#princess bride aa
qualek · 1 year
PRINCESS BRIDE AU CAST LIST HERE WE GO BOYS We'll start with the easy ones first and my reasonings of why- Buttercup -> Miles Edgeworth Stubborn, prideful, rude towards 'Westley' at first, dramatic, sarcastic, smart, related to Von Karma more than anyone else (I'll explain more in the Prince Humperdnik casting). Westley/Dread Pirate Robert -> Phoenix Wright/Shelly De Killer Resourceful, bluff (just... the whole scene with the cups and the poison is a very Phoenix move), devoted, selfless, brave, witty, stubborn, could survive something that would kill everyone else out of sheer will. ---- Tell me Phoenix wouldn't be the guy to say "As you wish" with all that tenderness and devotion to a guy who is objectively a jerk. --- Okay, supporting cast now! the sillies and the goofies- Inigo Montoya -> Diego Armando/Godot I have less of a personality analysis and more of a setting that makes sense, but bare with me. First off, well, he's the most likely to want to kill Phoenix and then help him later. Secondly, they both carry physical wounds that are related to a deep loss. Thirdly, he uses Godot for the whole time until "My name is Diego Armando. You killed my true love, prepare to die." Fourthly, Mia Fey was killed by someone with a heart-shaped pendant ;) Fezzik -> Dick Gumshoe Tall, strong, dumb man. Miracle Max and Valerie -> Mystic Maya and Pearl THEY ARE SILLY AND GOOFY AND MAGIC AND PEARL WOULD 100% PUSH MAYA TO HELP FOR TRUE LOVE TELL ME IM WRONG --- Now, we get to the assholes y a y :) Prince Humperdnik -> Manfred von Karma and Franziska von Karma In this AU, Prince Humperdnik is divided into Manfred Von Karma and Franziska Von Karma. Manfred is the current king and is trying to cause a war with the nation of Khura'in, like Humperdnik in the movie. However, he does not marry Miles himself and, instead, fiances him to his daughter Franziska (which neither are particularly happy about btw). He is the one who goes on the hunt and organizes the promises, torture, wedding, etc. Franziska is less involved and is forced to remain in the castle by her father. Count Ruden -> Dahlia Hawthorne She would want Mia dead 100% and would have no qualms about hurting Phoenix. Also, she is responsible of blinding Godot in Ace Attorney and in this. The Albino -> Iris Hawthorne She would help Dahlia but doesn't have the blood-thirst that she seems to possess. Vizzini -> Damon Gant I just want him to die. Also, he laughs a lot and thinks he's much smarter than he actually is. Also, also, everyone in the crew would be against a defense attorney, so it's in theme B) --- And, finally, in the real world, the beloved. The Grandson -> Trucy Gramarye She is my beloved, my dearest girl and she deserves a good story. Also, idk why, but she sounds like she would refuse a kissing story at first and then just get into it. The Grandfather -> Magnify Gramarye He is her actual grandpa and the character has a little mystical side that Magnify most certainly has.
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gentle-giant-swag · 1 year
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Gumshoe propaganda masterpost
Fezzik propaganda masterpost
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kyeomyun · 1 year
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laf-outloud · 11 months
If Jared is cast as Nova I can see the meltdowns from here.
'But Marvel was supposed to be Jensen's big break! Jared ruins everything. But at least when Jensen is Batman everyone will see that DC is superior and no one cares about Marvel anymore. Oh and also Jensen is the favourite to be cast as Buttercup in the Disney big budget remake of The Princess Bride. So there!'
(But yes, AAs would sound just like that, LOL!)
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kibbits · 1 year
I want to talk more fluff about your Break a Leg!Boys (I’m having a bad time medically and I need more positive energy before I send myself spiraling). Late night movies become an eventual habit, not only for the boys to take notes on improving their skills. There’s something magical about watching Sun and Moon experience things outside of Fazbear’s control. Of course, they can only live vicariously through the scenes, but there’s times when you can genuinely see something that wasn’t just fabricated through lines of code. Watching them plaster themselves to the screen, vibrating with pure excitement as daring battles of good and evil play out. The way Sun’s frame tenses as the hero struggles compared to Moon’s growing intrigue. Movies with less clear villains don’t entirely go over their heads though sometimes they need clarification. Some may love the questions and some may not. As they grow closer to Y/N, they may request to watch a more of their favorite films rather then the original course of kid movies. Which of course leads them to more adult musicals, you can’t tell me there wasn’t a week that Y/N didn’t regret letting Moon watch Phantom of the Opera.
