#she lived as lily evans and died as lily evans potter
mxskellington · 2 days
*in muggle studies* Minnie: Some muggles don’t live close enough to shops to buy fresh cream, so they buy it powdered Peter: How do you powder cream? Minnie: Once the cows are milked, you cook it to dehydrate it. Sirius: ??? James:(who was not listening) Merlin Pads, why do you look so scared? Sirius: Minnie just said that some muggles bake cows in to powder James: WHAT Remus: Merlin Prongs, powered milk is gross but not “made-of-baked-cows” gross Lily: Hey watch it Rem, I grew up with powdered milk James: Lily! You drank the muggle cow powder??? Lily: What? James it’s not— Sirius: Evans how could you Peter: What the fuck Lily Minnie: Potter! Pettigrew! Also, its professor, Sirius. Besides, powdered cream is not made from dehydrated cows its made from dehydrated milk. Minnie: *sighs*
... *reading Romeo and Juliet in muggle studies* Peter: *reading stage directions* Romeo dies Remus [reading as Romeo]: Oh thank fuck I’m dead, I can go back to my book now Remus: I’m just glad I died before I had to marry THAT idiot Barty [reading as Juliet]: *from across the room* OH FUCK YOU TOO LUPIN
*in muggle studies*
Barty: So you're telling me that muggles have come up with flavored milk? Pandora: Yes, its quite lovely. Barty: But where the fuck does it come from? How does the chocolate get in the milk? Pandora: Chocolate cows! Regulus: Panda you realize that chocolate milk comes from regular cows, right? Evan: No, she's right, it comes from brown cows Regulus: No, it doesn't Evan: Yes, it does Regulus: No, it doesn't Evan: Yes, it does! Ask Dorcas! Regulus: Cas! Tell Ev that chocolate milk doesn't come from *chocolate* cows Dorcas: *walks away*
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doorlene · 11 months
lily evans died, and the people she died for repayed her by abusing her son. fuck off if you think i'd ever forgive snape, petunia, or dumbledore.
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Hear me out:
Sirius travels to the future and goes to Hogwarts, he sees Remus as a professor and flirts with him and that kind of shit. It’s an au where Sirius in that timeline hasn’t escaped from Azkaban. He questions shit and Remus eventually tells him that he killed Lily, James and Peter and that he’s now in Azkaban and he can’t accept it, he has a mental breakdown. He finds out about what happened to the others like Marlene, Dorcas, Evan, Barty, Mary, Pandora etc. And he sees Luna yk and thinks about Pandora and he’s like “wait I thought Pandora was with Lily?”
then together they figure out what really happened cuz they see Peter on the marauders map. And they deal with him.
Then Sirius sees Harry and goes: “holy shit he looks just like James!! Am I an uncle?” And when Harry gets a little closer, he goes: “wait- his eyes? Why does he have blue eyes?” And Remus has to explain to him that Regulus joined the death eaters and died when he was 17 and that Harry’s mother is Lily and Sirius goes through another mental breakdown. And after he’s calmed down, he’s like: “so I’m not his uncle?” And Remus is like: “you’re the godfather.” And Sirius cheers up a little.
And when he sees that Harry is in love with Draco he is like: why do the potters have smth for the snarky, sad, depressed, Slytherin seekers who’s mean to them. And ppl from the black family. (I count Draco as a black cuz Narcissa is a black so yeah) (Regulus and Draco both getting the dark mark cuz they were forced😭😭😭)
and when Harry gets a tiny crush on ginny sirius goes like: HIS BEST MATES SIBLING?! OH LOOK HOW FUNNY SHES A GINGER TOO! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? See moony I told you it’s in his genes. (You can decide yourself if it’s endgame hinny or Drarry)
And he sees the Weasley twins and he’s like: “they’re my new idols!!” And Remus is like: “We’re their idols actually”
And he sees himself and James in Ron and Harry.
And after a few months when Sirius has caught up with everything, he flirts with Remus and is like: “you know moony I’m horny” and Remus is like: “well I can’t do anything about it, that would be pedophilia” and Sirius is like disappointed. But they eventually have sex (help😭Sirius is like 15 or 16 btw) and Sirius is like: “yOuR cOcK hAs GrOwN”. They take every chance they get to make out. And Remus is like: “oh how much I’ve missed this, missed you”
(They’re at Hogwarts btw) (it’s up to you if he pretends like he’s a student or if he’s hiding in Remus’ room) (but some professors would know if Sirius pretended like he was a student) (maybe he goes in disguise with polyjuice potion or smth?)
(He meets Harry if he’s just hiding and tells him everything but if you decide him to disguise as a student then he just watches from afar and doesn’t talk to him often.)
Remus asks him if this counts as cheating on his past self. And Sirius is like: “no you’re still you, so cheating on you with you is impossible”
Mcgonagall finds out about Sirius but doesn’t tell anyone.
Oh and it takes place during PoA and GoF. But the events just don’t happen, it’s like a normal Hogwarts year. So yeah no voldy coming back. Or no Sirius escaping Azkaban.
You can decide if Remus stays at Hogwarts during GoF or not, like the events didn’t happen so he doesn’t have to leave. But it’s up to you if he leaves and lives with Sirius in his house during GoF. But they’re definitely at Hogwarts during PoA.
and a bit to the end of GoF they figure out a way to send Sirius back to the 70s. Sirius says goodbye to everyone and leaves (Remus is like FUCKING sad cuz he has no one left) and as soon as Sirius is back he begs his brother to run away with him so that that terrible things don’t happen and he talks to James and Remus about Peter, and they do smth to fix that.
So yeah that was it
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I know they’re NPCs we never see in canon, but do you have any headcanons for both sets of Harry Potter’s grandparents?
Well, there's things that make it into fics, though I'm not sure they really count in the fact that if people wanted to argue with me I'd just shrug and a lot of them are because it's useful for one story or another.
That said, we do know/can infer quite a bit about both sets even though we never see them. This is a lot like the Alphard Black case in that @therealvinelle and I subscribe to what we can infer/what makes for the best character for our purposes.
Euphemia and Fleamont Potter
We know a few things about James's parents without even venturing into the nebulous and hilarious realm of Pottermore. First, they died before Harry reaches the age of eleven and finds out about the wizarding world. Second, they took in Sirius when he ran away at sixteen, he canonically went to live with James and Sirius cited no friction with the Potters. Third, James is their only son. Second, James married Lily Evans, a Muggle-born. Fourth, there's no pictures of Harry with his paternal grandparents at any point.
Now, if we scrape from Pottermore, we get more details that shockingly don't contradict what we see of Harry's background that he's vaguely aware of in canon.
The Potters are noted to historically being the odd ducks and essentially the Weasleys. They were dirt poor, backwater, and ideas about Muggle-borns and Muggles that no one agreed with (that were per the examples JKR gave er not as enlightened as she intended). However, Fleamont struck rich when, as an able potioneer, he produced a hair product that sold like fucking crazy. Everyone bought this stuff. And so, the Potter wealth was born, and Harry inherits gobs of galleons and is stupid rich.
