Overblot Victims witnessing Yuu finally having enough of the overblots and stuff happening in the school that they basically scream into Crowley's face how sick and tired they are of seeing everyone, including themselves and the victims, suffer because of Crowley's irresponsibility.
These are so fun to write lol
It’s exhausting. 
Surely, if Yuu had magic, they would have overblotted themselves. It’s cruel to say they wish they could, that all their pain could be condensed into a single little rock and thrown into the ocean or the gaping maw of their cat, and all their troubles and worries would disappear. But they were the magicless prefect, and the Perfect Scapegoat. Because without that physical manifestation of anger and pain and suffering, they would never be heard. Because without consequences, actions wouldn’t matter. 
Like ink, these angers stain them. Like tar, they are dragged further by sticky, viscous threats. Like a black hole itself, they cannot escape, stretched impossibly thin where even their screams come out as a warbled, compliant, yes. 
Dorm meetings are incredibly, irrevocably important to the health of the students, as it is how the principle makes decisions that would best suit the student body, so it must be no wonder that everyone has suffered. For a man who’s very office gives him a view of the entire school, his mask must function more as a blindfold. 
For once, everyone is present for the dorm meetings. How this is possible? It’s because Yuu had to make sure everyone got their invites and arrived on time. The only one who physically and spiritually could NOT show, was Kalim, who was redoing an alchemy final he had failed. Therefore, Jamil would take his place. 
So all the dorms are here, even Malleus who they had to remind constantly, and Leona, who they physically had to drag. Everyone is here except one bastard. One bird brained, cackling motherfucker, who had decided that Yuu had enough time on their hands to deal with this VERY IMPORTANT FACTOR OF HIS OWN JOB.
They wouldn’t handle this treatment anymore. They couldn’t. There was already so much on their plate. They needed to keep their HOUSE from collapsing, they needed to reshape their entire perspective on what was possible to pass the most basic of tests, they needed to babysit a rampant, selfish … thing, they needed to worry about whether they would even have enough thaumarks to even eat, and now?
Even if ink does not flood the room, or fire does not singe the ground, the dorm leaders can feel the air thicken, the very atmosphere sinking over them with unparalleled pressure. No one can speak, let alone breathe as Yuu’s fingers drum the hollow surface of the desk. Their anger rolls off them in thick, misty waves, and when they finally stand, all eyes turn to them. “I’ll go fetch Dire Crowley myself then.”
“Prefect, I’m sure we can start without-” Azul is the first to jump in. This isn’t the first time he’s bartered with someone, so hopefully he can de-escalate the citation, but his words are instantly shot down. 
“I just wanna talk to em.” They grab a fountain pen off the desk, pricking their finger over the edge a few times. Malleus gulps. 
“W-Why do you have that pen.” Jamil is the one to jump up, he knows when someone is about to do something that may or may not have horrible consequences, but he is definitely not going to jump in the way of the steel nub. This was a different citation than trying to reason with Kalim. 
“I just wanna talk to em.” Yuu repeats, testing the swing of their pen before making a beeline to the door. Idia’s tablet flies out of the way with a squeal, but a few of the dorm members aren’t as cowardly. 
“This is ridiculous-” Leona starts, rubbing his temples at the sheer insanity of it all.
“I just wanna talk to em.”
“Put that pen away!” Riddle has dealt with annoyances and threats and all sorts of stresses, but this isn’t one of those hollow, tasteless messages. He could understand the feeling, but really, what were they gonna do with the pen against the head of NRC? He worried more about Yuu doing something stupid than anything. “What is- wh-what are you doing?”
“I just wanna talk to em.” The door slams with a deafening blow that rattles the very floor they stood. In the silence left behind, the dorm members share a knowing, worried glance before scurrying after like rats. 
The french doors that block off Crowleys office are ornate, drenched in a dreamy purple and highlighted with seven golden starlike symbols, the door handles meet together in three circles, oddly reminiscent of a certain mouse in their mirror. One of the more impressive parts had to be the door knocker, which was entirely unnecessary seeing as it led to a single, empty room.
