#place your bets lads
wraithwillow · 11 months
does anyone know which mental illness makes it so that sometimes i cant do anything but stare at a wall and then other times i feel almost manic and want to start a brand new career from the ground up by myself and get tattoos and cut my hair and reinvent my personality and then i go back to only being able to stare at a wall
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wordstome · 8 months
kingdom come - i
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king König x princess & assassin reader
2nd person, no y/n, she/her pronouns, afab reader, romance, enemies to lovers, arranged marriage, kind of age gap because König has been king for a good chunk of time but it's not really much of a factor, fantasy/medieval setting, magic exists but it's the creepy kind ordinary people don't fuck with
3.5k words
tw: swearing and König gets a boner. what's new
GUESS WHO'S BACK ON HER BULLSHIT HAHAAA IT'S MEEE STARTING A NEW SERIES/AU AGAINNNnnnnn. Don't fret, I'm still working on university au! I just started watching The Great (the tv show) and I was like hmm. I should get back to that one idea I had.
p.s. When I mention a "mask" on König, imagine a sort of phantom of the opera, Brahms kinda thing. He isn't always wearing the hood.
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Outside, the bells are tolling. Back home, you’ve only ever heard church bells ringing to rally the troops. But here, in these foreign lands, they ring for a royal wedding.
You're wearing a truly massive dress shaped like a pastry. It's a work of art, to be sure, but it leaves you feeling restrained and vulnerable. You should be wearing armor into war—hard boiled leather and curtains of steel rings, not delicate lace and silken ribbons. You're walking into a battle: you would have liked to be able to bend forward further than thirty degrees.
You're at least glad you don't have to wear a veil—it would have been borderline unbearable if you had your vision restricted on top of everything else. It does mean, however, that you can see him standing at the end of the aisle, waiting for you.
A gigantic man with a soldier's physique, wearing a mask that covers more than half his face. Just the sight of him sends a a chill down your spine.
The officiant’s voice booms out over the assembly, but you don’t hear any of it. The sound washes over you, distant and echoing, as if your head is underwater. Your whole being is on alert as you tilt your face upwards to look at the only part of your soon-to-be-husband that you can see properly: his eyes.
They bore into you as if they're looking straight into your soul. As if they're revealing all of your secrets. For a moment, you feel disarmed, even though you can still feel the calming, solid presence of your trusty dagger against your thigh.
As the officiant finishes the wedding vows, he offers his hand to you, his touch shockingly gentle.
You steel your resolve and stare resolutely back at him as you place your hand in his, and the officials begin to bind them together with velvet cords. You remind yourself who you are, where you are, and what you must do.
You remind yourself that you have to kill him as they tie the final knot.
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The woods are foreboding, home to a darkness that seems infinite and all-consuming. The heavy old trees that surround the palace grounds shut out most sunlight and all moonlight, and sometimes it feels as if the forest itself is a living, conscious thing brimming with a dangerous unknown. It's proven to be an effective line of defense in the past: citizens don’t dare to trespass on the royal grounds as it is, but an extra deterrent never hurt anybody.
Except perhaps enemy soldiers. But they learn their lesson quickly.
To you, however, the woods are comforting. You’ve spent many lonely nights amongst these trees, training until your body was sore all over. These trunks have withstood many a misplaced blow, these exposed roots have been your downfall many a time, and this mossy undergrowth has cushioned your bruises during many a tumble and fall.
Tonight, however, there is no training. No combat, no groans of pain, no thuds against wood or flesh. You are blanketed in quiet, something sorely needed as you contemplate the days to come.
This is it. The task you’ve trained for all your life is here. Every sore joint and pulled muscle, every tear-soaked pillowcase, every scolding in Father’s office has led to this. Sometimes it seemed as if the day would never come, as if years of reading, shooting, riding and sparring would be for naught. Though your breath rattles the leaves around you, you feel as if you’ve been holding your breath ever since Father broke the news. This is happening.
You leave in a few hours, as soon as the sun comes over the horizon. Your maids have already packed your luggage—you had to enlist their help after it became too difficult to pick what to bring and what not to bring. If all went well, you’d be back in this room in a few weeks. But what could you afford to bring? What did you need for your sanity? What minute details of an object could compromise your position?
Luckily, Calliope, your most trusted lady-in-waiting, was able to step in when she found you sitting on your rug, clutching your set of cloth dolls—the only toys you’d ever owned as a child that weren’t made with murder in mind—and suggest you take a breath of fresh air. You don’t know where you’d be without her, honestly. You may be your father’s pride and joy of a perfectly well-rounded monarch and killing machine, but you would never have gotten here without her by your side.
You sigh and lean your head against the thick limb you’re lying on. If you didn’t already know you’d wake up with a complaining spine that would then have to spend days riding a horse, you’d go to sleep right here, right now. The woods are your home, these trees your solace. You’ll miss it terribly, as the only place you can truly avoid all servants, generals, teachers, and parents.
Well. Parent.
But as with all things—Father’s rare good mood, your training days, peacetime—the sweet, silent embrace of the forest can’t last forever.
Reluctantly, you give the tree one last pat and climb down, making the trudge back to your room so you can at least attempt to catch a few winks of sleep.
It takes quite a few days of travel to get to your destination. You arrive in the empire next door's capital city saddle-sore and on edge. This was the snakes’ nest, the heart of the beast.
And yet…people are happy.
The mood in your hometown is far quieter and more grim—your country has been at war with this one for as long as you can remember, and yet the contrast could not be more vast. Back home, people walk directly from place to place, and don’t make eye contact with each other. Here, children play unsupervised, outdoor markets overflow with people, and windows are thrown wide open as neighbors chat.
You don’t know how to feel. The previous king here was a ruthless conqueror, building an empire by invading neighboring countries and forcing their monarchs to yield—or killing them when they were defiant. Your own land had only escaped being absorbed into the empire by employing rigorous military discipline and strict wartime measures. Yet here, in the heart of the empire, you would never be able to tell it was a nation at war.
And now you’re marrying the king’s son. The current king. The one they call König. So little is known about him that his entire existence is shrouded in rumor: that the hood he wears conceals a monstrous, disfigured face, that he plotted his father’s demise, that his first wife died not of childbirth, but was assassinated in quiet due to being unable to provide an heir.
You don’t plan on sticking around long enough to find out if the rumors are true.
To your surprise, your reception by the people feels more curious than hostile. You’d expected a bit of resistance, or at least a few dirty looks, considering you're the princess of the country they've been at war with for years. But whatever König has told them has been far more charitable than you anticipated.
Your arrival at the palace is greeted by a flurry of activity. Your entourage scatters to put affairs in order, but Calliope and a small contingent of guards follows you into the main hall. Not that you need them—but you need to keep up appearances. No one outside your family’s most tight-knit circle knows you can throw a punch, much less have an assassin’s training.
You don’t feel in the least bit prepared to meet your fiancé—and target—face to face fresh off a days-long journey, but you’re ushered into the main hall anyway. It seems your task has already begun whether you like it or not.
“Ah, princess. Welcome to my humble home.” You hear him before you see him, his voice heavy with an accent. There’s something a bit charming about it, you think—before the sight of him shakes some sense back into you.
He’s huge. He towers over even his own palace guard, broad with muscle, and moves with a deadly raw power even in this nonthreatening setting.
When his father still ruled, before the current peacetime, stories of the empire’s prodigal heir on the frontlines served as frightening bedtime story and a terrifying cautionary tale for the nation’s soldiers. A beast in a hood who fought with the strength of ten men.
You stand your ground as he approaches you. The hood, then, is real—although the stories were so consistent about it that it was never really in question, was it? What the stories had left out were his eyes—striking and green, piercing into your soul as he bends to kiss the back of your hand. It’s an odd sensation that sends shivers racing up your spine.
“The pleasure is mine, your majesty,” you respond, a hint of apprehension in your tone. Of course you had been expecting some form of courtly courtesy, but for some reason you hadn’t expected him to be such a…gentleman. A part of you had been expecting some feral animal, needing to be put down.
"I'm sure you must be exhausted from your journey," he says. "I hope you will find your rooms to your liking." Something about his demeanor is almost...bored? As if greeting his future wife is just another task he's obligated to complete.
He doesn't join you for dinner that night, which is odd. The servants inform you that he's taking care of some urgent business. You hope that your dejection is taken as disappointment that you won't have an opportunity to get to know your fiancé. You are, but not the way people may think.
After all, getting to know your target is half the battle.
You're left to your own devices the next day. König, you're informed, won't be available. That urgent business from last night appears to be an ongoing situation.
Fine by you. You could use some time to prepare.
You spend the day wandering the palace, familiarizing yourself with the grounds and plotting an escape route. You're halted on your brisk survey when you stumble upon a...garden?
Unlike the perfectly manicured hedges outside the palace, or the groomed efficiency of the kitchen gardens, this place is small. Quiet. A little overgrown, but clearly taken care of. The grass is long and soft, dappled in sunshine. Flowers burst forward, crowded around trellises spiraling with vines.
Part of you feels like a trespasser in this private little sanctum, but another part of you is set at ease by the idle tranquility of this place. You pause, feeling a pang of homesickness. It reminds you of the forest: wild in its own way, but gentle and welcoming at the same time.
Something at the corner of your vision catches your eye. A bush bursting forward with round, dark little berries.
Nightshade. Deadly nightshade, in fact. What is this doing in this peaceful little garden? You move forward to examine them closer.
"You shouldn't be here."
You whirl around to find König standing behind you. You had been so absorbed by the garden that you hadn't detected his approach.
Your cheeks burn. You've only been here a day, and already you're letting your guard down. This won't do.
"My apologies, your majesty. I got....lost."
You hold your breath as he draws near. His expression is unreadable—not that you can see most of it, anyway. But when you meet his gaze, you can tell he's sizing you up.
"This is quite a long way to wander."
Shit, is he suspicious? Thinking fast, your brain supplies the best answer you can muster.
"Should a future queen not know the palace she is to live in?"
"Mmm. You make a fair point."
Before you can say or do anything further, he's standing right in front of you. "That's nightshade, you know." You can feel him watching you, assessing your reaction. "Not many can recognize it."
"I..." You can't very well tell him that you know what nightshade looks like because you're an expert in deadly poisons. "I had been wondering what they were."
"I see." He leans forward and plucks a berry off the bush, rolling it between his fingers. "Have you ever tasted one?"
Does he know? Is that a threat? You can't read his expression behind that goddamned mask of his. You stare at him, hoping you look dumbfounded instead of panicked.
"No? They're quite sweet, you know." He holds it out to you. "Care to try one?"
"Your Majesty, I—"
"Don't look so nervous." If you had ever thought he looked frightening before, there's something uncanny about the half-smile that he gives you now. "I didn't expect you to say yes." Before you can say or do anything, he pops the berry in his mouth.
You're too stunned to do anything but watch as he chews for a moment and swallows. One berry won't kill him, but you're more concerned about why he's doing this. Is he trying to intimidate you?
"This was my mother's garden." He gestures to the general surroundings. "I spent a lot of time here as a child. Peaceful, isn't it?"
You let out a tiny sigh of relief now that the conversation appears to be moving on. "Yes. Quite."
"It's always been a place to get away. The first time I ate a nightshade berry was right here, when I was six. I was violently sick for weeks." His tone is a little too light for someone describing being poisoned as a child, and it's unnerving.
"That's when I learned to be careful of things that are too sweet. A good lesson to learn, don't you think?" He walks towards you, and you brace yourself for anything.
He stops next to you, you facing one way and him the other. "Take care then, princess. I will see you tomorrow."
You stare resolutely ahead. "Yes."
And hopefully you won't see him for much longer after that.
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Fuck. You forgot about this part.
You had been prepared for this, of course, but you only realize now that you hadn't been mentally prepared. It wasn't until Calliope was helping you undress that you remembered what usually happens between a man and a woman the night of the wedding.
You pace the room, stewing and plotting, getting increasingly antsy before the door swings open and the man himself comes strutting into the bedroom.
"You look like a cornered deer." You hear König shut the door behind him, but you don't turn around.
"I've never done this before." Mentally, you curse yourself for the quaver in your voice.
"Well. Tonight won't be your first."
"What?" You do turn at that, watching him carelessly shed layers all across the room between swigs of his drink.
"I have no interest in bedding you. We do have to sleep in the same room for appearances, though." He plucks a grape from a cluster sitting on a side table and throws it up in the air, catching it with his mouth.
You haven't been in his presence much in the past few days, but each time you have, something about your encounters with him have shaken you up and set you on edge. Somehow, he's kept you on your toes even with a limited presence. Your meeting in the garden was dizzying and confusing, the ceremony set you on high alert. And now, he's thrown you another curveball.
It feels almost too easy. He's just going to go to sleep in the same room as you? No fanfare? "You don't want to...consummate the marriage?"
"You sound upset." He cocks an eyebrow at you. "Were you hoping to?"
"No!" Your face feels hot as he gives you that lopsided half-smile again, more like a smirk this time.
"That's a shame. I prefer fucking willing participants, you see." He drapes himself over the elaborate chaise lounge opposite the bed.
"Are you usually this vulgar?" you retort.
"I see no reason for pretense. We're married, after all." Curiously, he hasn't taken his mask off. Does he sleep in it? Or is he only keeping it on because you're here?
You feel silly now, dressed in a flimsy little silken thing, wrapped up like a present for a brute who won't even touch you. Considerate of him, you suppose. Not that it will matter for very long.
"Sleep well then, hmm? You should be well rested for your first day as queen tomorrow." There's a dangerous gleam in his eye, but it disappears so quickly you wonder if you had imagined it.
"Yes," you say, sitting on the bed while not taking your eyes off of him. "Sleep well."
You give it a few hours, just to be safe. A few hours of laying awake staring at the ceiling. A few hours of watching as moonlight bathes the room in silver light. A few hours of watching him.
The deepening darkness casts sharp shadows across his face, making him seem even more inhuman. What do bloodthirsty emperors dream of? Dominating the weak? Slaughtering the innocent? Conquering women? You shudder. Best not to know.
It's well past midnight when you slowly, quietly get up and pull your dagger from its hidden holster. One downwards thrust, and you're going home. One quick motion, and all of this is over.
It's a little anticlimactic, you think. But this is for the best. For you. For your people. For your family.
Light as a feather, you straddle him, hovering over him just enough so that your weight doesn't wake him. You try not to think about how intimate this position is, and remind yourself that this is the best way to prevent him from getting up or struggling, should your first strike not end him immediately. Which it will, of course.
You take a deep breath as you position the blade right over his heart, calming the fluttering anxiety in your mind. The beginning of a new chapter of your life begins now.
You plunge the dagger downwards.
In an instant, König's eyes fly open. Before you can react at all, his hand has seized your wrist in an iron grip, the tip of your dagger a hair's length from his chest.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" He purrs. "A little assassin?"
You grit your teeth and attempt to overpower him: you're so, so close. But his strength is so overwhelming that you can't even get the tip of the dagger to make contact. Panic starts to set in. This isn't good. This is disastrous, actually. He was supposed to be asleep!
You attempt to pull away, to get away, to do anything, but it's no use. "You don't seem surprised," you spit.
"It's not every day your most bitter enemy offers you his daughter's hand in marriage as a truce," he replies, clear amusement in his voice. Is he enjoying this? "Of course I smelled a rat. You must think me a fool."
"No." Yeah, you kind of had.
"Lying ill suits you, princess." You cry out as he jams his fingers into the tendons in your wrist, forcing you to release the dagger. You watch, helplessly, as he picks it up with his other hand and turns it over, studying it in the moonlight.
"What a delicate little knife," he muses. In your hand, it's a sizeable weapon. But held in his fingers it looks small, harmless. To your dismay, he then proceeds to chuck it at the opposite wall, the blade sticking itself solidly in between two panels.
"You knew?" you ask, a tremor in your traitorous voice.
"Oh, I suspected. You had me disappointed for a while—I thought you would have made an attempt well before this." He lets out a deep chuckle that sends terror through you. "For a moment I even thought that you were as you presented: just some poor little lamb, a peace offering given up to the slaughter." His eyes narrow behind the mask. "I am glad to see that you have proven to be much more interesting than that."
"Interesting?" Out of all the reactions you would have expected him to have, this is not one of them. Fear, anger, even immediate violence. Not...interest.
"You have no idea," he says. Your eyes widen as he you feel his hand run up your thigh.
That's not the only thing you feel, though. He shifts a bit underneath you, and it's then that the earlier flush to your cheeks returns in full force. Is he...hard?!
