#programme optimisation
prokopetz · 3 months
While I agree that most modern games could stand to be better optimised, you need to understand that the kind of batshit hyper-optimisation you see in pre-2000s console games was really only possible because the programmers could safely assume that everyone everywhere was using exactly the same hardware. Trying to pull that shit in the context of modern PC games is how we end up with games that will only reliably run on one specific brand of video card.
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stepbybreak · 2 years
BREAKXIT, Un jour en Trois Chiffres
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Notre activité Notre service de Travel planner s’occupe des recherches de vos prestations d’ hébergement, de transport, de restauration, d’activités, de l’optimisation du budget, de la programmation, de la planification de l’itinéraire, de la coordination, vous aide aux formalités administratives, rédige votre carnet de voyage, participe à la mise en ligne et l’édition du mini-site de…
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canmom · 2 months
Hello! I absolutely love your blog, everything from your festival recounts to animation analysis and programming (one of tumblr's recommended posts was the one where you made your own rasteriser, and I liked your attitude in what I've read so much that I'm gonna attempt to conquer my 3-year-long grudge against using opengl during college and do something similar now that I'm a bit older and have no deadlines :D).
But anyway, I have 2 questions (sorry if there's easily accessible answers, tumblr search is not helping): 1. During your animation nights, does the screen stay black while everyone watches their own video while you provide commentary? I haven't caught any yet but maybe someday! And 2. do you have any youtube channels or just one-off video essays that you like that also cover animation/directors? Or, even programming lol.
Sorry for the long ask have a nice day!
hiii! i'm very touched that you like my dorky eclectic blog <3
For the Animation Nights, I just stream the video over Twitch from local sources on my computer, typically by playing the video in mpv and recording it in OBS. This is obviously not ideal from a video quality perspective, but it's the easiest way to watch video in sync without making everyone download files in advance. Then we all chat in the Twitch chat box (in large part to crack stupid jokes, it's not that highbrow lmao). I've gotten away with it so far!
As for youtube channels, I can recommend...
anime production/history (i.e. sakuga fandom)
SteveM is likely the most sakuga-fan affiliated anituber. He makes long, well-researched and in-depth videos on anime history, usually themed around a particular director or studio.
Pyramid Inu might be my fave anituber - very thoughtful analysis of Gundam, obscure mecha anime and oldschool BL and similar topics. tremendously soothing voice too.
The Canipa Effect does excellent deep dives into the production of specific shows, both western and anime. I appreciate the respect he gives to the Korean animators of shows like AtlA in particular!
Sean Bires's 2013 presentation on sakuga is pretty foundational to this whole subcultural niche, and a great place to get an introduction to the major animator names to know and significant points in the history of anime. unfortunately a couple of the segments got slapped down by copyright but the rest holds up!
animation theory (for animators and aspirants)
I'm going to focus here on resources that are relevant to animation in general, and 2D animation. if I was going to list every Blender channel we'd be here all week :p
New Frame Plus is one of the best channels out there for game animation, describing in tightly edited videos how animation principles work in a game context and analysing the animation of various games. highly recommend
Videogame Animation Study is similar, examining the animation of specific games in detail
the 'twelve principles of animation' (defined by Disney's Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas) remain the standard approach to animation pedagogy; there are various videos on them, but Alan Becker (of Animator vs Animation) has quite a popular series. I haven't actually watched these but many people swear by them! Dermot O'Connor expands the list to 21. Note that some of the terminology can be a little inconsistent between different animators - c.f. 'secondary motion'...
Dong Chang is an animator at Studio NUT, who produces a lot of fantastic, succinct videos on standard techniques in the anime industry, timesheet notations, etc. etc. Studio Bulldog, a small anime studio, are a good complement; they focus more on douga than genga and are generally a bit more traditional.
big topic here, I'm going to focus on game dev and tech art since that's my field. but also some general compsci stuff that's neat
SimonDev - graphics programmer with a bunch of AAA experience, fantastic explanations of advanced optimisations and some of the more counterintuitive aspects of rendering
Acerola - graphics programmer who makes very detailed guides to a variety of effects with a very rapid and funny 'guy that has seen monogatari' editing style. When he's good, he's really good. His video on water is probably the best one I've seen (though I can recommend a couple of others).
TodePond - the most charming, musical videos about recursion and cellular automata you've ever seen. less programming tutorial and more art in themselves.
Ben Eater - known for his breadboard computer series, a fantastic demonstration of how to go from logic gates up to the 6502 with actual hardware. worth watching just for how clean he puts the wires on his breadboards like goddamn man
Sebastian Lague, Useless Game Dev - both do 'coding adventure' style videos where they spend a few weeks on some project and then document it on Youtube, resulting in a huge library of videos about all sorts of fascinating techniques. great to dive into
Freya Holmér - creator of the 'shapes' library, makes videos on mathematical programming, with gorgeously animated vector graphics. Her video on splines is a particular treat.
There are definitely many more channels I can recommend on these subjects, but I'll need to dig into my history a bit - unfortunately I need to rush out right now, but hopefully that should be good to be getting going with!
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less-dev · 5 months
We're making a Starbound/Terraria inspired space sandbox game!
We're making a 2D sandbox game similar to Starbound! Or uh, terraria in space.
#nodev contains shitposting
#planetarium contains dev progress
Specifics under the cut
Who are you?
Aspen - Project Lead, Programmer, Pixel artist, Sound Designer.
Hey! I'm Aspen, I've been programming and making games for many many years in basically every engine there is... But never felt the drive to finish one, until now! I consider myself very experienced in the engine we're using (Gamemaker Studio 2.5) and have confidence we'll be able to make this game a reality. I also run the Tumblr account, so assume it's me behind the wheel as a default. Thank you for checking the game out!
Alec - Concept artist, Character Designer
H a l l o I'm Alec, I like writing and drawing and painting and designing shiiiiiiiit. I adore world building and have frequent bursts of creative possession in which I conceive and birth the greatest ideas and concepts in a mere moment. Otherwise, I can be a total dumbass and completely useless. I'm good at colours 👌 I have been a 85% a home-brew DM for about 2 years now and that is the greatest proof of my ADHD-given God powers of creativity. Slay.
