#pretty sure there's a lot of lore and uses and habits i do not know about tha game so that's also part of my shyness
laulo821 · 7 months
wanted to try out pony town so i made my ponygirl
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but there's so many people i'm kinda scared hehe
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shkika · 1 year
do you think slugcats actually wawa? It is a fairly popular fanon sure but I have been wondering for the last few days. We know slugcats must have some decent hearing - some of the map markers are explicitly the slugcat using its hearing to differentiate between other living creatures in other rooms and so on (although the actual passages they apparently just commit to the memory). Probably not as good as black lizard hearing but pretty good. However this part of gameplay as proof of canon worldbuilding might be taken with a grain of salt
that may suggest that audial communication between slugcats may actually be pretty hard to hear for humans - similar to how we cannot hear most of audible signals of various rodents. The problem is, well, it is a gameplay concession for the most part and tbh the way gameplay is integrated with worldbuiding - the devs made an attempt but the realization is imho wonky at best and misleading at worst.
back to wawas, we can try to draw a comparison between domestic cats and slugcats wherein meow is something mostly relegated to 'babytalk' and a specific type of call which some cats, especially those who grew up with humans, adopt for cat to human communication (with cats who grew up without much human interaction sometimes never taking up a habit of meowing even if they end up living with humans later on and actively engaging with them positively). In this case a wawa is a specific signal that is either used for example in danger (owing to how we hear a wawa like sound in one of the danger alert osts) or during communication with the young.
this assumes we take danger osts as actually symbolically reflective of something.
Howerver! While just like the map it seems to be largely a gameplay concession, most of slugcat out of cutscene (aka the gourmand ending slides) communication is reliant on body language. Pointing, jumping, things like that. Even with the pups we mostly interact via those things. Which... either suggests a dimension of pup interaction we do not see because of the gameplay limitations or we should take it as wawa not being a slugcat 'babytalk'.
Which leaves wawas with a very dubious space as a potential 'can be fit into canon' or not.
Oh I'm SO sorry, but I don't think slugcats wawa at all,,
I just think Rivulet ONLY can scream.
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Slightly longer ramble under cut!
I think lore and gameplay are mostly done pretty well! For example the cycle mechanic is something you can only really theorize on if you look at both gameplay and lore. You get to experience the pain of cycles all on your own!
As for wawas.. as you have mentioned, they mostly use body language and art. Picture from Gourmand campaign ↓
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Spearmaster draws too, and uses sign language to communicate with Suns. And I hear you. "Spearmaster is domesticated, they don't count" and you're right!
The fact they can learn such complicated sign language would imply they have the capacity for it in their brain to learn and memorize a language so complicated in the first place. Unless that was modified as well.
But it is more intuitive for slugcats to understand gestures than speech, which is why they need the mark of communication as they otherwise just hear incomprehensible garble. Their brains weren't made for many complicated noises. Yet when they DO have the mark they are capable of understanding extremely complicated sentences and such.
The wawas in threat themes are just the track not actual noise your slugcat makes. A lot of tracks have quite the bizarre sounds in them.
I think slugcats draw, point and jump to communicate. They're rodents that sign!
My only self-indulgent funny headcanon is.. as forementioned, that Rivulet can scream. There is no proof or basis for this. It's just incredibly creepy and funny to me.
This is why that creature wanders alone. Cursed being.
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gaylildemon · 10 months
GO Meta: Lucifer manipulated Crowley into rebelling.
This might seem pretty obvious given that in Christian lore Lucifer is charming, beautiful, and deceptive. But we can’t presume to know GO Lucifer just from the Milton and Bible extended universe canon.
What DO we know?
FurFur remembers Crowley in the Great War. (Note that this doesn’t mean that Crowley didn’t do everything he could to avoid actual fighting. We don’t know.)
Metatron says that Crowley was *always* asking his damn fool questions. Metatron gives a nasty look to Crowley during the final 15.
Crowley and Aziraphale met Before the Beginning, and this we can presume was the first time Crowley experienced doubt about God’s plan, and from the dialogue, the first time he went to ask questions. But not when he fell. He fought in the war, and apparently had a *habit* of asking questions, according to Metatron. We can also tell that Crowley was naive.
Crowley would rather run from heaven and hell than fix them.
Crowley was a powerful angel, and he started part of the universe. He can stop time.
Neil has said that Crowley is an unreliable narrator about his own fall.
Crowley describes his own fall “not so much as a fall, but as a vague saunter downwards”, that he “only asked questions”…but he also says he was hanging out with the wrong people - Lucifer and the gang.
Crowley is given extremely important roles in the Bible. He’s the serpent in the garden. He literally brings sin to mankind. If you were Satan, would you give the biggest jobs to someone who you didn’t trust or didn’t think was competent? Why does Satan trust Crowley with so much?
My theory?
Crowley asked questions and he didn’t get the answers he wanted. Maybe he even put in for a suggestion box. Lucifer, being pragmatic, uses this as fuel to get Crowley on his side. He’ll make things better, heaven needs new management, he’ll listen.
Except, things don’t go as planned. And when the angels are cast down, Hell is no better than heaven under Satan’s management.
Crowley was likely not only let down by God. He was lied to and let down by Lucifer. But at some point, Satan valued Crowley enough to give him the biggest roles to play.
While of course he trusts Aziraphale, if this ends up being true (which, imo, seems likely because I mean…the devil is known to lie, and demons are good liars, where do you think they learned it from if not from experience?) this gives a lot more context to Crowley’s flight response and his reactions to Aziraphale saying “if he were in charge, he could make a difference.” Crowley has been let down by old and new management, and he used to be like Aziraphale in thinking that Heaven could be better, even if he went about it in an entirely different way by rebelling openly.
I’m sure that Crowley’s role in the war and pre-fall is complicated and he probably didn’t do everything Lucifer thought he did - but again - what did Crowley convince Lucifer of that when he became Satan, he relied on him so much?
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cirrusoftheclouds · 1 month
I had a question!!! whats cirrus’s voice claim? and can you give any lore on her :D
I do want to clarify that Cirrus uses they/them, but I appreciate the ask !
I hadn't really thought about a voice claim, but I think it might be YOHIO :o (Song linked below for reference)
As for lore, I haven't really gone into detail yet, but I suppose this can be the post for it. (Under the cut because long post)
They were adopted by their guardian who remains unnamed (I don't have any ideas for her yet) and were generally pretty neglected due to not being the only 'pet' owned by the guardian. They spent most of their time in a library, finding comfort and solace in the stories present in the pages of the books.
However, due to this, they never really learned how to properly socialise or take care of themself, which left them with a weaker immune system, stunted growth, and strange mannerisms. They like to watch people in order to figure out more standard behaviours, but they sometimes take special interest in some over others (Azure, for example) due to unique behaviours.
After being sent to ANAKT on a whim, they slowly started learning how to act in a more well-educated manner, as well as how to take care of themself, but it is a slow process. There was no need for them to use their voice at first, so they don't speak often and are unused to singing, but enjoy doing so. They speak strangely and often have to be asked to clarify the meaning of their words.
Cirrus is fond of exploring 'new' concepts, as they've not experienced much in their home life. They're slowly discovering what they like, but have yet to discover something they truly dislike (although, this will change in the upcoming weeks).
They do not understand 'death' more than as a concept since they've only read about it in books, and they're not sure if it's a good or bad thing. All they know is that it's a barrier in their attempts to learn more about humanity.
They can get along with just about anyone, so long as their strange disposition is put up with. They have a habit of having their eyes closed/squinting due to their startling colour. They want to appear as approachable as possible.
Random fun facts:
Cirrus would have been roughly 170cm if not for their stunted growth.
They believe a lot of fictional creatures to be real.
They believe in magic.
They're not certain what 'love' is.
They are greyromantic and asexual.
Their hair colour is natural.
They're ambidextrous.
They have a warped sense of reality and free will.
They believe in semi-predetermined fate and the afterlife.
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starryeyed-seer · 2 months
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Below is some rampant speculation about certain phrases of correspondence, repeating themes in FL, the timeline of the neath, and specifically all of it through a Bazaar lens. and then specifically stuff about the Bazaar's relationship to the sun, moon, and mountain. spoilers (including Mr. E, Sunless Skies, Railway) and much text.
