#rex: you take the moon AND SHE TOOK THE KIDS
Hi..do you accept request?
If you do could you make Xiao is the father of creator child?
Thank you
The creator had a:
Birdly child
Tumblr media
WC: ~700
I'm in love with how two asks came at the same time about Xiao, it's time to give the emo baby some love
I remember reading hatchlings often have rough feathers and aren't as photogenic as grown ups until the first feathers fall off.
“Bright yellow eyes aren't all that uncommon too” furina looks over your shoulder as you nurse your daughter, she would say she looks surprisingly unremarkable if that didn't sound like an insult of sorts even if it was true, dark blue hair and striking yellow eyes but nothing much. For one minute she hoped she would come out with long blue streaks and sharp angled ears, even if only so she could tease Neuvillette about his meeting with you.
“I’m happy enough that her face is similar to their grace” the tsaritsa sits beside you, a tea cup between her hands, as bitter as she seemed to whoever she expected was your lover her confirmation to the baby shower was the first to arrive, a few plushies and older baby clothes.
Zhongli stands just behind furina, watching her face as you burp Xuezhui, the little lift at the end of her eyes making them slightly sharper than they are, reminding him of a certain someone. Snow and bird, Aren't you a bit too on the nose? Oh, well, at least his dear apprentice and friend found some happiness. 
His gold eyes look at furina, a soft smile forming “I think she looks so cute, like a finch hatchling” his hand getting close to her and lightly brushing her rough hair with one finger, such a tiny baby.
“I never said she isn't!”
“Did you want to see me, Morax?” Xiao appears beside zhongli, Xuezhui was getting fuzzy and you decided to put the baby to sleep before returning to the archons, during that time they divided to do as they pleased, and by the steaming teapot Xiao could guess he decided to enjoy some tea 
“Take a seat”
“Is anything wrong?”
“I see you truly took it to heart to protect their grace, even spent the night in their room to be sure” zhongli swirls the golden tea inside the cup. The noise of the slight splashing drowned by the noise of him choking on his spit.
“My apologies, Rex Lapis, it wasn't meant to-” quickly he bows, his forehead touching the table but zhongli cuts him with a small smirk.
“when two finches love each other very much they spend the night together and-” 
“I'm already repenting, please…”
The night is warm and clear, the crescent moon on full display and your baby isn't in her crib yet you aren't truly worried after walking to the balcony and seeing a figure seated on the edge of the nursery's roof.
Xiao holds his daughter to his chest while trying to manage the wild mane of blueish hair she has, the exact same he had as a kid but chose to cut. Now, to some extent he wishes he listened to guizhong when she spoke of hairstyling. 
For now he settles with two pigtails on either side of her head, one lower than the other but his daughter was starting to wriggle around and start pushing her head against his neck, wanting to return to her crib and sleep. 
“Is she looking at me?” Arlecchino asks as she feels a gaze burning on her neck, usually if it was one of her children she would tell them off for being so obvious but for it to be a rather spoilt toddler who isn't training to be a spy she couldn't say much.
“Ah, apologies about it, she is going through a phase of watching everyone” there is your kid, her hair on two braids and her yellow eyes watching owlishly.
“You know, if you lent her to me I could train her, she seems to be a natural” she teases you.
“Oh, don't even worry” as you return to the conversation without paying her too much mind you can still see her unblinking amber eyes from the door.
“Stop crawling over your crib’s railing, you are going to hurt yourself!” You scold your toddler, one leg and an arm over the railing attempting to escape nap time “go to sleep, you are in a bad mood if you don't nap”
she mumbles something you guess was her saying she wanted to play or crawl around but you don't follow her game.
“I don't care! To bed, young missy or your little night scrolls with your dad are done!” she huffs and sits down her back facing you.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 6 months
If There’s Nothing Missing In My Life…
Fandom: DC Comics, Superfam
Summary: Newly-emancipated popstar and child actor, Conner (screen name: Lucky) navigates high school and stardom on his own.
Chapters: 13/?
Characters: Conner Kent, Lois Lane, Roxy Leech, Rex Leech, Lois Lane, Clark Kent, Hillary Chang
Additional Tags: Highschool AU, Celebrity AU, Conner Kent Needs a Hug, Conner Luthor, Lex Luthor is Conner’s Parent, Teen Angst, Angst, POV First Person, No Powers AU, Conner Kent-centric, Bisexual Conner Kent, POV Conner Kent, Protective Lex Luthor, Child Celebrity AU
Chapter Thirteen: Homecoming
When we arrived, Hillary reached for my hand. I smiled and leaned toward her to break the silence. “This is my first real date,” I confessed. Hillary blinked hard and frowned.
“It’ll be fun,” Hillary whispered, “Come on. Let’s get something to drink.”
I let her lead. I bought two cans of soda, and we sat on the bleachers. “When do I have to take you home?” I questioned.
“My brothers know the dance ends at midnight. I told them I’d be home around twelve-thirty and I’d call if we stopped to eat,” Hillary answered. We sat in silence for a while, watching as the other kids mingled and danced with each other, and I wondered when we’d join them. “I’ll dance with you after I drink this soda. You don’t have to wait for me, though”
I nodded. “It’s not—? It’s not rude?” I asked. She shook her head.
I hesitated, but she gestured for me to go ahead. I felt painfully self-conscious as I joined the other kids. I glanced at her, and she gave me a thumbs-up. “Did you know you’re on the ballot for junior year homecoming king?” someone shouted. I turned, looking for the source of the voice, and pointed to myself. “Yeah! I voted for you!”
I didn’t even vote for myself. I voted for a kid named Percy, who helped me study for my history midterm. I didn’t want that kind of attention. “Thanks! I voted for Percy!” I replied. They cocked their head, and Percy smiled and waved at me. I waved back and walked toward him. We danced and talked for a while, and he asked me if it was anything like I imagined it would be. “Nope!”
“It always feels awkward when you first arrive! Don’t worry!” Percy reassured me.
I danced for two or three songs before I joined Hillary on the bleachers. “Lucky, are you okay?” Hillary asked.
“Do you want to take a picture?” I questioned. Hillary nodded.
Hillary took my hand and led me to the line for the paper moon. She let go of my hand and shook her arms and legs out. I laughed at how weird it looked. “Loosen up,” Hillary laughed, “This is supposed to be fun.” She shook her limbs out again, and I joined her.
I laughed with her as we moved up in line, but the closer we got to the moon, the more nervous I felt. When we were first in line, I turned to walk away, and she grabbed my arms, talking me down without words. She made eye contact and nodded until I calmed down. “Hey,” Hillary whispered, “Hey… It’s okay.”
I took a deep breath, followed her to the paper moon, and we took a picture. She laid her head on my shoulder, and I smiled at my feet. The DJ announced the first slow song, and Hillary stood on her tiptoes. “Do you want to dance? Or is that—?”
“Sure!” Hillary smiled.
I took her to the dancefloor, and it hit me with the notion that she’d danced with other people before. “Have you ever dated?” I questioned. “Not asking in a—. I’m purely curious. I want to know what it’s like for you.”
“Well, yeah… It’s different for everybody,” Hillary replied.
“I don’t—. I’m so nervous, and I know you’re not judging me, but I’m doing everything wrong,” I explained.
“You’re not doing anything wrong. You’re figuring it out, and that’s fine. You’ll probably look back on this night and laugh because there was nothing to worry about,” Hillary reassured me. I relaxed and let myself breathe.
The music transitioned out of the slow song, and I excused myself to go to the bathroom. With everyone in the bathroom, I took a stall. I don’t think anyone noticed me go in because they talked about me. “It’s crazy. If Lucky Luthor could pull Hillary Chang—.”
“What do you mean?” the other guy asked.
“Don’t you remember all that crap she said about how bubbleheaded and dense kid celebrities are? She was so against him coming to our school, and he showed up, and now she’s his girlfriend! That’s nuts,” the first boy replied.
“Maybe there’s hope for all of us,” the second boy replied.
“Yeah… Or she’s using him—.”
“Not her… Come on. Everybody knows Hillary’s willing to give everybody a chance—.”
I left the stall and washed my hands. I felt sick to my stomach, and I wanted out, but I couldn’t leave Hillary at the dance. My dad would’ve been so disappointed if I did something so rude. So, I found her on the dancefloor and tried to discreetly excuse myself. “Hil, I don’t feel well,” I whispered in her ear. She shook her head as if she couldn’t hear me.
“What?” Hillary shouted.
“I feel sick,” I shouted. Hillary’s smile faded, and she took me aside, but I flinched away from her touch.
“What’s wrong?” Hillary asked.
I shrugged. “I don’t feel well. I think I’m gonna be sick,” I repeated.
“Oh, do you want to go home? I can—.”
“No. You should stay and have fun… I’ll have Roxy take you home at midnight. I can walk—.”
“Lucky, I can come with you—.”
“No, I um—. I just want to soak in the bath and go to bed,” I interrupted. I didn’t want to ruin her night, but I was angry with her. Our friendship felt false.
“Okay… I hope you feel better,” Hillary replied. I nodded and slipped away.
The second the cold air hit my face, I burst into tears. It hurt me. I took off the stupid tie and texted Roxy to tell her I went home and needed her to drop Hillary off after the dance.
I took a personal week before returning to school and didn’t answer anyone’s calls. I finished writing the last handful of songs for the album on Wednesday and rotted on my couch the rest of the week. I received a house call from Jake. I wanted to hide from him, but he knew I was home. I unlocked the door and let him in. “I know you’re not sick,” Jake stated, “What’s going on? Are you mad at my sister?”
“I don’t want to put you in the middle of—.”
“I’m not here to be in the middle. Hillary’s convinced that you’re sick. I won’t tell her differently, but you’ll have to face her eventually. Whatever it is, you should practice explaining now,” Jake interrupted as he plopped on my couch.
“Why didn’t she tell me she didn’t want me to go to her school? Why’d she let me think we were friends?” I asked.
“She didn’t know you… And then, she got to know you. Simple as that,” Jake replied like it was nothing.
“So you would’ve been cool with that?” I questioned.
“It’s not about how I feel… I can tell you that my sister isn’t pretending to like you. She gave you a fair chance because that’s who she is. Hillary might’ve said some hurtful things about you as a celebrity, but she’s had nothing but kind words to say since she met you,” Jake replied.
“Do you want something to eat?” I mumbled.
“No, thanks… Lucky, I’m sorry my sister hurt your feelings. I mean that,” Jake replied as he stood and touched my shoulder. I kept quiet about what happened and pretended nothing was wrong between Hillary and me when we saw each other again at school.
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A remake of the original Spider-Man and Moon Girl interaction I made. Which I posted before this. But this time with a recommendation from a friend of mine that I should’ve put Casey in this. Along with other little edits. I question if I’ll use this again. The original copied text is from a draft from July 10th, 2023. Unedited and raw.
“So, you know what’s the one question that is really on my mind? Why doesn’t Devil have feathers?” Spider-Man asked what was on his mind when looking at the T-Rex below them. Who also looked confused when hearing that.
“I mean...dinosaurs are more related to birds, right? Unless there was some genuine truth in those Jurassic Park films? Or maybe he’s a different from of T-Rex and considering with what we’ve been learning about the species...why am I even asking this?” Spider-Man rambled on.
“You know what? You actually have a good point.” Moon Girl laughed after she said that. She never considered it till now. And as she laughed, Casey joined in the laughter as well. They soon stopped to catch their breath as Devil rested on the ground after a long day of helping Moon Girl. As the three set there, with Spider-Man in the middle of them as they sat on the ledge. They just looked over the L.E.S. as the sun was going down.
“And...something popped in my mind...you’re 13?” Spider-Man asked as he looked towards Moon Girl.
“Yep!” Moon Girl proudly exclaimed.
“Yep! Me as well.” Casey said as well. But after that, there was a few seconds of silence before another question was asked.
“Do you two...go to the same school together?” Spider-Man asked them.
The two looked at him and wondered if they should answer him.
“I mean...I’m not disclosing that.” Casey responded.
“You know, that’s the second time you asked us. Why do you seem concerned about our age?” Moon Girl asked him.
“Because...you’re so young. Listen, I’m not trying to sound overbearing. But it just really boggles my mind thinking about it. You're a superhero at such a young age, you’re not an adult yet. You have fought supervillains and your friend is here runs a social media account for you. Isn’t that stressful? But also, all that responsibility for someone so young?” Spider-Man asked them.
“You act like we can’t handle it. Me, D and Casey have been stopping villains without other heroes for a while now. Do you think we can’t take care of ourselves? Because trust me, we can.” Moon Girl responded back to him.
“I’m not talking about it like that. It’s the fact that...you’re still a kid. You have your whole life ahead of you. You’re...putting yourself in these situations and...it bothers me thinking about it.” Spider-Man answered back.
“Man, you’re sounding like if you were my parents.” Moon Girl said.
“Do...do they know you’re a superhero?” He asked her.
“They...don’t know. Wait, why do you care? You’re Spider-Man. You don’t have to worry about that. Besides, didn’t you call Iron Man “Shell Head” one time on live television because you didn’t want to work with him or the Avengers. So why are you getting on my case about it?” Moon Girl responded back.
She sounded bothered by a hero she liked seemed to be treating her like a child. Casey wondered what to say next. But was hesitant after what Lunella had said. As that was going on, Spider-Man just looked at Moon Girl who looked at him with an annoyed expression. After that, Lunella just looked away to the sunset.
“You seem perfect. You have everything under control. You don’t know nothing about me...and I’d thought you would be more supportive of what we’ve been doing.” Moon Girl said.
Casey looked at her friend with a saddened look. She still wondered what she should say next. And then she noticed Spider-Man looking at the sunset as well. There was silence for a good 20 seconds. Spider-Man took a deep breath, it was a big one.
“I’ve been Spider-Man since I was 14 years old.” Spider-Man said.
This reveal got the attention of the two girls. Lunella’s goggles emotions widened as he finally spoke. She was stunned to hear those words, and even Casey too.
“What?” Moon Girl asked.
“I’ve been doing this since I was a kid...a year older than where you are now. I assume you were three...I was bitten randomly by some spider at a demonstration. I got powers but...” He paused. It sounded like he didn’t want to say more. But then he continued on.
“Instead of helping people. I used my powers to make some money. I was on television star, did some wrestling. I wonder if those old showings of me can still be watched. But yeah...I was being selfish...if you knew how I was years back. I think you two openly hate me. Hell, I would hate me too.” Spider-Man started to put his hands together as the girls kept staring at him, intrigued by what he was talking about.
“Then one day, some thief ran by me. I let him go...I let him run by me. He escaped and the officer chasing him got angry at me. And one of the things I told him is that it’s not my problem.” He kept holding his hands together. But now they were tighter. Casey noticed this the grip his hands had on each other were really strong. If she was correct, he seemed angry...angry at himself.
“Not my problem...not my problem I said. I...said that.” The tone Spider-Man spoke in felt more...sad. He breathed again. “Then one day, I learned that same guy I let go.” He stopped again and took another breath. It seemed like he didn’t want to talk about it more. Even under that mask, there was this emotion Casey could sense. While Lunella was surprised to hear all of this. And she needed to know what came next.
He took a deep breath again. “The same guy killed someone close to me...all because I didn’t do anything...when I could’ve.” Spider-Man finally let it out.
Lunella and Casey’s jaws dropped when they heard the answer. They both had the same form of shock when hearing it. Even though both might’ve had different feelings when hearing the answer.
“Oh my gosh.” Casey said as she put her right hand over her mouth.
Spider-Man put his right hand over his eyes as he began to slouch. Lunella's face turned sour as she learned this information. She was stunned to hear this information from Spider-Man of all people. And what both girls heard sounded like sniffing. Almost as if he started to cry. He continued breathing, and his breath skipped a beat.
Lunella didn't know what to do. What could she do? But then she noticed Casey reaching out to comfort him with her right hand on Spider-Man’s left shoulder. When Spider-Man felt that, he took his right hand off of his eyes to look at Casey.
“You don’t need to do that.”
“Well...I want to do that.” Casey told him as she was rubbing his shoulder. He had no response to that. After looking at Casey for a few seconds, he looked back at the sunset and continued speaking.
“I didn’t want to tell you that. I’d...rather not trauma dump on a bunch of a kids. Because that isn’t right. But...” He took another deep breath. “I've done things I'm not proud of. I regret things I've done. And trying to be Spider-Man can be...hard at times. It was hard in school, college...even daily normal stuff. I get tired...I get angry a lot. I...sometimes hate being Spider-Man that I want to quit...but I don't. And the worse thing I think about...is...did I have to suffer to be a better person? Would I be the person I am today if I stopped that guy? Or would I be the same jerk that was?”
He took a deep breath again. “I just wanted to tell you this because I may have been in the same spot as you two but...without all that harder stuff. And I've learned recently that...I don't have to be alone in this. I've sacrificed so much, pushing people away. Being scared to lose someone again.” He then put both of his hands back on the ledges. Spider-Man then started to speak again.
“I'm sorry...I'm not a father or a brother. I'm a grown man. But seeing you kids made me really think about what I've been through. It...made me examine how tough it was for me growing up and the choice I made. And I...don't want anyone going through the same mistakes as me. Because being Spider-Man is...scary. I've been Spider-Man for 10 years and only recently some years ago. I feel like I've moved on from that guilt because I'm lucky to have some people know who I am. That I'm not alone.”
They could still hear the sniffling under his mask. Lunella kept staring as she was heartbroken hearing all of that. And Casey again, said something back to him.
“Hey, it’s okay. Let it out.”
“You became a superhero because you wanted to help the L.E.S. because no one else would? Is that correct?” Spider-Man looked towards Moon Girl.
“Yeah...that’s correct.” Lunella answered him.
“Well, you’re already a better person than who I was years back. At least you didn’t need a wakeup call.” Spider-Man said.
