#pituitary gland hormones
penpoise · 9 months
Tropic Hormones: Navigating the Endocrine Symphony
Tropic hormones, a fascinating ensemble in the orchestra of our endocrine system, play a pivotal role in maintaining the delicate balance of hormonal harmony within our bodies. From regulating the thyroid to influencing reproductive health, these unsung heroes are the conductors orchestrating a complex symphony within us. I. Introduction Definition of Tropic Hormones Tropic hormones are…
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papermonkeyism · 3 months
Going to go to an MRI tomorrow for the first time in my life. As expected, I'm doing the advance panic thing, but not because of the MRI, but because I haven't been to that area of the hospital before, so in order to make it in time I must reserve at least half an hour extra to make sure I find the place, so I've checked the bus schedule probably like ten times today just to make sure I have enough buffer to get lost in the building.
Who wants to bet if I'll be sitting there a full hour before the appointment, just in case
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emulation-0 · 2 years
my dad is so funny
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drdaljitghatoura · 2 years
Hypothalamic dysfunction
Hypothalamic dysfunction
Hypothalamic dysfunction is a problem with part of the brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus helps control the pituitary gland and regulates many body functions. Causes The hypothalamus helps keep the body’s internal functions in balance. It helps regulate: Appetite and weight Body temperature Childbirth Emotions, behavior, memory Growth Production of breast milk Salt and water…
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memoriae-lectoris · 22 days
Hormones are produced in accordance with a finely tuned feedback system that’s regulated by a pair of command-and-control glands in the brain, the pituitary and the hypothalamus. If the levels of a hormone get too high or too low, the hypothalamus relays that information to the pituitary, which in turn signals the gland that produces that hormone to gear up or slow down. Because of that feedback loop, said vom Saal, “sex hormones cause opposite effects at high and low doses. That’s what we teach undergraduates. At high doses, they turn off responses that they stimulate at low doses.”
[…] Such ubiquity means the chemical can get into our systems through almost any route—by inhalation, ingestion, or absorption through the skin. Once the compound enters the bloodstream, it is broken down into smaller molecules, called metabolites. These metabolites are actually the toxic troublemakers. They’re small enough to be absorbed by cells, including, most significantly, cells in the pituitary gland.
[…] Even plastics that are properly thrown away in landfills can cause problems, leaching endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as phthalates, bisphenol A, and alkyphenols that can contaminate the soil, streams, and ground water.
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I find it astonishing that researchers haven't found what causes pituitary tumors, prolactinomas in particular... would be amazing if they did more research on this... they told me it's from too much stress but our whole lives are full of stress unless you decide to do nothing with your life at all...
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mindfulnutritionsblog · 7 months
Mastering Hormonal Harmony: A Guide to Endocrinological Well-Being
Endocrinology, a specialized branch of medicine, investigates the intricacies of the endocrine system, a network of glands governing hormonal production and regulation. These chemical messengers, crucial for maintaining physiological balance, are central to processes such as metabolism, growth, and reproductive functions. Renowned in this field is Dr. Undurti Narasimha Das, whose contributions have notably advanced our understanding of hormonal regulation and its impact on health.
I. The Endocrine System:
The endocrine system consists of several glands, each responsible for producing specific hormones that travel through the bloodstream to target organs and tissues. These glands include the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreas, ovaries, and testes. Together, they work in harmony to regulate growth, metabolism, reproduction, and response to stress.
II. Hormones and Their Functions:
1. Insulin:
   - Produced by the pancreas, insulin regulates glucose metabolism by facilitating the uptake of glucose into cells. Insufficient insulin production leads to diabetes mellitus.
2. Thyroid Hormones (T3 and T4):
   - The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate metabolism, energy production, and overall growth. Imbalances can lead to conditions like hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
3. Cortisol:
   - Secreted by the adrenal glands, cortisol helps the body respond to stress and regulates metabolism. Chronic elevated levels may result in conditions such as Cushing's syndrome.
