#or what his class does at school festivals
s0fter-sin · 3 years
i’ve had this Very Specific idea in my head for three months someone please take it from me
#its the cultural festival and the class is now 3-a#kaminari challenges mina to a boys v girls showing bc he fears no god#shinsou is in the back like ‘you have no idea what youve just done’#mina accepts and immediately gathers the girls to the staff room#she strolls in and all the teachers are intrigued/ mildly terrified when she walks straight past aizawa to mic#‘mic-sensei. the boys have declared war. will you be my general?’#mic spines around in his chair and does the evil genius leg cross fingers to the chin#‘whats the battlefield?’#‘the cultural festival’#evil grin ‘i accept’#cut to all the girls inone of the gyms and mic walks in with aizawa all of them in workout dance gear#mic announces their strategy: the cell block tango#so we have our hot erasermic tango moment as well as mic dancing in heels#mic demonstrates every solo with aizawa and the girls are like holy shit aizawa can dance#montage of learning the routine while mic teaches them and the boys try to peak in#they get a few of the boys from 3-b to be their partners tetsutetsu immediately volunteers bc hes a bro#then the festival happens#the boys go first and its pretty successful#then the girls go on#mic announces ‘and now the six merry murderesses of UA high school in their rendition of the cell block tango’#after the first ‘pop. six. squish. uh-uh. cicero. lipschitz.’ kirishimas like ‘we may have made a mistake’#each of the girls gets one of the solos Obviously yaomomo gets the french girl and jiro gets lipschitz#then the big ‘the dirty bum bum bum bum bum’ bit the curtains pull back further and every female senior joins in for the big group ending#just. mic teaching the girls cell block tango#go beyond plus ultra#bnha#present mic#mina ashido#kaminari denki#erasermic
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heliads · 2 years
Jay x Fem! Reader..
Jay coming behind reader holding her waist while reaching to get her something she was struggling to get off the top shelf
my favorite vk <33
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Jay is walking through the halls of Auradon Prep, trying and failing to fight his growing irritation. It hasn't been the greatest day, to say the least, and it’s wearing on him now. He likes the school, he likes his friends, he likes a lot of things about the place, but sometimes being the poster child for the entire Isle of the Lost is hard to bear. It’s just a lot of responsibility, that’s all, a lot of responsibility for a boy who’d rather just run around all day instead of knowing that every one of his screwups is actively harming the chances that other VKs can come to the mainland.
Needless to say, it’s not all swords and roses with Jay, which is why he couldn’t be happier when classes finally end for the day and he can retreat back to the dorms for some solitude. The living quarters have never seemed more appealing, especially when Jay rounds a corner and sees her.
The girl walking idly through a common room in the dorms section happens to be none other than Y/N L/N, superior student at Auradon Prep, and possibly one of the only people that Jay has liked since day one off the Isle. She also happens to be his girlfriend, so that’s a bonus right there.
Jay smiles to himself as he looks at her. Y/N is fierce, both to love and to fight. He’d first met her during the initial rounds of obligatory ‘Welcome to Auradon’ meetings, back when he, Mal, Carlos, and Evie had shown up here for the first time.
He can still picture that day in his head. There’d been this big gathering of students all there to welcome the first four Villain Kids to the school, and it had all seemed like just too much. The band, the forced smiles of everyone there, everything.
Jay had been just about to seriously contemplate stealing the car and just driving out of there to avoid the whole thing when he’d glanced over and seen a girl standing further away in the crowd. She was regarding the festivities with the same vaguely embarrassed air that Jay felt, but when they’d first locked eyes, she’d smiled at him. She’d actually smiled, too, not the forced turning up of the lips that all of the other students and faculty were doing. If Jay hadn’t known better, he’d say that she might actually be a friend.
And she was. Y/N, as it would turn out, is one of the best parts about life at Auradon Prep. She’d quickly grown close to the Core Four, as they called themselves, and might be the only non-VK that Mal genuinely respected. She was just that cool, honestly.
Jay grins to himself. How could he have ever thought that all the Auradon kids were the same? Y/N proves that wrong every day. She’s reckless like him, always down to go wandering off to the obscure parts of the campus to see what trouble they can find or engage in midnight fencing challenges when neither of them can sleep.
Once the fencing season started up, Jay was able to see her way more often, which was perfectly fine with him. Y/N had quickly impressed him with her dedication, her strength, her everything. Carlos had accused him of crushing on Y/N since day one, but it’s not like Jay could have ever avoided that. How could he, when he’s got the best girl right in front of him and she just so happens to like him back?
Jay’s still fairly sure that’s a minor miracle, Y/N liking him back. It had taken all of his courage and then some to walk up to her and tell her how he felt. He’d chickened out about half a dozen times beforehand, but he couldn’t be happier that he followed through with it.
For one thing, they make the perfect couple, something Evie has proclaimed to them about a hundred times, not that Jay minds the reminder. No one else can match him for spirit, and no one else gets him the way Y/N does. She may not have been born on the Isle of the Lost, but Jay is fairly sure that she’d fit in just fine there. He likes the thought of it, bringing her back to visit. Maybe he should look into that.
Jay is dragged from dreams of the future by visions of the present moment, and looks up to see Y/N entering the room. She’s focused on getting something from the far side of the room, so she doesn’t see him.
Y/N walks over to a row of cabinets, extending her hand to reach for something on the top shelf. Unfortunately, she comes just a little short, and no matter how hard she strains to reach, she can’t make it.
Jay smirks to himself, sending an opportunity, and strolls over until he stands behind Y/N, wrapping his arms around her.
“Struggling, are we? Need a hand?”
Y/N recognizes him almost instantly, and swats at the arms encircling her, although Jay notices that she doesn’t do it with any force, almost as if she’d like nothing more than for him to keep her close.
“I’m just great, thanks for asking.”
Jay nods, pulling Y/N closer to him until the top of her head is tucked in the space between his collarbone and his chin. “Are you sure about that?”
She laughs, and Jay can feel the ripples of the movement through his chest from where she’s pressed against it. “Very.”
He grins. “Alright, then. Get whatever you were getting.”
Y/N reaches again for the top shelf, but the second she gets close Jay just tugs her slightly away again, keeping her close.
She reaches behind her to poke him in the ribs. “Let me go, you dork.”
Jay pretends to be offended. “Dork? Now I’m definitely not going to let you go.”
Y/N sighs dramatically. “You’re unreal.”
Jay chuckles. “Unreal indeed. Many girls have told me that I show up in their dreams. Apparently, I have great appeal.”
Y/N turns around in his arms so she can face him, one eyebrow raised. “Is that so?”
Jay meets her gaze steadily. “Unfortunately for them, I only care about one girl, regardless of if I’m in her dreams or not. She’s very strong, and smart, and utterly beautiful, and her name is Y/N L/N-”
Y/N cuts him off, although she’s grinning. “Alright, alright. You’re too cute to be a complete dork.”
Jay laughs. “That sounds good enough for me.”
They’re simply too close for any other option, so Jay leans forward and kisses her, just because he can. Y/N smiles through the kiss; he can feel the curve of her lips against hers and he loves it, he loves all of her. When Jay first arrived at the Isle he swore that Auradon could never hold a candle to his home, but this is single-handedly changing his mind. Nothing has ever felt this good.
When Jay at last breaks away, he tilts his forehead forward until it rests against hers. It’s quiet for a moment until Y/N kisses him again, and then the world is back to being rocked by every feeling Jay has ever known. Yes, he thinks to himself, this isn’t the Isle, but that doesn’t mean that this isn’t good. In fact, it might be the closest he’s ever come to perfect. Time comes and goes, but them, they’ll stay here for a while. Jay can afford to waste his afternoons on her.
disney tag list: @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000
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liannelara-dracula · 2 years
hi! could you do headcanons of how the sakamakis are at school? like how they are in the classroom, what cliques they might be in, after school activities etc. ? thank you!
Ryoutei High-The diaboys at school (s + m + t) hcs
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Hi Love,
Sorry, this has taken so long, I'm really trying to put this together for you. I'm really glad you asked this because I've been wanting to talk about their school life for so long. Really hope you like it though. :)
Requests are open
Warning: Some spoilers
*certain words have been censored for Tumblr guidelines.
General hcs (before we begin)
📚Okay, so it’s an academy and a night school, so just keep that in mind.
📚The name of the academy is called Ryoutei High School Academy
📚The town's name (not 100% sure) is Kaminashi.
📚High school in Japan is only three years.
📚School times are: 8:00pm/20:00 - 2:00am/2:00. Lunchtime is 12:00 am/24:00 (canon in a drama cd of theirs)
📚Like most schools, class is about 6-7hrs.
📚The school allows students of all grades to participate in things together.
📚It is a school with lower attendance than a regular school seeing it's an academy.
📚They have school festivals/field trips
📚Everyone who attends is from a rich family (I assume).
📚And you know everyone wears a uniform, but I do picture everyone does alter it to their style. We will get into that later tho.
📚The main school colors are Red, White, and black. Sometimes there are embellishments of gold tho. (not confirmed it just looks this way.)
📚I picture they have a basketball team and cheerleading team.
📚I know they have a music room, and I picture there to be a gym where gymnastics is practiced. 
📚I also see that ballet, art, and singing classes are offered.
📚The school has a lot of school festivals and assemblies for all grades.
📚They have school dances and parades too.
📚I could see that some students play baton when they have parades and stuff like that.
📚The school has two stories and a rooftop.
📚Apart from having a cooking class, they also have a library and a music room.
📚Oh, their dad is actually the nurse at the school. (canon)
📚There are clubs and everyone is in their own clique (well most are). But tbh most dl characters are not to keen on cliques.
📚I will say that school in the demon world is completely different tho. (let me know if you want a post about it, it sounds cool!)
📚Third-year, but he is repeating the year as we know.
📚Technically, he would be in college/uni.
📚According to the manga and what I’ve heard people have called him the music-king.
📚I get the vibe that people think he’s like some legend or something.
📚So he gives off the vibe as a cool closed-off rich boy who listens to music.
📚And a lot of girls like him—like, every b!tch has got a crush on this guy or did at one point.
📚I can’t even begin to say how many love letters he must get--and how many women throw themselves at him.
📚He is very popular.
📚Has no rivals but guys want to be better than him.
📚He doesn’t really alter his uniform just has a few buttons undone.
📚He always has his earbuds in and sleeps anywhere. 
📚Teachers get mad at him for sleeping in the halls and in classes when he decides to go.
📚He only shows up to music class routinely since it’s the only period he deems interesting.
📚He doesn’t pay attention to anyone though like in class he never utters a word and when he does it’s only because someone is asking him something or if the teacher wants a response.
📚And even then it's not much its usually just three words.
📚Girls gush whenever they get the chance to talk to him.
📚Sometimes he has talked to girls, if they are his partner or if they flaunt their skirt and depending on how short or tight it is around the h!p area he judges their undergarments and makes them feel shameful. But that’s about it.
📚He does the bare minimum to pass so he won’t go to the north pole again. 
📚Goes to the school ballet recitals to see the girls dance.
📚Rejects every chick who asks him out—and he has no shame in telling them he’s not interested.
📚Although he might bang one chick for a fling if he feels like it.
📚Gets a bunch of chocolate and love letters during valentines day/white day.
📚He lays down anywhere and likes to get a view up girls’ skirts.
📚He swears girls don't wear shorts under their skirts because they're trying to amuse/sed*ce him.
📚Sleeps in detention, but most of the time he doesn’t show up.
📚Speaking of sleeping, you can find him on benches, on the field, rooftop, in a vacant room, anywhere, even in the janitor’s closet.
📚He isn’t in any groups, labels, or afterschool activities. 
📚Since electives/clubs are required, he chooses music-related ones. 
📚I know his grades are relatively low but if he tried he’d have better grades than Reiji.
📚Sorry Rei.
📚His desk has collected dust due to never attending.
📚He once had a locker but bc he never attends school they thought it belonged to no one and when the janitor opened it up to clean after the school year was over, it flooded the room with love letters and expired valentines day candies/chocolates. 
📚It was a disaster and took hours to clean up.
📚The triplets were so jealous he got so much in one year.
📚Reiji was so mad because he had to write a check to pay off for the damages it caused for the school.
📚It damaged the property with the locker being busted and sticky because of the melted candy. And because of the avalanche of unrequited love letters (over 3000 love letters) and all the candies--it all collapsed on the poor janitor. Costing them even more money to pay off for the guy’s health insurance.
📚 Their father wasn’t pleased at all.
📚A third-year as we know.
📚Seems like a teacher's pet, all the teachers praise him tbh.
📚In class he’s usually quiet unless he notices that the teacher messed up or if he’s giving an answer.
📚He doesn’t show off his intelligence too much tho because it's a poor action for someone with manners.
📚Although he will demonstrate if given the opportunity.
📚His favorite subject is science, more specifically chemistry and he usually likes to do his experiments alone but will work with groups or a partner if he must.
📚He keeps a model image for his family tho because he doesn’t want anyone to catch on to anything.
📚Plus he’s a model student, but he is like annoyed by practically everyone.
📚He has probably been a TA for some classes and he gets to help out his younger brothers.
📚someone please ask about TA Rei hcs. Plz!!!  @mikalara-dracula we should make them!
📚Sits in the middle row, probably near the end of a row.
📚Has good grades pretty much everywhere except P.E.. He sucks.
📚If someone is better than him like Ruki, he feels automatically challenged.
📚His rival is Ruki in fact.
📚And so I could see that his locker is like on the opposite side of his so Reiji usually gives him bad looks and vice versa lol.
📚Oh Ruki even shows off the girl he has to Reiji just to annoy him. Like right where the lockers are he’s like making out with her and Rei is annoyed af.
📚His locker is very neat too, it smells like tea.
📚Has a lot of science books in there and possibly an extra pair of gloves, and a handkerchief.
📚Probably has all the shelves and everything all organized.
📚His desk would be just as neat.
📚He has received some love letters and he just finds it amusing.
📚Tries to find out if Ruki receives more love letters than him xDD.
📚Reiji takes them home and reads them and ended up grading them.
📚He keeps them in a box to keep a record and see if the letters he will receive again are from the same people or not.
📚He once got two letters that he graded as an A-minus so he wondered if it was from the same person. 
📚He plays detective during this time and once he figures it out he just keeps it to himself.
📚But will tea$e the girl indirectly whenever he is alone with her.
📚One time he got a diss letter but it was written by the triplets but they posed it as a girl writing the letter. 
📚He was so confused by it, especially by the slang in it. He thought it was Ruki, but deep down he knew he wasn’t the type to do that.
📚Since electives are required he is probably in cooking class seeing he can put his skills to work. But he feels challenged because Ruki’s in there.
📚They probably debated once about who made a better carbonara dish and the bickering never ended between them.
📚He doesn’t have any cliques he’d been in but he might befriend some nerds and I’m talkin’ hardcore nerds at school to keep an image.
📚Usually he stays after school and a bunch of girls ask for his help and they try to fl!rt with him. (It was mentioned somewhere in the game.)
📚I picture that a lot of girls like him too because he’s smart and he acts polite to them as well.
📚Reiji does date (there’s been implied evidence in the game translations that he has in the past) and when he does it's really to benefit him and his family image.
📚 It’s all fun and games nothing serious. After all, this boi knows that his dad has someone picked out for him already.
📚If he’s in a club, it would be a chess club, as one would assume. The nerdiness gets real in there.
📚 Or possibly a debating club. Or better yet, a nerd-debating club! And as a plus, Ruki’s in there. AND—they’re on opposite debating sides!!!
📚If the school has a student council he’d be a part of it for sure.
📚Usually you will find Reiji in class or if he’s not, he is usually in the laboratory or the library reading a book.
📚If his brothers get in fights he tries to pretend he doesn’t know them.
📚One time his brothers got him in detention and when Ruki found out about Reiji being in detention, he never let him live it down. He tea$es him about it until this day and will randomly bring that subject up if Reiji's trying to impress a girl xDD.
📚Has been expelled/suspended (this actually happened according to a drama cd I just can’t remember)
📚Fl!rt and total playboy.
📚Very popular with the ladies and competes with Ayato.
📚His grades are pretty decent (according to drama cds)
📚He doesn’t study that much tho. Like, he’s just that guy that doesn’t study and f*ckin’ passes.
📚In class he doesn’t talk too much but he is usually sitting in the back or near the back with a bunch of chicks.
📚Fl!rts with the teachers from time to time.
📚Fl!rts in class and if there is a new girl he plans to get to her first before anyone else. It’s a game tbh.
📚The teachers are slightly annoyed by him and disappointed.
📚As an elective class he’d either take French to fl!rt/sweet talk the girls, cooking class, or something like dance so he can brush up on the girls.
📚He also wouldn’t really be in a clique but he’d be around all the girls at school.
📚His rival is really Kou and so there is real competition.
📚Is always banging some chick like no questions asked whether it be in the locker room, classroom, bathroom, or some other vacant room.
📚He usually wears his fedora to school and only takes it off if the teachers demand him, but since it’s in Japan I’m not sure if wearing a hat in class is against the rules.
📚His locker is close to Ayato’s and he honestly hasn’t customized it too much.
📚But inside I wouldn’t be surprised if he has s*x toys and a bunch of condoms in there. 
📚His locker probably has some French cologne (Chanel #5), a few books, and some love letters.
📚His desk is clean but not too clean.
📚In the cafeteria he usually is with a chick or with his bro and they’re scheming something together against Reiji or to get a chick.
📚If he brings macarons with him, he likes to share them with the girls he hangs out with. Might even share it mouth-to-mouth with them.
📚P.E. is one of his favorite classes because he gets to see the girls in their short shorts.
📚He has banged every cheerleader at his school.
📚Wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to sleep with of the teachers/subs/staff members.
📚You can find him checking out women and usually in more secluded areas where he can be alone with one chick because he likes getting caught.
📚On days when he wants to be alone he will spend time figuring out crossword puzzles at an empty table.
📚He likes hanging out on rooftops too when he wants to be alone and think.
📚Laito also spends his time there if he is upset.
📚One time a girl confessed to him on the rooftop and he made all her dreams come true.
📚He never rejects the girls tbh and finds it a turn-on if they ask him out, unless they remind him of his mother and even then he just plays d!rty.
📚Oh, he also likes the rooftop because he can drink from someone without anyone knowing.
📚 Will get pissed off tho if someone interrupts him and he’s really down that day.
📚He takes teddy to school so he fought for him to have a student ID, and yes he made it possible.
📚I know most of the S brothers are popular at the school but I feel like Kanato and Subaru are the least thought of because they are different.
📚In Kanato’s case it is mostly because of his psychot!c tendencies that people do not interact with him. Although tbh at school it is a rumor.
📚Only some people know that he is crazy, cause if it was really evident, I don’t think he’d be allowed to go to school.
📚Plus the family image is important so he tries his best to like not freak out.
📚A lot of girls also like him bc he is sweet and romantic.
📚Here me out, I know this doesn’t sound like him but remember he has to put on a face and according to the manga if you take out the times where he is not acting up he does tend to be “nice,” and acts “romantically” with Yui. (it’s even in the game translations sometimes.)
📚Plus a lot of people who are psych0 usually have two sides and the side people see more of is usually the one that isn’t really them. It’s typically the one they develop to shield their true emotions. Of course, this varies on the person and the experiences but this is something to keep in mind when getting to know Kanato’s personality. (But again we also can’t apply human psychology to a vampire but sometimes feelings can apply to anything/anyone.)
📚Also, a lot of people who have a split personality may favor one person over the other so let's say there is someone he takes very special interest in and possibly loves, there is a chance that he may appear quite normal around them. If this is the case, I think you are able to see their true side which is where we witness Kanato’s romantic gestures seeing that he likes the girl he is with.
📚Regardless of this he does have a s*x drive and is pretty fl!rty so he can definitely get with the girls at school if he tried. But he doesn’t try because he just doesn’t like any of them—it’s pretty rare if he has a crush on anyone.
📚He loves it when it’s valentines day and girls confess to him. Of course, this doesn’t mean he is going to say yes to them.
📚As it is seen in anime he sits in the back of the class.
📚Doesn’t talk in class and hates it if teachers ask him questions.
📚“Can’t you see I wasn’t participating?!” He’d hiss at the teacher. “Why do you have to ask?!”
📚Sometimes he volunteers or whatever but don’t ever ask him, he has to opt-in.
📚Eats candy in class because his desk has a candy stash.
📚His desk is not that messy tho.
📚He has some books that have collected dust tho bc he never touches them.
📚Favorite class is either music or cooking class.
📚For after-school activities he’d either be in a sewing club or glee club.
📚He is also not in a clique tbh, he’s kinda on his own but a lot of girls like him.
📚It’s rare if he throws a tantrum bc he has to keep an image but sometimes he loses it.
📚Usually you can find Kanato in the cafeteria eating cake or some sweets, on the rooftop singing, on the steps of the stairs or on a bench playing with Teddy.
