#poems of my own
pharaohgargamel · 1 year
Моя поэзия My poetry
Стих "Пока огонь в глазах горит"
Я Гаргамель Всего лишь старый чародей Инквизиция грозила сотни раз но что то спасало всякий раз Может быть характер у меня такой? Но не может быть мой нрав другой Вижу цель свою Я за ней бегу Она мечта моя И пусть твердят все что неудачник я Но для себя герой И верю я что звездный час придёт И все поймут что ошибались
Пока в глазах огонь горит Упрямо к цели я иду Сквозь года, десятилетия И не погаснет искра надежды никогда пока жив я
Волшебник не по крови я Но тайна эта умрет со мною О происхождении неблагородном сей секрет…
Судьба крылья обрывала мне не раз Но их заново смастерю я как Дедал
Ещё настанет день Когда на конференцию магов я на крыльях прилечу И в очах их удивление, восхищения Увижу я И сбудется мечта моя когда камень философский я при них создам…
Ах как прекрасны сии мечты! Вот только смурфов поймаю Но каждый раз от меня убегают Мне бы деревню их найти В неё не один раз я попадал Но словно из за магии неведанной Расположение забывал Но мечту эту несбыточную не забывал
Пока огонь в глазах горит Упрямо к цели я иду Сквозь года, десятилетия и не погаснет искра надежды никогда пока жив я…
Дата написания: 23.08.2023г.
note: Like my previous poems, I translate this one so that those of my subscribers who cannot read the original can read it. As in my previous poems, the rhyme is lame because of the translation. Therefore, do not judge strictly.
Poem "While the fire in the eyes burns"
I am Gargamel Just an old wizard The Inquisition threatened hundreds of times but something saved me every time Could it be my character? But my temper cannot be different I see my goal I run after her She is my dream And let everyone say that I'm a loser But for himself a hero And I believe that the finest hour will come And everyone will understand that they were wrong
While the fire burns in the eyes Stubbornly towards the goal I go Through the years, decades And the spark of hope will never go out while I'm alive
I'm not a wizard by blood But this secret will die with me About the origin of this ignoble this secret
Fate cut off my wings more than once But I will make them again like Daedalus
Another day will come When I fly to a conference of magicians on wings And in their eyes surprise, admiration I will see And my dream will come true when I create the Philosopher's Stone…
Oh, how beautiful these dreams! I just catch the smurfs But every time they run away from me I would like to find a village I have been there many times. But as if by magic unknown Location forgot But I haven't forgotten this pipe dream
While the fire in the eyes burns Stubbornly towards the goal I go Through the years, decades and the spark of hope will never go out while I'm alive…
Date of writing: 23.08.2023
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Иллюстрации в виде быстрых зарисовок⬆
Illustrations in the form of quick sketches⬆
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lunarwednesday · 7 months
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Happy birthday Kim Dokja! Thank you for your story.
the text is the poem "If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking" by Emily Dickinson
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webweabings · 3 months
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“Electra”, by Euripides, tr.Janet Lempke; // @sunsbleeding ; // “War of the Foxes”, by Richard Siken; // unknown; // “Fleabag”, by Phoebe Waller-Bridge; // unknown; // “Monsters”, by Nikita Gill; // unknown; // “Women and other monsters: Building a new mythology”, by Jess Zimmerman; // “Claustrophobia”, by Tracie MacVean; // Buffy The Vampire Slayer. 2.21 “Becoming: Part 1”
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I’ll find you in every lifetime and love you more than the last time.
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lucidloving · 10 months
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All writing by me: @lucidloving
"Prayer for Mercy" // "Letter XVIII" // "For Another Day" // "Letter IV" // "This Could Outlast it All" // "Letter XII" // "Letter in My Drawer" // "Dimples"
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stil-lindigo · 1 year
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the sunset.
a comic about two outlaws who loved each other, despite everything.
creative notes:
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all my other comics
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courfee · 3 months
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little poster for the fic Operation Walburga's Arbitrary No Kissing Ever Rule :) 10 things i hate about you, but make it jegulus
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bixels · 5 months
The idea that uni protesters are "elitist ivy-league rich kids larping as revolutionaries" on Twitter and Reddit and even here is so fucking funny to me if you actually know anything about the student bodies at these unis. Take it from someone who's going to one of the biggest private unis in the US, 80% of the peers I know are either from the suburbs or an apartment somewhere in America, children of immigrants, or here on a student visa. I've heard about one-percenter students, but I've never met one in person. Like, don't get me wrong, the institution as a whole is still very privileged and white. I've talked with friends and classmates about feeling weird or dissonant being here and coming from such a different background. But in my art program, I see BIPOC, disabled, queer, lower-income students and faculty trying to deconstruct and tear that down and make space every day. So to take a cursory glance at a crowd of student protesters in coalitions that are led by BIPOC & 1st/2nd-gen immigrant students and HQ'd in ethnic housings and student organizations and say, "ah. children of the elite." Get real.