4. Estrogen and Testosterone:
   - Produced by the ovaries and testes, these sex hormones play a crucial role in the development of secondary sexual characteristics and reproductive functions.
5. Growth Hormone (GH):
   - Secreted by the pituitary gland, GH stimulates growth, cell reproduction, and regeneration. Abnormalities can lead to growth disorders.
III. Disorders and Diseases:
1. Diabetes Mellitus:
   - Characterized by impaired insulin function, diabetes mellitus leads to elevated blood glucose levels, contributing to various complications such as cardiovascular diseases and neuropathy.
2. Thyroid Disorders:
   - Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism result from imbalances in thyroid hormone production, affecting metabolism, energy levels, and overall well-being.
3. Adrenal Disorders:
   - Conditions like Addison's disease and Cushing's syndrome arise from adrenal gland dysfunction, impacting stress response and metabolism.
IV. Diagnostic Techniques and Treatment:
Endocrinologists employ various diagnostic tools, including blood tests, imaging studies, and stimulation tests, to assess hormone levels and identify abnormalities. Treatment options often involve hormone replacement therapy, medications, and lifestyle modifications to restore balance and alleviate symptoms.
Endocrinology is a critical field of medicine that unravels the intricate web of hormonal regulation within the human body. As researchers continue to explore the complexities of endocrine function, advancements in understanding and treating endocrine disorders pave the way for improved patient care and enhanced quality of life. By comprehending the delicate balance of hormones, healthcare professionals can better address and manage a myriad of conditions, ultimately contributing to the overall well-being of individuals.
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artisticdivasworld · 8 months
Cortisol: The Unsung Hero (or Villain) in Your Stress Story
Today, let’s talk about something you may have heard of but not known much about before: cortisol. Called the “stress hormone” by many people, it is as if cortisol is a member of a movie’s behind-the-scenes crew—very vital yet not always noticeable. What is Cortisol? Imagine you are walking in a jungle and suddenly see a wild bear. Your heart starts pounding, muscles become tense—that’s the…
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howdoesone · 10 months
How does one identify the location of the pituitary gland in the brain?
The pituitary gland, also known as the hypophysis, is a small, pea-sized gland located at the base of the brain. It is often referred to as the “master gland” because it controls the function of other endocrine glands in the body. Despite its small size, the pituitary gland plays a critical role in maintaining a wide range of bodily functions, including growth and development, metabolism, and…
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drpedi07 · 1 year
Growth Hormone Deficiency
Growth hormone deficiency is one of the common causes of short stature in children. Incidence of this condition is between 1in 3000-4000 live births.
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incognitopolls · 1 month
Uh oh! You're being transformed into a solitary system of the human body. Thankfully, at least you get to pick which one. The transformation is painless and permanent, and much like a Halloween skeleton, you can still interact with the world around you (regardless of things like "physics" and "logic").
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xviruserrorx · 2 years
I have never felt so much regret in my life... IF YOU TAKE MEDICATION TAKE THEM!!!
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cosmicintro · 2 years
Astro observations: Health aspects from the 6th house 💫
6th house in Aries: Be mindful of strong reactions, impulses and emotions as these could trigger high blood pressure, stress or unwanted headaches. Possible problems associated with the adrenal glands if health is not good. The person could be nearsighted/farsighted. Teeth issues and sensitive gums are common with this placement. 
6th house in Taurus: Be careful with ‘burnout’ and try to keep a healthy work-life balance. The individual is prone to respiratory conditions, jaw and neck pain/problems, weight gain (associated with thyroid issues). Thyroid disease. Problems with your voice or throat. Take it easy and follow a rhythm that honors your needs. 
6th house in Gemini: Allergies, infections, asthma, cough, breathing issues. Arms, hands and fingers might be sensitive. Anxiety and nervousness caused by too many unorganized/unwanted thoughts. Be careful with hand, arm and/or shoulder injuries. 
6th house in Cancer: Sensitive breasts/chest area. Inflammation associated with water/fluid retention. Pay close attention to your salt and fat consumption. Intolerance to different ingredients. It is vital for individuals with this placement to express their emotions as this can feel like a detox process for a 6th house cancer.
