#riveteers charm
goodboytown · 9 months
they have arrived safely to me 🙇 here i am trying to show off the layered effect lol you can get one from my shop
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grassbreads · 11 months
Y'all should read Ingress Adventuring Co
Genuinely one of the most fun and charming web comics I've ever read.
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gameralfa117 · 2 years
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Halloween Special part 1 - Ratchet and Rivet as Ladybug and Chat noir
hello guys what´s up, I want to tell you that as a halloween project I have decided to make a small crossover of Ratchet and Rivet as the heroes Ladybug and Chat Noir from the Miraculous series I hope you like this crossover Note: in the next days I will post more versions of our heroes, including their evil akumatized counterparts
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theropoda · 2 years
3 seasons in and i still dont know if jimmy/saul/bob odenkirk is hot and idk if i will ever come to a conclusion on this
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writers-potion · 2 months
Words to Use Instead Of...
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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markster666 · 4 months
Every Thought, You. (SFW)
Pairing: Alastor x Fem!Reader
Tags: Fluff, Flirting, SFW, Romance
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Word Count: 958
A/N: Thank you to @persephoneblck for this base writing prompt suggestion (with my own tweaks/spin). Unedited. Requests are open.
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Ever since coming to the hotel, you have felt much less alone than you have ever felt in the duration of your life in Hell. Charlie was the first to greet you with open arms before you could even knock twice on the big, wooden doors. Vaggie was aprehensive about your arrival at first but quickly grew accustomed to you, mostly for Charlie's sake. Husk simply tolerated you and Angel Dust constantly flaunted his figure to... everyone. It made you chuckle sometimes but more out of pity. Every day and night, like clockwork, you did your exercises for supposed future rehabilitation and sometimes they made you feel more alone than ever, but you never felt judged by anybody there.
Not even Alastor.
The first time you two met, he was sitting at the bar, annoying Husk for another drink. You had arrived a couple days prior and had already settled in a good amount. You walked past the bar, not even paying attention to the deer demon staring at you, wide grinned. You almost reached your room before you heard a booming radio-esque voice behind you,
"Well HELLO there my dear! Haven't seen you around!"
You felt your heart skip a beat at the sudden noise and quickly turned around, taking in Alastor's features. His eyes reflected the red of the hotel walls, beaming at you. His ears twitched a bit at the sight of you, but his wide grin didn't falter even for a millisecond. He was dramatically hunched over with his hand out to shake yours. You stared at his hand for a bit until he retreated it as a sign that he caught on to your discomfort and he stood up straight.
"Apologies my dear, your look of fear is something I am graciously used to. I just wanted to extend my welcomes to you. Please indulge in my presence if you feel it necessary, I would LOVE to know what makes you tick!"
His head ticked to the side at the final word before turning on his heel and walking off.
As the weeks turned into months, Alastor's voice no longer startled you and his presence became comfort. You thought him charming and he thought you riveting. He allowed you access into his radio tower, even on his recording days. He had memorized your favorite song and learned it on every instruement and how pancakes make you nauseous in the mornings so you prefer oatmeal for breakfast. You once told him a new cologne of his smelled like all the good things in life, so now that's all he cares to wear. He learned that you have trouble sleeping without white noise, so he'll sit for hours next to your bed, gently humming in his radio voice your favorite songs. Your heart was pure and his heart was warm.
Alastor decided that tonight was the night that he was going to be open about his continuously growing feelings for you. He had gone through several sheets of paper in an attempt to write the perfect confession note and he finally settled on one. Earlier that afternoon, he had invited you to his room to talk and you said you'd be there. You have only been in his room once before because you went in with Val to ask Alastor to get rid of Sir Pentious's Egg Bois.
He heard a knock on the door and took one last deep breath before locking in his smile again and slamming the door open before you could knock again.
"Why hello there Darling, you look absolutely ravishing as usual my Dear!"
He gave you a quick kiss on your hand before leading you into his room and shutting the door behind him, helping you shrug off your jacket before hanging it up on a nearby hook.
"Please, My Dear, make yourself comfortable!"
You walked further into his room, scanning your surroundings before stopping right in front of the undefined line of where his physical room and the forest meet. Your eyes sparkled as you gazed up at the skyline.
"Alastor, your forest is absolutely beautiful."
He walked briskly to join you.
"Ah, yes, isn't it? I imported it myself. I delight in many meals here."
The sky stunned your senses. There were fireflies flying around the trees that rose submissively to the vast sky. The lavish green of the trees complimented well with the hues of blue shading above, the glow of the fireflies adding a etherial touch to it all. The thick fog made the sky's autonomy seem endless.
"It may just be the most beautiful thing i've seen in all of Hell."
Alastors eye twitches very slightly and his ears furrow backwards.
"I have to strongly agree with you, my Dear. Every time I gift my eyes with the sight of this, it helps me remember that there are still some fine things down here with me. I may be a connoisseur in all things audio, but nothing beats this kind of visual. I would relish in it for eternity if I could."
You glanced at him to show him that you were listening, only to have your eyes make direct contact with each other. Your heart skipped a beat as you felt his gaze penetrate you.
He was staring at me while he was saying that.
You smiled at him warmly as it finally clicked. He walked behind you and places his hands on your shoulders, gently massaging them as you both turned your gazes back to the forest.
"You, mon cher, are allowed to stay in my dreams every night. Always."
You took a deep breathe and closed your eyes, enjoying all of the sensations around you.
"And you in mine, Alastor."
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yaksha-lover · 2 months
cw: vil being depraved, suggestive/mildly explicit descriptions 🧎‍♂️
Vil has been surrounded by beautiful people his entire life: actors, models, artists. He’s let his gaze rake over them, felt his cheeks heat and a flush of desire take hold of his body. But even then, it was never about them. It was about him, about his own desires.
