#rolling like thunder we RUMBLE AND ROAR
Let's ride ALL NIGHT Sons of thunder (Sons of thunder!)
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lvoryingrid · 9 months
The Cabin In The Woods
Levi x fem!Reader
Synopsis: In the midst of a Titan battle, Levi Ackerman and (Y/n) seek shelter in a forest cabin. The rivalry between them turns into an unexpected intimacy as subtle touches escalate.
Warning: 🔞 minors do not read/interact : contains 18+ content, smut/erotica
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The battlefield was a symphony of chaos, with the metallic scent of blood lingering in the air. Levi Ackerman, humanity's greatest hope, moved with unparalleled grace, his blades dancing through the tumult like a deadly waltz. Thunderous roars of Titans reverberated around him, accompanied by the desperate cries of soldiers caught in the merciless grip of the war.
Amidst the swirling dust and smoke, Levi's steel-blue gaze focused on (Y/n)’s face. Her movements were a ballet of survival, each strike a testament to her unyielding determination. As their eyes met in a fleeting moment, a silent understanding passed between them, a recognition of the shared struggle against a common enemy.
"(Y/n)! Watch your left flank!" Levi's voice cut through the cacophony, a sharp command born of necessity rather than animosity. She shot him a quick glance, a mixture of irritation and acknowledgment in her eyes. "I don't need you to babysit me, Captain!"
The Titans closed in, and Levi fought with a controlled fury, dispatching the colossal foes with calculated precision. Yet, in the back of his mind, a growing unease nagged at him. He couldn't shake the feeling that time was slipping away, that the stakes were higher than ever.
In the midst of the relentless battle, Levi and (Y/n) found themselves back to back, defending each other against the onslaught. The clash of steel against Titan flesh created a chaotic melody, punctuated by the occasional exchange of glances and shared determination.
Levi smirked, a hint of amusement tugging at the corner of his lips. "Just making sure you don't get yourself killed. Wouldn't want you to miss out on the chance to lose to me again."
Her response was a scoff, but there was a glimmer of a smirk hidden beneath the exterior. "You wish, Captain. I can handle myself just fine. I just don't want to waste my energy saving your sorry ass," she shot back, a glint of camaraderie in her eyes."
Levi raised an eyebrow, a hint of annoyance breaking through his stern expression. "Don't get too cocky. We've got a long way to go."
The battlefield gradually fell silent as Levi and (Y/n) found themselves veering away from the main force, their surroundings becoming a dense forest. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting an eerie glow over the landscape as ominous clouds gathered overhead. The first droplets of rain splattered against their uniforms, gradually evolving into a relentless downpour.
Levi cast a sideways glance at (Y/n), raindrops clinging to her disheveled (h/c) hair. "We need to find shelter before we get drenched. HQ can wait until tomorrow."
(Y/n) shot him a defiant look, raindrops clinging to her disheveled hair. "I don't need you to state the obvious, Captain. I'm not stupid."
Levi rolled his eyes, his annoyance evident. "Just follow my lead and try not to slow me down."
They trudged deeper into the forest, the tension between them palpable. The rain intensified, turning the path ahead into a muddy quagmire. The sound of raindrops pelting leaves and the distant rumble of thunder echoed through the trees, creating an atmosphere thick with unease.
Levi's sharp eyes scanned the surroundings, looking for any sign of shelter. "There should be a safehouse not too far from here. We can regroup and head to HQ in the morning."
As they ventured deeper, the tension between them gave way to an unspoken understanding. The rivalry that had defined their interactions now danced on the edge of something more—a raw and unexplored passion simmering beneath the surface.
Finally, through the dense trees, a dilapidated cabin emerged. The wood creaked and groaned under the rain, but it seemed like the only refuge they had. Levi pushed the door open, and they entered, their soaked uniforms clinging to their bodies.
The cabin's interior was dimly lit, shadows playing on the worn walls. Levi couldn't ignore the flicker of vulnerability in (Y/n)'s eyes, her guard momentarily down. "We'll stay here for the night. Tomorrow, we head to HQ."
(Y/n) nodded, the gravity of the situation sinking in. The air in the cabin crackled with tension as they realized the close quarters they'd be sharing. The rivalry that had fueled their interactions now seemed like a thin veil hiding a deeper connection.
As the storm outside intensified, the two found themselves huddled in the cabin, the air thick with unspoken words. The flickering lantern cast shadows on Levi's face, accentuating the lines of fatigue and determination.
"I never thought I'd find myself stuck in a creepy cabin with you," (Y/n) teased, a small smile playing on her lips.
Levi's stoic exterior cracked just a bit, a subtle smirk appearing. "Consider it a special fucking treat."
Levi's keen eyes scanned the dimly lit cabin, searching for any available resources. Spotting a stack of old planks in the corner, he gathered them and set to work on starting a fire. The flickering flames cast a warm glow across the worn interior, revealing the exhaustion etched on both their faces.
As the fire began to crackle, Levi glanced over at (Y/n), who stood shivering in the corner, her wet clothes clinging to her like a second skin. With a barely audible sigh, he got up, his movements purposeful. "Stay put."
(Y/n) shot him a skeptical look but complied, watching as Levi disappeared into the shadows of the cabin. He returned moments later, holding a dusty, moth-eaten blanket. Without a word, he tossed it towards her.
"Here, wrap yourself in this. Your clothes are soaked, remove them" Levi instructed, his tone gruff but carrying an underlying concern.
(Y/n) caught the blanket, eyeing him warily. "You're not planning to play the hero, are you?"
Levi raised an eyebrow, his expression unchanging. "Don't get any ideas. I'm not doing this for you; it's for my own peace of mind. I don't need you catching a cold and slowing us down tomorrow."
She rolled her eyes, attempting to brush off the subtle act of kindness. "Well, aren't you just a gentleman in shining armor."
Levi scowled, irritation flickering across his features. "Quit the sarcasm and do as I say. It's practical, not chivalry."
Levi's gaze flickered away as (Y/n) began to peel off her wet clothes, the fire's dim light casting an ethereal glow on her silhouette. She could feel the weight of his discomfort, a strange mixture of vulnerability and an unfamiliar tension in the air.
"(Y/n), don't make this more awkward than it needs to be. Just get dry," Levi muttered, his eyes fixed on the fire in a futile attempt to avoid the scene unfolding before him.
(Y/n) shot him a wry grin, her usual defiance cutting through the air. "Oh, Captain, can't handle a little skin? I thought you were supposed to be a tough guy."
Levi scowled, irritation evident. "This isn't the time for your sarcasm. Just get yourself warmed up and get some rest. We have a long day ahead."
As she covered herself with the blanket, the glow of the fire outlined the curves and scars on her body. Levi couldn't help but steal a glance, the flicker of the flames highlighting the strength and resilience etched into every mark. For a moment, the intensity of their rivalry faded, and Levi found himself oddly captivated by the vulnerability in front of him.
(Y/n) caught the fleeting look in his eyes, a playful smirk dancing on her lips. "Captain, I never thought I'd see the day when the great Levi, would be caught ogling."
Levi's cheeks tinged with a hint of red, a rare occurrence for the stoic soldier. "I'm not ogling. Just making sure you're not going to collapse from exhaustion."
She chuckled, the sound echoing in the quiet cabin. "Sure, Captain. Whatever helps you sleep at night."
The rain continued its relentless assault on the cabin's roof, creating a soothing backdrop to the awkward tension that hung in the air. As (Y/n) settled under the blanket, she couldn't resist the opportunity to further tease Levi, who was doing his best to avoid eye contact.
"Captain," she called out with a mischievous glint in her eyes, "aren't you feeling a bit chilly yourself? You look like you've taken a swim in the river."
Levi shot her an annoyed glare, his irritation evident. "I'm fine. This isn't a cozy campfire, and I'm not here for your entertainment."
(Y/n) chuckled, undeterred by his gruff demeanor. "Oh, come on, Captain. We wouldn't want you catching a cold now, would we? That'd be a tragedy."
Levi clenched his jaw, his annoyance reaching new heights. "I don't need your concern, and I certainly don't need your commentary. Just get some rest."
But (Y/n), never one to back down from a little banter, decided to up the ante. With a sly smile, she shifted under the blanket, feigning a shiver. "You sure about that, Captain? Your teeth seem to be doing a little dance there. Maybe we should huddle together for warmth."
Levi's eyes narrowed, a barely audible growl escaping his throat. "I said, I'm fine."
Undeterred, she continued to playfully prod him. "You know, it's scientifically proven that body heat is the best way to stay warm. Just saying."
Levi shot her a withering look, his annoyance now accompanied by a faint blush. "I don't need your suggestions, and I certainly don't need to 'scientifically prove' anything with you."
(Y/n) couldn't help but laugh at his expense. "Relax, Captain. I'm just messing with you. No need to get all hot and bothered."
Levi rolled his eyes, his frustration evident. "I'm not bothered. Just get some rest before I decide to leave you out in the rain."
She grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, Captain, if you change your mind and decide you need some warmth, I'll be right here."
The rain outside showed no signs of letting up, and despite Levi's attempts to brush off the chill, his trembling form betrayed the cold that had settled into his bones. (Y/n), under the worn-out blanket, couldn't help but notice the subtle shivers that ran through him.
"You're freezing, Captain," she remarked with a raised eyebrow, her teasing tone giving way to genuine concern.
Levi shot her a glare, his pride evident. "I've faced worse than a bit of rain."
(Y/n) sighed, a hint of exasperation in her voice. "You can drop the tough act, Levi. We're not in the middle of a battlefield now. We're just two people trying to stay warm."
Levi scowled but didn't offer any further protest. The truth was, the relentless rain had taken its toll, and his ego was the only thing keeping him from admitting it. With a begrudging acknowledgment, he finally mumbled, "Fine, but don't get any ideas."
(Y/n) chuckled, shifting to make room for him under the blanket. "No promises, Captain. Just trying to survive the night."
Levi shot her a warning look before begrudgingly starting to remove his wet clothes. The fire's dim light flickered over his scars and the defined muscles that spoke of years of battles. As he shuffled into the blanket, (Y/n) couldn't help but smirk at the irony of their situation.
"See? That's not so bad, is it?" she teased, her eyes gleaming with amusement.
Levi grunted in response, avoiding eye contact. "This doesn't change anything. I'm only doing this to shut you up."
The fire's dying embers cast a soft glow across the cabin, and with every flicker, Levi and (Y/n) found themselves drawn closer under the blanket. The initial distance that had defined their makeshift alliance began to close, replaced by a palpable tension that hung in the air like the storm outside.
Levi, still maintaining a semblance of stoicism, shifted slightly, unintentionally brushing against (Y/n). The brief contact sent a shiver down both their spines, an electric charge that neither could ignore. The subtle touches, once accidental, now held a weight of unspoken possibilities.
"(Y/n), watch where you're putting your damn elbows," Levi grumbled, his attempt to mask the underlying tension evident in the gruffness of his voice.
She shot him a sidelong glance, a playful glint in her eyes. "Captain, I can't control where my elbows go. Maybe you're just too close."
Levi scowled but didn't pull away, the proximity between them amplifying the uncharted territory they found themselves navigating. The cabin, once just a refuge from the storm, became a space where the lines between rivalry and something more blurred.
As the rain outside dwindled to a gentle patter, the quiet cabin seemed to amplify the sound of their breaths. The air became charged with a quiet anticipation, the weight of unspoken words hanging between them.
(Y/n) couldn't resist the temptation, her hand subtly finding its way to Levi's arm. The touch, feather-light and seemingly innocent, sent a shockwave through both of them. Levi's gaze flickered towards her, a silent acknowledgment of the shift in dynamics.
Levi cleared his throat, attempting to break the tension. "Keep your damn hands to yourself."
(Y/n) smirked, her fingers tracing absentminded patterns on his arm. "I'm just trying to stay warm."
Levi, irritated by the unexpected turn of events and the unsettling tension in the air, decided to retaliate in his own way. With a calculated smirk, he shifted closer to (Y/n), his fingers gently trailing along her arm in a manner that mirrored her earlier touch.
"Don't get too comfortable. This isn't an invitation," Levi remarked, his voice carrying a mix of annoyance and amusement.
She raised an eyebrow, the smirk never leaving her face. "Oh, Captain, didn't know you had it in you. Looks like the great Captain can't resist a little intimacy."
Levi scowled, attempting to maintain his composure. "This is purely practical. Don't read too much into it."
The banter continued, each subtle touch carrying an undercurrent of challenge. As the cabin remained shrouded in the quiet sounds of the rain and crackling fire, the atmosphere became charged with an unexpected energy.