6th house in Leo: Hear what your heart is telling you. Don’t let stress or anger take you 'over the edge'. Similar to Aries in this house, it is common for the native to suffer from high blood pressure if a balanced lifestyle is not followed; a healthy diet will help this native tremendously. Be careful with hernias and your spine. Back pain/injuries. Spend more time outside. 
6th house in Virgo: Food sensitivities. Problems with digestion. Pay attention to sugar, fats, starches and the way your body reacts to them. Pancreatitis. Bloating associated with food intolerances. Meditation is recommended to calm an active mind and a healthy relationship with food will help with digestive issues. 
6th house in Libra: Lumbar pain. Problems with the lower back. Sensitivity to salt. Kidney stones. Insulin resistance. Diabetes. Partnerships have a big influence in your life; stress or strong (negative) emotions resulting from these relationships can have a big impact in your health. 
6th house in Scorpio: Constipation. Bladder/Urinary tract infections. Issues with libido/sex hormones. Cystitis (inflammation of the bladder; can cause pain or/and a burning sensation when peeing). Problems with the colon and elimination systems. Let go of any guilt/shame around your sexuality and keep a healthy relationship with your needs. 
6th house in Sagittarius: Issues associated with the pituitary gland. Hip mobility problems, pain or injuries. Obesity. For optimal liver health, alcohol and stress levels need to be monitored and, if possible, reduced to a minimum. Yoga can help ease stiffness around the hips and thighs. 
6th house in Capricorn: Knee pain. Injuries/procedures can cause significant scarring. Hair loss or scalp issues. Arthritis and joint pain. If your body is telling you to slow down, honor it and rest. Movement in every way is beneficial for the native. Be careful with your bones. 
6th house in Aquarius: Varicose veins. Frequent cramps. Arteries and veins might need to be monitored closely, as the native is prone to circulation problems. Calf pain. Stress, nervousness, anxiety, insomnia. Be careful with addictions. Stay hydrated. 
6th house in Pisces: Problems with the lymphatic system. Feet pain, inflammation, discomfort, injuries. Plantar fasciitis. Be careful with falls. Sleep problems, nightmares. Sadness that can lead into deep depression. Time alone is necessary. Make sure you’re getting the hours of sleep that your body requires to work harmoniously. 
Stay tuned for more! :)
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promenadewithme · 10 months
Happy Sappy Hormones
a/n: I know, I know. I've been away for a while. but I have my last final next week and after that I'm turning off med head and turning on writer mode! I've been watching criminal minds and I'm only on s2, but I already have this MASSIVE crush on Spencer Reid. So here's a little blurb I wrote recently. It's not proofread, so forgive me for any mistakes. Pairing: Spencer Read x profiler! you (no use of y/n) Warnings: slightly smutty, but nothing graphic. next chapter is going to be graphic af. um.. let me think... one bed trope, overnight stay at an in, pre-sex, all that tension (at least I aimed for it lol) and pining. Word Count: I have no idea
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Am I sweating? I think I’m sweating. How the hell am I supposed to sleep next to this man? Fuck this stupid inn for having only one room with one bed. How cliche of them.
I peek at him and he’s looking up, head against the wall. Spencer swallows, throat bobbing up and down. He has such a nice profile, sharp nose and jawline, the most pronounced cheekbones you will ever see in real life, brows that always seem to be furrowed in thought, pillowy lips that I can’t help but picture against my own. And that hair… Those fluffy chocolate waves that beg for my fingers to mess up.
He’s soft but manly. Angelic heart with a dark mind. 
I rake my eyes across his face once more and notice that a bit of a stubble has grown since this morning. What would that feel like brushing against my neck? Better yet, what would they feel like between my thighs while he-
Nope, too far. I have gone too far.
A blush creeps up my neck to my cheeks. Sleep is the last thing on my mind right now.
“Did you know that sharing a bed is actually good for your health?” he blurbs out, still looking at the ceiling. 