When he looks at you, Vil knows it isn’t about him. This thing he feels for you, it’s inevitable and external. You’re ordinary, but there’s something about you that he can’t quite place. Something that draws his eyes back to your form, average in every way, but riveting through the lens of his own gaze.
It’s perplexing and thrilling all at once; you’re so different, so real compared to the people he’s grown up around. You never hide any part of yourself, even the ones others find distasteful, refusing the mask most people cling to with their lives.
There’s some part of him, a disgusting, depraved part, which enjoys seeing the ugliness, the worst parts of you on display. He should turn away like the others, to take his eyes from you, instead of revelling in it like he does.
In both himself and others, Vil can’t help but hate anything but perfection; he finds it vile, revolting to notice the cracks and the faults in the mirage. But you’ve never been an illusory trick; there’s no shattering of a facade that’s never existed, no mask to be pulled off, no portrait that’s better than reality ever could be.
You’re so far from what he’d have described as ‘his type’ in the celebrity interviews he’s asked to do, laughing with the host and listing the attractive qualities of beauty, grace, discipline, and charm.
You’re none of those; neither conventionally beautiful nor charismatic. You don’t even try to better yourself, to become the best version of you. Maybe because you already are, and the world simply isn’t ready for it.
Because how could you, in all your messiness and vulnerability, be anything less than perfect.
Vil can’t decide if he should be nauseous at his strange tastes, or if he should feel utterly enlightened; is he the only one to appreciate true beauty, or the disgusting pervert getting off on your depravity?
As he looks down at you, flushed and panting beneath him, he thinks that he should feel appalled. Your look utterly unkempt: your hair tousled and thrown around wildly, your body twitching and positioned awkwardly, your face relaxed in a rather unflattering expression.
Instead of revulsion, a pang of desire stirs in his gut.
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sfehvn · 7 months
Description: Astarion left twenty years earlier, after defeating the elder brain, in search of a cure for his vampiric condition. Tav has not been coping well. A/N: A little angsty, alcohol abuse and Tav being overly-sexual in hopes of feeling some comfort in Astarion's absence; if you aren't comfortable with that you may want to skip this one! Also eludes to Tav being a sorcerer elf, but nothing is explicitly stated. Enjoy! :) Rating: M (18+ minors DNI) Word count: 2,438 Characters: Astarion x Tav
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  The gnawing sensation that remained deep-seated in your gut had all but dwindled. Nights filled with booze and meaningless sex did little to appease the hunger that twisted your insides viscerally. That damned vampire had only been in your life for but the slightest fraction. Somehow, he utterly rewired your brain's chemistry in such a minuscule time frame.
  “So that’s it then? You’re leaving after everything we’ve been through. Just like that?” The bitterness that dripped from every syllable was palpable as you spoke. An air of disgust and heartbreak hung between you and Astarion.
  He remained silent, the cogs of his mind turning while his face remained unreadable. “I will return for you, Tav. I swear it. I must do this alone.”
  The scene dissipates into the back of your otherwise empty mind. You had waited. Waited patiently for the return of your lover; spent years willfully ignorant to the fact that he had wholly left you. Two decades came and went before the realization sunk into the essence of your being. He was just gone. The many conquests that filled your bed were always reminiscent of him in at least one way, though you were never able to quench that desire. A white-haired man sits before you, telling fantastical stories, no doubt with the intention of bedding you. You would let him, of course. As he speaks, hands moving with a pristine emphasis of his tales, you can only discern the differences from your once-lover. His locks share the same silver hue but are much too short compared to Astarion’s. Soft tufts of curls are nowhere in sight; the stranger’s hair is pin-straight. The longer you listen to him speak, the more you coin him a prick. The ego wasn’t far from your lover’s, but it was without the redeeming charm you had grown to love.
  Despite all of this, you would still follow him to bed, or perhaps a latrine is more this man’s prerogative. Either way, you hoped you could squint your eyes just enough to forget the differences and see a glimpse of Astarion instead. 
  “Riveting as this conversation is,” You cut the stranger off, and your hand sits on his arm seductively. “I speculate we may get on better in private. Naked.” The pungent scent of alcohol is unmistakable. If it were a decent man before you, he may have chivalrously rejected your advances for fear of taking advantage. This was no decent man, though; he proves it by taking your hand in his and standing from the bar. You had been right about the latrine. He props you against the wall in the outhouse and has his wicked way with you. Your mind is numb as he pounds mindlessly into your mound. You squeeze your eyes shut, and try as you might, your lover is not present in the moment. Instead, you feel dirty, used, and ashamed. 
  You allow the man to finish, as it only took him a measly two minutes. You had counted. You didn’t bother faking your own orgasm. This one didn’t care. You adjusted your dress until its hem fell to your ankles. “When can I see you again?” He asks. You brush past him wordlessly. His shameless contention is not lost on you as a distasteful ‘bitch’ elicits from his mouth. You pay your tab and start your trek back home. 
  “Why, though? We’re a team! I told you I’d help you find a cure, Astarion. Please don’t leave me.” Painful tears sting at your eyes, once filled with so much sunshine and radiance. There had even been a touch of naivety to you at that time in your life.
  “I don’t want you to.” Astarion was sharp, pointed with his words. “You deserve a break. Months of leading a group of brain-wormed buffoons; you need it. It won’t take me long, and I will be back. I’ll always come back for you.” He reiterates.
  The possibility of death was not unfounded. The bitter truth was brutal to swallow but did not subdue your anger. If death were his fate, you could have saved him as you had many times before. It was entirely preventable if the case; he was just too stubborn to see it. Radiance of wealth exuded from your residence; nothing but the best for the hero of Baldur’s Gate. You scoffed. How trivial these things were when you did not have a soul to share it with. Your friends had all gone their separate ways, aside from Wyll and Karlach, who had come to find a happy union together among their time spent so closely in Avernus. Gale had forged a family with a lovely lady from Rivington and now had two children barely into adulthood, himself somewhat up there in age. Lae’Zel wasn’t the best at keeping in touch, but last you had heard, she was off kicking ass like always. Surprisingly, Shadowheart visited you as regularly as she could, but that was still seldom.
