#prompt - illusion
whump-galaxy · 1 day
The whumpee using illusion magic to hide their wounds from their team.
Till their exhaustion catches up to them, of course.
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ghost-bxrd · 7 months
Bruce keeps accidentally calling Tim by Jason’s name.
And it’s fine. Really. This was— not exactly Tim’s plan, but it seems to help keep Batman stable. So— so it’s fine. He can be Jason. For Bruce. For Batman.
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Cryptid Batfam Mini Prompt
Can you kill what has already died?
   It’s a serious question, and not a joke. If something is dead, is it possible to kill it? Can you truly kill it in any way that matters? Truly, permanently end it, in such a way that it won’t come back?
Can you kill what has already died?
   It’s a question asked by many in this city, whispered tales of shifting shadows and gleaming eyes. Of bullets passing by a form not truly there until claws are slamming you against the stone, of an apparition giggling in the night as it slips within rooms with no entrance.
   Can you kill what has already died, many wonder as specters leap across the roofs, flitting in the shadows of the night as though mere flickers of the light. Mere hallucinations in the smog until they brush against your body, as real as the stone beneath your feet.
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theconjurervfx · 4 months
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Whump Prompt #1240
Anon asked:
Do you have any prompts/ideas for a character stuck in an ideal world which is really an illusion?
Currently writing a book on this concept, so I have a couple of scenarios:
Your character could start off comfortable. They could be ignorant to the illusion, or they could know. Either way they're content about it. But overtime they begin to become more disconcerted. They miss the trivial issues that made their world their own. Maybe when they begin to express their intentions to leave, the world becomes hostile - or, it begins to gaslight/try and convince them to stay.
Maybe they were so caught up in the fact that these people are so nice to them, that they almost don't want to go back to reality.
Perhaps when they get back to reality, they could have an argument with their friends/family. "You know what?" They say: "I really wanted to stay in that world. It was fake, but at least I was appreciated."
In the illusion, they begin to feel guilty for wanting to stay... but at the end of the day, the perfectness of the world is far less exciting than their real life.
Maybe it breaks them emotionally to finally hear people they know praise them/tell them they love them. Yet this is what makes your whumpee realise that those in the real world actually care. Acts of service are their 'real' loved-ones love language; in the illusion world, words don't go as far. In the illusion world, the ideal character wouldn't go into a burning building for them - in the real world, that same loved one would.
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cookierunauprompts · 8 months
May as well drop my brainchild in here to hear yalls thoughts:
Shadow milk cookie, to get pure vanillas soul jam, takes custard iii as a puppet to get it from him >:3
Requested Prompts #18 - 💔
After their most recent encounter chasing Shadow Milk Cookie to make sure that he got re-sealed in the silver tree, Gingerbrave and Co were left particularly... disturbed by the prior events. Shadow Milk had appeared to taunt them again, and to make another offer for Pure Vanilla's soul jam in exchange for leaving the Cookie Kingdom alone, but just the Cookie Kingdom. The rest of Earthbread would be left to be forced to be actors for his shows of trickery and chaos, and there was no way that any of them would let that fly. So that brought us to their encounter. Somehow, someway, Shadow Milk Cookie had gotten his shadowy claws upon Custard Cookie III, seeing how the young cookie was strung up like a puppet. Then, a threat was placed. " You care about this kid a lot, don't you, Pure Vanilla Cookie?' The beast had began with a wild grin. " I know you do, why else would you react so intensely?" Pure Vanilla wasn't given a chance to respond before Shadow Milk spoke again. " If you don't want to see him in pieces... Then I'd suggest handing over your soul jam." Shadow Milk Cookie grinned at the groups despair, before settling down to make his last statement before he disappeared. " Ascend the Spire of Deceit and Truth, that's where we'll be. I'll be waiting, Pure Vanilla Cookie!" The last part was spoken with a sweetened venom, before descending into a maddened cackle as both Shadow Milk Cookie and Custard III disappeared. And that, brings us to now. With our heroes standing outside the Spire of Deceit and Truth. But there was one thing lingering upon their minds, was the visage of Custard Cookie III an illusion presented by Shadow Milk Cookie in order to manipulate Pure Vanilla Cookie? Or... was it real? They had no idea if Shadow Milk could travel off of Beast Yeast, and even if he could, why would he come back? Surely he could just target one of the other three Soul Jam holders back at Crispia, right? Perhaps they'd find their answers at the top of the spire.
