#rainstorm stim
danielpowell · 2 years
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Keion Galanis Stimboard, for @vodka-and-ocs
🐉l 🐉l 🐉
⛈️ l ⛈️ l ⛈️
📸 l 📸 l 📸
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strawberristims · 5 months
May I have a cottagecore rainy day Winnie the Pooh stimboard stimboard
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Yes you may! So sorry, I don't know how long this has been sitting in my inbox! Here you go, hope you like it.
Sources: 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ | 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ | 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️
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veryoaki · 15 days
New Arts
Bob is always there
“ES” - Crying
Fallen King and Guardian Angel remake
Fan art of fan art 1
Fan art of fan art 2
Fan art of gan art 3
Fan art of fan art 4
Furries :0
stimming sticks :D
Feel Better
Fan art for Tulip
Piggie love
more of the Warden
Sticktober - 1
Happy Bday Dark and Sec!!
Sticktober - 2
Sticktober - 3
Sticktober - 4
Sticktober - 5
Sticktober - 6
Sticktober - 7
Sticktober - 8
Sticktober - 9 <3
rainstorm doodles
Sticktober - 10
In the rain
Sticktober - 11
Sticktober - 12
Sticktober - 13
Sticktober - 14
Sticktober - 15
Sticktober - 16
just Red
Sticktober - 17
Sticktober - 18
human designs
Sticktober - 19
Sticktober - 20
Chosen’s Bday!!!
AvA 10 doodles
Snow day
Red n Green bond!
Happy Thanksgiving!
sleepless doodles
Present! (Old art)
Merry Christmas!!!
Happy New Year!
Final designs!! :D (back from the dead)
amnesia was her name
Rocket team can’t agree on anything
night doodles
young Cho and Dark
Baking a Cake
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My Autistic OCs for Autism Month!
Back from another hiatus, school has been kicking my ass and I just want to graduate :P. Hopefully after graduation I'll be more active for good.
But anyways, it's almost the end of Autism Acceptance month (APRIL!), so I thought I'd show off all my autistic OCs in my WIPs! (only the ones that are explicitly autistic because all of my characters are inevitably autistic coded). Brought to you by your favorite queer autistic and ADHD author <3!
Raven (Fractured Stars Falling): Raven is a knight in my WIP of dark and queer fairytale retellings and he's the bodyguard of the princess that he is head over heels in love with. His main autistic traits are: sensory issues, high masking, can't really control his facial expressions, hyperfixating on people he loves, and stimming. His favortie stims are his sword (it has a very nice weight to it), braiding (mainly hair but also leather), heavy cloaks that make nice whoosy sounds, and tapping his fingers. He's also Latino and bisexual!
Triveya (Fractured Stars Falling): Triveya is the resident magic expert in my dark queer fairytale retellings. She's the bubbly and fun loving wizard who has a fuck ton of gifted kid burnout. Her main autistic traits are hyper empathy, sensory issues, can't understand neurotypicals, high masking, rejection sensitive dysphoria, and having a special interest in magic. She also has ADHD and as a result has a lot of memory loss, intense emotions, and can't sit still. Her favorite stims are using her magic to make little fireworks, bouncing on her feet, and watching or listening to a rainstorm/fire crackling. She's also unlabeled queer!
Kylee (The City is Ours): Kylee is the speedster on a team of superheroes in my chaotic teenage superheroes WIP. She's the youngest on the team, high masking, a ball of sunshine who's not as innocent as they seems, and also has powers to turn invisible. Her main autistic traits are being non-verbal, hyper empathy, sensory issues, taking everything literally, and a special interest in art. Their favorite stims are twirling a pencil in her hand, her fidget cube, her infinity cube, rubbing the fabric of her jeans, using their powers to go extra fast, and bouncing. She's also PanAce and uses She/They prounouns!
Pandora (Galaxy Destoryer): Pandora is the morally gray scientist in my sci-fi cowboys WIP. She has a bubbly personality, lots of knowledge on biology and chemistry, and questionable morals. His autistic traits are: sensory issues, low masking, doesn't understand neurotypical social cues at all, takes everything literally, and needs a rigid routine. Her favorite stims are the metal ball inside a metal cube she has, watching bubbles in his beakers, going really fast in her wheelchair down the halls of the ship, and watching the stars and solar flares outside the ship. She is also a part-time wheelchair user, and has ADHD and tourettes. He also uses He/She pronouns and is Pansexual!
