#one of the nurses i was following around said we really just do everything without them
how do you not know what doctors do??
I mean I know what they do in general, but specifically ER physicians, no I have genuinely no idea what they do when they're not performing a specific procedure on a patient lmao
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 8 months
No Such Thing As Monsters
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Summary: Dean is injured on a hunt and at first glance, appears to be fine. Quickly though, the reader and Sam learn something far more serious is going on...
Pairing: Dean x reader
Word Count: 1,200ish
Warnings: language, injury
“Dean,” you said, shaking on his shoulder, his eyes flashing open, fist tightening around his angel blade. “You’re okay. Sam took care of the ghoul. How’re you doing?”
“I feel like I just went through a wall,” he said, shakily getting to his feet, cocking his head at the damaged sheetrock in front of him. “Looks like I did.”
“You sure you okay?” you asked, his head nodding. “Sam’s driving us home, just in case.”
“No arguments from me,” he said, giving Sam a nod when he showed up, following his brother the few blocks over to where you’d parked Baby. Dean grabbed the passenger door, slamming his hand on the roof.
“Dean...” said Sam. Dean scrunched up his face, placing a hand on his head. “Dean.”
“Take me to a hospital,” gritted out Dean, your eyes wide. “Now.”
“What’s wrong?” you said, shoving him in the backseat instead, climbing in beside him as Sam started gunning it for the closest one.
“My head. Something’s wrong. I don’t...just hurry.”
Eight Hours Later
Your excuse of Dean taking a hard fall worked with the doctors but you and Sam were staring at one another after finally getting to see Dean again.
“Let’s talk outside,” said the neurologist, Dean giving you a smile as you followed her out.
“What is wrong with my brother, Sally?” asked Sam the second the door to Dean’s room was shut. 
“Retrograde amnesia as far as I can tell. He remembers certain things like his name, date of birth, address when he was a child. You’re lucky I was on call tonight to take his case. Neuro patients are hard enough, especially one’s that are hunters and have to lie about everything,” she said, crossing her arms.
“Sally, amnesia...isn’t that supposed to fade after a few hours at most?” asked Sam.
“Normally,” she said, taking a deep breath. “My best guess is a combination of lasting amnesia which will be hard to recover from but we can help him...and then he’s repressing all the hunting without realizing. You guys have seen some serious crap I’m sure he’d rather forget.”
“What do you mean repressing?” you asked. 
“I mean, Dean thinks monsters are made up, creatures from stories. He doesn’t know they’re real,” she said. You raised an eyebrow, Sam shaking his head. “He doesn’t remember the ghoul, he doesn’t remember the Vamp you guys took care of for me years ago. Monsters aren’t real to him,” said Sally.
“He’s known monsters were real his whole life,” said Sam.
“Technically, since he was four, almost five,” said Sally. “There was a time when he didn’t think any of this was real so it is possible.”
“You’re telling me Dean thinks he’s five?” you said. “He’s in his thirties.”
“He doesn’t think he’s five. He just doesn’t remember certain things. Like he understands basic long term memories, who his parents are, who Sam is...more recent things he’s blocked out,” she said. “Either by choice or because he really can’t remember.”
“Does he remember me? I only started running with the guys about five years ago,” you said.
“He knows your name and that he loves you but that’s about it. The details are all fuzzy for him. Now Dean’s not exactly what I’d call a normal patient. He’ll get thrown in an institute if he starts remembering here in a hospital and God knows what’ll happen to him in there,” she said.
“What do we do then?” asked Sam, Sally sighing and grabbing a chart from the nurses station.
“He has no bleeding in his head, just a few minor cuts and bruises from his tussle. Take him home, try to get him to remember. Any problems and you guys call me. I’ll get you some materials that help sometimes,” she said.
“What if he doesn’t remember?” said Sam.
“Then he doesn’t. Either way, you need to be there for him. You guys gotta get going. The other neurologist starts his shift in an hour and he’s going to want to look at Dean if he’s still here.”
Dean was quiet on the way home, sitting in the backseat, leaning against the backdoor as he stared out the window. Sam simply went through the motions, making him dinner, sending him to bed after checking his bandages, Dean wearing a confused but happy smile the whole time. 
“Y/N,” said Sam, catching you sipping on a drink the library, stealing the bottle to pour himself some.
“What are we going to do Sam?” you asked. “He’s...”
“Do you remember when I saved you from that fire? You promised you’d do anything I wanted. Anything. I told you maybe someday I’d take you up on it. We both know I was never going to but this...I’m cashing that favor in, Y/N,” he said, taking a long swig.
“Using a spell to get his memories back might be dangerous, Sam,” you said, earning a head shake.
“I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about the fact that my big brother thinks the world is normal. The weight of it isn’t on his shoulders anymore. He’s so light and happy. You’re gonna pack up his stuff, pack up your stuff, and you’re going to take him to a little cabin that used to be Bobby’s. It’s not that far out in the boonies so you’ll have electricity and internet and then...you’re gonna help him get a job, get a job yourself and you two are going to get the hell out of this life,” he said.
“Sam that is not-”
“You’re doing this. If something comes after you, you can protect him. Try it for me. If he starts to remember on his own, come back but please, give it a try.”
Two Days Later
“I thought we lived at the bunker place?” asked Dean, sitting down at your new kitchen table, watching you whip up an easy dinner. 
“We live here now,” you said, stirring the pot, taking a deep breath. 
“What do we do now?” he asked with a smile. “Do I go to work?”
“We’ll find you a new job,” you said, Dean pursing his lips. “What is it Dean?”
“You’re not happy,” he said. “I want to fix it but I don’t remember how to do that.”
“We both have to get used to this new life,” you said, giving him a nod. “We will. I don’t want you to worry about me, Dean.”
“I love you though. Of course I worry about you,” he said with a smirk.
“You don’t even remember my birthday,” you said with a smile.
“I guess I get to learn everything I love about you all over again then,” he said. “I do know I love you. I definitely remember that.”
“I love you too Dean. Every version of you. We’ll get through this too.”
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Temporary Relocation Ch. 2
Read the previous chapter here Basic premise: Reader has arrived on TF 141's base after a transfer due to a special experimental surgery and is now receiving the initial medical checkup. If you cannot handle reading about needles, blood, and/or medical procedures, I recommend you do not read this. Bold text where the medical section ends.
You flinched a little as you felt a needle being pressed into your skin, followed by a nurse murmuring, "I'm sorry."
"It's fine," you grumble to the best of your ability, "just wasn't expecting bloodwork." The woman's lips pursed in silent understanding as she watched the tube fill with the crimson liquid.
"Would it offend you if I said I admire you?" Her inquiry came as the seconds ticked by.
"Why?" You almost scoffed. It felt as though she was patronizing you just because you were a fresh face. Noting your irritation, she hesitated a moment.
"You're a soldier. Despite that, you took a surgery that could've ripped it away from you. It still could."
The nurse's words served to soften your expression, but they weren't what you found to be echoing in your head. In one ear and out the other, while your mind was ashamed of the fact that you'd prioritized the financial gain.
"Yeah, well," you grunted as she dislodged the needle once the tube was full, "we've all got our reasons for things, don't we?" Her focus on the tube left you without a verbal response to your question.
Next, your ears and tail were tested. What you could currently hear, sounds you'd probably be able to hear once everything was healed, the range of motion your tail currently had and how much it hurt when touched or moved in certain ways. That was how you found just how sensitive your tail actually was. Each foreign sensation shot sensations from the base of your spine up to the top. What the hell did they do with it? No other parts of your body ever had that kind of sensitivity.
The nurse hummed as she took all of the information down on your chart, you had zero doubt it would be confidential to anyone who didn't 'need-to-know.' As she read back over her notes, her expression only changed slightly. Enough you could tell she was thinking, but not for you to tell what was good and what was bad.
"They seem to have really intertwined your tail with your spinal nerves. I'll get this back to the main lab and send it off for data collection. In the meantime, take these," she handed you a bottle that contained the smallest pills you'd ever seen, "the dosage and when to take them is on the label. It should help dull the sensations from your tail. Pharmacy only signed off on this one bottle before you arrive. There's not much, but it should get you used to how the drugs work."
You nodded as you took the bottle, settling it into your pocket.
"If you don't have any other questions or concerns, you're free to go," she stated before writing some last minute notes.
"Actually, one question," you scrunched your face as you gently poked one of your ears, "is there an estimate on how long it'll take before the soreness goes away?" Not knowing how much longer you would be off-duty was driving you insane.
A moment of silence passed before the nurse found a conclusive answer in the notes, "you should get used to how things are in a few weeks. The soreness should be completely gone about two months from now. I can't say how long it'll take for you to learn how to use your new senses, that depends on you."
You nodded curtly, "thank you," before standing up and heading for the door. "And thanks for the meds, doc," you concluded before leaving.
Absent-mindedly wandering around base afterwards sent you to the canteen. You couldn't consciously remember the last time you ate anyway. You approached the main counter, discovering the remains of the lunch platters. Your selection turned out to be an amalgamation of sorts. Not that you could complain given the limitations. However, your last minute considerations were interrupted by a gruff Scottish voice from behind.
"They hurt?" He nodded towards your ears. You smiled softly as you turned to face him, plate in hand.
You shook your head as you responded, "not as bad as they did. Get an earful from that lieutenant earlier?"
"You could say that," he muttered. The irritation in his voice was evident, and the glaring look in his eyes made it even more so.
"Sounds bad, I won't push. Guy seems to have a real hothead."
"Only if ya know how to piss him off," he chuckled, "which doesn't take much. Nice to meet you, I'm Soap. Soap MacTavish," and he held out his hand for you to shake. So you did.
"Y/n L/n," you began, "might make my field name Whiskers when the time comes." Soap laughed a little.
"L.t'll definitely have fun with that one. Ghost isn't usually a jokes guy," he told you.
"He'll absolutely hate me, then," you concluded. "Wanna go sit? My mouth is watering knowing food is a foot away from it."
MacTavish promptly turned and marched towards a table, where Gaz was already sitting. Soap settled in front of a previously lonely plate, amalgamated similarly to yours with significantly less organization. Food instantly found its way to your mouth when your bum found the table bench.
"How'd the checkup go? All good?" Gaz asked. You nodded and partnered it with a thumbs up. He gave a solid nod in response. "Can you still hear out of your human ears?" You watched his eyes flicking up to your cat ears, then back to where your human ears were. Another shake of your head, this time you swallowed your food to talk.
"Nah, they rerouted my hearing network. My sense of balance is supposed to be enhanced by my tail, too, but right now it's too sore for me to find use in that," both Soap and Gaz were just staring at your ears while you explained. You felt yourself internally shrinking under the scrutiny, your body temperature rising in a way you prayed wouldn't be visible.
"What can you hear now, then?" Soap chimes in. Your saliva felt heavy as it went down your throat the next time you swallowed, then passively rested a smile on your face in hopes of concealing the sudden jitters.
"A lot more than I could," you admitted. Your tone sounded more cautious than you wanted it to. Willing your vocal cords to steady, you continued, "the helicopter was hell before I put the headphones on. Like I could hear the electricity signals coming from all of the buttons and wires."
"Bloody loud bastards, helicopters," he scoffs, but in agreement with your own distaste. "Can't imagine what it's like to hear everything comin' from 'em, I'd cross Scotland on foot to avoid that special little hell."
"Thanks," you ensured your tone was flat and void.
"Real reassuring there, sergeant," Gaz added. Simultaneously, the three of you let out some laughs, albeit small ones. "Did they tell you how long you'd be staying here before you could go on missions?"
Memories of the nurse's words had you groaning miserably, "a few months, at least. There's still a lot of variables with this." You felt like directly mentioning the nurse's comment about how intertwined your tail was would've been a bad move. Experiments have their kinks, after all. "At least I've got company," you shrugged off your previous frustration before sending a smile to Soap, "pretty entertaining company too, it seems."
"Always gettin' into trouble doesn't mean I'm entertainment," he playfully spat back.
"I don't know MacTavish, the lieutenant seems to have it out for you. You pick his nerves too often for anyone to get bored watching it," Gaz throws in.
"See? It's two against one! For someone with soap as a field name, you sure are bad at slipping out of situations," you sent a shit-eating grin to the mohawk-donning sergeant. He scoffed but sent a smirk of his own back at you.
"Not all of 'em, you'll see when you're finally on the field with me and the team."
"I'm sure I will," you responded as you moved to throw out your empty plate. "This was a good meal and a great chat, but I need rest. It's been hours." You don't wait for approval before turning and heading for where Gaz had gestured to personal quarters earlier, but you made sure to wave and call a "catch up with you boys later," over your shoulder.
Defeated and harsh sighs pushed their way up your throat as you closed the door to your personal quarters. This was your room, yet it looked just as plain as the rest of the halls of the base. At least your stuff had been very kindly dropped off for you already. You made quick work of adjusting the space to be as close to your own as possible. Personal trinkets, photographs, posters, and other small decorations littered the walls and desks alike when you finished. It was nothing too much- certainly not close to what you had on your own room at home- but it was nice at the same time.
Finishing making the bed was what had you deciding to take a shower. The switches were easy enough to figure out once you entered the bathroom, and before long you were under a stream of comfortably warm water. It had been awhile since you got to properly bathe, since you were in too much pain directly after the surgery to do anything other than sponge clean. You hadn't been allowed to do that yourself, either. Your tail couldn't be disturbed nearly at all for the first two weeks, back when you were still being held at the hospital. Memories flooded you as you washed yourself up.
You hissed in pain as the nurse gently adjusted your tail here and there. Even the slightest movements shot harsh jolts up your spine, but you were sure it'd be worse if you looked over your shoulder and watched all of it happen. You did your absolute best to stay still, contrary to your body's screaming urges.
"That concludes this set of testing," she stated. Her pen scribbles were the only thing that filled the room for a moment before she continued, "I'll send the next batch of staff in now."
You snapped yourself out of it, quickly disabling the faucet and stepping out of the shower before you could remember anything else. Fatigue blanketed itself around you and burrowed into the warmth of the clothes you changed into. A yawn pried your mouth open as you settled into your bed and carefully pulled your blanket over your body. It didn't take you long to fall asleep after that.
Read the next chapter here
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ay0nha · 8 months
When shall we meet again in thunder, lightning, or rain? | S.G. (ii)
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prologue, part i
SUMMARY: “And here I thought, I was the only one that did.” He returned to his baseline: toeing the line between mocking and playful. "Don't you get tired of being alone? Or are you too good for that?"
PAIRING: Satoru Gojo x Fushiguro!reader (Megumi's aunt/Toji's sister)
WARNINGS: slight enemies to lovers, a bit of a mean!gojo, ANGST HEAVY, Tsumiki in her coma, angsty convos and feelings, slight TOUCH STARVED gojo, panic attack descriptions, canon-typical things, rushed ending, etc.
A/N: This took longer than I thought, but I want to take my time and really put effort into this one, so I hope you all enjoy. BIG shout out to @hatsunemitskislobotomy this wouldn't have happened without your help. Much love. Again, based on/inspired by @stsgooo's post (here!). Let me know if you'd like to be tagged for future parts.
TAGS: @96jnie, @stevenknightmarc
“Miss Fushiguro?” 
“Yes?” You missed the first call of your name but stood the moment you heard it again. “That’s me.”
The friction of the chair against the linoleum scratched at your spine. The noise only brought attention, adding to the clashing of sounds around you: infants crying, uncovered coughs, and monotonous voices over the intercom drowned out by the emergency room chatter.
The blood that had rushed to your head created a beautiful constellation for you to follow. It led you down the narrow hallway to a room reserved for your five-minute slot. The turnover was quick; wounds, infections, and sickness organized the people. 
You were still figuring out where you fit in this categorization. Months of the same routine dulled your senses. 
“Seems she’s still doing well…” The nurse’s tired eyes scanned the scantily filled-out paperwork, just as they always had. She led you deeper into the maze of beeping monitors and desperate complaints.  “The doctor will be in soon to see you.”
The nurse that had brought you back looked at you with tired eyes. It was as if she went to say something but deflated once she lost the energy to you—the transfer only agitated you further. 
The room was sterile, its stark smell overwhelming your senses. Yet, the stillness was baneful. 
Tsumki looked cold layered under the hospital blankets. The cheap fabric was without wrinkles, perfectly tucked around her body. Tendrils of hair swirled around her head like a misplaced crown. If it weren’t for the soft hum of machines tracking her vitals, you’d mistake her motionless state for rigor mortis. 
Even when the doctor came to update you on Tsumiki’s catatonic state, your mind failed to make sense of it all. She was so far removed from the world you were excluded from, and yet, she was touched so violently by it. 
It’s not fair, you thought. Your eyes were devoid and steadily ahead, fixated on the rise and fall of her chest. It’s not fair. 
Selfish.  Your own voice echoed in your mind, scolding you for the thoughts that came forth. 
Even if you said it aloud—your desire to trade places—it would seem altruistic, a sacrifice for the bigger picture. It would hide the envy in your heart. You wanted to be relieved from the world so completely, so idly, that you could finally have a moment to catch your breath. 
Now, your breath was filled with guilt and stuck. Your control was tight, trying not to crack. 
Everything pierced you; Megumi’s clothes fought against his growth, the school begged you to intervene with his attitude, and the pressure on his shoulders weighed him
of his abilities seep into everything he touched. 
It didn’t matter if you couldn’t keep up. You weren’t allowed to crumble. If you did, everything would be taken from you before you could let out your breath. You didn’t know life without that tight inhale. 
It was all you knew. 
You were afraid of anything different, but you would never fully realize that. Nor would you accept that it was stillness that you sought, not of Tsumiki’s body, but her mind. Only in this quiet did her brain, once wild and still forming during waking hours, cool itself into something calm.
“Chin up.” A familiar voice called with inappropriate joy. Gojo entered with a confidence that ignored the dense air of malaise. 
You dismissed the instruction, not caring that his appearance was so sudden. You’d grown accustomed to your time never truly belonging to you. 
“Doctor said she’s doing great. Brain activity and all of that.” He waved vaguely, his other hand permanently calm and tucked away in his pocket. “You, though—” He tutted, head tilting with childish mockery “—rumor going ’round you live here...”
You weren’t blind to the way the nurses looked at you. They believed you resembled a fraying string, each visit splintering you further. However, they had the decency to look past the fact, unlike the man dwelling in your shadow.
“...better off getting a job…” Gojo continued, knowingly filling the silence. His finger glided along the windowsill, in search of non-existent dust. Every twitch was subtle arrogance. 
He had yet to see how your breath was tight, consuming most of your senses. You sunk your nails into your palm, holding onto what was left of your dignity. Grief was reserved for those who deserved it.
You breathed with stale disappointment. “Leave, Gojo.”
Since Tsumiki’s curse, you'd have limited conversation with him. It was a reminder of the anger you held at the broken promise he’d made to keep you all safe. You were naive to believe even the strongest there was could be capable of that. 
Tsumiki was your world. Blood never mattered as she was as much yours and you were hers. She endured it all with a smile that you struggled to match, you could never make it reach your eyes the way she had. 
He knew this. 
Yet, it was like you were only partly there, a piece of your mind eons and eons away, somewhere in a place that let you justify your loneliness.
It oozed from every pore of you, always. You’d been soaking in it for years, unknowingly most of the time, too preoccupied with ignoring your own humanity and trying to convince everyone else around you that you were anything but that. 
“I’ve been told to give consideration to my audience…” Gojo scratched at his cheek with jaded thought. His patience was flippant and the advice was taken at half-value from Nanami. “...you make that so hard to do when you pretend I don’t care—
Your laugh was shallow, his so-called wisdom meaningless to you.  “Caring never suited you, so don’t hurt yourself trying.”