What a cool guy!
Design pillars
Immersion. Above all else, I would like roleplay (casual or serious) to be natural and well supported. I would like players to find engaging with the world, and it's characters to be very personal.
Innovation. Tropes such as "You spawn in a green forest and can walk left or right" will be actively avoided. Biomes will have generation that presents more unique movement opportunities. Such as geysers in rock pools launching players high up, or giant twisting vines that hold up chunks of land to hop between.
More quality less quantity. Planets will be significantly more content-dense than Starbound, and perhaps controversially travel between them will be more difficult/expensive as well. This would encourage players to take advantage of all the resources presented on each planet, instead of hopping from one to the next. This would also encourage us throughout development to give each planet as much love as possible. Each planet should feel like a 'miniature terraria world'. Though actually achieving that is easier said than done.
Meaningful content. Procedurally generating creatures from 100 different pre-set monster parts could technically produce limitless alien creatures for players to encounter. But in both No Man's Sky and Starbound. I find this novelty to wear off quick, these creatures are not manually, meaningfully crafted and beyond an unusual appearance and some shallow gameplay changes... They do not create much of a memorable experience for the player. In my opinion, anyway. I would rather hand-craft every creature and make them all significantly unique and interesting. That's not to say procedurally generated creatures won't ever have a place in the game, but they certainly wont be as prevalent as others games.
Okay well... What's finished?
Fundamental lighting shaders akin to Starbound.
Some world generation brushes and basic commands.
A text mark-up language (heavily optimised), and game chat.
Extensive custom debugging tools
Hard and soft-loading of chunks to save on as much memory and CPU usage as possible.
Complete unloading, and compression of chunks on top of the previously mentioned system. As well as a live-saving system.
Setting, Story baseline, and conceptualization of the first 3 playable species. Each species will have a different starting planet, and immediately different playthrough.
Designs and cultures of several additional unplayable races.
Character proportion tests, sprites and sketches.
First-pass on collision functions.
Weighted Tile variance and tile connections.
Multiplayer. While I have made an online multiplayer game before and it's definitely doable for this game, it would require some practice in a one-off test game to be fully confident. It would also take a LOT of time.
Modding. As far as I know gamemaker games are notoriously difficult for players to modify. Something like Unity is far easier even without mod support. Gamemaker on the other hand is difficult even if I want to design systems in favor of modders. This is kind of a problem for later, I have faith there'll be something we can do to make it work... But a cursory look says it won't be easy. I would be extremely disappointed if there was nothing we could do.
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adviceformefromme · 4 months
How do you let go of fear? I am scared of everything. I have been in therapy for over a decade and I’m grown so so much but the mental battle with being scared of every worst possible outcomes controls me. It’s exhausting. I just want to detach and let things flow.
Hey sweetie, I want to let you know I have BEEN there. My mind was so polluted with fear, every thought was worry, doubt, stress, anxiety but I want to let you know there is light at the end of the tunnel!
You need to go on a FAST. This means removing all the things that are causing you to feel fear consciously and unconsciously. I would suggest. No movies / tv unless its good feels/high vibe. Absolutely no watching the news, no horrors, no social media. No music unless it's high frequency. All these media outlets have the power to keep you low.
Work with your journal to understand yourself better. Write down exactly what you are afraid of in one column, and then write the opposite for each one in the other column. For example 'I am scared of men, they will attack me' vs 'I feel supported by men I feel safe around men' (this was a real fear of mine). As you write all your fears. You need to record yourself on your phone in a peaceful calm voice saying the opposite only. Record the list and play it on repeat as many times as a day as possible. Before bed is the most powerful. But if you need to play this 100 times a day do it because you really need to re-programme your mind.
Start consuming content that helps you heal, podcasts, books. More so books. Self-development. Read more, lean on fiction that is positive and uplifting (not keeping you in low frequency fears).
What are you eating? Make sure the foods are supporting you, research pro-biotic diet and get any health checks to ensure your body is optimising at its best (unlikely if you are in a state of anxious fear).
Do some exercise. Get into a wellness routine, yoga / stretches, running, HIT. Whatever you can do even if its running down the road and back for 5 mins. Do something. Your body needs to shift that energy.
PRAY. {personally} this should be at the top, having a solid relationship with God is going to heal you in so many ways. You will receive the guidance you need once you start asking for help - books will fall off shelves (I've said this many times because its absolutely true), people will appear in your life.
Learn to meditate, hard to think of this when your mind is plagued with fear - but watching this breathe work meditation can really help create some space in your mind.
Setting the intention and taking actions to move you out of your current state is equally as important as all the above points, sure you might want to change your mind, but putting in the work to love and protect your thoughts and energy is how you make the shift. I hope these help xoxoxox
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blubberquark · 10 months
Share Your Anecdotes: Multicore Pessimisation
I took a look at the specs of new 7000 series Threadripper CPUs, and I really don't have any excuse to buy one, even if I had the money to spare. I thought long and hard about different workloads, but nothing came to mind.
Back in university, we had courses about map/reduce clusters, and I experimented with parallel interpreters for Prolog, and distributed computing systems. What I learned is that the potential performance gains from better data structures and algorithms trump the performance gains from fancy hardware, and that there is more to be gained from using the GPU or from re-writing the performance-critical sections in C and making sure your data structures take up less memory than from multi-threaded code. Of course, all this is especially important when you are working in pure Python, because of the GIL.
The performance penalty of parallelisation hits even harder when you try to distribute your computation between different computers over the network, and the overhead of serialisation, communication, and scheduling work can easily exceed the gains of parallel computation, especially for small to medium workloads. If you benchmark your Hadoop cluster on a toy problem, you may well find that it's faster to solve your toy problem on one desktop PC than a whole cluster, because it's a toy problem, and the gains only kick in when your data set is too big to fit on a single computer.