“Hey...it’s okay. You’ve done so much good. You don’t need to say that.” Casey told him.
“I know...I know.” Hearing that warmed his heart, but his thought process still continued on, thinking about what he had just told Moon Girl. “But it still hurts...you two and Devil are all lucky to have each other.”
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rexscanonwife · 2 years
How To Say Goodbye
lmao my first finished Rex fic and it's some ANGST and CONFLICT. I'm very sorry but at the same time very happy with this ; w ;
Notes: This takes place about 12 years after Order 66 and 3 years before we see Rex in Rebels, when we've already gotten married and spent some time raising our kids in hiding. I wanted to work in some kind of reason that 1.) he wouldn't have joined the rebellion sooner and 2.) how he'd end up just hanging out with the other clones fishing for sand worms all day without his wife and kids sjhgkg. (working title for this fic was Divorce Simulator: Star Wars Edition, that should tell you everything)
Back and forth, back and forth.
Bria's eyes followed Rex as he paced across their shared bedroom. One of his hands swung at his side, balled into a fist while the other came up to pinch the bridge of his nose. His eyebrows were furrowed, causing thin lines to crease around his eyes and on his forehead, as it always did whenever he was angry or intense.
This wasn't exactly either.
He had feelings of anger, yes, but that wasn't all. She may have been a bit rusty, but the Force did help her in reading him a bit. She sensed fear, doubt, sadness. All swirling together in a tempestuous storm within the man she loved so much. Even so, she stood before him, hands resting firmly and defiantly on her hips.
"I can't believe you're actually thinking of doing this." He said, finally. His voice was firm, but strained, and he was clearly making an effort not to raise it.
Even if he had, it wouldn’t have mattered. Thankfully, Ahsoka in her kindness had offered to take the kids along on a short supply run to the nearest inhabited planet for the long journey ahead of her, having sensed a tension between the couple. In fact, that was the very reason they found themselves needing to have this conversation.
A trusted and beloved friend to them both, Ahsoka was one of the only people who knew the whereabouts of the fugitive ex-captain and former jedi, along with their three children. In such a remote place as the Sanctuary Moon of Endor, a visit from her was always a special treat. Not really having anyone to talk to outside of each other, the children were always especially excited and couldn’t help but jump all over their Auntie ‘Soka, begging to hear of her adventurous excursions far across the stars.
The night she arrived, she regaled the family with her recent exploits. Bria watched warmly as Kaiza, their oldest, listened with bated breath. Her large, dark eyes, Rex’s eyes, sparkled as she must have envisioned worlds lightyears away from the dense forest she called home. The only thing she’s ever known.
Meanwhile the younger twins, Elara and Yvaine, sat on either side of Ahsoka, never leaving her alone for more than a minute or two. Their reactions were completely opposite one another, Elara smiled wide upon hearing of daring fights and dangerous creatures while Yvaine’s hands covered her mouth in shock. Of course, Bria sat beside Rex, as closely as their hand-carved wooden chairs would allow. His arm wrapped around her shoulder, pulling her even closer to him while her hand rested on his chest.
She fiddled with the fabric of his shirt where the edges of the neckline had begun to fray from regular wear and tear and looked up at her husband. He was aging much faster than she was, his hair beginning to sport streaks of gray, and the lines in his face were set deep from all the things he’d seen and done over the years.
He looked down to meet her gaze, his eyes were as warm and youthful as ever. Deep, intelligent, and adoring as they locked with hers and he gave her a wink.
Dishes were soon cleared away, the kids were excused to play and cups of caff were poured. Bria and Rex assumed their previous position once more as Ahsoka’s tone and expression changed and it soon became clear that her journey was not just for pleasure.
Her face seemed uneasy, yet hopeful as she explained the true nature of her visit.
"Every day more beings try to stand up to the Empire, small Rebel cells are popping up all over the galaxy, but they'll never survive if we don't show that we can stand together as one."
Bria sipped at her cup, warm against her palms and pooling in her belly, adding fuel to the fire that was being sparked somewhere deep within. Her eyes flickered with anticipation as she began to understand that Ahsoka had been leading to a proposition.
"I'm assembling a Rebel fleet, bigger and more organized than any others so far. If this works, more will follow suit, and we can finally make some real change happen. You two were the first people I thought of, there's no one in the galaxy I'd trust more to have my back in this…So what do you say, will you join?" A sincere smile brushed across her face, her eyes shining with expectation.
Bria had been quite literally on the edge of her seat, leaning further forward the more she was told about Ahsoka's plans and hopes for the rebellion. Of course it would work! Bria had fought alongside her and Rex during the Clone Wars and watched the Togruta grow from a scrappy kid into the mature and capable person sitting before her now.
She was about to jump at the offer when Rex spoke up beside her.
"We're…honored, Ahsoka, truly. But…I'm afraid we have to decline."
"What?" Bria wasn't sure she'd heard him correctly. She whipped her head in his direction, eyes blown wide in disbelief. He looked down to meet her gaze, seeming to be taken aback by her reaction as well.
"Of course we wish you well, and we'll help you in any way we can! But our answer is no." He reiterated, his eyes not leaving Bria's. Almost as if he was telling her and not just Ahsoka.
"That's not my answer." She said, crossing her arms indignantly.
He threw his eyebrows up, deepening the lines in his forehead “That’s our answer. We can’t do it.” he said, seeming to grow more and more agitated with every word.
Bria pulled herself away from him, now turning her whole body to face him. "I'm sorry, but since when do you speak for me?"
Rex's fist came down hard on the table, causing all three cups to clatter. "This is not up for debate, Bria!"
“So what? You mean I have no say in this?” She stared back at him, digging her heels in.
Ahsoka's eyes darted awkwardly between them as the couple kept their burning gazes fixed on each other, both refusing to back down. Excusing herself shortly after in order to give them time to 'talk it out'. That was where they found themselves now, after storming into their room and slamming the door behind them.
He finally stopped pacing, his back turned to her as he took a deep breath to steady herself. “I’m just having trouble understanding how you could even consider going!”
“I’m having trouble understanding why you aren’t considering it, it’s Ahsoka we’re talking about, Rex! Don’t you trust her?”
“Sure I trust her, and I want to help!”
“Then why don’t you?”
“Because we can’t just pick up and leave, it just doesn’t work that way!”
“What doesn’t work? Fighting for a noble cause? Protecting the galaxy?”
“I’m not interested in fighting for causes, I’m interested in protecting our family! Our home! And you should be too.”
“Our home is going to be with us wherever we go, but it’s always going to be in danger unless we fight back!”
“Then let someone else do the fighting, we can’t abandon everything we’ve built here just so you can run off and play the heroic Jedi again!”
Bria had been trying to keep her cool, but she felt a sharp sting at this. “You know that’s not what this is about, Rex…”
“Then why is it so difficult for you to understand that our place is here?!”
“Because we can’t just turn our backs and act like this isn’t our problem! What happened to Captain Rex, first in command to General Skywalker, the brave soldier that fought for the Republic with everything he had?”
“He’s dead, remember?! And in case you’ve forgotten, so is the Republic, and so are every one of my brothers…” At this, he went quiet, slowly walking over to their bed and sitting at the edge of it, burying his face in his hands.
Bria’s heart sank, a lump starting to form in her throat now seeing her husband’s disposition change so suddenly now from enraged to sorrowful…defeated. She rubbed her arm, chewing at her bottom lip as she suddenly felt all the anger leave her body too, being replaced now with a twinge of guilt.
She approached him slowly, the mattress dipping under their combined weight as she sat beside him, she reached out her hand to gently squeeze his knee. A small but comforting gesture, asking for permission to touch him any further. He didn’t flinch or pull away, so she took it as an affirmative, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.
Almost immediately, he adjusted his position so he in turn could wrap his arms around her middle in a proper embrace, burying his face in her neck. She couldn’t see him, but could tell from the way he was trembling and from the hot droplets falling against her skin now that he was crying. She squeezed him tighter, trying not to start crying herself as she brought a hand up to lightly scratch his scalp through his buzzed blond hair the way he always liked. They held each other like that, and after a minute or ten, it was difficult to really tell, she drew a shaky breath in and let it out slowly.
“I know how much you’ve lost, Rex…and I know that’s why you can’t fight again.” She began, failing to keep her voice from quivering. “But you need to understand…that’s why I have to. For everything that the Empire has taken from both of us.”
The room fell silent, Rex’s fingers gripped at her shirt as he drew in a stilted breath.
“Tell me to go with you. If you order me to fight with you again…I will. I won’t hesitate.”
She pulled away from him, cupping his cheeks in her hands so she could make him look into her eyes and she could look back into his. Her thumbs brushed over them, wiping away the damp streaks that ran down his face.
“I know you will…that’s why-” she started to choke, finally allowing her own tears to fall freely. “That’s why I can't do that.”
He looked at her, tight lipped, eyebrows knit together and she looked right back at him. He choked back a sobbing breath as his eyes began to well up again, understanding that she had made up her mind. They both had.
“Will I ever see you again?” He asked weakly, softly enough to break her heart. She immediately closed the space between them and crashed her lips against his, fingers curling, gripping at him one more time. He raised one hand to lay against the back of her head, pushing her in closer while the other gripped at her hip, pouring every bit of passion they could possibly muster into this one kiss.
When they parted, it was only just far enough that they could catch their breath, and they remained just a hair’s breadth away. “You found me once already, my love…you can find me again, or I’ll find you this time. I promise.” she replied, finally.
He didn’t seem so sure, both of them knowing the unpredictability of war, but he took her word and nodded. “What now…?” He asked.
Knowing him, he would want to work out the nitty gritty details of what would come next; what to tell the kids, where they would go, what to take with her. She didn’t want to think of any of that…not just yet.
Scooting up further on the bed, she patted her thighs, coaxing his head onto her lap. He obliged, curling up on his side as she began stroking his cheek gently with her fingertips before setting them on the crown of his head, lightly scratching again.
“There’s time before Ahsoka gets back…let’s stay like this for a bit.” She said, and he hummed his approval.
He kept his head there, even when her legs began to fall asleep. She was beginning to wonder if he had as well, but whenever she looked down at him his eyes were wide open, staring blankly out of the window, so she kept her fingers moving. She hadn’t even realized that it had started to rain, heavy droplets pounding against the glass in a droning, soothing rhythm.
It was the nature of the galaxy for things to change, even in ways that you never wanted and didn’t ask for, but some things would always remain. They would always carry their love for each other with them no matter where they were, along with the hope that one day it would lead them back to each other.
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amukmuk · 3 years
Got any snippets or lines you've written and really liked that you want to share but probably won't ever make it to a fic?
Okay, so I've had this draft sitting in my wip folder for quite some time, but I don't think I'll ever post it/finish it. I had just finished This is How You Lose the Time War and it is a love story told entirely through letters. I really thought that was applicable to Rex and Ahsoka and you all already know how much I love writing letters. Anyway, I didn't really like how it unfolds, and I feel like their voices are ooc. I'm going to post it under the cut if you feel so inclined, but I haven't really proofed it or anything:
The air is dry and cold. Wind whips between them, between the chasm that Order 66 has caused. Ahsoka traded the y-wing for this run-down freighter-- it’s not the best thing in the galaxy, but she has flown worse.
“Rex,” she turns to him and he does the same, his tattered brown cloak billowing in the wind. “We--we can’t stick together. It’s too dangerous.”
She holds up her hand. “I’m wanted by the Empire. You saw the same holonews cycle that I did. Inquisitors are going to be dispatched to hunt me down.”
“So we’ll fight them together!”
She steps forward and takes his hands into hers. “No,” she whispers. “No, we can’t.”
Rex is struck into silence and she can feel the weight of his gaze upon her.
“I… I can’t lose you.”
It seems like an oxymoron, to say that she can’t lose him while simultaneously pushing him away.
“So let me stay and fight by your side.”
She can’t look at him. She can feel the pain in his voice. Tears well in her eyes but she blinks them back and rests a commlink in his hand. “It has my encrypted frequency. Write to me,” she whispers and steps away and up to her ship.
She doesn’t look back. She can’t. If she sees him standing there, she will turn back and put his life in greater danger.
She draws up the gangplank and leaves behind the only family she has left.
When she gets into space, she cries.
Her datapad chirps and Ahsoka swats for it. It falls off her nightstand with a clang and she finally resolves to sit up and retrieve it. She should probably get up, anyway. It’s just, she still hardly ever sleeps.
She opens the notification and the wind is knocked out of her. She doesn’t know the sender-code, but she knows the encryption. It is standard-GAR encryption and it takes her less than ten seconds to decrypt.
I’m sorry it took me so long to write to you. I won’t waste either of our time explaining how much it hurt to be left behind, but just know that I forgive you. You were probably right, anway. Inquisitors have been sniffing around this town that I’m in and I’m trying to find the Jedi before they do. I know you would want me to keep my head down and stay safe, but I can’t. I can’t just let one of your kin die… You’ve saved enough of mine during the war to warrant a little safety risk.
I don’t know if you’ll answer this, or if you even want to hear from me, but I hope you’re doing alright.
Words cannot describe how elated I am to have received your message. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I don’t think I can apologize enough for all the pain I have caused. I killed an entire venator’s worth of your family and abandoned you on an icy moon. I don’t deserve you forgiveness or kindness but am grateful for it anyway.
Blue, I must advise you to tread with caution regarding your quest for one of the ancient warrior-monks. They may think you still have the sickness. I wish you would stay out of trouble, but I think we both know you have a penchant for it.
I hope to hear from you soon. I miss you.
P.S. You need to work on your encryption. I cracked your code in under thirty seconds.
You’re lucky I got this message open at all. I never really learned advanced encryption and I about had to ask my neighbor kid for help. You were right about the monk thinking I was still sick. I barely made it out of there, and I don’t think they believe me.
At least I can say I tried.
Regarding your grief, move on. We did what we had to in order to survive. Lives were lost, but I’m almost glad they’re gone. I wouldn’t want them living in this galaxy. As much as we all hated the war, at least we always had each other. A ship full of family was home.
Anyway, I hope you’re someplace warm. It’s winter right now and I’m discovering what that feels like without temperature control.
P.S. Let me know if this encryption is any better.
You have a neighbor?! Tell me about him. Tell me more about where you’re at, without detail of course. This is a secure line, but if my life has taught me anything it is that security is a myth.
I’m moving around a lot. I feel like every time I settle down, I make a mistake, I get too close, I get too involved. Like you, I have a hard time turning a blind eye. I suppose we make a great pair.
Right now I am sitting on a beach. I started laughing when I sat in the sand because I forgot how much I missed the warmth between my toes. And then I remembered how much He hated sand. I laughed. And then I cried.
I hate being alone.
If it snows, be certain to build a snowman. Maybe ask your neighbor to help you. It is a rite of passage.
P.S. You’re getting better! I still got it in under thirty seconds. Try using a hybrid of Zeta and Delta code. That can be fun to work with.
I’m going to disregard your greeting and say that I deserved it for calling you littl’un in my previous correspondence. It’s probably high time I shelve that nickname. I imagine you’re almost taller than me now, anyway.
Don’t change who you are to fit inside the confines created by this new regime. You are who you are. You always fight for what is right and that is why I love you. If you have to move once a week for a while, I think that makes it worth it. What do you say?
That beach sounds nice. I hope you managed to take a picture of a sunset. I miss traveling so much. I’m saving up for a ship right now, I almost have enough to buy a small freighter. Living here is enough to make me stir crazy.
It did snow. I did ask the boy to help me. It quickly dissolved into a snowball fight. I’m afraid his mom might… like me. She invited me in for cocoa (that shit is rich, I was not expecting it) and we talked for a while. She seems nice enough.
I really need to buy that damn freighter.
If it is any consolation. You still have me. You will never be alone.
P.S. This one was easier to crack. You aren’t taking it easy on me, are you? I don’t think I could forgive you for that.
Socks! I almost forgot about that! You had put your socks over my lekku to keep them warm. The ships were always so cold. You have always looked out for me and because of that, attached you will find a digital money order. It shouldn’t be able to be traced back to me, but you should be able to cash it and put a down payment on that freighter.
You shouldn’t be scared to talk to civvies anymore. You are a civvie! Flirt with women! Go to a movie! Eat at a restaurant! The whole galaxy is at your fingertips and you should live your life anyway you want to!
Speaking of restaurants, remember that time we went out together? That was an interesting time. I’m sorry you accidentally ordered a raw nerf-burger because of me. Make sure you tell them with a little pink the next time you go out. I just prefer my meat walked by the griddles and served.
Knowing that I have you is never just a consolation, it is what keeps me going.
Your friend,
I don’t know how I can ever thank you for this. Once I have the money I promise I will pay you back, with interest. You’re my friend, I’ll always have your back. I don’t need a digital money order to know that you will always have mine. But I’m grateful anyway.
Because of you, I am now the proud owner of a ship. Whoever would have thought that a man like me would get to own property one day? Well, kind of. The ship is technically owned by some guy named Riker Torrent. I’m obviously terrible at picking out new names for myself. I like the one I have. It means something.
Don’t forget that you’re a civilian too. Maybe we should go see a movie. What is even playing? Probably all propaganda now anyway. I’ve been avoiding most towns. Everything seems to be patrolled and we both know I have one of those faces.
But I did go to the planet where I met the deserter. He is long gone, but I got to see an actual sunset. The sky was bright orange. The air was warm. It is so weird, feeling temperatures without all my gear.
It reminded me of that one time, on the desert planet? Everything was orange and we were both beat and we just sat there and watched the sun set.
Those are the times that I miss the most.
Your friend,
Property with property
Mr. Torrent,
I’m pleased to hear of your recent acquisition and promotion to Captain, but if I ever see you refer to yourself as property ever again I will fly all the way across the galaxy to kick your ass.