"If you're going to kill me, then get on with it," you ground out through your teeth.
"Little one, if I had wanted you dead immediately, I would have already pinned you down and snapped your neck. No, you've given me a gift: a gift I intend to cherish." You shiver as he slides a hand up your thigh. "A challenge."
"Is this a game to you?" You're not sure if your breath is running ragged from fear or anger, now.
"I could end this at any time, you know." You gasp involuntarily as a hand closes around your throat. "But that would be no fun, now would it?"
"You are a fool, then." You stare at him defiantly, even as his grip constricts your breathing. "Because I will kill you."
His eyes dance with some mad glee. "That's what I like to hear."
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Hiiiiiiiii besties. I've been chewing on the idea of a medieval royalty sort of au since before Shrike, and I came up with this premise like. At least a year or two ago, before I was even in the COD fandom. So I'm glad to finally be making some real headway on it! I have no idea how many parts this is going to have. I have a lot of plot planned for it, so we're just gonna have to see where the vibes take us!
I'd like to thank @danibee33 my angel as always. I bounced a lot of royal/medieval/king König ideas off of her, some of which I still may use, but I changed the plot drastically when I had an epiphany a week or two ago. Hope you like this one babe <3 Also, thank you @kneelingshadowsalome and @gremlingottoosilly for their historical/time period aus. Your fics gave me a real kick in the ass to finish this.
Also shoutout to Pedro Pascal fans? I stumbled upon some breathtakingly kinky fanfiction on this beloved hellsite featuring the Mandalorian, and thought: you know what? If people can proudly write and publish the nastiest, most shameless smut I've ever read, then I can push through whatever impostor syndrome, perfectionist embarrassment I have with my work and get it done.
As usual, please let me know your feedback! I'm trying out a bit of a different characterization for König (not that much different, he's still our beloved violent horny maniac), and I want to know what people think.
I'm also going to be using my taglist again. If you were tagged here and don't want to be tagged anymore, please let me know! And if you would like to be added to the taglist, drop a reply <3
@crowbird @poohkie90 @cumikering @iytatsworld @papaver-decervicatus @anxietyrain @riotakire @ax0lotly @cookiepie111 @kacchasu @no1runawaymilkdad @chthonian-spectre @backwards-readings @yxllowtxpe @garbau @hexqueensupreme @queenthorin1 @violetstyless @her-majesty-theking @vegan-peppermint @peonytarian @ghostslittlegf @euuuuuuun @e1x03 @kokonoiwife @deaddainish @dragonfang @teehee-47 @catluvwr
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childofaura · 2 years
Okay, so the new banner this week HAS to be a Fates banner, right? It won’t be a Three Houses banner… right?
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Anyways what are you guys betting on it being?
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im so mad i made my blue eyed orc boy a facny sapphire ring and circlet set and am now realizing og skyrim doesnt have gold sappire necklaces only silver....... fucked up and sick that they did this to me 🤢😭😔
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rainydayathogwarts · 28 days
1 boyfriend, 3 perverts - Remus Lupin (poly!marauders)
Summary: Your bf loves giving you head... especially when he's high, and doesn't mind having friends around. 2.5k wc - read pt. 2 here Wrote this instead of studying for my exams that start tmr...
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The wooden floor was cold under your feet, blanketed by the chilly air that filled the dorms at this time of the year. You tip toed over to where you left your slippers by the mirror, clenching your jaw as you opened the door to your dorm, careful not to wake your peacefully slumbering roommates. Once outside, you let out a breath you didn't realise you'd been holding, making your way down the stairs leading to the common room.
Luckily, most of the Gryffindors were already in their dorms, tired after a long few days of exams, so no one could see you, nearly half naked, warily creeping up the boys' dormitory staircase. The hallway is dark, but you can hear the muffled noises behind doors of dorm-mates joking around, or arguing. You stop in front of the right door, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear before taking it out again, shaking your head to make your hair fall back into its natural state. Peeking down at your outfit, you nod in reassurance. Wearing small sleep shorts that barely covered your ass and a low cut tank top that didn't make an effort in hiding your perky nipples, you were sure that Remus would pounce on you the second he saw you.
Knocking on the door twice, you look around the hallway to make sure no one catches you in the wrong place. The dorm is eerily quiet when Peter opens the door to the dorm, and he looks visibly relieved when he sees it's you, his shoulders dropping in ease. "It's only y/n, lads." He states, stepping to the side to let you in, and a ruckus of noise fills the room once more as you walk inside, the other three boys clearly just as relieved as he was. They're all sat at the big window nook, window open behind them, cigarette wrappers littering the seats around them, clearly in the middle of a smoke sess. "Sweetheart!" Exclaims Remus from where he is sat, as you approach him, wrapping both arms over his shoulders in a loose hug.
Remus passes the cigarette he holds over to Sirius, letting both arms wrap around you, landing on the back of your bare thighs, just under your ass. He tugs you slightly closer to him, tilting his head up for you to bend down, pressing your lips down to his in a kiss. Remus kisses you hungrily, his hands trailing upwards to press your torso as close to him as he can, opening his mouth slightly so his tongue meets yours as you kiss, making you gasp in shock. You put a hand on his chest, pushing him away from you, eyes wide in surprise at his desperation. His lips tasted of weed and lemon drops, an explanation to his excitement.
"Remmy." You say lovingly, dropping your head down to press kisses onto his naked neck. Remus pushes your hips back slightly, and he spins you around in his arms, shoving you down so you're sat on his laps, and you finally acknowledge the two other boys, engrossed in conversation as though they hadn't even noticed your affectionate exchange. "Hey boys." You greet, accepting the cigarette Sirius hands you when they turn their attention to you. Taking a drag of the cigarette, you move your head to the side, allowing Remus to push your hair back, littering sloppy kisses onto your soft skin, making a trail of saliva down to your tank top's neckline, which barely covers the top of your tits, as Sirius begins to catch you up on their story.
One of Remus' hands comes up to cup one of your breasts, toying with it in his hand, and you briefly wonder just how long they've been smoking for. You jerk away from your boyfriend when his teeth graze the side of your neck teasingly. His grip around your waist tightens, and he pushes you down on his laps back into place, pressing your cunt down on his growing erection. Remus only separates himself from your neck to take a drag of the cigarette hanging between your index and middle finger before he gets back to business, ignoring the boys who begin teasing him.
Eventually, when Sirius drowsily says "Rem here can't go 10 minutes without bringing up how he needs to have you close to him, so I'm not surprised that he's all over you." Remus, still unbothered and worshiping your body, retorts with "Well I'm allowed to miss my girlfriend. At least I'm not the bloke who jerks off to photos of his best mate's girl." The room goes completely silent, with the exception of squelching noises Remus' wet kisses make on your skin. Your jaw goes slack, and you observe the looks on your boyfriend's three best friends' faces, noticing their gaping mouths and rosy cheeks. You almost don't believe your boyfriend, but the looks on his mates' faces say otherwise.
Your hand trails up to grip your boyfriend's short hair, trying to gently tug him away from you for a moment, as you rotate on his laps to face him as best you can. He obliges, looking up at your awaiting gaze with red eyes, a clear sign of how high he is. "Remus, what?" A sleeve covered hand comes up to wipe the saliva off his swollen pink lips. "You didn't know? These three perverts have had a massive crush on you since we got together. Always look extra close when we kiss, or when I touch your body the way no guy should in front of his best mates. To be fair, I only do it because I noticed the photo of you on your knees for me disappeared. Was my favourite photo of you too." His hand comes up to stroke your cheek as he says that last sentence, bringing your face closer to his to kiss you again.
You moan into the kiss, hands coming up to grip his jumper, completely unaware of the growing tents in the other boys' trousers, or the guilty looks on their faces, unaware that they had been caught by the big bad wolf. A string of saliva connects your lips when you pull away from the kiss, and Remus adds "But they're my best mates, I don't mind sharing with them a little." And with that, Remus' hands snake under your thighs, lifting you up gently, and placing you on the spot next to him on the big window nook. "Lay back down for me." You obey his words, still very much confused, head conveniently landing on Peter's laps, acting as a pillow for you. Remus climbs over you to continue placing kisses from where he left off, hands gripping the bottom of your shirt to effortlessly pull it over your head, your bare tits exposed to the group of boys.
You arch your back, the cool summer air sticking to the coats of saliva on your torso, and you take the time to look at the two boys observing you. Both Sirius and James have a hand over the tent in their trousers, palming their growing erections at the sight of you being pleasured by their best mate. At the tap on your hips, your gaze trails back down to your boyfriend, whose fingers grip your revealing sleeping shorts. You lift your hips up, eyes trailing back up to the boy looking down at you, and you smile up at him.
Remus, completely undisturbed by the attention you're paying his friends, pulls your panties off, throwing them in James' general direction as he spreads your knees open, lowering himself onto your cunt. He inhales deeply, his enhanced senses nearly causing his eyes to roll back in pleasure, before he finally buries himself into your cunt, disrupting the moment you shared with Peter, a loud moan cutting off whatever he was telling you. A hand immediately comes to grip Remus' chestnut hair, and your legs fall open even more, letting him suck at your clit and nip the areas around your thighs, surely leaving hickeys on your skin.
Remus's nose nudges at your clit, his tongue poking in and out of your hole, before he switches his attention, sucking aggressively on your sensitive nub, and dragging a finger up your slit, teasing your entrance with it. You gasp in pleasure, shutting your eyes close and bucking your hips up into your boyfriend's face. However, you don't have time to enjoy the feeling before it's taken away from you. "No!" You yell, shooting upwards and barely missing Peter's face when Remus completely removes contact with your pussy, only a hand on your thigh acting as any form of contact between your bodies. "Pete," Remus starts, causing the blonde boy's head to snap towards your boyfriend, an expression of absolute fear on his face.
"Don't let her close her eyes." He finishes, before plunging right back into your pussy, making your thighs squeeze around his head in pleasure. Peter puts his hands on your shoulders, helping you lay back down again, and you pant, looking off to the side to distract yourself from closing your eyes in pleasure. James has your panties wrapped around his hand, palming his dick over his sweatpants, and Sirius sits next to him, joggers unashamedly pulled down just enough for his dick to spring out, jerking himself off in long strokes. You gasp, back arching when Remus plunges two fingers inside your cunt, thrusting them into you quickly while his mouth works on stimulating your clit.
"Oh Rem!" You moan, digging your head back into Peter's laps, eyes screwing shut in pleasure. "Y/n... Y/n?" Peter mutters, unsure of what to do. "Y/n open your eyes." He tries again, to no avail. Remus lifts his head up, fingers still thrusting into you, and reaches up with his free hand to pinch your nipple, twisting it harshly. "Fuck!" You yelp, eyes snapping back open to make eye contact with your boyfriend. "When Pete tells you to open your eyes, you listen!" He instructs, slowing his hand's movements, waiting for a response. "Okay, fuck! Please Remus!" You beg, grinding your hips on his hand desperately, tears building up in your eyes. "Now what do you say you Pete?" He asks, his hand speeding up again. "'M sorry Pete." You sniffle, looking up at him. "Good girl." Says Remus, grinning when he feels your pussy clench at the praise.
"It's okay, y/n" Replies Pete, eyes going wide when you chase for his hand, pulling it on your body, and moving his fingers to grip your tit. "Shit!" He curses, looking at your possessive boyfriend. "Remus, is this- is this okay?" He asks fearfully, sighing when your boyfriend glances up, nodding. "Whatever my girl wants to do, she can do." Remus mutters against your pussy, focusing on your pleasure once more. A groan pulls your attention away from Pete, who begins massaging your tit, pinching your nipple slightly, and your cunt clenches in pleasure again. Your gaze lands on James, who is roughly palming himself, too shy to properly take care of himself like Sirius next to him. "Oh God" You moan, eyes fixated on his frustrated face, eyebrows furrowed and tears forming in his eyes. "Jamie." His head immediately snaps to you. "Come closer." And the boy obeys, dragging a chair right next to you.
You wipe a stray tear falling down his cheek, and reach out to the top of his sweatpants, pathetically trying to pull them down, hips bucking up at the sudden overstimulation on your clit. James helps you, pulling them down just enough for his cock to be exposed to you, angrily slapping his bare torso. The tip of his cock is red and leaking pre-cum, and you immediately start rubbing it, moaning the second James cries out in pleasure, thighs squeezing around your boyfriend's head, working hard to make you cum. You spread James' pre-cum down his dick and to the base of his cock, squeezing him near his balls before starting to stroke his length. His hips buck up into your hand, and you're suddenly reminded of the hand massaging your tit, looking up at Peter, who is completely engrossed in your body. Your eyebrows furrow and you feel the knot in your belly tightening, but something is missing.
You suddenly feel frustrated at the neglect of your second tit, and look for Sirius's eyes in the room, already locked on you. You look back down at your tits, hoping Sirius gets the message, and it seems he does, scurrying over to you, and kneeling on the floor next to the window nook, hand still glued to his cock. Boldly, his free hand reaches up to your tit, and he leans forward to wrap his lips around your perk nipple. You cry out as he begins sucking on it, your fist around James' cock tightening unawarely, causing him to gasp. Remus adds a third finger to your cunt, still sucking on your clit and you're done for, crying out his name loudly as you cum around his fingers and mouth, orgasm nearly causing you to black out. You're aware of the other two boys crying out too, closely followed by Remus, whose vibrations go up your pussy, making you gasp, letting go of James' cock to grip Remus' hair tightly, pulling his face closer to your cunt.
Remus' fingers slow down on your cunt, and he eventually pulls them out, tongue lapping at your pussy to clean you up, while you beg him to stop. "Fuck, baby-Rem can't!" James and Sirius shoot each other incredulous looks, panting to catch their breaths: they weren't expecting the night to come to this. When Remus finally pulls away from you, he leans over you, arms wrapping around your back to help you sit up, and you ogle at him, and the wet patch in his trousers, giggling slightly. "So we all finished except poor Peter?" You guess, looking back at the boy who sheepishly nods, cheeks tinted red. "Well-" You begin to suggest, only to be interrupted by your boyfriend. "No, I'm absolutely not done with you yet. You can take care of Peter when we're done, if he doesn't get to it first." He states, arms wrapping around your waist and effortlessly picking you.
You can hear Sirius cackle, and Peter groan whilst Remus walks the short steps to his four poster bed, dropping you on his mattress before pulling the curtains closed, and throwing his jumper off, leaving his torso in all its naked glory. "Muffliato or no?" He asks you, leaning down to press a soft kiss on your lips. Just as you begin to say the answer, you hear three yells of "No!" coming from outside the curtains.
"Pervs!" Your boyfriend yells out, though he obeys with a grin, shimmying out of his trousers.
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princeguri66 · 4 months
Can I ask for a 141 x male reader who acts like a mom to them? Just reader being prepared for anything even in the middle of a mission, giving them snacks and predicting their problems
Aww wait that's such a cute concept though ♪⁠~⁠(⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠) apologies if this isn't exactly what you were hoping for but these were what I could come up with.
I like to think reader here would be older than them, either the same age as price or just a bit older. And like a bear too.
Being in the game for so long you've developed these sort of "instincts"
Price introduced you to the team as his friend from his earlier days in the military. Says that you'll be part of the team for a while so he hopes you all get along well.
And you do, spending so much time with the team has let them warm up to you and get comfortable with you. Makes your urge to take care of them unleash.
You sitting next to Gaz in the helly heading to a mission and he comments how he wished he had more to eat earlier. You pulling out a granola bar from one of your many pockets and handing it to him, Gaz looking at you as if to ask "are you sure?" And you just reply with a nod and a soft smile, Gaz taking it with a grin on his face as he eats it. And once he finishes it you take another one out of the same pocket and ask "are you still hungry?"
He keeps eating whatever you offer and as you start to get worried wether this kid has been eating enough or not he says "thank you, sir. I feel better" with a crumby smile.
You huff fondly "got something on your cheek there sweety" and lick your thumb to clean his cheek. Him trying to contain the blood running to his cheeks because it's embarrassing.
Just chilling with Soap as you both clean your weapons. Hearing him go "ouch" as he clicks his tongue. "What's wrong lad?" You ask him as you look up from cleaning your gun.
He looks up at you after cleaning his knife "Accidentally sliced a bit of my finger, it's no big deal"
You respond with a nod and walk over to him and kneel Infront of him to hold his hand, inspecting the little cut on his finger. You pull out a spiderman themed bandaid and place it on the wound. Giving it a small kiss then saying "all done" as you look up at him and walk back to where you were previously cleaning your gun.
