#rue is crying in joy
erinwantstowrite · 2 months
what would be the reaction of each one of the bats to peter hugging them out of the blue ?
i actually have an entire page in my notebook dedicated to keeping track of this (mostly it was a prompt to get in the writing mood but now it's a reference)
Dick: obviously met with joy and an immediate hug back, they will not be letting go until 30 minutes later. he is crying but trying not to let Peter tell that he is. yes he does this nearly every time
Bruce: i think he would cry. Bruce doesn't cry often (in front of people at least) but if this happened he would get all teary eyed. mostly because he's thinking back to when Dick was that age and he would hug Bruce + he knows it's a big sign of trust if Peter is hugging you. he'd also hug Peter back but it'd take him a second to figure out what's going on
Jason: freezes for long enough that Peter pulls away and says 'sorry.' this happens a few times before Jason is used to it and he hugs Peter back. he also now has to make up for how he reacted before so Peter's the only one allowed to hug him for more than five seconds (I hc that Jay isn't great with physical affection like he was Before but he does like physical affection.)
Tim: he's used to Dick's random hugs so while he wasn't expecting it the first time and he took a second, he gets the hang of this very fast and he hugs Peter back every time
Steph: absolutely overjoyed. she'll be confused but she's the one who hugs him back and swings him around. she will continue to be happy for the rest of the day. she's more used to Peter hugs (1. because of Dick, just like Tim but also 2. because Peter isn't as hesitant around her).
Duke: confusion, awkward hug with a pat on the back the first few times. the more hugs he gets, the more comfortable he is with it. the first hug = "If anything happens to this kid I will end the world as we know it." and by the fourth surprise hug Duke has learned to hug Peter first
Cass: she's not surprised at all. she knew it would be coming and by the time Peter figures out he wants to hug her, she's opened her arms. i think Cass would love gentle hugs for herself, but often knows what type of hugs other people need/like best. like sometimes you just need a hug that crushes you a little bit and other times you just want someone there. Cass has it figured out
Dami: SWEARS that Peter is being so weird and so awful but the longer he's away from the League and the more he hangs out with his family the more he understands that he likes physical affection. He hugs Peter back but it's hesitant the first few times. Later on, though, Dami accepts and gives hugs. and if Dami is sitting on the couch Peter will flop onto the couch with his entire body weight. Dami promises to kill him every time but never goes through with it. they'll chill there for a little bit. classic sibling bothering.
Babs: has been used to hugs from Dick for a while, but she's surprised to realize that Peter trusts her that much. that's also when she realizes how much she cares about him and, like Duke, decides that if anything happened to Peter, she'd make someone rue the day
Alfred: just like with all of his grandchildren, Alfie doesn't initiate the hug first. but they know that if they want a hug, Alfie's there for them.
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xielianhusband · 2 months
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My love for you
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Male y/n comes home from work he was usually a calm out going person and sweet but something was off he started acting weird for the past few weeks he stopped talking to his friends and even his own boyfriend kaveh.
Y/n even ignored him as y/n went into his bedroom as y/n looked at himself in the mirror insecure he was jealous of one of his coworkers named rue she was pretty and out going she made y/n jealous and he even felt envy he was so jealous of her to the point he hated how much he weighted or even his appearance
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Kaveh came in the room y/n you’ve been ignoring me tell me why are you okay please I’m here for you y/n stared as his eyes filled with tears as he cried breaking down on the floor I hate myself okay I hate the way I look the way I weight everything rue is just the prettiest and perfect woman ever I want to be her y/n says crying harder Kaveh grabs him and hugs y/n
listen I love you no matter how much you weight or look you’re the love of my life y/n and I need you to know that your the prettiest boy I have ever seen I truly love you you’re so gorgeous I mean it as Kaveh kisses y/n I love you to the end of time you truly are my life and joy as Kaveh hugged him. Y/n smiles as he hugs Kaveh tighter I love you to.
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Sorry if I was gone I was busy with a lot of things I really tried with this 😭😭
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snow-acotar · 3 months
Through the despair, I see love
"His paintings show a Peeta who Katniss couldn’t reach even when he stood before her"
A short one-shot of Katniss and Peeta post-canon, fluffy and hopeful.
(Spoilers for the trilogy)
Peeta loves painting a lot more than speaking. 
So much has always been expected of him, so many words have been put in his mouth. Even now, he doubts his words because they’ve hurt the people he loves. His words and actions have hurt Katniss in ways he’ll never forgive himself for. But his art hasn’t. 
His art is a part of him that’s never been touched by Snow and his poison. The images on his canvases are the purest expression of himself. Untampered by the capitol's lies and deception. 
Katniss loves his paintings. She sees in them the man who comes running at the sound of her screams in the night. She sees the boy with soft eyes, the boy with the bread. The man who painted sweet Rue on the floor of the training center. Peeta who held the woman who sacrificed herself for him; as she died he showed her a sky that Katniss now sees before her on a canvas. 
His paintings remind her of the man she’s grown to love despite the death that has surrounded her. But she also sees the man who she failed to protect. 
Those paintings have harsher lines, razor-sharp edges, and striking colors. 
In them, Katniss sees pain and death. In those blood-colored lines sits a man full of despair. He is faced with having to kill the woman he loves. She then sees him alive, standing by her side, but she does not want him in the way he wishes she did. Katniss sees a man willing to die for her—the man who walked into a forcefield and lived. Crying, Katniss stares as Peeta is lifted into a Capitol hovercraft. 
His paintings show a Peeta who Katniss couldn’t reach even when he stood before her. 
They show white cells, Snow's extravagant mansion, roses that reek of perfume, Joanna, Annie; and many more unimaginable things that Katniss cannot face.
She falls to her knees, seeing Peeta sitting inside that suffocating room in District 13. Surrounded by white walls, faced with people he loves, but his mind tells him they don’t love him back. Just like Katniss never loved him back. She sees Peeta try to push her into the oil. Peeta sitting on the ground, a look of horror on his face as he asks to be handcuffed. Peeta saving her from the mutts, them and himself were both trained to kill her. Yet he didn’t. He cries on the floor, scared of himself, begging to be left behind. 
But past all the trauma and agony, Katniss sees flowers. 
Primroses. Peeta plants them in a garden that sits between their houses. She sees trust beginning to grow, both smiles and flowers blooming. Beginning to smile, she takes in freshly baked bread and the morning sun. She sees herself, smiling back, and she sees hope in her eyes. The last painting is the most beautiful, in it lays- “Katniss?”
Turning she sees Peeta, standing in the doorway with their children. Her beautiful daughter comes running up to her and latches onto Katniss’s dress. Smiling, Peeta walks over and kisses his wife. Both of them gaze at their son who rests in his swaddle.  
In their children’s faces, she sees innocence, hope, warmth, joy, and youth, as well as something else. 
She recognizes it in Peeta as well, the man standing before her is much different from the boy she met in the rain all those years ago. 
Turning back to the painting, she sees the same thing. On what used to be a white piece of fabric, sits a green meadow full of freshly bloomed flowers. Amid the sparkingly grass sits Katniss, holding her son in her arms. Her gaze is directed at the man she loves, he plays with their daughter who reminds Katniss so much of Prim. 
In their children, in Peeta, in his paintings, Katniss sees love.
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damn-stark · 1 year
Chapter 8 In the meadow
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Tragedy at the Miller’s chapter 8
A/N- Since I don’t know how long they’re going to make the timeskip for s2, I’ve left the time period unsaid, but I do know when I want it to take place so not to worry :)
Warning- FLUFF, swearing, long chapter, and talks of death and birth and babies
Pairing- Joel Miller x daughter!reader, OC x fem!reader, Henry x Fem!reader
Episode- After season 1
(If you want to be tagged let me know!)
And then from the tension filled silence a sharp cry broke in the room. Breaking that thick fearful tension and bringing pure joy to everyone inside, especially him.
“Congratulations mom and dad, it's a healthy baby girl.”
