#or the ones that are gender neutral they are most of the time intentionally or unintentionally fem-coded
fanonical · 2 days
I see your point about June (and June is my favorite too). And I've definitely seen people headcanoning trans boy John out of really blatant spite, and complaining about June in a way that felt extremely pointed, like her mere existence is an insult and a source of hurt.
Buuuut on the other hand, many people loved transfem Roxy for a long time before the Epilogues, and I think it's fine and fair for them (... okay, us) to feel fleetingly disappointed that Roxy is transmasc in the Epilogues. I also think it's fine and fair to continue headcanoning Roxy as transfem, because the Epilogues were very explicitly in-text framed as one possible continuation out of many. I won't lie, I just love that t4t f/f Roxygen.
So my line of thinking is, it's probably still fine and fair to also love trans guy John, if people are inclined that way. It's more about the way that they do it? If you're finding yourself framing June as some kind of invasion on your holy safe space by the mean and terrible new writers of Homestuck, you need to take a step back and reexamine the transmisogynist bias there, and most importantly you need to stop being so goddamn rude to the people making art that just isn't for you. But on the other hand, I think simply ignoring the Epilogues and doing your own thing with trans boy John and his shaving cream trauma, that to me is perfectly in line with - and in fact respectful of - the spirit of the Epilogues.
(Similarly, I don't think it'd be bad to do a reading of the TUA comics where Vanya is a trans girl; I don't even think it'd be bad to write an AU genderswap of the TUA show universe where Viktor is a trans girl, though I'd greatly prefer if other characters' gender was changed too in that case.) (For example, I'd enjoy a full swap where A and V Hargreeves were the only "boys" growing up, and then V transitions and A is left all alone with his masculinity and he lets it steep into resentment. Also, sometimes you want trans girls with violins blowing up the world.)
Right, I hear what you’re saying but I think there’s a couple of key differences here
First of all, we know for a fact that Roxy being transmasc was prompted by a transmasc writer who was repeatedly & horribly transmisogynistic about transfem headcanons, so I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to assume that he really did specifically hate transfem Roxy headcanons out of spite so much that he made it an impossible reading in both timelines. But even then — I do think that if somebody specifically just decided Roxy is transfem and everything else from the Epilogues is the same (or magically headcanoned away as making sense somehow) then they would be intentionally misunderstanding & rejecting the text too. Like, that’s ok, that’s literally what a large part of fandom is, but the reasons for doing this are not neutral, and they reflect hegemonies & wider values.
In the case of transfem Roxy the point is to pointedly reject something we think is transmisogynistic — we have been teased with transfem Roxy for years, it’s an obvious & clear reading of her relationship to Callie in Act 6, and so I think it’s a legitimate criticism of the Epilogues. Meanwhile, there straight has not been years of hints for transmasc John, in fact, to headcanon June as transmasc you have to pointedly ignore her already extant queer narrative.
I also think you either misunderstand or are intentionally misunderstanding how alternate realities work in The Homestuck Epilogues & Homestuck Beyond Canon. They are not just one continuation out of many — there is only the two as far as I’m aware. I’m not up to date with HSBC but it’s my understanding that reality was cleft in two.
i agree with you on the Umbrella Academy! because this is something that has been like rebooted to switch things up, those characters are gonna get remixed. i’d love to see a transfem Vanya somewhere down the line. but if i only blogged about the tv show and i was constantly & loudly explaining how i prefer transfem Vanya and how she should be transfem in the show then I think that would obviously be in poor taste.
i think what bothers me is the boldness of so many men to be like “idk i just prefer this as a man character” right in the replies of posts where transfems are gushing about/sharing their transfem headcanons. I can’t even talk about June being trans without a few people saying that, and that’s actually confirmed as 100% happening, so it’s even more impossible to escape with like transfem Link headcanons etc.
i think all in all, transmascs, trans boys & trans men should try and leave more space for their sisters in the community. it is not subversive to wish every character was a man. just misogynistic. leave room for transfems, trans girls & trans women in fandom and beyond, folks.
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kiwisandpearls · 7 months
me resisting my urge to write for batfam x reader stuff specifically just because there seems to be a major lack of gn/male reader batfam content:
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prettyboykatsuki · 5 months
cw for ; cheating like really bad cheating dskfsk, mind games, bisexual reader (its relevant!!!), emotional sadism, yandere in the most uncomfortable flavor, and sexuality fuckery.
readers gender is intentionally left neutral!!. @p00pdev1l tag for my beloved.
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You can feel yourself starting to cry again.
You have a headache. The noise of the izakaya is flooding out into the streets. Even with alcohol and cigarettes and other distractions, you can't help but feel like you're about to throw up. The dry-heave works itself up to your throat, and you smoke a little to shove it back down.
You were careful this time.
When you hear footsteps walk themselves next to you, and see nice black dress shoes from your gaze is downcast - you already know it's Suguru.
You feel yourself getting sick again. Your voice is hoarse, scratchy with pain and tears. You're unimaginably angry at him, and you're sure if you were a little drunker, you'd take your pocket knife to his throat.
But the words don't come. You're so frustrated you just ended up crying again, hiccuping. Something falls onto your shoulders, a jacket that smells like cologne.
That wakes you up, makes you turn your head to one side. Your heartbeat is hard and loud, and your anger is the only thing in your body. Your seething, all hard lines and rage.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
He shrugs. "It's cold. You'll get sick."
"Don't act like you give a single fuck about me, you psychopath."
His reaction to that is cold. Makes your blood run cold. "Call me whatever you want but don't say I don't care about you."
"Fuck off, Suguru," The feeling of his name is intimate in the same way knives are. Sharp against the roof of your mouth because of the smooth way the syllables slice. The familiarity of a cut. "Go inside and fuck off. Go be with..." Your words trail off.
"I'd rather be out here," He assures, then shrugs. He joins you in smoking, but you turn your gaze back to the pavement so you don't have to look. "She'll be fine without me."
There's a lot of things you don't understand about him. What you understand least though is this. How long has it gone on? How long did he plan on doing this?
The first time Getou stole the girl you loved from you, you're nearly too heartbroken to stay friends with him. It was your first real crush. A girl in the same year as you. You loved her. She smelled soft like roses and put her head in your lap. You managed to confess to her despite yourself at the end of your second-year.
She was your friend, still - even as she let you down gently. Told you that she had a boyfriend now. He was your friend, actually.
The first time it happened, you thought about cutting your ties with Getou. He didn't pretend to be apologetic to you, said she was cute and he liked her. He didn't say he was sorry.
Instead he said: "You shouldn't be with a girl who could get over you so easily." And leaves it at that.
You almost got physical with him, you remember. Gojo stopped you.
Over the years, the incident becomes pattern enough to recognize. The first is a mistake, the second a frustrating coincidence. The third time it happens you do get into an altercation. Each time Getou confronts you he says the same thing. That if a girl really loved you, she wouldn't been with him so easily. If a girl really loved you, she shouldn't have been so easy for him to persuade.
You think abut killing him. It's so frustrating, so humiliating, so painful it nearly puts you in therapy. The fourth time in happens, you try to cut him off but you can't. Your lives are so tied together you can't avoid seeing him and for whatever reason he can't leave you alone.
When there's no one you're interested in, he's your friend after all. That's the strangest part. The part that makes the least sense, that he acts like your fucking friend when he does that to you but he does it again and again and again. It hurt less when it was just puppy crushes. Eventually you grew numb to it. Gave up on love for a while.
When you meet Mikoto, you don't make the mistake of showing your interest. You especially don't show it around Getou. On the job, a sorcerer from a branch in the Nara prefecture who's recently moved. A nice woman with black hair and soft eyes, you seek her friendship first and don't let yourself indulge in anything more.
You don't dote on her more than friends. You don't show your feelings off. You don't tell anyone, not even Gojo whom you tell everything, or Shoko - who you tell when you don't want Getou finding out. You bury the feeling of love in yourself and hope they die there. You hope she ends up with anyone but you, or you in some miracle.
You fall in love with her because it's who you are. Getou shows up with her at your gathering the minute you begin to accept it.
If he doesn't hate you, it must be something much stronger. Disgust or pure disdain. Something stronger than hate must drive him to do this so perpetually.
It's not even something you can tell anyone. What do you tell girls before you go out with them? What do you say to people when they ask why you and him act so odd?
There's nothing to say. Nothing to explain. It's so fucked up that you wouldn't even know where to begin.
Your voice is trembling as you take another drag of your cigarette. "How did you know?"
He laughs a little. "You make it obvious."
"Why do you keep doing this to me...?" You ask, defeated. Broken, maybe. "....I really loved her."
Getou shrugs again. You can tell even if you don't see it. "She was the same as the rest of them. I'm doing you a favor."
"Do you even like her?"
He takes a drag of his cigarette and looks at you a little longer than you expct. "So-so."
"I hate you," You give up on everything else, letting your cigarette fall to the ground. Your voice is shot. "You're fucking horrible. Just leave me alone. Please, please just leave me alone."
There's a minute of silence there. He stamps his own cigarette out and sighs. "You should come in. You'll catch a cold." You don't reply. He sighs again. "I'll buy you a drink."
You break down in tears all over again.
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When you're in highschool, you date Satoru for a week.
Suguru remembers this. It's one of the only things about his highschool experience that feel standout. A defining moment of his youth, where the two of you try it just because everyone says you should and neither of you really like it. You end up being friends again, laughing it off after it happens.
But he hated it.
There was a pit in his stomach the entire week. Even though you barely dated, and only really held hands as a joke - Suguru hated it. You kissed Satoru too, you confessed. He was a decent kisser, but you didn't feel much.
It was a joke of a relationship. Still.
He remembers too, the first time you had your first real crush. Up until then, you'd really never thought of anyone else. There was no one for Suguru to care about. But he remembers exactly when it happened, and where - how the four of you were slacking off in the storage room, passing around Shoko's cigarette. He remembers the way you got embarrassed telling them about her. How you could barely keep the smile off of your face.
The first time Suguru steals someone from you, it's during highschool. It wasn't because he had really wanted her. He hated her. Hated how she smiled at you and hated how innocently she spoke. But when he stepped closer to her, she blushed.
It was to get her to fall for him. And that wouldn't do, he didn't think. How could you like someone with so little resolve? When she couldn't be even a little loyal to you?
He asked her out on a whim that time. But he saw how angry it made you. How your eyes were wet with tears and how much you hated him in that moment.
How much you thought of him. Have you ever before then? Considered him so much? Suguru didn't think so.
It becomes an obsession, Suguru can admit. It didn't really matter who it was, though it'd been mostly girls. Anyone you showed interest in. Anyone who caught your eye. Suguru got their first and you always, always looked so miserable about it. Like a puppy who can't get on a couch, he thinks.
He prefers when you've already been with them. He prefers knowing that your skin has touched theirs. The parts of you that linger in their life become Suguru's so wholly. When he can smell your scent and taste your cigarette smoke. It'd be better if it was you, but there was something gratifying in this.
In the roundabout ways of finding you. Of seeing pictures of you in their phone, or of tasting you. It's like being with you, even though it's never enough. Always wants to make him break you more.
He likes when they cheat on you with him. He likes when it's just after. They get some cheap thrill out of it. Suguru can entertain it even if it disgusts him.
It's the only way your shirts end up in his closet. The only way he can smell your new shampoo so deeply because you share it. They think that he must hate you. He's sure you think that too.
But that's not it. He couldn't hate you. All the people he's ever fucked, he's tried to find evidence of your intimacy with them. Kiss marks he didn't leave on their skin, clothes they don't own, music they wouldn't normally listen to. You would. They're all yours.
He'd ask about you to them. Often. Listen to the parts of yourself that you'd been trying to keep secret from him.
He'd take it all by force and discard them all afterwards. That was all he wanted. You were all he wanted.
He liked seeing you angry with him. Liked seeing you cry and weep. Liked that you couldn't go anywhere or love anyone without thoughts of him following you and haunting you.
Satoru thinks he should just ask you out already. Suguru doesn't think he's broken you down enough. You need it to hurt a little more. You need to think of him a little more until you can't love anyone else.
Suguru wants to see you hurt a little more. Until you're so broken you're really begging. When he brings her with him today, you react even worse than he could have hoped for it. He shivers a little thinking about it.
He's getting closer to really breaking you, he thinks.
He looks at you now as he puts out his cigarette, broken from his thoughts.
"You should come in. You'll catch a cold." You don't reply. He sighs again. "I'll buy you a drink."