  All of your old traveling companions had gone on to do great things in their own ways. You were happy for them, you really were, but it’d be a lie if you didn’t admit there was some part of you that envied them. Envied the fulfillment they found within themselves, in the love they discovered in other people. All you had to show for yourself was a house too big for you alone to maintain and, admittedly, a bit of a drinking problem. You grumble as you fight to get the key into the lock of the front door, eager to wash the escapades from earlier off your body. 
  You slink into the tub's warm water, allowing the liquid to engulf you as you stare at the wall absently. What would you be today if Astarion was at your side? It was a question you had asked yourself a million times over. Probably not the calloused person you became. Not living off of any alcohol you could get your hands on, certainly. Recalling the abandonment made a lump rise in your throat, and you quickly choked it down. No, you would not spill another tear for the man who had left. You would not.
  You couldn’t.
  You stare at the nearly empty whiskey bottle across the room, but you are sure there is at least enough for a little glass left in it. You refrain from pulling out of the tub with the sole purpose of pouring that glass and instead scrub your body clean. Relief floods over you once you’ve successfully washed off the remnants of the stranger. His seed had stuck to your stomach like a paste when he pulled out, and the way it dried and tightened over your skin had made you want to vomit. You only exit the round tub once you’ve washed your hair. With your silk robe tied loosely around your body, chest exposed, you make a beeline for the whiskey glass that had been teasing you from across the room. A sigh of contempt leaves your mouth when a single drop drips out into your glass. You recap it and debate tossing it, but decide that will be a problem for future you. You take the candle that lit the washroom and shuffle into the hall, holding it far enough in front of you to provide adequate light through the long, dark corridor. The sound of creaking floorboards halts you in your tracks. The sound did not come from beneath your feet, but instead downstairs. Your ears strain in an attempt to make out any other noises. Another creak this time closer to the bottom of your stairs. 
  You blow out the candle and a quiet incantation for darkvision leaves your lips. There was no fear, whatever sorry bastard chose your home to break into would surely change their tune once they’re at the other end of one of your spells. Suddenly more alert and prepared for whoever emerged, you felt yourself sober as the adrenaline coursed your veins. As quickly as you’re able to make out a faint silhouette bounding up the stairs, another hymn leaves your lips. 
  A firebolt protrudes from the palm of your outstretched hand, bounding quicker for the stranger than they can respond. A searing sounds as it bores straight through the uninvited guest’s clothing, sizzling with now charred flesh. They groan in agony, the silhouette clutching at their injured chest. “You’re quite lucky I like a good chat, or you’d be dead already. Who are you and why are you in my home?” Your voice was unwavering and void of any emotion other than conviction. 
  “Well, I’d be lying if I say I’m surprised. I do suppose I set myself up for this one, darling. Always the sharp-shooter, you are.” The man attempts a laugh, but it’s lost under the pain in his voice. That voice.
  His voice.
  Forgotten under a sea of other voices, but you place his cadence immediately. You want to run to him, feel the way his arms fit so naturally around your body, let your lips fall upon his. Your first instincts are quickly replaced with anger. Betrayal. You wanted to hurl another firebolt at him; hells, a fireball would’ve been better but you bite it back. You were angry, but becoming homeless after burning your home down was not something you were prepared to deal with. With a small flick of your wrist, you light the sconces that line the hall and you’re met with the illuminated sight of Astarion. He looks not a day older from the last time you had seen him, dare you say he looked even better.
  There’s a tinge of color to his flesh, like he’d been kissed by the morning sun many days over. There was a pink hugh to his skin, reminiscent of fresh blood pumping from a beating heart. Your own skips a beat at the picture of him before you. He was alive. Alive alive. Gone are the ruby-red eyes you had grown to love, replaced with eyes as golden as fresh honey shimmering in the light. You chew the inside of your cheek in an attempt to fight back your tears. Your face remains unchanged despite the flurry of emotions assaulting your brain and heart. “Why are you in my home?” You repeat, as if you had no recollection of the man before you. 
  Astarion’s features reflect the hurt that he feels from your reaction but quickly he masks it. “Not exactly the welcome-home I was imagining, if I’m telling the truth. This is quite the place you’ve got. I’m pleasantly shocked at how well of a job you did decorating, dear. Though I will probably have to make a few adjustments-”
  “Twenty years.” You whisper incredulously, cutting Astarion from his rambling stupor.
  “I’m sorry?” 
  “Twenty years, Astarion!” You shout. You’re no longer able to hold back the floodgates in your eyes. They prick unforgivingly, threatening to pool over onto flushed cheeks. “Twenty years you were gone! And here you are, acting like nothing happened; acting like not a day has passed since we’ve last spoke!” You wipe the tears from your face, angrily laughing that your emotions had betrayed you so. “You don’t even know who I am anymore and you think for a second I’ll allow you in a position to hurt me again?” 
  Astarion is taken aback by the furious passion that laces your every word. The wound he had been nursing with his hand is abandoned as he attempts to step closer, but you take a swift step back. “It had to be done, Tav. The journey to get where I am today was an arduous one. One that I was not willing to ask you to take with me.”
  Your jaw clenches, and there’s no time to collect yourself before you respond. “You didn’t have to ask. I told you I would have followed you through the hells if it meant being with you.” You practically spit the words. 
  “I wouldn’t allow that.”
  “Gods, Astarion! Are you so dense that you don’t see it wasn’t your decision to make regarding what is best for me?” The venom is thick in your tone. “Maybe I would be some semblance of the same person you abandoned all those years ago if I had at least gotten to say goodbye. Perhaps if you had sent a letter I’d be a little more forthcoming with you right now.” 
