#reflection pills
crystalsenergy · 3 months
Productivity vs. Stagnation in life
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Does the idea of being highly productive really align with a life in motion*...?
*Motion = in movement, seeking evolution.
~theme song: Closing a Case by Yasuharu Takanashi
(reflection pills
#2 by Paty Rodrigues | crystalsenergy)
I've been reflecting a bit more than usual on this, as I've seen many people living intense work cycles.
However, as we are in a period of humanity extremely linked to material life and the idea of production as synonymous with utility, seeing the problems behind an intense journey of efforts is somewhat difficult for some. Which I find very understandable.
But, is solely focusing on work or productivity really the best way for us to evolve and move forward?
First, what evolving, moving forward mean to you? What do you want for yourself?
We often propagate the notion that being useful is working - especially working hard!
We're praised and internally congratulate ourselves when we work too much. But the idea that comes to me, the perception I have when we find ourselves in these repetitive work patterns is - are we really moving, as we think we are?
Are we not just deceiving ourselves with the idea of evolution and growth, when in reality, we are just in a cycle of repeating the same routine and the same ins and outs of things? Every month the same routine, practically the same bills, the same habits. Is that moving forward?
The fact that we are constantly going back and forth, taking care of an "apparent future" often brings
the false sense of evolution.
But this kind of movement doesn't always mean progress.
Sometimes we're just mechanizing ourselves and becoming passive towards our own lives because there's something defining our current steps, which are the same, repetitive steps, increasingly intense steps that, by the way, distance us from something unique and original - ourselves, and what we need to have, feel, live.
Balancing external and internal life is not an easy task.
However, as a seeker of balance that I am (Venusian, you know), I recognize the difficulty behind this, but I won't stop telling you that it's important to be aware that there's a false sense of lack of control over your own life, because you feel "that there are steps you'll always need to follow". It depends. Everything depends... and everything can also change.
it's too difficult right now to look inward, that's okay, but at least keep the internal flame burning - this is extremely important, so that, at the most appropriate moment, things finally change.
Because just throwing yourself into the repetitive and highly imposed flow won't contribute, but rather stagnate.
Therefore, not all movement is evolution. In some cases, it may indeed signify some kind of stagnation, because it's a repetitive movement without your consciousness participating.
"Paty, how do I know if I'm in a repetitive cycle OR if I'm taking care of myself, despite certain repetitive actions that are part of our lives?" > I'll respond with a phrase I received intuitively today:
"Observe your feelings and emotions, as they are a perfect indicator, and then take action. Only you can act."
Excellent rest - not only physical but mental/emotional as well!
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prettieinpink · 5 months
( A collab with thee lovely lele @bloombabydoll )
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If you want to reinvent and rebrand yourself, or just continue to make positive improvements in 2024, the first thing is to evaluate your current year. 
Reflect on how things went for you. Was there continuous growth? Were there many difficult times? Did you discover anything major about yourself and so on. Try to summarise your year in (a) paragraph(s) at least. 
Oversee your goals. Which ones you didn’t, did achieve, difficult ones, easy ones and the impacts it had on your life. 
Compare your dream girl then and now. Is your visualisation of your life currently different to the one you have now and why? 
List any major losses or successes you’ve had in your life, and how they have helped you or why it matters to you. 
This evaluation can be as detailed or simple as you like, but as long as you have a decent outline of your year. 
To prepare for 2024, you want to know what you want life to be like in 2024. Something realistic to a point, but still is a growth journey. 
Think of something that you can associate with 2024. This can be a word, a symbol, art, a song, a book, a movie, a place, or even just all of these things. When you think about your goals and your journey, this is your theme. This is something that should relate to your goals or your dream girl somehow. 
For me, I chose a word and a song. My word is growth because, for me, 2023 was a year for just being able to shed my old self which I did achieve however I just felt there wasn’t much growth as an actual person and not just in my environment. 
For my song, it is Mayflowers by Proleters and Taskrok. This song is the epitome of what I would imagine, is the most polished mindset. I would say perfect, but having a perfect mindset is near impossible. I want to have a mindset glow up because I’ve just been hard on myself lately which has caused my confidence to plummet. 
Before we get into the fun part of the preparation stage, we have to do some organisation in our life. I want you to take a look at your daily lifestyle and your habits, and be completely unashamed about this. 
Then categorise these habits into two sections; Leave and Leap. Leave habits are habits that you are leaving behind in 2023, leap habits are habits that are leaping into 2024 with you. 
