#prompt: werewolves
specshroom · 6 months
Fantasy Short Kings <3
Your typical brash Dwarf warrior. Who is only amused when you, the mage of the party, try and rile him up by poking fun at his height. He knows you're only acting like a brat so he'll go rough on you but he eventually gives in to your lewd fantasies.
"You know, I can probably find a spell to make you....bigger."
He grabs onto the belt hugging your hips and pulls you down to your knees in front of him.
"Are ya sure? Ye can't even handle me this size, Lass."
You can't help the pleased look on your face as you bite your lip and look up at him with love struck eyes from your place, kneeling on the floor. The dwarf scoffs at how satisfied you are with yourself and your "plan". He wastes no time lifting you over his broad shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carrying you towards his tent.
Goblin boyfriend who is very horny for you and you alone. When others belittle his sexual abilities or make fun of his height he probably wasn't listening cus he was staring at your boobs. However, when he does manage to pay attention to the comments, his reaction is basically just: "Hoes mad."
He's obsessed with your legs, thighs specifically. He encourages you to wear shorts, skirts, dresses, tighter pants, anything to show off your gorgeous legs.
His goal is to make you feel even half as sexy as he thinks you are.... and he really likes your legs. His undeniable attraction and unrelenting hunger for you gets you off far more than any bigger man could.
Werewolf who's the runt of his pack and definitely on the smaller side. Most of the pack laughs when he finally confesses that he got a mate. He's confided with you about his insecurities before and how the pack treats him so you already have the perfect game plan when you both get invited to a pack get-together. That's why you're bouncing on his cock in the backseat of his car moaning into his neck,
"You gonna mark me up, Baby? Show them who I belong to?"
Making him whine out, "Yeah, f-fuck yes." while gripping your hips and cumming inside your greedy hole.
The look on his pack mates faces was priceless when you walked in there basically reeking of each other with barely hidden bite marks. While the older adults just looked happy that the smallest cub got himself a loving mate, many of the younger adults were clearly struggling with the fact that the runt they bullied for so long actually fucks.
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me-writes-prompts · 4 months
-:"Vampire and werewolves cannot be together...or can they?" Vampire x werewolf prompts:-
(Omg, I aboslutely love this request. Had way too much fun writing these! Tag me if you use any of this :) || requested by: anon)
By @me-writes-prompts
The werewolf catching the vampire drinking blood from a dead creature and just standing there in astonishment, not speaking. And the vampire getting startled when they look up.
^^"Gosh, your kind really sneaks up on people!" "You guys are not people, you're blood sucking monsters. Come on, we all know this." "That is not true." "It is."
Werewolves and vampires having annual competitions(as in who can hunt more/get past humans)
Getting paired up as roommates
^^"You cannot leave blood in the fridge! It makes the other food smell disgusting!" "Well, you cannot leave fur all over the bathroom floor either!"
Vampire and werewolves having to work together against humans.
stuck in a room together 👀
"So...what? You're having these mood swings because you haven't been in heat or whatever?" "That is not- I am not having mood swings!" "Oh, so this is natural you. Dang, I feel bad for the people who have to put up with you everyday."
"Look here, you little fang thing, I am not giving up this parking lot because you want to be in the shade!"
Accidentally stumbling upon the werewolf during the red moon, and being scared shit out of their mind.
^^ "H-hi, uhh, I'm your vampire neighbor remember? Me, [name]? Whoa, slow down! I'm not trying to harm you, okay? Look, I don't have weapons! Goddamn, you big puppy..." They mumble, slowly backing into the woods, and making a run for their life.
"Listen, I don't hate your kind. Vampires, that is. So let's just be friends yeah?" "Yeah. Now that I think about it...I don't really hate you guys either."
Falling in love without knowing each other's identities(aka forbidden loveeee)
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biteable-pink-pixie · 8 months
Ok but imagine you're giving head to your werewolf bf and he knots in your mouth so you have to choke on his cock for like an hour.
Wowee where are the werewolf boyfriends at? ♡
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Prompt 12
Geralt has a thing for biting. Jaskier has a thing for not looking like a mauling victim the day he performs at a very prestigious court. Geralt agrees he'll hold off on the biting for a few nights, so Jaskier is "presentable." But now he looks unclaimed. He looks like he has nobody that loves him and watches over him. Nobody that can bite him in the heat of passion. Geralt sucks it up and decides that he'll just have to come along to make sure nobody gets any ideas about doing anything to his bard. And so what if he spends most of the night staring longingly at Jaskier's neck like some kind of starved vampire? Who says you get to judge? *grumpy witcher noises*
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maironsmaid · 1 month
Silm art prompt if you like! Sauron giving one of his werewolves belly scratches.