Anyway, tell me about your ship. Have you gotten any pillows and blankets? I hated that you never had any.
Every day it gets harder and harder to remember that I’m a normal civilian. I’m always looking over my shoulder, trying to keep myself as hidden as possible. Turns out my efforts weren’t as great as I thought they were. A hunter found me the other day. I managed to disarm them and get away. I now have two blood red crystals, I just have to get a bunch of other parts. Try not to worry about me. I’m alive and mostly unharmed.
I think a movie sounds like a lovely idea. I don’t think it would be safe for us to meet up, but I’ll think on how we can do this. I’m pretty sure I might be able to find an old holo somewhere.
I remember the day you are talking about. I almost wish I could feel the warmth of the sun on my face again and the safety of you by my side.
I will have you know that I was already a captain. I just happen to be a captain of my own ship now.
If we’re being honest, I wouldn’t mind if you flew across the galaxy to try and kick my ass. I feel like I’m getting rusty. I need a purpose. I’ve thought about trying to hunt down more of your people. If anyone can save the galaxy, it is you guys. I don’t know where to begin and I don’t think they would trust me anyway.
But I think I might try and hunt down more of mine. My freighter has a small medbay, but I’ve made do with worse. I just need a medical droid and a little bit of luck.
I bought a pillow and a blanket. I don’t use either of them. It doesn’t feel right. Too soft.
Hmm… Tell you about my freighter. Well, it’s dark green, but I’m thinking of painting it. It is just big enough for me and maybe a small crew. There are four different bunk rooms, all with a size I’m well acquainted. The kitchen is pretty small, but I don’t do much cooking so that isn’t really an issue. Though, you should be impressed. I made pasta the other night. Actually boiled the water and everything.
I’m glad you’re still alive. Injuries heal, but you’re irreplaceable. At least the close call gave you something in return. Here’s to hoping you find everything else you need.
I wish a lot of things, too. We shouldn’t waste time wishing for things we can’t have though. You stay alive in a battle by being present and marching forward.
Please stay alive,
Oh Captain, my Captain,
I have so much to tell you. I think I found my purpose. I ran into an old friend during a festival of lights. He told me of a secret group. A group that I could only talk about on a truly secure line. He asked me to go somewhere and help the needy and I intend to do so. A good friend of mine trained me well in how to wield a blaster. I know that wherever I go, I will carry him with me.
If I cannot have you with me, at least I can have your knowledge.
If I hear anything about your brothers. I will send you in their direction. I wish I knew the whereabouts of Kote. It would be nice to know that he survived even if my grandmaster did not.
Your freighter sounds homey. I wish I could see it. I can almost imagine you there. Comfy without your armor, scowling at a datapad. Have you grown out your hair? If you haven’t I think you should consider it. Remember the time where you lost a bet with the boys and had to go a month without a haircut? Your hair is so curly and soft! It’s a shame you didn’t keep it longer during the war.
I know. It’s hard not to look to the past or to the future. So, speaking of the future, what are you doing 1800 Corrie Time this Saturday? I found an old copy of Rays of Sun around Us. It’s a romance movie, sorry, but the only other one I found was supposed to be a satirical comedy about the war.
In my humble opinion, nothing could be funnier than the time the ship flooded and Hardcase, Fives, Echo, and Jesse surfed down the corridors.
P.S. I have to stay alive. Who else would irritate you with these letters?
I wish I could give you one of mine. Remember, a good blaster is heavy, but not too heavy. The power pack should clip in and not jiggle at all. And most importantly, it shouldn’t heat up in your hand. The barrel will be hot of course, but the grip and power pack should never overheat. A cheap blaster could blow up in your hand. Spend the extra creds and get something nice.
Aside from seeing you, my greatest wish is to find Kote. I miss him so much. Once I get this stupid med droid working I’ll be in business. I never thought I’d miss the general’s incessant tinkering, but here I am.
I’ve grown out my hair a little. I don’t like it hanging over my ears or eyes. I feel like it muffles my senses. I did grow a beard, though. Not sure I like it. I’ll probably shave it off.
You may have thought it was funny, but I was the one that got stuck writing an incident report when Hardcase got his head stuck in the air vent.
I’ll be there,
Your Captain
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wild-karrde · 3 years
Reunion - Part 16
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A/N: As always, thank you to the fantastic @teletraan-meets-jarvis for beta-reading this chapter for me! :)
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Hunter scrubbed his hands over his face once more as he rested his elbows on the table in front of him, trying to absorb the information Senna and Tech had just imparted to him. “Alright, run that by me again, but slower. Because I’m certain I can’t have heard you correctly.”
Senna chewed her lip, risking a look at Echo. His brows were furrowed, and she could see him making the connections she already had with Tech, his lips moving silently as he studied his clasped hands that were resting on the table. Wrecker was glancing back and forth between her and Tech, still refusing to believe what they’d just told them. Rex stood off to the side, arms crossed as his shoulders rested against one of the columns in the small room.
Rex had been the one to recommend they speak with Hunter, Echo, and Wrecker privately before they divulge the information to anyone else, including Omega. They were her brothers and her guardians, and he had wanted them to know what they were stepping into before anyone else found out. Senna had agreed, although she had wished Crosshair had been here as well. That can’t be helped, and this discussion cannot wait. Omega’s life is about to change significantly. And become more dangerous.
She nervously tapped her fingers on the table. “Hunter, I know it seems outlandish and unlikely, but I’ve heard you try and speculate as to the reason why Omega was created before. It seems that this is it.” Her words did little to smooth the crease between his brows.
“I just don’t…wouldn’t we have seen something? Something to reveal her as Force sensitive?”
Senna laughed gently. “I know you’re used to being around Jedi like Anakin and myself who are more well-trained and admittedly flashy in our use of the Force, but none of us start that way.” She chewed her lip. “Can you recall Omega displaying any unusual talents? Anything that she picked up on quickly that caught your attention?”
Wrecker piped up. “The first time she picked up a blaster was on Kamino while we were runnin’ from Crosshair. Was a hell of a shot, and she said she’d never fired a weapon before. She knocked his Firepuncher out of his hands from at least ten meters.”
“And the Dejarik at Cid’s,” Echo said quietly. “She picked up on that after watching only a game or two.”
Tech glanced at Hunter. “When you and Omega went after that Ordo Moon Dragon on that moon we crashed on, you said she tracked it herself once you were rendered unconscious. You even had difficulty picking up her trail. It would suggest that she observed your tracking skills and then was able to apply them herself.”
Hunter waved his hands dismissively. “All of that could be beginner’s luck,” he muttered.
“Hunter, what about the bow? Or how fast she learned to fly the ship?” Echo said softly. “The evidence is staring us in the face, and honestly, a Force sensitivity explains a lot of our questions about her.”
“She’s a smart kid,” Hunter snapped. “She picks up on things quickly.”
Senna reached across the table to grip his hands in hers. “For some of that, sure, it may be that Omega is just a smarter than average kid. But Hunter, you’re a soldier. You know how long it takes to learn to fire a weapon like Omega’s bow. And from the story I heard, she couldn’t really do it until it was demonstrated for her. It took Tech years to train as a pilot, and Omega learned in a few months on a modified ship.” She could feel his concern and confusion whirling like a cyclone within him, and her heart ached as she sensed its source: fear. Fear for Omega’s future and what would become of her, what her next steps would be. She squeezed his hands, and his amber eyes focused on her finally. “I have a theory,” she continued. “Every Force user’s connection to the Force manifests in different ways. For me, it was a mental connection to those around me, an empathetic sense that allowed me to feel the emotions of people and the ability to communicate with others like I’ve done with you. I think for Omega, hers is making itself known in the form of mimicry. I think her attunement to the Force helps her pick up on certain skill sets quickly, like piloting, shooting, and tracking.” She could feel the pieces falling into place for Hunter as his emotions slowly shifted towards acceptance, the whirlwind within him slowing to a steady thrum of concern.
He nodded, his eyes dropping to the table, and she released his hands, sitting back. Echo, Tech, and Wrecker were watching him, gauging his reaction. He cleared his throat, his shoulders rolling back. He’s shifting into his thought process as a military leader. Assessing threats, making calls based on logic rather than his emotions. It’ll help him remain objective, and he knows it, she thought. Hunter’s face was impassive as he finally met Senna’s eyes again.
“What does this mean for her then? What are the next steps?”
Senna glanced over at Rex, who gave her a subtle nod of encouragement. She took a deep breath and wet her lips. “I think we have to tell her. She’s going to notice it herself eventually, and the sooner she knows the sooner she can start controlling it.”
“Will you help her with that?” Hunter asked, and Senna’s heart stuttered in her chest. “Will you train her?”
The Jedi hesitated. I never thought I’d take a padawan. And yet, here we are. She thought of Anakin’s teasing. If only he could see me now.
“If that’s what she wants,” she said quietly. “I’m not sure I’ll be very good at it, but if it’s what Omega wants, I’d be willing to try. For her.” Her heart was still a little broken that the Force user they’d evacuated from Naboo had opted to not pursue any additional training, but she understood the reasoning, and she wondered if Omega would feel the same. “When we talk to her, I want to ensure she understands all of the risks of strengthening her connection to the Force. Other Force users will be able to sense her if they’re nearby and-“
“Like Inquisitors,” Hunter said stonily, and Senna paused again.
“Like Inquisitors,” she confirmed.
He huffed out a breath, crossing his arms across his chest. He wasn’t necessarily angry, but he certainly wasn’t happy. Senna felt herself grasping at anything that would comfort him.
“If you’d want, I’d like you to be involved in her training,” she said quietly. “I think having you all involved would be good for her. At the temple, she’d have been surrounded by peers and masters that she would come to know as family. In this instance, you all are the ones she shares those connections with. You are her family.”
“What good could we do?” Wrecker asked.
Senna smiled at him. “Encourage her. Learn the right things to say when she’s struggling. You’ll be able to see how I coach her in certain areas, so if you’re out with her when I’m not around, you’ll be able to guide her in my stead. This would by no means be a standard master/apprentice relationship. I don’t want her to be isolated from you all, and there will certainly be times where I may not be around.”
She turned back to Hunter. “I know this is a lot to take in right now, and there’s not necessarily a rush to do anything right away, but as I said, Omega will start to notice things. If she hasn’t already.”
Hunter stood abruptly. “I need some air.” Without so much as a glance at any of them, he turned on his heel and marched quickly out of the room. Wrecker stood, tossing an apologetic look at the rest of them.
“I’ll go make sure he’s alright.” With that, the giant clone disappeared.
Senna leaned back in her chair, releasing a deep sigh and scrubbing her hands over her face. “That went about as well as expected I suppose,” she muttered.
Echo hadn’t moved yet. “I’m sorry for the way Hunter reacted,” he said quietly.
Senna sat up, dropping her hands to her lap as she looked at Echo. His shoulders were slumped, and she could feel the same fear Hunter had rolling off of him in waves.
“Echo,” she said softly, and he turned and met her gaze. “If she decides to train, I promise I’ll do right by her,” Senna offered gently.
He huffed a dry laugh. “I’m not worried about that. There are few I’d rather have train her than you, if I’m honest. I just…” he paused, the words seeming to elude him.
“You’re scared for her,” Senna finished softly, and he confirmed it with a slight nod.
“I am.” He rubbed the thumb of his flesh hand over the knuckles of his cybernetic before flexing his fingers nervously. “I know what happened to you, Senna. How could I not be?”
“I think I was wrong, Echo. I don’t think the Inquisitors can track Force users from a distance.”
“Right, only if they’re nearby,” he said, his voice still low and eerily calm. “And what if they enter this system? Is that near enough? Then she risks compromising this entire base just by being here.”
The realization hit Senna like a speeder. “You’re afraid she’ll leave,” she said quietly.
Echo met her eyes once more, his eyes glistening. “She might want to. And what right do we have to keep her here when she endangers everyone?” His hands were trembling. He’s afraid she’ll want to go alone, like I did. Senna’s heart shattered, her vision blurring from unbidden tears as her eyes fell to her lap.
Rex straightened off of the column, coming to stand at the end of the table near Echo. “I don’t think we should start worrying that many steps ahead yet. We need to take this one thing at a time, and I think the first thing is figuring out how you all would like to discuss this with Omega.”
Echo nodded quietly in agreement, but Senna sensed Rex’s words brought him little relief. Tech had been uncharacteristically silent since Hunter left, and Senna turned to him.
“What do you think, Tech?”
He sighed. “I agree with Rex, although things such as these are not my forte.”
Senna laughed dryly. “You mean things that don’t involve a wrench?”
“Precisely,” he replied, although there was little mirth in his tone.
Echo stood slowly, resting his palms on the table before rapping on the smooth surface twice with the knuckles of his organic hand. “Right. Well, one step at a time then. It’s late, and Omega’s already asleep. Hunter won’t want to wake her for this. We should go find the others, Tech, and start talking through things.” Tech nodded and Echo’s eyes met Senna’s. “Would you like to be involved in those discussions?” he asked.
She shook her head. “You all are her brothers. If you want me there, I’ll be there, but I’m following your lead on this.”
He glanced down once more before straightening and glancing at Tech, who bobbed his head in understanding. “Goodnight,” Echo said quietly before he and Tech exited the room.
Senna still hadn’t moved from her seat, her eyes burning as she picked at some dirt under her fingernails on her right hand. She felt Rex come to sit in the chair next to her, but she couldn’t bring herself to meet his gaze until he took her right hand in his, gently rubbing his thumbs over the back of her hand.
“You are doing the right thing for her,” he said softly.
“I know,” she replied, a lump lodging itself in her throat. “I’m just as scared for her as they are though. They’re right about all of it.”
Rex sighed, searching for the words. “Maybe not all. There’s still a lot of unknowns when it comes to the Inquisitors.”
Senna huffed a dry laugh. “There’s as much danger in that as comfort.”
Rex grunted, shrugging his shoulders slightly in agreement. They sat in silence for a few more moments before he stood, gently tugging her to her feet. “I think perhaps it’s time we turn in as well. Like Echo said, there’s not a whole lot more that can be done tonight.” He cupped her cheeks, his thumbs grazing her cheekbones until she met his eyes. “One step at a time,” he said quietly, giving her a small smile, and she covered his hands with hers, returning the expression, although she knew the expression didn’t carry all the way to her eyes. He noted it, but didn’t say anything as he slipped his hand into hers and led her out of the room and back to his ship.
Senna stood on the bridge of the Venator, the expanse of space stretching out in front of her through the viewport. A dark figure stood at the end of the walkway, their back to her as they looked out at the starfield stretched out before them. Her fingers drifted to her hip, grazing the cool metal of her lightsaber’s hilt, bringing her some comfort.
At least that much is the same.
Her steps were slow as she approached the figure. Her eyes darted back and forth, looking for Rex, certain he’d appear at any moment, beaten and bloodied.
“Do you know what I’ve become?”
The voice was deep, modulated, unfamiliar. The statement was bracketed by the sound of air filling and escaping false lungs. As she approached, Senna could see the figure wore a gleaming black helmet that flawlessly reflected the lighting of the bridge.
“Who are you?” she demanded.
“A friend long dead. The enemy who hunts you even now. You may have escaped my Inquisitors, Master Aven, but you will not escape me.”
A shock of cold shot through Senna’s body, blades of ice slicing into her veins. She’d felt the cold of a dark presence before, but never like this. She fell to her knees, her lightsaber clattering from her grasp as she gasped for air. Despite the shiver that ran through her body, there was a haunting familiarity, another warning sounding at the back of her mind. She couldn’t pinpoint it, couldn’t decipher it.
The figure turned, facing her now. She could see the mask covered the Sith lord’s face entirely, sinister and emotionless as he stepped forward. He was tall, imposing as his cape billowed out behind him, his large boots thudding against the durasteel deck.
She felt a squeeze of her throat, slowly building until she was clawing at her neck, sobbing for air. The Sith flicked his wrist, and she was pulled into the air, shooting towards him. As she approached, the mask began to grow blurry as if it was out of focus.
A shout echoed to her left and Senna whipped her head around as a gloved hand wrapped around her throat, dangling her feet off of the ground. She squinted into the darkness as her fingers wrapped around the arm that held her.
A flash of blonde hair and amber eyes.
“OMEGA, RUN!” Senna screamed as the young girl stepped into the light.
Omega stood motionless, her head tilting slightly as she looked at Senna.
“DO AS I SAY! RUN!” Senna croaked, the grip around her neck tightening.
Blue and white armor appeared behind the young girl. A helmet adorned with the scratches and scrapes of a hundred battles. And the Jaig eyes.
“Omega!” Rex shouted, gripping the young girl’s arms.
“REX! TAKE HER AND GO!” Senna gasped, struggling to find the air. The helmet snapped up to look at her, and Rex froze where he stood, his visor trained on the Sith lord. Senna slowly turned her head back to face her assailant.
He was no longer wearing the helmet. His face was covered in scars, eyes that were once a soft blue glowing yellow and red with hatred as he snarled at her, his grip tightening. The handsome Jedi knight that she’d known was long gone, replaced by this monster wearing his face.
“Do you know what I’ve become?” he asked again.
The voice. Unmodulated. Pained. But undeniably his.
“Anakin,” she gasped.
His brows furrowed as he stared at her. “Anakin’s dead, Sen.”
The nickname ripped another sob from her, and she reached for his cheek. “Anakin, please.”
He brought her closer to him, his breath hot against her ear as he whispered to her. “I know you’re alive. And I will find you.” Reaching out, he hovered his other hand over her face. A searing pain shot through Senna’s head, more intense than what she’d experienced with the Inquisitor years ago. She screamed as tears poured from her eyes.
“I’ll find you, Sen.”
