#plz help idk what to do
the-cookie-of-doom · 4 months
i am feeling. emotions. and I'm not being allowed to curl up in my nest and ignore them because my grandma is over Doing Her Thing, so instead I'm just. at my desk. vibrating. pretending to study. bc I can't actually focus enough to really study :' )
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yoinkersoft · 1 year
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these lovely fellows
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v0ideddr3ams · 4 months
The three sisters
Or siblings, if I may
Rosie - She/Her coded - The Eldest - Goddess of Justice - only sibling who's hair is not covering her face - naturally born pink sheep - carries a golden rod around and decides if things are just or unjust - trained by MotherX
Enemy - second eldest - kinda killed her little sibling - he/him coded but then trans her gender - Goddess of carnage and warfare - trained by the blood god, Technoblade, and Philza - born red because of the blood of her lil sibling - uses a pickaxe as a weapon - depicted as a male ram, so she wears a ram skull with horns as a mask
Friend - Youngest! - He/him coded but a twink and goes by He/She - God of Spirits - was dead when he was born, his parent literally just cried till the GreaterX was like "fine, your kid can live jeez." - hair is naturally blue because she's a ghost! (Reoccuring theme) - trained by previous spirit God, Jschlatt as a ghost, Technoblade, and Philza - is actually one of the most powerful gods. Spirits are hard to control. - extra tidbit based off of an in system fact: Friend has always been extremely motherly to an extent, and had watched Tommy very closely during his time in the overworld.
All of them together is one hell of a trio, fuck with them and you're not having a fun time.
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basilsfakejordans · 1 year
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This is my first post after being afraid of this place for ages. No idea how this place works. Help.
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gwendolinbeifong · 11 months
I think I might be demisexual…
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savetheghost · 4 months
wanna be put in a room with craft stuff for 10 years
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pigidin · 1 year
I've been a big fan of Snape-Harry interactions recently, but there's one thing I can't figure out.
I have a soft spot for their platonic interactions but here lies one problem. As far I know, a term severitus is commonly used (and was basically made) for father-son-like relationships between the two, which also involves mentorship. But I've seen bunch of people using severitus when talking about platonic as well AND referring to platonic interactions as synonym to mentorship. And this kinda left me confused, coz those two terms, well, are kinda different and you simply can't put equal sign between those.
Some even say severitus was made as a name for platonic version of their interactions, but they usually still mean mentorship by saying this. Due to that I genuinely don't understand what I should call their platonic interactions as plenty other fans use names for romantic relationships, but with the emphasis that it's a platonic version of one. Seems partly fair to me, but saying "platonic snarry" can be a bit strange.
Moreover, AO3 eg uses & to differentiate platonic relationships, but referring to it as snarry can be confusing.. so...
I really don't know which one is better as severitus isn't really about friendships (or at least it's not commonly used in senses different than mentor-ish) and snarry in its nature is specifically a thing for non-platonic stuff. Like.. I'd be very grateful if someone brought some light to this, as.. it confuses me a lot.
Much bigger problem tho.. is when talking about queerplatonic kind of relationship. Coz this way it becomes much more obvious, that it lays neither in romantic snarry nor mentor or perhaps sometimes platonic severitus. It's basically neither. Btw, in this situation I don't even know whether to use / or &. Neither fit.
There is practically one single qpr story between them and it's tagged as slash but even tho I agree that it fits much better than gen for instance, it's still not entirely right, as.. well ships usually mean romantic/sexual stuff going on, and qpr defies those on its nature.
I actually ship Snape and Harry exclusively in qpr, but calling it snarry seems off a bit. So yeah. I know that people were suggesting using ~ for qprs, but it's not a very common move. So.. any thoughts on that?
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spinobsessed · 3 months
I’d be a boy if it included being a girl
I’d be a girl if it included being sexless (no genitals)
I’d be a human if it included being a dog and a pony
I’d be a cis girl if it included my autistic lens of the world
what is that called
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tokyo-chainsaw-dragon · 5 months
me rn having an existential crisis about smut😫:
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meiko3323 · 6 months
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outfit brainstorming
i think this may be my first time full on designing an outfit, so i have no clue what im doing 🤪 the most interesting thing i came up w is the sakura flower main skirt and even then, thats prob been done before. aside from that i just threw all the bows, frills, and hearts i could think of. the middle of the front looks a tad boring, idk if i should spice it up w some type of corset or sth. also, obv the skirts arent see-thru and you wont see the top part of his legs like that colour-wise i thought cherry-red/ white stripes for his socks, and black ribbons? and mb the buttons on front can be like gold. i still cant decide what colour to use for the main part of the dress. i originally thought anemo-colour, but since is sakura flower, would pink make more sense? also would it make sense to mirror the sock stripes on his forearms or is that too much? any fashion-savvy ppl plz share your wisdom 🙏
btw these are drawn on both sides of the same piece of paper, i free-handed the front view first and then traced it thru the light of my monitor 😅 made me rly wish for the convenience of digital art where i coulda just copy-pasted lol
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resident-annus · 8 months
I'm panicking.
Just found out i have an audition on Monday.
This is my first musical and is likely going to be my last show.
I've got no musical experience and no clue what i'm doing,
Any advice?
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jyoungbloodvo · 6 months
(If any of ya don't know what Lavender Omen is, check my pinned ;3 )
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I had a sleepover with my friend and all of a sudden she asked me if I've ever watched Gravity Falls.