#also idk how to tell you this but even if it were true. wealthy children potentially sacrificing their educational careers to protest is#a good thing actually. idk how to tell you that caring about people from other nations is good#personal#“this war has nothing to do with most students cuz nobody's getting drafted” idk how to explain to you that we should be angry#that our tuitions of 10s of thousands of dollars that we pay every year for an education is being used to fund a genocidal campaign#also the implication that if you go to a uni institution you are automatically privileged by participation no matter your bg#i didn't /want/ to go to this school. i was supposed to go to a school with an art/animation program. but i realized my immigrant#parents have been working their whole lives to get me here. and turning the opportunity down would be a disservice to their sacrifice#this is getting into convos of “what 2nd gen kids owe their parents” which is different for everyone but. yeah#i just get pissed off at seeing people misrepresenting student bodies as “wealthy” and “privileged” and “elite” when it's such a blatant li#i remember a year ago a friend told me they can't fly home to hong kong for winter break because the plane tickets are too expensive#so they have to find temporary housing around the area#last quarter for a film doc class my film partner made a doc on a small group of marxist grad students from india discussing praxis#during a rally a few months ago in response to police presence the coalition invited palestinian students to speak about their experiences#and lead songs and read poems they wrote. these are STUDENTS. are they elitist too?#this is not to disregard my own personal privilege either.#this whole narrative's just to rationalize a lack of empathy to me. seeing a 19yo student get shot by a rubber bullet and your first#reaction is “HAW! HAW! bet richy rich didn't see THAT coming when she put on her terrorist hood!”#newsflash. these big uni campuses are HAUNTED by the violence of past protests and revolutions and police brutality. we know.#why do you think these coalitions have been making reinforced barricades at record speed
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lxvenderjewel · 8 months
why do you look at me like i hung the stars?
it’s much more likely that it was you
sparkling even in smothering dark
even i could shine if i was next to you
we’re like the moon and sun
i’m only there because you are too
but you don’t need me to be yourself
and when i’m the moon, i rarely get to see you
we’re like light and a black hole
you glow in so many shades of blue
but of course, i suck it all up
and leave you without a clue
why do you look at me like i hung the stars?
don’t you know i hung them for you?
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icara-mack · 4 months
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happy 25th birthday techno, not a day goes by where the world doesn’t miss you. o7 rest in power
I’ve heard of a sky with a thousand suns
Just beyond a veil.
I’m told the wonder’s beyond reproach
And our world - but a mirror - seems pale.
You left to see those thousand suns
That cast the heaven’s light.
There are no shadows in that world, just endless sunlit skies.
So when my star grows old and pale
And burns out like a lamp
I’ll join you in that land of suns and see you once again.
Here are the closeups, tumblr did in fact eat the original lmao
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pharaohgargamel · 10 months
Моя поэзия My poetry
Стих "Ночь - время чародеев"
Ночь - время чародеев Для простых людей время Одиночество тоски Плача и мерцания звезд вдали
Всё что не видел ты днём Ночью станет как волшебством Мир кажется огромным И невероятным Всё как будто в сказке той
И танец звезд И луны свет Соловьев пение И отбрось всё невезенье Его как будто нет
В пелене ночной Кажется всё чаровским
И первые лучи солнца взойдут Магию ночи с собой унесут И снова мир Тоски и плача Принесут…
Но ночь волшебство в себе таит В ней сказка оживает А может это просто сон Который себе мы представляем? Где желаемое за действительное принимаем И реальность не замечаем
Но ночь - время чародеев И фантазий волшебных оживленье…
Дата написания: 10.11.2023г.
Poem "Night is the time of wizards"
Night is the time of wizards The time of ordinary people Loneliness of melancholy Crying and the stars twinkling in the distance
Everything you didn't see during the day At night it will become like magic The world seems huge And incredible Everything is like in a fairy tale
And the dance of the stars And the light of the moon Soloviev sings And throw away all the bad luck It's as if he doesn't exist
In the veil of the night Everything seems charovskim
And the first rays of the sun will rise They will take the magic of the night with them And peace again Longing and crying They will bring…
But the night is fraught with magic In it the fairy tale comes to life Or maybe it's just a dream Which one do we imagine? Where we take wishful thinking And reality is unnoticed
But night is the time of wizards And magical fantasies come to life…
Date of writing: 11.10.2023г.
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caputvulpinum · 1 year
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katerinaaqu · 3 months
Zeus: I am gonna appear personally to you because why not and now choose my dear fellow! Yes I know I didn't give you a REAL choice years prior but now I am being clear this time so you choose them or your sorry ass?
Odysseus: Please don't make me do this! (Because the same thing worked wonders before!)