“Like you?” Gojo frowned, sanitizing the situation. Your pain was tangible. “No one could have known this would happen, but avoiding us won’t change that.”
“Us?” Another laugh. It was always we and us when it was for his advantage. The idea stung; that every interaction the two of you had led into disarray. “Megumi has nothing—
“Megumi—” Gojo shifted, tentative with his interruption. It was inevitable for the exchange to turn sour, he invited it in the moment he found you. He hoped it wouldn’t have plummeted so quickly. “He’s worried about you.”
You could have denied it, blaming his fear on his age, but Megumi was far from naive. You could have lied, let words tumble past your lips until your answer was deemed sufficient. However, the truth surfaced with stark malice. 
“He’ll learn to live without me.” Just as you would. It was inevitable. It was fate; determined the moment his father died only secured when Gojo supported Megumi’s talent. 
It was only then you realized the lack of barrier between you and Gojo. All six eyes were trapping you, desperately searching for any affection lingering from the past. 
There was a time when you let him in. When trust was implied, Gojo’s dedication was clear in how he carried Megumi on his shoulders and always reached out for Tsumiki’s hand. His teasing dared you to match him, to look forward to his company in a way that was reserved only for him. 
Your hesitancy was a feat to grow past, but Gojo planted himself so firmly you stopped caring. It worked slowly, seeping into everyday life only to cease entirely the moment Tsumiki found the bridge. 
Gojo’s world hadn’t stopped like yours. Its velocity was unbeatable while the quicksand pulled you under. If he had seen you were a creature of grief and dust and bitter longings, maybe things would have turned out a little differently. Maybe there wouldn’t be an empty place within you where your heart once was. 
“I’m—” Gojo whispered, eyes unrelenting in luring something out. He stopped himself to wet his lips, a poor stalling tactic.“Ever since—” He paused. “What can I say for you to let me…”
The soft clattering of the hospital finished his question, answering for you as well. 
You weren’t sure there were any words that could comfort you. Looking at Tsumiki again, you pulled a shaky breath through your nose. She was stable, Gojo firm on proper care. There would be a day when this was the past and Gojo was willing to guide you there. 
“Gojo, really—everything is… visiting hours are going to be over soon” You suppressed the quiver in your voice. “I’ll be okay,” you said. “I’m just having a d–a week.” A month, a year, a life.
 Reluctantly, you met his gaze. The heavy fatigue won. Your resistance had faded almost entirely. It was how Gojo knew you were lying. 
“I’ve talked to Yaga.” The conversation he’d been skirting around finally surfaced, it was the reason he needed to talk to you. “There’s plenty of space for you to join us.” 
“I’m not like you.” Your admission was breathless. “That place isn’t fun for people like me, Gojo.”
You hated the way Gojo posture straightened barely, protectively. It encouraged your frown. 
“They won’t touch you—”
“You think this is about the Zenins?” You had never meant to become the villain. You just didn't know what else to do. “You don’t get it do you?” 
Your curiosity bore a dark meaning, filling the cracks between you with a sticky tar that effortlessly glided off his ego but against yours, you couldn’t quite scrub away. 
“And here I thought, I was the only one that did.” He returned to his baseline: toeing the line between mocking and playful. "Don't you get tired of being alone? Or are you too good for that?"
Gojo held your glare with softness. Its intent wasn’t to make you squirm, but it had. You wanted to fight, a reason to retaliate. But he knew you well, understood you still, and knew what it meant to distance yourself with well-earned vexation. 
“Let sleeping dogs lie.” You bit back carefully, a baseless threat as your waterline threatened tears. ​​
You knew it was important to remain as blase as possible so you didn’t cry. Although, you didn’t really cry anymore. Even when you wanted to, the tears never came. At some point, you must’ve reached your lifetime limit. 
The silence was pregnant: her contractions and your combined breathing intensify and climb and climb and climb, the pains threatening to tear her apart and birth something truly horrendous out into this world.
It would be an abomination, you realized.
The heat began to spread through your body, it felt like the walls were closing in, like you were going to explode. You began to stare off into space, as though you were distancing yourself from reality, your body tense, gearing for a fight. 
Gojo stared, dumbfounded, into your glassy eyes until you broke the spell by speaking, voice nothing but a broken rasp. “I can’t breathe, Satoru…”
You squeezed your eyes shut, bit your tongue. All you could hear was the screeching sound of the machines filling your ears, and the hospital corridor beyond you was now a blur. 
Your knees wobbled, and Gojo caught you tightly, taking on your weight. 
A soft breath left him, arms precariously placed out of defensiveness around your figure. His body knew before him to release his technique. He can't remember the last time somebody touched him who wasn't you, not for years now. It's an amicable casualness he can't explain away. 
“I can never breathe.” Your heart felt permanently caught in your throat.You just shook his head, tired and defeated. The words have lived inside you for a while. “I just can’t do it anymore—my body—”
Hyper vigilance became the enemy that threatened to consume you whole. Sleep was no longer negotiable. Every movement dragged worry, invited agitation, and controlled your sabotage. 
“Easy. Easy…” Gojo’s skin pricked as if you’d shocked him.  It was like his senses had become heightened to how closely you were now leaning into him.
The skin of your chest tingled. You felt paralyzed. Yet, Gojo’s touch slithered around you, kneading out every hitch. You looked more sorry than you should, believing that you're a burden on him when you aren’t—you're a lightness he’s missed. 
“The world is too big…” Gojo continued with a low note in his voice that made you wonder just how much he understood you. “It’s so large, no breath feels quite deep enough.”
Just like always, he seemed to read what you didn't say. 
You swallow heavily, your nose kissing his shoulder. It was so soft, feather-light pressure but it surged through your body all the same. Pain came and faded. No blood rushing in your ears, no beating heart. You’re too tired, in every sense of the word, to ask for what you wanted.
You stay wrapped in his arms for a long time. Long enough to think about how you might never get to do this again, and you suddenly want him in all the ways you never had him, and all the ways you had.
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moodymelanist · 6 months
A Nessian drabble idea: Cassian waking up from anesthesia forgetting who Nesta is and is immediately starts flirting with her because she's so beautiful.
omg YES. this is so them thank you for sending this in I’ve always wanted to write one of these. I’ve also never had my wisdom teeth removed so sorry for any inaccuracies there LOL
Nesta had been hanging out in the waiting room for about an hour when someone finally called her name.
“Nesta Archeron?” one of the nurses called. Nesta quickly gathered her jacket and purse and got up to follow her.
“How’s he doing?” Nesta asked. Cassian had finally taken the plunge and gotten all four of his wisdom teeth removed in one go, and while Nesta knew this was a routine enough procedure, she was still a little antsy about her husband using anesthesia.
“It went well,” the nurse replied, leading Nesta into what looked like the outpatient area. “He’s recovering now. The anesthesia should be wearing off in the next few minutes if it hasn’t already.”
The nurse ran through a list of symptoms to watch out for and general tips to help Cassian’s healing process. Even though Nesta knew she’d be getting a thick packet with all these instructions, she still did her best to commit them to memory. This was her husband they were talking about; she wasn’t going to take any risks with him.
By the time the nurse finished explaining everything, they’d made it inside Cassian’s recovery room. He looked a little funny with his cheeks all swollen and a bandage wrapped around his face, but Nesta was too glad everything had gone well to really make fun of him.
That didn’t stop her from snapping a picture, though. Just because she didn’t intend to use it to tease him later didn’t mean she didn’t want one.
“Hey,” Nesta said softly as Cassian’s eyes fluttered open. “How are you feeling?”
“Hey,” Cassian said back, drawing out the word long and slow. “How are you doing?”
“I’m fine,” she managed to reply without laughing. He was clearly still feeling the anesthesia, and she was going to enjoy him being loopy for as long as it lasted. “You ready to go home?”
“With you?” he asked, his face lighting up.
“Of course with me,” she responded with a fond roll of her eyes.
“It must be my lucky day,” he answered, trying to pull his lips into a smirk and failing miserably. “Going home with the most gorgeous woman in here.”
“We go home together every night, you idiot,” she told him with a huff of laughter. “We live together.”
“Then I guess it’s my lucky night every night,” he fired back, though some of the effect was lost by how drowsy he sounded.
Nesta and the nurse exchanged amused glances before they started to prep to get him out of there. Thankfully Cassian was still dressed, so they just had to get him to stand so he could sit back down again in the wheelchair.
“Come on, big guy,” Nesta said, pulling the blankets back from Cassian so he could get out the bed. “Time to come home with me.”
“But…” Cassian trailed off, his face twisting into the most adorable pout as he caught sight of her left hand. “You’re married.”
She stared at him a little incredulously. Was he fucking with her, or was this just the anesthesia? “Yes?”
“I’ve been flirting with a married woman,” he groaned, bringing his hands up to his face and immediately regretting it. “Oh, God, I’m a homewrecker.”
“Jesus Christ,” she muttered under her breath, trying and failing to hold back her laughter. She gently pulled his hands away from his face and tapped the matching gold band on his left hand before raising her voice to add, “Cassian, look. You’re married too.”
“That’s even worse,” he groaned once he noticed his own wedding band. “Holy fuck. I’m a homewrecker and a cheater.”
“No, you doofus,” she replied, still laughing. “We’re married to each other.”
Cassian’s face looked like Christmas had come early. “Really?”
“Really,” Nesta confirmed. “It’ll be six years this October.”
“Oh, wow,” he breathed, completely awed. He reached out and grabbed her hand, lacing their fingers together with a dopey look on his face. “Let’s go home, then.”
tag list: @perseusannabeth | @bookstantrash | @charming-butt-insane | @oversizedbats | @melphss | @sv0430 | @podemechamardek | @autumnbabylon | @live-the-fangirl-life | @julemmaes | @that-little-red-head | @jmoonjones | @sayosdreams | @thewayshedreamed | @hiimheresworld | @brieq | @pearlfortears | @swankii-art-teacher | @nerdperson524 | @snickerdoodlechittybangbang | @imsointobooks | @nesquik-arccheron | @sweet-pea1 | @champanheandluxxury | @dustjacketmusings | @mrs-shadowsinger04 | @unlikelypersonalknight1 | @goddess-aelin | @arinbelle | @talkfantasytome | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @duskandstarlight | @letstakethedawn | @vidalinav | @c-e-d-dreamer | @dealfea | @katekatpattywack | @burningsnowleopard | @thatsowlmazing | @avidromancereader | @a-little-disguised | @kale-theteaqueen | @talibunny30 | @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk | @fieldofdaisiies
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fxlling13 · 1 month
A Game Of Chess
Dhawan!Master X Fem!reader
Genre: fluff
Synopsis: The Master gets you a little something for being good.
WC: 4.4k
Warnings: injury and blood
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Cats. You loved cats. Everyone knew it. Yaz, The Doctor, even The Master. Especially The Master. He noticed everything you liked, all your little interests and hobbies. You were an open and passionate person, not afraid to be yourself or speak your mind. He really respected that about you, maybe at first he just didn’t want to admit that he liked you in general. After all, you were only human. But there was something magnetic about you, drawing him in. At one point, he really thought you were hypnotic. Actually, you both just got along very well.
On your first outing with him, The Doctor had landed in new earth, ending up getting an electrical ‘infection’ that she needed treatment for. At first, she was stubborn, saying she was ‘totally fine’ and that everyone was ‘over reacting’. In reality, her whole left hand was literally glowing, her veins fluorescent and surging with energy. It took an hour, and The Master literally had to drag her into the hospital.
“Only one person to accompany Ms Doctor if that’s quite alright?” The nurse sounded apologetic, looking at your small group.
“I want to go.” Yaz said, already holding The Doctors non-radioactive hand tightly. They followed the nurse into another area, leaving The Master with you. Not that he minded, he’d rather you than anyone else.
“I have to ask, are they always so close? Is it off-“ he looked at you, only to pause in confusion. There you stood, looking around all wide eyed and smiling.
“(Y/N)?” Slowly, you looked at the man, seeing his puzzlement. “Is everything okay?” He almost sounded worried. You nod quickly, shuffling closer and holding onto his sleeve. Leaning in, you whispered to him,
“They’re cats.” The glee in your voice caught him off guard.
“Yeah, they are.”
“It’s so cool…” you trailed off, looking at the nurses with adoration. A kind lady gave you a wave, noticing your interest and thinking it to be lovely. You waved back, your other hand gripping the purple material tightly. Only then did The Master notice your hold on him, the way you seemed content doing that. It was a first, but he liked it?
“Come on, we can wait in the entrance. I’ll tell you all about the sisterhood.” He prompted, exciting you more.
“Of course.” He chuckled, pulling you along back to the main entrance. You both sat on bright white, plush seats whilst he talked to you. The Master allowed himself to ramble, telling you every tiny detail about the sisterhood, about their species and how they lived.
“-though, don’t be too naive. Their claws are sharp.” He said, your eyes never leaving him. You sat and listened for half an hour without complaining. He could blush.
“Oh yeah? And how do you know that?” You asked, crossing your legs comfortably.
“I learnt the hard way, let’s just say that.” He grinned, and you laughed, shaking your head.
“You need a caretaker.” You ridiculed lightly, the man beside you moving to face you fully. He looked you up and down with a fixed gaze.
“Is that not what The Doctor is trying to be?” The Master inquired, curious to know your thoughts on the situation he found himself in.
“She can’t even keep herself out of trouble.” You scoffed at the notion, “No, you need someone to really keep an eye on you.” The conviction in your timbre made The Master leer. He cocked his head to the side, pursing his lips.
“Have you got any references, dear?” You definitely weren’t expecting him to flirt with you, but decided to play along.
“Of course I do, I’m an excellent example of staying out of trouble.” You said proudly, staring up at him. The Master smirked, placing his hand behind you on the bench, angling himself closer to you.
“There’s one problem with that. We’re sat in a hospital right now.” Even though you were blushing, you stood your ground.
“I think you’ll find that Yaz is in charge of The Doctors welfare, not me.” Your effortless retaliation brought a genuine smile onto The Masters face. He hummed whilst nodding.
“Maybe I’ll consider it then, if you think you can handle me. But I do warn you, I’m difficult.”
“Are you?” You shot back, making his face drop slightly. “Because so far, all you’ve done is sit here and talk to me. When usually you would have blown the place up by now.” You pointed out, The master sitting straight and reflecting on himself. He looked at you, a pleased glint in his eye.
“You’re good. Okay. I’ll leave my sanity in your hands, (y/n).”
You really did take the job seriously, making it your mission to keep The Master distracted. Little did you know, you preoccupied his mind often. He was captivated by you most of the time, far too much to care about anything else. Even stuck on a planet, the tardis locked away in a fortress, he was subdued.
“I think we need to split up. Try to get in from both sides.” Yaz suggested, everyone agreeing almost instantly.
“I’m going with (y/n).” The Master announced quickly, making the two women step back in surprise. They shared a look before The Doctor laughed.
“Bit eager there.”
“Nonsense. She just has a reputation to uphold.” He rolled his eyes, “we’ll through the front-“
“No. We should go around the back. The Doctor can sweet talk her way in easier. You’re better at breaking and entering.” You cut him off, “plus, there will be less people round there.” Annoyingly, your idea was a lot more thought out than his and he had to just nod in agreement. Yaz laughed, seeing The Master so easy-going with you. So, you waved off The Doctor and head into the thick woods surrounding the fortress.
“It’s like a maze in here…” you commented, following The Master through the trees. It was getting darker, the sky now shaded a deep navy.
“If we keep going straight, we’ll be fine. Trust The Doctor to park in a royal establishment.” He tut, using his biology to his advantage, weaving through the woods with skill, and good vision. You tried to keep up, jogging to stay at the same pace. Which, would have been fine, except for the fact you could now hardly see. Everything was blurring into one, the bushes, the stumps, the trees. It was a nightmare. Suddenly, your food caught itself in a root that was sticking up particularly high. Before you could blink, you fell forward, hitting the uneven ground harshly. You hissed in pain, winded from the unexpected tumble. As you tried to push yourself, a sharp pain made your arms falter beneath you. Hands hooked under your arms, sitting you up slowly.
“Are you okay?” The Master was crouched by your side, holding your waist still. Not wanting to be dramatic, you nod firmly.
“I’ll be fine.”
“Don’t lie. What hurts?” He looked at you seriously.
“My knee…” you admitted quietly, embarrassed from the situation. Letting go, The Master moved down and looked at your knee. He was quiet, which was never a good thing. You watched as he bent your leg languidly, tensing up instantly. It wasn’t so bad at first, until he applied pressure onto your knee and you let out a whimper of pain.
“I’m sorry…” you mumbled, blinking rapidly in effort to not show any down emotions. Perplexed, The Master turned to you with clear worry.
“What on earth for?”
“For being so clumsy and stupid. Now I’m holding us up and-“ you couldn’t finish your sentence, as The Master cupped your cheeks. He looked into your eyes, his thumbs wiping away a few stray tears.
“Don’t apologise, it’s dark. There’s nothing to be sorry for, you’re not being a nuisance.” Your lip began to wobble at his soft pitch, not expecting such kindness from him. Exhaling quietly, The Master knelt down before pulling you to sit on his knees carefully. With your side flush to his chest, you blushed when he brought you into a warm hug. Moving best you could, you wrapped your arms around his neck, relaxing as his hand ran up and down your back.
“You’re okay. It won’t take us too long to locate the tardis, not with my skill.” He bragged. A small laugh passed your lips. “When we get back, I’ll wrap your knee up okay? It doesn’t seem too bad, you have a cut and it’s swelling.” Nodding, you were about to respond when there was loud howling in the distance. The Master held you tighter, eyes scanning the area.
“What was that?” You asked anxiously, not daring to move from his hold.
“I’m not sure, but it sounded far. Still, we should move just in case. Can you walk?”
“I think so.” Your response wasn’t very confident, but you would push through. The Master pulled you to your feet attentively, making sure you were steady.
“Keep hold of my hand, okay?” His instruction was clear, protective in nature. Lacing your fingers together, The Master carefully guided you through the woods, cautious of your injury. You hobbled behind, gritting your teeth to suppress the pain. Pushing yourself forward a bit more, you hugged onto The Masters arm with your free arm, keeping your hands linked. He looked down at you curiously.
“Sorry, is this okay?”
“Of course it is, I still have one arm free. And that’s all I really need to protect you.” He chortled smugly. You flushed, squeezing his arm a little tighter. He just grinned, loving how comfortable you were with him.
Eventually, The Master spotted the back entrance, a large bolted, iron door that was rusting. From his back pocket, he pulled a small, circular device. As inconspicuous as it was, one touch and the entire door disintegrated. Your eyes widened at the sight,
“Wow.” You breathed, staying close and limping into the building.
“Impressive right?” Cocky as ever, The Master briefly let go of you when he came to a padlock. You didn’t respond, observing his skilful hands as he got the next door unlocked in seconds. His eyes flickered over to you, holding his arm out for you again. Not wasting any time, you held on and continued through the castle.
“You know,” you started, talking in a hushed voice, “if I didn’t know any better. I’d say you like me hanging off your arm.” Now it was your turn to be smug, or at least pretend to be as you were only kidding.
“Was that not obvious, love?” You froze, looking up at him clearly flustered. The Master just smirked, continuing to help you walk. Now you were biting your lip, suppressing a stupid smile like a twelve year old school girl. Thankfully, there were no guards in that area of the castle, making it easy for the pair of you to get back into the east wing. Pushing open the tardis door, we were greeted by The Doctor talking in obvious distress, until she saw you both. With an elated gasp, she ran over and threw her arms around you. Honestly, it hurt like hell, but you just laughed and hugged back.
“Oh thank god you’re both okay. We heard about these wolf creatures that inhabit the surrounding woodlands. Thought you’d been eaten.” That certainly unnerved the both of you.