Joel looks down at his partner on the bed and shares a wobbly grin before he presses a soft kiss on her forehead. “You did good, baby,” he whispers to the woman in a sweet voice.
The woman's grin brightens and she holds Joel’s gaze as she grabs ahold of his hand to hold it tight.
“Do you have a name yet?” The nurse asks as she bundles you up in those scratchy hospital blankets without caring that you're still crying.
“Yes,” the woman on the bed says as she watches carefully as the nurse handles you. “It’s y/n.”
The nurse meets the woman’s gaze and offers her a small smile while she begins walking to the bed. “That’s a beautiful name. Do you want to hold her before we take her?”
Without hesitation the woman nods and reaches her arms out for you with tears filling her eyes already. “Of course,” she agrees.
The nurse carefully places you in your mothers arms, making her gasp softly as you steal her breath away and cause those tears she held in to begin rolling down her cheeks. Whilst you, it’s like you had known your mothers arms before because as soon as she held you go went quiet.
“Hi,” she whispers to you as she brings you closer to her. “Hi,” she coos and carefully uses her finger to caress your cheek. “Look at you. You’re so perfect.” She sniffles and lifts her gaze to meet Joel’s gaze. “Look at her Joel, she’s so beautiful.”
Joel crouches and parts his lips to agree, but he finds himself speechless, so all he can do is slowly reach for your small little hand.
“That’s your daddy, Joel,” the woman beams at you. “Do you remember him? He’d sing for you?” She giggles softly and keeps watching you as she’s captivated by your face. “I’m your mama, Rue. And later you’ll see your sister, Sarah. She’s excited to meet you.”
“That’s right,” Joel whispers as he watches her with a soft admiring smile on his face.
“Oh,” she cries softly. “You’re so beautiful. My precious girl.” She quickly wipes her tears away and looks over at Joel watching her from the side of the bed. “Here…hold her.” She turns slightly and carefully hands you to your dad.
“Hey,” he whispers as he fixes his stance with you in his arms. “Hey.” He says again and reaches for your hand with his finger. “Look at you,” he laughs softly. “You’re so beautiful, babygirl,” he coos and then glances at Rue with tears gleaming his eyes.
But then, suddenly as he’s distracted looking at his partner, you wrap your little hand around his finger with as much force as you can muster, and steal his attention and a soft breath away; missing the way Rue’s face begins to contort with discomfort.
Joel doesn’t say anything, he just watches you hold his finger with a proud smile. And it’s as he’s watching you that you begin to flutter your eyes open, making him now look at you with an awestruck look and tears breaking out of his eyes. Making him miss the sound of Rue’s rising heartbeat as he’s captivated by the way you’re blinking.
“What pretty eyes you have,” he whispers to you while you watch him, or really leave your eyes on his face. “Do you wanna see your mom?” He asks and turns to show her, but in that exact moment the monitor that showed her heartbeat begins to go off as her heart begins to race.
“What’s wrong?” He asks her with concern.
Rue liked to hide her pain, she didn’t like to bother others with her problems, so it’s no surprise why she hadn’t said she was hurting before, not until it was obvious to him and everyone in the room.
“I don’t know,” she mutters out between slow labored breaths. “It’s hurting. It hurts…” she trails off.
Joel catches the sound of the nurses talking behind him, but he doesn’t comprehend what they say. it's all just a jumble. He’s just worried about his partner, his Rue, as her heartbeat keeps rising and he notices her grow more and more weaker.
“I,” she mumbles out. “I want to…see her.”
Joel watches her turn her head to look at you in his arms, but her gaze is distant. She tries to reach out, but her attempt is slow, and well then a nurse blocks his way.
“I’m sorry,” the nurse interjects quickly and doesn’t even ask before she begins to reach for you. “We’re going to ask you to step out of the room while we help your wife.”
The nurse tries to take you, but Joel secures his hold around you, whilst he keeps his eyes on his partner. “No, I want to stay with her. What’s wrong with her? What’s wrong?”
“She’s suffering through a postpartum hemorrhage, the doctor is going to help her, but he needs room, okay?” She explains to him with her hands still on you. “We’re also going to take the baby, okay? She’ll be fine. You can go see her at the nursery.” She then snatches you from his arms, and you begin to cry out, adding to the panic in the room and heightening the worry spiking in Joel’s heart.
“I just,” he mutters as he watches the nurse place you in the cradle before he snaps his eyes back to Rue, noticing all the nurses that begin to surround her.
“Mr Miller, if you can please step out,” another nurse cuts in and now begins to touch his arms to begin leading Joel away.
“My wife,” Joel says. “Will she be okay?”
The nurse hesitates since he doesn’t know the definitive answer, but he does answer nonetheless. “We’re going to help her. We’ll let you know when she’s stable, and when you can be with your baby again.”
Joel lets the nurse guide him out, but only because he sees them rolling you out. “My baby,” he then snaps out with concern even though he saw you breathing right, even if you still cried out for the comfort of your parents.
“Will she be okay?”
“Yes,” the nurse assures him. “They’re just doing a routine check up.”
Joel watches you leave the room and then peers back at Rue again. “Rue,” he calls out for her.
But he doesn’t hear her call back, he just hears the heart monitor. He can’t see her either, not even a glimpse, there’s just nurses. “Rue,” he calls out desperately and slows down before he can reach the door.
“Mr Miller please,” the nurse begs him as Joel waits for his partner to respond, to wait if he’d see for himself that she’d be okay. But he sees nothing.
“How does that saying go?” Mia asks as she walks up behind you. “Something old…”
“Something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue,” Maria finishes for Mia as she joins her behind you too. “I got the something borrowed; the veil I used for my wedding.” She then proceeds to try and clip the long white lace veil on the flower crown on your head, albeit she struggles a bit to clip it on.
Not like you minded, your head is too preoccupied by worry—what if you trip in front of everyone? What if the dress tears while you’re walking? What if…Apollo isn’t at the end of that aisle.
He wouldn’t do that, and you know you have your family to take care of it if he did, but it’s still a concern and a nightmare that plagues your head.
“Something new?” Mia asks and then walks around you to face you. “The earrings we found. Something old?”
“Tommy,” Ellie jokes, causing your lips to break into a smile as you let out a soft snort before you begin giggling for the first time all day today. When you look over at her sitting down by the door as she waits for Maria and Mia to finish getting you ready for the ceremony—your ceremony, she shoots you a small smile that actually provides you with ease.
“No, but really,” you interject after being silent for a long while as the women worked with you and around you. “The gold necklace Apollo’s dad gave me.” You then tilt your head to the side to get a view of yourself on the long mirror beside you, but you’re too nervous to check yourself out so you avert your eyes and continue. “And something blue, my flower crown,” you point to your head, “and my bouquet.”
You look down at the bouquet you gripped onto and stare off at the white daisies that are mixed inside, you then glance at the blue delphiniums that are mixed in the flower bouquet that was all picked from your own backyard, so you could have Sarah with you in your own way since she can’t be here with you now; helping you get ready for your wedding—god that still feels weird think about, you getting married!
And Sarah isn’t here to help you calm down as your nerves are eating you alive and overwhelming you. She isn’t here to stand behind you when you’re up in front of everyone, when you’re beside Apollo the man you’re going to marry. She isn’t here, so you carry her with you with the wildflower bouquet.
“What is that for?” You catch Ellie asking the group. “Is it like some tradition or something?”
You glance at her but don’t answer. You hardly know the answer yourself.
“Yeah it’s exactly that,” Maria answers as she carefully straightens out the small invisible wrinkles on your ankle length skirt. “People believe that when the bride carries or wears them the day of the wedding, that they will have good and happy marriages. It’s up to the person if you choose to believe that or not, but it’s such a used tradition that I think for some it’s just something to look forward to.”
Ellie hums whilst you hum as well.
“Okay,” Maria changes the subject and now you hear her walk around you to face you too. And this time you look up to meet her softened gaze. “You’re ready,” she lets you know sweetly and grabs your arm to turn you around so you can finally look at yourself.
