#she was my favourite intern so of course she was the first to go
fanficshiddles · 12 hours
The Redbridge Hunts, Chapter 53 (Final Chapter)
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It was the day of Loki’s birthday and his party.
Loki was woken up, not so rudely, to Claire under the blanket giving him a blowjob. She then gave him his other presents, even though he joked that was more than enough.
She’d gifted him a scarf, a new briefcase for work. He’d been going on about wanting new knives in the kitchen for cooking, so she got him a brand-new set that was quite expensive.
His favourite present from her though was a history book he’d been looking for, there was only fifty made in the world and he’d been trying to get it for years. It even had a letter of authenticity along with it.
‘How…’ He was speechless and just kept staring at the book in shock.
‘I had a lot of help.’ Was all Claire said.
‘I am forever in your debt for this.’ Loki said as he grabbed her in a big bear hug, making her laugh.
‘Says the guy who got me a bloody car! A book doesn’t compare.’
‘It so does. You have no idea what I was prepared to do or sell for this book.’ Loki said seriously.
‘I dread to think, so I’m not going to ask.’ Claire dismissed and rushed to the kitchen.
She came back ten seconds later with breakfast she had prepared for him, but he was nose deep in the book already. Even placing the food down right by him didn’t get his interest.
In the end, she had to pluck the book out of his hands to get him to focus.
‘Sorry, darling.’ He chuckled.
‘I’m glad you’re so excited about your present.’ Claire laughed.
‘I'll try and leave it till tomorrow.’ He said, though did glance longingly at the book on the table.
‘I’m sure I could leave you alone for a few hours upstairs while I prep down here for the party.’ She teased as she sat down next to him.
‘No, I’ll help.’ Loki said as they began to eat.
‘You will not! You’re not preparing your own party. I’ve got Jessica and Louise coming to help.’
‘Oh?’ Loki raised an eyebrow.
‘Yeah. I figured it would be good getting Louise over early, so she can at least meet Jessica first. Then when people start to trickle in it might be easier for her. She hasn’t been in a room with more than like three people for years. I’m not sure how her confidence will be.’
‘Ah, of course. That’s a good idea. Let her know she can go upstairs whenever she needs, if she wants some time to herself at any point.’ Loki said.
‘I will.’ Claire nodded.
When Jessica and Louise arrived just after lunch time, Claire shooed Loki upstairs with his book. Which he didn’t put up much of an argument over.
Jessica and Louise instantly clicked, which Claire was so glad of. She had a feeling they would though. The three of them had a good time setting everything up for the party, including a few glasses of wine of course.
When people began arriving for the party, it wasn’t long before music was turned up and drinks began flowing. Claire had managed to get Loki downstairs without much of a fuss, especially when she teased him with the fact she wasn’t wearing knickers under her dress, then coaxed him downstairs.
When Matt arrived, Louise was speaking to Loki. Claire took Matt straight over to introduce her to him.
‘Matt, this is my sister, Louise. Louise, this is Matt.’ Claire grinned and motioned to Louise.
‘Hi, nice to meet you.’ Louise said with a smile.
She was nervous being around people she didn’t know, but she knew she was safe with Claire and of course with Loki. Meeting everyone as they arrived was easier than walking in to a bunch of people already there.
‘Nice to meet you too.’ Matt put his hand out towards her.
She hesitated, but then eventually did put her hand into his to shake hands, though it was a very quick hand shake before she retracted her hand. Loki internally cursed at himself for not pre warning Matt that she might be a little unsure around him at first.
Claire introduced her to all the others as they arrived too. So it wouldn’t seem obvious she was trying to hook them up. Though she did make sure they ended up back by Matt, so they could talk.
‘Remember, if you need space just say. You can go upstairs.’ Claire whispered to Louise.
‘I know, thank you. I’m fine, honestly. I know I’m safe with you guys. And everyone seems really nice.’ Louise assured her.
Louise, Claire, Loki, Matt and Spencer were together talking casually, when Louise became distracted looking over Claire’s shoulder. Claire saw her eyes widen.
‘Who is that?’ She asked in a little awe.
Loki and Claire turned around to see Chris entering, heading right their way.
‘Ah… That’s Chris, Loki’s brother.’ Claire told her.
Chris was halfway across the room towards them, but his eyes were locked on Louise, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. As he drew closer, Loki saw his nostrils flaring as he took in her scent.
‘Chris, this is my sister, Louise. Louise, this is Chris.’ Claire quickly introduced, though she wasn’t sure if he heard her or not because he was so focused on Louise.
Louise’s cheeks turned red as Chris stood on front of her, looking completely in wonder, Loki had never seen him look at someone like that before.
‘It’s lovely to meet you.’ Chris eventually spoke, his voice low and smooth.
‘Lovely to meet you, too.’ Louise squeaked out, she put her hand out towards him straight away without hesitation.
Chris took her hand in his and felt electricity shoot through his veins. He slowly lifted her hand and dipped his head down to kiss the back of her hand when she didn’t pull away.
Louise couldn’t take her eyes off of him, Loki sensed her heartbeat spike, but not in fear. He also sensed Chris’ heartbeat spike too. He looked at Claire and she looked at him, both sharing the same look.
‘Brother, I need a quick word.’ Loki said as he put his hand on Chris’ shoulder.
Chris only just managed to tear his eyes away from Louise to glance at Loki, Loki motioned towards the kitchen with his head. Chris reluctantly agreed and let go of Louise’s hand.
Louise’s skin was tingling where he had kissed her.
Loki dragged Chris into the kitchen and shut the door so they could have a little bit of privacy.
