting and trembling breathes echo through the room. Sweat, sex, and heat lifted in the air as Zalgo clings to you. You grimace as you feel Zalgo leave your entrance, a slight spark of ache running through you. Zalgo keeps you in his claws as he wraps his arms around you, practically coiling around your body. His glitched, dark voice erupts from the silent room.
"You did well dear mortal… If you're ever that good again, I might just have to keep you."
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Slenderman x SlendermansionMaid!Reader || Oneshot
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Plots: You’re shocked to see your boss and sometimes fuck buddy, when things are stressful in the Mansion (nothing more!! he’s still a frustrating ass!!) completely sloshed. *This one is entirely inspired by a Quotev Book I wrote years ago with the same plot- ‘Diary of a Slender Mansion Maid’.
Warnings: Drunkenness (Not that you can really tell 😅 He's just kindof a little looser then usual) and sexual references.
Tagging: @microwavemadness , @miss-understood (Hey there are sexual references but no smut. I hope its okay!! Please tell me if in the future you would like to be tagged in strictly fluff and/or angst ^^), and I hope y'all like this!
“Wh- Slender!??”
You cannot believe this. You cannot believe what you are seeing right now. It’s not that you rely on the man in any way, he’s frustrating and dickish 100 percent of the time and a royal pain in your ass- but generally he is the only other person (Being?) in this damn woods who’s on the same page as you!! That’s why you do your *stress relieving* together!- as the Head and the Maid of the mansion, you both get stressed and pissed off over the same things! It certainly isn’t because you like eachother. The master of this household is a complete asshole.
… But he’s usually a stone-cold sober asshole. One of the few few few things you appreciate about him. Usually the rest of the house is acting insane, even his brothers (Even his brothers who are actually lovely and mean well), you and Slender are the only still ones. Sure, he rarely does the heavy lifting in dealing with the messes his Pastas leave behind, that’s all you, but at least you have a still-spot to look for in the chaos.
You two usually release your own insanity on eachother, alone, away from hearing ears.
… and yet here is your oh-so-sensible leader, sitting at the kitchen table with Offender and Zalgo half slouched over (Well, more than usual. Which is not saying much by regular standards considering his spine is usually akin to an iron rod but still… it’s saying something. For sure.), a full-size bottle of jack between them and 28 empty ones on the ground around them. His and Offender’s tentacles are out and laying lazily on the ground between the bottles, Slender’s shirt is wrinkled and loosened at the collar, and his jacket is placed over the back of his chair. Its almost going to fall off and onto the ground!
Offender chuckles, seeing your face. “Oh Slender… you’re in trouble.”
“She is my maid… she does not do the getting mad. I do.” When Slender turns to you, enflaming your frustrations with his words, you just want to reach over and choke the jerk with his own tie. “Y/N. What are all these bottles doing on the ground? Clean this up.”
… oh that old bastard better be drunk off his ass, saying that to you. “Offender, Zalgo… “Your eyes, hard and angry, flicker over the other two. “Time to go.”
“Haha, oh- yes ma’am.” Offender gets up first, actually pushing out of his chair and turning on his foot as if to walk out when he could just teleport so much easier. Zalgo seems a little more together, grinning mischievously at you for a few moments (Wondering what you’re going to do to Slender), before Offender grabs his shoulder. “C’mon, let’s go find some real trouble to get into. Let’s let Slender play house.”
“Oh I do love trouble. Indeed, let’s go.”
Then they’re both gone, and Slender and you are stuck in a showdown. You’re staring at his smooth face, the worst greasy you have ever mustered in your eyes, and he’s not moving an inch. He almost looks bored in his body language. Languid.
You know it’s just a tactic to piss you off more, but damn does it work. “… okay just- what in the world are you doing??” You finally ask, shoulders dropping. Honestly, you’re just surprised. Slender?? Drunk?? Slender drinking with his brother who he calls a moron on the regular and a demon he hates?
Who blackmailed him? Who held a burning rod to his asshole and forced him?
“I am fully entitled to have a drink of this… “Picking it up, he looks to be reading the label- before putting it back down faced away from him. “vile moron juice, any time that I please Y/N.” He explains, destroying the validity in his own statement with his own basic inability to keep his true views to himself. “Tastes disgusting,… makes people into monkeys,... but it has its virtues.”
Sighing, you drop down to a crouch and start collecting bottles. “… so I have permission to call you an ape?” You mutter, knowing he heard you.
“Try it.”
You flash him a look, like ‘I just did’, before getting up to your feet again and setting the bottles in your arms on the bench. While he ignores you and sits there quietly for a good few moments, thinking whatever drunk-thoughts Slender has, you manage to wonder about - careful not to step on his tentacles or trip over his impossibly long legs stretched out under the table so far they stick out the other end, - and collect the rest of the bottles; putting them all up on the bench together. Then you turn to Slender and decide that has to be your next job.
Sighing, you wipe your hands together and approach him. “… coffee or a shower first?”
“… I want to stew, some more.” He says defiantly, and you immediately roll your eyes.
“I’m making you coffee.”
A couple of hours later and Slender is no more sober then when you found him. When you were on the opposite side of the kitchen, your arms full of bottles and on your way out to throw them away, Slender pointedly poured the rest of the Jack Daniels into the brewing pot of coffee. Then while you gradually cleaned up the rest of the wrecked kitchen, he sat at the table and drank it all out of a mug that says ‘World’s Best Tallest Dad’ which Jeff got him for Christmas one year.
For that bullshit you cursed him and told him you would never make him coffee again- and he ‘pfft’ at you. Pfft.
That is not the problem now, though. Now the problem is that not only is he smashed-- but he’s energetically smashed.
And you’re the only other one home right now. So, great.
You almost pray for Offender and Zalgo to come back here.
You’re just organising the trash (Compost, recycling and dump, plus Good Will which is a you-suggestion), trying to ignore Slender’s presence entirely, still stretched out at the kitchen table across from you- watching you- when he breaks the pleasant silence and make you groan. “You know a more efficient way to do that would be to utilise the organisational bins I had Jeff steal from a- what was it? Wall-Mart? Yes. And, also- listen to me- this is very important- that shirt is not your colour.”
Instead of truly dignifying Slender’s unnecessary nit-picking, you just turn with a terrible greasy and stick him with it. “Do you know that you’re insufferable?”