  “It was not my intention to abandon you.” He quips back, but sees it was the wrong thing to say as the fire burns brighter behind your eyes. “Against my better judgement I guess that is what I did. Only because I couldn’t fathom saying goodbye to you. I-” He pauses for a beat. “I thought it may make things easier on you, too.”
  The laugh that leaves your mouth was a chortle, filled with malice and sarcasm. You grasped for anyway to hurt him in the way he hurt you, “Well you ruined me, Astarion.”
  “I did not, you look-”
  “Looks are deceiving. I would figure you know that by now. For example, just by looking at me you probably can’t tell I drank my weight in whiskey today. Or yesterday. Or the day before.” You purse your lips. “You probably can’t tell that I allowed a bastard of a man to open my legs and fuck me simply because he shared your hair color just earlier in the evening. Or that a tenday ago I fucked another man who’s laugh almost made me believe you were there. Only for a moment, of course.” There was shame in your words and you wanted to cry harder as you voiced all of the ways you had failed to care for yourself. The desire to make him feel what you felt was too great. You wanted him to hate you the way you had grown to despise him.
  His arms pulled you firmly against him, his head ducking to bury his face into your wet hair. You soften under his touch, allowing yourself to go limp as he holds you. Guilt eats at Astarion’s subconscious as you cry into his shirt. It didn’t matter if you tried to push him away. It didn’t matter what you had done to cope with his absence. He was home and he was going to prove to you that he was not going anywhere ever again. Everything he had gone through in the past twenty years, he had powered through with the thought of making it home.
  You were his home.
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iturmom · 2 years
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lemme get a 1 5lb bag of uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 5lb bag
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goodboytown · 9 months
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my store has re-opened :) [link]
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ghouljams · 7 months
Gritting my teeth thinking about Austenian Ghost and Goose...
His gloved hand gingerly cups yours as he leads you into the ballroom, your fingers just hovering over his while you hold your skirt to make your way down the stairs. Ghost tips his head to the side, stretching his neck, there's a stiffness in his shoulders that speaks to his military training. You glance at the length of his neck, the dark mask covering the lower half of his face, he'd be a handsome sight if he could keep his mouth shut.
"Try not to bite anyone," he grumbles under his breath at you. You plaster on a demure smile as he leads you to greet the host.
"Are you going to speak to me all night? Or can I expect a drink at some point," you murmur back, doing your best to keep unheard as you bow your head to the hostess.
"Would love one," Ghost breathes, his fingers tighten around yours as he turns to lead you into the crowd. You have plenty of people to greet, and a horrible escort with which to greet them.
You slip your fingers from his hand and slide them up the back of your neck, checking your hair. At your side Ghost clenches his fingers into a tight fist and drops it to his side. You flick your fan open, glancing around the room. It's warm, and you'd rather find someone you know quickly to save you from bearing Ghost's presence too long.
"You're not in want of a wife, are you?" You ask him with a soft sigh. You can feel him tense next to you.
"No." You give him time to finish the thought, fanning yourself in the meantime. You spare him a glance, and catch his eyed darting away from you.
"Sparing the ladies your riveting conversational skills," you hum, your fan stalling when you hear him snort. You snap your fan shut when you spot one of your friends and start towards them with a smile. Ghost's large hand grabs your shoulder and you smack your fan against his fingers. They only tighten their grip.
"Where are you going?" His tone is cold. You can't imagine what's irritated him now.
"To fill my dance card," you grab his hand to pry it off of you, turning to make sure you can look in his eyes when you tell him, "be a good dog while you're off leash, I don't want to have to take you home early."
Something steely crosses his face, his brows drawing down as his eyes narrow. He growls, and you drop your fan into his hand. It's a lovely night and you're not going to let an overgrown and over-grumpy soldier weigh you down. You have a nice new dress, you have friends to talk to, and despite your father's best efforts you have no intention of finding a husband this season. Actually you're starting to think Simon might be around to hurt your odds at marriage.
Ghost, you remind yourself, not Simon. Never Simon.
Ghost grips your fan watching you grin and hug your friends. You smile up at a man who bows and kisses your hand. You offer your dance card for him, and he smiles penciling down his name. Wood splinters in Ghost's fist. Price was right, men circle you like flies circle honey, each louse eagerly throwing his hat in the ring of your affections. You laugh and cuddle close to your friend, the picture of charm and civility. The picture of discomfort.
He needs a drink. Not for the courage of it, but he needs something to loosen the tightness in his muscles. Otherwise the next time you touch him something might snap, and he'll do something truly stupid. Like fill up your dance card with his name.
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ataleofcrowns · 19 days
Can we see the other variations for how your Crown deals with the garden size lady (as someone who ends up with the same traits for my Crown on every playthrough it would be appreciated)
Sure thing!!
Spoilers for CH10, for those who haven't gotten that far yet ✨
“Another cup of tea, Your Imperial Majesty?”
Ishrah bends low to whisper in your ear as you stare blankly at your most recent candidate for a court position in the past two hours. A lady from a noble house, currently rambling in an uninterrupted monologue about past legal reforms to city limits on residential garden sizes.
“That depends. Will the tea be able to get this clay-brained idiot to shut up long enough for me to hear myself think?”
Ishrah snorts so loudly that it actually catches the attention of the candidate.
“I beg your forgiveness, Your Imperial Majesty?” the candidate says, glancing between the two of you.
“You should,” you reply, pretending not to notice Ishrah clapping a hand over her mouth. “I feel as if I’m being made a fool of. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think this was someone’s idea of a joke.”
The candidate stares at you, uncomprehending. “I… ah…”
You stare back at her. “My lady, are you so slow that you can’t even tell when you’re being insulted? Why do you even want this position?”
“Spirits, please, yes.”
Ishrah giggles loud enough that it actually catches the attention of the candidate.
