#remus loves his friends
hotdamnitsmoony · 10 months
remus lupin who sits by a barely open window with a book in the dorm while it rains. remus lupin who loves to step on the frosted leaves that are scattered across the school grounds. remus lupin who is always absentmindedly humming while he studies. remus lupin who admires his friends animation as they talk when he’s too tired to join the conversation. remus lupin who buries himself in a book or studying when he’s stressed or anxious. remus lupin who begrudgingly joins in when his friends are dancing around the common room. remus lupin who is glad that he gets to have friends but overthinks it at any given moment.
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my-castles-crumbling · 6 months
Prompt: Why are you carrying a duck?
Regulus had learned to not ask questions.
Dating James Potter had its....unique qualities, and looking the other way when he and his friends were wreaking havoc was one of them. Remus had advised him long ago to just ignore it, as that gave him plausible deniability.
But this time, he just...couldn't. He couldn't leave well enough alone. He had to ask.
"James...James...Potter!" He yelled at a frantic-looking James, who was currently running across the grounds, arms full and head swiveling.
"Don't ask..." Dorcas muttered next to him, not even looking up from her book.
But he couldn't not ask. He left the spot where the rest of his friends were studying and ran up to James, who was now walking slowly around by the edge of the lake, muttering 'Pads? Where are you?' clearly looking for something.
"James!" he said again, this time finally gaining the older boy's attention.
"Erm...yes, Reg?" James responded, obviously trying to look innocent but failing miserably.
Regulus sighed. "Why are you holding a duck, James."
James shifted from foot to foot, the struggling animal still flapping a bit in his arms. "Erm...what if I said this hasn't always been a duck? And...this isn't the only not-duck currently wandering the grounds?"
Regulus stared, taking in James's words, before exhaling sharply. "Never mind. I don't want to know."
And he returned to his spot with Dorcas.
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hiddenmoonbeam · 5 months
Thinking about teenage Sirius, wickedly smart with top grades, a rich heir to an old pureblood house, tall and handsome and haugty, drawing many admiring and envious looks that he appears to be above acknowledging. Popular, yet sticks to his small and close circle of friends, not really allowing anyone else close.
But even with them he's guarded about his own physical space; the old uncease is hard to shake, and it twists the want into knots. No matter how much he craves this intimicy, he struggles to accept it when it's given, and initiating it himself is even more difficult.
Padfoot makes everything simple, though. And so Sirius starts turning into him whenever he needs to be close - because asking for cuddles is so much easier for the dog than it is for the boy.
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mwppp · 9 months
to say that remus would play down sirius’ trauma or mock him or whatever is ridiculous when sirius started to cry in poa remus literally cut him off because hearing him upset upset him!!!!!!!
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chasingthestarss · 4 months
Sirius loving Remus was very hard. Because he wanted to give Remus everything he had and it felt like betraying James, who had always been there for him. And Sirius never felt that way for James ever, but still loving another one of his friends felt like betraying James.
Regulus watching Sirius’ guilt and hating that Sirius could feel bad for loving someone more than he loved James but not feel guilty for loving James as a brother more than he loved Regulus
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littleliterarylesbian · 8 months
The King (Conan Gray) wolfstar au is suchhhhh a good idea omg
Sirius who's been going through so many girls that it's actually quite alarming, Sirius claims they go on actual dates and that it's an actual relationship each time, but they hardly last more than two months, minus Mary who had been dating Sirius for five before she broke up with him. Sirius comes back to the dorm, whining about how no one ever feels right, and that they all suck anyways. But it's always Remus who he complains to. Remus with his small smile and warm brown eyes, and the way he always pets Sirius' head when he grumbles and whines. Nothing could be better.
Remus who has always had a thing for Sirius, who was devastated when Sirius started getting around until he realized that at the end of the day, at the end of each relationship, Sirius went to him. Sirius crawled into his bed. Sirius wanted to be comforted by him. Not James, not Peter, not the next girl he had set his eyes on, but him. And that made him feel amazing, in some probably horrible way. That despite how many hearts Sirius breaks, despite how many other lips his had touched, he was always who Sirius came back to in the end.
He just wished that maybe there could be more.
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shootingthe-stars · 5 months
one day remus will be free from the mean allegations. that is my sweet boy!!! yes he gets mad, the world is so cruel to him, but at the end he chooses to be kind and loving in a world that hates him and thinks he’s evil!!! please!!!
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car-bear · 3 months
i love peter pettigrew no one can take him away from me
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a-great-tragedy · 1 month
Okay but if Lily, Remus, and Regulus all owned a coffee shop together, can you imagine the whiplash the costumers would get?
Like Lily would be the highlight of everyone’s day, “Hi!! Welcome to _____ what can I get for you?” and “Here’s your drink! Have a lovely day!!” She deals with angry costumers like an absolute angel and is probably much too kind to them. She can get angry at times, but it’s always justified.