Most people disregard it, but this time, Yuu disregarded knocking at all because he lost the respect and the dignity that basic humans deserved. 
Playing cards flew up like scattering crows, feet propped on the desk suddenly crossed neat and tidy on the ground. “Why if it isn’t the Prefect! I thought you would be hard at work collecting notes at the meeting!” 
His laughter fell on deaf ears, crossing the needlessly large space to the other side of his desk. “Get out of that seat. Stand up. Stand the fuck up.”
“Y-yes? Is something the matter? I’m a bit busy at the moment-!” Playing solitaire, that is. Brandishing the sharp nib of the fountain pen was enough to get him out of the way. He certainly didn’t expect the Prefect to sit down and prop their own feet on the desk. “And just what are you doing!”
“I’m the fucking principal now. Get out of my office you useless sack of shit and feathers.” The pen broke down on the desk, embedding itself in the center of the mahogany surface. Even if the poor table couldn’t scream, Crowley would do the honors. 
“That table is as old as the school! Crafted by the most talented of woodworkers! By the most grand and wise of trees!”
“Yea well now it’s my goddamn footrest. Are you deaf or just stupid? I’m the principal. Get out of my office. I’m gonna make this place as decrepit as the shitty ruins I live in.” Yuu leaned back, spinning in their seat to face the unkept image of the one and only, Dire Crowley. 
“And just who made you principal? This is a direct violation of-”
“I got rid of that rule, then. And it was voted on at the Dorm meeting.” They spun again, picking up one of the cards still on the table. The Joker. How fitting.
“That couldn't have-”
“And how would you know?” Eying the yellow divots in his mask, Yuu didn’t bother to let him speak. “You weren’t there. You don’t listen to your students. You don’t care about their health or their mental wellbeing. You talk as if you are the kindest ever, yet the Blots that are supposed to be rare, happen every month. Every single month, and you know why? It’s your negligence, and your lack of teaching and your shitty, greedy ideals. You are the denominator!”
“Yuu! Just what is the meaning of this behavior! I will not tolerate-” He leaned over the seat, so close that the edge of his crow mask threatened to gouge a part of their face out. 
“Tolerate? Oh, you wanna talk tolerating?!” They stood again, forcing the pen out from its upright position in the table to prod it against his chest, leaving black stains on his clothing. “Do you know what I have to deal with because of you?? Do you know what I lost and might never get back because of you?!? I can’t see my family anymore! I can’t see my friends anymore! They don’t even know if I’m okay or heck, even alive, and you in all your kindness, in all that slimy, filthy, fake gratuity, take advantage of it! You treat me like a servant, and then say that you are the one doing me a favor!”
The pen snaps, spilling ink down the front of his shirt. 
“If you really want this place to improve, then you’ll get the fuck out of here. But I know you won’t. I know that you won’t leave until it’s beneficial for you. So you know what? I’m gonna overblot. I’m gonna destroy everything until there’s nothing but crumbs for you to pick at, because that might be the only way you’ll ever learn.” They drop the pen, smearing the leaking ink off their hand with the leather of his fancy chair. He can take everything done today as collateral damage.
The door opens, and there stands several dorm leaders, who awkwardly back away to let Yuu pass. It’s obvious they’ve followed the Prefect from the beginning, and heard everything, but there wasn’t exactly a moment that could burst in, or needed to for that fact. 
Grim was right, Yuu goes for the jugular.
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09232003 · 9 days
Magical girl yuu vs. the villain of the week overblotters with the power of friendship and Grim the familiar. With their character motifs and already questionable ethics, they would be so easy to make mahou-villains too omg.
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ventique18 · 1 year
Strawberry tyrant 🍓
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crystallizsch · 5 months
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justanotherfanfolks · 10 months
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Book 4: *exists*
Me: Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, showstopping, spectacular-
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oddberryshortcake · 1 year
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The Holy Trinity of Yuus
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emyluwinter · 1 year
The boys are pondering a plan of action on a desert island. - We can assemble the robot parts sent by Gantu and repair Stitch's ship!