“Your Imperial Majesty?” the candidate says, glancing between the two of you.
“My lady,” you speak, very slowly, “you have been going on about garden sizes for the past half hour. What exactly do you think it is that the Imperial Court will legislate on this topic when the Empire is on the brink of ruin?”
The candidate clears her throat, shifting uncomfortably in her seat.
“No, please, continue,” you insist. “Tell me about the legal distinctions in legislation between gardens and courtyards, I’m sure it’s riveting! We’ll simply let Şevan figure itself out.”
She looks flustered, but then she actually takes you up on your insincere offer. You roll your eyes skywards. “Inner courtyards cannot be larger than half the size of the maximum limit for gardens, which—”
“I wish your tendency to speak was half the size of the empty cavern you call your head,” you reply in a bored tone, pretending not to notice Ishrah clapping a hand over her mouth. “Perhaps then you’d be quiet long enough to pick up on sarcasm. Why do you even want this position?”
“Yes. Now. Immediately.”
Ishrah snorts so loudly that it actually catches the attention of the candidate.
“Your Imperial Majesty?” the candidate says, glancing between the two of you.
You close your eyes and breathe in deep, counting to five in your head before exhaling. As frustrated as you are, and as clearly unfit as this candidate is, you shouldn’t take it out on her. There’s no need for insults, you should remain civil.
“My lady,” you speak slowly as you open your eyes again, “why do you want this position?”
The candidate stares at you, uncomprehending. “I… ah… the gardens—”
“For the love of the sky that embraces the mountains, forget about garden sizes.” You stare back at her. “Tell me, in clear terms: why do you want this position?”
If you hear one more word spoken about the legal limits of residential gardens in cities, you will throw yourself out the nearest window and run screaming across the Royal Gardens like a lunatic.
“Spirits, please, yes.”
Ishrah giggles loud enough that it actually catches the attention of the candidate.
“Your Imperial Majesty?” the candidate says, glancing between the two of you.
You close your eyes and breathe in deep, counting to five in your head before exhaling. As frustrated as you are, and as clearly unfit as this candidate is, you shouldn’t take it out on her. There’s no need for insults, you should remain civil.
“My lady,” you speak slowly as you open your eyes again, “you have been going on about garden sizes for the past five minutes.”
“You are applying for the position of Minister of Defense.”
The candidate clears her throat, shifting uncomfortably in her seat.
She looks flustered, as if you had said something nonsensical. “It is the achievement of legislation that is the important part, is it not?”
“An achievement your distantly related ancestor was responsible for, not you.” You stare at her, starting to feel as if perhaps you are the insane one. “Why do you even want this position?”
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curlytheintrovert · 9 months
I just watched Elemental tonight at home… why in the actual WORLD is there not more fanfare about Wade Ripple?! I love this character so much it’s insane. After I watched the movie I was trying to put into words why Wade is so unbelievably lovable. Is it cause he’s funny? Yes. Cause he’s adorable? Yup. Cause he’s sweet as pie? Absolutely!
But I think the main reason is because Wade is such a caring, emotionally intelligent and tender male protagonist. I don’t know if I’ve seen many archetypes like this, in most adult content, much less a “children’s” movie. But something about seeing emotions on a male character was so therapeutic! To see tears, unveiled love and a high perception of feelings was a breath of fresh air.
I think we, in our media culture, are in love with bad ass, strong silent type men (me included!) But seeing Wade be so far from that stereotype was riveting. It also got me thinking how sad it is that Wade’s loving, impassioned existence is more fantasy then reality. Give me all the sensitive, crybaby, lovey dovey boys please! (And can we just give Mamoudou a round of applause?! Like his voice work was so on point! He brought so much nuisance and charm to this character. I feel like I fell in love with his voice. Geez I was not trying to come out of this with a crush!)
But Pixar and Peter Sohn did not have to go as hard as they did on immigrant realities, parental exceptions or different culture relationships. Plus the movie was STUNNING and the music was rocking!!This is what the studio used to feel like and I’m here for it! Keep em’ coming!
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gtgbabie0 · 10 months
HI, i love your work about the marauders and hotd and i was wondering if u would write cregan stark fluff with jealous reader but if u don't want to its okay. HAVE A GREAT DAY
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-Cregan Stark x reader
{House Ryswell seeks an audience with Cregan Stark, and their daughter seems to take quite a liking to him}
I got extremely carried away with this, I hope you enjoy lovelies! 💕
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It's strange how time can seem so slow when your mood has been soured by something so silly, something that you're sure you have made up in your own mind, to defend the feeling of this unadulterated jealousy that slithers its way at your heart tugging on it every so often.
Foolish, you think, although you're not quite sure what exactly it is about this whole situation you find, foolish. Is it the way, Cregan smiles at the ever-beautiful Lady Darla of house Rsywell? or is it because your mind has convinced you that Cregan would break your trust like that? maybe, it's her ever thinking she stood a chance with your husband. Whatever it might be it's sure is foolish.
But it's real nonetheless, horrible and very real. The jealousy that bubbles deep within you only fuels the doubts that plague your mind, and those same thoughts conjure another dreadful feeling, something that pinches at your heart as you watch Lady Ryswell place a dainty hand on Cregan's arm, insecurity it finds an unwelcome home within your chest.
Despite sitting so close to Cregan, you still feel miles away, watching him converse, lost, within his own world with the Lady next to him. You feel ignored and as you glance around the room you're sure that everyone else sees it too, you've been pushed aside like some sickly wife that's nearing her time.
It's only when you hear Cregan's warm chuckle do you look over to the pair once again, her hand sits higher up on his arm, there's something about the sight that breaks you. As if it couldn't get any worse Drala turns to you with a smile that makes you sick to your stomach, warm and inviting.
"Your Husband is so charming Lady Stark" she giggles, her hand still against his arm, and you swear she squeezes it ever so softly.
