#oswald's originals
olympain · 7 months
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I'm entitled to that. I'm giving you my days. You and me, time and space.
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"do you think i care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?" is gonna live in my head rent free for a long time. that was genuinely so beautiful to me.
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randomjr-chaoticminds · 9 months
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A comic to celebrate mickey entering public domain
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galahadwilder · 3 months
Sutekh: I’m gonna hide here for a bit and turn into a GOD
Sutekh: I, uh. Okay Fenric and Ragnarok were a bit much for me. But I’ll be a god soon—
Sutekh: okay so there’s a Time War but it’s probably fine, better sit this one outWHAT THE HELL IS THE COULD’VE-BEEN KING AHHHHHH
Sutekh: okay so that’s over I’m free might be a good time to come out — wait something’s haunting alongside me, what the hell is “Bad Wolf”
Sutekh: holy me Bad Wolf is ALL up and down the Doctor’s timeline I need to hide until I’m sure she’s COMPLETELY gone
Sutekh: is she still here
Sutekh: oh hi River you’re here again WAIT WHY ARE YOU BLOWING ME UP
Sutekh: okay Amy is clearly not safe for me since she can rewrite time apparently I need to —
Sutekh: wait where are all these tiny brunettes coming from WHO IS CLARA AND WHY DOES SHE KEEP THWARTING ME
Sutekh: okay look other me’s trust me don’t come out of hiding it’s not safe
Sutekh: okay Clara’s gone, yay, I’m — wait she’s up his timeline too isn’t she. Medammit. Now I have to wait out TWO OF THEM?
Sutekh: Okay these three are—they’re normal. They’re normal, right? No weird bullshit?
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lucky-draws · 2 months
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a bunch of claras...im figuring out how to draw her
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j3nnix · 15 days
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my friend sent it to me
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riddle-man · 6 months
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"I am your mother... and I will love you, no matter what. But lie to me now, you will break my heart.
Oswald, have you done things you should not?"
Gotham 1x20//Caitlyn Siehl (@alonesomes) - Start Here
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sunny1927 · 7 days
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Quick doodle of my fav brothers. I missed drawing them.
Of course Mickey loves Oswald but he can get annoyed by his nonsense sometimes-
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Saw this tumblr text post and I just had to 😅
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doctor who part 2 (source)
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
the "main" companions this time!
tag list for the wonderful people who helped make this happen (sorry if you don't watch doctor who and don't understand!)
I'm only tagging op for part 1 so as not to annoy them!
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zacharyleartist69 · 2 months
How It All Began
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Just a FWI, my Disney Mirrorverse Lore would be much more different than the original (which is kinda all over the place in my opinion).
This Disney Mirrorverse will have a lot of angst, violence, and wholesome contents cause why tf not lmao.
Here’s the closeup of Mickey and the entity;
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olympain · 6 months
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Heal thyself
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odo-apologist · 1 month
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incorrectbatfam · 9 months
Have the Gooners had any direct or indirect encounters with any supervillains?
Interviewer: Tell me why you want to intern at LexCorp.
Booker: LexCorp? The ad said something else.
Interviewer: LexCorp is our parent company.
Booker: I see.
[later that day]
Booker: *finds an ad for criminals wanting an intern*
Booker: Well, it's either this or LexCorp.
Booker: *applies*
Riddler: Behold, my ultimate puzzle!
Riddler: *clicks a remote*
Riddler: Why isn't the screen working?
Henchman: It's the new software update. I'm calling tech support.
Henchman: *calls*
Mac, on the other end: Best Buy Geek Squad, how may I assist you?
[a year ago]
Gene's coworker: Hey Gene, can you do me a favor?
Gene: I would, but I'm totally swamped with this one guy's tax returns.
Gene's coworker: Which one?
Gene: Someone named Harvey Dent. There are so many discrepancies, it's like he's living two lives.
Milo: *driving*
Milo: *sees a pedestrian*
Milo: *slams the brakes and honks*
Harley: Hey, I'm walkin' here!
Otto: Morning, Basil. The usual wash?
Clayface: *nods*
Otto: Sounds good. I'll get your car clay-free in half an hour.
[two years ago]
Cobblepot: Bartender, another drink!
Molly: Sir, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to cut you off.
Cobblepot: Who owns this lounge? Who's paying your salary?