“I’ve heard- but even so, I’m rarely wrong.” Looking away momentarily, Slender releases a disturbing sound that you hear very very rarely that you can only describe as his version of a chuckle. Full of joy, and static. “And better yet, you know it~… “Dear lord. How can it be possible that this man can get even more frustrating and annoying. You are never letting this man touch a bottle ever again.
Rolling your eyes though, you turn back to what you’re doing. He returns to his staring, silently criticising you most definitely. You just sigh, and finish sorting. It gets done pretty fast, considering its just you two at home. No chaos, no insane teenagers creating new messes for you making you feel like you’re trying to empty a self-filling fountain with a bucket- just Slender and his occasional energetic-drunk commentary constantly in the room with you, whatever room you move to (The bastard follows you). You then finish the vacuuming, a good portion of the laundry and even get dinner started; it becomes a very productive day and you’re happy about it!
At least, you figure, when he’s not talking, then Slender’s presence can almost be construed as companionable. Which is probably why today was a relatively peaceful one. After all at least he’s not trying to touch you like Offender, or breaking things like Jeff, or making irritating noise with a videogame like BEN, or even asking you for things like sweet Sally. So once you’re all done with your to-do list, and the stew is on the stove slow-cooking- you go ahead and put on another pot of coffee.
Slender leans over your back, and he’s so tall he doesn’t touch you at all there but you can still feel his presence and you hang your head back on your neck; eyes closed and brows furrowed in frustration, knowing just what he’s going to start on now. “… I don’t want that.”
“Well you’re going to drink it.”
“No, no I don’t think I will, nope.”
“I swear to god you giant cranky turd you will drink this coffee or you’re not getting dinner.”
“Then I have some more bad news to break to you- that man does not exist. The only god here is me, and you aren’t allowed to swear at me.”
Here you just flash him a dangerous smile over your shoulder, so heavily venomous that you don’t need to swear at him. “I don’t know how you drink without a mouth, but I am gonna chuck this burning hot coffee at you and just hope for the best~ “
For a moment, Slender just watches the coffee boiling, over the top of your head. You crane your neck once again to look at him this time, wondering what drunk-Slender-thoughts he’s thinking now. When you’re just about to give up waiting for him to say something else and further the conversation (Or argument. Potato-potahto though with the two of you) you turn around to lean back into the edge of the bench and look at him straight-on for a moment instead, because your neck was hurting. Just then, the bottom of Slender’s mouth tears away from the top before your eyes and the jagged rip curls up at one corner- like a terrifying smirk. Albeit, an awkward and unsure one.
Your eyes bug out of your skull. “You can do that!?”
“I can~ “ Even if his 'facial expression' is awkward, the confidence of a thousand years and also 29 full size bottles of tennesee whiskey, give or take, is still stuck stubbornly in his voice.
No way. You're genuinely surprised and intrigued. "This whole time??"
"Since birth- err, or creation. Our beginning is rather unclear." Mhm.
Thoughtfully, curiously, you raise up onto your tip toes in order to take a better look. It's not the weirdest thing you've seen in this house, but it's new and intriguing even so. Especially since you regularly fuck this man. "... Do you have a- hm." You stop. Maybe you shouldn't ask that, you think, pressing your lips into a firm line.
"A tongue?" Slender finishes for you, never one to let something be when he knows he can use it to make someone else feel smaller. You just sigh, and nod. Yep, that is what you were thinking. When a thick, slimy, dexterous, terrifying-looking black creature-tongue makes a short appearance out the abyss inside his mouth and licks his bottom lip very quickly, your eyes fly open wide again. "I do." He tells you matter-o'-factly; no flirty or vulgar tone in his voice, but a definite pridefulness. A smugness. A teasing intrigue, in your line of questioning.
God you're truly starting to dislike drunk Slender. He's borderline creeping you out. This isn't him.
... Even so though- "Does it hurt?" You ask, reaching up (extending your arm almost as far as it'll go, he's so tall) to ghost your fingers over the tear in his usually-smooth face. There isn't any blood or anything, its just like if you ripped a piece of paper, but- surely- that cannot be comfortable!
"Its perfectly comfortable," He responds, having been listening to your thoughts which makes you sigh. Has he been doing that this whole time?? You hate when he does that- "Its a natural function of mine. And yes- I know you hate it. That's a bonus, thank you."
Now you give his chest a wack with the back of your hand. "So you're saying could've been using that on me this whole time??"
-He just sighs. "Such a vulgar human."
"Says the one that insists I wear no underwear when your brothers all come over so you have easier access- "
"That's just practical, Y/N." And dangerous, considering one his brothers is Offender. "You and I both know the mansion is at its most ridiculous when they dare to visit. You benefit just as much as I do."
"... pfft."
"Pfft? Did you just 'pfft' me??"
"You fuck me before they even arrive."
"I anticipate the chaos."
You open your mouth immediately to go 'ha' at him, but no sound comes out. Because... right. He's right. He's completely correct. You two don't do this because you like each other, or out of any actual desire for each other... you do it to relieve stress. You should stop this line of conversation now, before one of you says something silly and incorrect suggesting any different. "Oh yeah." For a moment theirs a silence between you, you retracting your hand from him while you both stop to just think for a second. Because that sure was close. You could have ruined what you have! And that would be a shame- because it works. "Well-- I'm still not the only vulgar one." You shrug, slipping out from where he still hangs over you and collecting the now-brewed coffee with you.
"... right." For a split second Slender seems too caught up in own thinking that he almost lets you win- before flicking immediately back to his senses, insulting you as easily as he breathes (However it is that he does that); heading to the table with a mug for the coffee he 'didn't want', anyhow. "Uh- I mean- you're mistaken, but that's okay. You're only, pathetically human. Its to be expected."
Instead of responding, you pour the coffee for him then step back against a bench and you both sit in silence for a few more painfully awkward moments. He's just sipping and you're just wondering if you can just leave-
when a horrid crash noise sounds from the living room as well as the smell of pot wafting in as well; BEN's high chuckling following shortly after, and your eyes slip slowly to Slender at the same time that his head turns your way. Neither of you move for a second but you can feel a gentle, heated throbbing beginning to rise in your underwear, thinking about the mess that you'll inevitably have to clean up when you go in there and find out the TV is smashed, and the yelling Slender's going to do because a new TV has to be stolen for the mansion now. Which means-
"Laundry room."
"I'll meet you there."