In a moment of boldness, (Y/n) decided to turn the tables. Her fingers trailed along Levi's jawline, a playful glint in her eyes. "Captain, you're not fooling anyone. I can feel the heat radiating off you."
Levi's breath caught in his throat for a split second, his usual stoic facade momentarily faltering. "I told you, it's for warmth. Nothing more."
But (Y/n) wasn't deterred, her touch becoming more deliberate. "You know, Captain, sometimes actions speak louder than words."
"You're pushing your luck," Levi growled, the lines of annoyance and desire blurring in his eyes.
She met his gaze with a challenging stare, her lips curving into a sly smile. "Is that a threat, Captain? Or perhaps an invitation?"
Levi, not one to back down, closed the remaining distance between them, grabbing her by her hair. The frustration that had simmered beneath the surface now boiled over, fueling a passion neither had expected. In a moment of heated intensity, their lips collided, a clash of desire that silenced the banter and left only the echoes of their shared breaths.
The kiss, at first fueled by frustration, quickly morphed into something deeper—an exploration of uncharted territories and emotions that neither had dared to acknowledge. As their lips moved in a rhythm born of a newfound connection, the storm outside seemed to mirror the tempest of emotions within the cabin.
When they finally broke apart, (Y/n) and Levi were left breathless, their eyes locked in a silent understanding that transcended words. The fire, though now reduced to embers, seemed to burn brighter in the aftermath of their passionate exchange.
Levi, his usual composure momentarily shattered, struggled to find the right words. "This... doesn't change anything. We're not suddenly buddy buddy because of a kiss."
(Y/n), a flush of warmth coloring her cheeks, smiled with a hint of mischief. "Who said it had to? Maybe it's just something between us, Captain."
Her words sent a thrill of anticipation through Levi, and he felt himself grow hard against her. Unable to contain himself any longer, Levi roughly pushed (Y/n) back against the floor, pinning her beneath him. Her eyes widened in surprise, but there was a spark of anticipation in their depths that told him she wasn't entirely opposed to this development.
He leaned in close, his breath warm against her neck, as he whispered "Is that what you want?" he growled, his voice gruff, rough with desire. "Do you want me to touch you, that bad?" As he felt her nipples harden beneath his palms. He cupped her breasts, playing with them before lifting them so he could kiss and suckle her nipples.
(Y/n) arched her back, pressing her breasts further into Levi's hands as his lips and tongue teased her nipples mercilessly. She could feel the heat rising within her, spreading like electricity through her entire body. "Levi" she moaned, her voice breathy and needy. "Yes, please, touch me."
"Do you want me to make you feel good?" His fingers, reached down her body playing with her pussy, as he continued the relentless teasing, and she could feel the pressure building inside her, making her body tremble with anticipation. "Oh, please, yes," she moaned a hint of impatience in her voice, arching her back even further, her fingernails digging into his shoulders. "I want you."
Levi smiled wickedly, his eyes glinting with lust. "Tell me what you want," he commanded, still teasing her with his fingers. "Tell me how bad you want this."
"I want you inside me," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart. "I want you to fuck me so hard I can't think about anything else." Her hips bucked upward, seeking the connection she ached for, and his thumb brushed against her clit, sending a jolt of pleasure through her.
With one swift movement, Levi positioned himself between her spread legs, his erection pressing against her wet folds. Smirking at the thought that he barely touched her and she was that wet for him. He leaned in, his lips finding her ear, and growled, "I've wanted this since the moment I fucking met you. Fuck you so hard you won't be able to say anything else but my name" With that, he pushed himself inside her, filling her up in one deep stroke that made her cry out in pleasure.
As Levi thrust into her, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in this small, intimate space. The sounds of their bodies colliding and the wet slapping of skin on skin, filled the air. He moved with a savage grace that sent waves of pleasure coursing through her veins, his powerful body braced above hers. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders as she met his thrusts, their hips moving in perfect rhythm.
Her breath came in ragged gasps, her eyes squeezed shut as she surrendered to the overwhelming sensations. The tension that had built up within her since their confrontation finally released, coursing through her like an electric current. She arched her back off the floor, her nails digging deeper into his shoulders as she felt the familiar tightening in her core.
"Oh, god, Levi," she moaned, her voice hoarse from the effort of keeping up with his pace. "Don't stop." she said as her hands found their way to his dark hair.
He growled, his lips finding her neck, leaving a mark as he thrust harder, deeper. "I'm not going to stop. Not until you're screaming for more." His hips slammed against hers again and again, the friction building up with each passing second.
The air in the room seemed to crackle with the intensity of their passion, and she could feel the heat of his body against hers, his sweat mingling with hers. Her muscles began to quiver, her orgasm barreling down on her like a runaway train.
"Levi," she cried out, her body tensing as the wave of pleasure washed over her.
His movements became even more frenzied, his thrusts more urgent as he felt her body begin to convulse around him. With a harsh groan, he threw his head back, his eyes squeezed shut, and emptied himself inside her.
As the last shudders of pleasure subsided, Levi collapsed on top of her, his weight pressing her into the carpet. He held her close, his breathing labored as he tried to catch his breath. After a moment, he looked down at her with a satisfied smirk and muttered, "You're such a fucking brat."
Despite the harsh words, there was a possessive fondness in his tone that she couldn't help but feel warm inside. He rolled off her, propping himself up on one elbow as he gazed down at her, his eyes trailing down her body.
"Next time, it'll be in a cleaner environment," he said with a wink. "I'll make sure we have a bed or something."
"You're unbelievable," she remarked, her eyes meeting Levi's with a mixture of amusement and warmth. The flickering light cast a gentle glow over the scene, highlighting the vulnerability beneath their tough exteriors.
With a swift motion, he covered their bodies with the blanket, the warmth of the fabric cocooning them in a shared space. "You know, your scientific facts might have some truth to them."
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angelofsmalldeaath · 4 months
your slice of life style has become such a comfort for me i pick one out to read before i go to bed and they make my heart all warm
if you feel like taking requests/want inspo I’d love to read a rainy day in the life vibe (no pressure tho!! genuinely would read something about watching paint dry if you wrote it)
mwah xx
reading this ask made me feel all warm and fuzzy, you are so so sweet!! 🥹 no like i love it when people tell me they enjoy my writing, it's such a good feeling!! so thank you sm for this ♡︎
i really hope this was what you wanted it to be ♡︎
cw: references a previous fic, suggestive
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“jesus fuck!” i jump in my seat and glare at him when he snickers. the thunder rumbling is unexpected and loud—louder than it has any right to be.
“scared?” he teases.
“of a little thunder?” i turn my nose up at him, faking bravado, “never. i just don’t wanna get stuck in the rain.”
“too late,” he tsks, and together we look out the cafe window as the light turns watery. the wind picks up, so does the footfall of people running to find shelter. some gather under the awning of the cafe we’re in, some run across the street and find shelter in other establishments. 
he takes hold of my hand. “we could still make it if we ran…”
i look down at our table—at our empty coffee cups and breakfast plates—and then back up outside the window. fat drops of rain hit the glass, one after the other, racing down until they all converge into a tiny puddle. 
“could we?”
“what’s the harm?” he points at his jacket, “we could use this as cover.”
i contemplate it for a second, picture it in my head and laugh—the two of us dashing through the rain under a jacket that isn’t nearly big enough. another rumble from the skies makes me jolt. this time he manages to stifle his laugh. 
“alright,” i nod, gathering my things and wiping my hands on the tissues. he holds my hand the moment we scramble to our feet. the door chimes softly as we push it open, and immediately the wind and rain rush to greet us.
“fuck!” i squeal, “‘m freezing my tits off!”
i groan the moment i hear his little juvenile giggle—an uncharacteristically boyish sound from a giant of a man. “i could warm them for you, you know?”
“you’re such a man!” i roll my eyes, trying to stifle a smile but he pulls me out from under the awning and right into the torrential rain. 
under the thin shelter of his jacket, we huddle close, our bodies pressed together to keep as dry as possible. the rain is colder than i expected, and the pavement is already slick beneath our feet. we take off running, his laughter ringing in my ears, mingling with the roar of the storm.
“shit, we’re so unhealthy,” i huff, breathless and barely a street down from the cafe. 
he raises his brow at me. “we?”
“shut up,” i punch his shoulder lightly. he’s barely out of breath though, looking at me with amusement and mostly drenched from the rain now.
his hair is plastered to his face too. the water clings to his eyelashes and a drop falls on his nose, making its way down to his lips. it’s mesmerising, in a way—a drop of water on his lips and suddenly he’s the most beautiful man i’ve ever seen. 
when the thunder rumbles again—much louder than before—i stagger to a stop, right in the middle of the pavement like a deer caught in headlights. this time he doesn’t laugh, he just pulls me into him and pulls us into a little alley that seems a bit shielded than the main street.
“you’re okay,” he tucks a wet strand of hair behind my ear.
“we always end up in alleys somehow,” i try to wipe my face on my sleeves but it’s useless. 
“we do,” he nods. we stare at each other—me, completely breathless, him, breathing in this odd rhythm that makes me think of all sorts of things. 
he moves towards me, our toes touching, his wet body pressed into mine. it’s darker here, in this alley. the buildings tower over us, but the rain is just as relentless. 
“we should hurry up and go home,” i point out but it holds no conviction at all. 
“we should,” he nods and bends down to kiss me. 
on his lips i taste the raindrop from before. it’s sweet—or perhaps it’s just the taste of him, sweet and familiar and like home. and even when the rough wall digs into my back and thunder echoes all around me, i melt into him, fist my hands into his jumper and pull him so close that no air can pass between us any longer. 
“you…” he swipes his tongue over my lip and i shiver, “should have listened to me.”
“the breakfast date was your idea!”
“in bed!” he protests against my mouth, kissing me a little harder. 
“and who was going to make the food?” i challenge, holding back a moan. 
“who said i wanted to eat food?”
my cheeks heat up. i laugh and hide my face in his chest—something he always finds particularly endearing. “so we should hurry up and go home then… i am dying to get out of these clothes.”
this time when he nods, there’s a twinkle in his eyes. he pulls away and i shiver from the cold until he holds my hand again and pulls us back on the main street. the jacket is back on our heads, drenched and utterly useless but i like how the world looks from under it and from by his side. 
when the thunder rumbles again, i don’t stop. i only hold onto him tighter and we run through the streets faster. 
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kairiscorner · 1 year
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
dang it i just got another little drabble
a late call on a stormy night with miggy.
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imagine calling miguel in the middle of the night when it's raining, when you should be asleep, when you should be catching up on all the nights you should've been resting when instead all you've done was stay up and carry the multiverse on your shoulders along with him.
you know you should be sleeping, you know your body would thank you so damn much right now for falling asleep, maybe for days on end and just think of nothing. but you're not. you're wide awake because of the thunder clapping in the distance, the flashes of lightning that strike through the sky and evoke for your eyelids to fly open and forget your need to sleep.
rainy nights are wonderful to listen to, but stormy nights are the pits.
you sighed as you rubbed your eyes with your palms, wishing that the overwhelming sounds and sights would vanish as soon as they came; but unfortunately, the weather gave no sign of relenting, and you gave no sign of wanting to sleep any time soon.
you sat up in your bed, feeling like absolute crap since it's been days since your last full cycle of sleep. you ran on nothing but energy bars, instant coffee, and general workaholism. you sighed as you got up and checked your phone for the latest weather forecast, trying to distract yourself from the rain pouring outside your window and from the roaring of thunder outside.
you looked through your messages, nothing new there. but as soon as you were about to close your phone to try and regain some motivation to sleep, you received a notification from your colleague, miguel o'hara. you grumbled as you opened the conversation, hoping with all your might that he wouldn't unreasonably summon you to HQ to handle some technical problems yet again.
as soon as you opened the conversation, all you were greeted with was a singular, "are you up right now?"
you blinked in confusion, but you felt obliged to reply. "ye, wsp?" you messaged. you weren't scared of casually messaging miguel like that, unliked everyone else, you were the only one he had more casual talks with, someone he actually found comfort and fun in talking to, which was incredibly rare for the man since all he thought of was the fate of the multiverse or something.
"can we talk? like, right now." he messaged back. "but arent we talking rn" you were in the middle of typing, when all of a sudden, the screen changed from your messages with him to the screen of a call from him coming on your phone. you nearly jumped at the abrupt transition, but you bore it anyway. you clicked the accept button on the call, and you saw your own face being lit up solely by the blue light being emitted from your phone on your screen, and his end being... just his ceiling.