It's organized and it's madness enjoy
Update: it is more madness than I planned for but maybe I say something wise. the image above is not invoked lightly
My main quick ref sources, though I might ref stuff without references: the fifth city wiki of correspondance phrases, and this helpful cited-ish list of (older) lore relating to the sun/bazaar/stone.
I'm writing about them in my fic rn which means doing a lot of research into what is canon. if you've never done this, it is difficult, mainly conveyed through second-hand sources, and absolutely vague. (FL benefits from how it uses rumours, secrets, and stories to make lore a bit wiggly. but man can't sup on crumbs alone).
The Sun and the Bazaar's love story is the inciting incident for the plot and the undercurrent to everything, and we know very little about what happened. The majority of our knowledge on it comes from the 7th letter, an illegal play which guesses the future and has who knows what as a source.
A Foundation:
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A vision from the Bazaar's tears is probably our earliest referenced point on the timeline. "How the Mountain is remembered" is ambiguous. Since this is pre-Neath, when the Earth was molten, Stone either was born and on the surface, or was perhaps about to be born. The garden, which currently lies inside/around Stone, was newly made- Was Stone on the surface with it? Born within it, as made by Sol? Did she form it herself on the surface?
We don't know how she was 'born'- there is I think a singular reference to her Birth here, in Sunless Seas:
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The Birth. The Heart. Whose heart are we talking about? Since Judgement/Courier are not meant to reproduce, Stone's birth likely was done by some act of Correspondent fuckery or red science. I don't know what you can call the Neath but a creation of Red Science: Sol (and the Bazaar!) both practice it.
Did Stone ever lay on the surface? It can be argued probably not: she's a crime. a sin. A shame. On the other hand, the Sun presumably could choose not to destroy her. At some point though, he made the Neath and hid her away.
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^Probably the legal name for the Name.
Was the Neath made solely because of/for Stone?
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Probably not. I'm pretty sure that Sol is the equivalent of a Scholar of the Correspondance and Red Artisan, but on a cosmic scale. In Sunless Skies, the High Wilderness is mostly breathable and habitable. Our solar system is not (unless it is in FLverse). Other Judgements seem to rule varied, strange Kingdoms, but the Earth is a singular world with strict rules, kept in heavy isolation, with measures to keep its population from leaving.
The Sun is a mad scientist!
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Here's a Mr. E section, from the end of the quest, which highlights Earth and the Sun's kingdom as minuscule and not notable. It's small, but also likely out of the way... perfect for a secret lab of forbidden sciences, hidden in the centre of a very boring world. Stars are not as omnipercipient as they claim (This is one reason Stone could have lived on the surface for a time).
It could be that the creation of Stone is what made the Sun promptly create the Neath, or Stone might have been an experiment he stowed the moment he'd finished building the basement. Perhaps the moment she was born, she was locked away below-- or maybe he hid her so she could live. The 1911 journal suggests she and her eternal life is a key aspect of 'the Sun's experiment'- maybe he always planned to make a life-giving creation, and the Bazaar was conveniently there and willing.
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It's interesting we have two examples of Correspondance that roughly mean the same thing: a mix of scientific curiosity and love. Maybe this is what happened with the Sun and the Bazaar: it loves him, and perhaps he indulged as an experiment in trying to it her back.
The forming of the Neath is part of the mystery of the Moon,
which I'm sure we'll get more lore for soon that will change all my thoughts. The sun commanded a Courier (the Herald) to crash into the proto-earth, the asteroid impact that shattered the moon into orbit.
The Sun offered to transform the mute land into a star. But when the cataclysm came, the body of the Moon was flung into the sky and the Creditor remained, hollowed as a crust of bread. In any apotheosis, some rind of mortality is left behind.
inexplicably I only have this as text with no citation. The proto-earth wanted to be a star, and the Herald's impact dug out a chunk which did ascend- leaving behind the Creditor, who keeps some order in the Neath on the Sun's command but resents it. Why would the sun offer this? The Creditor describes it as mocking, but I don't think 'the bitter shell of the non-ascended land consciousness' is necessarily an even source. It does seem like a dick move! What happened here? We don't know.
We see moons in-universe twice. Maybe. In the Sunless Skies Martyr-King's cup, there's the Unseen Queen: very clearly a moon, who is calls a sun her father (the king of hours). Her father used her existence as a loophole to escape death, by making her not exist. Is she though a daughter?
Curiously in Sunless Skies there is also The Daughter of The Sun: the Arbiter of Fates. The Unseen Queen's storyline involves plotting against this Arbiter. However, this Daughter seems entirely different, more of a mini sun. The Arbiter has vast power and even sway over her father the Sapphir'd King, and her true form is suitably Judgement-like.
What is a moon? What is the purpose of one?
They're linked dreams and other realities, as well as lunacy (but then in FL, who is to say what is imagined or not?). Moonlight is a mirror of sunlight- weakened, refracted Law of some sort. Perhaps dreaming and night are in some way good for souls, but the Sun still needs to maintain some order, and the Moon is a mirror for that. Can't have too much darkness (also, something something possibilities other timelines etc).
Is Luna the sun's daughter? I think only in that he created her, and Daughters are something else.
Daughters are a theme in fallen london.
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It's weird to say 'a theme' especially about something as universal as a daughter. but Fallen London is all about echoes babey! there's a lot of purposeful parallels drawn, and a lot of things that might be parallels if you try hard enough.
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There's actually a lot of Correspondance that's family related.
Mothers and daughters and the separation of them is something which reoccurs: SSeas we have Maybe's Daughter, child of the Lady in Lilac who has melded with Irrigo so she is near impossible to be remembered. Lilac has other daughters too who exist mostly abandoned. One of the earliest exceptional stories is called 'Your Long Lost Daughter'.
I can find no reference beyond the fire-side lacre which reflects even slightly how Bazaar feels about Stone. I think we can safely say the Bazaar knows Stone is there, but they don't seem to talk.
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NEVER TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED stands out. The Sun cannot acknowledge Stone as its child, even if it desired to. The Bazaar seems to not acknowledge Stone, but the Bazaar exists in the mythology of the Presbyterate. I don't know what's going on here. The irrigo well that hides the Neath and Lilac also hides the Bazaar, and makes you forgot. Has she forgotten? Maybe the Bazaar is too busy crying to be a good mom, or maybe she just doesn't care. Maybe the Sun made some rule about acknowledgement the Bazaar still obeys.
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(The Cartouche here is hieroglyphics for ATEN, the sun)
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Limerance is an incredibly Bazaarine word.
And to be fire rather than burned is a reoccurring idea: it's ascension, yes? To make it past the threshold of divinity and not die but ascend. I think ascension demands some form of death: see the apotheosis of the moon, or how devils grow themselves through dying.
It's fun to explore the above sequence as a sequence rather than stray words. Orbiting together, some recognition of peerage, someone yearning for love and someone asking another for ascension. With desperation. It sounds a bit like the moon and a bit like the Bazaar, it might mean nothing at all.
I think it's very very likely the Bazaar dreams not just of love but specifically of ascension.
It's the one way their relationship could ever be legal.
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This is from 'a sudden wash of sunlight', and is the best we have of the Bazaar actually speaking. She is emitting not-sunlight and talking to no one, it seems. It might be some sort of memory, nostalgia, or daydream.
Light is Law, but what is fire? I've generally gone with 'divinity': here the Bazaar speaks to the Sun by introducing her Londoner 'children' and her light (she is emitting her own light). She calls to be crowned in flame and for her trespasses to be forgiven.
I think the trespass here is love, or the assumption of it: she confessed love to the Sun, who rejected it, and that's a big social blunder. She has hidden in his secret basement for a few millenniums, and I believe her words here are basically 'look! I create my own life, I have my own kingdom, we can be together, I love you, I am worth raising up at last'.
The fire and the rose are one haunts me. Roses for love. So is divinity and love the same essence? Perhaps. Maybe she was denied a burning ascension, so she has sought to prove love is powerful enough she can rise anyway. Or that love indeed has any value in comparison to the fires of the heavens.