The new Threadripper got me thinking: Has this happened to somebody with just a multicore CPU? Is there software that performs better with 2 cores than with just one, and better with 4 cores than with 2, but substantially worse with 64? It could happen! Deadlocks, livelocks, weird inter-process communication issues where you have one process per core and every one of the 64 processes communicates with the other 63 via pipes? There could be software that has a badly optimised main thread, or a badly optimised work unit scheduler, and the limiting factor is single-thread performance of that scheduler that needs to distribute and integrate work units for 64 threads, to the point where the worker threads are mostly idling and only one core is at 100%.
I am not trying to blame any programmer if this happens. Most likely such software was developed back when quad-core CPUs were a new thing, or even back when there were multi-CPU-socket mainboards, and the developer never imagined that one day there would be Threadrippers on the consumer market. Programs from back then, built for Windows XP, could still run on Windows 10 or 11.
In spite of all this, I suspect that this kind of problem is quite rare in practice. It requires software that spawns one thread or one process per core, but which is deoptimised for more cores, maybe written under the assumption that users have for two to six CPU cores, a user who can afford a Threadripper, and needs a Threadripper, and a workload where the problem is noticeable. You wouldn't get a Threadripper in the first place if it made your workflows slower, so that hypothetical user probably has one main workload that really benefits from the many cores, and another that doesn't.
So, has this happened to you? Dou you have a Threadripper at work? Do you work in bioinformatics or visual effects? Do you encode a lot of video? Do you know a guy who does? Do you own a Threadripper or an Ampere just for the hell of it? Or have you tried to build a Hadoop/Beowulf/OpenMP cluster, only to have your code run slower?
I would love to hear from you.
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hi i was wondering if you’d be able to explain a bit more about how la masia works please? i’ve always been super curious to know about the schedules, the living situation, the general culture of the academy etc but it seems like there’s limited resources out there!
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so la masia is barça's youth residency program and academy and has produced some of the best players in the world. like i said before in this post, the system has been a little different for female players and the first female residency class first arrived in 2021.
barça describes la masia as "exclusively designed to optimise the intellectual, personal, and social development of young sportspeople. All of that without ignoring human warmth and proximity among the residents, educators and club staff." there are currently over 100 athletes there, and they have a variety of facilities for students. think uni dorm style living.
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so the ultimate goal of la masia is to integrate a youth player and move them through the youth clubs at barça all the way to the first team and/or other first teams at other top clubs in europe.
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and yes, there is a schedule for the students so they can integrate studies along with the football training schedule. la masia residents also have access to tutors and support staff so they don't fall behind academically. but the main goal is being indoctrinated into the barça way of thinking and playing (mes que un club).
it's obviously super competitive to get in. annually barça runs trials for players from 6-11 through its FCBEscola programme and successful trialists have a chance of admission to la masia.
unfortunately, there have been budget cuts lately, and barça's economic woes seem to be affecting all levels, so we'll see what happens in the future. anyway, barça put together this video to show what the conditions are like on a daily basis:
hope this helps!
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hexenmond · 2 months
I am going to teach myself a different keyboard layout. Neo, which is very different from QWERTZ (which I am used to).
Why would I put myself through this? I can type pretty fast with QWERTZ, thanks to years of doing it a lot (never learned it properly though).
There's a few reasons, the latest that is currently tipping me over the ledge being that typing anything in Turkish with a bog standard German QWERTZ layout requires me to copypaste all the special characters from a character table, which is seriously no fun. And switching keyboard layouts just for a word or three – meh, no, uncool. Functional but uncool.
But learning a whole different keyboard layout that will enable me to write things in sooooo many languages? And generally type even more efficiently once I've mastered it?? Sign me up baby 🤩
…honestly I cannot resist the siren call of Optimisation™. Things could be better! I only need to put in a large amount of effort! 😆
But seriously, I'm giving this a go. I already installed the layout and the training programme, AND did my first lesson (two letters, did not pass). No risk no FUN!
(So if you don't hear from me for another while, it's because I cannot type quickly enough, and/or I got stuck entering my password because I can't do it with the new keyboard layout.)
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ESA-DLR lunar analogue facility inaugurated 
LUNA, Europe’s new ‘Moon on Earth’, is set to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of lunar exploration. 
The inauguration of LUNA, the lunar analogue facility operated jointly by ESA and the German Aerospace Agency (Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR), took place on 25 September in Cologne, Germany.
The facility, which is designed to recreate the lunar surface, is located next to ESA’s European Astronaut Centre and will be used to prepare astronauts, scientists, engineers and mission experts for living and working on the Moon. 
It will facilitate research, development and integrated testing of space technology under realistic conditions, providing valuable insights for upcoming lunar missions, such as NASA's Artemis programme, which will send astronauts to the Moon for the first time in over 50 years. 
ESA Director General Josef Aschbacher said, "The opening of LUNA marks a significant milestone in Europe’s space exploration efforts. This unique facility, with its ability to replicate lunar conditions, advances our understanding of the Moon and prepares us for future missions. We are proud to lead this project, which positions Europe at the forefront of lunar exploration and beyond, while also fostering international collaboration in space research.” 
Guests from the space sector and governmental officials attended the inauguration of Europe’s cutting-edge space research facility, including ESA Director General Josef Aschbacher, Chair of the DLR Executive Board Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla, the Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia Hendrik Wüst, alongside Deputy Minister-President of North Rhine-Westphalia Mona Neubaur and the Federal Government Coordinator for German Aerospace Anna Christmann, as well as representatives of NASA. 
"LUNA will contribute to optimising our preparations for activities on the lunar surface through research into technologies and innovation for space exploration. This involves robotics as well as artificial intelligence, the utilisation of local resources and resource-conserving cycles all the way through to regenerative energy systems. LUNA provides a unique array of elements for scientific research and technological development under one roof. In its role as the ‘Moon on Earth’, LUNA will sustainably support activities on the Moon from Germany," says Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla, Chair of the DLR Executive Board.
"LUNA represents a major leap forward in our efforts to prepare for human exploration of the Moon and beyond. By replicating the lunar surface and providing vital insights into surface operations, this facility will help us address the challenges of future space missions. Partnering with DLR on this project highlights the power of international collaboration and our shared commitment to advancing space exploration together," commented ESA Director of Human and Robotic Exploration Daniel Neuenschwander.