So he’s uncomfortable too. Great.
“How so?” I ask, playing with the hem of my shirt.
“It releases serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin.” he states matter of factly.
“The golden trio of happy sappy hormones.” I quip.
“Something like that” he smirks, giving me a quick look before continuing. “Our pituitary glands transform serotonin into melatonin, which is the hormone that controls our sleep. That’s why cuddling in general makes you sleepy. Serotonin is also known as the ‘happy hormone’ because it’s a mood stabiliser, but it’s more than that. It regulates body temperature, improves memory and aids learning.”
I feel Spencer’s body slowly relax into the mattress as he speaks, so I spur him on.
“Is that so?” I say, trying to hide how much his intelligence affects me.
This man could open a book on gut microbiota, read it to me outloud and it would still be like dirty talk to me. 
“Yes.” he smiles timidly and scooches closer, turning his body in my direction.
 “What about dopamine?” I ask before I let my mind wander again.
“Dopamine is the reward chemical, it’s the rush you feel when you get a good grade or when you eat or sleep.And it’s um…” he pauses and starts playing with the sheets between us “It’s also released when you’re sexually attracted to someone.”
“Oh.” I say in almost a whisper. I must be releasing a lot of that lately.
“Yeah.” he says, taking the hem of my shirt from my grasp and toying with it himself. “It also causes our body's physiological reaction to attraction.”
His finger brushes against my stomach, leaving goosebumps in its wake and making my pulse skyrocket. 
“Which reactions?” I ask but the air seems too shallow, there’s not enough oxygen in my lungs.
He finally looks at me and my breathing stops. His hazel eyes bore into mine like they can see my soul. I’m afraid he knows how much I want him, I’m afraid he’ll see how much I wish he would drift his hand further down until he reaches the part of me that wants him the most.
He lifts his hand to my face and trails a shaky finger down my cheek and neck before saying “Like blushing,” his hand trails softly down my arm and my skin pebbles up where he touched “Goosebumps,” he makes it to my wrist and presses down on my artery “quickened heartbeat,” he bows his head and kisses my hand softly, never taking his eyes from mine “the effect of dopamine is obsessive and almost drug-like, you can’t stay away from the person you love and you don’t want to either.”
I can’t breathe. I feel myself shifting closer to him and my attention is fully on his lips. Those lips that never stop moving and I never want them to. Except, right now, I want them moving against mine. 
“What about oxytocin?” I whisper, forcing myself to look at his eyes, his gorgeous hazel eyes. 
“The love hormone.” he mumbles, bringing his hand to my neck while his thumb strokes my cheek. “It’s released in mothers during labour and when in contact with their newborn, but also during sex.”
We are so close that I can see the faint freckles that dust his nose, I’d never noticed them before.
“Any benefits?” I ask, spreading my hands on his chest. He’s so warm.
His voice is low and husky when he answers. 
“Lowers your blood pressure and cortisol levels,” his nose brushes against mine and I look at his lips again “reduces stress.”
“That’s um…” What was I saying again? His lips brush against mine once. Twice. “That’s nice.”
He dips down once more and captures my lips in a slow kiss, like he’s testing the waters. I sigh and my arms make their way around his neck. Spencer darts his tongue out and takes a quick swipe at my bottom lip, I let him in. When his tongue brushes against mine tentatively, his chest rumbles with his low groan and I sink into his arms. 
He grabs my left leg and throws it over his hips so I’m straddling him. I feel his erection between my legs and moan into the kiss. My hands go up to his hair and his locks are even softer than I thought they would be. 
I pull back only slightly “I think we’ve been very stressed lately.”
He nods and kisses me again before saying “Only benefits can come from this.” 
“Yeah, we’re just taking care of our health, right?” 
We stare at each other, panting in unison.
I shouldn’t do this, this will only complicate things. But how can I think of that when he’s looking at me like I’m the hottest woman on earth? How can I think this is wrong when I’ve wanted this for so long? When his soft hair is disheveled by my touch, his mouth swollen from my kiss, his pupils dilated with lust for me, making his hazel eyes dark. 