Other things on ascension for the Bazaar: It uses red science when stealing and rearranging cities, as well as on its Whitsun children. The Whitsun creatures also offer interesting insight when viewed through a lens of 'the Bazaar is experimenting on his own eggs': Aurochs can apparently carry the Discorandance. The Lyrebird at max becomes a pheonix. One type of egg is said to be unaltered, meaning these would be the 'truest natural' offspring: Spindlewolves and Squirrels. Both are highly observant creatures with chitinous features and a tendency to climb up high.
A maniac theory about the moon
This was going to be short and it wasn't. I was going to be succinct; I wasn't.
The Creditor wishes to reunite with its sister, the moon, but does the moon feel the same? Perhaps the moon is miserable and betrayed- held by the chain of the sun to serve as a mirror and tool. The moon may know nothing else, or be mostly a corpse, or maybe it is happy-ish: while not a star, it has ascended to great power. It's sibling-self is an eggshell left behind and lost.
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Fallen London has a lot of ideas of singularity versus multiplicity and mirroring. As above, so below. Twin selves and mirrors. Proto-Earth wanted ascension and was torn in two- divinity and mortal shell. It was torn in half specifically with a crab.
Couriers were pretty comet coded before we had the Herald (flying about through space on routes, eh?), but the Herald is our first mention the sun even had other couriers. There's ref in SSkies of other judgements having more than one, but it also doesn't seem like they're something you have an army of.
.....So. The timeline doesn't add up, but the thought came to me, and I'm here, and if you're reading this you've read this far. Is the Herald related to the Bazaar in some way? Is the Herald some forgotten part of the Bazaar--- that they once were one like the Creditor, before being experimentally ascended into a moon. A mortal shell remains (in a mobile body, the Bazaar), and something else left to form the moon.
The Bazaar's final letter and flight through the avid horizon occurs after the formation of the moon, but it also wouldn't be out of reach for the Sun to erase the memory of this experiment, or the Bazaar to lose it. This thought does make me a bit sad: it creates a world where the Bazaar yearns to ascend to be with the sun, only to learn long ago some part of her already did that. She is the part that was left behind. The sun and moon dance eternally in the heavens but she never will :(
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I don't think the moon loves the sun, or vise versa. But maybe he made something useful out of his risky crab experiment. The love was left behind.
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Narratively the Bazaar is linked with Icarus a few ways: flew too close to the sun, burned, and fell to the earth. This sigil is one of the most used, representative ones and highly linked to the Bazaar. The Bazaar is icarus, but never fell to the earth really: it went through the Avid Horizon. But the Herald literally did.
I don't think this theory really makes sense, but it popped in my head a bit ago and I wanted to say it anyway. FL is incredible. I can look at anything and project allusions. Some of them might even be correctly guessed.
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For the OC ask meme:
for any combination of Remidee, Alexandria, or Sunset :3
WAHOOOOOOOOOO oh thank you so much. you know i love designing alternate outfits and coming up with random scenarios i'll never use again xoxoxo
some of yours other people asked for too, so i'll hold off on answering them!
🪞 (Mirror) - What would their Mirror World counterpart be like? If they are a Mirror World counterpart, what traits of theirs are reflected? Do the two of them get along?
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for context, because i dont think people outside of artfight know much of remidee, they're an apothecary who deals minorly in fighting and magic as an aspiration. due to how injuries work in my mirrorverse, traditional medicine is in extremely low demand and basically not needed. mirror!remidee has leaned almost totally into being a fighter as a result. coincidentally enough, this also reflects regular remidee's worst insecurities for reasons that are a bit too wordy to explain right now
after the fall of shadow dedede's monarchy, they found themself in mirror floralia as a refugee. they're not as good as fighting as the rest of the army, but the queen isnt one to turn away someone so loyal and ready to dedicate themself to the kingdom. officially theyre in the army as a fighter of the same level of the sectra dees, but really theyve been designated as just the guy that brings the banner into battle
mir!remidee would scare the absolute hell out of regular remidee, for reasons they couldn't quite place, even though mir!remidee is actually quite nice. it's the existential dread, remidee....
🕰️ (Clock) - What would a Dreamy Gear version of them look like? What sort of accessories would they have? What kind of role do they play?
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on the other end of the spectrum, dreamy gear remidee has leaned fully into being an apothecary, considering there's no need for fighting and magic is extremely rare. they keep a pretty nice shop in the town of wind (<novel lore, for you folks who don't know). they seem richer than the other residents or overly-well off at first glance, but medicinal ingredients are very difficult to get a hold of in this setting, and they're quite passionate about their work, so they have a lot of high quality supplies
dg sunset is a carrier pigeon, basically. child of single dad manager dedede, they help deliver mail. though they have a habit of getting into trouble more often than not on the job while jumping from rooftop to rooftop. remidee has a sense of disdain for dedede in this universe thanks to sunset's shenanigans
🍒 (Cherry) - Out of all of the Dream Friends [Kirby included], which ones would they get along with the most? The least?
Sunset: i don't hc the mirror counterparts to be related to or have familial relations with their regular counterparts, but dmk would definitely be the fun uncle to sunset. both magolor and taranza get a thumbs down from her, not because of their past crimes, but simply because she thinks they're "kinda weird and annoying"
Remidee: i swear to god this has absolutely nothing to do with my own affinity for zan but remidee admires zan a lot. combining elemental magic with weaponry is notoriously hard in my universe, requiring a lot of skill and control to do. remidee is practicing spearplay and electric/beam magic, so this lines up very well. marx scares remidee a lot.
Alexandria: alexandria doesnt get any friends for reasons relating to her Themes. but im sure shed be extremely fond of kirby himself. gooey too i think! she also keeps her distaste for people well hidden, or is quite open minded--it's difficult to tell, so nothing for the "gets along with the least" part of the question either.
🔮 (Crystal Ball) - Out of all the treasures in the Great Cave Offensive, Kirby is letting your OC pick one from his stash to keep! Which one do they pick, and why?
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karinyosa · 7 months
Gene and Brinker, good sir?
AHHH okay okay
what made you ship it?
reading the book lol. ok so i feel like there's a lot of context i need to explain for this beyond just the book's subtext bc there's a bit of personal lore here. before teaching us the book, my middle school english teacher introduced each of the central four characters with this powerpoint with a slide on each one, and the way she described them like archetypically and physically made it sound almost like (to MY middle school brain) a dating sim, in which gene was the main character. like the blurb already sounds very romance novelesque so jdkshfkh. ig it wasn't too big a leap. so we already have a baseline there.
i also think that in the book brinker and gene are a secondary and competing rivarly/friendship to gene and finny's rivarly/friendship, and i think that's where the tension between brinker and gene and brinker and finny comes from. in fact this is kind of just text, like brinker and finny i think are pretty explicitly competing for gene's attention. i'm pretty sure there are some like old asp posts from the earlier 2010s era of the fandom where people are like "brinker and gene/finny have such ex energy", but iirc it was more often finny? like i'm definitely not the only person to see this Thing brinker has going on with gene, but at the time i'm p sure brinkerfinny was the more widespread take. anyway. brinker pursues gene so relentlessly both as an antagonist and as a guy who just Needs to be doing things with him, Needs to be occupying his time and attention. and yet they maintain this weird friendship/understanding throughout. to me this was most pronounced with the whole enlistment thing, and that dynamic where gene had to choose between finny and brinker for the enlistment/not enlistment??? it just gave very love triangle energy. the intensity with which brinker is fixated on gene is like. it gives repressed queer guy with problems. it's beyond wanting to antagonize him, he just is constantly coming up with excuses to be around him and to orient his focus around the pursuit of this one guy. his need to be morally superior to the object of his pursuit feels very queercoded to me. it's a very funny contrast to other parts of the book where he and gene are seemingly chill and normal friends? boy has issues
2. what are your favorite things about the ship?