"uh, did you call me, or did a ghost do it for you?" you joked. "ay, mierda, sorry." miguel said hastily as he soon picked up the phone, and in a flash, you went from looking up at his boring, beige ceiling, to suddenly seeing his sculpted, tanned face; seeing up close his left hazelnut brown eye and a furrowed eyebrow. "guess i accidentally clicked the call button, sorry." he cleared up as he angled the camera to his face properly, a sign he didn't want to end the call right then and there.
you smiled as you saw him. "looking good, o'hara, for a half-asleep mess of a man." you remarked, to which he rolled his eyes, unamused. "haha, thanks." he said as he cracked a small smile as he looked away from the camera for a second. "did you get any sleep?" you asked as the thunder clapped yet again in the distance, causing you to shake a little.
he shook his head. "got too much to think about to sleep." he admitted as he looked at your shaken figure. "you okay?" he asked as he heard the rumbling of the thunder in the distance. "oh, i suppose not." he muttered as he looked at you, who got back into bed and curled up under the covers.
miguel looked at you with some form of sympathy in his eyes. "do you... want me to, oh nevermind." he put down his suggestion as he turned away, about to head back into bed himself and end the call. "to what?" you pressed him as he was about to drop the call. his finger hovered over the end call button, but he soon pulled it back and looked at you for a few seconds before he continued his thought. "would you like me to... talk to you for the night?" he suggested as he looked at you, your eyes looking back at his own, which made him look away for a little to compose himself.
"i, um... i know how much you hate the sound of thunder and the sudden flashes of lightning, i hate them, too." he admitted as he looked away from you still, trying to get to the point of what he was trying to tell you. "and, um... the way i get through them when it rains that bad here is by talking to lyla, but i remembered you don't have anyone like her, so... here i am, talking to you right now, and, uh... yeah." he mumbled.
you slowly smiled at each and every word he uttered, it made you feel like you weren't alone that night, even if you two were worlds apart, and living alone in your own homes. you nodded. "how charming." you said with a slight chuckle as you set up your phone directly across from your face as you snuggled up in your bed as the rain kept pouring and hammering down your windows and roof. "talk to me." you told him in a gentle voice as he looked at you finally and chuckled himself.
"alright..." he began as he initiated some small talk with you, which, as the long hours of the night went on, became long-winded conversations you two had almost all the time when you two were together in person. you two laughed, smiled, frowned a little, and comforted each other as the rain got louder at times, as the thunder clapped, and as the lightning striked.
"i'm so glad..." you trailed off as you yawned and miguel smiled a little seeing your yawning face. "...you were the one i could talk to tonight." you admitted to him with a grin on your face. "hey, same here." he said as he looked into your eyes from across the screen. you two didn't end the call there, however, you two kept talking to each other for a longer while throughout the night; seeming as though the night was the only time you two were truly active, truly yourselves.
the morning came not long after, and you woke up, having only remembered a few bits of the conversations you had late at night. it was pretty fuzzy, seeing as how you were sleep deprived for a week and could barely sleep due to the damned storm. you sighed as you sat up in bed, content with having at least a few hours of unbothered rest.
but soon, you jolted up in your bed to hear a guttural snore next to you. you looked around you, of course no one else was next to you physically, your bed was too small for it, plus you lived alone. then who was...? you turned around and found your phone, barely hanging on to its last percentage of battery, with miguel's sleeping face on there; him snoring loudly all the while as he mumbled your name in his sleep.
you chuckled. "good morning, miggy." you greeted him, to which miguel found himself waking up to. "hang on, i wanna talk to y... oh." he said in a groggy voice as he saw your face on his screen, with bed head and a sweet smile. "shit, how long's this been on?" he asked with a chuckle. "probably for hours." you pointed out.
he sat up in bed and turned to look at your face in the screen. "you look... pretty." he remarked as he brought his phone closer to his face. "so do you." you said in a sleepy voice. "can we, um... do what we did last night every night?" he asked in a sleepy, yet hopeful voice. "if you're up for it." you teased. "i'm always up for seeing you the moment i sleep to the moment i wake up." he admitted with a sma blush on his face. "always." he repeated as his face disappeared from your screen, with a black screen replacing him in his wake. you sighed but smiled as well, knowing you'd see him today.
"guess i'm grateful for the thunder and lightning at least once in my life."
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @luvstarrstruck
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daisies-daydreams · 7 months
Hey, love!
I am here to request a sex pollen story with our lovely Jango Fett! I would love some build-up to the actual act? Maybe like a job gone sideways or maybe a short stop on a planet leads to a situation or maybe whatever you come up with!
Well, whatever you decide it will be good!
Much love,
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A Small Favor (Jango Fett x F!Reader)
Pairing: Jango Fett x F!Reader Category: Smut (with a hint of angst) Warnings: Depictions Blood/Wounds, Aphrodisiacs/Sex Pollen, Consensual Sex, Unprotected P in V Sex (You Know the Drill), Dirty Talk, Nipple Play, Squirting, Cowgirl Position, Missionary Position, Multiple Creampies, Multiple Orgasms, Swearing, Mentions of Infertility Word Count: 4.1k+ A/N: Hello dear! Thank you so much for your fun request (we both know I'm a sucker for sex pollen fics lol). Also Lucas allegedly said that underwear doesn't exist in space, so I had to...improvise. :| I hope you enjoy!
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This was not how today was supposed to go.
What started as a mission you had been planning with another bounty hunter for weeks has turned into a complete disaster. A streak of lightning cracked over the lush Onderonian jungle as you and your partner, Jango Fett, quietly listened for the gut-wrenching hiss of the pack of Gutkurrs that were stalking you. You tried to steady your breathing as your heart pounded in your ears, the sound of heavy rain and rumbling thunder doing little to assist you in keeping a sharp ear.
Jango grunted as he tensed beside you; the prominent, red gash in his calf making you frown. You bit the inside of your cheek as you kept his arm over your shoulder.
"Come on, Fett. We only have a bit more to go," you tried to quietly reassure him. Your eyes widened when you heard the sound of plants rustling around you as one of the Gutkurrs release a bellowing roar that echoed through the dense, dark forest. You glanced over at the rugged Mandalorian as he wheezed.
“Har’chaak,” the bounty hunter cursed beneath his drenched helmet [damn it]. You remained as quiet as possible as the sound of shuffling grew closer. You shoved the both of you as much as you could beneath the ledge as the carnivores sniffed the air. You felt your heart drop into your stomach as a bright bolt of lightning illuminated their spiny shadows across the landscape in front of you. You leaned against Jango's helmet when a loud crack of thunder rolled over the forest.
"Are you sure your jetpack is damaged?" you asked. You remained quiet as the thunder dissipated, the clicking of the Gutkurr's claws soon replacing the rancorous sound. Jango slowly nodded his head. You sighed as your heart raced even faster when you saw a few streams of mud cascade over the edge above you. You held your gloved hand over your mouth, your body stiff as the insect-like creatures rumbled lowly.
Your eyes darted around the forest as lighting illuminated the lush greenery. Your eyes landed on the familiar glint of Slave I's energy-shield shining past a thick patch of magenta flowers. A tiny pulse of hope shot through your heart as an idea popped into your head.
"Jango," you whispered loudly. The man grunted while the beasts above you skittered about, dragging their sharp, raptorial legs along the muddy ground with impatience. You pulled a flare from your pack, your eyes shining with anticipation as your breathing grew ragged. The other bounty hunter simply gave a short nod, steadying himself against you as you prepared the flare.
You took a deep breath before you ever so slightly stuck your arm out from beneath the edge. The beasts roared and hissed as a streak of red light flashed across the sky, their footsteps rumbling against the soggy ground as the two of you dashed in the opposite direction. You squinted your eyes as you rushed through the patch of magenta flora resting beneath the thick midstory of the jungle.
Your eyes widened when a cloud of yellow dust unexpectedly sprayed in your face. You felt like someone just punched you in the stomach as you nearly doubled over, Jango slipping away from your grasp before you quickly caught him in your arms. He grunted as if he were trying to suppress a cough while his body tensed in your grasp.
You whipped your head up when a lone Gutkurr suddenly rumbled nearby, the reds of its eyes glowing in the light of the storm.
"Run!" you screamed as you tried to steady him against your side. Jango hobbled alongside you as you desperately ran towards the ship sitting in the thick field before you. Your heart raced as the creature's footsteps grew louder as it dragged it's long raptorial legs along the ground. You nearly slipped on a slick patch of mud before Jango grabbed and threw you forward. The two of you panted as he opened the hatch to his ship with the gauntlet on his wrist. Your lungs burned as you wrapped your hand around his wrist and stomped through the tall grass.
Your heart dropped when the Gutkurr roared menacingly as it launched itself forward and opened its wide, dark maw. Time slowed to a stop as you braced yourself to be bitten in half by its razor-sharp teeth...only to open your eyes when you heard the loud sound of a blaster echo through the field. You gasped when the beast fell in front of you with a pitiful groan, Jango heaving as his hand clumsily fell back to his side. You snapped your head up when you heard the rest of the pack roar nearby.
"Hurry!" you whispered loudly as you helped Jango into the hangar. Your heart nearly stopped when you saw a collection of red eyes glint on the outskirts of the field as the door slowly began to close. You pounded your hand against the button inside, praying it would make it go faster as the carnivores rushed towards Slave I.
You flinched and nearly stumbled back when the door finally locked shut just as the creatures surrounded the attack craft. Your chset rose and fell as you ran a hand through your hair, your mind still racing as your heart pounded wildly. You gasped and braced yourself against the wall as the ship began to rock back and forth, the muffled hissing of the Gutkurrs sending a shiver down your spine.
Your eyebrows shot up when the lights suddenly went out, leaving you and Jango in dim lighting as a menacing red glowed through the hangar. The other bounty hunter clenched his fists.
"Dank-" You flinched when the ship shook violently, followed by the frustrated grunts and shrieking of the insect-like carnivores. Jango grunted as he leaned against the wall, the gash in his leg now gushing with blood as he heaved.
You rushed to his side as the emergency lights of his ship flickered each time one of the Gutkurr's slammed their armored bodies against the sides of Slave I. Jango tensed as you gently laid a hand on his lower back, your eyes glowing with softness as you parted your lips.
"Where's the medkit?" you asked, your chest quickly rising and falling as adrenaline coursed through your veins. Jango's shoulders slumped as he tilted his head towards the far left side of the hangar. Your heart pounded in your ears as the ship continued to shake. You frowned as you guided your partner over to an empty seat, his grunts doing little to ease your troubled mind. A trail of blood followed his injured leg as you sat him down as gently as you could.
You furrowed your brows when you laid eyes on his ripped pants, your cheeks glowing with heat as the room grew stuffy in a matter of seconds. You flicked your eyes back up to the emotionless visor of his helmet as you swallowed thickly.
"Okay, um..." your voice trailed off as you got on your knees, your hands hesitantly sliding up to Jango's belt before he grabbed your wrists.
"What do you think you're doing?" the rasped, his breathing ragged as he balled his hands around your wrists. You nervously glanced up at his face as you squeezed your thighs together; the unbearable tension inside you only growing stronger as he touched you.
"I-I need to take off your pants to treat your wound," you said with a shaky voice as goosebumps broke out across your body. You winced as the ship shook again, the lights flickering violently as the creatures dragged their limbs and scrambled alongside the sides of his ship. You tried to take a deep breath as Jango slumped in his seat.
"Fine," he huffed and clumsily unbuckled his belt. Oh, Maker. Your throat grew tight as images of him slamming his cock deep inside your dripping, needy cunt flooded your mind. You shook your head and sucked in a sharp breath as you helped him out of his pants, the fabric falling to the floor and revealing a thin, dark one-piece clinging to his tan skin. You quickly shifted your gaze when your eyes lingered on the outline of his cock straining against his thin body suit.
"Uh...alright," you blinked several times as you desperately tried to suppress the urge to climb onto his lap and ride him until he-
"Just take them off...whatever it takes to patch me up," Jango breathed as he leaned back in the chair and yanked off his helmet. Your eyes widened as you gazed upon his rugged, scarred face. His thick, dark hair clung to his head as he sighed heavily.
You bit your lip as the fabric of your clothes rubbed against your sensitive nipples and slick folds as you adjusted yourself in front of him. Sounds of clanging Beskar plates and shifting fabric echoed inside the hangar as the noises outside began to grow faint. You swallowed the thick lump in your throat as your mind grew hazy at the sight of his thick, heavy cock springing free from the confines of his black one-piece. Your mouth watered as it slapped against the dip of his abs, a large pearl of precum smearing across his sweat-coated skin as he sucked in a sharp breath and shifted in his seat.
You were pulled back to reality when you heard him grunt with pain (or what you assumed to be pain...) and tense in the chair.