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opennwindows · 1 year
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hello!! i am a new writer/account and i would love to accept some creepypasta x reader requests! to get used to writing and to get some works out, i would be more than willing to help y'all get your little nasty pasta scenarios into words.
i'll write fluff, platonic, smut, dead dove (with exceptions in my rules), and just general hcs if you guys are interested in my interpretations of the pastas!!
below the cut are my rules and what i will and won't write for but spoiler alert: there's not much i won't do lol.
i currently write for afab readers because thats what i'm most familiar with but if the request is intriguing enough i will try to do my best at amab!! just be patient.
going off of that last statement, i will probably use she/her pronouns unless it's specified that you want a gender neutral reader. i can do my best at writing trans reader content too but please be aware that i am a cis girl so i wouldn't be able to do it the justice that a trans writer would. but i will definitely try <3
characters i WILL mainly write for: jeff the killer, ticci toby, masky, hoodie, jane the killer, clockwork, eyeless jack, BEN, nina the killer, laughing jack, liu & sully.
characters i DON'T write for: offenderman, bloody painter, herobrine (is anyone actually requesting this), zalgo, any animal pastas (the rake, smile dog, seed eater).
i will ONLY write sally in PLATONIC/FAMILIAL scenarios.
i'm iffy on slenderman content but if y'all want to fuck the faceless tentacle demon THAT bad who am i to deny you
things i will NOT write: underage, scat/piss, rlly rlly rlly heavy noncon, amputation (not kinkshaming just not for me personally), zoo, necro, eds.
things i personally tend to FAVOR: smut obv, breeding, somno, knifeplay, gunplay, dubcon, sub!reader, toxic pastas, yandere/darling, praise, degradation, reader absolutely getting their shit wrecked y'know.
im a big fan of hcs and blurbs/scenarios but i will write one shots too, those will just take significantly more time and care. if you don't specifically say you'd like a one shot i will write it as either hcs or blurbs.
if i haven't mentioned a character in my do's and don't's feel free to send a request and if i'm down i'll do it!!
if you feel even the slightest urge to request i beg u to pls send it my way i am scratching like a crackhead to start writing for y'all. i've been in this fandom for a decade and i need to let some thoughts go wild.
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Hii I'm back again, can i ask for a spicy zalgo x slender x reader hcs?? Tyy againn <33
This got... So much longer than I meant it to...
I hope you enjoy!
The thing to remember in my canon about the two of them in a poly relationship is the fact that while both of them are dating and sharing you, they aren't really actively dating each other and have no romantic feelings for each other. So, while they amicably share you in a romantic self, it's in the sexual context of your relationship with them that the competitive streak in both of them comes out and they tend to fight to be the one to satisfy you more. 
One day you arrive at Zalgo's mansion for your time with him with a very large, very noticeable hickey decorating your neck. The next time you return back at Slender's, he finds that you have hickeys decorating the entirety of your chest and back. It's things like this, the two of them trying to leave their marking on you, to claim you in a more effective, more pleasurable way. It honestly probably gets to the point that you have to step in and tell them to knock it off because your body is so sore and stressed from the amount of rough fucking you've been going through for weeks on end as the two of them try and demonstrate who out of them it the better lover, and while they spoil you to bits and do tremendous aftercare for you every time, it still takes a toll on your body to be voraciously fucked by two separate very powerful demons. 
Ground rules end up being set and made, and the two of them relax quite a bit when it comes to trying to be your more dominant, passionate partner. At least, until the three of you end up having a rare date night altogether, leading back to Zalgo's castle where the two of them end up fucking you together for the first time, and it's at that moment you wish you'd discussed that possibility in advance. You're so out of it, so fucked out of your mind from the pleasure and the dual attention from both of them. Both of their mouths are always on you, their teeth always sinking into you, their hands roaming and squeezing and pulling on you, their words sinking into your mind, asking who knows you better, who makes you feel the best, who knows how to destroy you and tear you apart the most. Any hole of yours you'll let them fill they take turns using, trying to make the experience more pleasurable than the other one, and by the time they're done your face is pleasurably tear-streaked, your body absolutely exhausted, sore, and wrecked from the two of them, and both of them are apologizing and taking care of you better than they ever have before. Of course, more ground rules are set after that night, however- that definitely doesn't mean that was the last time the two of them would fuck you at the same time again. Oh no, you did your due diligence to request dual date nights much more often after that, because after all, how many people get the chance to get the best fucking of their life from the two most powerful demons in the entirety of the Underworld?
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authorautism · 1 year
Creepypasta headcanons
Ben is the youngest creep at 20 years old his personality is a mix of chronically online overly confident loser boy and a pinch of Link that he tries to supress. The others age range from 20 to 26 with Eyeless Jack being the oldest. Zalgo and Slenderman are entities that have always existed so their age is outside understanding.
The mansion in the woods exists but it servers more as a command base then where all the creeps live with only Slenderman spending majority of his time there, while the other creeps have more varied places they stay. Some are on the run or living of the grid but a majority spend the time at or with Reader.
They all stalked the reader to with different levels of precision. Hoody and Masky do not get caught but the reader knows someone is following them. While with Slenderman and Zalgo the would be unnoticed if not for the sickness. Ticci Toby and Jeff are both caught in the act of murdering someone who flirted with reader. While Eyeless Jack is able to get away with the murder and stalking easily. Liu is the only creep to approach Reader first rather then stalking them though Sully stalks Reader when he is fronting.
Most fall under the yandere x reader personality to a degree. But despite the murdering and powers all these boys want is too be loved and cherished like they have never felt before. Majority use the stray cat method to get Reader to love them back unless Reader is inclined to murdering like they are.
NSFW Undercut!
Don't let their threats and appearance dissuade you they're all subs and or bottoms in one way or another. Some are especially bratty to [Ben and Jeff]. For the sake of having a cohesive headcanon all of them have normal male anatomy unless its omegaverse. With some exceptions such as Slender's tentacle dick and other tentacles. Zalgo's many tentacles and EJ's own tentacle dick and many tongues. Everyone else has normal dicks with varying normal traits.
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sweatinghoneybee · 2 months
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Made this for a friend. She asked if i can help her abit with her design of her y/n from a fanfic we both like (which is the one that i’ve made alot of fanart of here) and i was like sure that’s cool! She asked for like a ballerina, doe, zalgo, scarlet king, ice theme going on with hers and i must say those are quite the concepts and i’m really excited what i come up with those ideas! Tho her request for antlers was giving me a headache, seriously why are those so hard to draw?!! So yeah this is the results of that and i must say it turns out pretty adorable, love the hooves look that i put on her pedes. All and all this is fun sketch practice for me! Thx for the fun idea @random4137!
