#ravenclaw represents
moonycoven · 2 years
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Finally, the character listed as ‘Boy 1’ in PoA end credits gets some recognition…
Yup. Turns out the boy who dramatically delivers the most foreboding, ominous lines of the movie actually has a name!
May I present you Bem. Bem is a wizard of Nigerian descent. He attended Hogwarts the same year Harry did and was sorted in Gryffindor too.
He was also a resourceful member of Dumbelore’s Army during fifth year. Being very well read himself, he did not believe at all in the tyrannical so-called ‘pedagogy’ implanted by our - oh very dear - Dolores Umbridge.
By then, he appeared to have mysteriously switched houses by proudly displaying the Ravenclaw’s uniform. (A premiere in Hogwart’s history?!). A sudden change which - quite curiously - none of his peers seem to have acknowledged at the time.
He would be 42 or 43 years today (his precise date of birth remains unknown). Anyways, that is if he survived the War, which - of course - the story doesn’t tell.
I like to think he did survive by using mostly his mystical insight and other pacifist methods of mediation, in thus honoring the etymological roots of his first name meaning ‘peace’ in the Tiv language from Nigeria.
Although his few appearances (in PoA and OotP) remain non-canonical (his character is absent from the books), I hope Bem rests in peace, wherever he is.
Now, up to you, me - or should I say us - lore keepers and fan fics writers, to make sure Bem’s name remains above the ravenous waters of anonymity!
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lufanahufflepuff · 1 year
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zriasstuff · 8 months
Final blow- Mattheo Riddle x reader
Mattheo Riddle oneshot; including a classic wizarding duel, tension filled atmosphere, and a cute ending <3 (SFW)
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“For our next duel, I’m asking Mattheo Riddle and Miss Y/n to please step up onto the platform”
The words from professor Snape echoed through the duelling practice room, and as of right now everyone was staring at you two. It didn’t come as a shock to you when you were picked. Both of you were pretty much on the same level, with the exception of course that you had way less of an ego than Mattheo.
Defense against the dark arts was your favorite subject, especially when it came to doing hands on things. Duelling just happened to be one of your favorite things to practice. The tougher the opponent, the sweeter the victory, you believed. With Mattheo, you had to make sure that you would fight till the last moment, and to not go down without a proper fight.
“C’mon, go up!”, your friends encourage you, “You got this!”. They all believed in you, and told you that your chances were good, making you feel more secure in your skills. Through all the encouragement you got, you start moving towards where the showdown would take place.
As you go up, you look at Mattheo, who seemed confident to say the least. He knows he’s good and everyone else knows it too. Moreover, all the quidditch training certainly gave him a strong and muscular body to work with.
Before the duel begins, you scan the crowd one more time for looks and chants of support. “MAKE US RAVENCLAWS PROUD!”, you hear someone yelling amidst all the people. That you were extremely thankful for, since you could really use all the positive reassurance you could get. You quickly say thank you back to the crowd.
At the same time, the Slytherins must’ve seen this as another competition and started yelling all sorts of things in support of their representative too. Together, they sure looked like a mean bunch.
“YOU GOT THIS MATTHEO!”, his friend Blaise hollers loudly. Draco, right after, shouts out “YEAHH, DESTROY HER!”.
What a gentleman you mutter to yourself, and Mattheo must’ve heard it because you hear a slight chuckle escaping his mouth.
“Nervous”, he quietly asks you.
“Not at all”, you respond in the most self assured manner that you can muster.
He himself didn’t look nervous at all, but rather excited to have a “play partner”. Frankly you weren’t either, but you also knew that going up against him wouldn’t be easy.
Mattheo keeps looking you in the eye with a slight grin, so to match his energy, you hold eye contact with him too and make sure that your posture is straight. If you don’t look capable from the beginning, you are never going to make it to the end.
To commence this duel at last, Snape retells the rules of combat and announces that “only magical acts can be used as a form of offense or defense. You may disarm or harm your opponent, but must not seriously injure them.” Otherwise Madam Pomfrey would surely throw another fit at you “immature rascals”.
You were counting on disarming Mattheo to be your tactic. His fatal flaw was, noting from your past observations, being too aggressive, and not fully protecting himself. Besides that, he was flawless.
All eyes on you guys now, you start off by bowing to each other to pay your respects. “Good luck”, he whispers to you while you’re on eye level. “Same to you”, you reply, to make him know that you weren’t scared.
As Snape was counting down from three, you calmed yourself down once again, telling yourself that it would be fine. When Snape reaches the final number three, Mattheo immediately goes into the offense and casts several stunning spells, which you block with your shielding spell. You had practiced that one so often, that you could confidently utilize it at any given time. Mattheo keeps trying to push you back further. One after another, his attacking spells are blasted at you. And one after another you block them. It was a back and forth dance between you two, neither one of you budging yet.
He came alarmingly close though. One of his spells had caught your shoulder, sending an electrifying shock through your body. Another one had hit your torso straight like a bullet. That one had caused you the most pain. You grunted and held your hand over the wounded area, but it was still bearable. You just had to fight through the pain.
Both of you kept going, at this point recognizing that victory wouldn’t come easily to either one of you. Mattheo, looking forward to making things a little more playful, cheekily calls out “holding up pretty well for someone like you”. You knew he was trying to get you off of your game by sounding condescending. He was well aware of your capabilities. Therefore you clap back by saying “that shouldn’t come as a surprise, and you’re not as good as you think you are”.
Having said that, you hear a few murmurs amongst the students. Snape takes the time to remind you to keep the personal bashing to yourselfs until the duel is resolved. Mattheo seems to take it quite personally though, now casting out especially aggressive spells.
Even by then you are able to hold up, but there was still no opportunity to really harm him. The back and forth kept going to the point where neither of you saw an end to this.
After a while, having been so concentrated on defending yourself and managing your pain, you hadn’t even looked at Mattheo anymore to see how he was doing. You just saw his spells shooting at you. So, when you finally did look, you noticed that Mattheo was getting a little riled up himself and losing his edge. He always tries to keep his cool, to not show any signs of weakness. Yet, there you were, taking hit after hit, and not backing down. It made him frustrated to see his efforts not meeting his expectations.
After more exchanges of non sufficient spells, you are getting way too tired, and you decide it’s time to put this exhausting duel to an end. You just had to wait for the perfect moment.