"Right!" you said with a strained voice as you rushed over to the medkit hanging on the wall. Your chest grew tight as a heavy wave of arousal suddenly washed over you, the space between your legs growing unbearably hot as you caught your breath.
You shook your head violently before rushing back over, your body shivering with arousal as you threw the kit opened and grabbed a large, clean gauze. Jango hissed and clawed his fingers against the arms of his seat as you wrapped your hands around his gash, putting as much pressure as you could onto the deep wound.
Your walls pulsed when you saw his cock twitch in front of your face, the large vein on the underside of his thick shaft making you wonder what it would feel like if-
"I think you can start cleaning it out now," Jango rasped with a shallow breath. You blinked and looked down at your hands, the bleeding having already slowed down enough for you to start sterilizing the gash. You swallowed and gave him a short nod before taking off your gloves. You felt him slightly shiver while you gently cleaned the wound, as if every lingering touch of your fingers made him sink further into a trance. The bubbling heat inside your core only intensified as you watched the thick bead of precum leak from his slit and down his shaft.
You feared Jango judging you for staring so much...only to see him tilting his head back as he breathed in short, shallow pants. Everything around you seemed to fade away as your core ached with a primal desire - you even nearly missed as you used the field cauterizer to close his gaping wound. Your vision grew blurry as you clumsily put the medical supplies away and sterilized your hands...only to feet Jango's warm palms slide over your shoulders.
"Wait..." he swallowed thickly as a deep red hue filled his sharp cheeks. Your eyes trailed down his rugged chest and lean stomach before landing on his girthy length again. It stood up straight and twitched beneath your hungry gaze as he ever so slightly shifted his hips forward. You whined as he tightened his grip around your shoulders, his dark pupils blown wide as he breathed heavily.
"I need...I need you," he muttered lowly. A bolt of pleasure struck through your core as your eyes widened. You gasped when he pulled you onto his lap, your thighs draped over his as he gripped your waist. You mewled as your breasts rubbed against his chest, your clothed pussy hovering over his weeping cock as he bared his teeth over your pulse.
"I don't know what's come over me...but I just...I need you," his voice dropped several octaves as he growled against your neck. You moaned and arched your back as he slipped his fingers beneath the band of your soaked, muddied pants. You felt him clench his jaw against your cheek as he struggled to contain himself. You gulped and parted your lips.
"Jango...I need you to-" that was enough for him to literally rip your pants off of your legs. Your jaw dropped as your clothes fell into tatters onto the dimly lit floor before he firmly tugged you forward. You ducked your head into his shoulder and screamed when he shoved you down on his girth in one swift, fluid motion.
Your eyes rolled back as his cock stretched your drenched pussy wide open, your cunt already slick and deep as his thick length spread your gummy walls. You swallowed as your cunt fluttered around his shaft as he began to thrust his dick into your burning sex.
“Oh, M-Maker Jango!” you screamed as he bounced you on his cock, your walls squeezing him tightly as your cunt squelched lewdly with every feral thrust of his hips.
"O-Osik," he hissed through gritted teeth as your pussy swallowed his dick whole each time your ass came back down and slapped against his taut, muscular thighs [shit]. You threw your head back as the thick tip of his member railed into your soft, oversensitive g-spot, each tender graze leaving your legs shaking and cunt aching for more.
"Jango," you slurred as your forehead fell against his, your warm breaths mingling while you tried to match his relentless pace. The hangar was flooded with sounds of skin wetly slapping against skin mixed with your combined grunts and moans.
Your eyes shot open when he quickly shoved his lips against yours, your wet tongues quickly finding each other in a sloppy, passionate dance as he pounded into you. You gasped for air when the two of you parted, your lips glossed over with your combined spit as he groaned.
"I want to fill you so badly," Jango growled into your ear as his hands slid down to tenderly squeeze your ass. Your moan rattled through the dark room as the head of his cock slammed against the soft, gummy plug to your womb. "Stuff you with my seed - over...and over..." his breath hitched as your walls pulsed around his veiny shaft. True euphoria pumped through your veins as your core tightened, squeezing his dick in a wet, vice grip as his thrusts began to falter. You whined as a deep, low rumble rose from his scarred chest.
"Yes, yes!" you screamed as your vision suddenly flooded with white. Your body tensed in Jango's hold as your cunt gushed with your warm juices. You babbled and squirmed on his lap as you drenched his inner thighs with your thick cream. Your body trembled as your jaw remained slack, your vision blurred with hot tears of pure bliss. Your body grew limp as your walls contracted deliciously, your mind dizzy and hazy with pleasure as he continued to fuck into your raw, puffy cunt.
You yelped when he released a gutteral groan, his fingers digging into the supple flesh of your ass as his cock twitched deep inside your tight canal.
"Take me - take all of me," Jango snarled as he slammed you down to the hilt, his thick brows furrowed as his cock throbbed against your cervix. You gasped as he soaked your walls with thick ropes of his heavy, warm cum.
"J-Jango," you said with a hoarse whisper as your greedy pussy drank every drop he shot into your tight walls. You whined as his lips brushed against your pulse, his hot breath fanning over your neck as his grip on your hips loosened.
You blinked away the tears of bliss that clouded your vision, the heat within you still lingering as you felt a few loose drops of his cum leak out of your stretched seam and stain your soft, inner thighs. You shot your head up when the regular lights suddenly flickered on, the sound of the storm and the creatures previously lurking outside completely dissipated.
"Looks like the ship's working again," you beamed with a lighter feeling in your chest. Your smile fell when you saw the lingering hunger remaining in his eyes as his cock remained hard within your raw sex. "Jango?" you murmured. You yelped when he rose to his feet, the room spinning around you as you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist and hooked your arms over his thick neck.
"I'm not finished yet," the dark-haired man rumbled lowly, his face as stoic as ever as he climbed towards his bunk. "It's too much...too much-" the bounty hunter couldn't even finish his sentence as he swallowed thickly. You keened as his cock gently grinded inside your tight heat every time he ascended the ladder to his chambers. The bunk sliding-shutter was pulled down, allowing the two of you some privacy from the wildlife of Onderon as Jango stepped over to his bed.
Your heart wildly beat against your sternum as Jango laid you down on your back, his muscular form looming over you as his cock remained stuffed half-way inside your slick cunt. He gazed directly into your eyes as he wasted no time and began to rock his hips forward, his thrusts more steady and controlled than before as he rested his toned arms on either side of your flushed face. You threw your head back as every nerve ending in your body lit up with pleasure; the feeling of his heavy shaft dragging along your plush walls making your mouth water and toes curl.
"You're so tight, an'edee," Jango grunted as his brows furrowed with pleasure [all bite]. You had no time to ask what he meant in his native tongue before he started to pick up the pace, his eyes lit with a primal desire as he watched your body bounce with each swift snap of his hips.
You gasped and arched your back as a shiver of arousal crept down your spine, your pussy squelching lewdly with your combined juices each time he pushed his cock back inside your hole. A sharp cry fell from your lips as he perfectly hit your g-spot with a few quick thrusts.
"Y-Yes! Right there!" you keened as your legs shook around his waist. You heard Jango grip the sheets beside your head as he repeated the hypnotic motion with ease, your cunt clamping down on his cock as you moaned softly. The man above you grunted as you rested your hands on his upper back, your nails slightly sinking into his muscles as you writhed with pleasure.
"Haar'chak...I need to make you mine," the bounty hunter rumbled against your skin [Damn it]. You gasped when he unbuckled the latches of your overcoat, his hands making quick work of discarding all of the clothes from your upper body and tossing them aside. You flushed as his eyes locked on your bouncing breasts, his lips slightly parted before he dipped down and latched onto one of your pebbling nipples.
"Oh, Jango!" you cried and arched into his touch as the sounds of your hips slapping against each other grew louder inside the confined space of his bunk.
Your pussy pulsed as the Mandalorian puckered his lips around your bud before gently tugging at it between his teeth. You slid your hands up and slipped your fingers through his thick, black locks as he lavished your sensitive breast. You twitched when he moaned against your areola, the vibrations causing a little more of your warm arousal to smear along his stiff, swollen cock.
"You feel so, so good - I swear I could stay inside you forever," Jango murmured against your plush tit before quickly turning his attention to your other one. Your eyes widened as he swirled his tongue around your neglected nipple, one of his hands slipping down and pinching your other bud between his thick, calloused fingers.
You felt yourself careening closer to the edge of your release with every swipe of his tongue and push of his hips.
"J-Jango, so close," you whined and desperately clenched your walls around his dick, begging for him to stuff you with another heavy load of his seed. You watched as his Adam's apple bobbed, beads of sweat forming on his temples as he filled you over and over with his hard cock. You swore you saw stars in your vision when he dipped a pair of his fingers down and began to rub sloppy circles around your bundle of nerves.
"Cum for me, mesh'la. Let me feel you squeeze this cock before I fill you again," he snarled as he wildly plunged his dick within your puffy, sensitive walls [beautiful]. You released a silent scream as he pressed his thumb down on your clit, a shockwave of euphoria bursting through your core as you squirted all over his lower stomach.
"Yes," Jango groaned as your pussy sucked him in, his breathing growing more ragged while you shattered into a million pieces beneath him. You wailed and babbled his name as your cunt completely soaked the sheets below you, the sounds of his cock sliding into your slick pussy reverberating inside the small bunk.
"Oh, Maker," you managed to squeak out of your tight throat as your body shivered with the aftershocks of your release. Jango gritted his teeth as he wrapped his hands around your waist, his grunts filling your ears along with the sound of his heavy balls wetly slapping against your juicy slit.
"(Y/N)..." the dark-haired man roared as he rested his forehead against your own.
You gasped as his cock stiffened between your creamy walls, his cock buried down to the hilt as the intoxicating feeling of his cum filling you until it burst from the tight space where your sexes were snugly joined. You whined his name as he squeezed your tender love handles, his face contorted with pleasure as he remained tense against your sweaty body. You both released a shaky sigh as he spilled one more thick string of cum inside your rawly fucked cunt.
You closed your eyes as you caught your breath, your body coated with a thin sheen of sweat as you basked in the afterglow. The Mandalorian sighed as he slowly pulled out of you, his softening cock hanging between his legs as he adjusted himself in the small bed. Your bodies were practically pressed chest to chest as he gazed into your eyes.
"Are you alright?" he asked between heavy breaths as he knitted his brows. Your heart skipped a beat at his gentle words before you gave a slow, lazy nod.
"Yes...just c-catching my breath," you sighed. Jango grunted as his body seemed to relax against the warmth of your own. A question began to gnaw at your mind, causing your eyes to widen a little.
"Jango, will I get...you know..." you shifted your gaze as heat rose to your cheeks. You've thought about having a child from time to time...but with your current line of work, it's now nothing more than a passing daydream. His dark brown eyes held a rare look of longing as he tightly gripped the sheets.
"No," he muttered. "I...I can't have any younglings of my own," Jango hesitantly continued, his voice now slightly cold as he stared between your bodies. You frowned as your heart sank into your stomach.
"Oh," you replied before glancing away. A heavy silence seeped between the two of you before he sighed heavily.
"It's alright, though. I actually have an opportunity to-" Jango paused, his face growing hard as he pursed his lips. "Well, let's just say I'm able to...adopt one," the bounty hunter chuckled softly. You raised a brow and tilted your head curiously. You chose not to pry and instead remained quiet, the sound of the ship's tech humming filling the space between the two of you. You bit the inside of your cheek as you tried to think of something to say after a long period of silence.
"I think that you'll be a wonderful father, Jango," you said with a gentle grin. Jango blinked, his eyes softening as a genuine smile stretched across his rugged, worn features.
"Thank you...mesh’la," the mercenary murmured gently with a faint shine in his eyes.
Thank you for reading! ❤️
Taglist: @maybethatfanfictionwriter @depressesoespressorat @yuhhtricki999 @lavenderbabu @thedevax @famouscattale @spktrgantenk @zombieblogx @mrswhitethornbelikov @migueloharastruelove @galaxy-dusk @samanthashadowriley @theloneshadow24 @xxkay15xx @inspace1 @manlikemilesmyguy @ghostslynx @synamonthy @oharasfilipinawife @scaleniusrm @jotarossshark @acotarobbsessed @8xbygirl @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @lyrasdrawer @rinverse
Want to be a part of my taglist? Comment down below! (MUST BE 18 OR OLDER)
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carolmunson · 1 year
love language two
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love language set list you pad into the kitchen while he sleepily slides a few eggs on a cast iron skillet, his grandma's then his mom's then his. bacon grease is the only scent hanging in the air, changing when you step behind him to bury your face between his shoulder blades. your hands slide from his lower back to around his waist, your pelvis pressed against the seat of his sweatpants. "careful with the grease," you mumble, your cheek now pressed against his skin.