Yuu - or we can hijack the already working Gantu ship, and return safely to college.
Everyone immediately looks at Yuu in confusion - Σ(°ロ°)?!?
Yuu frowning discontentedly - What?You do that all the time.
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.•♥︎Spilled Tea♥︎•.
Series:Yuu Needs Therapy
Branch: Overblotts
Character: Riddle
Part: 2 of ?
It had been a week since the incident, you had avoided Riddle to the best of your possible abilities, changing the route you take to classes, skipping lunch, not visiting Heartslabyul, all to avoid the Crimson Tyrant. The Housewarden that even hearing of his name sent a wave of terror through your being and made your heart rate skyrocket.
Though you couldn't avoid the Heartslabyul halls forever, after all that was the halls of the residence of your first friends in this strange world. Of course Trey eventually invited you over to try a new cake recipe, and being the pushover or glutton you were either way you couldn't find it within yourself to reject your friends offer.
You slowed yohr stride for a moment, checking the time on your watch to see it was 3:47Pm, w
eighteen minutes before you agreed apon time. Glancing up from tne cheap watch to see you were in the garden, your eyes narrowing in on a chunck of burnt grass that had yet to heal from... a brief memory flashed through you mind as you continued to gaze at the pactj of grass or more accurately the lack thereoff..... Suddenly snaping out of your stupor you glanced down again to the watch on your wrist to see it was 4:12Pm.
Not wishing to delay be there any longer you quickened your pace to reach the doors of Heartslabyul, glancing around take sure the Tyrant you dreaded seeing oh so much was not within range as you waited oh so patiently for Trey do open the door. Picking away at the chipped nail polish on your nails...why was Trey taking so long?
Come on....come on.
.....Ok maybe you weren't waiting so patiently, but right in the middle of your internal monologue the door swang open to Carter Greeting you, Quite loudly.
"YOOOO! Prefect, wassup? Been a minute since I've seen you visiting the dorm. You being blackmailed or summ?"
Taking a small step back so the door wouldn't smack you dead in face, the door narrowly missing your nose and brushing past it. Wincing slightly at the excessive greeting. My poor ears.
"Uhm hey Cater, yea it's a...it's been a minute. And Not that I know of."
Carter grimaced before his face contorted into a akward smile, bringing his hand to to back of his neck.
"Yikes! Sorry prefect."
Chuckling quietly you gave him a small but very pleasant smile to ease his nerves, still continuing to pick away to the nail polish. can we speed this up Speaking with a sarcastic but playful edge in your words
"Trying to kill me already Cater? I thought you enjoyed my company."
The Ginger rolled his eyes playfully twords you before taking out his phone
"Yeah yeah, mind if we take a photo for my magic cam?"
Trying to politely reject his offer you shook your head with a apologetic facial expression.
"I usually would Liar. but I agreed to meet up with Trey to try some stuff and am already late." Two lies in one sentence, world record.
Nodding he turned off his phone and slid it into the pocket of his blazer
"Ooo well then Cay Cay will let you go then Kk."
Nodding you quickly slid past him into the halls of the Heartslabyul dormitory, having stopped tormenting your poor nail polish you let it be as you proceeded to the kitchen of the dormitory, immediatley seeing the familiar sight of Trey in the kitchen with flour dusting the surfaces and his apron
Noticing he was not yet aware of her presence a small knock was placed on the wall, the small thuds alerting him of her presence he snapped his head uo from whatever task he was completing and gave her a small smile.
"Hey prefect, uh- I'm not quite done yet-"
Wipping off his hands onto his apron he quickly turned around and offered out his hand to you.
"Here, why don't I lead you to my room, you can wait there."
"No im fine with-"
Trey gave a reassuring smile twords you, still offering out his hand in a seemingly friendly jesture.jester.