“No but we did hear one.” You said as The Doctor pulled back.
“What took you both so long?” Yaz questioned.
“I fell…” you told them sheepishly, alerting the blonde to look over you.
“Oh that looks nasty.” She pulled a face, ducking down to take a closer look. “It’s really swollen.” Her hand pressed against your knee-cap. You recoiled in pain, pressing yourself into The Masters side on reflex. He moved The Doctor away from you quickly.
“Don’t touch it.” He hissed, making the woman stand up quickly. She held her hands up in apology.
“I can take a proper look at it?” The Doctor offered, smiling at you kindly.
“I’ll do it.” He assured, surprising the two women greatly. “I don’t want your crude hands all over her.”You couldn’t help but smile, allowing him to help you down the corridor. Yaz looked at The Doctor in astonishment.
“Did he actually just say that?”
“I don’t think he even knows what he just said, Yaz.”
Once you were sat comfortably on your bed, you looked at your knee and frowned. It was bruised pretty badly, dried blood was trailed down your leg, leaking from a cut just under your kneecap. You scratched at the wound, trying to relieve some of the irritation. The Master was quick to take hold of your wrist.
“No touching. I need to clean it.” He scolded you, perching beside you and pulling out a cotton pad. “This will hurt.” He warned you, taking a bottle and saturating the pad with whatever it was. Delicately, he pressed the wool to your knee, making you instantly stiff. You pressed your lips tight, putting your head in your hands so you didn’t have to see. The Master worked quickly, removing any dirt that was there and throwing the cotton pad away. His hands moved lightly, applying a cold cream on the darkening bruise. He wrapped gauze around your knee, making it secure enough to stay in place.
“How are you feeling?”
“It aches a bit…” you mumbled, looking at the wrap nervously.
“I think you’ve bruised the bone, so it’s best if you rest for a few days. Just to be sure.” Hearing this, you whined and threw your head back against your pillow.
“That’s so unfair.” You complained, letting out a small huff of frustration. The Master just watch your tantrum fondly.
“And why is that?”
“Cos you three will go off somewhere fun and I’ll be stuck in here.” You looked up at him with a pout, only to be greeted by his amused face. This only made you glare harder.
“I’m not going anywhere without you, (y/n). I won’t survive with those two, you’re my caretaker, remember?” The Master smiled, moving his hand across your hair gracefully. It was definitely comforting.
“Oh yeah…you’ll stay?”
“Of course I will. Someone has to make sure you’re actually resting.” He knew, if left on your own, you would just get up and try to do everything for yourself as normal. But he wouldn’t allow that. “You’ve kept me out of trouble, so now I’ll do the same for you.” You knew you were blushing, choosing to look away from the man. The Master just chuckled.
Safe to say it was hard keeping you in bed. You were just so full of energy, wanting to be up and see the universe. It was only a day in and you had vanished from your room. The Master was lead to you straight away, even the tardis wanted you to rest. He found you hobbling about the kitchen, trying your hardest to reach something on the second shelf. When you finally grabbed the bread, you let out an audible wince of pain, falling against the counter in front of you. Seeing this, The Master went to your side, helping you to stand straight.
“This is why you have to stay in bed, (y/n).” He tut, taking the loaf from you and putting it aside.
“But I was hungry, plus I don’t wanna stay in bed. It’s boring and-“
“This isn’t a discussion. I am telling you to stay in bed. Because if you carry on you’ll just make it worse and I don’t want to see you hurting more than you already are.” He cut you off, voice authoritative and eyes made of ice. You looked down, cheeks a little red for his concern. “I will help you with whatever it is you want. Just ask me and I’ll do it.” At this, you were quick to shake your head. The Master frowned, placing his hands you your shoulders. “And why not?”
“I don’t want to bother you. Or for you to think I’m weak.” You mumbled, leaning on the counter for a bit of support. The Masters gaze softened, delicately bringing you into his warm embrace, where you quickly relaxed. His hand smoothed over your hair, body rocking slightly.
“You could never bother me. I’m more than happy to help you. And weak? You’re anything but, dear.” Your arms wrapped around his middle, face pressed to his purple shirt. “How about this, you stay in bed for the next couple of days, and I’ll get you a gift.”
“A gift?” You pulled away slightly, looking up at him with big eyes that made his hearts thump louder.
“The best gift in the universe.” He assured, stroking your cheek softly, smiling when you leant into his touch.
“Will you stay with me?”
“I already said I-“
“No I mean, stay in my room with me. So I’m not alone.” You felt silly, asking such a thing of him. But, to your surprise, he simply smiled more. If anything, he looked happy.
“Of course I will. If you hadn’t noticed, I really enjoy your company, (y/n).” His comment made your blush worse, a shy grin on your lips.
“Now then, I’ll get you back in bed then make some food.” The Master helped you back into your bed, fluffing up your pillows and making sure you were warm, before returning to the kitchen. When he came back, he held a tray. It had water, toast and jam, tea and also some pills. The tray was placed by your bed. The Master gave you the medicine,
“Pain and inflammation relief.” He told you, handing you the glass to take with them. Then, he sat beside you, making sure you ate everything that he brought.
It surprised you, when he actually did return once he’d cleared up. Furthermore, you weren’t expecting him to sit on the bed right by you.
“What?” He asked, seeing your expression. Slowly, shocked fizzled into a smile, you moving as close as possible.
“Oh nothing. Nothing at all.” You replied, resting your head on his chest. “Tell me a story.”
“About what?” Obviously, The Master had no problem with your position, wrapping an arm around you instantly. You pursed your lips in thought, messing with the buttons of his shirt.
“Didn’t you take over that jungle planet thing? The one with the lemur people?”
“Yeah that! Tell me about that.” You snuggled closer, making yourself extremely comfortable. Even though you couldn’t see it, the man was indeed grinning from ear to ear.
“It involves death.” He told you, but you just hummed. He furrowed his brows, moving a hand to twirl your hair between his fingers. “And a lot of blood.”
“I wouldn’t expect any less.” You said as if it was nothing, as if it were casual. The Master felt like blushing. You didn’t care. There was no judgement.
“Please tell me?” You gazed up at him hopefully, his cheeks almost showing some colour. You really just wanted to listen, to hear him, to learn. He was defiantly going to keep you.
After a very long, but successful, conversation with The Doctor, The Master was allowed to fly the tardis somewhere. He piloted her perfectly, allowing the blonde to obsess over his every movement. But the nagging would be worth it, to see your face. He left the ship for an hour, meaning you were alone for just as long. And you felt lonely. He’d been by your side for the past two days and, already, it felt weird for him to be absent. You enjoyed his rambling and enthusiasm, the way in which he was so tumultuous. Unlike what The Doctor had told you, you found his maniacal plans were well thought out, most of the time they actually worked. Apparently she was just good at getting the upper hand. He was also surprisingly affectionate with you, not that you were complaining. You’d never slept so well in your life. The Master also enjoyed listening to you, even if you thought your life wasn’t as interesting. The fact it was you was enough for him, and he’d happily let you talk about your family drama back on earth. Your hands felt cold. You felt cold, without him. It almost embarresed you but you were too bored to care about that. After looking at your phone for the tenth time, you settled on doom scrolling through Pinterest. It worked, distracting you for a while as you saved a few new ideas to try when you were in your flat. A soft click brought you back to reality, and when you looked up, you saw The Master had returned. With your door now shut, he turned to you and smiled. Tilting your head, you observed the way he was holding himself. One had was tucked deep within his purple coat, the other holding the other side over said hand.
“What’s that?”
“What’s what?” The Master walked over to you, perching beside you.
“What are you hiding?” He just looked at you clueless.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, (y/n).” The Master was a great actor, but you couldn’t help but laugh at him.
“I can see you’re hiding something in your jacket.” You moved, trying to see but he stopped you.
“Okay, okay, You got me.” He chuckled, facing you more but still keeping whatever it was hidden. “I may have gotten something for you.”
“You did? Why?” You looked up at him curiously.
“I said I would if you stayed in bed. Remember?” After a second, it did come back to you and you started smiling again. “I think you’re going to love it.” The Master was obviously proud of himself, making you giggle a bit.
“Lemme see.” You tried again to move his coat away but he took hold of your hand.
“Ah-ah. Gentle hands, (y/n).” Now you were really puzzled, trying to figure out what it could be. Scooting himself further onto the bed, he slowly moved his arm lower until it was at the level of his leg. Making eye contact with you, he smirked. “Ready?”
“Yes, show me~” You leant forward still laughing, demanding him playfully. The Master rolled his eyes, pulling his jacket back at a leisurely pace. At first, there was nothing, making you frown. Then you heard a small mewl, a lump wriggling around the purple material. Your breath caught in your throat as it emerged from the darkness. A kitten. A tiny little kitten with three bright opal eyes. It had almost comically large ears and long pearly whiskers. Its fur was a caramel brown, with white and black smudges. It noticed you, padding its was across into you and letting out a small meow.
“Oh my god.” You breathed in disbelief, scooping the little creature up into your arms instantly.
“Cute, isn’t he? When I was telling you about my time on SelvaCentina, I remembered about this species. They’re very close to your common house cat, apart from the three eyes.” The Master informed you, watching as you fussed over the kitten. “He won’t grow very big, and he can happily live here on the tardis. Plus, The Doctor is more than happy about it.” You were vaguely taking in what he was saying, but your focus was on the cat. It climbed up your front happily, before jumping off onto the pillow you were once laying on. The Master stared at you, trying to read your emotions. That was hard as your head was turned from him, watching the kitten curl up and close its eyes.
“Are you happy?” He asked cautiously, worried that maybe it was too much or too brash. Much to his relief, you turned back and threw yourself at him.
“This is the best thing that anyone has ever done!” You spoke into his neck, clinging onto him as if he’d vanish. His arms wound around your middle, letting out a breathy chuckle.
“Is it really?”
“Yes. I could cry. You didn’t have to.” You pulled back a bit, silently happy that he kept hold of your waist.
“I said I’d get you the best gift in the universe.” He reminded again, making you a little shy.
“Thank you so much.” You gazed up at him, your eyes lit up as if he’d given you the universe. The Master would if you asked, that much he knew.
“So, what are you going to call him?” He quickly stopped himself from thinking too much, not sure if he could even allow himself that.
“Chess.” You said assuredly.
“Chess? Like the Cheshire Cat?” The Master cocked his head, allowing you to move the kitten onto your lap.
“No, like the board game.” You corrected him, shuffling back into his hold with the cat now in hand. He chuckled softly, subconsciously relaxing when you tucked yourself into his side.
“Do you even know how to play chess?” He teased, putting his hand on your lower back.
“Well no. But it looks cool.” You huffed, watching as Chess escaped your hold and crawled his way up The Masters chest. It sniffed his chin curiously before walking down over the bed. He stumbled his way around before finally curling up at the bottom. Slipping his hand beneath your shirt, The Master drew circles in varying sizes on the small of your back. You shivered, letting him pull you down onto your side, with your head slotting into the crook of his neck perfectly.
“I fear I may be unwell.” He said in a very sullen voice, filling you with a sudden anxiety. But he wouldn’t let you out of his grasp, instead he held you tighter.
“It seems I’ve gone soft in my old age.” He cut you off with a dramatic sigh, closing his eyes momentarily. You smacked his chest playfully, letting out a scoff.
“You scared me.” He just smiled at your worry. “Have you considered that maybe you just like me?”
“Of course, that’s obvious, love.” He turned to face you, dark eyes looking deep into your own. “You’ve got me wrapped around your finger, somehow. It’s actually quite impressive.” The Master twirled your hair between his fingers. The prolonged eye contact was making you feel small, your cheeks now red. You were truly speechless, shocked at his bluntness.
“So cute. So bossy. Do you want to know something?” He asked, talking quieter now and leaning in closer.
“What?” You stuttered, trying to keep your eyes straight and not get distracted.
“I’m definitely going to keep you.”
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stuckysimp · 3 months
Summary: My little hc about how Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes met (and just them being cuties) 🥰
TW: Bullying, mild violence, implied child abuse
Word Count: 2460
Co-author: @ivyace
The shrill ring of the bell echoed through the hallways of the school and an eruption of chatter immediately followed. James grabbed his belongings and shoved them into the satchel he’d stashed under his desk during class as his friends approached him. He was glad the school day was over.
“You ready to be beat Barnes?” His friend Thomas teased, tossing him the ball.
James caught it, shooting Thomas a grin. “In your dreams.
He followed his friends out to the oval, dropping his bag on the concrete ground. He could see a small crowd gathering over on the other side of the field of grass and he perked up, trying to see what all the commotion was about.
“I’ll be back, hold this.” James shoved the ball back over to Thomas before he walked over to the crowd, hearing the familiar chant.
“Fight, fight, fight!”
News of a fight, some kid getting beaten up, wasn't exactly a new occurrence. That of course didn’t mean it was a good one, even if it was to be expected. James pushed his way through the crowd and he felt a flicker of anger, seeing some scrawny blonde kid curled up in a ball, beaten and bruised. Mickey and Chuck, two of the schools’ bullies, stood over the kid as they kicked him.
“Hey!” James yelled, moving forward. He grabbed the back of both their shirts, pulling them back. “Leave him alone!”
“Back off Barnes.” Chuck sneered, shoving him back. “We got him first!”
“Do you wanna end up in the dumpster ‘round back?” James retorted, refusing to back down. “I said leave him alone.”
The two bullies exchanged a look before Chuck smirked. He whirled around and punched James in the nose, which crunched under the impact. James stumbled back and wiped the blood away before he slammed his fist against Chuck’s face. The boy moved back, cradling his face as he spat out a tooth. He glared at James before Mickey pulled him away and the two ran off.
When James was sure they weren’t going to come back, he held a hand down towards the beaten boy in offering, glad that the crowd seemed to be dispersing.
“You alright?” He asked him even though it was clear the boy had seen better days.
The boy pushed James’ hand away and got up on his own, dusting himself off. He didn’t look particularly bothered by the fact that he’d just been half beaten to death and James wondered if this was a regular occurrence for him.
“I don’t need your help.” The boy muttered, evidently not happy about having been saved.
James raised an eyebrow as he let his hand drop. “Yeah, it looked like you really had them on the ropes.”
“Ain’t the first time some crumbs have bruised me up when I call ‘em out.” The boy replied with a shrug and James just frowned at him.
“Would a thanks for savin' your ass really hurt?"
The boy seemed reluctant but he nodded. “Thanks.”
James returned the nod, satisfied. It had clicked who this was, the boy he’d just saved. There wasn’t a person in the school who hadn’t heard talk about him, the boy constantly getting his ass handed to him for sticking his nose where it didn’t belong.
“So I finally get to meet the infamous Steve Rogers then?" He spoke, grabbing Steve’s bag and passing it to him. "The kid I keep hearing 'bout?"
Steve looked up at that, surprise passing over his face. “You heard about me?”
James nodded, glancing back in the direction the bullies had gone. "You don't know how many kids have it out for ya? I hear you're always seein' the nurse."
“Yeah, she’s got a file with my name on it and everything.” Steve replied, shaking his head as if disappointed with himself.
James could see it was getting dark and he knew his ma would be expecting him home. He looked over at his friends who were all happily chatting away before he turned his attention back to Steve. His friends would be fine without him, and James hated the thought of the kid limping home by himself.
"How about I walk you home then? School's done, and you won't be walkin' if they come after you." James offered. He knew folks like Mickey and Chuck would be back for Steve as soon as they got the chance, especially if the kid had called them out.
“A real gentleman,” Steve quipped, but he sighed. “Yeah. My ma will have my guts for garters if I come home with a broken bone again.”
James nodded and he quickly grabbed his bag from where he’d left it. “Where’s your place then?”
Steve shrugged, pointing behind him. “Six blocks that’a way.”
James felt something in him relax, nodding. He lived that way too, so at least he wouldn’t be home too late. His pa would have his head if he was (not that the man needed the excuse).
He followed Steve down the streets, keeping an eye out for the two bullies until they were at least a couple of streets down. He was glad they didn’t try anything and he knew with his reputation that they would stay the hell away if they knew he was protecting Steve. He smiled at that thought, but was pulled back to reality when Steve spoke again.
“What’s your name, by the way?”
James mentally kicked himself. Right. “James Buchanan Barnes, at your service.” He joked, giving Steve an exaggerated bow. Steve smiled and James relaxed, grinning right back at him.
“Barnes,” Steve echoed. “You live a couple of floors down, don’t ya?”
James thought of it for a moment, looking out ahead of him, kicking a stone. “I damn well do.”
Steve raised an eyebrow, looking up at him sharply. “Don’t let my ma hear you say that. She’ll wash your mouth out with soap.” It was clear he was teasing, and James felt his smile widen.
“She'll have to catch me first.” Bucky smirked, chest swelled with pride. “Fastest runner on the track!"
“Don’t give her a challenge, Barnes.” Steve spoke and James nodded at the more serious tone.
James went quiet as they continued to walk, continuing to kick a stone, only stopping when Steve inhaled sharply. James looked him over, trying to see if he was bleeding again or if something had happened.
“Ah darn. My ma is gonna kill me.” Steve muttered, patting down his jacket.
James tilted his head, slowing to a stop. “What did ya lose?”
“My inhaler. For my asthma,” Steve explained. “It’s probably at school, unless those crumbs took it."
James nodded and paused for a long moment, looking behind them as he pursed his lips. “I can go get it.” He looked at Steve. “If ya want.”
Steve seemed to hesitate but something flickered in his expression and the boy nodded, taking a deep breath. “My ma’ll be furious if I’ve lost it.”
James shoved his bag at Steve and smiled at him, giving him a mock two-fingered salute. “Just wait here. I’ll be back!”
He jogged back to the school, avoiding other people as he did, head down. He rushed over to the oval and frowned when he found the inhaler laying a few feet away from where he’d found Steve. He picked it up and hissed in sympathy when he saw that it was a bit beaten (much like its owner). He hoped it still worked, he knew that kind of stuff wasn’t exactly cheap.
He made his way back over to Steve, silently relieved that the boy had remained where James had left him. He held out the inhaler in offering. “Here.”
Steve took the inhaler and James grabbed his bag before he continued walking to the apartment complex where they both lived. He noticed Steve’s limp beginning to get worse and he slowed his pace so the boy could catch up. He figured it didn’t matter if he’d saved him from the jerks back at the school if he left him stranded on the street.
Bucky helped Steve up the stairs, pulling him up when the boy stumbled or looked like he was going to fall. James didn’t want him to be worse off, that wouldn’t do either of them any good.
“Which one is yours?” James asked as they got to Steve’s floor.
“Number six, just down there.” Steve informed him, already beginning to limp that way.
James sighed and followed him, ignoring the weird look he received from Steve. He averted his gaze quickly, pretending to be very interested in the wall.
“How ‘bout I walk ya to school tomorrow?” He offered, gaze drifting to the carpeted ground. “Looks like you could use a friend.”
Steve seemed almost insulted by that, but he nodded anyway. “Yeah, sure. Stop my ma gettin’ more grey hairs.”
Bucky grinned, glad that Steve had agreed. It would be nice to have someone to walk with him, to make the trip less boring. To have a friend with him.
“Alright. I'll meet ya here then. Let your ma know who I am so she doesn't get a scare." He told Steve before turning away, a bright smile on his face as he walked up to his own apartment.
He took the stairs two at a time and burst into his apartment.. He could see his ma in the kitchen preparing their dinner and he approached her, looking around.
“What are we havin’?” He asked, leaning over to see.
His ma didn’t look at him, but she smiled. “Go put your books away James, see that your sister does the same.”
James kissed his ma on the cheek before he went to his room, dumping his bag on his bed. The books he could sort later. He watched fondly as his little sister, Rebecca, ran into his room. She immediately clutched onto him, her grip tight as she buried herself against him.