In Mattheo’s mind, he was also just waiting for the perfect moment, hoping for you to retreat.
When you glance at the audience again for just a second, you see the gawking mouths of some of the Slytherins. Instantly, it boosts your confidence. If even they were stunned by you, then all was going right, and you knew you got this. If you could really defeat Mattheo, his ego was probably going to be bruised for a good several days at least.
Between further dodging spells, and shielding yourself, it was really difficult to find the perfect moment, though you had a feeling it would come soon enough. Mattheo was getting even more frustrated. His spells weren’t as accurate anymore. His arm was losing strength and going a little limp. And most important of all, his confidence became tainted.
While trying to catch his breath for a second, Mattheo simultaneously lowers his arm. During that one scarce moment, you decide to deliver the final blow.
“EXPELLIARMUS!”, you call out. Everyone’s eyes were wide open, seeing exactly as the spell hit Mattheo, causing his wand to fly across the platform, all the way into your hand. You catch it with precision, and watch his look of disbelief. You couldn’t even fully believe it yourself. He was done for.
“Wanna wave the white flag now?”, you cheekily ask him now, as he’s still trying to catch his breath. It was a little mean, but he could handle it.
Mattheo still can’t believe what just happened based on the look on his face. You see him scrunching his eyebrows, and mouth hanging wide open.
Although he knows he’s got nothing left, he still replies with “never”.
“As you wish”, you say with a wide grin, because in the next second, your final spell sent him flying across the room. Mattheo falls off of the duelling platform at the end, all the way onto the ground.
As his body hit the hard floor, all students from every house, except the Slytherins of course, started cheering for you. You felt as if you were on cloud nine hearing all their chants. Your heart was still beating rapidly, as if it was going to explode any second. A little part of you can’t believe that you just sent Mattheo flying across the platform, but the bigger part was gloating with pride.
You watch Mattheo prop himself up and walk back onto the platform to go up to you. He warmly, to your surprise, meets your gaze and brings out his hand to shake yours.
“Looks like you didn’t need luck after all”, he congratulates you. You’re taken aback for a second because this behavior of him wasn’t what you expected at all. He clearly notices and goes on to say “I rarely lose, but when I do I try not to be a sore loser”.
When he goes to his friends, he turns back and winks at you with a smirk plastered on his face. Winning was already quite the event, but Mattheo being a perfect gentleman weirdly made your insides churn.
You wait for everyone to leave the room after enough duelling was done for the morning. The reason was because you saw, from the corner of your eye, that Mattheo was also taking his time. You didn’t even know exactly why you were waiting for him.
Not that it was your planned intention, but you decide to go up to him and tell him that it was a great, although stressful, duel. Perhaps that would fuel some kind of conversation.
“No need to gloat”, he throws back at you. He didn’t sound all too happy, and maybe he did take the loss stronger than he showed at first. Your mind starts to spin and look for kind words. You definitely didn’t mean to insult him, so you quickly stutter out
“No- that’s not what I-”
Before you could finish that jumbled sentence though, he chuckles out loud, his eyes giving you a look of sympathy. His entire demeanor has changed now, the upset look from before just having been a facade.
“Chill, I was just kidding”, he cheerfully says. Seconds later he adds “You won fair and square, I’m actually really impressed with you”. It sounded like he meant it genuinely.
That compliment wasn’t something you expected. Relieved at his relaxed attitude, you choose to go along with his joking manner and respond with “I’m definitely going to hold that over your head forever”.
That earned you yet another precious chuckle from him. His laugh was truly contagious because shortly after you start laughing too. You had actually never expected that talking with Mattheo could feel so carefree and fun.
“Y’know I actually thought you were a lot more arrogant”, you honestly admitted to him during your talk. As far as the truth went, this was it. You could see that it had certainly been a little presumptuous of you to assume that about him.
“Well that’s because you don’t really know me and make pointless assumptions, but I don’t blame you”, he boldly calls you out on your prejudices too.
Perhaps he wasn’t as bad as you imagined, but definitely still cocky.
Suddenly he puts his hand on your shoulder, which makes you jerk back at first. The sudden contact just came as a surprise. He also takes notice, but when he sees that you don’t mind after the initial shock, he just kept it there. “So, wanna get out of here?”, he suggested. “We could talk and you could get to know me better”, Mattheo proposes, obviously referring to your previous statement.
“Well, how can I say no to that”, you comply while flashing him a gentle smile.
And with that, both of you leave the room, with Mattheo’s hand still wrapped around your shoulders.
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dearggntlereader · 16 days
OK-OK-OK-OK HEAR ME OUT. r is Matteo’s best friend/recent gf, they keep their relationship secret. And then like they go to a party and Matteo gets TIPSYYYYY and randomly sits down next to her and before she can push him away like snuggles all up to her AND BOOM. HARD LAUNCH.
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Picture does not represent the reader's looks!!!
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just let me love at you . :☆。゚. ───
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You are giggling without much reason, simply happy to be at this party with your boyfriend. Well, you aren't with your boyfriend. You two decided to keep your relationship secret until you're sure it all works out, no need for unnecessary drama. And a small part of you wasn’t ready to be hated because you're dating the Mattheo Riddle.
Ravenclaws always throw the best parties and even with only one light cocktail you can feel warmth buzzing through you.
The velvety couch dips beside you and you feel a familiar hand softly but urgently grab your waist. You know that hand, constantly playing with it in the secrecy of your dorm. Softly brushing the scarred knuckles and circling the rough skin, leaving light kisses once in a while.
You only catch a glimpse of Mattheo’s bright eyes before he has his head buried in your shoulder. You sink into his comfortable embrace when all of a sudden your eyes shoot open a second before you realize why they do so. 
Mattheo’s hands are circling your waist and ten people are already staring at you, two girls at your right are loudly judging you. They aren’t even trying to hide their jealousy and judgment as they meet your eye with a disgusted sneer.
You don’t look at your friends, scared of their reaction, focusing instead on the boy clinging to you “Mattheo, what are you doing?” you whisper-shout. He doesn’t lift his head to answer, mumbling a small “missed you”, into your shoulder and accentuating the statement with a soft kiss. 
You can feel a soft giggle threatening to spill out, and if you had just a sip more of that mojito you surely would have let it out. You gently and with barely any effort attempt to peel him away from you. “There are people around,” you lecture, with a soft smile you can’t seem to shake.