I said no.....
She made me binge watch it with her (I didn't mind) but we didn't finish it and now I can't watch it on my own, because I swore to watch it with her, but it's been 3 weeks since we've had that sleepover and I don't know what to do with my life anymore 😭😭😭.
School year just started, she finished school I didn't and I'm hella busy 😭😭😭
Idk what to do 😭😭😭😭😭
I need to watch it. But I can't.
It's like a never ending loop of pain and agony, because she kinda made this show my new hyperfixation, but I can't research shit about it as to not spoil the lore, but at the same time I can't move on with the lore BECAUSE WE'RE NOT WATCHING IT TOGETHER AND MAKING A PINTEREST BOARD WITH GRAVITY FALLS FANART DOESN'T HELP 😭😭😭😭
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v0ideddr3ams · 4 months
Finally did the SBI family tree
Well kinda
And spoiler alert, yes QSMP eggs are in it because Philza confirmed its the same character
Hey guys I've been putting this off?
So let's start with the eldest being in the family, shall we?
The Unnamed winds, Aeolus, Ralsiah - The Goddess of the sky, direct decendant of the sky goddess. She was one of the first created, she used to control the winds. She also known as the one who dances. - Status: Dead - Colors: the rainbow actually, but combined together, white. - More Info: originally the Ancient humans had summoned her to figure out how to destroy the wither and she had refused to tell them such. She had also met a human that turned immortal when the skulk took over. We'll talk about him soon enough. During the great revolution against the GreaterX, she was the one who delivered the message of victory to the sun, turning her wings black. She went to the end to fix them but the dragons were dead.
Philza, The Angel of Death, West Winds, Death's Angel - Descendant of the sky herself, practices the arcane magic of Death, bringing him closer to his wife and other people connected to that realm. He is only an immortal because he is smart. He doesn't do stupid shit. He is also known as the Blood God Handler, but we'll get to that. - Status: Alive - Colors: Green and white - More Info: so this is the doozy; Philza has 4 kids legally speaking. Wilbur being his only biological child. From eldest to youngest it'd be Wilbur, Tommy, Chayanne, Tallulah. Now you may be wondering "what about Techno?"
Technoblade, The Blood God, The Host, The Boar, Techno - The host of the Blood God, direct descendant of an entire bloodline of piglins blessed by the Blood God himself. He does not practice arcane magic, that's Philza's thing. - Status: unknown, assumed to be alive because the Blood God title hasn't been passed down to Michael yet and things only the Blood God can do still happen here and there. - Colors: Red and sometimes Pink - More Info: Techno and Philza are closely related friends that happen to live in the same house and raised kids together (NO I AM NOT JOKING.) Techno was traveling when Wilbur was born and raised mostly, only was around the most when Tommy was brought home. Techno avoided Wilbur's birth and childhood because he wanted to stay on Kristin's good side. (Will explain later) Techno also technically helped raise Sally, but it was more training than raising. Speaking of which
Sally, Pearl of the Sea, The Siren, Calypso - Sally is the protector of rivers, goddess of the sea. At least the head goddess. There are smaller gods underneath her for specific parts of the sea. When she gave up her immortality, she was still a God because she was still worshipped. She was in the Syndicate for years before she "ran off to make a government with Wilbur" as Techno would've put it. The things you do in the name of love amirite? Sally also helped finish raising Tommy to the best of her ability along with her two kids and tubbo. Because somehow, she was the only one who was concerned about the kids being forced to fight in a WAR. - Status: Dead, dead as hell, what shoes she got? What shoes she got on the coffin??? - Colors: Fire coral red and Indigo blue - More Info: So she didn't have Fundy, we all know what happened there, if you don't go watch a vod, I ain't explainin it. Fundy is part of the generational curse Kristin put on Philza's bloodline from Wilbur down, so... yeeeaaaa. Sally did, however, have Milo! Milo was baptized in her name, whereas Fundy was baptized in XD's name. So little tidbit: Wilbur and Sally had been at religious war with each other which is stupid when Wilbur knows how important it is for a God to keep their dignity in their own worship because his moms, both his father's wife AND his BIOLOGICAL mother, are goddesses. Kristin is an example of what goddesses need, and Samantha (bio mom) is an example of what goddesses don't need. That being said, he still had the audacity to slowly strip her power away and use it to either his advantage or to have her worship another God, which was the church prime. So Sally, kinda outta spite, baptized Milo in her own name, the Pearl of the Sea, which is something a lot of pirates do if a child is born or adopted out at sea (Dream and Foolish were baptized like that by Puffy)
Putting a pause here, will repost when I feel like finishing this bc boy oh boy I'm tired.
Reminder for myself: we start off with Fundy, go to Milo, jump back up to Tommy, go to shroud, go to Wilbur-Ghostbur-Revivebur, go to Kristin, go to Samantha, go to Yogurt, go to Ranboo, Go to Michael, Jump back up to Chayanne, go to Tallulah
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classified-animations · 2 months
Aight art suggestions or Whatever their called are now open(look at my last post for context)
And now some bill cipher doodlse
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infallibleavian · 1 year
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Hey yall, I need help again. My car payment is about to default unless i can get at least $150 in the next few days. Any help is appreciated since I still need food and medication after this :)
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