“James!” She exclaimed, a bright smile on her face. “You’re home!”
He laughed, ruffling her hair as he pulled her off him. “Yeah, I am. Now go put your stuff away, ya little monkey.
Rebecca giggled but she left the room and James flopped back on his bed, staring up the roof. He couldn’t wipe the grin off his face, thinking about the events of the day.
He’d seen the Rogers kid around, of course he had, but he’d never really been there when the poor kid was getting beaten to a pulp. At least now he knew why. How so much righteous energy and anger could fit inside someone so small, he didn’t understand. Maybe he never would, but at least now he had time to figure it out and maybe he’d become friends, actual friends, with the scrawny kid from downstairs.
After dinner, he’d helped his ma put Rebecca to bed before curling up in his own. When he’d woken, his drowsiness had quickly been replaced with excitement as he remembered he got to walk to school with his new friend.
The next morning, James made quick work of helping his ma and having a quick breakfast, James grabbed his bag and practically ran down the stairs. He knocked on Steve’s apartment door, bouncing on his heels a little as he waited.
He watched as the door opened and an older woman emerged, Steve’s ma. She looked a lot like him, same blonde hair and blue eyes, but it was evident that the years hadn’t been easy for her.
“You must be the Barnes boy.” The woman spoke, her tone kind.
James straightened his posture, a polite grin on his features as he nodded. “James Barnes, ma’am.” He informed her. “It’s lovely to meet ya.”
“You as well James.” The woman replied, turning away to guide Steve out the door. “You boys best be off then. I expect you back by dark.”
“It’s just school.” Steve protested, but he seemed to back down when his ma shot him a look.
“That’s never stopped you before Stevie.” The woman leaned down, kissing his hair. “Off you go.”
James smiled when he saw him, watching patiently as Steve kissed his ma’s cheek to say goodbye. “C’mon pal.” He chuckled, clapping Steve on the back gently.
He could see Steve ma smile when he called him ‘pal’ and something in James shifted. He supposed Steve didn’t have many friends, especially given his reputation and how many fights he got into at school. James began walking, down the hall and the stairs.
“Your ma seems nice.” He commented, grinning up at Steve.
The other boy nodded brightly. “She is.” He agreed.
James paused, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. “Stevie?”
Steve just shrugged, looking away from James, no doubt embarrassed. “A ma has to call her kid somethin’.”
“Yeah, I ‘spose.” James let the smirk settle on his face, nudging Steve playfully.
Steve shook his head, but James heard the other boy laugh. “You’re a jerk.”
“Yeah?” Bucky raised an eyebrow. “Well you’re a little punk.”
Steve scoffed at that, pretending to be offended. “Sure.” He rolled his eyes. “This punk is gonna be someone someday, you wait.
“Uh huh.” Bucky lit up, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Maybe you’ll be the most famous newsboy in the world.”
Steve frowned. “I’m gonna be more than a newsboy. Maybe I’ll be a reported, on the radio.”
Bucky let out a light laugh as he regarded his new friend. “You’ve sure got big dreams for someone so small.”
“I’m not gonna be small forever.” Steve grumbled in response.
“What, you hopin’ you’re just a late bloomer then?” Bucky stood a little taller, just to mess with Steve.
Steve seemed to notice and he yanked James down, using the strap of his bag. “I’m sure I’ll wake up one mornin’ and be a helluva lot bigger!”
"Bigger, maybe. But we'll all be bigger." James grinned. "So you'll still be small compared to everyone else!"
Steve huffed. "I'm gonna be bigger then ya one day. Just you wait!"
James put his hand on Steve’s head, chuckling as Steve pulled away. "You barely reach my shoulder." He teased.
Steve moved so he was next to James and he jumped a little. "I'm not that far off ya!"
James just shook his head, the amusement clear on his face. “Yeah, yeah, keep tellin’ yourself that.”
The two fell quiet after that, but James couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. This was good, walking with his new friend to school, having a laugh. He found himself looking forward to doing it more often and he hoped Steve wouldn’t object. It was much better than being alone anyway.
45 notes · View notes
dr. feelgood - chapter five
pairing: Surgeon!Bucky x SurgicalIntern!Reader
summary: Y/N has a one night stand with a handsome stranger the night before starting her new job as a surgical intern. Little does she know, the handsome stranger also happens to be her new boss
warnings: must be 18+, drinking, some surgery descriptions, smut, self-pleasure, praise kink, very minor character death, unprotected sex, rough sex
Word count: 2.3k
series playlist: here
taglist: @sebsgirl71479 @ozwriterchick @notmeddy @drewsuncrustables @lokidokieokie @hextech-bros @nats-whore @m4nulup1n @arcanebabe @tanyaspartak @jackiehollanderr @princezzjasmine @fallenlilangel99 @pono-pura-vida @mavrellover91 @milanaasblog @helluvapimp @almosttoopizza @esposadomd (message me to be added!)
series masterlist
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“Y/N, you're with me today,” Bucky smiled, as he put on his trauma gown. “You can thank me later,” he whispered in my ear. I followed him to the pit, collecting a trauma gown on the way. We were immediately met by several other department heads: Dr. Stark, head of cardio, Dr. Rogers, head of ortho, and Dr. Wilson, head of plastics. I was a little overwhelmed being around so many attendings at once, especially considering Rogers and Wilson were close friends of Bucky’s, but I knew their presence meant something important was coming in.
“What do we have?” Stark asked.
“Oh, just you wait,” Bucky replied. I exchanged concerned looks with Rogers. Bucky had his game face on, but I could sense the excitement coming off of him.
Just then, two firefighters entered the pit rolling a giant block of cement. With a scared teenager trapped inside. It took everything in me to hide the surprise from my face as I realized we had a difficult task at hand.
“Take him to trauma room one,” Bucky stated. I took the initiative and signaled for the firefighters to follow me.
“We blasted what we could out of the job site, but we need to remove the rest of this soon. Just tell us when and where we can start working,” the firefighter said. Bucky nodded and we all circled around the patient. 
“What’s your name?” Bucky asked the patient.
“Peter,” he answered, nervously.
“Peter, how old are you?”
“Nineteen,” he hesitated.
“Okay Peter, you are a strong man and we are going to get you out of this, okay?”
He merely nodded. He eyed out the window and I followed his gaze. There were two teens sitting in the waiting area watching us. 
“Are those your friends?” I asked him.
He nodded again and I added, “I will keep them updated with everything.” I closed the blinds slightly in order to avoid attracting an audience. 
“We are going to meet and come up with a plan but we will be right back. We’ll send in some nurses to keep you hydrated until we can hook you up to an IV. The cement is pulling the water out of your body, so it’s really important that you keep hydrated.” Bucky instructed. The attendings all filed out of the room and I followed. Bucky was scratching his head and I could tell he wasn’t sure where to start.
As we entered an empty trauma room, I was expecting silence as we all thought through the treatment plan, but that was not the case. Stark started things off by claiming that we had to focus on the heart and lungs. That seemed to set everyone else off and arguments immediately ensued. I picked up a white board marker and started jotting some quick notes onto the board, trying to list out all the potential concerns.
As the clock continued ticking and no progress was being made, someone finally intervened.
“What the hell is going on here? Why is that patient out there by himself?” Dr. Fury, Chief of Surgery shouted. All the attendings turned to look at him, but no one spoke.
“Rogers is worried about the limbs. Barnes is concerned with the abdominal pressure. Wilson wants to focus on the third degree burns and Stark thinks there will be issues with the heart and lungs,” I announced. 
“He can live without a leg, he can’t live without a liver,” Bucky said, and they all started arguing again.
Fury looked directly at me and I said, “No one can decide on where to start…”
“Hey! We have a limited amount of time before the toxins in the cement will stop his heart. We are fighting the clock right now. It took the kids an hour to call 911, three hours to cut him out of the cement, so that leaves us four to six hours to get him into the OR. Every minute counts here and we work as a team! So put your differences aside and get back out there to your patient.”
Fury left the room and everyone turned to Bucky for his plan. As head of trauma, he was in charge of the ER and this was ultimately his call.
“We’ll start removing small slabs of concrete and evaluate as we go. Each of you will focus on your respective areas and if you have concerns, raise your hand.” They all nodded and headed back into the ER. Bucky stayed back and peered over at me.
“And what would you like me to do?” I asked him.
“Make sure he’s okay. And trust your instincts.” I nodded and we returned to the patient
Bucky instructed the firefighters on standby to start carefully removing pieces of cement. Everyone took their spots around the slab and I stood up near Peter’s head.
“Peter, as these slabs of concrete are pulled off, I’m going to apply some vinegar. It’s going to help with the burns,” Wilson stated, as he carefully poured some vinegar onto the raw skin.
“Burns?” Peter gulped.
Wilson eyed me and I picked up on his signal to explain.
“Some of the chemicals in the concrete can create burns if exposed to the skin for a long period of time.”
“So…I’m burning from the inside out?” he asked, panicking. Bucky eyed me from across the table so I did what I could to keep him calm.
“It’s nothing you can’t recover from, and Dr. Wilson here is the best of the best. He is going to make sure the burns don’t get any worse and that we treat them as soon as possible.”
It was almost like Peter didn’t hear me because the next thing he said was, “I’m dying aren’t I. I’m going to die in this pile of cement.”
I shifted my position so that I was making direct eye contact with him and I changed my strategy to be a little more direct. “Hey, we are not using the word dying. We are banning that word. You have some of the best doctors in the country working on you right now so you can bet that you’re making it out of this alive.”
I was firm, but passionate and I hoped that he was receptive. He still looked so scared, which was understandable, but I hoped he had a little faith in us. By this point, we had removed enough of the concrete to run an IV to keep him hydrated.
“Peter, can you move your fingers for me?” Dr. Rogers asked, as he continued examining the exposed limbs. Peter’s fingers moved like he was tapping the keys of the piano and Rogers praised him for it. 
“I’m not usually this dumb, you know,” Peter said.
“No one is saying that you’re dumb,” I replied.
“I made the dean’s list last semester. I’m in the honors college for engineering. I’m on a full academic scholarship, yet I did this dumb thing for a girl.”
I wasn’t going to indulge him and ask him any more about it. The last thing he needed to do was relive the past few hours. But he continued anyway. “This guy Flash dared me, and I knew it was a stupid thing to do but MJ was watching and I just wanted her to think I was a badass. And now she’ll only remember me as a dumbass.”
“I don’t know, Peter. I think it’s pretty badass that you survived getting stuck in a hunk of concrete. If you’re lucky, you might even get some cool scars to take with you. Girls love that,” I winked at him.
Peter let out a slight chuckle and I finally felt like I was doing something good. I looked down the end of the table and I saw Rogers talking with Bucky about something, looking concerned. 
“The leg looks a little swollen, we need to do a fasciotomy,” Rogers announced.
“What does that mean?” Peter asked, looking towards me.
“Dr. Rogers is going to slice open your leg to relieve some of the pressure. You shouldn’t feel that much.”
“Okay,” he breathed. 
“You’re doing so great Peter.”
“Dr. Y/L/N, can you get the OR prepped?” Bucky asked me.
“Absolutely,” I responded.
“Wait, where are you going?” Peter asked me.
“I am just going to make sure we are all set up for surgery. I’ll be right back.”
“Do you have to go?” he asked.
I exhaled and looked toward Bucky for guidance. He nodded and I continued with the plan.
“I do, but first I am going to give an update to your friends. Why don’t I see if your friend MJ can come in here to hold your hand while we get these last few pieces off?”
“Yeah, okay,” he agreed.
I excused myself from the room and went to talk to Peter’s friends. They both looked extremely worried and as soon as I approached, they both stood up.
“Is he okay?” the female asked.
“He’s doing really well. We almost have him out of the cement. I am going to prep the OR for him.”
“OR?” the other friend asked.
“We need to go in and check that his heart and organs are all working properly.”
“Oh, okay.”
“But right now I think it might be helpful if one of you went in there to hold his hand. He’s scared and just needs someone to help him through this.”
“I can do it,” MJ volunteered. I smiled, knowing this would make Peter happy. I gave her instructions to carefully enter the room and I continued to the OR.
Everything was in order and we had scrub nurses on standby, ready to assist with the operation. I returned to the trauma room where they were working with Peter and met Bucky outside the room. He was studying Stark, Wilson, and Rogers as they all worked on their respective parts of the body.
There was a look of concern on Bucky’s face that made me nervous. “The OR’s all set,” I said. He nodded, but his expression didn’t change and he didn’t look at me. “What is it?” I added.
“We’re missing something…” he started counting on his fingers some of the major concerns, “Fluid balance, electrolytes, gangrene, compartment syndrome…” He repeated the list again and again, so that it was almost rhythmic.
“Compartment syndrome, fluid balance, electrolytes…” he paused and looked at me, eyes wide. 
As if reading his mind I said, “His bladder..”
“We’ve been pumping fluids in him for hours. If we don’t get a catheter in there now, his bladder’s going to burst.” 
Bucky and I darted into the room with matching expressions. 
“Okay Peter, we need to start a catheter. You are going to feel some pressure,” Bucky announced, as I helped him insert the catheter. We were lucky to have MJ there because Peter put on a brave face and she helped to distract him.
“Good catch, Y/L/N,” Bucky exhaled.
“Thanks Buck,” I replied. I saw Bucky’s eyebrow raise slightly as he glanced at me. What I didn’t see was Dr. Wilson and Dr. Rogers exchanging looks across the patient.
Finally we were down to the last few pieces of concrete that were on Peter’s chest. I had to ask MJ to leave the room, as we would likely be taking Peter into surgery immediately after the last slabs were removed. I took her place, holding Peter’s hand, as Stark grabbed the crash cart and Bucky prepared to intubate.
“What’s happening?” Peter asked. 
“We are getting ready to pull the last few pieces of concrete off you. There is a chance that when we do that, the toxins will rush to your heart and you will crash. We will restart your heart and put in a breathing tube. Then we’ll rush to the OR and fix everything up.”
I could see Peter’s eyes go wide and I knew he was scared.
“I know it sounds scary, but this is what we do. You are in the best hands, and I promise you will wake up from this.”
Stark gave me a death stare from across the table. I knew he didn’t believe in promising a life, but I was not about to let this kid go through even more than he already had.
The fireman pulled off the final slab of cement which immediately set off the heart monitors. Peter’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as he went limp. Stark called “Clear!” and pressed the defibrillator paddles to Peter’s chest. The beeping on the monitors returned to normal and Stark, Rogers and Wilson carefully transferred him to a gurney.
Bucky had me open Peter’s mouth as he slid the tube down his trachea. It clicked in easily and started flowing air in and out of his lungs.
“Let’s get him to the OR,” Bucky announced. As the gurney was pushed down towards the OR, I trailed behind, stopping to provide an update to Peter’s friends. They seemed concerned, as they should be, but I promised to provide them with periodic updates.
When I walked into the scrub room, Barnes and Rogers were scrubbing in. Stark and Wilson had just finished up and were starting to work on Peter.
“You scrubbing in?” Bucky asked. I gave him a small nod and a smile, appreciative of the opportunity. 
“You did good work today, Y/L/N. You’re good in a high pressure situation and you are great with patients. I might have to request you on my service more often,” Dr. Rogers suggested. 
“Thank you Dr. Rogers. I’d be honored to work on your service,” I replied. I hadn’t done much with ortho yet, and it wasn’t exactly my top choice, but I was grateful for whatever experience I could get.
Bucky turned to give Steve a death glare, before putting on his mask and entering the OR. Steve just smirked to himself as he finished scrubbing and prepared for surgery.
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suckerforlovesblog · 1 year
A perfect match?
“A perfect match?” Masterlist
Everything was different when you opened your eyes. Everything was different once again. Without knowing where you were, you sat up, rubbed your tired eyes and took a look around you. A pair of bright green eyes starred back at you through the dark. Hearing a deep rumbling voice saying that everything is fine now , you felt a shiver run down your spine and everything turned. The darkness welcomed you back once again…
Series warning: ABO Dynamics, Smut, Unprotected PIV , Scenting, Knotting, Language, age gap, Claiming, Breeding Kink, Age Gap
Chapter 3: What Now?
Summary: Y/N and Dean each talk about their impressions on the choosing ceremony.
Chapter warning: Smut, Unprotected Sex, piv, no expression of consent, rape I guess, choking, knotting, claim g, ABO Dynamics, Angst
Word count: 2.7k
~ taglist: @niiight-dreamerrrr ~
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Y/N p.o.v.
Upon waking up you felt that today was different, you felt like today would be the day you have been waiting and prepared for ever since you were admitted to the care facility in Texas.
After rising and getting ready a Beta nurse came into your room, followed by an Alpha doctor who smiled down at you: “You were chosen for the ceremony today. I will only be doing one last check up to ensure you’re in perfect health and afterwards you are supposed to follow the nurses orders.” After asking a couple questions and the check up, consisting of measuring your weight and taking a look in your throat, as well as other things, the doctor declared you healthy and gave you a paper cup filled with liquid.
You looked at him with questions in your eyes but dared no to say anything and gulped it down: It tasted like peppermint. Then following the nurse to the showers she told you to wash and style your hair, as well as shave your body, she left you to do so. After following her orders, you blow dried your hair and took the silk robe that was laid out for you and then left the room. Outside were two other girls, one a little taller than you with brunette hair and long legs, the other a little plump with short hair. All of you were dressed in the same silk robe. You then followed the nurse towards the ceremony room, where each of you got their own seat. The nurse left you and your body felt very sleepy afterwards but your mind was wide awake. They probably gave you a sedative to make the whole process easier and more bearable for you.
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Meanwhile Dean is driving towards the facility:
He absolutely hating what he was doing today, Sammy only encouraged him during the drive to the facility. He was an Alpha as well but since he was younger than Dean himself he didn’t have any trouble with his ruts yet. Never ever would Dean have gone to decide over a poor girls fate if he hadn’t nearly died during his last rut. The older he got the more they troubled him, as in physical pain and really high fevers. Sammy even brought him to the hospital because he didn’t know what to do. The doctor there asked if Dean had mated yet. After answering he was strongly advised to get an Omega to help him through his ruts because at 33 his body needed, it ached, after having a mate, after bonding.
“Sammy, I really don’t know about this. We can’t possibly have another person to look after. It is difficult enough already to keep us safe”, Dean said in his low rumbling voice, looking straight ahead over the road the two were driving on in his Chevy Impala. “Dean, I am quite certain you will do the girl a great favor claiming her”, his brother answered. “But why do you think so?” “Well, there are a lot of bad people out there. I think you will give your mate a good life and care for her well. Stop worrying so much and do what’s best for your health. If you guys don’t get along she can spend her time however she pleases and you two just help each other through heats and ruts. No one is talking about having pups!”, Sam tried to encouraged him. “So, you’re telling me to be happy to make a girl my rut bunny?”, Dean only growled at him even though knowing that he was right. Living with the two of you the girl would be safe and have the freedom to choose her own free time activities, as well as living the way she wants to. “Look, Dean, that’s not what I said.”, Sam answered, liking his lips and choosing the next words very carefully, “I am sure you will find a good girl and make the right choice today. You shouldn’t worry too much and let it all get to your head.”
Dean slowly nodded, knowing he was right and then pulled into the parking lot of the facility. Said facility looks like a prison from the outside, barbed wire, high fences.