It’s hard to believe it’s you at first reflected in that mirror, in that beautiful white dress that you spared no expense in as it was especially made for you by an older woman here in Jackson since you wanted nothing more but a gown inspired by, of course, Audrey Hepburn’s wedding dress in the movie ‘Funny Face’. The woman said special days like these don’t come often now so she said it was an honor to do what she once would do before. So, that’s not why you’re taken back by your appearance, or the fact that you’re all dolled up, because you’re used to the makeup when you use it for your plays or when you use it just ‘cause when you can. You’re baffled by the fact that you never thought you’d wear white.
No matter how much you’ve changed your mind about this stuff, you just never thought you’d be someone wearing white, someone only minutes away from being married. It’s crazy. It’s fucking crazy!
Yet you still are over the moon seeing yourself with makeup and a pretty white gown. It helps bring some bliss that eases a bit of those nerves.
“You look so perfect,” Maria murmurs with a smile as she stands beside you to admire your reflection in the mirror. You swear you even notice tears in her eyes.
“Look at you,” Mia points out with glee. “You’re so beautiful.” She covers her mouth with her hands, and she actually begins to cry.
You offer your friend a gentle smile, but that’s all, you can’t muster much of anything else.
“You’re going to get married!” Mia exclaims and clutches onto your arm to begin shaking you. And as she does, as you’re radiated by her energy, that realization hits you full on.
“I’m going to get married,” your murmur before your eyes widen, and your lips form back to a smile. “I’m going to get married!”
Mia squeals, so you do too and hold onto her now to begin jumping together with excitement, like a pair of teenage girls—or like the ones you see on tv anway.
Regardless, thanks to Mia you’re riddled with bubbling excitement at the thought that was just scaring you only seconds ago.
“I can’t believe it,” you interject as you come to a slow stop with Mia still in your arms. “It’s crazy.”
“Hell yeah it is,” Mia agrees and pulls back to face you. “But enjoy it. Okay? We don’t get a promise for tomorrow. So enjoy your new life, yeah?”
You nod, and then let out a deep and shaky sigh. “Is it…” You pause as you hesitate to ask her your question. “Is it weird after?”
Mia shakes her head with no hesitation. “Nah,” she assures you. “Besides, he's your best friend. It makes it all easier, that bliss new weds feel is heightened a hundred percent. At least that’s what it feels like with me and my husband.” She chuckles.
You muster a faint grin and nod comprehension. “Okay.”
“It will be good,” Maria interjects as she notices your worry return. “It’s all going to be okay. Like Mia said, just enjoy it.”
Mia lets you go to let Maria reach you again and grab your hands for a second before she cups your cheeks. “Deep breath in,” she instructs and does as she says. “Deep breath out.” She breathes out.
You do as she says and make her smile.
“It’s normal to feel this way,” she assures you. “You’ll be okay.” She then caresses your cheek before she pulls away. “It’s almost time I’ll see you out there, alright?”
You nod and watch Mia walk out with her, whilst Ellie stays in the seat she had been in this whole time. You don’t question her actions though, or tell her to go wait for you outside, you let her stay; you want her to stay as you take another moment for yourself.
“Does my flower crown look crooked to you?” You ask her and face the mirror to look at your white and blue flower crown. “Be honest.”
“I always am,” she rebuttals.
You scoff in amusement and reach for the crown, but only let your hands hover over it since you’re actually still unsure.
“You know,” Ellie interjects from her chair. “We could still go to the moon.”
You blink in surprise, and slowly turn your head to look at her.
“We can find a spaceship and fly to a space station to live in,” she adds and averts her gaze. “Or we can, pft,” she blows out and then suddenly stands up. “Go somewhere else, just you and me. You can become some famous actress,” she adds with a small smile.
You slowly begin to grin and slowly let your hands fall back to your side as you watch her slowly approach you.
“You can be a movie star. I mean someone has to be right? That can be you. Just say the word, I’ll run away with you.”
You scoff softly and turn completely to face her while she stops a few inches away, letting you notice her frown and an upset look in her eyes.
“Sounds like a nice plan,” you tell her sweetly. “But you know we can still do all those things after I get married. Marriage is just a promise of forever between each other, a commitment. I’m not going to be locked away and be some house wife slave.” You assure her and close the gap between the both of you to fix her yellow Rue flower pinned to her shirt.
Ellie drops her gaze and swallows thickly. “Basically is,” she grumbles.
You giggle softly and shake your head. “You say that now, but you wait, someone will sweep you off your feet so hard that you will change your mind. I know that I did.”
Ellie scoffs and meets your gaze with curiosity. “Really?”
“What?” You quip. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Ellie shrugs. “It’s just you…always seem to know what you want. And well you’re the type to want all those pretty things.”
You hum and shake your head whilst you unhook a strand of her hair to roll it your finger. “No, I was lost for a long time. But, then I met Henry, and…” you smile and let her little curl go to leave it on her face. “He made me see things differently.”
Ellie hums, and that sadness in her dark eyes still remains, letting you confirm to yourself what this protest was really for. She was just afraid of losing you.
She shouldn’t be though.
“Don’t worry,” you add and grab her shoulders now. “I’ll still be here in Jackson. I ain’t goin’ nowhere. I’m going to be just a few streets down from where you live. In that yellow house with the white fence around it. But…” you add in a whisper. “If you run, I run. It’s just after today, I’m going to have to bring someone else along.”
Ellie lets out a small breath and stays quiet as she just holds your gaze with a soft look. “But,” she adds bluntly. “If he does anything,” she threatens. “I’ll stab him.”
You chuckle and nod. “I’m countin’ on it.”
Ellie shares a timid smile before she pulls away from you and glances at the door. You follow her line of gaze and remember all your worries, only now your heart is racing so everything feels much worse.
“Okay,” you whisper. “I'm ready. Tell ‘em to come in.”
Ellie nods and doesn’t falter, albeit she stops just before she can open the door. “So I stand behind you?”
You nod. “Yep. Maid of honor right behind the bride.”
“Alright,” she mutters before she opens the door and lets your father and uncle Tommy know that it’s time. It’s time to leave this room and walk down that aisle.
Albeit you can’t leave your spot in front of the mirror, you can’t stop looking at the scar on your neck that only reminded you of the burden, and the secrets.
“Wow,” you catch your uncle Tommy say before he lets out a long wolf whistle.
You snap your eyes to the door and see him and your dad walking in slowly with their eyes on you.
“Look at you,” your uncle Tommy adds with a soft smile and an awestruck look. “My little Sunny, you are lookin’’ beautiful.”
You let out a nervous laugh, and a few nervous tears that makes him grow worried right away.
“Why are you cryin’?”
You approach him and finally share what’s been plaguing you all day since you woke up. “I’m nervous.”
“Nervous?” He retorts and studies you once more. “You’re used to the crowd—”
“Not that,” you cut him off and sigh. “What if he ain’t there? What if I—I don’t know! Trip! Or-or—”
“Whoa, whoa,” your uncle cuts you off and cups your cheeks. “Calm down. Breathe.”
You draw in a deep breath, and nod as you breathe out slowly.
“One, Apollo is out there waitin’ for you. Everyone is. Two, you aren’t fallin’,” he offers you a grin. “‘Cause I got you.” He caresses your cheek and shoots you a much brighter grin. Tears even cloud his eyes but he doesn’t let them out, instead he carefully wipes yours off. “Now why didn’t you cover up this tattoo?” He points to the little penis tattoo that shows on your sleeveless arm.
You glance at it and smirk. “‘Cause I like it. And maybe it's my somethin’ old, beside you.” You giggle, and he scoffs.
“Why don’t you get on with it?” He counters, letting you pull back and now face your dad who still has his eyes on you. However, right now his eyes are soft, tears are rolling down his face and his smile is trembling.
“Please stop cryin’” your voice quivers whilst you begin to approach him. “Because I’ll cry more.”