📚If he has an interest in a girl he will ditch his class most times and wait outside of her class just to talk to her.
📚I also picture that if she has class on the second floor he waits on the steps of the stairs to talk to her.
📚He is also such an attention seeker so when he is around a bunch of girls he will act sweet or even play victim so that they pamper him.
📚The girls literally make him food too.
📚He gets love letters too and he usually writes back, because believe it or not he typically knows who likes him and who doesn’t.
📚The only time he really gets in trouble is when someone takes Teddy away or ruins his cake. Then he lashes out.
📚He does bully some girls tho, especially the one he really likes.
📚Might have some interest in a new girl if she is cute.
📚Even tho a lot of girls like him he doesn’t sleep with all of them or anything like that. He just thinks they have to earn that.
📚Usually he picks a different girl out of the crowd to mess with. So if there was someone he liked it wouldn’t be in the circle he’s usually around.
📚It would be some other girl he finds pretty and his main goal is to k!ss her tbh, and I see that with one girl that he liked he got to do this. The girls are jealous but he tells them they have to let it go.
📚Oh yeah and he is a fl!rt if you haven’t noticed, he usually manipulates the girl if he wants a k!ss or something.
📚Apart from this he doesn’t have good grades cause he just doesn’t care to do his work.
📚Oh in his locker it’s purple inside and he keeps an extra outfit for Teddy in there, l!pstick from a girl, and something that belongs to his crush.
📚It has a purple lock, and it smells like a candy store. 
📚A jock and a boi for life.
📚Mr. Popular
📚He’s on his school’s basketball team.
📚His rivals are Shu, Shin, Kino, and Laito (sometimes).
📚But he’s okay with Laito bc he hooks him up with chicks, so it’s pretty fair.
📚P.E. is his favorite class.
📚Cause he gets to see the girls in their sport clothes.
📚However, he does like cooking class because he gets to eat food and begs people and the teacher to make takoyaki.
📚And plus girls make him food.
📚After school he is playing basketball.
📚If he’s not on the basketball court he’s either talking to a girl/cheerleader, getting in trouble or in the cafeteria getting snacks.
📚He fl!rts a lot and is probably hanging with a group of jocks like him.
📚They all keep a record of which girls they screw and whose done the most, all in one book the boys keep among them.
📚He keeps the notebook in his locker and Laito is also a participant.
📚Ayato makes sure he has the highest score and is the “best.”
📚So yes, he fl!rts with girls all the time.
📚Oh and if there is a new girl, he’s going to try and impress her so hard.
📚A lot of girls like him too cause they’re like “he’s so hot!”
📚Has terrible grades like C average but he does have some Ds and Fs.
📚Tries to bribe teachers to have better grades with money or by doing favors for them bc he doesn’t want his dad to get mad about him not passing. He believes he’s gotta hustle because his personal life is more important to him.
📚Never tries tho.
📚But does cheat all the time.
📚Usually Kino gives him the answers but there’s a price to pay. 
📚It could be anything but the biggest thing he ever did in order to pass the benchmark tests, so Kino dared him to go streaking.
📚And as expected Kino made a vine out of it.
📚Is in summer school/remedial classes tho.
📚Is actually pretty stupid and clueless.
📚Has been in detention with his brothers one too many times.
📚Even with Reiji because he got him in trouble once. During that day of detention, Reiji kept advocating that he shouldn't be there and that it was a mistake to punish him.
📚And when Ruki found out about Reiji being in detention, he never let him live it down. He tea$es him about it until this day and will randomly bring that subject up if Reiji's trying to impress a girl xDD.
📚He tries to act like he doesn’t know who Rei is because he is embarrassed by him. And he does this to Subaru especially because he thinks he’s weird.
📚But Subaru will just sock him.
📚He’s also a per.v so he does peak in the girl’s locker room.
📚Has a few ex’s at the school too but they’re just girls he made out with for two hours. Literally.
📚Makes sure he’s always in the yearbook every year. Also tries to be on the front few pages of it and will literally advocate for this.
📚In class he sits in the back and hardly knows what’s going on.
📚Tips his chair all the time and one time it backfired on him.
📚And Kino was laughing his a$$ off.
📚He is extremely annoying and teachers are disappointed in him. And so is Rei.
📚Kinda like a class clown.
📚Passes notes and texts during class, and will make excuses to leave.
📚Will bully the freshmen and girls that he thinks are fun to mess with.
📚Eats candy in class or chips. 
📚He asks stupid questions to derail the class so that the teacher forgets what they were supposed to do in the first place.
📚He gets dress coded but the teachers eventually gave up.
📚He’s gotten citations before too, mostly for just swearing in class.
📚His locker is messy just like his desk, papers and books are everywhere.
📚He gets love letters but wayyyy less than Shu.
📚His lock is red and the combo is the year he was born in. (I picture all the boys have their lock combo set to the year they were born in.)
📚The locker has his basketball, his sports clothes, the notebook we talked about, and even snacks.
📚It smells like sweat tho, and its just a mess. He probably even has cheez wiz or something else that's gross and expired from five years ago. He says it’s still good.
📚In his desk he has gadgets that he uses that will distract everyone in class.
📚One time when he was in Reiji’s SI session for science and he pressed on his remote to have the disco ball come out play music. Something he set up with Kino and Shin after school was over.
📚He’d even take out the screws out of the teacher’s chairs, that way they will just fall when they sit.
📚Most of these pranks are done with his brothers, sometimes Shu joins.
📚He will ask Kino or Shin to help him out if its a really big prank tho.
📚And Reiji just scolds.
📚Sticks gum under the teacher’s desk or under the wheels of the chair.
📚Pulls pranks on the teachers and Reiji gets so mad.
📚Has even messed with the principal's microphone and Reiji really lost it with him.
📚He also messed with the clocks once just to get out early, it went on for a week before the teachers caught on.
📚Egged one of the teacher’s cars and even TPed their house.
📚Makes sure everyone is following him on his social media.
📚His backpack has anything but books, it’s stuffed with papers and tools to jack up the place.
📚He has drama class with Kino and so they made this (watch from 1:25 - 1:54)
📚There was another time when Laito and him were waiting for Rei to SI a class and this is what they were up to. (watch from 8:16 - 8:25)
📚Is actually a loner.
📚But does get in fights especially if there is a guy harassing his crush.
📚Or if someone insults him and tries to pick a fight with him.
📚Doesn’t have the best grades but tries.
📚He’s so emo, so a lot of people don’t talk to him.
📚So he doesn’t have a group or anything like that.
📚He doesn’t have a favorite class unless the girl he likes is in that class.
📚Then he can’t help but blush.
📚Something he might like is art or music tho because it can be calming.
📚For after school activities he might be in something with music or art to take his mind off things.
📚Or maybe wood carving because it takes his mind off things and I could see him being really talented that it impresses people.
📚I could see he knows how to sketch and so he sits on the bench and listens to emo music after school.
📚After school he is usually in study hall trying to fix his grades or he’s (discreetly) following his crush around.
📚He has been in detention with his brothers (except Reiji) and oh god if Laito is there it will end in another fight, and possible suspension.
📚He also probably sits in the back, or at the end of the middle row.
📚Doesn’t talk a lot in class, tries to listen tho.
📚Gets flustered if he’s asked to explain and he doesn’t know what to say because he’s been thinking/staring at his crush.
📚Most times tho he just answers the best he can.
📚Has slept in class before.
📚The teachers worry about him, and he probably likes his music teacher bc she’s nice too him.
📚His locker has scratches and sometimes notes, not very nice ones either. Probably has stickers that are emo phrases plastered on the outside of his locker as well.
📚Has band posters in his locker.
📚It just has books, an extra jacket (probably leather), his headphones, music albums (80s/90s goth era—things like K!SS, Motley Crew, ACDC, Manson, etc.). He has a man's journal with very personal findings too.
📚He writes in it everyday.
📚After school you can usually find him under a tree where he writes in his journal, usually about his thoughts, regrets, what happens, or about his crush. And there’s a lot of crumbled up pages because sometimes, he gets upset, rips them and then regrets he did it and puts them back in.
📚But it’s not cringy, it’s actually sad.
📚He’s quiet poetic actually, and if someone ever got a hold of it I think they’d feel pretty bad when reading his life.
📚Has some photographs in it, probably about the girl he onced like but had to make a decision on letting her go seeing his family would get involved.
📚You can also find him on the rooftop, in detention, study hall, or outside.
📚His desk is a bit of a mess but not too much, he keeps something that belongs to his crush in there too.
📚Doesn’t have a rival, but sometimes Shu gets on his nerves bc chicks loves him for no reason.
📚Has a few small tattoos, but not in areas where teachers can see since there's a rule about students not being allowed to be tatted.
📚Fl!rts with chicks all the time.
📚Makes a competition out of it with Ayato as I’ve said before.
📚Would so smack a random girl's a$$ while walking past her in the halls and then give her a sm!rk and wink in return cuz he's hot like that.
📚Will make out with a random chick in the halls and lives for getting caught by a teacher. He'll just sm!rk and play it off smugly.
📚Has a lot of flings, unlike Ayato who just brags about it but never actually does anything.
📚If he really likes a girl he won't stop bothering her, in fact he’ll go in her class and act like he’s in the right class.
📚Is on his phone 24/7 and the teachers get so mad.
📚Tries to keep his headphones in the entire time he’s in class.
📚He also pretends to be listening to music with his headphones, but realistically, he's just listening in on girls' conversations.
📚Records in class, especially if Ayato’s about to do something stupid.
📚Tries to make vines in class too.
📚Is actually smart but doesn’t try.
📚Tries to be paired up with girls so he can bribe them into doing all the work.
📚Sits with his feet on the desk in the back of the class.
📚Teachers don’t like him.
📚His favorite class is P.E. because he gets to see the girls practice cheer, and see them run on the track.
📚Everyone at school knows him and follows his social media.
📚He’s on the basketball team with Ayato.
📚Gets into detention with him all the time.
📚Gets a lot of love letters.
📚His locker is next to Ayato’s and he probably has the outside customized with band stickers.
📚It has an extra jacket, some random items, definitely another mobile device, rap and punk rock albums.
📚Other game-related objects, and multiple pairs of headphones.
📚Listens to a lot of rap music, and is really into female rappers.
📚And such lyrics give him ideas as to how he wants to eat a girl out.
📚Knows how to rap as well, and on school karaoke nights, he challenges Ayato to a rap battle and he always wins.
📚For after-school activities he is in a band and has an electric guitar. 
📚Orders guava juice at the cafeteria and doesn't give a damn if people think it's weird.
📚You can usually find him in the cafeteria, basketball court, anywhere with Ayato, on his phone, or with a girl in the locker room.
📚Tries to get peaks in the girl's locker room with Ayato.
📚Has snuck alcohol in his thermos. 
📚Condoms in his wallet or back pocket. Because he’ll find the time to bang a chick in between periods.
📚He is a jock so he’ll be around Ayato’s group and the band he’s with.
📚Like Ayato, he pranks teachers and staff as well; and even joins Ayato's antics sometimes and will try to make a vine out of it.
📚Ayato and Kino may start a food fight out of pure boredom in the cafeteria.
📚Is also very popular, more than Rei.
📚The girls think he’s hot.
📚He acts very sweet but he is also cold but the girls live for it.
📚Pro at math and history.
📚He’s been around for a long time so he knows so much history, a good amount he witnessed it too.
📚His favorite classes are math, history, and cooking class.
📚Is probably a T.A. and S.I. for math.
📚His rival is Rei.
📚So as you can imagine cooking class is just food wars/hell’s kitchen. It getz real.
📚Ruki likes to compete against Reiji all the time, he finds it fun.
📚Mostly cause he knows he’s better but will be worried if something seems a bit off and Reiji is scoring some points.
📚He will impress all the girls that spend time with Reiji just to make him mad.
📚Since he’s smoother with the ladies he rubs it in Reiji’s face that he can get any girl he wants.
📚As I said in Reiji’s part their lockers are across from each other on opposite sides so he will k!ss/make out with a girl against the lockers in front of Reiji.
📚You can find Ruki in the library most time but when he isn’t there you can find him reading outside, in the study hall helping others, solving a puzzle, being nice to girl, or making out with a girl in the library. 
📚I see that the school may have given him a job to help out the librarian and so a lot of girls come to ask him for help.
📚For like no reason even, they ask where a book is or like they don’t need anything they just want to talk to him.
📚He thinks it’s amusing but kind of annoying.
📚Would be so attracted to a girl if she wasn’t interested in talking to him and came to the library often but never asked for help.
📚He like wants to know that girl.
📚Enjoys the job bc it's quiet and he gets to sort books there, plus it makes Reiji feel challenged because teachers like him and he’s helping the school.
📚Ruki would also be part of the student council if the academy offered it.
📚He isn’t bad at P.E. he’s just not big on it.
📚For after-school activities he would either be in nerd debate club, chess club, or better yet, a book club.
📚And you can only imagine how many girls tried to enter these clubs.
📚In class Ruki sits in the middle of the middle rows. 
📚He is relatively quiet but will stare at a girl (in a hot way) and get her to look back which makes the teachers annoyed if they notice.
📚Knows the answer to like everything so the teachers hardly call on him but he will correct the teachers, especially with the history dates.
📚And if Rei answers a history question with the wrong date, Ruki’s all for it on correcting him- but this rarely happens.
📚Keeps a low profile but a lot of teachers like him seeing that he turns in the work and is a model student.
📚He’s always been asked to help out since he acts nice, which he isn’t mean but he can be cold.
📚This is the reason why some people feel intimidated to approach him.
📚His locker is average but neat.
📚He keeps a lot of books in there and he also keeps a diary, he has a few, I see it. But they are under a lock and everything.
📚This way, Kou never reaches them.
📚His locker has a musk scent like his cologne.
📚It is clean and keeps spare stationery items, a locket which might mean something to him, and the undergarments of the girl he’s currently seeing.
📚Gets a lot of f*cking love letters, more than Kou.
📚But if anything they are not love letters, they just thirst letters. lol
📚The school has dances and he participates only when he has a gf bc she wants to go and he’s actually pretty good.
📚He does rehearse with his date and bc he’s a vampire he’s been around for a while so he knows a lot of different dances.
📚So be prepared for surprises; although I will say he doesn’t like to show his moves, he’d have to really like the girl to do that.
📚He’s also incredibly sweet if he cares about someone so if he cares about a girl she is lucky.
📚The girls at school love this side of him and gush about it.
📚Personally, I don’t think Ruki has a group he hangs out with at school. 
📚Ruki is probably with Yuma and Azusa but usually he’s by himself in the library. Kou is busy with his fangirls.
📚Tho he does act respectfully when around others so people like him and sometimes talk to him.
📚Yuma and Kou usually cause problems and so he apologizes for them.
📚Oh although Ruki isn’t rivals with Ayato (I know they say he is but i don’t see it, i mean ya’ll what even is Ayato compared to dis man?!) I do think he likes to make Ayato feel challenged.
📚But Ruki’s not worried because he knows he’s better than him.
📚He has the best grades out of his brothers without even trying tbh.
📚Doesn’t have a rival but he dislikes Shu a lot.
📚He usually helps Azusa so he doesn’t get bullied plus he knows people will try to pick on him.
📚So he protects him a lot of the time. 
📚He’s gotten into fights and Ruki tells him not to do it again over and over but he never changes.
📚”Ruki, man, I lost my cool with those @ssholes.”
📚”Yuma, you have to control yourself, they’re only humans remember?”
📚Has decent grades, he doesn’t like not passing so he does put in the effort.
📚It’s mostly because he’s not lazy and hates slacking no matter what it is.
📚So he’s always productive, and as you can imagine he does well in P.E. mostly cause he has a lot of strength.
📚Coaches want him on the team bc he’s tall. 
📚I know he’s not arrogant but I think he does like to flex about his strength just a little deep down but not very much.
📚Because Yuma is strong I see that helps out with caring things if the teachers ask or if the school is setting up for festivals the Mukamis usually help out and he’s always carrying heavy boxes for them.
📚If he notices one of his teachers has too many things in their hands he offers them help.
📚Bc he’s tall he’s always asked to sit in the back so other students can see, which he does.
📚There was one time a girl asked if they could switch sits bc she was much shorter than him and so he felt bad for not noticing earlier.
📚Didn’t mind giving up his seat. Although if he liked the girl he’d just tell her to sit on his lap or that if she wanted to switch seats that automatically makes her his.
📚He doesn’t talk much in class it’s only if he’s supposed to or if he has a question about the work.
📚But usually he’s just listening and doing the work.
📚He always has his hair tied up and I swear girls would d!e to see it down.
📚Not in a clique, he’s either with Azusa or Ruki, helping someone, or is on his own in class. Sometimes he’s just chilling.
📚Although if the school had a garden, he’d be all for it.
📚Used to be on one of the school's sports teams but he doesn’t do it anymore.
📚After school, he is either in study hall, or in a club since it’s required. And if he had to be in a club, it be something like cooking or something to do with horticulture. Even something regarding handy work- he likes it.
📚His favorite class is probably cooking class because it’s about food and P.E. because he can be outside.
📚Although the Mukami’s are pretty popular especially because of Kou people are intimidated by Yuma because he’s very loud and he’s got a deep voice.
📚So most do not approach him because of this but there are still girls who do like him, though I think he is bothered way less than Ruki and Kou.
📚And he honestly prefers it that way bc he can’t stand a crowd of teenage girls gushing over him. 
📚Sure, this would boost his ego up but he finds fangirls annoying. He just can’t stand the screaming or outbursts of excitement.
📚You can find Yuma usually in study hall, helping out Azusa, in detention bc he got in a fight to protect Azusa or bc Kou annoyed him.
📚You might even find him outside just thinking or on the rooftop just sitting around.
📚His locker is a little messy, not too messy but a little sloppy.
📚It probably has a dent or two in it bc of previous fights or whatever.
📚He keeps books for school, a jacket/sweatshirt, stuff for Azusa considering that he might forget, spare keys to the mansion, a hair tie, has a gardening journal and he does add to it. Has small plants which he takes care of. 
📚The locker smells like herbs so it’s actually not bad.
📚He might even keep extra items that he has to return, like if the girl he likes loses something and he finds it he keeps it in his locker until he sees her again.
📚his desk if he were to have one, i know most hs don’t but it would be the same deal as his locker not sloppy but smells nice.
📚He ignores Kou and tries to avoid him since he does find him annoying.
📚One time he got a love letter and he didn’t know what to think of it. He felt bad seeing he didn’t feel the same and he was a little surprised.
📚He gets them sometimes but it is rare, usually he pretends like he didn’t receive them bc he doesn’t know what to do with them.
📚Keeps Kou in line if he tries to blow their cover because he was thirsty.
📚Has probably gotten slips for cursing.
📚If he liked a girl he’d be the biggest jerk to her by tea$ing her all the time. And he doesn’t crush on many people- it’s not common.
📚His rival is Laito.
📚And oh boy, they go from one girl to the next.
📚They're always trying to see who received the most love letters.
📚He is surrounded by his fangirls a lot of the time.
📚His locker is filled with loved letters and fan mail.
📚Paparazzi take pictures of him.
📚He likes it but he does kinda hate it and wishes the girls would leave him alone at times.
📚In class he is the pretty boy and usually he distracts the girls which gets him in trouble.
📚He sits on the end of the middle rows or in the middle he doesn’t care honestly.
📚He somewhat studies but not a lot.
📚Will have one of his fangirls do his work and Yuma gets mad at him and calls him lazy.
📚If he has an interest in a girl he doesn’t pursue it bc of the fans.
📚In one of the mangas I believe he let Yui get bullied so only tells you how much he will be involved or be of help.
📚After school activities he might join a dance, drama, or glee club.
📚His favorite class is music and P.E. because he can socialize.
📚Encourages Azusa to get out there.
📚He gets into arguments with Yuma a lot which is why he does get in trouble.
📚He’s also a two-faced b!tch so some people don’t like him.
📚The group that he is in consists of girls, it’s really just the fan club at his school tbh.
📚He also hangs out with his brothers sometimes.
📚His locker is pink on the inside, there’s candy, a cat poster, extra clothes, a headset, outfit accessories, and music albums he likes.
📚Listens to LDR on repeat and other indie artists.
📚His locker probably smells like starbursts or some cologne he advertised.
📚It’s not very messy he has some shelves for his books and the locker has stickers on the front of it.
📚There is a good stack of fanmail in there too.
📚His desk doesn’t have much either it's just the school books and some candy.
📚He doesn’t get in trouble often either.
📚He doesn’t have a rival he’s too nice.
📚He may have been suspended for showing his knife collection though for show-n-tell.
📚A loner, he doesn’t seem bothered by it but his biggest fear is not being acknowledged.
📚He probably likes this one girl in his class but he knows better than to approach her.
📚So he just admires her from afar and that's about it.
📚He doesn’t get love letters, not really.
📚Sits in the front or middle rows of seats.
📚He doesn’t really care, his grades are poor so he is in a lot of remedial classes to better understand.