X - X - X
If someone is wondering what the fanfic i was talking about that i made for my friend here’s the link
It’s made by another friend of mine so please go ahead and shower them with some love for their work kay? They really work hard on this fanfic of theirs and i say they are doing an awesome job!
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myrequestblog · 1 year
Request Rules and My Favorite Characters
I can do other characters, but if you don’t specify which characters you want I will choose from these
Undertale AUs:
Mafiafell (Sooner or Later You’re Gonna Be Mine)
Grillby AUs
Gaster AUs
Flowey AUs
City of Blank:
Claude (I will only write gay headcannons for him. Sorry notsorry)
Black Butler:
(I refuse to do Ciel or Alois, unless the reader is of similar age)
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Mahito (He’s an jack@$$ and I hate what he did but he’s hot)
That one white and blue curse that almost killed Yuji, and that I’ve decided to call ‘Akuma’ (Mostly platonic and/or pet-owner type relationships (Keyword ‘mostly’))
Hunter X Hunter:
I refuse to do Gon or Killua, unless the reader is of similar age
Demon Slayer:
(I refuse to do any minors x reader, unless the reader is of similar age)
Kagaya (Platonic/parental only)
Mitsuri and Obanai (All headcannons with these two are gonna be poly)
Muchiro (Parental/fraternal/platonic only)
Rui (Parental/fraternal/platonic only)
All upper ranks aside from 4 and 5
Dummy’s Dummy:
The Lalah twins
Polakov (We’ve been conditioned to hate him and have no major reason to actually dislike him)
The Toy Soldier
Jeff the Killer
Jane the Killer
Eyeless Jack
Laughing Jack (Mainly gay headcannons for him)
Ticci Toby
Masky and Hoodie (All headcannons with these two are gonna be poly)
Jason the Toymaker
Ben Drowned
Lost Silver
John Doe:
John Doe
House Hunted:
Yandere Simulator:
Gaster Gang:
The void anomalies (Pet-owner relationships only)
Welcome Home Wally AUs:
Wally Darling
Reboot Wally
Lovesick Wally
Watcher Wally
Rainbow Factory Wally
Opposite Wally
Other Wally AUs
Sally Face:
Sal/Sally Face
Fran Bow:
Only platonic relationships
Fran Bow
Mr Midknight
Suzie and Noelle (Only lesbian poly for them, sorry)
The Amulet Series:
(Too many to say, but to start with-)
The indestructible lizard
The plague doctor
SCP-914 "The Bettering Machine"
The shy guy
Deal with the devil
A LOT more
Hazbin Hotel:
Charlie and Vaggie (Only romantic options for them is lesbian poly)
Alastor (Platonic, parental, friendship only. I’m sticking with the cannon that he is AroAce. Sorry 😅)
Angel and Husk (Gay poly is the only romantic options here. If u don’t like it, just keep it to yourself.)
Valentinto (He’s the worst person in existence but he’s damn sexy (unfortunately). We can all agree on that. I won’t make my bias against him known in the requests, I promise.)
Adam (Because some people like him🤷 )
Lilith (Or my rendition of her)
Zestial (Or my rendition of him)
If you have headcanons to ask for but don’t have anything specific in mind, use some emojis:
�� Fluff
🥀 Angst
🔞 Smut (Smut will be kept private unless the asker wishes to share)
😎 Chaos
🤩 Reader has powers/magic
🥳 Birthday Ask
🤕 Injured Reader
🤒 Sick Reader
🙅 Platonic
🫀 Yandere
🪢 Soulmate AU
🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ
🐣 Reader is a Child
😺 animal or animal-related reader
👾 IRL reader
⚙ Using SCP-914
❤️/🧡/💛/💚/💙/💜/🖤/🤍 Reader Has a Specific Soul Color
💀 Undertale
👤 City of Blank
🤵‍♂️ Black Butler
💀 Jujutsu Kaisen
🍀 Hunter X Hunter
🗡️ Demon Slayer
🪡 Dummy’s Dummy
🔪 Creepypasta
👁️ John Doe
🏚️ House Hunted
💘 Yandere Simulator
🕳️ Gaster Gang
🎨 Welcome Home Wally AUs
🎭 Sally Face
👧 Fran Bow
⚜️ Deltarune
📿 Amulet
😈 Hazbin Hotel
(Example: 🐣+😎+👤 would be ‘Young reader causing chaos in the City of Blank’)
Suggestive ideas or themes
Platonic Child X Parental figure
OC X Character
Fandom Crossovers
Character X Pregnant!Reader
Mental Illnesses
Black Lives Matter
Any and all religious beliefs are welcome, however I know very little about most religions, so please be gentle with me
Dealing with death
Pain (physical or emotional)
Traumatic accidents or happenings
Bad parenting
Commented ideas
Having characters avoid their cannon death
Nicknames for characters
Furry-related content
Trans reader
Gay reader
Lesbian reader
Bi reader
Pan reader
LGBTQ readers welcome
Readers and characters with different nationalities
Readers and characters with different skin tones
Readers and characters who speak other languages
Readers and characters who are different species
Readers and characters with disabilities
Readers and characters with autism
Readers and characters with mental abnormalities
Readers and characters with physical abnormalities
Readers and characters with physical ailments
Readers and characters with varying levels of intelligence
Readers and characters with trauma
Readers and characters with conditions like vitiligo
Readers and characters who need things like a cane, a wheelchair, or limb braces
Young reader
Pyrotechnics ❤️‍🔥
Fandom crossovers (Highly encouraged for SCP ideas)
Age regression
Settings in different countries and continents
Truth or dare
Necrophillia (Unless the person who is ‘dead’ becomes ‘the walking dead and can give permission’)
Power plays (unless sexual and with permission from the partner)
Sexual assault or r@p3
(What’s another phobia- we don’t like spiders either. Spiders are ugly)
Abuse of any kind, unless part of and/or needed for a backstory or something
Hate crimes
Human trafficking
Child abuse
Underage drinking
Death of major characters
Death of comfort characters
Smut (Suggestive stuff is a yes but a no on smut. Sorry peeps)
This account is SPECIFICALLY for requests.
Most of these will be in headcannon form or incorrect quotes but feel free to ask for something different!
I often update this post so remember to check every once and awhile.
If you have questions or concerns, let me know!