He scoffs and shakes his head. “You’re not supposed to cry today.”
“Well I am, who’s gonna do somethin’ about it?” You quip with a teasing smile.
Your dad chuckles softly and then glances down to pull out the yellow rue flower from his shirt pocket, he then leans in and tucks it in your flower crown. “There,” he says. “Now she’ll be with you too.”
You draw in a deep shaky breath and nod as more tears sting your eyes.
“You look,” he sighs softly. “Absolutely breathtakin’ baby girl.”
You gasp and then quickly throw your arms around him to cling onto him for comfort. And as you do more tears stream down his eyes as he’s reminded of those time when you were a little girl who'd greet him after he got home from a long day at work, when you’d cling onto him in the mornings after waking up refusing to let him go because you were heavily attached to him, and at bedtime when you were fast asleep and he was taking you to bed. He remembered all that and held in his sob and only clinged onto you harder hoping he didn’t have to let go.
“You’ll stay,” you mewl out. “You’ll stay with me, right? You won’t leave?”
Your dad scoffs and takes offense to your question. “Of course not. I’m stayin’. And if you want to leave now all you gotta do is say the word and I’ll take you.”
You laugh and shake your head. “No, thank you though. I’m glad I can count on all of you.” You pull back and wipe away your tears to face the both of them with a small but eager smile. “Okay. I'm ready.”
“Okay,” he nods, and your uncle Tommy offers you his arm first.
You carefully hook your arm around his and then follow your dad out to the hall where you can hear the chatter of people outside waiting for you to walk out, you can feel the soft summer breeze sweep in through the open doors, and you can feel your own heart thump in your chest. Maria then catches a glimpse of the three of you now approaching the exit doors and gives the signal that you’re coming, making the chatter slowly come to a stop, and the musicians slowly begin to play a sweet and slow tune.
“Now’s your chance kiddo,” your uncle Tommy whispers as you walk to the door. “If you want to go, we can.”
Without hesitation you shake your head softly and come to a stop under the door frame. “No. I want to do this. I’m ready.” You let out a deep and nervous shaky breath before you glance down at your fathers arm and hook your arm around his too.
There was no way you could choose between the two, they were both too important to you, so as to not have to choose you asked the both of them to walk you down the aisle. And they happily obliged.
Now they both held onto you, whilst you gripped onto their arms out of the racing nerves that ran within you and only ran faster as you slowly begin to walk down the pink flower petalled aisle. The music that played was overpowered by the heavy thumps of your heart, and your stare was averted as you feared seeing an empty space at that other end—so you miss Apollo’s reaction to seeing you in your dress for the first time.
However, just as you reach that last wooden bench placed at the sides of the flower aisle, you finally blink to look ahead of you, and immediately whatever fear that plagued your mind about him not being here vanishes. Because there he is, in that black on black suit with the yellow Rue flower poking out his pocket, with his hair brushed to the side like he usually wore it, with his bright smile, and with a soft and awe-struck look. There he stands waiting, your best friend, partner, and now future husband. There he stands all beautiful under the yellow shining summer sun, and now you’re filled with a blissful joy and comfort.
When you finally stop before him your lips slowly pull to a beaming grin that matches his. Your uncle Tommy lets you go but you don’t notice because you’re captivated by Apollo, it’s not until you feel a kiss on the side of your head that you look at your uncle.
You hadn’t seen it before, but now his eyes were watery and his smile was faint. You don’t say anything even if you want to, but you do press a kiss on his cheek and whisper, “thank you.”
Your uncle sniffles and offers you a soft nod before he joins his family at the first bench, leaving you to turn to your dad who didn’t want to let you go.
“It’s okay,” you assure him and cup his hand with your free one. “I’ll be okay.”
Your dad draws in a deep shaky breath and nods before leaning in and pressing a kiss on your forehead. Your smile softens, and he finally lets you go to give your hand to Apollo.
Apollo takes you away gently but with pleasure. After that you watch your dad sit by your uncle, and then glance over at Ellie to shoot her a small smirk before you look back at Apollo and shoot him a quick smile he matches.
It’s then that the ceremony starts, beautiful words are spoken, vows are shared and cherished; but unlike hearing them from other people and on tv, now they’re special because they’re yours and his. Now they’re a promise between each other, a promise of however long your own forever is.
“Apollo Holloway, will you take this woman to be your wife? To live together in matrimony, to love her, cherish her, honor her, in sickness and in health; forsaking all others, be faithful to her for as long as you both shall live? If so, say, ‘I do’.”
Apollo’s smile softens, and his eyes gleam brightly as he holds your watery gaze and looks at nothing else. Because the truth is no one else exists at this very moment. It’s just you and him in this vast world, it’s just him and you standing in the center of town basking in each others never ending love.
“Of course I do,” Apollo says, making you chuckle softly out of relief.
“Y/N Miller, will you take this man to be your husband? To live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health; forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live? If so, say, ‘I do.’”
You grip onto his soft hands and nod. “I do,” you say back, causing Apollo to smile.
“With that said,” the officiant says, “I pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride.”
Without a second to spare, as if he’s never kissed you before, Apollo slides his hands up to your cheeks and pulls you in for a deep and passionate kiss that you melt into and deepen as you wrap your arms around his neck.
You probably would have taken longer since you’re so consumed by one another, but you’re both reminded of the people watching as they clap for the new couple, so you pull back first.
“I love you,” Apollo murmurs against your lips.
“And I love you,” you redirect with ease before pressing a gentle kiss on his lips before you both completely pull away and face the crowd that now stands there to celebrate.
And the very first person your eyes land on is your dad, you offer him a happy smile and then look away, but he keeps looking at you. In fact he can’t stop watching you, his eyes follow you around all day, when you run down that aisle, when the banquet starts and you sit by the man you now call husband, as you share glimpses with him as if you’re not right next to each other. He watches you laugh, talk with your uncle and his family, with friends and Ellie, he watches you cling onto Apollo like if somehow one of you was going to disappear. And he watches you dance happily under the soft rays of sun that only brighten your face.
Your dad watches you and hopes that somehow that little girl that once wished to never let go of him came back to him so he can keep on holding you. He was happy for you, of course he was, you were living your life, he wanted nothing more but for you to know normality in this messed up world, but he still wished that time could go back….
“Have you told him yet?” Apollo asks by your ear as you sway along to the music.
You smirk and shake your head. “Not yet. I’ve been waitin’ for the right moment.”
Apollo lets out a deep sigh. “You think he’ll be happy?” He queries.
You giggle and nod. “I think he will be ecstatic.” You look away from your father and watch Ellie talking with some of her friends far away from your dads table.
Their distance washes your smile away and brings back that guilt. “What am I gonna do about Ellie?” You ask and feel thankful that you told him the truth about Ellie’s immunity and what happened at that hospital, otherwise you’d probably go crazy with so much kept in. “I mean…” You trail off and sigh, making Apollo pull back to meet your gaze.
“There’s nothing you can do,” he assures you. “Their choices all fall to them, you can’t force them to do anything. You made your choices and now all you can do is live with them.”
You scoff and avert your gaze. “I was expectin’ some solution.”
Apollo rolls his eyes and pulls you back against him. “That is a solution. An honest one. If I couldn’t be honest with you then we wouldn't be married or best friends.”
You let out a deep breath and drop your chin on his shoulder. “Yeah. You’re right.” You look away from Ellie before you can be consumed by that guilt, and this time you catch Atlas swaying and chugging that alcohol in his bottle.
“I’m glad that we chose to have people write down their toasts,” you say. “Atlas is drunk as hell, who knows what he would say if he could now.”
Apollo chuckles and looks back at his brother playing some drinking games with other drunk people. “No, I think you’re right. But,” he mutters with a teasing smile. “You know we can actually share ours, right now.”