Hi Anon!!! Oh man, I'm sorry you're going through it -- sending you all the good vibes and sending you soup (and hugs if you like them!) mentally! 🍲💖💖💖💖💖
(also ough your asks keep making me draw stuff so I hold onto them but also I'm juggling a lot of things rn so I don't end up having the time to draw aa --i'll just answer them now, and then come back to them if I have art to add from now on haha)
But yes!!! Yes absolutely!! Y/N is pretty much given carte blanche to rehabilitate the boys. They might play it safe with management/the boys' morals and go for kids' movies at first, but Y/N definitely starts to sneak in their favorites pretty soon! I think Sun would end up liking things like Princess Bride a lot! > : ) Yeees Phantom of the Opera for Moon!! I think both would be happy as long as the battle of good and evil is grandiose -- they do love dramatics, and when the action leaves you on the edge of your seat! gfjkld
Sun likes a good heroic monologue, and happily ever afters --though he's the one that ends up liking when things are more morally grey and make you think deeply long after the movie's over.
Moon is very happy that Villain Songs tend to slap so hard dfdjklg He's aware that villains don't usually win unless it's horror, and he doesn't mind that -- he just wants to have fun. So he likes flashy villains ehehe.
I think Sun would end up going for complex or powerful, well-told stories, and Moon would end up very interested in like. The visual aspect? (Megamind voice: Presentation!!) since he also takes care of the light rig and stuff like that, he'd incorporate strong color changes and be interested in things like how people's placement on stage, color, and lighting give the scene a different vibe.
Despite the gremlin tendencies he never moves away from, he's pretty meticulous and particular, and instead of Fazbear's 'more is more' approach to special effects and flashy additions, he'd learn to do subtle and unsettling changes well, as well as flashy but not too much. Now I'm picturing them using a system with cast shadows/'shadow puppets' to have an epic sword fight despite only being one body
The moment Y/N starts to see signs of how much they get into the movies -signs of the boys' actual, long-buried personalities - they get super invested. They make it their personal mission to show them as much as they can, and the duo/trio (since. Sun and Moon aren't separate. can you IMAGINE in this AU--) often end up more interested in the other one's reaction more than the movie (like say in your example where Sun is tense and practically glued to the screen, Y/N is probably staring at him way more than the movie, just as invested in his reaction as Sun is in the story.)
Y/N ends up looking so closely that they start to see more of their personality and preferences - probably even before the boys realize it about themselves (or, well, before they have the time to analyze and acknowledge it themselves) so they take notes and show them more movies they think will fit their tastes
On that note, Y/N totally ends up 1)Getting a library card to rent DVDs/An external drive to.... *find* movies/filmed performances pretty early on, and 2)having secret slumber parties with the boys ALL the time
I think Y/N should end up being handler and stage director, with a good helping of working on props and costume (or at least working with them on costume designs/helping with quick fixes) and they probably help the boys cobble together homemade fan merch/costumes when they ask ehehe or as a surprise! (They do and don't regret making them a very swishy cape during Moon's Phantom phase)
Thanks so much for the asks!!!! They make my day, every time!! I hope you feel better!!!
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daily-rayless · 5 months
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One of my favorite books is this 1917 forgotten fantasy novel by AA Milne (the Winnie-the-Pooh guy) called Once on a Time. (I have no idea why it's on and not Upon, but okay.) It's an original fairy tale that's simultaneously fractured and heartfelt. Similarly to The Princess Bride, it's written as if it's a commentary on real events, and one of the running gags is that the narrator/commentator is not-so-subtly besotted with the main villain, the Countess Belvane, to the point where he argues with the prevailing historical opinion of her as evil and reprehensible.
Belvane's my favorite character from the book -- self-obsessed, scheming, but in many ways endearingly childish, she's made it her mission to become queen. I think her character is summed up by one of her favorite pastimes: riding through the city and throwing bags of money to the commoners. It makes her feel royal, it makes the people love her, it's very condescending -- but at the same time, she takes real delight in the act of flinging money right and left. And who can criticize that?
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arambleaway · 3 years
I have a great love for adhd Phoenix Wright, and I was reading a fic recently about one of his stim's being chewing, and I swear the Princess Bride came and clubbed me on the back of the head.
So Phoenix chews on stuff all the time, especially any necklace he wears. So he definitely was chewing on Dollie's necklace. And whoops. He dents the metal and chips some parts and hasty repairs of like, tape and paint are made to cover up that fact. But also, he accidentally pops the bottle part a few times. And he ingests small bits of poison.
Then he actually intentionally eats the damn thing and lucky for him the whole things is actually pretty worn down and basically partially eaten and as for the poison...
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wrightfamily · 3 years
idk i know a lot of ppl like when a character does follow through w revenge but sometimes... i like when a character decides they won’t kill someone/can’t bring themself to do it. it depends on the story ig
like in the case of a story where a character k!lls a bunch of other ppl to get to the person they’re after only to go “no i won’t kill you” that fucking sucks but like if it’s a story abt the cycle of violence and stuff... yeah! i love them not murdering. or stories about the value of life yk? but for stories that aren’t trying to make any grand statements about death and life yeah kill them
but i think also people forget there’s more than one way to get revenge you don’t just have to kill
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qualek · 1 year
Princess Bride/Ace Attorney Au.... my mind has been consumed i will be so annoying about this i swear . . . get ready for the cast list
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oops-all-lawyers · 5 years
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Movie screencap redraws on post it notes
In order: Spiderman (2002), Return of the King (2003), The Princess Bride (1987)
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mysteryshoptls · 3 years
SSR Idia Shroud Suitor Suit Personal Story: Part 2
"Allow me to express my deepest gratitude to everyone"
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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[Cafeteria - Wedding Ceremony]
Eliza: Aa, it’ll soon be midnight… Finally it’s time to kiss the bride!