Suguru turns around to leave after he says it. Goes back inside. Before the door of the izakaya closes again, he can hear the way you sob so desperately.
He smiles at that. Just a little.
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could I ask for hcs for how day to day life would change for erwin, hange, and levi's s/o after dealing with their notable injuries they get during the story? IE erwin's arm, hanji's eye, levi's scars, eye, and fingers ect? I hope this was clear enough I hope you have a nice day/night!
Sure thing and don't worry I understood you're request just fine, thank you. I hope you're having a nice current timezone anon :)
(Gender neutral reader)
Erwin Smith
Things are... mostly the same as the were before for the most part. Not right away though because of course all the stuff with Rod Reiss, Historia, the man hunt for Survey Corps heads, and the fact Erwin was quite literally sentenced to death not that long after losing it so things were of course very hectic to where there wasn't really a good adjustment period until the two month preparation period to reclaim Shingashima.
It's a shame really, it was his dominant hand too, now all his paperwork is signed with a slight messiness to it he isn't exactly a fan of. But he makes do, relearning and rewiring how his brain works to make up for the lost limb. But even if he doesn't say it out loud, you know more than anyone exactly how hard it is for him - even if to so many people he has so many different airs and appearances to keep.
"Oh it's just an arm, a small sacrifice for the greater good of Humanity. Many good, amazing, talented people have lost more. This is a minor scratch compared to that."
That's what he told Nile that night over dinner together with you and Marie too after Erwin's charges had been offically cleared off the records. Truth be told, none of you at that table bought it, even if he really did intentionally mean it - you three knew him, and it was subtle but with how he struggled to pick up and properly use the fork in his sole surviving hand spoke all it need to. It was a very human struggle - one he did everything to hide.
He can't shave his face by himself anymore, he has trouble putting his uniform on every morning, he needs to relearn how to use ODM gear in a modified way, he has to do an awkward version of the salute now, he struggles with how to maneuver and get himself clean in the shower for the longest until he comes up with a routine on how to do it one handed, he still has enemies so he has to rewire how he thinks of defending himself, he has to learn how to deal with this odd... phantom feeling of his missing arm still being there like in the stories he'd hear from injured soldiers. It's all hard, but he manages, braves through but he's very thankful to have you and so many close others at his side that are willing to help him through it.
Also misses holding your hand. During a meeting with Queen Historia, her Majesty speaking excitedly about her plans to help out orphans - specifically those from Underground, as Levi had made sure to suggest - that as the core members of the Survey Corps stood in audience, he couldn't help but to glance over at where you stood at one side of him, nodding supportively along to Historia's desires about letting the children have fun on her new acquired farm lands, that does he stare at you - at your hand more specifically, as you are standing at his side with the dangling green military coat sleeve. It's rude, he knows, not paying attention as the Queen speaks about her noble causes but he finds himself not being able to help it. For just a second - and maybe, probably, he's deluding this - but for a second he feels the empty sleeve move on it's own to graze at your hand as to grab it - immediately gaining your attention as you stare over at him with your gorgeous eyes that every time he looks at him he falls in love all over again, over and over and the way your head questioningly tilts as if to ask him if something was wrong does his throat turn dry but his lips slightly part until-
A rough kick comes subtly to his paralleled ankle at his other side, Levi. The Captain doesn't look at him, he just keeps his arms crossed over his chest and intently listens to Historia's plans, however, he quietly scolds under his breath: "Pay attention."
Right... he was being very rude. He shouldn't get lost up in silly stuff like this in such important professional times such as these. But... when you suddenly reach over and hold onto the sleeve just as it were his flesh hand only weeks prior, so sincerely and lovingly... he can't help but the dumb smile on his face.
Everything will be fine. He's still the same man. There'll be struggle, some more getting use to - afterall, it's only been a couple weeks if not a month. There's plenty of recovery time in the future, he knows it. After Shingashima, he decides, maybe then he'll take some time off - spend with you and truly attune himself with the lacking arm. And maybe... maybe if he practices a bit first with his still lack of balance... he can still properly get down on his knees and take out that heavy ring in his breast pocket and ask you that question that's been on his mind.
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Hanji Zoë
Going to be perfectly honest, the missing eye is the least of Hanji's issues at the moment. It's still a struggle, yes, the now partial blindness that they have to now wear a patch over and it takes a couple weeks to properly get accumulated and not bumping into walls, doors, tables, and other stuff on accident. But it becomes something that's like second nature to the new Commander very quickly on.
Now... the sight isn't the issue. The mountain of other things that came with Shingashima is, both mental and physical.
The obvious is the new Commander position, taking over Erwin's role puts so much on their shoulders and not just that - having to put on this brave face for the only - ten, including themselves, Survey Corps members that survived that bloodbath. They're in charge, everyone's looking up to them them for advice, for orders, for their command. Meanwhile... Hanji hasn't even had proper time to grief for not just one but two of their best friends... Erwin. Moblit... that first night was the roughest, coming back home, to their now old office and practically broke down crying where you had to comfort them all night - they didn't sleep for the next four days straight. They stayed cooped in that office while everyone else was on leave to go properly recover and only let you attend to them. Hanji isn't... the same after that - and everyone notices but doesn't dare to speak on it. They aren't the quirky titan-obsessed quack anymore. They were the calculating 14th Commander of the Survey Corps, Hanji Zoë.
Hanji is also particularly deaf in their right ear now, even if they were - mostly - uninjured from the Colossal Titan nuke, the sound of the impact definitely damaged it a bit before they were tossed in deep the well by Moblit. They've never said the fact out loud to anybody, only you and Levi are aware of the fact, but they read lips more often than not now. So you make sure you always make it able to where they can properly read your lips when you speak to them, and if you can learn a bit of sign language that would also be very helpful.
Doesn't sleep as much as they used to. They say it's because they're too busy - Commander work and still helping out ironing out political matters and issues that still came with Historia's crowing as the new Queen of the Walls and the hectic readjustment period of getting Maria's old settlements rebuilt and ready for resettlement - but that's not just it. There's the nightmares now. Keeping them awake just to not wake them up screaming in the middle of the night and you have to loose sleep comforting them. They should be fine with it, they tell themselves, after all what they said back on that roof to Mikasa was true; they've seen hundreds of their comrades die - no actually, not a hundred... too many more than that to count. And each time they've been strong about it... distracting themselves in their research not to let themselves dwell on it too long. But now... no matter how hard they tried, nothing worked. Maybe it's because it was Erwin and Moblit, the closest two other people they had besides you and Levi. Or maybe it's because only ten fucking people out of the entire fucking Regiment survived that damn day.
And now that the truth is out there, what titans actually are, titan research isn't fun anymore. They could very easily drag one in a captured area and poke amd prod and maybe learn a little bit more on how the transformation process actually works - Connie Springer's mother would be a good example but just looking at that boy they can't bring themselves to even suggest it - but they don't. They just... sign off on papers all day. Try not to think about overseas that much. Not yet anyway.
Things are slightly better by the time you've made contact with the volunteers and the core Scouts had made their way to embark on Marley. Seeing new sights, new people, new inventions none of you could possibly even dream of was quite thrilling. Hanji has a great time, holding onto your hand and sporadically yapping on and on about this "car," or this "tele - phone," or this "controllable electricity." in the exact same manner and way they use to about titans - that wide shit eating smile that goes from ear to ear plastered to their face for the first time in years you love to see as you nod along and just listen and let them ask Onyankopon every possible question that comes to their head - the man having trouble even keeping up with them. It's nice while it last... but it's not too long until the 14th Commander comes back when reminded about why you're all here in the first place...
It's late at night one night, the night before you were all supposed to go back to Paradis does Hanji stare up at the ceiling of your shared room in the Azumabito astate. They have their eye patch off - feeling comfortable around you for you to see the mangled socket that normally rests underneath - as they lie back in bed and listen to you shuffle around to get into your night-wear to get ready to join them.
"I'm thinking..." They finally speak, you look back over your shoulder at them - sprawled out on messy sheets with only wrapped circuit of bandages around their chest to hide the shape. "...I'm thinking that Armin should be my successor. What you think?"
You tell them he's a smart kid, very talented at what he does but... given, past history... you express your feelings that it might be a lot to put on him, given the position of it's weight. Erwin's weight. Erwin's impact. Hanji's impact.
Yeah, probably true, they tell you. And they reminisce on how they felt when Erwin had dropped the sudden bombshell on them... God. They were turning more into him everyday... but you crawl over to the bed and start to kiss their face before the Commander can sulk in it. You love them, you tell them that every chance you get and it never fails to leave a gentle look in Hanji's remaining eye, their expression softening. They joke, saying how much you probably miss the old up-beat crazy Squad Leader Hanji... but you shake your head, hands so loving on their face as you tell them straight up you love them now just as much as you did back then - damaged and all.
Without hesitation they ask you to marry them.
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Levi Ackerman
Hard. Very hard at first. He can only particularly see, for the first year or so his stitches itch to a very grading degree, he has only eight digits on his hands where using the left is... very difficult, especially with his unique ways of holding things, and he can't walk. Humanity's strongest - that ridiculous title... now look at him. He "entered" the Survey Corps ten years ago and now every single person around him then is dead - except you. During those first few days of the Rumbling he didn't really think about it - with all the shit going on he had other things to think about than have time to really... process. But here he is now, couple days after the "Battle of Heaven and Earth," as he's hearing people call it. Now in his time to heal does it really set in. And at first he doesn't take it... well.
Once he's well enough to be off bedrest and he's in that "damn chairwheels," you and Onyankopon manage to buy him (hard to come by given how... very much damaged the world still is post Rumbling) you're going to have to have to keep your eye on him because for the first couple weeks he will try to get up and walk around - only damaging his hurt leg more. He feels restricted in it, he wants to go where he damn well pleases - you tried crutches for a while but... he's actually too short for the ones you manged to find post Rumbling, so he's left to that chair. It just takes him time to get use to, that's all. Eventually though, months after the Crisis has been over, it's when you start taking him out places - steering him through the rebuilding cities of Marley, talking about God knows what, that he starts to come around... maybe it's not that bad, annoying, sure, but he feels a lot calmer now. Those kids - Gabi and Falco, they help too. Sometimes they drive him around but he isn't exactly the biggest fan when they clumsily knock him into shit though but they're cute kids, they remind him a lot of much younger versions of Isabel and Farlan, how they'd bicker all the time...
The two of you have a cabin together in Marley, a nice cozy cabin that with the help of Onyankopon - who smuggily calls himself a bit of 'builder' - is modified a bit so that it's more accessible for Levi to move around, plenty enough ofvplace to roam so he doesn't feel couped up like he expressed he didn't want when getting the place. It's nice though, Levi's never had a real house before - only somewhat exception being that dingy little apartment he and Kenny used to live in Underground and then he lived with Farlan and Isabel in it too before joining the Corps. Besides that it's always just been either a whorehouse, military base, or temporary spots he wouldn't even shit in. All shared spaces. Not something that was... his. Though of course he lives with you, you are his s/o but you're different. No, he lived... with you. You own this house together. It's his. It's yours. It's yours (plural).
He can't clean as properly as he use to, getting down on the ground and scrubbing top to bottom and every single crack in the room, of course he can't do that anymore so - and to make him feel better, feel good and comfortable in your own home together you do it, you keep the place always spotless. And he still wants to actively clean of course, the process has always been therapeutic for him, he just can't do it as thorough as he once did but he still will do what he can from the confines of sitting down while you do all the very high and very low lifting.
His senses are still sharp, even with his half blindness. But even still, you always make sure to stand on his good side and if your on the blind you make sure to audibly announce your presence even if he could probably still sense you - Ackerman biology boosting it by tenfold, after all - you do it because it's polite and he does appreciate that.
Mostly handles things with his good hand anyway but is in the habit of dropping things whenever it comes to his less-good one, there's only so much you can do with only three fingers (including thumb) on one hand without being issues. It takes awhile before he even let's you hold that hand again and when he does the first several times he always hesitates, but it all flutters away when you carefully and gently intertwine your fingers with his good ones and your pointer and middle finger lovingly folds over his numbs. Or when you kiss delicately at each of his knuckles on that hand... it's weirdly sweet, weirdly romantic, he thinks.
It's been three years now. Domestic bliss is something Levi never thought existed - or he he did, never, never ever in his thirty-seven year life would he ever think he'd get to live such a thing. The two of you sit in front of the lake off to the side of your cabin, sitting on a lunch-bench watching on as Gabi and Falco are completely red in the face, awkwardly and loudly confessing their feelings to one another in only that embarrassingly sweet way teenagers could. It's sweet... to watch on. You look over and see the small, subtle yet warm, soft smile on Levi's lips. Proud of them, those two dumb kids that's been helping the two of you out for years now. You laugh, causing him to look over at you.
