#poly rights idk
fictionfreedom · 11 months
I Miss My Spider Girlfriend/Partner And My Worm Girlfriend And My Hot(Literally) Girlfriend/Partner And My 1827^%^#*& Girlfriend/Partner/Boyfriend And My OTHER 932*@($ Girlfriend
And Ofc My 932*@($ Girlfriends Boyfriend And His Boyfriends
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skellagirl · 8 months
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Gordon/Barney/Alyx is really really funny to me conceptually bc it's like, two hot geniuses in their 20s who look at the 40-something smartass who hangs around and go 'yeah that guy. we both want him carnally'
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panboiiibish · 4 months
Thinking about monsters right now. More specifically the werewolf pack and their animalistic lover from this post.
Cant get them out of my head right now and someone said something about getting their little human lover a tail so now I must.
They would go wild if their little human ordered an adorable little puppy ear and tail set. The headband blends into their hair so well and the tail already wags so nice from how giddy their human is. All of them start acting like big ol' puppies trying to get you to play with them.
It just fits you so well so after the first set they start buying more, in a playful puppy mood? You've got floppy puppy ears and a waggy little tail. In a silly kitty mood? They made sure to get the softest faux fur pointed kitten set with a long pretty tail. Oh and dont forget when your just in a floppy bunny mood! Once again they've got you in the cutest set of bunny ears that can either be upright or lose and floppy with an adorable cotton tail to add!
They love spoiling you with cute pet stuff, even though they are literal wolves they'd rather have you as the soft little pet. So sweet in your oversized nest so they can all cuddle you in a warm pile of fur, blankets, pillows, and plushies.
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superk1ss · 14 days
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Envuzi based on me and my partners.. (me and uzi are introjects!! V is a singlet :3)
( @kimzlovebin @moonseava )
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cactiaintracist · 9 months
the only correct way to write proper high-stake sci-fi finale is to get 3 very gay men and ask them to improvise the most camp, slutty and intense game of catch (also helps if one is trouser-less)
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look, they knew exactly what they were doing
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the tension, oh gawd the tension
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15's face kills me everytime
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honestly show me a scene with a better sequence of events (bet you can't), I'll wait right here
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averagemartian · 11 months
Gen V really missed the opportunity to make Luke/Cate/Andre a (closeted) throuple instead of that dumb cheating plot
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boom33713 · 5 months
projecting my aroace experience on my fav character is hilarious actually. not only because using them as a lens for my own experience is highly entertaining but also because it fits so fucking well im not even kidding.
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denkisauce · 2 years
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polycule!!!!!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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Would that there was a faithful, accurate adaptation of Dracula so that Jonathan Decker and Alan Seawright could discuss the nontoxic masculinity, healthy friendships, and the BEST MARRIAGE RELATIONSHIP IN FICTIONAL HISTORY but nooo!
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candyheartedchy · 1 year
Has any other self shipper ever find themselves kinda falling out of self shipping with a f/o because of a canon x canon ship either becoming canon or hinted at?
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rosesradio · 3 months
Valdangelace (Leo/Nico/Jason)
*elaboration in the tags is appreciated but please be respectful of others or you’ll be blocked, thank you!
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lord-squiggletits · 2 months
I don't know Drift's character very well so I don't feel confident doing this myself, but are any of my followers interested in Drift/Pharma or Pharma/Drift/Ratchet and willing to give it their best shot to describe how that might work out (positively)? Doesn't have to be art or a fic or something, could just be a meta or rambling in my notes theorizing about it
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vonlipvig · 11 months
so, are all of the usher bastards some flavor of gay? cause i love that for them, tbh. strolling up to the mansion like what's up pops i'm your kid and also gay as fuck give me a million dollars.
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Prompt #18
The entire fight was broadcasted all over the city.
The Civilian who had once been a nobody was now all anyone ever talked about, as their recent kidnapping by Supervillain was plastered everywhere. There was somehow always a news team who discovered Supervillain's newest hideouts, and everything was well documented.
Now thousands watched with bated breaths as the final fight had broken out. Superhero had tracked Supervillain down, and they were now locked in the fight of the decade as Civilian sat in a corner, tied to a chair.
Some bet Supervillain was going to win and Civilian would be their prisoner forever, others had their money on Superhero. Superhero, they reasoned, was stronger than Supervillain, and could beat them easily if it came down to skill and strength. The only reason Supervillain was even able to fight was their cunning head and devious weapons. In real hand to hand combat, they couldn't stand a chance.
But somehow, they were. The fight went back and forth, everyone watching- even Civilian, who the news teams occasionally cut back to- on the edge of their seats.
At one point, Superhero had Supervillain pinned down by their neck. Ten minutes later, Supervillain had Superhero cornered with a knife to their throat.
On and on it went, all of it too exciting to look away.
Finally, finally, Superhero struck the winning blow. Kicking Supervillain hard in the side, throwing them violently backwards. Supervillain hit hard up against one of the wooden boxes scattered around their lair, smacking their head and slumping to the ground, blood trickling from their nose.
Superhero stood over the dazed villain, their chest puffed out in victory as they smiled dazzlingly down at their fallen foe.
"Your reign is over, Supervillain." Superhero told them as the reporters' cameras zoomed in on their face. Their heaving chest, their bruised and bloody arms. "You will no longer terrorize the Civilian and the rest of the city. Let this be a lesson."
And with that they swept away, their cape swishing behind them as they went to untie Civilian.
