givreencres · 2 years
Only You Can Answer, Variation 1: The Sweet Breakup
Here we go again All eyes are on you and me You become hesitant, embarrassed Yet I only kiss you with passion I offer you all the fire that drives me through my tongue and lips Caressing your neck with my long fingers Making you shiver... ... Of pleasure? ... Of desire? Only you can answer
Yet you put a little distance between our two bodies Embarrassed to be seen like this I warned you... Every place, every event, every location can be the scene of my passion for you You smiled when you knew Maybe you didn't believe me? Maybe the anti-conformist that I am is too intense for you? Maybe you thought you could tame me? Only you can answer
Or is this the first sign I'm willing to see... The one that announces... The one that cracks... The one that reveals... The one that makes it possible to realize... Can't you change me? You will not be able to accept me? Can you not tame me? Only you can answer
I simply choose to accept your refusal I already know the rest of the story By your gesture, the colour of your aura has changed Your future gestures, non-gestures and words I know in advance Believe me, let's not waste energy in unnecessary arguments Listen to me, let's not show our worst face Don't you see our differences so striking? Do you refuse to admit our vital opposites? Only you can answer
Forget the dreams Forget the plans Let's forget the tears Forget the ego Let's make a perfect break up if we haven't made a perfect relationship My choice is already made I'll wait... For you to make yours For you to realise that your unconscious has already decided Only you can answer
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fairydrowning · 2 months
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– Noor Unnahar, Instagram account "noor_unnahar"
[TEXT ID: / [Lemons] / My father's mother loved lemons. Years after her passing, / we run out of everything, but never / lemons. / Nothing else shelters grief / better than memory. / It's my father way of saying, / even in your absence, you will be / cared by me. / END ID]
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depraved-raven · 6 months
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“i did not wait for you—
i didn't know you were coming.
when you walked into my life
i didn't know it was you
because i didn't know there was a you
you were never a list
a goal, a dream or
an expectation—
you were a surprise
a gift, an adventure,
a beautiful new beginning
to a story i never thought l'd have.”
— b. diaz
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thesaart · 5 months
I give myself to thee
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Even though your legacy crumbles underneath your feet, They leave, they die but one will always stay behind, Hold on to your desire, hold on to your rage, The day will come, where They will answer your pleas
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abirdiejourney · 29 days
i think the most ignorant question you can ask someone who doesn’t desire a romantic relationship is
“But isn’t that lonely?”
As if the absence of intimacy can leave one feeling empty.
As if happiness can only be derived from a romantic partnership.
I wish they could feel the absolute happiness i posses when i walk into a room and find my dog laying on the couch, wagging his tail upon my mere presence.
The comfort i feel from snuggling that tiny dog who fits perfectly against my chest like a parent and their newborn.
The sweet affection my dog gives me. The unconditional love. The fact that i can change as a person, cut my hair, do my makeup, and he is still able to recognize me.
Or perhaps the laughter that fills the kitchen whenever my siblings gather there.
The comfort my father brings me by knowing me so well that at times i wonder how he even managed to figure out the things i never say.
True love is not simply found in a romantic partner.
True love surrounds you.
It is the trees that breathe in carbon so you may breathe oxygen.
The flowers that bloom and seeds that fall to continue the cycle of their life.
Love is the wind blowing your hair into your face in an absurd caress that feels invasive.
Love is the sun and moon that constantly rise and fall to show the contrast of night and day.
People who think so true that love can only be found in romance believe that i live in a simple and sad reality, but they can’t even manage to find love in the simple act of living.
I pity them, more than they could ever pity me.
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Oh great Hermes be my guide
Be my eyes and ears, oh messager god
Be the one to lead me through this tough time
Tell me it's okay to feel this way, I'm okay
Oh god of thrives and travelers, oh how you peak my interest
Oh Hermes please take this offering
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hipsternerd9 · 2 years
My nights were filled with thoughts of why wasn’t I good enough for you.
