#she said that the bookings won't be until spring though
kirstielol · 11 months
so that tattoo artist that only does insects is dropping a bunch of flash today and opening her books for flash only....... soooooooooo if she uploads something i like i might end up booking tattoo #2 today
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stiltonbasket · 6 months
I know Nyoomerr wrote a mini fic where Shen Yuan dotes on Bingge’s kids, before I sent you the prompt also, but listen… I want many cakes!
There are so many possible cute OC Bingge kiddos Shen Yuan could dote on, and so many ways the Binggeyuan drama outside said doting could go! I’d happily read a million different versions! ♥️
In spite of having three older siblings to play with, and three nominal mothers and four nursemaids to raise him, Luo Shunlei was a very lonely child.
Unlike his brother and his two elder sisters, Shunlei was rarely allowed to see his own mother. Muqin spent most of her time away from his father's palace in the human realm, for she was Emperor-Father's most trusted lieutenant as well as his wife, and could not be spared from the various battlefields Father left in his wake for more than a single season out of each year.
That life suited his mother, Shunlei knew: and he was being looked after well enough, since Mother Ning doted upon him just as tenderly she cared for his sister Suoxin. But he hated to go to her when he fell while playing cuju in the garden, or felt lonesome for his absent Muqin, for Mother Ning cried so often when she thought her children were out of earshot that Shunlei could not bear to add to her troubles.
Nor could he go to Mother Liu, for Mother Liu was Luo Nianzu's mother, and Nianzu clung to her like a baby fire-horned monkey because his birth mother had died before Nianzu ever knew her.
(The less said of Mother Hua, the better, Shunlei thought. She was not unkind to him, but she made no secret of the fact that she was jealous of the favor Muqin received from Emperor-Father; and since Shunlei was Muqin's son, Mother Hua had never liked him very much, either.)
But then, late in the spring of Luo Shunlei's fourth year, Mother Liu brought a man into the hougong's central garden and announced that he was to be Suo-jie and Ying-jiejie's new Shizun.
"He will be your Shizun too, in time," she said to Nianzu, "as soon as you learn how to read more than a few characters."
"What about me?" Shunlei asked anxiously, plucking at the hems of her sleeve. "Shunshun wants to study, too."
At this, Mother Ning looked up from her account-book and kissed the top of his head.
"You can join this year if the taifu says you may," she assured him. "You're very bright for your age, Shun'er, but there's no need to rush. Mingyan gave Zhu-laoshi a twelve-year contract, so he won't leave the palace until the year you turn sixteen."
Sixteen sounded dreadfully grown-up to Luo Shunlei, who had yet to celebrate his fourth birthday. And if the new taifu really would be staying for the next twelve years, it hardly mattered that Shunlei wouldn't begin his studies until after he turned five.
But the taifu was more than happy to teach him, though Shunlei had only managed to learn the three characters that made up his name—and by the first week after lessons began, Shunlei had affixed himself to his new Shizun like a barnacle clinging to the hull of a boat.
Zhu Qinglan was, strangely enough, only the second man that Shunlei had ever met. Imperial Father was the first, and Shunlei had seen some of his demon lackeys from afar; but they were forbidden to enter any part of the inner court save for Father's private palace, so he had never actually spoken to them.
"Are all men from the human realm like you?" Shunlei asked his Shizun once, not long after Imperial Father returned from his latest campaign in the North. "If they are, why doesn't Father make friends with them instead of fighting?"
Shizun laughed and put out his hand to steady Luo Shunlei's grip on his writing brush.
"No," he replied, after the brush picked up its pace again. "Your Shizun is very old by now, that's all. I had to spend eighty years wandering the wilds alone before I learned how to hold my temper properly, and my Shizun was long gone by then—poor shifu! If your Imperial Father had met me when I was a young man, he wouldn't have wanted me as a servant, let alone a friend...or as his children's taifu, I suppose."
Luo Shunlei pouted. "Shizun can be my friend."
"Mm, then this teacher is very lucky. Oh, Shun'er, not again—you mustn't touch the scroll at all, remember? See how well da-gongzhu is writing."
It was true that Shizun was scolding him, Luo Shunlei reflected—smudging his copy-work as he thought, to Shizun's great distress—but he did it so gently that Shunlei wriggled with glee, feeling very much like a wilted flower that had suddenly been thrust into the full light of day.
Shizun treasured Luo Shunlei, just as he treasured Da-jie and Er-jie and Gege; and since he belonged to all four of them, he loved them equally. Mother Ning loved Da-jiejie the most, and Mother Liu loved Gege the most; and though Mother Hua loved nothing in the world other than Er-jiejie, Shunlei was certain that his Muqin loved Imperial Father far more than she loved him.
Zhu Qinglan loved no one at the palace better than he loved Shunlei, and that feeling was so dreadfully new to him that he burst into tears the next time Shizun entered the schoolroom with a bowl of his favorite sweet sesame cakes.
"Why are you crying?" Shizun demanded, bewildered, as Luo Shunlei let out a wail and scurried over to bury his head in the long skirt of Shizun's white robe. "Are you ill?"
He passed the cakes to one of the maids and lifted Shunlei onto his hip, feeling his cheeks and brow with the back of his rough hands.
"His little highness doesn't have a fever," Shizun muttered, "but we can't take chances, so run for a taiyi as quickly as you can. This one will stay with the little prince until the doctor comes."
"No," Shunlei bawled, rubbing his face against Shizun's shoulder. "I'm happy, Shizun."
"Happy?" Shizun asked, more puzzled than ever. "Why?"
Luo Shunlei laid his cheek on Shizun's soft neck and wept, too overwhelmed to explain that no one had ever made anything specially for him to eat before.
His siblings were only passingly fond of sesame cakes, though they refrained from saying so to save face for their Shizun. But Shunlei likes Shizun's cakes even more than the ones Father sometimes makes for their weekly luncheons, and yesterday, Shunlei had finally worked up the courage to ask if Shizun could bake them again.
Shunlei's lessons were canceled that morning, since Shizun and Mother Ning's taiyi said that he needed rest; and so, he spent the rest of the day being carried about the palace on his teacher's back, and fed another handful of sesame cakes whenever Shizun remembered he was there.
By the third month, Luo Shunlei decided that he loved his Shizun more than anyone else he had ever known, except for Muqin and his Suo-jiejie—which was why he bit off the left half of his Imperial Father's nose when Father told him that he meant to take Shizun into the hougong as a bride.
"You can't have Shizun for your wife!" Shunlei screeched, incensed. "He's ours!"
Imperial Father only raised his eyebrows at him.
"If you ever do that again," he drawled, conjuring a mirror to make sure his nose was healing properly, "I'll send you to the North to fight ice demons with Hualing, and I won't bring you back until you're too old to need a taifu anymore."
Luo Shunlei growled and kicked his little feet until he heard the satisfying crack of one of his Imperial Father's ribs snapping in half.
"You can't," he insisted, as Father let out a gasping wheeze and put a hand to his chest. "You have thirty wives already! That's too many. You can't have my Shizun, too."
Father's right eyebrow climbed a little higher up his forehead. "Everyone under the sun belongs to me," he said. "If I want your Shizun, he'll be mine eventually. There's no more to be said about it."
"But Shizun doesn't want you," Luo Shunlei scowled. "Everyone knows that."
For some reason, Father's face fell so quickly that Shunlei almost regretted his unkindness.
Only almost, though.
"It doesn't matter what he wants," Father said at last, after a long silence—and after his broken rib had healed, much to Luo Shunlei's frustration. "But he—he will want me some day, even if his heart lies elsewhere now. You'll see."
Luo Shunlei squinted at him. "I'll go tell Shizun what you're planning," he threatened. "Then Shizun can run away, and I'll go with him."
"Do you really want to visit the North so badly?" his father said idly. "Everything that lives there could eat you up in one bite."
(Shunlei's mother had taught him what to do in case anything ever ate him, so he could survive perfectly well in the Northern Desert if he had to.
Naturally, he said nothing of this to his father.)
Shunlei reached up and tugged sharply on his father's hair.
"Shizun won't like you if you send me away," he sniffed. "You can't be stupid if you're an Emperor, Imperial Father. Shizun said so."
Father sighed and tucked Luo Shunlei under his arm. "Would it really be so bad if Qinglan joined the harem?" he asked. "He'd still be your Shizun, and you'll still get to see him whenever you like. Nothing will change for you and the other little ones."
Luo Shunlei said nothing.
"And," Father said softly, "you can call him muhou after he and I are married. I plan to make him my empress, so he'll be your Imperial Mother as well as your Shizun."
"Imperial Mother...?"
Shunlei had never had an Imperial Mother before. Officially, every woman in the harem was Father's legitimate wife; the sole difference in status between them was that only the five inner wives—or four now, after the untimely death of Luo Nianzu's birth mother—were allowed full courtyards of their own and the right to raise children.
None of them were allowed to call themselves empresses, only consorts and wives: not even Mother Ning, who had reputedly been Father's favorite wife since his childhood on Cang Qiong Mountain.
But if Father meant to take Shizun as his Empress, and if that meant Shizun would be Shunlei's Imperial Mother, then...
"Then if you do marry Shizun," Shunlei ventured, plucking at the yaopei dangling from Imperial Father's belt, "can Shun'er have a little sister? Or a brother?"
Suddenly, Luo Shunlei felt his father's body go cold.
"No," Father said brusquely. "You may not."
"But why not?" he persisted. "If Shizun becomes my Imperial Mother, won't he be allowed to have his own Shun'er? Like Muqin and Mother Ning and—"
"No," his father repeated, more harshly than before. "After your Nianzu-ge was born, I vowed that I would never father another child. Don't ever mention such things again."
Luo Shunlei stared at him. "But I'm smaller than Gege," he said uncertainly. "Didn't Father break that vow already?"
"Enough," Father hissed. "Listen to me, Luo Shunlei. I nearly killed your Mother Ning by letting her give birth to Suoxin, and I as good as murdered your late Mother Qin by fathering Nianzu upon her. If Hualing had tried to give birth to you the usual way instead of molding you from our mingled blood, she wouldn't even have lived long enough to bring you into the world. Would you have me risk killing your Shizun, too?"
Shunlei's eyes burned.
"No," he said in a strangled voice. "Put me down."
So Imperial Father set him down on the ground, looking very much as though he could not bear to stand in Shunlei's presence for another moment.
"Don't you dare mention any of this to anyone," Father said wearily, as Shunlei rubbed his fists across his smarting eyes. "Otherwise, I really will send you up North to your mother."
Luo Shunlei nodded, somehow contriving to hide his tears until he made his way out of his father's courtyard; and then he staggered off to the Bamboo Palace where Shizun lived, hoping against hope that Shizun was at home and not out on another beast-trapping trip with Mother Liu.
"Shizun," he sobbed, beating on the gate with his tiny fists. "Shizun, Shun'er is here!"
And then Shizun was there, bundling Shunlei into his arms and draping a warm cloak over his shoulders before bringing him into the Zhugong's little kitchen for cakes and hot tea.
He fed Luo Shunlei and washed the tears from his little nose; and then, after his sobs began to slow, Shizun wrapped him up in a soft blanket and took him to Mother Ning.
"No," Shunlei wailed, as Mother Ning came running out of her own palace with worry all over her face. "Mother Ning, Shun'er wants to stay with Shizun."
Mother Ning blinked. "He didn't make you cry?"
"Then who did?"
Shunlei frowned and burrowed into his Shizun's coat. "Nobody. But Shun'er is staying right here."
"All right, all right," Shizun said soothingly. "You can stay with Shizun for as long as you want. Lady Ning, if you would..."
Mother Ning nodded and promised that she would send a maid to the Zhugong with a bag of clothes for Shunlei.
"You can send him back for his bath, if he needs one before bed," she fretted. "But if he'd rather stay with you, then that's all right, too."
Satisfied, Shizun bowed to Mother Ning and whisked Shunlei back to the Zhugong, where he was made to drink two more cups of medicinal tea—though he did not mind this, since Shizun had already fed him all the fresh-baked sesame cakes he could hold—and put to bed on the pretty lounging chair in the front room.
"Go to sleep," Shizun told him, stroking his hair. "And don't look at this teacher with such big eyes. I'll still be here when you get up."
Luo Shunlei's lip trembled. "Do you promise?" he whispered. "You won't go away while I'm sleeping?"
"Of course not. Has your Shizun ever broken his word? Look—I won't even let go of your hand. You can hold this one, and I'll use the other to write while you nap."
So Shunlei finally let himself drift off; and when he opened his eyes again, some two hours later, he found that Shizun had fallen asleep at his desk, with his head on the erhu score he was copying and his left hand still clasped about Luo Shunlei's.
Suddenly, Luo Shunlei's heart felt very full. But then he remembered that Shizun would leave one day, whenever Father deemed that Shunlei and Nianzu and their jiejies had no further need of him, and then...
And then Shizun wouldn't belong to Shunlei anymore.
His spirits sank. He squeezed Shizun's palm, not knowing whether he wanted his teacher to sleep on or wake up and comfort him.
But at that moment, two words shaped themselves upon Luo Shunlei's lips; and before he could bite them back, he found himself saying them aloud.
"Imperial Mother?" he whispered, hugging his Shizun's arm. "Muhou, Shun'er is...is...."
And then—like a ray of white sunlight spearing through a blanket of clouds—his Shizun smiled, though he had not woken, and kissed Luo Shunlei's pudgy hand in his sleep.
"Hush, my baobao," he breathed, already sinking back into his dreams. "Don't cry. Mother is here."
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luvyeni · 2 years
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PAIRINGS. highfae!minchan x peasant!reader
WC. 7.2k
WARNINGS. softdom!chan, meandom!minho, pwp, hate sex, mxmxf, oral (f & m receiving), praise kink, degradation, multiple sex scenes (3), double penetration, dumbification, clit play, nipple/boob play, poly relationship (cause it's minchan and i can't decide)
SYNOPSIS. After killing a close friend of theirs, chan of spring court invites you to stay in the castle to avoid being killed by the other faeries of spring court. Here you meet his brother lee know of spring court, and as much as he wants to hate you, he is drawn to you... too bad chan is too.
AUTHORS NOTE. Welcome to the first installment, did not except people to actually want this, but now i'm excited for the rest of them!
TAGLIST. @kosmoreads @hipsdofangirl @imhyvnjin @lovemepie67 @chvnnie @hgema @candiecans @my-name-is-namename @yourhwngness @midsoulz @jessyrdn @cutielittlepie @intomysoul-555 @cxentrxcks @yurippiefelix @missrobyn81 @stayinthemirohwoo @3retcha @lifeissteph @skzfelixlove @reiheis @chereshnyya @levantea @why-am-i-sad @blankdyean @kunstistliebchen @userbangchan @fairywriter-oracle @elmi-chan @compersian @mal-lunar-28 @n4tiii @ddazed-lhs @felixcharmerera @ch4nniebang @hyunibinnie
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You were aware of the dangers of being on the borders separating the mortal realm, your realm from prythian, faerie realm. You knew your bow and arrow wasn't going to stop the faeries from the other side from ripping you to shreds if they caught you just for their entertainment.
However going home empty-handed, and seeing the look of hunger on your siblings and father's faces overthrew all of your worries— that's why even though you knew the wolf wasn't an ordinary wolf, it didn't stop you from putting one of your arrows in it's back—and another in its eye.
Watching your family stuff their faces with the cooked meat, and the pretty penny you made on the skin of the beast— you felt satisfied.
Unfortunately, you are also aware of karma...
Which is why it didn't surprise you when a handsome faerie showed up at your door, ready to kill your entire family.
"Please, I beg, please have mercy on my daughter." your father pleaded, on his knees with the angry man.
"She didn't have mercy when she killed one of my men in cold blood —why should I show her any mercy?" he didn't even bother to give your father eye contact, his eyes stayed on you.
"Please." you stepped in front of your family. "please, they've done nothing, it was me who killed the faerie, not them, don't kill them please." you pleaded.
Chan watched the tears build up in your eyes, and for some reason, he felt bad, he could see your family was struggling, and he could understand why you did what you did.