Fleamont and Euphemia are also noted as having a child very late. This is because JKR is hilariously bad at math and keeps making 13-year-old fathers unintentionally (in my personal opinion she should own it) but in this case she makes Fleamont born before 1909 and James in 1960, so he's at least 51, at least. It's noted that they had given up on expecting to have a child.
They're noted as having died of dragon pox late enough to see James and Lily married but died before Harry was born so around 1980 at >= 68.
We also have a brother of Fleamont, Charlus, who is younger and marries Dorea Black. They have at least one child who will carry the Potter name, who would be around James's age, who we then never hear of. They do not ever reach out to Harry throughout the series nor does Harry ever learn of them.
So, where does that get us?
We're looking at a newly wealthy couple who have been iced out of most Pureblood friendships for a long time, who despite having pro-Muggle views don't really know anything about Muggles and were Pureblood until Lily Evans entered the picture, who have a single son who they cherish deeply and will let get away with nearly anything.
These are the kinds of people who believe that they should have helped the Muggle chaps out in WWI (never mind that it was a war about nothing, and it'd be needlessly escalating it into a wizard conflict about nothing), who talk about promoting the Muggle-borns, gladly have Lily Evans over for dinner, but quietly aren't thrilled that James married her and are very thinly smiling during the wedding. They're the kind who don't mind alienating the Blacks when they enable Sirius running away (or, again, aren't thrilled about it but it's James's best friend) and it explains a lot of James's behavior that he's the beloved charismatic only child who does no wrong and expects things to work out for him.
Lily Evans's Parents
These we have a bit less on.
We do know that no mention of him was made on where to send Harry nor do we ever see them canonically when we do see Aunt Marge. They are given no mention.
We do know the sisters had a strained relationship due to Lily's magic but we got no indication that there was any issue with the parents even with Lily basically receiving no education and disappearing for most of the year.
@therealvinelle and I tend to lean towards that her parents died at the very least before Harry was born if not when she was in school. Given they both suddenly disappear and are unlikely to have died of plague like James's parents, we typically have had them die in a car accident as that's something that would take them both out at once and potentially fuels the Dursley's "your parents die in a car accident".
In our fics this has fueled Petunia's hatred of her sister, beyond resentment, as Lily was unable to save her father who sustained brain damage in the accident and had to be pulled off life support.
We imagine an early expectation was placed on Lily by her parents that she catch up with her Muggle schooling in the summer, when they realize she's learning nothing, but this slowly fades as the years go by and Lily ends up feeling very alienated from her parents and her family in general.
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thegirlwhowrites642 · 11 months
Do you think petunia dursley deserve redemption?
Now a days many people say she was manipulated by Vernon or James insulted her( she saw james in harry) and they try to excuse her actions because she was woman.
After the war Petunia will divorce Vernon and harry will forgive her. They even say Petunia secretly always cared about Harry.
Please share your thoughts(only if you have time/want to ofcourse)
Thank you
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I think young Petunia is a character it's easy to feel compassion for.
I can't really blame her for not wanting Lily around or not wanting anything to do with magic.
As a child, she is quite close to her younger sister and she has to witness that younger sister all of a sudden going on an adventure without her because her sister has magic and Petunia doesn't.
I dare anyone to not feel resentful and envious in that situation.
And the fact that she is the older sister makes it worse because when Lily goes to Hogwarts they are still in that age where the younger sibling tends to admire and still wants to follow the older and out of the blue that dynamic radically changes.
When in DH we find out that Petunia sent a letter to Dumbledore asking to go to Hogwarts, my heart absolutely breaks for her every single time I re-read it.
And then when Lily enters the wizarding world, Petunia is left to her normal life, which is probably not that great. The Evanses aren't poor but they are definitely not rich. And she is still very much a girl in the 70s, not as bad as the 30s but not as good as today. All of this is to say that she is not left in a situation of privilege and luxury and therefore has nothing to complain about.
Petunia is also left to deal with lying to protect Lily's secret, probably having to say something about how she was sent to some special school for very talented kids, therefore having to make herself appear as the stupid sister. And so everyone would be super curious about this brilliant sister of Petunia, forcing her to live in Lily's shadow even outside of the house and with Lily in Scotland. It's also implied that Lily is the beautiful sister, which I'm sure doesn't help Petunia's resentment. It writes itself a scene from a summer in 1976, where Petunia's friends are eager to meet/see again her beautiful brilliant sister, and Petunia dies of envy.
It's true that Lily enters a world in which as a muggle-born she is subjected to discrimination but I doubt Petunia knew much about it:
Even though Petunia was raised alongside a witch, she is remarkably ignorant about magic. - from Vernon and Petunia Dursley by JK Rowling
Then Lily ends up marrying James Potter, rich, athletic, and good-looking. While Petunia marries Vernon. Tell me you wouldn't hate Lily even more. Lily marrying a wizard so soon after Hogwarts also adds to the separation of the two sisters into two different worlds. Other factors are the war in the wizarding world and the death of their parents.
And speaking of the devil, Petunia seems also resentful towards her parents for showing, according to her, a preference for Lily:
I was the only one who saw her for what she was -- a freak! But for my mother and father, oh no, it was Lily this and Lily that, they were proud of having a witch in the family!" She stopped to draw a deep breath and then went ranting on. It seemed she had been wanting to say all this for years. -Chapter 4, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, JK Rowing
If you notice, Harry doesn't know anything about Mr and Mrs Evans, one thing is him not knowing about the Potters but if Harry doesn't know anything about the Evans grandparents, it means Dudley doesn't either, it means Petunia doesn't talk about them, doesn't have photos of them. Frankly, seeing the relationship between the two sisters, the Envases mustn't have been geniuses at the whole parenting thing.
And for all of this, again, I can't blame her for hating magic, especially when you consider that the first and one of the only experiences with wizards she has is Snape [how hilarious it is that those two know each other?], someone that hates muggles and literally made a tree branch fall on her. Then there's the sister that seems to live to outshine her and Dumbledore who tells her she is not special (not in those terms obviously, he is quite kind actually, but how is a young girl going to perceive that letter if not like that?). By the time she meets James, she already hates magic too deeply.
This Petunia is someone that makes you wish life had been a little kinder to her, and maybe then she could have been better.
But the Petunia since she takes Harry in? She is a monster. What she does to Harry should have put her in jail, and there's no indication that it's Vernon who forces her to behave like that. Like there's no indication that Vernon and Petunia don't love each other. If anything, the fact that Vernon agrees to have Harry in the house despite hating him seems a testament to how much he loves Petunia.
Harry does seem to hate Vernon in particular but the more fitting explanation seems to be that Vernon is a man and therefore more intimidating.