“don’t care, just wanna love at you,” he grumbles, it’s really almost a whine but he’d never admit that. His curls tickle your ear as he tries to get even closer to you.
You love this. Maybe that whole staying secret thing was stupid because the thought that you would have to lose this experience to keep your relationship secret, makes something in your stomach curl up in discomfort.
He’s so clingy and you can’t help but feel some sense of pride, he likes you this much. Wants to touch you this much.
Meanwhile all Mattheo is able to focus on is you. Your smell, sea salt and eucalyptus with a mix of sweat from dancing, is intoxicating him even more than he already is. Your skin is so soft he could fall asleep and the more his hands circle your waist, the more he wants to never stop grabbing at it. That’s not even mentioning your gorgeous laugh, he knows you try to suppress it, wanting to tell him off, but he can hear it wanting to come out.
God, he loves you. What? No. He’s just drunk, right?
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I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack!!!
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shuaflix · 9 months
how eagles take flight (preview)
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PAIRING ▸ slytherin!boo seungkwan x ravenclaw!fem!reader
GENRES ▸ fluff, humor, smut, angst, fantasy, action, enemies to lovers au, hogwarts au
WARNINGS ▸ profanity, slowburn, insane amount of lore, hurt/comfort, mild descriptions of violence, more to be added
SUMMARY ▸ on the night of halloween, you're selected as hogwarts' champion for the triwizard tournament, a competition for eternal glory held between three major schools of magic. of course, this makes absolutely no sense to you because you didn't put your name in the goblet of fire. you have a feeling someone's out to get you, though, and a certain slytherin who's hated you since your first year might have the answers you're looking for.
or, you and boo seungkwan hate each other's guts, but he might just prove to be an unlikely ally when you're selected for the triwizard tournament.
RELEASE DATE ▸ aiming for early 2024!
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ since i don't have much to show until the full fic is out, you can anticipate heavy slowburn, some blood purity prejudice, me racking my brain to come up with tasks for the tournament, the yule ball!!, enemies forced to work together, and ft. jeonghan, wonwoo, joshua, seungcheol, and irene (rv) ♡ send an ask or comment if you'd like to be added to the tag list !!
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“AT LEAST YOU DON'T HAVE TO TAKE YOUR N.E.W.T.s NOW,” Wonwoo tried to console you while you two were walking to your Defense Against the Dark Arts class. “Charms is gonna kick my ass this year.”
Due to the strenuous challenge the tournament offered, testing your strength, courage, intelligence, and resourcefulness, the champions were exempt from exams. You figured it was because being a Triwizard champion was far more valuable than getting Outstanding scores on your end-of-year tests.
You snorted. “I’m still taking them.”
“But you don’t have to,” he said with a disapproving frown. “You should really be taking the tournament seriously, Y/N. People have died doing these tasks.”
“I just don’t understand how my name ended up in the Goblet of Fire,” you muttered. “I tried to explain that I didn’t put my name in, but they just told me that rules are rules. I have no choice now that I’ve been selected.”
“Just… make it through alive, will you? Don’t get yourself killed over eternal glory.”
“I don’t even care about eternal glory,” you whined. “Eternal glory isn’t gonna get me five N.E.W.T.s to get into the Auror recruitment program.” 
“I doubt you’d need five N.E.W.T.s if you won.”
“You’re generous for thinking I have a chance against Seungcheol and Joohyun.”
When you opened the door to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, you nearly groaned out loud once everyone’s eyes landed on you. A lot of talk had been going around about you being Hogwarts’ champion, and the attention wasn’t all that great. Some of the support was nice, but plenty of people had been betting on your loss and talking smack about how the Goblet of Fire should’ve chosen a better representative.
The only one in your class who appeared as though they couldn’t care less about you was Boo Seungkwan, a Slytherin who you couldn’t stand since your first year. You two got off on the wrong foot right off the bat, with you accidentally spilling ink all over Seungkwan’s new textbooks and him talking down to you for the rest of the year. It was a trivial thing to hold a grudge over, but as you two got more and more hostile toward each other over the years, you eventually just realized that you and Seungkwan weren’t meant to get along. 
You two hated each other so much that in your third year, you sent each other Howlers back-and-forth until a professor had to intervene. Apparently, screaming at each other through Owl Post was going too far, especially when the Howlers started arriving in the middle of classes.
Your dislike for him grew even more when he was picked as Head Boy for Slytherin. Although you had no qualms about the Head Girl chosen for the Ravenclaw house, you were still bitter that Seungkwan was effortlessly getting the opportunities that were always just out of your grasp.
Wonwoo grimaced once he took a look at the board. Apparently, you were graced with the pleasure of sitting next to the bane of your existence today.
“Think you can get through a class without killing Seungkwan?” he asked, squinting to make out who he was sitting next to.
“I think I have a better chance at winning the Triwizard Tournament.”
Wonwoo laughed, even though you were dead serious.
When you got to your table with Seungkwan, you did your best to avoid eye contact. You shrugged off your book bag and sank back into your seat without another word. Maybe if you tried hard enough, you could forget he even existed. 
“Your arm’s in my table space, champ,” he started, and although you tried to resist, your head shot up to see what the hell he was talking about. You rolled your eyes when you noticed Seungkwan pointing at your sleeve, which was barely on his side of the table. You moved your arm without another word. “Anyway, I didn’t think you’d be the kind of person to put your name in the cup.”
“You must know me so well, huh?” you sneered. “And, for your information, I didn’t put my name in the cup.”
Seungkwan stared at you with a strange look in his eyes before shaking his head. “You’re ridiculous.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you asked, growing defensive. You didn’t mean to raise your voice, but you quieted down after a few stares from other classmates.
He scoffed. “Take some accountability, Y/N. I literally saw you put your name in.”
You seized up. There was no reason for Seungkwan to lie, but you couldn’t fully believe that he actually saw you putting your name in the Goblet of Fire. You nearly started questioning whether you had been sleepwalking or something, but you were positive that you slept peacefully throughout the night. There was no rational explanation as to how you entered yourself into the tournament.
“Are you serious?” You turned around in your seat to face the Slytherin, nonplussed. “You saw me? You’re positive it was me?”
“Yeah? I know an idiot when I see one, you know?”