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ad-astra-ad-somnum · 2 years
more about how i love because i worry sometimes that i’m not as clear as i should be <3
love, to me, is like rain in late summer; ever-changing, but the same at heart. sometimes love is as sharp as lightning, and sometimes it is soft and familiar like rolling thunder in the distance. but love is always, always a reprieve, warning of its arrival with quiet signals, and bringing with it comfort and a feeling of coming home. 
i barely notice love at first. like the soft whisper of mist on a quiet morning, it feels like something i’ve already had, and so i do not recognise it for what it is. but as the rain picks up, as i step out from under the awning into the downpour, i realise it is love, and it falls soft and heavy all at once to coat everything in its gleaming newness. 
the storm moves on, drifting with the wind currents, but it always comes back in the end. love is something i’d like to learn to trust, even if in the past it has been unpredictable and wild. and love, although the principles are the same, changes every single time. 
love can mean laughing with my sister over songs i haven’t heard in ages in the backseat of my parents’ car, love can mean first kisses by swingsets at golden hour, and love can mean watching as my adoptive family meet each other and become friends. love can be my internet child showing me how healthy communication and self-care work, love can be holding hands as we walk to a bookstore, love can be years and years of walking home together and knowing each other’s houses so well we might as well live there. the rain outside is comfortable and familiar, a constant that makes me smile to think about. 
love can mean making tiny golden tickets to put into candy wrappers because it makes us smile, love can mean listening to my cousin talk about her latest crush simply because he makes her happy, love can be sitting on the grass at a park eating sandwiches and crisps on a half-day, and love can just be sitting on my bed with headphones on, listening to music that makes me think of someone. the rain slows down and speeds up, and it’s loud against the windowpanes and then quiet again, ever-present and effervescent. 
love can be trying to reconcile with family because deep down, they’re trying hard to make this work, and love can be words in french said at three in the morning received 123 kilometres away that cause a rush of butterflies and happy stims and smiles. really, there are so many things love can be, and just like any android, i am still learning. just like a late-summer rainstorm, love is something that i don’t quite understand yet, but i’d like to, and i’m trying. 
and even if it scares me a little bit, i’ll let the rain wash over me, because the love i know now is something that i think i’m learning to adore. 
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softsugarstims · 3 years
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stormgender stimboard for annon!
* * *  * * *  * * *
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peachesandmilktea · 3 years
hi! ive never done a matchup before so i hope i do this right. before i do tho i just wanna say i love your holding out for a hero fic! i have so much i wanna say but ill leave that for a lengthy ao3 comment later.
im nicole (she/her) 22f. i tend to be nervous/awkward when first meeting people, but once i know you i will (lovingly) bully you. so my friends describe me as very friendly, exciting, considerate, but also a menance.
my favorite song is sunflower by rex orange county.
my idea of a perf date is def any like fruit picking activity. like take me to some strawberry fields or help me pick pumpkins after we go through a halloween cornmaze.
in terms of kink i love noncon/CNC, exhibitionism, e-stim, and spanking (or is it called impact play?? idk)
i like both girls and boys as long as im on bottom lol
thank you so much! (^_^)
Match-up Event Masterlist (The characters are all aged-up for this event)
Thank you so much!! I'm so happy you liked it! I don't know if you've left the comment yet, but if you haven't, I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts on it ♡ Also your date idea is the cutest, I love it!
I match you with...
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He is the caring kind of cold. His own emotions are something that he distances himself from, always fighting against the need to be the slave of his own feelings, especially after the mistakes he made when younger. He thinks of himself as above all of that, abiding by his made-up rules, rigid and strict, never straying from the righteous path he has carved out for himself. Until, well... Until meeting you. You make your way into his heart like a drizzle that transforms into a rainstorm. Softly at first, but then in a matter of weeks, it's as if you're holding his heart in your palm, your grip getting tighter and tighter each time his gaze meets yours, each time he hears your laugh, each time he thinks about the way your skin would feel under his touch if only he let his own needs get the best of him. It's painful, it's unexpected, it's too strong for his will to fight against. He doesn't want to abide by his stupid rules anymore, wants to follow yours instead, needs to bow down at your feet and kiss the ground you walk on because he's unworthy. Well, at least, he feels like it until you take his hand in yours, let him kiss your lips and feast from your heart. He's like the king of the world then, the kind of man that makes the rules instead of following them, because if your love is as much power and strength as it feels like then he deserves to rule.