As wrong as it would have been, I could have even forgiven Petunia if she had just been a little colder towards Harry and shown a preference for Dudley. She is substantially forced to take this boy into her house, a boy who has a genocidal maniac after him and therefore potentially puts in danger her, her husband and her son, and she is also forced to see the dynamic that brought so much pain to her repeat again. Dudley is Petunia, and Harry is Lily. Dudley is a muggle, and Harry is a wizard. It's pretty reasonable for her to hate the idea that one day her son will feel like she did. Maybe she was even planning to not have more than one child just to avoid that. Petunia hates Harry because she sees Lily in him, not James. James canonically never insulted Petunia, the only reasons Petunia has for hating him are that he is a wizard and Lily's husband. At best she may have reason to not find him particularly likeable:
The first meeting between Lily, her boyfriend James Potter, and the engaged couple, went badly, and the relationship nose-dived from there. James was amused by Vernon, and made the mistake of showing it. Vernon tried to patronise James, asking what car he drove. James described his racing broom. Vernon supposed out loud that wizards had to live on unemployment benefit. James explained about Gringotts, and the fortune his parents had saved there, in solid gold. Vernon could not tell whether he was being made fun of or not, and grew angry. The evening ended with Vernon and Petunia storming out of the restaurant, while Lily burst into tears and James (a little ashamed of himself) promised to make things up with Vernon at the earliest opportunity. This never happened. Petunia did not want Lily as a bridesmaid, because she was tired of being overshadowed; Lily was hurt. Vernon refused to speak to James at the reception, but described him, within James’ earshot, as ‘some kind of amateur magician’. -from Vernon and Petunia Dursley by JK Rowling 
But what Petunia does to Harry goes way beyond anything that could have been excused. And of course, we are also forced to re-read a younger Petunia through that lens, you don't become someone that could do that to a child out of the blue. Was there really ever a time in which she could have been saved?
As for redemption, the personality that is presented to us is not remotely complex enough to consider a redemption arc. Nothing that could be considered in-character. Among the established core traits of her character, there are being envious, and full of hatred.
But even if Petunia decided to become a better person for who knows what spiritual awakening, I don't see why that should become Harry's problem. Each person may have a right to become a better one but that doesn't mean they stop being the person who did the bad things. Even if Petunia became a saint who volunteers in children's hospitals, she would still be the woman who abused Harry, mentally and physically, throughout the first two decades of his life.
I do think that Harry would probably make some sort of attempt to hear her out if that were the case (as much as I also think Ginny would absolutely hate the idea and refuse to let him go alone) because Harry is too compassionate for his own good, and shows more than once to have a problem when it comes to setting boundaries in favour of his own emotional comfort. But I also think it would cause him a great deal of pain and distress and they would never be able to be more than just civil to each other.
In light of that, but also as a general statement in regards to this morbid obsession a lot of people seem to have for redemption arcs, I'd like to say that there's no acceptable reason for the redemption of the abuser to become the punishment of the abused.
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[I would advise reading the piece written by Rowling on Vernon and Petunia, there it's made very clear that they love each other]
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allamericanb-tch · 17 days
crimson rivers thoughts !!!
chapter 1
i’m scared
sirius ❤️‍🩹
thank god regulus and james are both going to survive this i don’t know what i would do if either of them died
the katniss and peeta parallels
i love effie. everyone deserves parents like euphemia and fleamont potter. 
sirius isn’t dying either. good.
oh i really hope evan doesn’t die in this i hope he isnt in the arena at all i would die
rip uncle alphard
james deciding that when he needs to he will sacrifice himself to get regulus home I CANT
i love jegulus
chapter 2
omg what if pandora is in this. or mary and lily and marlene and dorcas and— 
i’m not manifesting this.
i hope snape is in the arena bc i want him to die
so pandora is the effie trinket of this? so she lives. thank. god.
sirius telling regulus to be more like james 😭
omg fab and gid
not their suits being in their house colors i love it
ok dorcas isn’t in the arena. good. i love her too much to watch her die.
james looking at regulus i love them i love them i love them
is voldy the game maker?? that’s fitting i guess.
wolfstar?! wolfstar.
“sirius’ heart is racing and he doesn’t know why” sirius. babe.
chapter 3
no thoughts just jegulus
marlene isn’t a tribute!! huzzah
of course lucius mentors the death eaters
james and sirius’ friendship ugh i love james
i’m scared of who the other tributes will be
“he knows people only want him just to say that they had him, not for him” tears.
ok mulciber and avery i will not be sad about their deaths. 
pete!! omg is he going to die.
EVAN NO i’m doing to cry when he dies
oh remus and sirius. i love them.
“a beautiful stuttering mess”
they need to kiss
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themagicalmolly · 2 months
We don’t talk enough about the fact that Lily Evans Potter was the most powerful witch who ever lived. This woman cast a wandless spell woven with her love that was strong enough to counteract the Killing Curse, something NO ONE, not even Dumbledore, had ever been able to do. And she was only 20 years old when she did this! And in creating this spell, being willing to die for Harry, she instilled that love and strength in her son and he carried it with him all his life. Carried her bravery, her power, her unadulterated love for humanity and all that’s good. Yes, Harry saved the world, BUT SO DID LILY! And it wasn’t JUST her loving her son that saved him, it was her powerful magic! Plenty of people died to save people they loved while fighting Voldemort but Lily was the only one whose power was able to save someone from the Killing Curse. Slughorn talked so much about how powerful Lily was, every Marauder told Harry how brilliant Lily was, even Dumbledore commented on her power.
“Beautiful magic. Wondrous to behold.” Is what Slughorn said and he was right.
Dumbledore was not the greatest sorcerer in the world, Lily Evans Potter was.
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Imagine: Lily Evans knowing that Peter Pettigrew betrayed it James and Y/n Potter Because he was jealous of their Marriage
Anonymous request: Hey I don't know if you write for the marauders but If you do can you write where instead of Lilly dying it's the reader so Lilly confronts Peter saying that she knows that he betrayed James and Y/n remus and sirius are confused and she tells them that peter is the reason that James and Y/n died since he was jealous of their relationship
"How can you live knowing you're the reason why James and Y/n are gone?"
"Lily, what are you talking about?" Sirius asked, confused
"Peter is the reason why James and Y/n are dead, he betrayed them."
"Come on guys don't believe her, she's lying." Peter says
"Why would I lie about something serious?" Lily raised an eyebrow
"You're hurting because you lost your best friend, that's why you're lying, saying that I betrayed them when I didn't." Peter defends himself
Lily looked at Sirius and Remus, "You guys do, believe me right?"
Sirius let out a deep breath "Lily, why would Peter betray them if he was friends with both James and Y/n."
"Maybe because he was jealous of their marriage, he always has been jealous of their relationship." Lily frustrates rolls her eyes
Peter glared at Lily, "see you're lying again, I was never jealous of their relationship and marriage."
"Oh really then why did you ask me to help you break up James and Y/n''s relationship knowing that Y/n was my best friend." Lily argues
"What Lily is saying it's the truth. I heard Peter say that." Remus remembers the day he walked on Peter asking Lily to help him
"Moony, how much money did Lily pay you? to get you on her side?" Peter asks mad
"Peter stop it. back when we were in Hogwarts. I remember you asking Lily to help you break up James and Y/n but Lily obviously said no." Remus says
Sirius closed his eyes for a second "Peter, please don't tell me you betrayed them because of your jealousy."
"Fine,Yes I betrayed them because James deserved it, but not Y/n." Peter confesses
"But why Peter?" Remus asks sadly
"Because James got everything that I wanted." Peter whispers
"Because of you Harry won't grow up with his parents because of your jealousy." Lily glares "but at least Harry has us."