Omggg thanks for the prompt! I got a bit invested and then I got distracted but I am finally done with this and I *love* how it turned out!
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whump-a-saurus · 10 months
we all know the “vampire whumper” or the “vampire whumpee” tropes, but we never think about the Werewolf whumper/whumpee’s.
- werewolf whumpee = pet whump??? them being called a “tamed beast”?? collars???? yes please!!
- werewolf whumper = animalistic rage?? batting whumpee around like a toy because they’re strong and powerful and they can do whatever they want?? absolutely!!
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konako · 2 months
Werewolves don’t do well in this heat :(
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everything sucks >:(
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whump-galaxy · 2 months
“You’re not gonna leave me here, right?”
“It’s just for a few hours.”
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What if werewolves sounded like huskies arguing in their transformed form?
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dingoat · 10 days
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Considering indulging in some art prompts next month and this looks like a really fun set to work with! Definitely drawing for Ahuska, but open to the idea of including others' OCs in the drawings with her!
Preference will go to my Ko-fi supporters (I adore you all! If you have more than one idea send them all my way!) but I'm open to other folks' characters too- no guarantees but if you send me a suggestion that strikes my fancy I may well go ahead with it! So yeah, if any of you want to see any of your characters interacting with my best girl for any of these prompts, send me your thoughts.
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the-cypress-grove · 10 months
Hi hi I saw ur "So, you want to write ..." post for vamps and zombs would it be possible a werewolf one be made?
Love ur blog by the way makes my brain happy
So, You Want To Write Werewolves....
I had been planning to do werewolves next so I had already been making a list. As always, take the bits you want/need, don't feel you have to answer every question I write, and always always do what works for you and your story.
Werewolves Through History
Lots of myths around the world feature some form of werewolf, or at least people in possession of the ability to turn into animals. Sometimes they're helpful like the Wulver of Scotland who leave fish for people in front of their houses. Sometimes they're malevolent forces like the Skinwalkers of Native American legend.
In Europe, France especially, there was a fear of these creatures and many were killed because they were believed to be one. In some cases, these people were at least partially skinned as it was believed that a werewolf had fur on the inside.
If you want to research a particularly notable case of werewolves, then you should look into La Bête du Gévaudan, France. It was believed a werewolf perpetrated 210 attacks resulting in 113 deaths and 49 injuries. 98 of the attacked were partially eaten. Eye witnesses and survivors of these attacks claimed that it was a wolf the size of a donkey and then came the belief about werewolves for which some people were executed. All these attacks took place within about fifty miles of each other. These attacks were so bad it was brought to the attention of the king at the time, Louis XV, who sent people to deal with the creature.
You might want to make a note of the beliefs about werewolves i.e. their strengths, their abilities, their weaknesses, as these will be useful when you come to design your werewolves.
The Complete Book of Werewolves by Leonard R.N. might be worth reading if you find this interesting.
2. Genre Decisions
Before even beginning to design your werewolf you're going to want to decide what genre you're writing in. A werewolf in a horror story will have different qualities and weaknesses compared to, say, a werewolf of in a romance novel. There are usually fewer werewolves in a horror story and larger packs of werewolves in stories where the werewolves are more friendly.
3. Origins
In almost all stories the origins of werewolves as a species are entirely unimportant. This might be something you want to include / explore in your story so I'll touch on it briefly.
Was it a gift or a curse? Was it simply evolution? Have werewolves changed from the time of the first werewolf to the time your story is set? Were they created by a higher power? Was it magic?
4. Wolf Behaviour
Something you might want to look into is the behaviour of real wolves. If your werewolves lose their human mind / have wolf instincts do these follow the patterns of real wolves?
This will help you know how big a territory they might have, what leadership structure they might follow, what techniques they might use to hunt their prey.
Bare in mind, different types of wolves have different behaviours. Does this affect your wolves? Do different wolves of different regions behave in different ways?
5. Werewolf Design
So, now the fun bit. You get to make your werewolf.
Are they affected by the moon? When they turn, do they keep their human mind? How much like a wolf do they look? Are they wolflike or do they have wolf qualities but walk upright? Does shifting forms hurt? How long does it take?
Do you have to be born a wolf or can you be tuned? Does silver affect them? How can they be killed? Do they age? Is their aging process slowed? In some stories werewolves have soulmates, is that the case for yours? Do they live in packs?
How quickly do they heal? Are they strong and fast even in human form? What are there sense like compared to a human? If their abilities are better than that of a human, is it the same in both forms or are their abilities weaker when in human form?