The two of them got out of the car, identified the entrance and walked towards it. After checking their ID’s and the clear marked red “A” on the right the brothers were granted entrance, walking towards the reception desk. Sam cleared his throat and Dean began to state the reason for his visit. Afterwards Sam sat down in the waiting area and Dean followed the pretty blonde Beta assistant into the interview room, checking out her butt. Sitting down, he looked at the paper in front of him and raised an eyebrow. “This always happens, to make sure you’re in the right state of mind to care for your Omega and have a stable income and background to support both of you. Please fill it out Sir. Afterwards you will be seen by a doctor and then you can tell the ceremony assistant what you’re looking for in an Omega so that we can bring out the best fits for you”, the blonde said smiling brightly at him. Dean smiled back, he couldn’t resist and would habe like to take the girl to a motel room. Sorting through the papers he wrote everything down, not quite the truth though but as best as he could. The doctors interview soon followed, he was declared healthy and was then presented with the ceremony assistant. Said assistant was a Beta as well, he could smell it. Nether the less she was really good looking as well, a tall brunette. Now wondering if being good looking was a requirement to work her, she bombarded him with questions. She wanted to know if his Omega should be tall, skinny, athletic, how old she should be and if she was supposed to have any special skills…. Dean answered all her questions and was then told to get back to the waiting room, whilst choosing the girls he decided on. “I really hope you do like the selection, Sir, if you don’t we can then see what went wrong and select once again until you’re please with our offer.”, she said smiling and went towards the waiting room with you where you sat back down next to Sam. “That were a lot of questions and big decisions for the short time”, Dean mumbled to himself and then looked at Sam who was reading a newspaper.
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Y/N p.o.v
You drifted off to sleep, waking up when the door opened. Your body was still so tired but you were extremely excited and mortified of what was to come. Trying to move you felt that but your hands were bound to the seat you were sitting in and now your eyes were covered a mask as well.
From what it sounded like at least two people entered the room. The first scent was familiar but the second was incredible, it made you feel hot and your skin tingle. You took another breath, taking it all in not quite able to say what it smelled like other than comfort. The people moved and the scent came ever closer to you, it seemed like you weren’t the first in line. Now the scent was directly in front of you. It hit you like a truck! The man smelled of expensive cologne, musky, but also like a fresh ocean breeze with a scent of amber. He also smelled like whiskey. An extreme heat and comfort overcame you. Never having felt this save, this men made you calm and stopped your anxiety. You could feel him coming closer, his mouth close to your eye, taking a deep breath in - inhaling you and then whispering in you ear: “You don’t need to worry anymore, darling. I will take you out of this place.” His voice was only a low rumble but it unleashed a fire in you and after he withdrew his face from yours all you could smell was him.
“I want her.”, he said, his voice a melody in your brain, making your insides tumble. You could afterwards feel that he left the room because the warmth and his smell got less intense but he left an extreme impression on you.
Someone unclasped your wrists from the seat and helped you up. Outside the nurse said: “You are one lucky girl! The Alpha choose you and he is extremely handsome. He will go down to the office to get all of the paperwork done, sign the license and will come for you afterwards. He has to at least claim you right here so you can’t be returned.” She then brought you into the next room, sitting you down on a bed and tying you to the bed post. “Best of luck Y/N, I really hope he is good to you. He seemed like a kind and charming men”, she said before leaving. Still wearing the mask you thought about the nurses words whilst eagerly waiting for your Alpha.
You couldn’t exactly tell how long you waited but after a while the door opened again and the warm feeling came over you again. Both of you took a deep breath at the same time. He chuckled, afterwards saying: “Hey little one. I take no pleasure in what’s going to happen next but they won’t let us go unless I made you mine.” You felt the bed dip under his weight and he pulled you in his lap, taking of the eye mask that prohibited your sight. After blinking a couple of times your eyes got used to the light and you looked around you. Straight across was the door, next to it on the wall hung lots of different sex toys. The sight of it mad you self conscious, freaking you out. His big hands slightly patted your back and you looked down, sitting on his clothed lap on a nice big bed, your hands still tied to the bed post. He cleared his throat and you shifted on him, leaving him groaning which made you turn and you took in his facial features for the first time. Him taking in yours in the same way.
The nurse was right, he was extremely handsome: Strong features with high cheekbones. His face was dusted with freckles and he had nice full lips, his face was covered with a light beard. His dirty blond hair was short on the sides and a little longer on top of his head. Then you found the courage to look into his eyes for the first time: They were green. Greener than anything you had ever seen and most beautiful as well. You didn’t even see the small wrinkles around his eyes, uncovering his age. He then smiled a wicked grin, as if he was pleased with what he was seeing. “I will take the ropes of your wrists now. I just thought you would freak out on me if I took them off first thing.”, he said, while freeing your wrists, “I’m Dean by the way.” You did not quite feel confident enough to look into his eyes, saying: “My name is Y/N. Nice to meet you.” He then lifted up your head and crashed his lips onto yours. You kissed him back, enjoying the way his lips felt on yours. He immediately took control, his one hand pulling you closer at the small of your back, the other on your right cheek. You leaned closer to him, one arm around his neck, the other hand finding it’s way into his hair. You then started pulling at it and he groaned into your mouth. The kiss heated up and he took off his shirt, revealing his toned upper body and his strong arms. You right hand left his hair and how traced the muscles on his chest lightly. He seemed to really enjoy what you were doing and then flipped you over, him now on top of you. The robe you were wearing slid upwards through the sudden movement and he put his knee between your legs. His kisses turned sloppy and left your mouth to kiss towards your neck. You let out a small moan when he reached the crook of your neck and he slightly bit at the spot, breathing in your scent and liking over your scent gland. “I will take this off of you now, sweetheart. If there is anything you don’t like me doing please stop me. I want you to enjoy this as much as I will”, he says into your ear with a low voice. He moves a little away from your face with his, looking you deep in the eye, revealing his darkened features, hungry for your touch. You were so mesmerized with his face that you didn’t even notice him taking off his jeans and underwear. He then untied the rope, brushing his calloused big hands over every inch of your body. Dean groaned when he noticed you weren’t wearing underwear. He touched your breasts and made your nipples stiffen, whilst kissing you with everything he had. His touch soon trailed downwards to your belly. You stiffened at his touch and he just growled “Omega” against your lips. The Omega in you instantly submitted and you opened your legs immediately and his hands traveled lower, caressing your inner thighs. He came closer to your center with every touch. At last he made contact with your dripping pussy, you just now discovered how wet, ready and desperate you were for him. He lined himself up with your entrance. “It will hurt at first but then turn into pleasure, I promised”, he said whilst pushing himself completely into you. You gasped for air and he withdrew very quickly, snapping his hips forward one more time and breaking your maidenhead, making you his in every way. He then held still for a couple seconds for you to adjust to his massive length, only know feeling how well equipped he was and how well he filled you up. Dean began to move once again and your gasps turned into small moans that seemed to turn him on even more. His hand came between you and he touched your little pearl in the most satisfying way possible. You felt an unfamiliar warmth build up in you and Dean encouraged you, whilst pressing butterfly kisses, all over your neck to relax and see what happens. You follow his order and experience your first orgasm. He helps you through your hip and his thrusts soon became sloppy because of your clenching walls around his penis.
Suddenly he pulls out and growls: “Present Omega!” You immediately get on all fours, your ass up towards him, your face close to the pillows. He then enters you from behind, moaning at the contact made, seemingly enjoying himself. You could feel his tip get bigger, assuming he was ready to knot you. His hand creeps up to your throat and he squeezes it whilst hammering into you at a fast pace. His hand around your lower belly he pulls you up so your back is pressed against his chest whilst fucking you relentlessly. Deans lips come to your neck and ever closer to your scent gland once again. But instead of putting butterfly kisses to it, he bites down this time, hard. You scream in pain and whilst still biting and sucking at your neck he spilled his knot in you, pushing you full of his fluids. The pain vanished as quickly as it arouse and now you’re a moaning mess under his touch once again, whilst he licks over your neck again and again.
The both of you collapse on the bed and he pulls you as close as possible, his knot still inside you. “Your mine now Omega”, he whispers into your ear, brushing a hair bending it: “I will take good care of you sweetheart.” You then passed out in his big, strong arms.
Dean then slowly pulls out of you and cleans you up without you noticing. He dresses himself, wrapping you in his big leather jacket and picking you up as if you weigh nothing to carry you towards the waiting room. Sam gets up, as soon as he sees the both of you and offers to drive home so that Dean could sit in the backseat with you, your head on his lap, breathing in his scent, sleeping soundly…
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thelittlewriter · 2 years
Pairing : Bakugou x Reader
Previous Part / Next Part
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It was almost embarrassing, how Bakugou made you hold his arm to walk around the hospital. You were just right outside, but it felt like you were actually going somewhere. He acted like it. He was obviously nervous, probably because you were getting out of the hospital the next day. You hadn't told him yet but he already knew. He wanted you to tell him, and he wanted to pretend he didn't know about it. He wasn't ready to see you leave the hospital. He knew it was silly, you were fine now and it was your health, but he couldn't help but feel... uneasy. He knew you would get mad at him if you knew everything that was going on in his mind. He had to admit, seeing you hurt did something to him. Something that he might never be able to undo. It planted a seed in his heart. Fear could only grow until it would take up too much space.
He looked at a bench not to far from them.
"No," you already said before he even spoke. "I'm not tired."
He sighed.
"You know, I'm fine. I'm getting out tomorrow morning."
"Really ?" he said. He cursed in his mind, it sounded so unnatural. "Well, I'll be there."
You smiled at him.
"You don't need to."
"I know."
You were walking faster than him, even if he was the one who was supposed to help you. It was like he was trying to keep you from going too fast.
You slowly walked back to your room. Bakugou stayed by the door as you sat down on your bed. The sun was already setting. He was about to go back home.
"Do you need anything ?" he asked.
You shook your head. He was spending most of his time here, and you knew he was only going home because you asked him to.
"I'll be back tomorrow," he said.
Soon, you were alone. Being alone wasn't a problem, but at the hospital, you became lonely really fast. Bakugou had a fair amount of trips to the hospital. It was never really long but you wondered if he was lonely too.
Morning came quickly. You had barely slept. You were going home. It was your only thought since you woke up.
"You're free to go," the nurse said when you got back from your test.
Finally. You would finally go back home to your bed. You would take a good time to rest and then, you would finally go back to work.
"About the clothes you came with...."
You knew what the nurse was trying to tell you. Your suit was too damaged to be worn again. You would definitely need to fix this before getting back to work.
Soon, you thought.
"We can lend you clothes to go home if you want."
That's when you heard a knock on the door. You tried not to be too happy to see Bakugou. You knew that the way your heart would skip a beat every time you saw him was strange. But you didn't want to think about it.
"I came with clothes," he said. "I figured you'd need some."
You couldn't help but smile. He was your savior. Quite literally. You looked at the clothes. They were new. You smiled.
It was quite a comforting thought to know that he was there for you. Ever since you got there until you got out. You said goodbye to the nurses and doctors who had been with you the whole time, thanking them.
As you got out, Bakugou led you to his car. You didn't know he could drive until then. There used to be a time when you wanted to know everything about him. Back in high school, you used to follow him around just to know how he became such a great hero.
You got into his car.
When you thought about it, he had been inspiring you ever since.
"Thank you," you suddenly said. "I'm really happy we're partners."
"Don't talk like you're dying," he just said.
There was a moment of silence. You were just looking at him while he was just looking in front of himself. Then, he turned to you and asked :
"Where do you live ?"
He felt his face getting hotter in embarrassment. He offered to drive you home without even knowing where he had to go. After all this time, he still had no idea. The line between your professional and your private life was so clear it hurt.
He was silent the whole drive. You, on the other hand, didn't stop talking. You couldn't, not since you got your voice back. He liked it. He learned a little bit more about you, not too much, but it was enough. You were laughing when you got out of the car. He didn't know why you looked so happy. He guessed you didn't have any reason to be happy, you just were. After all, you almost...
When he stopped the car, the two of you got out of it and walked to your apartment. You slowly opened the door. Your eyes were almost closing even if it was still morning. He guessed it was more than just physical exhaustion.
"Get in," you said mindlessly.
He hesitated but still obeyed.
"I'm sorry," you suddenly said. "I'll clean up a little."
It was almost amusing how stressed you were due to his mere presence in your apartment. You weren't cleaning, you barely had anything to clean and yet you were almost running around.
He grabbed you by the arm, turning you around and forcing you to look at him in the eyes. You immediately froze.
"I'll go," he said. "You rest."
A part of him liked that he was making you nervous, but he didn't like seeing you that nervous when you were just discharged from the hospital.
He didn't even let you object and left right away. He closed the door behind him. And froze. You were right inside and yet, that feeling still wasn't going away. He sighed.
You were home. You were fine.
Everything was fine now.
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Hey ! It's been a while since I updated this... I don't know why but I couldn't write a thing for a whole month, I was just staring at my laptop without writing anything... still I hope you liked it ! I think we're only two chapters and one side story away from the end... have a good day !
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the-fiction-witch · 8 months
I dare you... P3
Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Smut
I dare you P333!!!!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Part 3 please 🥺🙏
WOW THATS CRAZY! Part 3 plzzzz
OMG I REALLY WANT TO SEE what happens next PLEASE PART 3333333
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"One end to the other?" Jack asked,
"Yep." I nodded,
"Yes, Jack."
"...How naked?"
"As naked as you were born." 
"Not on your life."
"Don't do it you have to kiss Prof."
"...How much do I have to kiss him?"
"On the lips for at least a minute," 
"...... from where in the hospital?"
"The morgue."
The look on his face was deep contemplation, neither was a good option. 
"What if someone sees me!"
"well best be sneaky then. No one is about and I'll let you off having to go through the ward."
"But I have to go past it to get the morgue."
"Yeah, you do."
"But if I don't... Ughr- I have to kiss prof." 
"Yep. On the lips and I'll be watching to make sure you do it." 
He thought for a moment really weighing his options out when he stood up in the centre of the theatre, "From here to the morgue?" He clarified taking his tie off, 
"Yep," I giggled,
he began to undo his waistcoat "I hate you." He said, slipping it off, then peeling his suspenders off his shoulders I couldn't help but watch him, "I hate your evil little brain," He said as he undid his trousers pushing them off, "I hate everything about this situation." He said taking his shirt off and dumping his clothes in a pile on the table, 
"As naked as you were born Doctor Dawkins," I giggled looking at his white cotton underwear, 
"I hate everything about you right now."
"I know," I giggled, 
He rolled his eyes and pulled his cotton undergarments off, leaving him completely exposed, using his hands to conceal himself, 
"Go on begin your walk," I smirked, 
"This is the worst dare of my life." I sighed, 
He slowly creeped out of the theatre doing his best to keep covered, but also keep his head constantly looking in every possible direction to make sure he wasn't seen by anyone. I smirked crossing my arms over my chest and following behind him but far enough I couldn't protect him, I couldn't stop my giggles watching him try to keep himself concealed given he was still hard, he snuck himself through the entryway slowly and carefully, heading slowly through the halls. Hummm this could be more interesting, I slapped his pale butt making him jump.
"Ahhh! Y/n!" He complained, 
"You can't use your hands anymore."
"That was not part of the dare."
"Yes, but I think you are cheating," 
"cheating! you really want me to walk through this hospital with my bloody cock out?"
"Fuck it. No, I'd rather kiss Prof. I'll kiss Prof and sneed if I can just keep my hands here y/n,"
"If you make it to the morgue without using your hands you'll get a reward," I smirked starting to walk to the morgue. 
"A reward?"
"What sort of reward?"
"A reward that involves my mouth."
"..you- your mouth?" he smirked, "fine." He sighed not using his hands to conceal himself even if he desperately wanted to, so we continued to sneak through the hospital even if a passing nurse headed for the ward did make Jack literally leap into the store room with speed I had never seen before, 
"Evening Miss Y/l/n" she nodded to me,
"Evening Miss Smith," I nodded back as she walked past,
"Is she gone?" Jack gulped poking his head out,
"Yes, you're safe."
"...I don't know if I trust you." he complained but he saw the morgue stairwell so basically bolted for it and down the stairs I happily followed him finally arriving in the morgue where I shut the doors. "yes! I did it! Now where is my reward!" he smirked, 
"Alright you win Jack, you get your reward," I smirked, "You want it now?" 
"Yes!" He smirked leaning his elbows against the morgue table, "I did it, so I need my reward y/n," He slyly and invitingly smiled, 
"Alright," I moved to wrap my arms around his neck and to give him some sweet kisses which he happily returned until I pulled back and kissed down his neck and down his chest until I met his now stiff erection I kissed his hips and down his V before slowly pressing gentle kisses down his shaft, he groaned wrapping his fingers into my hair, once I tested him a little I took him into my mouth fully and gently sucked bobbing my head back and forth down his shaft often licking and swirling my tongue around his head, at times gracing my teeth against the underside of his shaft, he reacted well to my work groaning and moaning above me his hand guiding my head even if I often ignored his guiding just to tease him even more, winding him tighter and tighter and tighter until he grabbed my head pulling me to deep throat him as he moaned loudly his hips bucking into my mouth uncontrollably as he buried himself in my mouth coating my tongue, his body collapsed against the table his head thrown back.
I giggled and pulled back swallowing and licking him clean as well as my lips before I returned to my feet and fixed my hair, "Pleased with your reward Doctor Dawkins?"
"Very pleased," He smirked, "I'd kiss you but... you know,"
"Yeah, doesn't seem like the best idea." I laughed, "So a good reward?"
"Very good, I'd almost be willing to do it again if that's the reward I get,"
"Good" I smirked, "Cause you forget something."
"What did I forget darling?"
"Where's your clothes?"
He stopped and looked around, "Ohh my god- my clothes are still in the theatre."
"Yes, they are,"
"Why didn't you bring them!"
"you didn't ask me to."
"Please go get them for me y/n."
"I said no."
"Y/n! You're not serious! you're not going to make me walk all the way back!"
"Yes, I am."
"You... are an evil little thing." He complained,
"Come on then Jack off we go."
"I hate you." He glared as we had to do it all again, He bolted up the stairs and yet again I smiled following behind him watching as he snuck all the way he just came all the way back to the theatre where he immediately grabbed his clothes getting his pants on, "Ohh my god I am getting you back for this."
"Are you now?"
"I am." He smirked, "Truth or dare?"
"Hummm alright. I dare you to strip naked and go into every room in the hospital even the courtyard completely naked."
"Or else what?"
"Or you have to go kiss Prof. On the lips."
I nodded and headed out the theatre, he quickly got dressed and followed me as I went down to prof's office where he stood very drunk trying to make his way to bed, "Professor?"
"Hummm? Dawkins... and... Maid... what is going on? we have an emergency?" he mumbled,
"No, you just need to get to bed," I told him as I headed over grabbed his face and kissed him, he tasted like whiskey and his beard was rough as I kissed him a few times before I pulled away letting him collapse drunk on the floor, I smirked turning to Jack and flipping my middle finger at him, "Get fucked Jack." I smirked, 
"Point taken." he nodded,
"I'm heading up to bed, but this was fun we'll have to play again sometime" I smiled giving Jack's cheek a kiss before I went up to bed. 
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swiftsdelucaa · 2 years
Can I request a Amelia/Arizona x fem!reader fic? maybe with the reader being a visiting attending or during their time when they'd both be at Johns Hopkins?
❛ 𝑺𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 ❜
𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Arizona Robbins x f!reader ♡
𝘼/𝙣: I thought to do Arizona this time, I hope this was like your idea! <3
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You had to face a very long journey, from Los Angeles to Seattle, for a very important uterus transplant. You already met the patient some time ago. She had come for a consultation to try to have a baby since after so many attempts she had never succeeded. You did everything to help her, but she was furious. She wanted a baby badly. And she just blamed you and your methods, and she was gone, probably looking for some other study that could unnecessarily help her.
Then you were called by Grey-Sloan Memorial to perform one of the most important transplants in the world, your patient who has been diagnosed with a disease that compromised the formation of her uterus, and with one of the most important fetal surgeons, Arizona Robbins . You didn't believe it when you read that name.