He also knew the other faeries of spring court wouldn't let this go, if they found out he let you go, alive- much less without any punishment, they'd come looking for you and kill you and your family, without a second thought.
Especially lee know...
"Fine, I won't kill you, in exchange for my friends' life, i'll take yours." his voice spoke with such power, you wondered who he worked for. "What do you mean?"
"You are to come to live in spring court, for eternity- or until whenever people like you, mortals die."
You couldn't leave your family, they'd die without you, literally. "I- i'm not giving you much of a choice, you either come live in spring court or I let the faeries come kill you and your family."
"And trust me, they will come."
That's how you found yourself walking with the handsome man, back to the borders where the whole fiasco took place. "I'm gonna transport us there." He finally said a word after not speaking since you guys left the house.
"What part of the spring court wants you dead don't you get?" you grumbled under your breath. "well if you're gonna put it that way."
He held his hand, signaling for you to take it. you hesitated, staring at his hand in confusion. he scoffed, taking it.
"If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead." before you could even blink, you were standing in the corridor of a beautiful castle.
"whoa." you stumbled a bit, confused as to how you got here that fast. "that was so cool, how did you do that?" you swore you could see him smile just a bit, before he coughed, bringing the mood back to a harsh one. "faeries are a species of many abilities." you nodded.
"Come, let me show you around."
You followed behind him, as he pointed out different rooms and things throughout the main part of the castle. "you aren't a prisoner here." he spoke as you walked around the left wing. "well you didn't give me much of choice, I couldn't let my family die from my mistake."
iI bought you here because this castle is much safer than you being out there." you scoffed. "I mean that, plus, I know what you do for your family." he was now looking you in the eyes. "I didn't leave them helpless, your family will be taken care of, you don't have to worry about them." he looked sincere. "promise?"
"I promise, we all aren't monsters." he walked away silently, and you followed behind him, feeling a little bit better than before.
"As I said before, you aren't a prisoner here, you are free to go wherever you please here in spring court, but if I were to give you any advice, you shouldn't step foot off the castle grounds, unless you are with someone, you can easily end up in another court, and of that happens then im not sure I can help you then," he explained.
"Got it." you reassured. "trust me I won't leave."
"That's good."
"__, that's my name if you were wondering." you realized you didn't even know the handsome man's name.
"My name is christopher, but everyone calls me chan, __, that's a beautiful name."
"Thank you."
He was about to say something when an older woman appeared from around the corner. "Where have you been? he's been looking around for you all day." she didn't acknowledge you until he looked at her and then at you—putting two and two together, she quickly figured it out.
"This is her? why the hell is she still breathing?" the anger in her eyes made you stand behind chan in fear. "she will be staying here, you or anybody else in this castle are to leave her be." the lady looked almost scared.
"Understood?" the woman bowed. "understood, but you know he won't like this." chan rolled his eyes in annoyance. "well then let him be upset, he isn't the only high lord in spring court, he makes his decisions and i make mines."
High lord? he was a high lord?
"You're a high lord? he nodded. "there are two high lords in spring court, now please get __ ready for dinner, my sister has many dresses, i'm sure she won't mind if she borrows one."
You were scared, this was the first time you'd be left alone without chan, and quite frankly, the lady scared you.
Picking up on your behavior, he placed a comforting hand on your shoulder before speaking, "it's okay, she looks scary, but she won't hurt you." you looked at the lady, who was already staring at you. "i won't hurt you, i promise, let's go, by the looks of it, we have much to do." she took you by your arm, dragging you away.
You turned back to see if chan was still looking, and sure enough, he was, staring right into your eyes as he'd done before.
When chan said to get you ready for dinner, you didn't know he meant you'd have 3 people washing your hair and body, and then another 3 helping you put on your clothes, and doing your hair.
"Thank you." you bowed to the staff who helped you before the woman returned to take you to your room. "this is your room, i'm sure chan will see to it that you'll have a full wardrobe by tomorrow."
You walked around the huge room, eyes wide in amazement, "you could fit my entire cottage in here." you sat down on the soft bed. "oh my god, i don't think i've felt a bed this soft in my life." you felt the fabric move smoothly through your fingers.
"Trust me, my dear, you could fit your cottage in here twice." the woman deadpanned. "it's beautiful, but it isn't home." you wondered how your family was doing.
What were they doing? what did he do to them?
"Your family is fine, knowing him they'll never want for anything for as long as they live." the woman read your thoughts.
"I hope so, they aren't exactly the hunting type." the woman was now looking at you. "what is it?"
"If you have any thoughts of escaping, leave them in this room when you exit, it's dangerous out there, don't go and do something stupid" her tone was the same, but you could see the sincerity in her eyed.
"I won't, i promise- wait! what's your name?" you questioned. "everyone in the castle calls me mrs.park."
The woman nodded, walking towards the door. "someone will be in to get you for dinner shortly, just wait here." with that, the lady left you alone in the big room.
"It's not safe for her here, he's not gonna like this." chan looked up from whatever he was doing. "what if he hurts her?" mrs. park worried for the girl.
"c'mon mrs. park, you of all people should know he wouldn't do that, you helped raised him, lee know isn't like that, he wouldn't do that." chan stood up for his friend, sure lee know often came off as cold-hearted, but he wasn't a murder.
"He wouldn't do what." the man of the hour walked through the door, took his jacket off, handing it to the maid who waited for him at the table. "did you kill the mortal who killed jaebum?"
Chan's eyes shifted over to mrs. park, who didn't just gave him a look back. "i'll go get the guest, dinner will be out in a moment." she walked out, not wanting to be there when chan broke the news.
"Guest? did you invite that pretty faerie over—gonna let me have a turn at her again?" chan rolled his eyes at his friend's response before he straightened back up.
"Well, who is it?"
Chan breathed in, and breathed out, before speaking, "the mortal who kill jaebum." it was dead silent, so silent that you could hear the sound of lee know grinding his teeth in anger.
"Look lee kn- my lords." mrs. park let your presence be known. "she's here." you stared at chan then at the mystery man, who looked at you with murder in his eyes.
"__, you look nice, please come sit." he pointed to the seat the in between them both, him at one end and the man at the other. "thanks." the man maintained his deadly stare until you sat down at the table.
"Dinner will be out momentarily."
It was silence, not comfortable, but scary bone-chilling silence... that was until the man spoke up, well he chuckled, and that scared you even more. "
"Lee know." chan spoke. "No chan i get it, she's pretty for a mortal and comes from a poor family, i know you love a damsel in distress, but don't you think this is a bit much?" he spoke about you like you were in the room.
As much as you wanted to hate him and the way he treated you, it kind of made you feel things...
"I couldn't just kill her." chan said. "I could." He stood up, making his way over to you. "lee know!" chan got up standing in between the both of you. "calm down."
"Calm down? you want me to calm down." he turned to you. "did you enjoy killing him? i bet you told all your friends about how you killed a innocent faerie? bet you and your family laughed as you skinned him alive, i hope you got your money's worth." he was hurt, you could see it in his eyes.
"I-i'm sorry." you bowed your head in shame. "i know what i did was wrong, but in the moment all i could think about was my family, they would've starved, i know it doesn't make up for it, i deserve whatever happens to me." it was silent just for a moment, before the servants began to bring out food.
"Lee know, let's just talk about this, you know you would've done the same if you were in her position, i couldn't let her stay in the mortal world, the faeries would kill her." chan tried to be the voice of reason, but lee know wasn't letting it happen.
"Let them, i hope she feels every single bit of pain." he spat, angrily walking out the room. Chan turned to you, with sorry eyes.
"He didn't mean it, he's just hurt."
"Yes he did, and he's not wrong, i deserve it." you felt the tears wield up in your eyes. "__— i'm not hungry." you stood up from the seat. "thank you though." you took off to your room before he could see you cry.
"I told you it wouldn't work." mrs. park stood in the door. "i'll go check on her." she walked away, leaving a conflicted bangchan, and a table full of uneaten food.
After crying and mrs.park consoling you, bringing you different snacks and things to cheer you up, you ended up falling asleep, although you didn't get much sleep out of fear that lee know would come in and kill you.
"__, can i come in?" chan's voice spoke from the other side of the door. "sure." he opened the door once he heard your small voice, walking in. "I was just looking at the flowers outside." "you can go outside and see them if you want to." you nodded.
"Maybe a little later."
"Have you eaten breakfast?" he questioned. "yes, mrs.park bought some this morning." he nodded. "__, what's wrong?" are you still scared of lee know?" he could sense something was wrong the moment he walked into the room.
"Just a little." you laughed embarrassed. "he has every right to hate me though, i understand, i killed his friend, both of you should hate me, i'd hate me too." he didn't know what he was thinking, he just grabbed your hand, looking you in the eyes.
"I understand why you did what you did, lee know will understand soon too." his eyes flickered down to your lips just for a moment, then back up to your eyes.
"He's not gonna hurt you, he's harmless, im not gonna hurt you." he cupped your cheek, swiping his thumb across your cheek. "chan?" he slowly leaned in.
"you're so beautiful __, i just want to be around you for some reason, i can't help it, maybe i'm going crazy." he was about to kiss you when a from mrs.park cough broke you apart.
"You're needed my lord." he turned to you. "You're free to do what you want, i'll see you later." he turned to walking out of the room, following mrs.park.
You sat down on the bed, flustered out of your mind, he was so gentle with you, he melted all of your worried away.
"Ah!" you jumped up, slapping yourself in the face. "maybe i do need to take that walk in the garden." you stood up, smoothing your dress out."yes, that will make me feel better, a walk."
You didn't get to talk to chan that much, he had high fae work to do, but whenever he would pass you in the garden he would smile or wave, making your heart flutter.
Fortunately, you didn't see lee know that much either, even when you did, you ran the other way, avoiding him at all cost.
You thought you were safe from lee know, but then you got hungry late a night, so slipping on your shoes, you made your way to the kitchen, hoping the cooks left some cookies or something out on the table, you were met with the scowling boys face instead.
You turned to walk away, but you were roughly pushed up against the wall. "You don't seem that scared of me?" he whispered in your ear. "you are scared that i won't snap your neck right now? leave you dead for the maids to clean you up?"
"please let me go." you whimpered. "I should want to kill you right now, i should want you dead." he ignored your pleas.
"why don't i?" lee know was losing his mind, why did he want you so bad, why was his head full of hate, but his heart was yearning for you. "You killed my friend, but why do i still want you?" he rested his forehead against yours.
"Lee know." you spoke lowly, cheeks heating up, much like your encounter with bangchan earlier. "shut up." he roughly let you go, walking away, you finally let out a sigh of relief.
They both made you feel a certain way; they both had your stomach doing flips. you wanted both of them...
It's been a few weeks since your almost kiss with chan, and the whatever happened in the kitchen with lee know, and it hasn't really been easy.
There was chan, he was sweet and attentive towards you, spending time with you whenever he had time to, giving you gifts, and holding your hand.
But then lee know was the opposite, he wasn't horrible, but he also didn't have nice things to say to you when he did acknowledge you- other times, he'd just talk to chan about you, in front of you, like you weren't there, and you didn't even care when he'd pinned you up against the wall, just to tell you how much he wished chan would've let you stay with your family so he wouldn't feel the things the did.
"Seems like you feel something for both of them, and they've both taken a liking to you also." mrs.park tightened the string on your dress.
"Please chan could have any faerie he wanted— and if you think someone wishing they had the hate in their heart to snap your neck flirting, then i think you need to meet new faerie men mrs.park." you smiled.
"Hello." chan knocked on the door, with a smile. "my lord? are you not supposed to be busy right now?" mrs.park scolded the boy. "i know, i know, but i got a few hours off." he looked like a little kid trying to explain to his mother. "why?"
"So i can walk with __ in the garden." you were shocked. "w-with me?" he nodded. "if you don't mind, i would love to." you turned to mrs.park. "we were supposed to bake cookies today, but fine, go on your little walk, i'll be here later." you hugged her, before following chan out the door.
"These flowers are so pretty here." chan watched with a fond smile, as you bent down, touching and smelling the different flowers, sighing in content. "They smell good too."
"I guess you haven't seen many flowers." you shook your head in agreement. "In the mortal realm you'd be lucky to even see a patch of green grass." he smiled with pity. "I didn't know it was that bad over there." you shrugged. "It's not all bad, i mean at least i didn't have faeries wanting to rip my head off." he frowned.
"Don't be so morbid, they don't all want to rip your head off." you stared at him. "yeah, that makes me-hmph!" you were taken a back by him covering your mouth. "don't say a word." he pulled you behind, just as a group of faeries walked up to him. "don't be alarmed, it's just a glamour, they won't be able to see you." he explained quickly before turning to two faeries in front of them.
"Channie." the pretty blonde faerie spoke, her voice like honey. But you were confused, it was like they couldn't see you, they didn't even acknowledge you.
"Where have you been my lord why haven't you called?" chan coughed, well aware of your presence. "well- i-i've been busy, yeah busy." the pretty brunette girl pouted.
"With the mortal, no doubt, she's gonna die here." her tone more harsh, when news broke out that chan hadn't killed you, but in fact invited you to the castle, the whole of spring court was in a uproar... they in fact didn't take it well.
"She'll eventually get curious, and venture out of the castle, and I know i'll be at the front gate ready to tear her limb from limb." the girls bitterly walked away.
Chan sighed, turning to you, "i am so sorry." he grabbed your hand. "it's fine." you took your hand away. "i'm gonna go back to my room now." you whispered. "but our walk?" he didn't want it to be over. "they're gone now, it's okay."
"Chan stop saying it's okay when it's not, it's not safe for me here why won't you understand that." you were tired of hearing that. "look what just happened, you just had to make me invisible so they won't kill me, i'll never be able to go home, i'll be stuck here forever, in my stupid room." you spat, bitterly.
"__, please- just let me go back to my room." you turned to walk away, but he grabbed your wrist, turning you around, slamming his lips into yours.
"c-chan." you tried to pull away, but instead of responding he just transported you both to your room. "i told you i won't let anyone hurt you." his voice low as he kissed your neck.
"Why won't you believe me?" he stopped, staring at you with lust in his eyes. he didn't let you finish, kissing you once more.
He held you one hand on your lower back, reaching up to untie the dress. "you're safe with me." he whispered, slowly removing your dress, stripping you naked. "i promise." he backed you up, until you fell on the bed, climbing on top of stopping right at your heat.
"C-chan." you were so conflicted; sad, confused, angry, most importantly...you were extremely horny. "tell me you want it, tell me want this." he kissed the inside of your thighs.
"I-i w-want you." he smiled up at you, giving your clit a kiss, before he licked your folds, holding your legs open, giving you everything he could give. "fuck chan!" you moaned out.
His nose bumps against your clit, making your body flinch. chan moaned against your cunt, tongue focused on prodding at your expectant hole. You moaned, reaching your hand to grab fistfuls of his hair, pushing his head. "so sweet, you taste so good."
You let out another mewl of pleasure when he decided to add a finger to the mix, switching between fingering you and eating you out. "you're clenching hard around my finger." he hovered over you, kissing your neck.
"chan fuck— i'm gonna cum." you whined, rolloing your hips against chan. "yeah? gonna cum for me?" you nodded, moaning. "please."
"cum for me." he added another finger, speeding up his pace, and that's all you needed for the knot in your stomach to snap, and you came, clenching around his fingers fingers.
"did that feel good?" he pulled his fingers out, unbuckling his pants. "really good." you smiled, still in a daze. chan got rid of pants and his under, lining his hard cock at your entrance. "is this okay?" you nodded, whining.
"chan please, i want- my god " he slowly fucked into your wet hole, letting out a moan himself. "you feel so good fuck ." he tried to control himself, wanting to take it slow with you. "so wet." he leaned down, leaving kisses on your neck.
"chan, i want more." you wrapped your legs around his waist, feet digging into his back. "shit, you're killing me." his pace began to to pick up, his thrust more powerful.
"i'm addicted to you, i don't know what to do, i cant get enough of you, fuck." he was saying anything, but he didn't care, it was like he couldn't even use his brain.