Then Remus, who is trying, but is so very tired. “Hey, what can I get you?” and “Here’s your drink.” He’s okay with angry costumers, definitely not the best though. He’s nice, until they say something that is just stupid, and then he snaps.
And then there’s Regulus. “…..what do you want?” and “Your drink is over there” all in a deadpan voice. He’s just here because he needs a job, okay? The customer doesn’t like their drink? He just stares into their soul and then says, “Okay, order something else then???”
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cursedwithwords · 3 months
In a perfect world Teddy’s godparents would be Charlie/Chiara or Bill/Fleur, but I don't think fandom's ready for that conversation yet tbh.
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enbysiriusblack · 30 days
gay and wondrous life of caleb gallo as marauders:
caleb gallo- sirius
karen- lily
billy- james
benicio- remus
freckle- peter
lenjamin- marlene
tatiana- pandora
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odillisea · 1 month
The Marauders and their animagus forms - part 1, Wormtail
Peter has always been good at sneaking around. Not just sneaking, but making himself unnoticeable. Easy to be looked over.
Most people wouldn’t like that. Most people, especially his friends, are quite the opposite. James; warm and loud with a steady presence. Sirius; bright and shining, always the centre of the room. And Remus; direct and blunt in an impressive sort of way that meant he could quiet a room with a single word. All of them nothing like Peter.
But he was okay with that. Because while his friends were so lovely and brilliant and vibrant, he could sit back and observe everything, completely unseen. He would take notice of the little things - about people, their surroundings, anything really. Being able to overhear all the going ons of people all across the school without them quieting for worry that he might overhear.
The way he puts together the pieces of his observations and ties it all together is often downright impressive. Just from the sheer amount of information, he can figure out just about anything about anyone. After all, he was the first one to figure out Remus’ furry little problem…
While not seen as one of the “figureheads” of the marauders, he’s just as important as the others, for what would be a marauders prank without his sneaking around to keep them out of trouble and to hit as hard as possible?
Just like a rat, Peter blends away and out of focus when needed, sitting back in the shadows and taking note of everything of interest.
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oh i LOVE this one
the first time they need to getaway its because they're freshly out of hogwarts, stuck in a flat with the two of them PLUS JAMES and finding time to be alone is just. impossible. so sirius scrapes together some clothes on a friday afternoon, throws them into a duffelbag and the second remus gets home he just grins and tells him not to take his shoes off, because they're going for a ride. sirius takes them to a small muggle b&b in the countryside which is run by an old lesbian couple and they spend the weekend there doing absolutely nothing except being with each other. they wake up late and sirius makes remus tea and remus butters sirius' scones and they go for walks in the afternoon and it's just so lovely.
they go back about every year or so, just to pop in and say hello to the couple..
based on this ask game!
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 8 months
Remus realized then that he had fallen in love with the three boys. His boys. The Marauders.
Remus loved James and his happiness. He loved the way he brought light into this world without any effort. His bright smile. The amount of love he had for others. Remus loved the way he felt special when he was with James. How he could easily forget about his problems or think he was invincible next to James. It was an honor to be his friend, to be called one of his boys. To be included into his plans and mischief.
Remus loved Peter's silent understanding. The way Peter was genuinely amazing without even realizing. He was actually funny without trying. Remus felt heard with Peter. He was a really good friend. He knew things, he noticed things, he understood. He didn't question things. He was good listening and good giving a little piece of advice. It was comforting to have him around. Remus liked his presence, his soft smile and intense blue eyes that knew it all. Remus felt warm when he hugged Peter.
And there was Sirius. The love Remus felt for Sirius was different. It included a desire not only physical but also of a certain type of closeness he wanted only with him. Remus had loved Sirius since forever. He stored that boy in his heart like a precious diamond. Sirius made him feel many things that included butterflies on his belly, adrenaline through his body, and joy to see him smile. Remus craved for his lips and his touch. But also learn all his secrets. The intimate act of knowing him more than anyone in the world. Remus wanted to belong with Sirius and Sirius to belong with him. Remus loved his charm, his sense of justice, his rebellious side. He was thrill to explore new things and get to discover new places. Sirius was the boy of his dreams, the love of his life. Remus loved him differently (romantically) but it didn't mean it was more or less intense than the way he loved the others.
Remus had learn what real friendship looked like with these boys. He had discovered what a true family looked like. Nobody had accepted him so easily, took care of him so easily and loved him so easily without wanting anything in exchange. What was he supposed to do with that? Becoming part of The Marauders had been like falling in love. Remus loved his friends more than anyone else in the world. And now that he was part of something like this, the Marauders family, he never wanted to get out. He didn't want this love to end.
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that-one-xachster · 2 months
minnie: ok, which one of you was it this time? james: it was sirius sirius, pointing accusingly: it was james remus, casually: i was in the library peter, panicking: w-whats a prank??
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poolpvrty · 5 months
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Well, I've been afraid of changin' 'Cause I've built my life around you But time makes you bolder Even children get older And I'm getting older too
The sun, the moon, and their star!
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