It was her? The same Arizona Robbins from Johns Hopkins? The same gorgeous girl you were in love with?
Yes, you and Arizona were in a relationship when you both attended Johns Hopkins. But it was as though you both cared for each other you hurt each other... And in the end each one followed their own path without thinking or doing anything else. You were really sad for this.
The journey had tired you a lot, as soon as you arrived and entered in the hotel room you threw yourself on the bed, just wanting to close your eyes and be able to fall asleep.
The next day, when you entered the hospital, you asked for information about the patient in order to reach her. God, this place was huge, but it was amazing. You've never felt so disoriented.
Arizona was already in the patient's room, probably already explaining the various risks of the surgery. It was really her, the always cheerful one, with her smile and her unique way of being so beautiful and cute.
You entered with a smile at your patient, then turned to Arizona. She changed her expression and met your eyes. You couldn't tell if she looked happy, but a little surprised maybe.
You finished exposing the last details, now you just had to take her to the operating room, everything was ready for the surgery.
"Scalpel" the nurse handed you the scalpel, you looked at Arizona for a second, then lowered your gaze to begin the incision.
The surgery had gone perfectly. There were some complications, but nothing that together you couldn't solve. The patient was in the recovery room, as soon as she woke up you couldn't wait to tell her the good news.
"Y/n" you turned around and saw Arizona.
"Yes?" that's all you just answered not knowing what to say. How do we behave in these cases?
"We didn't have time to greet each others..." she tried to smile at you.
"Well, hi" you said turning back to the patient's room. If she was even a little interested in you she could have called you, but she didn't. Even you. You actually tried, but you never succeeded.
Now you didn't want to ignore her or act childish, of course, you still cared a lot about her, in fact, since you saw her again you've gone back to being 20 and feeling the same way. It sounded pathetic, but when you started your internship, you even wished that she had chosen the same place too.
“Y/n, it's been years” she figured you were still referencing that. When someone hurt you, you could hardly get over it.
"I know, in fact I don't know why you brought up the subject" you retorted pretending nothing happened.
"I missed you" she said causing you a rather surprised face.
"And you don't know how happy I am to see you again" she added with a sincere smile.
"But you didn't call, or looked for me" you said looking into her eyes.
"You too" It's true... "Unless you didn't care" you raised your eyebrows.
"I didn't cared? God, you have no idea how hurt I was about this!" you said raising your voice slightly at the end.
"We were so stupid..." she replied shaking her head.
You looked down not knowing what to say.
"You could stay here to work. Well, I mean, there aren't many fetal surgeons..." a smile came out spontaneously from your face.
"Seriously?" you asked laughing.
"Why not" she seemed really serious. "Together we'll work even better" it wouldn't have been so bad if you thought about it, it was true, during that surgery you both were awsome, imagine with others.
Before you could answer she pulled you by the arm into a call-room, closing the door.
"Wh-" she kissed you deeply placing her lips against yours interrupting you and making you feel so freaking good.
"Sorry, I- I couldn't don't do it-" you smiled at her biting your lower lip.
"And you're more beautiful than I remembered..." she added.
"So this is how new colleagues are welcomed in this hospital?" you asked with an ironic tone earning yourself another kiss.
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unluckyhoneybee · 1 year
Quiet Room (Nolan Patrick)
Just a little story about finding your place. Fluff.
Note: this is actually super self indulged.
Warnings: reader has migraines too.
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You weren't so convinced of it when you went to see that doctor. Your friend had talked about a friend of a friend who had the same disorder and had gone better since he saw this doctor. You weren't convinced it would work, many doctors has already told you there wasn't a solution. So you sat in there with your head down waiting for another deception and money spent on nothing when the door opened. A tall man with a cap walked with his hands on his pockets and sat next to you. It was annoying at first because there were many chairs around. You didn't know, but that man would change everything.
He was still there when you left the office, he looked at you and smiled a bit politely, but you barely got it, to be honest.
He was also there for the next appointment and again two weeks later, when you learned that you had started the treatment at the same time and we're following the same schedule.
"Hi" He mumbled and sat next to you.
It was a bad day for you. A really bad one. There was a big foggy cloud covering the left half of your vision, the thumping paying above your eye and the stiffness in your neck. Your friend had driven you there because you could barely stand without feeling dizzy. You answered back. He was late that day.
"YN, you can come in"
You nodded and grabbed your bag, then got up. As you did, everything about you started moving and for a moment you thought you would fall. Luckily, an arm around you stopped you and probably saved you for a bad hit.
"Wow, wow" His low voice was suddenly higher pitched, he had moved fast and his heart was beating hard on his chest. "Are you okay?"
The nurse that worked with the doctor came out and saw you, then hurried to help.
"I'm fine, I'm fine."
They helped you inside and then the man reluctantly help you sit on the bed. You looked up at him and for the first time met his blue eyes.
"I'm good now, thank you" You muttered. "You can let go"
It was harsh, just soft words coming out of your lips. Nolan nodded a bit and removed his hands from you, still, he didn't left your side in fear you would fall or who knows what.
He stayed there for a couple of minutes, eyes crossed and brows furrowed, inspecting the doctor's work as they checked your pupils and tension.
"It has been like this all day, I'm good, it'll get better."
"I told you about this symptoms" You said lowering your head. "It's not just pain, everyone focus on the pain but it's not just pain"
Nolan's heart shattered when he heard your defeated tone, maybe not only for you but also for him.
"Nolan thank you for you help, but we need..."
"Ues, yes. Um... I'll be... Yes"
He nervously stomped put but something in him didn't let him go far. He wsd there when you came out.
"Thank you" You said when the door closed behind you.
"It's fine. I get dizzy sometimes too"
You nodded and lowered your eyes to the papers in your hands. "The treatment is not working" You said. "That's why they are so hard today. I had to drop my usual meds to try this and... It's not working. I'm actually not coming back. Today was the last appointment"
Nolan's heart clenched. He had kept an eye on you. He had memorized the shape of your nose and the curvature of your lips, he knew exactly the place where you had every little mark in your place and knew how you liked to spend the time in the waiting room. He hadn't talked to you nor because he didn't want but because he wasn't the greatest talking.
"Fuck... I'm so-"
"Don't be sorry. I don't need more people being sorry" You said. You weren't even angry, it didn't sound like that, just tired of trying and trying.
"Okay" He put his hands on his pockets and decided to go for it. "Do you want to have a coffee with me? When I'm done?"
You weren't sure why, but your heart beat picked up and your face heated up.
"I'm feeling pretty bad right now" You said.
Nolan clenched his jaw. Obviously you didn't want, you almost fainted like fifteen minutes ago.
"Plus... We shouldn't be having coffee" the corner of your mouth curled a bit in a smile and Nolan's expression relaxed.
"Are you up for a glass of water when you are feeling good?"
You nodded with a little smile. "Should I give you my number?"
"I think so"
He texted you the following day, but you were still in bed, then the day after you were busy and he wasn't feeling so well, then when you were finally free he was out with a bad episode. You both should have known it would be like that. But then a week and a half passed and Nolan and you met for a coffee and it was good, great even. He had his dog Charlie with him and lovey eyes when he saw you playing with the curly haired pet.
One coffee date was followed by an ice cream, then a dinner and a film. And soon you had found a comfortable dynamic for the both of you. There wasn't a tag or a name for what you had, but the feelings were strong.
"I have been thinking..."
You giggled and turned around. Nolan was sitting in the table while you cook dinner at yours. He was still sweaty and blushed from the run he had just taken. He was feeling good and hadn't had a bad episode in a while. So he had taken the opportunity.
"Was it hard?"
He rolled his eyes and flipped you off, which made you laugh loudly. He loved the sound of your laugh.
"We should move together"
The spatula you were using fell against the counter and the noise made you two cringe.
"For how long have we been together?"
You blinked quickly and babbled while your mind tried to work the numbers.
"It was been a year and three months since you fainted on my arms." He tapped his finger on the table, his eyes blankly starring at the wood. "It's been then around a year and two months since I kissed you"
"Y-you count it"
Nolan quickly looked at you and then back at his hands. He was blushing furiously, it was ridiculous and embarrassing. There wasn't a way of hiding his reactions around you.
"I just..."
You slowly walked to him and cupped his face. As always, his muscle memory made him open his legs for you to stand between them and his hands found the curve of your knees. Your thumb ran over his lower lip and he opened his mouth for you. You leaned and captured his lips in a sweet and slow kiss, both mouths working together as his fingers caressed the back of your thighs.
The no tags, no names, no adjectives was an unspoken rule between you two. Feelings were there, they were obvious. You both knew you were in love, even if Nolan thought those were big words and he still had a hard time coming into terms with loving you. There was no one he respected more, he wanted to protect more, to take care of, to spend as much time... His problem was that sometimes he believed it wasn't the same for you. For some reason, that high place he had you in made him believe he wasn't good enough for you. Little did he know that your feelings were just as strong.
With a soft wet sound, you pulled back, smiling brightly and squeezing his cheeks together. "You and me? Together?"
His fingers gripped tightly your thighs, which made you laugh and kiss him again. "I'm not gonna leave" You whispered against his mouth. Those words only made him grab you tighter. He moved his face a bit and pressed his forehead against yours. It was kind of your thing.
"I spend more time with you than with anyone else"
"I'm kind of your girl, aren't I?"
"Still" He mumbled. "I wasn't sure you'd want"
You swallowed and pouted, your heart breaking a bit. Nolan had a strong facade. He was the serious stern man, only showing the funnier side to a very reduced and exclusive group of people, his people. It had been difficult to start talking about deeper things with him, he needed time to open to you, even when he was super attracted to you and probably happier than a little boy on a candy shop when you went out. You didn't want him to bottle up all the emotions that involved you, you wanted him to know he could trust you.
"Nolan..." You sat on his lap. "I'd love to move with you, honey. I'd really love to. Don't ever doubt it, okay?"
He cupped your face with one hand and smile satisfied when your unconsciously leaned into his touch. His thumb brushed your cheek and then your lips.
"You are so beautiful"
"You are sweaty and smelly"
He rolled his eyes.
"When was the last time you washed your hair"
"The greasy hair is a part of the-"
"No, go and wash it" You said pinching his cheek.
He brought you for another kiss and loved the sweet taste of your mouth. He didn't even care that after all this time you couldn't take his compliments.
"Come with me"
"Mhm" You hummed on his lips before diving for another deep kiss. Consecutive episodes had pushed sex and all fun for a few days and both bodies were craving it.
It was a moment to treasure because you were both aware it could be the last in a few days, so he took his time fucking you again the cold tiles and loving every single part of your body. Same to you, obviously, but his more dominant demeanor left you as the one receiving most of the time. Nolan loved giving you pleasure but his ego was too big to admit he had almost finished untouched a couple of times because of you.
"Don't do that, you always do that"
You bit your lip to not laugh and slapped his other ass cheek.
"It's just too cute and you are always walking around naked"
"There is no point getting covered with a towel when you had this just in your-"
"I get it, I get it"
You already had your pijamas and were drying your hair. The thought of moving with him had your heart beating fast. You couldn't believe he wanted you living with him.
"You are smiling" He said putting some sweats on.
"I'm happy you asked"
He crouched in front of you. "We don't need to do it now, we can wait a bit, take it slow..."
Cupping his face, you leaned to kiss his forehead and then hugged his neck. His hair smelled so good now.
"We'll look for the right place, okay? For you and I and all the dogs we can fit in"
You felt his laugh against your neck. "All the dogs you want"
You kissed his cheek and nuzzled your nose against his cheek, again, he pressed his forehead on yours. It was the slight push he did what you loved the most. It was his secret way of saying he loved you without actually saying it.
"Let's go and eat. I'm starving" He said after a while and got up to pull another of his hoodies from your wardrobe.
"Half of your clothes are here"
"And half of yours are at mine"
"We just need a place to keep them all, don't we? "
He nodded and guided you by the hand.
The whole getting a place together started good. Scrolling on the internet was easy, making Pinterest mood boards was fun, looking for furniture on IKEA was cool. But for weeks, plans went nowhere. Every appointment you made to go and see had been cancelled.
"Um... I've talked to Marcus, he lives down street and has a couple of houses he can-"
"I'm not feeling good today" He said.
You had gotten used to this, mood changes were also a big thing for you. It wasn't easy to keep a smile when pain was so intense. But Nolan could be extra sharp. Most of the times it was even his words, it was his tone.
"Oh, sorry. Um... I was gonna..." You cleared your throat and ran your hand over you face. "Do you need me to bring you anything?"
"I need to be alone"
You covered your mouth for a second to not sob. You weren't feeling good either, you didn't have a headache yet but you knew it was coming. You could feel it and your sight was so good.
"Okay. I'm sorry to bother, Nolan."
You didn't give him time to say anything, you just hang and he groaned. The pain was drilling on his brain right above his eyes. He had vomited too much already. He was feeling truly awful. There wasn't a single piece of food on his body and even though he knew he had to drink, he wasn't feeling good enough to go and grab water.
"You sound awful"
"I feel awful"
"What's wrong?"
"YN? Is she..."
"Upset. I know she is upset."
"What have you done?"
"Upset her"
"How? For fuck sake, Nols. She is the only one that can stand you."
Nolan rolled on the bed and curled on his side.
"I asked her to move together somewhere."
Maddie squeaked but then apologized. The damn sound had crossed her brother's brain like a lightning.
"Did she say yes?"
"She did."
"But I'm not sure it's a good idea"
He heard the loud sigh coming from the other side.
"Because... Every time we booked an appointment we had to cancel because either her or me were feeling bad. That's how life will be. We couldn't have our first coffee until days later because of the fucking migraine. How are we going to live a life like that?"
Maddie groaned.
"Just like you are doing now, Nolan"
"It would be easier if she was fine"
The thought had just crossed his mind and Maddie almost didn't let him finish the sentence.
"You are a fucking asshole for thinking that. You, better than everyone else, should know how she feels like. Nolan, you better fix this because this is the best thing you will ever find."
"I don't know what to do"
"Nolan, she adores you, she takes care of you like no one. You need her"
"I don't-" But who was he trying to fool? He fucking need you.
"And she needs you"
Nolan closed his eyes as if it would stop the tears from falling.
"You love to take care of her"
"I'll fix it"
"Wait until the episode it's over"
"Call me if-"
"I know"
It was pretty scary to receive a call from your best friend the following day. He had started to feel better and was planning how to go to see you.
"Nolan, do you know something about YN?"
"Um... No"
It was strange because you two were flesh an bone. Everyone was amazed to see how sweet Nolan could be around you, how you had gotten him to seek for your touch in public, to lean to joke and laugh closer to you... When you were together, it was as if you two were the only ones in the room.
"I have been out for a couple of days"
"Oh. I thought she would be with you"
"S-she is not" Nolan cleared his throat. "But I was gonna go to hers in a bit"
He heard your friend sighing in relief. If they only knew it was a lie...
Nolan brushed is thumb over that spot on his forehead and bit his lip. Maybe something had happened to you. Maybe you were having a bad episode and had fainted. Maybe the nausea was so bad you couldn't get up. Maybe...
"Yeah, I'm gonna get going"
"Okay. Thank you, Nolan"
"It's nothing"
He shouldn't have driven when he hadn't recovered completely, but there was a knot on his stomach and fear drove him. He knew were you hid the key and let himself in. It was tidy but dark. The silence was too dense and there wasn't signs of life on your flat. But he knew where to find you.
You whined when the door cracked opened, that awful sound felt like it could make your ears bleed. You pressed your hands harder to your temples and for a second the pain calmed, but then it came back and you sobbed.
Nolan had taken his shoes off to not be too noisy, he was trying to control his breath and not trip with the stuff on your floor. It was a mess but he couldn't ask for more.
Your sobs ceased. Who were you expecting? You didn't even know. Probably not him. You thought he was in bed. Maybe you had unlocked another level of symptoms and you were imagining things. You thought he wanted to be alone, that you were a bother.
"YN, babe"
You felt the bed dipping next to you and his warm hand over your arm.
"Nolan" You whimpered.
"Do you need something?" He asked with a knot on his throat.
Him. You only needed him.
"I-I don't know"
"Have you had your meds?"
You wouldn't tell him that you had cried yourself to sleep and that had caused the migraine. You wouldn't tell him that you felt so awful that you couldn't even get up from bed.
He only realized how harsh it had been when you squirmed away from his touch.
"S-sorry" He mumbled. "It's too late to have them now. Do you want to try with painkillers to see if they help?"
You both knew it wouldn't help. But it was the only thing you could try.
Nolan brushed your hair out of your face, taking into your tired features in the dim light.
"I'll be back in a second."
Nolan tried to be quick and ignore his own pain. Maybe it was the nerves, but he was feeling how he was walking steps back.
"Hey, let's sit up"
His big and gentle hands helped you sit straight and steady. Your head was turning and you couldn't see well. You drank with his help and then sniffed and leaned into his side.
"I'm with you, I've got you" He mumbled in your hairline between soft kisses. "Food?"
You shook your head.
"Okay" He kissed your temple. "A bit more water and then you lay" He helped you with everything before letting you fall back on the pillow.
He observed you for a bit. You had curled on your side, hand pressing the back on your neck looking for some relief. Soon, he was in bed pressing a cold pad on your forehead, keeping you on his arms and doing his best to help you calm down. His warmth was your favourite thing to feel when you were feeling like this, it was grounding and his heartbeat was always a good distraction from the pain. Your hand was gripping hard on his ribs and your knee hooked around his thigh.
"How bad is it?"
He kissed your hair.
"It will pass. I'll take care of you meanwhile, I'm not leaving you alone"
There wasn't anything in the world he wanted more than to be there for you. He hated the idea of you being alone like this. When he wanted to be alone during episodes, you felt more comfortable knowing someone was there for you just in case.
"Nolan" You whispered so long after. It had gone dark and the cold pad had melted and was forgotten on the nightstand. He had given you water, drank some himself, brought little snacks for you to eat and also for him to fill his empty stomach. He stayed with you and calmed you down when the pain made you broke down crying.
"How are you?"
You question surprised him. He looked down at you, he could barely see your face anymore, but he had it memorized so he could made up your features in the dark.
"I'm fine"
"No, you came here in the middle of and episode"
"I'm better" He mumbled.
"Thank you"
"Coming here"
You felt like a liability when you hung that call, you felt too much, you felt awful, you felt like you couldn't respect his limits. Him coming for your help had been a huge thing for you.
Nolan moved a bit and trapped you on a big bear hug. Your leg was around his waist, his was up and pressed against yours, your arms were around his torso and his were around your shoulders.
"I'm here for all of it"
Nolan wasn't a big cheek-kisser, his height and personality made him more of a head/forehead kisser. But in that moment he went for a hundred kisses in your cheek, making your skin warm under his lips and the first smile in the day appear in your lips.
"I'm for the good and the bad days"
You squeezed your eyes shut. "I thought you- you didn't want me around and- we are trying to move in together and..."
"The pain makes me not want anyone around, but eventhough I know that I need you" He said. "I'm sorry I was a dick"
Your nuzzled your head on the crock of his neck and he threaded his fingers through your head.
"I'm always there for you, Nols. Don't push me away, please"
His hand traveled down your waist and gripped your hip tight.
"I won't"
You cupped his face and kissed his lips, tasting the chocolate from the cereal bar. He hummed in your mouth and pushed his body into yours. "Can I?" He asked on your lips. "Are you feeling good enough?" He asked brushing your neck with his big hand.
Days passed and you visited the first places, no one seemed good enough. But the feeling of walking around the empty houses hand in hand with Nolan and watching the different places was the greatest thing you've felt. He showed a hidden part of himself, he was talkative and had so many ideas, almost matching you and all of yours.