‘Please tell me what I think is happening, is not happening.’ Loki whined.
‘She… She’s my soulmate! I can feel it.’ Chris said breathless, unable to get his mind to work properly.
Claire entered the kitchen and shut the door behind her, to see Chris looking like he’d just found gold and Loki with his face in his hands.
‘Is she your soulmate?’ Claire squeaked.
‘This is not happening.’ Loki said firmly. ‘Not Louise! Anyone but her!’ He groaned.
‘She’s beautiful.’ Chris said, his voice was a little high, like he was in a trance.
‘To be honest, you are totally her type. Tall, dark, handsome, tattooed. Plus being a vampire… Heck, I’m surprised she hasn’t spread her legs for you already.’ Claire teased with a laugh.
‘We are trying to hook her up with Matt! Not whore her out to my brother!’ Loki argued.
‘Not going to happen.’ Chris growled low and turned to head back through to the living room.
‘Oh no… no, no, no!’ Loki chanted in a panic and darted after him.
Claire, however, had a huge smile on her face and she felt fuzzy in her heart for Louise and Chris.
Perhaps her match-making hadn’t worked out exactly as planned, but it seemed that her sister was getting a match anyway.
‘Oooo, we could double date!’ Claire said excitedly to herself as she rushed after them.
NOTE: There is a sequel! There's so SO much more to go with these guys. Instead of making it a super long fic, I thought a sequel would be better, which will become apparent why when I post the first chapter next week.
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allidoiswatchtv · 1 year
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the dynamic duo
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
I’ve been having a bit of a hay shortage lately—January was very cold and snowy so the animals ate a lot, plus I have an extra mouth to feed this year, and I hadn’t realised Poldine would eat so much in her first year! Next summer I’ll make sure to buy enough hay for 4 animals rather than 3 and a half.
In the meantime I’ve been offering various hay substitutes, such as brambles, or my Christmas tree. It was waiting on the pile of green waste I intend to burn in early spring, until I remembered seeing someone’s ad in the local paper that went “if you want to recycle your Christmas trees, give them to me, my goats will love them!” I figured well, llamas are tall goats, maybe they’ll enjoy a bit of Christmas tree, and they did !
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(Baby Poldine is always very circumspect about new foods, but she did end up tasting it.)
Pirlouit was also pleased with this unexpected breakfast. They all took turns nibbling at the tree until only the trunk was left :)
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Still, I was trying to contact nearby farmers to ask if they have some hay to spare (it’s not that I’ve run out, I just want to be prepared in case of another cold spell), and I also moved the animals to my other pasture down the road, as there’s still some dry grass there. It’s not well-fenced though, and I wasn’t very confident in this pasture’s ability to contain Pampe, but I figured—there’s no grass to be found in any nearby pasture, so why would she try to leave this one?
(Because Pampe.)
I left the llamas & donkey frolicking in this exciting new place (Poldine looked enchanted to explore a new pasture, she was bounding around like a baby goat!), and I went skiing today, as a (late) birthday gift to myself. The skiing station is just half an hour away and this has become a very anticipated birthday ritual since I moved here! This year I waited until I had found some way to keep the animals busy before taking a day off, so there would be no llama leaks in my absence.
So of course I got a text from a neighbour in the afternoon, telling me my llamas had been spotted on the road, going towards the village. (“Pampe looked determined. She was going to the grocery shop to get muesli.”) (Pampe is so famous, people even know her favourite snacks 😭)
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Since I was literally on a ski slope I decided to turn my conscience off and pretend I hadn’t seen the text. I thought, if the llamas do end up in the village I’ll get more texts updating me on their position and I’ll be a responsible llama owner and go home (promise), but they’ll probably get off the road and into the woods somewhere between my house and the village and they’ll spend the afternoon eating communal shrubs and they’ll be fine.
When I went home a few hours later, I found my donkey alone in the pasture where I’d left him in the morning—we both had to wrestle with a moral dilemma today, and Pirlouit’s was “do I loyally follow my friends and potentially starve to death, or do I stay by myself in this place with very adequate dry grass to munch on?” He really hates being alone, yet he chose food over friendship.
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I brought Pirou back to his normal pasture (he wouldn’t have liked to find himself alone after sunset) and went looking for the girls. I’d had a neighbour on the phone who had talked to someone who’d talked to someone who had seen the llamas and had “shooed them in the general direction of your house.” That was some very helpful shooing, because I found them just a couple of kilometres away, and indeed going in the right direction.
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Pampelune leading the way, determined to go home before night; Pampérigouste last, internally grumbling that it was still early and they could have explored the world some more.
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I usually jog with the llamas when I bring them home so we don’t spend too much time in the middle of the road, but there aren’t many cars when the road is icy and also after a day of skiing, you don’t really feel like jogging a few km at a brisk pace in heavy snow boots. So we went home in a slow and solemn procession.
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I called the people who had told me about the llamas’ whereabouts to thank them, and explained that this escape was the result of a failed attempt to move the animals to my poorly-fenced second pasture because I don’t have a lot of hay left—and one of them told me he could spare a bale and he’d bring it to me tomorrow!
“So I’ve done everyone a favour” (is probably Pampe’s conclusion.)
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I gave them hay as I figured they hadn’t had time to graze much in the other pasture, but only Pampe was hungry. Well, Pirlouit is always hungry, but Pampe indignantly rebuffed him. “You chose food over adventure. You don’t get to eat the food I’m getting as a reward for a successful adventure.”
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Pirlouit is completely resigned to the fundamental unfairness of a dutiful donkey’s life.
