#Pituitary gland
redditreceipts · 6 months
So this is the answer to an ask that @wild-wombytch has sent me, and I chose to answer it in this format because the original ask contains a link to a post that I'd rather not share, to maintain respectful of OP.
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Thank you, I'm fine! and cool that you like the cat pictures ❤️ I'll make a separate post for you just containing cat pictures
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and thank you so much for saying that! ❤️❤️
yeah, so @wild-wombytch refers to a post that deals with a person who got a tumor from HRT. They have made a post in a mainstream trans subreddit and the people on there got mad at them, because they didn't want to recognise the downsides of HRT:
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So this is just a whole other level. People hating on OP because they got a brain tumor is so despicable. These people can rot in hell
(Also, if you want to use my post to make fun of OP for having a brain tumor, enjoy getting blocked 🥰 I try to make this a welcoming place for people who are transitioning, detransitioning or having problems with their medical transition. If you can't handle that, please fuck off)
The specific kind of tumor this person is talking about, a pituitary brain tumor, is (as stated) probably linked to HRT in trans women. This reminds me of the myriad of posts by trans women talking about galactorrhea. Galactorrhea refers to the spontaneous lactation without having given birth or breastfeeding a baby, which can occur in women and men. And what is the most common cause for Galactorrhea?
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the most common cause of galactorrhea is a benign tumor in your brain. Even though benign tumors are not as dangerous as cancerous tumors, they can still cause severe dysfunction over time, because they can still grow slowly and compress vital areas of the brain. It's definetly not a topic to be joked about.
I was able to find a ton of "I am spontaneously lactating as a trans woman, is this normal"-posts in the span of seconds. Remember: Galactorrhea, a condition that is most commonly caused by a brain tumor. And what are the responses?
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keep in mind: this person probably had not only been lactating, but even had blood in their nipple discarge. Up to a fifth of women who have that sign of discharge have a malignant cause for it - I can't imagine that the prospect for biological males on HRT is much better.
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so yeah, instead of telling them to go see their doctor or anything, they link them to r/AdultBreastfeeding - it's a fetish subreddit for people who have a lactation fetish and want to induce lactation.
I mean, a large amount of the stuff I post here is kinda funny and absurd, but if you get a bit deeper in these online echochambers, it gets really dark real quick. Where did we go from "everyone should live their lives as they wish" to "downplaying brain cancer to own the terfs"? And this doesn't mean that every trans woman should immediately stop their HRT just to prevent that from happening. That's not what I'm saying here. I'm just saying that these people genuinely don't seem to care about anything other than their ideology, and even medical professionals are seen as "lying" and "bigoted", and people with brain tumors are accused of "attacking the trans community". How is this not a cult??
Also, I wish the person who made the original post all the best :) I hope they find people who support them and help them heal
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mistywitcher · 3 months
so i haven’t posted on tumblr in ages because i ended up having brain surgery!
tina tumour is gone! it was a rough few weeks following the surgery, but i think im coming out the other side now!
i no longer have cushing’s disease as my surgery was successful! my cortisol has dropped and now i have secondary adrenal insufficiency and have to take replacement cortisol!
i’m exhausted a lot of the time, have headaches most days but i feel better than i have in years stress wise, and so much mentally with it!
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sadbootyshorts · 1 year
I have learned that having "sea legs" as I like to call it in the morning IS NOT NORMAL?!?!? I'm starting to look into a rollator...
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love-anonymous0320 · 1 year
Medication Update,💓
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Hey guys!! It’s been a few weeks now sense I last updated you all on my medication journey and it’s been pretty good so far. I’ve only started back taking my Thyroid medication and I’ve been taking things slow so my body can adapt to being back on meds. So here’s me 3 weeks back on my Synthroid and it’s not so bad!! When I first started to take the meds I was nervous because I though I was gonna have terrible side effects sense I haven’t took the medication in quite a while, and I was just gonna quite but......the side effects hasn’t been so bad as I thought they where.
Here are some of the few side effects I’ve had so far....
Mild nervousness
Super Hungry
Maybe a small bit emotional
Some good side effects are.....
Sleeping a lot better
Thyroid level are normalizing!