"Really prefect I insist."
and with that small nudging you took his hand as he lead you through the well lit corridors with names labeling each of the doorm rooms. Guiding you to a door and opening it before gently nudging you inside and closing the door behind you.
.........If only you had payed attention to the Name of the tenant that owned that particular dorm.
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eldrbraus · 10 months
i find quite ironic that most if not all of the lilia cards have lots of hp because hes very old and has lived a long life but very low power because hes losing his magic
except his general card. it has lots of power, as he was on the most powerful point in his life, and not that high hp, as he wasnt that old back then
great storytelling device but it fucking sucks that most lilia cards are useless in terms of power rip
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basuralindo · 11 months
Okay I don't really have the brainpower to go into a ton of detail about it right now, but I really wanna get people talking more about the genie references with Jamil.
Like, yes there's the whole Jafar parallel of seeking a genie of the lamp, which I think is very much a surface level conscious interest in the canon legends, the same way all the overblotters compare themselves and try to emulate one of the seven. But, the more significant parallel in my opinion is the way Jamil's skill, power, and unwilling servitude point to him actually being the genie in question.
Not the blue genie, I mean the red one that Jafar becomes. In the end of the first Aladdin movie, Jafar has his wish granted to become an all-powerful genie, and is subsequently trapped in a lamp and enslaved. He then spends the second movie manipulating the guy who became his master into acting on his behalf in a desperate attempt at freeing himself, and ultimately gets destroyed in the process. Jamil's blot phantom is a direct reference to Jafar's genie form, and so is everything else about Jamil and his circumstances with the Asims.
Like, it's mentioned several times that not only is he one of the most powerful mages in that school, but also that nobody can really tell exactly how powerful because he's never shown the full extent of it (y'know, like how Jafar's genie is insanely powerful, but can only act within the confines of other's commands, so that potential is never fully explored). Specifically, he's much more powerful and capable than Kalim, but can only really exercise those abilities on his master's behalf. Which brings me to the whole thing with Kalim always coming up with crazy over the top shit he wants, and impossible requests for Jamil to make that happen, which Jamil has no choice but to fulfill, and does so by being just, capable of shit to an unnatural extent.
So yeah, basically: Jafar's story ends with becoming an all-powerful genie, enslaved, and forced to manipulate his way to freedom, which he never gets to achieve and is destroyed in the process. -> Jamil, doomed by the narrative/twst-disney magic to parallel his story, is an excessively powerful mage trapped in servitude to people who use his abilities to fulfill their every whim, and is forced to manipulate whoever he can in an attempt at freedom which he fails to achieve and is almost destroyed in the attempt.
Anyway, thanks for coming to my ted talk. Jamil is the genie he's been seeking but it sucks for him just like it sucked for Jafar.
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viperwhispered · 6 months
Hot take: Overblot Jamil keeping the reader behind as a pet/slave is pre-relationship.
Jamil's whole thing in a romantic relationship is equality and freedom. He wants to spoil and be spoiled. He wants his s/o safe and happy. His biggest fantasy is them loving a blissful domestic life in their own little home away from all the obligations and troubles of the world.
Jamil spent his whole life being treated as lesser and being denied his freedom. He would drop dead before even thinking of treating his s/o the same way. This is the person who has fully accepted every bit of him and given every bit of themselves in return. No way would Jamil, overblot or not, ever try to abuse that. In his eyes, his s/o deserves the universe. They're his partner, his queen, his rani, his sultana.
And this goes triple for his Overblot. Jamil who's at that stage where he is 10000% comfortable and smitten by his s/o would rip his own heart out before daring to enslave his love.
Instead, OB Jamil is rejoicing at finally having the means to grant the luxury he feels his s/o deserves. He's crowning them the Sultana of Scarabia, hosting elaborate feasts with their favorites, dressing them in fine silk designs fit for royalty (aka not a harem girl). Jamil knows his s/o very well and does everything to keep them comfortable and happy.