Any habits that are self-destructive, addictive or generally harmful are leave habits. Beneficial habits and self-building are leaping with you into the new year.
I want you to do the same for people in your life, all environments (school, work, online etc) and anything else you believe needs to be sorted out. 
This works better if you can reason with yourself why it is a leaping or leaving habit, but don’t try to convince yourself a bad habit is good or vice versa. 
Now, I want you to document an honest paragraph about who you are right now. List your bad and good habits, your strengths and weaknesses and your behaviours. This one requires a bit more detail. 
Then, write a paragraph about who you will be in 2024, your dream girl. List her habits, lifestyle, behaviours, mindset, strengths and anything else extra. I’ll explain later but do not include materialistic desires in this your dream girl. Once again, this one also requires details. 
Stemming from those paragraphs, I want you to create specific and achievable goals. SMART goals are best, but I want to introduce you to how I set goals. 
I divide my year into quarters. For each 3 months, I have 3-5 goals for those months. Usually, it’s one from each area of my life. Then, I break down these goals. 
Questions and How They Help 
Why do I want to do this goal - For motivation and commitment. 
How it’ll benefit me - For the sake of improvement. 
How can I involve myself in this goal - To achieve your goal.  
I prefer this method because it is a lot simpler for me, as I am just a young girl and my bigger goals are more in the future in which I’ll utilise SMART goals. 
To create good goals; Make sure they align with your current values and life principles first. Try to avoid creating goals that you have just taken from the internet. Those goals just aren’t it and you most likely won’t follow through with it. 
Be specific. Don’t say you want to eat more healthily, instead say you want to include (a certain group of veggies/fruits) in your diet and reduce the intake of ( food/drink). 
E.g using eating healthy example
I want to eat healthy -> I want to start including foods that boost my immunity system and support my skin while reducing those that have the opposite effect. 
Then break down those quarterly goals into monthly, weekly and daily goals. Make these habits that you can establish in your lifestyle and have a way in which you can refer back to your progress. 
Quarterly Goal - Read 6 books.  
Monthly Goal - Finish 2 books.
Weekly Goal - Be or near half way of one book.
Daily Goal - 20 minutes of reading per day. 
Health and wellbeing
Mental health
Personal life
Hobbies and recreation
Now for the best part- vision boards! Collect all of your favourite images that embody your quarters or the whole year, then put them in one place where you can see them regularly!
Some ideas are a scrapbook, Pinterest boards, mood boards, playlists etc. 
Choose your theme; It can be your healthy girl era, your academic come back or whatever you want. You can have more than two btw.
Use quotes! Then actually say them in your daily life as a way to shift your mindset to reflect said quote.
Include inspirational people. It doesn't even have to be a millionaire or a very well established person, it could be your friends or someone on the internet.
Be imaginative. Your vision board doesn't have to realistic in my opinion, as the whole point of it to me is that viewing it daily and considering it to be part of your life one day allows for you to open up to those opportunities.
Materialistic Wants
I feel obligated to make this a separate section. This section is practically tangible objects that you want.
However, when choosing this said object that you want, mindfully think about why you want that thing specifically.
It doesn’t have to be meaningful, but as long as each thing on that list has got a purpose to you, and will serve you, I think it’s all good!
If you want, you can definitely start implementing habits before January. However, I believe that as long as you go into 2024 at least knowing who you want to be and shedding away any limiting beliefs, you’ll be fine.
Make sure to incorporate some self care rituals into your daily life as well✨
To end this, I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas! And that 2024 they will achieve to close that gap with their current selves and their dream girl selves! 💖🙏
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honeytonedhottie · 3 months
the happy pill⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🧁
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maintaining joy and building a lifestyle or habits that can sustain joy is important for mental health. even though circumstances may arise, im a firm believer that hope is possible and you can be happy.
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if ur someone with a negative mindset in general and you wanna change it to a more positive mindset here are some ground rules..
let the little things slide - don't worry about the little things, dont stress over something that isn't worth stressing over. that includes letting the little things that you have done slide too. dont beat yourself up about something that you've done before. thinking "ugh why'd i do that" is useless. instead, flip that thought to "what can i do to improve if i find myself in that situation again".
surround urself with things that spark positivity - surround urself with things that u love and the things that make you smile. and enjoy the little things/tasks that u do. ROMANTICIZE.
giving out some -> reaping double - when u give out positivity. encouraging words, compliments, even a simple smile, you get that DOUBLED. it actually helps so much to be sweet to others and compliment others and its even sweeter for you bcuz it brings so much happiness.
