#or maybe im mentally ill
aliveinacoffin · 1 year
request ❤️
Not sure if you would do this but aizawa yandere! Maybe where the reader said something to him that made him angry and hurt them (the punishment) and he hurt himself in the process (like he punched them so hard or something and his hand started swelling). Then he just left them until he cooled down and then gave them food and came hours later and the food was untouched and they haven’t moved either and it turns out they were unconscious. (Something like that). If ur not comfortable to do this then u can delete this. Thank u!
Ofc! This seems so morbid and I love it lmao (this ended up being way longer than I wanted it too,,,,like over 2k words,,,, oopsie)
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With my whole heart
He's the one who brought you into this hell hole and stole your life away, yet you're the one to blame.
GN!Reader, since you didn't specify the gender, I hope that's okay! :D TW: Violence, Yandere, mentions of stalking, brief mentions of kidnapping/drugging, brief mentions of non-con, manipulation, and overall toxicity
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It's been six months.
Six fucking months since you've seen your family, since you've had any autonomy decisions over yourself, since you've even been outside.
The person to blame? Shouta fucking Aizawa.
You had met him by chance during one of his patrols, and at first you two had hit it off.
"You shouldn't be out this late at night. It's dangerous for someone like you." A gravelly voice called from behind you, startling you terribly.
You turned around, shaking in your spot and clutching at your purse. Your quirk activated on the spot, adrenaline jumpstarting your sharp nails and teeth. You relaxed when you saw Ereaserhead, the Eraserhead! He wasn't a very known hero, as were most underground heroes. But somehow word of his existence had found itself in your corner of the world, and stories of him just followed you, and each time you couldn't help but marvel at how cool he was.
"Ah! You startled me Ereaserhead." You laughed gently, hand clutched at your chest. Your smile was wide, your eyes crinkled, you were the face of beauty in the pale moonlight.
"I apologize. Do you need an escort home?" He asked, keeping his distance from you.
"Oh I'm quite alright, my apartment isn't far from here." You waved him off, holding up your oversized fleece sweater. The warm spring air providing enough warmth for you to wear such things, the leftovers of winter still nipped at your exposed flesh. Even though you couldn't see his eyes from his goggles, you could feel his eyes raking over your exposed shoulders.
"You live around here? In such a dangerous neighborhood? This is no such place for a person like you." Ereaserhead shook his head, hands clutching onto his capture weapon. He stepped towards you, coming to rest just by your side. "I'll walk you home, it will put me at ease knowing you get home safe."
You blushed and hoped he wouldn't be able to feel or see the heat on your face. He was being so kind! No wonder he was such a great hero, he seemed to always go the extra mile.
"Oh, thank you, sir. It's nice to know such kind heroes are roaming the streets." Your voice was sweet, and you gave him a kind smile.
You should have said no. You should have screamed and ran the other way.
Of course, you couldn't blame yourself for that. How could you have possibly known? There was no way you could've foreseen that such a monster was hiding under that demeanor. A monster who would three months later cut your family off from you, run off all your friends, and would drug, kidnap you, and keep you hidden deep in the fucking woods.
He had been kind, just like any abusive partner was at first.
You heard a familiar and comforting dark voice call out your name, and as per usual you turned around with a smile on your face and curious eyes.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were following me Ereaserhead." You teased, waiting for him to catch up to you.
He pulled down his goggles, and you saw his eyes squint for a mere second before they went back to his usual bored expression. "I wouldn't do something as heinous as that." He said simply, not even looking at you while he said so.
"Oh I know, I'm just teasing. What's a hot shot like you doing around here?" You gestured to the rather lively city around you. Usually, the man was stationed around filth-ridden parts of the town. He patrols in the epicenter of crime, being one of the few skilled pros that could easily take down his foes.
"Just following my patrol route, they put me here today." Ereaserhead replied, slightly shrugging his shoulders. His hands stuffed deep into his pockets as he scanned the area like a hawk.