📚Yuma is usually with him to help him pass.
📚It doesn’t surprise me if he’s slept in class before either.
📚A lot of people find him strange considering he has a lot of bandages and talks slow.
📚Realistically, I’m not surprised if people avoid him bc they can’t understand him.
📚They might think he’s mental bc he talks slow.
📚People don’t know much about him tho.
📚His locker is pretty vacant and has red stains on the front. (it’s his b!ood from his wounds but no one thinks its that.)
📚He keeps gauze in there, bandages, books for school, a hoodie, and probably a small knife.
📚If he had a desk it’s the same thing, he’s simple.
📚Doesn’t have a favorite class.
📚You can find him with his brothers, alone sitting on a bench, in the bathroom fixing his bandages, in the nurse's office, or talking to himself.
📚He’s actually nice and fails to realize it so he gets let down a lot.
📚Every time he approaches people it doesn’t really work.
📚Not surprised if he got bullied at first but Yuma stepped in and changed things.
📚No one will ever mess with him after that.
📚I feel like he felt bad for one girl who didn’t have lunch once so he asked Yuma for an apple and gave it to her bc he felt sorry for her.
📚It didn’t last very long bc the girl thought he was strange after hearing things.
📚It hurt his feelings afterward.
📚Okay according to the games it was said that Shin and Carla were posing as exchange students from England when they attended Ryoutei High School. So it leads me to think that they’ll fake their accents to make it believable—and I mean they’ve been around for thousands of years so it’s not hard to believe that they could fake it.
📚Although his bro is the type to fl!rt with girls so he can get what he wants, Carla makes sure he doesn’t get out of hand and keeps him in check.
📚I could see him constantly scolding his younger brother all the time.
📚Doesn’t have a rival cause he’s better than that.
📚In class, he probably sits in the middle row but honestly he doesn’t care where he sits, but I don’t think he’d sit in front bc he is tall.
📚He probably did once and the teacher asked him to move bc he was too tall and he doesn’t like to talk about it.
📚Doesn’t ask questions, he’s so quiet it’s scary—and it honestly makes him look more intimating than he already does. He doesn’t really have an approachable persona.
📚If girls ask for his number he is heavily confused, mostly because he’s not very familiar with the technology.
📚He does have to act polite though to keep a good image—plus, he’s well mannered in general.
📚A lot of girls are interested in him tho.
📚So he does get some love letters and boy is he confused.
📚Shin had to explain it to him and he was still weirded out.
📚He acts like they’re silly and pretends to throw them away but he actually keeps them hidden away so no one can tea$e him for it.
📚He’d be dy!ng to figure out who it is though.
📚He’s not really a part of any cliques- he kinda just does his own thing in the sense that he goes to school and then goes home while making sure Shin isn’t causing any trouble.
📚His fav class is probably art class as you may have guessed it. If the school has a painting gallery, he’s all for it.
📚However, he gets quite critical with the pieces on display since they’re probably done by students. He’ll say they have potential, but they’re nothing like the classic/ancient artists.
📚His locker is rather neat. He pretty much just keeps what he needs for school in there.
📚He doesn’t understand why some people decorate them, he just finds no use for it and finds it kinda juvenile.
📚He’s not really into any modern fandoms of any sort, so it only adds on to why he doesn’t understand why some students decorate them.
📚Shin pranks him—like, all the time.
📚Like, there was one time when he opened his locker and it squirted water at him.
📚There was another time when he had obnoxious and loud music play from it since he opened it.
📚After those incidents, he’s honestly scared to open it and worries something will happen.
📚If he had a desk it’s the same as his locker, nothing special.
📚His uniform is a mess in all honesty. I mean, seeing what Rejet did with his character, you really can’t tell what’s going on right upfront with his outfit.
📚It just looks like a chaotic mix of patterns and colors even though the prominent shade is black- it looks like an unfinished outfit, or that they just grabbed whatever from the lost and found and put it on him xDD.
📚Tbh, he looks more like he’s dressed up as a character for a school play, than an actual student.
📚Also, I don’t understand how he’s never tripped over that long-a$$ scarf he wears. Like, how??
📚Girls have asked him out and have even fl!rted with him and he couldn’t even take a hint.
📚Especially if it’s something like “Shoot your shot” kind of thing.
📚And Shin is just laughing cause he’ll have to explain it to him later.
📚Since he’s an exchange student from England and is probably faking a British accent (no one suspects it’s fake tho), some girls have said his accent is cute and he just doesn’t know how to take it because he’s so embarrassed by their commentary.
📚Because he’s old and old-fashioned he thought that a lot of the girls were prostitutes at first based on their attire, but that was until Shin told him otherwise.
📚He doesn’t like P.E. because they told him he couldn’t wear his scarf. It ruins his day every time.
📚Plus, he has to wear the school’s P.E. uniform that consists of a t-shirt and shorts and he just feels so exposed since he’s used to wearing layers of vests and jackets (scarf included haha).
📚“How shameless. I feel like a n@ked brute.” He’d think.
📚And he has to take his gloves off and it’s just torture to him because again, he’s not used to exposing himself that way.
📚He ties his hair up in a ponytail for P.E. and the girls rave about it while he’s just embarrassed.
📚He hates the physical exam checkups because he doesn’t want to be shirtless, meanwhile Shin is all for it since he gets the excuse to show off.
📚And every time he has to take his shirt off, girls are all over it which leaves him to blush and this honestly embarrasses him even more.
📚You can find Carla at the cafeteria getting coffee, reading, in the art gallery, at the school's theatre, or outside probably in a secluded area of the school just sitting down and relaxing and waiting for next period.
📚He doesn’t really participate in sports, but because his extracurriculars require one, he took on dodgeball only because Shin suggested it.
📚At first, he had no idea what it was or how it worked. It took a few rounds to fully understand, and this was because Shin didn’t explain the rules to him, and he just kept getting Carla out every round.
📚Once Carla figured out how the game worked, there was no stopping him, especially when Shin was on the opposing team.
📚To get him back for not explaining the game to him, he aimed the ball so hard at him that it pushed him back into the gym’s wall, which left everyone astonished.
📚After that, he became everyone’s top pick for their dodgeball team and is regarded as a top player in school for that sport.
📚In general, he doesn’t really go for everyone else and makes sure that his magic sends the ball Shin’s way to get him out. And he of course knows he can’t go that hard with human players, so he goes easier on them, but with Shin or any other supernatural creature that may play, he has no mercy on them.
📚(in case you didn’t read Carla’s know this) Okay according to the games it was said that he and Carla were posing as exchange students from England when they attended high school. So it leads me to think that they’ll fake their accents to make it believable and I mean they’ve been around for thousands of years so it’s not hard to believe that they could fake it.
📚They’re like experts at lying and covering their @sses.
📚So I could really picture Shin calling every girl “Love” or “Sweet Heart” wouldn’t that just be hot? In a British accent? I think it would be.
📚Plus, I mean he’s a ladies' man, so he likes charming girls to do what he wants.
📚It makes it easier for people to not catch on if he’s convinced enough people.
📚He’s also more of a fl!rt and a per.v (openly) than Carla is. (But Carla is also a per.v.)
📚Doesn’t have a rival because he doesn’t think there’s a point. He thinks he’s better than everyone anyways.
📚In class, he sits in the middle row close to the back.
📚He’d totally sit in front of the girl he likes just cause he’s taller and it would make it harder for her to see.
📚And he wouldn’t give up the seat if she asked him to move, he’d just tea$e her endlessly about it.
📚He’d literally always gives that girl a hard time.
📚Bribes girls into doing his homework for him and tries to sweet-talk teachers to get out of doing exams.
📚Carla has to constantly scold him about this, saying that it's not good for their family image, but he never listens.
📚His grades are so-so- it’s not too bad but he hardly turns stuff in on time.
📚In general tho, at school a lot of people know him, and girls like him. There is a fair amount of them fawning over him.
📚And he digs it bc he has so much confidence.
📚Typically he and his brother have familiars drive them to school but sometimes Shin likes to go in his wolf form.
📚And Carla tells him not to go in his wolf form since it means he’ll be n@ked afterwards but Shin just tells him he’ll bring his backpack to change.
📚So yes, he’s gone to school n@ked and casually changed in the boy’s locker room.
📚Some girls have seen him sneek into the boy’s locker room n@ked, but he doesn’t care. At times, he’s even shown off and acted pretty cocky about it since he was giving them a whole scene.
📚His favorite class is either P.E. bc he can watch the girls or something like literature, history or a poetry class.
📚As for after-school activities he is probably in the basketball club since it is canon that he knows how to play.
📚Though he does like to watch the dance recitals and watch the girls.
📚And as you can imagine if there is a girl that piques his interest and she’s part of something like that he definitely wants to go.
📚You can find Shin in a lot of places, talking to cheerleaders/other girls, getting into fights, sweet-talking some girl up against his locker, playing basketball, in the yard staring at nature, or even him peaking in the girls locker room with Kino and Ayato.
📚Although If he had to be in a clique it’d probably be with jocks. Tho he’s not a part of that silly record Ayato keeps about girls regarding who’s nailed who.
📚Has gotten love letters before and thought it was very amusing.
📚When it comes to his locker I’m sure he decorated it, and it’s for two reasons, one bc he needs to blend in and appear like any other teenager, and two because it looked like fun to him.
📚Even tho he’d never admit it.
📚Shin’s locker is pretty clean for the most part, might have some scratches, it smells like his cologne that’s like a musk.
📚He keeps spare clothes in there bc when he changes out of his wolf form he’s gonna need it.
📚Shin also has some books, a weapon of some sort, and probably some object that retains magic in case it’s needed.
📚His desk is the same deal if the school provides them with that. Whatever the case his main goal is to have it look ordinary so no one suspects anything.
📚His locker is right next to the girl he finds interesting.
📚She doesn’t give anyone the time or day so he’s interested in her as hell.
📚The first time he tried making conversation with her, she gave him a bit of the cold shoulder, but bc he can listen to a human’s heartbeat he could tell that she was nervous and a little scared when he approached her.
📚The best part is that she doesn’t know that he can do that.
📚He follows her around and enjoys listening to her heartbeat change to being calm when she is with others, but when she’s with him it goes back to beating fast.
📚It’s not because she has a crush on him, she’s just a little uncomfortable and surprised that he approaches her.
📚“Heh, so she’s nervous around Prince of the Founders.”
📚Let’s be honest his uniform is off but considering that they are said to be in specail classes maybe this is allowed???
📚idk, all I know is that if he really wants to blend in he needs to lose the eye patch which he might be able to with some magic to heal his eye temporarily for the day.
📚Probably what he’d try to do but would find it to much of a hassle and just stop caring for it.
📚Carla has to constantly remind him to not use magic whether it's for sports, convincing people, fighting someone or anything.
📚Sometimes he does and Carla gets upset bc he took a risk in exposing them.
📚Has gotten into fights which leads Carla to step in.
📚He does feed on some girls but don’t worry he covers it up by erasing their memory.
📚Shin doesn’t date anyone at the school though he just has some flings or whatever but never a relationship bc he doesn't want to lower himself to that degree to be with a human.
📚Bc he does like pranking he will participate with Ayato and Kino when it comes to pranking teachers.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 2 years
bruh please get into why you don't like shota I'm genuinely interested 🙏
Reasons why I don’t like Shota:
- Is easily the worst teacher in MHA: we never actually see him do his job. Every time we see him in a school setting, he’s either asleep or he pawns off his work to other teachers. He doesn’t give his students any advice except “do better” and he’s shown to be willing to drop students on THE FIRST FUCKING DAY OF CLASSES if they don’t suddenly improve. Izuku’s the biggest example of this. If Shota was good at his damn job, he’d read about his students ahead of time and learned that Izuku only had his quirk for a few months so it’s obvious that he won’t know how to use it properly. A real teacher would see this and offer aid, only expelling Izuku if he shows absolutely no improvements after a month or two. He managed to pass the entrance exam which means he’s more than worthy of being given a chance compared to the Gen-Ed students who failed to get into the hero course (looking at you Hitoshi). Meanwhile, Katsuki attacks Izuku on the first day and even sabotages his score yet Mr. “Logical” here doesn’t expel him. Adding to this, when Katsuki nearly kills Izuku, all he tells him is to “grow up”. These instances show him as outright neglectful and lazy. It gets even worse when you realize that the only time he actually tried doing his job, he fucked up big time by forcing an abuse victim to work with his abuser. Oh, and don’t get me started on him using Eri to further Katsuki’s growth in one of the light novels. Shota, it’s not the responsibility of those abused to help an abuser grow. People love to rag on All Might for his teaching, but while All Might sucks at his job, he at least tries. Shota is neglectful, abusive, and just an outright asshole at this point.
- Is a mouthpiece for Katsuki: despite Katsuki being a student Shota should’ve expelled right off the bat based on what we’re told about him, he instead praises Katsuki and is used by Hori to wank him off. He tells the people rightfully booing him during the Sports Festival that he was “giving it his all” against Ochako when all he was doing is just standing there and swatting her away when he could’ve easily took her out in one or two blows. Katsuki even says that it’s “time to get serious” after Ochako’s final attack, which meant he wasn’t taking her seriously to begin with. When people rightfully question Katsuki’s behavior after his kidnapping, Shota says that “Katsuki deserves to be a hero because he tries hard”. Bruh, just because you try hard doesn’t mean you deserve shit, especially when you’ve repeatedly proven that you can’t handle the responsibilities that come with being a hero.
- Doesn’t care about the mental health or the future of his students: One of the first things he does in the series is tell Ochako that knowledge of the school’s various facilities, including the guidance counselor, isn’t important. He then proceeds to use his little “logical rouses” which all that does is make sure none of his students can trust him with anything. He singles out Izuku and calls him a liability in front of his classmates instead of taking him to the side. His little “expulsion game” is also very harmful. In Japan, grades and academic records are highly valued. Any blemish can fuck up a kid’s future. By suspending his students, he screwed them over in the long run, especially since they’re in an “elite school” like U.A. Any kid who’d rather take a different path in life is fucked because Shota suspended them on the FIRST DAY of school. And for what? Not being at the level of a sidekick or pro hero? Except for those who had to take quirk counseling due to uncontrollable quirks, none of them had formal training, so who is he to say they can’t be heroes on the first day? All they had is one day to prove themselves on some shitty fitness exam that doesn’t even test their character or willingness to learn. Shota preaches about life being unfair but he’s actively making things unfair just because he’s got a God Complex.
- Is a hypocrite: Shota hates people who spam their quirks and only rely on them, so what does he do? Takes in a kid who does exactly that as his mentee just because he reminds him of himself and of his dead friend (Hitoshi’s my third least favorite MHA character in case you were wondering). He dislikes All Might for supposedly playing favorites but he does exactly that. We actually see him training this kid over his class, said kid who hasn’t done anything to achieve his dream.
-Narrative wanks him off: Never is Shota’s actions called out. He’s never made to be in the wrong. Every character loves him and those who don’t (like his previous class) are made to be in the wrong or are made to be assholes. However, unlike Katsuki, he at least isn’t completely covered by plot armor, having lost his leg and part of his eyesight due to battles he’s taken part in.
- He dropped a FUCKING BUILDING on his students during one of the OVA’s. Enough said. Somehow he’s been more successful nearly killing his students than the villains have at killing 1-A.
At the end of the day, Shota’s an abusive, neglectful, hypocritical, and egotistical asshole with a God complex who never gets called out on his bullshit. He may be a decent hero, but that’s really not something that overrides all his shitty traits. I see what Hori was going for, but like with a lot of things, Hori misses the mark and forgets what makes characters of Shota’s archetypes work in the first place.
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aitaikimochi · 3 years
My Hero Academia Light Novel Vol. 6 Chapter Summaries Master List
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Here is my master list of all the My Hero Academia School Briefs “Cherry Blossom” Vol. 6 light novel chapter summaries that I’ve translated thus far! 
I have done Part 1, 2, 3, and 5! The links will go my Twitter threads, and the “Read More” cut will go to text versions (when available)! Enjoy~
PART 1: The Red Ogre Who Didn’t Cry PART 2: Who's the One Who Gets the Chocolate? PART 3: The Snowy Mountain Camp Spring Festival PART 4: Eri's Shicigosan (Children Coming of Age) (N/A) PART 5: U.A. Studio Promo Video Shooting PART 6: The Teacher's Cherry Blossom Picnic (N/A) Horikoshi’s Comment
CHAPTER 1: The Red Ogre Who Doesn’t Cry?
The chapter takes place in February before the Meta Liberation War but after Aizawa and Present Mic visit Kurogiri at Tartarus.
It’s still Winter, and the sakura are not blooming yet. Class A undergo an exercise with Aizawa and Eri to teach her the Japanese holiday “Setsubun” (Coming of Spring).
During Setsubun, it is common to play traditional games with children where one person acts as the “oni” (ogre) and the children chase the “oni” around and throw beans at them, symbolizing chasing away the bad to the bring in good fortune. Class A are emulating this and are divided into two teams, the “Oni” team and the “Momotarou” team.
They get placed in the teams based on a random draw of tickets. Kaminari teases Bakugou saying that he looks like an ogre, so by appearances alone, he would belong on the Oni team without even drawing the ticket. Bakugou gets angry, but Aizawa tells them to finish drawing the tickets.
The teams are Momotarou Team: Deku, Ochako, Tsuyu, Mineta, Kaminari, Jirou, Sero, Ashido, Ojiro, Hagakure, Satou, and Koda.
The Oni Team is Bakugou, Todoroki, Tokoyami, Iida, Shoji, Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, and Aoyama.
Iida asks why the teams are unbalanced as there are far more people on the Momotarou team than the Oni team. The rules are that each team has to either throw beans at each other (Momotarou team members) or get hit by an ogre club (Oni team members) to get that team member out. The Momotarou team needs to hit an ogre three times with a bean to get that person out whereas the Oni team only needs to hit the opponent with the ogre club once to get them out.
The only way for the Momotarou team to win is if they can rescue Eri, who is being held “hostage” by the Oni Team. Aizawa then stares at Bakugou, and Bakugou feels uneasy. He then explains that he has a special assignment for Bakugou, which is he will need to get along with Eri.
Bakugou doesn’t get why this is necessary. The rest of Class A are also surprised as to why Bakugou has this task. Aizawa explains that in order to save people, you can’t just grab them with no care and hope they survive. Doing so makes you seem like the villain instead. If he keeps up his scary demeanor, then in the event he’s trying to save a child, if the child starts crying, then it’ll also attract the attention of the villain. Therefore, this exercise is to help Bakugou control his emotions and attitude around children.
Bakugou is annoyed that he has to do this task but keeps quiet anyway.  The Oni team proceed to scale the mountain, and Kirishima comes up to Bakugou and says “seems like you’ve got a real tough task there. I’ll work with you, and we can befriend Eri together!” and Iida says “of course, let’s all work together!” Yaoyorozu voices concern, wondering if Bakugou can actually get along with Eri. Aoyama suggests that Bakugou brings out a dashing sparkly smile, just like him and Midoriya. Todoroki also adds that since Midoriya is close to Eri, all Bakugou needs to do is imitate what Midoriya does.
Bakugou yells at Todoroki and says that even if the world gets flipped upside down, he would never copy Deku’s moves.
Meanwhile, the Momotarou team are heading to the forest but are also worried about Bakugou trying to get along with Eri. Deku wonders if Kacchan will be okay with Eri, and the rest of the team members also wonder how it will go. They decide that the best thing they can do is just try to save Eri in either case.
The Oni team on the other hand are trying to warm up to Eri. Eri looks really nervous, so they decide to introduce themselves to her. Kirishima and Yaoyorozu both greet her, and Kirishima knows her since they met during the Overhaul mission. Yaoyorozu also knows Eri since she saw her when she accompanied Ochako to the Teacher’s Dormitory several times. The others were not very familiar with her. Eri still looks nervous, especially since Bakugou is behind her staring at her as well.
He scoffs, and Iida reprimands him, saying that it’s not nice to click your tongue in front of a little girl. Bakugou tells him to shut up. However, the teachers who take care of Eri also sometimes use rough language in front her too.
They eventually get to the location where Eri is supposed to stay with Bakugou. The buzzer rings in the air, signaling that the game has started.
Kirishima looks at Bakugou a bit worriedly and says that in either case, Bakugou should look after Eri.
As he says this, both Bakugou and Eri stare at each other in surprise, and feeling awkward, both avert their gaze.
As the Momotarou team approaches to try to save Eri, Hagakure quietly comes around to sneak up on them, but as she does, she steps on a fallen branch on the floor. Shoji notices and Hagakure tries to run away, but Shoji whacks her with the ogre club. Hagakure is out.
Sero uses his tape to swing through the branches. However, he notices that Iida is on his tail. Iida is able to catch up to him and swings his club. Sero is out too.
Ojiro hears Aizawa’s voice ringing across the mountains and says, “man, already two out?” He then runs into Kirishima, who’s holding the ogre club casually on his shoulder. Kirishima says this is the end of the line for Ojiro.
