#patent idea
moritashie · 19 days
Peter: If I were Peralta, would that make you Holt?
Tony: I'm not gay.
Peter: Wait you're not?
Cue cut scenes from the past few weeks, sitcom style, showing Rhodes and Tony acting very homoerotically
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jackdaw-and-hattrick · 9 months
Story Idea:
22 year old Gotham University student Danny finds a Damien clone whose near death and saves his life, offering to let the kid stay with him in his crappy apartment. The clone accepts, thinking Danny seems like a tolerable chump to bide his time with as he builds his strength for another fight with his progenitor for his rightful place as heir to Batman. Danny absolutely 100% knows the kid’s a clone and that taps right into his childhood trauma, making him want to protect him all the more. (Up to you if Dani is alive but in my version she’s not). Over time, Clone!Damien becomes begrudgingly fond of his new caretaker, especially after Danny starts taking him on Doctor Who style adventures through time/space and the tamer parts of the GZ (there are none) as part of his efforts to build up the kid’s confidence (outside his overcompensating ego) and help him learn to grow into his own person.
Danny and Clone!Damien are the downstairs neighbors to none other than Jason Peters (aka Jason Todd). They both clock him as Red Hood pretty quickly, but it takes much longer for them to connect him to the Waynes, so he’s kinda just their marginally more normal neighbor who happens to be a crime lord and who, for some reason, tends to check up on them a lot. (Originally this was because RH thought Danny might be an upcoming villain, then because he didn’t understand how Danny was alive, and then Clone!Damien moved in and he started checking to make sure that he didn’t murder Danny in his sleep). Luckily, Jason is a fantastic cook, so they are both grateful (to varying degrees) for his nosiness. (Is this a Dead on Main situation, are they just good friends? Who’s to say? You. Or me. But probably you.)
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fleapit · 1 month
Look, a lot of the trans women "bitching" about trans men don't hate trans men, and I won't deny that you probably face different strains of transphobia than us. The issue lies in that trans men often wield intracommunity privilege over trans women and many refuse to recognize that. Worse, it's been weaponized against trans women seen as undesirable far too many times. I know you're a good dude, I just ask that you think a little critically about why the divide exists and listen to women's grievances rather than boil it down to bitching.
nothing i say is anti trans women. i love trans women. some of my best friends in the entire fucking world are trans women and i take every chance i can to uplift them and to support them. my beef is NOT with trans women. it's about people- ANY person, regardless of if they're trans or not, regardless of if they're a woman or not- saying that trans men do not face oppression both in and outside of the queer community - mocking and denying our experiences, making fun of ANY word we coin to describe it, and acting like were just trying to earn pity points by complaining.
this is NOT me saying that trans women oppress trans men and i have literally never said that. i have never said that trans women have any privilege over trans men- and im not saying you're accusing me of that, anon, but people have in the past.
i think that every single argument about why trans men have privilege over trans women is either misconstrued or perpetuated by bad actors and terfs trying to divide the community. we do NOT have it any better than trans women do, we do NOT suddenly gain 'male privilege' when we socially transition, and while i do understand women's grievances, it is NOT FAIR to accuse RANDOM TRANS MEN of oppressing you/having privilege over you just because we are hyper-invisible and you do not see the harm that comes to our community.
we are ALSO run off this website. just nobody talks about it. we are ALSO murdered, raped, abused. just nobody talks about it- and if they do, we are women in the news. women in reports. women in statistics. even historically evident transmascs are CONSTANTLY erased and reduced down to 'lying about their gender' because it was safer to pass as a man, or being lesbians. even when the person themselves says in manuscripts and letters and historical records that they identify solely as a man. we are easy targets. extremely easy targets. nobody will defend us but ourselves - and in turn, we have to be everyone else's defenders, or we are worth nothing in the eyes of the community and the world.
we are NEVER taken seriously as men, so to say that we have inherent male privilege- and ESPECIALLY inherent privilege over our trans siblings- is disingenuous at best and dangerous at worst. it erases any concept of intersectionality, of how every trans person's experience is different because of differing factors- identifying as a woman or a man is not the be-all end-all of oppression. our abuse is systemic, and it targets all of us, no matter how we identify, because our transness is seen as undesirable regardless.
any infighting we partake in is just an engineered distraction so they can slaughter us easier.
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hwaitham · 14 days
spent the past three hours of my morning reading about the physics and history behind codd neck bottles i hope everyone is having a splendid sunday so far yaaaayy ! ! 🥰
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nevesmose · 17 days
But what if I were to purchase fast food and disguise it as my own cooking the reader was a completely loyal and devoted serf of the III Legion who is (at first) amazed and honoured to be personally chosen by the Phoenician himself to help with civilising / educating Konrad in the ways of the Imperium by """"""assisting"""""" with the lessons Fulgrim is giving him about ways to interact with mortals other than ultraviolence?
But what actually unfolds takes place in a twisted, broken-down parody of a once-pristine art studio strewn with abandoned painting supplies symbolising the degree to which the efforts at civilising the Night Haunter have failed so far? And the painting supplies could be used for body writing.