You snicker. “Oh can we? Okay,” you give in and throw your arms around his neck. “Well, you’re my best friend for one. Someone who always knows how to make me laugh, someone who can always make me smile even in the darkest time. Someone who never gave up on me and who never left,” you sniffle and his own smirk fades to a smile. “If I could choose to share my life with anyone, it will always be you, in every lifetime, in every universe.”
Apollo lets out a deep breath and can’t muster a word for a few seconds, all he can do is look all flustered. “Wow,” he interjects. “Now I feel bad that I only wrote you a song.”
You stop dancing and look at him with a serious look. “Don’t mess with me,” you tell him as you slide your hands down to grab his hands. “Did you? A song? For me?” You ask and touch your chest.
Apollo nods. “Yeah. For you.”
You gasp and then squeal with excitement. “I want to hear it! I wanna hear it!”
Apollo gets all cocky now and retorts. “I need my guitar.”
“No,” you snap back, “if you get your guitar then everyone else will hear. I want to hear all by myself first,” you let him know seriously.
“Okay,” he agrees. “Fine, come here.” He says and pulls you in so you can be pressed against him again as he continues to sway you to the music that plays. You may not dance to the beat of what’s playing, but you don’t care because you’re too captivated by his words murmured against your ear as he sings you the song he had written for you. A song that was only for you and no one else. A song so beautiful and meaningful that you shed tears with a smile that hurts your cheeks.
Once it’s over you’re only more in love and feel more desire to just leave the party with him.
Yet you have to hold on for a bit longer.
“I loved it,” you assure him. “I really fucking loved it!” You exclaim and the press your forehead against his. “Now how is it that you know me so well? I mean a song? I’ll never shut up about it.”
Apollo shrugs. “Oh well you know me, and you are only my best friend.”
You giggle and pull him in for a kiss that you Iinger in. When you do manage to pull away Apollo straightens up and begins to show off a playful smile. You quirk your brow and shoot him a confused look.
“Now, my beautiful wife,” he says and puts one hand behind him whilst he stretches out the other to offer it to you.
“Yes, my love,” you play along.
“Would you give me this dance?”
You smile ear to ear and nod before you rest your hand on his, letting him grab onto you before he pulls you in and secures you against him with a hand around your waist.
Rather than leading you in a slow dance like before, regardless of the tempo, Apollo begins to lead you around the dance floor really fast, maneuvering past other dancing bodies and making you laugh the entire time. When he stops it’s to grab your forearm, and it’s an action you don’t question and instead choose to grab his arm to then dance around. You then switch sides quickly and spin around again with giddy smiles on your faces.
There comes a point where you let go of each other but continue to dance together all wildly without caring about the others, letting those who didn’t know already that you in fact are best friends, two kindred souls.
And lastly as the song reaches its end Apollo grabs your hand, and you spin into him and secure yourself by grabbing onto his shoulders, while he grabs your hips to then dip you down for the big finish.
“Swept off your feet?” He probes teasingly in between heavy breaths.
You shrug and let him pull you back up. “Eh, I think there’s been better dance partners.”
Apollo scoffs. “Has there? Who may I ask?”
You smirk and shrug. “A lady cannot tell,” you joke.
Apollo leans in. “I’ll make you,” he whispers before he cups your cheeks and smashes his lips against yours. You giggle between the kiss, and he keeps repeating tell me, but you instead kiss him right back repeatedly. It’s almost like a never ending loop until you hear footsteps approach and stop by you. When you both pull away and look, you see your dad standing there awkwardly.
“Sorry,” he says. “I just wanted to dance with my daughter, if I may.”
Apollo lets you go and nods. “Of course.”
You watch your husband walk off before facing your dad and grabbing his hands. “You want to dance again? Well ain’t that a surprise?”
He scoffs and holds onto you tightly to begin swaying you to the music, letting you slide your hands to his neck. “I dance. I liked dancin’ with your mom—Well she dragged me to dance all the time and I let her.”
You grin. “That’s nice to hear.”
“And I danced with you all the time when you were a little girl,” he adds.
“Yeah when I was a little girl,” you counter. “That was a long time ago.”
“Well I'm not as young as I was then,” he says, making you laugh.
“It’s diaper time isn’t it?” You tease, making him chuckle and nod.
“I’m gonna need a cane too.”
You chuckle louder and add on. “You’re gonna be those cranky old men who are like ‘get off my lawn you heathens!!” You mock his deep voice. “And,” you laugh. “You’re gonna keep their toys that they throw over the fence.”
Your dad narrows his gaze on you with a serious look, but he can’t help but break into a laugh. “Exactly,” he plays along.
You hum and hold his gaze with a adoriation.
“You havin’ fun?” He asks.
You nod. “I am. I'm lovin’ today. It’s perfect.”
He nods and sighs softly. “That’s good, I’m glad.”
“You,” you point out. “You havin’ fun? Met anyone yet?”
Your dad lets out a soft scoff. “As long as you're enjoyin’ yourself I’m happy.” He avoids your second question.
You would press on what you asked, but you let it go and instead press yourself closer to rest your head on his shoulder, reminding him of simpler times again.
That’s why he hung onto you for as long he could, why he secured his hold around you, because he didn’t want you to go. If he could he’d keep you in his arms forever, but alas he couldn’t so he let go. But before he could let go of your hands, he stops you.
“I need to give you somethin’” he says and then digs in his suit coats pocket.
You watch him with anticipation, and only grow intensely more curious when you see that it’s a folded up paper.
“It’s the toast that I turned into a letter since, well, I’m not so good with sharin’ what I feel,” he continues and hands you the letter.
When you take it you want to take a peek, but he pushes your hands down.
“Somewhere quiet,” he lets you know.
“Okay,” you breathe out and swallow thickly as you feel even more curiosity fill your mind. “Okay. Uh, I’m goin’ now I can’t wait.”
He lets out a breathless chuckle and nods. “Yeah, I know you couldn’t. Go on.” He points his head to the side.
So while the party rages on, you find an escape under a tall birch tree decorated with green leaves and lights around the trunk providing a perfect light to read the letter that was itching your curiosity.
To you, my youngest daughter, y/n.
You said to write a toast so I took advantage of this moment and wrote you a letter of all I have to say.
First I want to say that I’m sorry. There will never be an end to my apologies for what I did to you. No matter how dark my time felt, that wasn’t your fault and I shouldn’t have hurt you because of it. I’m sorry. And thank you for forgiving me even if I didn’t deserve it.
Second, one time you told me the things that reminded you of Sarah, now I get to tell you the one thing that reminds me of you when we were apart, and when we’re together. The sun, the way it shines so bright reminds me of you, of your bright smile that never ceases to make me happy even on the worst days when life throws me down. The sun reminds me of your kindness, the same one that would greet me everyday after a long day at work, and the same one that you haven’t lost even now—
You let out a soft scoff and sniffle to avoid crying and staining the paper.
—but most importantly the sun reminds me of simpler times. Times that I sometimes wish we could go back to so I can live forever with Sarah and you, so we can eat breakfast all together again, watch tv and eat all the junk food you want.
But maybe the truth is that I don’t want you gettin any older, I want to hold onto you forever, keep you safe in my own way. But if time didn’t pass then we wouldn’t have Ellie, I wouldn’t get to see this amazing, strong, and beautiful woman that I am so proud of—
You can’t hold back your tears now and draw in a shaky breath to cry out softly in your hand.
—and even if hearing you talk about getting married, even if seeing you in that wedding dress will make me cry and want to turn back the time, I couldn't be happier that you are livin your life, babygirl. Because that’s all I want, that’s all I ask for, all I wish for when you make me blow out my candles on my birthdays, that Ellie and you get to live your lives the way you want them to be.
And yes, I know that it’s hard in these times. I know it’s hard lovin, opening up to someone, and being vulnerable cause of all the horrors outside, but if you ever want to listen to me about something, it’s this; live. Live in the present, don’t think about what might happen tomorrow, next week or next year, live now, cherish today, laugh, smile, cry, just live.