"You had everything."
"But not Y/n."
"Just because you were jealous of James you didn't have the reason to betray them." Remus angrily tells Peter
"They trusted you so much that they made you the secret keeper only for you to betray them."
"Not only did you betray them. you also betrayed us. you betrayed our friendship as well, we don't want you as our friend anymore the friendship is over." Sirius tells Peter angrily
"Guys, please forget me, I regret doing it, I would never forget myself for betraying them if I could bring them back, I would." peter drops to his knees crying
"You should of thought about that."
"Peter leave we don't ever want to see you ever again stay away from Harry and us."
"Guys, please."
"I'm sorry guys I hope one day you guys could forget me." peter gets up from the floor and leaves
"I was thinking, let's buried James and Y/n together they were made for each so they deserve to be buried together agree or not agree to be honest I don't care I'll still do it with or without your agreement."
"I agree."
"I agree."
Lily smiles, "then let's do it."
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diana-bookfairchild · 11 months
@jilymicrofics May Day 29: Rebel
Crown Prince James Potter stared in shocked devastation at the sight before him.
His fiancée, the Lady Lily Evans, stared up at him defiantly as her black cloak was pulled back, her scarlet locks tumbling down, with her hands tied behind her back and on her knees.
“You’re. . . You’re a rebel. . .” James said, voice cracking in his heartbreak.
His sworn brother Lord Sirius Black put a hand on his shoulder in a comforting gesture, though even his mouth had dropped open in shock.
Lily’s mouth twisted into a wry smile. “So it seems.”
“Let her up,” Remus said sharply, glaring at the guards, who hastened to obey their boss. They hauled Lily up by her shoulders. She didn’t stumble like most would have; she did it as gracefully as she did everything else. James felt a pang in his chest at the sight.
“What the hell, Evans?” Sirius asked roughly.
“What do you think, my lord?” She asked with a sharp laugh. “You caught me. You said it yourself: I’m a rebel.” She tipped her head towards James.
James mouthed soundlessly. The boys stayed silent, waiting for him to say something. “How? Why?”
Lily cocked her head the way she did when she thought someone had said something stupid. “The way all the rebels became rebels. Someone saw my feelings of dissent and tried to recruit me. They succeeded.”
“Why did they succeed?” James’ voice became sharper. “What feelings of dissent?” He let his misery leak through his voice. “You’re the prince’s fiancée!”
Finally, some emotion crossed her face. Sadness. Anger. But no regret. That only sharpened the edges of James’ jagged feelings.
“Yes,” she whispered. “I am.”
“They must have hated that,” Peter commented shrewdly. “The rebels, I mean.”
Lily raised her shoulders in a casual shrug. “It depended. They switched between thinking it useful and cumbersome and ‘unfaithful to our principles’.”
The amusement in the final words and the ‘our’ used caused rage to coil his insides. “Yeah? How much insider information did you pass onto them to make them think our relationship was useful?”
At that, she looked shocked. “I would never do that,” she protested. “James—”
“Your Highness to you,” Sirius stated coldly. “And you’ll forgive us if we find that hard to believe. You were just found red-handed consorting with the rebels. Seeing how close to the Crown you are, it’s a short leap to guess you were passing on information.”
Lily’s jaw clenched. “I joined the rebellion because my principles would not allow me another option,” she said, dangerously calm. “The same principles would never let me fake a relationship with someone just to get information.”
Relief and mistrust and sorrow warred in James’ mind and heart. “What principles? You still haven’t answered the question. Why did you become a – a rebel?”
Conviction burned in Lily’s eyes. “I became a rebel because *I support the rights of the low classes to equal protection under the law in all aspects of the society. I believe in the humane treatment of creatures, magical and non-magical all the same. I oppose discrimination on the basis of blood or gender or magical ability. I oppose political structures that benefit the few at the expense of the many. I oppose, in general, the concept of lineage and heredity as an argument for social superiority at all – which includes the title I hold as* scion to the House of Evans and fiancée to the Crown Prince.”
Thoroughly taken aback, all four boys stared at her. In the dying sunlight, Lily looked like an avenging goddess, emerald eyes glittering. Bitterness and longing and love welled in James’ stomach. “My parents are good rulers.”
It was a weak response to the iron in Lily’s stance and voice, but he didn’t have anything else.
Lily’s eyes softened. “They are,” she offered. “But don’t you see, James? The very fact that our lives depend on whether the rulers are good or bad. . . How terrible it is? Don’t we deserve a say in our own fates? Don’t people of lower classes than us – who are not at all different from us except in circumstances of birth – deserve every one of the rights we have to healthcare, education, occupation? Doesn’t—”
“That’s enough,” Sirius said, sounding enraged, and yet there was uncertainty on his face. “We don’t listen to the yammering nonsense of rebels. Take her to the dungeons.”
The guards looked extremely nervous at the thought of arresting their future Queen, but they nodded, grabbing Lily and beginning to walk.
“Wait,” James called, having no idea why he was doing what he was; his legs moved of their own accord to reach Lily and the guards. She looked up at him, and he could see the tenderness she had for him in her eyes and face.
Was it a lie?
“Was any of it real?” His voice was hoarse with emotion.
It may have been a trick of the light, but James thought he could see tears in Lily’s eyes. “Every bit of it,” she said softly, and there was finally some regret in her voice.
It did not make him feel better.
He nodded, unable to believe of disbelieve it. “Take her away. And—” He hesitated when the guards turned to him again. “Treat her well.”
He watched her walk towards the dungeons, straight-backed and proud, before turning to go back to his friends, the fear and uncertainty and sorrow on their faces matching the raging emotions in him, except multiplied a few thousand times.
** - taken from The Futile Facade, fourth fic of the Rigel Black Chronicles. Check it out, it's amazing!
Slightly inspired by Black Mage series (lots of Ryiah and Darren vibes).
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fanfictionroxs · 4 months
A Flower and a Bird
Longer version posted on AO3
And if I tell you all that Eileen used to give Lily and Severus lessons on Gobstones? That Severus found them ridiculous, but Lily delighted in the foul smelling liquid the stones spat out? That Eileen and Lily would gang up against Sev on those very rare quiet moments and snigger as he sputtered with the nasty smell all over him? What if I told you that Lily never grew impressed with Quiditch like James and Sev because she had already fallen in love with Gobstones? That James once curiously asked her how she was so good at it and she told him about Sev's mother teaching her. What if I told you Eileen and her still corresponded even after everything, that Eileen apologised to Lily for failing to teach her son... everything, it seems. That she asked Lily to, if not protect, then at least not kill Severus, should they come face to face on the battlefield. What if I told you that Lily promised Eileen this, but wondered if Sev would afford her the same consideration. And Eileen laughed at even the thought of her son hurting that sweet girl (and isn't that what she thought about Tobias and oh how that backfired). What if I told you that Severus confessed to his mother what he did as she was still absorbing the news of Lily's death whose words come back to haunt her. And she looks around the silent house, missing the tyrant that used to haunt it thanks to the brave mad girl who smashed his head in trying to stop him from hitting Eileen ("Don't tell Sev, please! Just say he ran away or something!"). A gift in return for the marvellous set of Gobstones Eileen had gifted her. And she looks at her son, the boy who killed the girl he should have cherished, and for the first time she sees only his father.