  LUNA features a 700-square-metre area that replicates the Moon’s surface using 900 tonnes of basalt-derived volcanic grains and rocks, processed to create a material known as ‘regolith simulant’, providing a unique testing environment.
A deep floor area will allow for drilling and sampling up to three metres below the surface, enabling research on regolith including frozen lunar soil.
Meanwhile, a Sun simulator mimics the day and night cycles on the Moon, including the challenging lighting conditions found at lunar polar regions. 
Advanced control rooms are linked in real-time to mission control centres in Germany and worldwide. In the future, the analogue facility will also be connected to the Lunar Gateway, or even the Moon itself for seamless mission simulations.
Additional features will soon be implemented such as a gravity offloading system to simulate the Moon’s one-sixth of Earth gravity and an adjustable ramp for testing mobility on lunar slopes.
LUNA is designed as an open hub, available to space agencies, academia, researchers, space industry, start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises from all over the world. 
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askthelordofiron · 9 months
Question, a silly one: which sock pattern optimises you for weeb combat better? 1) programmer socks? 2) racing stripe socks?
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alexalblondo · 1 year
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The FIA Formula 2 Championship has unveiled the F2 2024 car to the international media in the Formula 1 paddock in Monza today, Thursday 31st August.
The design philosophy of the new car, which will be raced in the 2024, 2025 and 2026 seasons, is to give young drivers who aspire to race in Formula 1 the best preparation, by making it as close to an F1 car as possible in terms of safety, look, systems, performance, sustainability and accessibility, all at reasonable costs. Moreover, the nose, front and rear wings and floor have been designed to encourage wheel-to-wheel racing, which will lead to thrilling on-track action.
The new car, which features the latest FIA safety innovations, is powered by a 3.4 litre turbo-charged Mecachrome engine, and includes some new features to accommodate the Aramco synthetic sustainable fuel that will be introduced in 2025. For 2024, the F2 car will continue to run on Aramco 55% bio-sourced sustainable fuel, which was successfully introduced in 2023.
The F2 2024 has also been designed to comply with the FIA 2024 specifications in terms of braking, steering effort and ergonomics to accommodate a wide range of drivers and make the championship as accessible as possible.
The car systems will still include marshalling such as Virtual Safety Car (VSC), and optimised Drag Reduction System (DRS), whilst the electronics have been enhanced with a new Marelli Vehicle Control Unit (VCU).
The car completed a successful shakedown in July in Varano, with former F2 driver Tatiana Calderon at the wheel. Following today’s unveiling, the development programme will continue over a number of tests across the remainder of the year, with several drivers including 2022 FIA Formula 2 Champion Felipe Drugovich.
The programme will comprise sufficient mileage to ensure reliability before the cars are delivered to the teams, and further development will be done throughout 2024, 2025 and 2026, as the sustainable component of the fuel increases to reach the target of 100% of synthetic sustainable fuels in 2027.
One car will be delivered to the teams before the end of December 2023, and the second car will be delivered in mid-January 2024. There will be a shakedown with the teams before the first official pre-season test, with one car per team.
Stefano Domenicali, President and CEO of Formula 1, said: “F2 consistently delivers excellent racing and acts as an important training ground for future members of the Formula 1 grid, and by bringing the design philosophies of the two cars closer together we will support this development further. The new F2 car is also an important symbol for our sustainability journey as the series continues to pioneer advanced sustainable fuel which will become a part of F1 from 2026. I want to pay tribute to Bruno and his team as well as the FIA for our continued strong collaboration in this category. I can’t wait to see the car on track next season.”
FIA Deputy President for Sport, Robert Reid, said: “The launch of this next generation of FIA Formula 2 car marks the start of an exciting new chapter for the championship. A huge amount of work has been done by the FIA, Formula 2 and its partners to put together what is a truly impressive package focused on close racing, the latest safety technologies, even greater environmental sustainability and better accessibility for drivers than ever before. This significant step will bring Formula 2 closer to the pinnacle of motor sport, ensuring that the next generation of drivers get the best possible preparation for the future and also put on a fantastic show for the fans around the world.
“Seeing how design philosophies and technologies are cascading down from Formula 1 to the junior categories is a great testament to the FIA single-seater pathway that guides young talents from around the world towards a successful career in top-flight competition, and we are all looking forward to seeing this car in racing action next season.”
FIA Formula 2 Championship CEO, Bruno Michel, said: “I’m very proud to present our new F2 car, which will race for the next three years. Together with the FIA, we’ve designed a powerful, challenging and safe car that will prepare young drivers for F1, and that will continue to provide great racing and a lot of overtaking opportunities, something that the fans expect from F2.
“It has been designed also to fit all types of drivers, taking into account FIA’s consideration regarding the steering effort. This is obviously key to making our sport more inclusive, by enhancing our car’s driveability and comfort.
“One of our main focuses remains costs control. So, we have kept the same engine and gearbox, and there are a lot of carried-over parts from the previous car. Finally, we made sure that the teams can manage this new car with 12 operational people, as per the Sporting Regulations.
“I want to thank our partners Aramco, Pirelli, Dallara and Mecachrome, who are key in making this car safe, reliable and the best racing machine to prepare our drivers for Formula 1.”
The 2024 FIA Formula 2 car – Details
Dimensions - Overall length: 5284 mm - Overall width: 1900 mm - Overall height: 1097 mm (including FOM roll hoop camera) - Wheelbase: 3135 mm
Engine - V6 - 3.4 litre single turbo charged Mecachrome engine. - Rated to 620 HP @ 8750 rpm. - Fly by wire accelerator system. - Rebuild after 8000 km. - Maximum Torque 570 Nm @ 6000 rpm.
Monocoque and Bodywork - Survival cell - Sandwich Carbon/aluminium honeycomb structure/Zylon anti-intrusion panels made by Dallara. - Front and rear wing - Carbon structures made by Dallara. - Bodywork - Carbon - Kevlar honeycomb structures made by Dallara.
Safety standards - Full FIA F1 2024 safety standards. - Titanium Halo F1 specification.