“Takes one to know one, I guess.”
Seungkwan shook his head at you. “You better have a plan to win. It's gonna be humiliating for us if you die out there.”
“Gee, thanks,” you replied bitterly. Your voice teetered on nervousness when you asked, “When did you see me put my name in the cup? Honest to God, I didn't do it, Seungkwan. You know I wouldn't.”
Even aside from Wonwoo, who looked at you skeptically after your name was called, you knew that Seungkwan saw right through you. He knew that you didn't have the guts to enter your name into the tournament. By no means did you consider yourself brave, and the Slytherin knew that quite well.
He looked at you strangely. “Last night. I was debating entering myself before I saw you.”
Before you could press him to elaborate, Yoon Jeonghan made a show of dragging his chair out from under the table that was in front of yours and Seungkwan’s, eyes locked on you as he did. He was one of the most popular wizards in your year with his charming looks and brilliant wit. He was sweet and friendly on paper, but he was notorious for dating around. You were pretty sure you saw him with a new girl every other month. Although he was one of Seungkwan’s best friends, you found him to be far more amiable. 
You pressed your lips into a thin line. Jeonghan was who everyone was expecting to get picked for the tournament. He was definitely more capable than you, and he posed a threat to both Seungcheol and Joohyun with his abilities. You were sure he would sweep the competition if he was selected as champion.
“There’s our champion,” he greeted with a crooked grin. “You’re gonna win for us, right?”
“Uh.” You paused. “No promises, Jeonghan.”
“Hey.” He lowered his voice to hardly a mutter, a playful grin on his face as he leaned in close. “You know my dad’s Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, right? Just say the word and I’ll find out what the first task is for you.”
“Isn’t that cheating?” you asked.
“Think about it this way: Durmstrang won’t stop at anything to make sure Seungcheol wins, and Joohyun half-Veela. She just has to bat her eyes at someone and they’ll cough up any information they have on the tournament for her.”
Seungkwan scoffed. “Jeonghan, you’re being careless. What happens when your dad finds out you’re helping the champion cheat?”
“Lighten up, Kwan. There hasn’t been a champion for centuries who hasn’t bent the rules a little.”
You swallowed hard. Surely, it wouldn’t hurt to accept Jeonghan’s help. After all, Wonwoo told you that Seungcheol and Joohyun would be using their resources to figure out tactics to go about their tasks. It would be no surprise if they had already found out what the first task required. If you had someone like Jeonghan on your side to help you, then you would’ve been stupid not to accept his assistance. 
Rules were one thing, but the entire school was counting on you to represent Hogwarts. You couldn’t make a fool out of yourself when the time came. 
“Well, if you happen to find out,” you told Jeonghan, “then I wouldn’t be opposed to hearing what the task is.”
He winked at you. “Just give me a day or two.”
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send an ask or comment if you'd like to be added to the tag list ! hope you guys enjoyed the preview & look forward to the full fic ♡
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holdmymallowsweet · 6 days
Ravenclaws 🦅
all named and confirmed Ravenclaws in Hogwarts Legacy 🪶
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Everett Clopton
Professor Satyavati Shah - Professor Dinah Hecat
Duncan Hobhouse - Ignatia Wildsmith - Samantha Dale
Sophronia Franklin - Zenobia Noke
Sirona Ryan
Astoria Crickett - Constance Dagworth
Hector Fawley - Amit Thakkar - Andrew Larson
Mahendra Pehlwaan - Isidora Morganach (being represented by her empty painting, because there's no photo mode in cutscenes)
Ravenclaw door knocker, for Rowena Ravenclaw
former Headmistress Niamh Fitzgerald - "The Grey Lady", Helena Ravenclaw
All Ravenclaws in Hogwarts Legacy, to the best of my knowledge and ability (but let me know if I missed anyone). I tried to make everyone look as good as possible, and I have plenty nice shots of them all that I didn't end up using, so if anyone wants more pics of their favourite underappreciated Ravenclaw, just let me know and I'll happily post them💙
(other houses coming soon)
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐇𝐨𝐠𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝
Like I did with the moral alignments, I thought I would make a post about why and how I sort characters into Hogwarts Houses! There are also quizzes so you can figure it out for yourself as well. I go into detail about each House, what they represent, their background and what it means to be sorted into a certain House. 
I hope you enjoy!
*just because I’m talking about Harry Potter doesn’t mean I align with the transphobic views of J.K. Rowling. There is no room for transphobia on my page, and I support the trans and LGBTQIA+ community*
Figuring out which Hogwarts House you belong to has been around since the HP series came out. But I think there’s more to it than simply choosing to be in ‘the brave house’ or ‘the smart house.’ I think it reveals a lot about a person - or rather, a large aspect. 
Here are a few tests for you to try, comment below what you got!
Test 1 (the ‘official’ Wizarding World quiz)
Test 2 (from IDRlabs, they have other personality quizzes as well!)
Test 3 (Here’s the full Pottermore quiz. The 1st quiz will only have a few questions, so that’s why I don’t think it’s fully accurate to take)
Test 4 (A really good one from Quotev, the questions/answers aren’t obvious)
Gryffindor: Do what is right. Hufflepuff: Do what is kind.  Ravenclaw: Do what is wise. Slytherin: Do what is necessary.
“ Where dwell the brave at heart, their daring, nerve and chivalry set Gryffindors apart “
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𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡: Fire
𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦: ‘Bold Gryffindor, from wild moor’, Godric Gryffindor. 
Dwelled at Godric’s Hollow
Was an accomplished dueller
A fair man, he believed that any child who displayed magical abilities before their 11th birthday should be able to attend Hogwarts.
Gryffindor was the original owner of the Sorting Hat
Gryffindor also had a sword made, which would present itself to any true Gryffindor in a moment of need.
He was allegedly the best friend of Slytherin before he left Hogwarts
Godric will always be known for his accomplished skills in battle, and his fight against Muggle discrimination in the wizarding world.
𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑠𝘩𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑡𝑠:
Standing up for what you believe in - even if your voice shakes. 