"What do you think?" He asked on your ear. His arm was around your shoulder and your back was against his chest. You were playing with his fingers and already picturing the sofa of your dreams in that corner of the living room.
Elena, the seller, had given you some time.
"I think it's good." You said.
"Only good?"
You looked up at him.
"Better than the others" You giggled.
"I think it's great."
"As great as..."
"As great as I want to live here with you"
An incredible joy was over you and you jumped to hug his neck. Laughing, Nolan hugged you tight but wasn't quick enough to gram his cap, the one you had knocked out of his head. He was laughing out of pure happiness. He had never felt better with you on his arms. He brought your head back and kissed your lips hard and deep. He would make love to you in that room empty if it wasn't for the woman waiting for you to make a decision. When you pulled back, he put you down again.
"We keep it"
Ellen helped you with the contracts. It would start as a renting house with the option of buying it after two years. Any of you wanted to buy a house now, it was a huge step and you sill weren't sure how life together was. But having that future possibility of staying here forever, in your forever home that was also your first home together gave you a sweet ticklish feeling in your belly.
"Three bedrooms it's more than what you first asked for. I know you asked for a two rooms house" Ellen explained. The two rooms was only for visits, you wanted to have a guest room just in case anyone need to stay, but three wasn't that bad. Plus, you already had ideas floating around your mind. "But the price it's worth it"
"Yeah, we are good with it" Nolan mumbled. He already wanted the keys, pack and bring everything here. He would do it in the meantime of the night if he could.
You smiled at him and patted his tattooed thigh.
You should have known how hard moving would be. The first step had been packing everything and select what you would keep and take to your shared home. It took a couple of weeks and was so frustrating. Then, an awful week for Nolan interrupted everything. You tried to use the time he was in bed to clean around the house, but pain threatened you with the same a couple of times and you had to slow down.
"We should hire someone for painting the walls" He said one night when you were having dinner. Your apartment was full packed, the sofa was wrapped in plastic and the chairs where pulled in a corner. Your mattress was already in the guest room and your clothes in boxes. You only kept the summer ones in a suitcase in a corner of Nolan's bedroom.
"We can't use air freshener because the smell knocks you out, YN. Paint won't be different. Plus, you look exhausted" He cupped your check lovingly. "I know a guy, he is friends with my dad."
You nodded a bit. Painting with Nolan had been in your check list for the new house, but he was right.
"And we should leave the guest room and put everything together once we are there." He added.
You pouted. "Nols..."
"Don't Nols me. If we also build the guest room now it will take us at least another week being positive."
You frowned and crossed your arms on the table, making yourself small and lowering your head. The whole process wasn't as Disney-like as you hoped it would be. You were working int he house in separate ways, almost not sharing time in there together and taking the moments you were both feeling good to buy stuff and plan things.
"Hey, don't cry. Come here, love"
He pushed his chair back and patted his thighs. You didn't need to be told twice. You moved and sat on his lap, curling yourself on it and falling on his embrace.
"It's frustrating" You sniffed.
"I know. But if we do it this way we could be living there in a couple of weeks" He explained. "And you will have your own wardrobe and not a suit case, and all your things and your blankets and we won't have to move around jumping boxes"
"You are sweet. The sweetest. I wish everyone could know that"
"I only show those I love"
You bit your lip. It was the first time he referred to loving you. He had never used the word love around you, even though you knew well he did.
"Look at me"
You did.
"Things don't go like wevd love to. I've learnt it the hard way. Maybe we can build the house as we planned it, but I'm happy to share this with how, however the migraine let us do it"
You pouted again and pressed your forehead against his. "That's the sweetest and longest thing I've ever heard you say"
"Can't you just take it and not joke about it?"
"You are just so sappy" You giggled between tears. He dramatically rolled his eyes. "If I knew you weren't always all serious and deadpan I wouldn't have gone to that date"
"Can be serious and deadpan if you ask for it"
This whole talk had made him flush, with was your favorite thing of him. You kissed his cheeks and then his lips.
"I'm sorry I got like this, it's been difficult"
He caressed your hair. "I know"
You hid on his neck and closed your eyes. "I'm happy I'm doing this with you"
A week and a half later, the house was painted and the furniture was already pilled in the living room.
"Can you believe this, Charlie?" You asked the sweet dog. "You have your own corner even before mum and dad have a bed"
Nolan looked up from the box he was unpacking. Mum and Dad. A smile crept to his lips and Maddie, who was helping you, caught him. He rolled his eyes and flipped her off, which only made her laugh.
"That reminds me, did you brought the..."
"next to the table"
"In the car"
"You have everything, don't you?" You asked making him blush.
"Well, I want to make it quick"
Maddie laughed and walked past her bother. Seeing him so in love was actually pretty entertaining. She stayed and helped you unpacking. It was also a big help with the guest room and you could finish only in a few days.
"Hey, it looks good" Nolan said. He had caught you staring at the walls again.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I like that one" He pointed at the picture. It was from your first camping trip together. He kissed you temple and you smile turned as beautiful as the one in the picture.
You turned and wrapped your arms around his waist.
"Thank you for not letting me fall that day at the clinic. The treatment was bullshit but at least I met you and... I still have the stupid migraines fucking my life, but... I have you to deal with it by my side and-"
He cut you with a kiss. He couldn't remember if he was a slow kisser before or had just become one with you, but he wanted them to least the longest possible.
"I will do it again" He mumbled "All of it"
You smiled and closed your eyes. He kissed your forehead.
The house was finished only a few days later and you gave yourselves a day to warm on it before having some people over. To be honest, Nolan wanted that day to fulfill the lastest dreams he had been having. Then, the following day, you had your closest friends and family over.
You carefully opened the door. He was sitting on his heels in from of the wc, the big body looked so small now.
"I'm fine"
You put your hands on his shoulders and leaned down to help him with his hair.
"Okay, what do you need?"
"A second"
You kissed his temple and decided that yes, those ideas you had in mind made sense. You needed Maddie's help.
You got up and took the meds from the cabinets. Then filled a cup of water and passed them to him.
"I'm good. I was just feeling really dizzy"
"Lay down for a bit" With a wet towel you cleaned the sweat on his face. "It's better"
"I can hear them from our bedroom"
You kissed the side of his head and hugged him to your side tight.
"We'll stay here then"
"The party..."
"I'm good here"
So Nolan curled against you and closed his eyes, enjoying the silence the bathroom gave.
"Five minutes"
You smiled and kissed his head. "Okay"
He was out of town for a few days, needing to fix a few things. Maddie stayed with you, mostly because he asked her to stay just in case you had an episode. It was terrifying for him ti imagine you alone in the new house with a terrible episode. He didn't know that you and his sister had a busy couple of days.
Nolan felt truly homesick for the first time in that hotel room. Now he had a place to come back with his favorite person in the world. He had his own home, but not like the one he had before. He had a home to come back with a person he really seek to go back too. Before, it was all an I'll go home and rest and tomorrow I'll visit YN. Now, it was all an I want to go back and watch films at home with YN.
When Nolan opened the door, Maddie was already gone, she had her own stuff to do so you didn't want to keep her there for longer. He heard a loud squeak and many swears that left him curiously waiting by the door.
"Where is Charlie?"
Charlie ran in to say hi to his dad, who received him with many belly rubs.
"Where is mum, bud?"
"Right here"
He looked up and his damn cheeks turned a red shade of pink. You were only wearing one of his big old t-shirts and a big smile.
"Oh, hi" He said with a smirk.
"Don't look at me like that. There is something"
"A surprise"
His smirk grew.
"Under that old t-shirt"
"No, perv" You cupped his face and gave him a quick kiss. "Welcome. Follow me"
Halfway through the corridor, you covered his eyes and he only laughed.
"This is when you kill me to inherit all my wealth"
"Sure thing"
You were nervous but didn't show it a single bit. "Okay Patty"
You killed his shoulder.
"I hope you like this"
You uncovered his eyes and the first thing he could focus on was a sign in the door. Nolan's quiet room. It was handmade in your favorite crafting. He frowned and looked around. It was the last room. The one you hadn't found a use for yet.
"What's this?"
You bit your lip and opened the door. He walked in slowly. A bed, thick curtains and blinds in the window, a puff, Migraines emergency kit, a mini-fridge, a thick carpet, blankets, pillows...
"YN, what is this?"
You swallowed and grabbed his hands. "This is for you, a little cave. I know you need some alone time when you are not feeling good and that the house and the street can be a little too noisy so... Maddie and I built this for you these past days. You have the carpet so I can walk in and not bother, your earplugs and pads and everything on the kit, for in there, water on the mini-fridge, there are meds I'm those drawers, clothes, blankets, the curtains so this can get 100% dark, the put this weird thing in the walls to cover the noise a bit more and-"
He cut you with a kiss. Years of injuries after injuries and no one had ever done something so big for him. Soon, your back was pressed against the wall and his lips were devouring yours.
"Mmm, Nols-" You parted with big eyes and burning face and panting out of breath.
"I love you" He simply said.
Any of you realized that it was the first time he said that. It was so obvious that he never felt the need to word it. But now it was on his chest and it had slip out. Your eyes had ears and you were smiling. His hands were cupping your face and they felt so warm. You had missed him these days. The house was empty without him.
He kissed your lips but softly this time. "Can I take you out?"
"Do you have to ask your girlfriend on a date?"
"Don't remember asking you to be my girlfriend?"
You frowned and slapped his chest. "Asshole"
"Are you my girlfriend?"
"I hope so"
He chuckled and kissed you once more. "Do you wanna go out for dinner?"
Because when you were both feeling good, the only thing you wanted was to make the most of it.
You weren't expecting the gears on his mind working so quick. He caught you by surprise, big hand on your eyes and his arm around your body cautiously guiding you.
"W-what are you doing?"
His heart had never beaten so erratic. He was truly nervous. He was truly worried of your reaction. But then he uncovered your eyes and you gasped. That small and soft gasped he loved on you so much, all surprise in your face and your lips discretely curling in a smile.
YN and Nolan's quiet room.
Your name was way more clumsily written but he tried his best.
"Go in"
Inside, the room was the same but slightly different. Your weighted blanket, you neck pillow, your blindfold, your earplugs, your meds box and all your other items.
"I know you need comfort and being taken care of. And that I get really grumpy when I'm having migraines and maybe I can push you away. It's not because I don't want you. It's just... It takes the worst out of me. Still... This is for us. For us to hide for the world, okay? I want to take care of you and let you take care of me and it meant a lot that you built this for me. So... I made it also yours."
"I love you" You blurted out. "So much. And I can't believe how vocal you are recently. But I love it and you are the best thing that ever happened to me"
He rolled his eyes and hugged you tight. "I hope we don't have to use this as much, but... Here it is and... Just for you and me"
"You and me. I like it" You circled your arms around his neck and he lifted you from the floor.
"Only like it?"
"Love it"
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sixhours · 7 months
Chapter 9 - The Ghosts of Babylon
Series Chapter Index | Read on AO3 | Complete
Rating: Explicit, 18+, here be smut and violence Series tags: Joel Miller x You, Joel Miller x Reader, Joel & Ellie, mostly follows canon, LGBTQ+ characters, y/n is bi/pan, y/n is ~45, violence, pregnancy, abortion, medical trauma, emotional trauma, panic attacks, sex work, suicide, smut, slow burn, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, romance, no use of y/n, reader has longish hair, Joel can lift you, smallish age gap (~11 years), I've probably forgotten some so please let me know <3
The New Year arrives in a swirl of bitter cold and snow. You’ve quietly accepted that you’ll be in Jackson until at least spring; FEDRA has stopped sending all but the most basic touchpoint communications, confirming you’re still alive. The roads between outposts are snowed in; you imagine FEDRA soldiers stationed in the middle of the barren, snow-coated landscape, like statues waiting to thaw.
You’re working at the front desk when Joel shows up in the infirmary, hands in his pockets, looking stoic and lost.
“Miller? Everything okay?”
He clears his throat. “Uh…you said something about an echo…thing.”
You blink up at him, bemused. “That was months ago.”
He scowls. “M’here now.”
You consider turning him away, but the clinic is surprisingly dead. You suspect most of the town is nursing some pretty powerful hangovers this morning.
And then, there’s the orange. The one you haven’t eaten, but is stored in your fridge. The one you take out just to sniff. And now Mr. “Don’t get your hopes up” is standing in front of you looking hopelessly awkward and almost…endearing.
You sigh. “Fine, let’s do it. I’ll get the ultrasound ready.”
He follows you to the back of the clinic as you pull out the ancient machine, plugging it in, waiting for the computer to boot up.
“You’re lucky I don’t have any other patients yet,” you say. “I heard the New Year’s party was a big one. Though I suppose without fireworks, there’s less chance of someone blowing off an arm.”
He grunts in agreement, sitting up on the table.
“Shirt off,” you say. “I can turn around or I can leave, it’s up to you.”
But he’s already unbuttoning his flannel, pulling his undershirt over his head.
“Any shortness of breath? Chest pains?”
He shakes his head.
“Cold,” you say, barely a half-second of warning as you squirt a dollop of lube directly onto his chest. He sucks in a sharp breath.
“Fuck, you weren’t kidding.”
You quirk your lips. “Sorry, bedside manner’s not really my thing.”
The machine’s monitor is fuzzy, forcing you to lean in and squint at the shadows as you move the wand over his chest, pressing in, tilting from side to side to see each of the ventricles, searching for dark spots. The ultrasound speakers scratch out a steady heartbeat.
“83 beats per minute, a bit fast,” you say. “But…contrary to popular belief…you have a heart, Miller.”
You’ve been moving the wand over his chest for several minutes, watching the rhythmic contractions of muscle and trying to make sense of what you’re seeing given your very basic knowledge of cardiology, when you become aware that he’s watching you intently.
You meet his eyes and the BPM reading on the monitor starts to climb, a persistent throb echoing in the air. He clears his throat with some difficulty.
“So are you, uh…only interested in women?”
“That’s a personal question.”
He shrugs, and you tsk softly. “Don’t move, I’ll lose the picture.”
“Figured we were past the whole small talk thing by now.”
“Ellie’s right. You have no social skills,” you say, biting your lip, leaning in, as though closing the gap by a few inches would make up for the fact that the poor machine is dying.
“Guilty,” he says, but he smiles as he says it, that come-fuck-me glint in his eyes.
“No,” you sigh, sitting back. “I’m not only interested in women.”
“So…are you, uh…free tomorrow night?”
You blink. “Are you asking me on a date, Miller?”
He opens his mouth to deny it but then…doesn’t. You’ve been done with the echo for five minutes, but there’s a sordid pleasure in watching macho-man Joel Miller literally squirm under your hands, half naked and covered in goop, his nervousness pounding out over the thready speakers.
“Because it would be very…unprofessional…to date one of my patients.”
He narrows his eyes, lowering his voice until it’s almost a growl. “But fucking ‘em is fine?”
“Different profession, whole different code of ethics,” you say easily. You turn off the ultrasound and wipe the excess lube off his chest with a clean towel. “Let’s say I can be free. What did you have in mind?”
He shakes his head. “Not tellin’.”
“The man likes a mystery,” you say airily, turning around to shuck your gloves into the trash and wash your hands at the sink. You hear him shrugging on his shirt. His voice comes from over your shoulder, close enough to feel his breath on your neck.
“I’ll be there at nine. Wear somethin’ warm.”
He shows up at the door with a backpack and a bedroll, dressed like he’s ready for patrol. You’ve done the same, bundled up in flannel-lined jeans, thick wool socks, and the puffy down coat that makes you look like a marshmallow.
“So where are we going?” you ask, following him out into the biting air.
“S’a surprise,” he says.
You eye the travel pack with the bedroll slung over his good shoulder warily. “I don’t like surprises, Miller.”
His lips twitch in amusement but he doesn’t say anything. He takes a left off the main drag and you realize that you’re heading for the stables. He clicks on a flashlight to guide you across the field as you leave the warmly lit center of Jackson.
“Is this a good time to tell you I don’t know how to ride?” you ask.
“Don’t need to,” he says easily. “C’mon.”
He rounds a corner and heads to the back of the stables, where bales of straw lay stacked in a stair-like formation against the wall. Without waiting for you, he starts to climb them.
“I think this flies in the face of sound medical advice for a guy with a busted shoulder,” you call, watching him test the next step, and the next, until he’s standing on the gentle slope of the stable roof.
“My shoulder’s fine. You comin’ or not?”
“Fine,” you say, testing your weight on the first bale. “But I’m not on call. If you break something, I’m not going to fix you.”
“Deal,” he says, reaching out a roughened hand to pull you up.
You walk up the roof, avoiding patches of ice, until you can peer over the edge’s fifteen-foot drop. Joel kneels, unclasping the bedroll and taking a large thermos and two mugs out of his pack. He unfurls the heavy Army-issue sleeping bag and spreads it out, indicating for you to sit, then uncaps the thermos. It releases a thick cloud of fragrant steam.
“Coffee. Real coffee,” he says pointedly, filling and handing you one of the mugs. You take the first sip, and he’s right; it’s infinitely better than the stuff at the mess hall and leagues above your crystallized stash, but you’ll never admit it. You wrap your fingers around the heated ceramic. He reaches over to clink your mugs together in a toast before taking a drink.
“What the hell are we doing up here, Miller?”
He sets down his mug and then lays back on the blanket, pulling you down. Your coffee sloshes over the side of the cup. “Wait–”
“S’time for the show.”
He turns off the flashlight, and for a moment you’re blind, eyes adjusting to the total lack of light. The sensation is so completely disorienting that you feel like you’re falling, and you involuntarily clutch at Joel’s arm to steady yourself.
When your vision returns, you see nothing but stars in an endless arcing dome. The stable roof faces away from the town; no other lights are visible out here. In the sharp stillness of the cold air, you think you can see every pinprick of light in the sky.
“Whoa,” you sigh, your breath temporarily clouding the starry landscape in front of you. Joel’s arm flexes under your hand in quiet acknowledgment. You see a flickering light out of the corner of your eye. Then another, and another. Soon you’re watching dozens of meteors trail across the sky’s black curtain.
“Ellie found this space almanac,” Joel murmurs. “It has all these dates for stuff like this. Quadra…somethin’-or-other.”
“Quadrantids,” you say, pulling from a distant memory. Camping when you were 10, your father pointing out the constellations, your fingers sticky with chocolate and marshmallows as you wished on as many shooting stars as you could see.
You edge closer to Joel’s side, seeking out his warmth but unwilling to take your eyes off the show. You feel him moving around for a minute, hear the zip of his pack opening, and then he drapes another blanket over the both of you, something thick and soft. You pull it to your chin.
“Thanks,” you murmur, willing your teeth not to clack together. “God it’s…beautiful.”
Joel makes a soft sound of agreement.
Your eyes keep trying to watch for more meteors; they flicker in your peripheral vision, always just out of reach until the last second. Eventually, you stop trying, letting your eyes go unfocused so you can see as much of the spectacle before you as possible.
“I used to feel lonely, looking up like this,” you say after a while. “Maybe lonely isn’t the right word; insignificant, I guess. But now…I find it comforting. They’ve been here for billions of years, and they’ll be here long after we’re gone. The world fell apart…and it wasn’t even a blip on the universe’s radar. But we still have the stars.”
“And sheep ranches on the moon,” Joel whispers, and you finally let your eyes drift away from the sky, facing him.
“Sheep ranches?”
“It’s nothin’. Look, ‘nother one,” he says, pointing, and you follow his gaze to a cluster of descending meteors. Your breaths mingle in the crystallized air. You watch until you can’t feel your cheeks, until your arms and legs prickle and go numb. 
The soft sounds of the stable rise up from beneath you; hooves on straw, huffing and shuffling. Suddenly there’s another sound.
Is that giggling?