Her eyes snapped open and she sat up quickly, scrambling backwards in the bunk until her shoulder blades slammed against the hull. The cold metal combined with the jolt broke the dream’s hold on her, and her eyes darted around wildly. Her hands flew to her throat, the feeling of the cool leather still ghosting over her flesh.
“Senna.” Rex was kneeling in front of her, his hands resting on her knees as he searched her eyes. She was drenched in sweat and trembling. Rex took her hands, trying to calm her, but a sob ripped from her throat, tears leaking from her eyes.
Rex moved quickly, enveloping her in his arms as he stroked her hair. She sobbed against his chest, holding him tightly.
“I’m right here,” he mumbled against the crown of her head. “I’ve got you. You’re safe.”
“Anakin,” she gasped. “O-Omega.”
Rex paused his rocking, freezing at the mention of his former general. “What about them?”
“They…they were there. He…he was…it can’t be.” She took a deep stuttering breath and held it for a few beats before releasing it. “The Sith lord was there, the one there are rumors about. He said he was going to find me. It…he had Anakin’s face, Rex.”
She met his eyes, and found them distant. “That…that can’t be Senna. Anakin was killed when the order was given.” His voice broke and Senna leaned forward to rest her forehead against his.
“I know that,” she whispered. “He’s just been on my mind a lot lately. Ever since you asked me about him. I…I watch you and your brothers, and I miss…I miss him. He was the closest thing I had to family before I met all of you.” She felt her voice crack, and Rex placed a kiss to her forehead. She could feel the dampness on his cheeks as he gathered her in his arms again, before laying back down. She draped her leg across his hip, snuggling into the divot in his shoulder and wrapping her arm around his waist. He turned, resting his lips against her forehead as his fingers gently combed through her hair.
“I miss him too. Every day,” he said softly. “He wasn’t a clone, but he was my brother in arms. I trusted him implicitly, and I know he trusted me as well.”
Senna squeezed Rex gently. “He did. I know he told you about him and the senator.”
Rex pulled back to glance down at her in surprise, and she smiled. “I tried to discourage him from marrying her, not because I didn’t like Senator Amidala. If I’m honest, I can’t believe she fell for him.” She chuckled and felt the rumble of a laugh in Rex’s chest. “I just knew the toll it would take on him to have to hide that part of himself. Anakin was so proud of her and the family they were starting.” She swallowed the lump in her throat at the thought of them all, now gone. “He would have been an incredible father,” she whispered.
“That or you and I would have been on permanent babysitting duty,” Rex said, his voice still sad, but with a hint of laughter sprinkled in. Something in the way that he said it made Senna believe Rex had thought of this often, what it would have been like to be around Anakin’s children and what role he might have played. She squeezed him tighter and felt him return the gesture.
They were quiet for a few moments before Rex asked, “Do you think he would have left the Order once they were born?”
Senna had often contemplated the question as she had watched the Senator near the end of her pregnancy. The war had been clearly drifting towards its conclusion, and with it, she assumed some sort of change in the galaxy. She didn’t imagine there would be any drastic changes to the Jedi Order, but she knew Anakin would have tried to press the Council to see a different side of things. “I think he would have tried very hard to stay. The Council was stubborn, but Anakin gave them a run for their credits in that department.” She laughed gently before stilling, growing more serious. “I think he would never have given up what he had with Padmé, even if that meant giving up the Order and walking away. Watching Ahsoka leave changed him, made him realize that perhaps the Jedi weren’t right in all things. The cracks in the foundation of his beliefs were already forming, and she accelerated their growth substantially.”
“I guess we’ll never know,” he rumbled.
“Yeah. I guess not.”
Rex’s snoring eventually resumed, but Senna’s mind wouldn’t stop racing as she laid next to him in the bunk.
It’s just because I was thinking about him. That’s all. And Omega was there because I’m worried about her. Just my mind tormenting me with my incessant worrying.
After a few hours, she finally gave up. Carefully, she slipped out of the bunk, closing the sliding door to let Rex sleep a little longer as she pulled on her clothes. The first rays of morning were shining in through the viewport of the ship, flooding the walls and floor with orange and pink light. Senna lowered the ramp and opened the hatch, stepping out in the dewy morning air. As she reached the bottom of the ramp, she noted a figure sitting at the end of the tarmac, facing towards the sunrise.
Quietly, she approached, coming to sit next to the young woman. Omega had her knees pulled up under her chin, her arms wrapped around her legs. Senna reached out gently with the Force and could feel the unrest radiating off of the girl. Without a word, Senna plopped down next to her, leaning back on her palms.
“I know,” Omega said after a few moments, and Senna turned to her in surprise.
“When did they talk to you?” she asked.
“Last night. I heard Hunter and Tech arguing and woke up. I stood outside the door listening for a while, and when they calmed down, Hunter realized I was out there.” She laughed softly. “It clearly wasn’t how they’d planned on doing it, but they did their best.”
Senna nodded slowly. “How do you feel?”
Omega sighed, crossing her arms on top of her knees and burying her face in them. “Overwhelmed,” she said, her voice muffled. “Scared.”
“That’s understandable,” Senna replied. “It’s a lot to take in, even if your brothers had been able to plan it out. Not a blow that can be softened very well.”
“They said you might train me,” Omega said, turning her face so that one eye peered out from below her mop of blonde hair.
Senna watched her carefully. “If that’s what you’d want,” she replied evenly. “There’s no obligation here.”
Omega nodded, mulling that over. “And if I say ‘no’?”
“Then the most I’ll do is teach you to control your Force sensitivity. I’m sure you may have noticed certain things that seemed unusual. I’d help you learn how to keep things in check, so you don’t accidentally do anything that could hurt yourself or others. Or give you away.”
“And I wouldn’t get stronger?” the young clone asked. “I’d stay the same?”
“As much as possible. The focus wouldn’t be on strengthening your connection. Just keeping yourself in control.”
“Have you ever…lost control?” she asked carefully.
Senna wet her lips. “A few times when I was younger. My Force sensitivity manifested as me being able to feel the emotions of others, and before I got a handle on that, I wouldn’t be able to control myself in the presence of strong emotions. I’d be inconsolable if someone around me was grieving. I threw something once when I was first at the temple because someone down the hall got very angry, and I shared in their rage.”
“Was it only when you were younger?”
“No,” Senna said softly. “I…I almost hurt Rex a few years ago. It was before I knew him very well. I got very angry at him one night and…threw him against a wall. My emotions got the best of me, and I’d let my connection to the Force fade, but in that moment, I acted out of anger. I wasn’t in control.” She could see Omega’s eyes widen, and floundered, worried she was scaring the girl. “These are all things I can help you avoid, Omega. Even if you don’t want to become a Force wielder, I can just teach you how to be in control.”
The young girl rested her chin on her arms, staring out at the sunrise. “And if I say ‘yes’? If I ask you to train me?”
Senna felt an unexpected soaring sensation in her chest. She hadn’t realized it until just this instance, but she was hoping Omega would allow her to train her. Desperately. She did her best to keep her voice even and her emotions in check. “Then I will take you as a padawan and will pass on everything I learned to you. It’s an important bond between two people, a sacred relationship in the eyes of the Jedi. You would be my charge.”
“Would I have to leave and go with you?” Senna wasn’t certain if this question was stemming from Omega’s knowledge of how the Jedi did things or the fear Echo had voiced, so she treaded carefully, trying to select a neutral approach.
“I wouldn’t take you away from your brothers. I’d want them involved in your training so that if I’m not around, they know how to help you. I won’t take you anywhere you don’t want to go.”
Omega nodded silently, staring out over the trees again. Senna scooted closer to her, turning so that she was facing her completely. She gripped the young girl’s ankles, rotating her so that they faced each other. “Omega, whatever you decide, I want you to understand that there is danger for people like us. You have no obligation to me or anyone in terms of what you choose, but I need you to know that if you choose to strengthen your connection to the Force, life will become more dangerous for you. And even if you don’t, there still will be those that wish to do you harm.”
“Because of the Empire.”
“Yes. They want to find people like us. We are powerful weapons in their eyes.”
Omega’s brow furrowed as she picked at her fingernails. “But I could be a powerful weapon for the rebellion instead.”
Senna felt herself searching for the right words once more. I kriffing knew I wasn’t cut out for this. Anakin is somewhere laughing at me right now, I’m certain. “No. You won’t be a weapon. That’s not what this gift is for,” she said firmly. “You are a person with special abilities that allow you to connect to the living things around you. Life is sacred, and should be treated as such. Your gifts are only to be used in defense of life.”
The young clone’s eyes narrowed. “But wouldn’t I be helping protect life if I fight for the rebellion?”
Senna gave an exasperated sigh as she ran her hands through her hair. “I didn’t anticipate a philosophy lesson before I’d had any caf,” she joked, and Omega gave her a small smile. Senna gathered her thoughts. “You can fight for what you believe in certainly, but I don’t want you to feel that you’re some weapon to be wielded. You are a person with agency, and you should always think of yourself as such. Our choices are what define us, and this decision you have before you is one that will set you on one of two paths for the rest of your life. There’s no right or wrong, but only you can make that call. Do you understand?”
Omega nodded, grinning a little more. “You’re not as bad at this as you think.”
Senna sat back on her heels, puffing her cheeks up and blowing out a deep breath. “Not sure I’m good at it either.”
“Not yet, but maybe we’ll get better together.”
Senna chewed her lip hard to try and keep herself grounded. “You’re talking as though you’ve made a decision already.”
Omega glanced back towards the base, her lips pursed as she thought. “I think I have. I didn’t really go back to sleep after they told me the truth, so I had a lot of time to weigh my options.”
Senna nodded. “If you need more time, that’s perfectly fine.”
Omega turned back to her, her eyes burning intently. “No. I don’t think I do. I’d like you to take me on. As a padawan.”
Senna felt as if she’d been plugged into a power converter, her nerves singing with electricity. “If you’re sure. We’ll get started right away.”
She stood, offering a hand down to the young clone and pulling her to her feet. Her padawan looked up at her, eyes sparkling in the golden light of the morning, and she smiled. “I’d like that very much, Master Atiniir.”
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echos-newlegs · 3 years
Hello ❤, can I get 29 with Jesse please? (She/her pronouns) and thank you
Jesse x Fem!Reader: “I want to marry you..”
Oml yes, this seems so cute 🥺
Warnings: none
Not me posting before adding tags
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Jesse had this idea that had been brewing in his mind for the past month. Now was it a good idea? Probably not, but the man was too stubborn to not go along with it.
You and him had been an item for nearly eight months now. ‘Almost long enough for y/n to pop out a kid!’ Fives would tease. Causing Jesse to either laugh, get flustered, shake his head, or all of the above. Kids weren’t really his forte. I mean sure, he’d love his own, hell. He’d die to have a kid of his own, but he knew that would never happen. Not with the war going on, and not with him being a clone. He wouldn’t even wish for it to happen. Too afraid something would happen and you would have to watch over a kid by yourself.
You were helping Kix on the field today. Being the medic for the 212th. Both the 212th and the 501st out playing with droids today. You honestly hated being there working along with the 501st. You loved the men, and the generals. Nothing against them. It was just with Jesse out there you couldn’t help but worry. It was one thing to worry from afar, but to be right there. With the possibility of not being able to help him? That hurt even worse for you.
You rubbed your face and sat down when the night was over and everyone was back to the safety of camp. So far there were no casualties. Though there were a few injured. Nothing too severe and you were thankful for that.
“Cyare,” Jesse hummed. Sitting next to you. Leaning a head on your shoulder. Causing your lips to press into a small grin. He was so open about affection after the day Fives caught you two cuddling and told basically everyone. So he just didn’t care at this point.
“Welcome back, Jess,” you spoke. Your hand finding his while you rested your head on his. “Can you walk with me?” He asked. You could tell he was nervous by the way he played with your fingers. So many thoughts rushing in and out of your brain. Did something happen? Was he okay?
“Yeah, sure, what’s wrong?” You asked with worried eyes and he shook his head. “Oh nothing, it’s nothing bad. I just wanna show you something.” His smile reassured you. Making you smile back as the two of you began your walk away from camp.
He was squeezing your hand a bit tighter than normal. It didn’t hurt, but it made you curious what he was up to. “So, where are we going?” “You’ll see.” He was always up to surprises, and quite frankly. You enjoyed them. “It better be worth missing an early sleep.” You told him. Kissing his shoulder, and he let out a light laugh. “Isn’t any time away with just me, worth missing an early sleep?” He asked, and you fought the urge to roll your eyes. “Hmm.. no.” “Ouch,” he pouted, and you snickered.
You started looking around more, the trees that surrounded you were beginning to fade. Then Jesse moved in behind you covering your eyes. “Hey, what’s the big idea!” You spoke with a giggle, he tittered in your ear. Kissing behind it. “Shh, I want it to be a surprise.” You sighed. Free hand moving to fold across your chest. “It better be a good one,” “oh I’m fairly positive the view or either what I’ll be doing will surprise you.”
You were growing more curious now. What were his plans? He seemed determined to not tell, yet. So you knew begging with Jesse would do no good. Even if you knew you could probably get it out of him. You were honestly excited to watch this all play out. See what he had in stored.
When he removed his hand once the two of you came to a stop. Your eyes widened and you audibly gasped. The view was gorgeous. You could clearly see the stars and the other moons. Plus the giant planet near the moon you guys were wandering on. “It’s beautiful,” you murmured and his smile beamed. Nuzzling his nose into the side of your face. “I’m glad you like it, now come sit.”
You barely had anytime to protest before he was dragging you off to go and sit on a blanket laid out. Handing you a soda as he took his own. “Where’d you get these?” You asked, opening yours and taking a sip. “Fives, Rex and I found a whole crate of ‘em. We was told to leave them but Fives and I snuck a few bottles out. He was gunna give some to the other clones and I gave one to Kix. I told him to leave the Star Cherry for you though.” He explained, and you couldn’t help but smile as you watched him. Leaning in to kiss his cheek. “Well, thank you.” He nodded, wrapping an arm around you as he pulled you close to his side, head resting on top of yours.
“Anything for you, Beautiful.” He spoke, and your heart nearly melted. He was always so sweet to you. You wondered if you even deserved it sometimes. “Y/n,” you shifted a bit, still watching the stars. “Hm?” You hummed and he paused for a moment. “I want to marry you.”
His words made you pull back. Still sitting next to him, but now looking at him with wide eyes. “Before you say anything, Cyare, I love you. So much, and you know that,” he shifted to face you. Taking one of your hands in his. “We both know that, or should, and I.. When the war ends. I want to be with you, still. I want to be your riduur, if you’ll have me.” He spoke. Taking both your hands in his now. “I want to start a family with you, y/n, even if it is just us an a bunch of Loth-Cats.,” he teased and you smiled faintly. Still taking it all in. “Maker, I’d leave the war for you if you asked me to..” your smile faded a bit as that.
He frowned slightly when you weren’t saying anything. “Did I.. ruin the moment?” He asked, and you looked back to his eyes. Shaking your head with a small smile. “No, no, you didn’t, Jesse.” You reached up and took his face in your hands, “I love you, too, and I want to be with you. I will be your riduur, but..” you trailed off, and he brought his hand to cup the backs of your hands. Your anticipation killing him. “You don’t want to, do you?” He frowned, and you leaned in, pressing a kiss on his chin. “No, I don’t think I can wait until after the war..”
His smile was instant and it made your heart melt. “Well, I’m sure we could fix up something. Fives is in on it, he said he wanted to be the best man.” He rambled, and you giggled. He was so happy about all of this and it made you feel so warm and loved. The fact a simple agreement from your end could make Jesses whole world. “We’d have to do it in secret though, we’d be in so much trouble if anyone found out.” You told him, and he grinned. “Mesh’la.. If that means I get you as my riduur. Then I’d happily accept that fate.” He hummed. Leaning in and pressing his lips to yours.
You wrapped your arms around his neck. Then pulled away with a sigh. You were both so happy and content. Jesse was already planning how the two of you could marry in secret, but you were too tired to think up a plan. Right now, at least. “After we finish our sodas you may have to carry me back to base. I’m about ready to fall asleep.” You spoke with a yawn. Making your both laugh a bit. “I’d carry you anywhere.. Ner kar’ta.”
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skyguy-snips · 3 years
Chapter 2: Inhibitor Chips
Book 7: Battle Scars
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Words: 1263
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 3
note: rex! rex! rex! rex! he was skylar's OG big brother and they're the sweetest together omg (dave can we get rex in more episodes so i can write them together again?????)
Blue and white plastoid armor. She would recognize those tally marks anywhere.
He removed his hood, looking at them with an unreadable expression. Skylar felt Echo tense beside her, his arm lowering his blaster immediately.
“... Rex?”
“Oh, great. Another clone. Just what I needed,” Cid said. “Well don’t get comfy. I’m done taking in strays. This ain’t a clone clubhouse, ya know.”
She turned and walked back to her office muttering the entire way. Skylar just tuned her out, staring at the man in front of them. Hunter stepped forward, holstering his blaster as the rest of them did the same.
“Captain,” Hunter said with a nod.
“It’s been a while, boys,” Rex replied. They all stood silent for a few seconds, their minds reeling. The stillness was broken, however, when Skylar let out a sob.
All of their heads whipped around, finding Skylar with a hand over her mouth as she stared at Rex. He turned his eyes to her, posture immediately softening as he opened his arms. She took off, launching into a hug with her arms wrapped around his neck.
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” she cried quietly. Rex hugged her tightly around her waist, burying his face in her neck.
“I’m glad you’re okay, too,” he whispered, pulling back to press a kiss to the side of her head. She stepped back a bit, wiping her face as she sniffled.
She had been with the 501st since the start, always on the bridge with General Skywalker, Commander Tano, and Captain Rex. It was her job to reign in Skywalker’s wild schemes, providing strategic planning and quick modifications during battle. When she wasn’t on the bridge, she was either planning strategies in Rex’s office or training with the boys of Torrent company. She had grown close to all of them, and they watched over her like a little sister, even if she was a higher ranking than all but Rex.