Kirishima smirks and Ojiro puts on a bitter smile. The two proceed to duke it out.
Meanwhile, Tsuyu and Deku are trying to sneak up towards Eri’s location, but Todoroki stops them with a wall of ice. Tsuyu uses her tongue to wrap around Deku to save him from the ice. She tells Deku to go ahead as she tries to hold Todoroki back. He easily freezes her legs and chases after Deku.
It’s been a while since Deku sparred with Todoroki, and the two of them smile playfully at each other like children as they proceed to fight.
Jirou and Ochako are also trying to sneak up to where Eri is being held “hostage,” but they suddenly hear sounds coming from a distance, which they deem to be Todoroki and Deku. They try to proceed but are intercepted by Yaoyorozu. They try to throw beans at her, but Yaoyorozu makes a vacuum cleaner and uses it to suck up all the beans.
Tokoyami then appears up above and uses Dark Shadow to whack both Jirou and Ochako. The battle is heating up.
As the others are fighting, Bakugou is in the small hut with Eri, and silence fills the room. Bakugou is still trying to figure out why exactly he has to do this task. He wonders if Aizawa is trying to teach Eri about Stockholm Syndrome but then berates himself for even thinking that silly thought.
He thinks to himself “what the hell do you even talk about with kids!?” He then thinks about Todoroki’s words about how Deku is close with Eri, so all he needs to do is copy what Deku did. He yells “goddamnit!!” and accidentally surprises Eri.
Bakugou is adamant to not copy Deku, so he resolves to just doing what he’d think is best for this situation. He tries to think about how to get a kid to open up to him while he’s in the role of the “ogre.”
He then thinks to himself, “as if there’s something like that!” He goes through a bit of an internal struggle but then settles on asking Eri what is her favorite food.
Eri responds, “Oh…? Um….a—apples…”
Eri looks confused, and Bakugou struggles internally again and says, “what are you, some kinda damn weirdo…!?”
Outside, the battle has turned as Tokoyami managed to get Ochako, Jirou, Ashido, and Ojiro out. The only ones left on the Momotarou team are Deku, Tsuyu, Kaminari, Mineta, Satou, and Kouda. The Oni team has no outs at all.
The Momotarou team regroups and tries to figure out a good strategy on what to do. They only have five members left, and they’re also running low on beans. Mineta asks if Deku has a plan, and Deku proceeds to open his mouth to explain when…
Back at the the hut, their fears became true. Bakugou hardly made any progress befriending Eri. Iida tries to get Eri to warm up to Bakugou by saying, “Eri-chan-kun, Bakugou might look the way he is, but he actually has some good parts too! Right, everyone!?”
He hopes that if they can all talk about Bakugou’s good side, then maybe Eri would warm up to him.
Kirishima says, “Even though Bakugou looks the way he is, he’s a straightforward guy who will never tell lies!” Kirishima gives a thumbs up and smiles at Bakugou. Yaoyorozu adds, “That’s right! Bakugou might look this way, but umm…oh uh..that’s right! He has great table manners! He’s very neat!”
With Yaoyorozu’s words of encouragement, Shoji also adds “Bakugou might uh, look like…look like this but uh…he gets up early! I’ve never seen him rush in the morning!”
Shoji then looks towards Tokoyami, and Tokoyami says “what, me!?” He then says, “Bakugou might look like err, this…but…oh right. He cleans up the bathroom sink well after he uses it, wiping away all the water splatters.”
Todoroki then adds, “Bakugou might look like this uh….might look like this…?”
Todoroki ponders a bit and gets quiet. Aoyama butts in and says “I’ll go first! Bakugou might look like this but has talents! For example, he wears his pants really low, but they actually never fall down!”
Todoroki remembers what he wants to say and continues with, “Bakugou might look like this, but he takes his studies seriously. He is also Midoriya’s childhood friend.”
Bakugou gets mad and says, “What the hell! Why are you saying that my good side is being childhood friends with that damn nerd Deku!?”
Upon hearing Deku’s name, Eri asks, “Oh, Deku-san?”
Even though Eri seemed interested in the conversation, Bakugou goes on to yell at Todoroki, saying that he never wanted to be childhood friends with Deku. He also asks why the hell is everyone saying “he might look like this…” when trying to talk about him?
Everyone realizes he’s got a point, and they get quiet. Todoroki says, “my bad.”
They then go back to strategizing on how to get the other five Momotarou members out. They know that their opponents are running out of beans, so the only plan they probably have is to try to take Eri.
Suddenly, a long tongue wraps around Aoyama. He screams, and Kirishima tries to help him. Iida follows them.
Deku and the others are jumping through the trees. Mineta throws his mogi mogi sticky balls at them, and they get stuck. Koda then summons a murder of crows to distract them. Satou then makes a hole in the ground, and they all fall down.
Kaminari then zaps them, making the freeze in their tracks. The Momotarou team throws beans at the fallen victims, and Iida, Aoyama, Todoroki, Kirishima, Tokoyami, Shoji, and Yaoyorozu all get out at the same time.
Even though Kirishima is out, he pleads to Deku, saying, “I know it’s probably weird to ask of you guys since you’re on the opposite team, but please help Bakugou get along with Eri, I’m begging you!”
Kirishima puts his hands together to plead. Deku asks Kirishima, “is it really that bad?” and Kirishima nods his head. Iida also mentions that they haven’t made any progress, so please lend them a hand.
Deku and the other Momotaro team members agree to help Bakugou get along with Eri. They think of a strategy and recall a popular folktale called “The Red Oni Who Cried.” They will play a game of “ogres out, fortune in” where they will act like the ogres, and when Bakugou helps defeat them, it will make him look better in front of Eri. This might let her warm up to him.
Back at the hut, Bakugou hears that everyone on his team is out except him. He knows that if they come for him, then there’s no way the Oni team can win.
However, Tsuyu stealthily hands Bakugou a note using her tongue. He reads it and says, “so I’m the red ogre?” The Momotaro team act tough and say “ohh, I’m the villain!” and “I’m here to take the girl!” to sound more intimidating. Bakugou gets angry and takes the ogre club and says, “if you’re not coming in, then I’m coming after you!!”
Bakugou readies his explosions, and Deku realizes if he lets it out, he might actually destroy the entire hut. Deku says, “Wa—wait, Kacchan!” and Bakugou says, “Stop moving, damnit, Deku!!”
Deku tells him to remember his special assignment with Eri! Bakugou doesn’t care and is about to swing the club at Deku when he hears Eri say, “ogres out, fortune in…!”
Bakugou feels something small hit him. It turns out that Eri actually had the beans and was part of the Momotarou team too! She gets Bakugou out, and the Momotarou Team wins!
Eri says she didn’t know when she would have the chance to throw the beans at him to escape. Deku looks at Eri and thanks her for saving him. Bakugou sees Eri looks much different than earlier, and he says “You…did well…”
Eri was scared that Bakugou might be mad at her, but her eyes widen as she hears what he says to her. Bakugou says, “Hey, I’m just saying this to someone who was held captive, all right!?”
Deku’s eyes widen as he tells Eri that Bakugou actually complimented her, which means she really did a good job! He continues to praise her, and Bakugou says “I didn’t compliment her, I was just speaking my mind!”
After Thirteen comes to pick Eri up to see her safely home, Aizawa tells Class A that although the Momotarou team won, they shouldn’t have wasted time doing something aside from the assignment. The class dejectedly say “Yes, sir.” Aizawa then turns to Bakugou and says that Eri’s impression of Bakugou got better compared to before the class started.
She told Aizawa that she was happy he complimented her and that he probably worked his best to try to act like an ogre. Kaminari then lets out a laugh and says, “Pfft, you think he was trying his best to act? That’s just how he is!!” and Bakugou yells, “shut the hell up!” Aizawa tells Bakugou that he at least passed his special assignment.
Kirishima then comes up to Bakugou and throws an arm across his shoulder. He exclaims, “You did it, Bakugou! I knew you would pass!”
Iida says that seeing Bakugou pass makes him happy as Class President. Ochako and the others all offer words of praise as well. Bakugou says they’re being damn annoying. Aizawa watches his class as he says with a hint of happiness “getting along, huh.”
Chapter 2, 3, and 5 in text format will be posted soon. For now, please check the links to my Twitter threads!
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azucanela · 3 years
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bnha boys as ____ to lovers tropes headcannons + scenarios [gender neutral!reader]
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featuring: bakugou katsuki, izuku midoriya, todoroki shouto
summary: which one of various “____ to lovers” tropes would they be? friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, rivals to lovers?
warnings: cursing. mentions of violence. mentions of death. crying. 
note: pls i feel like this is bad but i was in a trope mood so enjoy
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Rivals to Lovers - Bakugou Katsuki
By far the most obvious choice.
Bakugou Katsuki has always wanted to be the best and in order to do that, he must surpass the existing best. While you aren’t as persistent as he is, you have your own ambitions that you’d like to achieve by the end of your school years at UA. So naturally, you’re one of the best in class. 
There’s no denying that especially at the start of the year, certain students stood out. Bakugou already had astonishing quirk control and academic skill, but that’s not all there is to success.
In comes you, someone who the press would actually consider tolerable when you inevitably became a pro. You weren’t explosive, or blunt, or rude. You were a well-mannered student with a good quirk and grades.
AKA Bakugou’s new worst enemy. 
You welcomed the motivation of a rival of course, nothing wrong with a little competitiveness, and when push came to shove at the sports festival, you came in first place. Cementing your place as one of the most promising students in the school.
And boy did Bakugou hate it. 
At this point, you two are just one-upping each other day after day, trying to surpass one another. Who got the best score on class finals? Who does better when it comes to plain sparring? Whose quirk would ultimately beat the others?
But most importantly, Bakugou respects you, and you respect Bakugou. While you’re rivals, its a relationship built on mutual respect for each other’s skills. 
Suddenly he finds that you are complimenting his skills, and you’re partnering together during projects because “no one else can keep up” and then training comes around and he insists that you’re the only one worth fighting. 
Things begin to shift, lines begin to blur, and now you’re friends as well as rivals. Spending time together outside of school for purely educational purposes of course, who studies at the library alone after all?
Suddenly you’re meeting his mom and oh no why are you meeting his mom? WHY is she inviting you over for dinner? Why is she insisting that he’s gonna cook, WHAT IS GOING ON. 
Bakugou is grumbling under his breath as he pushes the shopping cart through the grocery store, cursing his mother’s name as he stops in front of the produce. Y/N had offered to walk him home because their house was on the way, and somehow that turned into inviting them for dinner the following week when his mother saw them.
Stupid hag.
His brows are furrowed as he shoves the potatoes into the plastic bag a little too aggressively, about to move on when he hears someone call out his name, “Bakugou?”
When he turns around the last thing he expects to see is Y/N themself. There’s a pie in their hand, but they discard it in favor of jogging towards him, smile bright on their face. 
“What are you doing here?” Is all that comes out of his mouth, confusion evident in his face as he eyes them. Y/N’s clothes are... dressier than usual— probably because the dinner was in the next hour and that normally meant dressing nicer than just a pair of jeans— and it almost catches him off guard as he meets their gaze. 
“I figured I should bring something to the dinner so I stopped here.”
Bakugou huffs in response, eyes returning the produce before him as he picks up a head of lettuce and examines it. “Not necessary.” Is all he replies with.
Y/N raises a brow, “worried my store bought pie will outdo your...” they look into his cart, “potatoes?”
Bakugou looks to them dully, dropping the lettuce into his cart wordlessly and continuing on through the store. “At least buy a cake mix or something, put in some effort.” He looks back at them with a grin, “unless you can’t even make a simple cake?”
A small laugh escapes Y/N as they bring a hand to the back of their neck, sheepishly, “that’s one thing I know you’re better than me at. I can’t cook.” They meet his eyes, “at all.”
“Are you serious?” Bakugou is walking through the aisles, Y/N now alongside pausing to look through the glass until Bakugou’s hand comes to their forearm to continue dragging them along so they don’t get distracted.
“Completely serious.”
He scoffs, stopping the cart as they hit the baking section, “then I guess I’ll have to teach you.” Y/N looks to him, brow raised at his words, and he simply says, “how am I supposed to prove I’m better than you if you can’t even cook— It’s a fucking life skill how do you not know how to cook?”
Y/N rolls their eyes, gently shoving Bakugou, who in turn moves to turn around and glare until an older woman walks past and says with a smile, “you two are a cute couple.” Turning to the man beside her she taps him, “young love, isn’t it beautiful.” 
The old man beside her hums absently in response, eyes squinting at the product he’s taken from off the shelf, “of course, dear.”
While Bakugou is left speechless, Y/N’s mouth gapes open as they search for words. Do they just go along with what the couple said, tell them they completely misunderstood their dynamic? Y/N is at a loss for words and simply says the first thing that comes to mind, “thank you, ma’am.” Offering the woman a nervous smile as their hands come to press against Bakugou’s back in an attempt to usher him out of the aisle. 
Bakugou seems to come to his senses as the pair turns the corner, whipping around to look at Y/N, it’s then that Y/N notices the faint pink on his cheeks as he says, “what?” 
Y/N’s hands haven’t moved from where they were despite Bakugou’s movement, meaning they now rest flat on his chest, and it’s then that they realize how close they’ve gotten. 
Bakugou seems to notice to this, eyes meeting Y/N’s, he holds their gaze for a moment before blinking, once, twice, and turning back around. “Whatever.” He simply mumbles out, “did you come here by car?”
It’s a stark contrast from his usual persona, loud, arrogant. Y/N can’t help that their response is delayed, stammered out, “uh— I didn’t, no. I walked.”
He scoffs, “were you planning to walk to my house?” When Y/N doesn’t reply, Bakugou nearly whips around once again, “how have you managed to live this long.”
Y/N shrugs, “pure talent and luck.”
“Sure.” Bakugou replies, looking back at them from the corner of his eye, “I’ll drive you then.” 
Something has changed, Y/N can tell, and clearly he can too. A newfound tension in the air that can’t just be washed away by a little not-so-friendly competition. Except now “not-so-friendly” didn’t mean unfriendly it meant... something else. Something a little bit further than friendly. 
Oh dear. 
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Childhood Friends to Lovers - Izuku Midoriya
This one is pretty obivous too tbh.
Izuku has an alarming amount of loyalty and dedication. As soon as you express any interest in being his friend— unlike the rest of his childhood classmates— he is always by your side. Not that you mind of course.
He’s interesting, smart, and his mom cooks pretty well. Sure, he rambles a lot but that’s nothing a younger you can’t handle.
When your quirk shows up, he’s more excited than you are, he asks you loads of questions and gives you about a million suggestions on how to use it. 
And when you two hit middle school, he tells you he’s going to UA, with or without a quirk. Ever since you were kids that his been his plan, and sure as an elementary schooler it seemed nice and you wanted to be a hero too but could you truly attain it? 
Something about his persistence is inspiring, so you decide to follow your childhood dream as well. 
And suddenly you’re both in UA, Izuku has a quirk, he’s lying to you— after years of knowing him, it’s not hard to tell— and there are villains attacking at every turn. Everything goes downhill so very fast that you really can’t keep up with one another, even though you still attend the same school, it’s as though you barely see each other anymore.
And it sucks. It sucks a lot. 
It’s not until his run in with Shigaraki while you’re all out as a class that things really start changing again. Because it’s you he makes eye contact with as Shigaraki’s fingers graze his neck, and the horror in your eyes is inexplicable. 
Shigaraki takes notice of this, and suddenly he’s threatening your life, and Izuku finds that he isn’t as scared anymore.
He’s angry. 
Afterwards, you’re throwing your arms around him, holding him tighter than ever before, and Izuku can’t help the way his chest tightens as his arms wind around you as well. 
For the first time, he finds himself flustered by your presence. 
Izuku Midoriya doesn’t like lying. Especially not to Y/N, the one person who has been by his side since pre-school, but here he is, and it is not going well. Mostly because Izuku simply can’t lie to them, not when they could definitely tell he was lying from about a mile away. 
And worse than that, he was avoiding them. Izuku wasn’t dumb, Y/N would know he was lying the moment he opened his mouth and suddenly his secret would be out in the open. While it was Y/N, and he knew they wouldn’t tell a soul... Izuku couldn’t help the fear that consumed him at the thought.
But after what had happened with Shigaraki, it seemed as though they’d doubled their efforts to confront him, appearing everywhere. Even as Izuku sits in his room, he knows the knock on his door is them. He can’t help but bring the covers over his head, as though that’ll shield him from the inevitable.
“Izuku?” Their voice is muffled through the door but Izuku could recognize it anywhere, “can we talk?”
That’s a rather anxiety inducing sentence. But Izuku doesn’t really have time to consider his next reaction— be it jumping out the window or making a run for it— because his door is already being pushed open. 
“What are you doing?” A small laugh escapes their lips, and Izuku can’t help the smile that finds its way onto his face at the sound. Of course, this moment of peace is once again disrupted by the cover over his head being yanked down to reveal his face.
“Hi Y/N.” His voice is soft, apologetic almost. 
In response, they simply huff, brows furrowing as they shove him lightly, “why have you been avoiding me, asshole.” There’s no malice in Y/N’s words, just hurt. “Is something wrong? Did I do something wrong?”
They’re taking a seat on his bed, sitting at a distance as though coming any closer would offend him, and Izuku finds himself searching for words. He was a planner, he always had a plan. And he knew this was coming. So he had time to figure out some sort of lie, but he hadn’t. Now, he found himself spiraling in search of an explanation.
“If you don’t want to tell me you don’t have to.” Izuku looks up, eyes wide in awe at Y/N’s words, “but quit avoiding me over it.”
Y/N isn’t looking at him, averting their eyes from his, suddenly interested by the hem of their shirt as they await a response. Izuku doesn’t really know when the waterworks start, but Y/N hears him sniffle slightly, drawing their attention back to him. “Okay.” He mumbles out, going to wipe away his tears.
Meanwhile, Y/N is almost alarmed as their mouth gapes open, hands reaching outwards to pull him into a hug. Izuku’s scarred arms wrap around them, his tears staining their shirt. “It’ll be okay.” Y/N murmurs into his hair.
Izuku hasn’t really had much time to sit back and reflect on the chaos that has been his life. He’s destroyed his body for a quirk granted to him by someone he’s idolized since his childhood, villains have attacked left and right— disrupting an already insane school life— and worst of all, that tightness in his chest is back.
Worst of all, Izuku is emotionally intelligent enough to know that the red in his cheeks isn’t from the tears, it’s from the fact that his feelings are toeing the line between platonic and romantic. 
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Enemies to Lovers - Todoroki Shouto
I feel like he is the only one that would ever “fraternize with the enemy.” Nobody else here would ever even consider speaking with the enemy in the first place, but Shouto is... Shouto. 
You’re both high school age, and yet somehow your lives are so different. You were in the League of Villains, and he was a UA student. It almost shocked him to see someone else his age on the battlefield with no remorse. 
You would both clash often, somehow ending up fighting against each other each time the League and UA came face to face. A part of Shouto wanted to hate you because you were well, a villain, but another part of him was curious. You’re both ruthless but the banter you have together on the field is almost equivalent to that of old friends.
Alas, his curiosities didn’t really matter seeing as you were a criminal.
Until... you had a mutual issue. That issue being the fact that in the midst of his third year work study, and your criminal work, you both got stuck under debris. If either of you used your quirks things could easily get very ugly very fast.
Of course, that didn’t mean you were planning on removing the knife you had to his throat. Shouto could tell that much as your eyes wandered around the small area you were now secluded to.
When push comes to shove, you really have no choice but to do so. You both come to a mutual understanding: there’s no getting out of this alive if you both destroy the debris shielding you from getting crushed in the process of a fight. So, a temporary truce is initiated.
Now, you have nothing better to do but talk. Though Shouto doesn’t seem very inclined to do so, you decide you’ll carry the conversation. Rambling on and on.
By the end of it, you’re expecting a rescue team and an arrest when it’s all over, not... mercy. He simply nods to the exit, wordlessly. He lets you leave. And it confuses both of you. 
So, afterwards you approach him, and the only reason he doesn’t immediately report it to the police is because he’s... curious. You tell him to join the League, given his childhood, it would make sense.
Of course, he declines, vehemently. You shrug it off, telling him to think it over. And suddenly your visits become more frequent, asking him if he’s changed his mind. The two of you finding yourselves getting closer despite the fact that this is the opposite of what Shouto wants.
Or at least, what he thinks he wants.
“We don’t have time for this.” He seethed, glaring at Y/N as their knife remained still against his skin. Small pebbles fell to the ground around them, the earth shook, the pair had fallen through the floor and ended up here. 
They huffed, eyes narrowing at him, “then what do you propose we do?” A bitter laugh, “because it looks to me like we’re on our way to death.”