Caring about the greater good 
Having a deep need to do the right thing 
Standing out from the crowd
𝐶𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑠 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒:
Lucy Pevensie
Katniss Everdeen
Batman/Bruce Wayne
Buffy Summers
Chandler Bing
“ You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal. Those patient Hufflepuffs are true. And unafraid of toil. “
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𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡: Earth
𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦: ‘From valley broad,’ Helga Hufflepuff
A kind and warm woman who believed in loyalty, patience and hard-work as the best abilities a person can possess
Was a brilliant cook and had remarkable skills for preparing food. Her recipes are still used in Hogwarts to this day.
She brought the house-elves to Hogwarts
Owner of Hufflepuff’s Cup
She was the best friend of Rowena Ravenclaw
𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑠𝘩𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑡𝑠:
A need for justice. A lot of the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor traits are intertwined, but the difference is that Gryffindors don’t need to know a person to feel the need to look out for them. 
Believe in fairness and equality (Helga Hufflepuff was the only founder who believed everyone should have a fair chance in being taught)
Thinks about other people more than themselves
Would do anything at all, for family 
𝐶𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑠 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒:
Edmund Pevensie
Jay Gatsby
Samwise Gamgee
Michael Scott
Alfred Pennyworth
Joey Tribbiani
Phoebe Buffay
“ Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, If you’ve a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind. “
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𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡: Air
𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦: ‘From Glen,’ Rowena Ravenclaw
A sharp and intelligent woman
She wanted to make Hogwarts the finest wizarding school in the world, teaching only those with the highest intelligence 
Rowena wore a diadem that was said to grant wisdom to the wearer, however, Rowena’s own daughter grew jealous of her mother’s incredible intelligence. Helena Ravenclaw stole her mother’s diadem and ran away, a fact that Rowena kept hidden from her fellow founders even when she fell ill.
Wanting to see Helena before she died, Rowena sent a man to bring Helena home. Unfortunately, that man was the Bloody Baron, who was in love with Helena, and stabbed her in a rage when she refused to come home.
 After Helena was tragically killed, legend tells us that Rowena Ravenclaw died of a broken heart. 
She was the best friend of Helga Hufflepuff
𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑠𝘩𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑡𝑠:
Open-minded - don’t mix well with traditional, close-minded people. Ravenclaws see the big picture, they think about what things could be, rather than what things are. 
They think outside of the box, they don’t like being confined by rules or traditions. 
Actually very intuitive
𝐶𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑠 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒:
Susan Pevensie
Sherlock Holmes
Bruce Banner
James Bond
Annabeth Chase
Mary Poppins
Monica Geller
Ross Geller
“ Or perhaps in Slytherin, You’ll make your real friends. These cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends. “
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𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡: Water
𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦: ‘From Fen’, Salazar Slytherin
He believed strongly that only wizards of pure blood 
This belief caused a big rift between the founders, especially Gryffindor, which led to the depature of Salazar 
Despite his flaws, Salazar was a talented wizard, skilled in Legilemency and Parseltongue
Before he left, however, he created the Chamber of Secrets
𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑠𝘩𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑡𝑠:
Willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals; even using others for their gain. 
Not all Slytherins use these traits for personal gain, however, because the founder was evil - doesn’t mean every Slytherin is. 
Family means a lot to them
Desires respect
𝐶𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑠 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒:
Peter Pevensie
Natasha Romanoff
Daenerys Targaryen
Lady MacBeth
Wednesday Addams
Selina Kyle/Catwoman 
Rachel Green
Harley Quinn
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dafunzies · 2 months
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no but WHY the team colors fit hogwarts!AU х f1 so much???
Gryffindor!Charles: he’s a mischievous brat, and nobody can prove me otherwise. prolly tricked the sorting hat into this (it wanted him to do Slytherin obvi). it’s his dream & legacy to be in Gryffindor, even tho their quidditch team objectively sucks, living off the memories and washed glory of the legendary potter. the chaser of the team, the new hope. cunty, charming, flirty, stubborn as hell. not so nice and angelic because the looks can lie. AND they do. has a fanbase, very sweet with them but not so responsive to the love confessions. they say it’s cause he’s a player. he’s not. or is he?
Slytherin!George: bro’s serving diva with the most flawless skin to the extent that even girls are jealous of him. knows a thing or two about beauty potions. seems cold-hearted, but well…, he secretly has a crush on his best friend. loves the rules, equally loves bitching about them. sometimes breaks those rules - with that one friend - because apparently none of them can sleep well at night when separated. oh, forgot to mention: he got it all planned and figured out, so you better fucking run
Ravenclaw!Max: he excuse me actually 🤓☝️ can be freaking annoying. a nerds nerd. it's nearly impossible to keep up with him, but he loves a good challenge. got the nerve to cross the line: he’s calculating, rational, and straightforward. manages emotions poorly, so prefers not to manage em at all and stays distant. kinda socially awkward, but once he feels comfortable enough to be around, can be pretty chill. both the best in studies and quidditch. sarcastic and rough on the field as a chaser/team captain. despite his own claims of being single, wears the hickeys so often that had stopped trying to hide them at all. and, frankly speaking, he dgaf.
Hufflepuff!McLaren: papaya boys perfectly represent the house duality— reserved introverted blushing oscar/outgoing oblivious social butterfly lando, matching each other’s freak & determination BUT not really because they are still very different + Renault Danny?? spectacular gimme 14 of those
bonus: everyone is doomed by a narrative
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redheadspark · 9 months
Can i Ask for an Oliver Wood x female reader, with promote 1 were reader is like very smart and they are like enemies to lovers or something. Only if you want of course😊
A/N - YAS! This will be cute for Oliver! Thanks for requesting this, anon!
Summary - You and Oliver were always at each other's necks....until now
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Warnings - Just some cute fluff
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“You can cut it with a knife,”
“You think so?”
“Come on, look at them!”
Ron looked over at the small argument that unfolded in front of them out on the lawn.  It was between you and Oliver Wood, two captains from rival teams that were bickering with each other on practice times on the pitch.  It was awkward mostly, since both Gryffindor and Ravenclaw teams were awkwardly waiting on the sidelines to see who was going to win the verbal spat between their Captains.  But this was no real shocker to either team nor was it the first time this has happened.
In fact, this was the fourth time this season alone.
“You’ve always hogged the pitch twenty minutes longer than what’s on the practice schedule, Wood!  You needed the extra time because your team’s sloppy?!”
“Come off it, Jones!  You must be that bored in counting the minutes until we leave the pitch to gloss up your maneuvers.  They’re pathetic!”