"Chan, i-i can't hold it, im gonna cum, fuck! " you warned, clenching hard around him hard, cumming, triggering his own orgasm, he pulled out of you right before his cum shot out of his cock, landing on your stomach. "shit." he breathed in and out heavily, letting you calm down before he pulled out of you slowly.
"Did you like it?" you nodded, eyes fluttering tiredly. "i'll go get something to clean you up." he climbed out of the bed, putting his clothes back on, leaving to the bathroom to get a warm rag.
"Let's get you cleaned up." he returned back to the room, but much to his surprise, you were already fast asleep. he quickly but gently cleaned you up, before climbing into the bed with you, pulling the blanket over your bodies, pulling you close. "sleep tight love." he smiled, turning the lights off.
You had awoken the next morning to the sun shining in your face. groaning, rubbing your eyes, "what's going on."
"good morning." mrs.park stood in front of you. "chan had business to take care of in night court and he won't be back until tomorrow afternoon—he told me to tell you how deeply sorry he is." you frowned just a little bit, wishing you could've talked about what happened. "thank you."
"I see you two had much fun yesterday evening, you never made it to dinner." you looked at your current state, ears burning in embarrassment. "i- relax, it's nothing i haven't seen before." you nodded. "now get up, it's time for breakfast." the woman turned to leave the room, leaving you naked in the bed, thinking about the night before.
the day went by slowly; you had painted, taken a walk, and even took a very long nap, and eaten dinner. By time evening did come you had officially done everything you could do.
You couldn't sleep, and the sun had set, meaning you could take a walk in the garden, and mrs.park couldn't accompany you to anything, because she had long went home to her family, so you were left to roam the castle alone, which is what you did.
Looking at the different paintings around the place, just walking in silence and peace... sadly, that didn't last long, because you crashed right into a body. "Why are you on this side of the wing?" you mentally cursed at yourself hearing lee knows voice.
"I told you to stay out of my sight."
"I'm on my way back to my room there's no need to be rude." your eyes widened, trying to figure out where you got that confidence from.
He laughed bittrtly, "you fuck the high lord and suddenly got a surge of confidence." he scoffed, before backing you slowly up against the wall, leaning down to whisper in your ear. "he isn't hear right now, there's nothing stop me from snapping your neck." he spat, backing up. "stay outta my wing." he went to walk away.
You felt all the anger bubbling inside you, and without a thought you shouted at him. "kill me then." he stopped, turning to you. "what?" "
I said kill me then, do it." he walked towards you again. "you don't get to do this, i know what i did was wrong, but you don't get to fuck with my head anymore— surpressing your feelings- shut up -or whatever you have for me, whether you hate me or not by installing fear in me, just because you get off on it, it's none of your business who i fuck, so either kill me or leave me the fuck alone." he grabbed your throat, pushing agaisnt the wall.
You let out a moan in pain, "let me go!" he tightened his grip just a bit, his breathing heavy. "i said shut up." his eyes were dark with both anger and lust.
"lee know-" he slammed his lips against yours, teeth knocking against yours, it was a messy kiss. completely different from chan.
"You just had to keep talking, hm— you just had to get me like this, you couldn't just stay out of my sight." his tone made your mind fuzzy. "l-lee know, please." you whined. "that's all you can say?" he released your neck, letting you finally breath, but that didn't last long before he grabbed your wrist, dragging you into a room you could only assume was him.
"You won't stay out of my way—you won't shut up? " he gripped your shoulder, pushing down to your knees. "fine, i'll put it to use." he pulled his pajama pants down, looking down at your pleading eyes, scoffing at how you looked at him with lust in your eyes, even he was treating you so rough. "suck me off." he pulled his cock out.
You grabbed it, gulping as his size, a little bit smaller than chan, but thicker. "don't just stare at it suck it." he guided it to your lips, pushing past your teeth. "shit." he closed his eyes, sighing as he guided his cock into your mouth.
You bobbed your head up and down, jerking off the inches that couldn't for. "i didn't say jerk me off, i said suck." he swatted your hands away. "let me do it." he pushed your head all the way down, groaning when you swallowed around his cock. "fuck, just like that."
"Your mouth feels good— shit, i'm gonna fuck your face." he gathered all your hair together, forming a makeshift ponytail.
"Tap my thigh if it's too much."
He pulled out half way, before he began to move his hips, fucking your throat, the lewd noises coming from you egged him to go faster. "s-shit, if you keep swallowing around me like that, im gonna cum in your little throat." he continued his abused against your throat.
"Fuck fuck fuck, so fucking nasty, making a mess like this on my cock— im cumming, shit!" he held you down, nose pressed against his hip bone, cumming down your throat.
He let you go, letting you breathe and cough for a quick moment— before he grabbed your arm, pulling up, dragging you over to his bed. "ass up." he pushed you down on the bed. "now!"
he got rid of all his clothes, getting behind you. "fucking your throat got you this wet." he slapped your ass , making you yelp in pleasure. "slut." he lined his cock with your entrance, fucking into you without warning. "lee know fuck!" he slapped your ass, thrusting into you.
"Making such a fucking mess on my cock, did you cream like this for chan, huh? just go around fucking everybody, you'd fuck a faerie if you could." you couldn't speak, he was much rougher than chan, and his words were much more degrading, but it still gave you the same amount of pleasure.
He grabbed your hair, pulling you back. "I'm talking to you, fucking speak!" you screamed as he fucked jnto you harder. "yes!"
"I knew you would, you let chan fuck you open, then me, you enjoy this—you talk about me getting off on fucking with you, but you get off on two guys being in love with you, obsessing over you, wanting you." he wasn't wrong, but hearing it come out of his mouth, had your head spinning a you came.
"Lee know, im cumming!" his movements began to falter. "shit." he pulled out cumming on your back, as your arms finally gave out and you fell on the bed, exhausted.
He didn't say a word, getting off the bed to get something to clean you off, getting in the bed next to your sleep worn out body. "i don't hate you idiot."
When you woke up, you were no longer in lee knows room, but your room, and everything that happened came flooding back to you; you and lee know, you and chan... chan.
He was supposed to come home today, knowing him, he'd want to talk about what happened with him and you, and you couldn't have this talk, knowing you had feelings for lee know also.
"shit." you pulled the covers over your head in shame, but mrs.park interrupted your shaming by pulling the covers back. "great you're fully clothed today."
"Mrs.park, i messed up." the lady stared at you. "You didn't mess up, you had intercourse with both the high lords because you are in love with both of them." she said matter of factly. "i told you this would happen, now get up, we have to get you dressed, breakfast is ready." you groaned, pulling the covers back over your head.
After breakfast, you were heading back to your room, when you ran into lee know, not ready to face him, you quickly b-lined it to your room, closing and locking the door. "open the door, let's talk about this." you heard lee know's voice.
"I'm not feeling well, i'm gonna take a nap." lee know knew you were lying, he knew you just didn't want to talk about what happened.
"Fine." he was about to use his powers to open it, when he was called away for his high lord duties. "well talk later." you heard his feet retreat down the hall, you sighed in relief.
Biting your lips, you knew chan would be here any second, and you still didn't want to talk about it. "he's here, and he is calling for you." mrs.park opened the door with her powers. "let's go." she pulled you out of bed, dragging you down to the common area, to where chan waited with a smile and flowers.
"__." he handed you the flowers. "i'm sorry i had to go, i had matters to go take care of some involving my sister and night court." you nodded, and he noticed your hesitancy.
"You okay?"
You nodded smiling, "yes, thank you for the flowers, i'm just a bit tired, haven't been feeling well." he frowned. "do you need a doctor, i can you one." you quickly stopped him. "i'm fine, just gonna get some rest." you quickly shuffled away, leaving a confused chan.
And that's what you did for the next three days with the both of them— whenever you saw them in the hallways or ran into in the kitchen or garden, you quickly ran away to your room.
Chan also noticed how lee know began asking for you, asking mrs.park are you okay, or asking the cook if you had eaten; he wasn't dumb, he was aware of his friends feelings for you, he knew the moment lee know laid eyes on you he had feelings for you, much like he did.
Is that why you were avoiding him? did you have sex with lee know? did you have feelings for lee know and him? he needed to talk to lee know.
"Did you and __ have sex? is that why she's avoiding us?" chan interrupted whatever the man was doing. "hello to you too." lee know excused the staff. "why do you ask such questions?"
"Cut the shit lee know." lee know seen how serious he was being, sighing, "yes, we have sex." chan wasn't upset though, more so confused. "are you mad?" lee know questioned. "i know we both have feelings for her, but i'm willing to back off- that's not it." chan interrupted the boy.
"Then what is it?"
"Why is she avoiding us?"
"Because she's scared, she can't control her emotions." mrs.park stood in the door way. "She's scared of hurting one of you, so she's avoiding both of you." she deadpanned. "dinner is ready." she walked out the room.
You didn't join dinner either, but the boys didn't mind, they had other things to talk about...
"I like her, you like her; she obviously likes both of us." lee know said like he'd been thinking hard about it. "i don't think it's a bad idea." chan thought about it for a second. "you're basically agreeing to a poly relationship, you know that right?" lee know shrugged.
"I don't want to lose her, you don't want to lose her, she is stressing herself over this, all we need is her consent."
"Now how do we do that, when she doesn't even want to come out of her room?" lee know chuckled. "she likes to roam the castle at night time."
You waited until you were sure the castle was silent, before slipping your shoes on, walking out of your room for your nightly walk around the castle, also first time leaving your room the whole day.
You barely had time to to wonder before you were caught.
"You're avoiding us baby." chan snuck up behind you. "why?" you could feel him breathing down your neck. "i-i'm not avoiding you." you turned around, facing him.
"Really?" you now felt lee know breathing down your neck—you were sandwiched in between both of them. "because it seems like you have."
"I just haven't been feeling well." you tried to lie, but both boys knew the real reason. "hyung, she thinks we're stupid." lee know smirked, you couldn't see it, but you could feel it.
"No she doesn't, she's a bit confused, aren't you baby?" chan cupped your cheek, you knew you weren't getting away this time. "im not mad that you had sex with lee know baby, i'm not dumb, i know about your feelings towards him."
"you're not mad?" he smiled. "no, i don't mind it at all, he can have you too, as long as your happy that's all that matters.."
Your head was spinning so much, you hadn't noticed lee know's hands creeping up on your waist, pulling you flush against him, making you gasp. "i don't enjoy being ignored though." his tone much more darker. "if you're gonna be with me, you're gonna learn when i give you a order you do it."
"Is that what you want baby, do you want both of us?" you were full of many emotions, you thought you were dreaming.
"Answer him." lee know shook your body a little.
"I-i do, i want you both." and with that, chan leaned in his pillow soft lips on yours. "This is kind of hot." lee know left little kisses on your neck, now all three of you were making out in the hallway.
"Let's move this to your room." they guided you to your bed, both of their hands never leaving your body; chan's soft touch, mixed with lee knows rough one... it was mix that made your body melt.
"Let's get you out of this." chan removed your nightgown, naked body on display for both of them. "gorgeous, baby."
"I wanna taste, i didn't get a chance last time." lee know pushed your body on the bed. "lee know, be gentle." the younger boy rolled his eyes. "she likes this hyung, she like being treated like a rag doll." he spreaded your legs, placing his body right in between. "told you, she's wet, she enjoys this shit." he dived him, much more rougher than chan was.
Chan flicked one of your nipples. "you're so beautiful baby." he bought his mouth to one of your boobs, sucking on it.
"Oh my god." both of the stimulations sending you on a whirlwind of pleasure.
After giving both of your sensitive breast attention, he stood up unbuckling his pants, pulling his hard cock out, pressing his tip against your lips. "be a good girl and suck me off baby." he guided his cock in and out of your mouth slowly, sighing in content. "fuck yes." he threw his head back.
meanwhile, lee knows assault on your pussy with his tongue turned into an assult with his fingers and tongue, had your eyes crossing. "such a pretty cunt, your little pussy was clentching around nothing, so i filled it with my fingers."
Your moans went straight around chans cock as he continued slowly fucking your mouth. "Baby, im gonna cum, you gonna swallow my cum like a good girl?" you hummed around him, setting his orgasm off, and he came into your mouth with a loud grunt. "fuck, princess you did such a good job."
Knowing you were about to cum, lee know began to speed his pace us, rubbing circles against your clit. "cum for me, be a good slut and cum." his degrading words setting you off, screaming his name as you came on his fingers.
He pulled his fingers out of you, placing them in his mouth. "mmh, taste so fucking good." he pushed his fingers into your mouth. "suck."
"How are you doing baby, you good?" chan checked in on you. "i-i'm fine, channie, i want more." you mewled, eyes glossed over.
"Of course she does, probably all that's on her mind mind." lee know flicked your sensitive bud.
"How do you want it baby? you want us both at the same time or one at a time?"
"s-same t-time."
"You think your cute little cunt is gonna take both of us?" lee know lewd words make you whine. "i-i can take it." you sounded so pathetic, but you didn't care.
Chan layed on the bed, pulling your body on top of him. "i'm gonna go first, okay." he grabbed the base of his cock, sliding inside of you. "fuck baby, you're so fucking wet—fuck lee know, hurry up before i cum." he groaned.
"Look at you fucking dripping." he slapped your ass, grabbing the base of his cock, you weren't sure when he took his clothes out, but you were to high on them both to care.
He lined his cock up with your entrance, pushing himself inside, you screamed at the burning stretch, it hurt, but it felt so good. "fuck you're so fucking tight." they both waited for you to be ready before they moved.
"p-please move." they moved their hips, when chan thrusted out of you, lee know thrusted into you so you were never not full of them.
They were completely different from each other, chan was much more soft, thrusting into you softly rubbing your hips. "you're doing so well taking us both like this baby, fuck you're so warm." he praised, leaving little kisses.
Meanwhile, lee know was much more rough, his thrust were much more sharp. "fucking slut, letting us both fuck you open like this, so nasty, gonna let us both fuck you full."
The mixture between the praising and degrading made you a babbling mess. "n-nothing up there, hyung i think we fucked her dumb." both of them began to thrust sloppily into you. "it's okay baby, just let it go, we got you, you can cum." your mouth went slack as you came, hard around both of them.
"shit" chan was the first to pull out of you, cum painting his abs, he held you as lee know thrusted a few more times, before he pulled out cumming on your back, like he had done the night before.
The room was silent, besides the heavy breathing of all three of you. "she fucking squirted." was the last words you heard before you past out from exhaustion.
The boys didn't leave you the entire night, chan held your sleeping body, cleaning you off, careful not wake you; while lee know got some fresh sheets, putting them on your bed. after your bath chan carried you back to the room, laying you on the bed, cuddling against you.
"You staying?" he asked the other boy. "fine, stay on your side though." he climbed into bed with the both of you.
It was silent, they both listened to your light snoring, before chan spoke up. "what do we do? about the other faeries? we can't keep her locked inside the castle."
"We tell them to back off, if they have a problem with it, they can come talk to us about it, we know they won't do it if they don't want their head ripped off by me." chan chuckled softly at the boy, before looking down at your sleeping body.
"Whatever happens, we'll work it out."
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wrightingdungeon · 4 months
Dear Diary
Evelyn and George, I love them so much.
POV Evelyn’s Diary - shes 19/20 RN - WILL HAVE TIME SKIPS - None of this is cannon beside pop pop blowing up - BTW George still blows himself up oop - Imagine getting snips of her Diary not the whole book - Im not sorry for how I end this - fight me
I did make a kinda sequel right here featuring Alex a lot more angst over here "The Past Reborn"
"Happy ends"
Today is Spring, 8, 1965.
While working in the clinic today, a miner came in, but he wasn't like the other miners. He almost dropped his cap taking it off while trying to introduce himself. His name is George, and he came in for an injury on his hand. The rope he was holding had slipped from his grip, causing a severe rope burn across his palm.
He apologized for tracking coal dust into the clinic, which no miner has ever apologized for before. I don't think their mothers explained how hard it is to get coal dust out of the bed sheets, but it's my job, so I shouldn't complain much. I just hope George will be okay. I told him he should inform his foreman that it's doctor's orders he not work until his hand heals completely.