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celaenaeiln · 6 months
Hi! What are your favourite moments of Dick with the Justice League Team or members? Or maybe with Clark or Diana?
My favorite Clark and Dick moment of all time! -
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Superman (1939) Issue #700
Clark will always be there for his favorite person! Not to mention that Dick ran immediately to Clark after being fired by Bruce for spending too much time with the Titans and Clark was just outraged on Dick's behalf. "He can't do that! You're his right hand man!" Clark adores Dick so, so much. He puts him on a pedestal without being toxic about it the same way Bruce does.
Dick doesn't have as significant moments with Diana as he does with Clark, Ollie, or anyone else but whenever they are together, it's just Diana always being impressed by Dick's talents.
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Titans (2016) Annual #1
Actually I lied, I do have a favorite. It's this one.
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Justice League (2018) Issue #53
Favorite overall moments are the Justice League teasing Dick or trusting him unconditionally!
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Brave and Bold (2007) Issue #15
They love him and love playing with him.
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Brave and Bold (2007) Issue #15
This is also my favorite JL moment lol. To them Dick is like their kid/nephew/baby brother that they're super duper proud of.
When something happens in the Batfam and Batman's out of his mind he's the first person they go to.
What I really like is that Dick is so well-connected to the League that you get personal interactions with him and all the members at some point.
Hal for example prefers him abundantly to Bruce
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Justice League of America (2006) Issue #142
"Different. New Faces. And a batman I actually don't mind being around."
Kara's not exactly Justice League but I felt like including her anyway cause I love this moment
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Justice League of America (2006) Issue #60
People (JL version) helping Dick will always be my favorite moments though
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #53
Here you have Jay Garrick (first Flash), Stargirl, Alan Scott (first Green Lantern), Powergirl, and more.
Him commanding the Justice League-
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Justice League: Generation Lost #1
Dick leading hero teams, the Justice League in this case, of course must be included. I don't think people understand how integral Dick is to the hero community just because he's not on the Justice League. One of the DC writers said Dick Grayson is the most important character that's not in the Justice League. He has a personal connection to every. Single. Person. In. DC.
The Outsiders, the Justice League, the Doom Patrol, the Teen Titans, the Titans, the JSA, the Justice League International, the Green Lantern Corps, the magic community (John Contastine, Zatanna, Jason Blood), even freaking Marvel and the X-Men!
He is, canonically, at the center of the freaking universe.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #49
Cause you know why?
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Outsiders (2003) Issue #37
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thelittlestoflives · 3 months
Unravelling the Mystery
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a wee Sanji x Strawhat!reader from the perspective of our favourite archeologist! it’s so self indulgent lol but i just love these lil pirates so much!! my first time writing for one piece too!!
barely proofread or formatted forgive me pls!!!!
no warnings, just fluff, use of YN but gender neutral as much as possible
wc: 1k
Robin loved a mystery.
Whether it be a novel, an ancient archaeological site, or even the small cartoon strip in the newspaper that Nami got delivered every so often, she was all over it, the cogs in her brain whirred like a woman possessed to solve it.
Her newest obsession was the mystery of where her fellow crewmate was going when everyone else was asleep. Every night, she would hear the door creak and their gentle footsteps on the floorboards.
No. It seemed too calculated for that. And if it were sleepwalking, how would that explain the way that they managed to always be in their bed in the morning?
Robin knew in her gut that there was something else happening here, and she was determined to find out what. Not by asking, of course. She would find out in her own special Robin way, by following YN as they left the room, and then staying awake all night to see when they returned. Simple enough really.
That night, she laid with her back to YN, breathing steadily to imitate someone who was dead asleep. Nami’s breaths had evened out too, and like clockwork Robin heard the familiar creak of the floorboards and the door carefully being pried open.
She waited a few seconds before getting up and creeping out of their room.
YN tiptoed ahead of her, bare feet not making a sound on the floor, yawning and rubbing their eyes.
Robin felt in her element as she sneaked behind her crew mate, only a slight pang of guilt in her stomach. Her curiosity overrode that particular emotion.
YN turned left, towards the boys’ room.
With precision, they opened the door slowly, and then shut it behind them without a sound.
Ah. Of course. They're sneaking in to see someone. But who?
Robin’s brain raced with possibilities. Was it the stoic swordsman? Their silly captain? The flirty chef? She went back to her bed, puzzling over each outcome.
When Robin opened her eyes, sunlight streamed onto her face and she was hit with a feeling that she forgot something. She rolled over and saw Nami and YN sound asleep in their respective beds.
Dammit! She fell asleep before she could see YN coming back to bed. Tonight, she would do it. The day could be used to gather some more clues.
At breakfast, she watched YN for any signs of lingering gazes or prolonged touches with any of the other crew mates.
Unfortunately for her she was in the middle of an intense discussion with Usopp and Luffy, trying to explain why their Captain physically couldn’t eat so much that he would actually explode, and missed exactly the telltale signs she was looking for. Hands brushing, a slight blush of the cheeks, eyes meeting with a knowing glint.
The rest of the day proved ineffective for clue gathering, and now asking YN outright seemed almost like admitting to failure, by not being able to solve this mystery. And that simply wouldn’t do. Tonight she would put an end to this and find out to settle her questioning mind.
Again, she feigned sleep and waited for those creaking floorboards. Once she felt like enough time had passed for YN to settle into whoever’s bed it was they were creeping in to, Robin rose from her sheets and moved towards the male quarters.
