#questions for writers meme
curatorotl · 3 months
Does anybody else ever get writing fatigue from your current WIP, so you just... start another one to refresh yourself?
Cause I just did.
I need help.
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When I mention I’m writing a novel and someone asks how far along I am but I haven’t actually written anything- just made my fun lil characters and made random plot points that don’t connect yet
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ink-flavored · 3 months
💐100 Question Romance & Love OC Ask Game💘
Do you love love? Does your OC feel the same? Look no further for an excuse to talk about everything romance! Plus there's a few about aromanticism in there! I tried to make the questions applicable to most relationships, but you want something a bit more poly-focused, here’s a link to my polycule dynamics game. Remember to send an ask to the person you reblog it from to make sure everyone gets to play!
😍Do they like romance? Have they always hated the idea, or are they a swooning hopeless romantic?
❤️How do they feel about the concept of “love”? What does it mean to them?
❓Have they ever questioned the idea of what “love” is? Where did it lead them?
💞How many times have they been in love?
💭What’s their most formative memory about love or romance? It can be good or bad.
💖What’s the easiest part of love for them?
🖤What’s the hardest part of love for them?
💝What do they want the most from a romantic relationship? Is it what they need?
👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨Do they prefer a steady partnership or casual dating? Neither?
🥰Who are they in love with right now, if anyone?
🔥Who was their first love? How did it turn out?
💋How romantic do they expect their partner(s) to be in a relationship? Is it a deal-breaker if expectations aren’t met?
💓How romantic are they in a relationship? Does it depend on the partner, or are they moon-eyed with anyone?
💌Which “traditionally romantic” acts (love poetry, flowers, etc.) do they love the most? Would they rather receive this kind of affection, or give it to someone else?
💐Which “traditionally romantic” acts (love poetry, flowers, etc.) do they hate more than anything? When it’s directed at them, or when they’re expected to give it to others?
💟What is the dating culture in their society like? Do they participate in it?
💯What’s their idea of a perfect date?
⏳Have they ever tried speed-dating? How did it go?
📱Have they ever tried dating apps? How did it go?
💍Are they expected by their society to date and/or marry? How do they feel about it?
💜Do they have a “type” of person they tend to date?
📃Do they have high standards about who they date? Low standards?
🧀What’s their cheesiest romantic fantasy? Do they want to recreate it in real life?
💘Do they often “make the first move” when it comes to love? Or are they waiting for the object(s) of their affection to pick up the hints they’re dropping?
📢Are they able to confess romantic feelings easily, or do they clam up at the mere prospect?
💦Is it super obvious when they have feelings for someone, or are they a master at hiding it?
💗What’s the longest amount of time they’ve ever pined after someone?
🤍Have they ever been on either side of an “unrequited love” situation? How did it turn out?
🏃‍♂️Is anybody their “one that got away”? Have they ever “gotten away” from someone else?
💔Have they ever had to break up with someone? Why?
🔂Have they ever broken up and then gotten back together with the same person? How many times? Did it work out in the end?
❌Have they ever been rejected after a confession of love? How did they handle it?
🚫Have they ever had to reject someone else’s feelings? How did it go?
🤏Have they ever had a romantic interest “stolen” before? Have they ever made a move on someone they knew a friend was interested in?
🤔Do they consider “having a crush” and “being in love” different things? Where’s the line?
🤥Have they ever lied to make a relationship more viable? Did it end well, or blow up in their face?
😳Have they ever been broken up with in a situation where it was kiiinda their fault? What was the issue?
🍨What are their methods for getting over a break-up?
🐸Do they tend to jump from one relationship to the next, quickly entering another as soon as the previous one ends? Why?
💡Have they ever been in love with the idea of someone instead of the actual person? What was the aftermath?
💛How important is being in a relationship to them?
📅Have they ever stayed in a relationship long past its expiration date? Why?
💥Did any of their relationships end catastrophically? What happened?