“Bloody hell, this is one the worst ones,” Rom grumble as he leaned against his broom that was propped up.  His twin brothers were overseeing with small looks of amusement on their faces, arms folded in front of themselves, and looking at their mannerisms and how close you both were at poking each other’s chest with rigid fingers.  Of course, to the others that were watching this weren’t seeing what the twins were seeing.  They were seeing two Captains who hated each other fight overtime on the pitch.
Where as the twins saw two Captains who had it bad for each other.
Ever since you became Captain of the Ravenclaw team Oliver was intimidated by you since you were sharp and had a great wit about Quidditch.  Like Oliver, you grew up on the sport and knew it far more than most of the students at Hogwarts, becoming a Chaser your second year and then Captain a few years later.  Although your love for Quidditch was not as intense as Oliver’s, it was still there and you were smart in your tactics and plays to make Raveclaw a challenging team to beat.  Gryffindor was the top competitor against them, not even Slytherin could handle themselves again Ravenclaw when you were the Captain.  But Oliver saw you as a threat, your eyes ever trained on your teammates and knowing how to stay a few steps ahead of others.  
Arguments between you two became a regular ritual, though it would get far too heated at times about Flitwick and McGonagall having to have talks with you two.  Of course, you felt bad that you were making such a scene, you knew better since you were representing your House.  Then again, you were letting someone like Oliver get under your skin and fester there.  His stubbornness, his fiery temper, and his thirst to win, it always rubbed you wrong.  It didn’t make things better that you were also harboring a crush on him.  His handsomeness in his face and smile, his playing ability in Quidditch, it gave you butterflies when you didn’t really want it.
So your relationship with Oliver was…complicated?
“I bet you 5 galleons she pokes his chest,” George said to his twin as you and Oliver were still arguing back at forth.
“You’re on,” Fred replied as he shook George’s hand.  The rest of the players were watching and almost talking to each other as there was a pause in your argument, finally.  You and Oliver were nearly nose to nose, but there was a sense of ease then as you both were taking a breath.  You realized that arguing with him was not going to make things better, only worse.  You inhaled deeply, looking over at your players in their blue robes and you sighed.  The last thing you wanted to do was make this worse for them, and perhaps this was an eye-opening moment for you as you looked back at Oliver.  He saw the shift in you too, the fire in your eyes was no longer there and you were simply yourself.
“Go ahead,” You replied, Oliver’s eyes going a bit wide as you picked up your broom that was by your boots on the grassy ground, “We’ll go over plays and practice tomorrow,”
Oliver was shocked that you gave in easily, you gripped your room tightly in your fingerless gloves as you were about to walk away.  He reached over and placed a hand on your arm, not in a grip but just a simple press of his fingers along your blue robes.  You looked at the contact, seeing his fingers near your wrist and how you could almost feel the heat of his skin through your robe.
“You…you sure?” He asked, his voice low and almost uncertain as the heat in his voice was also gone. You two locked eyes again, close enough for him to count your freckles and for you to see the specs in his brown eyes as you nodded.  Now that you were close, you were feeling butterflies and almost weak in the knees. 
“It’s not a big deal, honestly.  We’ll come out to practice tomorrow, don’t worry about…Oliver,”
Oliver felt his own heart skip a beat from you saying his name, and he gulped and nodded his head slowly.  You smiled, for the first time at him and he softly smiled too.  But before he could walk over to his own team, you gently poked his chest with one finger.
“Make sure you tell your Beaters to not be sloppy with their swings.” You advised him, then turned on your heels to walk off. Your team followed you, asking you what happened and why you had the change of heart as Oliver stood there in shock and looked on at your backside.  Without him realizing it, he touched the spot on his chest where your finger touched, gasping like a fish.  
George grinned, looking over at Fred with his hand out, “You owe me 5,”
“Shut it,”
The End.
January Prompt Session
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Tagged - @a-lumos-in-the-nox
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yanxidarlings · 9 months
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"they say the wizarding elite aims to have heirs within a few years of each other, so that when they begin attending hogwarts, they can form a gang, a clique, whatever it is, to represent the prosperity of the pureblood circle, to uphold the values of the sacred twenty eight" "didn't nott's grandfather write that list?" "no- well, yes, his father did. but the idea of the wizarding elite predates it. the slytherins have had their heads stuck up their arses since 990 a.d — salazar slytherin himself is who we have to thank for the glorification of pure blood — and so centuries of inbreeding has led to what we now know as the slytherin elite" "so it's like the wizarding nobility then?" "not.. exactly. it used to be, many family's from the sacred twenty eight used to hold very real titles and power, but when the magical government became centralised in the 1700's, they were given hereditary seats on the wizengamont to keep them happy, but the power they once held slowly faded — that was around the time when the concept of slytherin gangs began" "merlins beard, they've been at this for nearly three hundred years? haven't they run out of purebloods to inbreed with yet" "some have, that's why you don't see any gaunts, beowulf's or volants in the group-" "if i'm being honest, they all look like the same stuck up gits, you absolutely positive some pureblood lady didn't just pop out fifteen of them at once" "there's only nine, malfoy and zabini are pretty distinguishable from the others, but you do have a point, i'd bet my left leg they're all at least fifth cousins" "how do you know so much" "i read you know, and people watch" "a'right then, which one is which" "why do you want to know so much? that's... caster rosier, best avoid him, apparently by the third year he had dated all of slytherin house" "you're kidding, right" "and then he moved on to hufflepuff and ravenclaw, but i suppose that's what happens when rita skeeter raises you" "rita skeeter? poor bloke" "and he does nothing but gossip, we once had to work together for a potions project and i mentioned that i had a cough and he started a rumour that i had mono" "i take that back, stuff him" "and he's supposed to be one of the nice ones. the one sitting next to him, pollux black, is the biggest prick i've ever had the displeasure of meeting, bumped into him once on my way to herbology, the bloody bastard has had it out for me ever since, calls me every foul word you could imagine, told me i was better off dead, i think i'm the reason he's started bullying you as well" "i thought i was getting bullied by one of the riddles" "you probably are — if he hits, it's mattheo riddle, if he snitchs, it's draco malfoy, if he's rude, it's pollux black, if he ignores, it's blaise zabini, and if he smokes, it's theodore nott. berkshire, greengrass and rosier are the 'nice ones', by slytherin standards" "which is the one with the punchable face?" "eulalio greengrass" "i was paired with astoria greengrass in transfiguration the other day, and messed up the spell, which cost us the grade, you know what he did when she went crying to him? broke my fucking wand" "i thought you said you stepped on it-" "he threatened to have me kicked out of hogwarts if i told anybody!" "that's just how those people are, think they're above everyone else because of their blood status and house. i think berkshire is the only one with redeemable qualities" "which one is that" "are you faceblind-"
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masqueradereveler21 · 4 months
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Inspired by @l0tus_12 on Instagram who started this tag, post a collage of your MC in real life, their fashion, their choice of weapon, and a flower that represents them!