Just once, I get the chance to do something for me, something that will make me feel good with someone that makes me feel good and seen and beautiful. 
Fuck it. 
I lick my lips and bring his face towards mine in the hottest kiss I have ever had. 
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For fun, I wanted to think through which organs Darth Maul is actually missing. This gives us clues as to which bodily processes he just doesn't have anymore, which ones he's using sith juju to make up for, and what Talzin or Death Watch might've done for him with the prosthetics. To be fair, humans have about 70 to 80 possible organs systems (don't ask), but who knows what zabrak have, and where they truly are located. We can only guess.
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✓ Means he probably has this.
X Means he probably doesn't have this.
O Means he probably only has some.
(Checklist and conclusions below the cut.)
✓ Adrenal glands (above the kidneys)
X Anus
X Appendix
X Bladder
O Bones
O Bone marrow (spongy part of the bone)
✓ Brain
✓ Bronchi (tubes in the lungs)
✓ Diaphragm (muscle of breathing)
✓ Ears
✓ Esophagus
✓ Eyes
✓ Gallbladder
X Genitals
✓ Heart ( 2 of them!)
✓ Hypothalamus (in the brain)
O Joints
✓ Kidneys
O Large intestine
✓ Larynx (voice box)
✓ Liver
✓ Lungs
O Lymph nodes
O Mesentery (Nerves, vessel, & fat storage in gut)
✓ Mouth
✓ Nasal cavity
✓ Nose
✓ Pancreas (hormones/enzymes)
✓ Pineal gland (in the brain- hormone production)
✓ Parathyroid glands (hormones, in the neck)
✓ Pharynx (back of the throat)
✓ Pituitary gland (in the brain, hormones)
X Prostate
X Rectum
✓ Salivary glands
O Skeletal muscles
O Skin
O Small intestine
O Spinal cord
✓ Spleen (big blood filter)
✓ Stomach
✓ Teeth
✓ Thymus gland (immune training, in the chest)
✓ Thyroid (hormones, in the neck)
✓ Trachea
✓ Tongue
O Ureters (Kidney to bladder tubes)
X Urethra
O Ligaments (connect muscles to bones)
O Tendons (connect bones to bones)
✓ Blood cells
✓ Hair (Uhhh... horns? I guess he has eyelashes?)
✓ The vestibular system (of the ear)
X Testes (unless zabrak locate them internally)
✓ Nails
X Vas deferens (testes to genitals tube)
X Seminal vesicles (semen fluid production)
X Bulbourethral glands (makes preejaculate)
X Penis
X Scrotum (if zabrak keep the testes externally)
✓ Parathyroid glands (neck, hormonal)
O Thoracic ducts (Where lymph flows into veins)
O Arteries
O Veins
O Capillaries
O Lymphatic vessels
✓ Tonsils
O Nerves
O Subcutaneous tissue
O Olfactory epithelium (nose)
✓ Cerebellum
Long story short, besides just his legs and genitals, Maul lost most of his digestive and urinary systems.
He actually kept almost all of his life-critical organs, so whatever sith voodoo he was doing to stay alive on Lotho Minor was probably focused on fighting off sepsis (due to the unclean end points of his digestive system. Remember he got cauterized by a lightsaber so assume he had to make... new holes. There may have also been some self-done surgery to reconnect what remained of his large and small intestines.)
The loss of his testes, if he indeed had human typical location for them, could have proven a growing problem, considering that they make 90% of a man's testosterone, and that's needed just to have normal amounts of energy.
The digestive track is also a problem, as the gut microbiome is where a lot of neurochemicals are produced. For example, 95%~ of the body's seratonin is produced in the gut. Lacking huge chunks of his small and large intestine means that Maul had poor absorbtion of nutrients, and probably needed to eat all the time just to get a fraction of the calories and nutrients from his food.
So. He lived on the edge of starvation due to a truncated digestive track, had low energy, mood imbalances like you wouldn't believe, and constant sepsis. I'm sure the acid rain being the only source of fresh water was also just, so helpful.