What if I tell you Eileen leaves Cokeworth that day, leaves Severus because she cannot even look at him without seeing Lily Evans in whom she always sensed the wish for reconciliation. She leaves the country where prejudice seeps in every corner, corrupting and killing her son and her daughter.
What if I tell you years pass and Severus dies, but Eileen lives on in Japan, making a home for herself among the mountains where she plays Shogi with muggle men and women, and Gobstones with the magical folk, running her little vegetable noodle shop. Her son is gone, finally reunited with his friend and four decades have passed where Eileen has healed the scars from her marriage, from the endless wars, from the family that couldn't accept her views, from the loss of the children she loved so very much.
What if I tell you a couple stumbles into her shop, the blonde among them looking worse for wear, yet on the path of healing like her. What if I tell you his husband tells her of finding a cure for the family curse ailing his love. What if I tell you she congratulates the exhausted men on their successful adventures. What if I tell you as the men leave, the dark haired man introduces himself to her, abashed at having forgotten his manners in his exuberance to share his happiness.
"Albus Severus Potter, ma'am," he shakes her hand with a wide grin.
Eileen looks into Lily's eyes, at the last vestiges of Severus and smiles.
"Nice to meet you, son."
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practicecourts · 23 days
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Another road to ridiculous Regency matrimony… and this one is especially for @petals2fish because I loved the suggestion.
@jilymicrofics Moody March Word Melancholic
Read A fainting Spell on ao3 or below the cut
A Fainting Spell
Lily was not a clutz. She wasn’t. But tonight, she might have had one sip of wine too many, too little to eat and she might have tired herself out just a tad too much with all her evasive moves, in order to stay out of the greasy palms of a certain Mr Snape.
Whatever the reason, the fact was, she tripped while slowly tip-toeing behind Lord Potter to reach the door of the library.
As she fell to the ground she could hear a loud tearing sound. Her dress was ruined, and for a moment she was melancholic as if she’d lost a dear friend instead of a well made piece of cloth. Then all thoughts of her most precious garment being lost vanished, in favour of trying to break her fall. She could hardly manage that, she landed loudly on the floor, and she knew, to her utmost embarrassment, she was most definitely discovered.
“Who... What... Oh, Miss Evans,” the voice of Lord Potter sounded shocked, “What are you doing here? Are you alright? Please let me assist…”
She groaned and carefully pushed her hands off of the ground in order to sit up.
“Please, let me…” she heard him say, followed by a sharp intake of breath.
It was only then that Lily noticed her dress was ripped at a very inconvenient spot, the gash in the fabric exposing her left leg almost from her hip to her ankle.
A loud thump followed the silence, the sound came from the large body of Lord Potter crashing toward the ground. She reacted on instinct, stretching out her hands to break his fall, his bouncy curls falling into her lap, as his torso effectively pinned her on the ground where she lay. She couldn’t manage more than a muffled cry…
What on earth had happened? Was he… she couldn’t fathom the idea of the lively Lord Potter so still and white.
Had he died? Her fingers stroked lips that still felt warm, she waited to feel his breath, it warmed her skin, then she laid her hand on his neck where she could feel a pulse beat steady but slow.
She released a relieved breath, he was alive, thank goodness.
At that moment the door of the library opened wide.
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gayandfairycore · 1 year
Nothing is as clear as the clarity of death.
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Warning: major character death! Not proofread, Voldemort, blood, slight gore? Violence? All that jazz? Pretty angsty? Readers a selfless girlie, mentions of Lucius cause he’s a warning 🤮
A/n (this is also my first time writing for James so! Aaaaaaa that’s exciting! Also peep the twilight quote in the summary lol)
Characters: James potter x reader, mentions of the marauders, wolf star,
Summary: you never spent much thought as to how you’d die. But dying in place of someone you loved seemed like a pretty good way to go.
Dying was not at all what you had expected, not like this anyway. You didn’t think you’d greet death like an old friend, but then again it was a war. And Wars were never kind, any idiot knew this. Tho it didn’t lesson the sentence of war- of death- it was a tension that hung itself in the air like a branch of a tree, or a sword hanging over your head. Death was the stench that wadded through the air, it was always a matter of who, or why Did it really matter who died in this war against Voldemort? Someone would still give news to grieving families, they’d still say the same thing every time.
“They were very brave in their last moments” or “their sacrifices were not invane”
It was infuriating who gave Voldemort the right to dictate who got to live and die, he was not god.
But It was lucky that you didn’t believe in a god. Because gods relied on beliefs to make them real, you didn’t believe in a god, you were your own in a way.
It safe to say James potter believed in a god, and that was you, he worshipped the ground you walked on, ever since your time at hogwarts together
James potter wasn’t used to anyone caring about him, aside from the marauders but he still felt a yearning for someone to care for him as much as he cared for them, the way the marauders loved was strange but gratifying. But his friends couldn’t fur fill him fully.
There was always a lingering loneliness that etched at the back of his mind, when the laughter and the excitement of the moment died down.
When the day ended and the moon begun to rise and the world began to sleep, did that loneliness sink in, he wanted to have someone love him as much as he loved.
He had given his everything everyday for the past two years asking lily evans out, everytime she said no. He brushed off the hurt but soon it started to fester, the loneliness, the feeling of rejection?
So when he had met you, a transfer student sorted into gryfindor and a fast friend of lily did he finally start to realising there were more people in the world then lily evans.
From your frirst interaction with James feelings began to rise, and sooner rather then later did you get together. James thought the world of you!
He thought you to be the most bewitching person he had ever met, not only were you kind and funny, and could take a joke but you were a fucking badass!
James swore he’d never forget the time you punched lucius in the face for making a younger student cry. He’d never forget the wolf look in your eyes when you witnessed what Lucius was doing.
You weee on your way to potions James by your side, as you indulged in conversations about everything and nothing simultaneously, did you notice a particular group of snakes sneering at someone in the middle of a circle and the sounds of soft sobbing.
Did you break from James’ side, “so, both Remus and I had decided-“ James had cut himself off turning to the spot you previously inhabited before calling a confused “y/n?”
Looking around the halls he watched the back of a h/c girl walk with such furosity towards a large group and silence them all with one look.
Anger roared in your eyes as you walked towards the group your nose flaring with each step your heartbeat loud in your ears.
Before a sharp ringing in your ears had drawn you back into your senses, it had felt like no time had passed but apparently it had. You were standing above a beaten up looking Lucius.
Blood caked his blonde hair, his nose sitting crooked in its place, ever drying blood littered his face as his eyes began to purple. Looking around you at the horrified stares from slytherins who had just witness you pulverise lucius Malloy it had felt oddly gratifying?
Your knuckles busted, skin split, you didn’t come down from the high until halfway through potions. James hadn’t been able to stop gawking at you the whole time you fought Lucius.
He thought it was the hottest thing he’d ever witnessed. He decided then and there that he was going to put a ring on it, and eventually he did.