Eliza: Once we exchange kisses, Idia-sama and I will be able to be together forever in the Land of the Dead.
Eliza: I’ll finally be able to be happy…!
Lilia: Hm… This is a problem…
Lilia: If Idia becomes a ghost, I wonder who will become the next Ignihyde Dorm Leader.
Jade: That certainly is a problem. Especially since Ignihyde does not have a Vice Dorm Leader.
Jade: To avoid any confusion due to the absence of a Dorm Leader… Ah. I dare say I have an idea.
Jade: Thanks to magic, in this school we are able to perceive ghosts, correct.
Jade: What about allowing Idia-san who has turned into a ghost keep his position as Dorm Leader? I don’t think it would interfere with his duties.
Lilia: However, it may be unheard of to have a Dorm Leader who is a ghost on top of being married as a student.
Floyd: A Dorm Leader that’s a ghost and married, huh~ Cool.
Idia: Was there something cool in that story just now!?
Idia: E-even though I’m about to become one of the ghosts in a few minutes, everyone’s just talking so casually…
Idia: You guys are all so cold and heartless. I really don’t believe it…
Vil: You, when you heard that we all came…
Vil: Apparently you tried to get us to take your place by saying “You have your choice of grooms!” I heard from the ghosts.
Leona: For you to sell out your friends who worked so hard to come to save you. I’m so sad I’m speechless.
Idia: Hie~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Azul: Unable to say anything in return, it seems all you can do is moan.
Eliza: Hey hey Idia-sama, I’m really looking forward to the honeymoon.
Eliza: The destination is a secret. Lets make it a fun trip filled with surprises. ♡
Idia: Oo… uuu… So my life is going to end here…
Idia: Next month’s scheduled large update for my online game, my unfinished apps, the rest of the toys that come with my snacks that I haven’t finished collecting…
Idia: And there’s the manga that I haven’t been able to watch the latest issue, let alone the last episode! There’s still so many thing I’ve left to do!
Idia: Anyone is okay… Someone… Someone save me…!
???: Stop that wedding――――!!!!
Deuce: Th-this voice is!
Ace: Haah… Haah… I made it in time!
Idia: Ace-shi~~~~~~~!!!!!
Idia: What amazing timing you made with your appearance… You’re like the hero of an action manga!
Idia: On top of that, unlike the “rest of the rabble,” you’re in proper groom attire. What an exciting development!
Ace: The Idea marriage partner is…
Ace: Someone you can cry or laugh together with. And also, someone you can work together with even when the going gets tough.
Idia: Eh… Even what he’s saying is cool…
Ace: You’re saying everyone around you didn’t even teach such an obvious thing to their princess?
Ace: Even though you’ve been together for 500 years… when it comes to the princess herself, you all haven’t done anything!
Idia: No way… Can you usually say such a thing with a straight face like that? His Cool Level is maxed out.
Idia: Compared to that… There’s me who was just worried about the latest volume of my manga…
Idia: What is this difference… …Pain…
Riddle: It’s as Ace says.
Idia: What…!? In addition, the pattern that you see in action manga where the friends all arrive late and gather together!
Idia: Also…
Idia: The orthodox boy who as Heir to the Throne received rigorous schooling and is therefore strait-laced, but sometimes shows his own brand of awkward kindness – Riddle!
Idia: Even though normally he comes off as a fragile character that you want to protect, he occasionally shows his serious face that is super cool, the second Prince – Epel!
Idia: The Prince of a neighboring country who had actually been secretly protecting the main character, which when it was revealed immediately catapulted him to be the favorite – Rook!
Idia: …Like that, they’ve all got that shimmering prince-like personality that could appear right now in a dating simulation game~!
Idia: The difference between us is huge. I absolutely do not want to line up beside them.
Cater: Idia-kun looks like he’s desperately trying to shake his head but… doesn’t it seem like he’s trying to distance himself from Ace-chan and the others?
Trey: Why is he trying to run away from Riddle and others who came to save him, rather than the ghosts?
Idia: I don’t want to! I absolutely don’t want to be compared to these sharp and cool and shining guys… hm?
Idia: Wait one moment… Riddle-shi… When I look carefully…
Idia: His shirt is covered in soot all over, and the hem of his coat is ripping from being burned.
Idia: Is that the remains of a necktie around his neck? I thought it was a towel that has been washed 100 million times.
Idia: Rook-shi’s slacks have been torn and now they’re three-quarter length… and Epel-shi’s jacket sleeve is coming off.