I assume, by the lack of black veins on him afterward, and (sort of?) stable mood, that talzin might've regrown some of his gut and fixed the end point issues. Later on, Death Watch (being mandalorians) might've given him more robust life support systems that included testosterone replacement and cybernetic genitals. Seems like what they would do for their own people.
Possible lingering complications? I assume he has a VERY weird relationship with food. He had spider legs for twelve years, so bipedal motion probably fails him sometimes. Back pain. Phantom leg pain. Nerve junction issues. Immune system weirdness (from all that missing marrow, and a long stint with sepsis). Issues storing fat. Talzin yoloed his brain back to sane-adjacent, so mental health is... I mean. Yeah. Triggers. Teeth prone to chipping and cavities (from malnutrition and acid water). Possibly goes to the bathroom once a day and urinates like a race horse. Issues with being touched, myriad phobias, and a squirrelly libido.
Did I miss anything?
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sweeth0neygirl · 22 days
A tiny guide for each phase of your period!
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In this post I'm gonna show y'all what you can do in every stage of your period, and feel better with yourself !! ՞ ᵕ̈ ♡˳
menstrual stage
The menstrual phase is the first stage of the menstrual cycle. It’s also when you get your period. This phase starts when an egg from the previous cycle isn’t fertilized. Because pregnancy hasn’t taken place, levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone drop.
ᰔ prioritize rest 😴
ᰔ walks
ᰔ ideal time to have some time alone at home 🏡
ᰔ hot meals, it's the winter in your body ❄️
ᰔ avoid caffeine, replace with cocoa 🍫
ᰔ stop alcohol action 🥃
Follicular phase
The follicular phase starts on the first day of your period (so there is some overlap with the menstrual phase) and ends when you ovulate. It starts when the hypothalamus signals your pituitary gland to release follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). This hormone stimulates your ovaries to produce around 5 to 20 small sacs called follicles. Each follicle contains an immature egg.
(the average follicular phaseTrusted Source lasts for about 16 days. It can range from 11 to 27 days, depending on your cycle)
ᰔ try new things ✨
ᰔ perfect for resistance training
ᰔ explore your creativity, give your inner artist a chance! 🎨
ᰔ fresh meals, it's the spring in your body 🌼
Ovulation phase
Rising estrogen levels during the follicular phase trigger your pituitary gland to release luteinizing hormone (LH). This is what starts the process of ovulation. Ovulation is when your ovary releases a mature egg. The egg travels down the fallopian tube toward the uterus to be fertilized by sperm.
Did you know? 🤓 Because sperm can live up to 5 days, pregnancy can occur as a result of sexual relations 5 days before ovulation.
ᰔ time to socialize 💃
ᰔ nourish your feminine energy 🎀
ᰔ the summer in your body ⛱️
ᰔ propose and share your ideas 💡 your confidence is at its peak!
ᰔ high fiber foods
Luteal phase
After the follicle releases its egg, it changes into the corpus luteum. This structure releases hormones, mainly progesterone and some estrogen. The rise in hormones keeps your uterine lining thick and ready for a fertilized egg to implant. If you do get pregnant, your body will produce human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This is the hormone pregnancy tests detect. It helps maintain the corpus luteum and keeps the uterine lining thick. If you don’t get pregnant, the corpus luteum will shrink away and be resorbed. This leads to decreased levels of estrogen and progesterone, which causes the onset of your period. The uterine lining will shed during your period.
ᰔ time to slow down 💆‍♀️
ᰔ time of self-care
ᰔ time to do simple activities 🧘‍♀️
ᰔ appetite increases, prioritize high-carbohydrate foods 🍚
ᰔ avoid highly processed foods 🍕
ᰔ the autumn of your body, return to hot meals 🍂
˚⌇ ₊˚ ๑ thanks for reading all of it, if you have any idea or a question don't hesitate to write it in my question box !!
this was my first tips post so I hope they help you!, and take care angel!! 🪽
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