You bet your ass everytime he gets a small boo-boo he's going to be looking for you all over base for another colorful bandaid and another healing kiss.
Taking care of Ghost as he sits on the bed since he insisted that he was fine (but it's so obvious that he isn't) patching up his wounds with normal gauze and placing colorful character themed bandaids on top. As you finish up you gently rub his arm in a comforting motion, silently telling him that everything's ok and that everyone is fine. Wanting him to know that if he's too stubborn for actual professional care you'll make do.
You stand back to look over him, checking that you haven't missed anything. If he's got a wound on his face then he'll just have to take care of it himself. You step forward and rest your hand on his cheek, your warmth phasing through his mask. "You alright sweety?" You ask him in a gentle tone and all he can do is let out a shaky sigh and lean forward, resting his head on your Stomach. You gently wrap your hands around his head and start rubbing his back. It seems like he really needed this kind of comfort.
And don't think just because Price is closer to your age doesn't mean he gets out of being taken care of.
Being a friend of him for years makes you aware of his bad habits with overworking and lack of sleep schedule. One night you finally decide to put a stop to it after seeing rays of light seeping through the crack of his office door. You don't even knock, just opening it and standing right in front of his desk, crossing your arms you look at him with a questioning glare.
And Price knows that look, experienced it so many times and now that you're both in the same squad again he hopes to feel that comfort that you seem to always carry with you. You scold him for overworking till late at night and drag him out of his office and into his room. You throw him on to his bed and tuck him in, you lean close to his face and his eyes are full of adoration, for taking care of him all these years and now taking care of his team. You place a kiss on his forehead and he just melts. He missed this, and he's so glad the rest of his team can experience your care as well.
As he hears you leave and close the door behind you with a resounding click, he thinks to himself on how nice it would be to have you with them for even longer. And he's sure the rest are thinking the same thing.
(You'd be delighted if you could take care of them for longer as well)
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localvoidcat · 2 years
we're halfway through tmc lads. lets hope the results from the "who do you think will survive" post are accurate
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briefalpacashark · 4 months
You play charades with the 141 lads.
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“We should play charades,” it was a small suggestion, half-jokingly. You were locked up in a random corner of the world were Wi-Fi, and entertainment was scarce. 
The boys had agreed. 
You and Soap offered to be the smaller team if you could work together.
Worst mistake of the boy's life. You had all chucked in bets and items you had brought on deployment. Sweet foods, beers, money and even an unfinished sudoku was on the line. 
You all threw pieces of paper with random things written on them into a hat which you would draw from. Both teams tried to write items that only their team would know.
It didn't help the other team in the slightest.
You each had one minute to guess the most items. First it was the other teams go. They got a few and stumbled over a questionably worded one.
Then it was your and Soap's time to shine.
Soap opted to be the charader and you the guesser. Soap shook out his body cracking his neck as he got ready. Your expression were deathly serious as you readjusted in the seat moving forward to place your wight on your knees.
“They are way to serious for this,” Gaz grinned at the others.
“Shut up,” you snapped.
“Alright ready? Start!” Price stated the timer.
Rocket launcher
Swiss cheese
Fucking BRITS!
Highland cow!
Bruce Springsteen!
PRICE!” in a rapid-fire succession Soap shot out barely one movement before you guessed it.
“Time!” Price announced. In excitement you stood, pumped full of adrenalin.
“FUCK THE BRITS!” Soap exclaimed in excitement.
“FUCKEN OATH!” you yelled as you clasped hands before chest bumping.
“How the hell did they do that?” Gaz asked as bewildered as the others.
“They cheated,” Ghost shrugged.
“Fuck off,” you grinned.
“I don't know. That seemed mighty specious,” Price shrugged.
“You lot don't understand. The lass and I have a connection. Synced at the mind,” Soap explained half serious tapping his temple.
“Of course they wouldn't understand. They're British,” you said patting Soaps shoulder, shaking you head like you had just heard some difficult news.
“There is no way you didnt cheat,” Gaz shock his head.
“Oh you dont belive us do you?” You asked.
“How about this. I've got one more. It hasn't been written down so there no way she could have known it. If she gets it in under a second you all have to admit we won fair and square,” Soap proposed the idea. The lads looked at each other. It was a worthy gamble. 
“Fine,” Price nodded.
You got ready once again Soap rubbing his hands together as you prepared yourself. You propped yourself on your knees as you stared at him.
“You fuckers watching?’ Soap asked.
“We're watching,” Gaz said.
“Good cause your about to see some real fucking magic,” you stated.
“Alright Price count us down,” Soap ordered.
“3, 2, 1,” Price said. Soap rose to his full height, holding both his hands up in ok sighs. His eyebrows raised, and he blew his cheeks out with a huff.
“SIMONS ASS!” You screamed at the top of your lungs. 
Let's just say you guys won.
--COD Master List Here--
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natailiatulls07 · 5 months
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Lando Norris x female!reader
Summary - Everyone knew about Y/n and Landos toxic relationship, so when they broke up it was easy right?
Warning - cheating, swearing, toxic relationship and ANGST lol
A/n - 'It's okay Pt.2' is on it's way don't worry <3
Sort of based around this song
Anyone with a pair of eyes and common sense could see how toxic the relationship between McLaren driver, Lando Norris and model, Y/n L/n was. Espercially those close to the couple.
Each were spotted flirting with other people shamelessly. Everyone was sure that each had affairs. Yet both would return to eachothers arms the next day.
"Mate..." Oscar muttered. He, Lando, Carlos and Logan were all at Oscars place, hanging out when he brought up the relationship. "When are you going to end your relationship?"
The night before every formula one and non formula one gossip page had three names rolling off their tongues. Y/n L/n and Lando Norris and...
Jacob Elordi
Y/n was seen kissing and flirting with Jacob in public. Every gossip page had pictures of the kiss plastured across their feed, hundreds of headlining articles and for you pages filled. "Well actually she broke it off...last night before she went out, we're over..." Lando muttered, looking down at his beer.
Surprise captured their faces, before it was replaced with relief. "Oh I bet that was quick and easy, a mutual agreement" Carlos laughs, Oscar and Logan agreeing with him.
British driver awkwardly chuckles, remembering the night before. "Yeah...quick and easy..."
"Y/n come on! I said I was sorry!" His voice echos through their apartment. Lando and Y/n had gotten into yet another fight, thing is this time it felt more intense than usual.
Y/n shakes her head rapidly. "No no Lando, you fucking insinuated to the press that I'm a slut!" She was annoyed, he had just humiliated his own girlfriend to millions. "I can't do this."
All sound stopped, their heavy footsteps stopped and silence filled the space between them. Lando's expression morphed into a look of concern and worry. "What do you mean? Y/n what are you saying?"
He continues to look into her eyes, but Y/ns eyes flicker anywhere but his. Taking a deep breath. "I can't Lando" She started to shake her head. "This relationship, it...it doesn't work"
It felt like someone was stealing the air out of his lungs, Lando felt like he was been suffocated. "No Y/n, stop no" He was pleading with her.
"Maybe we should break off our relationship...it's too toxic, anyone can see it" Salty tears clouded the eyes of both. They both knew this couldn't go on but in a weird way, neither of them wanted to end it.
Lando felt himself fall to his knees. He never considered himself to be the type, but something possessed him. "Please." Eyes pleading and desperate. "Stay."
With a shaky breath and a frantic shake of her head. Y/n couldn't believe what was happening, couldn't believe how Lando was begging her to stay with him.
The driver continued. "I want you Y/n, I need you..." No longer was Y/ns eyes frantically avoiding his eyes. They were locked on eachother.
Neither had the heart to speak, both heavily weighed down with hesitation.
There was a laugh. "Oh my god! At least you didn't beg on your knees, that would be a low blow to your ego" Logans voice laughed. This was quickly followed by chuckles and nodding from Carlos and Oscar.
Landos fake smile fleeted slightly, his eyes dropped to the beer in his hand. "No...couldn't do that to my ego..." Chuckling softly. He felt a hand pat him on the back.
"Good lad..." Carlos' spanish loud accent filled the room above the laugh. Non of them noticing Landos slight absence from the moment.
It was Oscars turning to speak up. "Better off without her" All he got in return was a slow nod, lights on but no ones home. Was he really better off without her.
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Claude propaganda:
"To say Claude has trust issues is an understatement—you have to spend half the game earning his. (Claude isn't even his real name!) Once you have it, though, he's absolutely ride or die for you until the stars go out. He is so full of heart and ambition: He wants both sides of his heritage to get along, he wants to open borders and eliminate xenophobia and promote equality between commonfolk, and deep down, I think he craves a partner to stand with him at that new dawn, or an equal who sees his vision for the future and will fight for it just as hard. Nobody believed in him when he was a kid, but if you put your faith in him, he'll return it tenfold. Some people don't like that he's calculating, or has to leave the player character at the end of the game to go back to his homeland, but both are necessary elements for his goals to change things. He will always come back, and everyone who bets against him and his love for his companions is wrong with a big fat W. #KhalidForMostDatablePrez"
"Claude is a fun little onion of facades. He calls himself the embodiment of distrust, he acts like he's carefree and without worries, an unscrupulous schemer--and so many in universe buy into that hook line and sinker. He's used to others viewing him with suspicion and uses it as armor to obscure his not-so-dark truth: that he cares immensely, that he values minimizing the loss of life, and that above all he has so much hope that people will fundamentally choose to do better given the choice.
His front guards a center that his conflict filled world would be happy to tear apart. As the child of people from two nations in constant conflict--one of which is explicitly isolationist and dehumanizes those outside its church's reach--he hasn't really had a place where he can be without his facade. As a child he thought he could run, but when confronted with the fact that this hatred existed no matter where he ran, he chose to instead try to create a more just and kind world.
His inability to let others in beyond his facade at first may lead to a sense of distance, but isn't it then all the more satisfying when you're allowed in? All he wants is a little trust, a little faith, and--like what he wants to give everyone--a chance to be better.
And like that you got a charming young lad with a fun personality that your grandma would be thrilled to have stay forever."
Josephine propaganda:
“you get to have a full Disney princess style romance with her, she is the most precious, the most sweet, I love her so much 🥺”
“Josephine's one of the "behind the scenes" companion for the protagonist and she advises them on diplomacy-related matters.
Her personal quest and romance is fairy-tale worthy: she gets threatened with assassination, you help her restore her family's fortune, you get threatened by her best friend to not break her heart, she doesn't dare to hope you mean anything serious when flirting until you spell it out for her, after which Josie agrees to a deeper relationship... And immediately after that she finds out her family has engaged her to a random noble without her knowledge!! You publicly challenge the suitor to a one-on-one duel to win her hand, she finds out and interrupts the duel because she's worried of the Inquisitor throwing literally the entire plot away and risk life in combat for her... To which of course you can confess that they're doing it because they love Josephine, and they get the cutest cutscene with Josie jumping in the Inquisitor's arms and them spinning her around before kissing each other <3 The betrothed steps away because he sees true love between the two. She and the Inquisitor stay together through the end game and after it, gaining a "second home" with her and her family.
She really believes in the Inquisitor's cause and from the very first conversations with her, she asks questions about your background and tries to make you feel welcomed (especially appreciated if the Inquisitor isn't human since people are less trusting of them). She's politically smart but dislikes violence, overall very sweet but still strong... Josie tends to overwork herself (she's a perfectionist) and at first she tries to keep a professional air at all times but if you encourage her, she will rant to you and spill all the tea about nobles lol.”
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its-time-to-write · 8 months
how about a Jamie x reader fic when they go away to Amsterdam they sit together on bus and they wake up cuddling and then there’s an issue w hotel booking and there’s a one bed trope and they end up waking up cuddled together and then they admit feelings and reader goes to game with a tartt jersey on <3
I’ve been thinking about this forever, and I’m terribly sorry it took so long!! I do enjoy being an adult, but I’m at a point in life where I don’t have much free time and if I do, I use it to sleep😂
I really miss the days when Ted Lasso was still airing and the x reader tags had new content every day. I feel like that one meme of Thanos when he’s like “Fine. I’ll do it myself.” Shoutout to all y’all who are still here and reading my stuff! Love you!!
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smile at me
It’s straight-up fucked. It really, really is. But also maybe it’s good, as Keeley pointed out, because not having a boyfriend anymore means you can focus on yourself?
Or something. 
Of course he had to break up with you right before leaving for Amsterdam. Hell, he broke up with you because you were leaving for Amsterdam. 
“I don’t want you going to another country with a bunch of other guys,” he had said. “It’s them or me.”
“It’s literally my job,” you told him. 
Apparently, that didn’t matter. 
But what-fucking-ever, you’re at Keeley’s waiting for a car to take you to the airport, and she’s promised to make sure you don’t think about your stupid ex even once. 
It’s times like these you wish Ted were still here with a spot-on pun and some dad-type advice. All you ever get from Beard is a weird anecdote and a vaguely threatening look. 
Keeley chatters on for the entirety of the ride to the airport, through customs, and all the way to the lounge. 
“You’re gonna get loads of great content for the socials, babe. Candids, action shots, behind-the-scenes. Friendlies are fucking amazing!”
Last time Richmond were in Amsterdam, they had lost horribly. They’re hoping to make up for it this time around. 
The plane is full of Greyhounds, both footballers and coaches alike, with Rebecca at the very front. Keeley plops done in the seat next to her as Dani waves at you from the middle. 
“I saved you a seat!” he calls. You smile as Sam takes your bag to put it in the overhead. “Thanks, Dani. You excited?”
Dani grins. “I think this time I am ready to see a whole field of tulips!”
You laugh as the lads roll their eyes. Jamie leans across the aisle toward you and says, “Oi, what’s the twat doing while you’re away?” 
You press your lips into a thin line. “Not a clue.”
He raises an eyebrow and says, “You break up with him?”
“He broke up with me.”
Jamie twists his face into a scoff. “And you wonder why I call him the fucking twat. Prick. Bet it was so he could finally fuck his coworker.”
You shrug. Jamie’s never liked your boyfriend. It’s not like you were together long, only a few months. And sure, he was a little bit of a twat, but sue you. You had a special place in your heart for pricks with a heart of gold, only he didn’t even have a heart at all. 
“You should date someone better,” Jamie continues. 
You glare at him and retort, “Oh yeah, because it’s just that easy. You got some one in mind?”
Jamie gives you his most angelic look and says, “What about me?” which makes half the plane dissolve into laughter, yourself included. 
“Cheers, Jamie,” you say as you wipe your eyes. “I needed that.”
A strange look crosses his face, but it’s quickly replaced by his usual cocky expression. “Anytime, love,” he replies as you turn to start a conversation with Dani. 
As much as you’d like that, Jamie would never date you. His joke stings a little but you brush it off. Maybe you’ll find another twat in Amsterdam to distract yourself from the fact that you’re half in love with Jamie Tartt.
“I’m sorry, we don’t have a booking under you name,” the hotel concierge says.
You tap your nails to your wrist. “Are you positive? I’m with AFC Richmond, they should’ve had one.”
The concierge taps on his computer for a moment before shaking his head. “No, I’m afraid we don’t have anything. And all of our rooms are booked this weekend. Might I recommend the hotel down the road?”
Damn it. There’s no way this is happening. Everyone else has gotten to their rooms without a hitch and here you are, alone in the lobby as you pull out your phone to call Keeley. There’s no way this is fucking happening. 
“Everything alright?” asks a voice behind you, and you jump. 
“They don’t have a room for me, and they’re fully booked,” you explain. 
Jamie looks at the concierge, who shrugs apologetically, then back to you. He asks, “Why don’t you share with me?” and you frown. 
“I thought you were rooming with Declan,” you say. 
Jamie lifts a shoulder. “Yeah, but he switched with Richard because O’Brien fucking snores and he don’t give a shit.”
You say, “So you’re with Richard, then,” and he shakes his head. 
“Nah, Richard’s with Jan.”
“I thought Dani was with Jan,” you say. These fucking footballers. What’s the point in having set rooms if they’re just going to switch it all up.
“Dani is with Jan,” Jamie says patiently, as if this all the most obvious thing in the world. “But Dani’s a cuddler, so he’s probably going to fucking end up with, I don’t know, Isaac or someone. Which means I get a room all to meself.”
“Right,” you say slowly. “Alright, I can do that. As long as you don’t mind.”
Jamie winks. “Sharing a room with a pretty girl for four days? Ain’t a problem, love.”
You laugh and follow him to the elevator.