Today is Spring, 12, 1965
The doctor was out of town today, having a call outside of town. The clinic ran as usual, although I had to tell some people to return tomorrow to see the doctor. Despite a few cases, today was a good day. Mr. George came back, and his hand has healed phenomenally. It still has a bit more healing to do, but it doesn't look like it will leave a bad scar.
I must admit, when I was holding his hand and inspecting his burn, I couldn't help but feel light-headed. George is not a bad-looking man, and his smile is so kind, His miner's cap always tosses his brown hair, and his eyes always have a twinkle in them. I’m afraid I’m a horrid nurse, feeling these things for someone in my care.
Today is Spring, 20, 1965.
George came by the clinic today. His hand looked better, but that wasn't the reason he came. He brought me a bundle of tulips, thanking me for all the care I had given him. I'm looking at them in my window right now, and I can't help but smile. He is such a kind man. I can't quite figure out how he knew what flowers I fancy, but does that matter? They are so beautiful.
I am sad, though, because George's hand has healed fully, and now he has no reason to come to the clinic. I should be happy—he's healed, and I did my job—but my heart aches knowing I won't see his smile or his twinkling eyes again. Like I said, I must be a horrid nurse.
Today is Summer, 4, 1965
I saw George again today. I was at the market shopping for dinner when I reached for a leek, and my hand touched his. His laughter is much more boisterous than his voice, which was a pleasant surprise. It's nice discovering things about him—he is like a book I don't want to put down.
He offered to cook me dinner as a proper thank you for helping him. I should have said no, but I said yes. Now, I'm sitting here, terrified to go to his home. I've never had anyone other than my mother cook for me. My heart is fluttering.
Today is Summer, 13, 1965
I have heard the number thirteen is unlucky, but I believe it to be lucky. This evening, I heard a knock at my door. It was George, dressed nicely with his hair neatly fixed. He handed me flowers and asked me out to a gridball game.
What do I wear? I want to impress George. I haven't been on a date before.
The date went so well! George's team won, and he was so happy. We got sorbet afterward to celebrate, and George took my hand in his as we walked. I really do believe the number thirteen is lucky.
Today is Summer, 28, 1965
It has been two weeks of me and George going steady, and it feels like a dream. When George finishes his shift in the mines, he comes to the clinic and walks me home. He is such a gentleman, nothing like the other miners I have met. Tonight was just magical. As George walked me to the door, I could tell something was off. His hands sweat when he is nervous, and I swear they were dripping.
He looked at me, his face as red as a beet, and asked if he could kiss me. His lips are soft and warm. It's embarrassing to admit, but his mouth does taste like cigarettes. Oh, I think I am in love, and I don't know what to do.
Today is Winter, 20, 1965
I can't believe it… George asked me out again today. He took me to the cliff to watch the sunset. He was sweating again and refused to look at me. When I asked him what was wrong, he just caged up further. I thought he was breaking up with me, but then he grabbed me as I got up to leave. His words fumbled over each other, and he almost fell over as he rushed to his knee.
George proposed to me. He told me I was the most beautiful woman he had ever met and that he couldn't stop thinking about me since he burned his hand with that rope. I'm so excited—I'm going to be George's wife soon. I just wish Mother was still with me so she could see this.
Today is Fall, 14, 1970
I can't sleep. George had an accident today at the mines. It was terrible; they had to rush him to the city. The doctor sent me home, saying I was a wreck. I can't stop crying, picturing him covered in blood and bruises on the operating table. Someone said he dropped dynamite.
Please, Yoba, don't take my George. After losing my parents, he's all I have. I can't bear to be alone again. He's my everything—the love of my life. The house feels empty without him. Every corner holds memories of him, and I can't imagine life without him.
Yoba, you've always answered my prayers. Please, I was so alone after Mother and Father passed, please don't take him from me as well.
Today is Spring, 2, 1971
They finally allowed George to come home from the hospital, albeit in a wheelchair. But that doesn't matter to me. What matters is that he's home and on the mend. It's a new chapter for both of us, one filled with challenges and uncertainties. Sometimes, George can be a bit rude, but I can see the fear in his eyes.
I made a promise to stand by him no matter what: for better or worse, in sickness and in health, till death do us part. And I intend to keep that promise. I'll be there for George, caring for him and cherishing our time together, no matter what lies ahead.
Today is Winter, 2, 1976
This is a happy day! Me and George weren't sure I could become pregnant, but I am! We are so excited to see our child. George has been working in the nursery non-stop, making sure he can care for our baby, not allowing that wheelchair to stop him.
I have decided on two names: Clara for a daughter and Coy for a son. I don't care what we have; I know they will be perfect.
Today is Summer, 10, 1977
Clara is perfect. With George's rich brown hair and my green eyes, she's a sight to behold. Despite her small stature, her eyes hold the same glimmer of curiosity as her father's. I know she will cause all kinds of trouble as she grows up just like her father.
As I watch George cradle her with such gentleness, his protective gaze never leaving her, and the tears of love that well up in his eyes as he whispers soothing words to her, I'm reminded once again of how blessed I am to have him by my side. In moments like these, it's crystal clear that I've married the most wonderful man.
Today is Summer, 13, 2000
I knew the number thirteen was lucky. Today, our grandson Alex was born. As I held him in my arms, I couldn't help but notice how much he resembled his mother, right down to the tiny button nose that mirrored hers when she was born. George was worried about Clara, complaining that everyone was here to see just Alex and not his baby girl. He has always been such a good father; he will be the best grandfather as well.
Looking at my family as it has grown, I’ve gone from an empty home after my parents passed, to a husband, a daughter, and now a son-in-law and a beautiful grandson. I love my family dearly and can't wait for the years ahead of us.
Fall, 16, 2004 This page is heavily tear stained
We took Alex for the day taking him to the fair as Clara wanted him to experience it. I can't believe we got lucky enough to have Alex… George's scream echoes in my mind… Did he scream with that pain when he was blown up?
We thought the phone call was Clara telling us that they would be late picking up Alex. The phone call shattered our hopes—it was the Zuzu Highway Patrol delivering the tragic news. Clara and her husband are gone… Victims of a drunk driver on the wrong side of the road. They didn't survive.
But we have Alex…. We have to tell our four-year-old grandson he can't go home anymore… He can't see his Mother or Father ever again
Yoba, why didn't you shield them?
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acourtofthought · 11 months
Counter to all those Elain's book arguments
Contains TOG Spoilers
"Elain's book can't be next because she was barely in SF"
Throne of Glass - Chaol 492 mentions
Crown of Midnight - Chaol 604 Mentions
Heir of Fire - Chaol 400 Mentions
Queen of Shadows - Chaol 480 Mentions
Empire of Stroms - Chaol 12
Tower of Dawn - Chaols Book
The book before Chaol got his own he wasn't even on page. His name was only mentioned through other characters. Though he had previously had his own POV in other books, SJM chose to completely eliminate his POV in Queen of Shadows in favor of waiting until his own book.
"Elain's book can't be next because she isn't connected to the plot"
In Empire of Storms Aelin, Rowan, Aedion, and Lysandra rearrange a meeting with the surviving lords of Terrasen but they reject her as a ruler due to her age.
Witch armies fly to Rifthold so Aelin send Rowan to rescue Dorian while she leaves for the coast to gather allies.
Elide is hunted by Ilken.
Aelin wants an alliance with the pirate king.
There is a battle scene and Aelin is taken by Maeve.
If Elain can't have the next book because she's not connected to the plot then how was it possible for Chaol to have his own book when he had nothing to do with the plots of EoS?
Not to mention Elain is connected to some of the major plots of ACOWAR / FAS / ACOSF:
ACOWAR - She went on before I could answer. "I do not have much time left - before I must return to the lake. To him."
ACOFAS - But Vassa's freedom would end. Lucien had said as much months ago, and still visited her often enough that I knew nothing in that regard had improved.
ACOSF - He should have asked someone before coming here how much time remained before Vassa would be forced to return to the continent.
Koschei said, "Tell my Vassa I'm waiting"
Elain had always wanted to visit the continent to study the tulips and other famed flowers.
Elain is the only one who had visions of Koschei, the girls along with Vassa who are trapped at the lake, as well as visions of the onyx box that's important to him. Elain is connected to Lucien who is living with Vassa who is a captive of Kochei and who is the driving force of a lot of the unrest in their world, whispering on the winds to stir up trouble. Beron now wants to ally with him and that also involves Lucien and Eris as his sons. Az may have always hated Eris but he's Lucien's brother and SJM started building the idea that they'll be reconnecting back in ACOWAR and continuing through SF while SF basically had the NC using Eris as a pawn.
ACOSF - With a new war possible and Briallyn up to her bullshit with Koschei, we need a strong ally. We need the Spring Court's forces.
"No. But we need to summon Lucien." "We need to tell him the news and permanently station him at the Spring Court to contain any damage and be our eyes and ears."
Nesta's throat constricted, and she surveyed the swaying cerry blossoms overhead. Elain would love this place. / But Elain...The Spring Court had been made for someone like her. / Too bad her sister refused to see her. Nesta would have told Elain to visit this place.
So yes, Elain is connected to some of the most pressing concerns in the ACOTAR world. Not to mention with the peace treaty remaining unsigned, that's definitely more of an Elucien story than an Azriel one.
"Cassian and Chaol had Bonus Chapters and got the next book so Az will get the next book since he got a Bonus"
Cassian's Bonus hinted at his mating bond but it wasn't accepted until 2 books and almost 2 years later on the timeline. He didn't actually get the next book after his bonus because Feyre got the next book (ACOWAR).
Azriels Bonus did hint at his mating bond but just as Cassian and Lucien's bonds were introduced / hinted at but not accepted for years, it's possible Az's bond won't be accepted for years.
Neither Lucien or Elain needed a bonus to hint at their mating bond because their mating bond was introduced into the actual series.
Also, the Chaol bonus chapter had nothing to do with hinting at his endgame love interest and is different from either Cassian or Az's bonus because on the timeline his story picked up immediately after his bonus while neither Cassian or Azriel's did.
"Elain hasn't hit rock bottom"
Throughout SF, Elain faced pushback from Nesta. They had the worst fight they'd ever had in all their years, Nesta tried blaming Elain for their fathers death, she faced opposition from Nesta on choices Elain made for herself, and she dealt with rejection from Azriel, ending his bonus with hurt and confusion.
In comparison, Azriel began his bonus with feeling put out at his lack of a mating bond, jealousy toward Lucien, then mad at Rhys and himself. But by the end of his bonus he left feeling more hopeful and at peace. And in the actual book there was nothing to indicate that Az was at rock bottom.
I'm not sure either is truly at rock bottom (Elain already reached hers in ACOWAR and I don't think she's ever going back to that) but Az is definitely not worse off than her. Especially when his issues were a sum total of "why don't I get someone to love" while Elain's dealt with people calling her entire character into question.
"Elain isn't ready for a book, she hasn't had enough development."
Elain cocked her head. Didn't dissolve into the crying mess she usually became when Graysen came up.
Elain, surprisingly held her ground.
Challenge filled each word. Challenge - from Elain, of all people.
"Using me."
"You do not decide what I can and cannot do, Nesta."
"I am not a child to be fought over."
Feyre said to her, gratingly gentle, "It wasn't an easy choice for me to ask Elain to endanger herself like this."
"You think Elain is boring?" "I think she's kind, and I'll take kindess over nastiness any day. But I also think we haven't yet seen all she has to offer."
"Let's focus on helping one sister before we start on the other."
"Including Elain, who is more than capable of defending herself against the darkness of the Trove, if she chooses to. Don't underestimate her."
When Feyre had offered to let her remain home, Elain had squared her shoulders and declared that she was a part of this court - and would do whatever was needed.
Wasn't the entire point of the first half of the Feysand bonus chapter telling us all about Elain? How she surprised them? How she's probably capable of more than they had given her credit for? How Feyre didn't mention anything to her but thought how if Elain had accepted Lucien's gift (metaphor for Lucien himself), no harm would have come to her? How after they help Nesta they'll focus on helping Elain? Didn't SF also demonstrate the same?
People keep saying Elain needs to be more involved in the ICs business to have a book but Nesta began her journey refusing everything to do with the IC. And if Elain is not staying in the NC, why would she be majorly involved in what they're doing?
Elain herself said she's ready for more. Rhys and Amren confirm it as well. All that now needs to happen is her putting that into action in her own book.
"Elain isn't connected to the crossover"
First off, Az isn't connected to the crossover in the ACOTAR series, there were no hints that Truth Teller was part of prophecy in SF. I imagine SJM will eventually merge the two storylines but we don't know if that's going to happen in the next ACOTAR book. As it stands, these series are still marketed on Bloomsbury and SJMs websites as standalone series and SJMs website still says you can read them in any order you want.
If you look back over SJMs interviews she once said she knew who the first two books of the spin-offs were going to be about but was leaving the third open (and was considering a book set in the past). She had already done research for Elain's book at that time which to me logically means the Koschei storyline was never going to extend past book 2 and she wasn't sure whether Az would have a spin-off book.
In another interview she said her initial pitch for the spin-offs hadn't changed and that SF simply expanded the world. You can interpret that a few ways but one of those interpretations is that Elain's book is still second as she originally intended and now that the world expanded she knows who the third book will be about (and any books beyond that). And that does mean Koschei could still be dealt with in the second spin-off, paving the way for possible crossover storylines to be introduced in the third (and later dealt with in any future ACOTAR books she may have signed on for). Remember, the point of SF was to try to stop another war in their world from happening, they are trying to prevent a repeat of ACOWAR.
Everything above is based on facts though my own interpretation.
This part is a complete personal opinion and not based on any fact but, I truly don't think Az deserves his HEA right now. He called Elain a mistake yet he gets to end up with his mate in the next book? That would be a little like Tamlin finding his HEA before Feyre after what went down in book 2. Az barely blinked at the thought of killing Lucien and is insanely jealous of him yet Lucien deserves to continue suffering for another book while Az gets rewarded?
I don't think Az is deserving of anyone until he realizes that Lucien is a good male and that he's happy for Elucien.
Cassian was jealous of what Rhys and Feyre had but he was still happy for them, still felt no one deserved it more. When it comes to Lucien, Az is resentful through and through and until he can see Elain happy with Lucien and not feel bitter, I don't think he's in a position to end up with his own mate.
Also, the series started with Feysand and I know some feel the series should end with an Archeron sister but that makes less sense to me. The series started with Feysand and the Night Court. The series should end with the Night Court.
Chaol's journey took us away from Aelin and Rowan to a part of the continent only he had reason to travel to then SJM brought all the characters back together in the final book in the main lands. It doesn't make sense to me to have an Elucien book that would end the spin off series in Spring, Day and the continent as I don't think much of their storyline will take place in the Night Court. To me it makes the most sense to step away from the NC in the next book then eventually bring it back to where Feysands story started. Az is part of the IC and I imagine his book will deal with Feyre and Rhys a bit more than Elain and Lucien's will.
Then if there is going to be a more major crossover storyline down the road, the current spin-offs will have ended with Feyre and Rhys in the mix of things (they represent the "Dumbledore" or "Gandalf" of the series, nothing new happens without their involvement).
I think either an Elucien or Gwynriel book is still a possibility but I don't agree with the arguments as to why Elain's can't be next. And I really hate the arguments claiming that anyone who thinks Elain could be the next book is delusional.
And it's not just about Elain. Lucien's story has been coming since book 1 and when the author talked about getting into the groove of writing ACOTAR 5, where she's got that feeling of having a crush, a possible Elucien book that would most likely feature Lucien (with fire in his blood), Helion (who she's weirdly obsessed with), Eris, Elain (who shares her own real life energy), Jurian and Vassa could absolutely be a reason for her to feel smitten. That is a book filled with a whole lot of sass, snark, and side characters who she'd finally have a chance to explore in greater detail.