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thelemoncoffee · 8 months
Kokichi who has an illusion superpower but use uses it to trick people into thinking he has a psychedelic power
sounds weird but hear me out
how his power works is he can either create a general illusion that everyone can see, or he can touch people and only him and that person can see the illusion he creates. in public he exclusively uses the touch type and creates trippy illusions to make people think he can touch has a pyschedelic affect
he does use the other kind in public too, but its so subtle when he does it no one notices. like he uses it to do his turn around corners and disappear trick, or to make people think he has something he doesn't or doesn't have something he does. He likes tricking people into thinking his power is more hyperspecific/restricted than it is.
it's even more fun to think about in a super hero/villain context, cause them he can have "two different powers" for his civillian and super personas.
hero/villainn can have the pyschedelic thing as his known superpower he uses in combat, and civilian can have that really minor ability to make things invisible. imagine like- him being in a world where superpowers are a little more common so some civilians have them, and he's convinced everyone he's one of the few civilians with a power, but it's being able to turn him and other things invisible, thus throwing anyone trying to track his seceret identity down off his scent.
the underrated versatility of illusion superpowers, especially in Kokichi's grubby paws.
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miraculousfanworks · 1 year
Fanfiction Prompt
Chloe is a member of Nino’s resistance, but most of the other members don’t know that. She doesn’t want them to know because she knows they don’t trust her (and she doesn’t trust Lila anyway). When she finds out about Nino’s plan to cause and record an Akumatization, she quietly comes to him and volunteers to be the test subject. After all, she’s been Akumatized so many times by now that she knows Monarch won’t suspect a thing.
Prompt by blue-mango
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aroaceart · 4 months
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@heropartnerweek Day 2 - Human AU
Went with Team New Star again, my original trio from my fanfic Severed Link. This also is not likely to be the canon design for Sorrel.
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Hey, I wanted to take a moment and say that I really enjoy the blog! Thanks for all the time and effort that you put in it!
I was also wondering if you might be able to provide some help? One of my players has been trying to make a patron that has a strong theme of sorrow and woe; without dipping into Fae territory. They’ve reached out to me to help and I’ve got absolutely nothing! Any ideas or concepts you might be able to make?
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Monsterhunt: Thousandfold Sorrows
The hardest part of moving on is finding the way forward
A spirit of the plane of mirrors, Thousandfold Sorrows hunts those riven by great grief and loss, harrowing them with visions of a moment from their past from which they are unable to move on. Pain, shame, false hope, as the victim's mind is fractured by a multitude of emotions reality starts to go with it: different versions of their life playing out the possibility of what could've been.
Adventure Hooks:
A tragic cart accident goes even more awry as an out of control wagon runs into a girl walking down a busy market street who proceeds to shatter into thousands of mirrored shards infront of all the onlookers, horrifying the boy she was out on the town with. Stranger yet, the girl's description matches that of a young woman who went missing from her job at an antique store some weeks ago, as well as numerous other incidents all around the city. As it turns out, the shopgirl has fallen victim to Thousandfold Sorrows while she was lamenting wasting her youth in the dusty old shop instead of out there living life. Now she wanders the labyrinth of the mirror dimension, and the only way to get her back is to convince one of the impulsive duplicates that've slipped free in the previous days to take her place.
Seeking to undo the mistakes of the past, an aging mage has summoned Thousandfold Sorrows to ruminate on a tragedy from his youth, where the lives of his closest friends were sacrificed in the process of averting a magical disaster that would have ravaged the countryside. Increasingly desperate to know if he really did make the right choice, the mage has had Thousandfold sorrows run through endless permutations of events, eventually causing a chain-reaction of mirror magic that's split the local area (and nearby village) into three time lines: The present, the idealistic past, and an alternate version of events ravaged by wild magic. Caught in the middle, the party must discern the boundaries between truth and illusion and overcome paradoxical hazards in order to set the land right once again.
Like many creatures of the mirror dimension, Thousandfold Sorrows does not bear explicit ill towards those it haunts, instead existing in a state of perpetual reflection from a very limited viewpoint. It can communicate only through flawed reccolection, asking questions (sometimes radically inappropriate ones) about what its quarry WANTS as it desires to understand. One could perhaps say that it is hyperempathic but when that empathy is focused on something the quarry would really rather be left alone, conflict and tragedy will invariably ensue.
For the asker: Using Thousandfold Sorrows as a warlock patron will require your character to create a rough outline of their character and something tragic in their past, then have the mirror spirit relfect it back at them over and over and over as it tries to empathise. As for actual stats, I'd recommend searching 3rd party mirror magic and the unearthed arcana subreddit.