And that's why it's so hard to want to reason with him. Not because of some porno "he's so mean but he's hot" situation. But because OB!Jamil is still Jamil. He still cuddles, pampers, teases, and shows his unyielding love for them. Only difference is that he no longer has any embarrassment or fluster holding him back. He doesn't care if all of Scarabia is watching him, if he wants to kiss them he gets to kiss them. Honestly it's kind of cute how he shamelessly pouts for their affection. Any manipulation towards them is a familiar and light hearted attempt at getting their attention.
The only consistent argument his s/o has for him is that the overblot will kill him and they can't stand the thought of loosing him.
Interesting 👀
My reply got kinda long again so putting it behind a read more again.
I feel like this depends a lot on where Jamil is as a person when the overblot happens. And, well, if we’re going for the canonical overblot, that was not exactly a high point for his emotional wellbeing and all - not that an overblot ever is. So by definition, it already is a point where the existing rules start to crack, and once the overblot hits, it really is arguable just how much they're in control of themselves at that point.
Though it is true that it is still their feelings and thoughts and desires moving them at least somewhat, just potentially twisted by the overblot itself and/or the emotional anguish they're usually going through at that point as well.
I’m curious, do you have any particular basis on saying that equality and freedom would be the cornerstones in a relationship for Jamil? Simply because (romantic) relationships are not talked about much in twst, and with Jamil especially I have a hard time figuring out what exactly it might be that he wants, what he’d come to value over time, and what might “do good” to him even if he might not recognize it or be aware of it himself.
Though I certainly agree, being on equal footing with his s/o would be good for him. Someone he can rely on and trust in, and where they can lean on each other. A true partner rather than someone who’s above or below.
But there is also that part of him that enjoys feeling powerful, that wants to climb that ladder to not being the one just taking the orders anymore. And especially with being under the influence of the overblot, I could see that extending to his partner as well. Like, at that point he really might think that what he wants is the adoration and the submission, to finally get those things he’s been craving, even from the person he’d normally consider his partner and equal.
Though yeah, this also really does depend on what would trigger the overblot in this scenario. Like with the right circumstances, I could definitely see him going for this more adoring scenario you described. I mean, for book 6 (I really hope this isn’t spoilers for you), we saw what an overblot is like when it is born from anguish over another, rather than from more “personal” issues. So it is not that the overblot has the characters necessarily acting in a purely selfish manner, even if most of them pretty much have. Idia, however, was very much doing everything in his power for Ortho after the overblot - selfish, still, in a way, but not in the same way as the others who were basically lashing out at everyone. So it definitely could happen.
And all this being said, I do absolutely love the idea of a Jamil who’s not holding back and is going all out pampering his s/o and letting the world know just how much they mean to him. I mean, it definitely would be the s/o's turn to be the one flustered in that scenario, and it indeed would definitely make it a little harder to give that all up and to persuade him that, you know, the overblot indeed is kinda deadly.
Just, him doing all those things he’s always wanted to do, but which he’s always stopped himself from doing (consciously or even subconsciously, or simply because it has not been practically possible). It really would be kinda sweet - if not also a little unsettling in some way to have him act so out of his usual character.
(Tho ngl, personally, I could also go for the “if evil why hot” approach because, well, that’s delicious too. So many potential avenues here.)
Also hadsf the thought of him in all his overblot glory and then just pouting because you’re not paying attention to him. An amusing image indeed.
Imagine this caring, shameless overblot Jamil when he thinks someone is threatening his s/o, tho. Ngl, I kinda love that idea, too (I mean, also concerning because even more blot, but you know).
I hope it doesn’t feel like I’m arguing against you too much with these, or anything like that. I feel like we approach Jamil from somewhat different angles, and so I kinda have to work my way through what I think is going on in his head before I can really start thinking about the scenario itself.
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Overblot victims (and Malleus) reacting to Yuu patting their heads when they look stressed after the incidents (and for Mal, after Chapter 6 the night Idia and Ortho come over to play games)
Lmao I haven't played part 6 yet I am a disgusting lowly eng player but I can do them getting headpats
Victim #1 - Riddle
He's disgusted at himself and his actions. Who wouldn't be after reacting in such an uncouth matter? His dorm members still keep their distance, eggshells more like glass shards as they tiptoe around him.