"hm," he replies, still half sleeping, still half in the night before, "will you grab me a shirt, baby?"
you do, soft and basic, dark and blue. it smells like him, green earth and cigarettes, laundry soap, the way he smiles, how his fingers coast in your hair. your eyes linger on his clothes from yesterday, stained with the argument and shards of glass from the night before. he dresses in the gray light of the kitchen, letting the sizzle of breakfast fill the room in time with the patter of the rain smacking against the tin roof. warm hands grab your face with intention, warm lips soothe you of your chilly thoughts. storm night fights, rumbles of thunder, the crash of whoever was right or wrong. never knowing why you were fighting anyway.
"hm," you hum. his lips rush yours again, again, again. "hm," he says. you stand there on the tile together. socked feet, fireplace bodies. his nose kisses the tip of yours. the coffee machine bubbles. "we should stay in," he mumbles, "for today." you nod, he tastes like apologies. you taste like you want to say sorry. the rain gets heavier on the tin roof, washing away what's left of the guilt. he smiles. "hm," he says, your cheek is blessed with his kiss again. you walk to the coffee maker, grabbing your mugs from the cupboard, his black yours green. hand made from a junk shop three years ago, a first anniversary present. you hear him start to plate breakfast. sometimes it feels like playing house but you never know whose supposed to be playing the parents.
the rain roars. but as you prepare his coffee and your own, feel the warmth of his body as it rests against you while he puts the plates on the table, as you hear him start to become alive around you, and the thunder rolls -- you know that for at least today, the storm will stay outside.
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stell404 · 1 year
next (WIP) | back to navigation Parings: Sully family x reader, aonung x reader Word count: 1,760 Notes: i finished this a while ago but i didnt have time to upload it so it took forever sddhshd also sorry for not updating or uploading anything im pretty busy, anyway hope yall like this!! (there will be part 2 if people like it) Taglist: @avatarkv @stcrrgirllss @lorre-verie @eywas-heir
[Name] thought that the chance that she and Aonung would make it back to Awa'atlu safe and unscathed was slim. The ocean was too placid for a normal night. There was a storm brewing.
"This isn't safe, Aonung, we should go stop at a small island and just...continue the journey home tomorrow." she suggested.
"Why? So I can suffer longer with you?" he scoffed, "no thank you." He rolled his eyes at her useless suggestion; going back to sailing to bring them home
"There is a storm brewing. For Eywa's sake Aonung! Will you just get rid of that 'mean boy' facade just this once so we could have a chance of surviving this!" she exclaimed, massaging her nose bridge.
"Calm down, freak. The water is so placid, there definitely won't be a storm anytime soon," he sighed, running his hands over his face.
"Yeah! That's why I know a storm is brewing—"
"Will you shut up? I'm trying to sail us back home and out of this mess!"
"Are you forgetting that you're the one that got us in this mess in the first place?" 
He said nothing. 
It was true though, he was the one that got them in that situation. It was his fault. He tried to trick [Name] to go out with him to hang out and start over, to put all the bullying and beating up in their past. He planned to leave her lost in the ocean. He knew that she was gonna die but he couldn't care less, though in the process of going to the place he was gonna leave her at, he realized that he didn't know his way back home. He had gotten lost as well.
Obviously, he never mentioned to [Name] that he original plan was to get her lost at sea. He was just too ashamed to say it.
"We are going to go home. Now. That is my final decision." he stated with a sharp tone as he stood close to her, facing her and pointing his finger to her chest.
"Fine, but don't blame me when we die." she replied, furious she pushed him away. "And get away from me, fish lips."
What [Name] thought, turned out to be true. A storm did form, and they were heading straight to it. The sky became darker, the waves got bigger and bigger. They would hear the sky rumbling. But still Aonung refused to turn back.
"We should turn back now Aonung, there is no chance we will make it through this unscathed." she suggested—again.
"No. We are going home."
"And how do you know this is the way home?"
"I just know it. Now quit being pessimistic, you're getting on my nerves."
"Fine, but if we get hurt or die, it is all your fault." with that, she went to the other side of the boat, away from him. 
The sky roared loudly, letting out strong lightning and thunder. The clouds were just pure darkness. Rain poured furiously as the wind came charging at the water at high speed, creating gigantic waves. Their boat began to plunge from side to side, up and down.
The strong ocean produced huge waves in every direction, their boat was at the edge of breaking.
"I told you! We should've turned around, ugh how could you be so stupid!" [Name] exclaimed in annoyance. Angry at the Metkayina as it was his fault they were here.
"Shut up, freak!" he snapped, frantically running around their small boat, trying his very best to keep it afloat.
A huge wave formed right in front of them, devowering their boat whole. Raindrops felt like bullets to their skin. 
There was a lighting, it had almost struck her, but it didn't; for before it could reach her, Aonung had pushed her out of the way. The lighting hit the boat instead, splitting it to pieces.
That was the last thing the both of them could remember before their vision went black.
She woke up first, finding herself laying on a wooden part of the boat—what was left of it at least—in the middle of the ocean, miles and miles away from home. 
How long was she unconscious for?
She looked over to her side and saw the Metkayina boy laying beside her, unconscious. He had cuts and bruises all over his body, for a while she felt bad; she took pity on the boy. But then the thought of how much of an ass he is brought her back to her senses, he is a bad person, he deserved this. 
"Aonung! Aonung!" she said, shaking him awake. He didn't respond for a while, tears were threatening to leave her eyes—until he finally opened his eyes. 
His ocean blue eyes. She had always found his eyes mesmerizing, the first time she saw him she thought he was mesmerizing—though, she would never admit to this. It's a shame that he's such a horrible person, what a waste of such a beautiful face.
"Damn..." he uttered in a raspy voice, squinting and scratching his eyes as he was met with the bright light of the sun.
"Oh thank Eywa, you're alive." she sighed in relief. Aonung couldn't help but flutter at her concern. 
Aonung sat up, looking around, trying his best to figure out where they were, but everything looked the same, blue ocean, blue skies, blue ocean, blue skies. "Where..." he spoke in confusion.
"...are we?" [Name] continued his sentence for him, "I don't know, stranded in the middle of the ocean with nowhere to go, I think?" she said sarcastically.
"Shut up," he groaned in annoyance, looking around more. He squinted his eyes, he noticed that there was a small island maybe three miles away. "there's an island there, don't know how you didn't notice that, I thought you were smart? Turns out I'm smarter" he teased, a light smirk formed on his lips, pointing towards the shape.
"Okay, if you're so smart, how do you suppose we get there?" she rolled her eyes, "we are literally sitting on a small piece of wood."
"Easy, we row ourselves there." 
"We can't, this wood is too fragile, one wave will break it."
"So we swim."
"W-what? No. No, no, no absolutely not!" [Name] exclaimed, she wasn't dumb, stepping foot in those waters would be a death wish.
"Are you afraid?" he snickered, teasing her once more.
"Yes! We are far beyond the reef! You brought my brother beyond the reef and he almost died! Who knows what's in these waters? We could die, like actually die this time" she panicked.
"Calm down, you survived a storm." he rolled his eyes. "It's swimming there or nothing, don't tell me the ‘mighty freak’ is scared?"
"Fine let's do it." with that, they both jumped in. [Name] stayed near the boy. Holding onto his arm every time she hears a sound.
'You're gonna be fine, calm down.' he signed.
'Something is out there!'
'There isn't, now shut up and swim faster, you are so slow.'
'Sorry, I dont have such fat tails like you guys.' she rolled her eyes.
"See that wasn't so bad, it was so easy" Aonung bragged. They had finally, finally, got to the island.
"It took us three hours more or less!" she exclaimed out of breath. 
She laid down at the sand, soaking up the comforting warm temperature of the sun. Aonung laid beside her, they both stayed there for a while, in silence; but this silence was different, it wasn't uncomfortable or weird, it was calm, the atmosphere was light, nothing can be heard besides the relaxing sound of the waves and the sound of the wind.
"So, what now?" Aonung asked, breaking the silence.
"What do you mean? I don't know, what's your plan?" she said, sitting up and looking at him blankly
"...I was expecting you to have a plan."
They look at each other with a blank expression in silence, "What." she said.
"Can't you call your Ikran or something and fly us outta here?" 
"Okay, first of all, no I can't, we are too far away. Second, even if I manage to do that, how will we go home if we don't even know the way?"
"Well. Shit." he mumbled, running his hands through his face. 
"Oh we are so fucked, I swear to Eywa, if you hadn't saved my life back in the boat I would kill you right now."
"Look, we'll find a way, okay?" 
"I guess." she grumbled.
It was now eclipse, they surrounded a campfire, eating fruits they gathered earlier.
"Hey do you think they're looking for us?" [Name] asked with a mouthful of fruit in her mouth.
"Probably, I mean, your dad is Toruk Makto and he sure as hell won't let you die." he paused. "And as for me, I'm the son of the Olo'Eyktan. So yeah, the whole clan is probably looking for us."
She simply hummed in response.
"How long have we been gone for?" he asked
"I don't know, hard to say. Three days, more or less?"
"That long, huh."
A beat passed.
Another did. Silence surrounded them but it was not like the silence earlier, this one was heavy, like there were unsaid things that needed to come out of their mouths.
"So, Forest girl. I want to know more about you, I mean, we haven't been really the best of friends or friends at all, but seems like we'll be together for a while"
"Wow, did I just get promoted from 'freak' to 'forest girl'?" she said sarcastically, faking a shocked expression. 
"I'm serious." he laughed.
"Okay, so what do you wanna know?" she asked, a slight smile on her face.
"How old are you?" 
"14, you?"
"How do you like it here? I mean—back home I guess." 
She paused for a while, "It's okay I guess, I don't know, it's a bit too calm for me." she mumbled.
"Too calm?"
"Yeah, I liked being in the war, I know that sounds horrible but it's all I've ever known." she said, voice barely above a whisper, looking down at the fruit in her hand. 
He said nothing. Another silence surrounded the atmosphere around them. 
"We should rest for the night, let's try to explore the island tomorrow, yeah?" he suggested.
"Yeah we should."
With that, they both layed down on the makeshift mat formed from leaves. None of them could sleep for that night, many things were left unsaid, and it bugged them.
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artzysyam · 1 year
Frigid Nightmare
Snippets from @xysidhequeen AU. Based on the question about Jason comforted Danny after a nightmare...
Jason slumped back against the wall, his chest heaving as he drained a bottle of water mixed with ectoplasm. His training with Fright Knight was over, and it had been a year and a half since he came out from the grave, six months since he was knighted as Red Knight, four months since he discovered that Batman had replaced him, with mere seven months after his death.
The pain welled up in Jason's heart and soul - the same pain that had driven him to mow down the rebellion in another realm who dared to challenge Danny. Danny had seen him that day, standing alone amidst the demon corpses as their blood caked his human form. His eyes were raised to the sky, which burned orange from battle, and tears rolled down his cheeks unchecked.
Jason took a deep breath, squeezing his eyes shut and willing himself not to be dragged back down into despair. The members of his newfound family tried their best to keep him in the present moment, teaching him how to allow himself to express hurt and anger without being punished for it.
Fright Knight's dark figure towered over Jason, his gaze unwavering. His deep voice rumbled through the room. "Are you well, my apprentice?"
Jason hesitated before responding, unsure of how to express what he was feeling. "I'm ... just reminiscing Frighty."
Fright Knight hummed in response and knelt down before Jason, his eyes softening with compassion. "As I said before, no one has ever been chosen as my apprentice before you, Jason Todd - King Phantom chose you, and I'll do my utmost best to ensure that you're strong enough to protect our liege."
Jason was warmed by Fright Knight's honesty. He knew from Jazz's counselling sessions that healing from trauma isn't linear - there will be highs and lows as well as scarring that must be endured. A wistful smile spread across his face as he thanked his mentor. 
"You're welcome, my apprentice," Fright Knight replied, standing tall once again before saying something else - but a high-pitched screech cut him off. Immediately, Fright Knight summoned a flaming green sword while Jason stood up with gun in hand, prepared to jump into action against any incoming attack.
His heart thundered in his chest, his core aflutter with anxiety and panic as he remembered the last time Danny had one of these episodes. Dread clawed at Jason's stomach as he and Fright Knight raced down the hallway leading to their liege's chamber, only to be stopped short by a violent blizzard raging between them and their King.