"What's so funny?"
The giggling in your chest dies down as you watch as the two kids untactfully bump their faces together in an attempted kiss but Falco jolts back holding his forehead in pain, and Gabi's face to turn an even darker red as she yells something at him.
"Do you think we're too old now to act like that?"
Grey eye rolls. "When have I ever acted like that?"
"Oh I can name quite the few times when we first first started dating-"
He suddenly grabs at your face with a: "Hush." before kissing you, the worn stitches on his lips against yours always feel nice. Then he leans back, staring at you with lingering thoughts before his eye flicks back over to the kids now sweetly in each other's arms.
"You know, I was going to ask you something today but those brats decided to go ahead and make it about themselves..." He says, no real malice in his voice, just teasing. But you tilt your head out of curiosity.
"Ask me what?"
He sits back on the bench and stares out onto the lake. His wheelchair is parked off to the side, it's in a bag. He could reach over and pluck it out now. It was something he actually picked out years ago... something he never thought he needed because he never expected to reach this point together with you but Hanji talked his ear off into buying it and Erwin gave him this... teasing encouraged look with that weird smile of his that he'll never forget for the rest of his life. And he's kept it with him, all the time, it's always been on him in some shape or form. Honestly he wasn't sure how you didn't manage to find it already.
He looks back over to you and you're still intently staring back over at him. Maybe. Maybe he still could now.
"Ask me what?"
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sadtonight · 1 year
Morning holder
Summary: someone can be very clingy in the morning — and that's you, not him!
Characters: first year students;
Warnings: none, reader is gender neutral, established romantic relationships, unspecified time period;
Side notes: I was daydreaming about sappy things because I saw a fanart from the other fandom when suddenly I realised that I can write it! Thank you, the ship of two middle-aged men which I'm crying over those days.
— you begun sleeping together pretty soon after you started dating Ace. He quickly grew used to having you around so much that now not having at least one of your limbs on his body causes him to move himself closer to you and settle your arm around himself. If, by any chance, you wake up during the process, ginger defends himself by lying how you were groping him in your sleep which you hardly can buy, not that it matters as you suspected what he was doing and why anyways;
— though if he wakes up to the feeling of your warm body cuddled closely to his side, Ace just can't be any happier! It feels so nice having your head mashed to his side, arms folded, and legs tangled with his, even if it was too hot to stay that way. Nah, he can't possibly complain. He instead can fondly brush you hair out of your face and lighty scratch your scalp, just admiring how peaceful you were;
— Ace is well aware that he, and in fact you too, need to get up in a few minutes and get ready for the day but still tries to hold off getting up as much as he possibly can. This results in you scolding your boyfriend for not waking up you sooner, but Ace never talks back to you. He just softly smiles at you, and the only thing you can do is pout and wonder what makes him so pleased in the mornings sometimes.
— initially when you two started sleeping together in one bed, poor Deuce always freaked out when his drowsy brain registered a person lying right next to him. He calmed down only after cautiously taking a look at your sleeping form. R-right, the boy was dating you... It still sometimes felt like a dream, too good to be true;
— Deuce woke up earlier than the alarm clock: the dream he saw wasn't the most pleasant, consisting of him protecting you from some delinquents who looked uncannily similar to his acquaintances from the school, including himself. The boy was convinced that he abandoned all those ways and was living a life of an ordinary person, or so he thought. In a attempt to turn around to shake off the thoughts, Deuce only then felt arms — your arms — wrapped around his torso, your whole body pressed to his back. He could feel how your chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm;
— although not intentionally, still hazy from sleep, Deuce interpreted it as you being there, behind his back, because you believed in him protecting you and you were there to watch him from behind. The way you were holding him tight with your arms, he was so overjoyed while still overflowing with stress from the dream that he broke down crying, quietly sobbing. Upon waking up and seeing Deuce you couldn't understand why your partner's face was so red and puffy, but you got a lot of pampering from your boyfriend that day.
— there are undeniably lot's of advantages of having a partner built like Jack. Yet it also means that there are downsides. It was fear on Jack's part: he was anxious about accidently crashing you with his body in his sleep, so he tried to stay far enough when you started to sleep together. However, during nighttime one of you would relocate closer to the other, resulting in the two of you tangled in when the morning rolled out. Beastman had to come up with the solution to avoid unintentionally causing you any harm;
— that's why one day he asked you to sleep on top of him from then on. You weren't sure if Jack would find it convenient sleeping with a weight putting pressure onto him, but if anything it meant more training for the boy which he didn't mind. The position was rather funny, so you didn't miss the opportunity to tease your boyfriend for being so needy for cuddles. Something at the start of the relationship he would vehemently deny, but now Jack only folds his arms and wordless beam, ears perked up — you got him there, didn't you;
— you held onto your words and at night you crawled on top Jack's body each time he was lying flat. And in turn, beastman begun intense muscle training which paid off quickly. Now, he was waking up to you being there, sleeping undisturbed on his chest. He did want to keep watching your frame rise up and down, but Jack didn't feel comfortable staring at you like that without you knowing. So he would wake you up by softly patting your back and with same softness calling out your name;
— this boy was so eager to sleep with you in one bed! Epel fondly remembers sleeping with his parents and some relatives long time ago when he was just a baby. Winter night never felt more warmer than that! And besides, it was rather.... lovely and romantic to sleep together with your sweetheart right? He daydreamed before how he would keep you in his strong, secure hold, though he reluctantly admitted those feelings to you;
— surprisingly to him, the reality turned out to be the contrary of what he expected. It was Epel who woke up first to realise that he had cuddled up to you instead of it being the other way around. This soured his mood greatly, so he would carefully slide away from you and change the positions. But it happened times and times again which made lavender haired boy wonder if he's missing something, and the thing he was missing was acceptance of the situation;
— once he woke up even earlier than usual, with his head nested in your collarbone and arms embracing you loosely yet again, but it was different. Epel didn't feel the urge to get away or change anything. No, it felt so natural, so familiar and warm just like his childhood memories. However, being so close to you and you protectively squeezing him was an experience he found different while vastly more enjoyable. Could it be that's why it felt so good cuddled up to each other? Whatever it was, Epel decided to resume his rest instead, breathing in warm air around you and returning back to dreams;
— sleeping together in one bed and before marriage is highly inappropriate!... It was, before the two of you eventually did sleep together and Sebek found the attempt to be not what he dreaded it to be. When you suggested sleeping apart since you still weren't on marriage stage, half-fae denied your suggestion saying that it was unnecessary — it would be safer if you slept with him. Yes, he wasn't less of a guard even while he was unconscious!
— subsequent nights went relatively peacefully, until one morning, as per usual Sebek woke up and tried to get up for morning exercise, suddenly to feel something pulling him down by his left arm. And it was no other than you, wrapped around his arm like an ivy the boy was so used to seeing back home. It took Sebek by surprise: why were you clinging to his arm? It wasn't because of a pesky nightmare, right? You didn't seem fazed nor troubled. Not risking making the situation worse, he sucked it up and waited for you to naturally wake up;
— royal guard had to ask you for the explanation, because he wouldn't get even a minute of rest if something was bothering you! Upon hearing Sebek's observation, you bashfully presumed that you instinctively wanted to hold him in your sleep. Of course you want to hold him while being do valuable, for he was a capable and apt fae magician and a rolay guard of lord Malleus himself. Although Sebek had to gather all his mental strength to get out of your hold each morning you captured his arm. Turns out, he had so much more training to do and it had nothing to do with physical training...
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seikkoi · 1 year
ᴄᴏᴍᴍɪᴛᴍᴇɴᴛ | natasha romanoff x hacker!reader
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18+ minors DNI
warnings: mentions of alcohol, arguing, harsh language, explicit s*xual content
genre: angst, a lil fluff, a lil sm*t
word count: 2,060
a/n: reader is gender-neutral
You've spent far too long trying to be more than just a warm bed for the infamous Black Widow.
Oh, Natasha’s a poison alright.
An intoxicating, slow moving poison that captures everything it encounters. Her recent favor of the season’s no exception- hooked on something that kills you. 
It’s not like Nat physically hurt, not at all. The problem was quite the opposite. Nat provided you near limitless pleasure at one cost-it’d never be love. That hurt worse than any physical pain the poor woman could imagine. The nights in the Black Widow’s bed would continue to stagger so long as that was understood.
You would never be Nat’s- no matter how much you wanted to be.
Despite her making this quite clear when you first expressed your interest, you couldn’t help longing for it. You’d had been her mission half a year ago, and quite the challenging one indeed. A propensity for computers coupled with a shitty moral compass led you to a lifetime of digital crime. The ante only seemed to raise every year, the stakes rising alongside the payment. You were good enough to get a job going after SHIELD, but not good enough to actually succeed. The client was pissed, and money was lost, but you shook it off.
When you awoke to the barrel of a gun and cold, beautiful eyes, you realized you didn’t cover your tracks well enough, either. 
Thankfully, Fury was more interested in hiring you than killing you. 
You hadn't been more than twenty four hours away from her since that day. At first, not intentionally. The next night, Nat took you out for drinks- mostly to make you feel less like a target. 
It’d turned out that you two had great chemistry- talking the night away until it bleeded into the morning. She spoke about the Red Room, and how the Avengers gave her a second chance. It helped you feel better about your own morally gray life. 
Many, many drinks and swapped secrets later, and your hands are full of red hair, mouth absorbed in the same woman who might’ve killed you a day ago. While your eyes are fluttering, Natasha’s hands disappear behind your pants, telling you how happy she is that you decided to join them. 
Maybe it’s because she doesn’t leave in the morning, or because she invited you over again that night, but you thought it meant something. To make matters worse, Natasha seldom held anything back from you- the good, the bad, or the ugly. You were the same, sharing parts of your life that made you see your relationship as more than just a consistent hookup or even friends. 
About a month and a half in, Natasha frustrately picked the lock to your apartment after waiting twenty minutes for you to answer. She walked into your bedroom to find you typing away at lit-up monitors, absorbed in your work, headphones muffling any phone calls or impatient knocks. 
You flinched at the sudden removal of your headphones, gazing up to an angry scowl. To her dismay, this wasn’t the first time you’d gotten lost in your work and forgot she was coming by. The assassin was adamant that if you just gave her a key, this wouldn’t happen. You playfully joked that giving her a key would denote commitment. The red-haired woman laughed at the suggestion to the tune of your heart cracking.
In all the nights and weekends following, Natasha would continue to do things that left you feeling insane. Her actions said one thing, yet she always made it clear that this was never, and would never be a relationship. After a while, it started to feel like she just didn’t want to be committed to you, specifically. You worried if there was something wrong about the idea of being in a public, loving relationship with you- as opposed to just someone she fucked. 
Tonight, like most nights, she’d let herself in after a particularly tiring day. Frustration and resentment boiled at the sound of her footsteps. She laid on your bed, illuminated only by lines of code, waiting for you to finish whatever new encryption Fury requested. Tonight, like most nights, you stared at the screen as swallowed down your hopeless pining with a fifth of whiskey. 
Despite any ignored feelings, you relished in Nat’s company, speeding up your work to get into her arms sooner. You loved that she was comfortable with you, hearing her get up and head for the shower. Yet, the bitter, angry part of you hated that she would never love you in spite of any trust or comfort. 
You listen to Nat return and open one of your dresser drawers full of her clothing to change (strictly for convenience, of course). Eyes still trained on your work, you return the kiss she graces on your cheek as she pours herself a glass as well. 
When you turn your chair to Nat, she’s looking at you with one of those smiles that makes your stomach turn into butterflies. You take a second to admire her relaxed appearance, hair down and messy, in baggy, out-of-date clothing. It’s easy for her to make you forget you were ever upset.
You must have been staring too long, because Nat crosses the distance between you two. Before you can ask her how her day was, she straddles you in the chair, pulling you in for a deep, long kiss. Your hands find their way to her waist, pulling in her closer and sucking at her bottom lip. 
Natasha’s hands cup your face gently, sighing into you. It’s not long before your kisses grow more hungry and passionate, hands traveling and caressing every inch you can. When she breaks the kiss, you’re completely intoxicated once again- dazed and longing for me. 
“Hello to you, too,” she says, with cloudy eyes and a small grin.