dont give anyone or anything the power to make you unhappy. ofc there are circumstances that are unique to everyone but in general dont let someone else's bitterness or negativity influence ur own happiness. protect your energy. bcuz you are responsible for making u happy.
have self identity audits every now and then to keep yourself in check. to make sure that ur following thru with ur goals or that ur balancing ur distractions properly. and also, reflect on whats constantly draining ur joy or what u are doing to drain ur joy. some things that can drain you include..
social media detox - although social media has lots of positives, we cannot ignore the negatives. social media provides a false sense of connection that we crave (cuz human beings are social creatures) so taking a break from social media every now and then a couple times a year rly improves ur mental health in the long run.
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some things that can feed into ur joy can include..
gratitude - practicing gratitude without comparing your own achievements to someone else's. just being present and grateful for what u have.
laughter - learn to laugh and smile at things instead of getting worked up about it. laughing is such a mood booster.
literally ANYTHING, you know urself best and u know what makes you happy and what makes u smile so whatever it is that does that for you, DO that.
doing things that are refreshing and replenish ur energy is a game changer for ur mental and emotional state and happiness. some refreshing things to do alone include..
watching the sunset/sunrise
practice self care
do something that u used to love doing
dance (it helps mentally too, taking u from rigid -> fluid)
when your constantly striving for perfection and you put all this pressure on urself, you'll end up growing into a bitter person, and thats not hot. so allow yourself to have distractions and have experiences and try new things bcuz thats what life is about.
however go about this with DISCERNMENT. allow yourself to have distractions that aren't harmful to you or others. an example of an unhealthy or harmful distraction is drinking. you can enjoy those things but enjoy them SAFELY. dont be too uptight with yourself and LET YOURSELF LIVE. but in that same breath protect yourself and get rid of whats taking away from ur happiness.
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pleaseeeimjustagirl · 5 months
Reinvent Yourself In 2024
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The new year Is almost here and it is time for us to lock in on our goals babes! This upcoming year is a fresh start so whatever has happened this year that hasn’t benefitted you can be left behind and what was beneficial we will take into the new year. I know many of us are on self-improvement journeys and working on connecting with our higher selves. This is my guide to help us reinvent ourselves<3
Takeaways from this year 
♡ Reflect on this year. Did you face any hardships? What growth did you have? Have you made any new friends? Write down how your year has been so far and the takeaways from this year the good and the bad.
♡ Look back on your goals. What goals did you set for this year and did you achieve them? If you didn’t achieve all your goals it is okay to take them with you into 2024 if they align with your higher self.
♡ Accept this year for what it was. This year has happened and maybe it did not go the way you thought it did or maybe it did but either way come to terms with what has happened this year release it and go into the new year with a clean slate.
What does your higher self look like?
These are important questions to ask yourself when trying to reinvent yourself. The person that you want to become who is she? What does she do for a living? Where does she go? What does she eat? What are her hobbies? Who are her friends? I advise that you write down an outline of your higher self answer all of the questions and add anything else that you think of. Script out her daily habits and schedule. You can write a paragraph or more it is all up to you babes<3.
Setting goals for the new year
♡ Write out your goals for the new year. Be specific are you trying to lose weight? Learn a new language? Get your driver's license. Go back to school? Whatever your goals are big and small just make sure to write them out and make sure they are realistic and attainable.
♡ Create a vision board. Vision boards are super important it is always good to have a visual of your goals and higher self. You can create a physical vision board using magazines/printed-out images and craft supplies. Or you can create a digital vision board using Canva/Pinterest. Keep your vision board in a place where you will see it every day my vision board is on my MacBook because I use it every day I'm using it right now to type this post so ill have my goals always in front of me.
What you need to let go of 
♡ Scarcity mindset. Believe in yourself and your goals. There is enough room for everyone to be successful even you! You can read my blog post on how to have an abundance mindset for more details<3.
♡ Social media. Take a break all of that scrolling isn’t healthy. Social media can take up a lot of our time without realizing it. If you can, look at how much of your screen time you spend weekly on social media. 
♡ Learn to enjoy your own company. "This year is all about your personal growth. Sometimes, we tend to use other people as shields to avoid facing reality and to feel safe. However, you need to learn how to enjoy your own company. Try out different hobbies until you find the ones you like and enjoy.”
♡ Negative self-talk. You have to be your biggest cheerleader this year. So learn to speak kindly to yourself through affirmations and gratitude journaling. When you have a negative thought about yourself combat it with two nice thoughts. And remember when you are being mean to yourself you're being mean to the child version of you.