HOOOOOO okay i have a long answer for this because it has to do with how i accidentally made myself insane about them. so i have this really long winded headcanon-turned-sequel fic in my Brain and Mind about gene and brinker moving in together after the war for kind of money reasons and kind of personal reasons. gene has been depression camping in finny's family's attic for a long undefined amount of time, and brinker is like hey you need to get the fuck out of there come live with me idiot. cue several years later and this is where the fic starts. i usually have it start at the time that gene would've gone back to visit devon, because i like the idea of that whole thing happening during a hs reunion in devon town, in which he and brinker joint travel and stay with his family which is its own whole awkwardness but anyway. <- culmination of everything i've ever thought about them since eighth grade
most of my genebrinker thoughts center around this period of adulthood where they're not young anymore but they're not old either, and they have all this unresolved tension and shared trauma and resentment that spills over into their "present" relationship. i think this is where genebrinker would theoretically "actually" start, in adulthood. i think there could've been ambiguous things earlier, especially during their joint enlistment period if they happened to be together, but nothing very deliberate or openly acknowledged until much later. it's this delicious mix of both having an established very domestic and familiar dynamic, knowing this person's routines and habits inside out, and yet having this pent up unspoken something. and for gene and brinker, it's not just this quiet tenderness, although i think that's bound to happen sometimes when you're essentially apartment husbands. i think they'd blow up at each other and let things slip during heated moments that they don't mean to, mostly on brinker's side, bc i think brinker's been nursing some kind of crush since hs, whereas if gene returned brinker's feelings, i think they'd slowly build over time. their familiarity with each other is also very interesting because, while they have this odd like, daddy issues(?) solidarity in the book that again feels very queer, in adulthood, it's also this thing of like, they kind of shared the murder of one of their closest friends. my fav think about genebrinker is that they know the worst of each other, that they actively participated in some of the worst parts of each other's lives, but it's that coupled with like, arguing over dinner and visiting the parents and trying to hold down stable jobs. or i guess for something more connected to the actual book, that coupled with like, accompanying your friend to an awkward meeting with his dad
this is not even all the things i think about their dynamic or all the like underlying sources of tension in their adult relationship in my head, i also think they'd be in very different places in terms of sexuality, and that would come to a head at some point, but i'll stop here because this is a question about my favorite THING, not explain every thought you've ever had about them
3. is there an unpopular opinion you have about your ship?
i think the entire ship is an unpopular opinion lmfao. like 90% of this is my headcanons. ummm i have brinker being the more responsible of the two when i write them as adults, if still the more temperamental one, so that might be controversial? i think at this stage of their lives, he's more practical and better at home ec stuff, and gene cannot fucking take care of himself for the life of him. gene is running himself into the ground while brinker is like get your fucking socks off my floor
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bunny-j3st3r · 1 month
Archie sonic issue #2
And here we move on to the second in the #290 comic book series woof.
As I said in my previous post as much as I dilike the archie comics this isn't to to shit on the comics or those that like them. I'll be giving just as many positive thoughts as I do negative.
I'm just reading through them and just wanna share my thoughts on them.
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Issue #2 was released in July 1993 And publication was september 1993.
Must of been wild back then to wait so long in between as if tbf we do that now still with idw but I remember a lot of my own comics I read growing up were weekly.
Anyway this is like one of the few pins I wish I could own but trying to explain the gag to people would be a lot of effort.
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Sorry but Coconuts is like a really cute design I wish he was used more, I think he was in the tv series more?
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This was a fucking mob hit.
Also hello you two bastards I know you fuckos.
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This is so fucking stupid but "your non identical twin" made me laugh WAY harder than it should off.
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These are funny acutally. Like I forget early sonic also had a cheeky attidude, I mean his british comic self would tell tails to fuck off or he'll shag his mam in greggs but you know.
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WOW throw back to issue one /J
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I don't really recall seeing much of scratch and gounder after this, they were more involved in the tv show I guess and just didn't really hit of with comic audience I guess? Which is a shame because they are kinda funny as bumbling idiot servants.
I wonder what Cubot and Orbot would of thought about them?
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Kids who read the comic when it first came out are all like this now.
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I would say I think this is when they tried to insert lore but I think this is the one about the two gag characters and not the uh racist stereotype tribal men story line.
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Yep I believe they returned somewhere in the #90s issues? maybe I don't recall but I don't think they were like meant for anything other than to just make a fun story about the rings.
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Oh god this made me cringe acutally that looks oddly painful
also omg better look at sonic's lil nub tail.
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Awful scene that implies sonic's nose isn't the black ball on his snout
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They had this odd habit at the end of some of the comics like a desperate plea not to cancel them, I think it's in the mecha sonic comic to very bizzare espically consiering some kids prolly did send letters in but were most likely ignored.
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For years after I read this comic (my dad brought the collection when i was younger they are prolly worth some now lmfao if we had them) I believed this was how they made 'foil' covered things.
I remember doing it myself and being dissapointed my face just tore through it.
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That sure is a title.
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Need you guys to commit this image to memory for later.
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This was a cute little thing of people guessing why tails had well two tails. I don't think they had a solid idea at this point? I don't remember the cartoons that well.
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He's not naked he has shoes on.
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The sonic vs mario haters is as old as time
My thoughts on this one was pretty good again, it's a cute series at the start and it introduced characters from the series like scratch and grounder.
I guess they wanted to introduce the characters that were going to be in the tv series because as I said some of these characters weren't really seen again in the comics, well not that often.
Which I don't blame them because I suppose keeping a lot of cast around takes away from the main villian himself and it's easier to concentrate on him.
It's a shame though because I have fond memories of vividly hating scratch and grounder but for a goofy kids cartoon they slotted in well.
I like eggmans use of skinny and square shaped idiot partners as his sidekicks. He seems to have a type for those being his personal servants, err, assistants.
my time lines could be funky on these because I'm not following along with the mini series of comics until later on.
But I like them.
We haven't reached ken penders era yet /J
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therealv1ultrakill · 2 months
Honestly I will not make this a habit, but this place is in some sense my personal diary now so !
I am a bit upset? I do not shame or gatekeep others for having similar interests or being insanely passionate (i.e "number one fan of xyz"), but seeing someone in a server I am in was a bit of a jumpscare! But also in some sense good, I think. Wake-up call of sorts, and I don't say that just to cope or remove the feelings from it.
I really like this myth/lore/horror (whatever you'd like to call it, haha) game. And it wasn't unpopular before per se, but especially over the past month/since its full release, it has been EXTREMELY popular. We're talking double-digit thousands (10k, 20k, you get the point). And I saw someone who.. I don't really find myself using the word "lore" for people anymore, it feels kind of icky. At least, for more mundane or truly not like. TRAUMATIC traumatic situations. Do some of these things scar my mind? Yes. Most things in life do, in technicality, butterfly effect, unpredictable outcomes, whatever. I had to let this callus my mind. I still feel weak, worthless, pathetic, cruel, etc. But I know I am not those things, and again, in some very weird way the initial thing before the server-seeing event really helped me begin my progress on my backbone, and actually feel like I can truly believe in myself.
Anywho, I struggle to stay on track, it's a very apparent thing with me that my mind has multiple railroad systems (hah! no pun intended though) going on at the same time. It scared me! I got a little nervous. I got anxious. And all the built-up positive energy (which was already a bit of an iffy thing) came down. Even now, I woke up feeling a bit of sorrow. But I do not hate myself, still. It does hurt, but I am finally at a point where I am doing my best to allow myself to feel these things and process this hurt while also not using my wishes (be it well or not), energy, mental rooming, etc. on these people involved, or anyone as a whole in my past who likely does not enjoy my continuing existence. I felt jealous, almost, for a second. But I do not think it was because of any posted art, but I think just as a whole. The concept of sharing something I love so deeply and devote a lot of time to. The thing that I want to be one of the number one fans of. I am still trying to accept though that there will always be a person better, more devoted, more obsessive, etc. at something than I likely will. Sure, I can become one of those. But I do not think it ought to be for this, especially since it has negatively impacted me a bit at times / controlled my emotions some (prior to this incident. They do not control me that much, my friends!).