1. Whenever I imagine someone portraying Gwen in real life, Jessica Sula always comes to mind! She was a huge inspiration for her design and I even headcanon that she would be Gwen’s voice claim too!
2. Her day to day attire typically consists of long skirts, vests, ruffled blouses, and neck ties. She prefers to wear neutral, earthy colors.
3. Her weapon of choice, of course, is her wand. Made of fir wood with a phoenix feather core, she typically duels with a more defensive, sneaky style; using unique spells to knock her opponents off guard. She is also resourceful and quick-witted, using Muggle forms of trickery to her advantage as well.
4. A flower that represents her is lily of the valley! Gwen, being a fan of the macabre, always thought they resembled skulls and used to collect them back home in Swansea.
NP tagging: @dwightschrute11, @morelikeravenbore, @ethniee, @lilac-ravenclaw, @siboom777
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golddustjedi · 1 year
the softer side of slytherin
draco x fem!reader, fluff
prompt 36: “Who did this to you?”
requested by @lumi-cake
word count: 561
warnings: fluff lol
a/n: I don’t usually do fluff and I’ve actually never done draco fluff so please be kind lol
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As you speed down the corridor, you’re holding your arm that’s throbbing with pain. Your robe is singed and burned in one spot, and the blue patch that used to represent Ravenclaw has now turned to black. You probably should have gone to Madam Pomfrey, but you didn’t feel like dealing with all the chaos that’s going on in the castle. All you want is to take a bath and try to dress your wound as best you can. You wonder if a sixth or seventh year can slip you a potion for the pain.
You don’t have to look to know that it was Draco catching up to you. You look at him as he falls into stride with you.
“Where are you going in such a hurry?” He smiled.
“I don’t feel very well. I was going to lie down.” It wasn’t a lie, but not the whole truth either.
“Aw, you want me to go with you?”
“You don’t have to. I know you have class and you need to study for OWLS.”
“Nonsense. I need to make sure my girl’s okay.” He smiled and wrapped his hand around your waist, but you winced and pulled away as he touched your arm. His brows furrowed. “Y/n, what’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing.”
“Then why did you-“ his eyes trailed down and you tried to hide your arm but he saw it. He grabbed your hand and pulled it up where he could see it and clenched his jaw. He pulled your sleeve up and revealed a bright red burn that went down your forearm. “Who did this to you?” His voice was cold and it cut through the air.
“Who did this to you, y/n?!”
“Fred and George Weasley set fireworks off in the corridor. One of them hit my arm before I could avoid it.”
“I’ll bash their heads in,” he said with a deadly tone.
“It’s fine, Draco. It really is. I just need some tonic and a potion for the pain. Really.”
“You need to go see Madam Pomfrey.”
“I don’t feel like going through all of that commotion again. Please, let’s just go to my dorm?”
He surrendered and nodded. You snuck him into Ravenclaw tower and into your dorm. Thankfully everyone was in class, so the washroom was empty as he helped you dress your wound and change clothes. The two of you went back to your dorm room and crawled into your bed. You rested your head on his chest and wrapped your arms around him.
“I can take care of them. All you have to do is say the word, my love.”
“It’s fine. It really is. They’re not worth your time.”
“I beg to differ. They hurt the girl I love.”
Your heart swells at the sentiment.
“I love you too.” You smile and nestle further into him. “It will probably scar.”
“We can take care of it if you don’t want it someday.” He stayed silent for a moment. “It will make you even more beautiful if you keep it.” He kissed the top of your head. “You’re beautiful no matter what.”
You look up and study him. “I don’t deserve you.”
“Nor do I deserve you.” His hands moved to the back of your neck and pulled you to him, placing his lips on yours.
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boxdstars · 15 days
Meet Natsai and Amara's Kids!
Annalise 🗡️
Annalise Onai-Ambrose, is the spitting image of pride and perfection. Feminine, professional, and cold — she wears the whole “my father will hear about this” shtick with pride. Shes a Thunderbird at Ilvermorny, gunning to be Head Girl. Being the eldest child of two highly regarded aurors practically running the show at MACUSA earns her that right. 
Annalise is more cordial with her adoptive mothers, having been adopted in her early teens she didn’t have the close knit bond her younger brother developed with them. She is tactical and carries the same love for dueling so long as she doesn’t make too much of a mess. To herself that is. She can also perform wandless magic. 
Natsai has always tried to care for her daughter, but there seems to be a tension. Amara is mostly absent, too busy with work. That’s not to say she doesn’t care, she does. But it’s hard. Annalise understands though, she knows her mothers are out there trailblazing a path for her to have the spotlight. That’s how she sees it. 
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Louis 🪄
Louis Onai-Ambrose is the younger of the two. Adopted at the age of 6, he’s had a lot of time to flourish under the earlier years of Amara (and to a much lesser extent, Nat’s) control of MACUSA. He’s developed the Ambrose-typical knack for Occlumency making him impervious to anyone willing to peer into his mind which happens more than you’d reckon. 
Kind, resilient and generally lighthearted, Louis makes his mark as a remarkable wizard come just past the turn of the century. He is a Wampus in Ilvermorny just as Amara was. He is the thread that keeps his family afloat — even if he doesn’t know it. His optimism is a shining beacon of light in a Wizarding World about to enter its biggest war. 
He’s the only person to survive accidently witnessing Amara shift and survive unscathed (Natsai being an Animagi is exempt). It was an accident, and yet somehow he survived. Maybe his mother knew not to hurt him. In any case, they don’t talk about it. But Louis’ boggart has been werewolves ever since. 
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Louis was 11 when Annalise was adopted at 14.
Louis would be a Hufflepuff, Annalise a Ravenclaw. The family of four represents each house. 