Main blog:
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griffonsgrove · 1 year
~~ Welcome to my Blog ! ~~
Ello! I’m Night!! I’m new to the whole Tumblr writing blog, but I made this account to get out any ideas or drabbles that I may have during fandom brain rot (which I frequently have) and to also help enhance my writing ability!
First and foremost, I am an artist, so I may draw little doodles to go with certain head canons, drabbles or one shots! it helps me to visualize the story more!
So without further ado, let me tell you what i’m interested in!!
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(Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss)
Angel Dust
Sir Pentious
Eyeless Jack
Jeff the Killer
Ben Drowned
Masky (Tim)
Hoodie (Brian)
Laughing Jack
Jane the Killer
(Gravity Falls)
Bill Cipher
Stanford Pines
Stanley Pines
Ghostface (Billy and Stu)
Thomas Hewitt
Bubba Sawyer
Freddy Kruger
Jason Vorhees
Yautja (The Predator)
Art the Clown
Micheal Myers
RZ!Micheal Myers
Brahms Heelshire
(Across The Spider-Verse)
Miguel O’Hara
Hobie Brown
Peter B. Parker
The Spot
Black Hat
Dr. Flug
5.0.5 (Platonic)
(Stranger Things)
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Jim Hopper
Billy Hargrove
Johnathan Byers
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What I Will Write: 
Platonic Relationships
Moderate gore/Body Horror
X readers
(Ask about kinks and fetishes)
What I Will Not Write: 
absolutely NO minor x adult relationships (unless they’re strictly platonic)
I typically won’t do Canon Character x Canon Character ships, just because I’ve never really done so! Idk if i’d be good at it
I probably have more to add to this list, but i’ll add to it later on
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Now that, that’s outta the way! I'm opening writing requests!! Please feel free to send in any type of request you’d want to see done, into my inbox!
Currently since I'm out of college for the summer, I have a lot of free time to explore and pump out new work! As I’ve said before, I really want to try and enhance my writing ability so that it can be better for the future!
So i’d really appreciate this post being shared or just you guys sending in a small request, or drabble idea to get me started! I’m really excited to get started on this page and explore further, Until then have a great day! <333
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
The Creepypasta Masterlist, Volume 1
And we make it at least to the Creepypasta masterlist, or at least the first one! Since I kind of merged the source and crp fanons of masky and hoodie I will be including my Marble Hornets posts as well! If there if anything wrong with any of the links please let me know! Since a post can only have up to 100 links there will be multiple masterlists for Creepypasta! As of 1/20/2024 this masterlist is complete! For future volumes you can find the links in the bottom of my pinned!
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Slenderman, EJ, LJ, Tim/Masky, and Brian/Hoodie's petnames for the reader
Down time w/ Slenderman, EJ, LJ, Tim and Brian
Slenderman, EJ,LJ, Tim and Brian w/ a reader who has plushies
Masky and Hoodie w/ a teen!new proxy!reader (platonic)
Slenderman, EJ, LJ, Tim and Brian listening to a song w/ reader
Reminders from Slenderman, EJ, LJ, Tim and Brian
Random skills and hobbies they'd have: Slenderman, EJ, LJ, Tim and Brian
Slenderman, EJ, LJ, Masky and Hoodie x their ideal partners
Slenderman, Splendorman, EJ, and LJ outliving you
Slender, Splendor, EJ, LJ, masky and hoodie losing the reader
Slender, Splendor, EJ, and LJ when the reader has a nightmare
Slender, Splendor, EJ, LJ, Masky and Hoodie reactions to being told "I love you" for the first time
Slender, Splendor, EJ, LJ, Masky and Hoodie finding out youre pregnant
Slender, Splendor, EJ, LJ, Masky and Hoodie x slenderbeing!reader
EJ, LJ, Masky, Hoodie, and Toby w/ a scarred reader
Slender, Trender, Masky, and EJ w/ an ace reader
LJ, EJ, and Toby x reader whos like Hishino
Masky, Hoodie, Toby and reader going to a pumpkin patch
Date nights w/ Masky and Hoodie
EJ, LJ, slender and Jeff x reader who's been there the longest
EJ, LJ, Jeff and hoodie having a snowday w/ the reader
Dating Slenderman v.1
Slenderman finding out his proxies get bitches
Living w/ Slenderman
"In all my years.." short post
Slenderman exploring the readers interests
Slenderman x reader who writes horror
Slenderman x fey!reader
"All entwined in one web" Slenderman comfort/hc post
Slenderman x ghost!reader
Slenderman x cottagecore!partner
Matching scarves
Celebrating halloween
Slenderman x slenderbeing!artist!reader
Slenderman x slenderbeing!reader
Date nights w/ Slenderman
Splendorman: catch up edition
Dating EJ hcs v.1
Aftercare w/ Eyeless Jack (kind of spicy but not explicit)
Living w/ EJ
General EJ hcs
Imagine scenario w/ EJ
Jealous EJ
EJ x artist!reader who loves nature
"The world is cruel" shortpost
Reader surprise visiting him
Reader and EJ walking together at night
Reader and EJ drabble
EJ ramble post
"Oh nooo i sure hope there isnt a monster" shitpost
Random EJ tongue hcs (yes this is SFW)
Playing w/ his hair
EJ, reader, and music
He accidentally hurts you
EJ and reader cosplaying BOTW for halloween
Random thing #5/Cleaning the tar
Cuddling and Sleeping w/ EJ
Date nights w/ EJ
Living w/ LJ
Gift giving w/ LJ
Carnival hcs/jokepost
Random hcs
Laughing Jack x chaotic!reader who loves music!
Pumpkin carving w/ LJ
LJ x reader whos like Tomie
Random thing #2/Colors
Random thing #3/Pain
LJ x Trans masc!reader w/ cramps
LJ x reader who gets migraines
Random thing #10/Clown physics
LJ x angel!reader
Date nights w/ LJ
LJ x clown!reader
Masky x fem!reader on christmas
Tim x fem!reader who has tics
Reader finding out Tim is a proxy
Tim/Masky x soft but fierce reader
Father!Masky finding out reader is dating Toby
Tim/Masky x sunshine!reader
General Brian/Hoodie hcs
Pup x reader whos struggling to sleep
Pup x reader who has nightmares + sleep paralysis
General Zalgo hcs
Platonic Ben Drowned x mute!reader
Platonic Ben x gen z!reader
D, H, N, O, P, Q, R, S, X, Z w/ LJ
A, B, D, G, H, K, M w/ Slenderman
C, E, F, H, I, J, K, M, N, S, Y w/ Masky
E, F, I, W w/ Slenderman
J, P, Q, U w/ Slenderman
A, C, I, G, K, L, P w/ EJ
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unikron-kitten-kat · 2 years
could we get some slenderman x male reader. i want to know about your take on him and the whole incubation process and how he can turn people into a slender aswell!! thank you ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
OH my Zalgo hai! of course you can!! XD
Sorry this took so long! I had to redo it all bcs I missread your ask xd, but here it is!!