If you're not feeling particularly mirror focused, I could also recommend a number of possible patrons:
An engine of doom, pushed beyond its appointed rest
The Demon queen of despair and decay
A corrupted pagan god of being trapped in pain
A number of patrons in the "Compendium of forgotten secrets: awakening" one of the best and most thematically interesting warlock books out there, give it a google.
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plushiesbeloved · 2 years
A little Emmet. As a treat.
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howhow326 · 1 year
Nino salt prompt: Illusion
Hey remember when Nino made a dumbass plan to piss off Adrien's abusive father that Nino knows is abusive in order to theoretically get some info on Hawkdaddy?
And then Adrien's abusive father threatened to pull him out of school, and the only reason he didn't do that was because he'd rather manipulate a bunch of 14 year olds?
Yeah, well now Gabriel really did pull Adrien out of school.
Instead of manipulating the Alliance, Gabriel decides to push up the date when he traps Adrien in London.
Marinette is devastated that one of her closets friends was forced to move away like that, and becomes heartbroken when she realizes that Chat Noir has disappeared without a word.
Alya is furious, at Nino and herself, at Adrien being forced to move away especially when she knew that Nino's plan would be a disaster.
The rest of the class is shocked that Adrien's best friend of all people would be the one to take him pulled out of school.
Adrien is trapped inside a Blanc Box. His phone was taken away and his father ordered him to not leave. Adrien wants to go back home so badly... but he can't work up the nerve to touch the door.
Nino thinks that Adrien is totally going to get akumatized and bust out of where ever he is any second now, he knows his best friend.
Any second now.
Any day now.
Any week now.
It's only when the school is over that Nino realizes that he will never hear from Adrien again.
Nino then tries to rant to his friends "why would Adrien go away like that, his dad can't have that much control over him!"
All of them, even Alya, regard him with scorn since Nino refuses to accept responsibility for what happened.
Marinette is the hardest on him tho. She screams at Nino, "it's all ypur fault!'as she explaims to him that everything happening to Adrien right now is because of him.
It's only after all of that does Nino finnaly realize what his plan had accomplished.
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sagiri-shitposting · 1 year
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Friday 4/28 || Shuaders Week
☆ The illusion world at the end of Persona 5 Royal ☆ Jealousy ☆ "Is it alright for me to live?" ☆ High school AU ☆ Mutual pining ☆ Glasses
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the-marron · 11 months
For the three sentence prompt: pumpkin
Thank you 😘 I apologise in advance. It's crack. I have no other associations with pumpkins.
"Come, come, give me the pumpkin, we will make it into a fine chariot and then you will get to meet the Guardian, and then it gets back to normal!" Kunlun exclaimed, pushing at Shen Wei's robes, trying to make him move faster, but it was hard to concentrate on anything when faced with someone as amazing as Kunlun, a mysterious stranger that appeared right in front of Shen Wei's hut and started to urge him to go and meet some 'Zhao Yunlan the Guardian' the moment he saw Shen Wei: no man could possibly be more fascinating than Kunlun, with his green robes, his twinkling eyes and a smile so warm it made Shen Wei blush.
"Can't I just stay here with you, you are company enough and... And this is a very good pumpkin, it would be a shame to waste it, it would taste great," Shen Wei replied, hoping for Kunlun to be seduced by the pumpkin sufficiently enough to indeed stay and share a meal, a conversation, or just stay forever.
Kunlun's expression turned a little helpless, but the shake of his head was rather fond than exasperated, even if he did mutter something about 'it going better when they were stuck in the Sleeping Beauty', whichever that was, but he sat down on the poor pumpkin and looked up at Shen Wei almost pleadingly, yet there was absolutely no need to meet the Guardian - Shen Wei would gladly stay stuck here with Kunlun for as long as he can.
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viviennes-tears · 8 months
It's just an illusion (Loki, Thor and Odin drabble)
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18+ blog: It is YOUR responsibility, as a reader, to think about the content that you consume at your own discretion.  ~
A/N: Thank you to anonymous for sending in the prompt back in October 2023, apologies for the lateness, I am trying to get on track. Although I will admit this one was a challenge as there wasn't a lot given in the prompt for me to go off with, I had to do a few rewrites before landing on this version, but I hope it's good enough 😊 x
(Prompt requests are still closed just finishing the last from October 2023)
Prompt requested by Anonymous on Tumblr: Prompt - Loki has done a lot of bad things, but Thor and Odin weren't exactly the perfect brother and father. Thanx!
Summary: Loki, Thor and Odin are in therapy after the events of New York as they had promised Frigga to sort through their issues. Thor is his usual boastful self, while Loki and Odin loathe every second. However things get out of hand when Thor mentions Loki's jealousy and his chaotic behaviour.