"Our liege is having a night terror again, we need to get Master Nocturne now!" Fright Knight yelled over the roar of the wind, looking at his apprentice with worry in his eyes. Jason could feel his vision tinge green as something inside of him screamed for him to go check on his King.
"Fright. You go on and get Nox, I'll go in to see our king is safe!" Jason shouted back, before sprinting into the howling storm.
"Jason!!" Fright Knight called out desperately, but his apprentice was already lost in the turmoil of snow and ice. With an exasperated curse, Fright Knight summoned his mount and set off to find Nocturne as quickly as possible.
Meanwhile, Jason trudged through the blizzard with his toned arms raised, shielding his face and the red flaming sword in the other. His breath came in ragged gasps, pluming out of his mouth and nose like smoke from a dragon's nostrils. "Mom! Dad! Please, I'm your son!" Jason heard Danny's voice yelled against the howling wind. 
"Don't ever call us that to our son's face, ghost!" Maddie Fenton's voice screamed back. Jason's heart sank as he recalled Danny's story of why he stayed in Infinite Realms. His parents had not taken kindly to his reveal, capturing him and nearly vivisecting him before his friends had saved him. The voices in the blizzard retold Danny's trauma again and again. "Dad! It hurts, Dad! It really hurts!" 
The frigid air felt like razors on Jason's skin, but his rage and core urged him forward like an animal spurred on by instinct. He thought of Danny, his king, HIS. The memory of the day when he went on a rampage came to mind, but instead of pure rage taking over, it was a controlled fury fueled by an unwavering desire to protect what mattered most to him.
"Where is my son? You're not my Danny'o!" Jack Fenton's words ricocheted through the storm as Jason continued on towards the frozen door.
Finally, he reached Danny's room and Jason grasped Ifrit, his red flaming sword, tightly in his dominant hand. With a single, powerful thrust of the blade, the intense heat blasting from its edge shattered the frozen door open. As the shards of wood flew outward into the hallway, Jason saw Danny curled on his bed with his hands over his hair. Thankfully, his body wasn't frozen. The chill that radiated through the room was colder than anything within Far Frozen and made Jason shiver as he rushed towards Danny whose body jolted in response to his voice.
"Danny!" he shouted out, his core sending the wave of protection and safety to Danny, who winced from the shout.
Jason's boots crunched through the snow as he approached Danny, kneeling down beside him. He grasped his King's shoulder, his own warmth spreading into the coldness of Danny's body. "Danny," he repeated softly, and felt the tension in his King's body ease slightly. 
Danny looked up, eyes widening in recognition and relief. "Jason?" he said, voice trembling.
Smiling reassuringly, Jason sent a wave of warmth and reassurance through his core. "I'm here, Danny. I'm here."
As if in response to their exchange, the blizzard outside ceased, and the room began to warm from within.
Danny inched closer to Jason, his exhausted body desperate for warmth. The embrace created a sense of safety as he felt Jason's toned arm tighten around him.
"Your parents?" Jason asked softly. Danny, too tired to speak, simply nodded in response.
"Do you want to sleep?" Jason asked, his fingers lightly stroking Danny's hair. He shook his head no and looked up at Jason with wide, pleading eyes.
"You're tired," Jason sighed, brushing a stray lock of hair away from Danny's face. "Do you want me to stay with you so you don't have to be alone?" Danny nodded again, relieved that he didn't have to speak.
Jason looked to the far corner of the room and saw a small puddle of melted ice where the frigid castle had been moments before. The knight hoisted up the tall, lanky king from the floor and carried him towards his bed, cradling him like a koala cub as he went. As he was about to lay the king down on the bed, Jason heard his mentor and Nocturne enter the room.
"I see you handled the situation, my apprentice," Fright Knight said as they stepped into the doorway.
"Yeah... He got the nightmare of his fucking parents..." Jason replied, tightening his grip around the helpless king protectively as Danny clung to him. He fought to keep his composure, reigning in his anger.
Nocturne, the ghostly figure of sleep and dream, swept into the room on a midnight breeze. He cast his gentle spell of slumber onto the King as he lay in Jason's arms, and watched with fondness to ensure his ward was at peace.
"That should keep him tucked in for a few hours," Nocturne said before turning to Jason. "Do you need my assistance, young Knight?"
Jason looked down at the King, peaceful and unaware, and then back to the ghost. "Nah, I'm good," he sighed. "I just need some time to calm down." Nocturne nodded silently, before he dissipated into the ether like a whisper.
Fright Knight stood in the doorway, illuminated by the faint candlelight in the room. His helmet blocked the majority of his ghostly features, but Jason could still detect a hint of pride in his mentor's voice. He paused for a moment and turned his helmet to glance at Jason, then said, “Rest well and be proud of how far you come, Jason Todd.” With that, Fright Knight disappeared into the shadows, leaving Jason alone with his king in his arms.
Danny snuggled close against Jason and he felt a wave of protectiveness wash over him. Rage coursed through him as he thought about Fentons - if he ever found them, they would fucking pay for what they have done to Danny. As Danny slept peacefully on his chest, Jason vowed to never let anyone hurt him again. He tightened his embrace around Danny and promised himself that when Danny needed him, he would always be there.
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pumpkakin · 2 months
Random snippit of a gtws starwars au because he deserves it!
You can’t hear gunshots in space, but that doesn’t stop them from blowing holes in your ship. 
In fact, that’s where the sound comes from: all of the important systems and wiring and fuel lines erupting in a blaze of glory. It’s the same sound as thunder rolling overhead, loud and roaring, and it shakes the very ground under your feet. It’s kind of like a roller coaster. A very deadly roller coaster.
Scar, personally, would like to get off of this ride, thank you very much.
The alarms in the cockpit are shrieking, shrill and deafening, and emergency lights strobe red overhead. Scar sits in the middle of the chaos, in the pilot’s seat, hands white-nuckled on the controls, while Jellie shrieks from somewhere behind him.
“Jellie!” Scar cries, worried. He dodges another volley of laser fire, stretching across the control panel to the weapon controls in order to fire back. “Are you okay?”
Another series of beeps respond, annoyed and shrill where the little robot is no doubt busy shutting bulkheads and turning off systems. Scar huffs.
“Don’t use that tone with me, young lady!” He shouts back. A lucky shot grazes their wing and Scar is slammed into the armrest of his chair. He hisses at the ache. Jellie makes another few rounds of whistles and beeps. “I know you said we needed a second pilot, but Cub’s only a few lightyears away! How was I supposed to know we would run into an Imperial cruiser?”
Jellie whistles loudly at him as Scar rolls the ship in a near dodge of another volley. “We didn’t have the money to hire someone! I told you that!” Another stretch to the weapons controls, and another explosion of light behind them. “Yes, even for the short trip! This ship was expensive!”
Said ship rumbles again, and the metal creaks in a very concerning way. Behind them, the Imperial TIE fighters are zipping after them like a swarm of angry hornets while the cruiser looms dark against the stars.
Scar flips a few more switches and refocuses on the controls. “We don’t have time to argue,” he tells Jellie, who chirps in agreement. “Our cloakers are still intact, so if we can just get into hyperspace, we could lose them. See if you can find a route out of here!”
Jellie whistles and gets to work, and Scar focuses on buying time.
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cranetreegang · 1 year
Thunder - Ominis x FemReader
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Summary: During a frightful storm, she comforts Ominis - despite feeling unworthy of such affections.
Word Count: ~1,200 words
Warnings: Hella fluffy
Read My Other Ominis Fics Here
A clap of thunder startles her from her slumber. She blinks several times and winces when a bright light floods the room. Rain pelts against the window and the smell of a summer storm penetrates through the fresh linens surrounding her. Shoving her face into her pillow, she attempts to slip back to sleep. Another roar of thunder rattles the windows and sends her heart from a calm rhythm to a rapid beat. She frowns, the warmth and weight of Ominis wrapped around her noticeably absent. Half-asleep, she rolls over to reach for him, her hand drifting across the cool blanket to his arm. He gasps at her touch and she’s fully awake from the startled noise. 
Through the flashing lights, she sees his hands gripping the sheets, his body far too rigid and trembling with each thunderous rumble, and his jaw clenched tightly shut.
“Ominis,” she says in a gentle voice while she moves closer to him. 
“Yes?” The tension in his reply is palpable. 
Slowly approaching him, she rests her hand on his cheek. He lets out a shaky breath, his eyes squeezing shut and his brows furrowing. The thunder rattles his entire body, but his sealed mouth refuses to let out a whimper.
“I’m fine,” he whispers through clenched teeth. “Go back to sleep. Please.”
She frowns, moving her hand down to his shoulder furthest from her then tugging on him to roll towards her. His hand flies up to snatch her wrist - his breath leaving hard through his nose.
“I don’t need your pity.”
She squeezes his shoulder, “I know, darling. I just want to be close to you. Please?”
His brows twist up into an anguished expression then his head turns toward her, lightning illuminating his features. With another clap of thunder, he finally rolls himself onto her chest. She doesn’t hesitate to wrap her arms around him, holding him tightly against her. Covering his ear, she presses his head into her. She cards her fingers through his hair - placing soft kisses on the top of his head - while her other hand clutches onto his side to keep him from leaving her embrace again. 
The thunder roars again, and his hands find purchase onto her night clothes. His hot breaths come out heavy and shaky against the flesh of her neck, sending chills down her spine. He trembles with every lull, then jolts when the thunder echoes into the room. With her nose buried in his soft hair, she catches the scent of his earthy-arborary soap. Despite his shivering, he’s so warm against her.
Her voice barely above a whisper over the downpour of rain, she confides, “When I was younger, my father taught me a trick to time the storm. So I would know if it was getting closer or further away. When the lightning would flash, we would count together.” 
She taps his shoulder once the room lights up and says, “One… Two… Three… Four…,” 
Thunder crackles and he lets out a breath.
She taps his shoulder again, “One… Two… Three…,”
Another clap of thunder and he digs himself into the crook of her neck.
“Count with me, Ominis,” she whispers, tapping his shoulder. “One…,”
“Two…,” he whispers.
“Three…,” they say in unison then they’re answered with a rolling wave of thunder. 
His body relaxes with each tap, and they count together until the pauses between lightning and thunder narrows down to two. 
“It’s getting closer,” she observes. 
She feels his frown etching into her skin, and it hurts her to feel him so distressed.
“We’ll get through this,” she hugs him closer to her while he scoffs.
“You must think I’m so pathetic,” he hisses into her neck. “Some man I am. Can barely handle a thunderstorm without falling apart.”
She shushes him, kissing his forehead as she does, “No. No, my sweet. I’ve never been in a storm like this before either. I swear, if you weren’t here, I’d be a mess.”
His brows pinch, “You don’t need to lie for my sake. You can admit that I’m being utterly ridiculous.” 
She taps his shoulder, holding him close to her just as the crack of thunder deafens them. He flinches then lets out a frustrated sigh. 
“You shouldn’t have to do this,” he seethes. “Holding me like some child.”
“Ominis,” she says firmly. “I will not listen to you speak of yourself this way. You are not a burden - not to me. I don’t think any less of you. I only wish I could ease you more.”
He nuzzles into her neck with a soft whimper, “I… I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. Just count with me, love. The storm will soon pass.”
As they count together, Ominis’ rigid body begins to relax with each distant rumble of thunder fading into the distance. The rain patters against the windows and Ominis has fully melted into her embrace - releasing his death-grip on her clothes to hold onto her arm instead. His thumb rubs up and down her forearm in deep thought while she continues to stroke his hair. A warm wetness stains her neck, and her heart twists when she realizes he’s been silently crying. She brushes his tears away from his cheek - his eyes squeezing shut from her tender caress.
“Storms don’t bother me,” he breaks the silence with his declaration. “I find them invigorating. It’s just… sometimes… They remind me of times when I was alone. Of being a scared little boy, helpless and confused as to why the entire world would suddenly become so loud.”
He grimaces, his nose scrunching up, as he spits out, “I hate being that little boy.” 
As she imagines what it must’ve been like to be him - all alone in his room, crying for help that would never come - she nearly breaks into tears herself. She closes her eyes with a frown, resting her head on top of his. He lets out a shuddering, deep breath, squeezing her arm as he does.
“I’m so sorry, Ominis. I wish you never had to feel that way,” she whispers in a strained, shaky voice.
He smiles faintly against her neck, “Don’t be. It’s not your fault. In fact, you’ve only made it easier to deal with.”
His head turns up enough to face her with an earnest expression - his eyes akin to the bright stars in the night sky or the cool blue moon itself. 
“Thank you,” he whispers, cupping her cheek to feel the contours of her face, “You are once again my solace in the storm.” 