Idia: If I look more closely at Ace-shi, his set hair is starting to come undone thanks to his sweat…
Idia: No matter how you look at it, all of them are too tattered.
Rook: Hello, Roi de Ta Chambre. A great many difficulties fell upon us as we made our way here.
Idia: Ah, wa- wait. Rook-shi, your gloves are torn so much that your fingertips are poking out.
Idia: Hee…Hehee! Heehehe! You are all so surreal. So exquisitely tacky!
Jack: Wha… Idia-senpai is clutching his stomach and laughing!?
Deuce: The Dorm Leader came to save all of us… Oh, and probably Ace did too.
Deuce: It’s no time to be laughing!
Idia: Y-y-y-y-yeah, that’s true but… heehe. It’s too late, it’s cracking me up lol I can’t stop lolololol
Rook: It’s dangerous if this continues. Everyone, back away!
Idia: !
Epel: It looks like everyone is paralyzed and can’t move. We have to evacuate them to somewhere safe!
Riddle: I’ll draw the ghosts attention. Everyone retreat! We can’t allow even one person to get injured!
Idia: …
Ace: Ghosts that continue to cause trouble for people…
Ace: I’ll finish you off quickly!
Idia: (…Certainly, Ace-shi and the others are trying their best.)
Idia: (Compared to that, I was more concerned with appearances…)
Idia: (Doesn’t that just make me the same as those annoying ghosts that kidnapped me)
Idia: …Somehow all of a sudden I feel embarrassed.
Idia: As expected of social beings. Heroic vessels.
Idia: …I’m just a completely different breed……
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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Happy Birthday Anxiety
Word count: 1636
Rating: gen (90% certain I didn’t swear)
Pairings: platonic pairings
Warnings: none, but I should note that this is pre-aa
Knock knock knock
Virgil stares at the door for a moment, pondering if he should answer or not. He’s not sure who it could be since Remus would knock louder and more obnoxiously, Janus wouldn’t bother knocking at all, and no one else is very likely to come to his room in the first place. 
Knock knock
“Kiddo, are you in there?”
Oh. Morality. That’s good, Morality doesn’t usually yell at him or harass him, he probably just wants to know if Virgil’s coming to dinner tonight - which he almost always does, no matter how much the ‘Main Sides’ don’t want him there. 
Virgil cracks the door open just enough for him to see Morality, and Morality to see him. 
“Hi Morality,” he says slowly, cautiously. 
Morality’s face immediately splits into a wide smile, as if he’s actually happy to see Virgil. “Hi Anxiety! Do you know what today is?”
Virgil frowns. As far as he can tell, there’s nothing special about today, it’s almost Christmas, but it isn’t yet, and he can’t think of anything else that would merit this enthusiasm from the self-proclaimed ‘dad Side’. 
“December 19th?” He tries. 
“It’s your birthday!” Morality happily explodes, throwing his arms up and bouncing excitedly on his toes. 
“Oh,” how had he forgotten his own birthday? 
Most Sides didn’t celebrate birthdays - except for maybe Thomas’ birthday - and when they did it was usually Morality going out of his way for the other ‘Main Sides’. 
“Yeah!” Morality continues, undeterred by Virgil’s lack of enthusiasm. “And I was thinking, I know you probably don’t want to make a big deal about it, but I thought you might like to pick what we have for dinner! And we can watch movies after! I know you like The Black Cauldron, and we can watch anything else you want!”
“Can we watch Coraline?” Virgil’s mouth asks before his brain can catch up. Morality, who always went all out for Princey and Logic’s birthdays, wanted to celebrate Virgil’s. Not only that, but he wanted to celebrate Virgil’s birthday in a way that Virgil would actually enjoy, not the loud and boisterous parties he threw Princey, or the calm and sophisticated affair he did for Logic, no, he wanted to quietly and casually do things Virgil likes. 
“Of course!” Morality looks like he wants to throw his arms around Virgil, but can’t since the door is still in the way. “And we don’t have to tell the others if you don’t want to, and we can have popcorn, and pretzels, and skittles, and-”
Virgil cuts Morality off by opening the door all the way and launching himself at the fatherly Side. 
“Thank you,” he mutters against Morality’s cardigan, fighting back tears. 
Morality doesn’t move for a moment, but soon brings his arms up to return the embrace, one hand cradling the back of Virgil’s head, and the other rubbing up and down his back comfortingly.  
“Aww kiddo, it���s the least I can do. Now what do you want for dinner?”
Patton hums to himself as he slides the last pizza into the oven. Everything is in place for Anxiety’s birthday, pizzas are in the oven, chocolate chip cookies (Anxiety’s favorite) are cooling on the counter, a stack of Halloween-ish movies are next to the TV, he even confirmed that Deceit was going to come! (Not that Deceit’s attendance is ever really in question, the lying Side is almost always around. Patton’s pretty sure he just enjoys being adjacent to the action.)