🤝Are they still friends with any of their ex-partners?
😲Have they ever been cheated on before? What happened?
👺Have they ever been the cheater? Were they ever found out?
1️⃣How do they feel about the concept of finding “The One”? Is it an aspiration or something they roll their eyes at?
👀How do they feel about the concept of “love at first sight”? Do they believe in it?
😨Do they have any “taboo” or unpopular opinions about love or romance?
💚Are they aromantic? Have they considered it?
✋Are they loveless? [for an aromantic perspective on lovelessness check out this essay]
💙Have they ever been in a queer-platonic relationship? Would they consider it?
💕Where do they draw the line between friendship and romance, if at all?
✊Do they practice relationship anarchy? [for more information about relationship anarchy, check out this guide]
🔢Are they polyamorous? Have they considered it?
💫How would they feel if, in a monogamous relationship, their partner asked them to try polyamory?
🗂️Do they have a hard time separating their romantic feelings from other kinds of love? Which ones?
⁉️Do they often feel like they’re “doing love wrong” in their relationships? Anything specific?
📈Do they often prioritize romance and love in their life? To the detriment of other relationships?
😡Are they a jealous partner?
👥Are they jealous of any of their friends’ or family members’ relationships?
😥Are they often left behind in love? Were they single and watching all their friends get married?
🤷‍♂️Would they be happy without romantic love in their life?
🚒How important is physical attraction to their romantic relationships?
👯‍♂️Are sex and romance conflated in their culture? How does this impact them?
🥴How often do they expect sex in a romantic relationship? Is it a deal-breaker if expectations aren’t met?
🙅‍♂️How would they feel about being in a sexless relationship?
👫Have they ever been in love with someone who was already in a relationship? How did it turn out?
📚Do they like romance as a genre? In books, movies, games, etc.?
✅Do they have a relationship they can look up to as a positive example of romantic love?
👎Do they have a relationship that’s a perfect example of “what not to do” in their life?
🤕What are their “hang-ups” or insecurities about love and romance?
👄Are they an effective communicator in their relationships?
🦸‍♂️Have they ever played match-maker with their friends or loved ones? How did it go?
🧐Have they ever been “match-made” by someone else? How did it go?
💒Is marriage an important consideration for them? Out of choice, necessity, social pressure?
👰Is marrying for love a rarity in their culture, or commonplace?
💎Would they want to propose to someone, or be proposed to?
🎉Do they want a huge showy proposal, or something more private?
🎁What’s their ideal wedding, on a scale of “courthouse wedding with 5 people maximum” to “100+ guests, massive ceremony, all-night reception”?
👗What sorts of clothes do married couples wear in their culture? Do they plan on wearing the traditional clothes, or doing something different?
🔓Have they ever had to break off an engagement? Why?
🏆What kind of love is prioritized in their society? Does it impact how they’re able to love?
🌹What’s considered “romantic” in their society? How does that impact their relationships?
👪How has their family influenced their ideas of romance and love?
🙋‍♀️How have their friends influenced their ideas of romance and love?
⛪How has their religion or faith influenced their ideas of romance and love?
🗺️What are some cultural customs surrounding love and romance that they practice?
👑Does their culture have any formal courting customs? Have they been taught how to properly court?
💄Are people pressured to fit a specific beauty standard in order to be “romantically viable”? How has this impacted their love life?
🙄Have they ever dated someone for their family’s sake? How did it go?
🤨Have they ever “pity dated” someone? Have they ever been “pity dated” by someone else?
🥣How does their culture view a “serial dater,” or someone who refuses to settle down?
➕Do they care about people’s “body count,” or how many relationships they’ve been in?
👶Would they ever be in a relationship with someone who already had children?
🤱If they ever ended up single with children, how would they feel about entering a new relationship?
🌑Would they date a widow? Would they date again if they were ever widowed?
✏️If they had the chance to erase one past romantic mistake, what would it be?
🩹Do they often give romantic advice to their friends or family? Is it good advice?