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daily-fantasy-ideas · 11 months
Came up with an idea and a whole process for using a fantasy photocopier.
So there are two sheets of glass in a sealed box. The bottom sheet is normal glass that lays above a chamber filled with some sorta flash powder formulation. The top sheet has been imbued with some magic stuff while it was being made.
Between these two sheets of glass, the paper document is placed and enclosed.
There is a mechanism for igniting the flash powder which also activates one of the top glass sheet's effects.
The flash causes light to shine through every part of the paper that hasn't been written on. This light then "burns" what is effectively a photo negative onto the top sheet of glass.
Then the box is opened and a second piece of paper is placed within, the top panel of glass's alternate effect is activated via a different input which then causes it to lightly burn that negative image onto the paper.
Because the image is burned onto paper, the document copy is now more fragile. Because of this, it's advisable to re-burn the negative into the top sheet so that it produces non-negatives of the documents.
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unopenablebox · 10 months
i got briefly excited that my institution's ~~makerspace~~ has at least one and maybe two locations with sewing machines (and soldering irons/3d printers/etc, not that i have immediate plans for all of those), which would be somewhat more convenient than paying for sewing studio time somewhere off-campus
but, of course, in order to actually use these locations you need to fill out a form explaining "your project / start up idea and how it is related to arts, entrepreneurship and innovation"
so instead. i will not try
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fluorescentbrains · 6 months
I seem to be much more comfortable consolidating and synthesizing existing research than I am at coming up with ideas for novel research. not sure if this is a skill that simply requires a very long time to develop or an indicator that academia is not really for me in the long term. guess we’ll find out
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izzystizzys · 2 months
little snippet that im salivating at writing out but don’t have the time someone pls fulfil my steddyhands dreams
aka The Reason Izzy Is Not In Charge Of Coming Up With Plans (he’s self-admittedly shit at it)
and is determinedly not meeting edward’s eyes while he’s calling ned low and his crew a bunch of second-rate playgroup pirate cunts. “comgratulations, you’re the first to succesfully torture me to sleep”, he says, and, “maybe just be better then people wouldn’t break your records without noticing, have you considered that?”, and, “my tummy aches hurt worse than this, they used to have goddamn standards for torture back in the day, now they just let any twatty with daddy issues try his -“ at which point ned is squarely whacking a fist into izzy’s face.
by the time the world stops spinning and flaring up in strange colours, he’s already being hefted up by the scowling blonde woman and dragged off in the direction of the captain’s cabin, still avoiding both his captains’ gazes on account of the fact his head’s lolling over hellkat maggie’s shoulder loosely.
is this maybe the worst idea izzy has ever had? some would agree, but it’s got ed and stede out of the firing line, hasn’t it. plus, izzy thinks when the door closes behind low’s bone-chilling grin, gives the dickheads more time to damn well come up with a better plan.
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meganechan05 · 10 months
The more I think about the possibility of Rita having a Haircut Arc, the more I kinda just wanna see them try to style it...
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Or at least Himeno seeing the new cut, process it overnight, and then kick down Rita's office door with a bag of hairstyling tools and not taking no for an answer.
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reiikyun · 6 months
Imma be giving Pilot an updated design to accommodate for triple splashdown coming back
He's got enough subtle scars, he doesn't need to inflict anymore on himself with another strainful special
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alphabitchnkari · 11 months
It is a quiet night on the seas.
I've been thinking, the keeper sends to Skarbrand's mind as he gazes into the endless horizon.
Words to be weary of, from a mind like N'kari's.
As Khorneth's true-name catastrophe shows, the greatest vulnerability to us as greater demons is having our will subsumed.
Once known and held by another, that name cannot be used again. But have you wondered what would happen if two demons exchanged true names? So long as they both live, their name are unusable.
He turns to face Skarbrand, a manic look in his eyes. My beloved Skarbrand, would you tell me your true name, if I told you mine?
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errortoog4y · 9 months
If I ever become a popular content creator, I know what I’m gonna do.
Not actually NSFW, quite actually the opposite but still warning
I would start an Onlyfans account, which if you know how I am in real life that’s weird for me to say, I’m super modest mainly cause I’m dysphoric about my body. So why would I do that???
Oh no no no, not that kind of Onlyfans account, no.
There would be no adult films in sight on that page, just me, talking about my hyperfixations. Of course the titles and the thumbnails would seem to be teasing a little (thumbnails would be art), but that’s to trick the h*rny folks into paying me and then clicking on my video, and this is how it would play out…
Video Title: errortoogay in a skimpy bikini ❤️
You open the video, I walk into frame, I’m in a hoodie and jeans, but layered on top, is indeed a bikini
I start talking about the backrooms
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libertynstyle · 1 year
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spralite · 4 months
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I do not know how to feel about the fact that I just wrote 35 pages of My Two Dads fic
This seems like a new level of depth to the questionable decisions I've made in my life, but I'm going to choose not to unpack any of that
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