"Well, you must feel out of your element. Oh!" You gasped suddenly, leaving over to rummage around in your bag. Spring was steadily approaching, and the humid air was not kind. Tonight you were wearing a simple black tank top with simple black shorts. If you had taken a second to look up while you were searching, you would've seen the other man slowly rolling his eyes all over your body.
"I got you a gift!" In your outstretched hands was a tiny black cat doll, with black button eyes and a tiny tail. "I saw it and it reminded me of you, and I knew I just had to get it."
Eraser took a hand out of his pant pocket and grazed his hands with yours as you passed along the simple token of joy. It was made out of some cheap fabric, with even cheaper big button eyes. His face melted a bit, and the barest hint of a smile could be seen on his face.
"If you don't like it, I don't mind. I know it's kind of a bad gift, but I just couldn't help myself." You giggled nervously, hand coming up to scratch at the back of your head.
"While I don't condone such frivolous spending habits, I'm glad you got it thinking of me." He nodded in your direction while stuffing the little cat in his front pocket.
Your heart leaped with glee, shoulders bunching together in happiness. "I'm glad you like it Eraser." Your shit-eating grin pointed at him, slightly nudging him with your elbow.
"You can call me Aizawa." He said, and you were caught off guard at his words. Most people knew pros' real names, but underground heroes were in a different category. He must really trust you if he was willing to give you a piece of personal information with you! Before you could say anything in retaliation, he cut you off. "I'm assuming I'm walking you home like always?" He asked, peeking at you with humor in his voice.
"Like always." You don't know when, but during this habit both your arms always found each other interlocked. So you happily tottered to his side, easily slotting your arm in between his.
You wished you denied all those walks home. You should've started to throw away all the gifts that had then thereafter started showing up on your front door. You shouldn't have done a lot of things, because all those little 'harmless' things had added up to one very dangerous thing. Still.
There's no use mourning the past anymore.
You had gotten used to this lifestyle, living as Shouta's personal slave. Living trapped in the hellhole he called your home. Doing his laundry, cleaning for him, and doing whatever the hell he wanted out of you.
It's not like you really had a choice anywhere. Where were you gonna go when he wanted to put himself on top of you? Who could you turn to when he got too rough with you during a fight? Nowhere. No one.
At this point, you had almost completely accepted him. He'd done inviting from physically hurting you to mentally torturing you. Shouta Aizawa had nearly broken your will.
But the key word here was nearly.
You'd always been as strong as you were kind. Most people mistook kindness for naivety or weakness, but while those two could go hand in hand, they were not interchangeable.
And today was just one of those days where you did not want to deal with his shit. Where you weren't willing to.
These were the thoughts you had while angrily cooking up spaghetti, the poor ingredients being the victims of your warpath. Angrily you threw the box down on the counter, almost shattered the can of source on the counter, and nearly dented the pot while getting water for you to boil. You couldn't help it, it's not like you could just go up to Shouta and hit him. Fuck, you could barely push the man. You quickly learned he was very lean and dense under all those baggy clothes.
Lost in your spiraling anger, you didn't notice a shadow grow over you.
You turned around, and when you saw the very man you were having thoughts of killing you almost dropped the pot full of water.
"Jesus christ you startled me, you need to wear a bell or something." You gasped, quickly turning away from him, trying to escape his grabbing hands.
It never mattered though, since he managed to grab your waist anyway, pulling you flush against his body. You sighed and tried to elbow him off. "I'm busy." That was all you said, temper already short.
"Why are so upset? Did you see something on the news?" Shouta asked, and you heard the annoyance creeping up in his voice. Somewhere, in the self-preserving part of your brain told yourself to drop the attitude and comply. To stop being so aggressive and be the perfect fuck doll he wanted. To stop. To just stop fighting. To give up.
But for some reason, today was not the day you would.