It feels a bit like playing with fire, agreeing to room with Jamie. Especially since you’re freshly single and definitely open to a rebound. But there will be two beds and a lot of space and anyway, you’ll be busy with the match and social media, respectively. 
Except as soon as you walk through the door, you realize there’s a tiny little hitch.
“There’s one bed,” you blurt out, so surprised you’re unable to filter your words. Jamie blushes a little bit as he says, “Yeah, um, Cockburn and I hate sleeping alone, so we asked for one. He grew up sharing a bed with his brothers and I just fucking hate being alone. I can sleep on the couch if you want.”
“No,” you say firmly, “you need good rest. It’s not a problem.”
It’s not a problem. 
Or at least it wouldn’t have been if Isaac had been a shittier captain. 
But as it is he’s great, so he’s got the whole team going out to dinner at a pre-determined location complete with a dress code of no t-shirts and apparently you count as part of the team, so you have to go too. You’re in your massive bathroom trying to curl your disgusting travel hair when Jamie walks in wearing one of those white hotel bathrobes.
He asks, “You mind if I’m in here?” so you shake your head, struck temporarily mute by his bare clavicle. Fucking hell, you feel like a repressed Victorian woman. 
Jamie says, “Mint,” and goes about his alarmingly detailed skincare routine. You’re pretty sure you’re done with your hair so you crane your neck in an attempt to check the back. 
“Missed a spot,” Jamie says. “Want me to get it for you?”
You shoot him a dubious look but hand him the curler. He runs a hand through your hair, picking up the offending strand and it’s all you can do not to shiver. 
“Mum taught me,” he explains and you nod ever so slightly, not wanting him to accidentally burn your neck. Jamie says, “All good,” and runs his whole hand through your hair this time, making the curls bounce. 
You choke out, “Thanks,” and hurriedly put away your things, desperate to leave before Jamie can pick up on the fact that you can barely handle being in the same room as him, and that you have great concerns about what the night will bring. 
“You look fucking hot,” is the first thing Rebecca says when you meet her in the lobby. Keeley looks mildly offended that Rebecca took the words out of her mouth, but she just laughs and taps your arm. 
“Gonna break a few hearts tonight, yeah?” she grins.
You’re not sure about that, especially since dinner turns out to be a very domestic affair. It’s loud, sure, but it’s definitely toned down since it’s a pre-match celebration instead of a post-match one. You’re with Sam, Keeley, and Roy with Jamie far, far away. You push all thoughts of him from your brain only for memories of your ex to surface. You frown. 
“The fuck’s wrong with you?” Roy says and for a moment, you think he’s talking to you. But he’s actually talking to Jamie who has moved from his place across the restaurant to right behind your chair. 
“Fuck off grandad,” Jamie says good-naturedly. “Wanted to tell this one that some of the lads are going out dancing after this. Not too late,” he hastily adds at Roy’s burning scowl, “just for two hours and we’re only allowed one drink.”
You’re pretty sure that’s a bit more liberal than Roy likes, but he nods his head slightly so he must be in a good mood.
“So, you coming?” Jamie asks and before you can reply Sam and Keeley chorus, “Yes she is.”
You give Keeley a Look before turning back to Jamie. “Guess I am,” you reply.
The smile Jamie gives you does more to make your head spin than any amount of alcohol you’ve had in your lifetime.
Jamie has taken it upon himself to wipe that frown off your face. He might have been watching you over dinner and that might have been why he chose that exact moment to invite you out, but he’ll never fucking admit it to anyone except Sam. And Keeley. And maybe Cockburn when it was the off-season and they were a little tipsy. (But not drunk, never drunk.) 
So yeah, sue him if he’s spinning you around on the crowded dance floor just because it makes you laugh. It’s not his fault that he’s been wildly in love with you since the day Higgins hired you. It’s not his fault that you’re easy to be around and have the most beautiful smile he’s seen in his life. 
And fuck, it certainly isn’t his fault you can’t see in yourself what others do. Why you settled for a piece of shit like your ex, he’ll never know. But he’ll be damned if he doesn’t do his best to show you how special you are. He knows you’ll never feel the same about him, but maybe he can help you level up your standards. Maybe if you’re with someone good, it’ll hurt less that it’s not him. 
So he lets you hold his hand for the entirety of the two hours that the team is out and doesn’t say a word when you don’t let go in the cab back to the hotel. 
You’ve gotten that closed-off look in your eyes again, the one that means you’re thinking about your ex, so Jamie knocks his shoulder into yours and asks why he can’t have the password to the team’s Instagram account, which is a sure fire way to get you to lecture him on irresponsibility and aesthetics and the best way to get your eyes to come back to life.
Honestly, it’s easier to fall asleep than you might have expected. It’s a big bed and you’re fucking tired. 
You just didn’t expect to wake up in the middle of the night crying, but it’s always fucking like this when you go through a breakup. You go to sleep fine and wake up sad, so you do your best not to wake up Jamie except you’ve both ended up entangled in each other’s arms, so he can feel you shaking. 
“Hey,” Jamie says in a soft voice, “You’re okay, love.”
You half expect him to push you away once he realizes you’re so close, but he only pulls you closer and presses a kiss to your forehead. Maybe it’s because you’re both half-asleep, but it feels like the most natural thing in the world. 
You sigh and settle into him, drifting off in a matter of moments. 
You wake up to a pair of blue eyes watching you. 
“How you feeling?” Jamie asks, voice gravelly with sleep. 
You just blink at him. It’s hard to form coherent sentences within the first ten seconds of waking up, and even harder with the memory of Jamie’s arms around you last night. 
Wait. Not just the memory. The present reality because neither of you have moved. 
Jamie misinterprets your silence and begins to extricate his arms.
“Sorry,” he says, “I’m not to trying to like, cross and fucking boundary or something. Should’ve left you alone.”
You’re still not awake enough to talk so you grab him to stop him from moving away. He gives you a questioning look so you say, “I wouldn’t have agreed to share a bed if I thought you were a creep.”
Jamie grins. “So like, if Jan had offered to share a room you’d’ve said no.”
You wrinkle your nose as you say, “Jan’s not a creep.”
“He’s the fucking worst,” Jamie grumbles, “And anyway, can we not talk about Jan fucking Maas this early in the morning?”
“Sure,” you say, “let’s talk about something else.”
Despite your comment, you both lapse into silence. You’re enraptured by Jamie’s blue eyes. You’ve never been able to study them this close before, and you want to take this opportunity to memorize every fleck of green. 
Jamie seems to have a similar thought, except his gaze flicks to your lips. 
“I have morning breath,” you tell him and he says, “Real men don’t give a shit, babe,” before leaning forward.
It’s softer than you’d expected, sweeter. 
It’s also strange to think that you’re making out with Jamie in bed, and that he’s the one who initiated it.
The thought is so absurd that you giggle, mid-kiss. Jamie breaks away and says, “Oi, there’s no way that was a shit kiss.”
“No,” you say between giggles, “it’s just weird that we’re doing this. Like, how are we supposed to look each other in the eye after?”
Jamie moves so he can look at you better, and you roll from your side to your back. “What do you mean?” he asks.
“Oh come on, we share a room and a bed, we kiss because I have all these sad feelings and you’re feeling a lot of emotions about the match, and then we have to work together after. It’s silly.”
Jamie cocks his head. “That’s what you think is happening?”
“Yes?” you say. None of this is going how it’s supposed to. “What do you think is happening?”
“I like you,” he says, and there is absolutely no mistaking his meaning. 
“Oh,” you reply in a small voice. “Since when?”
“Since before you started dating the twat. When Higgins introduced ya to the team.”
“That’s a fucking long time ago!” you exclaim. “Were you ever going to tell me?”
Jamie rubs his face. “Yeah, ‘cept you showed up to work tellin’ everyone how you started dating the twat. And I ain’t a home wrecker.”
You groan. “Fuuuck. I literally only dated him to try to get over you.”
Jamie shoots up. “What?!”
“Yeah,” you say, “I’ve been like a little bit in love with you ever since you winked at me during that first promo I did.”
Jamie blows out a breath. “Okay. Think that’s enough talking. C’mere. We’re making out proper, like, then we’re going to breakfast.”
You grin as you climb onto his lap. 
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ceilidho · 10 months
prompt: possessive best friend soap (part 1)
You’ve known Johnny for roughly—
“Whassit been—like twenty plus years, hen? I ken our mams have been close since we were in nappies, so we sort of grew up together, wouldn’t ya say?”
—too many years. You’ve been putting up with him for too many years now. Not more than you can count, but more than you can be bothered to relay to your bewildered-looking date sitting across the table from you. Besides, Johnny hardly needs you to fill in the blanks; since pulling up a chair beside the two of you, he’s been quite happy to share the intimate details of your friendship.
“‘Fact, almost moved in together a coupla years ago. ‘Am no’ sure why we didn’t. Might still, at some point. But I bet you knew that, huh—what was it, Rodney? Yeah, Rodney. Kinda a strange name, isn’t that? We had a dog named Rodney growing up, do’ya remember, kitty cat?”
“Yes, John. I remember.” Your head is fully in your hands now, elbows leaning against the table because there’s no reason for table manners anymore. Not with the way Johnny’s shovelling your food into his mouth like he hasn’t eaten all day. It’s annoying that it’s still rather endearing; you push the plate closer to him so he doesn’t have to reach as far across the table and risk spilling your pasta all over the white tablecloth. 
You’ve been trying to catch the waiter’s eye for the past five minutes, but it’s like the guy’s been paid off or blind or something because he does everything but look over at your table. What a waste of a night. 
In fairness, the date hadn’t been going exceedingly well; Rodney had already made a couple of rather passive aggressive comments about your field of study and furrowed his brows a bit too tight when you mentioned wanting to order dessert. 
“Sorry, I just need to—I’ll be right back,” you mutter, scooching away from the table and wincing when your chair scrapes across the floor. You scurry off to the bathroom while Johnny keeps prattling on about whatever inane topic he’s chosen this time to your date, who is looking increasingly agitated. His expression is pinched like he has a stomachache.
In the bathroom, you wet a paper towel and press it lightly to your cheeks so your makeup doesn’t smudge. They’ve been hot since Johnny sauntered into the restaurant and made a bee-line for your table, ignoring your repeated kicks under the table and you mouthing at him to leave. It’s not fair. You go out once a month if you’re lucky because work usually takes priority in your life and now Johnny’s on leave for the next month. You’ve made peace with the fact that you’re going to have to delete all dating apps off your phone for at least the next foreseeable month. 
When you come back, you’re not altogether shocked to find only Johnny still at the table, your date long gone. He scoops up the leftover red sauce with the table bread, looking like he’s having the time of his life even on his own.
“Made a break for it, did he?” you ask, sighing when you collapse despondently into your chair.
“Sorry, kitty cat,” Johnny apologies with big, beseeching eyes. “Tried to tell ‘im he didn’t hav’ta leave, but he wouldn’t have it. Paid his bill at least, good lad. The guy's a pure fandan, wasn’t he?”
You don’t necessarily want to encourage his behaviour by agreeing with him, but you can’t help the soft sound that escapes you. 
Only on the drive home—you’d walked to the restaurant, but Johnny drives the two of you back to his place because he insists on making it up to you with ice cream and a movie—do you begrudgingly admit to yourself that you’re glad Johnny interrupted your date. If he was going to intrude on any date, at least it was that one. An otherwise lousy date might still have a good ending.
“Yer too good for him anyway, kitty cat,” Johnny sniffs on the drive home. You glance at him from the corner of your eyes, scrunching up your nose. You hadn’t even brought it up. “Did’ya see the way he chewed with his gob wide open? Pure repulsive behaviour. Who does that in front of a lady?”
“I don’t remember asking you about my choice of dates, Johnny.”
He laughs, reaching across to give your thigh a little squeeze. You ignore the way it makes your stomach jump. “‘Said my peace. Just don’t wanna see you settling for some numpty who hasn’t got any common decency.”
You grunt because the alternative is opening your mouth and screeching at the top of your lungs. You know this. It’s not your fault that the dating pool in your town is small to begin with and you’re picky on top of that. There’s some criteria for Man etched into your frontal lobe that you can’t read but you know is there, and it rejects every single guy you’ve ever dated. 
At his place, he gets you comfortable on the couch before going to the kitchen and coming back with a bowl of ice cream filled to the brim and a single spoon. You snap at him when Johnny sits way too close to you—so close in fact that you’re pressed up against the side of the two while there are two full cushions on the opposite side of him—but he just coos and feeds you anyway, making train noises when he brings the spoon to your mouth. 
He’s a rapscallion. He’s incorrigible and a devil and you miss him so much sometimes when he’s away doing whatever it is he does in the military that it hurts your heart. It literally hurts when he’s away. So you let him spoil you when he’s back in town on his annual leave or when he’s granted an exemption for a wedding or a funeral. You soak up every minute with your blue-eyed puppy dog of a best friend, content to leave the dates and your other friends for when he’s gone. 
That’s been the pattern now for going on several years. 
Winter is the ascetic’s season anyway. You have no reason to keep trying once the weather gets colder. So instead, you go to work during the day and then hunker down at night, only seldomly going out for drinks with friends or visiting your family for weekend brunch. 
Johnny must miss you too while he’s away because the man borders on feral when he comes back. Tactile as all hell. Nary a moment goes by when he doesn’t have his hands on you somehow—big hands smoothing over your shoulders when you complain about your back aching, a hand squeezing your thigh teasingly in the car, callused fingers pinching your cheeks and squishing them together like a fish.
“Okay, now say, ‘Johnny, thank you for chasing off my bawbag of a date and buying the choco-mint,’” he coos, squishing your cheeks with one hand, the other draped along the back of the couch behind you. He’s so close that you can smell the sweat on his skin, his scent a heady musk. 
You glare up at him, mollified by the ice cream but annoyed that he won’t stop rubbing it in. “Jawny, yew are an idjiot.”
He shakes his head, eyes sparkling. “No, that's no’ right. You got wax in your ears, kitty cat? Do I need ta’ check?”
You screech when he turns your head to the side and bites your ear, trying to crawl off the side of the couch, but he pulls you back down. Nearly pulls you on top of him, blowing raspberries into your temple and laughing. It’s almost impossible to escape from his arms, beefy since he enlisted years ago. They tighten around you, holding you in place while he nips at your earlobe and nuzzles into the side of your head. 
He’s near doubled in size since back then. Sometimes even the sight of him makes your head spin. He towers over you, not always the tallest in the room, but always standing the straightest, the proudest. Aware of the breadth of his shoulders and his physicality, loose and limber for the most part until someone gets on his bad side and you see the change wash over him. Cocky grin turned down and hard. Arms stiff by his sides. 
Not now though. Not in the little warm bubble of his living room, breath punched out of you with shrieking laughter. It’s hard to remember why you were upset with him in the first place.
“Gonna need you to give me a break, kitty,” Johnny breathes into your neck when he finally turns the movie on, pulling your legs until they’re draped across his lap. “How’m I supposed to keep an eye on you from across the world?”
“You don’t have to interrogate all my dates,” you mutter, eyes sliding shut. It’s warm in your bubble and the warmth makes you sleepy. Too bad Johnny doesn’t have a guest room at his place. You’ll probably end up drooling on his bicep when he carries you to bed. 
“Yeah, I do.” His voice is low, muffled against the top of your head. “No one’s good enough for my girl. Gotta make sure they know that.”
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mysteryshoptls · 4 months
SSR Malleus Draconia - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Malleus: So, this is the Land of Dawning National Museum of Art… It's much more impressive than I had imagined. Very fascinating to see their exhibits touch on varied matters of import.
Malleus: Art galleries in Briar Valley generally feature art exhibits revolving around fae lore. This is a refreshing visit.
Malleus: This place does seem to have a few works of art that I can place, however. And I see that paintings that depict the Thorn Fairy seem to still gather a crowd here.
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???: Look at all them surrounding just one person in full force… That's just cowardly.
Malleus: No need to chide them, Spade. It's cruel enough to expect those children of man to hold their own against a great and powerful being.
Malleus: Hmph, don't bristle so. We can take this prime opportunity to study this painting together.
Malleus: When the Thorn Fairy visited human lands, she was immediately met with animosity…
Malleus: The number of art pieces that depict this very story is numerous, even in Briar Valley. We even had one displayed in the castle I was raised in.
Malleus: When I was a wee lad… My tutors would constantly tell me to grow up to "be a mage as great and powerful as her."
Deuce: Your… tutors!? There were people that could actually teach you something!?
Malleus: Of course.  I had some of the finest mages in Briar Valley at my disposal.