She imitated the way YN had opened the door, carefully and noiselessly. She stuck her head through the gap and scanned the swinging hammocks for any signs of her friend tangled up with someone. Wrinkling her nose at the smell of, well, men, she willed her eyes to adjust to the dark whilst internally cursing. She couldn’t see anything! This was beginning to frustrate her. Why couldn’t she solve this seemingly simple mystery? She sighed softly, closing the door and stepping back into the hallway.
She made herself a coffee and sipped it while deep in thought. She would just have to stay awake and see if she could spot YN heading back to bed.
She lay in bed reading her book, so lost in the words that she didn’t realise that it was almost sunrise. The footsteps outside the door startled her and she blew out the candle she was using to read and pretended to sleep once more.
The door pushed open, and she stared intently through half shut eyes.
A familiar blonde head stepped into the room, with a sleepy YN cradled in his arms.
Aha! So it was the damn chef after all.
He laid them down impossibly gently, tucking the duvet around them. He knelt down beside their head, and they exchanged some mumbling words before he pressed a tender kiss to YN’s forehead. Their hands were still tangled as he stood to walk away, and he kissed their knuckles so softly that Robin felt a small jolt in her heart. Sanji left the room to prepare breakfast for the crew, and YN was already back asleep.
She suppressed a smile. The thought of her friend creeping into his arms every night, so soft, so tender, so loving, and him gently cradling their body to his every morning before he started work, tucking them in, was so overwhelmingly endearing she could cry. Now she knew why her friend was keeping it a secret, for now at least. However, she was surprised that the lovesick chef was able to keep something like this to himself, but you didn’t need to be as perceptive as Robin is to see how special and genuine this relationship was. They belonged entirely to each other and were secluded in their small bubble of secrecy. She wasn't going to be the one to pop it for them.
And after all, she got what she wanted.
She solved the mystery.
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hgfictionwriter · 4 months
Jessie Fleming x Reader
Summary: Jessie moves away when she transfers to a new team. You’ve been apart for far too long.
Warning: The usual smut. And language.
When Jessie received an offer from Bayern, she couldn’t turn it down. She’d finally be able to play more minutes and she’d have the comfort of being reunited with old friends and mentors.
The crowd cheered as the final whistle blew. You stood up in your seat and cheered, clapping your hands enthusiastically.
Jessie played nearly the full 90 minutes and she’d gotten one assist - and it was only her first game with the new team.
You were able to secure a transfer out there, but it was going to take a bit for time for it to take effect. Until then, you and Jessie were going to have to be long distance and travel to see each other whenever possible.
The flight was short enough, the trouble was your schedules. Between Jessie’s back to back international duty, pre-season camp, and your work, it’d been over a month since you’d seen her.
You watched as Jessie and the team walked the field, thanking fans and signing autographs. She clapped and chitchatted with teammates, but her eyes were searching the stands. You purposely stood back until she was starting to pass your section and you headed down to stand alongside the other fans.
She stopped dead in her tracks, now standing erect as her head scanned back and forth across the crowd until her gaze landed on yours. You grinned at her and gave a wave. A look of shock was quickly replaced by elation and excitement.
“Y/n!” She yelled as she sprinted over.
She nearly skidded to a stop right before the barrier, giving you a watery smile before rushing forward again and pulling you into a tight hug. She pulled back a few moments later to grab you by your jacket and into a kiss. You felt her both grin and sink into you as her teammates erupted in catcalls and teasing. When she broke off your kiss her cheeks were bright red, but her smile said that she wasn’t giving the teasing much mind.
“I didn’t think you could make it.” She said in wonder. Her eyes glistened and she quickly swiped at them, trying to hide the emotion. “I’ve missed you so much. You have no idea.”
“I missed you too, baby,” you echoed with a kiss. “I couldn’t miss my girl’s first game with her new team.”
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Jessie asked, disbelief still in her voice. You gave a small shrug with a crooked smile.
"What would be the fun in that?"
She was about to offer you a quip when she saw your gaze flick over her shoulder to the rest of her team who was now walking away. You gestured with a nod their direction.
“You better catch up and go greet the rest of your fans,” you said with a wink.
“I’ll meet you after?” She asked, eyes big and hopeful, as if there was any doubt. You had to laugh.
“No. I’m going to go visit my other girlfriend.” You ribbed and quickly kissed her as soon as you saw a pout begin to form. “Of course, love.”
Afterwards, you were with Jessie and the squad at one the team's favourite hangouts as they celebrated their first win of the season. You'd finally gotten the chance to meet the famous Magda and Pernille that Jessie had praised endlessly. And, surprising to you, they were thrilled to finally meet you.
"Jessie is just over the moon," Magda had said as Jessie got up from your table to get you another drink, eager to wait on you. Pernille laughed as they both watched Jessie walk away, but still glance over her shoulder back at you with a bright and endearing smile.
"Truly. She's been talking non-stop about you since she got to Munich, Y/n. And I didn't think she could be more smitten, but here we are," Pernille had joked.
"Our baby's all grown up," Magda said with a wink.
They'd teasingly warned you that if you ever hurt Jessie, you'd have to answer to them. You took it in stride and told them between them and the entirety of Chelsea, you'd be a goner if anything went south. Despite the joking though, you earnestly told them that you'd never intentionally hurt Jessie. You felt so grateful to have her in your life, and honestly, you couldn't picture anyone more perfect for you. You'd never do anything to jeopardize your relationship with Jessie or hurt her.
After drinks with the team wrapped, you went back to Jessie's new flat. It was crazy to think that you'd only seen it via Facetime. You chuckled to yourself as she excitedly pulled you down the hallway to her door, your bag and hers slung over her shoulders - she insisted on carrying yours too - and let you inside.