Joel looks at you as if to confirm you’ve heard it, too. You nod, and he puts a finger to his lips. He rolls over and creeps to the edge of the roof, peering over the side. You follow after a beat, missing his solid warmth beside you.
In the dark you see the faint shadow of a couple–kids, from the sound of it–sneaking into the barn across from the stables.
“Idiots,” Joel says, but in the dim glow you can see he’s smirking. The sounds of little gasps, kissing, more giggles. You can see articles of clothing being removed and you shiver, wondering if you’ll be treating frostbite on some poor kid’s ass tomorrow.
“Should we say something?”
“Depends–is 15 too young to be a baby mama, doc?” And you know he’s thinking of Ellie, wondering who she’s sneaking off to the barn with when he’s not able to watch her.
You don’t tell him that’s unlikely to be a problem.
“Good point. Yeah, let’s break up the fun.”
“Hey!” Joel growls, standing. “You kids get outta there!”
There are muffled gasps, a frantic dash for clothes, a breathy, “ Shit! ”
“ Go !” the girl hisses, and you both watch, chuckling as they scramble away.
“Real ‘get off my lawn’ energy there, old man,” you say, elbowing him gently, tucking your hands under your arms to try to warm them.
He snorts, rubbing his own hands against the thighs of his jeans to brush them off. You meet his eyes in the faint light, holding his gaze for just a touch longer than necessary.
“Walk me home, Miller,” you say finally, tucking your arm under his. “I’m freezing.”
You pass the string lights in the square, the big tree, and the clinic. He’s quiet, almost shy, as you walk up the steps of your porch. You don’t know how to reconcile the man who fucked you up against the kitchen wall with the one standing before you.
As if reading your thoughts, he mumbles, “I haven’t, uh…done this in–”
“I’m pretty sure this is the part where you kiss me goodnight.”
He gives you the faintest smile before leaning in and dropping a chaste peck at the corner of your mouth. Your face has long since gone numb from the biting air, but you feel the warmth of his lips on your skin.
And then he’s backing away, down the steps, down the street, into the darkness…and you wonder what the hell you’ve gotten yourself into.
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angel-ixily · 1 year
Two of The Same ~pt.2~
Pairings: Tim Drake//Red Robin x gn!Reader
Pronouns: I/They/Them/Me
Fandom: DC Universe
Warnings: Mentions of pain, use of language, mentions of blood and violence
Summary: Every night a masked vigilante comes into Y/N's bedroom, and to their knowledge, it's to "clean his wounds." But the visits go deeper than that when underneath that mask, unbeknownst to Y/N, is their classmate, Tim Drake, who has a huge crush on them.
Two of the Same ~pt 1~
Two of the Same ~pt 3~
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~Tim’s 3rd person pov~
“And then I just kissed them, Dick! I kissed them! And they kissed me back! I cannot believe it! I can’t even fathom it! I’ve had a crush on Y/N for years, and it’s finally happening!” Tim laid back on the med chair, while Dick was stitching up the damage that Killer Croc had done to Tim’s chest.
“Honestly, dude! I’m proud of you! I’m glad that you’re finally making some progress with them! I told you that when you’d start gaining the confidence to talk to them, they’d fall for you immediately! You just have that kinda charm, man.” Dick smiled as he cut the last stitch, the wounds all taken care of. “They’re also one hell of a nurse too!” He added, patting Tim on the shoulder. Tim yelped.
“Dude! That’s my broken one!” He yelled, Dick winced, feeling bad immediately.
“Sorry dude. We still need to set it back into place. You broke it real good, which means that it’s going to hurt like hell when I fix it.” Dick walked over to the right side of the chair, holding Tim’s arm.
“If you think about it, I didn’t break my arm. It was actually the wall that Mad Hatter pushed me into that did it.” Tim replied, a sly smile on his face.
“You defeated Mad Hatter and then immediately fought and won against Killer Croc? In that state? Dude! That’s badass.” Dick let go of Tim’s arm, and got up to grab a cast to keep it in place once he sets it.
“Yeah. I’m just thankful that Y/N’s apartment was so close by. I don’t think that even if I contacted you guys, you would have been there in time. They really helped out a lot.” Tim’s eyes followed Dick as he grabbed the cast and a sling off of the counter.
“We would have been there in time, dude. But I’m glad you had some Y/N time before Dami got there. Sorry he disrupted you two, but we were really worried for you, ya know.” Dick walked back to Tim, placing the cast on the table near him.
“Sorry about that. I know I should have checked in, I guess I just really wanted to see Y/N before the end of patrol. It’s sorta something that makes my nights on patrol better.” Tim inhaled a deep breath of air as Dick lifted up his arm again, touching around for the spot that was broken out of place.
“Yeah well they really got to see you, huh? Guess they weren’t expecting to know that Tim Drake has all those muscles, right?” Tim was about to answer when Dick found the broken bone, Tim groaned. “Found it.” Dick laughed nervously. “Just keep talking. It’ll keep your mind occupied while I do this.” He stared at the arm, scared to hurt the boy in front of him, but he knew what he had to do.
“I mean. They don’t really know I’m Tim Drake yet. I haven’t really told them. Haven’t had the opportunity to yet.” Tim closed his eyes tightly, unsure of when his brother was going to pop his arm back into place. Dick nodded in agreement.
“Yeah that’s understandable, I’d probably keep it a secret too until-” He stopped mid sentence, shocked at what Tim had just said. Without thinking, he immediately snapped his arm back into place. Tim yelled in pain. “What!?” Dick asked loudly. Tim seethed in pain, rubbing his swollen arm.
“Ow, ow, ow…” Tim groaned. Dick just stared at Tim.
“Y/N doesn’t know that you’re Red Robin?” He asked, grabbing the cast off of the table.
“No! Of course they don’t.” Tim breathed out, trying to calm down the pain that was shooting from his arm down the rest of his body. He could feel his heart beating in the arm.
“Dude. I thought they knew who you were! This makes everything so much harder.” Dick started to attach the cast to Tim’s arm.
“How? Y/N kissed me back, didn’t they?” Tim asked, leaning up on the chair. Dick gave his brother a sympathetic look.
“Tim. Y/N kissed Red Robin, not Tim Drake.” Tim furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
“Yeah, but I’m Red Robin…” Tim trailed off, understanding now what Dick was talking about. His heart shattered into a million pieces.
“You’re right. Y/N doesn’t know that I’m Red Robin. They only know that I’m Tim Drake, and they even said themselves that they aren’t that close to me.” Even though Tim had just kissed them earlier, this was no longer a victory.
Y/N had fallen for the heroic and extroverted Red Robin. Not the smart, ambiverted Tim Drake.
“I fucked up.”
~Y/N’s pov~
I had finished Tim’s essay weeks ago, and I hadn’t seen him at school once.
Not until today, that was.
He had come to school with his arm in a cast, and still had a bright smile on his face. I don’t think I had seen him this stress free since the beginning of the second term.
I don’t know how he was doing it, because if I had my arm in a sling, I’d personally be the most stressed I’d ever been. But Tim always wore it well for being one of Gotham’s busiest workaholic bachelors.
But I decided that I wouldn’t give him his assignments until our Chemistry class after lunch. We sat across from each other, so that was the perfect time to give them to him.
I walked with my friend Jackie after lunch since we both shared Chem together. However, she ditched me halfway through because she saw her boyfriend walking down the hallway, and excused herself to walk with him.
I walked directly into class, and as early as ever, was Tim. He sat in his chair on his phone, typing away. Probably something to do with Wayne Enterprises. As always.
“Hey, Tim.” I greeted, sitting down at my desk. He looked up at me.
“Uh. Hi Y/N.” He said after a second. I reached into my bag to get out the red folder in which I had kept his assignments from the weeks that he had been gone.
“I hope you don’t mind. I was going to mail the homework to your house, but I decided not to since I didn’t know if you were sick or something. But I did them for you.” I handed him the folder, brushing our fingers as we did so. I saw his face turn red.
“Oh. Thanks. You really didn’t have to do that. That was really nice of you.” He thanked, opening the folder.
“Nah! It’s alright! I haven’t had anything better to do. I kind of just sit in my room all night anyways.” I hide my smile as Red Robin comes to my mind.
I hadn’t seen him for about a week, though. But the thought of him made my heart flutter. True to his promise, he sent Nightwing up to my window, and he gave me a little update. He also gave me a cute little necklace with a bird on it. If it pressed the beak, then it would immediately send a signal to the nearest bat-person and they’d come to my side.
“Red Robin wanted to give this to you himself, but I told him I could handle it.” Nightwing said as he handed it to me.
I didn’t know that I was holding the necklace until Tim spoke.
“That’s a pretty necklace you have there. Is it new?” He asked. I nodded.
“Yeah. A close friend of mine gave it to me.” I paused for a moment, knowing that Nightwing and I weren’t that close. “Well he didn’t give it to me. His friend gave it to me because he couldn’t.” I sighed in defeat. Tim laughed.
“I know what you mean. That’s nice of him.” He continued to smile as he looked down at the completed work that I had handed him.
Jackie came in right after the bell rang. I stared at her as she took her seat next to me.
“Dude you better be glad we have a sub. MacFannan would have beat your ass if she saw you come in late.” I told her. Jackie smiled.
“Well what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Besides, I’m leaving in like 5 minutes anyway.” My jaw dropped.
“Dude, what? Be for real.” I whispered.
“I’m being for real! My dad is letting me out of school early so that we can start packing for our family vacation! You’d be let out early with me too, but you chose to stay in Gotham for a week. Lord knows why you’d choose to stay.” She explained, talking with her hands. I giggled.
“Well, no matter how much I love you, I love my bedroom more. And besides, we went to Florida with my family last year. I can skip out on one trip.” I reminded her. She sighed.
“You love your bedroom more than your best friend? How dare you.” I shrugged smugly.
“It’s what’s in my bedroom that counts.” Jackie probably thought I meant my bed, or my laptop, or my desk. But I really meant the boy that would come in every night.
That’s the real reason I stayed. I had no way of contacting him, and in case he came while I was gone, I didn’t want to go another week without seeing if he was okay.
The classroom phone started ringing while the sub was taking attendance, and Jackie turned towards me. “That’s me!” She said, enthusiastically. I smiled back to her.
“Jackie?” The sub looked around confused, and Jackie raised her hand. The sub nodded. “Yeah, I’ll send her down. Thanks, bye.” The sub gestured to Jackie, and she hugged me.
“I’ll text you when I get home. I’ll see you sometime next week!” And with that, she picked up her stuff, and walked out of the room.
I followed soon after her when the sub had finished taking attendance and needed someone to hand the attendance slip in to the office.
“Missed me already?” Jackie asked as I caught up with her down the hallway. I laughed.
“Totally. Who wouldn’t miss you?” I asked her.
“Awh how sweet of you.” She said as she opened the office door for me. “M’bestie.” She joked. I nodded to her.
“Thank you, you sweet soul. I could pinch your cheeks.” I joked as she closed the door behind me. She wasn’t going into the office, and instead had to go to the door across from where the office was located, as that was where one of the exits for the school was.
We waved to each other as she turned around and walked out of the school.
I smiled at our attendance secretary as I handed her the slip. I turned back around, and exited the door. I pulled out my phone, and pulled up instagram. I skimmed past a few pages until I came across Tim’s.
A photo of him sitting at a cafè in a signature brown sweater, chewing on a breakfast cake, with a dopey smile on his face.
It was kind of cute. I stared at it for a while, adoring the dorky smile. I liked the post before I entered the classroom, closing out of insta.
When I walked in, the sub was on her phone, scrolling through what I suppose was her exes instagram page.
I noticed that people around the classroom were in groups of 2-4, and I sat down at my desk, grabbing my laptop out of my bag, and looking around for a moment.
“Are we supposed to work in groups?” I asked myself aloud by accident.
“We don’t have to. But if you know MacFannan, she usually pushes us to.” Tim replied quietly. I looked over to him. Jackie wasn’t here, and I really didn’t feel like doing this assignment by myself after doing weeks worth of mine and Tims’.
“Would you want to be my partner than?” I asked him. His face flushed red.
“I-uh. Yeah. Sure. If you want me to be.” He grabbed his laptop, and got up to sit down next to me.
I opened my laptop, and went to the website with our class assignments.
“Which assignment is it?” I asked, leaning over to look at his laptop.
“The stoichiometry one.” He said, his breath shaky. I hadn’t even noticed that I was hovering over his broken arm. I quickly moved away.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you if I did.” I said worriedly. He shook his head.
“No, no you didn’t! You’re fine!” He insisted. I let a breath out in relief.
“If you don’t mind me asking, how did you break it?” I questioned, staring at the sling. He looked down at it.
“Oh! I was walking down some stairs at Wayne Tower, and tripped on my own feet. I can get kinda clumsy sometimes. But it’s alright. The fracture wasn’t too bad. I had a really good nurse. Setting it back into place was the worst part.” I smiled.
“Well I’m glad that you had some helpful hands to keep you in tact, and I hope that that arm heals soon. But if you need some help with anything, I’m here for you.” We smiled to each other as I looked into his eyes. A dark blue. His pupil was expanding by the second, covering most of the blue, which gave me a feeling of Deja vu. I bit my lip. “Actually. This will help.” I grabbed his laptop, and began to write on it. “I just wrote my number down. If you want to text me, you can. If you need anything at all, I’m here for you.” I reminded him. His face turned a deep crimson red.
“That’s um.. that’s really nice of you. I think I might keep that in mind.” He promised.
“You better.” I ordered him.
It had been a few days since I had given Tim my number, and needless to say, we did not stop texting.
The more I got to know him, the more that I realized he was more than the smart son of the billionaire playboy prince of Gotham. He was kind, and funny. He was sarcastic, and something about him reminded me of someone. I just couldn’t put my finger on who it was.
Tim was sweet, and even though we just started becoming friends, I could tell that he really cared about me. I was right about his compassion.
And yet, he was good for a distraction. I had started to miss my masked crusader, and I wished that he was okay. He hadn’t come to visit me in a week and a half, and Tim helped keep my mind off of him.
Hell, I had even started to look forward to the boys’ texts, and my heart would race when I’d see his notification pop up.
But it was another late night, and Tim hadn’t texted me back for a few hours; Probably working on something with the newest Wayne Foundation project, when I heard a knock at my window. My heart raced and I opened it immediately.
There, and as happy as ever, was the boy I had been waiting to see for 2 weeks.
“Hey there!” Red Robin said, sliding into the window. He didn’t seem that beaten up tonight, and he seemed in much better condition than the last time I saw him. Except he wasn’t wearing a cast to protect his arm.
“Shouldn’t you be wearing a sling or something?” I asked. He smiled.
“I’ll be fine. I’ve fought under worse conditions! Besides, I couldn’t wait any longer to see you. I missed seeing your pretty face.” I smirked, crossing my arms.
“Is that the only thing you like about me?” I asked. He scoffed, offended.
“What? No, no, no! The prettiness is just something that comes with the whole package! That’s the least of my concerns.” I rolled my eyes at his words, but kept a smile on my face.
I started to walk to my closet. “Anyways, what is it tonight? A scratch on your arm? Your leg cut open?” I asked. I didn’t notice that he was right behind me, until I felt his hands wrap around my waist, his front against my back.
“Actually nothing for tonight. It was a boring patrol. I would have come sooner, but I had a last minute case file to turn in to Batman.” I blushed as his arms tightened around my waist. His head leaned down into the crook of my neck. I’m pretty sure my heart was going to fail right there and then.
“That’s a pretty necklace you have there, where’d you get it?” He teased. Ohp! There’s that Deja Vu again! I swear it’s been driving me crazy recently!
I grabbed his arms, holding them. I made sure to hold the broken one lightly. “I would have liked to receive it from you, but instead I had to get it from your accomplice, who wouldn’t stop making puns.” I informed. Red chuckled next to my ear.
“That’s Nightwing for you. It never gets old.” He paused for a moment before continuing. “I wanted to give it to you myself, but they wouldn’t let me patrol at all until my stitches settled. That, and I wanted to know that you would be safe if I wasn’t around. That way, if something were to happen and I wasn’t there, I know one of the others would be able to keep you safe.” My heart fluttered again. How on earth did Gotham deserve this guy?
“Well I thank you for worrying about my safety.” I mumbled, laying my head back on his chest.
“Just doing what I can to protect you. I don’t want you getting hurt. You see how I get hurt every night. I don’t want that happening to you.” I turn around to face him. I reach a hand up to cup his cheek. He leans into it.
“I’ll be fine. I have someone like you that watches over me. And I always make sure to keep a taser or pocket knife on me at all times. Besides, someone has to patch you up, and I would prefer it to be me for as long as possible.” I tell him. He smirks.
“Why? Would you be jealous if I went to another person to get all healed up?” He asked, leaning in closer to me.
“Very.” I close the remaining space we have, interlocking our lips together. His kiss is still gentle. He’s intoxicating, and deep. It’s like the first time all over again.
We pull away, and he leans his forehead on mine. “God, you’re the only thing I’ve thought about for almost 2 years.” He whispers. I laugh.
“Tell me about it.”
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quirkwizard · 1 year
Following on from the ask about how Quirks might impact movies, what other industries do you think would be majorly affected? Like Healing Quirks in healthcare?
Thank you for asking about this. I'm always excited to explore other facets of the world like this. Though for this post, I will be sticking to healthcare specifically. Hospitals and medicine kind of healthcare, nothing related to psychology or the like since that would be a whole other topic.
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Obviously, with Quirks coming about, there would need to be extensive reworking of the healthcare system. With how radically the human body has been and will be changed by Quirks, the medical field would have to evolve to work around it. I think this would be dealt with by expanding the curriculum of healthcare professionals. Just like you'd learn about the heart and brain, you'd learn about Quirks and how they can affect people's bodies. That being said, I think that would be a specific field of medicine that deals with the study of Quirks. I mean, we already have someone like that with Dr. Garaki. It wouldn't be too far-fetched that there would be other people who work with Quirks, like what I've done in my Dr. Kosei series. This could be everything from trying to figure out what your kid's Quirk is to dealing with someone's Quirk mutating to finding someone with the right equipment or experience to treat those with special conditions. Which could be anywhere from common place to quite expensive depending on the person and condition.
On that note, there would have to be so many new pieces of equipment and techniques made just to compensate for people with certain conditions. I'm not even talking about regular problems like a heart attack, which would still be an issue. I'm talking about whole new problems. How exactly would you treat someone made out of slime? How do you operate on someone who heals themselves before you can make a deep enough incision? How do you replace a unique organ made by someone's Quirk? Man, medical dramas would have to be wild in this universe. I do think there would be new pharmaceuticals based on Quirks as well. Trigger was and is still used to affect Quirks, so maybe there could be others that do the same for certain conditions or as preparation for surgeries. Heck, some of these medicines could have been based on people's Quirks. We have seen Overhaul make the Quirk Destroying Drug from Eri. Maybe there could be others based on Quirks. Maybe someone could rework Eri's "Rewind" into some miracle panacea with a massive price tag.
Now, using Quirks I've always been partial to the idea that people cannot use their Quirks in their profession. On the one hand, doctors need to save people's lives like heroes. Shouldn't they be allowed to use all the tools available to them? On the other hand, we do know that using Quirks without proper training can have horrific consequences. Would you really want someone rooting around in your body unless you were certain they knew what they were doing? I think this kind of situation would be covered by people specifically becoming heroes and being allowed to use their Quirks in that field. We know that Recovery Girl uses her Quirk in her role as UA's nurse and travels around the country in order to heal people faster. She seems to be both a hero and some kind of licensed practitioner. On the other side, this could lead to a massive black market of people who uses their powers to heal others, either out of a moral imperative or for financial gain. In another life, I could see Overhaul extorting other people for money or favors in order to remove a life changing injury.
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