The potters were a happy bunch of people, despite the war that raged outside, both you and James had both ensured that despite your circumstances you’d always enjoy your time together because you never knew when it would be your last.
You had watched films, and read books, and baked cakes with your small family, you had stayed up late sleeping in the living room in a pillow fort you had built, the first had lush pillows and fairy lights strung up! It had brought a nice warmth to the cool space.
Baby Harry crawling around clumsily had brought such a soft smile to your face, you had always known you’d do anything for your family, that included dying for them.
so when that fateful day came in goddricks hollow, you were prepared to die when your husband had cried out to you “it’s him! He’s here! Voldemort is here! Take Harry and go!”
You couldn’t bring yourself to do it, reconvening with James at the top of the stairwell, the fairy lights strung in the living room had felt like a punch to the gut, the light they exhumed suddenly didn’t feel so warm. It dawned on you You’d never be able to make a fort with your boys again.
And it stung but you knew, you knew you could die happily knowing your boys were safe. Tears welling in your eyes as you glanced at James, placing a hurried kiss on his lips.
As resting your forehead on his, you let out a teary smile, as realisation dawned on James. You were not going to let him sacrifice himself and leave Harry without a father.
It was then and there did he realise that it was always going to be you, no matter what he’d try, you’d always outsmart him you always did. You knew you were going to die for him, the minute he walked into your life.
Whirling you both around you pushed his body into Harry’s nursery, casting a teary eyed glance towards him a sad smile on your face
‘I love you’ you mouthed, as you turned to look down the stairs gaze hardening as you let out a battle cry, surging head first down to face the dark lord.
your expression hard as you stood across from the him, eyeing him with a murderous gaze, you both circled eachother. A cold smirk on his face, you both knew you weren’t winning this fight. Hell, you didn’t even have your wand.
The sound of James appirating was the final straw, you knew they were safe, that that sword that hung over your head had finally snapped. you had protected them and now you could die. but you were not going to die without a fight. You knew it was hopeless but you didn’t care.
The green light that cut through the air like a knife embedded itself in you it’s force spinning you around, as your body hit the floor with bruising force your eyes began to glaze over. The warm fairy lights reflecting in your iris’ as you exhaled a ghost of a smile on your face they were safe.
James had only realised after he had apperated, to Sirius and Remus’ shared apartment did he realise you faced Voldemort alone, and wandless.
He didn’t even realise but cruel sobs broke from James tear streaks drenched his cheeks as he stared up at his friends through his eyelashes, Harry girpped tightly in his arms.
The couple had been taken aback having had their friend just apirate in the middle of their living room Sirius’ paper had dropped clean out of his hands when James appeared. The couple rushing forward to meet James slumped over figure sobs spilling from their cocky friend, They shared a concerned look before beginning their questioning
“What is it mate?”sirius asked-
“What’s happened?” Remus exclaimed-
“where y/n?” They continued-
“She’s-“ James called his voice breaking as he spoke they halted their words, James couldn’t bring himself to say it saying it made it even more real.
“She’s…dead.” He declared bitter resentment for himself clear in his voice. Both Sirius and Remus had felt like they were just stabbed through the heart.
There was silence in the room, the quiet radio that played classical music had even seemingly stopped with the tense mood of the apartment
Before Sirius chuckled
“She can’t be!”he scoffed “I mean cmon? She’s y/n! S-she can’t be…” the black haired boy didn’t want to accept the woman he saw as a sister was dead.
Looking at the faces of his lover and practical brother in hopes it was all a wind up. That she’s just pop up from the cupboard and exclaim
April fools! I’m not dead! This is just a whined up like the good old times!
When there was no response Sirius’ smile dropped his pale hands began to shake.
“She’s? dead.”Sirius spoke,
James barely looked up.
“Shes dead.” He reiterated.
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yogorlhilanne · 20 days
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I'll probably make this on Twitter also, though I doubt it'll really attract (on both Tumblr and Twitter) many people but OH MY FUCKING GOD. THIS NEEDS TO BE SAID.
I know OTHER people have probably talked about this (or maybe not)— plus the Harry Potter fandom is probably dead at this point or maybe still thriving somehow in ways I don't really know but LILY FUCKING EVANS MADE THE WORST DECISION POSSIBLE AFTER ENDING HER AND SEVERUS' FRIENDSHIP.
Look, she was like practically a minor character yet was kinda important to the plot but honestly she deserved to be with someone better than James Potter. No hate or dumb reasons are gonna be thrown at Lily but girlie was dumb as fuck entirely for having a kid with her friends bully who made his school life HELL.
It's been on my mind the more I think about Severus' past and James and Sirius bullying.
I genuinely like Sirius as a character but bro cannot be bullying Snape, like sweetheart we know your an inbred rich child but that doesn't mean you should bully someone who's the LITERAL opposite of you. (expect for neglect and abuse)
James was a fucking jock.
LISTEN & IMAGINE. A friend of yours who you've know for maybe about 6 years calls you the worst insult ever, in a fit of rage, you break the friendship and ofc, leave. That's genuinely completely understandable to one who has common sense.
BUT THEN, after that, you go on to marry your ex friends bully that HAS MADE YOUR EX FRIENDS SCHOOL LIFE MISERABLE AND SHITTY.
Sure it's COMPLETELY understandable how Lily can be mad at Severus for calling her a "Mudblood" because that's a canonical slur against muggle-borns, really, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN SHE HAD TO MARRY SEVERUS' BULLY WHO BULLIED HIM RELENTLESSLY, and that's so fucked up in many ways. And YES. As far as I'm concerned, Lily seemed to only like James because:
He wasn't strongly associated with the dark arts
Wasn't associated with future death eaters/followers of Voldemort
I don't think it's confirmed how long James and Sirius had been bullying Snape but it makes me SOOOO fucking livid that like... HOW THE FUCK DO YOU ACTUALLY LIKE A CHARACTER IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THEIR FLAWS AND HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS? (*Cough Cough* James and Sirius "fans" *COUGH*)
If I'm being 100% honest, I've never seen anyone say "James/Sirius is better than Snape" ever and not even ONCE in my lifetime being in the Harry Potter fandom.
There's really not much on Snape's past during his school years but in all honesty, Lily Evans was dumb as fuck for dating her friends bully like okay, MAYBE James and Sirius did take accountability at one point and confessed to Lily. JUST MAYBE. But I don't remember nor heard anyone saying that was true nor JK Rowling saying anything about them taking accountability.
AND I DON'T THINK THEY EVEN APOLOGIZED TO SNAPE EITHER. (Maybe regretted it but that's not taking accountability for one's actions, perhaps Remus did but never heard anyone saying that was true either because it's probably just a headcannon and Remus probably didn't even bully Snape at all)
Lily Evans... I love you and all and I don't hate you... You just disappointed me.
Also I get that Lily was mainly mad at Severus because of his Slytherin friends and that he called her a "Mudblood" BUT IGNORING THE FACT HE GOT BULLIED RELENTLESSLY, NEARLY DIED TO A "prank", LIVED IN AN ABUSIVE HOUSEHOLD (she didn't knew that but imma just put it there anyways) AND THAT HE HAD HOPED THAT HOGWARTS WOULD HAVE MADE HIS LIFE BETTER BUT IT GOT DESTROYED, IS UTTERLY DISAPPOINTING AND FLABBERGASTING TO ME.