Also, tbf… the creator + the currently morphing fandom are like. Really fucking foul at times. Like yeah dude can ban whoever he/they/? want but it's pretty damn wild that if you post chit-chat in the channel (granted they said not to) you get immediately banned. And see, that alone I wouldn't give really a rats backend about - it's the fact that the fandom and creator revel in it and so many people continued dog-piling and mocking people, I swear I've never seen the words "lacking media literacy/lack reading comprehension" be run into the ground so fast it looked like 65% of the channel was pure spam. Like… damn? I know the internet sucks (and someday I ought to go on a tangent about why the phrase/saying "it's just the internet, get used to it/get over it/why don't you expect it?" is stupid, harmful, and excusing bad behavior and denouncing any form of accountable and perpetuating people to get away, but I digress..)
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mlobsters · 4 months
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supernatural s1e9 home (w. eric kripke)
(this is a rewatch, so spoilers abound)
if you've heard me talk about watching stuff for any length of time you probably know i.. struggle with watching things. can't engage, then i'm thinking and that's the last thing i need 🥴 and i get all up in my head about things that i enjoyed watching, or at least had a habit of watching. and it's like pulling teeth getting back to it. ye olde mental block has reared its ugly head with spn now too. so i'm forcing myself to do it, i know that's what i need sometimes. why must my brain fight me on everything??
part of stalling ended up being this project where i tried to collect every instance of family photos in the series, spurred by the photos in the lawrence house basement here
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confess to throwing this in lightroom because all i saw was a skin blob of dean and could not figure out what was going on. lying on his stomach explains it. it's a pretty shot of sam, when you can see more than black
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always a little surprising seeing a brand name on this show, doesn't happen often. still with the skateboard chest thing for desktop background
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1x09 / 1x12
like that plaintive puppy face he makes in faith (have a screenshot of that one in my little painting wip ideas for ages)
SAM No, I dreamt about the blood dripping, her on the ceiling, the fire, everything, and I didn’t do anything about it ‘cause I didn’t believe it. And now I’m dreaming about that tree, about our house, and about some woman inside screaming for help. I mean, that’s where it all started, man, this has to mean something, right? DEAN I don’t know. SAM What do you mean you don’t know, Dean? This woman might be in danger. I mean, this might even be the thing that killed Mom and Jessica!
a) poor sammy b) i dunno if it was the writing or the acting or what but this felt clunky
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DEAN All right, just slow down, would ya? I mean, first you tell me that you’ve got the Shining? And then you tell me that I’ve gotta go back home? Especially when…. SAM When what? DEAN When I swore to myself that I would never go back there?
admit i snorted the second time i watched this (rewound for sam's part), it's just very over the top. and they are collectively in love with jackles's pretty+sad face. sam gets up, says we gotta do it 🥺 long, slow focus on dean.. jaw clench.. i know we do. it's a good face, i get it. especially when he gets all wet eyed
thing i do like about this scene are that sam is avoiding and dean pushes him and forces him to explain what's going on. could have used that energy a lot more in subsequent seasons.
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pretty sure the first time i watched this i also paused and cranked up the brightness to see if sam's hand was behind on the seat lol ridiculous
JENNY That’s Ritchie. He’s kind of a juice junkie. But, hey, at least he won’t get scurvy. Sari, this is Sam and Dean. They used to live here.
dude, this is so funny. one of my kids stopped drinking juice and i seriously was concerned that he could end up with scurvy because he has such a limited selection of stuff he'll consume so i had to find vitamins he would 100% like. NO SCURVY UP IN HERE, BITCHES
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sam's so fired up about this maybe being yellow eyes he's practically stepping in front of dean while they're walking, cracked me up. meanwhile dean's freaked out about sam's visions being real, understandably so
ok so we go from sam ranting to him chilling out, per dean's instruction, and padalecki's voice is a lot lower. so i wonder if that's part of what makes it feel forced and weird to me? like in the scene before this one. hmm. or maybe he's just still working on his approach/delivery. gonna be keeping my eye on you, sir
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DEAN Not much. I remember the fire…the heat. And then I carried you out the front door. SAM You did? DEAN Yeah, what, you never knew that? SAM No.
i feel like that would be a big part of family lore, if nothing else dean would want to tell sam about that. a point of pride, something to lord over him, etc. anyway, it's a nice moment regardless if i don't find it super believable personally :p
some more padalecki crispy Rs on "figure" (a lot in this episode) and other weird voice modulations from jared. and man, dean got emotional so much more in earlier seasons. i imagine it was a character choice how he kind of hardened throughout the seasons, kept himself in check better. but sneaking away from sam for a minute, sounding like he's on the verge of tears calling john for help is so vulnerable (and can't let sam know he's scared/lost) and john still of course thinks it's safer/better to stay no contact
also i don't particularly like the music when sam and dean are talking (generic ~emotional~ music), but i do moreso the music on the phone call. it reminds me a smidge of some score from the magicians (which i don't think i talked about much, but i enjoyed and was very distinctive). this is a lennertz episode
ah yes, and the dreaded hand in the garbage disposal moment. unplug it before you jam your arm down there, bro. of course, if it's ghosts, it doesn't need power, right? anyway. i could go my whole life without any more of that final destination type nonsense :p
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ah, missouri!! i wish they could have had her be a recurring character. one of my favorites. sam and i both gleefully enjoyed her reading dean to filth
SAM Okay. So, our dad –- when did you first meet him? MISSOURI He came for a reading. A few days after the fire. I just told him what was really out there in the dark. I guess you could say…I drew back the curtains for him.
really thought he knew about the life from mary being a hunter but skimming his wiki article and apparently not
also forgot about the baby getting trapped in the fridge. huh, and a little demon growl sound effect mixed in there too. at least it gets resolved quickly, stressed me out
DEAN What are they doing here? MISSOURI They’re here because of what happened to your family. You see, all those years ago, real evil came to you. It walked this house. That kind of evil leaves wounds. And sometimes, wounds get infected. SAM I don’t understand. MISSOURI This place is a magnet for paranormal energy. It’s attracted a poltergeist. A nasty one. And it won’t rest until Jenny and her babies are dead.
far as i can see, this and swap meat are the only episodes with poltergeists and it's also not terribly clear how it's different from other vengeful spirits but there we go
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everyone loves to choke out sam
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okay i totally talked shit about that DISPUTED HUG in this episode and have to admit, it was actually a brief embrace of the almost dead sorts after dean gets the lamp cord off sam's neck. which is what made me start grabbing all the hugs to make gifs of them. which i'm sure has been done tenfold but sure why not. anyway, i got like. halfway done with that. since i just finished a painting, maybe i'll pick that little project up
see missouri was after dean a bunch but if she'd come back, she coulda knocked some sense into our sam when he was being an ass too! like bobby but more charismatic to me personally :p
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carrying two kids like that down the stairs is no easy feat, friends. sam to the rescue! and it's nice little reciprocity that he gets to carry the kids away from the (ghost on) fire since dean did it for him, twice
i know it would be faster and less dramatic but dean really maybe should have broken a window instead of chopping through her door 🤪
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funny seeing her and hearing her talk, because we got to know her quite well in the later seasons so her voice is so familiar. but used to seeing her look a good bit older
that made... very little sense LOL. she shows up, she wipes out the bad guy poltergeist or whatever??? and then she's gone? so she what, has been attached to the house for 22 years and just now got to go to heaven?? (and her saying i'm sorry to sam, could be sorry for dying, sorry for making the deal that got me killed and you whatever'd by azazel, etc - i wonder how much of the canon long game story was determined by this point -- all of which, none of what happened was her fault)
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MISSOURI That boy…he has such powerful abilities. But why he couldn’t sense his own father, I have no idea. JOHN Mary’s spirit –- do you really think she saved the boys? MISSOURI I do. John Winchester, I could just slap you. Why won’t you go talk to your children? JOHN I want to. You have no idea how much I wanna see ‘em. But I can’t. Not yet. Not until I know the truth.