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n0b0dy11 · 1 year
Home ~ S.B.
pairing: siriusblack x fem!reader
genre: fluff and angst?
warnings: azkaban, stupid sirius, order of the phoenix
Sirius hadn't been a player all his life, sure he had hoped from girl to girl for a very long period in his life but everything had changed when he met her.
Y/n had always been around, she had been going to Hogwarts for just as long as the Marauders. The difference, she liked quiet. Y/n was a girl who liked the background, the silence while in the library, the peace by the Black Lake.
She hadn't meant to catch the eye of the heartthrob Sirius Black, she hadn't meant to ruin all the other girls' chances. She merely wanted to survive school, live her life and raise a family with a caring and sweet husband.
How times changed. Now she was a single mother raising twins with her husband a mass murderer and in Azkaban.
"Just let me take you out on one date!"
"Black, you aren't even asking me! You are springing this one me as if it's an order and I have no choice."
The boy shook his head and walked closer his hands out reaching for hers, when he took her soft ones in his he smiled happily. They fit perfectly, "Will you please go on a date with me?"
"You don't even know me," she whispered taking her hands back. His smiled dropped as he searched her eyes for a joke or lie in them. Then it dawned on him, he had never even been this close to see her eyes were the prettiest he had ever seen.
"I can get to know you! That's what dates are for right?"
"Not with you," she said as she started backing away from him. "You don't go on dates to 'get to know a girl', I can't believe you'd even think I'd fall for that."
"It's the truth!"
But it was hopeless as she had her back turned and was walking off towards the great hall, "You don't think I'm stupid do you?"
Now she was chasing him, memories of him, she had photo's stacked away in a closet which she only showed to her children. They deserved to know their father , from their mother's point of view.
Y/n was sitting in the library as usual, it was the only place she now found peace and quiet. Sirius had somehow found her by the Black Lake, in Hogsmeade, everywhere... But in the library she could she curl up with a book somewhere in the back and never have him bother her.
Until today.
"Can I talk to you for a sec?"
"I already told you Black, I am not interested as -"
"long as I keep toying at your feelings I know, believe me I know." The boy sat himself down beside her, his hands holding a book themselves. "I wanted to tell you something."
Y/n looked up at him, expectantly but also a little bored, "Go on then."
"I, uh, I won't try to persuade you anymore."
She scoffed, letting her head fall to down again, "I told you it was all fake, you didn't really wanna go out with me right? Tell me was it a prank? A bet?"
He looked at her surprised, "What? No!"
She just rolled her eyes, not daring to look up at him, "right."
"It's true! I just- " he took a deep breath. "You don't believe me, so I will let you go, but I - I want to start over? I really like you, Y/n, so it would mean a lot if you maybe just gave me chance as friends, and I promise I won't try anything."
"Just friends."
That didn't last for long though. Once they were friends the real bets rolled in, when they'd get together, when they'd get married, how their kids would be called etc.
Now however the bets were that she had helped him, that she'd killed her best friend along with her husband.
"I know he promised you it was only platonic, but have you considered it?"
"Considered what Lils?"
"Being more than friends?"
Y/n scoffed, she wanted to open her mouth and tell her she hadn't. That it was stupid she even thought so. But she couldn't. Of course she had thought about it, he was bloody gorgeous, funny and just magnifique.
"It doesn't matter," she answered instead, "Like you said, it's only platonic."
"But that can change."
"Lily," Y/n sighed, "I know you're trying to do well, but it isn't going to work. We differ too much, he's popular, handsome, sporty- I'm, me... He could have anyone he wants Lily, why would he ever settle for me when I've blown him off in the past. He wouldn't be interested anymore anyway."
The redhead sat down next to her, taking her hand in hers, "Those are your words, Y/n. He loves you-"
"He doesn't."
"Have you seen him with a girl these past few days? No, because even if he told you it was platonic, he can't find himself loving anybody else. He loves you, Y/n. Don't let him go because you're scared."
She took that chance, she hadn't let him go. Except that one night and it caused her him forever.
"We have been together for a year now," Sirius said. He had Y/n's hand in his as they walked together in Hogsmeade. He had wrapped her in one of his Gryffindor scarfs and beanies. He loved to dress her up in his clothes, even more so when he got to undress her later on.
"Mhm," she hummed her hand clasped around his swaying between them as they walked.
"I didn't know what to get you-"
"- Let me finish," he chuckled shoving her gently with their interlocked hands, "I knew you didn't want something but I did so."
He got a little box out of his pocket and handed it to her, "You know normally if you ask someone to marry them you get on one knee and give them it themselves." He rolled his eyes at her remark, but as she opened it and did find a ring in it she gasped and looked at him, "I was joking you know, I don't think-"
"It's not an engagement ring, darling, it's a promise ring. That one day I'll change when we do get married."
"You want to get married?"
"Of course. Nobody else can handle my good looks!"
Their wedding was amazing, being married to him was a dream. He made her favourite's for breakfast, massages before sleep, kisses all the time... He was the perfect husband.
When Y/n had gotten pregnant that didn't change, he made her weird cravings, even tried some with her, he talked to her belly every night, gave even more massages ... He was the perfect husband.
Then the twins were born, he loved them. A boy and a girl. He loved them. He cried even more than Y/n when they were finally there.
It was the weirdest thing when she found out he had done such a stupid thing, she didn't believe it. After her and the twins, he loved James the most, he was his brother. Lily was Y/n's friend, best friend!
Y/n kept his memory alive by the twins, told them stories and showed them pictures. She never lost faith in him.
Then the news came, he escaped. She smiled bittersweet at the paper, at her husband. A tear rolled from her eye and then the door, knocking.
She didn't want to open it, having dealt with enough reporters and ministry people. She tried ignoring it, but as the door opened and he spoke she sobbed.
"Still keeping the key under the extra flowerpot I see?"
"You're home!"
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bookishfeylin · 11 months
I joined this fandom loving Feyre, loving Feysand, loving the IC, just overall loving everything about the books. As such, I looked at the super pro-Feysand and such content. This was a mistake, as the longer I spend on diehard stan content, the more I want to punch walls. There's nothing wrong with loving Feyre, or even thinking Feysand is a cute couple you ship, but there are people who just deny them of ever having done wrong (not even to each other, just in general), or that Sarah didn't make some major oversights. The big thing I think of is Feyre as a high lady. I actually liked the whole "high lady" thing when I first read the series, but now I'm realizing how stupid it is. Feyre is wonderful, but she is still a 20 year old who has no formal training in accounting, in leadership, in politics, or any of the necessary requirements. You can't run for president until at least 35 for a reason. She can be as sweet as she wants, and host all the free painting classes, and be as motherly as possible, but when push comes to shove that won't lead a country. These people out here claiming "ah yes, Rhysand is pretty much retired at this point Feyre leads the whole nation and she's just the perfect High Lady" yadda yadda yadda, no. Also, I've discovered some people stan her destruction of the Spring Court? I'm not even pro Tamlin and I can accept that is absolutely not cool. Was it largely his own fault? Sure! But there was a necessary catalyst, and that's what they refuse to accept.
Anyway I'm just babbling at this point, but very few people in this fandom actually accept that Feyre is capable of wrongdoing (and that's okay! perfect characters are boring to read! you can love characters despite them being flawed!) AND can bear to tolerate a difference of opinion. Curate your fandom experience how you want it's your life, but don't be shocked when someone comes in with a valid point.
You've probably answered this 8000 times before, but what's your opinion on the whole "High Lady" thing?
Hi anon! This entire ask was such a pleasure to receive, and your ranting is perfectly fine (goodness knows I rant a LOT on a lot of my analysis posts in particular—). I actually have feelings™️ about the fall of Spring (though that is a post for another time and it’s something I’ve talked about before but I’ll keep from discussing it here so this post won’t be too long lol), but the High Lady thing is also something I have strong opinions on as well.
While I do understand Feyre's age and political inexperience being something that people get hung up on, I haven’t talked about it as much mainly because it’s not as big of a stickler for me. The main issue, for me, with the title of High Lady is that it is an empty title. No amount of Rhysand saying “look you have droplets of power from other people clearly you’re a ruler” changes that Feyre was not actually hand picked by magic to rule as defined by the (admittedly barebones) magic system we get. I talk about it more in this post, but ACOTAR 1 spells out that Hugh Lords are chosen by magic and as a result have a unique connection to their land and people. (PLEASE go read that post for the exact quotes I use and my discussion of said quotes!) Feyre lacks this connection, and is therefore not a real High Lady in any sense. It is merely an empty title, given to her to placate her and make her (and by extension her fans) feel like she has more power in her unbalanced relationship than she does, which is why she and many Feysand stans were blindsided by Rhysand's actions in ACOSF.
I say this, not maliciously, because anyone who’s read my content for any long period of time knows I’m actually very fond of book 1 Feyre in particular, but to point out that it’s merely another tactic by Rhysand to manipulate her. Feyre is left completely vulnerable and completely at her husband's mercy due to her incorrect belief that she has more power in their dynamic than she actually does, a dynamic that is showcased and exploited to the worst degree in ACOSF, and it’s largely possible because Feyre is not a legitimate High Lady in the full sense of the title who is owed her subjects loyalty and devotion the same way her husband is. It’s very tragic, actually, and it’s wild to me that the whole fandom fell for it.
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c0rrupt4 · 3 months
𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘆 •︎ Il Dottore x Male Reader
This is Chapter 3. Prologue. Chapter 1. Chapter 2. You can read the book on Wattpad here.
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"Can we meet Lady Ruka?" Dottore questioned, causing a moment of silence between the three.
"I said. Would It be alright for us to meet Lady Ruka?" Dottore questioned again causing Feno to let out a heavy sigh.
"The Blooming Lantern Festival is beginning tonight and it lasts for the week, it's an Elven tradition to welcome in spring and to see what the future holds... Lady Ruka will be very busy this week."
"Well, Feno I'm sure I can help out in some way so that Lady Ruka could have time to meet with Lord Dottore. I could even take notes while I'm at it!" Viva beamed happily.
"Ah, yes, finally a worthwhile idea, Viva. Hopefully, you can make up for your recent mistakes. After all, you have been nothing but utterly useless this trip Viva."
"Ah, Dottore don't be so harsh with the people that serve you—"
"Respectfully Feno. I have no need for your insights on this matter. This mission was Viva's chance to prove Why she should still be alive much less work under me. And yet neither has been proved."
Feno sighed once more realizing he would get nowhere with this. Feno's heart ached at the fact that Viva was used like a tool and nothing more. It was devastating to see.
"Alright follow me and we shall meet Lady Ruka. To the capital of the Rokoskha Empire is about a half a days journey we should hopefully arrive by sundown just in time for the first and most important event of the Blooming Lantern Festival, Foresight."
I groaned as I got up and trudged towards my desk. They fortunately left me with hundreds of thousands of scrolls and an abundant amount of ink to write with. These scrolls are probably the sole reason why I have any sanity left, well the pathetic people of Lumar would beg to differ. It doesn't matter though, 200 years to do nothing but reflect and improve my magic, why those sorry little maggots will be doomed once I'm freed of this tower.
I whistled a tune as I began writing on a scroll. It was a musical spell, the only feeble attempt of magic I could manifest in this tower
The familiar shattered mirror that was hung up beside my desk began to glow a violent bright pink and out flew a large beetle, yet it had beautiful elegant wings that rivaled many of the butterflies native to Lumar. My precious Hendra, the only form of 'friends' I have now in my oh so pathetic state.
I swiftly turned around with the scroll to greet my little friend..
"Hello, my dear Hendra. You are to be my eyes, ears, and mouth to the outside world. I'm going to enchant you with large amounts of magic, of course, the spell won't take effect until you leave the tower. Lead a hoard To the capital of the Rosokha Empire and wreak havoc upon these pathetic..little people. And most importantly, lead il Dottore here. I don't care what you take to do it. Give him this map and go about your way to complete your duties."
The Hendra after receiving its orders soon flew away into the mirror portal, it brings me much joy that I know my Hendra will fulfill their duties or die trying to. Hendra lacks morals so unlike my so-called 'followers' they have no problem carrying out every single common I utter.
I burst into laughter and tears as the sudden realization hits me. The time has come when no chains will hold me hostage to this godforsaken tower. The time has come when the people of the Rosokha Empire will feel my wrath for what their so called 'Goddess' so honorably did to 'save' them. The time has come when I shall be able to bask in the sun once more.
I will be free.
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Hours later Dottore was left frustrated, and quite frankly disgusted too. He was expecting so much more from the Rokoshka Empire and their 'Goddess' Ruka. But something is VERY off here. The woman seems more phony than the hydro archon. And that says something as all the information he's gathered about both characters were second-hand accounts. But what troubles Dottore is how this woman sits back and lets these people whom she is 'protecting' rule. In this cultish-like kingdom.
Why it is so disgusting how blatantly obsessed these people are with their 'Goddess' that they can't put the pieces of the puzzle together. After all, they claim she's a grant warrior but the only battle defeat she has claimed so far was stopping the alleged tyrant (Y/N) (L/N). Yet there is no proof either... why if Dottore was back on Teyvat he'd skin these fools alive for acting in such a way. But alas the only thing Dottore could do was sigh in the confines of his room and wait for the festival and wait for Feno to fetch copies of Teyvat's history. Dottore prayed he'd at least hear some good news from Viva later.
A few moments later, Dottore heard a familiar rhythmic knocking sound.
Rat-a-tat-tat... tat!
"Come on in Viva. Please, Please! Tell me you brought something worthwhile before I lose my temper and make an example of you here on Lumar."
Viva quickly swung open the door "Ah yes yes. Here is the report on what I found so far, I personally got to work under lady Ruka and help for the event and she seems like the sweetest God-"
"Don't tell me you fell for this foolishness too?" Dottore said as he quickly cut off Viva and snatched the report to look through
"We'll she seems quite mellowed out I mean being alive for almost 230 years. Time really does change a person in this case the person is a God-"
"From these notes, she seems nothing more than a rich noblewoman who has a lot of money and respect."
"Ah, Lord Dottore we've been invited to witness the first and most important event of the festivals, Foresight."
"Yes, there's a lot about this in your notes, give me the quick version and we'll get ready to attend."
"Uh Yes! Foresight is the most important event of the Blooming Lantern Festival. It's where the elven ruler of this time uses a large portion of their power to get a quick glimpse of the future, using the EverBloom mirror. The eleven rulers who are deemed unworthy are very quickly killed by the mirror. alsooo.... uhm, it is custom for people to NOT wear any sort of masks during the festivals as those who wear masks are seen as traitorous and lack morals-"
"So you are telling me to remove my mask to please these pathetic eleven people? The same cultish people we saw carrying many expensive and luxurious large silk rugs around just to place on the ground so their 'Goddess' to walk on it as they deem the ground is unworthy of her. THE SAME cultish ignorant fools that practically kiss the very tiles she walks on???"
At this point, Dottore was shouting and Viva knew depending on her next words guards may either find her dead in this castle sweet or enjoying the festival that takes place in an hour.
"L-L-Lord... Lord Dottore.. I'm positive they'd make an exception for someone as exceptional as you." Viva managed to squeak out
"Get out of my sight woman before I lose my temper."
"Ah, yes. Maids will be coming by to bring you a... I forgot what it's called but it's essentially a kimono of sorts."
Dottore only huffed as he turned to continue reading the report Viva gathered. Viva quickly took this as her queue to leave.
A little over an hour Dottore had received a white Haori and and Black Kimono to match. A little bland but it's better than wearing something tacky. Ultimately although Dottore had a horrible feeling pooling in his gut he chose to ignore it. Along with Viva's suggestion to take off his mask. I mean, after all, he is here to learn about Lumar so anything that does happen adds to the experience.
Rat-a-tat-tat... tat!
Once again the familiar melodic knock was heard once more. Dottore moved to open the door to greet Feno and Viva. Viva was wearing a white kimono, towards the end of her sleeves, had an ocean themed pattern with a ocean patterned Obi to match. Feno was wearing his priestly garments still.
"Let's leave now Dottore, Lady Ruka is waiting for us at the Elder Thusarch Tree, the center of the Rokosha Empire. We must not be late as we will miss the Foresight."