Gearbox - 6-speed longitudinal Hewland sequential gearbox. - Electro-hydraulic command via paddle shift from steering wheel. - ZF SACHS Carbon clutch. - No on-board starter. - Non hydraulic ramp differential.
Steering system - Non-assisted rack and pinion steering system - FIA 2024 specification. - New XAP steering wheel with dashboard, gear change, clutch and DRS paddles, marshalling & VSC display.
Electronic features - New Marelli Marvel VCU 480 ECU/GCU including data logging system. - New Marelli FOX 442 power supply management unit. - CAN data acquisition pre-equipment. - Beacon receiver. - F1 type VSC & Marshalling system.
Suspension - Double steel wishbones, pushrod operated, twin dampers and torsion bars suspension (Front) and spring suspension (Rear). - Adjustable ride height, camber and toe. - Two way (F) / Four way (R) adjustable Koni dampers. - Adjustable anti-roll bar (Front/Rear).
Wheels and tyres - O.Z. Racing magnesium rims. - 18” x 12” front wheel dimension. - 18” x 13.7” rear wheel dimension. - F2 specific Pirelli slick / wet tyres. - TPMS Texense (Tyre Pressure Monitoring System).
Brakes - 6 pistons monobloc Brembo callipers. - Carbone Industrie carbon-carbon brake discs and pads.
Fuel - Aramco 55% bio-sourced sustainable fuel for 2024. - ATL FT5 fuel cell 125 litres – FIA standard.
DRS - Same functionality of DRS used in Formula 1. - Hydraulic activation.
Extinguisher system - New FEV system (electrically operated), in accordance to the latest FIA standards.
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nividawebsolutions · 1 year
Top 7 Challenges Faced By IT Industry In 2023
Within the rapidly growing universe of technology, the IT companies in India assume a crucial role, persistently adjusting themselves to cater to the needs of a perpetually shifting environment. Nevertheless, the advancement of society brings forth a set of obstacles that necessitate a deliberate approach to resolution. As the year 2023 commences, the IT industry faces a multitude of challenges that necessitate careful consideration and effective measures. This blog aims to explore the primary issues encountered by the IT industry in the current year, providing insights into their consequences and possible remedies.
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1.  Cybersecurity Threats:
The escalation of cyber risks has been observed as a consequence of the widespread adoption of digital technology and interconnected systems. The level of sophistication exhibited by cybercriminals is on the rise, as they deploy advanced strategies to bypass security systems. All the IT companies in Gujarat, India, in the year 2023 are confronted with the formidable challenge of maintaining a competitive edge in the face of cyber attacks, while simultaneously prioritising data protection and securing essential infrastructure. The implementation of effective cybersecurity safeguards, regular conduct of security audits, and provision of cybersecurity education to staff are essential elements in addressing and minimising this risk.
2.  Data Privacy and Compliance:
The increasingly stringent legislative framework surrounding data privacy poses a substantial obstacle for the information technology sector. Stringent regulations pertaining to data privacy, such as the General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR), necessitate rigorous adherence. In the year 2023, the IT companies in Vadodara, Gujarat have the challenge of striking a delicate equilibrium between adhering to regulatory requirements and efficiently using data for commercial objectives. IT organisations are required to allocate resources towards the implementation of compliance frameworks, provide training to their employees, and guarantee that data-handling procedures are in accordance with the prescribed norms.
3.  Talent Acquisition and Retention:
The acquisition and retention of talent pose an ongoing problem for the IT industry, as it continues to seek and keep qualified workers. The scarcity of highly specialised skills frequently results in a disparity between demand and supply, hence engendering intense rivalry for those with such talents. Moreover, the current trends in remote work and the increasing globalisation of the talent market serve to exacerbate this challenge. In order to tackle this issue, a reliable IT company in India like Nivida Web Solutions prioritises the enhancement of the skills of their current workforce, provides enticing remuneration packages, cultivates a favourable work environment, and creates avenues for professional advancement and personal improvement.
4.  Technological Advancements and Adaptability:
The expeditious rate at which technological developments are occurring has both advantages and disadvantages for the IT business. Although these developments present promising prospects, they also present a difficulty in terms of adaptation. Keeping abreast of developing technology and enabling a smooth transition to new platforms and tools may be a demanding task. In order to effectively adapt to emerging technology, IT organisations must allocate resources towards the implementation of continual training and development programmes, which aim to equip their personnel with the requisite skills.
5.  Resource Optimization and Scalability:
The optimisation of resources and the effective scalability of operations have emerged as significant challenges in recent times. The management of resources and the scaling of operations in response to varying market needs and the imperative of cost-effectiveness can provide intricate challenges. Cloud computing and intelligent resource allocation are essential solutions that can be employed to effectively address this dilemma. The utilisation of cloud solutions by Nivida Web Solutions - a recognised IT company in Gujarat, India, allows for enhanced flexibility and cost-efficiency, hence assuring the appropriate allocation of resources.
6.  Integration and Interoperability:
The IT environment is distinguished by a diverse array of systems and applications that necessitate harmonious integration. The task of achieving integration and interoperability across diverse platforms, legacy systems, and emerging technologies poses a significant challenge. The establishment of interconnectedness is crucial in facilitating an effective and productive IT ecosystem. It is imperative for the industry to prioritise the development of standardised interfaces, utilise APIs effectively, and implement integration platforms in order to improve interoperability.
7.  Environmental Sustainability:
Environmental sustainability has emerged as a pressing issue in various sectors, encompassing the field of IT. The IT industry possesses a substantial carbon footprint as a result of its energy consumption, generation of electronic waste, and operations of data centres. In the year 2023, the sector is faced with the task of identifying environmentally sustainable solutions and adopting practices that effectively mitigate their ecological footprint. The use of green technology, the optimisation of data centre efficiency, and the incorporation of circular economy concepts are positive measures in the pursuit of sustainability objectives.