SLAP HIM, MISSOURI! so i think the regular justification for john not being in contact with them is that it's not safe because the demons could get to them through him or something? but this, if there were a time for the truth this is it, would be indicating to me that no, he's just too hot on the trail of the revenge quest to do it. yet another reason early on we're set up to not like him. his explanation makes no sense to me.
this would also be a prime mushy music moment, but nope! i know it happens in 2x1 after my little investigation so i'm very curious if/when it shows up in s1
Missouri was originally meant to appear in the season one finale, 1.22 Devil's Trap, but scheduling conflicts with actress Loretta Devine forced the production to create a new character, Bobby Singer, as a fill in.
if only... like, bobby was great in that he was introduced as someone who had a history with the boys as kids, and that definitely was a nice layer of backstory, and really great for them to have a better parental figure. so i think it's not that i take issue with bobby per se, i just never connected with jim beaver. any of my fondness came directly from feelings they had, so i grieved when he died because of how it impacted them more than about the character himself. what would have been actually great is rufus's actor, steven williams, could have been bobby. because now that man has charisma to spare, damn. ah well.
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ensignsimp · 8 months
[Please feel free to ignore this if ya like]
Do you have any advice for someone who wants to start up a Star trek x reader blog? I'm pretty new to it, don't know too much, but steadily catching up an the series.
The thing that's giving me the most grief is that I don't know enough lore to feel confident enough to start writing about anything with the characters ._.)
Ensign Simp Advice Column:
How to Write x Readers
Finding the right formula for writing x readers can be difficult. As authors we have a distinct habit of putting ourselves into our works. However in this case you should try to remain as neutral as possible. Remember that you are an outside observer. Similar to a video game you are creating a world for your player/reader to interact with, just on a more limited scale almost like Mad Libs.
For new people writing x readers, here are the main points you should take away:
For anyone starting an x reader blog I always recommend keeping the reader Gender Neutral (GN) and Gender Non-Conforming (GNC). This helps a wide sweep of readers be able to better connect with who they are in the story. Many x readers are written in a hetero-normative structure. This isn't the writers fault most of the fan fiction we read today was started by women and feminine people in the 60s.
And a lot of fan fiction is written by feminine people as a way to cope with the crap dating pool that they're in. The men in our fandoms are basically our new Ken Dolls. We can project our own desires and needs on to them. Writers and readers can take comfort in knowing that we are safe because no real harm is being done, it's just make believe.
However, as an evolving culture, we as a fandom need to embrace the variety in gender and break up gender norms. This is why keeping the reader's gender neutral is a good way to break that norm. Also it allows your readers to connect more when their are options to choose from, example: "Good (boy/girl/gender neutral pet name)." Using "they" is much easier in the sentence structure because it is grammatically correct when you don't know the definitive gender of a person.
They walked along the beach holding (insert random character)'s hand. "I love you so much, my dear (husband/wife/partner)." (Character) said lovingly. "I love you too." They said.
If a gender is specified make sure your label it clearly! This helps readers navigate which writings they may like more. I personally only do it on request. It is also why I don't do pregnancy plots or end with "they lived happily ever after with two kids, a dog, house, and white picket fence. THE END"
Appearances and Race
Just like gender race is always an issue in writing x readers. We will try to compensate with trying to add descriptions like:
"She had (long/short) (hair color) and sparkling (eye color) orbs."
However, descriptions don't give a personality! As a Pansexual myself I love people for who they are and not what they are. This has benefited my writing over the years because I was able to break out of the mold of "you must be aesthetically pleasing in order to be loved by this person" in my writing. Remember that all of your readers come in different shapes, sizes, colors, backgrounds, and neuro-divergence.
We have lots of people of color who write and read fan fiction. So make sure your are leaving the door open by not describing the appearance of the reader but the personality! Allowing your reader to mentally roleplay. If you want to tell the reader how beautiful they are (which all readers are beautiful), try something like this.
"I've always been insecure about how I look." They said looking down shyly. "I've always thought you were beautiful. I love your laugh, the way you bite your lip when you're thinking, and how you look at me with such love and devotion. I thought I would never get the chance to be with someone as amazing as you." (Character) said taking their hands.
Describe little things that could be about anyone. Keep it open, keep it loose, and don't pigeon hold yourself into something. Remember that this is an open audience, character appearance customization is for visual mediums.
Having a good personality for your character will be important. You don't want to make the reader "the perfect protagonist" but as we know this is a way to help people cope with their own insecurities and issues. But give them realistic issues such as anger issues, social anxiety (not just selective social anxiety), recklessness, impulsivity, SOMETHING THAT ISN'T A PERFECT FLAW!
"Perfect" Flaw Examples:
They care too much
(Insert Disney Princess Flaw Here)
That is why when making an x reader you should make the reader a flexible as possible but yet give them realistic obstacles and problems. Maybe the reader has anger issues or has a fear of intimacy.
Interesting Flaw Examples:
Socially Awkward
Give them fears and problems that are relatable to a lot of people and are plot relevant. Try not to give them a specific niche fear (again unless by request and you have it labeled). Remember that your reader will be more interested in the story, if they are interesting. Especially in longer stories than a short one-shot!
Unless it is an AU (can't stress labeling), make sure to do research on the time period, world lore, and settings before making up stuff. New writers may not know certain lore but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't do research. If you are writing fan fiction you obviously have access to the internet or someway off connecting to it. USE IT!
For example I had a request for a character I didn't know. So I went on YouTube and looked them up. I watched a couple of videos and decided I liked the character enough to write for them. So I borrowed my friend's box set of the show I was going to write for.
I watched a couple of episodes, looked up everything about them online through fandom wikis, chat rooms, and lore (videos, articles, and other fan creations), then I started to write for the character.
To me, being new to a fandom is no longer an excuse for why you are not able to look up information. It doesn't just stop in high school. You'll still need to research things, BEFORE YOU WRITE ABOUT THEM!
Start with the action, I know I got out of bed, brushed my teeth, and ate breakfast. WHAT AM I DOING AND WHY SHOULD I CARE? Explain what am I doing, what is happening, and what is at stake!
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If you don't have a plot idea look up other fan fictions about that character, if there are none, look up prompts to use. Make sure to ask or tag someone in the prompt or inspiration you pull from. This helps other writers get their work noticed, while also sharing in the love of the character and writing.
Make sure everything you write about it plot relevant!
And the most important:
Establish Boundaries
Make sure you have a list of rules for your blog and your writing preference. Make a list of things that you do and do not write for.
This helps readers understand what they can and can't ask for.
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cinnachaos · 1 year
ok so morgan lore (sorry this is so long , ive had lore cooking for these guys for a while and i never really fully finished it but here it is) (aslo i typed this all out half asleep i kight edit it later but maybe not idk)
warning for death and schtuff below
he lives on an apocalypse-ish planet where there are frequent lockdowns because of the inner monster stuff (refer to that other infodumping post) and unfortunately beth and jerry both got stuck in monster rampaging form and had to be exterminated/couldnt be found or anchored back into human form (they dont currently have a cure but later on with rick and morgan home they make one)
summer has a missing arm from a fucky wucky with a monster so she uses a robotic arm , she also has a shorter cut thats a bit fluffier and she doesnt wear a ponytail
rick has to leave the universe because he had a Monster Momento and fucked with a group of ricks so he wanted to make sure his morty and summer werent brought into it (his original family is all gone, it took him a LOT of tries to find morgan and summer so he cares a shit ton abt them)
morgan goes oh shit what the hell and takes a portal gun his rick stole and tries to find him but miami morty/mimi sees him thinking hes a rogue morty and goes can we keep him pretty please rick and even after he says no shoots a morty manipulator chip at him and drags him home like a wet cat
they go on adventures together, morgan usually wearing headphones and using weapons based off of games he likes because he doesnt like killing things so he does that to make it less AAAAGH for him (ill send my five thousand headcanons for the miamis and canon stuff about the monsters later)
one time he has a Moment with his monster form because unlike rick who at this point has most control over it bc hes coped with his trauma fairly well after mimi and rick get hurt and they have to heal him since his monster form usually damages him a lot (mainly through bruising, and if he uses his spikes or blades, bleeding)
they have a lot of fun unnttiiilll monster rick/his original rick comes to take him home and mistakes them for kidnappers even though theyve been taking good care of him so they both get into a fight and monster rick decides to take him home and keep him in the morty mind blower area of their house until he remembers which causes a huge freakout on morgans behalf
the miamis and monsters (summer and rick) go find him but go oh fuck its those guys and fight and then morgan has to go like guys what the fuck i like both of you and consider both of you family can you STOP FIGHTING so they go oh uh ok and now they have to share custody of morgan /lhj
also yeah monster care/research was prioritized in earth mv87 12 (theres more but i forgor) and it eventually calms down from a mass epidemic to just mildly dangerous
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heres an old doodle of them since u got to the wnd of the infodump 🎉🎉🎉 (idk when ill draw sumker maybe later, just probably wont be soon cus im not hyperfixated on r&m anymore even if i still like it😭)
actually fuckit im putting my headcanons n shit here
ok so mv87/monster things
★ morgan wears headphones while on adventures to avoid hearing loud noises like gunshots, usually listens to splatoon music on loop
★ morgan has a habit of doing splatoon win animations sometimes when he successfully finishes an adventure
★ morgan was originally caught by mimi with pocket mortys stuff, he considers both the miamis and monsters his family, also very close to chaos rick and morty (another friends rick and morty) (hyperions-world chars!!!)
