#pan oriented aroace
aroaceconfessions · 2 years
i wanted to know if there were other polyamorous (pan angled, in my case) aroace(spec) people here. i know it's totally fine and valid being like this, i just feel kind of alone and i wanted to know if there is someone else like this :')
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papier-ciseaux · 3 years
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A lot of people were curious about this one !
So here’s a little explanation of me being a “pan oriented aroace”
Of course, that’s just my own experience, and other oriented aroace can have different ones.
I’m gonna tag the people who asked :v
@peach-p0t @morsobaby @thesecondmousegetsthecheese @xanaxricepudding
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beanb-urrito · 3 years
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I made something
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hungry-skeleton · 3 years
Love being pan-oriented aroace it's literally
"so what genders are you attracted to?"
"well, none of them but actually all of them"
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ickscrownest · 3 years
So I think I’m Pan or Omni oriented?
Idk, all I know is that I like men in theory but women in practice lol
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madtrender · 4 years
Panoriented: Being aromantic and asexual but having a significant tertiary attraction to all genders and/or regardless of gender.
Bioriented: Being aromantic and asexual but having a significant tertiary attraction to two or more genders.
Polyoriented: Being aromantic and asexual but having a significant tertiary attraction to multiple genders.
Demioriented: Being aromantic and asexual but experiencing a significant tertiary attraction to others after an emotional bond has formed.
Grayoriented: Being aromantic and asexual but experiencing a significant tertiary attraction rarely, weakly, or only under specific circumstances.
Torenoriented: Being aromantic and asexual but having a significant tertiary attraction to men and nonbinary people.
Trixenoriented: Being aromantic and asexual but having a significant tertiary attraction to women and nonbinary people.
Andro-oriented: Being aromantic and asexual but having a significant tertiary attraction to men/masculine-presenting people.
Gyn(e)oriented: Being aromantic and asexual but having a significant tertiary attraction to women/feminine-presenting people.
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pantasticpans · 5 years
This post goes out to all the pan people who are also aroace in some way!
💖 Pan oriented aroaces
💛 Pan angled aroaces
💙 Pan electio aroaces
And any other types!! You’re all wonderful and amazing people!
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cubeflag · 5 years
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Pan oriented aroace flag by @aroaesflags
(A pan oriented aroace is a person who is aromantic and asexual but experiences a form of attraction to all genders that is neither romantic nor sexual, but is significant enough to warrant a place alongside their aroace orientation. Thanks to @aroworlds for correcting me!)
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panicking-skywalker · 2 years
Oriented aroaces are very cool
Shout out to:
Gay oriented aroaces
Lesbian oriented aroaces
Bi oriented aroaces
Ply oriented aroaces
Pan oriented aroaces
Achillean oriented aroaces
Sapphic oriented aroaces
And anyone else who I missed. Oriented aroaces are awesome!
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entity9silvergen · 3 years
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Originally made for oriented-aroaces but also applies to any mspecs, aspecs, and people with fluid sexualities.  
[ID: Hide the pain Harold meme format. In the first panel, a man casually looks at a computer. The image is captioned “me getting ready to come out.” In the next panel, he gives the camera a strained smile. The caption reads “me realizing I have to explain my sexuality and no one will understand.” End ID] 
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genderqueerdykes · 2 years
anyway, reminder that all people who identify as gay are amazing and i love you dearly! this includes, but is not limited to: gay men, gay women, gay nonbinary people, gay genderqueer people, gay intersex people, gay aromantic people, gay asexual people, every gay trans person, and bi, pan, ply and omni gay people! the word gay applies to many queer people and everyone who uses it rules
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
even tho i'm aroace, i DO experience aesthetic/alterous attraction, and ive long since noticed that i get it for all genders. is the right terminology for that pan-oriented aroace? or is it something else?
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beanb-urrito · 3 years
Hey fellows! So i decided to talk a bit about my aromanticism. I currently define as pan oriented aroace. And while i was having my queer awakening a few month ago i would have liked to see people describing their experiences. So im gonna do it now and maybe it'll help someone who has the same struggle as me.
Things i do want or feel:
-strong attraction to people on first sight! If i find someone visually appealing i immediately want them to talk to me and like me. Also i get super nervous around people that i consider hot.
-i develop super intense squishes on people around me. If you are my squish, you are all i can think of and what is really important to me is that 'i am your favorite person'. I especially want to form a strong emotional bond to my squish
-since these squishes are so intense and clearly different form how i like my close friends i would describe it as alterous attratcion to a certain extent.
-who i get squishes on is strongly influenced whether i am aesthetically attracted to them
-i do want a life partner! For me a life partner is someone that i have a very strong emotional bond to. I kind of imagine a life partner as a 'team mate' that supports me and that i can support equally.
-jealousy! If my partner engages in a romantic relation ship, i would immediately be jealous af. For me its simply burned into my brain that people commit more to romantic reationships than they do to others. So for me it wouldnt workout if my partner was in a romantic relationship with someone else. However, i would not mind being in a polyamorous relationship with people that are also aro.
Things i do not want or feel:
- also jealousy! I completely would not mind if my partner would physically engage with others. As long as the emotional connection is not 'threatened' everything is fine with me.
- i never have the urge to do romantic gestures, since i simply have no romantic feelings that i would like to communicate to my partner
- i do not want to receive romantic gestures. Honestly if you try to hold my hand or to go on a candellight dinner with me i would literally die, but not in a good way
-kissing? My asexual side is completely fine with kissing and i really enjoy it. But as soon as kissing becomes the expression of romance you can count me out.
Thats it, otherwise this post is becoming too long! I might make a part 2 at some point. If you have questions hit me up!
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aro-ace-headcanons · 2 years
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[image ID; eight edits of Carmen Sandiego, all identical except for the backgrounds, which are eight different pride flags. The pride flags are asexual, aromantic, aromantic asexual, pan, oriented aromantic asexual, queerplatonic, transfeminine, and transgender. End image ID] Carmen Sandiego is a transfem pan-oriented aroace who experiences queerplatonic attraction.
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theprideful · 4 years
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[ID: the red-eye Bernie Sanders meme template. The first panel reads "a character shows no interest in dating or sex". The second panel reads "you headcanon them as aroace". The third panel reads "the writers make it canon". The fourth panel reads "they actually use the words 'asexual' and 'aromantic'". End ID.]
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aroace-bi-gay-cisnt · 2 years
Happy valentines to bi/pan/omni oriented aroaces! You are amazing and deserve to have the freedom to celebrate (or not) valentines day! Your attraction is VALID and you deserve to be able to talk about and express it
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