He plans your dates to a T but, even though it's almost physically painful for him, he still leaves a bit of it unorganized, knowing you enjoy the taste of adventure, of unexpectedness, of the unknown, even. He knows you're not like him, you're not rigid, you're not cold, you're kind, warm as a summer day. He makes every effort so that you enjoy time spent in his company, and slowly but surely, date by date, you crack his shell, teaching him how to let go once in a while. He'll pretend to steal fruits from your basket as you pick them, playing the villain because it will make you laugh and he wants to get drunk on that very sound before gently slipping a strawberry or a rasberry between your parted lips and kissing you so that the sweet taste will coat his tongue as well. He loves it, loves the way you make his heart ache, loves the way he almost wants to forget his rigidness if it means he gets to have you, adventurous and so, oh so fascinating, teaching him of things he didn't know and of feelings he'd never felt before.
If he's more lenient in your everyday life, you'll play by his rules in the bedroom, and he won't allow a ounce of disobedience. Punishment is always an option, and he'll never let you forget it. His orders are clear, and he expects you to follow them. Kneel, he'll tell you, tone cold and firm, not leaving any space for disobedience, unless you want him to have you lay on his lap, skirt hiked up over your hips, his hand hitting and hitting and hitting until you cry out in pain, until your skin ends up flushed red, until you feel like you won't ever know anything but the suffering that comes with acting like a brat with the man that rules over you behind the closed doors of your bedroom. He won't leave you a choice in the matter, taming you like he would any rebelling pet, and he'll have you thank him for it, kiss the palm of his hands once he's finally done with you, once he's finally ready to allow you a bit of pleasure in your pain.
Please tell me if you liked it ♡
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voidtongued · 4 years
Warframe Stims!
Is this going to be a list of the base Warframes and their favorite stims?  Yes.  Yes it is
Why?  Because I’m autistic and stim and this is one of my special interests so therefore I need to make all of the Warframes like me.
Other neurodiverse slash mentally ill folks who stim are welcome to interact!
Continued under the readmore!  Because.  There’s a lot of these guys lmao.  I’m also only doing the ones that are currently Out and In-Game at the time of writing this post, but more may be added in the future!
ASH - Watching smoke curls
ATLAS - Hitting things for both the impact and the sound it makes
BANSHEE - Making weird and loud noises
BARUUK - Drumming fingers on things
CHROMA - Flapping hands
EMBER - Watching candles, feeling warm things like passing hands in front of a heater
EQUINOX - Day form likes body stims like rocking and flapping, while Night form likes sensory stims like watching glitter jars or making weird noises
EXCALIBUR - Classic stimmer, likes flapping and rocking and bouncing
FROST - Likes to hold cold things like ice cubes and touch fluffy textures
GARA - Watching light pass through prisms and stained glass
GARUDA - Watches cooking shows where they start from the whole animal, sometimes picks at skin
GAUSS - Runs around in circles and deliberately bumps into things
GRENDEL - Chews on EVERYTHING and only eats specific textures
HARROW - Watches incense smoke, weighted chain bracelets and necklaces, sometimes will hit self in the leg when not able to use other stims
HILDRYN - Likes full body deep-pressure stims like weighted blankets and weightlifting as a way to stim
HYDROID - Blowing bubbles in water, the pressure of being submerged
INAROS - Sand jars, zen gardens, smooth textures of sea and river rocks
IVARA - Quiet body stims like rocking and flapping, also tip-toes around naturally
KHORA - Cat purring, petting cats, fidget chain necklaces
LIMBO - Slight-of-hand tricks as a way to stim, rocking and flapping, only wears specific textures
LOKI - Also tip-toes or toewalks around like Ivara
MAG - Visual stims like glitter jars, plays with magnets when bored
MESA - Has one of those stimmy clicker things, learns neat revolver tricks as a way to stim
MIRAGE - Echolalia City, glitter jars, very aesthetic stimmer
NEKROS - Watches restoration videos mostly
NEHZA - Runs around in circles with Gauss, has a spinner ring, likes watching candles
NIDUS - Pimple-popping videos, slime videos, watches Garuda’s cooking videos with her, chews on random things, picks at skin, walks strangely
NOVA - Either likes slow or fast visual stims.  There is no in-between
NYX - Mostly echolalia, doesn’t stim much outside of that, mostly retreats when overloaded
OBERON - Being barefoot in grass, the smell of freshly cut grass, the smell of air just after a rainstorm
OCTAVIA - Echolalia, ASMR, you have an audio stim?  She likes it
PROTEA - Hacky-sack as a way to stim
REVENANT - Likes watching candles
RHINO - Weighted blankets and randomly yelling
SARYN - Has a little scent vial thing that she smells as a way to stim
TITANIA - Queen of flapping
TRINITY - Mostly body stims, rocking is a big one
VAKLYR - Literally will just yell all the time, also does Cat Things like meow and hiss to express things.