Pick the qualities the suit your story / selected genre the best.
6. Themes
The beast is among us.
Themes of werewolf stories often depends on the genre. In a horror story the themes centre around the struggle between man and beast, humanity and the natural world, secrets, deception, and the illusion that we are in control.
7. Pack Dynamics
If your werewolf knows others amongst their kind then they will most likely be at least one pack in your story. You need to decide the size of the pack, how they function on a full moon vs when they are humans, how are they funded, their leadership structure. Are their packs strictly werewolf only, or can others be found amongst them?
8. Threats
What threats are there to your werewolves? Is it others of their kind Another species? Are there werewolf hunters? Who knows that they exist? Is it common knowledge or do they keep themselves hidden? How far are they willing to go in order to protect themselves?
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Text: I visit the werejackals to see if any have turned recently. It happens for them not with the full moon, but when something bigger and badder is about to make a kill.
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"You want to touch me."
"Merlin I—"
"Do it. I want your hands on me, to be manhandled to the floor as you mount me like beast you are."
"Christ, you can't just say it like that—"
"Oh but I can." – Merlin and Werewolf Prince Arthur
[Merlin likes having his werewolf prince's hands on him, feeling them round his waist, on his hips, or arse especially when it's rutting season.]
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marlynnofmany · 1 year
New heist idea! Along with vampires trying to get their old stuff back from a museum, there should also be werewolves trying to get their paws on the moon rocks that NASA has collected, because those are basically reverse Kryptonite.
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Prompt 13
How was Jaskier supposed to know that the lovely woman he spent the night with had a husband? Let alone a husband in a big scary poacher gang? So Jaskier is hauling ass through the forest, only to get his leg caught in a beartrap. He faceplants (very daintily, prettily, and most certainly not with an embarrassing wail, thank you very much) and begins sobbing with the pain. Not to mention his cheap lute breaking into splinters. Great. Just great. What a LOVELY day he's having! A pure white werewolf with bright golden eyes suddenly prowls out of the bushes, growling at him, and Jaskier decides that today really is his worst day. No matter how majestic the beast is, this is cearly the end of Jaskier the bard. He sobs and begs to live, apologizing profusely, and the last thing he sees is the monstrous snout getting closer. Geralt, the werewolf, is stalking for food for his pack, only to come across one of those humans in their own traps. Except... This human isn't one of them. He's wearing brightly colored delicate clothing, and wasn't familiar with where their traps were. It's an innocent human. One that smells very nice, under all the stench of blood and fear. Wolf!Geralt creeps closer, and pries open the trap, intending on releasing the human back into the wild, but it just kind of stares at him in horror before passing out. Hm. Well, it appears it needs more care than he initially thought. So imagine the other witcher's surprise when he doesn't bring food back to the pack, but instead brings a human to patch up. The moon dips out of the sky, they all turn back into their witcher-human forms, and now they're all SCRAMBLING over what they're meant to do!? HOW DO YOU CARE FOR A HUMAN AGAIN??? FUCK- I DON'T KNOW! Geralt stop petting him, he doesn't like that, he's human, not a wolf! What do you mean he likes it? Oh shit- EVERYONE QUICK PET HIM! No wait- He doesn't like it any more- One at a time pet him! And uh- Fuck- What do normal people eat!?
♡!Optional addons!♡ • (ORIGINALLY A TAG) Is Aiden a werecat or also a werewolf? And if he is a werewolf (and/or a werecat I suppose), perhaps he's from a rival pack (against his will) and needs to be rescued by Lambert as a sideplot • Maybe the poachers find poor trapped Jaskier and Geralt has to fight them off first, or perhaps they come back later, intent on killing the White Wolf • Perhaps Geralt turns Jaskier into a werewolf (Either with his consent or without his consent ONLY if he has to do it to save his life, we don't fuck with forced bonds here, people)
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writerbeemedina · 1 year
Don’t get me wrong, werewolves are freakin awesome, but I think what a lot of people don’t realize is that wolves aren’t hostile to their own pack as media makes it seem. There’s no “alpha wolf” ; if there are wolves in charge, they’re usually the parents of the other wolves. In other words, wolf packs are one big happy family.
But HYENAS on the other hand?? Testosterone-fueled female domination. The smaller males are the lowest ranking in the hierarchy and they are stuck like this. They get food that females don’t want. Hyenas eat their prey alive and crunch bones. Cubs often suffocate before they can even be born because they are birthed through the female hyena’s unique clitoris, otherwise known as a pseudo-penis — and yes, giving birth through this is incredibly painful.
Even though spotted hyenas are technically not related to canidae, I still think they should be considered as werecreatures in fiction. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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