Slamming your cup down against the wooden table, with more vigour than you had meant, you clear your throat, "Yes he is- charmed me right into marriage" It gets a laugh or two from the others is House Ryswell.
Drala's mother even leans to you whispering a humoured, "My husband could learn a thing or two" You watch as she glances over at him with a teary smile, he seemed quite caught up with gawking at the maids, "That man knows nothing of charm" she spits before leaning back into her chair.
Cregan's hand rests against your thigh, and for a second, your racing mind seems to calm down, it's as if you can finally breathe, and then he pulls away going back to what must be a riveting conversation with Darla. You've had enough of this torture, no longer being able to bare it you call for Lyra, keeping a hushed tone as she bends down to you slightly.
"I think I am ready to retire for tonight," you tell her through gritted teeth, trying to keep the barrage of emotions at bay, she gives you an understanding nod.
"Of course M'lady " She smiles softly as she hurries off to your bedchambers preparing a change of clothes for your arrival.
You stand keeping a strict posture, it's only now do you feel as if you finally have caught Cregan's attention. "Forgive me, but I think I shall call it a night" You bite back the tears that collect along your lash line nibbling your cheek.
"Aw already? Just when I thought our conversation was bearing good fruit" she whines, her voice going straight through you just like nails on a chalkboard, she pouts, a spoiled brat who knows no discipline.
"Oh please, don't feel inclined to stop on my behalf" You smile with a curt bow before turning your heel and leaving, ignoring the way Cregan calls for you, an advance he must've given up on quite quickly as Darla calls for more drinks practically begging your husband to stay, you don't hear the rest of the conversation too focused on trying to calm your breathing.
"Lady Stark" Lyra bows softly as you walk into your bedchambers, shutting the heavy wooden door behind you with an exasperated sigh. "I have prepared you some tea m'lady," she says with a gentle tone as you sit down in front of your vanity. She makes starts to unclasp your necklace.
"Thank you Lyra, you're far to-" and before you can finish your sentence the door opens with a low groan. You don't bother turning around already knowing who it is.
"Lyra, could you give us a minute" Cregan huffs, sounding very unamused as he walks into the candle-lit room.
"Of course m'lord," she says, bowing as she rushes out of the room, and it's then the silence hits, smothering the room with its thick presence that you're sure it could snuff out the flames of the various candles.
You look at him through the reflection of the mirror as he sits down on the fur-covered sofa, running a hand through his hair before finally glancing over at you, there's something in his eyes that makes you feel... small, you have always said you would hate to be on the receiving end of Cregan's anger, that any man to challenge him would be a fool.
"Would you like to explain to me what exactly just happened?" he asks, frustration seeping into his tone and your answer or rather lack thereof only fuels it further. "Do you find pleasure in ignoring me?" he huffs, giving you a rather annoyed look.
And as childish as it might seem, you were. "Yes, well now you know how it feels, don't you?" you mumble, untying the pins in your hair before taking off your rings.
"What?" he questions watching in slight shock as you stand up, the chair behind you drags along the floor with a shriek.
"Tell me, Cregan, do you think our marriage is a farce?" you ask turning to face him with tears in your eyes, tears that you try so hard to hold back, "Do you take enjoyment out of making a mockery of our marriage?" your hands shake with the sudden adrenaline as you point at him, your finger nudging his should as rage pinches at your skin, he looks up at you with hurt in his eyes and for a minute you feel inclined to apologise.
He stands up, trying to reach for your hands but you don't let him as you pull away from his touch, he accepts defeat with a heavy heart, the sight of your tearful face makes his stomach drop.
"A farce? What in the seven hells are you on about women?" the hurt that sits in his chest slowly churns into something much more as it wraps around his heart squeezing it with force.
"Do not play ignorant with me Cregan" You speak through gritted teeth as he inches closer to you, "You sat there the entire night ignoring me whilst you entertained that naive girl" You feel your knees buckle under the stress of it all as you fall back onto the bed with a soft bounce.
"I was merely trying to be a good host" his voice is so gentle, calm that it makes you angrier.
"Being a good host does not substitute you pushing me aside like some sick dog as you fool around with her!- the entire night." you huff biting the inside of your lip.
"You're jealous?" he asks in almost disbelief.
"What?- Jealous I'm-" You can't deny it, you were, you were jealous of the pretty Ryswell girl and how she seemed to have captured Cregan's attention.
"You are missing my point entirely," you whisper leaning into him as he sits down on the bed next to you.
"I'm sorry- you're right, I should've paid more attention to you," he says, wiping away the tears that fall from your eyes, "I meant no harm by it, I swear." he presses a gentle kiss to your hairline.
"It was embarrassing Cregan, the way they all looked at me with pity in their eyes. I am your wife." you sigh, the events of tonight wearing down on you more than you thought, and now the fabric of your dress felt all too tight and itchy.
"Forgive me my love- my beautiful wife" he says pressing another kiss to your shoulder as he helps you up from the bed.
"You can get Lyra to help me if you want to go back to entertaining our guests" you whisper, testing him a little as you sneak a glance his way.
"There are no guests to entertain sweetheart, I called it off as soon as you left," he mumbles against your neck as he continues to peppers soft kisses to your warming skin.
He undoes the lace of your dress, pulling at the fabric as it loosens around your shoulders, coming undone to reveal your back, his gentle fingers trailing along your spine as his soft lips traverse to your neck.
"I never meant to hurt you or make you doubt your place within my heart" he whispers as he tugs your dress completely off, letting it hit the floor with a soft thud before going to get your nightdress, slipping the soft fabric over your body before wrapping his strong arms around your middle, nuzzling his nose in the juncture of your neck and shoulder as he breathes in deeply.
"I swear, by the old gods and new that my heart belongs to you, all of it." Cregan turns you around to face him and it's only then he sees your tear-stained face, the way your bottom lip juts out at his loving words.