Yuu finds them after a throwaway comment from Adeuce about their dorm leader looking even wearier than usual
He's holed up in one of the study rooms, the floor is adorned with books and sticky notes, study materials repeated over and over, it's less of studying than a distraction, not that it's working.
He doesn't notice Yuu is there until he feels the gentle weight of a hand on his head, and the warmth it gives. Something tells him it's Yuu, and something else tells him that it's okay.
He cries there, without a single word exchanged between the two.
When times are hard, or when Adeuce is being especially awful to handle, he'll come over just for some quiet time, to get his head pat
Victim #2 - Leona
Leona is someone who hates being indebted to anyone, and he now owes his life to a bunch of meddling kids, and Yuu, some magicless nobody. It's embarrassing, not just for him but also his actions. Like a child who threw a tantrum.
I wanna say that Ruggie sent Yuu to talk to him. not for any reason in particular, other than the fact that Yuu is really helpful to others.
He's at the spelldrive practice, lazing off per usual, but this time while glaring at everyone. He shouldn't be mad at them, but it's sort of an automatic response.
He notices Yuu, but didn't expect them to approach, less to reach over and. pat. him. it's humiliating, especially in front of the crowd, but the sheer balls of their actions is the only thing keeping Yuu from disintegrating into a pile of sand.
"What in the land of the great seven do you think you are doing, herbivore."
"sharing good vibes."
If Yuu runs their fingers through his hair, he'll melt. if anyone asks, he hates it. if no one is there, he might mimic the action, and then curse himself when he realizes it.
Victim #3 - Azul
It's easy for Azul to hide behind the guise of work, to distract himself with ideas of promotions and menu additions and money-making schemes of the legal sort, but the usual chaotic grin wouldn't show when he was huddled over his desk.
Yuu doesn't have the money to get one of his little consultations, but that's okay, because the twins have decided they didn't want to deal with his BULLSHIT cruel increase in hours
Even buried in work, everything is organized and tidy, so much so that it doesn't look any different from the last few times Yuu snuck in, which is insane. If the twins hadn't noticed anything, they doubt anyone would have.
He's on edge, tearing his sight from the paper scribbles and readjusting his glasses.
He isn't given the chance to speak before Yuu stomps over and places a hand on their head. "You deserve a break, don't you?"
The Prefect is magicless, he knows this, but it feels like they put a sleeping spell on him, a heavy weight like that of a warm duvet blanketing over him.
It's the first he's relaxed, but he's too exhausted to say his thanks, resting his head on the desk as Yuu pets him.
Victim #4 - Jamil
Jamil is perpetually stressed. He has to worry about Kamil's food, Kalim's daily safety, Kalim's chores, Kalim's grades, Kalim Kalim Kalim, it's no wonder he's overblotted, but just because he has doesn't mean he'll be given any sort of break.
It's a bunch of Scarabia students who beg Yuu for help, since they were one of the handful of people who's actually faced off against his overblot, and who isn't terrifying to talk to.
Without any other attendants to help with Kalim or the dorm duties, Jamil would be found carrying stacks upon stacks of items to and fro down the halls
Yuu practically shouts his name, and a whole chill raced up his spine from Kalim trauma, but relief hit hard when he realized it was just the Prefect. He doesn't know why they are so worked up about him doing his job.
Yuu would offer a hand, and before he can refuse, it settles on top of his hood, pressing down just the slightest. When he looks back on it, he should have remarked that they would mess up his hair, but he was too stunned to even speak.
They would take some of the stuff in his arms, and spend the rest of the day just helping do small chores, and in return, get a lovely meal and a genuine thank you from Jamil.
He won't ever mention the headpat again, but if by some lucky miracle he gets some time off, he'll seek the companionship of the Prefect.