“You started it.”, you reply distractedly, dancing your fingers along the waistband of her shorts. 
Natasha gets distracted herself, by the program still running on your computer screens. 
“You know,” she starts, running her hands through your hair. “I never understand what it is you do.”
You can’t hold back a laugh as you push your hand past the elastic, fingers pushing against the soft fabric of her underwear. Natasha lets out a quiet moan while her head droops back to your neck. 
“I’m serious,” Natasha lamints. Her breath hitches when you pull her underwear away with your free hand, sliding your index finger into her entrance. “I want t-I wanna understand all of this.”
You are much too concentrated on eliciting more raspy breaths from the enamoring woman on top of you. You pump your finger into her with tender, slow strokes, feeling her wetness pool at your hand. Natasha softly whines your name into your neck, causing you to groan as you add another digit. 
“Didn’t think you cared all that much,” It’s an honest admission, one that give without much thought. You speed up your fingers, curving against her walls right where you knew she needed it. Your own breathing becomes erratic, caught up in the way Natasha clings to you. 
Russian curses come out short and heavy the moment your thumb brushes her clit. You grip her hip to keep her place, and more pleas of your name follow suit. It was the moments like these, when you knew that you were all she wanted, that made everything else worth it. 
“I do care.”, she manages between moans. 
The cracks in your heart start to come undone once more, taking you out of your lustful daze. For what was the 100th time in months, you had to tell yourself she didn’t mean a damn thing by that- she cared about you as much as the next person did, nothing more. 
You ignore her and pick up your pace even further. The all-too familiar shudder of her body, accompanied by the velvety, strained moans from her mouth, told you that she was close. You quickly become reabsorbed in giving her as much ecstasy as you could. Natasha’s hands in your hair pull tighter as she gets lost in her own pleasure, forcing your gaze slightly up.
Her eyes are squeezed shut, mouth in an open gasp, burrowed against you like a lifeline. A moan of your own escapes at the sight. You think you could die just like this, with this perfect image of the most perfect woman. 
Right as you’re certain she’s about to reach her peak, you draw circles on her throbbing clit, watching her body twitch. 
“I love you,” Natasha’s words pass through your quiet and broken ears as she climaxes. 
It sets you into shock, making you think you imagined it. In the few seconds that follow, neither of you speak, as Natasha regains her breathing and you stare at the ceiling, pissed off again and confused. 
You feel Natasha shift, eyes making their way to your confused face. 
“I-”, she starts to stutter, to which you roll your eyes and push her gently off your lap.
As you start to head for your bedroom door, her hands wrap around your forearm, yanking you back. 
“What the fuck, Nat?” You rip your arm away from her, even more shocked by her aggression towards you.
The assassin simply stands, still stuttering over what to say. That only becomes the final straw for you. 
“Get the hell out, now.” You swing the bedroom door open as you speak. All you wanted for months was to hear those words. Now, all you could taste was poison. She’d broken your heart time and time again. You’d spent so long learning to handle loving someone who’d never love you back. To suddenly act like she ever gave a damn after all that was insulting. Even if she meant it, how long did she really mean it for?
“You don’t mean that.” She has the audacity to sound hurt. 
“Yeah, I do, leave. I’m not gonna let you keep doing this to me.”
“Doing what to you? I’m telling you that I care-”
“Oh suddenly now you care! After how many months of me begging for you to feel the same, now that I’m finally getting over it, you care?”, you shout as you cross the room towards her. 
“I always fucking cared!”, she yells back, and you notice the tears brimming in her eyes, fists balled at her side. In all this time, you’d only seen Nat cry twice. Once, when talking about Yelena. The other when Clint lost his family. To be crying now because of you, felt like hell.
You immediately soften when you notice, tears of your own forming. You’re left in speechless shock yet again at her words.
“Then why say the opposite for so long?”, you ask, voice hoarse.
“You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Everything good in my life goes away. I didn’t want to ruin this.”, she goes quiet herself, staring at the floor. 
“You didn’t think telling me over and over again that we aren’t anything would make me go away?” 
“You’re still here, aren't you?” Natasha gives you a shy smile when she speaks. It’s true- you were too addicted to Nat to let her go. Even just a minute ago when you told her to leave, you knew you’d be following after her. 
“Honestly, I don’t know why. You made it clear how you feel.” She could joke about it all she wanted, you were still hurt and replaying months of rejection in your head. 
“I’m trying to tell you I didn’t mean it, please.” The remaining space between you is closed while she takes your hands in hers. Her gaze locks onto yours, staring into teary, green eyes. 
“I love you, that is the truth. I promise.” It’s never a challenge for Nat to break your resolve. Especially when you've been dreaming to hear the spy say that. 
“How do I know you mean it? That you're not ‘gonna change your mind?” 
You feel her thumbs graze over hand, a mischievous glint forming in her eyes. When your confusion grows, Natasha drops to her knees before you. As she lowers herself to the floor, she places kisses along your hands before moving to tug at your jeans. Whatever mixed feelings you still had, flew out of the door. 
“Let me show you how much I love you.”
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whipped-for-kpop-fics · 4 months
spontaneous dates with busy svt, their busy with work but will take time out of their day to spend it with you? If all of svt is a lot, maybe just the vocal unit? ⸜(*ˊᵕˋ*)⸝ ♡
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💕Who; Seventeen (individually) x gender-neutral reader 💕What; fluff headcanons 💕Wordcount; 1.4k 💕Warnings; none, I don't think
-2024 Masterlist-
Thank you for the suggestion, anon! I hope you like it! 💖
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Seungcheol Okay, everyone says it; sugar daddy Cheol. The man loves to spoil his partner and although he'll still get gifts delivered to you whenever he feels like it, it's not quite the same as taking you around stores in person to see which items make your eyes truly light up. And if it's clothing he's buying for you, you can bet your ass there's a fashion show involved with lots of Seungcheol taking photos of you on burst mode and cooing(or catcalling depending on the clothes).
Jeonghan Honestly, Jeonghan doesn't have the energy most of the time to do a lot. Don't get me wrong, he's definitely more than willing to do pretty much anything you want for bigger planned dates, but for the spontaneous ones, he'll always pick to just go somewhere private with you and relax. Sitting on the sofa with you, tucked up in each other's arms while you just enjoy one another's company with a movie or music on will always be his favourite dates.
Joshua This guy likes to try new things, especially crafts so he'll always have a list on his phone of classes and activities going on in your local area so that when there's time, even if it's pretty last minute, he has potential options. Sometimes you go paint pottery, other times you learn to cook something new and even one very memorable time, you tried glass blowing. Regardless of what activity it is, you both enjoy every second because it's together. And Joshua always treasures whatever item you two make.
Junhui Jun does have a lot of energy in general but when he's with you, he doesn't want to miss a second. So on these last-minute dates, he really likes to take you cloud gazing in the day or stargazing at night. It's always nice to just lay side by side on a blanket admiring the sky pressed side to side and feeling the other's presence. It's grounding and one of the only times he can genuinely remain still. He'll even do research about clouds/stars so that he can impress you with his knowledge and have you look at him with big eyes of awe and interest as he talks.
Soonyoung Picnics are cute af and Soonyoung is very aware of that. Whether they're outdoors in the sun, in the backseat of the car or even in a building somewhere, he loves to grab the blanket from the car and snacks and lead you somewhere new to explore and sit together. If there's more time, he'll convince you to make food together to take beforehand but you're both always plenty content with whatever snacks you can grab from the convenience store. Sometimes he'll take little activities like travel games or a little craft kit too if he has the chance to plan ahead a little, or if he sees one in the store while grabbing snacks.
Wonwoo It didn't start intentionally that when you both have the time to go on a date, you'll always go to the arcade. You would always start the dates wandering around aimlessly as you both try to think of something to do and inevitably spot an arcade, exchange a look and then rush inside giggling like a pair of children. So at some point, you two would without discussion navigate to the arcade and it sort of becomes a thing to compare them all. Wonwoo has it all written out on a notes app on his phone; which arcade has the best games, has snacks or food, toilets, and how busy they are at particular times. When you have more time for the dates, you'll even drive further away to check out the arcades there too.
Jihoon This dude is always so busy that he worries he doesn't actually check in on you enough and make sure you're looking after yourself. So you can bet that his go-to for spontaneous dates is going to a restaurant. Sometimes a brand new one but you two have a few favourites that you're considered regulars at. He never tells you why he always suggests going to eat, of course, so as far as you're aware he's just hungry(which isn't entirely false) but really, it's so that he can look across the table and see you eating well and know that he's not failing in his job at looking after you as his partner.
Seokmin Seokmin loves photography, the guy takes photos at every chance he gets. A lot of people say he's not living in the moment by taking photos all the time but he does it for the sake of memories so that he has a way to look back on the pictures and remember the happy time. And the subject he wants to always remember the most? You. So of course, he'll make up for lost time apart by taking you somewhere pretty/cute/interesting he's noticed on his travels or heard about to take endless photos of you, and many of you together too but mostly you so that he can never forget the way you always smile at him with stars in your eyes.
Mingyu Okay, I didn't really want to do this because it's very much done with Gyu but cooking. He's a great cook and food is a great way to show love, so it makes sense. Plus it means that you can hang out at home with no pressure or unwanted eyes and just be together. Yes, he loves doing the cheesy things like putting his arms around you and his hands over yours to work together, or standing with his chest to your back and his chin on your shoulder. He always melts if you wrap around his back though, it makes him super giggly.
Minghao Minghao is a simple guy really, he just likes to be with you so he loves going on walks with you, hand in hand. Sometimes you're both silent for long stretches of time but it's not awkward in any way, it's calm, comfortable, and you're content. And others you both talk endlessly about everything and anything that comes to mind. Minghao loves that he feels that he can talk to you forever and never run out of words to say. But he also loves that you can remain quiet together and not feel like you need to fill the silence. He will also love taking you into cute stores/bakeries/cafes that you happen to pass to explore and get little treats.
Seungkwan Seungkwan himself is not the most confident driver at all but he's always happy to take you on drives. Though he loves it when you drive, loves watching you navigate the roads diligently while still remaining calm even when traffic picks up. But the drives for the spontaneous dates usually take advantage of all the quieter roads and even go out of town sometimes if you have enough time. There's never any destination in mind but stops are definitely okay too. Caraoke is a must, with both of you singing along enthusiastically to the carefully curated playlists Seungkwan makes for these drives, just for the two of you and filled with your favourite songs.
Vernon Dude loves movies and dissecting all the details and plot after. And he loves doing it with you the most. You didn't really care for discussing movies at first, just wanted to enjoy it in the moment but after Vernon got really animated the first few times, you started to get into it. And now it's kind of your thing together. You regularly go to the cinema when you can to see things on the big screen and then get a meal after where you'll talk it over for hours. But Vernon also loves curling up on the couch with you and watching a movie at home together.
Chan Chan likes to make any time together about the two of you. About being with you and experiencing you as best as he can. So he likes taking you to cute little places that are lesser known so remain quiet and peaceful enough to allow him to focus on you. Cafes and bakeries are his favourite places to go where you can sit down opposite each other at a little table with a drink or a light meal/ dessert and just talk and catch up. He can easily spend hours with you, just smiling across the table and listening to you talk about whatever and never get bored.
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If you have any ideas/suggestions of what I could write next, send an ask after checking this post where you can find the guidelines about what I will or will not write
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
A romantic concept of Miguel O'Hara if you can please????
I can try... I'm kinda worried I won't write him how he's meant to be- But we'll see! Sorry if this sounds similar to other fics, I've read some to get motivation but I also did my own research so similarities are unintentional if not a reference. Enjoy :D I hope I got things right.
Yandere! Miguel O'Hara Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Violence, Paranoia, Overprotective behavior, Trauma, Fear of abandonment/loss, Isolation, Kidnapping, Dubious relationship, Possessive behavior, Biting/Marking, Drugging (venom).
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I understand that some people see Miguel as a sadistic yandere.
However, I have to disagree.
I will admit Miguel can have some intimidating moments, yandere or not.
Yet you've got to remember his origins.
Miguel is a broken man who puts up walls to prevent more hurt.
He mad the Spider Society to protect and defend the Multiverse.
He doesn't always like what he has to do but he does it as he feels someone has to.
He's a perfectionist, obsessing over every little detail to make sure he protects others.
He has trauma and may try not to get attached to others to prevent hurt.
Again, however, I will admit Miguel has devious moments.
He replaced a version of himself just to be happy.
That's desperation, that's a disturbing thought process to go through.
Miguel is a broken man...and it shows in many ways it seems.