♡ People pleasing. This year is about you babes! Put your waist and needs first. Stop people pleasing at the cost of your comfort. To achieve greatness you need to put yourself first. I'm not saying to be extremely selfish no of course not. But do not do things that make you uncomfortable to make someone else comfortable.
♡ Friendships that do not serve you. If you are in a friendship that is toxic or you feel undervalued and do not see the benefit from the friendship end it now. Do not take people who do not align with your higher self into the new year they will drag you down. Don't completely ghost the person but surely distance yourself and move from friends to more acquaintances.
♡ Masculine Energy. We need to rest in our femininity this year. And felinity looks different for everyone aesthetically but I'm talking about resting in that soft energy and letting our femininity ooze out this year.
My final thoughts  
♡ There will be people and habits that you will have to leave in 2023 and that is okay 
♡ Be kind to yourself! Talk to yourself with love this year and focus on bettering your mental health. If you need to go to therapy invest in therapy, read the self-help books, and have fun this year don’t be super strict on yourself.
♡ Be very intentional this year about where you go, who you hang out with, what you eat, and so on.
You can start planning for the new year now if you haven’t already we have a couple of days till New Year's Eve (12/31 my birthdayyy i’m turning 21 im super exciteddd). I'm so happy to be going into the new year with you girlies and I can’t wait to see what this year bring us<3.
New year book recommendations
♡ “The 12 Week Year” by Brian P. Moran, Michael Lennington. I highly recommend this book helps us break our year into 4 quarters so you can effectively achieve your new year goals.
♡ “The Mountain Is You” by Brianna Wiest I've recommended this book in my You’re Postponing Your Dream Life blog post. This book is perfect for anyone dealing with self-sabotage I've been reading it and I love it the author opens you up to a different view of self-sabotage. 
♡ “Atomic Habits” by James Clear is the perfect book for any of my girlies who want to be able to build and maintain habits. I highly recommend it because the habits that our higher selves have are usually habits we don’t have in this book, the author teaches you how to accomplish more by doing less.
♡ "How to Survive Your Childhood Now That You're an Adult: A Path to Authenticity and Awakening,” by Ira Israel this book is for my babes who have childhood trauma and would like to heal those wounds in the new year. The author explains how to let go of negative habits, thoughts, and behaviors that may have developed in childhood.
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nectorbruise · 2 months
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Hey guys, it’s been a long time. I’ve had to focus on the musical I’m in so right now I don’t have a lot of free time, but I really really wanted to draw this. I love tdi fics and “curl up like a pill-bug” is my one true love. I am looping every Chris and Noah interaction like a wheel on fire.
The fic references Icarus a lot so I thought I would draw Icarus sinking into the ocean after getting low key melted.
If you like Alenoah, I’d recommend this fic. I love loving things. I love having interests.
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enidtendo64 · 9 months
Hey abt the person who has been tracing ur art. Yeah they’ve been doing that for a WHILE.
They traced ur “fankids meets wenclair in the past” and someone replied right away calling them out. I liked the reply (this is the only thing I did) and they BLOCKED ME. FOR LIKING THE REPLY I HADNT EVEN SAID ANYTHING 💀 They eventually deleted the drawing. But yeah to my knowledge they’re nothing good in the fandom. They used to draw wenclair nsfw (only stopped when they got called out) and still follow ppl who draw wenclair nsfw
Kinda bothers me since they’re such a big artist on twt :/
So I don’t wanna say anymore about the situation but the tldr of it is:
I was made aware of that specific situation a while back and actually talked to them, and they said they wouldn’t be doing it anymore so I thought it was a done deal.
So this is a bit of a 😬 annoying situation.
I’m all for giving folks second chances, especially someone so young, so I don’t want like a full blown witchunt or anything, but I hope at the very least blocking them will give them the message that that wasn’t okay.
Till then, wishing them some wisdom to come their way!
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lullaebies · 8 months
For real like some viewers (like my mom lol) don’t even know who jaehaerys and jaehaera are. She’s like helaena has kids? I’m like “yeah those twins you see in episode 9 when they come looking for aegon” and my mom was like “oh wtf I wouldn’t have even known”
anon you don't know the anger that swells within me every time i think about the atroicity that was their 'introduction' like they were not even named. THEY WERE NOT EVEN NAMEDDDDDD!!!!!! they were forgotten in every capacity even fucking aemond excludes them from the inheritance line in ep9 i'm so. THEY COULD'VE BEEN INTRODUCED PROPERLY SINCE EPISODE EIGHT. I'M SO SICK AND TIRED. and if they make dyana involved with b&c...... even their own maid doesn't acknowledge they were neglected kids. that they were just toddlers. GOD IM SO FRUSTRATED i'm so sorry for venting on this ask im just so angry for these children and the fact people are going to actively say they never mattered.