Speaking of Deceit, he’s seated at the table when Patton turns around. 
“JIMINY- oh, Deceit!” Patton grips the counter with one hand, and his racing heart with the other. “I wasn’t expecting to see you there, kiddo.”
“I was not under the impression that you wanted me here,” Deceit says casually, and though he seems to be inspecting his gloves, Patton can tell he’s being watched closely. 
“I do want you here!” Patton assures quickly. “I just didn’t hear you come in. You snaked up on me!”
Deceit hums and suddenly drops his casual demeanor. “Let’s stop beating around the bush, Morality. Why are you making an effort for Anxiety’s birthday this year?”
“Oh! I make an effort for Anxiety’s birthday every year,” Patton explains cheerfully. “I just thought, maybe this year he’d like to do a little bit more! But if you and Anxiety didn’t realize I was doing anything, then maybe I wasn’t doing enough…”
Deceit looks startled for a moment before covering it up with disinterest. 
“You never do anything for my birthday,” he drawls. 
“Of course I do!” Patton reassures quickly. “You like lasagna, and strawberry tarts, and hot gossip, and the Princess Bride!”
“Hmm, no. I like pickled herring, stewed prunes, invasions of my personal space, and the Twilight franchise.”
“Oh, okay,” Patton says brightly. He’s a little shocked he got Deceit’s favorite things so wrong, but he’ll do his best to correct it!
Deceit gives him a funny look, but remains quiet while Patton finishes dinner. 
“Kiddos! Dinner!” Patton calls up the stairs. 
Virgil leaves his room when he hears Morality call, but he hovers in the hall until he hears Logic head down the stairs. He won’t be first, good, now he just needs to hope Princey is far enough behind him that they don’t have to walk together. 
Janus is already at the table when Virgil reaches the foot of the stairs, so he hadn’t really had to have worried about being the first one to the table. He’s watching Morality like he’s a puzzle in need of solving, which is definitely a mood. Morality has a carefree way of going through life, which is something Janus and Virgil will never understand and probably never fully trust. 
Virgil takes his place next to Janus and waits as Morality places three different pizzas onto the table. Janus quirks an eyebrow at Virgil, Virgil shrugs in response, and Janus nods.
Princey comes bounding down the stairs moments later. “Greetings Padre, Specs! Oh and Emo Nightmare and Loki I guess.”
“Hi Roman!” Morality grins. Logic nods in acknowledgement, but his focus is mainly on the notebook in his hands.
“Ah Princey, how I’ve missed your very presence,” Janus sighs, way overdoing it. “I simply don’t know how I survive my day to day life without hearing your dulcet tones.”
“Really?” Princey asks, looking a little confused but mostly pleased with the attention and praise. Idiot. 
“Of course,” Janus purrs. Logic sends Janus a side eye, but doesn’t comment, and Virgil has to fight back a snort of laughter. 
Dinner goes well. Morality made Virgil’s favorite kinds of pizza even though Virgil hadn’t specified either (he's impressed and a little terrified of how perceptive Morality is), and the cookies are perfect. 
After dinner, Morality insists on having a movie night and puts on a big act of convincing Virgil and Janus to stay despite Princey’s obvious disdain for Virgil (any time Princey raises an objection to Janus, Janus just strokes his ego). In the end, Janus and Virgil sit on one side of the sectional, Logic and Princey sit on the other, and Morality sits in the corner bit. They start with the Black Cauldron because that one is the hard sell for Princey and requires Morality pulling out his Patton-ed (heh) puppy dog eyes, Coraline and the Nightmare Before Christmas will be much easier to push through. 
Remus shows up halfway through the movie, hanging from the ceiling over Princey and Logic with his tentacles out, allowing slime to drip off of them and onto the Sides below. Princey starts yelling at Remus, but Logic merely summons an umbrella and ignores him. Princey is so busy yelling at Remus in fact, that Morality has no trouble putting on Coraline without him noticing. 
If Virgil squints just a little bit, it’s almost like all the ‘Main Sides’ are actually here to celebrate his birthday and not just because Morality tricked them. It’s so painfully domestic feeling, Virgil wants to cry. Best birthday ever. 
Logic heads for bed after Coraline, citing the importance of a consistent sleep schedule and not-so-subtly hinting that the others should go to bed too. They don’t. 
Virgil, Princey, and Remus all fall asleep some time during the Nightmare Before Christmas, Virgil while leaning on Janus’ shoulder, and Princey on his stomach on the floor with Remus seated on his back. 
Janus and Morality are the only ones awake when the end credits roll. 
“Do you want to pick the next movie?” Morality asks in a hushed tone. 
“I definitely wasn’t planning on heading for bed now,” answers Janus as he carefully maneuvers Virgil off his shoulder without waking him. “I do so want to wake up in the morning with a crick in my neck. 
Morality gives him a funny look for a moment before comprehension colors his face. “Oh, okay! Good night, Deceit!”