VAUBAN - Constantly tinkering and fidgeting as a form of stimming, likes taking things apart and putting them back together
VOLT - Runs around in circles with Nehza and Gauss, likes thunder and white noise
WUKONG - Mostly body stims like spinning and flapping
ZEPHYR - Tactile stimming with feathers
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electricstims · 7 years
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◾ rainstorm stimboard for anon! ◾
requests are open!
sources below
1: @rainydaylovex
2: @pluviobrew
3: @rain-tea-coffee
4: @poppyfinch
5: @theweatherlab
6: @shalomitsjesus
7: @sylmoira
8: @machikono
9: @theworldisworthagif
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transheavy · 5 years
pyro would....fucking adore slime. like. 100% love slime so much. theyd make a whole thing of it and just splash it around. their favorite is the fluffy slime and they get it fucking EVERYWHERE. they also love jumping in puddles after rainstorms and mud
they also stim a lot!! they flap their hands and jump up and down/kick their legs! they also bounce a lot when they sit and engie made them a chair that they can do that without falling over. theyd also kill for fidget cubes, esp the light switch! they tend to fidget with engies tools when they hang out with him. the same with medic's tools when they hang out with ludwig!!
they talk a lot with their hands, esp when their excited about what theyre talking about. as a playful thing engie used to mimic it and that he liked "their dance" not understanding it was a stim but as soon as he figured out he Stopped 100% BUT pyro does find it endearing when he called it their little dance.
medic also stims the same way when hes passionate, and makes a LOT of body movements and when he gets super excited he'll just fucking jump and click his heels and heavys still just "how the FUCK do you do that" internally
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craftgender · 5 years
I’m gonna describe my gender the best I can because I want to have it in writing:
My gender is somewhat masculine, but it completely rejects the binary all together. It’s similar to the feeling you get watching a heavy rainstorm from behind the cabin door and has the same vibe as a completely calm forest. It’s a gender that resides somewhere in both the deep ocean and the far reaches of space.
My gender is absolutely tied to Minecraft, and it can’t be separated from it. There are parts of it that can be picked out and given its own name (see: all the Minecraft genders I’ve coined), but you cannot separate my gender from Minecraft.
My gender doesn’t really have a shape to it, but it has many wings and eyes. It’s constantly branching out, reaching for more labels to define itself.
My gender has the same feeling as the brain fog I get from my ADHD. It’s hiding somewhere in each of my stims, be it leg bouncing or screeching. It’s the same feeling I get as when I see videos of people power washing things clean and I can’t stop squeaking and flapping my hands. My gender is intertwined with my ADHD and that is something I am proud of. I am proud that I can be confident about something concerning my ADHD, even if it’s not something that is conventional.
My gender is being aromantic. Thinking about my gender gives me the same feeling of numbness as thinking about romantic attraction. My gender is similar to my repulsion from romance, it is repulsed by the gender binary but at the same time wants to understand it.
My gender is my paranoia. It’s feeling like I’m the odd one out and everyone is staring at me, because they’ve all found their terms and I haven’t, and I feel like people whisper behind my back while I search for the terms that fit me. It’s feeling like labels I find will always end up being made by trolls, and that people are laughing at me as yet another term is yanked from my hands.
My gender is nothing that can be described in a human language. It’s only comprehensible in the dark whispers in the back of my mind, the ones that fade out when I try to focus on them to hear what they’re saying. It’s a gender that humms at the same frequency as stars and planets, but could never be picked up by anything human.