Based on my research, I think this is my take on Miguel.
In terms of how he meets you, there's many possibilities.
That's the great thing about the Multiverse.
You could be part of the Spider Society, you could be someone he's with in another universe, and that's just the most popular ones I've seen.
They feel like the most plausible ones too.
To keep this a general overview I won't go into much detail about your origins.
Miguel, when he first meets you, most likely does not want to get attached.
If you look at his backstory it's clear why he'd be like this.
He fears losing anyone he's close with and is incredibly stressed about the whole anomaly situation.
He feels he's no longer deserving of having romantic connections, he should dedicate himself to being a defender.
Yet when it comes to his darling I imagine with time you'd crack his protective walls.
Just know, as soon as Miguel warms up to you, you're in too deep.
Due to all of his emotional trauma, Miguel finds himself clinging to your presence.
Regardless on if you accept or not he feels you're his only other chance to feel loved.
As a result... he makes a promise that he's never losing you.
No matter what it takes.
Miguel isn't a yandere who would want to hurt you.
Any "hurt" he gives you is usually emotional and "for your own good".
He'd never intentionally hurt you physically.
He has outbursts at times and is frustrated when he feels you're threatened, but he calms himself so he doesn't hurt you.
He views kidnapping/isolation as a necessary evil to keep you safe.
Most likely keeps you somewhere out of the way in HQ if something like that happens.
Last thing he needs is questions from the other Spiders.
He always tells you he doesn't like isolating you, that he just wants you safe, yet sometimes you wonder if he does like you alone.
Miguel is shown to be more "beast/spider-like" than more Spiders.
In this case, along with the fear of losing you, Miguel probably displays possessive behavior.
He likes feeling you in his grasp as reassurance you're still with him.
He may also like to leave marks on you due to this, but soothes your pain immediately after.
When Miguel feels he has to isolate you he doesn't expect you to follow willingly.
Which is why he plans on using venom to make you compliant.
His venom is said to paralyze victims for a short time according to his wiki.
If you fight him on protecting you he'll make it clear that he's doing anything and everything to protect you.
Miguel is certainly a yandere who thinks what he's doing is right for you.
He's not delusional, he knows what he's doing isn't necessarily "right".
Yet the fear of losing you is strong in him.
Locking you away with just him is the best way to go in his eyes.
Miguel is an extremely stressed man, he's normally cold and stoic due to the walls he puts up.
But he can prove to be a mess of paranoid emotions once he's attached.
If you express anger at his actions, he understands.
He most likely won't change but acknowledges you're right.
When you're sad about his actions instead, hd has a similar reaction.
Except this time he makes an effort to comfort you.
Miguel isn't cold.
He still loves you and just decides to prioritize your safety due to his trauma and obsession.
He makes an effort to show you he loves you.
In anyway he can he tries to make you look past the fact he most likely kidnapped you.
This is how he cares.
Why don't you understand? He's tired of worrying.
Keeping you at HQ for his eyes only puts him at ease.
Leaving Miguel isn't easy, either.
Escape attempts always end in failure.
First of all, leaving HQ alone is a struggle.
With the amount of Spiders in HQ? Yeah... good luck.
Even if you manage to steal a watch, Miguel is still going to track you.
He's skilled at investigating.
Sooner or later he'll find you, track you, and hunt you down.
Miguel's physical capabilities are the best of the best, too.
He's faster, stronger, and skilled in dimensional travel.
There's strength in numbers and he has the Spider Society.
Miguel isn't afraid to drag you back kicking and screaming.
He's incredibly irritated that you won't see his way on things.
What's so hard to understand?
Are you even aware of the dangers in other dimensions? THIS is what he's PROTECTING you from!
I have a feeling no one can talk Miguel out of what he's doing.
Be it when he's first showing signs of possession/paranoia or sometime after he's given in... he doesn't listen to others.
Not Peter B. Parker, not Jessica, no one.
In his eyes it should be his decision to care for you.
Even if there's hardships and disagreements, he'll try and find the warmth he felt near the start of his life through you.
He drowns himself in every kiss, he feels euphoric with every touch.
Miguel didn't want you to be close with him for this reason.
He didn't want pain for both you and him.
Yet now you've broken down his restraint... you've made your home in his mind and heart...
So he's no longer holding back anymore, you're going to be his and he'll have his happy ending.
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thedemises · 6 months
. . .  EH? W- WHAT?! featuring “avatar of greed” mammon!
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contains! . . . obey me! shall we date?/obey me! one master to rule them all, mammon being all flustered and stammering, use of nicknames “human” and “mams”, sleepy mc, mc has ram horns (i know that rams are basically adult male sheep but im trying my best to keep this as gender neutral as possible so pls-), mammon being mammon, pretty much no major warnings! :D notes! . . .  this is also a small writing that i scrambled to create at night just like the most recent ace imagine- March 14th, 2024 at 3:08 AM 💀
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mammon, the great mammon, the avatar of greed—cannot take this any longer.
while sitting up comfortably in his beloved human’s bed, he finds himself trapped and unable to move with the human clinging on to his back like he’s the tree and they’re the.. koala (from what he remembers, when both of them were comparing the human realm’s animals to the devildom’s creatures).
but also—not to mention... he feels like the side of his cheek is starting to burn aflame by the stare that’s causing it.
now, with the courage he mustered up internally—mammon decides to confront them like he's accusing that they're at fault for something trivially bad. yeah.
“o- oi human... what’cha starin’ at me with that look for?? ”
the words simple slip so easily out of his mouth as the burning grows more prominent and quite warmer when the staring doesn’t stop, more likely directed at his eyes specifically; you can still see his lashes fluttering every time he blinks.
with his gaze now focused on you; your arms drapped over his shoulders in a careless manner but secure enough for him to not shrug you off intentionally (not that he would) and your legs crossed and locked around his waist, your head rested on his shoulder—or your arm—as you stare with a sleepy look in your drooping eyes, like you’re at the brink of giving up staying awake any longer but yet you remain at least half-lidded the entire time.
moving your position slightly, the question he asked has you speaking up a bit. “hmmph...”, a soft hum erupts from your throat, half of your face burrowed within his sweater as you made sure to keep your horns away—sppcifically the tips—to prevent injuring him by total accident, “I don’t know... just.. I like how pretty your eyes appear when you wear those shades. the black ones with an orange golden-like gradient in the lenses. ’ts like a sunset’s reflection on a blue sea, but your eyes are very pretty either way; with or without shades.”
... dammit human....
mammon does not have any idea on how to respond—momentarily frozen with his thumb paused the second before it can touch the screen of his D.D.D. that showed the homepage of Devilgram.
congrats mc, you broke him.
“mams?” your weary voice with a hint of amusement brings mammon’s blue-screen-of-death mind back to the present, following a brief chuckle to escape you. “seems like even the littlest of compliments can make you react like a reindeer caught in the headlights.”
that sentence makes the poor second born sputter and stumble over his words, a dark red-ish flush blooms over his cheeks from embarrassment and being a flustered mess; darkening his skin by the blood rushing to his face.
“we- well, of course you’d see the great mammon in that way! ... no, i am not blushing- it’s just a little hot in ’ere! yer just seein’ things.. and no i ain’t enjoying this at all, human! i’m just lettin’ ya do this because i allow ya to, ’kay?!” despite his denies and protests about ever feeling warm and fuzzy in this moment, you can still tell he’ll treasure this memory a lot in the future.
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© thedemises 2024. all rights reserved. please do not repost, copy, or claim as your own. ━━  word count: 569.
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jellyveesh · 7 months
Feel free to reject but can we get the Hazbin Crew with a Reader who’s sinner animal form is a fainting goat?
face first
fandom ## hazbin hotel (fainting goat-sinner reader)
characters ## charlie morningstar, alastor, angel-dust, husker, sir pentious
prompt ## the hazbin hotel is filled with unique characters, and amongst them is a little goat sinner with a habit of just... fainting? how will the residents of the hotel treat their newest addition, and how will they react to their disorder?
contains ## SHOW SPOILERS, gender-neutral reader, canon-typical character behaviours/habits, swearing, reader has a neuromuscular disorder, autistic coded lucifer
thank you for the request!! i hope i did it justice masterlist
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for some context, 'fainting goat' syndrome is actually called myotonia congenita - an inherited neuromuscular disorder characterised by the inability of muscles to quickly relax after a voluntary contraction, like flinching
the disorder is not only common in goats, but can be found in humans too!
so chances are your demon form was formed as a result of your disorder when you were alive, and so you became a goat featured sinner
and whilst yes, this may be hell, and yes, people have seen it all, you randomly just fainting is absolutely horrifying
and yes you've found yourself in many precarious situations and, as such, would have to be strong to fend for yourself in this dog-eat-dog world
so when the opportunity of a safe haven, poorly drawn on a flimsy piece of paper and stuck messily to a notice board, is presented to you... you, of course, go to check it out!
honestly, when charlie first met you, she was instantly drawn to your goat-like features
because like, you're clearly twins! she's goat themed, you're goat themed! what could make you less twin-like?!
so she wasn't really listening when you randomly and shortly mentioned you have a habit of your muscles seizing and you dropping to the floor during stressful situations as a result
and charlie was likely the person who first triggered your 'fainting' - simply with one cheerful outburst
she had been particularly excited to try out a new redemption activity that she squealed super loud, unsuspecting to everyone to everyone else who got equally startled
then you just kind of... dropped, to the ground, face first, with a sickening crack
charlie thought you were dead.
like actually
full blown panic attack whilst the others minorly panicked
after a few moments, you managed to break free from the tightness of your muscles and sit up - heaving a huge sigh in relief and rubbing at your bloodied nose
it was like you had been revived
charlie got up and immediately started apologising, hugging you and petting at your head in an attempt to comfort you
she also apologised for seemingly brushing past such an important detail
charlie then sets out on a mission to 'faint-proof' the entire hotel, or at least the areas you'd likely be in frequently
she also makes sure that either razzle or dazzle are with you whilst you're inside or outside of the hotel, so they can alert her if you do have a fall or need help
will never forgive herself for that one incident, and will still panic every time you fall but it's endearing - because it shows she cares a lot
she also scolds the others if they ever intentionally (some of them do, all the time) attempt to scare you so your disorder kicks in
charlie and vaggie are honestly the most accommodating to your disorder and help out wherever they can
oh, he finds it endlessly amusing
one of the sinners who will intentionally startle you just to watch the spectacle
at least has the decency to make sure you won't hurt yourself, he's gentlemanly enough to at least catch you before you hit the floor
but he does everything in his power to spook you
it's funny
and he finds it kind of cute, because he saw it happening to goats when he was alive
and you've reassured them multiple times that the disorder doesn't actually hurt, it's the act of hitting the floor that does
so what's the harm?
but he also gets extremely annoyed if someone else scares you and triggers your disorder - because like... why are they playing with HIS entertainment?
will accompany you outside of the hotel often, because, really, what's scarier than the radio demon? nothing, that's what!
he joins in on charlie's faint-proofing efforts, but only half-heartedly because he enjoys the excuse to hold you
did i mention alastor loves goats, because he REALLY loves goats
if your muscles seize for an extended period of time, alastor makes it his job to take care of you - ensuring you're comfortable and kept company
this is regardless of whether he's the cause or not (he probably is)
despite his endless teasing, he really does like you - you're a sweet addition to the hotel and you're polite, and honestly... that's a step above nearly everyone besides charlie, and is extremely rare for hell
if you also enjoy old jazz music? sold, you are now his favourite little sinner (sorry nif)
another resident who tests the limits of your disorder - but instead of scaring you, he enjoys teasing you in flirty ministrations
especially because it seems like being flirted with startles you
he will also catch you though because it's all harmless fun, but he'd kick his own ass if you got hurt over something stupid
much like alastor, he is also really protective of you if someone OUTSIDE of the hotel messes with you
got mad at cherry once for doing it and carried you home grumpily, ignoring cherry's texts until you convinced him that it didn't matter and she didn't mean any harm
she promised she wouldn't do it again
she did it again
i feel like angel enjoys tracing the grooves of your horns - it's like, really therapeutic for him
separately, sometimes angel gets really insecure and needs reassurance that what he's doing to you isn't too far because consent is key
you're fine with it, constantly reassuring him you don't mind and you actually find it kind of funny
and when you express that you find it funny because you trust him and know he wouldn't do anything to harm you, you best believe he will cry a little
only a little bit though (he cried a lot)
actively keeps you FAR away from valentino - because in a seized up state, you are undeniably vulnerable, and that momentary weakness could drag you into his line of business
absolutely adores you, coddles you, and he will protect you with newly found fierceness
you trust him and he will NEVER break that trust
honestly doesn't care that much
well, not at first anyways
after a while, once he realises that alastor has a sudden interest in messing with you, he becomes a little protective
and a huge worrywart, not that he shows it...