At home, and even in the crowds surrounding the lair everyone went wild. Cheering, screaming, crying. Relieved that the Civilian had been saved, letting out cries of victory or woe as the fight turned out differently than they thought it would.
There was too much hype going on, no one noticed Supervillain dragging themself away to lick their wounds. Superhero and Civilian had vanished, likely trying to get away from the crowds to properly recover before making a public appearance.
Nobody cared, however. The police were too busy trying to wrangle the crowds around the lair, the reporters too preoccupied with trying to summarize the fight. Hardly anyone noticed when Supervillain's lair was suddenly empty of the three people the city had spent the last half hour watching.
In a dark narrow and foggy alley several blocks from all of the commotion, Superhero let out a breath as they relaxed against a wall, Civilian still in their arms.
Civilian blushed, grinning at them. "T-thank you for saving me."
"Oh cut that out," Superhero rolled their eyes, they were still trying to catch their breath after their quick retreat.
Civilian just giggled and kissed their cheek.
Both of them looked up as there came the sound of rushed and faulty footsteps to their right, and witnessed a very dejected looking Supervillain stumbling into the alley.
Civilian gasped and clutched tighter to Superhero. "It's Supervillain!" They cried. "They're back to kidnap me!"
Supervillain was out of breath and shaking, but they looked up with a determined and deadly smirk. "You bet, Civilian. And this time nothing can-"
"You two are ridiculous," Superhero grumbled, setting Civilian down.
Supervillain and Civilian both burst out laughing, and Superhero only rolled their eyes again. Civilian was the first to rush to their partner, throwing their arms around Supervillain in a tight hug. "You were amazing!"
"Thanks," Supervillain said with a smile. "That hurts though get off of me-"
Civilian quickly retracted their arms as Superhero stepped over to them. "I'm sorry," they said softly. "I didn't mean to hit you that hard."
"It's okay," Supervillain had to stand on the tips of their toes to reach Superhero's cheek with a small kiss. "It's just a few bruises, I'll live."
"But you weren't supposed to get hurt, it was all just meant to be staged-"
"I'm fine, Superhero." They took their partner's hand. "I knew one of us might get hurt, you knew that too."
Civilian smiled warmly. "Now what? We all become famous actors?"
"What's the use?" Superhero asked. They seemed to be lightening up after they realized Supervillain had forgiven them. "That performance was already our magnum opus."
Civilian and Supervillain laughed, and Supervillain let themself collapse against Superhero. "I think going home right now sounds fantastic." They sighed.
"Home it is!" Civilian exclaimed as Superhero swept Supervillain up into their arms.
"Takeout dinner's on me," Superhero said resolutely as the three made their way down the alleyway.
The crime stopper chuckled as their partners gave various exclamations of excitement.
Before they left the alley, Supervillain groaned suddenly from their place in Superhero's arms. "'Let this be a lesson'?" They quoted, frowning at their partner. "Really?!"
Civilian nodded. "That was pretty terrible."
"I'm not mad at you for accidentally hitting me, I'm mad at you for that line. I think that bruised me more."
"Give me a break!" Superhero defended. "I didn't know what else to say!"
"Yeah, but that? Along with 'your reign is over'? Try harder, do better."
A third eye roll and a chuckle. "Oh, shut up."
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I have finally started creating my "friends" household (i.e., the household that doesn't really get played so much as they populate the neighborhood and become your primary Sims' friends) and it's funny how the creation of Ecthelion is basically me doing my best to create:
The richest, most posh-looking mf in this neighborhood;
Guy who is handsome in that out-of-your-league kind of way;
Intelligent, musically-inclined, perfectionist snob who is sure to give Erestor a run for his money (Erestor is only two out three of these things lmao).
I think that fits Ecthelion pretty well 🤭 (at least by how I write him anyway)
He and Glorfindel meet and catch up.
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He is, of course, created to be Glorfindel's best friend. So far, so good! They're getting along!
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To be clear, I've had this Glorestor household for years now and they are still as close as ever.
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I'm glad I don't really see ship wars nowadays, because there used to be a time when it was Not Great™, and that's the reason why I didn't touch Ecthelion back then. That's sad though because fast forward to years later, I found I like Ecthelion a lot actually! It's just that I don't really like drama, so even with Ecthelion in the picture, I never have him as a third party. I know some people enjoy that and that is of course okay, just not really my thing personally.
Anyway, Ecthelion comes to visit again.
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Okay, I say I don't like drama, but I did have a little giggle when Erestor joined the group. (Erestor has a different set of friends, so I wasn't really planning to have him be friends with Ecthelion, but welp—)
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They're formal at first... but I think that worked out well given their personalities. I thiiiiiink (because it's been a while since I last checked Erestor's profile) Ecthelion and Erestor share the genius + perfectionist traits in my game, and I think they're both formal types. Headcanons about them really are a lot alike. Makes you wonder about those ship wars again because they're practically the same person LOL
Okay, so Glorfindel left.
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Erestor shifted closer to Ecthelion and I was like HUH and then OH NOOO now I ship them LMAO this is why I end up accidentally taking Ecthelion not as part of a love triangle but part of a triad LMAO GLORFINDEL COME BACK—
(anyway in case you're wondering, Glorfindel left to cook 😂)
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LOL look at him, he's just a happy guppy SIR I AM HAVING A CRISIS BECAUSE YOUR BOYFRIENDS—
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monstrsball · 1 year
hello mutuals & followers of monstrsball dot tumblr dot com... i bring you a survey. please take it. i'm so curious. (and bored)
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