Slenderman x male reader part two
Tws: Cannibalism mentioned; blood; tentacles; transformation[Slenderman turns reader into a slender]; Slenderman; knife and wounds
Dis is long :>
His Dearest
Søme øf Me, Øne of Us
It wasn't fair really. Your boss was so damn pretty. It didn't help he basically glowed in the moonlight.
While.. Sane and "normal" people would scream and run, or in the case of your.. Co-workers, be wary of your boss, you were drawn to him.
Something was pulling you in. His claws had sunk into the threads of your heart and yanked on them, throwing you against him, leaving you at his mercy.
He knew this too. He knew what he did to you. He took advantage of that, in small ways though. He had plans for you, and he didn't need them ruined.
The others saw.
The others noticed.
They noticed his... Blatant favouritism.
Toby was ticked off by this. Masky and Hoodie were so very pissed.
Nobody had ever outshone them in Slender's eyes. Ever. They were the ones he worked on the longest! Or so they thought.
They heard him talking about you to Zalgo. About how he had spent much longer on you than those three. When he apparently didn't even need to.
He had been with you for ages. Taking on the guise of an imaginary friend while you were young, then guiding you away from your home, your parents and 'friends', as Slender sneared the word, when things started drowning you.
It was hardly junior high when he finally got you to follow him away.
Still. No matter how hard and how long he supposedly worked on you, they hated it. They hated not being in the spotlight. Especially when it came to Slender.
You had to work so damn hard to be in Slender's favor, and being in his favor, you had so. Many. Advantages. So many!
And here you were, a complete and total outsider to them, obliviously stealing the spotlight.
The others started talking about you when you and Slender weren't around.
They called you his pet.
His toy. A baby-faced plaything.
Such harsh nicknames.
And they used to be mean. Until you started telling Slender about their behavior towards you. They stopped. Some of the weaker bullies turned tail when they saw you. They didn't think Slender would get that angry at them.
It was all fun and games after all!
The smarter ones did not engage in the bullying banter though. They knew what would happen. All they did was toss you the side eye when you came into the room.
To those in favor of Slenderman were gifted a huge bonus. A portion of his power to have, and grow more powerful with. This grew the power they were given, making them, and subsequently Slender, stronger.
You were just about to get this power. Lucky bastard.
He had guided you away from the Manor. Said he didn't want any interruptions.
He stood facing away from you. His back to you.
After a short moment, he turned back around, now holding something.
A squirming something.
A writhing something.
"Wh... What is that Boss?"
He hummed.
"This, [Name],, is what I use to.. Transfer a portion of my power to those select few I deem worthy of such a gift.. And... The only way they are able to absorb this is through 'eating' it... The only way they could absorb some of me.."
He knelt in front of you. Bringing the.. Slug of slime up to your face. It wasn't wiggling quite as aggressively as it was brought up to you. He couldn't help but inwardly chuckle at the dark blush now dusting your cheeks.
You did.
It lunged down your throat. It squirmed its way down. You choked, gasped, wheezed as it wormed its way down. You had doubled over.
It dissolved into you. At least that's what it felt like. An overwhelming wave of.. Warm? And strength and just.. Raw power.
Your vision went black for a moment.
When you regained yourself, you were shaking. Slender was keeping you from falling to the ground. You deserved that much and more he thought.
You were gasping for the breath you lost when the slimy slug had invaded it.
Your head hurts. Your vision pulsed black. You hands are now really hurting. Your body jolted with a sudden wave of pain.
Then it was over.
Your hands were different. Your forearms were white, a webby skin fading over your own, fading to black at your finger tips where claws now ebbed a sickly green.
Your attention was brought to Slender. He was circling you, observing what his essence changed in you. Your face hurt. You rubbed it. You groaned, your body was so sore now.
You felt.. Things on your back. You turned to look.
Guess you have spidery tentacles now.
"Not... As drastic as some... Previous hosts. But intriguing none the less."
You most certainly felt different. Completely. Sure you still had human skin, and you still had some of yourself, but certain parts of you had been altered.
"These... Altercations can be expanded apon... A cadaver.. For something more..."
He trailed off. Lost in thought almost. His voice was so alluring..
"No, not yet. I will give you time to rest and adjust to these changes before doing anything more drastic."
"Do... Does this always? Change others?" You had to ask.
"Not always. Sometimes their strengths weren't enough to build off of, or they just weren't compatible."
"Wh.. What happened if they weren't compatible?"
He sighed. It was a heavy sigh. As if he had regrets.
"They'd perish. Masky and Hoodie almost weren't compatible enough. They almost expired. Ah, well, nothing I can change about the compatibility..."
You looked back at your hands. The webby white skin was uneasy to look at.
"You however...", You looked back up to your Boss, "were very much compatible. I have never yet seen my raw magic modify a Proxie into a Slender cadaver yet..."
"Yes. With your transformation you now have the ability to become one of us, [Name], a Slender yourself..."
He grabbed your arm and examined it closer.
"And by the looks of your skin and claws.... More particularly your skin, you have the potential to be an Arachnae of sorts. That breed of Slender is... Rather powerful. Definetly more magically potent than I could ever hope to be.."
He examined your hands to, the sickly green glow seeming to course through your veins.
"Why... Why is my arm glowing like that??"
He huffed a chuckle at the worry in your tone.
"Must just be the colour of your new magic, [Name]."
He held your hands like that for a moment. His touch was warm.. You couldn't keep looking at him. His attention was always something you craved.
"Well, with that done", he stood.. So tall, "let's head back to the Manor and get warmed back up, it is cold out here, no?"
When you two did get back, he led you directly to his office. A few of the others saw you. Some did double takes. Others glared with envy.
He looked at something, a screen maybe.
"Of course..."
You saw.. A warbly image across a black sludgy smudge on the wall. Like a security camera, almost.