Victim #5 - Vil
Vil is hard to find stressed, because he knows that stress messes with his sleep and that messes with his skin and he can't risk that, so he has spa days - that always get interrupted, yoga and meditation - that are ruined when Rook enters and spews verse after verse about such a lovely day being spent outside, well fine, he still has his cheat days to fall back on, except Epel ate all the berries.
He has no choice but to escape, and whats the one place he knows for sure he won't be bothered? Ramshackle, as long as he brings some tuna to bribe Grim away.
Yuu is the one to open the door, surprised but not bothered by his presence, and he asks if they would let him stay for just a few hours to just... hide.
He ends up falling asleep on the couch, which is one of the worst things he could have done, but when he wakes, he finds a pillow under his head and Yuu patting his hair gently.
While it wasn't part of the plan, it's certainly got a calming effect. Probably not as useful as a nice soak, but certainly something to keep in mind the next time he needs a quick pick-me-up
Idia - head pat headcannons
Obviously Yuu is the one to initiate, probably because the bitch called them 'the real life equivalent of a discord kitten' and he got so scared that to stave off their wrath he had to meow for them Kawaii Anime Girl Style
He got headpats for being a good kitten and went [Windows XP Error Sound Effect]
Do not mention or his head will turn pink and He Will Never Speak Again
Ortho will spill the beans and say that his Nii-san has developed an odd fascination with the action Ortho PLEASE DONT SPEAK YOUR BROTHER COMMANDS IT
Malleus - head pat headcannons
So idk I've never met a dude with horns on his head, and I would think that the horns kinda be like tusks on an elephant, or like, a tooth. Not a lot of feeling, but they still got nerves
But they are still the symbol of his might and power, so it's gonna be hard to get him to let anyone get near them. I feel like it would almost be seen as an insult if he were to lower his head and expose his horns.
Yuu asked very politely with no ill intentions, and he knows that, so it's probably why he does let the Little Child of man inspect the horns.
What he doesn't expect is for them to place a hand right between, and just. pet him. He would chuckle, but he wouldn't complain.
This Child of Man always manages to surprise him somehow.
This was a little longer than expected, but it was fun to do an ask. Continue to feed me, children.
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squishosaur · 1 year
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very accurate book 1 summary
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Erza gripped the scepter hard enough to make her metal gloves creak. However, neither the hum of the magestone nor the act of using her strength to the fullest could placate her, and neither could it solve this matter.
“Jellal,” she said—slowly, carefully. Erza was positioned between him and the mirror, and she trusted her reflexes, but she still couldn’t help but to doubt her ability to stop him from escaping. Or, rather, from throwing his life away. “Let’s talk this through.”
Jellal chuckled dryly, without mirth. The bags under his eyes appeared darker in the light of the dorm courtyard. “There’s nothing to talk about. We both know that the Arcane Response Unit won’t be persuaded. I’m going.”
“The Headmage is speaking to them now. This is all just a misunderstanding. We’ll work this out.”
Erza absolutely hated not being able to do more. Her respect for the ARU and the role they played in this world absolutely did not diminish that this whole situation was bullshit and Jellal was being wrongly scapegoated. It was unjust and plain wrong. If Erza thought that marching up to the captain (a second time) and demanding this bogus investigation to be dropped would work, then she would have done it in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, even she knew that this could not be solved with violence—or with caving in. They had to stand their ground and play this right, and that meant keeping her dorm here while the Headmage worked her wits and magic. 
Surely, everyone else would see the reason she clearly saw—even when Jellal himself doubted it. 
Jellal was only eight when he came to the Queendom of Roses. Only eight when they met. He was a shy and awkward child, and he refused to talk about where he came from. That was alright though, because even Erza knew that it was sad. That was why he had been sent to Grandpa Rob. Erza had just been thrilled for another fae child to join Rob’s home for orphans, because it had meant that there was at least one other kid she could play with without fearing their fragility. 