"No, I didn't. I was just reminded that I can't go outside, and to make up for the lack of sun I get, I have to take a fucking vitamin every day to make sure I don't get sick. From not going outside on the goddamn porch." You answered, bitterness lacing every word you spat at him. But even though your words were directed at him, your back was faced away from him. You couldn't see the mounting anger in his face, or his fists clenching the more you went on.
Suddenly, you were forcefully turned around, your back leaning over the steadily heating stove. One of Shouta's large hands found itself grasping at the top of your head, pulling at the hair that was there.
"Enough. I give everything to you all these months and you're still ungrateful. What have I told you about the attitude?" He growled, eyes glowing red and hair floating up. At this point in this fucked up relationship, you didn't know if he was activating his quirk because he didn't want you to hurt him, or because it was just a reflex he had when he was extremely pissed off.
Fear wracked your body for a moment before your brain just shut off. "Fuck. You. I hate you-"
You felt a thunderous pain on the side of your face, hot and heavy on the right side of your face before your whole world blacked out on you.
Shouta sighed, trying to expel all the anger that had been left over. He had promised himself he'd no longer get violent with you since he didn't want you to be afraid of him. So far, that had been fine, you had slowly but surely accepted your role here without many hitches in the road.
He looked down to your form on the floor and rolled his eyes thinking you were just being dramatic. He heaved you up without much look at you and flopped you on the couch. "You know I hate hitting you, and I'm so sorry, I just hate hearing you talk to me that way." He admitted as if that atoned his past sins. Shouta huffed in annoyance when he didn't get an answer, assuming you were just giving him the silent treatment again. He walked away to finish the dinner you had started.
His hand hurt like a bitch the whole time, and the man realized he had busted one of his knuckles.
He must've hit you harder than he wanted. Nonetheless, you endured worse from him. You'd live.
"I brought you your food, I hope you like it." He muttered, setting it down on the coffee table in front of your laying form. Shouta waited for you to say something, and he called your name in mounting annoyance. He reached a large hand to touch your shoulder, but as soon as he came into contact, you quickly jerked away from him. Shouta sighed, rolling his eyes.
"Fine, be that way. You'll see you need me." He turned to disappear in his study, having paperwork to process for the next day.
The sun was setting by the time he was done, looking at the clock it had been hours since the dinner incident. Confusion crept into his mind, he would've heard you bustling in the kitchen by now, or you would've come in to apologize at the least.
But you hadn't done either of those things. Shouta got up and trekked down the hallway, and peeked into the living room. You were still paying on the couch, in the same position as he had left you in. His stomach dropped when he saw your food lay untouched.
He quickly made his way to you and rolled you onto your back. His grip tightened on your shoulder in shock when he saw your unconscious form.
Your cheek was completely swollen and red, the upper part of your cheekbone already fading into the telltale bluish hue of a bruise.
Shouta's heart and mind raced as he cradled your head, instantly checking your pulse. He sighed in relief when he felt your heart still beating steadily, and when he checked your breaths coming in a slow even rhythm.
Guilt instantly ate him up inside, as well as self-hate and disgust. Shouta never intended to hurt you this badly, your vile words undeserving of such a harsh punishment.
"I'm sorry, you're fine, I'm sorry." He slowly rocked you as his eyes slowly welled up with tears.
Shouta loved you with his entire being. The only reason his heart beat was to beat for you. He only breathed and lived for you. He only ate to make sure he felt well enough to talk to you, only drank water to make sure he could talk to you. He took more naps at work so he could be awake longer around you. He kidnapped you to make sure you were safe with him forever.
But a sick, tiny part of his brain told him you deserved it. He gave you everything you could ever want, devoted his entire being and life to you, and still, you said such hurtful words to him.
Either way, you'd be fine, you'd get up and you'd both apologize to one another.
But one of you would be more sorry than the other.
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attroxx · 4 months
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if you haven't cried answering an ask or writing a thread are you even an rper . . .