It was images of Toby and a couple other Proxies you saw, those couple trying to hold Toby back as he kicked through Slender's door. He seemed pissed from the looks of the 'camera', throwing his axes down on the floor, and kicking at it, then storming out the door, fuming.
"He was trying to.... Interrupt me..."
Slender's tone was dangerous.
"I will be... Having a talk with him after dinner tonight... In the meantime, I have some work to get done. [Name]? Could you stay in here with me? I'd appreciate the company.."
"Uh.. Sure."
Toby... Did not look well, let's just say, and he avoided you like the plague. He'd get a lot more twitchy if he was 'forced' into prolonged contact with you. A lot more... Scared.
Now it has been about a year since you recieved your new power and magic. As you trained with it, and unlocked new abilities in accordance to your gift, you felt it growing inside you. Probably what the others meant when they felt they were nothing but inccubators. But you?
You felt... Alive, to be honest. A lot more alive than you could have ever felt. Your magic, it ebbed and flowed inside you..
It made you feel so good!
Hunting down your assigned victims was so much fun now! With your new agility, flexibility, magic!?
Oh how badly, oh how disgutingly, horridly bad you now want to see the horror, the absolute terror on their faves when you were done with them!
How lively you feel! How fucking good you feel! How euphoric...
Though, it appeared to Slender, it was physically impossible for you to be driven made by this new influx of power.
And, to be honest, he felt you were ready for your.. Next stage. Soon.
With Slender, you noticed small things he did before were.. More. His touch would linger longer on your shoulder, he'd find ways, excuses, to touch you. To let his hands roam. You swear he purposefully traveled his hands down and up to grope your crotch and your pecs. Squeezed even.
He also seemed to be much more enthusiastic to be more one-on-one with you, often making the excuse of giving you a solo mission, just to be in the same room with you, alone.
He.. Smelled different too. Probably was your heightened senses, but he smelled different from what you remember before your gift was given.
He smelled heavily of the forest after a calming rain, he smelled of coffee, black coffee at that, he had a hint of copper behind him. There was one other smell you couldn't place, one of.. A raw somthing. Almost as if you could.. Smell his magic?
And sometimes he would smell very, very sweet. Sometimes it was overwhelming how strongly of sweet he smelled. He seemed a lot more.. Husky, dominating towards you only, and he was fidgety when he smelled like this too. His tones and what he'd do when he smelled like this made you weak in the knees.. And it made you hard. So hard.
He even sat you in his lap, or you'd wake up in his bed being spooned by him when you slumbered in yours first, or he'd have you behind or next to him in random scenarios.
You were falling helplessly for him even deeper than you had in the beginning.
You had just recently finished killing your most recent.. Target. Blood was decorating you. He watched you go feral over them. He watched you eat them.... It set. Him. Off. In a good way.
You stumbled out of the backdoor to the house, wiping off some of the blood on your face with your sleeve.
You gasped, jumping as you were grabbed by both shoulders.
It was just Slender.
One of his hands came up to slide over you cheek, holding it.
"So... Pretty..."
His voice was barely a whisper. You blushed deeply at the comment, your cheeks seeming to glow.
He held you like this for a while it seemed.
"Well.", he stood, "I think it is time now. Time for you to become one of us.. A Slender.."
You inhaled deeply.
"Yes, [Name]."
He had brought you back to the plave where he originally gifted you a portion of his power to grow stronger with.
"Hmph... You have.. Never disappointed me.. Never let me down.. Never... Disobeyed me... Never gave me trouble.."
He turned to you.
"The others... However..."
He trailed off, leading to a pause. He seemed fixed on something.
He closed the gap between you two.
"You have... Such big eyes..."
Your arms tightened at your sides.
"... Hm... Well, let's get on with it shall we?"
He had a hand folded behind its back, which was now revealed to hold a very intricately patterned knife. Ot looked cermonial almost, and it had a whispy magic floating around in its onyx coloured blade.
"My people craft these knives to help halflings such as yourself progress into the final stages of their transformation, lest their new blood rip their body apart from the inside..."
He crouched down, taking on of your arms in one of his four hands, using another hand to scrunch up your sleeve and his.
"The... Activation, I suppose, of the final stage to your transformation requires the blood of a Pureling, such as myself, spilling into a wound of the halfling..."
And with that, he cut a line into your and his wrists. He held his over yours, his dark inky blood trickling onto your wound, staining your grayish blend at the wrist darker.
It tooke a hot minute, but your body seemed to finally register what happened, because your wrist started burning. It hurt so bad. It had tears immediately blurring your vision, you doubling over as the excruciating sensation swam up your arm and through your body.
He held you to him though. His arms were wrapped around you as you painfully transformed. And you couldn't currently hear him over how painful your body was, the pain blackening your eyesight and closing of your hearing, but he was whispering hushed comforts into your ear.
It was thirty minutes of you sobbing into him, your body felt on fire inside and out as you swore your bones broke and snapped back into a different order, growing new ones, and new arms ripping out of your sides as your rib cage expanded to accomodate new internal and external additions.
When you finally came to, he was holding you, his lower hands stroking up and down your sides, and one was holding your head to his chest as he held you close to comfort you through your pain. You were still gasping painful, raspy, shakey breaths. Everything currently hurt. Everything, even your new additions.
You were apparently clutching his suit. You didn't want to let go.
You felt his blank mouth rest on your head. Like a kiss. You responded by curling up into him, and whimpering at how much it hurt to move.
"Oh, come here [Name], its alright.. Your done now.."
His voice was lulling, soothing, like he altered it with his magic. He pulled you in closer, wrapping his form around you, offering his warmth to help sooth your sore and achy body.
You two stayed like this for a while. He knew how much it hurt. One of his cousins is a halfling, product of a one-sided affair between their human mother and Slender father. He had watched his cousin writhe and scream. Nobody comforted him. Except him and his brothers. He thinks it was because nobody else knew how to help.
After your tears ran dry, he asked if you could stand with him. It took a bit, your legs wobbling excessively, but you managed.
Wow. You were almost as tall as him now. Your legs ached like they just went through a growth spurt, and they very much did.
You had to lean on him for support though.
You gasped, feeling a very strange but good sensation. You turned your head to look. His smooth, cold, inky, buggy tentacles were intertwining with your webby, whispy ones.
He guided you off him, holding your shoulders as he took in your new form.
You had markings. Black ones tracing along your webby skin, swirly and curvy, some wrapping around new curves to your body. Some faded to a gold colour at their tips, and all had your green magic flowing through them.