““Where have you been, Rex?” Echo asked, stepping around Skylar to pull his former Captain into a crushing hug. They pulled back after a moment, both of their eyes shiny as they fell into a keldabe, sans-helmets.
“That’s a long story.”
They all sat at the bar as Rex finished explaining everything.
“And when the war ended, I guess you could say I’ve been… keeping a low profile,” Rex said.
“Very low. Imperial files have you listed as killed in action,” Tech said from the end of the bar. Skylar frowned at that, remembering stumbling across the file when she was trying to figure out what happened.
“Being dead in the Empire’s eyes has its advantages,” Rex replied. Skylar nudged his shoulder lightly with her own, Rex clinking his cup with Echo’s on his other side.
“Well, how’d you track us down?” Echo asked. Rex smiled.
“Trace and Rafa Martez. They said a squad of rogue clones helped them on Corellia,” he said, turning around on his barstool to lean forward on his knees. “They told me I could find you here. And that you were traveling with a kid. Who is she?”
“Omega. She’s a clone like us,” Hunter said from Skylar’s other side. Rex shot them a surprised look, but before he could ask any questions, there was a shout from the door.
“Well look who it is,” Wrecker laughed, running over to the group with Omega in tow. “Come here, Rex!”
Wrecker wrapped his arms around him, squeezing tightly as he lifted Rex off of his stool. Echo and Skylar laughed at the overwhelmed face Rex shot them.
“Yeah, good to see you too, Wrecker,” he said, voice strained.
“I thought you didn’t like the regs,” Omega said from behind Wrecker. He spun around with Rex still in his arms, and then placed him on the floor.
“This one we like,” he said, stumbling back when Rex gave him a shove. Echo and Skylar shook their heads fondly and cast each other amused looks.
“Omega, this is Rex,” Skylar said, gesturing between the two. Rex knelt down to her level.
“I’ve met many clones in my time, but never one like you,” he said. Omega just started at him for a moment before walking closer, stopping only inches from his face. He shifted a bit, eyes flitting around as she silently studied him.
“You’re a generation one,” she finally said, a smile forming. Rex just smiled back.
“Now how’d you know that?” he asked, impressed by this kid’s knowledge. She just continued to grin.
“From the lines on your face.”
Skylar almost spit out her drink, trying not to laugh at the look on Rex’s face after this girl just called him old. Over the years, Rex had become fairly good with kids, so he just took it in stride.
“Yeah, I guess I’ve been around,” he chuckled, glancing at the group over his shoulder.
“You got that right,” Skylar laughed, earning a playful glare from him. The moment was cut short when Wrecker groaned, grabbing the side of his head.
“Sky, I need one of those med patches,” he said, eyes squeezed shut in pain. Skylar rolled her eyes, missing the way Rex studied Wrecker as he slowly stood up.
“You used the last one,” she told him, digging through her bag.
“What’s wrong?” Rex asked, leveling him with an intense look.
“Nothin’, it’s just a headache,” Wrecker said, waving a hand.
“Which are becoming more frequent,” Skylar added. Rex glanced at her before his gaze went right back to Wrecker.
“Is that so?”
“If you're concerned about the so-called inhibitor chips, don’t be,” Tech reassured from the opposite end of the bar. “Our deviant nature appears to have impeded their functionality. Except in Crosshair.”
Skylar could see Rex grow even more tense.
“You’re telling me you haven’t removed your chips?” Rex asked lowly.
“No, not yet,” Tech replied.
Rex roughly grabbed Skylar’s arm, pulling her behind him and next to Omega as his right hand pulled his cloak back and hovered over his blaster. Skylar’s eyes widened, looking from the back of Rex’s head to the four sets of frightened eyes in front of them.
“Rex…?” Hunter asked, holding his hands up and stepping backwards towards his brothers.
“Those chips make you a threat to everyone around you. Even them,” Rex said, hand gesturing slightly towards the two girls behind him. His hand then settled on his blaster, and Skylar pulled Omega back a few steps with a hand on her shoulder. “You’re all ticking time bombs.”
“Take it easy, Captain,” Hunter said, taking a few steps forward with his hands out.
“What’s in your head is more dangerous than you can imagine. I’ve seen what happens when the chip activates, and I don’t want to bury any more of our brothers,” Rex said. Skylar deflated, remembering what Rex told them about his own experience during Order 66. The 501st, Jesse, Ahsoka. All of them six feet under on some moon. None of them deserved that.
“Trust me. It is not something you can control. I couldn’t,” he continued, eyes dropping as he remembered being locked inside of his own mind, having to watch as he shot at Ahsoka, hunting her down. “It’s a risk you do not want to take.”
Skylar stepped forward a bit, placing a gentle hand on Rex’s armored shoulder. She felt him relax a bit, and the hand that was on his blaster came up to rest on top of hers.
She saw Hunter glance at her and Omega, frowning at the thought of having to hurt them against his will. He looked at Rex, then, determined.
“How do you suggest we get them out?” he asked. Skylar moved to stand beside Rex, turning and looking at him.
“Good question. I’ll be in touch,” he replied.
Taglist (request to be added here)
@commxnderwolffe @graciaramirez @killtherandomness @nerjetiise @photowizard17 @selbyknox @unapprovedtrash@xsweetchanx @hannahbowker @little-dove14 @quietly-scrolling-through @wondergal2001 @zombiedixon89 @hanns1d @lokigirlszendaya @louise-12
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calebdumes · 3 years
kanan has a nightmare and it gets to ezra through their bond and they are both shaken up by it? three cheese for space fam and dealing with trama!
idk how much dealing with the trauma there is in this but kanan and ezra do have a nightmare and they kind of ~talk~ 
fandom: star wars rebels
relationship: space dad kanan & space son ezra || kanan jarrus/hera syndulla
rating: t
word count: 2.2k
The fire crackled warmly in the makeshift pit, its dancing flames wrapping around the logs and sending smoke up into the night sky. A comforting orange glow illuminated the small campsite, Hera a warm line of heat next to him. Kanan sat back against the large boulder and smiled. There was no mission to plan, no stormtroopers to deal with, and most importantly, there were no kids to bother them. It was just him and Hera and the three gleaming moons. For a moment, he was at peace.
Until he realized, Lothal didn’t have three moons. 
Kanan sat forward, his eyes straining in the darkness as he tried to take in the surroundings but with the light of fire, it was impossible to see anything clearly. He rose to his feet, squinting into the darkness, as he asked, “Hera, where are we?”
“Kaller.” she replied, not looking away from the burning flames. “You’ve been here before, remember?”
“Yeah,” Kanan said slowly as the shape of the Kallernut trees started to come into focus. “But I don’t remember telling you about it.”
“That’s because you never tell me anything that matters.” 
Kanan frowned at her. “What are you talking about? I tell you stuff all the time.”
“I see through you Kanan.” she shot back, her voice surprisingly hard. “I know what you really are.”
“Hera,” Kanan said, taking a step towards her, unease curling in his chest. “What are you talking about?”
“Do you remember what happened here?” She asked, pulling her eyes away from the flickering flames to land on his face. “Do you remember how she died?
“What?” Kanan breathed, shock running through him.
“The clones started attacking and you ran. Just like you always do.”
Her words felt like a punch to the gut, each one ringing painfully true in his ears. “Hera, you have to understand.” he started to explain, panic blooming in his chest. “I was only a kid, I didn’t know what to do.”
“You should have saved her.” Hera said suddenly right there in front of him. He blinked at her closeness and took a half step back, stumbling on the uneven ground. “Or you should have died with the rest of them.”
“You don’t mean that.” Kanan’s voice was shaking, his stomach twisting into knots. “You don’t mean that Hera.”
“Doesn’t she?”  a new voice said loudly. The familiar tone sent a spike of fear racing down his spine, his jaw clenching painfully. Slowly Kanan turned to face the voice with wide eyes. 
Captain Styles stood on the edge of the small campsite, his helmet resting at his feet. He didn’t look like what Caleb remembered, his face was weathered, his dark hair grey with age. Hate burned in his amber eyes, it seeped from his every pore. He wanted Caleb dead. 
Styles adjusted the blaster in his hands, his finger twitching on the trigger. Caleb staggered backwards, his heart racing in his chest. He had to get Hera out of here and away from the clone. She didn’t understand, she didn’t know what it was like. She was like the kid, she thought Rex was harmless but Caleb knew the truth. The clones were bred to kill Jedi.  
Styles raised his blaster and pointed it at Hera. “You should have died with the rest of the Jedi scum.” 
“Styles no please!” Caleb said, putting himself between the clone and Hera. “Please don’t hurt her.” he begged, his voice wavering. “You can do whatever you want to me but please don’t hurt her.”
“Remember what I taught you my padawan.” Depa Billaba said, stepping out from the shadows. “You must not grow too attached, too fond, too in love with life as it is now.” 
A raw sound tore from Caleb’s chest as he looked at his master. Her robes were littered with blaster holes, the fabric still smoking from the killing shots. Her hair that was normally kept in tightly braided loops at the back of her head was loose and falling around her face.
“Master.” Caleb breathed. 
“Step aside padawan.”
“No master.” he pleaded. “She didn’t do anything wrong! Please!”
Hera stepped around him, her lips a thin line. “You can’t save me Kanan.” she said. “I’m going to die because of you.”
“No Hera, stop.” Kanan moved to grab her but his master raised her hand, the Force wrapping around him and holding him in place. 
He watched in horror, unable to move as Hera walked up to Rex with her head held high. She nodded at the clone once and closed her eyes just as he pulled the trigger. 
Kanan jolted awake, sheets gripped tightly between his fingers. The room was shaking, the tools on Hera’s workbench rattling, his lightsaber jumping on the floor. Sweat dripped down his face as his breaths ripped from his chest, the ragged edges of his nightmare leaving bleeding gashes in his mind. 
It was just a dream. It wasn’t real. 
He pulled his knees to his chest and let himself shake, repeating the words over and over until he felt his body begin to relax and the room quiet. His grip on the Force slowly began to loosen, leaving him feeling worn thin and scraped raw. 
Kanan didn’t remember the last time he had a nightmare like that. It had to have been during the early days, before he had joined Hera’s crew. Kanan shuttered as the image of Hera walking to her death flashed across his mind. He turned his head and cracked open an eye to find her side of the bed empty. Panic froze in his veins before he remembered that Sato had called a meeting later that evening. It must have run late if she wasn’t back yet. 
But Kanan’s mind wandered to the figure sleeping in his unused room, the clone they had brought back from Seelos. Kanan shook himself and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. Taking a deep breath, he stretched his awareness out through the Force. Garel rose around him, millions of beings burning brightly like tiny stars in an infinite black sky. Kanan pushed them aside until he found her, alive and well. 
Kanan came back to himself, the small knot of tension that had been building in his shoulders, releasing. But still he was restless. His nightmare was still too fresh to try sleeping again and without Hera around to keep him occupied he was at a loss. So he pushed himself to his feet and made his way out of Hera’s cabin.
It was dark in the lounge but it didn’t keep him from noticing the slight figure curled up on the acceleration couch. With a frown, Kanan flicked on the light to find Ezra blinking up at him. 
“Ezra, what are you doing up?”
The kid looked rough, his long dark hair sticking up at odd tuffs and there were deep circles under his eyes. He looked about as bad as Kanan felt. 
“Couldn’t sleep.” he said in a horse voice, his head drooping. “Bad dream.”
“Yeah.” Kanan nodded. “Tell me about it.”
“You had a bad dream?” Ezra asked as Kanan sat down on the couch next to him. He nodded, running a hand down his face. “You wanna talk about it?”
“Not really.” Kanan smiled at him weakly. “You wanna talk about yours?”
Ezra looked down at the holotable. “I don’t remember much, I just remember feeling so scared. I think you might have been there and some guy that looked like Rex.”
Kanan froze, cutting his eyes over at his padawan. “What?”
“Like I said, it was weird.”
Kanan swallowed in response, letting the conversation drop. It wasn’t unheard of for dreams to pass between Force sensitives, Kanan just wished it hadn’t happened between him and Ezra. He didn’t need his padawan knowing about…any of that. He had enough to deal with, he didn’t need to have to put up with Kanan’s issues too. 
“Hey Kanan,” Ezra said after a moment. “You know Rex is on our side right?”
“Yeah I know.” But knowing and accepting were two different things. Kanan didn’t know how to explain to the kid what it was like looking at Rex and seeing the face of the man who tried to kill him. Styles and Grey - Big Mouth, Soot, Kylon, Remo, Mixx - they were his brothers and they killed his master and nearly killed him. He knew Rex was on their side but Kanan couldn’t forget the past, not when it looked back at him through Rex’s eyes.
“I think we’ve got some old holocartoons loaded on this thing.” Kanan flicked a switch on the table, turning it on so he had something to do with his hands. “Want to watch something?”
“Yeah.” Ezra said, sitting back. “I’d be okay with that.”
“Well as long as you’re okay with it.” Kanan rolled his eyes, toggling one of the knobs and pulling up a show. 
“Hey you’re the one who asked.” Ezra elbowed him in the side. 
“Just hush and watch the show.”
“Yes master.”
Kanan let his head hit the bulkhead as the show started, his eyes slipping close. He felt Ezra lean into his side, heard his little huff as he laughed at something on show, his amusement spreading out in the Force. Kanan clung to it, letting it fight back the darkness that still clung to the edges of his mind. 
“It was your dream I saw, wasn’t it?” Ezra asked softly as the cartoon continued to play in the background. 
“I’m sorry.” Kanan sighed tiredly. “I didn’t mean for it to happen.” He kept his eyes closed, not wanting to see the expression on the young boy’s face. 
“Is it because of Rex? Because he looks like the clone that hurt you?”
Kanan sat forward and rested his elbows on his knees. “Ezra…” he began but fell short, the words slipping from his grasp.
“You don’t have to talk about it.” Ezra said quickly.
“It’s not that I don’t want to talk about it. It’s just...”
Kanan glanced over at him. There was understanding shining in his bright blue eyes, a shared pain hidden in their depths. Ezra had been through so much in his young life and yet he never lost his ability to show compassion. Kanan had never been prouder to call him his padawan. 
“It’s hard.” he repeated. 
“But you’re okay now?”
“Yeah kid.” he said, wrapping his arm around the boy’s shoulders. “I’m okay.”
Hera trudged through the spaceport, desperately wishing for her bed. The set up Phoenix Squadron wasn’t going to last. Hiding this many rebel ships on Garel was a logistical nightmare and they just didn’t have the credits to sustain it. They needed to find a permanent base and fast. But for right now, Hera needed sleep. She would worry about that problem tomorrow. 
Chopper waved at her from the cockpit as soon as she stepped into the landing bay that housed the Ghost, the back hatch already lowering. She gave him a grateful toss of her fingers and made her way up the ramp. He beeped at her lowly as she heaved herself up into the cockpit, his manipulator arms swaying with disapproval. 
“I know, I know.” She said. “But I’m back now ok? You can relax.”
He let out another string of disgruntled beeps before rolling away down the hallway. Hera watched him leave, confused. “Wait Chopper what do you mean Kanan and Ezra are waiting for me?” 
She followed after the droid, coming up short as she entered the lounge. Sitting at the acceleration couch, fast asleep, were Kanan and Ezra. Ezra had his head resting on Kanan’s shoulder, a small puddle of drool staining Kanan’s grey shirt dark. Kanan’s neck was bent in an uncomfortable looking angle, his mouth slightly open as he snored. Hera shook her head before gently touching his shoulder.  
“Kanan love.” she whispered, feeling him tense under her fingers. “Don’t you think you’d be more comfortable in a bed?”
“Probably.” he mumbled. “But I got this mynock stuck to me.”
“Do you want me to carry him?”
Kanan cracked open one of his teal eyes, the corners of his mouth lifting. “You could carry me.”
“I could but I won’t.” She responded. “Why are you out here?”
“Couldn’t sleep.” Kanan stretched, the bones in his spine audibly cracking. There were shadows under his eyes and a haunted look hiding on his face. Hera could tell that he was bothered by something, something that had driven him and Ezra from the beds and whatever it was, it wasn’t good. 
Hera frowned, worry growing in her gut. “Both of you?” she asked as she sat down beside him. 
“It’s a long story.”  he yawned but didn’t elaborate. His head fell onto her shoulder, his soft hair tickling the underside of her chin.“I’ll tell you about it in the morning.”
It wasn’t what she wanted to hear and she had a million or so questions that she wanted to ask but her mind was starting to grow fuzzy from exhaustion and from the tired look on Kanan’s face, he wasn’t in the mood to talk. So instead she kissed his cheek, trailing her fingers down the side of his jaw. 
“Tomorrow sounds good.”
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febuwhump day 11: hallucinations
“If you’re going to face Maul, you’re going to need these.”
She’d imagined this moment so many times. Imagined exactly what she would do or say when she got them back. They’d been taken from her while she was still an enemy of the Republic. It would be nice to put them back on her hips as a Jedi again.
Not yet. But soon.
She opened the box. They were shinier than they ever were while under her possession.
“I took care of them. They’re good as new.”
Ahsoka ignited the sabers, suddenly grateful that her own eyes were blue. They concealed the moisture she couldn’t quite manage to keep back.
“Maybe a little better,” he smirked and folded his arms across his chest.
She went through a kata, trying them out and waiting for a comment to lift her shoulders or keep her feet further apart.
Anakin just smiled down at her, proudly.
“You capture Maul, I’ll take care of Grievous. With any luck, this will all be over soon.”
“Master Kenobi always said there’s no such thing as luck.”