“Terrible dreams, Morality,” Janus rolls his eyes as he makes his way to the stairs, before turning back. “Oh and I wasn’t joking earlier.”
“I adore pickled herring and despise lasagna… I also despise assisting Princey with his theatrical endeavors.”
Morality actually giggles at that. “Okey-dokey, kiddo. I’ll see what I can do!”
Patton stays up a little bit longer watching Parks and Rec, and he makes sure to cover the sleeping Sides with blankets before he heads for his own bed (at three in the morning, but Logan doesn’t need to know that). Roman and Remus remain dead asleep, but Anxiety stirs as Patton tucks the blanket around him. 
“Shh, go back to sleep kiddo.”
“Mkay,” Anxiety mumbles. “‘Night, pops.”
It takes everything in Patton not to squeal. His dark strange son is adorable when he’s sleepy. 
“Good night, Anxiety. Happy birthday.”
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tornsurvivors · 3 years
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Isabella had been trying to figure out what would be the perfect gift for Nadia this year for her birthday. She knew that Nadia wasn’t big on celebrating but this year was extra special. With the Don being truly gone (good riddance), Isabella knew that she could treat Nadia to a day completely being spoiled. She’d been enjoying the estate, it was completely beautiful, and it truly did feel like home. There’s been times at night when Isabella couldn’t sleep that she’d wander around, never to far from Nadia.
On a trip into town, which Isabella was happy that her German was much better that she could converse with almost not trouble. Something she was excited to share with Nadia later. The former cop had found this quaint little art shop that made photos, hand drawn and they were the most gorgeous things Isabella had seen. After talking to the owner, a very lovely woman, Isabella had pulled up a picture of Nadia and Princess, asking if she could draw this. Knowing how much Nadia would love it.
Isabella of course had left there happy, and excited knowing that in a week she’d have a photo that Nadia would love for her birthday.
It was the morning of Nadia’s birthday, Isabella had made sure that Nadia was sleeping in. She was making some pancakes and waffles with orange juice. The picture had turned out wonderful and the owner even wrapped it up, after including a little mini portrait as well of Isabella cause she was just positive that Nadia would love it. There were many thanks given as Isabella had rushed back to the estate to make sure everything aas perfect. It was the quiet meow of princess followed by Nadia’s soft laugh did Isabella turn around to greet them.
A pause as she smiled, seeing Nadia’s soft smile and her just lost in watching her car be adorable. It was all Nadia deserved and more. Isabella of course pulled Nadia in for a birthday kiss (a tradition of theirs), as her arms wrapped around Nadia.
“Happy birthday Liebe.” Isabella hummed against Nadia’s lips, in no rush to move away from the warmth of Nadia. “So I did make breakfast, and I do have a gift for you if you’d like to open that now. Also I have a trip planned for later. Just you and me and the beach.” Isabella whispered against Nadia’s lips, wanting to shower Nadia in kisses for her birthday. It’s several moments when air is needed does Isabella pull back.
“So darling, what would you love to do first for your birthday? I also forgot Halloween decorating is also an option as well.”
It'll never get old... waking up at home.  Even though Isabella had become her home--- it’s even better being back at the estate with her soon to be wife. In six days they were going to get married!  In the far corner of her old bedroom, hanging on the closet door was her wedding dress. Halloween-themed, of course.  It was a black dress that looked like it was old and a little torn, like it was haunted. Worn by your typical missing bride who had passed away in her dress in the horror movies. She just opted to go with black since it was more fitting for the themed wedding and she sure as fuck wasn’t a virgin anyway. Had she worn the white wedding dress, she wouldn’t be able to keep a straight face.
Blinking a few times, Nadia scrunched her nose up... instinctively smiling when she felt a tiny wet nose and whiskers brushing against her face and pressing. Princess was the best alarm clock for sure. The lively meow told her the usual, the cat’s hungry and wanted her breakfast. Nadia didn’t even consider the fact Princess could also be subtly wishing her a happy birthday. Honestly, she didn’t really realize the day had already arrived till she reached for the cell phone on the night stand and checked it for the time. Then the date.
Oh, yeah. That’s right.
It wasn’t long till the aroma of breakfast cooking reached her and she felt her quiet joy build higher. It told her where Isabella was. Of course, that woman would remember her birthday and spoil her rotten. Sure as fuck not complaining.  You know what’s odd though?  She didn’t have a single nightmare last night like how she normally does. Nadia figured it must be because the Don’s dead, then with the upcoming wedding and her birthday--- her mind must’ve found that slice of peace it deserved.
“Ja, ja. I’m getting up now, you little monster.”  Nadia laughed, shaking her head as she sat up and stretched with a satisfied groan before her gaze fell on the black bombay at the end of the bed, waiting. Impatiently. Could tell by how her tail swished and the slightly narrowed orange eyes. She shivered a little when her bare feet touched the cold hardwood floor. It was rather chilly for an autumn morning, then again... winter was closer here than it would be in the United States. She decided to throw on her sweat pants and a pair of socks, before walking along the bed so Princess could leap up on her shoulder. She then pulled the furball into her arms and cradled her as if she was her baby as they made their way to the kitchen. Princess didn’t mind this time around... purring rather loud. 