She giggles, kissing his forehead once more, “There’s my silver-tongued poet.”
He smiles fully at feeling her lips stretch under his palm and the corner of her eyes crinkling. Kissing her cheek, he goes back to nuzzling into the warmth of her neck.
She holds him tighter as she whispers, “I love you, Ominis.”
“And I love you,” he whispers back in a quiet, reverential tone. “More than you could possibly imagine.”
She listens as his breaths slow and his grip on her loosens. Looking down at him, she strokes his messy, blonde hair from his restful face. She smiles softly to herself at the faint smile tugging on his lips. 
“You never have to brave the world alone any more. As I would hold you through any storm, my love,” she whispers, her voice a gentle murmur - like the soft caress of a summer breeze - as she cradles him close to her in a protective, warm embrace.
With her eyes growing heavy from his comforting hold and weight against her chest, she drifts back to her peaceful slumber.
AN: we had a crazy series of thunderstorms a while back. like they were so wild and i was inspired to write this.
Hogwarts Legacy Masterlist
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copiousloverofcopia · 11 months
🦇Happy Halloween Ghesties!👻
I haven't had a chance to write anything new for this year, but I would like to share my Halloween fic from last year that deserves more love!
Commissions are OPEN, please see pinned post for Carrd info!
Candy Wrappers
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t's Halloween night at the Abbey, Papa IV/Copia decides to spend it sharing his love of horror films with ghoulette Cumulus and a sister of sin. The 3 decide to watch John Carpenter's HALLOWEEN and pig out on candy while it storms outside.
Also available HERE on AO3!
Read Halloween fluff below the cut!
“Oh Lucifer! He is right behind her isn’t he? I can’t watch.” Cumulus cried, pulling the throw blanket up over her eyes, almost knocking the bowl of candy from Copia’s lap. The thunder roared outside, the lights flickering a bit as the storm rolled on past the Abbey. It was Halloween night and they wouldn’t have many trick or treaters this year it seemed. Copia was determined that they could still have fun. He had put in an old VHS tape of HALLOWEEN from his collection and managed to convince Sister Ren and Cumulus to watch with him. 
“God that mask is so unnerving.” Sister Ren said, grabbing another snickers from the bowl. Copia, nodding his head in agreement as he licked some residual chocolate from his fingertips. If it were up to him they would stay up all night and watch the classics. Poltergeist , The Exorcist , The Omen , so many horror gems he could muster from his collection. 
“I don't see why we couldn’t have just watched Ghostbusters or Beetlejuice.” Cumulus griped. Copia was starting to regret turning it on. It was a well known fact that Cumulus did not handle scary well, being the Abbey’s resident scaredy cat. Despite her Hellish lineage, she would prefer to see people happy and smiling, not so much cut up into little pieces–even if it was all just pretend.  
“Ghuleh, I did ask you if you wanted to watch…” Copia reminded her, she had gotten to this point of her own accord, “...you did say yes.” he said as Sister Ren passed him back the bowl of candy and rolled her eyes. 
“I know it just…It scares me.” Cumulus admitted, a soft smile appearing over Copia’s face. He took her hand in his, her face still barely visible above the line of the blanket. The lights flickered again–the flash of lightning filling the sky outside and the inevitable crash of thunder rumbling the old bones of the Abbey. Cumulus’s heart pounded as she gripped the blanket tighter, storms also not her friend.  
“Then we don't have to watch—” Copia began, pausing the movie. Sister Ren, was becoming aggravated with Cumulus’s whining and the continued stopping and starting of the film.
“Papa! I wanted to watch it though.” she pouted. Copia felt flustered, he didn’t want to upset either of them. All he wanted was to enjoy some relaxation after coming back from the tour and not deal with any more drama. This was proving to be quite the task indeed.  
“It’s ok, I’ll watch.” Cumulus yielded, nestling herself deep into the sofa between the two of them. Before Copia could press play the storms flickered, the lights off and on once more,  the movie restarting with the surge. Copia picked out a piece of candy, after rummaging through the half spent bowl as Cumulus curled next to him, her tail stiffened and tense. The movie continued and Sister Ren felt a sense of guilt pour over her. 
It really isn’t that big of a deal if we can’t watch this particular movie , she thought to herself  and then she remember something—a peace offering   
Hey… Cumulus…” Ren began, tapping the ghoul lightly on the shoulder to gain her attention, Cumulus turning to face her. “I’m sorry—Truly. We can watch Beetlejuice if you really want to and I almost forgot. I got you something.” Ren apologized, pulling a bag of strawberries and cream lollie drops out from behind her and passing them to the ghoulette–Cumulus’s favorite.
“Oh Ren, thank you.” the ghoulette beamed, throwing her arms around the sister, tail wagging behind her–tickling Copia’s nose. 
“Geez Cumulus don’t get too crazy over it, it’s just some candy.” Sister Ren said, Cumulus hugging her a bit too tightly.
“Oh sorry.” Cumulus said letting her go and realizing that Ren did care after all. The lights flickered off again. 
“It may not matter anyways if this storm keeps messing with the power, maybe I should send the boys out to help with the generator.” Copia began, when suddenly the power came back on and the screen lit up with Michael Myers weidling his knife, front and center!  
“Ah!” Cumulus screamed, quickly burying her face in Copia’s shoulder, sending the bowl of what were now wrappers flying into the air like confetti. The 3 of them were in for quite an interesting night indeed.
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echo-goes-mmm · 11 months
Hoarding Behavior #2
Warnings: implied consumption of human flesh (dragon), slavery, death mentions
The council was not happy with their findings. 
“How are we supposed to make peace with a beast intent on eating us?”
The professor frowned. “There is no evidence that the dragon is actually eating people. The dead body was old, and there was a sword. It was some unfortunate soldier, not necessarily remnants of a meal.
But in order to get his attention, you should offer something he likes. Some gold, a meal, something. Considering the dragon has not bothered you yet, there is hope. A conversation might solve your concerns.”
The council looked at each other, aghast.
“Thank you for your advice. We’ll handle it from here.”
Kit was a little… surprised when his buyer carted him into a tiny village. Was he supposed to work at a quaint vacation home? A sheep farmer wasn’t the type of person who could afford a slave.
The buyer tied his wrists together with rough rope and stood him up. He led him by the wrists to what could only be the town square. A group of men, all with swords, and somber faces, were waiting.
Kit got more and more nervous as they took him deeper into the woods. Was this a cult? Was he going to die?
They passed by a dead, burned animal. He was definitely going to die. Kit had precious few minutes to try and make peace with it. He’d led an okay life. He obeyed his owners, kept his head down, and didn’t get the whip very often. 
Maybe he’d have a better one next time. He didn’t really believe in god, but he prayed anyway. Couldn’t hurt. 
Panic struck him like an arrow when he saw the cave and the bones. He dug his heels in, but another man helped drag him along.
“Let me go!” he pleaded, “I don’t want to be eaten, please! Any other way, I swear I won’t fight it, just not-”
A rumble shook the ground. He gulped. Too late. Smoke poured out from the cavern.
The men pushed him to the front. His legs shook and he tumbled to the ground.
A snarl reached his ears. The plume of smoke got bigger, and the thundering steps of the dragon came closer.
Oh god.
The dragon was huge. It stepped out into the light and its head went up, up, up and Kit realized the dragon had bent down just to exit its den. It was the size of a two-story house, all gleaming ruby-like scales. It turned its head to the side and its golden eye looked down at them from its regal posture. 
Its claws were as long as swords, and Kit could see dagger-like ivory-white teeth as the dragon let smoke escape from its mouth.
Please don’t swallow me whole, thought Kit. Please let me die before I reach the stomach.
“Why are you here?” rumbled the dragon. It- he- could speak? And it-he- had stopped smoking.
“We- we bring you an offering. We want to… come to an arrangement.”
The dragon bent down low, his large eye level with Kit. He looked him up and down, and the hum of consideration made Kit’s heart stutter.
The dragon sat back up. His claw effortlessly cut the long lead, severing his tie to Kit’s captors. The dragon curved his hand? paw? and scooped Kit towards him, right in between his front legs. Heat radiated off him, like a fireplace.
“I accept,” he said, and the roar of his chest was even louder this close. “What do you ask of me? I have left your little houses and animals be.”
The men glanced at each other.
“Um. You may have noticed the Rolling Hills has gotten… larger.”
“I have.”
“We need more space. We don’t want to, um, intrude on your land, but we have to cut down more of the forest. And we need to hunt for our families.”
The dragon hummed again.
“I will make you a deal. Do not cut down anything more than five miles into the wood. Hunt and scavenge only as much as you need and no more. I will kill the bears and wolves to keep more deer. But-” the men flinched- “in exchange for my generosity, I want a sheep or cow a year from each herd in your village.”
“Can we, uh, get back to you on that?”
The men whispered to each other. In Kit’s limited experience, all the wood up to five miles in was a lot. When he saw the village from the hills above,  it wasn’t five miles all put together. 
The dragon was offering it all for just a few cattle a year?
“We can do that. And- and you won't… eat any of us?”
“Of course not. Now leave.” The men turned and ran, leaving him alone with the dragon.
The dragon’s claws came back at him, and he had no place to run. He plucked him up off the ground and turned, carrying him into the cave. He squirmed, but the dragon’s grip was unshakable.
At least he was still alive.
But the cavern walls were closing in around them. Surely the dragon didn’t live here.
The dragon put him down. There was a huge puff of shimmering smoke, and instead of a massive dragon, there was a man. 
A dark-haired man with graceful curved horns on his head, golden slitted eyes, and patches of red gemstone scales.
He was the dragon.
taglist: @paintedpigeon1
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upsidedownwithsteve · 2 years
Promptober: Day Ten
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Eddie Munson x fem!reader 918 words.
“It’s gonna storm ,” you mumbled unhappily, staring up at the sky. 
Eddie swore, his head bumping against the open hood of the van. He rubbed at the spot, mussing up his curls as he looked at you. He had engine oil on his hands, on the collar of his no longer clean shirt and he did his best to clean himself up with the bandana he tugged from his back pocket.
“I don’t think she’s waking up anytime soon,” he told you, looking a little forlorn as he stared at the van. It was still hissing, smoke seeping from its valves. “M’gonna have to get Wayne to tow her when he’s home.”
You grunted as you watched the sky turn navy, inky clouds that seemed to blow in and over the town faster than normal. The wind was picking up, an icy chill that whipped at your cheeks and hair, making you shiver inside your coat. 
And then, rain. 
Heavy drops of it accompanied by a crackle in the sky, a rumble, a warning. The air was filled with the din of it, a hiss of water falling from the clouds as it splattered on the sidewalks and road. 
“Shit!” Eddie laughed, slamming the hood of the van shut before running to you, puddles already forming at your feet. 
He grabbed your hand as you stood shocked, hair plastered to your head in seconds and you could hardly hear Eddie’s boyish laughter over the roar of it all. He tugged at you, started jogging down the empty street and called back:
It was enough to make you huff out a laugh, feet finding the same pace the boy set and despite your legs not being as long as Eddie’s, he led you along beside him, hand twisted in yours, his curls a wet riot around his face. 
You were both soaked, waterlogged and pink in the cheeks as the cold water nipped at you and you were still so far from the trailer park and your home. 
Hawkins was deserted, every sane person cosy inside their homes and you barked out a laugh as you splashed through Main Street, shouting to Eddie over another roll of thunder, “why the fuck didn’t we just get back in the van?”
Eddie slowed, turning to you with a wide smile, a cackle leaving his lips and he spluttered, shrugged. 
“I don’t know, ‘cause we’re stupid as fuck?” 
You both burst into fits of laughter again, falling into each other outside a closed book store, water running down the sidewalks and creating rivers at your feet. The sky was almost black, the afternoon quickly turning to what seemed like night, and as loud as the rain was, the world seemed so much more peaceful underneath the blanket of it. 
You were still smiling, small huffs of leftover laughter leaving your lips and you realised that you’d both stopped, standing facing each other in the middle of town. 
Eddie was staring. Your best friend was staring at you. 
“What?” you asked him, a little breathless. You could feel rain running down your cheeks, dripping from your eyelashes, sliding over your lips. “What’s wrong?”
Eddie looked a little dazed and he shook his head, big, brown eyes shining as he kept staring down at you. “No, uh, nothing’s wrong.”
He cleared his throat, swiped at his bangs that were clinging to his forehead and he looked a little pink, a little out of it when he said, “it’s just- fuck, you’re really pretty.”
You stared, wide eyed. The rain was still falling and your coat was water logged and pulling at your shoulders but your best friend was staring at your damp face and messy hair like you were the best damn thing he’d ever seen.  