Malleus: I often found my history and etiquette lessons to be of great interest… But there was no one who could instruct me in the ways of magic.
Malleus: Of course, that would be because everything from their magical power levels to their actual capabilities were far below me in strength.
Deuce: Wow, that's amazing… Can't believe you were that strong from a young age.
Malleus: That is nothing too surprising. My grandmother possessed formidable magic, and so did my mother, I hear.
Malleus: However, it took me quite some time to fully understand the difference in strength between myself and those around me.
Malleus: "Why are you teaching me something so ridiculously simple?" I'd angrily wail every class. "Are you underestimating me?"
Malleus: Every time I sent a tutor packing, my guardian wouldn't hesitate to scold me mercilessly.
Deuce: You're saying there was someone who could even scold you!? Briar Valley is way too intense…
Malleus: Even I would listen to the advice of a trusted person. When I think back on it, I certainly had my more immature moments.
Malleus: Only incidents such as burning the gardens to a desolate crisp, or destroying castle towers by calling down lightning strikes, however.
Deuce: Ack! If I make Draconia-senpai angry now, the museum might be in trouble…!?
Malleus: No worries, I am no longer a child. I would not do such a thing as destroy a museum filled with priceless artifacts on a mere whim.
Malleus: It would be more logical for me to punish the offending target than affect my surroundings in my ire, would it not?
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Deuce: That's a painting of the Lord of the Underworld being displayed there. And those two guys with him, they're…
Malleus: They must be his retainers. It is said that they would obediently carry out his commands and go to great lengths to do so for him.
Deuce: Yeah… I always imagined the Underworld to be dark and scary, but these two look pretty nice.
Malleus: It will come back to bite you if you make assumptions based on appearances, Spade. Apparently, these two were skilled shapeshifters.
Malleus: There are tales of how they would use this skill in order to back any villainous adversaries into a corner.
Malleus: If they did not possess that raw competence, I'm certain that they would not have been depicted in these works of art.
Deuce: I bet the Lord of the Underworld would be proud to hear that tales of his subordinates are still passed down for generations.
Malleus: To have the tales of his subordinates passed down for generations… Yes, I could sympathize with that.
Malleus: Within the royal family of Briar Valley, there is a tradition that at a certain age we may select our own attendants and guards.
Malleus: I would also be very proud indeed if someone I personally selected were to be acknowledged by the masses, as well as future generations to come.
Deuce: Right? But man, when you talk about attendants and guards… It just feels like we live in two completely different worlds.
Deuce: It's pretty amazing that you always have someone who's looking out for you and your daily needs, though.
Malleus: It also can be a headache. Back in the castle, I would be surrounded by other people day in and day out, simply there to fix my attire or my hair and the like.
Malleus: When my acceptance to Night Raven College was ascertained, my life was unburdened tremendously.
Malleus: My guardian stated to me, "You'll have to learn how to take care of yourself enough that you can survive on your own," and so…
Malleus: I would read books from the outside world that were provided to me, and found the wealth of knowledge fascinating.
Malleus: Those books granted me an abundance of knowledge, such as how to go shopping, or how to work laundry machines and other electrical appliances.
Deuce: He learned how to use electrical appliances from reading a book…!? He really was raised in a completely different environment.
Deuce: But honestly, I really can't believe that you go shopping on your own, or do your own laundry… Today is full of surprises.
Malleus: …Well, Sebek does insist on tending to my needs. And there is much I do leave to him.
Deuce: Ahaha… Yeah, Sebek has boasted about stuff in the past, saying something like, "I had the honor of hand-washing Malleus-sama's clothing!"
Malleus: …I can absolutely picture that, despite the fact that I had been perfectly fine doing my own laundry before he started to attend this academy.
Malleus: Although, for some time after I arrived here, there was no end to the number of difficulties I had due to my inexperience.
Malleus: For example, there was this one instance when I knew not the location of the laundry room… and chose to hand-wash my garments in the kitchen sink instead.
Deuce: EH!?
Malleus: …My fellow dormmates who encountered that spectacle in the kitchen had the same reaction as you just now.
Malleus: I inquired as to where the laundry room was, but all froze as if petrification had been cast upon them…
Malleus: When it seemed they finally had returned to their senses, they insisted on allowing them to do my laundry.
Malleus: In that moment, I had been swept up in their persistence, but… It does me no good to leave it for others to do.
Malleus: Sometimes I do clean my clothes with magic as I oft did back home, but I do try to use the laundry machine when I can as well.
Malleus: There aren't many who use the laundry room in the early morning or late night.
Malleus: After some trial and error, I was able to figure out how to properly use the washer, as well as the dryer.
Deuce: Even though you could totally clean everything with magic in the blink of an eye… It's so cool to see how you're always working to improve even when no one's watching!
Malleus: Of course, as it should be. Seeing that I am a student at this school, I must also learn what I can from my peers.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Malleus: Oho, I see this museum also carries a variable assortment of paintings depicting merfolk legends as well.
Deuce: She has a real big smile… But hey, look at that wave behind her! Was the ocean waters that choppy…?
Malleus: This depicts the moment the mermaid princess made the determination to go to the surface.
Malleus: That large wave behind her represents her courageous decision… Or at least, it most likely represents that.
Deuce: Woah, that sounds like it could be…! Draconia-senpai, do you know a lot about paintings?
Malleus: I briefly touched upon it as part of my education.
Malleus: I would not say I do not hold an appreciation for art. Rather than paintings, however, I do prefer three-dimensional objects… sculptures, especially.
Deuce: When you say sculptures, you mean the ones made out of stone or bronze… right? I'm sorry, I really don't know anything about those stuff.
Malleus: You are more or less on the correct path.
Malleus: Take the statues of the Great Seven at our academy, for instance. Sometimes they are regarded as simply part of the backdrop on campus…
Malleus: But as years pass, both stone and bronze statues will gradually change in appearance.
Malleus: Caretakers will come and go, and the outdoor elements will constantly batter them… Their similarities to the original mold would change over time to no small extent.
Malleus: Some may perceive this as mere "deterioration," but…
Malleus: As for me, I believe that changes in those statues are in fact a profound thing.
Malleus: Whenever I encounter one that looks entirely different than what it originally should have looked, I cannot help but feel as though it has lived a good, long life.
Deuce: So basically, they're living pieces of art…?
Malleus: Heh. A wonderful interpretation, Spade.
Deuce: I don't really get how that was good, but that was him praising me just now, right? Uh, thank you!
Malleus: If you find yourself interested in sculptures, you should seek me out once more.
Malleus: I can explain to you at length not only about stone sculptures and bronze sculptures, but also gargoyles as well.
Deuce: Gargoyles…?
Malleus: Ah, so you aren't familiar with them. No matter. I'll start with explaining what they are…
Deuce: Uhhhh… Wait, uh, I was actually thinking about asking Rosehearts-ryōchō about the paintings with the Card Soldiers!
Deuce: Please, I hope you can wait for another opportunity to explain it all to me! I'll be leaving now, Draconia-senpai!
Malleus: He shouldn't run in the museum like so… I fear it is only a matter of time before the sound of Rosehearts' ireful shouts fill the halls.
Malleus: Really now, humans sure are always in a hurry. I think I'll take my time taking in the exhibits in the museum.
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Malleus: Oh, what do we have here…? This is a painting of the princess who was blessed by the diurnal faes.
Malleus: What a lively birthday celebration. I wonder if I would have been invited to attend, had I lived in those times…
Malleus: …Hmph, they would do well to carefully think about who to invite to their celebrations. For if I were not invited to such a gala…
Malleus: I may have brought down upon them a cloud of destruction, darkening the sky and cursing them to the ends of the earth…
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Requested by Anonymous.
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queen-of-reptiles · 8 months
description: lauren and her arsenal player girlfriend go on holiday for their year anniversary and use it as a way to remind everyone why they hold the top spot as fav woso couple
lauren james x female y/n
disclaimer: I am in no way saying Lauren is gay or bi-sexual - this is strictly a work of fiction
there are not enough blurbs and imagines about lauren so I made some
entirely inspired by @daydreamingleclerc :))
some sexual themes and comments - nothing too bad :)
Lj10 just posted
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liked by samanthakerr20, mbrighty04, and 111, 264 others
Lj10 my girlfriend is hotter than urs 🤷‍♀️👍
tagged: y/n
view all 4927 comments:
samanthakerr20: @y/n how do you look like that? 😭
y/n: idk i cry a lot???
username1: LMAOOOOOO
username2: she’s so fcking stupid 😂😭
mbrighty04: y/n damnnnnn 🔥🔥
y/n: heheheh 😙
leahwilliamsonn: okayyyyyy 😍
y/n: it’s all for u captain 😇
Lj10: the fck? 🤨🤨
leahwilliamsonn: shhhh this doesn’t involve you lj
katie_mccabe11: lauren your insta is turning into a y/n fanpage mate …
y/n: tbf mine is the same for her 😝
katie_mccabe11: that’s cause ur a simp 👍
y/n: damnnn grandma learning the kids speech 🥹
katie_mccabe11: you’re only 21 shut up! 😡
username3: SHES SO HOT OMG 😍😍
username4: fuckkkkkkkkk 🔥🔥🔥
username5: 🍑🍑🍑
miafishel10: how many takes did the second photo take? 😭
Lj10: too many mate
lucybronze: bet lj didn’t complain too much wth you on top of her tho y/n 😶😶
Lj10: ;)))
stanwaygeorgia: Cuties 🥺
y/n: 😊😌
y/n: alsoooo my girlfriend’s hotter than urs baby 💋
Lj10: liar 🙄
y/n: ik u r but what am i? 🤷‍♀️
Lj10: hottest girl in the world ;)
y/n: I have once again been outplayed lads 🥹
Arsenalwfc: looking peachy y/n! ❤️
username6: arsenal admin knows what’s up 😭😂
arsenalwfc: the sky
username7: OMGGGG 😭😭
view other comments…
y/n just posted
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play at the hotel bowling alley ✔️
lauren gets hit on by the waitress whose been serving us all night ✔️
lauren reply with asking for another drink for ‘her missus’ ✔️
me not slapping a bitch ✔️
tagged Lj10
liked by leahwillamsonn, katie_mccabe11 and 132, 424 others
view all 6737 comments
username1: HAHAHAHAH
leahwilliamsonn: ShUt UP 😭
y/n: Wasn’t like we’d been snogging all night either 😠
reece: shoulda slapped her mate 😂
Lj10: don’t start !!
katie_mccabe11: I imagine you were fuming ??! 😡
y/n: nahhh we went and made out in their photo booth and left one of the three print-outs on their cute print wall 💋💋
lucybronze: iconic 😂
username3: don’t be shy - tell us her name 😶😶
keirawalsh: who won ?? 🤨🤨
samanthakerr20: deffo y/n 😭💋
mbrighty04: nahhh lj all the way 👍👍
caitlinfoord: nah y/n has to be ! xx
y/n: It was Caity! 😌😌
Lj10: let you win baby @y/n
y/n: take that back you little shit 😡
Lj10: I’m older and taller love 😂
username4: why would she come onto lauren tho ??? like these two are SO in love ?! 😡
username5: cause lauren’s famous !! 🙄🙄
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y/n just posted on their close friends story
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mbrighty04: I CANNOT WITH YOU TWO 😭
y/n: hehehehehheh 😘
reece: how do i bleach my eyes ?? 😭
y/n: i can do it with a spoon if you need? xx
reece: i hate you sm
jbeattie91: Amber would like to say she is stealing all of these poses for us 😝
lucybronze: you two 🙄🥺
y/n: luv u too !!
miafishel10: HAWT 🔥
y/n: like you b 😉😗
samanthakerr20: YOU LEFT THAT?
y/n: nahhh only pictures 2-4 😜
samanthakerr20: you give me gray hairs
k says you guys r cute tho
y/n: omg say hi to her i miss her sm !! 🥺💋
katie_mccabe11: jesus god
y/n: not in this place of worship
see 43 other replies…
y/n just posted on their close friends story
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samanthakerr20 liked this
alessiarusso99 liked this
katie_mccabe11 liked this
ellatoone liked this
mbrighty04 liked this
lucybronze liked this
miafishel10 liked this
caitlinfoord liked this
see 45 other replies…
y/n just posted on their close friends story
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stanwaygeorgia: PLOT TWIST LMAO 😂
lucybronze: omg NO
lucybronze: i kinda want you too, but Keira is saying no to the slap
y/n: UGH fineee
samanthakerr20: THIS IS CHAOS
alessiarusso99: omg omg omg
ella says mark your territory …
y/n: BET
see 57 other replies…
y/n just posted on their close friends story
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y/n: the games the game 🤷‍♀️
katie_mccabe11: absolutely gold omg 😶😶
y/n: honestly it was outta pocket 😫
alessiarusso99: omg omg omg
y/n: it was honestly a moment 😭
lucybronze: what a day 😂
y/n: honestly it was a nice day mainly 😜
miafishel10: is the new one nice at least????
y/n: HES FANTASTIC! His name is Sam and he’s showing us his puppy he has with his bf which is adorable and he’s taken some cute pics of me and Laur so look out for them ;))))
miafishel10: legend 😫❤️
see 49 other replies…
Lj10 just posted
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Lj10 we really are hot
tagged y/n
liked by leahwilliamsonn, mbrighty04, and 108, 211 others
view all 2376 comments
mbright04: cuties 🥺
Lj10: cheers Mills! y/n says luv u! x
samanthakerr20: these are actually so sweet 😫
Lj10: Thanks Sammy 👍
lucybronze: who took these photos?!!
Lj10: our new waiter Sam! Absolute Legend!
y/n: we love sam v much! 😘
username1: THEY ARE SO CUTE
username2: UGH 🔥
username3: ROMANTIC! ❤️❤️
y/n: just would like to point out as cute as these are - lj still wouldn’t play mermaids with me :((((
reece: @Lj10 that is UNACCEPTABLE 😡😡
y/n: thank you ik !! 😌
Lj10: omg babe 🙄
alessiarusso99: I’LL PLAY MERMAIDS WITH YOU Y/N 🩷🩷
ellatoone: SAME
esme.morgan: SAME 😌😌
view more comments…
y/n just posted
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y/n one whole year with you baby and six more days in our own paradise ❤️ i love you x
tagged @Lj10
liked by samanthakerr20, leahwilliamsonn, and 187, 234 others
comments disabled
Lj10 just posted
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Lj10 i love you so lucky to have had a year with you, excited for more to come <3 xx
tagged y/n
liked by mbrighty04, reece, and 164, 877 others
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y/n just posted on her story
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ya girl ran out of image allowances on the app - which ngl is stupid!
But lemme what you lot think?? request if you want anything and I’ll do my best xoxox
- Queenie xo
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criceofpain · 1 year
cherry kisses | lee heeseung
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part two: strawberry skies
featuring: enhypen members
synopsis: heeseung is desperate to find out who he had a one-night stand with at his house party last night, and the only clue he has is the taste of cherry balm on her lips.
pairing: sub leaning!heeseung x dom leaning!afab reader
genre: smut, fluff, angst (only a tinge), pwp, strangers to lovers
word count: 4802
warnings: unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), dom and sub themes, degradation, choking, bondage, oral sex (m and f receiving), teeny tiny bit of anal if you squint, heeseung on a leash
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With a lip balm stick in hand, Heeseung stands frozen in the middle of the living room while the other boys bustled all over the place—Jay making hangover soup in the kitchen, Jake running with the vacuum cleaner, and Sunghoon picking up the scattered cups that may or may not have smelled like spit as he was grimacing hard. 
With a heavy head, the eldest plopped onto the couch behind him, his fringe obstructing his sight as he held up the item on his hold. “Cherry flavored”, it read.
He instinctively runs his tongue over his top lip, remembering the faint taste the balm left from last night’s happenings. Vivid images of a certain woman flash in his head as he fixes his gaze on the balm. He found her gorgeous, submitting to him as he let the alcohol take over his body. The bad news was this—he wasn’t able to pick up a name, a face, or even a clue on who she was. At this point, she was considered a Jane Doe.
He shakes his head in frustration, shoving the balm stick inside his jean pocket. How could he not remember someone who fucked him so good?
“You done daydreaming yet?” Sunghoon asks, throwing a shirt on Heeseung's way, which he swiftly catches with his hand. The younger gives him a suggestive grin, almost about to laugh. “Hyung got that good banging last night, huh?”
“Shut up, Hoon.'' Heeseung hisses, messily putting on the shirt that turned out to be Jay's, judging by the smell of perfume on it. “Don't want to talk about that.”