★ morgan is very close to his ricks but kind of scared of other ricks, he knows they can be really mean and devalue their mortys and him being really sensitive/fragile he cant handle that
★ morgan iscomfortable with miami mortys (/p!!!) kisses on the head to him and loves physical affection from any of his family members/close friends even if hes like eeeeeeeeehhhh from other people
★ morgan has a bad habit of getting extremely attached to ricks very quickly and is like a nice rick magnet 😭 hes befriended multiple ricks in the citadel like cop rick and enthusiastically waves at them anytime he sees them
★ morgan sometimes sways back and forth like an inkling/octoling idol position and has a few weapons a rick made him based off of splatoon/pokemon that he uses CONSTANTLY and will never go more than 5 feet away from him at all times
★ morgan can and will pull all of his family members into his hyperfixes/sp/ins. he will. hes done it with splatoon and pokemon . he will drag you in eventually/j
★ monster rick is really stoic/apathetic looking but really deeply cares for his family and he doesnt apply to the typical rick "idgaf about u haha fuck u u little pussyfart morty" /LHJ he tries his best to be a good grandpa and guardian even with his traumas and inner monster dealio
★ monster rick is always partially in monster form cus he thinks it looks cool, he also has a tooth gap between his front teeth
★ the mv87s do not know what sleep is. they constantly have eye bags except for sometimes summer because shes the most early bird of them all and she is very responsible
★ morgan is trans , i am heavily debating on making summer trans too. maybe. m a y b e.
miami headcanons
★ miami rick spoils the shit out of miami morty even though he wont admit it to anyone and if morty brings it up rick lectures him on the way home/lhj
★ miami rick goes by he/she with close friends/family but he/him or he/they w anyone else
★ miami morty isnt as smart as rick but just about as powerful when it comes to strength and fighting smarts? not counting weapons and stuff
★ miami morty acts like an absolute angel around rick for the most part but is menacing as hell to people behind his back LMAO. oh and hes an absolute girlboss, a diva who could and would throw you out a window like an empty soda bottle
★ miami rick is very protective of morty in the way that if anyone makes him feel uncomfortable because of his outfit or if anyone hits on him or just any creepy things in general rick will hate crime them
★ miami morty likes to jokingly flirt but sometimes will accidentally do it with other mortys and go oh wait thats me oops. well its still funny
★ miami morty also has a habit of platonically kissing his friends on the cheek/head like you would a pet or something and then has to awkwardly explain its not romantic 😭😭 (some fanart relating to pcoket mortys gave me this idea actually)
★ miami rick lets morty paint his nails sometimes, begrudgingly but it makes morty really happy so he acts like he hates it to keep up appearances but likes seeing morty happy
★ MIAMI MORTY USES HIS LOLLIPOP AS A SORT OF ORAL STIM, morgan would probably get him something that wouldnt murder his teeth to have in his mouth n stim with
★ mimi he/any moment
AGH. OK. FINALLY DONE. there. this is all like months old please excuse that i mostly am involved in like sploon and pokemon since theyre sp/ins not just hyperfixes lol
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Hello! Could I get matchups for Genshin and Obey Me? I understand that there might be a ton of other requests, so take all the time you need :))
My pronouns are she/her and I'm bi, but I'd like to be matched with male charas! I'm 5'4 with normal weight, and I have black curly hair that passes my shoulders just a bit. My skin is tan (eg: kaeya tan lol) and I wear round black glasses!
I'm an INFJ 5w4, I tend to change the way I act depending on the person I'm talking to, and I have this bad habit of saying what others want to hear instead of saying my own opinion; but with the people I end up being more comfortable with, I'm a lot more enthusiastic! I end up being the one rambling about my interests to them. During school breaks I prefer staying in my room hanging out by myself. I get very tired of interacting with people (not that I don't like them, i just get tired!) and I need time to recover. I'm also a pretty hard worker and people say I push myself too hard sometimes 😅 I'm generally someone who's calm and rarely show my anger, but once I do everything just starts to spill out
In my free time, I like making art and do creative writing! Usually when making pieces, I really like to put a lot of small clues and symbolism/hidden meanings for the readers/viewers to piece out the whole lore. And if I'm not doing that, then I'm probably busy reading a book, playing RPG/Rhythm games or watching anime :) oh, I also like to indulge myself in new knowledge? For example if I don't know much about Chinese mythology I'd end up just researching and learning more about it for hoursssss until I get a good grasp of it
I really like well-written stories, RPG + rhythm games, all kinds of animals, coffee, art supplies, museums, aquariums, libraries/bookstores and shopping <3
I dislike overwhelming situations (like a loud party or fireworks) and people who are rude for no reason ... For close friends it's fine because I get that it's a joke but for strangers to just suddenly start to criticize random people?? I also don't like it when people suddenly start to vent to me :') I don't mind people venting but I absorb emotions like a sponge and need to prepare myself before someone does it, or I'll get super moody too
As for a partner, I'd like someone who's wits can keep up with mine, have a great sense of humor, and is willing to listen to me and understand me without judgement either— A sense of security would be nice. And an introvert is preferable so that they wouldn't have to get tired of me just wanting to stay home all day without much interaction. Just spending time together in comfortable silence sounds like the dream <3 My love language is gift giving + words of affirmation, while I'd prefer to receive quality time and acts of service!
I'm so sorry for writing so much 😭 thank you in advance! I hope I met all the criteria!
- 🌾 Anon
Hi 🌾Anon! No need to worry! You put a good amount of information. Thanks for your request! Hope you like your matchups!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Thoma is a good mix of introvert and extrovert. He's out and about almost all the time because of his job but when he has free time, I feel like he enjoys staying at home. That way no one can try and rope him into doing work on his day off.
Understands your tendancy to change your behaviour depending on who you're talking to. He needs to do that sometimes as well. But he makes sure you know that you can say your mind around him.
I see Thoma as a witty person. He's been in so many situations where wit has been used, so he's picked up a few things.
Also great at giving you a sense of security and spending quality time with you. He's busy with his work in Inazuma but he'll always make time for you!
Greatly appreciates your words of affirmation. He's faced a lot of negative opinions in Inazuma due to being a foreigner so kind words from someone he loves mean a lot to him.
You're both chronic over workers. Ayato steps in occasionally to force both of you to have a break. He can make do for a few days without his loyal housekeeper and he's already taking care of your work for the next few days.
In Obey Me, I match you with...
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Leviathan is the homebody of your dreams! This guy never leaves his room, you'll probably be the one dragging him out!
Loves playing RPGs and rhythm games with you. Gets pretty competitive but is also a bit proud when you manage to beat him. He's been playing these games for hundreds of years, beating him is no small feat.
Pretty good with quality time since he's in his safe space (his room) most of the time. But don't ask too much of him, he has to recharge his battery sometimes.
Words of affirmation are something that will take him quite a while to get used to. He's so used to talking down on himself that hearing someone actually praise him sounds like a foreign language.
Just be patient, he's learning to love himself and someone else (who's not fictional) slowly but surely.
This guy is the last person to judge you! Yeah, he might call you a normie and say the things your interested in outside of gaming are weird, but he never truly means it. Levi's like your personal cheerleader!
His mood can sometimes rub off on you, which makes him feel worse (and so the cycle continues) but if you give him a bit of time alone, he'll be back to his usual self. Even if he cares about the person he's hanging out with, it takes a lot of energy.