“We wait until after we’ve escaped to finish this.” He exhales deeply, “don’t be an idiot. If we fought this place could easily come crumbling down.” Shouto tilts his head, “I was under the impression that you were smarter than that.”
Y/N scoffed, rolling their eyes as they swiftly pulled their blade from his throat, “fine.” Taking a few steps back, they take a peek behind them before taking a seat on one of the bigger remnants of the building that had just come crashing down on them. “What do we do now then?”
Shouto looks to them with suspicion clear in his eyes as he moves to take a seat as far from them as possible, though distance isn’t very achievable seeing as they were trapped in a much smaller space than he would’ve liked.
Y/N scoffed, “is that a joke? I’m not waiting for authorities to come and arrest me immediately after I’ve escaped.” They tilt their head back, eyes shutting, “this is insane.”
“Do you have any other suggestions?” Malice is clear in his tone as he shoots a glare at his enemy, they were both in the same boat right now, they had no other choice but to ride this out.
“We try to make our own exit.” 
“And risk the entire building coming toppling down on us?” Comes his monotonous response, dull look on his face that made it obvious he viewed the idea as nothing more than the ramblings of an idiot.
“Make an ice dome or something!” Y/N cried out, gesturing to his hands.
“Do you really think my quirk is that simple?” He hissed in response. 
Rolling their eyes, Y/N rests their elbows on their knees and their head in their hands. “Alright then,” they inhale deeply, “what’s your favorite color?”
It’s stupid. Completely and utterly stupid. He has no reason to reply to the question, and yet Shouto finds himself saying, “I don’t have one.”
Y/N explodes at this, whining about you can’t just not have a favorite color. And suddenly one question turns into two, and then three, and they’re about twenty questions and twenty annoyed answers in when Y/N finally asks if he thinks anyone is coming for them.
Shouto didn’t have an answer for that question either. How could he?
He’s witnessed searches like this with his own eyes, participated in them. Sometimes it took days for people to be found, even with quirks. And it could often take longer to safely extract them. Who’s to say they wouldn’t be here for another few days, maybe even a week before they were found? 
He wonders how it came to this, Y/N had been ready to kill him several hours ago after all. Though an experience like this one wasn’t necessarily normal either. Maybe the ramblings were their attempt at calming their mind, unable to find solace in the silence. He doesn’t care enough to ask, but there’s a single question that rings in his mind. One that his been there since he first met the young villain.
“Why do you work with the league?”
They’re his age, with a quirk that easily could’ve launched them into stardom within the hero world, and if Shouto had to guess, they were smart too. 
They scoff, shaking their head, “because I don’t like having to choose between two evils.” Hands tugging at the hem of their own shirt, “at the moment, my interests align with the League.” Y/N looks up, “just like our interests align right now.” 
Shouto doesn’t get a chance to reply as they begin to hear yells, calls for help, “we’ve found survivors!” 
Instantly the pair comes to a stand, and Shouto wonders if things are about to get violent again as a sliver of light becomes visible, until Y/N simply looks to him, blade materializing in their hand. A somber look on their face, one of regret. 
Shouto’s first thought is to tell the rescue team to run until Y/N speaks, “lucky for you, I’m not interested in attacking UA forty days from now,” they stretch their limbs, as though they’re preparing for some sort of athletic event, “the League is though.”
And with that, they’re gone. 
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quirkless-accident · 2 years
Conspiracy theorist voice: danny is afo's son.
Proof: multiple (constantly gaining) powers.
uuuuuh i made a danny phantom playlist here
if you guys have any song suggestions lmk
All Might didn't really know how to feel about one student in particular.
He was a good student, and had a knack for heroism, but there was something that just seemed a little off about him. He hadn't been able to place his finger on it until he watched the Sports Festival.
Danny had multiple powers, and he had the same white hair as Number One and All for One. With both of them, they had this ethereal, almost unearthly vibe from either being over two hundred years old or haunting a two hundred year old quirk. Danny have off the same vibe. When he got serious in a battle, it was foreboding. A promise that he would come out successful.
It was the same feeling he got when he fought AfO.
Could...Could he be somehow related to the ancient villain?
And All Might had put it in the back of his mind because Danny has never hesitated to do the right thing. To save everyone at the expense of himself, and to make sure everybody is okay. He never fails to put a smile on a victims face, or joke around with his classmates.
But All Might is no idiot. Not when it comes to picking out villains. Danny is hiding something, he can tell. And he plans to get to the bottom of it, no matter what.
"There's gotta be a traitor," Mic says matter-of-factly at there meeting post-Kamino. And though shock ripples across the meeting table, All Might can't help but think of Danny. He was as heroic as they came but maybe-maybe it was something else. Maybe it was a front. He could walk through walls, disappear, and fly. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to think he'd sneak out and have secret meetings with the League of Villains.
He shares this opinion, and about the weird vibes he gets. About his multitude of powers and how he seems to get a new one every week. Everybody brushes him off, though he does catch a calculating look from Aizawa. He's very protective of his students, so for one to be called out like that certainly doesn't sit well with him.
But All Might is not a stupid man.
So after their meeting, he stays behind to talk to Nezu, because if anybody was going to understand his concerns, it was the only other staff member who know about One for All and All for One. And when Nezu agrees that Danny is an anomaly, and not one to be taken lightly, he knows, deep down that Danny has some sort of relationship with the League that goes beyond villain vs. hero.
But they need to be patient. First, they need to move the students into the dorms. And then they needed to set up counseling sessions with the hero students, and make sure that they were doing okay. They were heroes in training, soldiers being bred for the front lines but at the end of the day they were still children, and Nezu was not going to let All Might forget about that.
That was fine, though. He was a patient man.
Danny had never been so nervous in his life. He was more than excited about about moving into the dorms with his friends. He had the freedom to be himself here, power and all, where at home he was hiding behind a very thin lie. If his parents looked a little harder, cared a little bit more, they'd be able to make the connection themselves, but they just didn't care enough. He doesn't know how to feel about that.
But he does know that he's excited for the opportunity to just be.
After Kamino, things go back to normal soon enough. Classes start right where they left off, and the comradery between the hero students is stronger than ever. It's like a breath of fresh air, and without the threat of his parents finding out his secret looming over his head, school came easier than ever.
But he couldn't help like he was being watched.
For the entire first week, something had him on edge and he couldn't quite place it. It wasn't from Kamino or the training camp, he knew that much. Real life battles were not a foreign experience for Danny. Looking death in the face and coming out on the other side was second nature. But back at school, he knows something is wrong.
And just when he gets the courage to try and go up to Aizawa about it, he gets called to the principal's office.
When he gets there Nezu is sitting in his big comfy chair. All Might is standing behind him, his blue eyes hard and piecing, as if he's already decided Danny's fate. Aizawa is standing off in the corner, and though he's wearing a neutral face like always, Danny can tell that he's absolutely seething. His shoulders are taught and he looks about ready to jump into action at a moments notice. Half of his face is hidden by his scarf, but it does nothing to hide how he's glaring daggers at All Might.
"Take a seat, Mr. Fenton," Nezu says, gesturing to the couch in front of the desk. Danny does as he's told, glancing over at Aizawa. He's looking at Danny now, and he looks...He looks sorry. That's the only way Danny can describe the defeated, weary look he's got going on.
And man, if Danny wasn't on edge before, he sure as shit was now.
And he was absolutely terrified. Did they know about his secret? About how he used to be quirkless? Were they going to kick him out of the hero course? If they did he's probably be barred from other schools, and then disowned or something.
HIs anxiety was starting to spike, but he did his best to school it. But he could tell from the way All Might shivered that he wasn't doing as good of a job as he had hoped.
"What...What is this about?" Danny asked, looking at them warily.
"We just have a few questions to ask you," Nezu said. He sounded much too cheerful compared to the thick tension that hung in the air. It was absolutely suffocating.
"Okay...? Go ahead, I guess."
"As you are well aware of, All for One was taken into custody following the Kamino Ward incident," Nezu starts. "He's a very old villain who has the ability to take and give powers as he pleases, and we have confirmed that he has been orchestrating the League of Villains from the very beginning."
"That's...A lot," Danny says in the silence that lasts just a little too long. "But I don't understand what that has to do with me."
"We suspect that there is somebody on campus who has been feeding information to All for One and the League," Nezu continues. "And we have reason to believe that that person is possibly you."
Danny felt like he was blue screening. All coherent thought left his mind as he sat there, stammering absolute nonsense. Because why? Had he done something for them to think that he was the one who betrayed his class? His friends? Has he not proven himself to be hero material? Has he not done enough?
Or was it just a biased prejudice. Did they think this because he was creepy? Or maybe because he was quirkless before U.A? There was no telling, but both reasons left a bad, bitter taste in his mouth. He honestly felt like throwing up.
Because of course this would happen to him. Of course he would die and then get into the school of hid dreams, only to be accused of being a traitor. And it hurt in more ways than one. There was the familiar ache of rejection sitting comfortably in his chest, and he fought hard to keep the tears at bay.
"I'm not," he said around the lump in his throat. "I'm not a traitor. I would never do that."
He can't stop the trembling in his hands as his anxiety spikes once more. He feels like his world was tipped on it's side and shaken so hard he couldn't tell which way was up anymore.
"Do you have proof?" All Might asks, speaking over Nezu's head. "You share a resemblance with All for One, and as stated he gives and takes quirks to suit his benefit. Fenton, how did you get all of your powers? None of them are related in the slightest. Not only that, but I looked at your middle school file. You were quirkless until U.A. What changed?"
"It's-it's not like that," he tells them. He glances over at Aizawa, who, though surprised, is trying to comfort him with his gaze.
"Then please explain, Mr. Fenton," Nezu says calmly. It wasn't fair that he got to sit there and pretend like everything was okay after he's all but destroyed Danny's perception of U.A.
"It's-it's a wild story. And I don't know if you'll believe me," Danny admits, because there's no way out of this. Not unless he spills the beans on the fact that he's a half dead freak of nature who's essentially been haunting the school since the beginning of the year.
"Try us," and to his surprise, it's Aizawa that speaks. He's moving closer now. His dark eyes are absolutely unreadable to Danny, but there's no threat. Not with Aizawa. his body language, and just overall vibe when it comes to his students, is open and inviting. Because he actively wants to help people. It's the complete opposite of All Might, with taught shoulders and set jaw, his eyes unwavering as they bore into Danny.
So he takes a deep breath and he tells them. He looks at Aizawa the entire time, taking comfort in his encouraging words and thoughtful questions. He tells them about how his parents are dumb but smart, and he tells them about how he and his friends were dumb teenagers looking for an indoor adventure and they just bit off more than they could chew. He tells them about what it's like, being split apart and haphazardly put back together again, and you're you but not really, and you're alive but not really, and you're absolutely terrified but not really. Because it's too much and overwhelming and the only coping mechanism you've ever known is disassociation or just plain old bottling it up and shoving it down into the recesses of his mind to never see the light of day again.
And to drive his point home, he switched to his Phantom form. The only one who reacts is All Might, who goes into more of a fighting stance. But Nezu just sits there and sips his tea and Aizawa is sitting there, encouraging him, because he's Aizawa. The only adult who's ever given a genuine shit about Danny. The only one who's ever reached out. The only one who's ever noticed when something is wrong and he refuses to let it go until he's okay again.
So with the comfort of his teacher he takes off his left glove.
In his Fenton form, it's pale, nearly invisible even. If you're not looking for it, you probably won't notice. Sometimes his hand shakes uncontrollably because he can still feel the phantom pains of being electrocuted to death. On particularly bad days it aches so bad he can't curl his fingers at all. If anybody asks, he could probably pass it off as a training accident that left him permanently damaged.
But when he's Phantom, more dead than alive, it glows a bright, unearthly green. It's the color of his eyes when they burn angrily. It's the same color of the ectoplasm that stains his bathroom.
It's the color of death.
Aizawa gingerly takes his hand, tracing his fingers against the Lichtenburg figure that travels all the way to his core. Ever since his death he's always ran cold, and he's always found a comfort in that. Heat has always hurt him, whether it be from the ectoguns his parents make or Todoroki's fire in a training accident. But Aizawa's hands are warm and safe and they grip his mutilated hand like it's the most precious thing on the planet.
"Why...Why didn't you say anything?" He asks. His voice is soft, but there's no hurt or accusation. Just pure curiosity, and maybe a bit of regret, though for what Danny doesn't isn't sure.
"In any other setting would any of you believe me?" He asked. "I'm the one who died and I still can't believe it sometimes. It's a crazy, unbelievable story."
Aizawa only nods, and squeezes his hand one more time before letting go. Danny puts his glove back on, and turns back to Fenton. Nezu is sipping his tea but his eyes are sharp and calculating. All Might looks somewhere in between surprised and 'my puppy just got kicked.' Danny isn't sure how to feel about the fact that his teacher was rooting for his demise.
"Well," Nezu breaks the tense silence. "I do apologize for bringing you in under such circumstances. But with the villains preparing for some big plays, we just had to make sure. You have proven time and time again that you are and will be an exceptional hero. I will do everything in my power to regain your trust in myself and this institution."
Danny doesn't really know what to say so he doesn't even try. He just nods, and takes All Might's stilted bow in stride. He's led out by Aizawa, and as soon as they've turned the corner, he's being brought into the best hug of his life.
"I'm sorry you felt like you couldn't come to me like this," he tells Danny. And Danny goes to open his mouth, to tell him that it's not his fault Danny is a paranoid asshole with issues. But instead a lump forms in his throat, and all he can do is hug Aizawa back as he finally, finally let's himself cry.
The following weeks during foundational heroics aren't quite the same. All Might won't meet his gaze, and Aizawa is there for every lesson now, just in case. Because he puts Danny's wellbeing over his coworker's comfort. Nobody has ever put Danny first, and it makes him more than a little emotional.
He doesn't think he'll ever be able to trust Nezu the same as he did before all of this. U.A. and most of its staff, sure, but not the people who were in there, ready to arrest him at the drop of a hat over a hunch.
He doesn't want to know what would happen if Aizawa hadn't been there.
(He doesn't want to think about what cell he'd be thrown into, or what table he'd be strapped down to. So instead he throws himself into his school and training, and only comes out for movie nights and to swap romance manga with Bakugou.)
He knows he's got at least one adult, and his entire class, and that makes everything else manageable.
And right now, that's enough for him.
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I’ll Know When I Find You
▸ an adorably unique, modern!Bellarke AU for @braveprincess // prompted through @t100fic-for-blm, with a donation to Loveland Therapy to help provide financial assistance to members of diverse ethnic and racial groups that otherwise have barriers to access
When Bellamy meets Clarke, a med-school destined brainiac in Miller’s forensics class, he has no idea what to expect from her friendship... especially since she’s more than a little obsessed with cryptids. 
As they grow closer during their respective sophomore and junior years of college, Clarke eventually confides in Bellamy that her unusual attachment to these stories and mythic creatures comes from her childhood. Her dad died when she was in high school, but her memories of him are cemented in roadside diners, strange tales of obscure creatures, and the importance of always leaving possibilities on the table. So even as she beelines forward in her no-nonsense career path, Clarke just can’t quite let it all go. 
It’s stories that like, told in hushed voices in corners of the campus library, that are a part of the two of them becoming closer and closer. Then Bellamy gets hurt in a group rock climbing activity and it’s Clarke who helps take care of him when he can’t make it to class or the dining halls. And for two people obtaining their college degrees in two rigorous fields, it’s almost absurd how long it takes them to figure out that they like each other more than friends. Especially since it’s so glaringly obvious to all of their friends. But finally they fall into unofficially dating, followed up by officially dating the next school year. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. In fact, it’s pretty downright perfect. Except Bellamy is a romantic and not knowing what their actual anniversary is makes his life a whole lot harder.
So once Clarke graduates but before she goes back to school in the fall, he decides that he’s going to blow it all out for his rough estimate of when their one year anniversary is: a trip to Scotland to hunt down Nessie.
Even though Bellamy isn’t particularly keen on flying, Clarke’s excitement to follow through with one of her and her dad’s dreams is enough to get him up in the air (and not feel too terrible as they cross the ocean). And thanks to Clarke’s millions of to-do lists and books, they arrive in Scotland fully equipped for their vacation.
They don’t just make it all about the mysterious lake creature. Between their shared curiosity for adventure and Bellamy’s love of history, there’s no shortage of things for their itinerary. At one point, they stumble upon a bagpipe festival and their hands are sore from all of the clapping after each performance. Bellamy’s mom’s passion for sewing when he grew up led the two of them down a rabbit hole of learning about kilts, even ending up with Bellamy somehow dressed up in classic Highland garb (Clarke seemed to particularly like that afternoon). 
But of course, the later part of the trip is dedicated to the main reason they’re there. To build up to it, they first spend a day touring the Urquhart Castle that overlooks the lake. Bellamy gets into a long-winded conversation with one of the historians there about the artifacts on display, leading to multiple rounds of beer that evening at the pub by their hotel. And that level of focus is only rivaled by Clarke, when on their boat tour of the lake the next morning, is able to go toe to toe with their guide.
She’s also pretty sure she saw something in the water but she couldn’t get her camera out fast enough to capture it.
Their picnic later that day doesn’t quite look like the sunny, picturesque ones that are in movies but for the two of them it’s perfect. Bellamy lets Clarke have a quiet moment; she brought some of her dad’s ashes to scatter in the water. After her small speech to his memory, she adds that she has a feeling that he would have loved Bellamy as much as she does. Bellamy is caught off guard––it’s the first time she's said those three big words. When he’d planned the trip, he’d hoped to say the same to her as well so it’s magical the way it’s all worked out together. He’s more than happy to reciprocate with his own “I love you” to seal the vacation as being one of the best in his life.
Though, as they finish their picnic and keep their eyes peeled for an elusive sighting, he wonders if this is just the beginning of a new tradition between them and their future family.
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atelliernana · 2 years
April Fool
Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Reblogs and Likes are greatly appreciated!
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Bakugo Katsuki walks through the hallway of Yueei in a calm cadence that would have made freshman Bakugo laugh. In the years that follow the war, the aspiring young hero has not only grown in skills but also in maturity - physically and emotionally. It took a year to restore Musutafu to its pre-war glory and another year to convince the people that society has changed for the better. Heroes are once again heroes and the entire hero and support course students are once again students.
As a Third year student, Bakugo has amassed a couple (a plethora really) of fans of both civilians and fellow students alike. The fear that once filled the eyes of the people has now turned into awe and admiration. Everyone has felt the sincerity of Bakugo's intent to be a hero. He's not here to show off his brawns, he's here because he wants to save people - civilians and enemies alike. And while he is not a as soft as his contemporaries like his green-haired rival, people now recognized his capacity to become the next Number One.
Although still young at age, time had been too fast and too slow for Bakugo so much so that it made the war feel like an eternity and a moment all at the same time. Its been 2 years since the war and another winter has come and gone. The cold that has once freezed him has now replaced by the warm breeze of the spring.
Blooming cherry blossoms paint the streets in a coy blush as if the entire city is a maiden in love. Spring is here and with it is warmth that transcends past his physical body.
For the arrival of spring gifted him a love so beautiful. What was once a cold frozen heart has been thawed into a warm beating red. So full of life and vigor as if it had never been broken before.
You've captivated him since your match on the Sophomore stage of the Sports Festival. The once meek individual who hid behind their taller classmates has now bloomed into a fiery fighter who spares no one mercy. What a shock it is to see you in the classroom usually behind books and quietly laughing along with classmates and during training with your intense gaze and monstrous strength. A true gap moe.
Its been months now since his planned confession. The timing was never right and whenever he planned to corner you alone some extra would suddenly popped out of anywhere to take you away. And between classes and internship, you both have barely enough time to breath.
But this time its different. Bakugo Katsuki is feeling confident today. Not that he's never confident in the daily, today is just extra special as it is a day set in his lucky month. Not only is April his birth month but its often associated with hope and new beginnings.
So accompanied with the belief that everything will go in his merry way, Bakugo Katsuki walks the hallways of Yueei with the confidence of a young emperor meeting his new empress.
As Bakugo Katsuki turns the corner leading to the school garden cherry blossom trees greet him. At the center of the pathway, just in front of the legendary Sakura Tree -believed to be all powerful enough to grant successful relationships to those who confess in front of it- stands you with your kind eyes and wishful smile.
Perhaps the legend is true, the old Sakura Tree does grant successful relationships because here you are 5 years later bowing to your wedding guests and saying your final message before departing for the night.
You looked so beautiful in your traditional wedding kimono. Time has come and gone yet you're beauty seem to never pass.Your eyes still holds the same kindness and still alight with a blazing fire. Your love that once was a burning red has become as golden as daylight. He has loved you then and he still loves you now and perhaps he'll love you till the end of time.
And as you both stand in front of the same Sakura tree from your youth - still in full bloom despite its age - Bakugo Katsuki gazes at you with the same fondness as he did years ago. He'd known it from the moment he confessed, there's no doubt that he belongs to you for every winter and every spring and all the moments in between.