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The mornings would always get much more better when Isabella greets her, like how she did just now--- making the smile on Nadia’s face grow and Princess wriggled her way out of the German’s arms, landing on the floor with perfect grace before wandering off to search for bits of food Isabella may have dropped on the floor. She had eyed the gift-wrapped object nearby and she couldn’t help but grin at the mention of opening it first. She’s tempted... but---   “After we eat, ja. I like to keep this tradition my parents and brother used to do on my birthdays. We would usually eat dinner first, then open gifts and have a piece of ice cream cake. But I say we make it our own tradition we eat breakfast first and then open the gifts, of course.”  
She draped her arms over the blonde’s shoulders and pressed soft, loving kisses to the blonde’s lips. “Just let me take in the fact this is real first... then I’d like to eat---”  A loud meow interrupts and Nadia playfully rolled her eyes. “...After I feed this one little furry monster.”  She chuckled and snuck in another kiss before reluctantly prying herself out of Isabella’s warm embrace and headed to the pantry where the cat food was kept. Princess knew well where it was, so she naturally followed after Nadia excitedly. 
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For the movie asks, how about D, R, T, Z, AA, and AB?
Let’s do this!
D. Favorite movie soundtrack
Favorite Movie Score: Wall-E (2008)
Favorite Movie Soundtrack from an Orignal Musical: The Prince of Egypt (1998)
Favorite Movie Soundtrack that Used Pop Songs: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
R. An underrated actor.
Sam Rockwell can use some more love. He always gives an interesting performance no matter what he’s in. I’m always happy to see him.
Also, Lee Pace! Where is he? I miss him. And stop having him play assholes!
For a dead actor, I have to go with Thomas Mitchell. If I were to make a movie and could pick any actor from any era, I would make sure to have him.
T. An underrated director.
Michael Crutiz. He’s never a director brought up in film school, but I guarantee you’ve watched at least one of his movies. He’s did Casablanca (1942), The Adventurs of Robin Hood (1938), Captain Blood (1935) and so many others. He directed most of the big budget Hollywood blockbusters of the Golden Age of Hollywood. He is the definition a working director and he deserves way more credit than he gets.
Z. Favorite movie characters.
Oh God...okay, here are the ones that have really stuck with me for some reason or another over the years. The lists changes a lot, so it might be best to narrow it down to era or director or something. Also, I’m pulling away from fandom stuff, since you all know who I love.
In no particular order:
Willy Wonka from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971)
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It was the first time I can remember being fully mesmerized by a character and wondered what they were going to do next. The credit goes entirely to Gene Wilder and I can’t thank him enough for it. I re-watch the movie, just for him.
Hector Rivera from Coco (2017)
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I love Hector so much it hurts. The ending when he’s walking across the bridge, and there is the split second of fear but as he realizes he can walk across he looks up with this smile and, excuse me for a minute while I cry. I can’t remember the last time I was so invested in a character.
Rapunzel from Tangled (2010)
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Rapunzel is always going to have a soft place in my heart. Her journey of figuring out what she really wanted out of life, her fear of disappointing her Mother and her general out look really hit me at exactly the right moment in my life.  I was Rapunzel and Rapunzel was me.  I never saw that in a character before.
George Bailey from It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)
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I watch this movie every year, and every year I get something new out of George Bailey, who he is and what his life means to him and those around him.  He’s a good man despite his best efforts and it gets me every time.
Captain Louis Renault from Casablanca (1942)
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Every word that comes out of his man’s mouth is iconic. Another character who you’re not a hundred percent sure what he’s going to do or why, he’s a fantastic character in a movie full of them.  I just want a movie of Louis and Rick fighting in the French Foreign Legion, is that too much to ask?
AA. A film that was better than the book.
Controversial, possibly.  Neil Gaiman still is my literary idol, but I’m going to go with Stardust (2007) on this one.
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I’m not sure what is was about the book, but I just did not enjoy it as much as I did the film. The movie takes a very different tone, closer to The Princess Bride, while the book is the classic almost dreamlike state Gaiman has perfected.  Maybe I need to go back and re-read the book, but as it stands, I really love the movie and am lukewarm on the book.
AB. Best remake.
Top 5 in no particular order:
Fright Night (2011)
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The writing is better, the tension is better, and you’ve got David Tennant going full slut in leather pants.  What’s not to love?
True Grit (2010)
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Dads across the nation may lament this choice, but it’s true.  The Coen Brothers trump John Wayne on this one.
The Thing (1982)
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I do have a soft spot for the original, but there is no denying the superiority of its remake. It’s a horror classic for a reason.
Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
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A movie based on a musical based on a B-horror movie from the 1960s, and it’s one of my favorite films of all time.  How could it not be on the list?