👂Do they often seek romantic advice from friends or family? Has it helped?
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waywardsou2 · 26 days
Summer of Bad Batch Week 7
Prompt: "Don't avoid the question"
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Crosshair: Batcher what are you eating?
Batcher: puppy dog eyes
Crosshair: You think you can get away with that just coz you’re cute? Think again
Batcher: nuzzles into his leg
Crosshair: Don’t avoid the question
Batcher: runs away
Crosshair: C’mere you little shit
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inky-duchess · 4 months
Writers: *going through real life struggles and emotions*
Also Writers:
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firstkanaphans · 9 days
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This line made me cackle. These poor screenwriters are out here fighting for their lives. “See, it’s fine if they don’t fall in love. They’re family. And isn’t that better?”
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narcpocalypse · 6 months
HEY GUYS!! In reference to this post, I made a document with interview questions! Thank you so much for being inspired by my idea. It means the world to me. I hope you find this helpful :33
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tastycitrus · 1 year
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cassandra cain in batman #137 be like
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creation-help · 1 year
Take this moment to do any assortment of arm, hand, shoulder and/or neck stretches. Please.
Or just relax your hands, shoulders, arms and neck. Let them lay in a relaxed position for a bit. Do it.
Okay, thanks. You're welcome
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sabspoetic · 1 month
Question of the day, would you rather jump out of the tall building or say how many WIPs do you have?
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chocochipbiscuit · 2 months
A writer's ask meme has appeared!
Which is easier for you to come up with, character or story?
What is a recurrent theme or fascination in your work?
What is something you learned/researched while writing a fic?
What inspires you?
What is your preferred fic length to write?
Favorite POV and tense to write in?
How do you feel after finishing a fic?
Favorite thing to write?
Most challenging thing to write?
What is something you really want to write but haven't written yet?
Include a specific fic title or excerpt to get more details!
What is something you learned/researched while writing THIS fic?
What inspired you to write THIS fic?
Any Easter eggs in THIS fic?
C&P a segment from any fic I've posted to get detailed commentary!
Free form! Write in your own question :)
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veryrealauthorthings · 2 months
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I just want to ramble and ramble and ramble about my writing but no one really has much time to listen to me and I feel like I’m annoying them and most of the time they’re half ignoring me but I’m not going to talk to my family because, dear fellow writers, you. Know.
anyway if you let me ramble about my story and don’t take my ideas I’ll do the same for you.
or I’ll just listen to you ramble because I do that for a few of of my irl friends anyway
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loki-cees-all · 11 months
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Dramatized re-enactment of actual events.
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itsawritblr · 2 months
An Ask about Editing.
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"I am seeing mixed information regarding editing and when to attempt to submit to a publisher. I was under the impression that the publishers provide editors, but some online sources are telling me that it is typical to hire your own editor and pay them before you send the novel off to publishers."
All publishers have editors. If they have websites they'll have the editors' names listed there. Example: The Random House Team.
It's not typical at all to hire an editor to work on your manuscript. You're supposed to know how to edit your own work. Some people hire them because they think it'll give them an advantage. However, the question is:
How good is the editor?
There are people who fake being editors. They take your money and do a few changes on your manuscript.
There are people who are mediocre at editing, but will take your money and do a few changes to your manuscript.
If you don't know how to edit, you can't tell who's a charlatan, who's mediocre, or who's excellent.
It's your job as a writer to learn how to edit your own work. If a publisher acquires your book their editor will work with you to improve it. But they prefer to have a manuscript that's as polished and as close to perfect as possible, because that means less work for them and a shorter period from editing to published book.
"Is there a substantial risk of stolen ideas or anything like that when someone hires their own editor?"
OK . . . . *inhale*
Your word for word manuscript is automatically copyrighted from the moment it's written/typed/scrawled in crayon. It's yours. You do not need to file for Copyright and spend whatever the fee is these days. In the highly unlikely case of plagiarism, you have as proof your original ms (manuscript) and your notes, etc., which you used to create your work. And you can prove that the editor saw your manuscript before they published whatever they did.