But with all that I’m kinda able to cope and work through it, I found it’s best for me to take the medication at night so I can sleep through most of the side effects and function through the day. Overall it’s been pretty decent. Next big challenge is my Adrenal Medication called Hydrocortisone now this is gonna be a mild to big hurdle for me, because the last time I took it I did experience some simi-mild to intense side effects!
Which where....
A bit Shaky
So I’m gonna try to take a leap of faith and take it again, not only take it but be CONSISTENT which is also one of my biggest struggle when it comes to meds but I know with God all things are possible and like my therapist told me “that side effects don’t last forever there just the meds trying to adapt back to your body again and help you put back what’s been lost” So this coming week here I go!
I really hope my blogs helps whoever’s out there struggling to take there meds or battling with medication trauma, meds are scary because it’s throwing you in the unknown with how your body reacts to them, and there’s no certain yes or no to if you will have a positive or negative outcome you just have to trust your doctors and take a leap of faith, which can be challenging for those who struggle with meds. But I’m here to tell you WE GONNA BE OKAY and WE GOT THIS!!!! 💓💓💓💓💓
We are all in this together!😌
Update you in a few weeks......byyyeeeee🥰
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drdaljitghatoura · 2 years
Hypothalamic dysfunction
Hypothalamic dysfunction
Hypothalamic dysfunction is a problem with part of the brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus helps control the pituitary gland and regulates many body functions. Causes The hypothalamus helps keep the body’s internal functions in balance. It helps regulate: Appetite and weight Body temperature Childbirth Emotions, behavior, memory Growth Production of breast milk Salt and water…
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memoriae-lectoris · 22 days
Hormones are produced in accordance with a finely tuned feedback system that’s regulated by a pair of command-and-control glands in the brain, the pituitary and the hypothalamus. If the levels of a hormone get too high or too low, the hypothalamus relays that information to the pituitary, which in turn signals the gland that produces that hormone to gear up or slow down. Because of that feedback loop, said vom Saal, “sex hormones cause opposite effects at high and low doses. That’s what we teach undergraduates. At high doses, they turn off responses that they stimulate at low doses.”
[…] Such ubiquity means the chemical can get into our systems through almost any route—by inhalation, ingestion, or absorption through the skin. Once the compound enters the bloodstream, it is broken down into smaller molecules, called metabolites. These metabolites are actually the toxic troublemakers. They’re small enough to be absorbed by cells, including, most significantly, cells in the pituitary gland.
[…] Even plastics that are properly thrown away in landfills can cause problems, leaching endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as phthalates, bisphenol A, and alkyphenols that can contaminate the soil, streams, and ground water.
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I know that it's healthier for me to have periods every month but gosh it is so annoying, painful and messy, not to mention the stress and worry that you might leak and or start your period when you're in public and you don't have period products which are insanely overpriced lately...
I had amenorrhea for 2 and a half years in my early 20s which is a symptom of prolactinoma (initially I thought it was from an eating disorder since I used to try harder to be thin when I was younger but then it turned out it was high prolactin levels all along and from too much stress)... yes I wasn't in pain, bleeding or messing up my underwear but it's unhealthy, not normal and led to me developing a tumor in my pituitary gland... it's like you can't live with periods but can't live without periods either. One of the main reasons I hate being a woman and it's one of the biggest disadvantage to being female.
The cultural shame, not being able to talk about it openly and the stigma that society has about menstruation only makes things worse for women ugh. I'm thankful that my doctors talk about this period stuff with me at least as there is no other way to know what's going on with my health and body since no one wants to discuss period problems... but initially even my Gynecologist wouldn't take it seriously when I told her that I wasn't getting periods every month... : (
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mindfulnutritionsblog · 7 months
Mastering Hormonal Harmony: A Guide to Endocrinological Well-Being
Endocrinology, a specialized branch of medicine, investigates the intricacies of the endocrine system, a network of glands governing hormonal production and regulation. These chemical messengers, crucial for maintaining physiological balance, are central to processes such as metabolism, growth, and reproductive functions. Renowned in this field is Dr. Undurti Narasimha Das, whose contributions have notably advanced our understanding of hormonal regulation and its impact on health.
I. The Endocrine System:
The endocrine system consists of several glands, each responsible for producing specific hormones that travel through the bloodstream to target organs and tissues. These glands include the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreas, ovaries, and testes. Together, they work in harmony to regulate growth, metabolism, reproduction, and response to stress.