“Oh, I bet he’s been ditched.” Jake snickers, turning off the vacuum cleaner and ceasing its noise. the lad stifles a laugh as he saw the scratch marks on Heeseung’s back and the hickeys on his neck. “I mean, look at his face. He looks like I stole his cup ramyeon.”
“But was he, though?” Jay chimes from the kitchen, a pot of soup on his two hands as he walks cautiously to the dining table. “You can’t skimp on the deets, hyung. You gotta tell us what happened.”
Heeseung shakes his head yet again, not bothering to answer the questions being thrown at him. These stubborn fucks. He stands on his feet, sauntering to the table as the smell of the soup welcomes him. Who in their right mind would want to miss out on Park Jongseong's cooking?
“Hasn't it come to you that she might be in one of our classes?” Jake suggests as he sits down, holding four bowls in his hands. “We can ask around, you know. we have Sunghoon’s influence for that.”
With a dramatic gasp, Sunghoon retorts, “You fucker! Just because I'm popular doesn’t mean i can just go around the campus asking ‘Hey, do you know some girl who fucked Lee Heeseung last night?’. I'm not an introvert for nothing, bro.”, earning laughs from the two J’s.
“Nah, but seriously speaking,” Jay prefaces, pushing a bowl of soup for each of the three. “What's with this girl that not remembering her bothers you so much?”
The question sends Heeseung into silence, making him rethink his worries in the first place as he consumes his hangover soup slowly.
Maybe it was the way he felt when she touched him, or what her moans sounded like. Hell, it might be the way that his body moved synchronously with his which just felt so right. No one has ever driven him into a crazy state before this.
“I don't know either.”
“One, two, three… pick up your paces, y'all!”
The words immediately disappear from your memory as you fervently jump to the beat of the professor’s whistles that were seriously doing no good for your eardrums. With eyes closed, you fling your arms upward as you keep the balls of your feet moving. How much more do I have to endure?
That was just one of the reasons you despised gym class. As the last whistle trills, you almost drop to the floor. Beads of sweat roll down your forehead as your body emitted heat from all that muscle exertion. You break into peals of pants, trying to catch your breath.
“I’m about to fucking pass out.” you gasp under your breath as you panted, vision almost getting blurry as your professor rambled about something in the background. He better supply me with a nebulizer kit after this.
You reach for your back pocket rather weakly, feeling for the lip balm stick inside of it. As strange as it seems, you couldn’t risk getting chapped lips every time because boy, you hated stinging lips. You lift the stick open, twist it slightly, and slowly smear the product all over your lips. The familiar taste of cherry meets your taste buds, just as usual.
You sigh as you put the balm back in your pocket, relieved that you were able to replenish your stock after running out of it last night.
Oh, last night was so memorable. You give yourself a mental pat on the back. If it weren’t for you going crazy over Lee Heeseung’s lip ring and asking him for a kiss, you would’ve lived a boring life. He had a reputation for being the smartest and most proper of his pack, but you were slowly doubting that after he drunk fucked you senselessly and made you his bitch last night.
Still catching your breath, you finally get on your feet, making way to the gym bleachers. You make a mental note to proceed to the film department in hopes to spot your senior-turned-daddy dom. it’d please you to see him go wild again.
“So when do you plan on revealing yourself?”
You almost jump at the sudden voice, clutching your chest tightly. In a blink, you see Sunghoon in front of you, wearing a lopsided smile on his face.
“What do you want?” you ask through your teeth, slapping the lad’s shoulder while you were at it.
“It was you, right?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Park Sunghoon.” you shook your head, dabbing your face with a cool towel.
Sunghoon clicks his tongue loud enough for it to echo throughout the whole basketball court. You gasp as he feigns disappointment, shaking his head and pretending to cry as if someone had passed. You roll your eyes at his antics and pinch his earlobe, ceasing his act.
“Ow! Fine!” Sunghoon pouted. “It's about Heeseung hyung.”
You let go of poor Sunghoon’s ear and flash him a shit-eating grin, contrary to the frown you were wearing just earlier. You had no idea how you became whipped for that man in the first place when you’ve just interacted once, but you liked it. You liked him. Seeing this, Sunghoon cups his mouth with his palm, realization dawning on him.
“No way.” Sunghoon cackled silently, eyes still agape and staring at your smug expression. “So it was you.”
“Oh, it was me, indeed.” you reply before chugging down water from your tumbler. You swallowed, letting the cold liquid pass down your throat. “Why are you suddenly asking me about this, by the way?”
“Hyung actually doesn’t have any idea who obliterated him good last night,” Sunghoon mutters, fidgeting with his fingers. I still can’t believe my two best friends fucked! “and you can only imagine how it bothers him up until now.”
Lee Heeseung? Bothered? Those two words made a very strange combination. You figured he’d just call it a night and not tell everyone. Somehow, you were envious towards Sunghoon because Heeseung was able to see everything firsthand—how he thought about you, how you occupied his mind, how he felt about the marks and scratches you left on his body, and how his face looked whenever he’d come undone inside you.
“Should I reveal myself, then?”
“Good game, you fuckers!” Jake hollers as he spun his sweaty soccer uniform on his hand like a lasso. This earns him disgusted looks from his teammates, especially Sunghoon and Jungwon who were bona fide clean freaks.
“Ew, would you stop that, hyung?” Jungwon winces, throwing a cleat in Jake's way. “And stop cursing, will you? there’s a seventeen-year old in the room.”
It was another cup bagged by the Decelis Academy’s soccer team, scoring them three goals against their sworn enemies, JYP University, way up to victory. Their coach would scold the life out of them for being “pussies” and they’d always prove him wrong after that, which always sends their poor coach into a state of mental breakdown.
The locker room reeked of mixed sweat and perfume, the temperature hot and humid. They've surely worked themselves out on that game.
“Hey, don’t forget the deal, you guys!” Jay chuckled, shoving his dirty uniform into a mesh bag, leaving him half-naked. “Anyone who gets a yellow card treats us to the barbecue place.”
“Who got himself a yellow again?” Sunoo gives Jay a side-eye, fanning himself. “That rarely happens.”
“Well, a man who goes by Lee Heeseung shall explain.” Sunghoon roams his eyes around the room, frowning as he didn’t find a trace of Heeseung, or Heeseung himself, in the area.
“Too bad, he’s already in the showers.” Riki shrugs.
The splashing water sounds echo in the almost empty shower room, along with Heeseung's steady breaths that overpowered it. With his palms stuck on the cubicle wall and eyes shut, he let the cold water drench him from head to toe.
It was a good game, but strangely, he didn’t feel like hanging out with the team. On a usual basis, he’s always the most enthusiastic about after parties and samgyeopsal sessions. Today, however, was an exception. He opted for a cold, peaceful shower in hopes to get the still unknown woman off of his mind.
Or so he thought.
He sluggishly twists the shower knob, ceasing the flow of water from above his head. With  eyes now wide open, he pulled a towel and wrapped it around his hips. “Finally.” he whispers, stepping out of the cubicle after sliding his flip-flops on.
He cautiously walks on the slippery floor, and to the lockers. What he didn’t know, however, was the pair of eyes spying on him as he walks half-naked to the lockers.
“Fancy seeing you here.” a voice says, startling the life out of Heeseung and almost making him topple to the floor if it weren’t for his grip on the sink. A peal of laughter follows it after as he got himself on his feet, cursing under his breath.
You stare in amusement as the oblivious lad scrutinized your whole form. He squints as he sees your fit—an oversized black hoodie with the hood snugly fitting your head, a pair of sunglasses that were big enough to cover your whole face, and your school’s gym uniform.
“Excuse me.” Heeseung almost stutters, completely flustered as he was only wearing a towel to cover his privates. “This is the men’s showers.”
you giggled, pulling your sunglasses off to reveal your face to him. “I know,” you quip. “sir.”
Heeseung finds himself almost choking at the nickname. He had no idea what it was for, but it definitely caught him off-guard. You smirk smugly as you take off your hoodie, enjoying the perplexed expression on his face. You were finally face-to-face with your person of interest and you wish you had a camera right now so you can remember the privilege of being able to bring out Heeseung's inner satyr.
“Aww, that’s not how you looked while you were busy making me come last night.” you coo, running a hand over his wet abdomen. He sucks in a deep breath as your fingertips move slowly along his muscles, touch like electricity making him tense up. The feeling was so familiar to him that realization finally dawned on him. Fuck, it’s really her.
He freezes, realizing that the person who bothered him so much ever since this morning is now in front of him. As you proceed with your ministrations, he feels himself getting harder as your fingers move down south. A smile creeps up your face, pressing your body against his bare one. Oh, how your breasts felt soft against his chest.
He looks down at your breasts squished against him and lets out a chuckle. It was time for him to stop playing coy. “If only you’d take that annoying bra off right now, maybe we could pick up where we left off last night.”
Not letting you speak, he yanks your bra down, revealing your soft and perky breasts. You let out a gasp as he latched his tongue on one of your nipples, his hands making their way down to pull your sweats and panties down.
“Already wet for me?” Heeseung mumbles against your breast as he dipped a finger on your sex. “I guess I wasn't the only frustrated one.”
He then pulls away from your breasts before kneeling down and slinging one of your legs over his shoulder. Wasting no time, his tongue harshly flicks your clit, making you cry out because of the sudden contact.
“Oh, Hee!” you moan as you find yourself holding onto his hair for dear life. I can’t believe the ace student who acted all prim and proper was so hungry for my pussy. “Oh, you feel so good!”
“Oh, do I?” Heeseung taunts, sliding two fingers in you, tongue not leaving your already sensitive clit. “My little whore can’t get enough of me, huh?”
“Ah, yes, Hee—”
“That's not my name.” he interrupts. you felt the sting in your ass from his slap as he pumps his fingers in a shocking speed, leaving your tongue. He then stands back up and pulls you into a sloppy kiss, almost whining as he tasted the cherry lip balm that he so wanted to taste again, this time, on your lips.
“Yes, sir.” you whimper as his kisses go down your neck. “I can't get enough of you. I want to—ah!”
“Say that again, you naughty girl.” he murmurs. You didn’t know it, but you were making his confidence grow bigger by every second, just like his dick. He clicks his tongue. “Use your words, slut.”
“Sir, I want to come!”, you almost scream as you hold onto his shoulders. “I'm so close… please, I want to come all around you, sir.”
“And you are so going to.” he pulls his fingers from inside you, making you whine at the loss of contact, then pushing them into his mouth to taste your arousal. He hums in satisfaction, gazing at you with lustful eyes. You looked so fucking beautiful in front of him—swollen lips, bedhead, breasts filled with hickeys, and pussy almost dripping wet as he bore his stare deeper. You wanted to be fucked here and now.
Heeseung pins you onto the nearest wall he could find and strips all of your clothing off, throwing them on the floor. His towel soon follows, revealing his hard and aching cock that was so ready to fill you up. Your  mouth almost waters at the sight, but he then holds you by the chin, making you look up at him, and him only.
“I don’t want to push you into something you’re not okay with.” he assures, voice laced with concern as he stroked your head. I still have a reputation to keep, after all. “You can tell me to stop whenever you want me to.”
“But I want this, though.” you reply, bucking your hips against his dick to get some friction, which he responds to by hooking your leg onto his waist, getting ready to enter you.
“Good, now let me make you feel good.” he nods, slowly pushing himself inside your wet cunt.
A week has already passed since Heeseung had fucked your brains out in the showers, and you have never spoken to anyone about it. It's not like you didn’t have a good time—you really did, but for some reason, you felt like you’ve tainted someone’s innocence even if Heeseung himself was comfortable with it. He moved like he had prior experience, yet you were pretty sure it was because of porn. Still, you can’t help but think that he might be cursing you for barging into the showers and turning him on.
You slump your head on the cafeteria table, frustrated as hell. “I don’t understand.” you whine out. “I shouldn't be feeling this way.”
“Well, if you look on the bright side and not act like chicken shit,” Sunghoon pipes in as he chews on his sandwich. “it might help.”
“Does he hate me?” you grumble, head still on your hands, not wanting to face Sunghoon who was probably laughing at you right now. What did I just get myself into?
As a silent psychological warfare happens in your head, you remember the pact that you’ve made with Heeseung after having sex with him in the showers. It was the first time you've had a proper conversation with him, and the way he spoke to you was nowhere near the way he did as he rammed himself inside of you.
“I’m curious about something, you know.” you mutter, watching Heeseung silently change into his tracksuit. The way his muscles flexed whenever he moved was something you found hot, not to mention his plump and breathtaking ass.
“What is it?” the lad replies as he shimmied into his shirt, stealing a glance at you. from a few meters away, You sat on the bench, and he couldn't help but notice how and where you were looking at him. The hoodie you wore made you look so tiny, along with the way your hair frames your face. cute.
“Have you ever thought about submitting?”
Heeseung looks at you with a puzzle expression, not exactly understanding what you’ve just said. You reply to him by lifting your brows, waiting for his answer. 
“I don't… really know what you mean by 'submitting’. it can have different meanings, you know?” Heeseung blabbered on, taking a seat beside you.
The space in between your bodies was dangerously close, your shoulders were about to touch. He looked at you with his usual “meh” face, except without his glasses. “You might be talking about school projects, papers, or even sex,” he whispered, his face getting dangerously close to yours. His breath that reeked of mint fans your face, and his doe eyes met your lidded ones. “You want me to sub?”
You immediately shake your head, afraid that he might get the wrong idea. “No, i was expecting a yes or no for an answer—”
“Shush, let me speak.” he places a finger on your lips to interrupt. “I'll do it with you. But on one condition.”
Flustered, you gently pick up his hand and pull it away from your lips. “F-fine, then.” Lee Heeseung wants to be submissive? “What condition?”
You sit up almost immediately after your small flashback, and grab the nearest person next to you—Sunghoon. You grab your best friend’s face and do something that you never thought you’d do in your whole life—kissing him. You close your eyes tight to ease the secondhand embarrassment, but after just ten seconds, you pull away from him, not bothering to look back.
Sunghoon, still taken aback, scowls at you in complete confusion. With mouth agape, he stares at you in shock. “What the fuck are you on, Y/N?”
“Hoon… it’s about Heeseung.” you mutter, clenching your fists in embarrassment. Shame, shame, shame. “I made a deal with him, I, I'm sorry.”
“It's fine, it’s fine.” he reassures, tapping your shoulder. “Tell me all about it.”
You draw out a long sigh, face glum as you prepare to tell Sunghoon about yours and Heeseung’s deal. “Okay, so here’s the thing. After me and him did it, we basically—”
You stop in your tracks as your phone vibrates from inside your skirt pocket. Assuming that it was an emergency message, you immediately fish it out and unlock the screen, only to see the notification that reads:
hee (13:34) you win. </3 fuck, how did u?
“If you successfully make me jealous within a week,” he suggests, tugging on your hoodie gently. “I'll let you do whatever you want with me, mommy.”
You had no idea how you found yourself sitting on a swivel chair in a small apartment bedroom that wasn’t even yours, but you were loving the scene unfolding in front of you.
You try to suppress a dreamy whine in your mouth as your eyes fix on the poor lad kneeling in front of you. The way heeseung’s sweat glistened on his skin, fringe stuck on his forehead, lips swollen and agape—it fucking turned you on. He whimpers desperately despite the tightness around his neck, wanting to be touched by you so bad. He was nervous at first, but once you’ve tied his wrists up and leashed him, the shyness has gone poof.
“Now how am I supposed to satisfy you when you’re such a noisy, whiny bitch?” you fake sympathy, manspreading in front of him with your lace panties on display. Fuck, I want to eat her out. 
“Stubborn boys don’t easily get what they want, so if you obey Mommy,” you yank the chain links of his leash harshly, almost getting dragged towards you. “Maybe I can reward you.”
He can only nod at your statement. His breaths are ragged and his hardness was starting to ache. Suppressing his moans, he bites his lip in frustration, telling himself to endure it for a little longer.
“Now, you dirty little boy,” you tilt his chin upward, making him look at you. Noticing his misty-eyed expression, your expression slightly relaxes, but not too obvious for him to see. “What's our safe word?”
“C-cherry.” Heeseung whimpers out. He personally loved the one you picked out, for it reminded you of your very first encounter. It also became his most favorite flavor from that moment.
“Attabot.” you smirk, chain still in your hand. “Lay on your back.”