She eagerly gave you the tour and your heart fluttered at the touches she'd arranged for you not even knowing you were coming. Drawers left empty for your stuff, a space for you to work, and she beamed as she handed you the extra key already on a keychain designed after your favourite show.
"You are so good to me," you said with a tender smile as you took the keychain and cupped her face gently to kiss her. "How did I get so lucky?"
She smirked at you, though very satisfied with herself that you were happy with the place. "Well, you work with Julia, who's friends with Niamh, and Niamh introduced us, and we hit it off, so..."
"Yeah, alright," you laughed and kissed her again. "I love you." You stayed close, your forehead resting against hers as you looked into her eyes. "And I've really, really missed you." She tilted her head to kiss you, the kiss a bit rushed and hard, her hands coming up around your waist and pulling you tight before she pulled back a bit.
"I've missed you, too." Her gaze was both sad and determined. She took the the keys from you and tossed them onto the table a few feet away before pulling you tight to her once more. "I don't ever want to go this long without each other again." You nodded wordlessly, feeling she had more to say. She inhaled deeply, her sculpted shoulders rising as the breath filled her lungs. "I've never missed anyone like this," she expressed. "I don't want to be without you."
"I don't want to be apart either," you reciprocated, your hands now caressing the back of her neck. Your hips subconsciously rocked against her as you took a deep breath of your own in an attempt to ease the feeling that was starting to build inside of you.
"It feels so good to have you in my arms again," she said, her voice holding a slight rasp in it as her gaze wandered down your neck and back up as she kissed you. You hardened the kiss and you felt her stiffen in your embrace before exhaling into your touch. "Did you miss me, too, baby?" She asked.
"So much." Your voice was breathy and you couldn't help a small whimper from escaping your throat. Your hands began to roam into her hair and soon her hands pressed into the small of your back.
"How much did you miss me?" She asked, now dipping her head to trail kisses down the side of your neck. You chewed your lip as you let your head fall back.
"Why don't you find out?" You challenged and suppressed a shiver when she exhaled against your neck, tucking her head against you further.
"Tell me," she whispered as her fingers dug slightly into your back.
"Mm. This much," you said as you grasped one of her hands and guided it between your bodies. With your other hand you coaxed her head back up so you could kiss her while you pushed her hand inside your underwear and straight to your heat.
"Fuck, baby," she shuddered, her knees giving out oh so slightly for a second as her fingers were immersed in your wetness. "Oh God, I missed you," she said as she began gliding her fingers through your folds.
You gasped at the contact you'd been craving for weeks upon weeks now and you ground yourself down against her fingers.
"Oh God, I love you so fucking much," Jessie's voice now strong as she removed her hand and collided into you with a kiss as she ushered you to the couch, you both falling into the cushions as you continued to kiss.
She guided you so you were fully laying down. Her hands roamed under your shirt, massaging your breasts before she pulled your shirt off along with your bra. She leaned down to take one of your breasts into her mouth, her teeth grazing your nipple before circling it with her tongue. You were engrossed in the feeling, your back lifting off the couch to meet her mouth.
She sat up, causing you to open your eyes at the sudden lack of contact. You looked down your body to see her sitting up and giving you a hungry look. She placed her hands at the waist of your pants and removed them swiftly. She reached down and ran a couple of fingers along your lips through your underwear.
"This brand new couch has just been begging for me to fuck you on it." She leaned in and kissed you slowly, her fingers pushing your panties aside as she caressed you further. A moan rumbled in your throat. "I picture it every day."
"Jess, please. I need you inside me. It’s been so long," you pleaded. Your hips were rocking up against her fingers shamelessly.
She ran her free hand up your neck to the back of your head, her fingers splayed through hair. Your eyes were closed, but you could feel her breath shudder as she watched you. Her gaze didn’t waver as she pulled your underwear down your legs and dropped them to the ground. She ran her hand back up the inside of your leg.
“Jessie!” Her name filled the room as she entered you, her fingers easily sinking to her knuckles with how wet you were. You winced in pleasure as the nails of her other hand dug into your scalp. You didn't have to see her to know how much slipping inside of you did for her.
"Y/n," she rasped. She curled against your body, using her strong legs to press higher up into you as she began kissing down your chest and taking one of your breasts in her mouth once more.
"Oh God," you whimpered as you dragged your nails along her back, her shirt bunching beneath your fingers. You tugged sharply on the fabric and she huffed before giving you a kiss and quickly discarding the shirt. You sat up, hooking a hand behind her neck and pulling her down with you into another kiss as she sunk back inside of you.
"Fuck, Y/n," she breathed as she expertly curled her fingers inside of you. "You feel even more amazing than before." She gave a pleased moan. "Right between your legs is where I belong."
"Oh, Jess, I missed you so much. You make me feel so fucking good," you moaned as you wrapped your legs around her waist and pulled her further into you. She kissed you hard in response.
"You're so gorgeous. I feel like I can't get close enough to you."
That was the thing with Jess. The sex could be primal, physical in its rawest form, but it was always emotional. It truly felt like you couldn't get close enough to each other. There was so much emotion, so much magnetic force between you, that fucking the life out of each other was the closest you could come to expressing how much you loved and wanted one another.
"Oh God, Jess," you clutched at her, pulling her impossibly tighter to you. "I'm gonna cum already."
"Yeah," she said, a smile crossing her lips at how quickly you were coming undone for her. "Let go, baby. Cum for me."