Molly: Fine, what'll it be?
Cobblepot: Our finest red wine, of course.
Molly: Good choice.
Molly: *slips a sedative when he's not looking*
Molly: Here you go. Have a good night.
Cobblepot: What?
Molly: Nothing.
[three years ago]
Talia: For this drill, I want to focus on distance. Team A, take the turrets. Team B, you're on the ground with arrows.
Kellin: *grabs a bow*
Talia: And... fire!
Kellin: *fires an arrow*
*arrow hits an oil lamp*
*lamp falls next to Ra's*
*cape catches fire*
Blaise: *googles how to make his weed plants grow faster*
Blaise: *clicks on a video*
The video: Good afternoon, gardeners and plant lovers. I'm Dr. Pamela Isley and today I'll be showing you how to...
[three years ago]
Scarecrow's assistant: Sir, one of your employees wants to see you.
Scarecrow: Send him in.
Rob: Dr. Crane, I'm Rob Steeler. I'm one of the people who intercepted that shipment containing the last ingredient you need for your new fear gas.
Scarecrow: And what do you need?
Rob: Can these other guys step out of the room? It's kind of personal.
Scarecrow: *waves them out*
Rob: *points a gun at Scarecrow*
Scarecrow: Somebody's feeling fearless.
Rob: Your new formula cost me the love of my life. I can see you reaching under your desk for some fear gas and I'm telling you right now, it won't work because the thing I'm most afraid of already came true.
Scarecrow: So you seek revenge.
Rob: Tempting, but no. I want an out—from you, your organization, and your operations. I don't want you or any of your big-shot Rogue connections to come anywhere near me or my family.
Scarecrow: And if I refuse?
Rob: *shoots the wall behind Scarecrow*
Scarecrow: Very well, have it your way. Best of luck finding any semblance of success. You and I both know you will live and die a common thief.
Rob: We'll revisit that when we meet in hell.
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galahadwilder · 1 month
“I just wanna know how old I have to be before I can make a speech like that.”
Bill Potts had said that, a very, very long time ago. She’s lost count of the years. Lost count of the decades, really. Spending all this time out here with Heather, it’s been a while since she’s felt fully human, but there’s still a lot of that in her. The cheeky cafeteria girl who wanted to know her mum, the student who smiled when she didn’t understand something. She’s a Pilot now, yes, but she’s still human, in a way that she wasn’t when she had plastic skin and a metal heart.
She’s smiling now.
“You think you can buy me off, mate?” she says, just a hint of mockery in her voice.
“Every man—or woman—has their price,” the perfectly coiffed alien man in front of her says, straightening his visibly expensive clothing. “Tell me what you want, and I can arrange it.”
Bill laughs. “Aw, mate,” she says. “You really shouldn’t have said that.” She claps a hand on his shoulder and lets a bit of herself leak out onto his shirt, rearranging the molecules a little so that there’s a patch now made out of threadbare and poorly-knitted yarn. He’ll hate that. “Cause you know what? Those people you’re hurting? They’re worth more than anything you could give me.”
“Come now,” the man says, nervous—he’s noticed the patch on his shirt. “There must be something you want.”
Bill’s eyes flash darkly, the way his did whenever he was about to do something dangerous or stupid. “Yeah, there is,” she says. “I want you to care. I want these people safe. I want a universe where every single person is treated like they matter, because they do. A universe where no one is expendable.” She grins again, and there’s something predatory in it this time. “Think you can manage that for me? I mean, you’re the richest bloke in the sector, aren’t ya?”
The man stammers, afraid. And Bill knows she’s got him.
Sometimes, sometimes, when there is danger or terror or injustice in the universe, the Doctor comes to call. But it’s a big universe, and there’s a lot of bad in it. The Doctor can’t be everywhere. But there are a lot of immortals whose lives he’s touched.
So sometimes, they get the Captain. Sometimes they get the Raven.
Sometimes? Sometimes they get the Pilot.
She wonders what Professor Penguin-With-His-Ass-On-Fire would think of her speech.
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itzrafee · 9 months
A thing on Uran and Helena in Pluto
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Okay a short little thing on Pluto. Uran and Helena are my absolute favourite characters in Pluto. Urasawa has always had amazing side characters, from Mr. Rosso in Monster to Lee Harvey Oswald and Jackie in Billy Bat to God in 20th Century Boys, but very few have tied off the emotional ends of the story like Uran and Helena.