Final Thoughts:
The IT sector encounters a diverse range of issues in the year 2023, necessitating the implementation of proactive and strategic methodologies. Addressing a range of difficulties, including cybersecurity risks, talent acquisition, technological adaptation, and sustainability, is necessary in order to establish and maintain a flourishing and sustainable information technology ecosystem. By adopting a proactive approach towards innovation, allocating resources towards skill enhancement, and placing emphasis on adherence to regulations and sustainability, Nivida Web Solutions - the most distinguished IT company in Vadodara, may effectively navigate the obstacles it faces and emerge with increased resilience. This will facilitate the ongoing growth and progression of the industry in the era of digitalization.
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coderapide · 7 months
Les Meilleurs Services IPTV pour Smarters Player en 2024
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Évolution de l'IPTV et l'Importance des Codes IPTV en 2024
L'IPTV, ou télévision sur IP, a continué de révolutionner la diffusion de contenu en ligne en 2024. Avec l'essor des plateformes de streaming et des services de vidéo à la demande, l'IPTV a joué un rôle essentiel dans la manière dont le contenu est diffusé et consommé. Les utilisateurs peuvent désormais accéder à une variété de chaînes et de programmes via des abonnements IPTV, offrant une flexibilité et une commodité accrues par rapport aux modèles traditionnels de télévision par câble ou satellite.
Un élément crucial pour profiter pleinement de l'IPTV est l'utilisation de code IPTV. Ces codes permettent aux utilisateurs d'accéder à des contenus premium sur des plateformes comme Smarters Player. Pour ceux qui recherchent des abonnements IPTV de qualité, www.code-iptv.com offre une gamme d'options adaptées à divers besoins et préférences. Que vous soyez à la recherche de sports en direct, de films récents, ou de séries télévisées, notre site propose des codes IPTV qui débloquent le meilleur du divertissement numérique.
Abonnements IPTV : Variété et Choix
L'un des aspects les plus attrayants de l'IPTV est la diversité des abonnements disponibles pour les consommateurs. Les utilisateurs ont le choix entre une gamme de forfaits IPTV adaptés à leurs besoins spécifiques en matière de contenu et de budget. Certains abonnements offrent un accès à un large éventail de chaînes internationales, tandis que d'autres se concentrent sur des contenus spécifiques tels que le sport, les films ou les émissions de télévision.
Chaque type d'abonnement IPTV présente ses propres avantages et inconvénients. Par exemple, les forfaits premium peuvent offrir une qualité de streaming supérieure et un accès à des événements en direct exclusifs. C'est ici que www.code-iptv.com se distingue, en fournissant des code IPTV qui garantissent une expérience de visionnage de haute qualité, sans interruption ni retard.
Sélection du meilleur abonnement
Lorsqu'il s'agit de choisir le meilleur abonnement IPTV, il est essentiel de prendre en compte plusieurs facteurs clés. La qualité du streaming, la disponibilité des chaînes et des programmes spécifiques, ainsi que la compatibilité avec Smarters Player et d'autres appareils sont autant d'aspects importants à considérer. De plus, comparer les fonctionnalités offertes par différents abonnements peut aider les utilisateurs à prendre une décision éclairée.
Il est recommandé aux consommateurs de rechercher des avis d'utilisateurs et des comparaisons détaillées pour évaluer la valeur ajoutée réelle offerte par chaque abonnement. En fin de compte, le choix du meilleur abonnement IPTV dépendra des besoins individuels en matière de contenu, de qualité et de budget.
Qualité de streaming et compatibilité
Expérience de streaming
La qualité de streaming est un aspect crucial de l'expérience IPTV. Les meilleurs services IPTV en 2024 offrent une qualité d'image exceptionnelle, avec des résolutions allant jusqu'à la 4K pour une expérience de visionnage immersive. La fluidité et la clarté des flux vidéo contribuent à une expérience de visionnage sans faille, offrant aux utilisateurs la possibilité de profiter pleinement de leur contenu préféré.
En ce qui concerne la compatibilité, les services IPTV sont conçus pour fonctionner avec une variété d'appareils, y compris le Smarters Player, les smartphones, les tablettes et les smart TV. Cette polyvalence permet aux utilisateurs de profiter de leur contenu préféré à tout moment et n'importe où, offrant une flexibilité inégalée.
Technologie de diffusion
Les fournisseurs de services IPTV utilisent des technologies avancées telles que la compression vidéo pour améliorer la qualité du streaming. La compression permet de diffuser des contenus haute résolution tout en optimisant l'utilisation de la bande passante, garantissant ainsi une expérience fluide même avec des connexions Internet plus lentes.
En 2024, l'innovation dans la diffusion de contenu se concentre sur l'amélioration continue de la qualité audiovisuelle et sur l'introduction de fonctionnalités interactives pour enrichir l'expérience utilisateur. Ces progrès technologiques visent à offrir aux téléspectateurs une expérience immersive et personnalisée, redéfinissant ainsi les normes en matière de divertissement à domicile.
Options de paiement et comparaison
Modes de paiement
Lorsqu'il s'agit de modes de paiement, les abonnements IPTV offrent une variété d'options pour répondre aux préférences des utilisateurs. Les méthodes de paiement courantes comprennent les cartes de crédit/débit, les portefeuilles électroniques et même les cryptomonnaies. Cette diversité permet aux utilisateurs de choisir la méthode qui leur convient le mieux en termes de commodité et de sécurité.
La sécurité des transactions financières est une priorité pour les services IPTV, et ceux-ci mettent en œuvre des mesures avancées pour protéger les informations sensibles des utilisateurs. Les protocoles de cryptage sécurisés et les systèmes d'authentification à deux facteurs garantissent que les transactions sont sûres et fiables, offrant ainsi aux abonnés une tranquillité d'esprit lorsqu'ils effectuent des paiements en ligne.
Comparaison des prix
Une analyse comparative des coûts des différents services IPTV est essentielle pour aider les consommateurs à prendre une décision éclairée. En évaluant les forfaits proposés par plusieurs fournisseurs, il est possible de comparer les prix mensuels, les offres groupées, ainsi que la disponibilité d'offres spéciales et de remises.