Heeseung obliges, laying himself flat on the bed, still being guided by the chain. You let out a hearty chuckle, scrutinizing his frustrated expression, The hickeys you’ve put all over his body, and the precum peeking from the tip of his cock. Oh, he looks so fuckable and punishable.
Without a word, you saunter to the foot of the bed, bending over to touch his sensitive cock, to which he shakily whines. “Mommy…” he sighed. “Please touch me, mommy.”
“What did I tell you, whore?” you seeth, slapping his erect cock. His cries fill your ears as you stroked him slowly, teasing him as you went. “You only speak when Mommy says so, right?”
“Want you to make me cum.” 
“What the fuck are you so stubborn for?” you retract your hand from his length, tuning on the vibrator that was stuck in your free hand for long and pressing it on his ass. “Didn't I tell you to wait, huh?”
Whimpers turn into cries as you thrusted the small vibrator in and out of his tight hole, and you can only laugh in satisfaction at the way he was practically desperate to be touched by you.
“Ah! I'm so sorry, Mommy!” he shouted desperately in defense as you turned up the intensity of the vibrator. “Won't do it again, please, Mommy! Stop!”
You don't cease, but you latch your mouth on his cock, fervently sucking on him. You can only moan against his length as you go, feeling yourself getting wet as well. No matter how you wanted to be touched and pleasured, you had to assert dominance. Stick to the pact.
“Mommy, I'm so close!” Heeseung wails, his elbows making thudding sounds against the mattress. his toes curled up as you licked all over his tip. He had to wait before he could release all over your face and he hated it. Fuck, he so hated it.
“Now, come all over me.” you command before enveloping his cock with your mouth again, closing your eyes as you wait for him to release in your throat. With a few pumps, he cums inside your mouth, moaning loudly as he did so.
The lad sighs in relief as he makes his release, slightly relaxing his tensed muscles. You swallow, turning the vibrator off and retracting it from his ass.
“We're not done yet.” you remarked, crawling on the bed until you were parallel on top of him. “I'm giving you a chance to show me what a good boy you are. Understand?”
“Yes, Mommy.” he desperately nods, feeling the sting of the silk tie that was restraining his hands. “I'll be your good boy.”
“Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?” you grin as you strip yourself off of your bra and panties, revealing your naked body to him. His cock twitches at the sight of the slight bounce of your breasts and the wetness of your pussy. “Aww, my baby boy’s so eager for me.”
You sink into his cock, your moans filling the room at the same time. He felt thick as he stretched your walls, and the constant twitching of his tip didn’t help you, either. You marvel at the sight of him—so small and so submissive under your authority. You never thought it’d come to this, but you were enjoying every single bit of it. 
Noticing his wincing expression, you messily untie his wrists, rubbing the marks that the tie left. Of course, you weren’t going to go all harsh on him, and he loved that about you.
You slowly rock your hips against his, letting his hands find your thighs and touch wherever he reaches. “You feel so, so good, baby boy.” you mewl, propping a hand on his chest. “Only for me.”
“Only for Mommy.” Heeseung echoes as he weakly squeezes your hips, weakly meeting your thrusts. “I like you, Mommy.”
“Oh, I fucking do, too!” you nod, not fazed by his sudden confession.
He almost squeals in joy knowing that you felt the same towards him just as he felt about you. You grin as you see his smile, eventually giving in and pressing your body onto his as you bounced on him slowly. Through lidded eyes, he saw how you beamed and in his eyes, You looked so beautiful in your current state. In pure euphoria, he throws his head back as your lips kiss all over his chest, leaving some hickeys on your way.
You yank the chains to pull him closer to you, letting him kiss you, letting him taste the cherry lip balm that you never stopped using. You laugh against his lips, feeling for his neck. You then press your thumb and middle finger on the sides of his throat, making him feel a little bit lightheaded, but not asphyxiated.
The way he bucks his hips against yours let you know that he was about to reach his high again, and you kiss his tear-stained face as you both reach your highs—you clenching all over him and him filling you up with his cum. 
Heeseung feels like seeing stars as he feels the tight sensation all over him, holding onto your ass as you milked all of his release.
After you have ridden out your highs, you loosen your fingers on his neck and unleashed him, feeling very euphoric as you both catch your breaths.
The room was filled with silence as the two of you stared at each other’s fucked out faces, breaking into peals of laughter after a second or two. You lazily press a kiss on his lips again, to which he returned ever so lovingly.
"Did I hear you right?” heeseung whispered, sliding a finger along your spine. He stares at you with his doe eyes, and you feel your heart break a little. You nod, propping your arms onto the mattress to be able to get a clearer view of him. “You really do like me?”
“Well, why the fuck would I make you jealous by kissing Sunghoon, then?” you giggle, making his expression glum as he remembers how he saw you kiss your best friend. “You're one of a kind, hee. I’d like to get to know you more.”
With your words, his heart flutters. Never did he think that he’d fall into one’s trap after telling himself that he will never take interest in someone all these years. He pulls you in for a kiss again, not bothering to pull out just yet. You feel his heartbeat on your fingertips as he holds you close and tight, lips still moving rhythmically with yours.
From there, he promised himself that he would go through hell and high water for you.
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notes: AAAAAAAAAAA this is for all my sub!heeseung hoes who love seeing the gentle giant fold 🤩 fun fact: this actually got plagiarized in ao3 as a heejake fic and i was scared for my life (i have the rights to my fic idk why i was anxious that time, maybe bc it was my first time getting my fic plagiarized?) anyway, this is also an old fic of mine way back in 2021. hope you enjoy, luvies!
NSFW TAGLIST [OPEN]: @thots4hee @jaylaxies @ddeonuism @jojayke @vernonluvs-archived @puphee @forjongseong @jaeyunsz @muffinminnie @shu-ramyeonz @poutyjaeyun @fairy-junseong @duolingofanaccount @polalvsjy @taetaemylovie @heetro @yizhoutv @lavhikaru @kaislinging-slasher01 @cha0thicpisces @en-archv @simplewonderland @exactlygreatcoffee @lhseth @aerinaga @xwonniex @celeste-hoon @ajayke @enhastolemyheart (send an ask or a dm to be added!)
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© criceofpain on tumblr, 2021
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misshoneyimhome · 6 months
Hi! I'm the anon about Willy wrecking her respectfully, so what i was thinking is that she hasn't great experiences and he has been patient and exploring what she likes. So she wants to learn what he likes and his kinks hope that makes sense.
Okay okay, so I've got to admit, this might be the longest smutty imagine I've written so far 🙈 and I may have gotten a bit carried away, having not planned it out at all (obviously) - but I hope, fingers crossed here, I still captured your idea! 🫢🤍
I think it goes without saying, but:
Warnings; 18+ smut; fingering; oral sex (f and m receiving); portected & unprotected penetrating sex; light spanking; mild choking; brief public stimulating; very light bondage; language; and i think that's about it;
Word count: 5.6K
[Inexperienced!reader x Willy]
・✶ 。゚
All good boys go to heaven - But bad boys bring heaven to you | William Nylander 🖋️⚡️
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"Okay, next question!" Estelle exclaimed loudly, wearing a grin.
"Alright, what's the most thrilling or unusual place you've had sex?" Stephanie read aloud from her phone, displaying the list of questions.
And you found yourself involuntarily holding your breath just a bit as the question was announced.
It was a simple game of truth or dare that you were playing with your friends, a few players from the Toronto Maple Leafs, and their girlfriends, wives, or fiancées. However, since no one ever really chose "dare," you all eventually switched to just answering truth questions instead.
Maybe it seemed a bit odd for you to be there since you weren't specifically involved with any of the players. But as a close friend of some of the girls, having met them through another mutual friend and simply being welcomed into their tight-knit group, it didn't feel out of place at all. In fact, you felt more like a part of the group than your mutual friend ever did. And given how well you were getting along with the girls, it was natural that you'd been spending so much time with them.
And you weren't the only single person there. Some of the players were also single, so it was a good mix of people.
However, knowing your relatively new group of friends quite well already, you were aware they all had much funnier stories than you. And worst of all, they would now discover your lack of interesting sexual experiences in your life.
Not that you were a virgin or anything. However, like few others in their mid-twenties, you hadn't really delved into most sexual activities. But those kinds of details about you were unknown to any of them.
You could, of course, choose to lie, but let’s face it, you were terrible at lying, and they’d easily see through any attempt.
"Oh, once was at a New Year’s party in the walk-in closet," Auston admitted with a boisterous grin.
"Please, don’t tell me it was one of our parties, Auston!" Stephanie almost cried, knowing that she and Mitch often hosted such events, just like tonight.
"Guess you'll never know," the lad from Scottsdale replied casually, with a shrug and an excessively mischievous laugh, making both Stephanie and Mitch reconsider the next time they’d plan to host anything where Auston might bring a date.
"Alright, who's up next? Willy!" Mitch shouted in a playful manner.
"Uh, at a pool party in the pool house back home in Sweden," he smirked, briefly reminiscing about the memory of that day.
"Ah, that time Sandy and Alex caught you, right?" Auston chuckled.
"Yup, one of the several times," William laughed in response.
"Okay, and next up is y/n," Estelle announced excitedly, and you had to summon every ounce of energy to keep from showing any signs of blushing.
"Oh... um... didn’t I already have a turn?" you tried to casually brush it off, but without success.
"Nope, it's your turn now, come on y/n! I bet it’s something really dirty," Auston teased from across the coffee table. Meanwhile, William's gaze was fixed on you intensely, with everyone eagerly awaiting your answer. "It's always the cute ones who are the kinkiest," he teased further, and you just shook your head, chuckling lightly.
"Well, um... Alright," you coughed a bit as you gathered the courage to share. "I guess it'll have to be... by the foot of the bed," you breathed out, causing complete silence to envelop the room.
"I think we have a winner," Max cheered jokingly, prompting the others to join in with 'oohs' and laughter. And you felt a wave of embarrassment wash over you but managed to chuckle along with the rest of the group.
"Wait a minute," Auston interjected. "Are you saying that the most exciting place you've had sex was at the foot of your bed?"
"Yeah..." you sighed softly. "Well, to be fair, I've only been in one long-term relationship, with my high school sweetheart, and the guy just wasn’t exactly the most adventurous type - more like a 'missionary position only' kind of person," you explained with a slightly nervous smile. "And the only two one-night stands I've had after the breakup; one was too drunk to even manage anything, and the other didn’t exactly have the time to explore different positions, so..."
Your friends kept their gaze on you for a moment longer before all letting out chuckles and moving on to the next person, Max.
The game carried on for about half an hour before the group slowly dispersed, and soon, you were preparing to head home as well.
"Hey, I can walk with you some of the way?" William suggested as you both were getting your coats and shoes on.
"Sure, that would be nice, Willy," you replied, genuinely appreciative of his kind offer. Being a young woman alone late at night in the dark Toronto winter wasn’t always the most comfortable feeling.
And as both of you stepped into the chilly city air, you began to walk towards the underground station. Knowing that William lived in the opposite direction, you found it genuinely thoughtful of him to walk with you.
William Nylander was probably one of the people you'd connected with instantly among the many you'd been introduced to. His natural calm and laid-back energy were incredibly comforting, and his laughter was always extremely contagious. Additionally, you shared a similar quirky sense of humour, a profound love for food, and a mutual interest in the diverse cultures of Europe, which he would passionately discuss.
Overall, he was just a really cool guy. He consistently included you in social gatherings and, like tonight, offered to walk with you so that you wouldn't be alone.
And as you strolled the streets of Toronto, your conversation flowed across various topics, never any awkward silence between you.
Over the past several months, you'd shared many personal details with the Swede - things you wouldn't typically discuss with someone you’d just met. However, William had a way of encouraging you to open up.
Which was also how he suddenly changed the topic of your conversation as you walked side by side. Something from your earlier game lingered in his mind, and he couldn't let you go home without some clarification.
"Is it really true, what you mentioned back at Mitchy's place?" he asked curiously.
"Which part?"
"You know, about never really experiencing anything exciting with sex?" William turned his head to look at you, his eyes revealing a soft expression as he pondered how that could be.
Looking up at him, you offered a sweet, slightly resigned smile and nodded gently.
"I'm afraid so…"
"But then, how do you know what you like and don't like?" he asked, stopping in the middle of the pavement, a touch puzzled.
"I suppose I don't really know, Willy…" you chuckled, feeling a bit nervous. "As I said, my ex wasn't really keen on trying new things…"
"But don’t you want to find out?"
"Well, actually… I am a little curious," you smiled, glancing down at the ground before meeting his gaze again. "It's just that I'm not seeing anyone at the moment and considering my not-so-great experiences with one-night stands… it's not exactly what I think would be the best option."
William held an intense gaze, as if trying to discern your thoughts. Then with a soft smile, he took a step towards you.
"How about I help you figure it out?" he almost timidly proposed, yet his tone carried a significant level of confidence.
It wasn't exactly a secret within the team that William had taken an interest in you since you'd met.
He found you undeniably attractive, sweet, and funny, and it hadn't gone unnoticed by the whole team how he consistently included you in group activities.
Though initially, William's intention was purely to be friendly. But as he got to know you better over time, a growing desire to spend more time alone with you developed within him.
The way you spoke passionately about your hobbies, work, family, dreams, and aspirations captivated him. Your smile was incredibly endearing, and deep down, he longed to be the reason behind that lovely laughter.
So, upon learning about how you hadn't been treated the way he thought you deserved in your previous relationships, particularly in terms of sexual experiences, his heart felt disappointed on your behalf. He strongly believed that you deserved to experience complete pleasure with someone who would treat you respectfully and tenderly, while showing the endless and wonderful possibilities when it came to sex. Perhaps someone like… him?
Yet, William had never made a definitive move on you. Uncertain if you were open to starting something new since your breakup, he chose to maintain a casual and friendly demeanour around you.
Which, consequently, left you with no idea about what was going on in the mind of the Swedish lad.
In your perspective, William was simply a good friend, always ready to offer support and a listening ear.
Or, perhaps, a really good-looking friend. With an infectious laughter, a fantastic sense of humour, and not to mention his body. Oh yes, you’d definitely noticed his muscular, well-built figure. How could you not?
The man had the confidence to roam around in tiny shorts and a bare torso at any time of the day - before training, after training, before games, after games. He didn't shy away from showing off his body, and rightfully so.
If you were to be honest, you'd admit that thoughts about William Nylander had crossed your mind, even the sexual kind. However, you'd never dare to speak those thoughts, considering it inappropriate for your friendship.
Yet, a part of you couldn't help but linger on William’s words. The way he looked at you intensely stirred unexpected feelings within you - feelings that seemed to run deeper than you had anticipated.
However, there was no way William could be entertaining such thoughts about you, you thought. You were simply his innocent friend; someone he spent time with from time to time.
But his recent words seemed to convey something else.
"I'll help you figure what you like, if you want to?"
Was he being serious?
And yes, William was dead serious.
He even repeated his proposition the next time you met, after leaving you somewhat puzzled with a 'think about it' accompanied by a smirk.
Following a training session at the rink, he whispered suggestive remarks in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
Which led to the very moment when you found yourself in his bedroom the night after.
After dedicating your entire Saturday to shaving, moisturising, and carefully selecting your best lingerie and cutest outfit, you arrived at his place, a bundle of nerves but also overwhelmingly intrigued.
"Relax, y/n/n," William spoke gently as you stood in his spacious living room, handing you a glass of water.
"I am relaxed, Willy," you chuckled lightly. "Believe it or not, this is me relaxed."
William simply offered you a reassuring smile as he contemplated what was about to unfold in his condo.
He understood it wouldn't be anything overly sensational. It was simply a beginning, an opportunity for you to explore different aspects of sex, to discover what you might enjoy. He knew he had to be patience with you, guiding you through this journey of exploration.
Though, in the depths of his desires, he simply wanted to wreck you completely, fuck you to the point where you'd lose track of how many times you'd come. However, that wasn't the agenda for tonight.
And as you sipped your water, meeting William's intense gaze, you too pondered what was about to happen.
You were aware of William's extensive experience in the sexual department, as he wasn't one to be shy about it. Yet, he often came across as an overly laid-back young lad, someone who might not prioritise a partner's needs over his own. However, it turned out he was quite the opposite.
And upon learning that he genuinely cared about your lack of experience, aiming to respectfully push boundaries and understand your desires further, left you wondering about what lay beneath his calm and youthful facade. It was in that moment, you simply yearned to explore new territories with him, discovering his deepest desires and what turned him on.
"Come on," William softly urged as you finished your drink, placing the glass on the table and guiding you slowly to the bedroom.