He was her best friend, and he was a good man. Erza wouldn’t have made him her vice housewarden otherwise. Jellal helped people and he was kind and he was careful and conscious of those around him, and he sought peace and balance above all else. And people seriously thought Jellal, as a child no less, was somehow responsible for an attempt to overthrow the Kingdom of Heroes’ royal family. It was utterly absurd. 
It was even more absurd that Jellal was willing to accept it. 
“Erza, I have to go. I— I did do those things. I can’t continue to ignore it.”
He might have succeeded in making that declaration cold, but the crack in his voice belied his fear. Erza’s determination settled. She swore to protect the people of Heartslaybul, and to lead them down a victorious path. She would even protect them from themselves. 
“I am the Queen here,” she declared, throat tight. “My word is law. And I say you stay.”
Jellal shifted into a ready position—to fight, to flee. The movement alone cut her to her core. “Erza, I’m not who you think I am. I’m not worth it.”
Her heart cracked. She wondered if the Queen of Hearts ever felt this pain, her desire to protect her people a visceral and painful thing. Maybe that was why she sometimes appeared so violent in history—because she, too, swore to protect her loved ones from anything. 
The past few weeks she had had to watch Jellal suffer under this weight. She watched him try to convince her that he wasn’t who she knew he was. It hurt to even consider. It hurt worse that he thought so little of himself, and little of her for not believing that she would trust him. 
Erza would not be easily swayed. Not even by him. She reached into her Inventory and she grabbed a long, weighty lance. 
“You don’t get to decide that.”
Jellal lunged. His magic mastery was always an impressive thing, and he could boost his very movement. However, her reflexes were not to be trifled with either—and, she had planned for this. She knew him well, after all. 
“Now!” she shouted, and a flurry happened all at once. 
Erza employed Jellal’s own trick, hastening herself to meet his path and bodily block him with her lance. Behind her, several magic barriers were erected around the mirror, and Erza quickly added her own, for good measure. 
A vine wrapped around Jellal’s ankle, yanking him backwards and straight into Elfman’s bear-hold. 
The plan quickly fell apart though. With a potent burst of magic, Jellal ripped himself out of the hold. He levitated Elfman with ease and tossed him straight into Droy. 
Mirajane appeared in a fury, floating above him. Erza spotted the flash of guilt across his features right as the junior batted him downward with ice magic. 
“Stand down,” Erza ordered, a little desperate. 
But Jellal had his own share of determination, evident in the sweat gleaming on his too-pale face. “Don’t fight me on this.”
“Too late, man.” Jet, the only one arguably faster than Jellal thanks to his Unique Magic, swept Jellal off his feet right as he tried to get up. 
Mirajane met her eyes, and reluctantly, Erza nodded. 
“Soulbinder,” Mirajane chanted, and in seconds her UM manifested around Jellal, the dark tendrils physically rooting him to the ground and eating at his magic. It was a violent restraint, but it worked. Erza knew that any less Jellal would fight through. Not that he wasn’t making an attempt now. 
“Please,” she practically begged. “Don’t throw yourself away.”
Jellal tugged at the spell, a heaving breath making his exhaustion known. “You think I want to?” he whispered. 
In the silence that followed, the soft admission might as well have been a shout. 
“Do you think I want to go? To admit that any of that stuff happened? To— to accept the role I played?”
Erza swallowed. There was something dangerously shaky about his countenance. The strain in his voice was brittle, and her instincts whispered that something was about to snap. The air grew thick with that anticipation. “Jellal…”
“NO!” His shout was raw and hoarse, full of tears and anger and everything, that it startled Erza into silence. 
“I never wanted this! But I can’t change what happened. No amount of hoping and pretending will ever change it!”
The atmosphere shook. An ugly sort of magic began to fill the air. Erza realized it too late, when Jellal’s tears mixed with his sweat and turned black.
“It will never change that I was her pawn!”
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zetsubobu · 4 months
I have such a good idea for an au but aaaaa that means actually drawing it which will take so long
being creative with limited motivation/time to draw can be such a curse sometimes
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itsanit · 2 years
Oh thank God
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They all went to therapy
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