"Oh fuck, yeah," she nearly hissed as you tightened like a vice around her fingers and she felt a rush of your arousal pool in her palm. She subconsciously ground her hips into the back of her hand and your thighs, her own arousal becoming nearly unbearable. "I've been dreaming of this. I missed you so much."
You had barely come down from your high when Jessie pulled her fingers from your sopping pussy and hoisted you into her arms. A small squeal escaped you as she chuckled and carried you to the bedroom, laying you down on the bed.
"I'm not done with you yet," she told you, her eyes shining as she looked down at you before reaching into her side table and retrieving her strap.
The sight of Jessie putting on her strap and crawling up your body had you pulsing in need all over again.
"Is this okay?" She asked as she settled over you, but sure not to go too far.
"Jessie, you better fuck me and keep showing you how much you've missed me," you whispered as you pulled her to you.
A grin crossed Jessie’s face as she grabbed the strap and rubbed it up and down your folds, getting it slick.
She placed the tip at your entrance and gradually pressed her hips forward, wanting to give you time to adjust.
The fulsome moan you released as she bottomed out in you nearly caused her to start bucking her hips into you, but she steeled herself and slowly drew back before smoothly sinking back in again. This time she moaned with you as the friction heightened her arousal.
She slowly began picking up her speed and steadily the sounds of her fucking you filled the room. Between the wet sounds of her pumping in and out of you, your panting mixed with needy groans, and her name falling off your tongue, Jessie’s eyes grew nearly black with lust.
“Nothing could be better than this,” she declared. Her eyes were trained on you as she adjusted her position, moving one hand up to the headboard to brace herself as she began sinking herself even deeper into you. You let out a particularly wanton moan as you dragged your nails down her sides and drew a hiss from her. She still didn’t skip a beat.
You noticed as she glanced down to where your fingers now anchored themselves by her hips. Immediately, you saw the red marks they’d left in their wake. Before you could even contemplate feeling bad, she spoke.
“Wish I could get your marks tattooed on me. Have you with me all the time.”
“Jessie,” you panted. You reached down and grabbed her ass with both hands and started pulling her into you in time with her thrusts. She growled in approval before picking up her pace and rolling her hips with each thrust to really hit your sweet spot.
It wouldn’t have been uncommon for her to flip you onto your hands and knees and fuck you with such need and intensity, that you’d need to bury your face in the sheets and scream her name. It’s not like she wasn’t fucking you with overwhelming passion and ferocity right now - the shockwaves of pleasure shooting through every time her hips slammed home into you, and certainly the way you knew you’d barely be able to walk after were proof enough. However, it seemed today you both needed something more intimate. When she wasn’t kissing you, her eyes were locked on you, her gaze so intense and as if she were memorizing every angle of you. You relished in the feeling of her body on top of you, her trained muscles flexing and moving so exquisitely as your hands rediscovered her.
She placed both hands on the bed, threading under your arms and she moved her powerful legs up, pushing your own up and back so you were in a full press. She kissed you deeply as she began rocking deeply and furiously into you. Soon the sounds of the bed knocking against the wall echoed through the room, only partially drowned out by your growing cries of pleasure. From Jessie’s hitched breathing and her whimpers in your ear, you could tell she was just as close as you were to her high.
“I want to make sure every time you're wanting, anytime you're wet - you think of me. And nobody else can satisfy you. The only things that can truly give you what you need are my fingers, my cock, my tongue. Me,” she panted in your ear. “Cum with me, baby. I need you.”
Your legs tightened around her and your nails dug deeper into her back as you screamed her name. You convulsed as she slammed into you with a cry of her own, her body tensing in your embrace. Her breath came out in ragged, shuddering gasps as her own orgasm ripped through her.
You were still in a haze when you felt her grow limp in your arms, collapsing on top of you as her back rose and fell as she worked to catch her breath, you only just now really noticing the sweat that was dripping down her. You kissed her tenderly.
“Jessie,” you smiled, running your fingers into her hair and caressing her. “That was beyond incredible. You are way too good at fucking me.”
Jessie let out a tired chuckle, but lifted her head to give you a slow smirk.
"I have to make sure you don't forget me when you go back to London." Her tone was only half joking and you shot her a frown.
“I could never. In any sense.” You leaned forward to kiss her. "And for the record, I love you for far more than your fingers, your cock and your tongue."
She buried her head in your neck, you still spying the beginnings of a blush on her cheeks.
“You better,” she said, her voice muffled against your skin. You kissed the side of her head and laced your fingers together with hers.
“I missed you.”
“I missed you, too.”
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errythinisblue · 2 years
maybe one where mason has been struggling alot? maybe he’s having a hard time at training and the start of the season hasn’t been working out how he wants it to so you surprise him at a game with his family and then you head home and have a takeaway for dinner and then cuddles on the couch leads to the softest most loving sex ever
This request was E V E R Y T H I N G, thank you so much for sending it to me! I loved writing it (and it shows judging how long it turned out!)! I really hope you’ll like it! 🤍
Mr Goalscorer
Mason Mount x Y/N
Summary: You love Mason with all your heart, and you’re set on demonstrating him that, both “on” and “off” the pitch.
Warnings: things get quite steamy at the end, you’ve been warned!
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gif credits to @packjoker
Each time the moment of international duty came, you weren’t really happy to let Mason go; the days you’d have to spend apart weighed on you very much and you’d miss him dearly while he was away. But this time you were happy to let him go, well kind of.
The season didn’t start in the best way for him at Chelsea, and that was taking a toll on him you could tell. He was so dedicated, always busy training and keeping himself in the best of shapes; but on his face you could read that he felt like everything he did still wasn’t enough.