Warnings: Family disputes, mentions of physical and mental torture, favouritism and illusions to hide the pain behind
"I do all these things to impress my father...you know make him proud of me. I also can't deny the fact I enjoy all the attention too. The clap on the back from friends and fans. Or the innocent smile from the shy women is always a treat. That look, you know that look, the one that means they want to know what it's like to be with a real hero." Thor's boastful behaviour had completely gone off course, causing the female Therapist to clear her throat and shuffle in her seat. Loki rolls his eyes which triggers Odin to grumble at him for directing it at his brother.
"Let's bring it back to the relationships you have with odin and Loki." The Therapist says after recovering and trying her best to remain professional.
"Right...I feel that after my time on Earth and becoming an Avenger there's some mutual respect between myself and my Father. As for things with Loki and I...I feel as though he is jealous of my success." Loki scoffs as soon as the words leave Thor's mouth. "See, he's just proving my point!"
As Thor continues to complain about Loki's behaviour Loki gets up and starts to head out however he doesn't get very far. "Lo-"
"SIT BACK DOWN!" Odin barks over The Therapist, "you made a promise to your Mother that you would stay until the end." The mention of Frigga is what made Loki stop in his tracks, and he sighs heavily, then he returns to his seat as he doesn't want to let her down again.
After everyone settled down again The Therapist turned her attention to Loki. "Loki...a little while back Thor had been exiled and Odin was in Odinsleep, Asgard was then under your rule, given you were the next in line. Frigga had entrusted Gungnir to you and she believed in you. That was quite a lot of responsibility to suddenly have." She says gently and watches Loki's expression carefully, yet she notices that he is trying to seem unaffected by her words, however the way he nervously plays with his hands is more telling than his mask of indifference. "You went down to Earth during that time to inform Thor that he is to remain in exile and you mentioned that the burden is now yours to bear in his stead. However things started to escalate after that time. Thor and the Warriors Three had to put an end to it before things got out of hand, Odin had awoken by that point, but you had given up, falling off the Rainbow bridge in the end." She continues speaking gently, but he clearly knew how to keep his emotions masked well.
"We never imagined after grieving after the fall that he would come back and reap havoc over New York." Thor pipes up, his words are spoken with weight to them, yet it angers Loki due to his choice of words.
"I HAD NO CHOICE!" Loki yells, as he stands up abruptly and points his finger at Thor. The brothers continued to argue for several minutes, The Therapist trying her best to calm things down, but Odin was losing his patients and began to head out. "Where do you think you're going?! You promised Mother you'd also stay until the end." Loki throws Odin's words back at him and he knows he has him for that.
"Can we all just take a deep breath and sit down?" The Therapist says, as she stood up herself now and put her hands out to gesture for there to be calmness now. Odin grumbled to himself but remained standing near the door, Thor settled down as if he had been scolded like a child, whereas Loki took a little longer before sitting back down this time. "I understand that therapy isn't easy, but things won't change if you don't try...now Loki in your own words calmly explain as to why you didn't have a choice about the events in New York." She continues to say and hopes they will get somewhere as long as Loki cooperates. 
Loki's jaw tightens as he contemplates what he should say. He's never been the one to talk civilly about anything to do with emotions, the lack of anyone being in his corner, but also his struggles of dealing with the consequences of his actions. The room is silent for the most part, Odin clearly impatient in the back of the room, but all eyes are on Loki. The Therapist can see he is struggling internally about how to address this topic and therefore she gently reaches out her hand and places it on his arm for encouragement.
"I don't enjoy hurting people...I-I don't enjoy it. I do it because I have to...because I've had to. It's a part of the illusion...it's the cruel elaborate trick conjured by the weak to inspire fear...when you have nothing else left to lose and at your most vulnerable state anyone can bend your mind to do their bidding. Your own thoughts are murky and crossed with someone else's ideology while you're being both physically and mentally tortured...you lose yourself. You don't want to do it, but you have no choice." The pain in Loki's voice was evident to what he's been through and having to do it alone. The hefty weight he has been burdened with and the consequences from those actions have all come to a broken shell of man he once was. 
A shimmer of green covered around Loki for a few seconds, the walls of an illusion he had created came down, revealing a much more dishevelled Loki. His hair unkempt, his clothes baggy and torn, his face much paler than usual, his eyes bloodshot and dark circles beneath them. Thor's eyes widened in shock and his jaw lowered, he had no idea, seeing his younger brother in this state after what he said hurt him deeply. Odin showed very little in light of everything. Not that Loki expected anything from revealing the truth.
@jennyggggrrr @foxherder
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Loki Masterlist
Source: @viviennes-tears
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