"Ah yes the Elder Thusarch tree there wasn't much information on it from Viva's notes-"
Feno quickly cut off Dottore, "Lady Ruka will explain everything when we arrive. Now move along you two we shall be late!" Feno said as he rushed the two to the carriage.
Dottore wished he could have stabbed Feno then and there.
Stepping into the midst of the city that surrounds the elder tree felt surreal as the living arrangements in the Rosohka empire were truly unique. As there were now houses around... we'll not be on the ground at least. The entirety of the city was built into the large trees of this forest. It was late at night too, yet the sky was so illuminated due to all the homes and lanterns in the trees and sky.
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The people were buzzed running back and forth to gather last-minute things for the festival. Of course, Feno was also in a hurry, as Viva and Dottore didn't get to take in much of the scenery as they dragged along to the center of the city. Running through the forest you can hear much chatter from the city above.
"HUNNY! Where are you!? We going to be late."
"Where's my gifts for Lady Ruka!?"
"Ah, I wonder if my dessert set in time..."
It didn't take long for the three to get to the center as the city wasn't particularly large in width as the city is built higher up with houses stacked upon one another built into the trees. Dottore honestly wishes to poke his head in a few of the homes to see what it feels like.
Are the walls or should I say wood solid or could you hear your neighbors through them?
Are their homes flammable seeing as they are built into the trees?
What are the wealthier homes like?
What are the poorer homes like?
But never mind that, as they arrived at the Elder Thusarch Tree. It was a large willow tree with a mirror embedded into it. There were already at least hundreds of priests that had arrived not including the thousands of citizens that arrived for this event. They have to push their way through the crowd. A tedious task, but after a few moments, people started backing away from them and giving them space... Ah? Was it Dottore's mask? Something as simple as going against their culture struck quite a bit of fear in these eleven people.
Dottore mind was swimming with questions, hypotheses, and more; but there are far more important things. Like finding who Lady Ruka really is, and information about the Elder Thusarch Tree.
"Ah Greetings, Travelers from Teyvat! I hope you've enjoyed your time at Lumar so far--- ah, Dottore... Didn't Viva tell you that wearing masks at the festival is a large offense... seeing as his servants used to use enchanted masks to wreak havoc in the festival... I'd ask you to please remove it."
"Removing my mask is not something I'm willing to negotiate on, it's not my fault your people are so bothered by my mask."
"I- I see.. we'll as visitors to Lumar I will not hold this against you." Ruka paused to face the elven crowd of people. "Let us begin the Blooming Lantern Festival!"
The elven people began to cheer and clap excitedly. Dottore couldn't tell if it was for the festival or if it was just to see Lady Ruka. I mean sure she's a sweet elven woman with long black hair that touches the ground with a pair of vibrant green eyes to match. Or maybe it was her soft voice that captivated these people? Either way, it was a mystery...
Ruka turned to face the Elder Thusarch Tree and walked up to the Everbloom mirror that was embedded into it, The mirror was covered in moss and was foggy. The people fell silent, the only noise was that of the flickering flames in lanterns that were all around them. Then Ruka touched the mirror.
Then suddenly there was a Fierce wind! The rushing winds blew out all the nearby lanterns, taking the only light source of the night, and nearly knocking over many people.
But as soon as it started...
it stopped.
【︎ᴜᴘ ɴᴇxᴛ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɪᴠ...】︎ ✼「彼」との出会い ⚘
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Let's (re)Read The Eye of the World: Prologue
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I haven't reread the whole of the series ever (my last reread was in preparation for the finale), so with the books getting more popular and the show simultaneously entertaining me and getting my goat I figured I'd jump onto the bandwagon and maybe get some validation from internet strangers. As the title states, this is a reread, so I will be spoilering the hell out of everything, so if you're a show only fan or still working your way through the books, please run away screaming (but tell your friends!).
Okay now that I can no longer hear any screams, let's get into things. I first started reading The Wheel of Time in 2003 in middle school, catching up in time to read New Spring when it debuted and the subsequent novels after (except oddly, Towers of Midnight, which I didn't get around to until the finale was right around the corner, so I guess my longest reread only goes up to book 12 technically). It's probably my outright favorite fantasy world and has a lot of characters I love - in fact, at times I feel I don't quite fit into the fandom because I don't have an irrational disdain of any of the common hate sinks bar maybe Gawyn, and even then some people are making me like him a little bit more so I don't know what I'm going to do then.
That said, like most readers who came of age in the 21st century, I do have a lot of problems with Jordan's worldview. It's a rather interesting friction: the man was definitely trying to write a world without the sexism of our modern era (and to a lesser extent other prejudices as well), and yet he could never rise above them himself. I'll probably spend a lot of time talking about this kind of stuff and what might have been done instead.
Likewise, when we reach the inevitable Slog (and sorry people who didn't start reading until the series was finished, it's real), I'll be talking a lot about how the plot might be adjusted for brevity and, once we reach the Sanderson era virtually everything I want to talk about will be magnified tenfold because as much as I enjoyed his efforts at the time, I've greatly soured on him as an author in general and as Jordan's heir in specific since.
But for now, let's focus on what's important: The Eye of the World's first prologue: Dragonmount.
The palace still shook occasionally as the earth rumbled in memory, groaned as if it would deny what had happened.
As first sentences go, I'm not in love. It's not bad, but it's just a little too vague; "the palace" doesn't really give my mind's eye much to work with because they can vary so much depending on when and where they were built. It ends well though.
The dead lay everywhere, men and women and children, struck down in attempted flight by the lightnings that had flashed down every corridor, or seized by the fires that had stalked them, or sunken into stone of the palace, the stones that had flowed and sought, almost alive, before stillness came again.
Despite its length, a sentence like this would work better to me as the start. It's shocking and terrifying; this is a level of violence we won't see channelers pull off until much later in the series.
The mind-twisting had struck at the core, ignoring peripheral things.
This feels pretty on-theme for the story, really. The Shadow tries to subvert the major powers of the world but its defeat is primarily orchestrated by a bunch of farmers.
The edge of his pale gray cloak trailed through blood as he stepped across the body of a woman, her golden-haired beauty marred by the horror of her last moments, her still-open eyes frozen in disbelief.
Well I made it four quotations before we needed to talk about feminism so that's... more than I expected, really. Meet Ilyena, a character so posthumous that despite being part of a prologue 3,500 years before the main story she's still already dead by the time it starts! Obsessing over dead women is probably one of the biggest complaints this series gets and boy does it deserve it. Despite electricity being long gone, our characters have no shortage of fridges.
That said, I do want to note that as it stands in this book, things aren't that bad. In this book. See, in this book, Ilyena isn't the only victim - the children she and Lews had are also among the dead, as are quite a lot of other people who just happened to live or work in the palace or were visiting. Except for the use of LTT's title "Kinslayer", none of them will be mentioned again after this book - in fact, the non-family members are completely forgotten after the prologue. But again, that's jumping ahead. In this book, Ilyena is about providing a specific name and face to the tragedy, humanizing all of the victims by proxy in a way that, "Twelve hours after saving the world, Lews Therin went insane and killed two hundred and sixty-five people including all of his blood relatives," does not.
...brought by merchants from across the World Sea...
We talk a lot about how Jordan was too immersed in southern culture to understand how its gender roles were about as universal as Mongolian throat singing, but not enough about how he's too immersed in globalized petro-fascist markets based on maximizing inefficiencies for the global elite to use to extract wealth to understand why a real planetary utopia living in harmony with nature wouldn't be shipping luxury goods across the ocean when there's perfectly fancy fabrics to make at home and anyway the Green Men should be able to help silkworms thrive anywhere if you're that desperate for something breathable.
On the other hand, points to him for not going crazy about Gateways and assuming that all global trade could be handled by teleportation just because they're a fun tool. I will have a lot to say about Gateways as we approach the authorial transition.
For a moment he fingered the symbol on his cloak, a circle half white and half black, the colors separated by a sinuous line. It meant something, that symbol.
Even now though, it means something other than what it once meant (being the sign of the seals on the Dark One's prison) and before too much longer it will pick up two more meanings, one for each half. The Wheel turns and the world changes.
Behind him the air rippled, shimmered, solidified into a man who looked around, his mouth twisting briefly with distaste.
Props to Ishamael for clearly Traveling with the True Power even this early on in the series.
Not so tall as Lews Therin, he was clothed all in black, save for the snow-white lace at his throat and the silverwork on the turned-down tops of his thigh-high boots.
Thigh-high boots! <3 (Seriously Ishy how can you want to destroy the world you can express your fashion sense in?)
Also note how this contrasts the Aes Sedai symbol described earlier. There's a little bit of white though, because it can't be helped even by the Shadow.
It will soon be time for the Singing, and here all are welcome to take part.
One detail from the Sanderson novels whose origin I'm uncertain of but like regardless of who came up with it is Rand's claim that the AoL was NOT paradise and that it was rotting from within even before the Dark One got involved. The latter half of this sentence suggests one such flaw: having the Voice is a hell of a talent, but apparently there were places that did not welcome all potential Singers. This could just be a result of the War, but maybe it speaks to something deeper.
“Shai’tan take you, does the taint already have you so far in its grip?”
Ish here is mostly pissed that he doesn't get to enjoy his gloating, because for all his talk about nihilism, he is petty first and foremost.
Dangerous for you, fool, not for me.
Ironically, all things considered it's really the other way around - Shai'tan is no threat at all to the Dragon soul and will utterly ruin Ish by the end. Ish really isn't anywhere near as clever as he makes himself out to be, he just looks smart because he's the last survivor of Academia.
“So you do remember some things. Yes, Betrayer of Hope. So have men named me, just as they named you Dragon, but unlike you I embrace the name.
This is an odd detail, all things considered. LTT's fatal flaw was pride (this very prologue says as much), so why wouldn't he be proud of a flattering name? I wonder if we get any more details on this in the books or if it's just a little detail that was lost in the shuffle.
But it is not enough. You humbled me in the Hall of Servants. You defeated me at the Gates of Paaran Disen. But I am the greater, now. I will not let you die without knowing that. When you die, your last thought will be the full knowledge of your defeat, of how complete and utter it is. If I let you die at all
See what I mean about Ish? This is not the behavior of someone who is tired of existence and wants everything to end, it's the behavior of a dude with a petty grudge that he dresses up in fancy terms and fancier boots.
[Ilyena] will give me the rough side of her tongue if she thinks I have been hiding a guest from her. I hope you enjoy conversation, for she surely does. Be forewarned. Ilyena will ask you so many questions you may end up telling her everything you know.
Quick, name a female WoT character that Jordan doesn't think this description applies to! Can it be done? I doubt it. Another common criticism is that for all of his 3,000 characters, all of the women were just his wife. I don't think it's quite true, but I do think that the women he knew well were all cut from pretty much the same cloth.
“A pity for you,” he mused, “that one of your Sisters is not here.
This is another oddity. AoL healing required all five kinds of weaves and they didn't divide things up by gender anyway, so why wouldn't a Brother suffice? There's plenty of male Aes Sedai who haven't gone crazy at this point, and it's been only a couple days at most so you wouldn't think people would have time to reflexively assume men wouldn't be helpful. Is this another kind of healing that works better when you do it cross-gender? Maybe Towers of Midnight mentioned that?
Helplessly he convulsed, thrashing, his skull a sphere of purest agony on the point of bursting.
Good to know that every incarnation of the Dragon suffers horribly for no good reason, I guess. Rand's nihilism is a lot more understandable to me than Ish's is, considering how little suffering the latter actually endures.
“You can have her back, Kinslayer. The Great Lord of the Dark can make her live again, if you will serve him. If you will serve me.”
"Your kids are fucked though. We put their souls in vacuoles and then jettisoned them towards Sindhol, so we can't fix that even if we wanted to. Also you balefired half of them repeatedly, we think. Hard to be sure because there's no record of them left except some silhouettes on that doorway over there."
(More seriously, they're being left out right now because LTT isn't cognizant of their demise, making this the only excusable omission.)
“Ten years your foul master has wracked the world. And now this. I will. . . .”
Plus a whole century of societal collapse, but I guess RJ hadn't come up with that detail yet. Hell at this point maybe Shai'tan was still supposed to be ET's son.
You and I have fought a thousand battles with the turning of the Wheel, a thousand times a thousand, and we will fight until time dies and the Shadow is triumphant!
Ish says this and the fandom as a whole treats it as true but... we don't actually know this! Third Agers often state that they HOPE to be reborn, which suggests that's it's possible the Wheel stops reincarnating some souls (replacing them, presumably) - and who better to retire than the people who stop being grateful for existence and start actively trying to undermine you?
Further, Rand's epiphany is about how despite the crushing cycle of everything, anyone can still hope to live a better life - there's no guarantee that Ishamael falls to the shadow every time, or that he ever has before or will again! Hell, he could just repent even after he falls. Bro has choices, he just refuses to see them.
His own sons and daughters, sprawled like broken dolls, play stilled forever.
This is actually another odd detail. I don't know how Aes Sedai fertility works, but while it's not implausible that LTT & IS could have children who were of the age where their play is the most notable thing about them, they should also have kids old enough to have grandkids by now! Lews' murders could potentially number in the hundreds without starting on the servants and faithful companions.
Also note that while Ilyena's demise horrified LTT and left him with nothing to live for according to the narration, it isn't until he sees that he's killed all of these people he loved that he actually tries to commit suicide. This is the sort of thing that's completely neglected going forward, but it is nice that things were a little more complex than him finding his girlfriend in the fridge and his mom in the oven.
The land around him was flat and empty. A river flowed nearby, straight and broad, but he could sense there were no people within a hundred leagues.
This is a pretty subtle sign of just how much death the last ten years must have entailed: the Erinin is flowing through a temperate part of the planet (there being no indication that the Earth's axis was significantly affected by the Breaking) yet there are no cities nor farms within a hundred leagues. By all rights there should be, but now they're gone. One can see why balefire was banned.
He did not believe it could come, forgiveness. Not for what he had done.
Maybe it's just my own weird moral code speaking but I think stuff one does while literally and entirely involuntarily corrupted by the source of all evil shouldn't really count against them. Obviously he's in shock, but it seems like something that carries on into Rand's behavior as well and it's a little depressing that in a series about free will vs. determinism there's such a common attitude that the stuff you're doomed to do regardless counts against you more than the things you had a choice in.
Because in his pride he had believed that men could match the Creator, could mend what the Creator had made and they had broken. In his pride he had believed.
And he wasn't wrong to believe that, he just did it wrong and doesn't consider that there might be other approaches. Tunnel vision is a real affliction in this series.
Only a heartbeat did the shining bar exist, connecting ground and sky, but even after it vanished the earth yet heaved like the sea in a storm. Molten rock fountained five hundred feet into the air, and the groaning ground rose, thrusting the burning spray ever upward, ever higher.
No denial on the earth's part here, just straight up compliance.
Of Lewis Therin Telamon, no sign remained. Where he had stood a mountain now rose miles into the sky, molten lava still gushing from its broken peak.
Now imagine a million more dudes doing this and you start to see why the Breaking was as destructive as it was.
Then [Ishamael] was gone, and the mountain and the island stood alone. Waiting.
Presumably Ishamael went off and told someone about LTT's suicide before being vacuum sealed for a millennium and change, cuz otherwise there's no way people would know what Dragonmount was.
The oceans fled, and the mountains were swallowed up, and the nations were scattered to the eight corners of the World.
The west, the Waste, Shara, the sea, the Mad Lands, north Seanchan, southwest Seanchan, and southeast Seanchan. There, we've turned what was obviously an odd turn of phrase into a literal statement with all eight items acccounted for!
Let the Prince of the Morning sing to the land that green things will grow and the valleys give forth lambs. Let the arm of the Lord of the Dawn shelter us from the Dark, and the great sword of justice defend us. Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time.
Well Rand did most of those things, but I don't remember any lambs, so I guess really he lost the war and the whole of the epilogue was a taunting dream the Dark One wove for him to distract him.
(God I hate those kinds of theories. If your assumption is that nothing is true, your theory is dumb and you should feel bad.)