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dirt-mccracken · 3 months
You know sometimes I get in these states where I feel awful and isolated and like I am only half a human and then think "Hey remember how they had you on Prozac for 5 years and every time you complained of having issues with it they just increased your dosage and as a byproduct felt virtually no healthy emotion between the ages of 11 and 16. Was that fucked up or what?" and then it makes sense why my brain feels like it is always screaming and playing catch up.
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crystalsenergy · 3 months
Vulnerability and human life ✨
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~theme song: Resolution by Yasuharu Takanashi
(reflection pills series
by Paty | crystalsenergy)
so, what about it?...
and what if I told you:
"Express your greatest fear now. Face it, if you feel like crying, cry. Let it out. Sigh. If your chest hurts, cry more. Then, take a deep breath. It will pass. You will have let it out. And face what you feel."
...Would you say this to me?: "Wow, Paty, that's intense, why?"
if so, I'll respond: No, that isn't intense.
I am doing what needs to be done.
→ and what needs to be done?
encourage people to live naturally with the most basic thing we need to live: our feelings, our emotions.
can you imagine how many things we have bottled up and repressed, which generate various issues we face today - patterns of feeling, reacting, living, thinking, deciding. I'm not interested in just continuing my work talking about remedying, remedying, remedying the problems that I always see existing.
it's already clear that if we don't stop at some point to see what may happen because of our current and wrong way of dealing with emotions,
soon we will explode with more and more cases of mental health issues.
the problem will mainly be because the mask of "being fine" will be extremely perfect and almost impenetrable. and then it will be hard to see.
because every day, right now, we reinforce the masks of perfect and beautiful lives. and we rarely make room for what I proposed initially and which, perhaps, was strange for you to read: "cry, feel, face."
but it is also quite clear, from a psychological perspective, that stored, unassimilated, or unrestructured emotions play a significant role in defining who we are.
and although we don't deal well with our emotions, not even directing them properly,
they are our root, the most basic of what we are, the first thing we express when we are born. many of us cry when we are born, and certainly cry when we want to eat, when it hurts.
feeling is the most human thing, and are you pretending you don't have that?
it's not strong or heavy, and if you thought that when I suggested that you do the basics - spend some time with your emotions - it's probably because you're so accustomed to a vibe of not living the most internal things,
sometimes even accustomed to a life of facade, mechanized, only earthly, material, or with a lot of toxic positivity (= 'I feel something bad, and then I quickly replace the sadness with a good feeling, stuffing my sadness in a hole, without facing it, without "sitting" with it, understanding why it arose).
It's obvious that it's something simple, and quite unhealthy to do.
when we force ourselves not to feel, not to have problems, not to go through any internal mess = big negative effect on us and others, including those you don't even know.
because we get unaccustomed to our own vulnerability and we become unaccustomed to the vulnerability of others.
gradually, the natural sensitivity fades. Empathy decreases. we close ourselves off to what involves this. and we reinforce a pattern of nonexistent perfection: "constant positivity".
"Paty, so do we have to show everything?" → Obviously not. there is a huge difference between just not showing everything to everyone (1) and forcing yourself not to feel (2). it's the second case I'm focusing on. because the first one it's so normal, and who are we to disrespect each other's process and way of living their emotions? as long as you live, that's okay. each person will experience this in their own way.
now, I ask you:
was there any week in your life when you were 100% happy every day? cheerful, upbeat? c'mon,
let me know, please.
and on bad days, did you face what you felt?
did you talk about it or express it in some other way? [conversation isn't the only way to express what you feel, although it's very effective]. or did you stuff it into a hole? did you cover it up with some addiction, escapism, or toxic positivity?