Your feelings about the whole situation were confirmed one night, a little over a week ago, when Mason came home from training exhausted and didn’t speak a word to you until you begged him to. In that moment you saw him for what he really was, or what he was trying to be; he acted strong, as if nothing was wrong, but when he started talking to you, you discovered that in fact it was just an act. In reality he was pained about the situation at the club, pained that he wasn’t playing like he wanted to, and afraid there was nothing more he could offer to his team.
That same night, while he laid on the sofa with his head in your lap, you reminded him that he could always come to you when something was bothering him. That same night, the night before he was supposed to leave with the National Team, you pushed him to do his best, putting your feelings aside and just thinking about what he needed the most: trusting himself and his talent once again, something you were sure he could do while he was away, with the help of his teammates.
“Do you reckon he can spot us up here??” you anxiously asked Jaz, biting your nails both in fear that he couldn’t see you were all there, ending up with no surprise at all, and in nervousness for the game that was about to start.
“First thing, stop biting those poor nails! You look like my brother when you do it…” she laughed, always keeping her hand on her bump, “Second, we’re pretty close to the pitch so, he’s gonna spot us for sure, don’t worry… our surprise won’t be ruined!” she added, taking your hand in hers.
Jaz’ words seemed to have eased your nerves; you planned this surprise as soon as Mason left your home for Saint George’s Park, and you wanted everything to be perfect of course; you wanted Mason to know you always had his back, always. You didn’t tell him anything, but you and Tony made sure you got some nice seats, not far behind England’s bench, so that Mason could easily see you there and feel your full support.
“I hope you’re right!” you gently smiled at her, leaning your head on her shoulder while Summer sat in your lap and played with the rings on your fingers.
While you were busy playing with the little girl and talking to her mother about her pregnancy, the English players were taking the usual walk around the pitch before the game; people were slowly making their way to their seats, meaning the stadium was still empty, mostly, and quite silent too.
All of a sudden, as Summer saw his favourite uncle getting closer, she shouted at the top of her little lungs for him.
“Uncle Maceyyy!” she screamed as she jumped on your lap, waving at him with her arms.
“Shhh Summer!” Jaz shushed her daughter out of instinct, raising a finger to her own lips, “Uncle Mason doesn’t know we’re here, it’s a surprise!”
“No wait, let her,” Debbie said chuckling, “he has to know we’re here one way or another!”
Mason’s ears perked up upon hearing the echo of a little voice that sounded extremely familiar, and he turned around in a haste, trying to figure out where that voice was coming from; he was sure that his mind was playing tricks on him since he knew no one would be coming to the game that night, so he just shook his head and kept on walking with Ben by his side while they chatted about the match.
As they neared the sideline, Mason laughed at something his teammate said and casually threw his head back, the crinkles by his eyes visible from where you were seated; you smiled upon seeing him so relaxed, thinking that being with the boys at camp was doing him some good, before you turned your attention back to the little girl in your lap.
“That can’t be…” Mason whispered, a shocked expression on his face upon spotting some familiar faces.
“What?” Ben asked dumbfounded, looking in the same direction his friend was looking too, “Wait, y/n’s here?? Your family’s here?? But you told me they couldn’t attend the game?”
“Yeah that’s what I thought too…” he smiled as his eyes were contoured by the usual crinkles once again, as they settled on a precise spot on the stands.
“Well that’s a nice surprise man!” his friend said, patting him on his shoulder.
“Yeah…yeah it is…” Mason chuckled, his heart picking up its pace upon seeing you all there.
“Uhm girls… I think he saw us!” Debbie said out of the blue, pointing at Mason, who had his eyes fixed on all of his family, but just on one person in particular, you.
“Oh…” you breathed once you moved your gaze from Summer to Mason; your eyes locked in those warm brown ones you adored and your mind went blank, “Yeah… he definitely saw us!” you added as you raised your hand and waved at him, finally releasing the breath you didn’t even know you were holding up until that moment.
England vs Germany was a real rollercoaster of emotions! What started like a pretty dull game, ended up like a thrilling one in the second half: especially from the moment Mason was subbed on. He entered the pitch full of energy, and played wonderfully; he not only changed the way England was playing, he even scored a goal himself!
You jumped up and down with Summer in your arms, and you both screamed his name when you saw Mason running towards where you were standing, pointing at you while he celebrated his goal. That only made you want to hug him even more, as you were sure everything was going to be easier for him now.
The moment finally came, as you were waiting for him with his family. He sneaked up behind you and wrapped his strong arms around your waist, making you jump from the scare.
“Mase oh my God!” you laughed however, happy to be in his arms after all those days, even if he almost gave you a heart attack.
“Don’t you dare act surprised now!” he giggled, brushing his nose on the skin of your neck and inhaling your perfume that he missed so much, “I’m the one who should be surprised, why didn’t you tell me you were coming??” he almost whined, leaning his chin on the top of your head, eyes closed as he kept his arms firmly around your body while he relished in the feeling of being close to you once again.
“Because if she told you, it wouldn’t have been a surprise then, genius!” Lewis chided, sticking his tongue out at his little brother.
“Always the funny one you are…” he playfully rolled his eyes at him, “Hey where’s Summer??”
“Boo uncle Macey!!!” she jumped at his side, clinging to his right leg in an attempt to scare him.
“I saw you! You didn’t scare me missy!” Mason laughed, removing himself from you and giving his full attention to the little girl.
“That’s not true! You’re veeery scared!” She shook her head while her uncle took her in his arms, her little ponytails dancing in the air, “Very very scared!”