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strawwritesfic · 2 years
Student!Tom Riddle x Female!Seer!Reader: Heart
Summary: Tom Riddle does not often find himself intrigued by anything at Professor Slughorn’s parties, but tonight’s is a little different.
Rating/Warnings: T (drunk!Slughorn; pure-blood!reader; reference to murder; fantastic racism against centaurs; Slug Club; unspeakable!reader)
Challenge: “115 Words” by BonitaWolfSpirit on Lunaescence Archives.
Notes: There’s a very brief shout-out contained in here to the main character of my all-time favorite over-the-top Harry Potter OC fan fic. If you wrote that story and just happen to find your character’s name in here, please know I added it out of affection because your story has brought me so much joy over the years. I hope that you’re still out there writing!
Tag List: @imaginesfire
Hogwarts seemed so large and so important when first a young Tom Riddle had arrived at its gates so long ago. Back then, the castle had been full to bursting with secrets just waiting for him to unlock, knowledge just waiting for him to find—and unlock those secrets and find that knowledge he had. Nothing was beyond the abilities of the heir of Salazar Slytherin. He learned, he watched, he probed. But upon what should have been a triumphant return for the second half of his sixth year, he found the school somehow diminished in his eyes. No longer could he grow his reach inside its walls, not when he remained subject to the whims and scrutiny of his instructors.
It was to one such whim that he journeyed that evening. Professor Slughorn frequently threw little parties for his favored students at the start of a term. Tom had often attended them in the past, but that was out of a necessity he no longer had. The get-togethers were otherwise long, tedious affairs that required him to interact politely with those typically beneath his notice.
He would have preferred to gather his followers for a meeting after so much time apart from them for the holidays, but it could not be helped. Dumbledore was watching him more closely than ever. And, after all, Slughorn had been a great help to Tom as of late. Never let it be said that he did not repay people for their services.
He arrived well after the party began. The dungeons were teeming when he stepped inside. So many bodies pressed together in the heat, so many voices chattering away pointlessly at once—it was enough to make his head throb. Still, so much the better for Tom. If he could get through the night unnoticed and without the usual cavalcade of useless introductions, he would consider the hours merely time wasted.
“Tom, my boy!”
A scowl flickered across his face as he heard the booming voice of the potions professor cut across the room. He carefully rearranged his features just in time for Slughorn to clap him on the shoulder and force him to turn around. Tom’s teeth clicked together in agitation at the touch, but Slughorn did not seem to notice.
“Hello, Professor.” Tom inclined his dark head.
“I thought you might not be able to make it! When I spoke to your friend in class today, he told me you—”
“I was able to trade my prefect duties with Nixon for the night,” he cut in smoothly. “You know I would never miss one of your parties so long as it is in my power to attend them.”
Slughorn chuckled. The rogue in his cheeks soothed Tom somewhat, as did his finally managing to shake off the sausage-like fingers grasping his arm. Clearly the man was already deep into the mulled mead. He would pose no threat. In fact, with some encouragement, Slughorn might soon be drunk enough that Tom could slip out early unnoticed.
“Would you like something to drink, Professor? Perhaps I could top off your glass.”
“No, no, I have quite enough, I assure you. Can’t let myself get out of control so early in the festivities! Not when I have someone I’m absolutely desperate for you meet.”
Thankfully, he did not attempt to physically steer Tom through the crowd. He simply motioned for him to follow. It was at that moment that Slughorn seemed to get his first real look at Tom’s face—and froze.
“Tom? Are you all right? You look…unwell.”
Did he suspect that the information drawn out of him had already been used? No, Tom decided, he could not. Though Slughorn knew more of dark magic than most at Hogwarts, he was far too much of a coward to use it. The signs and symptoms of its use would elude him.
“Simply tired, sir. I’m still recovering from a family reunion.”
Slughorn’s gaze continued to linger until Tom at last worked his thin mouth into a vacant sort of smile. It was an expression that Slughorn did not return as he started on his way again.
“Well, I hope you feel better soon. I would hate to hear that you’re falling behind after all the hard work you’ve put into your studies.”
“I have no intention of letting that happen.”
“Good, good.”
He seemed unable to stop himself from glancing back at Tom every couple of steps as they continued toward the back of the room. Tom did not care. If Slughorn were to voice his concerns, even to the one teacher that might believe them, he would have to out himself as well, and Tom knew that Slughorn cared far too much about his status to risk it over something he could not prove.
Perhaps he had misjudged Slughorn as well, for he returned to his typical buoyancy the same moment that Tom spotted a young woman sitting at a table just beyond most of the crowd.
“Just the witch I was looking for!” Slughorn cried, and the woman looked over.
She was beautiful. Her [color] eyes slid straight to Tom’s face and lit up at once. He felt a shock run up his spine as he took in the appearance of a woman he had thought he had rid himself of for good.
“[L Name]?” he said.
A smile pulled up the corners of your mouth. “Hello, Tom. It’s been a long time.”
“You two know each other already?” Slughorn asked, looking between the two of you.
“In a manner of speaking. I got him in trouble quite a few times back during that nasty business with the dead girl they found in the toilets. Kept running into him in odd corridors during my nightly rounds.”
“I was trying to do your job finding the culprit,” Tom said coldly.
“Yes, you did an excellent job, and I regret having ever reported your behavior to Professor Dippet.”
“Please,” Slughorn conjured a handkerchief from the end of his wand, then pressed the cloth against his sweating brow, “this is a party. I beg you, let us not dwell on those terrible times. They are past us! And we do know now that Tom had nothing to do with that poor girl.”
You bowed your head in apology. “Of course, Professor.”
There was a pause during which Tom was sure he was supposed to offer some sympathy himself. He did not, being far too busy glaring at you—not that you seemed to notice or care. Slughorn continued to sweat for several moments more before he shook himself and went back to business in high spirits once again:
“Since you two already know each other, I can dispense with the introductions. [Name] here just got named the youngest unspeakable in a century!”
“Really,” said Tom.
“I never would have got the position if you hadn’t introduced me to the head of the department at a party like this, Professor,” you said.
He waved away your unoffered thanks. “So long as you keep me abreast of what’s going on in the chain of command, I’ll consider us even.”
“And so long as I agree to help your current students, present company included.”
“That, too.” Slughorn shot you a roguish wink. “I’ve other guests to attend to. You two enjoy each other’s company.”
With a suggestive waggle of his fingers, he disappeared back into the throng, leaving Tom alone with you. He could leave, he realized—but you would probably mention his quick exit to Slughorn later, and then Tom would have to endure the questions about that for the rest of the week.
You merely watched him as he thought things through, then remarked, “You look different.”
“I should hope so. You left school two years ago. Most people change appearances during that amount of time.”
“It’s not just that. You actually went through with it, didn’t you?”
“What are you—”
“You know precisely what I’m talking about, Tom. Forgive me,” there was a laugh in your voice that he did not like, “Lord Voldemort. I meant no impertinence. It just seemed to me that you wouldn’t like your real name spread around so casually. Horace does not know it, does he?”
It was not often that he found himself at a loss for words. Here sat a woman from his past, one that had never been involved with him except to get in his way more times than most could survive. You had been no one of consequence to him. Now you returned, not only grown up and beautiful, but implying you knew him in ways that even his closest followers did not? He stared right into your [color] eyes in search of falsehood, and found none.
Tom took the seat across from you. “What is it that you think I did?” he asked in his most dangerous voice. It was the voice he used to remind those in his circle of their place, the voice he used to convince the uncertain to follow his orders.
“I don’t think anything. I know,” you said, lifting a single eyebrow.
“And how would you know what I did?”
“I’ve told you before. I’m a seer. I come from a long line of them.”
“They say centaurs can tell the future in the stars,” Tom sneered. “Do you claim them as your ancestors?”
“If you truly believe a bunch of half-breeds like that could do anything half as well as a pure-blood witch, perhaps my coming to see you was a mistake.”
His eyes narrowed. If there was one thing he hated above all the not inconsiderable amount of things that he hated, it was being treated like there was something he did not understand. The smirk on your lips made the blood boil beneath his skin like nothing else, not even looking into the face of that creature most would claim had been his father.
“What could you have need to see me for?”
“You’ve got things mixed up.” You shook your head. “It is you that needs me.”
“What would I want with a false fortuneteller? I’ve no use for tea leaves or crystal balls.”
“You have more need for them than you expect.”
“Even if I did, I would want a real seer. You couldn’t even find the culprit behind that girl’s murder. You were too busy trying to pin it all on me.”
“The tea leaves weren’t clear at the time. I knew they were pointing me toward you, but not why. You managed the situation beautifully even with my interference, so what’s the harm?”
“If you really knew who did it…”
“I do,” you said, “but who was going to complain about you getting rid of a beast like Hagrid? Don’t worry. I’m not planning to go to Dumbledore about it. I’ve known for a few years now, just like I know about that family reunion you had a few nights ago. I don’t want to expose you.”
His mouth opened to argue. Then Tom registered what you had said. “What did you come here for?” he asked instead.
“To offer you my services. Even if you don’t believe in divination, I am an unspeakable. There are things going on in the Department of Mysteries that even you couldn’t dream of, my lord. I could tell you some of it, if you’ll have me.”
For the very first time that night, you showed him some subservience. Your eyes drifted away from his face, your head bowed, your hands found your lap.
He was—despite his instincts—somewhat intrigued. Tom had heard the rumors about you: that every witch in your family tree back for generations had been of the most powerful of their age; that the spells you had during which you twitched and shrieked were, in fact, visions that you refused to speak of to anyone else. It was not as though he hadn’t watched you during your time at school with him, and he had not only watched because you had very nearly got him caught releasing his basilisk. You were prefect, head girl, top of you classes, and the subject of much discussion between boys of all ages.
But you were still impertinent and Tom did not trust you.
“Why would you offer me this?” he said softly.
“Because no one has ever dared to go as far as you will.” Did he detect a breathless excitement in your voice? “You may not believe it, but I have seen your plans. I have seen them come to pass, and—”
“[L Name], are you quite done with Tom yet? I’m afraid you can’t monopolize all her time, my boy.”
Of course, it would be Slughorn that interrupted. He bounced up to your table with a genial smile that rankled more than usual. You looked up at him with no visible frustration whatsoever. In fact, you appeared amused by his behavior.
“Someone else you wanted me to meet, Professor?” you asked.
Slughorn winked. “Only a Coral Armina, one of our most promising transfiguration students. Her great-great-great-great-grandfather drafted the very first Animagus Register. They say he could turn into a chimera at will!”
“I’ll be right there.”
You stood fluidly from your chair without so much as a glance at the seething Tom beside you. He watched you take a step toward the waiting teacher before you turned back to him. In the blink of an eye, you leaned in to whisper, “Think about what I said, won’t you? I’m sure a man of your talents can figure out how to contact me after tonight.”
Was it only his imagination, or did he fell your lips brush against his as you spoke? He couldn’t say, only that his own mouth tingled as you walked away again. Above this sensation, however, was that of a roaring, burning anger at watching you follow Slughorn obediently toward a second-year girl trembling beside a plate of crystallized pineapples.
What had you been about to say about his plans? Did it truly matter? He decided that it did. Whatever you had to say, he would find it out—and woe be unto you if he disliked your answer.
Upon finding himself alone and unwatched, he got up to leave the party. It had not been a complete waste of time after all. What Tom would get out of it—get out of you—remained to be seen. You might regret having attracted his attention and piqued his interest that evening. On the other hand, he surprised himself by finding that he wasn’t prepared to kill you for it quite yet.
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pocketramblr · 2 years
Bakugou gets expelled following using his gauntlets during that first heroics exercise.
1- Aizawa intended for expulsions to be for 'little deaths' to scare his students serious. he didn't think he'd be using them for causing near death, just getting too close to one by not thinking. But when he hears Midoriya almost died again on the second day of school, he sighs and watches the video. He goes cold as he realizes Midoriya would have died, if he hadn't moved. That Bakugo deliberately disobeyed orders from All Might and fired when told not to. He remembers how it was Hizashi's shout, louder than it should have been and fired by someone else, that caused the collapse that killed Oboro. He writes up an expulsion immediately
2- Aizawa usually gives it three days to tell the kids they can come back to the hero program if they want to- and if they're really sure, knowing what it could cost. He's going to offer the same to Bakugo, though with heavy warnings about following orders and acceptable levels of damage. Unfortunately for him, that means he's going to offer Bakugo his spot back on Friday. On Thursday, USJ gets attacked.
3- Being knocked out in the hospital, he can't exactly call Bakugo up, but Nedzu knew the plan. He calls Bakugo to the school, and the brash boy who's been very shaken recently stalks in.
"Do you know why I asked you here?"
"Because my class got attacked, and you know I could have beaten the villains if I was there."
It's a lot of fake confidence, but Nedzu frowns. He decides he'll tell the boy its up to Aizawa if he still wants him back when he recovers- but he also quickly disabuses Bakugo of the idea that he'd have gotten through with no problem. or he tries to, at least. Bakugo doesn't really want to be convinced.
4- Bakugo is let back in on probation, his behavior monitored until the SF. That's when, not having experienced the attack like his classmates have, he's kinda with 1B on this one- though he still mocks Monoma for being whiny. But he hasn't bonded with anyone in his class (most are still so wary of him, or sure he'll get expelled for real soon) and he doesn't make it past the calvary battle, barely getting beaten out by the last second by Team Shinsou.
5- He storms out of the stands and sulks around the stadium, not wanting to watch the fights even though he knows he'll go back later, for tactical reasons. He knows he isn't going to get good offers, if he gets any at all. (He does, actually, get an offer. Manual's "future possible murder to avert" alarm went off twice during the festival.)
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
Could I get the dorm leader’s reactions to a fem!S/O who punched a student because he was being creepy towards her?
Dorm Leaders + MC Punching Someone
Credits to my precious wife The Miss; I have never punched someone and my wife teaches and does self defense and martial arts, so she helped me out greatly. Work is cut for length purposes.
Warnings: creepy behaviour from NPC students, protective behaviour dorm leaders
Malleus Draconia
Malleus knew it was moments after your last class finished, so why were you late?
Sebek quickly noticed his master, and said that the teacher called for you
He wasted no time rushing to the teacher's room, only for it to be empty…
"I have nothing to do with you!"
He heard your voice, rushing to the source. You were in the gardens with another annoying student…
Unknowingly, he gathered his magic at his fingertips, ready to attack
Your lover witnessed you sucker punch that student right in the nose
What was this? That child of man was deadlier than he thought… and the thought thrilled him
The student scurried away, with a bleeding nose and that was when Malleus revealed himself
He watched as his YN shifted to her timid self once more. Maybe she was embarrassed?
"I witnessed all of it," He said. "My little treasure… you're quite the silent fierce type aren't you?"
You accepted Malleus taking you in his arms. You snuggled into his shoulders, knowing no one was there. "Only to people who annoy me. I'd never do that to you."
He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, enjoying this moment with you. "As much as I witnessed how capable you were YN, if those punches ever graze your skin, I might not hesitate to skin them…"
You smacked Malleus playfully. "I swear, I can be safe."
Malleus overall was thrilled every time you showed any display of your strength, although you were quite docile with him so he'd have to sneak around to see you pummel some worthless students
Riddle Rosehearts
He was severely upset that your absence caused his unbirthday party to be delayed
He asked for Ace and Deuce to search for you, but he himself found you near the school labs
Oh, how his blood boiled seeing that it was a Heartsyabul student approaching you…
He was about to approach the student and call him off for his rude remarks, but he didn't expect what was coming next
You punched the much taller student in the stomach, and the student hurled over in pain
"You… You-!"
"I dare you to continue that sentence…" Riddle said, stepping out and standing next to you
He shamelessly brought your knuckles to his lips, "Did you bruise your knuckles my Queen?"
The student tried to run away, but Riddle was quicker to respond
"Off With Your Head."
He would certainly have fun punishing the ignorant student later, but for now he had to tend to you
"I never knew you could do that," He admitted, escorting you back to the location of the unbirthday party. "I'm quite surprised."
You shook your head, feeling a bit shy that Riddle of all people was praising you so. "It's self defense. I'm not one to go around punching people…"
Riddle after having knowledge of your skills wouldn't be afraid to leave you alone, and he'd have his little fantasy of you teaching him some physical defense… With you two being close… He can dream can't he?
Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim had you seated next to him during one of Scarabia's parties, enjoying the festivities
Jamil had come over, asking you to excuse your boyfriend as other guests had arrived and were awaiting the host of the events
Kalim greeted the guests, although his voice was slightly strained since all he could think about was getting back to you
As he let the guests roam around, he took one glance at where you were supposed to be…
And saw the view of someone chatting you up…
Well, as the charismatic host he is, he has to put this student in his place-
The student fell onto a small table of snacks after you punched that student from getting too close
"I said," You poured the remaining of your drink on his head. "I don't want to be bothered."
Kalim's jaw dropped at the entire scene, and in his heart he might've been a little afraid of you
As he turned to Jamil, Jamil shook his head. "I didn't teach her that."
After the other servants cleaned the mess up, Kalim approach you cautiously. Giving you a hug from behind
He was relieved feeling your shoulders relax, but he had to make sure…
"YN… Would you punch me if I ever upset you?"
You quickly faced Kalim, holding his face in your hands, shaking your head. "No I won't. That guy was just being annoying…" You gave him a cheeky peck on his jaw. "And how could I ruin this adorable face?"
Kalim didn't mind you punching whoever annoyed you, but he was very impressed that it had gotten to the point where if someone bothered you, Kalim would be on the sidelines cheering at you
Azul Ashengrotto
As the dorm leader who runs the Mostro Lounge, Azul and the Leech twins would be typically busy with the constant rush of customers
In this instance he was grateful that you were willing to help out with the rush hours
He had you and the twins busy taking orders as he organised his contracts
There shouldn't be any troublesome patrons, or that's what he thought…
"Hey! Pretty waitress, why don't you sit with us? I'll buy you a drink!" Some sleazy customer hollered at you
You tried to ignore the students, continuing your duties. Floyd and Jade were too busy to kick them out, but you thought that they could be dealt with later…
From his view, Azul could only watch in disgust as the student dared to pull you to him
Before the student could put his hands on you, you swiped a clean punch across his face
The moment that happened, Azul couldn't help but laugh
The clique of the knocked out student scrambled out, intimidated by the creepy auras the twins emitted, and the way the Lounge owner's eyes pierced their core
You held your wrist in your hand, shaking off the slight pain. Jade and Floyd quickly escorted you to Azul's office area, and Jade even gave you a pat on the head for a job well done
Azul couldn't help himself from hugging you tight, showering you in praises and kissing your hand even though you insisted you weren't seriously injured
"My Angelfish… I should hire you for the Lounge's security instead," He joked, sitting next to you. "Actually… Do as you like! I get quite entertained with that fiery look in your eyes when you do get a hit or two!"
Long story short, you instead worked closely with Azul as a pseudo-bodyguard
Idia Shroud
Idia enjoyed his quiet time, especially quiet time with you, Ortho and video games
He didn't usually go outside, but he would always walk with you after class since you always calmed his nerves
Sometimes, if he was bold enough, he'd ask to walk hand in hand with you after a school day
At times, you could hear the gossip of some students, particularly about Idia…
On one day, Idia had to meet up with Azul due to club work. You decided to meet up with Ortho while waiting for Idia, since Idia wanted to continue his game's story mode with you
Idia quickly finished his business, but as he exited the room, he couldn't help but eavesdrop an interesting conversation…
"Why don't you hang out with us instead of that shut-in of a dorm leader?"
His attention was on the group of boys talking to you, closing in on you
He was caught off guard as you punched the leader square in the nose
"That's for insulting my boyfriend."
Idia had to admit that he got excited over you being so cool! It's like you're the protagonist that rescues the archmage-
Wait… That means that he's the archmage…
After scaring away the group away, Idia ran up to you, hugging you. His jacket covered you both, as you looked up at Idia…
"YN… Thank you…"
Leona Kingscholar
Leona always invites you to laze around, so when you were late, he got irritated
He was competent enough to memorise your schedule, so he knew where you would most likely be
He made his presence known, although he didn't care about the other students in his way
His ears perked up hearing your voice. Why were you in the labs?
He peaked inside to see some boys corner you. Ah… Some students that don't know their place…
"C'mon! Just one date and then you can go to that lion boy toy of yours!"
Oh… Now he was ticked off…
Before he could make a grand entrance, he heard a thud
The student hurled over in pain, clutching his lower half and gasping for air…
Oh… so the little herbivore punched him there…
He couldn't help but laugh, kicking the door open. You immediately went to his side, huffing away from those rude students
As Leona escorted you to his room, he mischievously called you out on it, "I didn't take you for one to go for the crown jewels… You gotta sanitise your hands before touching my sheets though."
You poked Leona's cheek, stopping him from teasing you, "And you, Leona, I might kick yours instead if you don't stop teasing me!"