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hoshizoralone · 3 months
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tzarrz · 3 months
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i listen to fog lake too much
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autumnalmess · 6 months
Hey man sorry I've not posted in a while, it's a funny story actually. I actually got arrested for stealing bread for my sister and her seven starving children. yeah, it was pretty bad. I tried to escape 3 times so yeah I got 19 years, yeah and then I broke my parole and now there's this slutty little man after me, yeah I think he has a crush on me or smt idk
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macdenlover · 4 months
i really can not stand the “fandom is so fun we’re all just projecting and making shit up” thing. because no i actually deeply admire the canon of my favorite media and all the intention and care and craft put into it. we are not the same.
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deadassjsawhitegirl · 6 months
"bpd is this" "bpd is that"
can i just say bpd is more than a favorite person? i understand that part as ive experienced it but thats not all there is
as someone who doesnt currently have a "fp" i hate that thats all bpd tumblr is. js shit about your feelings towards other people, i understand but oh my god i wish there was more. it feels like romanticism of the mental illness that people are gifted the option of assisted su!c!de for. and thats not fucking right.
im sorry if this sounds rude or anything but it just makes me feel really alone in my illness and thats a shitty feeling to have, esp as someone who has bpd.
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sunfyredefender77 · 2 months
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aemond realizing he's still alone even after all those years
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jiiyawns · 9 months
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secret hedgehog gift for @fernsnailz where i was so ambitious i needed help from @frostios on colors !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy holidays !!!
bonus alternate comp and origin of omega chef hat
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suntails · 2 months
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soooo eepy sleepy
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obsob · 1 year
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here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud!!
✷(print shop)✷
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evanpeterswifeyyy · 2 months
“Block, don’t report 🎀”
*proceeds to post the most horrific guideline breaking content ever*
“I’m just a girl 😇💗”
No, you’re just a mentally ill teenager posting your mutilation thinking it’s cute.
You should be reported. If you don’t want that, don’t post content against TOS to begin with. It’s not that hard. Truly
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
To terminally-ill disabled people: you aren't going to be forgotten. You deserve a space here in this world no matter how long you'll be here. You deserve every chance to be happy, to be welcomed, to be understood, to be accommodated, and to be taken care of to the fullest extent. You haven't "given up," you are so incredibly important, and it takes so much to be in your shoes. I hope you can find pride in who you are. Your existence is meaningful.
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mushramoo · 10 months
I hate that having ADHD is seen as “quirky”. Or one of the “lesser” mental disorders.
It is agonizing.
You are constantly forgetting everything, names, locations, tasks, items, everything. You misplace things subconsciously and have to spend half hours looking for them, only to find them in places you genuinely cannot recall at all. Your memory is nonexistent. You are constantly aware that you have things you need to do or need to be doing but you cannot remember what. You know you are forgetting something but it doesn’t come to you, so you spend all day anxious. You get awful moments of dysfunction where words become incomprehensible and you are incapable of completing a task, but people are quick to assume you are lazy no matter how hard you’re trying. And one of the worst parts is that you KNOW you’re letting people down. You know you can’t grasp time so you’re showing up late even though you left extremely early. You know someone expected something from you by a deadline but you genuinely couldn’t remember. And in academics, you know some of your teachers are trying hard to be accommodating but you can’t even do the most basic tasks by the given deadlines. Or! You get teachers that do not even understand what mental disorders are and accuse you of not trying. People think you are using your disorder as an excuse just because you know you have it and use it to explain some of your behaviors. If you mask well enough to never need help, you don’t get diagnosed even though it’s taking all of your strength just to get by. If you don’t mask well enough and you are fem presenting like I am you are told you aren’t acting out so you are fine. You can’t win. It’s not quirky to have ADHD, and we aren’t faking it.
It’s a constant struggle, and I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone.
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shigayokagayama · 1 year
adhd reigen not in a “hes so goofy and silly” way but in a “he has a tendency to hyperfixate on things then drop them the moment he gets bored, has trouble forming genuine relationships with people because he’s so dedicated to making himself likable, is terrified of rejection and actively self sabotages to avoid it” kinda way
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pup-pee · 1 month
im still not over that issue
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