His grin widened. “Good thing I taught you otherwise.” He turned to walk away and her feet became molten to the floor. She didn’t know the next time she’d see him. Everything was happening so fast and the whiplash from it all was too much. She had things to say to him. Things that couldn’t wait.
“Anakin!” she called.
He turned, expectantly.
Good luck, she should have said and turned back toward her own ship. Better to get it over with. Goodbyes weren’t meant to be drawn out.
But she’d been on this plane with him before, in a world that felt so long ago, and this time she was the one watching him walk away.
“Do you–” she shifted. “Are you shipping out immediately?”
His gaze moved around the hangar, bustling with clones running back and forth with gear and weapons. She knew his answer. They were leaving as soon as possible and, as General, it was Anakin’s job to speed that along.
She silently begged him to break the rules for her one more time.
“I’ve got some time,” he said. She didn’t miss the hopeful smile.
“Me, too,” she breathed, even though it wasn’t true. “Can we–” A breath and a laugh. “Get back over here, Skyguy.”
Anakin smiled and practically bounded back to her, making the first move to drop to the floor, in the middle of the hangar. She laughed loudly, looking at his ridiculous form, sitting legs crossed, on the durasteel floor while battle preparations raged around him. 
He flicked her shin.
“I beat your record,” she said, dropping to the floor in front of him, and scooting close enough so that their knees were pressed into each other. 
“My record?”
“Repaired a nitro-transmitter with two cables.”
“You did not,” he scoffed. “You need five, at least.”
“Two,” she insisted, smiling victoriously.
“I call bullshit. You’re not that good. Not yet, anyway.”
“I’ve been this good for a while, actually, thank you very much,” she sniffed haughtily. “You just haven’t been able to see past your own big head–”
He pouted. “Hey, you know how I feel about the size of my head–”
She cackled. “Oh, shut up. My head is bigger than yours, by far! Do you see these things?” She fumbled with her montrals and lekku emphatically. “It was a joke and you still–”
“Commander,” a voice interrupted. She’d told him to call her Ahsoka, but Rex was a man of tradition. Even so...strange for him to only address her.
“Hey, Rexster,” she grinned up at him. He looked troubled. “Ready for another adventure? Just can’t get rid of me, huh?”
“Ahsoka,” he said, a bit more harshly. He still hadn’t looked at Anakin. “It’s time to go.”
Now, she was the one frowning. “Just a few more minutes. Is Bo-Katan already on board? We’ll–” Her mouth hung open as she turned back to Anakin. Except–
He wasn’t there.
“Master?” Her head swivelled around the hangar.
“Master!” she repeated, a bit more frantically. This wasn’t how this was supposed to go. She hadn’t told him about her new candied rat addiction or about Trace and Rafa. About how she’d finally taught herself to paint the fingernails on her left hand so he wouldn’t be forced to do it for her anymore. 
She hadn’t said goodbye.
“Where is he, Rex?” she asked, scrambling to her feet. The Captain touched her shoulder lightly, but she threw him off. “Anakin!” she yelled, to the empty hangar.
Empty? But it had been so busy before.
Did they leave her? How? She was leading this operation.
“Where is everyone?” she murmured to herself. Then, “Where is everyone?” to Rex, rounding on him fiercely.
“Ahsoka,” he said carefully, holding his hands out in front of him. “Listen to me–”
“No!” she shouted. “You took him from me!” She reached for her sabers, but came up empty.
What was going on–
“WHERE IS HE?” she screamed.
Rex grabbed for her shoulders. She pushed against him and found that his armour had disappeared. He wrapped his arms tight around her, successfully restraining her against him.
A sob ripped straight from her gut.
“Shh,” Rex said into her montral. “Easy, kid.”
“My Master,” she strangled into his shoulder. “He’s gone.”
“I know,” he whispered, nodding ever so slightly against her.
“I want him back.”
“I know that, too.” He loosened his grip around her. “But he’s not coming back, Ahsoka.”
She melted into the scratchy fabric of Rex’s shirt. Scratchy–because they’d gotten it at a market on some backwater planet a couple months ago. After they’d finally found their way off that Force-forsaken moon. 
“Because of the...orders,” she managed, hoarsely.
“Yeah,” he said quietly, tense and full of shame. “Because of the...orders.” He pulled away from her, but kept his hands on her shoulders. “You with me, kid? You here?”
Ahsoka blinked at him and the rest of the hangar around them fell away. Replaced by darkness. Trees. A small fire.
“I’m here.”
“Good,” he said softly, stepping back and surveying her fully, like he had since she was a little Padawan. Always checking on her. She needed it now more than she’d needed it then. “I don’t like it when you...when you go away like that.”
She smiled weakly. “Thanks for always bringing me back.”
Because that was her curse in life. In a universe where pain was more prevalent than peace and Masters left their Padawans behind...where there was no power that could reverse what had been done to him or all the others–
Ahsoka always came back. No matter how much she’d begged the Force to let her get lost.
febuwhump 2021 prompt list
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seasidepierre · 3 years
oh my gosh, a playlist for pull me back to you would be perfection (just like you) - 🪐
Hi Saturn!
Took me a little while because I was having a dance party in the process!
You can find the playlist here but here’s the lyrics that made me choose these songs!
Someone To You - BANNERS
I don't even need to change the world I'll make the moon shine just for your view I'll make the starlight circle the room And if you feel like night is falling I wanna be the one you're calling 'Cause I believe that you could lead the way
Kiss Her You Fool - Kids That Fly
Stop waiting for a fairytale to Take you away, don't wait for someday She's thinking the same thing as you Don't be afraid, dreams aren't found they're made
Best Friend - Rex Orange County
And that's because I wanna be your favorite boy I wanna be the one that makes your day The one you think about as you lie awake I can't wait to be your number one I'll be your biggest fan and you'll be mine
Backyard Boy - Claire Rosinkranz
I can feel your eyes stare And I'm not gonna lie I get a little bit scared My heart is on wings I'm living in dreams
Friends - Ed Sheeran
We're not friends, we could be anything If we tried to keep those secrets safe No one will find out if it all went wrong They'll never know what we've been through So I could take the back road But your eyes'll lead me straight back home And if you know me like I know you You should love me, you should know
I Like Me Better - Lauv
I don't know what it is but I got that feeling Waking up in this bed next to you swear the room, yeah, it got no ceiling If we lay, let the day just pass us by I might get to too much talking, I might have to tell you something Damn I like me better when I'm with you
Us - James Bay
We used to be kids living just for kicks In cinema seats, learning how to kiss Running through streets that were painted gold We never believed we'd grow up like this So tell me how to be in this world Tell me how to breathe in and feel no hurt Tell me how 'cause I believe in something I believe in us
When You're Ready - Shawn Mendes
What if my dad is right when he says that you're the one No, I can't even argue, I won't even fight him on it Call you when it's late and I know that you're in bed 'Cause I'm three hours back, seems like you're always six ahead And I don't know why I try 'cause ain't nobody like you
Make You Mine - PUBLIC
Well, I will call you darlin' and everything will be okay 'Cause I know that I am yours and you are mine Doesn't matter anyway In the night, we'll take a walk, it's nothin' funny Just to talk Put your hand in mine You know that I want to be with you all the time
This Town - Niall Horan
And I want to tell you everything The words I never got to say the first time around And I remember everything From when we were the children playing in this fairground Wish I was there with you now If the whole world was watching I’d still dance with you Drive highways and byways to be there with you Over and over the only truth Everything comes back to you [...] And I know that it’s wrong That I can’t move on But there’s something about you
Photograph - Ed Sheeran
We keep this love in a photograph We made these memories for ourselves Where our eyes are never closing Hearts are never broken And time's forever frozen, still [...] You won't ever be alone, wait for me to come home
Tombé - M. Pokora (y/n and Pierre being both French, you couldn't escape this.. This one's a french song but I got you a translation!)
If ever you're scared Trust in me I will take your pain You will see, it will be fine If ever you doubt I make you a promise To keep on your way The words, the tenderness [...] I fell, fell, fell I was touched, bravo my queen you have won I was but a madman, a madman to lock up
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tloujm · 3 years
Part XXV: Night at the Museum
Author’s Notes: A direct continuation of the previous chapter. I was going to do the science museum thing all in one, but it turned out really long, so I figured I’d split it up. Ngl, didn’t proof read it yet, but I wanted to upload it. Will do later. 
Genre: Fluff & Angst
Summary: The three of you spend the night inside the museum and continue with scavenging the next day. Things are still a bit tense between you and Joel. Kiddo has a few lines and her identity is revealed at the end. 
Ship: Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
The three of you began to walk down another hallway, no longer illuminated by whatever sunlight came through the windows. Kiddo was first to turn on her flashlight. A Walk Through the Stars , you read the title of the next exhibit in your head. Abruptly, she stopped right before entering the room completely. 
Joel walked around her motionless body and noticed her widened eyes. “You don’t like it. We can...umm…(Y/N) can stay in the other room with you while I clear this one, then we can---”
“Are you kidding?” Kiddo finally spoke. Though soft, her voice emanated throughout the room and traveled to your ears. You couldn’t believe it.
She proceeded to take in the space exhibit in all its glory. You and Joel exchanged glances before looking back at her. She was so preoccupied with the artifacts lining the display cases that she forgot about clearing the room. Joel watched her have fun for a moment longer before following you as you swept the area. 
He signalled you an all-clear and you nodded. The two of you joined in and enjoyed the artifacts as if you were guests. 
“(Y/N), C’mere” He waved you over to where he was standing. “You think they could use this back home?” He waved his light on the array of solar panel prototypes against the wall.
You shrugged. “Probably. It would definitely help, but I don’t know who’d know how to make it work.”
“I’m sure Tommy knows somebody who can.” He replied. He looked over at you, but you refused to look back. You could feel his eyes on you. Finally, he tore them away to watch Kiddo climb onto a rover replica that was further into the room. “Listen (Y/N), I’m sorry about what I said back there.” His voice lowered.
“Now’s not the time.” You responded flatly.
“She can’t hear us.” He nodded back at Kiddo.
“I don’t care. I’m not doing this now. We can talk about this when we get home.” With that, you left him to stand there alone as you walked over to the rover display. He let his head fall and sighed before following you. 
“Where’s the steering wheel on this thing?” Joel asked out loud.
“They use joysticks.” Kiddo explained in brevity. She moved it around for Joel to see. 
He began to examine the small vehicle. “Huh...hang on! Is this the real one?”
A dry chuckle left your lips. “Considering they left the real ones on the moon, I would say no.” He glanced up at your reply. Kiddo obliviously made engine noises with her mouth as she steered the joy stick. 
“Can we make camp here?” She spoke up again.
“I don’t see why not.” Joel answered. You began to barricade the entrance to the exhibit while Joel prepped the area for sleep. A metallic knocking sound echoed through the room. He turned to see Kiddo messing with a small cabin capsule. She peered through the tiny window before attempting to open its door. With a grunt, Joel got up and opened it for her; the metal screeched as he did. She peered her head in with the flashlight and deemed it safe. “I want to sleep in here tonight.” She looked up at him, her eyes asking if it were ok.
“You sure you want to? It looks mighty cramped in there.” She nodded. He glanced inside to see two seats. “S’pose you’d fit in there just fine.” He nodded before walking away. “Looks like it’s just the two of us.” He said to your back as you faced the barricade. You let out a sigh and prepped an area between him and the capsule to sleep on. 
Joel’s body naturally woke. Being in a windowless room, he had no sense of time. Reflexively, he looked down at his watch. He would do that from time to time before remembering that it wasn’t going to give him an answer. He laid his head back on the backpack that he used as a pillow while his thumb brushed over the cracked face of the watch. Thinking of Sarah made him think of Kiddo. Quietly, as to not wake you, he walked over to the capsule and peered through the tiny window. He barely saw you, but he could tell she was still sleeping too.
Regardless of the time, Joel decided to start his day. He went back to the janitor’s closet he stumbled upon yesterday and grabbed a tool bag. The sun beamed down on him as he walked the distance back to where he left the truck. 
Joel removed the screwdriver he used as a key from the ignition. He took a deep breath in front of the museum entrance as he thought about you. He knew you’d be awake by now. Deservingly, he was sure you’d still give him the cold shoulder. He decided to focus his energy on bringing one of those solar panels down and give you space. Thinking about it, you were right; last night was not the time. 
Back at home, the three of you unloaded the pickup truck full of scavenged goodies. Joel had to admit, he did not think you guys would find so much stuff of use from a museum. Tommy and another guy helped him move the solar panel while you and Kiddo delivered some farming tools to the gardeners. The scavenge also produced books for the library and school, medical texts for the infirmary and seeds for new crops amongst other things. 
He had no idea where you were after the truck was cleared out and returned to the garage. You were not at home, so he was on his way to the daycare. Surely, you were there with Kiddo. He was both ready and not ready to have this talk with you. He knew how he felt, but wasn’t sure how to express it. He also didn’t want to have this dragging on unresolved any longer. While it was a trip with the purpose of acquiring supplies and training Kiddo, he also wanted to have a good time. He reminded himself to count his blessings: there were no run-ins with any infected or otherwise. Things could have gone worse. As he wondered whether he overreacted or not, he felt a hand fall on his shoulder. 
“Joel, I’m glad I caught you.” Wendy said.
“I came to see if (Y/N) was here.” He replied. “Why, what’s wrong?”
“Oh, nothing’s wrong. You just missed (Y/N). The girl too. She took her and some of the other kids on an impromptu field trip to the library to see some of the new stuff you guys brought over. I’m sure they’ll be back later on this evening. But what I wanted to see you about was this.” She handed him a folded sheet of paper. The edges were ragged on the left side as if it were torn out of a book. “She wanted me to give this to you just in case she didn’t get the chance today.”
It was a homemade card. On the cover was a drawing of a bright green T-Rex with a brown, wide brimmed hat on its head. His lips curled up in a smile before he opened the card. In colorful letters, it simply said Thank You and at the very bottom, it was signed with her name.
His eyebrows raised as he scratched his beard. “Ellie.” He breathed out her name. 
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kurtty-drabbles · 3 years
The mysterious Death of Charles Xavier Part 2
N/A: A bit more set up for this story.
@dannybagpipesarecalling @kurttyfamily  @tieflingteeth
The chippering birds are singing loudly on the bare branch of the tree near Maximoff´s household. One girl wearing a purple cloak and spreading towards the woman at the entrance of the house- the woman is wearing scarlet and is holding a teacup hovering in the air- and hugs said the woman. “Miss Maximoff, guess what? I got accept into the school!’
Kitty is beaming as she’s holding the letter of acceptance. Wanda Maximoff hugs the girl, her hand is gloved with velvet red and once the hug is broken, the Scarlet Witch titled her head. “School?”
Kitty beams and explains in one go, without needing to breathe, what really happened, and then takes a moment to breathe. Wanda blinks at the explanation.
“I see, let’s drink tea and talk,” Wanda set the table-one can see the magic items and even feel the charm itself. Kitty is familiar with going to this place, however, Kitty never saw the Darkhold...too advanced and too dangerous.
“So, from what you told me, you want to go to Hellfire School to solve the mystery of Charles Xavier´s death, ok, may I ask why?” Wanda asked curiously as the young pupil is tying up her hair in a ponytail at the last minute.
“Well, I...” she is cut off as a strong wind flips her hair, she looks around to see a new person in the room. “Oh, hello Mr. Maximoff,” Kitty greets him. Pietro rolls his eyes-it´s possible to see the corner of his mouth twisting in a smile- and speaks to the girl.
“I told you to stop calling me that, Mr. Maximoff makes me feel old...and I already have white hair,” he mentions his hair as proof of his words.
Kitty nods sagely. “Ok, Mr. P”
Wanda chuckles at that. Pietro sighs.
“Well, it’s better...and you what you two are talking about? magic stuff?” Pietro asked interested and resembling a curious puppy. Wanda shakes her head.
“Actually no, we´re talking about Kitty going to Hellfire School,” Wanda explained cautiously. “The school where Prof X was murder,” she raises her eyebrows and gesture to Kitty Pryde.
Pietro takes the hint. “So, let me get this straight, you wanna solve another mystery?” Pietro asked, and Kitty nods mutely. “Of course, here we go again, ok...did you know Prof X´ house was a school before the Hellfire took over?”
Kitty denies and now is giving undying attention to Pietro.
“Yeah, the Hellfire used to be a school for all mutants, well, he had a group of mutants called X-Men...Scott was the leader,” Pietro snickers and Wanda gives him a pointy look at him.
“After the death of Prof X, yes Kitty he was called like that, the X-Men disbanded, and re-grouped in other places,” Wanda pipes in calmly.
Pietro grimace now. “Our sperm donor was friends with Prof X,” he looks a bit revolted, “or maybe more than friends when the bald man died...our sperm donor cried like we never saw before, nor we´ll,” Pietro added somberly.
Wanda nods. “Yes, Magneto was so distraught by Prof X´ death...he even tried to take the school to honor his “friend” death," Wanda takes a sip of his cup of tea. “Then, by the intervention of law, Madelyne Pryor got the acquaintance of the school,”
Wanda can see the gears on Kitty´s mind working.
“But, what about Jean Grey? Should she be the one to be the heir? I mean, Prof X had a son ....who rejected him, the school in several ways, even legal ways,” Kitty remembers that story and has the clips saved on her pen drive.
Pietro interjected. “Well, yes. But Jean and Maddy are twins,” Pietro seems to want to make a joke and Wanda shakes her head. “Anyway, Maddy was made the heir for reasons we do not know...and then she and Emma created the Hellfire school, a place for mutants who are real genius!”
kitty blinks remembering this story. This time Wanda scoffs.
“Emma is a bitch,” Wanda replied and Kitty is shocked by the choice of words. “Sorry Kitty, but, she is....we have a bad history. Anyway, it was her idea to make this school so...exclusive,” Wanda is clearly not pleased.