You yelped, being carried by him. "No can do YN~"
Vil Schoenheit
Vil wondered why you didn't come find him after classes. You'd usually have some afternoon tea with him
He didn't think you'd skip out on purpose, so he commanded Rook to search for you
He also walked around, asking the students in your year whether they saw you or not
He grew anxious, quickening his pace until he heard your voice-
"I don't have anything to do with you, so stop it!"
He turned the corner, seeing you and your arms crossed and a group of students confronting you
One reached out their hand to you, which you retaliated by punching him square in the jaw
The student fell on his other friends, and Vil decided that this was enough
"Ah… I don't think it was wise to mess with my sweet potato…"
The remaining students scrambled to their feet, fearing the dorm leader's magic
"Scram, won't you?"
Vil didn't need to say it twice. The students disappeared, leaving you with Vil
Vil hugged you, patting your head. "My YN… I'm glad that you can defend yourself, but if you continue to do this, your knuckles will be bruised and I refuse to allow that."
You stood on your toes, pecking him on the cheek. "I appreciate the thought Vil."
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sun-undone · 2 years
New canon obx details from the Pogue Life Scrapbook Hardcover (part 2)
(part 1)
During Kie's Kook Year, she performed at a "Rock the OBX" festival, but when she started singing a lyrically modified version of "Get Up Stand Up" that called out the kooks, she got booed offstage and her mom was PISSED. Sarah mentions that Rose had called Kie a bad influence and that she didn't want her around Tannyhill anymore, but Sarah was just super proud to have Kie as a friend in that moment
Kie's summer playlist (i see that Rudy namedrop, go ahead and break that fourth wall with the jiara agenda):
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The rest of the pogues' summer playlist, plus a really cute pic of Maddie Bailey cause let's be honest that is all her (and more breaking the fourth wall with the inclusion of Hot Stuff?? v cute):
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MORE FIC MATERIAL: During her Kook Year, Kie got really into witchcraft with Sarah, and they both tried to cast spells to make their crushes like them back.....Jarah B and Jiara hello???? They also apparently made a voodoo doll of some bitch from their algebra class and snuck into the cemetery to have a seance for Kie's dead pet hermit crab, Kingston. This is literal gold idc what anyone says
Kie assigns astrological signs to each of the pogues!!! Sarah is a Sagittarius, John B is a Leo, Kie is an Aquarius, Pope is a Virgo, and JJ is an Aries (astrology bitches how are we feeling about these placements) Also unclear whether these are supposed to line up with their birthdays
Anna dropped out of college to start the Wreck with Mike
One time, the pogues showed up to the Wreck high out of their minds after a crazy Saturday night and ended up eating every leftover in the kitchen
When Kie was helping out in the kitchen one day, she accidentally dumped a bowl of pimento cheese into a batch of shrimp and grits. Not wanting to piss off her dad, she just served the shrimp and grits as is, and a bunch of customers started complimenting the "spicy shrimp and grits". After coming clean about what had happened, Mike added it to the menu. (super important jiara note: according to 1x03, JJ's order at the Wreck is beer and shrimp and grits. just saying.)
Apparently Midsummers took place on Friday, July 19th, 2019 and this timeline makes me want to claw out my frontal lobe
Entries from Kie's diary documenting the beginning of her Kook Year (why is the first week of school for the Kook Academy in October?? does that actually happen in rich schools or did Kie maybe not transfer immediately??? weird weird idk):
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Denmark Tanny seems to have been a lot like Pope, which is a cool detail. He worked as a cook on the Royal Merchant and wrote in his diary about keeping a level, logical head despite his shipmates getting drunk and generally being wild
The Pogues' top 3 favorite movies and snacks:
Kie - The Outsiders, Heathers, and The Big Lebowski; Buncha Crunch, chili lime churros, and spiked agua fresca Pope - Jaws, The Goonies, and Weird Science; pizza, nachos, and veggies and dip (which Kie of all people makes fun of him for) John B - Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, and Stand By Me; hot dogs, Twinkies, and leftovers from the Wreck Sarah - The Breakfast Club, Romancing the Stone, and Dirty Dancing; Skinnypop, vodka soda hidden in a Nalgene bottle, and mint chocolate chip ice cream (why sarah why) JJ - C.H.U.D., They Live, and Up in Smoke; weed brownies, weed gummies, and beer
Heyward capitalized on the kooks' panic surrounding Hurricane Agatha and raised his delivery prices before the storm hit. Some things that the kooks considered "essential" in light of a hurricane were 10 bags of Skinnypop (assorted mix ONLY), 3 Bloody Mary mixes, 10 bottles of cocktail sauce, and 4 tins of Fancy Feast Gourmet cat food (organic ONLY)
Heyward always has a booth at the OBX Boardwalk Summer Festival, and during the summer when Kie and Sarah were mortal enemies, he happened to have a booth next to the Wreck's. When Sarah went to order something, Kie refused to serve her, saying that "traitors go hungry". Pope then told Sarah to spend her money at Heyward's instead, which pissed Kie off and made her tell the pogues that they were forbidden to talk to Sarah
While writing a physics paper about bottle rockets, Pope and the rest of the pogues set some off outside of Heywards and broke 3 windows
Pope has written practice college admission essays about the time he ran out of his scholarship interview to help his friends. I love this quote from one of the drafts: "Opportunities come and go, but there are precious few chances to be there for your friends when it really matters. In the end, I decided to be there for them." 🥹🥹
When Heyward was catering the Kildare County Sheriff's Department Annual Holiday Party, Pope witnessed Shoupe, very drunk on Moscow mules, slamming down oysters and singing a karaoke cover of "I Fought the Law"
When Heyward was catering the Vanderhorst Homeowners Association Annual Autumn Gala, a bunch of the kooks were super rude to Pope and Heyward and not tipping them, so Heyward left bags of empty shellfish and fish bones in their garbage cans, making the whole street reek for days
How each of the Pogues (minus John B apparently) would spend their shares of the money:
Pope: a submarine to research aquatic life, a new video camera, a mansion, a garage full of vintage cars, a vacation for his parents, a tutor to teach him Gullah, founding the Denmark and Cecilia Tanny Scholarship Foundation, and restoring the Freedman's Assembly Church
Kie: recording a double album in her mansion with a built-in studio, emancipation from her parents, a private chef, donating to a bunch of environmental charities to try to save every endangered species, and buying Kildare Island and kicking out the residents so the animals can take over again
Sarah: a wardrobe makeover for herself and John B, buying Tannyhill to kick out her family and give the keys to Pope, an international trip with Wheezie, and taking a private trip to space with the pogues
JJ: The Surf Trip (he says it's with all the pogues not just Kie, but i can absolutely ignore that), a surfboard for every day of the week, a new dirt bike, a marble statue of himself, an upgraded version of Topper's Malibu, a pet monkey, matching pogue jet skis, a $24K blunt, a private island, and private security to knock out any kooks that get too close to him
Pope likes collecting antique electronics because trying to repair them allows him to see the engineering on the inside. Aside from the retro 90's camcorder (RIP), he's collected a vintage iPod, a Gameboy (Tetris is his favorite game), and a Polaroid camera. He found the Gameboy when Kie dragged him to a thrift store on the mainland a few summers back
Pre-canon times when Rafe has been a piece of shit: he stole money from Ward and blamed it on Sarah, he killed a spider for Sarah but then left the dead carcass on her pillow, he ripped apart Sarah's dollhouse and decapitated the dolls, during a game of hide-and-seek, he locked Sarah in the cellar for 3 hours and told Rose that she had ran away, he hid his weed in Wheezie's room, AND he creeped on Kie (very vague very ew) during sleepovers
Ward was going to give Sarah his old car, but Rafe went for a joyride with Kelce and totaled it, so Ward used the insurance payout to lease Sarah a brand new car instead
Wheezie DEFINITELY had a crush on Topper. Sarah recounts a time when Wheezie had hidden in her car to try to sneak into a movie night. When Sarah caught her, she let her stick around for the date, and she sat between Sarah and Topper, blushing the whole time (ew girl raise your standards)
Ward didn't let Sarah host parties at Tannyhill, but her kook friends often let her host at their houses when their parents were on vacation. Sarah Cameron parties quickly became legendary on Figure 8
Sarah volunteered at the Kildare Humane Society, and German shepard-golden retriever mixes are her favorite breed (isn't that what Milo is?? more breaking the fourth wall i see you). She's also volunteered at the Shady Acres Nursing Home, the Kildare County Youth Arts Center, and the South Creek Food Pantry
Sarah mentions how Scarlett's "sleepovers" were code for parties, and that they were always wild (i'm only mentioning this because i really wanna see Scarlett in season 3 if we're getting Kook Academy stuff)
JJ worked as a caddy at the golf club 2 summers before the show starts, and since management were dicks to him, he and John B snuck onto the course and drew dicks in the sand traps
Topper is apparently very obsessive about working out
Sarah and Kie made a friendship bracelet together (i have no other details besides that, trust me i wish i did)
There's more confirmation that Kie has a hidden dolphin tattoo, but no hints as to where it is
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burnedbyshoto · 2 years
idk what’s so appealing about midoriya deku izuku being an elite and sweet man whore????
like he’s just a sweet boy with curly hair and pretty eyes and soft freckles on a pretty face. but he’s also buff arms and legs, scarred thick fingers, with a well known fierce grin and possessive protective tendencies to make girls, gays, and theys.
and so it begins in high school. class 3-a first sex scandal between classmates gets out & one part of the scandal is izuku. everyone can’t believe it because literally the entire campus watched him cry in all mights arms after winning the sports festival last week.
a crybaby??? getting laid???
nah. a joke.
but then another story comes out. another person in izukus class has now slept with him.
and sure the first person he slept with had much praise and worship for the hero of the world but that’s just between virgins and a single person. it doesn’t mean much.
but again and again, midoriya izukus name is beginning to be paired with taking peoples virginities and being not only a complete sweetheart the entire time they talked, but absolutely rocking their fucking world.
his crybaby traits get pushed back to highlighting how gentle, sensitive, and kind this hero is all while being dripping sex.
ANYWAYS!!!!!¡¡ virgin reader who is fucking pissed off about all this damn talk because izuku is her best friend and she’s soooo damn fucking tired of everyone approaching her to see if there’s anyway she could help to make them izukus person of the week. don’t even get started on the people who think reader wants him!!!!
but one day it happens.
a hang out with the girls at a bar, and one too many drinks has everyone spilling about their sex lives — again. reader typically doesn’t pay attention to this shit because why would she, she’s a virgin by choice and definitely doesn’t want to hand hers to any loser. and then for whatever damn reason — definitely not the fact that izuku enters the bar with a navy blue dress shirt that’s too tight across his chest with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows that has the conversation dipping about fucking midoriya izuku.
it’s not that reader doesn’t know that all her friends — former class 3-a — hasn’t slept with the green eyed beauty, but hearing a collective voice of how good and great he is & how it took months for current partners to be as good as he naturally was has reader even more pissed. and so it was definitely the alcohol and the whispering stories of izuku in bed and how izuku saw you all at the bar and came over and pressed up next to you with a friendly grin and a casual arm over your shoulder.
so when he has himself pressed against your knees as you chat with him on the bar stool, his eyes bright with mirth and dimples just peeking out as you find yourself drinking slowly at of your empty cup, does it hit you.
“have sex with me.”
and the world knows midoriya izuku as the ever confident hero deku. a select population knows midoriya izuku has a walking sex god. but few and far between have ever seen midoriya izuku turn bright red and chomp on his tongue at any proclamation. so when he flushes and stammers, you feel already on cloud nine because this is new. and as you drag him away to your apartment, you continue to wave away his squawking questions saying that you were ready to have sex and no you didn’t care that he was as experienced as he was. and when you press a rushed kiss to his gaping lips, you’ll never forget the expanding pupils or the way he trembled beneath your fingers.
“i’ve wanted you for forever,” you say, front door locking behind you as your fingers find the zipper to your clothes. “why should I deny myself now that I have your attention?”
pls ignore how i completely abandoned the reader person in favor of using you because my brain couldn’t handle it. anyways I just fucking loveeeeeeeeeeeee the: midoriya izuku is the best at sex but will also be an absolute gentleman about your entire experience with him. and anyways izuku is def in love with you and y’all live happily ever after.
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Shinso Hitoshi: Victim of Discrimination? Part 2
Last time on DragonBall Z this overly long meta post, I talked about how fanon Shinso differs from canon Shinso, looked at the evidence for him being bullied, and contrasted that with Izuku's canonical bullying and discrimination. This time, we move from how their classmates treated them to how society treats them. This section is going to be a fair bit shorter, but let's have some fun with it anyway! If you have not read the previous post, I highly suggest go and read that first! I will be building on ideas from that post in this one! With that said, let's get started!
We have seen how Izuku's and Shinso's classmates treated them in middle school, but quirk discrimation and quirkless discrimination are societal problems in the world of My Hero Academia. That begs the question, how does wider society treat Izuku and Shinso? Let’s start with Izuku. During the scene where Izuku is revealed to want to go to UA, Bakugo does this:
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How does their teacher respond to this blatant aggression and attack on another student? With silence. He never intervenes at all to stop Bakugo or any of the rest of the class from insulting and attacking Izuku. Izuku is being completely let down by one of the key authorities in his life. The teacher does nothing to reign in his other students, does not scold them for their discriminatory actions or attitude, does not even try to defend one of his students. He is failing Izuku as an authority figure and one possible conclusion we can draw from this is that he thinks Izuku is not worth defending. This is not the only time an adult authority figure lets Izuku down or devalues him for his lack of quirk. That began the moment Izuku was diagnosed as quirkless:
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This panel has been much studied due to the similarity in appearance between Doctor Tsubasa here and Doctor Garaki, but that is not what I want to focus on. Instead, focus on the specific wording he uses, “there’s no hope for him.” Izuku, at the age of four, is judged by a medical doctor to have zero worth because of his lack of quirk. He is immediately discounted because of the double toe joint he possesses and the quirk he does not.
Finally, we have Izuku’s own words on what people say:
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He is specifically ignoring what the world is telling him and instead keeps his head up and keeps moving forward. The implication is that society is telling him to do the opposite, to keep his head down and to give up on his dreams. Let’s contrast this with Shinso.
We sadly do not see Shinso’s quirk awakening, nor how he is treated by his teachers at his middle school. However, there is one instance where we can see how society treats him, the Sports Festival itself. In chapter 34, after Izuku defeats Shinso, we get a cut to the crowd and their thoughts on Shinso. Do they think he is a villain in the making? Are they scared of his quirk? That could not be further from the truth.
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The crowd, far from viewing Shinso as a villain or dangerous, instead is praising him. One person wishes they had Shinso’s quirk (as did one of his classmates previously), another wonders why UA does not have Shinso in the hero course given how useful his quirk is for heroics. Not one calls him a villain or says he is unworthy of standing with the heroes. To summarize what Shinso’s 1-C classmates say, “he’s awesome.” I could not agree with them more, Shinso is awesome.
So, let’s conclude this meta with some closing thoughts. Shinso is a great character. I love him to death, and I have loved many stories that use the fanon ideas about him as an outcast. However, we should be careful to distinguish between fanon and canon. The two are very different things. As I mentioned at the start of last post, a big part of why I was inspired to write this long essay was because I had let the fanon version of Shinso replace canon in my head. It was only when I looked back at these chapters when Sam and I were planning how to handle Shinso in Little Owl that I realized, thanks to Sam's prompting, the inconsistency between fanon and canon. Canon Shinso has his own struggles and character that I would love to see explored in fanfiction a bit more often. He does face a lot of challenges, just that his challenges are different from Izuku's and from the challenges fanon often places in front of him. Taking canon and going in weird, fun directions with it is the entire point of fanfiction. I hope y'all have enjoyed my ramblings, I did not expect this to be quite this long, but I am a bit of a windbag!
For those of you who made it to the end of this, thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think and if you would like to see more stuff like this from me in the future!
Until then, ἐρρῶσθαι!
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So Stupid
Word Count: 5.2k
Genre: Smut, Angst
Summary: Every year, your school does a sort of beauty/couples contest. One male and one female are picked out of each class to compete for the first prize. It’s part of the year end school festival and this year, you’re forced to participate as no one else in your class would, and as part of the student body counsel, you had to take one for the team. The other half of your couple, the boy, is picked out at random, and it turns out to be none other than your estranged childhood friend Beomgyu. 
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“Beomgyu really? What a disgrace to our class.” Jeongin sneers, speaking loud enough for everyone to hear, including Beomgyu himself.
You wince at the comment, your eyes darting towards the boy being spoken about. You can’t see his expression since he’s got his head down, his long hair covering his face, but you know he must feel horrible. He has always suffered from the bullies’ comments and they hurt him deeply. You wish you could defend him like you used to when you were kids, but you know it’s different now. If you stand up for him, it will only bring more ire down on him, giving more fuel to the bullies to make fun of him for not being a man enough and needing a girl to protect him.
You wish he’d say something to defend himself instead, but he never does.
As children, you and Beomgyu were attached at the hip. You were always so protective of him as he was often the subject of bullying due to his feminine nature, and you always took it upon yourself to stand up for him and chase the bullies away. This continued into your elementary school years, but once you reached middle school, the both of you were separated, each one going to a different school. And as happens when two people have different schedules and friends, you gradually lost contact. You met him again in high school, but Beomgyu was different by then. He was withdrawn and elusive. You tried to talk to him multiple times but he didn’t really reciprocate and so you regretfully backed off.
Your thoughts are cut off when you see someone step up to you in your peripheral vision, and to your dismay you find out it’s Jeongin.
“If I knew you were running, baby, I would’ve volunteered to compete with you.” He gives you a greasy smile.
You shoot him your coldest look in response. “Fuck off, Jeongin.” Your words had more bite to them than usual and they catch the cocky boy off guard. He blinks in surprise and looks around to make sure no one saw that before clearing his throat and slithering back to his seat. 
You glance back at Beomgyu, your heart skipping a beat when you see him looking directly at you. You weren’t expecting it as he never paid you much attention since you’ve gotten reunited in high school, but as soon as you make eye contact, he looks away. 
Your fists clench at your sides. You can’t just let this keep happening. You can’t let him get bullied and you can’t let him keep ignoring you. So you make up your mind; you’re going to help him whether he likes it or not. 
You wait until class is over before approaching him. 
“Hey, Beomgyu!” You greet cheerily, hoping to put him at ease, but he still jumps at your voice. He takes a quick look at you before he ducks his head down again, and responds quietly, “Hey.”
Undeterred, you continue, “Since we’re the chosen couple of our class for the beauty contest, why don’t we help each other out?” 
He’s quiet for a moment before he glances around nervously, and says in a small voice. “Umm… can we t-talk somewhere else?”
You look around to see that you're surrounded by your classmates, the same ones who bully him so much. You mentally slap yourself for being thoughtless. He probably doesn’t want to bring even more attention to himself.  “Of course!” 
Once you’re alone, Beomgyu eases up a tiny bit. 
“It’s been a long time, huh?” You ask casually, jumping up to sit on an empty desk. Beomgyu just stares at his feet and nods. 
Not letting yourself get discouraged, you continue. “So about the contest, we should do our best to win, yeah?” 
“Why?” He asks so quietly you almost miss it. 
“To prove those bastards wrong! They were totally making fun of you back there so let’s win and shove that trophy up their asses.” You explain heatedly. You see a tiny smile appear on his face, but you can’t be sure as it’s gone as soon as you think you saw it.  
“I--I can’t. I’ll just bring you down.” He says defeatedly, “Maybe you should just compete with Jeongin. He’s handsome and popular, and you’re… beautiful. You’ll win for sure.” 
“Don’t be so negative, Beomgyu.” You yell at him, and he jumps back. “S-sorry.”
“And don’t apologize.” You say sternly, “Besides, there is no way I’m competing with that asshole. I wanna do it with you.” 
You walk towards him, stopping so close to him that his surprise overcomes his shyness and he looks at you directly.  “Please? Do it for me.”
You can barely see his eyes from behind his fringe, but you don’t need to to be able to tell that he’s conflicted. 
You reach out for his hands, hoping to tip the scales. He gasps as your hands clasp around his bigger ones, and you pause for a second, realizing how much he’s grown over the years, your hands that used to be the same size as his, now look so small in comparison. And when you look up at him, you realize how tall he’s gotten. 
“You’ve really grown, huh?”
“What do you mean?” He asks shyly. 
“You’re so tall now.” 
“Ah… I could’ve been taller.” He replies sheepishly. 
“What are you talking about?” You protest, “You’re so tall already.” 
He shrugs. “Five more centimeters would be nice.” 
“Well, you’re kinda tall…” 
“What does that have to do with anything?” 
“Nothing.” He quickly pulls his hands away and takes a step back. “I’ll do it.” 
“Do what--” You’re lost for a second before realization hits you and you clap your hands in excitement.  “Wait, you’ll compete with me?!” 
“Yeah.” He answers shyly and you throw your hands around him in a big hug. He stays stiff in your arms, his hands drawn to his body and making no move to return the hug but you don’t care, squeezing him tighter. “We’re gonna crush this.” 