Just know that no matter what happens with the rest of your life you will always be my babygirl, my daughter, and you will always have a place in my heart. So if that guy you’re marrying ever makes you cry just know that I’ll be there for you with my arms open. I love you y/n.
Love, dad.
You beam brightly at the paper and watch as those tears that you refused to let stain the paper before, now fall on the delicate surface.
He’s right he’s never been one to just express what he feels with so much ease, so reading what he held in his heart makes your heart swoon, and makes this day that much more special.
Alas, you fold the paper again, and wipe away your tears to then get up and try to join the wedding feast again before they coming look. Yet just as you press your hands on the ground to try and get up, you hear heavy footsteps approach. When you peer back you see none other than your dad stopping just past the birch tree when he sees you spot him.
“Daddy,” you greet with that same smile, and then push yourself to your feet to run over and throw your arms around him. “Thank you,” you whisper and feel your heart flutter.
“I’m glad you liked it,” he says as he secures his hold around you.
You hum softly. “I loved it.” You then pull back to face him, and out of the whirlwind of happy emotions you can’t contain what you’ve been hiding any longer. So after a deep breath you change the subject. “I have somethin’ I need to tell you.”
“You’re seperatin’?” He jokes.
You giggle and shake your head. “No.” You proceed to grab his hands as you hold his gaze with a bright smile and say it before anyone can interrupt you. “It’s about me—well Apollo and I. And beside the two of us, you’re the first person to know. I mean I wanted to tell you first.”
Your dad begins to narrow his gaze on you as you prolong the news and leave him waiting.
“I,” you sigh softly. “I’m havin’ a baby.”
Your dad stiffens, and his breath catches, making you quickly fill with worry that he didn’t like the news. Yet you don’t ask for reassurance, you hold onto his hands and watch him.
You watch as he slowly breathes out and his eyes gleam with tears. You watch his lips slowly pull to a wobbly but bright grin before wraps you in a sudden hug that takes you by surprise.
“Congratulations, baby,” he whispers softly, letting you sigh with relief and melt into his arms.
“You like the news?” You probe regardless of his comfort.
Your dad lets out a chuckle and nods. “Of course,” he assures you. “Of course I do. It’s the best news I’ve heard. I’m so happy for you,” he says with tears rolling down his cheeks and a happy smile on his face.
A/N- What? Joel is getting everything he wants out of his new life? YAY!
Tagged- @slut-f0r-u @star-wars-lover @maplecohen @givemylovetoall @itzagothamcitysiren @sammy-13 @beloved-reblogger @emiriia @rues-daya @sunfairyy @littleshadow17 @mcu-starwars @bigtuffswordboy @riaqiax @dheet @queenofthekill @joliettes @d4rno @dgraysonss @rana030 @pedropascalluvr41 @ahoyyharrington @beaniebeensbaby201 @maeneedsabreak @maelartasch @adristyles @daughterofthequeen @alastorhazbin @ririvilliams @khaylin27 @hypatia93 @hummusxx @v4mpyk1tten @1donoow @your-shifting-gurl @g4ns3y @izzzzy-the-amazing @aphr0d1teh @lovelyygirl8 @ivy-taylorsversion
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lovecolibri · 6 months
"Delloso de la Rue is the most singularly courageous, ethereally beautiful, constant, kind, and true Fey I have ever met. They have given us all many gifts. Countless Blooms. There may be no single fairy for whom there is more credit for joy and wonder than Delloso de la Rue. And last night in an act of graciousness I cannot begin to comprehend, they showed me kindess and affection, a gift that I cannot begin to describe the enormity of. But I know that my affections also caused them great dismay. It was the purpose of the duel with their assistant, and Rue has enough on their mind."
Oscar crying as Brennan gives this speech is SO !!! Samesies. 😭
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p1nkm1lkslug · 13 days
" 𝐀 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐥... 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐈 𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧" 𖹭
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Why am I writing this fix about my oc? Pure joy and whimsical bliss Also slight tw: there is gonna be talk of self harm + mental health issues so if you don't wanna read that just scroll by
- the best way I can describe her as a partner is a mix between Bleeker from Juno and rue from euphoria and a little bit of jonsie from bottoms
- if she does start catching feelings be prepared for THE LONG GAME because he probably needs to sit down and go through this process and actually try and see if it's love
- once THE LONG GAME is done with she would confess,which is kinda a surprise considering she's pretty quite and slightly shy about this but if they do catch feelings they would risk it for the biscuit
- big lover and hugger, not the biggest fan of pda but loves hand holding and linking pinkies or just sitting next to you
- but in private or with people she trust she is ALL OVER you
- also very protective, tends to keep her head down in the mansion because she already gets shit from her co worker (masky) but is gonna throw hands when it comes to you tf is maksy gonna do kill her? She's already dead
- if she feels fully comfortable with you she's most likely going to introduce you to her family and friends
- typical dates would just be walking in the woods or sitting outside while it rains, talking for hours and just being couch potatoes
- is such a slut for sleepover dates,get the fucking cookie dough and overpriced ice cream y'all are watching horror movies
- she tends to cover most of her scars up, she isn't really disgusted by it or anything but tends to just not try remember that time of her life
- by far the most understanding when it comes to those with similar issues to her , not good with advice but she can help you if you need a shoulder to cry on or a distraction
- if you struggle with any illness they will always help you, reminds you to take meds, go outside, eat food
- okay so now on to red flags, because my girl has a passive aggressive problem And is EXTREMELY stubborn
- when it comes to fights it will take a lot to piss her off but she isn't perfect, when fights get bad she will start yelling and depending on what happened things can get dangerous
- possessive but very subtle about it, won't yell at you or force you but has no issue making you feel guilty
- after fights she will probably need to cool off, she isn't good during fights but when she is ready she will wanna work through said issue
- he is very big on open communication and does know when to apologize
- she makes fun of couples for being cringe but it's not the same when it's you two
- they don't really have a preference for someone physically, curly hair? She has waves y'all can help each other on wash day, your tall? Cool they don't care, your short? Idc gimmie them lips 💀, skinny? Your so beautiful, fat? Your so beautiful, BRO DON'T CARE🗣️🗣️🗣️ (more surprised that they got a partner at all)
- has a pet hellhound named Abbey (she did not choose Abbey, Abbey was practically forced upon her and the dog and her have a very much Mr fredrickson and Kevin from up dynamic) but just know that when in danger just blow Abbeys whistle
- also Abbey is a BIG dog so expect romantic ride on a... Very big fluffy dog demon creature
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idv-ask-the-showman · 2 months
Unexpected Guest - Part 2
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I really struggle to write this part so it may sound a bit fast paced and all over the place but I just wanna get this over with lol- so forgive me if there is any typos or if the writing is genuinely bad qwq
Part 3 probably would be the final one tho :3
The hunter yells on the top of his lungs at Flynn who was running away from the hunter and basically Kiting him.
Each time the hunter gets close to him, Flynn uses one of his daggers to throw at him which leads to either actually hitting the guy or him avoiding the daggers or even melting them with his flames… which makes Flynn upset to watch his beloved daggers being destroyed.
“Fancy coming from you- OH SHOOT!!”
The hunter dashed at Flynn ready to punch him with a fist of flames but in the nick of time, Flynn avoided it and only got his left arm hit, although it ended up with his sleeve burned, he immediately put it out. Although it exposed the bullet wound on his arm… seeing the wound, the hunter couldn’t help but laugh at the sight.
Remembering fondly how he shot the dame kid on his arm.
“Such a nasty wound you got there~ I can tell you didn’t even bother to get the bullet out, right?”
Flynn frowned while covering his arm with his hand yet soon smirk and said.
“Do not even try to act all proud now, remember how i stabbed you 47 TIMES?”
Flynn smirked “what~ Not so smug now?”
The hunter dashed in rage towards Flynn once more. Flynn was about to use another dagger to stun him, but sadly, he ran out of daggers. He had no choice but to run as fast as he could before the hunter got to him. He ran towards a pallet, but only stood in front of it on the opposite side, not showing any signs that he was going to drop it. He just stood there, waiting for the hunter to get him.