Pietro nods in agreement. “She’s also one of the few telepaths who are powerful enough to hold the title Prof X left open,”
“And to make our sperm donor back off, say what you will about Emma, but she’s truly strong to make Magneto think twice before anything, few have this...privilege,” Wanda replied cooly.
Kitty nods. “And how the body was found? I mean, Prof X is/was a powerful telepath... I find it hard to believe he was murder in the traditional way,”
Pietro and Wanda sent a look to each other.
“Kitten, look, is already too late to say how dangerous and morbid this all is, again, not your first mysterious death nor will be your last...but, Prof X had many secrets, made many enemies...his death is not truly investigated,” the twins talked together.
Kitty holds her tongue to not say how funny that was.
“I know...but like you two said, together! I had to do this once again,” Kitty states conventionally.
Wanda sighs and then speaks. “You know, Reeds tried to solve it...”
Pietro shakes his head. “He’s that smart and I bet he knows what happened but refuses to share it,”
No one argues against that.
Kitty holds her letter. “Well, guess I have to be smarter than him,” she jokes. “and yes, I´ll solve the case,”
“Just be careful, Kitty, those students are scary smart, one of them, moon girl is so smart she...created a dino,” Pietro exclaimed perplexed.
Wanda chuckles. “You have a twin you is a witch. This surprised you?!”
“Wanda, have you made a T-Rex? No, I don´t think so,”
Kitty watches them bicker for some time.
Cameron is a rational man, at least, he truly hopes he is. When his daughter develops magic and mutation well, the man was freaking out, but, thanks to Terry, his dear wife, the man got a grip and did the right thing.
This, however, is a matter they both need to discuss quickly as possible. “Terry, listen, I have a friend in New Orleans, he has a house for rent, we can go there...Kitty can study in that School of magic in New Orleans, We can live there,” Cameron suggested.
Terry’s lips are now a thin line. “Look, we´re jumping horses here, your job...how that would work?”
Cameron raises his hand. “We have a filial in New Orleans, I can be transferred there,”
Terry is biting her lips now. “Yes, but the legal process would take a while, plus, we never enter contact with that school, Wanda told us, remember? That New Orleans magic school has time to accept new students...and I think we´re far behind,” Terry responds worriedly.
“True, but I was thinking...maybe Scarlet Witch could...you know, open some door for Kitty,” noticing his wife’s gaze, Cameron amends. “Look, I´m not happy with any of this, but, do you want our daughter to be the sole magic user here?”
Terry blinks.
“I´m a muggle, ok, but even I know Kitty must be lonely here. She’s the only witch in this area, is involved in dark mysterious and well, is the only witch too young to join a coven,” Cameron replied.
“Oh...but she has so many friends, does she needs witch friends?”
“I don´t know, again, I´m a muggle, but, wouldn´t hurt...Kitty can be more close with her magic side, it feels as if we´re trying to force her to choose one side,” Cameron states.
“All paths lead to Hellfire School then, and I hate it, I don´t want them to bully her...look, our daughter may not be magic, but, those kids...” she trails off.
Cameron nods slowly. “I´m afraid too, but let’s be real, what option do we have here, we once tried to lock her in her room to stop her from tangle her in dark mystery, and...we found out her former principal is Satan,”
“Mephisto” Terry corrected.
“Yeah, so...let’s try a new approach, maybe this is just the typical ‘’rich dude is killed for money’’ and will be bored, hey, sometimes rich people kill each other for money, not for Satan,”
The door slams and the two adults jolt.
Kitty enters the house. Still holding the letter. “Mom, dad...”
Terry just hugs her daughter, “tell me, do you want to go to this school?”
Kitty nods.
“Promise to call us?”
Kitty nods.
“Then...fine...guess we have no choice, but, look is temporary, you heard me, temporary!”
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hungrywhovianjedi · 4 years
Twin Moons
read also on my AO3 and my FF.net read the rest here prologue chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Premise of the story:  Obi-Wan never took Luke to Tatooine in fact they overshot the force forsaken dustball completely and instead Luke grew up on the planet Lothal being trained to become a Jedi like his father before him. Ezra Bridger is an orphan loner who only makes an exception to his solitude for one boy. The boy who helped him out when he was seven, and that Ezra always seems to get into trouble.
NOW FOR THE BIG REVEAL The cover of Twin Moons art is by the amazingly talented @sunflova​ 
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He took it all back, when he said Luke was more like his mother he took it back, as he looked through the wreckage that was a speeder bike and tie fighter he admitted it. He raised another Anakin. Yet another Skywalker with a reckless streak that caused chaos wherever he went. This level of Reckless he hadn't seen in fifteen years!
He knew Luke was alive, despite his initial panic, he could still feel the steady if dull connection between them, and had felt the fear when Luke noticed he was starting to lose his sense of his mentor in the force.
More concerning was still the cold weight that had settled over Lothal, only that coldness made him glad Luke was not on this planet right now, a shadow had come to land on this planet, and it was better that Luke not encounter it. 
Feeling this darkness was like being pushed back in time, the worst night of his life. He was suddenly facing Anakin on Mustafar. He didn't know what brought him here, but Vader was on Lothal, and Ben was prepared for the worst. 
Although preferably he would avoid his former apprentice completely, and find a ship to follow Luke off the planet.  He knew the boy was frightened, could feel it in their bond. He sent a wordless reassurance through the force, and only hoped Luke would receive it. 
Anger burned through him, a red hot flame cutting through everything. The first thing he gets told upon landing is of incompetence. An entire shipment of arms lost to, as the reports and security footage said, two smugglers and children. He watched again the footage showed two young boys jumping a median on a stolen speeder. His eyes were drawn again to the boy driving a halo of golden hair, and a stern set to his mouth. There was something deeply familiar about the boy, but he couldn't place it. 
"Get me agent Kallus" He ordered, then after a moment of thought, "and bring me the sorry excuse of a commander that claims to be in charge of this battalion"
"Yes sir!" The trooper by the door saluted, and marched through the door. 
Stormtroopers, he sneered at the thought, he missed the Clones, he never had mishaps like this when he commanded the 501st. The Clones would have deftly handled the thieves, and he wouldn't have to get ISB involved. However the Clones were made dispensable, their advanced aging process taking its toll, and they were all but broken down shells now. They kept a few on to train legions of troopers, but otherwise they were dead or AWOL. One of these was his once Captain and Friend CT7567 Rex. He was disappointed when he heard that Rex's ship went down. 
To this day he still got the pang in his chest about the reality of that day. Ahsoka… Rex wasn't the only friend he lost then. 
"Good luck" the last words spoken between them,  he would never forget the pain of finding her saber in the wreckage of that venator, knowing that he inadvertently caused her demise. 
He clenched his fist, what was wrong with him? Why was he being haunted by the past of Anakin Skywalker after all these years, it was like something on this planet was pulling all of the things that he had buried to the surface. It all began with that presence, like a light in the darkness so much like Padmè it hurt. 
"My lord" the voice pulled the sith lord from his thoughts.
He turned to face the men who entered,  "Agent Kallus, Commander Arescko. It has been brought to my attention that the afternoon's fiasco, was in fact not the first of such disturbances to happen under your watchful eye, and yet these thieves, remain unapprehended" 
Arescko swallowed, visibly uncomfortable with facing Vader. "My Lord, these brigands knew our protocol, and were waiting in position" 
Vader folded his arms, "so it was your protocol to have a secured imperial comm unit stolen? Or was it your protocol that caused several casualties, and the loss of thousands of credits worth of stolen firepower? The fact is Commander, if you had been diligent in your duties these brigands would not have had the chance to ambush your troops. Reports across Lothal have spoken of this crew, and yet you did nothing to prepare your men for the inevitable attack"
The commander shook, trying to remain calm. He knew of Vader's reputation, and what usually happened to those who dissatisfied him. "I assure you my lord-"his words cut off sharply into choking gasps.
"I will not abide incompetence commander"
Kallus shifted uncomfortably as the commander's choked breathing faded, and Vader dropped the man to the ground. Kallus did not check if the man was still alive, he was certain that Vader would not have released him if that was the case. 
"Agent Kallus, do you know what these attacks suggest?"
"Yes My Lord. The Imperial security bureau pays attention to patterns, and this is shaping to form a spark of rebellion" he stood at attention, not wavering under the gaze of Darth Vader, "I assure you, since being deployed here, I have made preparations for the next strike these would be rebels make. I have set up a trap for them. We will crush this spark of rebellion"
"See that you do" Vader replied tersely, "and when you do, the boy on those tapes, bring him to me alive. There is something familiar about him"
Kallus saluted and walked out.
Space… they were in space, force knows how far away from Lothal, Luke could barely sense Ben in his mind, and it unnerved him. Ben was the constant in his life. Since as long as he remembered it was him and Ben. Going to the market, meditation training together, exploring the mountains of Lothal, training with his saber, each time Ben was there. His absence was like a cold dark spot in his mind. After watching the hyperspace jump, the man, who finally introduced himself as Kanan, had taken him to the cockpit where he met the pilot, Hera. 
He had to admit, he admired Hera's courage, facing down the Empire in an old freighter, and he was set slightly at ease when the Twilek told him they would be returning to Lothal as soon as she could calculate the next jump. 
"Let me go! You can't keep me here, take us back to Lothal!" Ezra bellowed as Zeb hauled him into the cockpit. 
Luke looked back to his friend and saw the noted relief the other boy showed. 
"Relax, that's exactly what we're doing" Hera's voice held an edge of humor.
Ezra looked panicked, "wait, now? With the Empire chasing us?"
Luke spoke up then, "it's okay Ez, she lost the fighters" he looked up at Hera, "she's an amazing pilot"
The woman seemed pleased with his praise, "like the kid said, we lost the fighters when we jumped and the ghost can scramble its signature so they can't track us when we return"
"Oh, that's pretty cool" Ezra looked stunned, but like always shook it off, and smirked, "alright, so just drop me, Luke and our blasters off outside of capital city"
The door slid open, Kanan and Sabine walking in
"They're not your blasters" Sabine stated, brushing past Ezra, shooting Luke a quick smile.
"And we're not going back to Capital City, jobs not done." Kanan finished. 
Luke bit his lip, Hera hadn't mentioned that they weren't being taken back home, "We're not?"
Hera shook her head, "we have a deadline to meet, then we'll get both of you back where you belong if that's still what you want"
Luke nodded, he really did, he missed his uncle, and he only hoped where they landed was close enough for him to reach Ben again. 
Ezra was fuming, how dare these people refuse to bring them home! He didn't care about their job, he wanted his blasters so he could sell them on the black market and have a little cash to live off of, then there was the fact that Luke was acting weird. 
The blonde was usually so happy and talkative, he had barely said a word since they jumped onto this ship seeming almost fearful of the crew. 
Then there were these people they treated Luke like some lost little kid, and him? They treated him like a common Loth-rat he hated it. Ezra wanted to go home, wanted his best friend back, and never wanted to see this ship again!
He sat in one of the bucket seats in the cockpit, Luke in the other, legs pulled to his chest, head bowed and eyes closed. Ezra wondered if he was sleeping. 
"We're coming for a landing, you boys want to stretch your legs? We'll be here for a while" 
Ezra glanced again at Luke who hadn't even stirred, but he saw a smile on the other boy's face  that hadn't been there before. He always marveled at the way Luke could do that, just drop into total relaxation at the drop of a hat, he had seen the boy do it many times, at times it was almost like he was seeing nothing and everything at the same time. Ezra envied the ease with which Luke found peace, and sometimes wished he could be more like him. He knew he was brash and abrasive, but he couldn’t help it. Being the way he was, it was the only thing that allowed him to live on his own. It gave him the aura that kept people from messing with him. Be abrasive and they left you alone. It worked on everyone.
Everyone except Luke it seemed. 
The force surrounded him, he gathered his fear and uncertainty and released it to the force. It took longer this time than usual to find his center and drop into a meditative trance, the alien sounds of the ship invading his thoughts. In the end, he latched onto the familiar. He reached out in the force and found Ezra, the other boys presence, a soothing balm. 
Luke breathed in, and out steadily, looking to lose himself in the force. Take his anger release it, his fear release it, his uncertainty release it. He took in a deep breath, and silently repeated the words Ben would tell him as the older man taught Luke to find his place in the force. 
Emotion, yet peace
He took the emotions that had been at war in him and pushed them away, they belonged to the force.
Ignorance, yet knowledge 
He released the questions that had been hounding him, force willing someday they would be answered, they also belonged to the force. 
Passion, yet serenity 
He pulled on the peace he found in the force, allowing it to swallow him whole, his passion now belonged to the force.
Chaos, yet harmony 
Chaos surrounded him, burning through Zeb and Ezra, Chopper the droid was certainly a character of chaos, but he wouldn't allow it to touch him, his chaos belonged to the force.
Death, yet the force 
Like many times he felt the caress of a woman's hand on his cheek, people didn't keep themselves in the force Ben said, but Luke knew he was wrong, in his meditation, he felt his mother, her hand on his skin, her voice in his ear. When he realized what it was, he sought also the touch of his father, but the force had stopped him, a black vortex before him, that threatened to swallow him. He turned from the vortex and released his mothers touch to the force. His life belonged to the force. 
Emotion, yet peace
Ignorance, yet knowledge 
Passion, yet serenity 
Chaos, yet harmony 
Death, yet the force 
This time like many as he moved through the force, he found a dormant tether, one that neither held taught nor hung loosely, it was formed much like his and Ben's, yet somehow deeper, he tried to follow it once when he was younger, but had only been shown a vision of a young girl looking around in a panic. He tried to speak through the tether once, like he did with Ben, only to be cut off from the bond completely with the force of a psychic scream. 
He once asked Ben, who told him it was a connection in the force that he was not yet meant to learn. Luke always wondered who the girl at the other end was, and why she never reached back, but after being cast out, he left it alone. 
Finally he reached for the bond that was always there and pulled lightly, almost crying with joy, when he was answered almost instantly. 
Luke! Where are you, what happened, are you safe?
I'm safe Ben, I'm in a ship heading back to Lothal, Ezra had a bad plan, we ended up getting chased by Stormtroopers the only way out was to jump on a ship with some smugglers, but I think they're okay…
We will talk about all of that soon, but for now I need you to promise me something Luke, stay where you are. If you are safe with these people, stay with them. Someone has come to Lothal, and it is safer for you to stay away from Capital City.
Ben, I don't understand, why wouldn't you want me to come home?
Luke. I promise, I will explain everything soon. For right now however, I need you to stay there. I will find you it is no longer safe here. 
Luke froze, and could feel a stab of ice into his heart, making him lose part of his grasp on the force. It almost felt like somehow someone was probing the bond. No not probing the bond almost consuming it a cold force that reminded him of the swirling darkness that surrounded the spot in the force his father should have been. It was terrifying he had never felt anything like it. The cold threatening to swallow him whole. It blanketed the force around them, and Luke almost pulled away, being calmed only when Ben once more spoke through their bond.
Calm down Luke, remember your training, the force will be with you, and no matter what or however far you stray I will be with you always
Ben I'm frightened 
The force has a plan for us Luke, and something tells me it doesn't end here. Remember Luke. I love you as though you are my own son, and I will see you soon, this I promise.
Luke was pulled from his meditation then, a rough hand on his shoulder
"Wake up kid, time to move, grab a crate, pull your weight" Zeb instructed, before he stomped out of the room. Luke looked outside and saw Lothal's twin moons shining through the front window of the ship.
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The Dark Side of the Full Moon (1/9) Were!Rex x Reader
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A/N: Aaaaahhhhh! Its finally here! After all the hype and buildup and WORK its finally finished!! I really hope that you guys like it. I will say that the reader does use she/her because this was super self indulgent but I hope you guys like it nonetheless!! I’m also going to say that because this was super self indulgent, the terminology and technology of the time period may not always be 100% accurate but I did my best lol. Also if you want to be tagged in this series, feel free to message me to let me know! Enjoy!!
Tags: @captainrexisboo​ @writer1​
Length: ~2000 words
Warnings: none this time :) but I will warn you now that its gonna get ANGSTY in later chapters. 
Also there is one instance of Mando’a in this chapter that is not commonly used so: ner burc’ya = my friend
As the wind of autumn began to cool with each passing day, and the harvest came to an end, everyone in the large town of Coruscant was preparing for the festival that was to come. Although it happened every year at the end of the harvest season, everyone was especially looking forward to this one. The last few months of the war had taken their toll on everyone and the Kingdom of the Republic was at a stalemate. Neither side was gaining any ground and the fatigue from constant conflict was pushing the people to the edge.
 The Chancellor had made a decree that the government would help to supply the festival for the kingdom this year to show that it still has faith in the citizens and the war effort. Most common folk bought into his façade of wellbeing, but Marshall Commander Cody and the rest of the army saw right through it. He knew that the Chancellor just wanted to buy himself more time to be in charge, but it was not his place to say anything to the contrary. The Fett clan had been “hired” to do a job, and he was going to do it. Besides, they did not have much of a choice after the Republic had paid the lords of the House of Kamino for the service of their citizens.
 Cody was looking forward to the festival. He couldn’t wait to let himself rest. One thing that the Chancellor said that Cody had actually cared about was the fact that the members of the army would be allowed to join in on the festival this year. Cody knew that it was just because two days after it ended, they were all being sent back out to join the rest of his family on the front lines. But it was a break, nonetheless. 
He also was excited to be helping his little brother, Rex, with his plan for you.
 Rex had been planning this night for months now and Cody was happy to see his brother be in such high spirits considering the current situation with the war.  
 As Cody walked down the main road of the town, he passed by villagers who were setting up tables and areas for the games that would take place during the festival. He walked past the huge area in the town square where a bonfire would be lit as soon as the sun went down up until it came back up again the next day. Turing his eyes toward the sky, he saw the clouds rolling in from way on the horizon.