Finally pulling back, you see a weak smile on his face. “Now, in order to win, we gotta impress everyone. Let’s start by changing your style.” 
He looks at you in confusion. “M-my style?” 
“Yeah, those glasses have to go.” You reach out and gently take his glasses off. He panics a bit, squeezing his eyes shut and breathing heavily. “Open your eyes, Beomgyu. I can’t see.” 
He takes a deep breath before opening his eyes slowly. Your heart skips a beat as his gaze locks with yours, and you suddenly feel a little nervous.
What’s wrong with you? It’s just Beomgyu, you scold yourself before pulling yourself together and smiling at him. “There, much better.” 
“But I can’t see without them.” 
You think for a moment. “Have you tried lenses?” 
“Oh, right, you’re scared of anything getting near your eyes.” You recall, but Beomgyu quickly denies it. “I’m not scared of that anymore!”
You pause at his sudden outburst, not getting why the simple misunderstanding bothered him so much, but brush it off.  “Then we’ll try that.” You say before frowning. 
“What’s wrong?” He asks worriedly. You put the glasses down and reach for his face again. This time he pulls away in panic. “What are you doing?” 
You laugh, grabbing his shoulder to keep him in place. “Relax, I’m just going to part your bangs. I can’t see your face.” You sweep his long bangs to the side, finally able to see his eyes clearly, making your heart flutter even more, but you just chalk it up to how beautiful he is. 
Awkwardly, you say, “You have gorgeous eyes. Why are you hiding them?” 
He blushes at the compliment, “I don’t like people seeing my face. It makes me nervous.” 
“There you go again being negative.” You pout and he quickly apologizes. “I don’t mean to make you frustrated.”
“I just want you to have some confidence. You have such a beautiful face.” You cock your head to the side, touching his soft cheek. He really was so pretty. Even prettier than you, you think begrudgingly. Beomgyu squeaks and jumps back. “You shouldn’t touch me so much.” 
You chuckle, “Why not? We’re friends, aren’t we?” 
“Yeah, b-but still you're a girl and I'm a guy.. ” He answers and you roll your eyes and pinch his cheek. "Don't be silly." 
Still, you step back to not make him too uncomfortable. “Your homework for today is to keep your bangs parted like that and send me your prescription so I can get you some lenses to try out. How does that sound?”
“Great.” You smile brightly, feeling so accomplished already. “We’re done for today then.” 
“Oh, okay.” He seems a little disappointed but you don’t dwell on it because that’s when you hear your name being called. Heading towards the door where you hear the sound, you run into your boyfriend.
"There you are, babe. I’ve been looking for you all over." Yeonjun exclaims, encircling you in his arms. “I heard what happened. It’s so unfair that you have to run with that weird kid.” 
“Yeonjun!” You smack him, pointedly looking back at Beomgyu who was behind you, still inside the classroom. 
“Oh, sorry. Didn't see you there.” Yeonjun mumbles, furrowing his eyebrows. "You look... different."
Beomgyu immediately pushes his bangs over his eyes again and puts on his glasses. 
“Nooo, don’t do that.” You get out of Yeonjun’s embrace and reach your hand out to part Beomgyu’s bangs back but he jumps away. You sigh, turning to your boyfriend. "I'm giving him a makeover for the competition."
“Ah.” He gives Beomgyu an unsure look. “Is that going to help? Ow!” He shouts as you give his arm a good punch. "I mean you can win easily, babe. You’re stunning, but…" He throws another glance at Beomgyu, and the younger boy quickly grabs his bag to leave. 
"Beomgyu, you don't have--" You call after him, but he's already pushing past the both of you. "I'll see you tomorrow!" You shout at his retreating back before turning to your boyfriend and punching him again, harder this time. "Why did you have to be such an asshole?" 
He pouts, holding his arm where you hit him. "I was just telling the truth." 
"Beomgyu is pretty!" You insist, but Yeonjun looks doubtful. 
"Whatever.” He rolls his eyes and wraps his arms around your waist again. "Wish I could run with you. Why did I have to be older?"
You giggle, "So I can brag about having a cool older boyfriend that the entire school is in love with." 
Your answer seems to satisfy him, and he leans down to kiss your lips when an intrusive thought pops into your head, and you wonder what Beomgyu’s lips would feel like.  Surprised at yourself, you pull away, confusing Yeonjun. “Are you okay, babe?” 
“Yeah, I just have a lot on my mind because of the contest.” You lie, and he pats your head. “Don’t overexert yourself. You’re the most beautiful girl in the school to me regardless of any dumb contest.” 
“Aw, you simp.” You tease him, giggling. 
“How are the lenses?” 
Beomgyu frowns, complaining, “They’re making my eyes dry and I can see everything too clearly.”
You pout at his answer and he hastily apologizes. “Sorry. I’m being negative again.” He puts on a smile for you. “I’ll get used to them.”
You smile back at his effort, appreciating it. “I think the lenses suit you a lot. They let you show your pretty face.” 
“Stop saying that so lightly…” He protests. 
“But it’s true. You’re very pretty, Beomgyu.” 
He stutters under your scrutiny. “So what’s f-for today?”
“We need to change the way you wear your clothes.” You proclaim, and he looks at you in confusion, cocking his head to the side and looking like such a lost puppy that you can’t help but reach forward and pinch his cheek. “Stop being so cute!” 
Beomgyu flushes, smiling bashfully as you pat his cheek before dropping your hand to his vest and pulling it up. “Take this off.”
“What?” Beomgyu sputters. 
“You look too tidy.” You explain, “Let’s make you look cool.” 
“Oh. Okay.” His voice is unsure but he does it anyway, taking his vest off for you. 
“Good, now untuck half of your shirt.” 
“Eh?” He looks confused again. You roll your eyes, and do it yourself despite his protests, untucking part of his shirt and tucking in any excess parts. It feels really intimate, standing so close together as you fix his clothes, moving from the bottom of his shirt to the top to unbutton the first two buttons and loosen his tie. 
He stands completely still, face red and breathing halted. You feel the tension too, but you pretend you don’t, taking your sweet time adjusting his clothes so you’d be close to him for that much longer. And even after you’re done, you can’t help but stand there and admire him. He really is unfairly attractive. 
You don’t realize you’ve been standing there staring at him until he calls out your name. 
“Huh?” You snap out of it.
“Too close…” He whispers. 
“Oh, right.” You reply, begrudgingly taking a step back but not taking your eyes off him. “You look amazing.” 
He seems unconvinced, a cute pout adorning his face. “But I look messy.” 
“Girls like that. The I-couldn’t-care-less look.” You explain and he’s quiet for a moment, thinking. “Do you also like it?” 
You shrug, “I guess.” 
He pauses again. “Is this why you like Yeonjun?” 
His question catches you off guard. “Huh?... No. I mean not exclusively.” 
“Then why do you like him?” He presses, and you feel flustered under his intense stare.
“I just like him.” 
Beomgyu frowns, seemingly unsatisfied with your answer but you cut him off before he can question you more. “I think we’re done for today.” 
“Okay.” He smiles his pretty smile that makes your insides knot up. “What are we doing tomorrow?” 
“Tomorrow is the weekend.” You tell him, and a disappointed look appears on his face. “So we can meet at the mall and go shopping.”
His smile quickly returns. “That sounds great.” 
“How about this?” Beomgyu asks, holding out a dress for you. 
“Hmm, it won’t suit me.” You say, about to brush off the hundredth dress you’ve seen today when a thought pops into your head and you let out an exaggerated gasp, scaring Beomgyu. “But you know what? This would look so good on you!”
“Hey!” Beomgyu squawks, “I’m not a girl!” 
“I know,” You roll your eyes at him, “But this would be so great for the contest. It would really leave an impact on the audience if we crossdress. It would set us apart from the others and you’d look so good in it.” 
“No!” He indignantly refuses. 
“Do you not know how to put them on? I can dress you if you want.” You chatter, excited. 
“No! I can put on a dress on my own.” He shouts and a few passerby’s turn their heads to look at you. He blushes deeply before continuing, “That’s not the reason.”
“Please, Beomgyu. Just try it on.” You plead, giving him your best puppy eyes. “I really wanna win. Please, please!” 
He sighs, looking like he has something on his mind. 
“What is it?”
“I was just thinking how I’d do anything for you.” 
Your breath catches in your throat at his words, a fuzzy feeling tingling at your fingertips at the way he looks at you. You feel like you would burst if you stayed under his gaze a second longer. So you hurriedly push the dress towards him. “Go on then. Try it.” 
“How is it?” You pipe up impatiently, “Are you almost done?” 
“I’m done…” He trails off. 
“Then what are you waiting for? Come out.” You stomp your foot excitedly, but no movement occurs behind the curtain. 
“Um...I’m too embarrassed to go out like this. Can you come in instead?” 
You barely wait for him to finish his sentence before you’re snatching the curtain to the side and stepping in, gasping as you take a look at him. 
“You look… beautiful!” You squeak giddily. “You’re going to look so much cuter than all the other girls!” 
“I’m not a girl.” He protests heatedly. 
“Oh, yeah, of course.” You reply absentmindedly, taking out your phone. “Let me take a picture of you. This is even better than I imagined.” 
Beomgyu swats your hand away when you raise your phone at him. “No. Don’t!” 
“Come on, just one picture… or two.” You giggle, pointing the camera at him again. 
Suddenly, you’re pushed against the mirror behind you, wrists pinned to the cool glass as your breath whooshes out of your chest at the force. 
“Beomgyu?” You ask shakily, a little surprised by the strength of the skinny boy. 
His face was so close to yours, you could feel his unsteady breath against your cheek. “Don’t.” He repeats, “Don’t take pictures.” 
“O-okay, I won’t.” You reply unsteadily, the urge to kiss him flaring up at his proximity. “Can you let me go?” 
Beomgyu blinks then jumps back. “Ah… sorry.” 
You rub your wrists where he was holding them, finding them a bit sore already. “It’s okay. I shouldn’t have pushed.” You say awkwardly. “I’ll get out so you can change.” ________________
When he steps back out, you inform him that this is it for today. You’ll resume shopping tomorrow. He quietly agrees, the atmosphere a bit tense. 
Walking towards the exit of the mall, your steps are brisk, needing to escape the weird situation you’ve created. But as soon as you step out of the mall, you spot something that stops you in your tracks. 
“Look, Beomgyu!” You shout, pointing at a stuffed toy inside the claw machine outside of the mall. “Doesn’t this bear look so much like you?” 
He shakes his head, “No way.”
“I gotta win this.” You brush him off, grabbing a coin from your pocket and inserting it into the machine and begin playing. 
However, after a few tries, you’re still bearless. You turn to Beomgyu with a forlorn look. “I’m so bad at this. I’m so sad.” You lay your hand against the glass and look at the toy longingly. 
“I’ll win it for you.” Beomgyu pipes up and you immediately perk up. “Really?” 
You watch him as he inserts the coin and moves the stick carefully. He looks so adorable focusing all his attention on the stuffed bear, his expression mimicking the one on the toy’s face even more. 
To your delight, he gets it in one try, and you’re so excited you snatch the toy out of his hands as soon as he gets it and hold it to your chest, twirling around in happiness before engulfing him in a huge hug.“You’re the best, Beommie!” 
“Was it really that important?” He asks with a giggle. You pull back to pout at him, your faces so close together. “I just like cute stuff.” You shrug, “And it reminds me of you so I wanted it.” 
Beomgyu's smile is frozen and you realize how close your faces are yet again. You clear your throat and step back. 
“We should go now.” 
You’ve been hanging out with Beomgyu so much lately, and you couldn’t be happier. You’ve finally rekindled your friendship with him, and he’s been way more comfortable around you lately, save for the few inexplicable moments you always seem to find yourself in. But you don’t pay much mind to those. 
“Don’t you think you’re spending too much time with him?” Yeonjun’s voice breaks through your thoughts. 
“Huh? But we’re preparing for the contest.” You reply defensively, feeling nervous that Yeonjun might suspect something of your feelings for Beomgyu.
“I know that but you still shouldn’t be spending so much time with another man when you have a boyfriend.”
You force out a laugh. “Wait, are you actually jealous of Beomgyu?”
Yeonjun shrugs. “He’s a guy, isn’t he?” 
“Yeah, but he’s not like that. The boy is more feminine than I am. He's like one of my girlfriends.” You chuckle, trying to bluff when you suddenly catch a glimpse of a certain someone. Your blood runs cold when you make eye contact with none other than Beomgyu himself. “Oh shit, Beomgyu, wait!” 
He turns his back to you and walks away briskly. 
“I have to talk to him.” You tell Yeonjun, not bothering to wait back and hear his words of protest. 
You catch up to Beomgyu outside the school when he suddenly stops and you crash into him. He turns back to you in fury. "So you really don’t consider me as a man?" 
“I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have said that.” You quickly apologize, “I was just trying to calm Yeonjun down. I didn’t mean to say that when I know how much it hurts you when people do that.”  
He laughs bitterly, "You don’t even know anything, do you?”
You press your lips tightly, not knowing what to say and scared that you’ll fuck things up even more if you speak.
“God, you make me so angry.” He yells, stepping up to you and towering over you. This time, you’re the one who nervously shies away from his gaze, making him scoff and step back. “Stay away from me if you know what’s good for you.” 
You couldn’t stay away. He’s your friend. You’re not gonna lose him again. Besides, you felt horrible about what you said and how it must’ve made him feel. You tried apologizing many times but he hasn’t shown up to school and he hasn’t been replying to any of your calls or texts.  Your worry builds up with every passing day until you can’t take it anymore and decide to just go to his house and force him to talk to you. 
When he opens the door for you, he looks different than you’ve ever seen him, dressed in a large black hoodie and sweatpants with his hair once again covering half his face and giving him a menacing look. 
You feel your heart palpitate, something not feeling right. But you don’t let yourself cower away. You fucked this up and you’re gonna have to fix it. 
“I thought I told you to stay away.” For the first time, his deep voice sounds threatening instead of comforting. Still, you don’t back down. “I can’t. You’re my friend.” 
“I don’t want to be your friend.” He growls, hurling the words at you.  
“Don’t say that. I know you’re upset at me but we can work through this.” You plead, latching onto his arm in your desperation. He stares at where you’re touching him, a weird silence following. Awkwardly, you pull your hand away, and he looks at your face once again, but before you can say anything, he speaks up. “Let's talk in my room.”
"Ok." You squeak nervously, ready to do whatever you could to appease the angry boy. 
But you regret your decision once you're inside his room and you hear the door being closed and locked behind him.
"Gyu?” You ask shakily, the nickname you used to call him as kids coming out in your nervousness, but it just sets him off more. 
“You’re so dumb. I told you to stay away but instead you come to my house alone and go up to my room just because I asked you to." He advances on you, backing you away towards the bed. "You’re either stupid or a slut.” 
You gasp at his words. You’ve never heard Beomgyu speak this way before, let alone to you. He pushes you to the bed, the force behind his shove almost making you fly backwards. 
“You even came here wearing this short dress." He drags the hem of your dress up over your thigh. "Do you really not see me as a man at all or are you trying to tempt me?” 
You struggle to cover yourself up but he pins both of your wrists over your head with one hand. "Beomgyu, please, let's talk about this."
 "No. I've given you the chance to run away and you didn't take it. I won't hold back anymore." He kisses you deeply, pouring so much emotion into it that you can almost choke. 
You don’t know what to think. You’d be lying to yourself if you said that you haven’t been thinking about his lips ever since that first day, and that desire has only grown worse every day, but this is wrong. You have a boyfriend, and Beomgyu’s words were more than a little concerning. 
Unable to free your hands, your body squirms under him, trying to make him stop, but instead, the movement only serves to rub your body against his, eliciting a deep moan from him as your thigh comes into contact with his hard dick. 
Freaking out, you bite down on his lip, making him hiss and pull back. “Beomgyu--”
He cuts you off with a slap, shocking you into silence. “What? Are you afraid of me?” He taunts, clearly seeing the tears building up in your eyes. “Good.” 
He goes to kiss you again, but you turn your head to the side, making him miss your lips. He bites down on the sensitive skin of your neck in retaliation. 
“Ah, Beomgyu--” You moan despite yourself. “Don’t leave a mark.” 
"Are you worried your boyfriend will see?" His deep chuckle reverberates against your throat. “It’s no use. I won’t let you see him again.” 
“W-what?” You shudder, but Beomgyu pays you no mind, his mouthing trailing from your neck down to your breasts. When he encounters the top of your dress, hindering him from moving downward, he grabs it and pulls sharply, the thin fabric tearing away from your body and exposing your breasts to him. 
You look away, not bearing to look at the savage man you used to call your best friend. But you can tell that his eyes are devouring your exposed chest. You shiver when you feel his hand cup one of your breasts, squeezing and kneading it before he bends down to latch onto the other one, laying wet kisses all over your skin. You can't help the moan that slips out of your mouth and you glance down to see his eyes fixed on you. You look away quickly but he doesn't stop, kissing and sucking all over your tits in hunger.
You start struggling again when you feel one of his hands move between your legs. But it’s no use, his fingers easily slipping past your panties to rub at your pussy. 
"You're so wet.” He sucks in a breath through his teeth, “Are you enjoying this? Is this why you've been teasing me? You were trying to make me snap and take you?"
You shake your head violently, denying his shameful accusations. 
"Doesn’t matter. I'll take you anyway." He says, yanking your panties down and pushing his fingers inside of you. "This hole is mine now."
The tears finally break free from your eyelashes and stream down your face. You feel stupid and helpless, but most of all you feel guilty and disgusted at yourself for enjoying the way his fingers and mouth are making you feel, the burning pleasure building in the pit of your stomach threatening to devour you. Soon, you can’t hold back your little moans and gasps, feeding Beomgyu’s delusions even more. 
Your walls start to clench around his fingers, and he pulls back to look at you, lips swollen and glistening. He grabs your hand and directs it to his hard dick. "Still think I'm a girl now?"
You shake your head. “I’m sorry, Beomgyu. Please stop.” 
“Why? Are you ashamed that you like this so much you’re gonna cum for me?” He taunts, curling his fingers to rub against your g-spot, making you gasp and draw your legs up your chest. “What if your boyfriend sees you like this? Should we take a picture for him?” 
“No, please, please!”
“But you like taking pictures so much.” 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for how I treated you. Please stop.” You cry, pleading for his mercy. 
You think it worked when he pulls his fingers out of you, a thank-you at the tip of your tongue, but then he pulls his sweats down and presses your thighs to your body, lining his dick with your entrance. 
You scream out as he pushes into you. "There you go. All mine now."
He grabs your face and makes you look at him before leaning down and kissing your lips. This time you let him. He's already got his dick inside you, what more can you lose?  
"Fuck, you’re so tight. I can get used to this." He groans, drawing back and snapping his hips into you. "Now that you're mine I'll fuck this pussy every day and night. You’re going to make up for all the times you’ve teased me. I’ll use you well, my pretty slut." 
His words made you feel like an object more than a human, a sex toy for him to play with.  With disgust, you find yourself getting wetter at his degrading words. Did you really like this? What is wrong with you?
"Is this how your boyfriend fucks you?" He asks, teeth gritting at his own question. "Or maybe he takes you from behind like the slut you are." He muses, groping your tits roughly. "Do you let him? Huh?"
You don't answer his question, knowing that it will only anger him more to hear you mentioning anything about Yeonjun.
"It doesn't matter." He scoffs at your silence, his thrusts getting erratic. "I'll keep you stuffed with my dick all the time until you forget about that stupid bastard."
Your thighs ache from being held at this high angle and you’re sure your skin is red from the way his hips keep slapping against yours, but despite all that you feel your orgasm approaching. 
"You're clenching so hard. Are you gonna cum on my dick?" 
You shake your head from side to side. "I don't want to. Please stop."
"That's too bad. It's better that you face what you are right now, my little whore." His hands grab your waist to steady you before he starts fucking you brutally fast and hard, intent on tearing the orgasm out of your screaming body. 
And that's exactly what he does. 
"Beomgyu!" You wail, your walls spasming around his dick that struggles to keep thrusting into you for a couple more seconds before he too cums, emptying his load deep inside of you. "AH--fuck! Good girl--good little slut. That's it… milk my cock." He grunts, fucking his cum deeper into you and filling the room with wet sloppy sounds. 
'Please, Beomgyu, enough… let me go." You whimper, and he finally stops, taking a deep breath but not pulling out of you. 
"I can't, baby. You're such a slut, if I let you out of my sight you'll find another man to get fucked by like you did with me." He explains to you like you’re a dumb kitten. "I need to keep my slut on a tight leash so she won't stray again."
“Beomgyu… this isn’t you.” You weep, terrified of the man on top of you. 
“You made me this way.” He says softly, brushing your hair away from your face. “Now lay back and take the consequences of what you did to me.”
A/N: for the brave ones who actually read this, let me know what you think
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