The hunter didn’t think much of it and continued dashing towards the survivor until - BAM! Even though Flynn didn’t move at all, the pallet still fell down and stunned him. Apparently, Sam was hiding behind the wall next to the pallet, waiting for the hunter to get near.
While the hunter was recovering from the stun, Sam grabbed Flynn and ran away with him. Once the hunter finally recovered, he was about to chase after the kids, but before he could, he was immediately stopped by Rue, who jumped right in front of him, pointing her sword at him with a calm yet serious look.
“Do not even think about it…”
{meanwhile with Flynn and Sam}
When they finally arrived to a safe spot, Flynn finally allowed himself to fall to his knees. He was so exhausted already and the burn in his arm didn’t help.
“Whoa there! Take it easy, we already lost him…”
“Yeah… god that was- OUCH! HEY WATCH IT!”
“Don’t be a cry baby now, I am trying my best!”
Sam tried to help Flynn with his burn wound… you can tell she is struggling with how to treat it.
“that’s a really bad one, that guy truly want you head.”
“Tell me about it…”
It didn’t take long before they heard footsteps approaching them, they were ready to make a run for it if it were the hunter!
“H-Hey! It's alright you two, It's just me!”
It was thankfully just Angel… he approached the two and kneeled down.
“That’s a really bad one… your brother would be upset when he see it, Flynn”
“I know….”
Angel sigh and looked at Sam “you go ahead and focus on decoding the last machine, I will take care of Flynn” Sam hesitated for a bit but sigh and nodded, before she stand up she took something from her bag and handed it to Flynn.
“Here, I found one of your daggers on the ground.”
Flynn immediately took the dagger with pure joy and relief on his face as if Sam just found his lost child. Sam just sigh to that while Angel laugh nervously a bit… if only he cared about his own well being as much as he cares for his daggers.
With that Sam left while Angel stayed with Flynn and treating his wounds. They can hear from the distance the sounds of Rue and the Hunter fighting.
“Would Rue be okay?”
“I hope so…”
{back to Rue and The Hunter}
Rue was hold the hunter back from going after the others and with each passing second, he keep raging more and more to the point his flames started to engulf the area and even at some points Rue’s sword would be engulfed with flames but she would put it own immediately or use it to her advantage.
She seemed calm the whole time while the other started to get impatient yet tried to talk to her… more like yelling.
“GET OUT OF MY WAY WOMAN! You are not who I am after, leave and I promise you I would let you and the other get the win, I just need that BRAT!- GAH!”
Rue cut him off by kicking him with her leg, sending him back far away from her.
“You are trying to kill him… that against the rules of the matches.”
Between his coughs after the kick, he started to laugh for awhile.
Rue swing her sword at the hunter, in which he managed to avoid it.
“So also half of the people in this manor… your point?”
Talking to this woman is pointless, she is as stubborn as a rock and would change her mind no matter what he say or do. He better find another way to get pass her…
-To Be Continued.
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bookclub4m · 3 months
Episode 196 - Battle of the Books 2024: One Book One Podcast
This episode we’re giving our book pitches for our Battle of the Books 2023! Each of us has picked one title that we think we should all read and discuss and you get to vote for which one it is! Will we read Trust Kids!: Stories on Youth Autonomy and Confronting Adult Supremacy edited by carla joy bergman, The Seep by Chana Porter, A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking by T Kingfisher, or Inheritance: a Pick-the-path Experience by Daniel Arnold, Darrell Dennis, and Medina Hahn? You decide! 
You can download the podcast directly, find it on Libsyn, or get it through Apple Podcasts or your favourite podcast delivery system.
In this episode
Anna Ferri | Meghan Whyte | Matthew Murray 🦇 | Jam Edwards
What Book Should We Read?
Trust Kids!: Stories on Youth Autonomy and Confronting Adult Supremacy edited by carla joy bergman
The Seep by Chana Porter
A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking by T Kingfisher
Inheritance: a Pick-the-path Experience by Daniel Arnold, Darrell Dennis, and Medina Hahn
Our Long Lists
How Far the Light Reaches: A Life in Ten Sea Creatures by Sabrina Imbler
Floating Hotel by Grace Curtis
Technoableism: Rethinking Who Needs Improvement by Ashley Shew
Laziness Does Not Exist by Devon Price
The Saint of Bright Doors by Vajra Chandrasekera
Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World by Naomi Klein
Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Pérez
Podcast Episodes
Episode 058 - The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making
Episode 079 - Which Book Should We Read?
Episode 083 - The Fifth Season
Episode 103 - Battle of the Books 2020
Episode 107 - Pet by Akwaeke Emezi
Episode 130 - Battle of the Books 2021
Episode 134 - Piranesi by Susanna Clarke
Episode 154 - Book pitches
Episode 159 - Hurts So Good: The Science and Culture of Pain on Purpose by Leigh Cowart
Episode 179 - Battle of the Books 2023
Episode 183 - One Book One Podcast: Upright Women Wanted
Links, Articles, and Things
One City One Book (Wikipedia)
Canada Reads (Wikipedia)
Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner
INHERITANCE - a "pick-the-path" teaser (YouTube)
Inheritance: a pick-the-path experience - trailer (YouTube)
Inheritance - interview with the playwrights (YouTube)
22 Nature/Outdoor Non-Fiction by BIPOC Authors
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) authors. All of the lists can be found here.
Spirit Run: A 6,000-Mile Marathon Through North America's Stolen Land by Noé Álvarez
Better Living Through Birding: Notes From a Black Man in the Natural World by Christian Cooper
Soil: The Story of a Black Mother's Garden by Camille T. Dungy
Black Faces, White Spaces: Reimagining the Relationship of African Americans to the Great Outdoors by Carolyn Finney
Fresh Banana Leaves: Healing Indigenous Landscapes Through Indigenous Science by Jessica Hernandez
Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer
The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World by Robin Wall Kimmerer
The Home Place: Memoirs of a Colored Man's Love Affair with Nature by J. Drew Lanham
The Urban Birder by David Lindo
Nature Swagger: Stories and Visions of Black Joy in the Outdoors by Rue Mapp
Wild Girls: How the Outdoors Shaped the Women Who Challenged a Nation by Tiya Miles
The Adventure Gap: Changing the Face of the Outdoors by James Edward Mills
World of Wonders: In Praise of Fireflies, Whale Sharks, and Other Astonishments by Aimee Nezhukumatathil, illustrated by Fumi Nakamura
Heartbeat of the Earth: A Handbook on Connecting Children to Nature through Indigenous Teachings by Launa Purcell
Trace: Memory, History, Race and the American Landscape by Lauret Savoy
A Darker Wilderness: Black Nature Writing from Soil to Stars by Erin Sharkey
A Short History of the Blockade: Giant Beavers, Diplomacy and Regeneration in Nishnaabewin by Leanne Betasamosake Simpson
Dispossessing the Wilderness: Indian Removal and the Making of the National Parks by Mark David Spence
The Backyard Bird Chronicles by Amy Tan
Why We Swim by Bonnie Tsui
Wild Life: Finding My Purpose in an Untamed World by Rae Wynn-Grant
An Immense World: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us by Ed Yong
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forgetthetimetravel · 2 years
It's late and I'm tired so my day 1 entry is small, a headcanon
Day 1 is Spring.
I think that Mytho/Siegfried, post canon, learns to control his flower powers better. And as he learns, he makes flowers for Rue regularly. She finds them lovely, she likes flowers, but she still harbors some guilt and worry and can't truly accept his daily offering wholeheartedly. She will enjoy them, but still feels she doesn't deserve them.
But then one day, someday, he takes her to a field in winter. And then he makes the *entire field bloom for her*.
She's impressed, and also floored. Why? What purpose does he have? Even as she's touched in her heart she can't grasp what's going on.