Although you had previously had sex in a bedroom, William thought it would be a comfortable place to begin - a space where you could relax and explore other aspects first, such as different positions and sexual activities.
Then upon entering his bedroom, he took his time to ease your obvious nerves. His lips tenderly met yours, as his hands gently explored your body and hair. Skilfully, his tongue ventured into your mouth, intertwining with yours, and mixing your saliva, meanwhile his hands moved down your upper body, finding the edge of your clothing before delicately slipping underneath, caressing your smooth skin. Gradually, he undressed you, one piece of item at a time, only parting his lips from yours when necessary.
It wasn't hurried nor eager; it was tranquil and soothing as you stood before him in your finest lace underwear, his eyes lustfully appreciating every curve of your body. And it felt entirely natural, as William, as always, made you feel at ease and comfortable in his presence.
"Lie down on the bed," he softly instructed, and you obeyed instinctively.
As you lay on your back, William removed his own shirt and positioned himself above you, gently planting a cautious kiss on your lips before speaking.
"Has anyone ever touched you... like this?" His fingers traced the soft skin of your body, trailing down your stomach to the edge of your underwear, before slipping inside and stroking your folds, causing a soft moan from you.
"Mmm..." you softly nodded, confirming that you had experienced being touched this way before. Surely, you had been fingered a few times as a form of foreplay before penetrative sex.
William maintained his focus on you as his finger continued into your warmth, gently poking your entrance and gradually sliding inside, prompting a soft moan from you. He worked his finger in and out a few times, coating it thoroughly with your juices before slowly adding another, while observing your expressions as he brought you pleasure. Then with his fingers still inside you, he whispered softly in your ear.
"Has anyone ever kissed you... down there?"
And to this, you shook your head in response, a clear 'no' to his question, causing a smirk to form on his rosy lips.
"Then that's where we'll start," he announced before tracing kisses along your jawline, down your neck, between your breasts, and lower, reaching the area where his fingers were working their magic. Gently, he then removed his fingers and hooked them around the edge of your lacy underwear, pulling them off and discarding them along with the rest of your clothes.
William hen positioned himself between your legs, and gently encouraged them to part, wrapping his arms around your thighs before bringing his mouth tantalisingly close to your core.
This was something you had often wanted to try, but your ex had always been unwilling.
And now, you were in for a treat.
Your first moan escaped uncontrollably as William's tongue delicately traced your folds, licking your juices before his mouth began sucking on your clit.
"Fuck," you cried out, your hands gripping the sheets firmly on either side of your head, as he skilfully worked his mouth, exploring every inch of your most sensitive area, licking and sucking, drawing out your sweet nectar, and occasionally teasing your entrance. Then as your breaths grew incoherent and uncontrollable, William adjusted his position slightly, freeing an arm to once again guide his two long fingers to stimulate your inner walls. Your fluids mixed with his saliva, granting him easy access to thrust his digits in and out of you, gently angling them to hit a particularly sensitive spot.
"Willy," you breathed out, feeling waves of pleasure coursing through your body. You sensed a satisfaction in him, as if he were smirking with contentment into your cunt, making you a mess under his touch. "I think... I think I'm gonna..."
William then gently withdrew his mouth from your warmth and concentrated on using his fingers to bring you closer to the brink, fulfilling your intense longing.
"That's it, baby, just relax and let go," he softly encouraged. And it didn't take more than a few seconds for you to lean your head back into the pillow, closing your eyes as waves of ecstasy filled your mind, and pleasure surged through your veins, leading you to climax.
"Shit, Willy," you softly breathed, opening your eyes as you gradually calmed down from the intense orgasm. Then he gently withdrew his fingers, licking them clean, a huge smirk on his lips as he stood to undress completely.
Your gaze followed him intensely as he moved to his nightstand, retrieving a small foil packet before returning to kneel in front of you on the bed.
"You're doing great, babe," he praised you, his voice deep and gentle.
"Willy... can I?" you asked timidly, biting your lower lip gently as your eyes glanced towards his hard member, standing proudly.
But William gently shook his head. "Another time, tonight is only about your needs, babe," and you couldn't really argue with that.
Although William indeed wanted to experience your sweet lips wrapped around him, feeling the warmth of your mouth and throat, it would have to wait for another night. He was already on the edge himself, holding back in order to give you the time and comfort needed to explore new positions.
So, instead, he unwrapped the foil, prepared himself, and then firmly grasped your thighs while locking eyes with you.
"Ever tried doggy?" he inquired.
Once again, you signalled your lack of experience with a gentle shake of your head.
And with a dark chuckle, William used his strong arms to flip you forcefully onto your hands and knees, causing you to gasp softly. It was a new but thrilling experience; you couldn't see his face, yet you anticipated what was to follow.
You then felt a gentle pressure from the tip of his cock before he slowly entered you deeply, your walls enveloping his length while his hands maintained a firm grip on your hips.
"Shit, you're tight," William moaned as he stretched you with each thrust. And you couldn't help the sounds escaping your lips as he moved in and out, establishing a steady rhythm, your hands gripping tightly onto the sheets beneath you.
He felt incredible inside you, and as he increased the intensity, moans grew louder, filling the hot, heavy air of the room alongside heavy breaths. Your juices coated his shaft with every movement, and you began to feel another surge of an orgasm as he filled every inch within you, reaching the very depths of your being.
Then William's next idea hovered in his mind, a bit intrusive, yet he hesitated. Perhaps it was too much, too soon for you. However, curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to push your boundaries just a little further.
Besides, this was all about discovering your likes after all.
His firm hold on your hips relaxed slightly as his hand tenderly caressed your soft skin, retracting momentarily before delivering a sharp smack across your tender flesh, eliciting a shriek as the painful sensation coursed through your body.
Painful, yet mixed with pleasure.
And then another sting followed as his hand connected with your ass once again, a hint of redness starting to appear on your skin.
It was all so intense. Never before had you experienced such a potent mix of pleasure and pain.
And it didn't take long before your second orgasm approached, your walls contracting with pleasure as it surged through your body. You couldn't hold back; William's increasing thrusts were pushing you over the edge, making you arch your back, as your mind went blank, and you came all over him.
William sensed himself nearing his climax too, his movements becoming sloppier as he felt you tightening around him.
However, he wasn't quite prepared to finish just yet.
Instead, he withdrew from your warmth, leaving you feeling empty, before swiftly flipping you onto your back and entering you once more. Your hands instinctively found the back of his shoulders as your legs lifted slightly, granting him better access in this familiar position.
His pace quickened, thrusting harder and faster as he neared climax.
Your moans grew louder, accompanied by the release of air from your lungs, but then your sounds were briefly muffled as William's hand gently found your throat.
It wasn't a tight grip but enough to surprise you as he pressed you down into the mattress while continuing his vigorous thrusting. Pearls of sweat formed on his forehead as he prepared to reach his peak.
"Fuck," a deep grunt escaped from him. And with a few more forceful thrusts, William finally came, releasing himself into the condom.
Breathing heavily and still filled with husky sounds, he needed a moment to compose himself.
And a silence settled in the room as he then carefully pulled out of you, settling beside you after disposing of the condom in the nearby bin.
"So," he softly broke the silence. "Was it okay?"
"Okay? Willy, I just experienced two of the most intense and best orgasms ever," you chuckled, resting on your side, gazing at him with a satisfied smile.
"I wasn't too rough with you?" William chuckled lightly, still a bit out of breath, lying on his back with an arm resting above his head, as he met your gaze.
"It was certainly... something else," you replied softly. "But... I have to admit, I really enjoyed it."
That reassured William. He had been unsure whether he had pushed your boundaries too far but knowing it had been a positive experience for you eased his mind.
"Good, that's good."
"So, is this a particular kink of yours? Being dominant in bed?" you softly inquired, eliciting a light chuckle from him.
"Sometimes," he simply replied. "I mean, I guess I've always liked taking charge, but it doesn't always have to be rough or anything like that."
"What else do you enjoy?"
William flashed you a curious smile, turning to his side and propping his head on his arm. "Many things, like the positions we tried tonight. But I also really like spontaneous sex, that's usually fun, and then there's something hot about sex in different locations or having the girl on top," he explained, watching keenly for your reaction, finding your interest in his desires rather intriguing.
"And you enjoy going down on women?"
"Well..." you timidly began, briefly pressing your lips together before speaking again. "If you're interested... I'd like to do more. I want to learn more about what you like, what turns you on."
William couldn't help but smile at your sudden curiosity, feeling rather happy about the prospect of being the one to introduce you to various levels of pleasure.
"On one condition," he softly replied. "I'd like to take you out."
Your eyes brightened like Christmas lights at his words.
"You what?"
"I want to take you out, y/n. You're not just someone random I've had sex with and then moved on to the next girl. I really like you."
You could sense that it wasn't easy for him to admit his feelings, but you couldn't help but smile as you realised that William Nylander actually had feelings for you, and you had to admit, you felt the same way.
"I'd like that, Willy. I really like you too."
Your first date with William was sweet and simple. He ordered takeout from his favourite place, Sugo's, and you both enjoyed it on the sofa, indulging in a classic Netflix and chill session.
And then naturally, it evolved into a passionate kissing session, with you straddling him, and his hands on your ass while your fingers tangled in his blonde locks.
He let you take the lead, exploring the idea of you being somewhat in charge, which eventually led to you riding him in the bedroom. However, even though you were on top, his hands on your hips still guided the intensity. Yet, it was still thrilling to explore new positions with him, discovering ways to please him while satisfying yourself.
But you still wanted to explore things further, as you sensed that he was still holding back.
And by the next home game, sporting his jersey on the side line among the other partners of the team, you made it a personal mission to seduce him, boosted by your newfound confidence.
But as fate would have it, after the team secured a great win, they decided to celebrate with a dinner outing, partners included.
And to your surprise, nobody on the team was surprised when William proudly took your hand and tagged you along as his date. In fact, it seemed everyone had been waiting for it for quite some time.
Then amidst laughter and cheers at the dinner table with good friends, William seized the opportunity to address your lingering curiosity about his kinks. Leaning in while Auston and Max were engrossed in sharing a story from their latest road trip, he whispered into your ear in a seductive tone.
"Are you sure you want to know about my preferences?"
And gently, you simply nodded, biting your lower lip in anticipation.
"Then take off your panties."
You were slightly taken aback, feeling your heart race at his words, and turned to face him, slightly puzzled.
"Here?" you whispered.
William simply nodded, flashing a mischievous grin and lustful eyes. And so, you did. Carefully, without attracting any attention, you discreetly slid your lacy thong from beneath your skirt, smoothly removing them from your legs, before bending down, and retrieved them under the table, leaning up to tuck them into William's pocket.
So, being naughty in public was a kink of his, you thought.
And the thrill of it intrigued you too. Sitting there, with nothing underneath, your secret known only to your partner beside you.
Then just as you thought that was the extent of his actions, William smoothly placed his hand on your thigh, gently gliding it upwards towards your warmth, causing you to gasp softly, still trying to maintain composure so no one would notice.
His fingers lightly brushed against your core, barely exerting any pressure, yet his touch was enough to quicken your pulse.
"Hey, anyone up for dessert?" Reaves called out, catching everyone's attention.
"Sorry, but I think we're calling it a night," the team's captain announced, citing the need to get home to their children.
"Yeah, we're pretty tired too," Max added.
And then William joined in as well. "I think we'll have dessert at home."
His cheeky remark prompted the team to erupt with whistles and playful looks, while your cheeks flushed with a light pink hue, slightly embarrassed by the attention.
However, that embarrassment quickly faded.
Once you were in the car with William, heading back to his condo, something entirely different occupied your thoughts: his two fingers delving deep inside you while he navigated the streets of Toronto with his other hand.
"Willy, I'm close," you gasped heavily, your body trembling with sheer pleasure, your hand instinctively grasping the door handle.
"Don't come," he commanded, causing you to look at him, slightly confused.
"I said, don't come," his voice was firm, his gaze fixed on the road.
Oh, so this was another one of his kinks?
You had to stifle your breath to regain control, but his touch made it exceedingly challenging. And your grip tightened as William's fingers continued their movements inside you.
Fortunately, your torment ended soon after. Not in the way you desired, but as William withdrew his hand upon arriving at his apartment building, leaving you both disappointed and needy.
Clearly, another kink.
Passionately connecting your lips, you rode the elevator up to his floor, and upon reaching his door, he swiftly opened it, shedding coats and shoes. Using the leverage of his size, he effortlessly lifted you into his arms and carried you to the kitchen, where he placed you on his large dining table.
"No bedroom tonight?" you asked breathlessly, a playful smirk on your face.
"No," William chuckled, gently shaking his head. "I told you; we're having dessert at home."
And without further words, William squatted before you, lifting your skirt a bit higher, positioning you at the edge of the table, then tossing your legs over his shoulders, and buried his mouth between your thighs.
"Fuck, Willy!" you moaned loudly, your hand entwined in his dishevelled hair as he expertly ate you out. Which had become something you immensely enjoyed by now.
Balancing yourself with your other arm, you tilted your head back slightly, feeling the arousal surge once more.
And this time, he allowed you to reach your long-awaited orgasm, licking up all your essence as you unravelled in pleasure.
"You taste so fucking amazing," William chuckled, kissing the inside of your thigh, lightly nipping your skin, as he made sure to leave a mark where he'd been.
"Not fair that you're the only one getting dessert," you said seductively, suddenly feeling more empowered than ever before.
"Oh, definitely not," William chuckled softly, a surge of excitement coursing through him as he stood and undid his belt, stepping back to let you join him. And with a smile, you kneeled in front of him, licking your lips in anticipation of finally tasting him.
And without hesitation, you eagerly lowered his trousers, only to find that William too had gone commando during dinner.
"Naughty boy," you sensually chuckled, giving his member a few gentle strokes before licking up the shaft, softly teasing the tip with your lips before taking him in.
William's hand gently guided your hair as you skilfully took him further down, coating his length with your saliva and starting to move your head in a gentle rhythm.
It wasn't exactly the easiest manoeuvre, being your first time giving a blowjob, but having heard about it, read some guidance, and even watched some porn, you surprisingly found yourself easing into it. Your mouth and hand worked in unison, eliciting pants and moans from him above you, boosting your satisfaction in your oral skills.
In that moment, you understood why William enjoyed going down on you so much, as the mere sounds of pleasing him aroused you immensely.
"Shit, baby, you're really good at this," the Swede praised above you, sensing his own impending peak.
And his words spurred you to intensify your actions. However, just as William felt close to climax, he halted you.
"Babe, I'm about to come, but I want to be inside you."
So, following his command, you released your mouth form him, and rose with a confident smile on your lips.
Yet, William, feeling the urge to reassert his dominance, untied his tie and firmly directed you to turn around, clasping your wrists together behind your back.
"So, you think you're in charge now, huh?" he whispered seductively, his voice husky, causing you to gently shake your head. "Didn't think so."
While gently securing the fabric around your wrists, keeping them in place, he then guided you to bend over the table.
And then aligning the tip of his cock with your dripping cunt, he slowly pushed inside, one hand gripping your hip while the other held onto your bound hands, prompting uncontrollable moans to spill from your lips as William established a steady rhythm, thrusting in and out of your warmth.
In contrast to your previous encounters, this time the sex was more fervent and forceful, as William's hips slapped against your buttocks, stretching and stimulating your inner walls. And you knew neither of you were going to last long this time.
After an evening of teasing, edging, and oral stimulation, you were both on the brink of your peaks.
And the overwhelming sensation, your hands bound and unable to move, coupled with the incredible pleasure from William's movements, made it hard for you to concentrate on anything else.
"I can't, Willy," you almost whined as you felt your orgasm building. "I'm about to come..."
"Yeah, baby, come for me," William urged roughly, quickening his pace as he too neared his climax.
And so, you did. With a loud, intense moan, you called out his name along with a string of curses, letting your orgasm take control and cloud your mind. With the clenching of your walls around his cock, William followed suit, emitting a deep grunt of pleasure, as he released himself completely.
"Fuck…" he moaned as he emptied the last of his drops into you, before withdrawing slowly as he regained control of his breathing. Then gently, he untied the knot, freeing your hands and assisting you to stand as you returned from your euphoric state of mind.
"That was…" you spoke softly, turning to face William and leaning into his embrace.
"Intense," he added.
"Yeah, intense..." you smiled up at him.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah... and in desperate need of a shower," you chuckled lightly, and William joined in.
"Let's go shower then, I think we both could use it," he suggested, and you agreed, both acknowledging the need for some post-sex clean-up.
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