Il est également important de tenir compte non seulement du coût initial, mais aussi des éventuels frais supplémentaires tels que les frais d'installation ou les frais mensuels pour l'accès à certains contenus premium. En examinant attentivement ces aspects, les consommateurs peuvent choisir un abonnement IPTV qui correspond à la fois à leurs besoins en matière de contenu et à leur budget.
Choisir le meilleur service IPTV
Considération des besoins individuels
Lors du choix d'un service IPTV, il est essentiel de prendre en compte les besoins individuels de chaque utilisateur. La variété des offres disponibles sur le marché permet aux consommateurs de trouver un service qui correspond parfaitement à leurs préférences en matière de contenu, de qualité de streaming et de budget. Certains utilisateurs peuvent privilégier l'accès à des chaînes spécifiques, tandis que d'autres peuvent rechercher une qualité d'image exceptionnelle pour une expérience immersive. En tenant compte de ces besoins individuels, les consommateurs peuvent choisir le meilleur service IPTV qui répond à leurs attentes spécifiques.
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ectomoog · 7 months
The Ecto Moog Vanilla Experience
Updated for 1.20.4
I’m the unwilling user of a MacBook Air, and I’m also someone with strong (picky) preferences for ✨vibes✨, and so to play Minecraft casually on my laptop, I’ve had to jump through several hoops to achieve what I would consider a good vanilla experience.
At this point though, I’ve put probably too much time and effort into it, and so I thought to justify that I’d make a beginner's guide to all the mods, resource packs and game options I use, as of February 2024 (1.20.4). 👇
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I will attach a hyperlink to any resources I mention :)
Ok so to start off, yes, I technically I don't actually play true vanilla Minecraft, but the mods I have installed are all client-side, and for the purpose of improving or optimising the vanilla experience. You can find me and a list of (almost) all these mods on Modrinth.
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Fabric & Modrinth (Intro)
To mod the game, I use Fabric. I know that Forge has had some… drama? recently, and I’m gonna be honest I’ve never tried Quilt (I will at some point), but Fabric is super widespread, tons of mods use it so it works just fine for me 😁. When I’m looking for mods, I really prefer to use Modrinth, just because I can follow everything and it’s a really well designed website. (I also tried their launcher but I think it needs a little work?)
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As part of Fabric, I do have the Fabric API in my mods folder.
Performance & Optimisation
I use these mods are to make the game run better. Minecraft is notorious for being very poorly optimised, and these mods have been made by a ton of very talented people to fix that.
JellySquid’s Sodium is the hot optimisation mod right now for rendering and graphical fixes. It doesn’t have the cosmetic features of Optifine, like dynamic lighting or zoom, but it’s super compatible and gives me great performance. Combined with my other mods, at a 15 chunk render distance in the overworld, I averaged around 50 fps. For a MacBook, that's not bad at all.
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To accompany Sodium I've also got Indium, an add-on that provides support for the Fabric Rendering API, which is required for mods that use advanced rendering effects, and Reese's Sodium Options, which adds a better options screen for Sodium’s video settings- it looks better basically.
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Lithium is a general purpose optimisation mod that improves systems like game physics, mob AI, block ticking, etc without changing vanilla mechanics.
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Starlight rewrites the entire lighting engine to fix performance and errors. Made for bigger servers, but helpful for client users. I think this is in place of Phosphor.
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Dynamic FPS
Dynamic FPS can reduce the game’s FPS when it’s just running in the background- useful for a laptop.
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Some more specific optimisation mods:
Entity Culling avoids rendering entities that aren’t directly in your field of view, which is much more thorough than the vanilla approach.
Ferrite Core reduces the memory usage of Minecraft in a ton of different ways.
Immediately Fast optimises how things like entities, particles, text, GUI are rendered, by using “a custom buffer implementation which batches draw calls and uploads data to the GPU in a more efficient way.”
I'm not a programmer so I can’t really explain what Krypton does, something to do with networking stacks, but I know it optimises.. things, lowers server CPU usage and reduces memory usage. I’m barely following along with a lot of these mods.
Fabric Language Kotlin is a dependancy that enables the use of the Kotlin programming language for other Fabric mods. To be honest, I’ve forgotten what mod needs this but I don’t want to delete it, just in case.
These mods aren’t necessarily about performance, but they do enhance the game in a vanilla kind of way, in my opinion. Some of these could be up for debate but I do think they compliment the base game.
Lamb Dynamic Lights
Lamb Dynamic Lights is a simple but thorough dynamic lighting mod that adds light-emitting handheld items, dropped items and entities.
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Zoomify is a super configurable zoom mod. Maybe this is just because of Optifine’s influence, but i think they should add zoom to the base game. At least I feel cool using it 😎
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To make Zoomify work, you’ll need, YetAnotherConfigLib, a config library that fills in a couple of holes.
Better F3
Better F3… makes the F3 menu better. There’s the option to customise literally everything, you can colour code, shift and delete parts of the menu depending on your use case, it’s less insane and looks a whole lot better.
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MiniHUD allows you to display customisable F3 lines on the main screen, along with several client-side overlay renderers. I just use it for the mini-F3, and I have my FPS, coords and cardinal direction in the top left corner. It’s honestly more helpful than you’d assume.
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MiniHUD requires MaLiLib (masa’s Litemod Library) which is a library mod for mods made by masa and others.
ModMenu adds an in-game menu where you can view the mods you’re running and access their details and setting menus.
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Shulker Box Tool Tip
Shulker Box Tool Tip adds a preview of the inside of a Shulker box when it’s in your inventory.
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Some more specific experience mods:
Bobby is a rendering mod that allows the player to render more chunks than a server’s fixed distance, by loading in previously generated chunks saved client-side. You can also render them straight from a singleplayer world file. To be honest, I don’t often run into this issue but it’s helpful to have lol.
Cloth Config API adds a config screen for mods in-game.
Iris is a mod that makes shaders super easy, and compatible with Sodium. It's down here because I don’t use shaders often, but it’s essential if you do.
A lot of these mods are subject to change as I find better or updated alternatives, and I'm always on the lookout for more 😁
Resource Packs
For vanilla Minecraft, I actually only use one resource pack, but if you’re familiar with Vanilla Tweaks, you’ll understand why this deserves its own category.