Ocean’s Eleven (2001)
A cheesy Rat Pack movie re-envisioned as a slick heist movie with an all star cast.  I love it.
Let’s Talk Movies
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gideonthefirst · 4 years
everything about the death knight and aa’s history with them is viscerally upsetting but also i AM picturing them as count rugen princess bride now
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moescreencaps · 4 years
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moe's mega-sync content list : 2022 !
Credit is appreciated but not necessary ✨
book / media links : one |
SOLO FILMS : blood the last vampire (2009) | la riffa (1991) | suspiria (1977/2018) | The Caller (2011) | Benedetta (2021) | Camille Claudel | Carole Matthieu | Ganja and Hess | Gothika | High Life | Midsommar | Passing 2021 | The Untouchables | The Green Knight | The Story of Adele (1957) | Secret Beyond The Door | Hellboy II : The Golden Army | Let The Right One In | The Autopsy Of Jane Doe | The Handmaiden
TV SHOWS : game of thrones | hannibal | the fall | legend of the blue sea | magnificent century S04 | starz' power | secret forest | sleepless society : insomnia | spartacus | the nanny | wonder woman (1975) | scenes from a marriage | juvenile justice | house of the dragon | rings of power | devil in ohio
FILM SERIES: lady snowblood (1 and 2) | female prisoner (1-4) |
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SOLO FILMS : stan lee's mosaic | swan princess | Tangled | Mulan I and II | The Little Mermaid | blood the last vampire (2000) | frozen I and II |
ANIME : bloodplus | castlevania | ghost in the shell : sac | kakegurui (S01 / S02) | michiko e hatchin |
CARTOONS : justice league unlimited | teen titans (spanish) | the hollow | w.i.t.c.h | gargoyles | sym bionic titan | samurai jack
ADULT ANIMATION : seis manos | trese (2021) | spawn | american dad (season 1 - 19) | little demon | rick and morty |
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AISHWARYA RAI : Aa Ab Laut Chalen | Aur Pyar Ho Gaya | Bride and Prejudice | Devdas | Dhaai Akshar Prem Ke | Guru | Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam | Provoked
AUBREY HEPBURN : Roman Holiday | Funny Face | Sabrina
AVA GARDNER : 55 days at Peking | At The Beach | Pandora and The Flying Dutchman | Priest Of Love | Seven Days In May | The Barefoot Countessa | The Killers
BAE DOONA : secret forest | the silent sea
ELIZABETH OLSEN : captain america : winter soldier | avengers : age of ultron | captain america : civil war | avengers : infinity war | avengers : endgame | wandavision | doctor strange : multiverse of madness | Sorry For Your Loss (S1-2)
EMILY BROWNING : The Uninvited | Sucker Punch
FAN BINGBING: empress of china | lady of the dynasty
GAL GADOT : Batman V Superman | Justice League Snyder Cut | Wonder Woman | Wonder Woman 1984 | Keeping Up With The Joneses
GENE TIERNEY : Leave Her To Heaven | Laura | On The Riviera | The Ghost Of Mrs. Muir |
GIANNA JUN : blood: the last vampire | legend of the blue sea
GILLIAN ANDERSON : the fall | hannibal
GRACE KELLY : Dial M for Murder | Mogambo | The Country Girl | To Catch A Thief | High Society | Rear Window
HEDY LAMARR : Her Highness and The Bellboy | Ziegfeld Girl | Come Live With Me |
ISABELLE ADJANI : le reine margot | possession | nosferatu
ISABELLE FURHMAN : Orphan / Orphan : First Kill
JESSICA CHASTAIN : ava | the forgiven | scenes from a marriage | the 355
JULIE DELPY : Before (Midnight, Sunrise, Sunset)
MEGAN FOX : Jennifer's body | till death
MERVE BOLUGAR : Magnificent Century ( Season 4 )
MAGGIE CHEUNG : In The Mood For Love | Hero | Irma Vep
MARILYN MONROE : bus stop | don't bother to knock | gentlemen prefer blondes | how to marry a millionaire | let's make love | river of no return | the misfits | there's no business like show business | Niagara | The Seven Year Itch | some like it hot | ladies of the chorus | the prince and the showgirl
MICHIEL HUISMAN : The Age Of Adaline | A Boy Named Christmas
NADINE NASSIB NJEIM : Al Hayba | Cello | Nos Youm
NAOMI WATTS : (coming soon) the ring | the ring two | king kong | luce | the watcher | shut in | boss level | birdman | eastern promises | funny games | mulholland drive | the desperate hour |
REBECCA FERGUSON : the white queen | the girl on the train
REKHA GANESAN : Aastha | Bahurani | Baseraa | Daasi | Mother | Silsila | Suhaag | Umrao Jaan | Vladyka
VIVIAN LEIGH : Anna Karenina | Waterloo Bridge | Gone With The Wind | Heaven Can Wait |
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