 “Cody!” He looked down to see you walking toward him wearing your apron with flour covering your face and hair. You had just finished bringing many loafs of bread to the tavern so they could be distributed the next day. “I didn’t expect to see you until tonight. I thought that all of you were still on duty today?”
 A smug smile crept its way onto Cody’s face. “No. I thought that I would skip duty today and come steal one of your famous pies. I mean, Rex just goes on and on about how amazing his girlfriend’s pies are, I just couldn’t wait for the festival to try one.” His voice was laced with sarcasm as he leaned toward you sticking his tongue out.
 You put your hand to your chest, feigning surprise as you gasped. “Well,” you said breathily, “I guess you wasted yourself a trip then. I’m sorry to tell you that you’ll just have to wait.” You scrunched up your face and began to giggle as you wiped the remainder of the flour on your hands onto your apron.
 Cody chuckled. “Damn. I really thought I had you.” He crossed his arms and began to slowly continue walking. “In all seriousness though, I am still technically on duty. Fox is drowning in work from the Chancellor so while the other commanders of the guard help him, I volunteered to take their patrol duty.”
 “You should think about getting some rest too you know. Every time I come over to see Rex, I only ever see you working.” You stop and turn to look at him. “You look tired. Have for a few months now.”
 Cody slouched a bit and thought of all of the work that he still had to do in preparation for the day after the festival. How he needed to make sure that everything else was done so that he could focus on bigger issues. He reached up and grabbed the back of his neck. “I am. But being a high-ranking officer comes with extra work. Especially when my and Rex’s generals are constantly doing things that have only been a quarter of the way thought out.”
 “Oh yeah,” you said, “Rex had told me all about those missions.” You look up at Cody and put your right hand on his cheek. “You should still get some rest though,” you said as you inspected the dark circles under his eyes. “You wouldn’t want General Kenobi to think you don’t enjoy having tea with him anymore because you’re falling asleep.” You smiled at the annoyed look on his face.
 “Ha ha. Very funny Y/N,” he said as he pulled his face away and rolled his eyes.
 You proudly looked back at him. “I know,” you smiled. “I do have to get going though if I am going to finish all of my baking before the festival starts tomorrow morning.” You turned and began walking back towards your bakery as you waved bye to him. “Make sure you get some rest tonight so that you can enjoy tomorrow,” you said as you smiled at him.
 “I’ll be fine Y/N.” He waved as you began turning your head back forward. “Oh, and you might want to bundle up tonight! It looks like there is a snowstorm on its way.”
 You looked up at the sky and then back down to meet his eyes. You gave him a warm smile and nodded before continuing on your way.
 Cody continued walking his patrol route and smiled to himself. Ha. Rex is lucky to have someone sweet like her. He turned a corner and thought about how he would not have to do anything tomorrow except relax and have fun.
 Cody smiled. He really could not wait for the festival to begin.
 Cody and Rex laughed as they watched their little brothers playing in the snow that had blanketed the town the night before. Fives was chasing after Echo after he had just stuffed a snowball down the back of Fives’ shirt. The two of them were standing next to one of the smaller fires that had been lit as they drank the hot apple citer that Generals Kenobi and Plo had made in celebration.
 Wolffe had opted to stay in bed and sleep longer into the day so that he would be more rested for the games that would take place once the sun went down. His legion had been the last to arrive out of the three that had been selected for leave and he had been exhausted when he got back just three days prior. The 212th and 501st had been back for a couple of months now due to some trouble that they had faced on their last mission to the outer territories.
 You had just walked up to where Rex and Cody stood and could see the happiness and relief on their faces from being able to take time off. The sun had started to go down and it was casting a beautiful pink and orange glow on their faces. The clouds had begun moving out toward mid-day and it looked like there would be a clear sky during the nighttime portion of the festival.
 You walked up to Rex’s side and pressed yourself into him, laying your head on his shoulder. He looked at you and placed a soft kiss to the top of your head as you pushed your hands toward the fire to heat them up.
 “I’m glad to see you two having a good time.” You smiled and lifted your head to look at Cody. “Was my pie worth waiting one more day for Cody?” You smiled smugly at him as you felt Rex lightly chuckle from watching your teasing.
 Cody shot an annoyed look at Rex and then smiled at you. “I would say so ner burc’ya. Rex really wasn’t exaggerating when he said that you made the best.”
 Rex beamed proudly and then gave a curt nod to Cody, a serious look briefly washing over his face. He then turned to face you as his face softened once again. “Would you care to take a walk with me cyar’ika?” He held his arm out for you to take and looked at you lovingly.
 You took his arm and gave him a mischievous and adoring smile. “Why of course my Captain. How could I ever say no to you when you look at me like that?” The two of you began walking toward the other end of town where your bakery is. It would be quieter there and Rex wanted to make sure that everything was perfect.
 Cody smiled as he watched the two of you huddle together as you walked, glad that his brother had found someone so loving. He continued to watch his little brothers play in the snow while he drank his cider. He sat there for what felt like forever, happy that his brothers got a chance to act like kids for once.
 As the sun finished setting, Cody looked up at the sky. He saw the clouds parting and could see the first few stars start to already peak out through the sky.
 “Ah! Enjoying your night off Commander?” Cody looked down to address the booming voice.
 “Admiral Yularen sir.” Cody gave him a nod. “I am. It is nice to have a break from everything.”
 The Admiral nodded in agreement. “Indeed.” He looked up toward the sky just like Cody was when he approached him. “It sure will be nice once the clouds finally dissipate all of the way. It shouldn’t be long now until we are able to see the full moon.”
 Cody whipped his head to face the Admiral, dread quickly creeping onto his face. “Excuse me sir?” He felt himself start to panic as the Admiral brought his face to look back at Cody.
 “The full moon Commander. It will give the festival a nice atmosphere don’t you think?”
 Cody swallowed nervously. “But sir, the full moon isn’t until tomorrow.” Cody could hear the fear rising in his voice as he silently begged for the Admiral to be wrong.
 Admiral Yularen looked at him confused. “I’m afraid that you are a day behind Commander.” He shrugged. “I can’t say that I blame you though. Never-ending battles tend to make one lose track of time.”
 Cody felt like everything around him had just shattered. He looked up to the sky and saw that the sun had finally sunken below the horizon and that the clouds had finally parted to begin to reveal the slivery moon in the sky. “Sir,” he said while trying to keep his voice firm, “will you please excuse me?”
 “Of course, Commander.”
 Before the Admiral could finish his sentence, Cody had turned around and was sprinting in the direction of your bakery. As he ran, he heard the sound of his footsteps echoing off of the cobblestone streets and the houses that lined it. His heart was pounding in his ears and his mouth had gone completely dry.
 “No no no no no. This can’t be happening. It was tomorrow.”
 He looked up at the sky and saw that the clouds had completely uncovered the bright moon. His breathing was ragged, and his muscles ached from how hard he was trying to get himself to move faster. Your bakery was completely on the other side of the huge town from the festival and having to run on the icy road was slowing him down.
 “Please,” he said as he breathed heavily. “Please let them be alright.”
 The Commanders desperate pleas and pounding footsteps echoed through the freezing night air as he ran down the dark road, frantically hoping that he would reach you before it was too late.
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sammisweets143 · 3 years
A New Family Member (OC x Hunter)
Summary: The Bad Batch and Jedi General Sienna Nellock have just gotten off of the Ordo Moon and are in Hyperspace. Sienna is having difficulties coping with her place amongst the batch since she no longer has the Jedi (her family) and she feels out of place with the clone squad. Hunter decides to make her an official member and act on his feelings toward her.
Pairings: Hunter and Sienna (My OC)
OC Description: Sienna has several braids that are pulled into a ponytail fit for any Viking warrior (think Lagertha from Vikings). She also has the same plastiod armor the Clones and Bad Batch have, hers of course are the slate grey/black. She no longer uses her lightsaber, instead she uses a blaster and a knife, just like Hunter.
TW: Wholesomeness, Steamy kiss scene, feelings of not belonging, *I think that about sums everything up*
Notes: I am still learning the steamy/love scenes between characters if any creators have advice I’d love to hear it!
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There was a quietness on the ship after take off from the Ordo Moon. Sienna rather enjoyed it.
It was the first time in awhile she’d actually gotten to meditate without interruption from anyone. She sat in the copilot’s chair, releasing a calming breath as she centered herself.
The force flowed through her almost immediately, letting her feel the entire ship’s energy in her grasp. From Omega’s bubbly and energetic spirit to Echo’s hard yet kind spirit, everything was in her grasp again and that made her feel better. It was hard not letting the force in due to the fear of being discovered by the enemy. What if someone knew she was still alive and came for her? For the Bad Batch?
No sooner had she began to feel at peace, a presence she was all too familiar with entered the atmosphere. With her heightened senses she heard him coming first then when he entered the cockpit she smelled the familiar clean yet smoky fragrance he had to him.
“There you are, I was wondering where you’d gone off to,” Hunter’s smoky voice reached her ears as he sat in the pilot’s chair. “You’ve been unusually quite.”
There weren’t many places she could go to unless she released herself out of the airlock. No matter how hard she had tried, Sienna had managed to lose her grip on her control with him. He was forbidden fruit and she wanted nothing more than to have him. For several days now they’d been flirting, they even flirted when they first met, everything was innocent of course, up until recently. Their desire for each other was growing, and Sienna ached for the one thing she’d been told all her life she couldn’t have, attachment to someone.
When she had first met Hunter and the group it was when they were going on a covert mission to the Cyber Center and then to save Echo from Skako Minor. There was an instant connection, almost a magnetic pull between them. They both did their best to ignore the feeling, each having their loyalties set on their duties as Jedi and Clone Trooper.
What didn’t help them was when he’d kept her steady with his hand on her back or waist, or when the shuttle went down and his arm locked around her and she was pressed against his front. I got you, I got you. He repeated in her ear as if it was a promise, he wouldn’t let her go even if it killed them.
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” Hunter pressed on when she didn’t respond to him the first time.
“I shouldn’t have left Saleucami with you. I should’ve got on that shuttle like you told me to,” Sienna said, before she could even stop the words from spilling out of her mouth. When she uttered them it felt as though they hit him right in the face.
“I thought you wanted to?” His features hardened. “You fought me on this and I-“ he stopped as he could sense she wasn’t acting right. “Hey, you are just as important as any of us.” He knelt down in front of her.
“I’m not one of you, I just don’t feel like I belong.” She said. “I’m not a clone, I’m a Jedi. What use am I?”
He nodded as he looked at her. “Okay.” He stood up. “Stay.” He pointed at her and went to retrieve something from a cabinet. He came back and sealed the cockpit so it was just the two of them. “Come here.” He knelt down again and pulled her closer and turned her so her shoulder was to him.
“What are you doing?” She asked as he was grabbing her and moving her.
“Sienna, I said be quiet. This takes concentration,” he looked at her with a hint of playfulness in his eyes. She rarely got to see that look from him anymore.
He opened one of the container and it was white paint. “Don’t move,” he ordered as he began to paint on her pauldron.
She did as she was told and didn’t move, so she took the moment to look at him, really look at him. The side of his face that wasn’t tattooed had a light dusting of stubble, the other side did too but this side was visible. His lashes were long, and when he blinked they’d dust across his cheeks gently.
As her gaze swept over him she seemed to fall deeper into the trance that was Hunter. All caution was out the window now, anything could happen. And anything did. She found herself reaching up gently to stroke his cheek as he focused on painting, the tiny stubble barely poking at her finger tips. It was one of the most simplest, yet intimate things both had experienced that they let the quiet moment consume them for what seemed like forever.
“Tell me about your tattoos on your back,” He finally said, needing a distraction. “What’s special about them?”
She cleared her throat and took a breath. “I got them because on each planet or moon was where I learned something.” She said.
“Tell me about your favorite one.” He prompted her.
“Sorgan.” a little smile graced her lips as she recalled the memory. “The children there loved to race and play, they were part of this family that owned a farm,” she began. “The mother was so kind and she had a new born with her but she always managed to be doing something strenuous and that benefited her family and community with the child strapped to her.”
“Sounds like quite the woman.” He nodded. For a brief moment he pictured her doing the same thing. She rarely rested since she’d been with them, and she doted on Omega. She never let that girl out of her sight if she could help it, much like himself.
“I also just fell in love with the planet itself. They say it’s just some backwater planet but it’s so beautiful. I’d live there if I could.”
Another picture pushed its way into his mind, of them on that little plant in the middle of nowhere with a farm of their own, a couple of kids running around, maybe his brothers not too far away. He quickly pushed that thought down so not to get ahead of himself. Hunter chuckled some. “Tell me another.” He coaxed.
“Kashyyk, I learned how to shoot a crossbow,” She smiled and bit her lip. “Very fun, and I met several force sensitive Wookiees.”
“Really, interesting.” He smirked as he dipped the brush into the paint again. “A Wookiee with a lightsaber seems unsettling. Could be just like Wrecker with a lightsaber, imagine.”
Sienna let out a small laugh. “They’re very skilled with weapons surprisingly. May I continue sergeant?”
“By all means, General,” he all but purred that statement before resuming his painting.
“Kamino, like I said is where I learned friendship, thanks to 99.” She said. “Well and Rex and the rest of the guys.” She shrugged a little.
“Don’t-” he grabbed her shoulders and chuckled some. “You’ll make me smudge it.”
“Sorry,” She laughed. “Um, let’s see, I actually was dared by Echo to get Endore on me but since it’s a forest planet I didn’t mind.”
“Seems to be your theme, forests and oceans.”
“They call to me the most,” a sigh left her lips, but it was a sigh of relief. “I often wonder if that’s where I’m from, someplace with a forest or water.” She said
“You don’t know where you’re from?” The lines on Hunter’s face settled into a deep frown as he asked her that question.
“I was a toddler when I was given to the temple, I wasn’t told where I was from.” Her voice became gentle, as if she spoke too loud the memories of her past may break. “I’ve come to peace with it.” Her opposite shoulder rose into a shrugged. “Not knowing where your home is I guess is good, so you don’t know if it’s a bad place.” She bit her lip. Sure she said she came to peace with it but occasionally there was a part of her that yearned to know her parents, her home. All the trivial things that many great Jedi were willing to part with.
When Hunter looked up at her he realized she was watching his face. He set the brush down in the container and held her hands. “Your home is with us, you are Sienna Nellock of Squad 99.” He said. “You’ll never be told differently.” He released her hands and then cupped her face being as gentle as he could. “You are here to protect Omega, be a role model for her. You are here to reassure Wrecker that eventually he may be able to blow things up or beat someone up. You are here to make sure Echo isn’t a grump to everyone since he favors you, and to give Tech something new to talk about besides manuals and random plants. Most importantly, you’re here to keep me sane, drive me wild, and make me strive to protect this squad even harder.” His voice was soft as he recited his speech, stroking her cheek with his thumb after each declaration.
Sienna’s pulse jumped as he held her face and spoke to her in the gentlest of ways he’s ever done. “That’s one of the best things that’s come out of your mouth ever. Thank you, Hunter.”
He smirked and pulled her closer. “You have such a way with words,” his voice got slightly huskier as his lips brushed against hers. He was taking a big risk doing this, but he wanted Sienna to know how important she was not just to the squad, but to him.
When his lips touched her’s, that caused her brows to furrow as her eyes closed. This was unexpected but she welcomed it none the less. They weren’t what she expected, his lips, she had expected them to be dry from constantly wearing a helmet but they were actually soft. Returning the kiss was almost instinctual for her, as if she’d done it hundreds of times before. She gripped the back of his neck and pulled him close, causing him to let out a low, hungry grunt, at that point it was the most attractive noise she’d ever heard and she didn’t care about anything else.
Hunter pulled away, wanting nothing more than to keep kissing her but their need for air plus his need to keep a handle on everything took precedence. “So, that’s what it’s like to kiss a jedi?” He smirked.
“You know, I imagined kissing a clone would be weird, like I’d be kissing a friend since you all are the same-” She began.
“I suppose since you are genetically defective that might make you better at kissing.” She joked and smiled.
A chuckle escaped his lips as he picked up the paint brush again. “Almost done with this, be still,” He said as he moved her chair so she was turned to the other side.
“Yes sir.” She said as she rolled her eyes. They sat in a comfortable silence as he finished painting her other pauldron and he leaned back, admiring his work.
“Alright, have a look.” He said and smiled.
The excitement built up in her as she looked down at her right pauldron and it was the Jedi crest but adorning each peak was the skull of Clone Force 99. Then on the left was the signature skull with 99 below it. “Hunter,” Sienna smiled. “I love them, thank you.”
“You’re a certified member of the Bad Batch now,” Hunter smirked. “This armor definitely suits you even more than before, I’ll be the first one to admit that.”
Sienna laughed and smiled. “Hunter,” she shoved him playfully. Before she could go anywhere he grabbed her hands pulling her against his chest.
“Would you prefer it if I said I’d rather see it on the floor?” A smirk grew on his face.
“Well, it wouldn’t be the first time something like that came from you,” she mimicked his expression as she pulled him closer. “We’re alone for at least another hour-” she reminded as she stared at him with a new found desire in her eyes.
“Say no more,” he silenced her with a kiss and picked her up, securing her legs around his waist tightly.
A breathy laugh escaped her lips as she pulled away momentarily for air. This was the first time she was able to touch him, memorize his facial feature, run her fingers through his silky, dark hair, and look into his eyes without the feeling of being watched by an audience. He gave her very little time before he pulled her back and hungrily kissed her, letting his tongue explore her mouth. He kept a firm grip on her thighs, keeping her as close as psychically possible. Occasionally, he’d give them a squeeze to make sure this was real, she was real. Like her, he felt like this was their chance to do anything they wanted, no interruptions. The final question, where was he going to start?
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