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druidx · 9 months
Oh hey, an ask thing. Can you answer 3, 8, 11, 13, 18, 24, and 25? Also an extra question: what's your favorite thing about the Starbound and Elder Scrolls universes? Oh and what's a favorite lore tidbit from both universes?
Hiya 'Mous, and Happy New Year to you!
From these questions
3. Do you anticipate writing for a new fandom this year? Which one?
No, I don't think so. Unless I find another open world/ sandbox game to get attached to... I find it quite difficult to write for properties where the story is already all laid out and there's no 'gaps' to exploit.
8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
I don't know about 'not brave enough' - more like 'never gotten around to it', so perhaps this is the year. In The Ruby Falls, the Modern AU of TES: Oblivion, the Hero of Kvatch gets a massive slash on her back which scars and she hates. The fic would revolve around her going to some shindig, only the high-backed dress she planned has somehow been swapped for a low-back dress. There's panic, there's tears, there's a fix and all is well and the shindig continues, possibly with her acceptance of the scar.
11. Would you like to try any new fanfic genres or tropes this year?
I keep thinking it would be funny to isekai one OC into a different universe I already write for, ie Mio (fish alien) from Starbound into the TES universe.
I'd also like to try a proper songfic.
13. Aside from fanfic, are there any other fan works you’d like to try creating? Fanart, or fanvids, gifsets, or podfic? 
I need to get back to recording my podfics. I might also offer/ ask to podfic some others' works.
Sadly I'm not really good at visual arts - the most I can manage are moodboards. I have been tempted to do a stick-figure outline for a comic script I wrote, but I need to finish it first 😅
18. Do you typically post multi-chapters as you write, or finish it all and then start posting? Would you like to change your posting method? 
I have tried posting multi-chapters as I go, and discovered that's a bad flow for me - I often want to go back and edit previous chapters, but I feel that's unfair to anyone who's already read it. So now I prefer making sure I'm happy with a work as a whole and then posting in one go. (Although, for The Ruby Falls, it's been suggested that I post on a schedule once the whole thing has been finished - apparently that's reader-preferred for works over 150k?)
24. By the end of this year, you want your fandom to think of you as “that author who _______.”
"always has such dazzling description - it's almost like you're there!"
25. If you answered questions from this list last year, find your answers and compare your goals to your results. How’d you do?
Sadly I didn't do this game last year, but I did review my 2023 goals in My Year of Writing Review. I managed 2/6...
Bonus 1: what's your favorite thing about the Starbound and Elder Scrolls universes?
In TES, it's the scenery. All the (modernish) TES games are just so, so pretty 😊 My housemate likes to call Oblivion 'horse-riding simulator', because I do have a habit of just trotting around, exploring.
In Starbound, it's actually a game mechanic that I like best. If you build a house and put a deed down, it'll spawn in a tenant. If you build lots of houses, the tenants interact with each other, making little emotes. I just think it's really cute 😄 (and fun to write about).
Bonus 2: what's a favorite lore tidbit from both universes?
In TES, it's that the world is effectively one big lucid dream.
In Starbound, it's that the Glitch (robot people) were created as a simulation and were intended to progress through various stages of industrialization, but the creator left? died? and the Glitch got stuck in a pseudo-medieval state and have never progressed beyond that.
Thanks for the questions! I hope you enjoyed the answers 🧡
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slaasherslut · 1 year
For Mi MO 🖤🦷
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
🌺 HIBISCUS - do they have any allergies?
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
My darling T33thy! You want Milo lore YOU'RE GONNA GET MILO LORE strap in ily <3
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
His habit of talking to seemingly nothing is a lot to get used to. He tries his best to only do it at home. Hes been caught doing it in the cemetery once or twice and his label of "the town freak" was pushed around even more than it was before.
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
He drinks hot coffee every morning but he prefers cold drinks. It gets pretty warm in Georgia, and with working in the sun all day he loves nothing more than stripping out of his work clothes and crashing on the couch with a cold beer when he gets home or a cold glass of sweet tea on the porch.
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
Milo likes to make himself pancakes and sausages on the weekends. He eats so much he just crashes on the couch and watches movies and relaxes. Its his time to really pig out and slow things down.
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouquet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
Monkshood - Danger is close by
Blue Star - An admiration of his strength
Alyssum - Help avoid anger and brings calmness. Also deflects negative spells
Marigold - Fragrance wards off evil spirits
Tansy - Declaration of war.
Milo doesn't really have a favourite but he does think chrysanthemums are pretty, especially the ones that are yellow/orange and red. (don't ask him what they're called though cause he actually has no idea, he knows nothing about flowers lol he just knows them by what they look like.) He finds that they're are the most common flowers brought to the cemetery so he sees them a lot.
🌺 HIBISCUS - do they have any allergies?
Not anything major but his seasonal allergies can get pretty bad. Pollen is the only thing that really bugs him.
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
"The only me is me. Are you sure the only you is you?"
Whenever i think of quotes that remind me of Milo this one from Silent Hills is always the first that pops into my mind. I feel like it really explains Milo's possession and how mentally ruined he became.
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
If you walk to the left side of Milo's house, you'll find a bunch of crosses laying in the grass. His old farmhouse still had all the old furnishings from the previous person who lived there. Being small town Georgia, There was at least a dozen crosses all over the house. They made Milo's skin crawl and made him tingle and burn. When he tried cleaning them out they burnt his hands. He just decided to open a window and chuck them outside. That side of the house is all overgrown because he doesn't go near there.
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youngneils-blog · 9 months
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Oh? Hello, I guess. I didn't expect to see anyone here.. Do you like video games? How about movies? Did you know I'm actually a screenwriter? Well not actually.. I mean I kinda am, or I think I am? I did help in a muscial though, they used the script I wrote. I thought it was pretty cool! What did you think?
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Yello, Yello! I'm Lore, or well that's what you can call me. I guess that's weird to use as a name or nickname, but yeah you can call me that or Rory! Welcome to my roleplay blog for Young Neil, I have not seen any other roleplay blogs for him yet so I decided to make one plus I wanted to join in on the fun!
★ I'm in my early twenties, so do understand I have a job and life to worry about, I also can be quite busy but I'll do my best to keep everyone updated and things of the sort.
★ I have a terrible habit of forgetting things or getting sidetracked, so please bare with me. I may get things confused and if so feel free to correct me!
★ I have a lot of brain rot going on for certain things currently, that specifically being Scott Pilgrim Takes off/vs the world. Kieran Culkin, succession, and Lymelife which I obsess over every single day. Oh, I'm also a huge Garfield and Pink panther lover.
★ I'm a rambler, sometimes I get excited and start talking too much. So my apologies if I post too much, I also might be a bit extra with trying to make everything look nice or good.
Anyways, let's get to the more important information as well as some rules and basics.
☕ I've watched both the show and movie, but have not read the comics yet. Although I have read up a few of the characters wiki and have been spoiled so I know something's but not a lot.
👾 Everyone is welcome to ask or even just pop in, you can also claim emoji's, just let me know and I'll add them to the anon list! Ooc, Non-canon, Canon are allowed. Shipping as well, as long as it's nothing illegal or wrong. Examples being Neil X Knives, or trying to ship a character who is lesbian like Roxy with Neil which I doubt would happen but better to say something cause you never know honestly with how the internet is.
☕ Nsfw is not allowed, you could perhaps make a few light jokes or something just nothing to vulgar and keep it vague please. Politics, Problematic asks, or anything along the lines are not allowed.
There's also what's been happening with Palestine and Israel, I am Pro-Palestine. Hopefully I'm wording that correctly, if not my apologies. I have an ooc account where I will spread awareness for that, reblogs and likes of the sort. My likes for this blog will most likely be full of stuff for support of Palestine as well, if you do not like that do block me. It's not that hard.
👾 I will not tolerate hate torwards anyone's gender, sexuality, race, or anything of the sort. Pro-Shippers and Com-Shippers, do not interact.
☕ Other than that please be respectful, and let's have fun!
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Make sure to let me know if you want to claim an emoji, you're welcome to pick anyone you'd like or some type of combination of emojis as well! ^^
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