This resource pack allows you to pick which small changes you want to add, and a lot of them are really cool. Some of my favourite tweaks are:
Dark UI
Quieter Nether Portals
Circular Sun and Moon
Numbered Hotbar
Golden Crown
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The other tweaks I have are: Classic Minecraft Logo, Lower Warped Nylium, Lower Snow, Lower Crimson Nylium, Lower Podzol, Lower Paths, Lower Grass, Wither Hearts, Ping Color Indicator, Borderless Glass, Lower Fire, Lower Shield, Transparent Pumpkin, Noteblock Banners, Quieter Minecarts, Variated Unpolished Stones, Variated, Terracotta, Variated Stone, Variated Logs, Variated Mushroom Blocks, Variated End Stone, Variated Gravel, Variated Mycelium, Variated Planks, Variated Bricks, Random Moss Rotation, Variated Cobblestone, Variated Grass, Random Coarse Dirt Rotation, Variated Dirt, Darker Dark Oak Leaves, Shorter Tall Grass, Circle Log Tops, Twinkling Stars, Accurate Spyglass, Unique Dyes, Animated Campfire Item, Red Iron Golem Flowers, Brown Leather, Warm Glow, Horizontal Nuggets, Different Stems, Variated Bookshelves, Connected Bookshelves.
Game Options
For the sake of the full experience, here's the important game options:
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The End 😇
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And that's the whole thing! A lot of this could change at any moment based on my play style, but I think this is a really well rounded experience for vanilla Minecraft. Let me know if there's anything else I should try 😁
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blubberquark · 1 year
Programming Pattern: Overdetermined Conditionals
Related: Named Booleans
When programming set-up and tear-down functionality, or platform-specific glue code, or hacks and monkey patches to get around broken upstream or OS functionality, I often find myself writing code like if(Linux AND upstream-version <= 1.2) and then later if(NOT Linux AND ...) and even later if(NOT Windows AND ...).
Often people try to simplify my code, or they tell me the else clause is unreachable, but then some automated code scanning tool like Coverity alarms us that there is no way to handle a case when the function is called twice, first on Windows, and then on Linux, somehow. At least having the else clause explicitly marked as NOT Linux prevents some of those screw-ups.
More than that, though, conditionals that completely determine when they apply are robust against moving code around. If a certain piece of code should run only on systems that use X11 but not on Linux or only when OpenGL is available but DirectX isn't, it's easy to write a comment that says /*only when no DirectX is available*/ into an if block inside an else block.
When other programmers change around the logic above that piece of code, if they change the returns, the surrounding if clauses, the preceding if to the current else block, then the comment will happily persist. It will just be wrong. Having an overdetermined conditional like if(NOT Linux AND ...) after if(Linux AND upstream-version <= 1.2) at least prevents accidentally running code when it shouldn't.
It doesn't prevent code from not running when it should. But having flatter control structures with more conditions rather than nested control structures with fewer preconditions at least makes it easier to see which code paths are active when, and easier to copy and paste code around without screwing this up.
In platform-specific set-up code, there is usually no reason to optimise for every last CPU cycle, so I think this trade-off is worthwhile. You may disagree. Feel free to disagree! This is a judgement call. Maybe you think what I did there is harder to read.
Just don't tell me you "simplified" my code that I "forgot to optimise". That's the compiler's job.
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elsiptv · 10 months
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Optimisation de la Configuration IPTV Smarters Étape par Étape
L'essor rapide de la technologie IPTV a révolutionné la manière dont nous consommons du contenu multimédia. Dans cet article, nous explorerons en détail la configuration étape par étape de l'IPTV Smarters, offrant ainsi une expérience utilisateur optimale.
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Configuration Optimale de l'IPTV Smarters pour une Expérience de Streaming Inégalée
La popularité croissante de l'IPTV Smarters en tant que plateforme de streaming de choix a incité de nombreux utilisateurs à rechercher une configuration optimale pour maximiser leur expérience de visionnage. Suivez attentivement ces étapes pour tirer le meilleur parti de votre service IPTV.
Étape 1 : Téléchargement et Installation
Commencez par télécharger l'application IPTV Smarters depuis une source fiable. Assurez-vous de choisir la version la plus récente pour bénéficier des dernières fonctionnalités et corrections de bugs. Une fois le téléchargement terminé, procédez à l'installation en suivant les instructions simples.
Étape 2 : Connexion au Compte IPTV
Lancez l'application et sélectionnez l'option de connexion. Entrez vos identifiants de compte IPTV, en veillant à les saisir correctement. Une connexion réussie ouvrira l'accès à votre abonnement IPTV et à tous les contenus associés.
Étape 3 : Personnalisation des Paramètres
Optimisez votre expérience en accédant à la section des paramètres. Personnalisez les préférences selon vos besoins, y compris la qualité de diffusion, les langues audio et sous-titres, et d'autres options avancées. Cette étape garantit une adaptation parfaite à vos préférences personnelles.
Étape 4 : Ajout de la Liste de Lecture
Ajoutez votre liste de lecture IPTV à l'application en suivant les instructions détaillées dans l'interface. Assurez-vous que la liste de lecture est à jour pour accéder aux derniers contenus disponibles. Cette étape garantit une variété continue de programmes et de chaînes.
Étape 5 : Vérification des Mises à Jour
Régulièrement, vérifiez les mises à jour de l'application IPTV Smarters. Les mises à jour fournissent non seulement de nouvelles fonctionnalités mais améliorent également la stabilité et la sécurité. Restez à jour pour une expérience de streaming fluide.
Conclusion : Profitez d'une Qualité de Streaming Inégalée
En suivant ces étapes de configuration, vous êtes prêt à profiter pleinement de votre expérience IPTV Smarters. L'optimisation de chaque paramètre garantit une qualité de streaming inégalée, vous offrant ainsi des heures de divertissement sans interruption.
Investir du temps dans la configuration appropriée de l'IPTV Smarters est la clé pour tirer le meilleur parti de cette technologie innovante. Suivez ces étapes avec précision, et plongez-vous dans un monde de divertissement numérique de haute qualité.
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