Eddie caught a drop of rain that fell from your lashes, smoothed it away with the pad of this thumb and you weren’t sure when he’d moved closer. You could smell the storm off of him, smoke and something sweet underneath it all, something that was so perfectly Eddie that it made your chest tight. 
You didn’t know what to say, you didn’t know what to do but your heart was hammering, the air felt electric and something about the way he was touching your cheek made your body buzz. 
“Yeah?” you asked a little weakly, your fingers catching the cuff of his jacket, the leather sliding wet between them. But you held on, kept him close, kept him talking. He looked so lovely when he was nervous. “You think?”
The boy nodded, fast and almost a little desperate, as if after all this time of being friends, he needed to let you know. His voice was rough when he spoke next, low and almost too quiet to be heard under the roar of the rain but you only moved closer to hear. His hand caught your waist, gripped at your soaked jacket and held on tight. 
“Christ, yeah. Yeah sweetheart, think you’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”
You should’ve felt shy, you could feel your cheeks warming but you felt so bold at his words, like you’d been waiting a lifetime for a clue, a hint, a green light. So you grinned and ducked your head, looked back up at him with eyes that shone and then you were tugging him back down the empty streets, walking backwards through the puddles so you could say:
“Wanna go back to yours and talk about it?”
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weirdowithaquill · 1 year
Traintober 2023: Day 4 - Devious
The Most Devious:
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Frankie the Smelting Works Diesel crept across the bridge, her eyes darting about as if prepared for an engine to leap out of hiding and grab her. Were she to be caught, it would be a danger to her life. She slunk into the Vicarstown Yard, siddling up alongside a line of loaded trucks. At the head of them, four trucks of scrap sat quietly, dozing in the night air.
With a bump, Frankie coupled to the four trucks and dragged them away from the others, sliding them into a shed before returning to the train. Once her driver had loosened the brakes, she ran into them. Hard. They rolled back, slamming into each other and the buffers. A flatbed jumped the rails, bringing a number of trucks after it. Frankie’s driver reapplied the brakes, and the diesel slid away with her prize. She’d wait out the day on the island, grab some fuel, and slink home. No one would ever suspect her.
Henry and Diesel stared in shock at the derailed trucks. “I shunted those last night!” spluttered Diesel. “What happened?!” Henry shot the diesel a look. “Clearly, you were being careless,” huffed Henry. “Though, it’s not like you.” “It’s not,” Diesel said gravely. “The train was fully prepared and on the rails, when I left last night. Someone did this on purpose.” Diesel’s eyes scanned over the trucks again; something wasn’t right.
Henry huffed. “If they did, who?” Diesel hummed, gazing about the yard. His eyes fell upon the old, overgrown line that curved around from near the end of the shunting yard. “Henry,” Diesel started, “where does that line go?” “Oh that?” Henry looked surprised. “That’s the line to the old Vicarstown sheds. We used to all sleep here, way back when I was young. When we moved to Tidmouth, they just abandoned it – though the shed should be there…”
Diesel stared at it for a little longer.
“The weeds have been trampled,” he said suddenly. Henry raised an eyebrow. “What does that mean?” he asked. “Take a look! Those weeds on either side of the line have grown right up – but the ones near the rails have been cut and bent recently. Would you… perhaps slide a pair of flatbeds over the points in front of that line? I’m going to go investigate something.”
Henry rolled his eyes, but agreed. Diesel started off, rumbling over the old points and onto the rusty line. It was bumpy, and the rails creaked and groaned under his weight. They curved around the edge of the town, to a large flat stretch of yard. An overgrown refuelling facility stood centrally in the yard, with a number of tracks running parallel for a while before all joining into one. The most interesting structure was a large brick shed. Part of the roof had caved in – but it was mostly intact. And on the line beside Diesel, a rather startled Frankie sat with the stolen scrap trucks.
“So you did hide down here,” Diesel said simply. “How- what- how did you find me?!” “You stole those trucks to take to the mainland, right?” asked Diesel. “Part of some scheme to sell scrap metal to the highest bidder by stealing it. A devious little ploy, I must admit.” “And? What’s it to you?” sneered Frankie. “You derailed the train I put together,” Diesel replied. “You tried to outwit me. I’m the Devious Diesel they wrote books about – no one is better at this then I am.” He lurched forwards; Frankie’s engine roared to life and she thundered back down the old line…
Right into the flatbeds.
Diesel followed at a more leisurely pace, coming to a halt behind Frankie right as the Fat Controller arrived.
“Amateur,” muttered Diesel with a smirk. No one was more devious than him. Not now, not ever.
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little-diable · 2 years
Kinktober - Pedro Pascal (smut)
As posted before, I’ll post a few imagines all throughout this month. Please reblog and like if you enjoyed reading this. Don’t forget the big rule: don’t like it, don’t read it. Enjoy my loves.xxx
🖤Kink🖤 Priest
Warnings: 18+, unprotected vaginal sex, spanking, sex with a priest, religious connotations
Pairing: Priest!Pedro Pascal x fem!reader (1.2k words)
Header by @hidingsikki
Kinktober Masterlist
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“You know, (y/n), it’s a sin to lie.” Father Pascal’s voice echoed through the small chamber. His eyes followed her every move, not daring to let go of her sight, trying to decipher the messages her body kept sending out. She seemingly had a hard time focusing on anything but his hands and the rosary he was holding, thumb rolling over every pearl. 
“I,” she heavily swallowed, forcing herself to tear her gaze off his hands. “I’m not lying, father. I’ve been struggling with this for weeks.” 
“I don’t believe that, hermosa. I think we both know why you’re here, and it’s not because of the curses you use when talking to friends.” A silent chuckle rumbled through the man, eyes momentarily fluttering shut as if he had to refocus on the topic at hand. Panic began to simmer in her pupils, threatening to overtake her system like water swapping over the rim of a glass. 
“Why do you think I’m here then, father?” He tilted his body forward, eyes meeting hers as his free hand found (y/n)’s knee, squeezing her skin. 
“I feel your eyes on me. I can formally hear your thoughts growing more sinful with every passing second. You’re not good at hiding your obsession with me.” Heat thumped through her veins, like fire threatening to turn into an inferno. Father Pascal had her trapped, not allowing her to flee from this very moment. 
“I am sorry.” (Y/n) didn’t manage to speak another word, no longer able to look at the grinning man. Only as he rose from his chair, stepping closer to grasp her chin with his warm hand, did she lift her gaze once again. No words were spoken as he ran his thumb over her lower lip, tracing the scars her teeth had left behind. 
“Do you know what the holy book tells us about forgiveness? What we find written in the book of Isaiah?” His voice grew rougher with every syllable spilling from his lips like wine dripping from the holy goblet. (Y/n) could only shake her head, as if she was stuck in a trance, guided by the Holy Spirit itself. 
“Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon. I will grant you the absolution, but not before I can forgive you myself. Are you ready to work for it?” With her mouth growing dry and her heart skipping beats like the thunder that had roared through Jerusalem’s night, she nodded. 
Quick movements pushed her to her feet, only to find herself pressed against his table, behind pushed against his front. He reached for the bible, placed on his desk like one would place a picture of their family, always there to guide them. And with the holy book placed down in front of her, he got to work. 
“Read to me.” Her breath hitched in her chest as she felt father Pascal’s hands move up her legs, pushing her skirt up to her waist and her panties down to her knees. And before (y/n) could even think of collecting enough air to pronounce her words, his hand had met her behind, forcing a gasp out of the woman. “Read, (y/n).”
“Give ear and come to me; listen, that you may live.” (Y/n)’s voice trembled, shaking just like her confused body, not used to the rough spanking. But the priest wasn’t done, he kept leaving his marks, finding pleasure in the pained whimpers rumbling through her fleshcage. One hit after another met her skin, and yet she kept reading, at least she tried to. 
“Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near.” With a breathy moan rumbling through her, (y/n) felt her body pushed further against the table, no longer able to focus on the written word. His hand began to wander, cupping her marked behind before he brushed his fingers through her folds, collecting the arousal sticking to her skin like the  shadow of Lucifer sewn to the frame of sinners wandering this earth. 
“Is this what you’ve been dreaming about? Is this the sin you wanted me to commit?” Only a small “Yes” managed to roll off her tongue, filling the chamber like a shot going off. And with a groan rumbling through the man, he let go of her, only to free his aching cock. 
The sound of him spitting into his hand rang in her ears, excitement filled every part of her body, not sure what to expect. For months she had lusted after the priest, for months she had dreamt about being pushed into his mattress, while she’d scream his name. A moment’s silence that was now torn apart by their moans.
“May you find your release, may he free us of our sins.” Father Pascal pushed into her, forcing her walls apart with his cock. Their moans blended together, forming a sound so sinful, so raw, even the demons sent from hell had to avert their gazes. It was anything but pure what they were doing, and yet the man of God couldn’t find the strength to stop. 
He didn’t give her much time to adjust, kept fucking her with ferocious thrusts. Her moans urged him on, ringing in his ears like the Sunday morning choir. 
“Fuck,” a breathy moan rumbled through the man of God. “Such a good girl, taking me so well, it’s no wonder Satan has found his joy in blemishing your innocence.” She couldn’t reply, and wanted to call out to the priest that he had been the one to trap her in the fog of darkness, not Satan. And yet she couldn’t. Her voice was stuck in her throat, caught in the pressure she was using on her vocal cords, trapped like a fly in a spiderweb. 
(Y/n) felt him deep inside of her, leaving her trembling for more, addicted to the feeling rushing through her veins like the waves that had ripped God’s first creation apart. So sinful, so wrong, and yet destined to be. With every thrust, she grew tighter around him, soon (y/n)’d cum on his cock, pushed over the edge by the priest that groaned for her, making her see stars only the ancient wanderers had been fortunate enough to take in. 
With a whine rolling off her tongue, (y/n) came. Her body shook, walls clamped down on his cock, begging him to fuck her through her high. Which he did, head thrown back, hands tightening their grip on her, forcing (y/n) to stay still. Both their moans echoed through the room, reverberating through their bodies like church bells shaking the afternoon apart. 
A hiss left the priest as he pulled out of her, cum covering her behind. Both were heavily breathing, trying to catch air their lungs could cling to, bound together by the sin they just committed. 
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materlux · 2 months
I had a spiritual moment in a thunderstorm #JustGirlThings
Hello, I don't know how to summuries this, the title does a pretty good job. There was a thunderstorm, something primal in me wanted to be in it, so I went outside. I wrote this in a notebook by the door, the pages got wet.
I don't know, I had a spiritual moment and I'm making it everyones problem.
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   The garden is empty, actually the whole street is empty, I stand alone in nothing but dirty tennis shoes, sweatpants and a sweater. It’s starting to rain, a thunderstorm is rolling in, maybe that’s why I’m alone. I’m an idiot, I know, I'll get wet and cold and sick, but something in me longs to be out there. The birds have yet to seek shelter, so I'm not completely alone.
   I can feel the wind change, it gently grazes my skin, like a caress of cold hands. The rain is light and cold, it hits my face like a million small and delicate kisses. Thunder rumbles in the distance, the wind tickles the leaves of nearby trees, I can hear her voice in it. She sings for me, and now the wind and the rain no longer feel the same.
   The cloud rolls over head, it encases the small lawn in shadow. I look up into the deep blue, thunder rumbles again, this time closer. It’s odd, I have never felt anything so intimate, under the gaze of the darkened sky. I somehow feel safe.
   I look back, through the open back door. The house is dark, it feels uninviting. The feeling in my heart tells me to stay a little longer in her embrace. Logically, I should go back inside, it’s safer I argue. Lightning rarely strikes the ground, but when it does it’ll surely kill. But she assures me, I am safe. She wishes to tell me something, to show me something. I heed my heart and turn back to the dark cloud.
   The wind picks up, lighting glows and thunder roars. She whispers to me, “look, feel, I am strong, I am loud, I am mighty.” I nod and I whisper back, standing by the flower bed, I tell her, “you are beautiful.”
   The sky rumbles and glows, I do not fear her. She speaks to me, gentle but assertive, “I am the mother, you are my child. Do not fear the wild, for it is where you belong, not in a cage.” I understand, I nod and breathe deep, my heart is steady despite the noise. She tells me one last thing, whispers it straight to my heart. “I am you, you are me, and we are free.”
   The rain clears, the cloud moves on and the faint sunlight illuminates the garden. The wind lessens and disappears, she has moved on, and yet she feels so close. I wonder if, perhaps, she has made her home in my heart. She does not answer these wonderings of mine, but the birds sing and in a way I feel the tune of their song has changed, just a bit.
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