No hate to people who genuinely ship James and Lily (love the fanarts) but Lily deserved better than that. Perhaps she also knew about the werewolf incident but if I were her I would've BITCH SLAPPED Sirius to remind him of being inbred and stupid as fuck BECAUSE WHAT????
A prank—as far as I acknowledge, shouldn't put someone's life in DANGER and in a LIFE OR DEATH situation SIRIUS 'INBRED' BLACK.
I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYONE YET TALKING ABOUT THIS AND SHITTING ON LILY (for being flawed ofc yet dumb as shit). Lily in general is a good person but she had flaws that needed to be talked about and HERE I AM.
James & Sirius bullying was ignorant and really unjustifiable, Peter and Remus should've known better but I don't ENTIRELY blame them but they should've known fucking better. Lily WAS understandable up until she got together with James and I kinda wanna bitch slap her right now.
Honestly if I were Lily, I genuinely would've gotten together with Snape and ACTUALLY helped him like any person with COMMON SENSE would do.
And to end it off with a cherry on top. James and Sirius bullying Snape should be talked about more and we should shit on them for their flaws yet ignorance actions that they didn't even try to take any single OUNCE of accountability for. Just because you learned from your bullying mistakes and "becoming a more mature and better person" isn't justifiable and shows your blind fucking ignorance to your affects of bullying to other people you dumb dipshit fucker.
(Will possibly edit this again but I'll post this now bc it's been in my drafts for some time and it NEEDS to be sent out rn)
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Anti-Snape propaganda: his whole reasoning for opposing wizard fascism was ‘oh no, my tragically unrequited crush (who hates me because I called her a slur when she was trying to help me and cruelly married a man who bullied me in highschool) might be in danger!’ If Lily was a Pureblood, he would have no reason not to stay a Death Eater. He’s the one who puts her life in danger in the first place, while spying for the mass-murdering blood supremacist, and he only feels regret and switches sides when it affects him personally.
(In addition, it’s highly insinuated that there was more to the end of the friendship than Snape calling Lily a slur, although, you know, that’s reason enough. She mentions that he’s already hanging out with future death eaters who make her uncomfortable, which definitely presents the possibility he’s already entrenched in the gross racist views whether or not he likes her personally).
This is the quote where he goes to Dumbledore:
“The — the prophecy . . . the prediction . . . Trelawney . . .”
“Ah, yes. How much did you relay to Lord Voldemort?”
“Everything — everything I heard! That is why — it is for that reason — he thinks it means Lily Evans!”
“The prophecy did not refer to a woman. It spoke of a boy born at the end of July —”
“You know what I mean! He thinks it means her son, he is going to hunt her down — kill them all —”
“If she means so much to you, surely Lord Voldemort will spare her? Could you not ask for mercy for the mother, in exchange for the son?”
“I have — I have asked him —”
“You disgust me.”
Yeah, he was totally cool with trading away the lives of his high school bully and his supposed true love’s newborn baby (who she died for! But he cares so much about her happiness, right?) as long as he got to keep Lily Potter like a muggleborn pet. Because let’s be honest, muggleborns weren’t considered equals by the Death Eaters, and I can’t imagine the woman who sacrificed herself to save her child’s life would be super fine with just letting her family be slaughtered in exchange for ‘mercy.’ How would he deal with her horrified trauma? Would he be keeping her under lock and key, or…? I think it’s reasonable to assume some pretty fucked-up implications for the whole ‘I asked the Dark Lord’ comment.
Also, lots of people justify his creepy sadman act (where he used his academic authority to bully the abused orphan who dared to be related to his highschool bully) by saying he was abused and bullied himself, like that doesn’t make it worse? He knows what that’s like, and he inflicts that pain on others, while remaining constantly self-pitying. Additionally, as though his motivation for actively trying to make the eleven year old orphan’s life miserable wasn’t stupid enough, Harry is absolutely not the only one he treats this way. He torments a ton of Gryffindors over the years, so either he just enjoys preying on the weak, like Neville (who in no way resembles James Potter, and whose family life was ruined in part due to the prophecy Snape revealed), or he’s taken his childhood bullying trauma to the next level by assigning it to a quarter of the school population! I’m not saying getting bullied isn’t terrible. It’s very traumatising in some instances and I do feel sympathy for his experiences. But Snape is not a sympathetic figure or hero to bullied children, he’s just a hypocritical self-pitying incel who wilfully plays straight into the circle of generational trauma. If anything, the fact that Harry didn’t grow up to bully children who reminded him of Snape makes him the true champion here.
Sorry, this is stupidly long. I guess I have a lot of repressed rage about the TERFiest of books and how much crap I’ve heard justifying poor writing in the past.
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allamericanb-tch · 14 days
crimson rivers thoughts (7)
@tastetherainbow290 more!! this one is longer
chapter 12
remus pov!!
LILY MENTION i love you lily i hope we see more of her in this
oh no wait what happened
wolfstar is wolfstarring
oh no the games. ugh.
regulus pov <3 i hope he finds evan
snake jump scare
james pov already wow ok
vanity!!! she lives
them boiling the water they’re so smart i love james
taking a break to eat dinner i will be back later.
ok i am back. (i love that im saying this as if my thoughts are being shared in real time)
“you’re going after regulus aren’t you” right as always, pete.
“stop thinking with your cock” PETER you icon
regulus pov again! i hope he finds james
water!!!!! huzzah
what is this spider 😭
james pov again
omg who died
i know it wasn’t regulus but i hope he is okay
wait is the spider like the wolf things?! that’s terrifying actually
omg irene and mathias hi
james interrogating them about regulus 😭
nice one regulus look at you killing avery spider
the lovers have been reunited!!!!
reggie come on don’t kill james
“he’s absolutely gorgeous” james now is not the time 😭
“you’re hesitating, love” AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
james “if i have to tie you up and carry you there, you are coming with me” potter
why is james flirting with regulus right now 😭 read the room james
james going with regulus because regulus wont go with james
“what’s it going to be”
chapter 13
another spice warning for this chapter… more jegulus content?! or is it wolfstar. probably wolfstar. although that’s what i said last time and it was jegulus..
young jegulus ❤️‍🩹
“James has always been that infuriating mixture of wonderful and stupid” yeah that’s james.
james. sweetie. i know you don’t want to kill the cute little family of deer but your only other option is to starve to death.
ok but why is this sad
i guess they choose starvation??
james missing sirius ☹️
“we’re a great big tragedy” that is exactly what jegulus is. you summed it up perfectly, thanks regulus
“do you think we would have gotten married” james 😭
REGULUS TRIPPING OVER THAT you know what you did james
“if it was you asking, you know i would have” ahhhhh
of course regulus ate the snake that tried to kill him. icon behavior.