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i love the gods
Everything about them makes me smile
Oh I love them to death
They have helped me so much
I feel whole with them
I don't know what I am without them
But hey teach me what I am
I am a person making mistakes that I'm trying to solve
I scream out top of my lungs, screaming how much I appreciate them
My heart is like fire when I think of them
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lonelygirlsdiiary · 2 months
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୨ৎ save me from this hell
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the sun doesn’t know that the moon wishes to be engulfed by him.
the sun doesn’t know the moon wishes the sun to have many stars see him in all his glory.
the sun doesn’t know the moon looks up at all the billions of stars each night and day and wishes on each and every one that the sun can burn brighter, can calm his soul, and can feel at peace at last.
the sun doesn’t know the moon wishes to hold the sun’s hand, to be caressed by his warmth, even when others are scared by his heat.
the sun doesn’t know the moon sees him and loves him, even when his light dwindles a little sometimes.
the sun doesn’t know the moon will always cherish the sun, even when he doesn’t know how to cherish himself.
the sun doesn’t know the moon will always be grateful for the sun’s glow, even when the sun wishes that he didn’t glow so bright, cuz the moon will always be bright because of him and so many other planets will be alive and themselves with him there.
the sun doesn’t know the moon will love him always and forever, through thick and thin, through night and day, through death and life.
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sas-soulwriter · 11 months
November shall forever remind me that I'm the poet, not the poem. That I'm the artist, not the art. That I'm the singer, not the song. I'm the photograph, not the muse, and I will never be. -Soulwriter
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depraved-raven · 6 months
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“i woke up wanting your lips on mine.
i woke up wanting your arms around my waist.
i woke up wanting our hands laced together.
i woke up wanting to gaze in your eyes.
i woke up
wanting you.”
— want (via sagmirwo)
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drunkwriternim · 17 days
Be solace to my wounded heart for once Be the comfort, the safe place I seek in return, I will exist only to be yours I will give you my eternity
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cypressroot · 3 months
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Cicada by Hosho McCreesh
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amicus-noctis · 6 months
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“One day you will ask me which is more important? My life or yours? I will say mine and you will walk away not knowing that you are my life.” ― Khalil Gibran
Painting by Aldo Balding
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emberfrostlovesloki · 6 months
Gideon + Poetry
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All photo credits are at the end
"Romance #1" by Eunsong Kim
like some 14 year old girl waiting for her crush to glance back i
keep waiting for capitalism to end
but it won't end
my adult life lover states
on what will end:
Libraries Birds Retirement Recess Sprinting during recess Hispid Hares Starfish shaped like stars inconvenience Wrinkles Sunken cheeks Living Corals Protests Anti-Nuclear Proliferation Non-Aggression Pacts Dragonflies Mangosteen DMZs Trade Embargos Leopards, all kinds Sawfins Rewilding Infiltration Plot/Dreams Oak, Trees. Partulina Varisbilis Partulina Slendida (-------) Violence Prevention Programs News. News:
Might a few jellyfish survive—
counting till revelations becomes a part of—
I feel like Gideon isn't talked about very much, and I get it. He's in the show far less than Rossi, and his ending is unsatisfying. But in many ways, he built the team. He's Spencer's father figure and Aaron's friend. He sticks up for Elle, Emily, and Penelope and keeps Morgan in balance. I think he is sad for much of the show and is good at hiding it. I think this poem represents that dynamic well. He's waiting for the world to be good. He's waiting for something that will never come, and in the end, that's why he has to leave.
But I just want to remind you all there is good in the world. There is hope out there. You matter and if you feel sad or alone I am always here to talk. Please be kind to yourselves today. I hope the start to your weeks is amazing! Love Levi - ❤️
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Text Break Banner by @cafekitsune
Photo credits
Top: Left (@h-f-k) Center (@ellie-makes-mbs) Right (@peacefulandcozy)
Middle: Left (@himekokosu) Center (@criminalmindsverse) Right (@grapeperfume)
Bottom: Left (@triflingthing) Center (@arnab-comel) Right (@flowersforfrancis)
Tag list: @geminitapestry
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