Vulnerability. That's what makes us human and that's what connects us.
we long to feel. but, due to human difficulty, we have longed so much to hide and pretend to feel almost nothing, preferring to trivialize others' suffering in favor of egoic self-satisfaction, indifference, aversion, superficiality.
we don't want to admit that we have a lot of the other in us.
we want to spread that we are "self-sufficient" and don't need anyone when in the end, in the middle of the standard trajectory of "detachment" and "self-sufficiency," we have several internal expectations poorly met and extremely misdirected. and this, in the end, isn't even self-sufficiency.
blocking your emotions is blocking your humanity.
in the end, the domino you played comes back and hits your back. it will come back, unfortunately. because you're in the middle of all this: you don't differ from others in the aspect of feeling.
feeling is what connects people and reminds us of the existence of other beings. it's what makes us noble, connected.
the tears of emotion or happiness when someone gets married. It's not you getting married, but you FEEL a bit of the other's happiness.
the tears when you see someone cry, even in a movie. it's not you who feels the pain or sadness, but you feel, because you understand, even if for a brief moment, part of the other's suffering.
the smile from seeing someone achieve something,
the excitement someone transmits to you just by being excited themselves,
Mirror neurons.
the joy in seeing people laughing, ending up laughing along.
just situations to exemplify that what unites us is the feeling. so allow yourself to feel. I already allow you and am open-armed to accept all your sides, no matter how ""ugly"" they may seem, with eternal quotation marks.
It's not ugly to feel. Nor is it ugly to express.
Do not feel or label people who admit their feelings as "weak," or who "will achieve little in the world." stop seeing the next person as your adversary.
if it helps you see the problem: you are close to the other.
with you, it's just you and no one else. following your logic, with the other, it will be just the other and no one else. okay... and when you need it, what do you expect to receive if that's the way you think life works? In an extremely "me, me, me, me" way.
Accept to be more vulnerable, as much as each one can now, whether in the expression of a small affection, an observation gesture, or something big, immense. But let it exist. In your own way, but let it exist.
and it is not necessary to relate to people to remember that you're here to exchange & experience emotions. just look around you: there are so many beings needing you!
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emkini · 1 year
Having thoughts in this chili’s tonight about how art is just as much about learning to see as it is learning to draw 
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strscrossed · 6 months
you know i think the issue is that, maybe, with my writing i was trying to fit into something rather than writing what i wanted because it wasn't either good enough or hot enough or whatever. and i think it's time to admit my own limitations on this. i'm not good at smut or making things hot. i like angst. i like emotion.
and, well, maybe it shows.
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alienpupy · 10 months
sometimes when you get mad at something online its important to remember before responding to ask urself: is this upsetting to be me because of the post itself, or am i mad because this post reminds me of a bunch of other posts i dont like, which cumulativly have pissed me off.
because yea if 10000 people make the same kind of lame joke about a group it gets annoying and can contribute to general societal biases, but a single person making that joke is like. not an actual representative of everyone who has made that joke. and maybe responding to One Individual with the rage of a thousand suns makes you look like a fucking weirdo.
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fideidefenswhore · 1 year
The pope waiting it out hoping someone dies is kind of a tell. so many times i hear koa stans go so hard on this, that she was right, morally and legally, every step of the way.and we should shut up accept that and be ashamed she was ever put through this. but when you look at it as the pope sitting on the fence, and not immediately finding for her, it doesn't look as clear as koa stans say. And i find that a much more interesting situation and a relief from the "saint koa" line
I mean, he still treated her abysmally, but yeah, if precedent had actually been followed Henry would have certainly won this case. I almost believe how it was won was ultimately the result of geography; Charles V was simply closer.
This is one of the most infamous and generally misunderstood divorce cases, though, I learned about most of its misconceptions in JF Hadwin's papers about the case. I will post more quotes if there's interest, one example was that bona fides did not apply in England legally although it did on the continent (since often Henry declaring his eldest illegitimate is characterized as merely 'petty' and 'cruel', I think that's actually pretty important).
Also the decree against Henry sort of made Clement look like an ass (well, not exactly, because he died 1st...those that maintained and upheld it, at any rate) because it combined with the others meant that the expectation was that it would be enforced, if not by Henry's own subjects than by another Catholic kingdom. Really the closest this ever came to was Kildare Rebellion and the Pilgrimage of Grace. And although Henry was not officially excommunicated until December 1538, this too was never actually carried out (not even when Edward VI, far more Protestant than Anne Boleyn, was on the throne). Unless we view the excommunication of Elizabeth I as an extension of Henry's to some extent, this expectation was never answered until 1588, and when it finally was, it failed. Little wonder there were so many tones of providentialism and 'triumphal Protestantism' in Whig historiography of Tudor history.
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xiaofiaan · 11 months
need to learn how to make fanedits so i can string along hannigram to fall out boy lyrics
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angstics · 1 year
anyone. heard of this
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Got to see Tár today!
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