"I love you," he says as you push your face against his chest, letting all the built-up emotions go as they leave you in the form of tears. His big hand soothes the expanse of your back as he sways you in his arms ever so gently. He swears to never make you feel as you did tonight, ever again.
"I love you too" you whisper against the leather he is wearing. He cups your face within his hands, the warmth of his palms bleeding with affection as his thumb soothes against the apples of your cheeks.
"Come on my love, let's go to bed eh?" you nod as he tucks your hair behind your ears. You fall asleep wrapped up with him, a mess of limbs underneath the furs as he holds you gently and in the morning and every morning after that Cregan sings your praises, never letting you doubt your place beside him, ever.
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ddarker-dreams · 9 months
when yan lyney sets his mind on something, consider it good as done, because he is persistent.
he doesn't even have to say anything, you can just sense it by the mischievous twinkle in his eyes. you've created three categories to place him in, depending on his behavior. these categories are as follows:
acceptable (when he is not around you)
not enjoyable (when he is around you)
waking nightmare (when he's around you and has an idea)
you explained these tiers to lyney, who listened dutifully and nodded along, as if you were giving a riveting speech. at the end, he raised his hand to pose a question. he wanted a touchstone to understand the difference in misery between the second and third tier. you likened the former as walking around in wet socks and the latter as walking on burning coals.
for the past few days, you've been in the trenches of tier three. he's charmed by the thought of painting a red heart on your right cheek. his sales pitch is that you'll match. you aren't sold on it. eventually, however, you get fed up with his making-your-house-keys-disappear trick and concede. you tell him you'll paint the stupid heart. the last time this pursuit went on too long, you spent hours trying to catch a dove he released in your residence. that isn't an experience you wish to repeat.
instead of having the content, 'i won,' countenance, he hums lowly.
aw, he must've forgot to tell you that he has to apply it. that little detail must've fallen through the cracks. you don't mind the last minute adjustment, right?
the following morning, you've added a fourth category to the list.
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charlottecutepie · 3 months
˚⋆𐙚。⋆ Married!William Afton x fem!reader headcanons
tags: nsfw, smut, cheating, dry humping, drunk!reader, corruption, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, car sex, doggy style, riding, hand job, age difference, pet names, lil bit of dirty talk?, small daddy kink, kind of manipulator William
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Married!William, who has admired you for a very long time. Ever since you came into his life, his mind has been clouded by you. At first you were nothing more but a good friend of his wife, then you became like her second daughter. Clara doted on you, trusted you her kids and even went to the beauty salon with you on weekends.
Married!William, who often gave his wife money for shopping, actually dreamed of giving all those dollars to you. Every time Clara came home with a bunch of bags of new clothes, he was looking forward to seeing what you bought for yourself.
Married!William, who knew that you were younger than his wife. Despite the similarity of your character, your common hobbies and interests, you were very different from Clara in many ways.
Married!William, who was more than glad to see you in his house. Since you often looked after his kids as Clara asked you to. When William was working at home, he'd go downstairs to the kitchen and always pass by the living room where you were playing with Evan and Elizabeth. William would stop, leaning against the wall, holding a mug of his favourite coffee in his hands and look at you, admire you, crave you.
Married!William, who thought you were such a good girl. So kind, always ready to help, so merciful. You easily managed to find common ground with his children, even with Michael. One day, when Clara came home from work very late, and kids had been sleeping in their beds for a long time thanks to you, she couldn't help but hug you and thank you for your care. William chuckled as he noticed how embarrassed you were by his wife's words. Well, he'll definitely take note of it, you like being praised.
Married!William, who loves watching you cook together with his wife. You don't have much baking experience, so your cute face was confused in the process. The way you always asked if you were doing right by adding a certain ingredient to chocolate bread. William was even a little lost, in his head your question “am I doing right” would suit perfectly when your cute hands would be wrapped around his cock.
Married!William, who noticed how perfect his wife's cute little hair clip looked on you, only more enhancing your charm. When did Clara give it to you?
Married!William who's been finding any opportunity to be close to you, touching you when nobody's looking.
Married!William, who was pleasantly surprised to learn that you're not so innocent. One such occasion was a birthday party hosted by his wife at their house, where William caught your eyes on him, studying him, despite the crowd of people surrounding you.
Married!William, who noticed your lips slightly parted as you exhaled a contented sigh. “You're looking awfully handsome right now.” you mumbled softly to him when he approached you as everyone were busy chatting and laughing, their focus shifting away from the two of you.
Married!William, who saw that you were drunk and decided to take advantage of it. You obviously overdid it with alcohol as your vision blurry and your head spin like crazy. It was also very stuffy and hot, or maybe it was just because of William, you didn't knew.
“You need to freshen up, little one.” he offered, carefully taking the glass from your hand. You looked at him questioningly for a moment before you burst out laughing, realizing how tipsy you really were. Before you knew it, he had steered you towards a nearby bathroom, all empty and quiet enough for you two.
Married!William, who watched you from behind, his gaze riveted on the curves of your body, shimmering in the light of the lamps in the bathroom. As soon as the water hit your face, he stepped closer until his chest pressed against your back. “I could fuck you right here.” he whispered, looking at your reflection in the mirror. When you snuggled up to him, William started grinding against you sensually. His bulge pressed harder against your ass when his hands roamed over your body. “Do you want this, doll? Tell me you do.”
Married!William who got you all wet and needy for his cock as he humped against you, holding your jaw so your eyes would never leave mirror reflection. You couldn't help but sink back against him, silently begging for more, your drunk mind couldn't process situation. And William loved every minute of this, finally he got you.
Married!William who came hard in his pants from rubbing himself against you through clothes. His groans in your ear and his hand groping your clothed breasts. He holds you tighly while your drunk head spins and you nearly fall from how hard he ruts his hips into you.