But ideas can't be copyrighted.
Example: Both A Bug's Life and ANTZ have similar ideas. But they're not copies.
Example: If your story has a short, scruffy detective who smokes a cigar and drives a beater, but he's English and lives in a Detroit townhouse, your idea doesn't legally rip-off Columbo. Everyone will think you ripped it off and think less of you, as they should, but no one can sue you because the ideas are so alike. Well, they can try, but it'll more than likely be a waste of their time and money.
Plagiarism is much more likely to occur if you put your work online, because anyone can see your work and there are a shit-ton of unscrupulous wanna-be writers out there. But no publishing house's first reader -- the person who reads your ms before moving it on to an editor who'll decide if your ms is good enough for them to buy it -- is going to steal your work.
As for a hired editor, it's very, very unlikely.
"My second question would be if you have any examples of perhaps a page or two of a novel where I can read the original version from the author, and then the version after the editor has taken a crack at it and then updated with the editors changes and recommendations? I tried searching for this but didn’t get much luck. I suppose I am looking for a concrete example of how much an editor puts in."
I don't do that. Unless you pay me $$$$.
Editors are essential to publishers. But again, they don't touch your ms unless the publisher decides to buy it. And they won't want it unless you've edited the fuck outta it first.
What you need to do, what all writers need to do, is learn how to be your best editor.
Get a copy of this:
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This is a writer's Bible. I suggest owning a copy so you can study it and make notes if needed. You can get cheap, readable used copies from eBay, Abebooks, or your local used bookstore.
You can download this pdf and print it:
The Elements of Style.
Also get this. It's great for fiction writers as well as nonfiction writers.
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This also has an online pdf: The Elements of Editing.
There are tons of books about editing. A simple Google search will find them.
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Books About Editing Books. This list is for books about editing books and the craft of writing (mostly fiction).
There's Writer's Digest Magazine. They have lots of articles by editors and writers. Read it online and look for copies at your nearby library. Warning: There are ads for editing "services" and that kind of shit. Ads are how the magazine makes its money (that and subscriptions). Ignore these ads.
If you have a local library, ask the reference librarian for the section with books about writing and editing. If it's a small section, or there isn't one at all, ask for an Inter Library Loan (ILL). This is when the librarian requests the title your looking for from any library in the U.S. and often abroad, and it will be sent to her library, for free.
I can't emphasize this enough: The library is your best friend. Librarians are there to help. There are tons of writers who thank librarians in their Acknowledgements, including Christopher Paul Curtis, Anthony Horowitz, and me. Get to know your librarians. (OK, some librarians are assholes. Find the ones who aren't.)
If you don't have access to a library, either public or college/university, look in a used bookstore. If you don't have a used bookstore, cheap, readable copies can be found online.
If possible, take a course in editing and writing. But only if you can easily afford it, and only if the instructor is a professional editor or writer.
You need to be the best editor for your work. No one will be as invested in your book as your are.
I repeat: No one will be as invested in your book as you are.
Learn to edit well, then send off your ms. If you write fiction, you'll need a literary agent (there are a few boutique and small press publishers who don't require agents). An agent wants to see polished work. But, if she's even half-way good, she'll help edit your ms to a level where it's ready for a publisher to see it.
Now, you caught me on a slow day, and I'm feeling generous (I was a newbie too. Got my first rejection at age 11, from Alfred A. Knopf Publishing). But I'm not answering any more questions from anybody, because I have a ms to finish.
If anyone ignores this statement and tries to get more help from me, my response is:
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I'm outta here.
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wyvernspirit · 7 months
The art for the Pokemon Shiny Jewels AU is all on @solarockk btw I’m just tossing ideas at them and watching them go feral drawing which proceeds to make me go feral with more ideas and it’s a loop back feed
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