but he definitely sticks close to you throughout the day (where his job allows) and escorts you to places, hissing at passer-by's who look a little 'spooky'
another one who catches you frequently, and he also has a pillow behind the bar that he throws under your head if you go to collapse against the bar
uses your disorder to his advantage, but not often enough for it to become a predictable behaviour
he will just do something subtle to make your muscles contract so you'll seize up if you're being difficult so he can drag you there
like refusing to go to bed
you literally stomp your hooves against the ground
like, it's bed time, go!
has fought and will continue to fight people for treating you like you're less than them because of your disorder
if you want a drink, he will stay sober - so he's in a good frame of mind you make sure you get to bed safely without head bumps and bruises at the end of it
you're your own person and allowed to do at you please, so husk doesn't baby you or limit you - but he's pretty solid for good advice, so if he advises you NOT to do something... honestly, it's a smart idea to listen
but he will help you fix your messes if you still do the thing he told you not to
because he's a softie at heart
is truly your number one protector, him and angel have a mutual understanding that they'll defend you regardless of circumstance
the second most terrified of the consequences of your rough falls, just after charlie
ORDERED his eggbois to keep an eye on you, because like... what if you fell and died?
unlikely but not impossible, so every necessary action must be taken to ensure this incident does not occur!
he will be so soft spoken around you and never startles you, and is the ONLY one in the entire hotel who hasn't caused you to fall - the first time he saw it happen, he was determined to make sure it didn't happen again
i love sir pentious, please save me from this brainrot this is not okay...
he offers up his living space for you if you ever need a getaway from the others and is very pleased when you take him up on his offer
makes him feel super accomplished
also makes him feel like he's won against everyone else in the hotel
sir pentious is definitely the most 'domestic' aspect of living in the hotel, but he definitely also babies you - he'll plate up your food, fetch your belongings, get you a drink, etc. at the slightest mention of what you needed
i need a man like sir pentious
is so sweet too
if you're having a bad physical and mental day as a result of your disorder, or even for other things, he's immediately by your side - blankets and snacks in hand, and movie suggestions on the tip of his forked tongue
"ssssssshall we watch an action movie?"
he will also just hand you an eggboi to cuddle, since he himself is too shy to actually initiate a hug - so, unless you hug him first, don't expect him to do it
in this household, we LOVE sir pentious <3 and in this household, he loves you right back
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writerblue275 · 10 months
Heartsteel with an insecure plus-size partner (18+)
Inspiration: This is extremely self-indulgent, but I haven’t been feeling great about myself lately and I need a little reminder that I am, in fact, a sexy and beautiful bad bitch. Anyone else who needs a reminder, this one is for you too. We’re beautiful no matter what.
Champions: Heartsteel
Genre: Headcanons
Category: Like 98% Fluff with some implied smut/suggestiveness so (18+ ONLY. Minors DNI)
Gender: Gender Neutral Reader
TW: Swearing. Suggestive stuff. Self-thought body negativity at points and brief mentions of disordered eating behaviors.
Context: In this instance, reader feels bad about themselves for being curvy and this is how the boys would respond. Just remember, we’re all beautiful. Let’s take care of ourselves like the boys would want us to.
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All of them:
If someone specific made you feel bad about yourself?
Like they said something rude or nasty to you?
They better count their fucking days.
None of these men will stand for someone making their partner feel bad about themselves.
They’d make sure there was a RECKONING.
*Approving nod* Go get ‘em, boys.
If you do decide to lose weight at some point, they’re making sure it’s for the right reasons (ex: quality of life health adjustment and not just because you want to be skinnier to look more attractive.) and they’re also making sure you’re doing it the right way. The safe way. Because damnit they love you and always want you to be happy and safe.
As long as it’s for the right reasons and you’re doing it safely, they’ll be your biggest supporters. Like the biggest hype men. As well as the best comfort if things are a bit rough. They’ve got your back.
Said it before and will say it again: “The quiet ones are always the most perceptive.”
He absolutely notices when you frown at yourself a little in the mirror, when you take a bit longer to find something to wear, when you murmur something self deprecating about your appearance, or when you intentionally skip a meal (his absolute least favorite).
He knows when you don’t feel good about yourself and it makes him sad because he always sees you as beautiful and attractive.
And it’s hard on him because he really can’t be super vocal about how he sees you, at least in public because people are loud.
But when you two are cuddling or just having quiet time by yourselves when you’re getting ready together, and you can hear him when he does talk, then in those times when you feel bad about yourself, he’s just the sweetest bean omg.
Whispering/murmuring the sweetest and loveliest things to you about how amazing you look.
Like he’d really compliment you to high heaven. Especially if there’s an area that you’re super self conscious about. Ex: “I love those shorts on you, cutie. They show off your amazing legs.”
As for the meals, he’s gently making sure you’re eating. He wants you happy and sated.
I’ve said before that he’s the master of sexting and I fully believe he’d send you texts (both spicy and not) randomly, just letting you know how attractive he thinks you are and that you’re on his mind.
When he does send spicy texts complimenting his favorite parts of you? I hope you’re not around anyone because you will be turning bright red. This quiet moon man is shockingly explicit.
Do I think he’s as perceptive as Phel or some of the others? Maybe not, but I do believe Ez would notice if you’re quieter/down as well as notice your upset glances in the mirror.
It is fucking inconceivable to him when you tell him you don’t find yourself attractive at times.
Like WHAT??? How can that be??? You’re literally perfection to him. And he has excellent taste so…
Compliments compliments COMPLIMENTS. Holy shit he’d shower you with so many lovely compliments anytime you don’t feel good about yourself.
We also know even Heartsteel Ez is a huge history nerd (fuck YEAH I have a history minor so I love this).
When you tell him you don’t feel beautiful, he’d go through so many different civilizations of history and talk about how you fit their ideal standards of beauty. And so to him, you’re always timelessly attractive.
Would pull up artwork (for example, Titian’s “Venus of Urbino”) and texts to make his point. (This is so hot lmao. I blame being an honors kid and going to grad school. We stan an academic king omfg. I feel like he secretly has a masters degree [hehe welcome to the club, Ez].)
And while I primarily think his affection would be shown through compliments (I just see him as so chatty) I definitely think he’d also use at least some touch to make his point.
Like he’d rest his head on your thighs or tummy because you’re just perfect to cuddle with after a long day. Or he’d let his hands, eyes, lips linger on his favorite parts of you (your thighs, your tummy, your ass/hips) just to make his point clear: while you may not love these parts of you all the time, he ABSOLUTELY does.
Very similar to Ez where he just cannot wrap his mind around the fact that you don’t see yourself as incredible and sexy at all times like he sees you. And when you tell him a lot of your insecurity stems from being plus-size, that befuddles him even more.
Member #1 of the “That just means more for me to love, baby” club.
When he hears you say these things about yourself, he almost takes it as a little bit of a challenge for himself to better show you that you are in fact, sexy and attractive as FUCK. And it’s a challenge he fully plans on succeeding at.
One of the ones I can picture using primarily physical touch in order to emphasize how sexy he sees you.
I’ve said it before but I fully believe physical touch is one of his love languages (at LEAST giving if not both giving and receiving.)
If you’re talking poorly about yourself, he will kiss you to make you shush. And it’s not a simple peck either. No no no. It’s a full “make-you-breathless” kiss.
And once he’s finally stunned you silent and turned your cheeks pink, he will lean over and murmur why he loves every single part of you that you were talking bad about.
And it’s not just PG reasons either. He’s getting DETAILED. I’ve said before he’s the dirty talk king. He’ll say things like how he loves your hips because they’re just perfect for him to grab onto when he’s fu- (I need to stop before I go off the rails lmao).
And believe me, he’s more than happy to show you what he means. Will gladly drag you home or to somewhere private.
He’d really keep an eye out for when you’re feeling down about yourself and he’d work to shut it down immediately. You’re perfect to him and he will let you KNOW.
K’Sante would be fucking ELITE for this omg.
One of the hardest parts about having a plus-size body is dressing it in a way that is stylish and still unique.
Goodness fucking knows so many plus-sized clothes have no semblance of shape to them whatsoever. Very potato sack.
But you’re with the main fashion icon himself. You have yourself a killer personal stylist (with amazing kisses and lovins to go along with it).
He’s never going to let you look bad. No matter the vibe, no matter the occasion, he’s gonna help you pull an A+ fit together.
And he’s going to explain why each piece works well for your body, so when you go shopping by yourself, you know what to look for.
Always throwing out compliments about how you make an outfit look so good (very intentionally worded this way and not the other way around).
He wants you to understand it’s the person who makes the clothes, not the clothes that make the person. You’re the reason that outfit looks absolutely stunning.
If you ever did want to start working out, I think K’Sante would be an excellent guide. Gyms are fucking intimidating, and I think he realizes that. So he’d give you the full walkthrough and help you figure out what to do on machines and stuff so you don’t accidentally hurt yourself.
And even though we know Sett is the best cook, I’m still convinced K’Sante is also a great cook so he’d make you the best meals omg. Well balanced, delicious as fuck, and filled with a whole lot of love.
I think it genuinely would make him sad when he realizes your insecurities. Even if you don’t tell him outright, I think he’s very observant and is another member who would see the small things you do that indicate your insecurities with your body.
Member #2 of the “that just means more for me to love” club.
Never too heavy for him so don’t even ask. You’ve seen this man’s muscles. To him, you’re always as light as a feather.
And his compliments? Shit he’d have some of the SWEETEST compliments. And when he sees you feeling down, he wouldn’t skimp on them. He doesn’t skimp on them normally, but now he’s even more complimentary and flirty with you. Like lowkey you have a blush 24/7.
Ok, so I’ve previously ranked Sett as one of the most romantic members of Heartsteel. And I still hold firm that one of his love languages is acts of service (giving). Part of that is cooking. We know he’s the best cook of the group.
And similar to Kayn I also think he’d use physical touch (almost as an act of service) to show his partner he finds them beautiful/attractive/sexy.
That combo? Fuck that’s an elite combo right there. Everything he does, he does with the intent to make you feel loved, happy and as sexy, stunning, and perfect as he sees you.
Gently wandering hands while cuddling, hand on thigh while he drives, hand in the back pocket of your jeans when in line together, hugs from behind, whispered compliments, and neck kisses when you’re getting ready and dressed.
And of course there are the even more personal moments of physical affection. Like marking any area he senses you might be uncomfortable with or hears you talking bad about. We’re talking those parts LITTERED with hickeys here. Because damnit he loves your tummy and your thighs and marking them is his private way of letting you know that. And tbh it feels pretty nice…
An interesting little thing: I absolutely think Sett would encourage you to maybe step out of your comfort zone just a little bit and do something to help you see yourself as sexy. For example, I think he’d be happy to pay/provide what you need for a boudoir photo shoot with an amazing photographer who knows what they’re doing and rizzes you up. (Those seem so fun omg I lowkey want to do one so bad.) And if you gift him with a print of your favorite photo (or even better, a photo book with all your favorite photos) for like his birthday or something? A. He’s glad you see yourself as sexy just as he does. B. Enjoy not leaving bed for like the entire weekend. 😉
Again, Yone is a member that is just mind-bogglingly perceptive. Over the tiniest things. (The quiet ones y’all, for real.)
Another one who absolutely sees when you don’t look at yourself kindly in the mirror, when you touch your tummy or hips with a frown, when you try and suck in for photos, or when you’re letting yourself be hungry.
He fucking hates it because in his eyes, you’re the most attractive person there is. No one is more attractive than you are.
Murmurs to you the sweetest compliments in passing whenever he can. I believe this man’s experience with lyric writing makes him a god damn poet when it comes to getting his feelings across. It’s one of the reasons I ranked him the most romantic member.
If he notices you looking at yourself unkindly in the mirror, he will come over and wrap his arms around you from behind, smiling gently as he compliments you, especially complimenting the areas he noticed you looking negatively at. He won’t stop either until he feels you relax back against him and he sees a small smile at least.
We’ve previously discussed my belief that Yone is secretly a cuddle fiend. Like in public he is so stoic and serious (fair though, he’s dealing with his band mates **cough cough** Kayn and Ez **cough cough**).