Anna becomes the MACUSA Executioner, whereas Lou becomes a renowned magical portrait artist — even teaching art electives at all sorts of Magical institutions.
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trash1129 · 1 year
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-a Woozi Hogwarts!smau (+ written chapters)
Summary: (Y/n) is the pride of Gryffindor’s quidditch team, though that may come to an end if her grades keep dropping the way they are now. As a last hope of not being kicked before the new season starts, the Gryffindor starts her search for a tutor. Thus comes in the quiet grumpy Ravenclaw genius, Lee Jihoon. But why would he be willing to help someone he doesn’t know? Simple; to get the ever annoying and energetic (Y/n) off his back.
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A/n: teehee, guess who is back with another smau??? ME HIIIIIIIII. I’m so excited to finally get back into this! By popular demand, we are staring fresh with a new group and concept! (Though I would still be down for the SELF-SABOTAGE Beomgyu spin off). Let’s go!
→ rating: 16+
→ release date: September 10th, 2023
→ ending date: n/a
→ status: ongoing (Semi-Hiatus)
→ pairing: Lee Jihoon x Fem!Reader, slight Kim Mingyu x reader???, maybe mention of members getting partners, and past relationships
→ content: Smau with written chapters, fluff, crack, possible angst at some point (bro idk), Hogwarts au, Strangers to friends to lovers, Spontaneous x serious, Semi-Sunshine x grumpy, Semi-love triangle (?? It’s kinda one sided), Gryffindor!(Y/n), Ravenclaw!Woozi, Tutor!Woozi, mutual pinning (at some point), possible slow burn???
→ Warnings: Lots of swearing, kys jokes, possibly suggestive parts and mentions of sex but no smut, possible long chapters, once again I didn’t pay attention to grade levels in relation to age so have a field day with that
→ Featuring: ALL of Seventeen and probably other idols in passing
DISCLAIMER: This is a piece of pure fiction and do not represent SVT artist or any other artist nor reflect their actual selves or morals. All in this fan fiction is 100% fake and not real at all
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01. Utz party mix
02. Stfu ugly
03. Pookie Wookie Bear
04. Horanghae fund
05. Best of the best (written, 2.5k) unedited
06. D: (written, 1.8k + sns) unedited
07. Coming soon
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shrimpalbuspotter · 14 days
I see alot of people say that Scorpius should've been a ravenclaw, and as much as I understand this and love reading fics of it... canonically he is a perfect Slytherin.
Now i do think theres Ravenclae traits that match Scorpius, but... there's Slytherin traits that override Ravenclaw ones too much. For example, Scorpius is quite the traditionalist. We see he does things by the book and prefers to do things the easy safe way instead of the difficult dangerous one... a Ravenclaw may want to make things more interesting, and try to figure out other ways to go about doing things instead of the normal way. Similarly, they are individualists, where Slytherins such as Scorpius are loyal and prefer to stick together (Slytherins are famously represented as networkers, kinda like being in a frat house or a sorority) than to be too self reliant. ALSO! Scorpius cares too much about Leadership to ever be an individualist, as he needs someone to follow around, and you simply cant both be codependent and independent. And plus, Scorpius isn't shown to be very curious. He doesn't like walking into danger and its even implied there's multiple times he's had to convince Albus to NOT do anything that could get them hurt or in trouble (When he knows what Albus' "Dangerous glint" looks like during the train scene) and just stay sat instead.
There's then the matter of Ravenclaws being very intelligent as an argument that yeah, he could be a Ravenclaw. But Slytherins are also characterised by their wit and although its different than having pure knowledge, it's what Scorpius leans towards. Honestly? We have no proof Scorpius is extremely intelligent, we just know he canonically enjoys homework and reading. He's seen multiple times getting himself or Albus out of dangerous situations with quick thinking no matter how small or insignificant the danger is. And although enjoying learning IS a Ravenclaw trait, it's too vague.
So sorry if this post is messy I'm exhausted and sore but wanted to get something out.. thanks
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if you read/watched harry potter, Which houses would the Targaryen siblings be in? (Aegon, Aemond, Hel, Daeron and Rhaenyra) in your opinion.
Hi! Thank you so much for such an interesting question! I've been thinking on Targtowers' Hogwarts house placement basically since finishing the book but never expressed my thoughts here:)
Well, Aegon and Aemond to me certainly are proud students of House Slytherin.
They actually represent two types of Slytherins: Aemond is a fiercely ambitious one, determined, self-confident to the point of arrogance - and extremely loyal to those he considers his own. The latter also describes Aegon who is more cunning, strategic and resourceful. Besides, both brothers are very resilient, goal-oriented and self-reliant.
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Helaena is a Hufflepuff girl.
Patience, gentleness, serenity and kindness - it's all about her. She would know and love all the plants in Professor Sprout's care and be her absolute favourite.
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I've had the most difficult time with Daeron: it's almost a draw between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, but the former prevailed for me (despite the "Daring" part).
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Actually, I have a whole headcanon about the youngest Targtower kid. When Daeron's time came, The Sorting Hat got quite puzzled as well as he seemed equally well suited for Ravenclaw (with his quick wit, diligence and hunger for knowledge) and Gryffindor (with his valor and selflessness). And here my headcanon becomes forked. If the Hat asked Daeron himself whether he wanted to join Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, at the last moment his heart would advise him to choose the latter (although he had been preparing himself to become a Ravenclaw student for years). If it was the Hat who made the choice, it would put our boy in Ravenclaw. My mind chose the second option (possibly, because I am a proud Ravenclaw myself and I feel like Daeron, of all Targtowers, is the closest to me in terms of personality). For the longest time the boy would be tormented by doubts whether he really belongs there (mainly it would be the protector of the family in him speaking) but then he would come to terms with the fact that one doesn't have to join the House of the Bravery to actually be brave.
As for Rhaenyra, I picked a house for the book version of her because for me it feels like show!Rhaenyra (post Ep5 one at least) doesn't have much personality to analyze or to vibe with. So, the book!Rhaenyra is also a Slytherin, I think (to be honest, I don't vibe with this version either so Rhaenyra enjoyers might say it's a total miss, and I'm not even going to argue with them). The conclusion was reached by a process of elimination plus by taking into consideration the 'ambitious' and 'self-confident' part.
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