eeeeeeeee jegulus
THE HANDCUFFS james get your mind out of the gutter
“mum dad look away im having impure thoughts” 😭
james doesn’t have his glasses?! how is he seeing right now
me rn: 💔
i can’t even be mad about it because i love dorcas
omg dorcas!!! she’s safe
slow painful death ☹️ gotta be the worst kind
dorlene <333
why is marlene shocked that dorcas enjoyed the games when she was young. she is literally a hallow. and she was a child??
ok they’re flirting now
eeeeeee they’re kissing
ok more than kissing
“eyes up here sweetheart” dorcas im in love with you
i love dorlene this is a nice break from the arena
noooo the moment has been interrupted
fab and gid ☹️ don’t remind me
and its over.
chapter 14
im scared for this one
i really hope evan doesn’t die
“do fish even have brains” 😭 james please
james shamelessly being in love with regulus ugh i love them
of course james has a knife kink
the story <3
yeah sirius would try to eat rocks
“Your gifts at twelve were a lot different than they are at twenty-five” jamesss you
THE PARTING GIFT james you’re teasing the viewers
“everything proceeds to go wrong all at once.” oh no
evan?! i hope that isn’t you
james killed him. oh. my.
regulus is os caring ❤️‍🩹
james having a crisis
they’re holding hands omg
“all james wants is him”
run joey run (glee cast version)
ouchie that seems like it hurt (wow. great observation from me.)
“when mulciber has a sword to his throat it’s not sexy at all” i would hope not?!
“he looks rather terrifying in a sexy way” james. babe. keep it in your pants you’re about to DIE
ok regulus
this is stressful. i know they both live but it is stressful nonetheless. 
yes james you go girl
the spear. i’m getting rue flashbacks.
EVAN!!!!!!!! he’s alive and here to save the day
i love that evan calls regulus lover boy
evan is going to die and i am not ready
not regulus thinking of james as his boyfriend
“both” ahhhh reggieeeee
jegulus + evan god tier combo
my face when james calls regulus love: 🤭
is james going to go full peeta and lose his leg too
should i read another chapter….
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lunar-serpentinite · 1 month
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Lily Evans Potter
Matriarch of House Potter
Faceclaim: Sobhita Dhulipala
Lily Jayalalita Evans Potter, formerly known as Lily Jessamine Evans and famously as Voldemort's Vanquisher, is the Matriarch of the Potter family, the Lady of Nagaraja Hall, and Senior Unspeakable of the British Department of Mysteries' Brain Room. She is the wife of James Potter and Regulus Potter, and the mother of Harry Potter and Madhuri Potter.
More information below the cut
What's in a Name?
Jayalalita जयाललितायै
— Lily's birth name that she reclaimed after she reunited with her Telugu family
जया Jaya – victory, one of the 108 names of the Hindu goddess Durga
ललितायै Lalita – She Who is Pleasant, Charming, Desirable, one of the 108 names of the Hindu goddess Durga
An Ode to Growing Up "Other"...
Lily knew she was different long before Severus told her about her Magic. She didn't look like her parents nor her older sister Petunia. Mr. and Mrs. Evans had adopted her from a family in India out of the goodness of their hearts. However, they went into it thinking all they needed to do was love and care for Lily enough in order to make up for their inability to keep her connected to her heritage.
There is something to be said about growing up and trying your best to fit in anywhere but every time you find a way to be more comfortable with one facet of your identity, you become ostracised with another facet. You could never be everything at once in the eyes of society. You have to be one, or the other. And even then, you will never be enough.
When Lily met Severus and was introduced to the world of Magic, it had cost her Petunia who couldn't follow her and who decided to cope with the loss of Lily through hatred. And when Lily grew closer to James and Sharanya and her Telugu identity, Severus coped with the change in a manner that was simply too reminiscent of Petunia.
...And Finding Your Way Home
Lily's transition from childhood to adolescence was marked by two major losses and one big reconnection. Her first experience with people who actually looked like her happened when she was first Sorted into Gryffindor. In her new House, she met James Potter, who laughed at Severus' appearance and poverty but offered to teach her about her culture in the same breath.
While James Potter introduced her to the broader Indian culture, C. Sharanya of Ravenclaw and her future best friend made her aware of the diversity of the Indian subcontinent. James' Tamil culture was different from her Kannadiga culture, as was Paresh Patil's Marathi culture. From there, Lily wanted to discover her own.
In the midst of her studies and crumbling relationships with Petunia and Severus, Lily slowly reconnected with her own Indian identity. And then one day James Potter approached her again. This time not with another plead for a date, but a name and an address.
"You can meet your birth family this summer, if you want. I can take you. Or pay for the trip. Or something." "You know this wouldn't make me say yes to you, right?" "I didn't do this for brownie points, my dear Lily. I did this because I wanted to help you." "Oh."
She was Telugu. She had biological, living family in Telangana, the land where she was born.
They had given her the name Jayalalita (victory, desirable. They loved and wanted her.). They wanted to meet her.
It felt like coming home at last.
Collected Miscellany
Little bits of extra information/headcanons for her. This section will be updated from time to time.
Was adopted as a baby by the Evans family, a white British couple who lived in Cokeworth, England
Her biological family, who are all mundane, hails from Telangana. Her parents died when she was a baby and her relatives could not afford to take care of her so they were forced to put her up for adoption
Struggled to connect with her peers as a child due to being the only POC in the area and, later on, being Magical
Severus Snape was her first friend
Completely cut contact with him when he insulted her Muggleborn and Indian identities during an argument between the two of them
Prior to this, Lily had attempted to rein in James and his friends’ bullying and reconcile both sides since she considered them both her friends and she didn’t want to see them hurting each other
James did eventually mellow out, but Snape on the other hand chose to stew in bitterness. He saw her friendship with James as a great betrayal, insisting that Lily didn’t need James since she had Sharanya to teach her about Indian culture instead
Another factor that added to the strain in their relationship was Snape adopting bigoted views and ideas. Snape insisted she wasn’t “one of the bad ones”. 
Her alma mater is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where she was Sorted into Gryffindor
She was made Head Girl in her seventh year, with James as Head Boy
James was her first actual connection to her culture. Though she disliked him at first, James was able to get on friendlier terms with her when he realised Lily was disconnected from her Indian identity and offered to help her reconnect
Fell for James for real when he spent several summers relentlessly tracking down her birth family for her and his efforts bore fruit on their sixth year. James brought Lily with him to Telangana so she can meet them at last 
Lily possesses prodigious skills in Potions, Charms and Transfiguration. Out of the three, she chose to pursue a Charms Mastery.
In addition to her position as the Potter family Matriarch, Lily is also an Unspeakable in the Brain Room of the Department of Mysteries 
Fluent in Tamil and Telugu, conversational in Sanskrit, Middle Tamil, and Classical Sanskrit
Considered sending Harry and Madhu to Tamil Nadu for their education but ultimately decided to let them attend Hogwarts since the children wanted to
Befriended Andromeda Black and Narcissa Black through Sirius and Regulus
Befriended Alice Fawley and C.(Chirayu) Sharanya (Patil twins’ mother) in Hogwarts
Befriended Pandora Lovegood (nee Malfoy) at work as an Unspeakable
More information on the Descendants of Nandhini / the Potters Back to the family directory of this AU
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