But in private, he’s a damn koala. And he’ll always pull you onto his lap and let you know that you’re perfect to cuddle with, exactly how you are. Prepare to be trapped in some amazing cuddles for the next long while.
Honestly, yes all of the members would be scary if someone insulted your looks, but I think Yone would be the most terrifying to have to deal with. I would never want to be on his shit list.
Likes to eat with you whenever he can. A. You’re a lot calmer than his band mates like 95% of the time and this man needs some god damn peace. And B. It’s a way for both of you to take care of each other. You can make sure he eats (since god knows he spends hella hours in the studio and often forgets) and he can make sure you get some good food in you too. I bet he’d bring home stuff that Sett or K’Sante made, especially if he knows it’s one of your favorites. (He’d absolutely have them draw a fun little doodle on a note to make you smile.)
Just an angel of a partner who refuses to let you feel so dark about yourself when you make his world so bright.
Thank you for reading! I must say, this definitely made me feel better about myself by the end. I hope everyone remembers that you’re perfect the way you are!
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zsagu · 8 months
(General and QPR) Alastor x reader headcanons!
warnings: this is written with an aroace reader in mind, reader is gender neutral, physical touch but like. on a very low level.
honestly, even if you are the closest person to him in hell; within the first year of your qpr relationship, i dont think he would change in mannerisms that much around you, even when out of wandering eyes. he will have that smile on all the time; and wont favor showing emotions, with few exceptions. dont take it to heart, that is just the way he is most comfortable!
he will change however, in the way that he goes out of his way to help you without asking for anything in exchange. opening doors for you, pulling back your seat so you dont have to; all that jazz. very big on acts of service.
also, it is very clear where his attention diverts to when you enter the room.
back from running some errands for charlie, you approach the hotel doors with hands full with bags, a slump in your step.
maroon eyes catch yours, and with a subtle change in the everlasting smile of the radio demon, he is by your side instantly. welcoming you and taking the bags off your hands while you are distracted with his talking. what kind of gentleman would he be if he didn't help his tired partner?
even if he would never mention it, he is grateful that you dont really put a label in the relationship and just vibe honsetly. i dont think he would ever be comfortable with a fully romantic relationship. you were made for each other in that sense!
he loves pranking you for the reactions, so expect a few scares even though he would never harm you intentionally if he could help it.
we all know that even if he is okay with touching people; he doesnt favor physical touch, and lets very occasionally and very specific people touch him. however, you are one of those very few people and even have special being-alastor's-partner privileges! he would very rarely object to your touch, and subconsciously initiates it more frequently with you than others.
you probably touched his ears once, maybe accidentally; maybe not. it caught him so off guard he just stopped talking and stared at you for 30 seconds straight before vanishing to somewhere else. what a guy
kisses are very rare, but sweet when they happen. his favourite place to kiss you would be your forehead, the crown of your head and the back of your hand. definitely won't object to quick cheek kisses from you!
loves!! to dance with you. put on some jazz and he could dance for hours without breaking a sweat, has a very impressive stamina. also, i believe that while suspicious at first because of the name, he would LOVE the electro swing genre!
he is a very charming gentleman, so people who dont know who he is (if they even exist...) ever try to hit on him, maybe try to distract that person if they are a good enough guy, you know? no need for unnecessary blood spilt.
rosie would LOVE you. and i mean it. she would be ecstatic that alastor found someone like him. you would get invited to a lot of hang outs with her! sometimes with alastor, sometimes with just you. if you are a little bit of fashionista she would love to go to clothing shopping with you, helping you choose what fits you better; if that specific piece is too extra... all that! or you could just have tea and sweets, and talk about your interests together.
he is very good at reading you, especially through your smile and laughs. definitely can tell when your laugh is forced or not in conversations very well. that is mostly how he reads the situation and gets you out of it (maybe in more alastors ways than not, if he doesn't like the person youre talking with) if he senses you are uncomfortable. what is a surprise to him is how you would also be able to read him and his smiles within time.
i dont know if he would tell you about the deal he made at all. he would probably avoid it as much as he could. it is a weakness of his that he would rather not be reminded of, and he would just not want you to know about it. if you ever found out about it, and decide to ask about it; while i dont think he would snap at you like he did with husk in the show, it would still create tension between you along with him avoiding to answer.
how much sincerity he shows to you would be very dependent on for how long youve been his partner. yes, you may be able to read him a little better within time, but that is no feat with how many secrets he probably holds. i still think it would take a year or so before he starts showing sincerity, although subtle and would do so seldomly. it would take maybe a decade until he would be comfortable enough to be fully transparent with you. but, oh would it be worth it.
overall, i love him very much your honour. he is the guy ever and would be a very charming and fun partner if you ignore the murder and crypticism!!!!
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shxllraizxr · 10 months
To get things going let's start off with a good prompt ♡
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How would a Poly Relationship work between the Turtles and Y/N ?
[Gender Neutral Portrayal is my thing btw lmao]
[ also I loooove Poly Turtles. Its so rare now of days tbh ]
Warnings : Hints of Nsfw. Implied Sex & Sexual Romance ♡
This is mostly fluff tho !
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Y/N has been crushing on the Turtles for a while now as has finally broken thier silence about their feelings. They figured a few ideas on how to possibly give all of them the same and equal treatment of love they deserve. A polyamorous relationship! Hopefully things can workout... hopefully.
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Welllll- at first he wasn't really sure how this would go at first.
Lowkey didn't like the idea when first presented. He basically felt like it was showing that no commitment could be made if y/n was also having feelings for his brothers.
Don't get me wrong. He loves you but, this idea made him give you a bit of a scolding talk to after a few minutes of debating.
Luckily you are able to explain to him what this would all entail and you reassure him you will love him just the same as everyone .
Happy but definitely would have a tinge of jealousy thinking he can't have himself to you most of the time.
Fast forward to a few months of this relationship and lets just say he's easily the one who gets first dibs on kisses and stuff.
Constant argues with Raph about how he is being "too touchy with you" but he's a hypocrite.
Leo ALWAYS has his hands on you in private. Its the foreplay mood he likes to build up
Leader in battle and leader in the relationship
Warms up to the idea of having others in your heart and you have told him and made sure he knows you have a big piece of him in yours.
He's content with that and feels like he definitely won't lose you to anyone else.
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Oh boy Raph asserted himself as the top dog over the others.
Against it right off the bat. Mainly cause he didn't like the idea of his bothers falling for someone he liked way before amy othe his brothers did.
Yes. He believes he caught feelings for you first (lowkey he did tho so he ain't wrong) and he will die on that hill.
Down BAD for you from the get go. And plans on letting his bros know he's got the hots for you.
Mainly the instigator in arguments about who loves you more. Mainly towards Leo since he know how he gets around you.
Handsy is an understatement.. HE IS ALL OVER YOU NO MATTER WHAT.
easy to provoke sexual intentionally and unintentionally. Man loves the idea of a tease. And he will reciprocate that
Down the line he gets less reserved and more okay with sharing you but he still has that jealousy and mindset of being your top lover.
You kind of have to learn to sometimes give into his subtle and "not so" subtle cues about affection and intimacy
Him and Leo kind of bond over talking about how beautiful / handsome you are. They are infatuated with you.
Raph is probably the most if not tied with Leo on how protective he is worh you. But he of course is a huge softie underneath all that plastron and muscle.
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Donnie actually kind of agreed to it easily.
Being a scientist as well as some trying to figure stuff out he kind of wanted to learn some things about it.
The only kind of negative thing about it at first was he kind of treated this type of thing as a lab study or research.
Not in a bad way but he focused alot on the scientific stuff more than romance but after expressing how you don't want him thinking of it as a experiment he chills put. And actually starts enjoying it.
Suprising very chill and calm.ablut when his bros get jealous. He kind of teases when he gets his turn to have you for the night or day.
Very light levels of jealously if any. He is content and knows you love him so he's very confident in himself.
Never would be the one to start any type of argument about who you love more.
The type to skip going on a training day to sneak a cuddle in with you. He would easily lie and say he has to do some routine diagnostics on the shellraiser or something
Humbling and can come.back with snarky remarks if people step put of line tho. Tho he is more reserved then them all.
Relies on advice from mikey - (yeah I know that's insane but its true) - when it comes to ideas on how to swoon you over.
Can and will make sure "if your okay with it" to set a schedule on checking in to make sure your okay if your not at the lair for long periods of time. He just wants to know you are safe.
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Chill AF like in a weird way. Still confuses you to this day how okay he was with this.
Never once showed any aggressiveness towards the others when they are around you. But will definitely tease raph to pass him off.
This mf literally will not stop having contact with you. He loves it when your around and will show it through physical affection
His form of jealousy is literally just puppy eyes and pouting. AND YOU FALL FOR IT EVERY SINGLE TIME !
Always offers and left over pizza to you first. He is a considerate gentleman after all.
Game nights you get the best controller. He doesn't care if the other fuss about stick drift or anything you get the best one. End. Of. Discussion.
Can go overboard with his ideas of a datenight. And will steal you away from.the others to get an extra hour or few minutes with you.
Kind of the glue of this relationship. He is the comical relief and weirdly would give the most out of pocket wisdom tips to everyone. Literally. It wields leo the fuck out at times how smart he can be.
Would be okay with having a joined cuddle with one of his bros and you. He use to be babied when he was younger so he likes to be the middle spoon in a cuddle honestly.
Flirty as hell along with Raph. He will give lewd remarks following after or before Raph. He will find a way to make you blush.
Made it his mission to please and make sure everyone is okay. He can be a little shit at times but he will always try his best to comply and follow the rules.
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God I haven't written is sooooo loonggg! Hope this was alright haha !
Anyways I will try and be more active so be prepared for more posts ♡
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ballad-of-birdy-lamb · 3 months
saw you accept teamfortress 2 requests... so maybe I was thinkin you could write a enimes to lovers kinda thing with scout and GN reader? Same thing for Pyro and medic? Please and thank you?
(My first time askin without being an annon :>)
It's you- all the roads lead to you.
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Scout/Pyro/Medic x Gender neutral! Reader enemies to lovers romantic headcanons Summary: How cruel you are for a Blu merc. Warnings: Reader is the 10th merc for Blu team (what kind of merc isn't specified), red team headcanons, (not a warning but just a statement) Pyro uses interchanging she/he/they pronouns, mention of violence (not descriptive). Word Count: 1.1k ⋆.ೃ࿔.𖥔 ݁ ˖*:・༄
It’s insanely easy to become his enemy with how boastful he is, you wouldn’t even need to be on the enemy team to become an enemy of his. Scout is very vocal about his accomplishments and genuinely views himself as better than many, especially Blu team.
While out on the battlefield, you heard him loudly proclaiming his excellence and kill him from annoyance. You are on the opposing team just makes it worse on his end, sitting in respawn and realizing you had also killed him several times before. Other interactions with opposing forces lead to him in respawn because of you! You!
Scout would target you more times than not, intentionally hitting you while reprimanding you. After his constant violence against you, your annoyance would turn to hatred.
It is more likely you both meet when Miss Pauling is going about getting the mercs together for the Administrator. You both were stuck together and were forced to talk, mainly being encouraged to stop any violence that could possibly entail.
Scout would, again, naturally, degrade you and tell you you weren’t as important as he was for the team. It would go on for such a long time, even the other mercs (for both Blu and Red) getting annoyed by it.
It would be a gradual care he would get, starting with compliments that he would hide with a bit of degradation.
“You’re really good at killing the robots but I’m, like, ten billion times better at it. Don’t get your hopes up on being better.”
When he gets back to Red with Heavy, he’ll spend his time telling you how his muscles are huge because he pushed the ginormous rock ten feet and how Heavy was like “woah!” and stuff. Scout will state it’s to show how much better he is than you but it’s to see if you find that attractive.
You probably ask him out. He was going to, but he was so busy hyping himself up for it he forgot the time! Scout will act like he knew and that he understood why you’d fall for such a gorgeous man as himself. Of course, he’s a tomato but will accept your proposal of a date almost instantly.
“Of course you’d fall for me, who wouldn’t!”
It’s likely you were a faster merc, making it around the battlefield quick enough to harm several red mercs and making Medic run around helping them. Your existence is draining and beyond annoying. You don’t deal enough damage to kill them but just enough to have them need his help.
Medic would spend his time encouraging you to just go for him personally.
“You might as well go for me to get the others down, no point in running around if I’ll just get them fixed.”
And you then wake up in respawn.