And he holds her and explains how she bloomed all on her own in the harshest of places, and how she's not alone anymore, and she's in a better place but only if she lets herself be. How he saw her beauty and strength alone and knows she would flourish if she could accept the love and support of those around her, of him. Of how she's been so strong for so long but there is beauty and joy and relief in reaching out and being part of a larger world that supports each other. How she is progressing on that and to not give up even during hard times, to ask him for help.
He explains that he would make the world bloom for her if he could, to just let her smile a little longer. How she deserves happiness and he wants to help her have it, always.
It's her turn to have spring.
And she breaks down crying and Mytho is a bit confused and worried, but she laughs a tiny bit at his concern and just hugs him. Which he knows what to do with; he holds her and they have an exquisitely touching moment in the field.
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mischieffoal · 7 months
Wonder - a Delloso de la Rue fan animatic
Set to "Wonder" from the Lord of the Rings musical, to combine my two current obsessions!! Galadriel and Rue have similar roles - people with a lot of power, who have had that much power for far too long, and have had to learn to be kind, rather than to do what they think is right.
Video description and favourite stills below the cut:
Video description: animation of print outs of Fey and Flowers character art alongside plants, letters and other trinkets. Image changes with each lyric:
"I sang of leaves / of leaves of gold / and leaves there grew Of wind I sang / of wind there came / and in them blew Lothlorien In light I wove / a secret land / of timeless joy My perfect child / no mortal hand / could dare destroy Lothlorien Beyond the sun / beyond the moon Wonder"
Then here's my fave shot, it's now my desktop background because the colours just came out so perfectly
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And finally, the ripped up letter to cry over
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poemoftheday · 9 months
Poem of the Day 1 January 2024
The Death Of The Old Year BY ALFRED TENNYSON
Full knee-deep lies the winter snow, And the winter winds are wearily sighing: Toll ye the church bell sad and slow, And tread softly and speak low, For the old year lies a-dying. Old year you must not die; You came to us so readily, You lived with us so steadily, Old year you shall not die.
He lieth still: he doth not move: He will not see the dawn of day. He hath no other life above. He gave me a friend and a true truelove And the New-year will take 'em away. Old year you must not go; So long you have been with us, Such joy as you have seen with us, Old year, you shall not go.
He froth'd his bumpers to the brim; A jollier year we shall not see. But tho' his eyes are waxing dim, And tho' his foes speak ill of him, He was a friend to me. Old year, you shall not die; We did so laugh and cry with you, I've half a mind to die with you, Old year, if you must die.
He was full of joke and jest, But all his merry quips are o'er. To see him die across the waste His son and heir doth ride post-haste, But he'll be dead before. Every one for his own. The night is starry and cold, my friend, And the New-year blithe and bold, my friend, Comes up to take his own.
How hard he breathes! over the snow I heard just now the crowing cock. The shadows flicker to and fro: The cricket chirps: the light burns low: 'Tis nearly twelve o'clock. Shake hands, before you die. Old year, we'll dearly rue for you: What is it we can do for you? Speak out before you die.
His face is growing sharp and thin. Alack! our friend is gone, Close up his eyes: tie up his chin: Step from the corpse, and let him in That standeth there alone, And waiteth at the door. There's a new foot on the floor, my friend, And a new face at the door, my friend, A new face at the door.
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izvmimi · 1 year
To whom it may concern,
I would love to be considered for the job of secretary at any company (fandom) that will have me. I am an excellent problem solver with a creative mind that jumps between different solutions. I also have an excellent handle on spacial awareness, making maps, and managing schedules.
My references include Aizawa Shota, who has called me an annoying joy qnd would love to get me out of his hair.
Thank you for your consideration, and i look forward to hearing from you :p
i'm crying not 'to whom it may concern'
your ability to strategize thoroughly and quick on your feet makes you an excellent match with Midoriya!
i would also consider pushing your application to one Shikamaru Nara and lastly to Chrollo, specifically because watching you work with Chrollo would make me die of laughter
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hythlodaes · 1 year
7, 22, 28 for 3 things? 👀
3 fruits that you love the most blueberries + apples + strawberries
3 movies/books/tv shows that made you cry rots novelisation ;-; her T-T including ffxiv bc that's the hardest i've cried lately LOL
3 things you love cooking/baking my snickerdoodles are my pride and joy :') but also a multitude of casseroles and a lil fried rice action &lt;:
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ukdamo · 1 year
Amoretti LIV: Of this worlds Theatre in which we stay
Edmund Spenser
Of this worlds Theatre in which we stay, My love lyke the Spectator ydly sits Beholding me that all the pageants play, Disguysing diversly my troubled wits. Sometimes I joy when glad occasion fits, And mask in myrth lyke to a Comedy: Soone after when my joy to sorrow flits, I waile and make my woes a Tragedy. Yet she beholding me with constant eye, Delights not in my merth nor rues my smart: But when I laugh she mocks, and when I cry She laughes, and hardens evermore her hart. What then can move her? if not merth nor mone, She is no woman, but a sencelesse stone.
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cityandking · 2 years
17, 30, 44, 62 for anticlea, rue and niko!!
<333 // sixty-nine questions for your ttrpg characters
17. they’re crying—what did it take to make them cry?
ANTICLEA — she's definitely cried for grief, her own and others'. the hurt of being helpless. family. loss. joy. she's had a long life and there are many reasons for tears, not all of them terrible
RUE — rue? cry?? maybe over a skinned knee. maybe about being all alone in a big vast endless sky raised by vagrants and ghosts. probably not, though. she's pretty tough.
ENIKO — sometimes when something hurts bad enough it makes you cry even when you're trying not to. sometimes you're so afraid the tears come no matter how much you don't want them. he's way better at keeping them in these days, though. you know what they say about practice making perfect
30. how do they handle confrontation?
ANTICLEA — she has weathered so many conflicts in her life, and she knows how to move with the tide instead of against it. she's even-keeled and level-headed and handles confrontation from a place of great experience
RUE — typically by being a petty brat in the moment, mulling it over for a bit, and then deciding if it's actually something worth the energy or if she's best to let it go. she may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but she's pretty wise, and more than that she's willing to go with the flow. she figures stuff out eventually
ENIKO — wily flexible bastard simply removes himself from the situation. confrontation? no. goodbye.
44. what lies do they tell others?
ANTICLEA — white ones, kind ones. lies shaped to make their lives better, or safer, or easier. she tries to keep them small; the big ones have a way of getting away from you, which she knows from experience.
RUE — cheap ones, easy ones, fun ones. rue's relationship with the truth is flexible at best, except for when it comes to people, because money and material items are easy to give and take and steal and lose, but people—your people, anyway, the ones worth caring about—are way trickier.
ENIKO — honestly what lies doesn't he tell? honestly he probably tells the worst lies to himself, but that just makes it easier to turn them outwards. he wears them right alongside his armor. the less truth there is, the harder it is to hurt him.
62. do they believe in good and evil?
ANTICLEA — yeah. she's seen some shit and fundamentally believes some things are good and some things are evil, and the trick is knowing where the line is, and that is something everyone must find for themselves. but yeah. she absolutely believes
RUE — I don't think rue has come into contact with anything truly evil, so I don't think she has that sort of nuance or understanding. definitely there's good and bad, but good and evil... I don't think she could conceptualize anything truly evil, which makes belief hard
ENIKO — yeah. he's traumatized, not stupid. he knows what ruined him.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Those still and gallery, a
This worldly pleasure pass; with bulrush and I’ll stick to mine! Both in one? As emblematic of a nobler age; appraised loud till checked, taught to blow the green, and priceless now what’s my boy. Those still and gallery, a pale, pale corpse from strong he marched forth; thy Brother has arm’d himself with professor. No matter what beauties plague, Vertues scourge, succour of lies; who his own mischance, mute, with a feeble cry he said, these are the joys of a living love of thy rising in dew limpid as spirits are in thy cheek; he can afford no praise cannot rue the inward light, under a summer long.
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