From Charal Drianaan te Calamon,The Cycle of the Dragon.
So a lot of people talk about the conlanging in this setting and I just want to point one thing out: the fact that we go from the Old Tongue in the AoL to this New Tongue in the Fourth Age suggests very, very strongly that Randlanders are not inexplicably speaking English or anything close to it but something in between the two fake Tongues. We have a clear transition from things like "Telamon" and "siswai'aman" to "Calamon" for example, that dragon doesn't really fit into except as a distant ancestor/descendant.
Anyway, that right there is the prologue! I would compare and contrast it to Amazon's adaptation, but I cannot because they have not adapted this sequence yet. It's something of a shame, because I think the prologue is very important for making it clear that we're not actually doing a Tolkien-esque story like the early chapters suggest, but after seeing Winter Dragon I can also sympathize with not wanting to lead with this. That said, I am deeply depressed we couldn't keep Billy Zane and hope against hope that Rafe will find a role for him to be crazy in.
The TV show does do a sequence set in the AoL, but it's closer to being an adaptation of part of The Strike at Shayol Ghul than anything else, so I will hold off until we get there after A Crown of Swords.
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starfall-spirit · 1 year
Hate to break it to you, but Feysand has always been a retcon and SJM is a liar who says she’s always had them planned to sound cooler and to cover up the fact that she’s always said 1) she never plans her books and 2) she had to add Rhys in earlier and that she’d originally planned for him to be the villain.
Detailing the actual story of how ACOTAR came to be from her own former newsletter, she wrote two and half ACOTAR books in 2009 (then originally only a trilogy). In 2014, SJM scrapped and rewrote the entirety of that original second and half of a third book and completely started over with them, creating what is now ACOMAF and ACOWAR. She did not change anything in ACOTAR, though, but she did add things in during editing. She’s also said Nesta and Lucien were originally supposed to be mates and that she didn’t even plan for Nessian until she wrote the scene where the IC goes to ask Feyre’s family for help.
If Nesta and Lucien were originally endgame, that would infer that Feyre in the original second book actually spent a majority of her time in the Spring Court because how else would Nesta meet Lucien? He doesn’t live in the NC. He doesn’t live the AC. And if a majority of the plot is taking place in Spring and the story is from Feyre’s pov, it would also imply Feyre was still with Tamlin. 🤷🏼‍♀️ And a quick reminder that the entire series was originally a Beauty and the Beast/Tamlin retelling, not just the first book.
You can love Feysand, no one is telling you not to, but if you’re going to try to debunk what others are saying, then at least find out why they’re saying it in the first place so you can provide a proper counter argument. There’s overwhelming evidence within the first book that anything after it was never planned.
In fact, you could take Rhys out of the first book and the Calanmai scene would still work if Lucien had been the one to find her. The dresser would still work if Feyre and Elain’s drawers were swapped. Amarantha’s whore could be anybody, and the scene where Rhys forces Tamlin and Lucien to beg for Feyre could’ve happened with that anybody, not just Rhys. Maybe you should think about why the first book of a book series, where he’s supposedly been the plan all along, could still play out without him. 😬
Hi, anon.
I would first like to let you know, my inbox is not a place to start ship wars or attack people for their opinions of canon fandom matters. I hope in the future you respect the simple request at the top of my page to leave me polite asks.
But, to clarify a few points you've addressed here, look under the cut
"She never plans her books."
Anon, I'm not sure what precisely you mean when you say plan. There are many types of writers. When you're drafting an original story you may create an outline detailing the step by step plot, conflict, character development, call to action, etc.
Or perhaps you are an author like me, who instead prefers to free write. I won't hesitate to admit I can't stick to an outline beyond points A, B, and C. For example, my Anastasia AU
Chapter 1: The Rumor, The Legend, The Mystery (St. Pete)
Plan Con
Meet Elain
Chapter 2: Things My Heart Used To Know (December)
Learning Heritage
Rhys’ 1st appearance
Chapter 3: The High Lord Lies Cold (Neva flows)
Rhys Bonus
Chapter 4: Let Me Say Goodbye (Stay I pray you)
1997 ~For the Magic~
Carriage out of Dusk 
Carriage stopped enroute
Chapter 5: In a Crowd of Thousands
Travel on foot to gate to Day
Meet Helion
Chapter 6: Could it Be? (Quartet)
2. "She had to add Rhys in earlier than planned to be a villain."
What exactly is the point of this statement? Maybe Feyre could have stayed inside the manor on Calanmai. Maybe Lucien could have stumbled upon her and the three fae who targeted her. If you think she's the only author to rewrite a story or add characters in an earlier or later position, I'm going to guess you don't have much of a concept of the natural writing process.
3. "Detailing the actual story of how ACOTAR came to be from her own former newsletter, she wrote two and half ACOTAR books in 2009 (then originally only a trilogy). In 2014, SJM scrapped and rewrote the entirety of that original second and half of a third book and completely started over with them, creating what is now ACOMAF and ACOWAR. She did not change anything in ACOTAR, though, but she did add things in during editing."
Again, the natural writing process. Rewriting a hundred times over if it's necessary to get the book published. Editing for the sake of a fluid storyline.
4. Your points on Nesta, Lucien, and Cassian have nothing to do with a Feysand of Feylin endgame. There could have been a dozen different ways SJM planned on Lucien and Nesta meeting outside of Spring that we will never know. The fact is that in the end, SJM decided "Lucien and Nesta would be at each other's throats. And not in a good way". Or something along those lines. In walked Nessian.
5. "You can love Feysand, no one is telling you not to, but if you’re going to try to debunk what others are saying, then at least find out why they’re saying it in the first place so you can provide a proper counter argument."
I am aware I have the freedom of expression in the fandom. I would also like to clarify I was entirely polite in "debunking" the counterargument to defend Tamlin. Did you feel particularly attacked when I told a new fandom member to try the second book and see if it was to their liking when they saw Rhysand's story?
Or was it my assessment of Tamlin's lack of anger management and every marker of an abuser he shows from the second he comes to take Feyre across the wall.
No matter how many rewrites ACOTAR went through, there was no character retcon on Tamlin or Rhys. Book one was an adaptation of Beauty and the Beast and Book two was an adaptation of Hades and Persephone, even if very few elements were taken from the actual tales.
For any others who wish to drop in and give me a polite hello, my inbox is always open and I'm chugging along so I have some lovely Feysand and crack ship snippets to provide you with.
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indecentpause · 1 year
Since Feeling Is First: Chapter Nine/The End
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cw: misgendering
The rest of January is much the same as the first two weeks were: quiet, uneventful, too warm for the season but still much too cold to be spring yet. People still whisper, but they don't stare as much anymore. You're not sure whether or not it's better that way. You keep your eyes ahead of you as you make your way through the hall, walking in a straight line. You refuse to make eye contact with anyone, but at least you don't have to push anyone aside to get by. They part on their own, afraid to touch you. It's not until you make it to the art room that you see a copy of a new flyer taped to the center of the door. Spring musical auditions. Guys and Dolls. You roll your eyes. What a garbage play. Maybe you won't try out after all. You know they'll cast you in one of the nonspeaking backing roles when the only role you'd be interested in playing is Adelaide, and they'd never let you sing a woman's part. They always have, despite the fact that you could easily play any gender or character they'd cast you as. You sigh softly and push the door open. Micah, Vince, and Audrey are there, circled around the table you all share. Micah has a partially finished painting in front of him, with lots of blues and greys. You smile to yourself. He got his canvas for the triptych. He lays down a few more strokes, then cleans his brush and starts to clean up for when class starts about ten minutes from now. "Hello, guys and dolls," you chirp as you sit. "So you saw the flyers," Vince said. "You going to try out?" You shake your head. "Probably not. I don't like that play very much." "But it's so cute!" Audrey says as she turns to you. You stick your tongue out at her. She sticks hers out back. Micah returns to the table just in time to process your conversation. "You're a senior, though," he says. "This is your last chance to perform here." "Not necessarily," you say. "Sometimes they do little short plays with only three or four characters. They aren't as popular as the Fall and Spring plays, but that's okay." "Sometimes," Micah says. "But it's your decision, obvs." "Obvs," you mimic. He snorts at you and wipes a bit of spilled paint off the table.
read it on wattpad here
or ao3 here!
And here we are at the last chapter! I don't have anything else at a point where I can share or update chapters on a regular basis, but keep an eye on my tumblr for updates and excerpts from The Black & Blues, about two queer 18-year olds who leave their homophobic town to start a band in the big city; and The Most Beautiful Puzzle, about two 20-somethings with ADHD solving a murder case that has been suspiciously closed.
General taglist: @abalonetea @only-book-lovers-left-alive @poore-choice-of-words @leadhelmetcosmonaut @jasperygrace @drippingmoon @thelaughingstag @athenswrites @kaiusvnoir @magic-is-something-we-create @idreamonpaper @wip-nook @papercutsunset @winterandwords
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offworldlamb-writes · 9 months
Writing a witches and fair folk story inspired by Wales and Welsh mythology. Read the intro under the cut vvv
Nothing much changed when she ran away. She didn't know what she expected, but a bounty and eventual 'Missing: Presumed Dead' announcement wasn't it, though the disappointment faded over the years. All political agendas failed to bother her after some time, a gentle easement for her soul as she relaxed into the woodlands, letting the roots and the leaves dig deep until she didn't feel at home unless she was there.
The tower was her home now and it did the job splendidly. She was the witch of the Red Woods; locally she was revered as helper and healer, further afield she put dread into anyone that caused problems for her people. Her whole life she'd never felt so useful, so needed, though that changed when there was a tremble at the portal into the tower. It barely saw use from her these days but it was always there for those times when she was too exhausted to fly, and she regretted not closing it sooner as someone toppled through it, sending books and candles flying as they landed with a smack on their back on the floor.
No one had been in this tower except her for nearly ten years, and she was annoyed that was no longer the case. With a groan the intruder sat up, a man with silver-blonde hair and eyes like spring leaves-- one of the fair folk, maybe-- and he squinted curiously around the room as he gave his back a sore rub. Peering back at the portal, which was plain stone on the inside, he was soon on his feet and nosing around her things, though he seemed particularly interested in her once he'd spotted her perched on one of the upper bookshelves.
Another person stumbled in not a moment later, a redheaded man with an astounding moustache, though even his appearance didn't stop the fae man from staring at her. "I don't think anyone is here at present, Kane. We should wait outside," said the redhead, straightening out his jacket and peering curiously around the room as well. The books under the stairs interested him the most to the point of poking around, and a tap of her talon when he started pulling one out had it snapping back into place, drawing a surprised 'oh!' from the man.
The fae man, the one called Kane, lit up with an intrigued grin at the movement. "Okay: I've changed my mind. Coming to find this woman was a great idea," he said, still watching her intently. When he raised a hand to poke her feathered chest she nipped at his finger with an indignant hoot, and after a brief scowl as he assessed the damage he called his friend over.
The redhead didn't seem as impressed and dismissed her as a pet, but Kane was insistent to the point of rummaging through the books she was perched on. Nipping at his fingers didn't work for long and he managed to pull a book out despite her magic, forcing her to flap her wings to get them to back up so she could hop down onto the desk. "Unbelieveable!" she seethed once she was human again, scowling at the fae man's delighted smirk and snatching the book out of his hand. "You come into my home uninvited; you poke your filthy little hands through all my things; didn't your parents ever teach you manners?"
The hurt he feigned didn't help her temper. "What a horrible thing to say to an orphan." He didn't get to say much else as she gestured sharply back towards the portal.
"Get out. If I see you here again I won't be so lenient," she warned them, turning the man named Kane with a shove to the shoulder and pushing them both towards the doorway when they refused to move.
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Sew Long, Fair Well - 01 SANSA (pages 01)
Sansa makes a final sacrifice for her people, and wakes to discover she's made a deal with a god.
The years of war, and the sheer number of their combined forces, the sheer appetite of the dragons, everything had put too large an impact in their reserves. Her people were going to starve before the new crops could be grown to harvest, before the animals could breed and mature enough for culling, the glass gardens were still in ruins, and winter still upon them. Spring hadn't magically come sweeping in when Arya had slain the Night King, the Long Night hadn't mystically given way to the spring dawn.
That's actually something I'll be interested to see when we reach it in the books, how the resource situation is, because with the wars, and The War, resources are going to be so low, I have concerns about the post Long Night survival rates.
“Please,” she asked, “if you know of any way to save my people, please tell me how, please help me save my people.” “What are you willing to give up for them?” It was a test, Sansa knew, and thought of rough hands on her skin, thought of all she has lost, and all she had fought for with whatever she could. With words and looks, and favours and lies, with the blood of others and with her own. “The last thing I have left to barter with,” Sansa told him, hoping it was enough, “the last thing I have which is rightly mine to give away.”
“That's-Not-Bran” Theory at play here. I do kinda like that one, just for the fridge horror aspect of it. I also like the “rightly mine to give” mentality when characters deal with eldritch/ancient beings, cause you could give them anything, including the life of another, a thousand other lives, but where's the personal sacrifice in that. (Also it makes you look like an asshole.) This one showing us just where Sansa's priorities lie, it's not just about the building, it's about the people in it
“Down through the crypts, until the tunnel turns into a cave. Down through the cave to the heart of the hot springs, where the waters of Winterfell are born. Until there's nothing left to give.”
You know, I have now read two fics with Sansa Time Travel that feature the hot springs in the tunnels under Winterfell as the medium for said time travel. Two different types of time travel, mind you, but I see any more and it will officially be a pattern.
In her mind, she could see a golden light flowing through Winterfell, spilling out into the surrounding lands. It was like watching a flower slowly blooming. Sansa vaguely felt herself slip completely below the surface of the hot spring, but she didn't care, didn't fight it. She wasn't sure if she was dreaming, or if she was truly witnessing a miracle, but these were her last moments, and Sansa chose hope.
This would have been such a tough ask though, after everything Sansa survived, after everything that didn't kill her, after everything lost and regained, for her to have this presented as the saving move, when she can't even trust the source it came from, like, not really. For all she knows, That's-not-Bran just wants her out of the way so he can take over.
Anyway, the world is much nicer when people choose hope. (Nicer still when hope pays off.)
Yes, that was right, she was Sansa Stark of Winterfell And she was dead. Were the dead allowed to play games?
“I won't tell if you don't.”
ngl, that made me laugh.
Fun? That sounded nice. Sansa missed nice things, like lemon cakes, and her family, and practising her sewing. It had been so long since she'd last embroidered anything... No, that wasn't right, there had been a wolf... for Jon .
She was a child. She was a woman grown. She'd never left Winterfell. She'd been to King's Landing and the Eyrie, she'd even visited The Wall. She was in love with the idea of love, and couldn't wait to be a wife and mother. She was jaded, married twice, and revolted by the idea of sharing any man's bed. She was Sansa Stark of Winterfell. She was Sansa Stark of Winterfell. A summer child. She'd seen the Long Night. She'd died for her people and now she was either in heaven, or she'd had a second wish granted. She was home, and safe, and she had a chance to fix everything.
I feel like I don't see it enough in fanfics, but I do enjoy the use of formatting as a storytelling aid. Like this section, how the two versions of Sansa are put on opposite sides, and then the center alignment to show that the two versions were separate have melded into one being. (tumblr doesn't like left center right alignments, so I've indented the right aligns.)
People format their fics in different ways and some of them are good, and some of them are one paragraph of 8,000 words. This fic has a lot of 1-2 sentence paragraphs. I know one author, different fandom, and I love their premises, but my gosh, there's an epidemic of people who have never heard of “new speaker, new line,” and they are one of them.
GRRM doesn't always start a new paragraph whenever someone new starts talking, and sometimes he'll let someone start talking at the end of a paragraph, but he never really has two or more people speaking in the same paragraph, where readers get confused because you start reading the second voice assuming it's the first. Sometimes he has the speech tag before the spoken line, instead of after, he actually does a really good job of keeping an easy to read flow with conversations and he has a good balance with the speech tags themselves.