Married!William who fucked you the next day while no one was home. Using your hangover and that you barely remember anything from party night as he pounds you on sofa. You on all fours with your butt up, your moans and gasps filling the empty house as William breathes and groans behind you, thrusting into your little cunt.
Married!William, who stopped the car near the store as his wife went out to “buy something really quick”, leaving you alone with her husband. The moment she disappeared through the door of the store, he decided to take the lead. “She has left us alone for a little while, let's make use of it.” you looked at him hesitantly and he laughed. “C'mon, pretty girl. Don't wanna miss out on this perfect opportunity, do we?”
Married!William, who eats you out on their doubled with Clara bed while she's away. “Such a pretty little cunt,” he groans, using his long rough fingers to spread your delicate folds. Next second his face is stuffed in your pussy and he gently sucks and swirls circles on your sensitive clit. “mhmhm. . .” pretty dangerous situation, considering that his wife should be coming home soon, but oh, he doesn’t care.
Married!William, who tells you that you're many times better than his wife, in absolutely everything, only with you all his dreams and fantasies come true. “My marriage has been a sham for so long. . . with her all I get is indifference while i'm stuck pretending everything is fine just for appearances.” there's a shadow of bitter resentment and contempt on his face, he has you sitting on his lap as his fingers are tucking your hair behind your ear. “You're everything my wife would never be.” and you think a lot about his words.
Married!William, who makes sure that his wife and children are asleep, everyone in their beds, snoring, and Clara didn't even feel William get out of their bed. She was too tired at work to wake up at such noises. He quietly gets dressed and grabs the car keys. He's going to spend the night in your place.
Married!William, who comes to your doorstep with flowers, your favourite ones, and you can't help but laugh shyly when you let him in. God, this man knows a lot about you. Of course, he heard interesting stuff about you from his wife, she even gossiped to him about your exes. William was more than damn glad to know that he's the first man with whom you have such a big age difference, and should he mention he loves this dynamic?
Married!William, who sees that you have prepared for your “little date”, even put on beautiful lace underwear in a delicate lavender colour. Oh fucking god, when was the last time he saw a woman that sexy?
Married!William, who have the most sensual, but at the same time animalistic sex with you, who fucks you like rabbit in all poses and angles. The way you're both hungry for each other. “i can't, i can't,” he groans, his dick is getting hard again after he just fucked you in missionary. “i need to be inside you again, pretty girl, have you cum on my cock again.” as he has you lying wearily on your side from just being fucked, but he doesn't have enough and settles in from behind, rubbing his cock against your throbbing hole. And despite how tired and sleepy you're feeling, you still let him use you and fuck you the way he wants, and you'd damn lie if you'd say you aren't loving every second of it.
Married!William who turned you into a little crying mess. He tears off orgasm after orgasm from you, your eyes crossed, your throat hurts from loud whines and moans, your voice breaks, your sopping cunt is ruined and filled with his seed, however he doesn't plan to stop. “Sensitive girl. . . squeezing me so tight, gonna make me cum again soon, ughh” he murmurs into your lips.
Married!William, who destroyed you and your mind, corrupted you and forced you to play completely by his rules. Yeah, he craved you, but now he's made you crave him back. You couldn't live a day without thoughts about him, he literally forced you to need his touch, words of praise and his cock. He turned you into his desperate girl who always needed to have her pussy well fucked.
Married!William, who cutely talked to his wife as if nothing had happened, sweetly asking her about her work and girl friends, while you clearly saw the subtle indifference in his eyes. When she turned her back on him, continuing to answer questions and talk about her day, William winked at you. Your heart stopped beating. You were ready to howl and cry just to have him touch you, your body needs him, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Married!William, whose wife left into another room for a phone talk and you literally jump on him, kiss him on the lips and don't give a fuck about Clara at all. William doesn't even push you away, but sits on the couch and revels in you, wraps one arm around you and squeezes your ass with the other. In response you groan in his mouth, and Clara can hear it just perfectly, so her voice from other room asks: “hey, Y/n, did you say something?”
Married!William, whose wife doesn't notice your kisses and touches while she's literally next to you, you really must except for William's hand to squeeze your inner thigh or his fingers to rub you through your panties, if Clara doesn't see and busy with something. But you're walking on thin ice and no one knows what'll happen if you break it.
Married!William who lets you touch his cock through his clothes while Clara has her back to you. You perfectly see the huge bulge in his pants and bite your lips in anticipation, already imagining how well it would fill you, as if perfectly sculptured for your cunt. And finally you release his cock from his pants and frantically jerk him off, feeling how tense and madly hard he is. William takes a deep breath and smiles at you, bucks his hips a little and thrusts into your hand. And all this while Clara is very close and can turn to you at any moment, that's risky, but fuck it.
Married!William, who lets you ride him while you're both at the backseat of his car, him talking to his wife on the phone, and you can barely contain your moans cuz he doesn't stop fucking you. You bounce on his cock and pray that it never ends, because no one has ever railed you so well. Your pussy so wet and dripping that it creates absolutely dirty slapping sounds, but William doesn't seem to give a fuck bout it all as he stares at you through his fogged up glasses while blowing kisses to his wife on his phone.
Married!William who's cock twitches inside you as you sob “daddy” in your angelic whiny voice. You immediately reach for a tender kiss as he barely has time to hang up, you move your hips, trying to drive his cock deeper, your walls flutter around his shaft and you whisper “cum inside me, please, please, please” and William loses it, throws the phone far away and grabs you by the waist, fucking you dumb on his dick. He grits his teeth and his jaw clenched as he's being swallowed by warmth and wetness of your cunt.
Married!William, who can't help but groans loudly and finishes inside you, giving you what you want. You cum around his cock, rolling your hips in slow motion, your pussy spasming around him. You press your whole body against him and kiss his neck, leaving small bites and beautiful hickeys as you both dissolve into pleasure.
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