With the news from Miss Pauling needing Red and Blu to work together, he was one of the most annoyed. Medic would have to deal with you. You! And it’s not like you’d like him back, those little stunts where he’d taunt you then kill you didn’t fly with you.
He’d find a way to get Archimedes to attack you whenever you were near his lab.
To encourage him to be kind to you, you allow him to experiment on you. Don’t expect him to be kind but he’ll enjoy it. It’s mostly because, in that situation, he’ll have the upper hand.
Will use the experiment times to do random things to you, whether it’s detrimental or not is not fully disclosed while he’s working. You’ll hear him giggling while he’s about doing his own thing, you’ll ask why, and he’ll answer by saying it’s nothing (it’s not nothing).
Most likely in denial when it comes to his feelings since you’re so annoying! And you aren’t entertaining to watch but he does like looking at you. Medic will claim it’s because you’re funny looking when in reality, it’s because he’s trying to understand why he feels the way he does. But he can’t fully accept his feelings.
It’s quite entertaining to witness you doing stupid things while fighting the OG Team Fortress mercs with Medic watching, going through the five stages of grief when he realizes he’s still attracted to you.
He’s the most likely one to ask you out once everyone is at a calmer point in the mission. Medic will not be traditional about his proposal, simply giving you a well-kept human heart for the occasion. Don’t gag, of course.
“It’s very nice, very pristine. I kept it in good shape for you!”
If Pyro hates you, it’s more likely because you’re a water based merc for Blu team. You would go around helping fix the fires she had created intentionally. It would then lead to a hatred that he couldn’t deny, absolute hatred.
They’d target you at random points on the battlefield, especially in water areas where you’d more likely be around. The hatred you gain is because she’s a fire based merc, just simple hatred, maybe even stereotypical. But who cares, you both hate each other.
When out and about on a random morning, Pyro found you alone, sitting with the water. She naturally tries avoiding you since it wasn’t something he wanted to deal with in the morning. Then you stopped them and tried encouraging a normal coworker relationship because Miss Pauling needed Red and Blu to work together.
The way Pyro would be grateful Blu members can’t understand him is beyond words, she quietly makes remarks about the way you do things and Red team would be forced to listen to whatever they had to say about you.
If you tried being kind to him, she’d take it with a grain of salt. You set a fire for them? Are you going to torture him by putting it out before she can truly enjoy it? They bet you will!
It wouldn’t take as long as the others when it comes to gaining feelings for you. Yeah, Pyro is violent but when you need to work together and you’re putting an effort into making him happy, she can’t deny the feelings they gradually get for you.
It would be a quiet crush thing. She follows you around since he doesn’t know how to fully express to you how they feel. And it’s also because she kind of wants to admire you but that’s not for you to know.
Another thing Pyro does is constantly try protecting you. She knows other mercs don’t like him for the fire and stuff, so they’re beyond willing to follow you around to help you.
Pyro vision gives hearts around you.
Asking you out will be eventual, but very difficult. Once, she tried being vocal about his feelings and you couldn’t understand a word. Then, they turned to note writing and that went ten times better.
Pyro adores when you kiss their mask, especially the areas that would be considered mouth areas. You’ll never see her without the mask, but you’ll get used to it.
⋆.ೃ࿔.𖥔 ݁ ˖*:・༄
TF2 masterlist Request list
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loganwritesprobably · 3 months
First Meeting With.. P3 (One Piece Edition)
Part one with Ace, Law and Sanji Part two with Zoro, Robin and Luffy Part four with Benn, Shanks and Smoker
Requests are open for x reader things! I will write basically ANY kind of reader - male, female, non-binary, gender neutral, trans, disabled, black, white, latino, asian, neurodivergent, etc
Here is another three lovely characters for you to meet: Crocodile, Mihawk and Buggy! All readers are gender neutral, so everyone is welcome to enjoy. No Y/N is used!
Buggy's section is a little short, but honestly I think it's just fine as it is, it made me laugh at least
CW: In Mihawk's section, the reader experiences a massive loss, and expresses some passive desire for death, take care with that
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The casino was a little overwhelming when you first walked in, between the bright and sometimes flashing lights, and the various noises coming from patrons and machines alike, but you seemed to thrive here. You'd always liked card games, so that was what you gravitated toward when you'd first arrived. This, however, was far from your first time here, and you'd found a way to play the system. You'd play a few games, and lose intentionally with small bets, then you'd slip away to play another game and lose just once with another small bet, before retreating to the bar for something to drink and maybe something to eat depending on the time of day. You'd chat with other frequent patrons, and some of the staff. Finally, to end your night, you'd pick out whichever game you were most inclined to that night and place a large bet, and win. Your secret? You could count cards.
You didn't come too often, it was a delicate balance that you were striking to not be caught in your actions, but when you did come you always won big. The house couldn't always win, after all. Your wins were spread far enough apart, with enough losses in between, that you hadn't been flagged yet. It was a win, for you at least.
Tonight, you'd already done all your losses, and you were sitting at the bar. The woman behind the bar, Alisa, was lovely and you had gotten to know her in a fairly casual way, at the sort of level that you usually knew a co-worker. You knew very little about her, but you got along enough to happily chat whenever you were both at the bar. As you were happily chatting, you watched Alisa's face change, eyes widening and smile falling. That couldn't be anything good, but you didn't look up, you didn't want them to realise you knew someone was approaching.
A very large man sat on the stool beside you, dressed in fine fabrics and more fur than anyone had any right to be wearing in the desert. He was handsome. "Sir Crocodile, what can I get for you?" Alisa asked, and that told you just who you were dealing with - the damn owner, and one of the seven warlords of the sea. You took a deep, steadying breath, and sipped your drink casually. Crocodile ordered himself a drink, and you didn't look at him. There was a long, silent minute, where even the sound of the slot machines faded into the background and there was only you and Crocodile. Alisa returned with his drink, and he took a first sip, before he turned to you. "You're good, I'll give you that." He said, and you glanced at him as if seeing him for the first time. "What can I say? I make sure I dress nice for the casino." You replied, hoping to ease some of the tension. "You know what I'm talking about, though I'll admit, you do clean up well." You'd take a compliment where you could get it. "So I'm busted?" "You had a good run, but you can either leave and never come back.. or I'm willing to offer you a deal."
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You were a powerhouse pirate in your own right. Your crew wasn't quite at your level, but every day they worked harder to match you in strength and ability - and they were getting there. Hell, you were sure they'd start to surpass you soon, and then maybe you'd have to start trying. You didn't mind. It felt good to see a group of people you'd been nurturing grow into something more. Your bounty was no Straw Hat level, but it was nothing to sneeze at in your humble opinion. A couple million berri - what you wouldn't give to have that much berri at your disposal.
You'd crossed paths with Mihawk only once, very early in your career, and you'd had the sense to stay out of his damn way. It was a good thing you did, he killed a man not ten minutes later, not that you stuck around long enough to find out why. You chased your crew from bars and away from market stalls, back onto your boat, and took off sailing again. He hadn't seen you, you were sure, and that was a good thing, but you'd seen him.
Never had you anticipated getting into a situation where you were crossing paths with him again - certainly not voluntarily.
Karai Bari was a damn hot island, not quite something you were used to, and well swimming several miles didn't help with how hot and out of breath you were. A dozen men approached you with swords and guns, and you could only hold up your arms in surrender. "I'm not.. here to fight!" You panted out, desperately searching the crowd for a sympathetic face. You found the least sympathetic amongst them in Dracule Mihawk. "My ship was shot down by marines sailing away from here, my crew.. I don't know where they are or if they survived. Please, I just want to live." You asked, hands beginning to tremble as reality set in. They were good people, and now you had no idea what had become of them. You'd demanded some of the younger members take to paddle boats to get to safety, but you didn't know if they'd made it. There'd been devil fruit users amongst them, and they were certainly dead by now. The knowledge of it weighed heavy on your shoulders - you were meant to protect them. You collapsed down to your knees in tears, sobs wracking your chest. You were meant to keep them safe. "I take it back," you whispered, voice thick with tears, "I can't do it without them. Do what you want to me."
It was the last hand you'd expected that came to rest on your shoulder and gently squeeze. "Get up." Came the voice of the world's greatest swordsman. "A Captain's grief should not be witnessed here. I'll take you somewhere private, where you can grieve properly, and I'll organise a rescue mission for any survivors."
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He was a little odd looking, and that was putting it nicely. He was some sort of clown, judging from his large red nose, and he was.. well, all head. He was a head, directly attached to feet, and you couldn't quite understand how his hands were also attached to him. It was unnatural, and more than a little unsettling. He was yelling at you, bouncing up and down, and all you could do is stare. "It's flashily rude to stare ya know!" The guy yelled, which finally forced you to blink yourself back into full awareness. "What the fuck?" You managed, finally crouching down to look at him properly. "I'm Buggy! Genius Jester! Star Clown!" He yelled, and you shoved a finger in your ear to rub it. "You're also fucking loud." You muttered, running a hand over your face. "Hey! I'm looking for.. well.. the rest of me." You told you, realising that maybe yelling at you wasn't the best way to get your help. "For what?" You asked dumbly, blinking at him owlishly. The rest of himself? Was he some sort of hippie, what did that even mean? "I'm a chop chop man! My body comes apart." He explained, splitting his hand from the rest of his body as your face contorted in disgust. "I'm going to be sick." "You get used to it. Now stop being useless, and help me out! My leg is around here somewhere, I can feel it."
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fuxuannie · 1 year
hello! i’ve been binge reading your works so far and i really like your character voicelines series, i think it’s always neat to have mechanics of the game in fanfiction. could i request the same voice lines prompt for luocha and caelus? if you only do one character per request, then just luocha. thank you, and i hope you have a nice day/night!
↳  pairing : (seperate) luocha and caelus x gender neutral reader
↳  synopsis : voicelines about his dearest lover ♡
↳   authors note : seems like everyone likes the voicelines series o_o spooky!
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— About Lover
☆☆ “I consider myself a very lucky man with a very wonderful partner. Many think that my line of work is.. a little strange. However they have not once questioned me nor what I do. A heart as pure and full of trust.. made to love me? Who wouldn't be lucky to have someone like that, someone like (name)?” 
 — About Lover : Jealous
☆☆ "It's quite cute seeing them jealous. I mean, It's not as if I intentionally make them jealous, in fact, I constantly reassure them that they are the only one that gets to hold my heart and call it theirs. But it is entertaining to watch them glare at anyone whos gaze lingers far too long on me.” 
 — Luocha’s Troubles
☆☆ "My lover is a very impulsive adventurer. It worries me greatly whenever they return home with several wounds and blood dripping from their body. sigh They're lucky that I am always more than prepared to take care of them.” 
 — Something To Share
☆☆ "I met (name) after I was on a stroll and so happened to find them injured and need of dire assistance. Of course, naturally I had helped them since I had the herbs and such to make a remedy for their wounds but.. after that they kind of followed me around as if they owed me their life? I mean, I'm not exactly against it as it brought me to the lovely marriage that I'm in now. chuckle ”
 — Interesting Things : Scent
☆☆ "(name) oddly likes my perfume. It's very endearing to have them tell me that they wear one of my many extra coats, spray it with perfume and sleep in it. I do not mind, as I understand that absence can be suffocating, but it's just a little cute.” 
 — Against his Lover
☆☆ "I promise that I won't lay a hand on you. I promise that if anything happens, I will take care of you. Nothing will stop me.”
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— About Lover
☆☆ “If I had to name someone that has been through the most while dealing with me, March's and Dan Hengs shenanigans.. I'd definitely say my partner (name) has gone through the worse! laugh They're very patient with me though, surprised they haven't tried to tackle me out of pure frustration!” 
 — About Lover : Interested?
☆☆ "Oh? Why are you asking about them all of a sudden? You have quite the keen eye, but they're taken so- Oh.. Wait. Sorry, no idea you were just looking for them haha.. awkward laughter” 
 — Caelus’ Troubles
☆☆ "I don't get it! How does (name) do my hair so perfectly?! Usually they'd be the one styling it for the day, but they're on a mission and I'm not allowed to disturb..” 
 — Something To Share
☆☆ "(name) was actually the one who found me, and brought me to safety. I think I kind of owe them a lot for it.. hehe..” 
 — Interesting Things : Missing Clothes?
☆☆ "My jackets been going missing every time I wake up.. and it's coincidentally always wrapped around my partners figure while they sleep. chuckle They're so cute.” 
 — Against his Lover
☆☆ "Promise not to hate me after, okay?! I'll try my best to not hurt you!"
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