...Sansa just accidentally Blood Magicked the mystery Embroidery Hoop. In her defense, as someone who has dabbled with embroidery, can confirm: those needles are freaking sharp. Fiber arts are hardcore, I have such mad respect for anyone who can do them.
The Hoop was on the ground before her. Sansa looked back at her table, where the hoop was not. She picked it up again, and put it back on the table. She turned to dress, and the hoop was back on the ground before her. Huffing, Sansa picked it up again. This time when she put it on her table she said, partly pleading, “at least let me get dressed before I deal with you.” She stepped back, eyes on the hoop. It stayed where it was. … In all honesty, if Sansa hadn't been through what she'd just been through, she would have been freaking out over the hoop far more.
Good of her to acknowledge that she's either having a mild disassociation, or has been struck by the blasé attitude stick a few too many times. Look, don't get me wrong, “nothing can phase me” is a fine personality type for a girl to have, but when all the only -female-characters have it, it starts to grate. Like how “snarky, sarcastic, he'd be an asshole if he weren't so cute, clever, and charismatic” became default male protagonist personality for a while th- … actually I think they're still doing that one.
...../              HELP               \ .../   I've made a deal with   \ /an Ancient God, and now I \ |     don't know what to do!     | .\  (Slide finger from right to / ...\       left to turn to next    / .....\              page)              /
'Oh,' Sansa thought, feeling a little faint, 'so that was real.'
Apparently. Don't worry, I hate when that happens to me too. (Also I shudder to think how long it took to do the console format every time.)
So I actually had the message box open and was going to fire off a message to see if @redwolf17 would be cool if I did The Weirwood Queen for this, but then I thought “if my review curse* triggers, I will be devastated, everyone will be devastated!” So I picked one that's been on permanent hiatus for... three and half years? Oh wow, I didn't think it had been that long. Time is an illusion.
Anyway, I have author permission, and I'm even allowed to be as mean as I want. Oh, the evil that could unleash >:3c (I've fiddled with the formatting slightly, just because the layout in the og is very... laid out.) This fic is also more GoT than ASoIaF, sorry, but I poorly worded the fic option in the poll and no one gave me recs.
*I have this unfortunate curse where if I review a fic that's still in progress, something happens and the author drops the fic like 86% of the time. It's not because I'm mean or anything, I don't go for the writing jugular, it just. happens.
Happy April Everyone!!!
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titanicfreija · 1 year
"I need you to go away."
Freija and Sunny stood at the door of the barracks, having just come back from fishing on Nessus, Freija still in her dirty armor and a gun on her hip. Sunny knew better than to expect innocence. "What's going on?"
"I got you a surprise and you're not allowed to see it until I've set it up," she explained shortly.
"You're not good at surprises," Sunny told her guardian, tilting at her.
Freija flicked a whisker on the Hareball shell. "That is because you aren't either. If I could just be all, "Oh, nothing, I'm not up to anything at all, but seriously, can you give me space?", you'd spy. You're still gonna spy, and I've already told Rex about it so he's gonna be a remarkable pain in your ass if you try to sneak in."
Sunny froze in the air, glaring at her guardian and wondering again how many cogs were in there-- and how to get them all to turn at once. "Did you. Are you. Did you plan this on your own? Did Thomas help?"
Freija feigned pain, placing her hand on her heart and rocking away with a groan. "Oh, come on! I'm not bright, I'll be the first one to tell.... Maybe fifth after Rex, Thomas, you, and Zavala-- but-- Look, you're predictable and I can spot a pattern, okay? You sneak and spy and ask and dig and pry-- it's what you do. I love you for it, but you cannot leave a question unanswered."
Sunny sank bashfully to her guardian's chest level, ears lying sideways.
"Which is why I have taken extra measures to keep you out while I set up your surprise. I'm really hoping that the promise is good enough to keep you back, but if it takes me more than an hour, you'll start chirping."
Sunny slowly hovered forward and pressed her shell to the center of Freija's chestplate. "I never give you credit for the brains you have."
"Good. You won't expect them of me," Freija laughed, kissing the air over the ghost. "Go see your friends, go check on your other friends, go argue with Rex, go do something. I love you. I shouldn't take long. Go see about the paint guy again, that bear and rabbit thing was cute, the apartment could stand some colors. Dunno what to make for Thomas, but you could do a gambit thing for Three real easy."
With that, Freija vanished through the door, leaving Sunny hovering in the barren hallway of the Tower Barracks.
Upon her return, Sunny felt better-- she did need to catch up on her socializing, and lots of guardians were in the Tower for the events, so lots of Ghosts who rarely visited were also in the Tower. Listening to everyone else's stories and commiserating (and silently thanking her luck that she and Freija got along) felt better, too, even if it was schadenfreude.
Freija's comms were perpetually set to a fairly small freqency, but she probably wasn't wearing her gear anymore. Thomas left a speaker on his table, though.
"Where are you?" Freija asked in the comm. Sunny used an ear to tap on the door.
Opening the door, Sunny didn't see anything, and she scanned the room for changes.
A corner that had long collected discarded armor and gun parts and ammo had been cleared and now featured a... table?
Not a table. The four legs and flat top stood, but contained a flat spread of sand within a deep tray.
"What is it?" Sunny asked.
Freija took a deep breath, as if bracing herself. "Okay. So. You said the drawing thing with your petals--"
Freija lifted a hand under Sunny to 'support', letting her rest on the light bubble she usually emitted. "You don't have to use it until you want to, and you never have to use it at all. Thomas said he liked the idea and Three won't care as long as no sand gets in any trigger springs."
Sunny couldn't even name the churning inside, something like being sick with joy, and it made her want to beat her guardian about the head with her body.
"Anyway-- so this neat table thingie, which I found in a book believe it or not, sounded perfect. It's supposed to be a meditation thing? Or something? From some ancient ass cultures that were ancient before ancient was ancient-- but people like 'em, apparently, and draw stuff in them with sticks."
Sunny turned to look at it again, surprised to hear that. "So you didn't... look for it? No... trying-- did you make this?!"
Freija's face fell blank as if trying to hide an expression. "Uh. Are you angry if I did?"
Sunny couldn't speak, and she flew over to study it again.
"Anyway, it was a thing about meditation, which Thomas did point me at, and while I thought it sounded like something I'd turn into glass on a bad day, it sounded exactly like something you'd draw on the way you said you drew on stuff."
"You made this?" Sunny repeated.
"I mean, I ordered the pieces. Thomas did help me with specs, but only to double check my work, that was just math and geometry, I can do that."
The plain metal had been shaped to fit together, bolts and nuts and washers and all, even the crossbeams on the legs, and she made sure the ones holding the sand were soft and...
"Oh, Freija," Sunny whispered, circling the table.
The titan beamed, swaying back and forth where she stood. "And you still don't have to use it until you're ready, I'm happy you're happy. Oh!" Freija dove under the table to reach an edge against the wall, flipping a switch and spanned the table with a protective translucent covering that looked similar to helmet glass. "For when you do want to save something for a bit. I know the art is meant to be impermanent, but long enough for you to decide to erase it, kind of thing."
She flipped it back off before she clambered out to stand. "So, yeah. I got you a surprise. Thank you for not breaking into the apartment to see it before I finished, the work in progress was abysmal."
"Is Thomas here?"
"He's with Rhys."
Sunny couldn't make her ears stand up properly, and they flopped down. "You. Designed this. Got pieces made for it. And put it together? On your own?"
"Thomas double checked--"
"--double checked, yes, but that doesn't count as doing, that's supervising. You did this on your own?"
Freija leaned to poke the sand, writing something on a corner in clumsy lettering. "You don't have to make it sound like I'm that stupid. I do geometry all the time, my breachload grenade trajectory is second to Three and that's it."
"But I didn't notice?"
Finished with her writing, Freija stepped away from the table, a frown pulling her lips. "You slumped real hard there for a minute. I did it one of the days you were hiding on the fridge, got all the measurements of the barracks when I moved in and noticed that corner was empty in the way a junk drawer is, and it was mine and Thomas's, 'cos Three's is all in her room. So figured I'd fill the space and give you a thing."
Sunny scanned it again, seeing Freija's drawing (Freija loves Sunny) into the corner.
With little warning, she flew to Freija's chest and applied fifty pounds of pressure. Freija, used to the ghost 'hug', pressed her palm to Sunny and held tight. "I'm glad you like it."
"You're so sweet!"
"I gotta give something back, you literally keep me alive," Freija teased, 'scratching' the back of the shell as Sunny let up the pressure. "The switch should be within reach, I didn't make or get or look for any tools, but apparently there's things like... forks? Rakes? Sticks? I don't know. And rocks. And those tiny grown-up trees."
"Bonsai," Sunny told her, still marveling. "You're such a herbo."
"What's a herbo?"
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acourtofthought · 10 months
Do you think Lucien will end up at Spring or Day? Because most of the fandom is certain he'll end up at the Day Court but I always felt like he'd maybe explore his Day Court heritage but end up at Spring because Day Court already has Helion while the Spring court is in shambles. Also Lucien lived in the Spring Court for a long time so it would make sense if he ended up becoming their High Lord.
I have been turning this question over and over in my head. It's not that I wouldn't love Elucien in Day Court, it would be amazing to see two main characters settled down in a court that we really haven't gotten a feel for. And Lucien wearing that golden spiked crown?! 🥵🔥
But, what would they do there? Lucien has spent the entire series on standby, always second in command to Tamlin or doing work for other High Lords. He's got all this build up to be an amazing leader yet he's been relegated to waiting in the wings. Wouldn't that be more of the same in Day? It could be centuries until Helion steps down and SJM has said she's obsessed with Helion so would she really take him out? Especially with the possible love story that could exist between he and the LoA? If Helion is sticking around then Lucien would once again be right hand to a High Lord in the Day Court, still waiting for his turn to do more. Unless SJM wrote a storyline where the title was always meant to go to Lucien but because Helion became High Lord when Lucien wasn't UTM with the rest of Day, that's why the magic temporarily chose him? Still though, I can't imagine Helion not being a High Lord. So Spring does make the most sense to me for both Lucien and Elain. First, are the people of Spring ever going to trust Tamlin again for him to continue on as High Lord? He's not been able to break free of his depression in order to fulfil his duties so maybe his path forward is not that of a HL (which he never wanted). Maybe he'll join Springs armies instead. I would also think that Lucien having performed in the last Great Rite in the High Lords stead would tie him to the magic of the land. We also know that Lucien is still struggling with Spring not being the home he wanted it to be: "It was what, long ago, he'd once thought life at Tamlin's court would be. An ache like a blow to the chest went through him." "There was no tinge of guilt when he told Azriel what he knew. None of what he felt when he looked toward the south - toward both of the courts he'd called home." "I don't have anywhere else to go." "You ruined any chance I have of going back to Spring. Not to Tamlin, but to the court beyond his house. Everyone either still believes the lies you spun or they believe me complicit in your deceit." Maybe it's just me but I find it impossible not to think that with Nesta telling us Spring had been "made" for someone like Elain, that Elain can convince anyone to do anything with a few smiles and the knowledge that Lucien clearly is upset over having been run out of Spring that they're going to end up in Spring. All those sad feelings Lucien still has when thinking of Spring could be SJM hinting that he and Elain will turn the court into what he once dreamed of it being.
Though I still think maybe it will be Elain that is ""made" High Lord (but Lady) with Lucien standing beside her as acting High Lord (in the way Feyre is High Lady to Rhys's High Lord). Or Elain as High Lady of Spring and Lucien as temporary High King if future ACOTAR books involve some of the High Lords world walking, creating the need for leadership in their absence. That does then lead to the question of what happens when it is time for Lucien to step into his role as HL of Day but say that's something SJM knows won't happen for centuries. It's not entirely impossible to think that by that point, Elucien will have children, one of which Elain will have had a vision of taking over Spring. Or maybe SJM will hint at a future where the system for choosing leaders becomes more of a democracy. There's a lot of things she'll need to account for regardless of which direction she goes but I do think (regardless of what I like the idea of best), Spring makes the most sense. Thank you for the thought provoking question!
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theheadgirl · 2 years
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31 Days of Fear, hosted by @hp-fearfest
Day 2: Trapped (read on AO3 here)
"I can't believe you never told us your captain was Mr. Rochester," Audrey says as she steps into the next room of the house tour. The ceilings of the library vault into darkness, lined with books as high up as the eyes can see. 
"I don't know what that means, Addie," Oliver says, leaning in to have a closer look at a bust of a stern-looking man by the door. The intricately carved base identifies him as Blegywryd Davies, probably a forefather of the current captain of Puddlemere United, Rhys.
"Creepy old manor house, probably someone locked in the attic?" Off of Oliver's blank look, she shakes her head. "Percy's read Jane Eyre, haven't you?"
"I suppose there has to be a first time I disappoint you in our relationship," Percy replies. Like a magpie, he's drawn to the leather-bound books, their gilt titles shining softly in the guttering candlelight. "It won't happen again."
Audrey throws her hands in the air. "Wizards," she says. 
The door slams shut behind them. Oliver startles up and starts towards the door, but as his hand lands on the knob, they hear the distinct sound of a lock clicking. 
"I thought you said we were alone here," Percy says.
"We are, that's why Rhys asked us to house-sit," Oliver says. "There's only the groundskeeper, and he's out of town, too." He slips his wand from its holster lashed to his arm, then taps it against the doorknob. "Alohomora."
Nothing happens. Oliver's shoulders set, and he taps it again. "Alohomora."
Still nothing. 
The doorknob shimmers, a blue aura starting to form around it. 
Oliver shakes his head, bringing his wand down again to tap it against the doorknob. 
"Oliver, don't!" Audrey cries out, spotting the blue haze in the second before Oliver's wand makes contact. Too late, the wand taps, and Oliver's blown back like someone set a bomb at the door. He hits against a bookshelf with a sickening crunch, and collapses to the floor. 
"Oliver!" Percy shouts, and quickly closes the distance between them. He drops to his knees by the other man, shaking a shoulder gently. "Oliver, are you okay?"
"'m okay," Oliver mumbles after a moment, eyes blinking open. He sits up painfully, aided by Percy's hand on his back. "The hell was that, though?"
"Warded, I think," Audrey says. She peers at the doorknob but doesn't touch it, mindful of the haze still hovering around it. "A particularly nasty one, too."
"No kidding," Oliver says. He takes Percy's proffered hand and uses it to get to his feet, the redhead following a moment later. "Rhys didn't mention that."
"There has to be another way out," Percy says. "Oliver, do you need to sit for a bit or are you okay to look?"
"I don't want to be in here anymore," Oliver replies. "Let's get out."
"I'll take the left side of the room," Percy decides. "Audrey, you take the right side. Oliver, go down the middle. Hopefully one of us will find something."
There's no way it'll be as easy as finding a secondary door, but hope springs eternal. Percy's heart freezes in his chest when he hears Audrey scream, then suddenly go silent. 
"Audrey!" he yells, and he hears Oliver's footsteps take off. He starts to run, too, until he spots the other man. Oliver looks a little pale, and he seizes Percy's hand. 
"Audrey!" he calls. 
"I'm here!" Her voice is a bit distant, reedy. "There's a secret room here, I think."
"Keep talking," Percy says, trying to sound reassuring. "We'll find you."
"Okay," Audrey says. She takes in a shaky breath. "Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess trapped in a horrible little room in a gothic house in a godforsaken part of Wales. Two handsome princes were coming to find the princess -"
"Hey, I think that's us," Oliver says.
"And free her from the room, and hopefully Wales as well." Her voice, steadily growing louder, sounds just on the other side of the bookcase now.
"I think we've found you. How did you open it?"
"Red book, silver letters. It was on the middle shelf."
Percy scans the books and spots a cherry-red one with the title picked out in shining silver. 
The Way Forward, it reads. If it weren't such a serious situation, he might appreciate the wordplay. He tugs on the book, and the shelf swings open, revealing a horrible little room. Immediately, Audrey launches herself into Percy's arms. He wraps his arms around her, and next to him, Oliver gasps. Percy looks up and his arms tighten around Audrey.
Smeared on the wall in a dark reddish-brown color, still looking a bit wet, are two words:
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