II. Hormones and Their Functions:
1. Insulin:
   - Produced by the pancreas, insulin regulates glucose metabolism by facilitating the uptake of glucose into cells. Insufficient insulin production leads to diabetes mellitus.
2. Thyroid Hormones (T3 and T4):
   - The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate metabolism, energy production, and overall growth. Imbalances can lead to conditions like hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
3. Cortisol:
   - Secreted by the adrenal glands, cortisol helps the body respond to stress and regulates metabolism. Chronic elevated levels may result in conditions such as Cushing's syndrome.
4. Estrogen and Testosterone:
   - Produced by the ovaries and testes, these sex hormones play a crucial role in the development of secondary sexual characteristics and reproductive functions.
5. Growth Hormone (GH):
   - Secreted by the pituitary gland, GH stimulates growth, cell reproduction, and regeneration. Abnormalities can lead to growth disorders.
III. Disorders and Diseases:
1. Diabetes Mellitus:
   - Characterized by impaired insulin function, diabetes mellitus leads to elevated blood glucose levels, contributing to various complications such as cardiovascular diseases and neuropathy.
2. Thyroid Disorders:
   - Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism result from imbalances in thyroid hormone production, affecting metabolism, energy levels, and overall well-being.
3. Adrenal Disorders:
   - Conditions like Addison's disease and Cushing's syndrome arise from adrenal gland dysfunction, impacting stress response and metabolism.
IV. Diagnostic Techniques and Treatment:
Endocrinologists employ various diagnostic tools, including blood tests, imaging studies, and stimulation tests, to assess hormone levels and identify abnormalities. Treatment options often involve hormone replacement therapy, medications, and lifestyle modifications to restore balance and alleviate symptoms.
Endocrinology is a critical field of medicine that unravels the intricate web of hormonal regulation within the human body. As researchers continue to explore the complexities of endocrine function, advancements in understanding and treating endocrine disorders pave the way for improved patient care and enhanced quality of life. By comprehending the delicate balance of hormones, healthcare professionals can better address and manage a myriad of conditions, ultimately contributing to the overall well-being of individuals.
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artisticdivasworld · 8 months
Cortisol: The Unsung Hero (or Villain) in Your Stress Story
Today, let’s talk about something you may have heard of but not known much about before: cortisol. Called the “stress hormone” by many people, it is as if cortisol is a member of a movie’s behind-the-scenes crew—very vital yet not always noticeable. What is Cortisol? Imagine you are walking in a jungle and suddenly see a wild bear. Your heart starts pounding, muscles become tense—that’s the…
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brightbluesage · 9 months
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Chakras Gland Connection
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howdoesone · 10 months
How does one identify the location of the pituitary gland in the brain?
The pituitary gland, also known as the hypophysis, is a small, pea-sized gland located at the base of the brain. It is often referred to as the “master gland” because it controls the function of other endocrine glands in the body. Despite its small size, the pituitary gland plays a critical role in maintaining a wide range of bodily functions, including growth and development, metabolism, and…
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mistywitcher · 8 months
something i didn’t anticipate was being able to feel the tumour in my head.
i’ve had this constant low key headache for about a month, and have no realised ITS LITERALLY MY TUMOUR.
tina tumour is not cool.
tina tumour needs to be taken out.
fuck u tina tumour
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sadbootyshorts · 1 year
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A little more from recording yesterday. My body is exhausted from it, but it feels so good to get vocals done!
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drpedi07 · 1 year
Growth Hormone Deficiency
Growth hormone deficiency is one of the common causes of short stature in children. Incidence of this condition is between 1in 3000-4000 live births.
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draarongomez · 1 year
The Role Of Genetics In Pituitary Tumor Development
The impact of genetics on the development of pituitary tumours and specialised treatments. To learn more, call Dallas Back Clinics. The role of genetics in pituitary tumor development.
Website - https://dallasbackclinics.com/blog/the-role-of-genetics-in-pituitary-tumor-development/
Phone: (469) 206-4518
Address - 2700 W Pleasant Run Road (Suite 370) Lancaster, TX 75146
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I find it astonishing that researchers haven't found what causes pituitary tumors, prolactinomas in particular... would be amazing if they did more research on this... they told me it's from too much stress but our whole lives are full of stress unless you decide to do nothing with your life at all...
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