My gender is being otherkin. It’s tied to my otherkiness in being a galaxy, with thousands of possible labels and terms. In being gods in that it could never be written down in a way people could understand. In being a merman from the deepest parts of the sea, in that people underestimate how big and monstrous my gender could be. My gender is the same thing as the lonely black eyed child standing at the edge of the road with their thumb out and a smile that is a bit too wide, asking for a ride to a town that doesn’t exist and never did.
My gender is being fictionkin. It’s being reborn many times over into different worlds, or variations of the same world where nothing and everything is the same. My gender is having memories being dangled right out of my reach and having a longing to find people with the same experience.
My gender is being a concept. It’s knowing that it will never stop growing and changing, always adding parts and leaving behind things that don’t fit. My gender is the daydream that you play for yourself right before you go to bed where you can do whatever you want and nobody else has to know it.
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scriptautistic · 7 years
I have a character: teen girl, nonverbal, highly empathetic, her main method of communication is painting, though she has very minimal words and sign language. Does it make any sense that she would sometimes hear words but instead of hearing the word, see them in anagrams? For instance, someone says "wand" but she hears "dawn"? I've considered that she may also have some sort of dyslexia or synesthesia that contributes to this. If this is possible, would she also need to be able to write?
Hello, thank you for the question!
Here is a bit of info on dyslexia and how it manifests and what it may be related to.
I’ll first describe something I’ve noticed. Dyslexia, autism, and synesthesia have some common features, primarily processing along different pathways than are expected or typical. Dyslexic or autistic people tend to think more abstractly because they generally have more trouble learning linear connections or paths between concepts than others around them. For example, an abstract thinker (who may not be autistic or dyslexic) may not think of “time” when they see a picture of a clock, they may think of other concepts like “aging,” which is related to time, or even something not very obviously connected, like “rainstorms.” Synesthesia brings with it crossing over between multiple senses and sometimes concepts.
This page and this other page describe multiple forms of synesthesia. 
Autism and synesthesia share heightening of senses and attention to detail, and autistic people are more likely to be synesthetic than the general population. 
I am personally synesthetic, as are many autistics. I can feel sound all over my whole body and feel color in my hands, and if I close my eyes, I can see colors of sound. I also have misophonia and experience excruciating panic and anger at chewing noises or noises from another room in a house. In all of these ways, senses are crossed. Maybe your character has very special experiences with colors and shapes and incorporates that into her paintings.
I haven’t heard of a synesthetic person being able to see words behind their eyelids or in the air, but it doesn’t mean it can’t happen that way for your character. Maybe she sees certain letters in the air when she hears certain sounds, or something like that.
Something to be wary of is that paintings take a long time to perfect and dry. If painting is her main method of communication, she may not communicate very much. You will likely need to learn more about is how non-verbal or semi-verbal autistics tend to communicate. Because communication doesn’t need to rely on speaking or visual cues, and sometimes speaking is used for stimming rather than communication (like with verbal stims). There are many ways she can communicate, please look at our tags about writing non-verbal characters. I would change her main method of communication, as painting to communicate is very inefficient, especially if a character is stressed and needs to express something very quickly. Maybe she has a text to speak app on a computer or phone or something (though being dyslexic would complicate typing or writing), or maybe has a small white board to write or doodle on. Maybe she has none of these, and relies on other methods of communication, like grunting, pointing, facial expressions, etc. You can still make your character an artist, though, as painting is a wonderful form of self-expression.
Also important to note - one doesn’t need to write to read and there are a variety of reasons writing may be difficult for her, especially if she is dyslexic. Some dyslexic people have little trouble reading if they work on it, even if they do read slower, but have a lot of trouble spelling properly. She may have issues with motor skills and find it hard to write, or has sensory issues which make holding a pen or using paper difficult. She may have no trouble with writing. Non-verbal people write and type frequently, especially if they’re older. Non-verbal doesn’t mean non-communicative.
I know a few people who are dyslexic, one of whom is pretty severely so. He bases how he spells things on the way they sound often, and sometimes mispronounces things because he heard someone say something, tries to get a grip of the word in his head via the spelling, then says it with one letter replaced with another or with added letters or something. Even if he knows how something is spelled sometimes he mispronounces it. Another older woman with whom I am friends is autistic and dyslexic. She will sometimes say the opposite word to what she means, or verbally rearrange a phrase she meant to use.