Maybe I'm projecting here but much like myself I feel like Urasawa is absolutely obsessed with Frankenstein. And he recognizes the influence Frankenstein has on Dr. Umataro Tenma. Or at the very least, the similarities between the two. And so when he made the protagonist of one of his most popular works Monster, Dr Kenzo Tenma, he solidified that connection. Kenzo Tenma calls back to Victor Frankenstein needing to end his creation while also calling back to Japan's other famous Tenma, thus making the connection explicit. Another throughline between the three of them is that all three are father figures to their creations and have obligations to their children, though all three have varying levels of success with them.
I've only read what I like to call Urasawa's "Core Four", conspiracy minded thrillers that are essentially road trips featuring usually two main protagonists that we see the world through, Monster, 20th Century Boys, Pluto and Billy Bat. Though I still haven't caught up to Asadora and that could still possibly fit this mold, Urasawa's Core Four share a lot of themes and ideas. One of the most important being the responsibility for one's creations, whether it was Kenji Endo and the Book of Prophecy or Kevin Yamagata and Billy Bat or Dr. Kenzo Tenma and Johan, all of his protagonists could arguably be seen as someone with the need to take up the responsibility of their creations. So where do the protagonists of Pluto fit in there? That's where Uran and Helena come in.
But first, we should take a look at Pluto's themes. While I could be wrong, at a cursory glance, I feel like the general consensus towards it's themes is that it's about hatred. I don't really think that's what it is as I feel like Urasawa is more trying to show us what it is to be human and what it is to be alive. And in that, he has a hidden protagonist in Pluto. Someone who's influence snakes through the plot and isn't seen much, but without who the story's themes would remain incomplete. Pluto tackles what it is to be alive through many things, such as memory, sadness, grief, hatred, love and parenthood. But none of that works without the realization by Tenma of his own mistakes. And Uran and Helena bookend these revelations and are absolutley key to understanding that.
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In my favourite chapter of the series, Chapter 37, Uran goes from person to person as she finds a way to deal with her grief and eventually comes across Tobio's grave, Tenma having left recently. It's an absolutely beautiful chapter that shows Uran's humanity and Urasawa's love for sharing these kind and soft moments. But it also sheds a light on Tenma as Uran realizes someone who was grieving has just left. Without saying much at all we realize that Tenma has finally realized his mistakes. In the process of grieving one son, he lost the other. While remembering Tobio, he let Atom go. His grief towards Tobio is clear in the following chapter, Chapter 38. All of the things he wanted Atom to be; Tobio come back to life, Tobio's ghost punishing him, Atom rejected. And Tenma could only see that rejection, and not what he had, another son.
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Uran shows us very clearly what Pluto, the story, is. It's a chapter in their lives. And we've come into a story nearing the end for Tenma. And it's through the humanity of two absolutely amazing characters in their own right, Uran and Helena, that we are able to so fully understand Tenma. Despite being robots, these two characters are the most alive of everyone. They love fully and freely and are catalysts of change. Uran's vibrant and full of life in a way that really sticks out. And Helena has such depth that it's evident in every scene she's in. She's not pointed out to be made by any famous scientist so all the life she has is her own. These two represent the life of robot's more than any other characters in the series.
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So it's that much more poignant when Helena finally breaks down after putting on such a strong front of everybody. Grief intersects and she brings out Tenma's sadness as well. They've both been putting up such strong fronts that it's heartbreaking to see them collapse. It completes Tenma's growth and strikes a heartbreaking contrast between the two. Tenma became the way he is through the loss of his son whereas Helena doesn't even get to remember her own loss. It makes you wonder if the grief for her and Geischt's child compounds her sorrow too.
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Without these two and their grief, a large part of Pluto becomes inaccessible. Pluto is largely about death so when two characters come in who've never had a hand in the grim work of taking life, you see the world through a lens that's absolutely crucial in order to fully connect with all of the character's and their situations. Death and Grief has scarred the characters in Pluto. Time and time again they've chosen the worst path. They've chosen revenge and hatred. But Uran and Helena are different. Without them, the story is incomplete. They provide an alternative. They provide the path towards healing.
im sorry for this one:
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