Zeus: Nope I think I will!
Odysseus: I'm sorry guys my wife waits
Them: Wtf?!
Odysseus: Sorry guys you must now join the other souls we so dramatically saw a few songs ago in the underworld. Bye!
The Odyssey:
Zeus: *never appears personally but he works as divine retribution against Odysseus comrades because Helios Hyperion wishes justice for his slain animals*
Odysseus: Makes one last attempt to save his men by sailing out of the island and actually TRYING to go home with them despite the fact he knows they are doomed from Tiresias's words and from Circe's warnings because he ACTUALLY CARES and he doesn't want to suffer the sea by himself and he wishes once more to try the inevitable and change fate even though he knows is impossible in a way adding more to the hubris thinking he can challenge fate.
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debatablyspicydurian · 5 months
I know the full arsenal update is out and hype for that but I just found the gutterman's poem in 7-2 and I HAVE to type about it because its night where I am and I cant wake up my friends to rant about Ultrakill.
Anyway, absolutely indescribable how we have the thoughts of a machine just laid bear in a secret for the first and maybe last time. The fact that a machine made for merciless slaughter could not only feel sadness for the person powering it but also WRITE a POEM? A machine made art??? The knowledge that they understand how cruel it is to make a human a blood battery, recognize it as torture, but also feel gratitude for the life they've been given?? It was known that machines had a sense of aesthetic from Swordsmachine and Mindflayer's entries but. Goddamn. The gutterman refers to the human as their mother and it states it CRIED when it crushed her skull as it hoped it would redeem its life.
Also the excerpt, "I know I know you would hate me so, and mother of me, I do too." Does this mean the Gutterman hated itself as much as the human? Did it hate the human instead along with the feelings of love and gratitude? Probably the former. Gutterman angst is so in.
V2's mannerisms and Swordsmachine's data entry are intresting, but a gutterman's eulogy for its prisoner and its attempt at redemption is another level. Actual machine thought process recorded!! Sapient lifeform that knows only war and death! The fact that the gutterman crushing the human's skull seemed to be out of mercy. Ough.
Noone has to interact I havent proof read this I am just RANTING this is CRAZY HAKITA HOW COULD YOU AND THE TEAM DO THIS
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
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you want it? come and get it
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 2 months
Do you know why is 云深不知处 popularly translated as cloud recesses? As far as I know (by that I mean recesses), it makes no sense? Like what about recesses makes them unknown or deep
(Ngl when I first heard 云深不知处, I thought it was 云深不知出 and if you called some place that, no wonder someone would think you’d be trying to imprison them lol)
Hi there!
For context for others and the original poem this comes from first:
Traditional Hanzi:
1 松下問童子
2 言師採藥去
3 只在此山中
4 雲深不知處
Simplified Hanzi:
1 松下问童子
2 言师采药去
3 只在此山中
4 深不知处
1 Sōngxià wèn tóngzǐ
2 yán shī cǎi yào qù
3 zhǐ zài cǐ shānzhōng
4 yún shēn bùzhī chù
English (Just gonna have to deal with my shoddy attempt):
1 Beneath the bow of pines, I asked a disciple
2 My Master has gone to gather herbs that grow wild, he said
3 Somewhere on these mountains
4 Hidden in the clouds unknown
And here we have chù and chū at the end of these sentences. Simplified 处, Trad. 處,. And 出 which is what areuils is speaking of! The character to classify a location a place (usually somewhere that's pretty official, think office, facilities departments, etc) as well as 出 being used to classify dramas and opera plays. The 处, 處, character also heavily denotes punishment and discipline. This makes it seem a lot more intimidating and nightmarish. For the teenage boy that Wei Wuxian was at the time, it kind of makes it a fun little word play of his expectations and early views of the Lans and Lan Wangji and his own wild imagination at times.
For the English choice that the original translator chose (ExR) I at least thought it was wanting to stick to the spirit of the ideal monk-like ambience the original poem was portraying and took some heavy liberties for an English audience to keep in mind that the Gusu Lan clan are heavily monastic in living and tradition and are also mysteriously ethereal and untouched by the world (like the master we never see on page). Recesses sounds more monastic and peaceful I suppose in English even if it's not linguistically similar in the slightest to the hanzi and denotes a pathway more so than the actual unknown of mountains.
I personally enjoy the shrouded steeps as one translation to go with, as you said the official English denotation lacks the feel of a lurking unknown that the boy in the poem seems worried over and still too immature himself to go in like his hermit master.
I was also not one to enjoy how 乱葬岗, Luànzàng Gǎng is translated as Burial Mounds, as that still feels far too respectful for it, even if meant ironically in English.
But the woes of translations eh? And that footnotes cannot be chapters in themselves for readers because it's all just so brilliant and wonderful to delve into.
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