Your tentacles had curvy patterns with the same gold and magic wrapping around them.
And your eyes... Your eight eyes were bewitching to him, your sclera now a deep emerald, with gold swirling over it, merging into a shiny pupil that glittered in the moonlight.
You heard him inhale deeply.
"Please, [Name], use my real name for once... Aiden."
"Fuck your gorgeous...."
You sharply inhaled at the realization you were now probably naked. You panicked a bit. What if your... Huh. Well.. Apparently Slender dicks don't just dangle. It looks like you have some sort of... Pouch thingy? You saw what looked like flaps keeping your genitals hidden from prying eyes anyway. What do they look like now? Do you have more than one dick? You didn't feel more than one dick... You did feel.. Very small tentacles in there though...
He chuckled at your panic though, holding you tighter.
Your eyes were bigger.
"Don't worry [Name].... Not like this is the first time I have seen you without clothes..."
You, gasped, and blushed, the colour completely covering your face as soon as yoi processed what he said, your hands tightening their grip on his arms. You turned your head.
He chuckled at you again.
"I think... This was a... Successful transformation.. What about you?"
He let go of you, looking you up and down again, realizing your legs came to an almost point, them ending in a hoof-like structure that wasn't its own thing, not like a horse or cow, but like a continuation of your leg. Though, he new what that type of leg was capable of, as his cousin Trenderman was a Satyr Slender, one that had traits of 'goats' and 'deer' from their world, and those animals had very thin legs that were full of sheer power. He saw 'goats' launch predators up to 30 feet away with a single kick.
His hands came back up to rest at your hips and sides.
"I think we need to change up your wardrobe now, don't we?"
You stiffened in embarrassment, feeling his gaze rake up and down your new body.
You felt... Better. More powerful, most certainly, your senses were heightened again, and it hurt to have all of your eyes opened at once because each pair had a different mode of vision, one pair having infrared, etc.
"Your perfect...."
He whispered.
You shuddered at the complement.
Slender breathly chuckled.
"Oh, the others are going to be.... Very jealous of you.. Aren't they? Especially when they hear how I'll be treating you in a few months when you get used to this new body....."
The implications, and his low and husky tone had your entire body lighting up, with fires of embarrassment flaring through you.
Slender stepped closer to you, leaning down just enough to be able to bury his face into your neck. You inhaled sharply. Something weird pulsed where he had his mouth. It made you want to tilt your head and push you neck into his mouth.
You saw his back shake from a shudder passing through his body.
You heard tearing before his long, wide, wet, cold tongue licked over the pulsing spot. You gasped at the action, your body tensing, you pushing yourself into him, and burying your face into him.
He made a satisfied noise.
One of his hands came up to hold the side of your head, and he removed his face from your neck.
"You felt that? That feeling in your neck, [Name]?"
You nodded, making a humming sound.
"I see..."
Another hand held your chin.
His face was very close to yours.
His fingers rubbed over your hidden mandibles.
His other hands wrapped around your hips and waist, pulling your body as flush to his as he could get you.
The pale green that was now your blood made your cheeks glow with blush again, your eyes wider at the closeness.
He tilted his head.
And he kissed you.
The surprise of the kiss, the touch of your flat slates against each other, prompted your mouth to open, and he took that chance to slide his tongues into your mouth.
His tentacles wrapped around yours again, his hands moving to wrap around you as he hugged you to him.
You melted into him.
He tastes like wine. And black licorice. Maybe a hint of twizzler in there.
When he broke the kiss, a thick trail of saliva hung between your tongues, you taking a few deep breaths before he kissed you again.
His tongues wrapped around yours, yours now longer, you had about three maybe, but his were bigger, and more skilled, obviously.
His tongues went to the back of your throat, and explored your whole mouth, leaving no inch of it unexplored. even wrapped around the mandibles hidden in your mouth, which you found to be sensitive, the touch of his tongues wrapping around them made you moan into the kiss.
He pulled away for the last time, you holding onto him for support again, gasping deeply for breath.
He grabbed your chin, to make you look at him with your droopy eyes and open mouth desperately catching your breath.
If ya'll want a part two, let me know! :D
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eldritch-nightmare · 6 months
do you guys ever get like years worth of creepypasta x ocs/readers just smashed into your brain. memories. like i can't remember All of them but i remember so many details like like like
an eyeless jack x reader on quotev. p sure it was named chains of love?? or something along those lines. idk but i've read that one at least 5 times now and it is the most memorable creepypasta x reader i've ever read.
nd then there was a jeff x oc one on quotev. i can't remember most of it but i remember jeff nd the oc had a kid and zalgo Really wanted their kid for some reason so the oc ends up getting dragged to hell w zalgo to protect their daughter nd the story ended w jeff killing his daughter u know in a 'look at the flowers, lizzie' type of way. and i remember being so Angry at that, that i spent like 30 minutes ranting to my grandmother about the entire thing. this was the story that made little 12 or 13yr old me a jeff hater for the Longest time.
there was a yandere one-shot book on quotev that included a two part one-shot for hoodie where he was stalking the reader and it was actually really well written and probably one of my favorite interps of the creepypasta version of him but it's been years and i think the story got deleted
there was a ticci toby x oc one on quotev. icr anything about it. but it's in my mind. vague bits and pieces. the oc had a shitty dad.
there was a homicidal liu x reader one on quotev where liu and the reader were in an asylum and at some point liu killed like everyone in the asylum and escaped and took the reader hostage for some fuckin reason. he was Really mean in that story. i remember it solely bc he was mean and it made me sad
i never read this one but i had a yandere masky x reader story on quotev favorited to read later. never got around to reading it, so it's lost to time.
then there was also this creepypasta meets my little pony: friendship is magic crossover of sorts on fanfiction.net. masky and hoodie died, and that's all i remember.
and also the all creepypastas x reader story on quotev that i remember vague details on. like uhh... everyone was in love w the reader. the reader was zalgo's daughter. zalgo wanted the reader to be Evil. hoodie died. zalgo tormented the reader by trapping them in a mirror and hoodie's ghost haunted them. i never finished it.
not to mention the countless boyfriend scenarios i've read on quotev and wattpad + the ones i had written myself when i was but a wee little lad. we don't talk about the ones i've written, they were terrible.
at some point i just stopped reading this stuff?? which is honestly sad i should read more creepypasta x readers/ocs and whatnot.
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