Perhaps if your character is a visual thinker and may picture words in her head, she might get them mixed up a lot and process the wrong output or input word. So she would likely not “hear” things wrong, she may process them incorrectly. There may be a delay between when she hears a word and when she processes what it means, but might get a meaning mixed up if a word has similar letters to another word. You may, as a writer, take some creative license and include some magical realism with the way she processes words, as language processing is an incredibly complicated and individualized series of events.
Make sure you read up on what a dyslexic person experiences as far as spelling and speech go, as that can only provide you with more information on how to correctly write your character. Remember to look at our non-verbal tag and here is another bit on synesthesia. Good luck!
 - Mod Siena
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rainy-maxwils · 7 years
Honestly? Autistic Wilson is my life source. -Autistic Wilson having difficulty understanding why people don't like him from a young age because at this point in time there's no real word for autism and everyone assumes he's just undisciplined but he's not -Autistic Wilson passionately studying the things he's interested in despite other people telling him that his interests aren't worth any time -Autistic Wilson having difficulty adjusting to Hell Island; Maxwell seeing this and intentionally cutting back on things that trigger his sensory meltdowns (ie rainstorms and cold weather) -Autistic Wilson who's super excited to meet the new people that are introduced to the world but at the same time terrified that they're going to dislike him -However, everyone ends up liking him anyway which makes him super happy -They don't try to get him to change his behaviors but instead try to understand him best as possible and help him out and this actually confuses the shit out of him because he's been raised to believe negative things about him and doesn't understand why everyone actually likes him at first -Sometimes when he stims he completely zones out and won't talk to anyone until he's done and everyone respects that even though they don't understand why he does it in the first place -When he gets upset he has a tendency to perform self-destructive actions like itching his skin raw and the others try and get him to calm down best as possible and heal any wounds he may inflict upon himself -Wilson explicitly asking that people don't do things that make him uncomfortable like touching him when he's in a foul mood or stimming and the others actually listen and his faith in humanity is restored because he didn't actually think anyone was going to take his requests seriously -His friends listening when he rants about his special interest(s) and reassuring him that it's okay when he gets flustered and apologizes for ranting -Just -Autistic Wilson in general.
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stimmy-fae · 7 years
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Castorm (Rainstorm) Stim!! || Slime Pokemon (Gen 3)
x // x // x
x // x // x
x // x // x
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thewolfamongussy · 7 years
Lavender (Name something that relaxes you) Vinyl (What is some of your favorite music?) Rainstorms (What helps you fall asleep?) The Moon (What's your favorite thing to do at night?) Blue Hair Dye (One thing you like about your appearance?) Sorry i sent so many they were all really nice so i had a hard time choosing!
Don’t need to apologize!!! Thank you so much for sending them I love all these asks!!!
lavender: asmr, stimming, art, music, pinterest (doing aesthetic boards for my ocs is very relaxing ok), writing, colouring, drawing, candles, meditation, comfort foods
vinyl: the 1975, the killers, marianas trench, fall out boy, panic!, my chemical romance, twenty one pilots, kaleo, MUNA, HAIM, fleetwood mac, brandon flowers, patrick stump
rainstorms: i don’t have trouble falling asleep cus i’m always tired.
the moon: sleep, write, playing video games until 3 am, falling asleep while listening to music
blue hair dye: i’ve gotten over that phase of feeling insecure about how i look that i’ve had for most of my life. anything that i don’t like about my appearance is just gender dysphoria and i can’t do anything about that at the moment. i love every part of my appearance even the parts of my body that make me feel dysphoric.
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helgunr · 7 years
12, 15, 40, 53 :)
12. what is something you want right now?
- its… kind of dumb, but… even though i like being by myself, it would be nice to have someone to travel with. or just… hang out with. look at the the stars. sit under a tree in the rain. pick flowers. it would be… nice.
15. personality description
- ((very sweet, feels responsible for everyone around her. tries to see the beauty in everything. hedonistic. easily distracted. she has depression and is autistic (trouble picking up on social cues sometimes, needs to stim, passionate about her special interests). determinedly optimistic and stubborn. more than anything she wants to help people and make friends))
40. favourite memory
- let’s see… probably when i was able to open up my own shop to sell my rocks and decorations that i make myself!! i dont make a lot of money but thats ok :)
53. 5 things that make me happy
((already answered! ill copy and paste)):
- hmm… making friends with animals, looking for cool rocks, helping people, getting lost in rainstorms, and traveling to new places :3
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