“Am I??”
“Yes you are!” you turned around to give support to the poor girl in Mason’s hold, “You jumped out of your skin! You can’t tell me otherwise!”
“Hey whose side are you on???” Mason whined, making puppy eyes at you.
“Summer’s of course!” you winked at him, before you high fived his niece, “Us girls gotta stick together!”
“Oh I see how it is!” Mason pouted, before he tickled the both of you, laughing uncontrollably, “You teamed up against me during the game, I saw you two from the pitch!”
The bickering went on under the stare of his family, all of them looking at you with their eyes full of love and their wide smiles; and just as if you felt their stares on you, you both turned around and resumed talking with them. You started from congratulating him on the goal, and went on talking about football and how the camp was this time, all of this while you went to your cars.
After you said your goodbyes to his family you walked to car, with Mason holding tightly on your hand, almost as if he was afraid you would vanish in the air if he let go.
“Give me the keys babe.” he asked while you were helping him putting his bags in the hood of your car.
“I thought I was driving?” you told him dumbfounded, closing the hood of the car before you reached for your car keys in your purse.
“I’m not letting you drive this late at night,” he tutted, his hand opened wide and waiting for the keys in front of you, “especially not with this traffic. Keys now.”
“Okay okay!” you playfully rolled your eyes at him, secretly loving how careful he always was with you, “Here are your keys Mr Goalscorer. Happy now?”
“Yes,” he smiled softly as he closed the space between the two of you, “but I’d be way happier if you’d give me a kiss. You still didn’t give me one.”
“Well I didn’t think it was appropriate to smooch your face in front of your family, Mase…”
“Since when do you care??” he frowned, his voice turning to that cute, whiny tone he always used with you, knowing full well you couldn’t resist it.
“I always care.” you sassed him, “But I just saw you score the hottest goal ever… so, you get why I didn’t think it was appropriate?”
“I think I do…” his signature smirk appeared on his face, before he lowered his face and pressed his lips to yours, “Let’s go home yeah?”
“I thought you’d never ask…”
“Do you wanna order some take out on our way home?” Mason asked while he was reversing and driving out of the Red Parking, his free hand going instinctively on your right thigh.
“I don’t really feel like cooking right now so…” you said as you leaned your head against the headrest, turning to your right to look at your boyfriend, “Why not?”
“What are you in the mood for?” he looked in both directions as he made his way out of the car park, while the answer to his question appeared right in front of your eyes.
“I’d really like some Wagamama you know?” you jumped in your seat at the sight, pointing with your finger at the restaurant.
“You really can’t resist it, can you??” he chuckled at your enthusiasm, “Here, take my phone and order what you want, in that way we won’t have to wait too long for it to be delivered once we’re home…” he added, giving you his phone to do so.
“Fine,” you happily grinned at him, searching in the menu for the best option, “uhm what do I order for you??”
“I trust you with that decision,” he told you as his eyes were glued on the road in front of him, “just, nothing too spicy please… I’d like something more on the sweet side tonight…”
“Okay, nothing too spicy…” you spoke while you scrolled on his phone until you found the perfect dish for him, “I’ve got it! I’m done!”
“Good job babe,” he squeezed your thigh softly, “I can’t wait to be home now…”
“Yeah me too,” you sighed, your thumb brushing over the back of his hand, “I just want to eat our food on our sofa, in front of the tv and share all the cuddles in the world… you know, make up for lost time…”
“That’s exactly what I was thinking about,” he said, “I missed you while I was away…” he raised your now intertwined hands and kissed each and every one of your knuckles.
“I missed you too Mase…” you tightened the hold on his hand while he kissed it, carefully turning around and placing a lingering kiss on his jaw.
“Babe the food has arrived!” Mason called you from downstairs as soon as he closed the front door.
“I’m down in a minute!”
“Hurry up or it’s gonna get cold!” he warned as he carefully put the food on the coffee table, right in front of the sofa.
“Oh my God I could smell it from upstairs, I’m so hungry!” you hummed as soon as you sat down next to him, smelling the food from up close this time.
“You weren’t joking when you said you were gonna wear your pjs!” Mason laughed as he looked at you.
“Can you blame me? I want to be as comfortable as possible!” you explained, “Plus, in that way you can carry me to bed if I fall asleep, and I won’t have to wake up to change my clothes.”
“Just make sure you’re not cold babe,” he joked as he admired the smooth skin that was left uncovered by your silky pjs, “I don��t want your icy feet on me tonight…”
“I’ve got you to keep me warm,” you winked at him before you took your food from the table and leaned your back against the soft cushions, throwing your naked legs on his lap and earning a playful glare from him, “we still have to share all the cuddles in the world remember??”
“How can I forget?” he softly smiled, glad he was back home with you.
In between laughter and chats about the highlights of the game you were watching on tv, you quickly finished your food, just as quickly as you found yourself cuddled up, snug and cozy against Mason’s chest.
“I missed you so much Mason…” you murmured, leaning your head on his shoulder and closing even more the space between the two of you by placing your lips on the soft skin of his neck.
“Is that so?” he smirked before he placed his lips on your forehead, “Because you didn’t mention it to me when I called you, not even once…”
“I didn’t want to be a distraction…” you whined, gently biting on his skin and making him hiss, “You had to keep your mind on football, I didn’t want to be in the way!”
“You’d never be a distraction baby…” he whispered against your temple, pressing a loving kiss to it, “Well, not an unpleasant one…”
“That’s a bit of a contradiction, Mase…”
“Come here…” he instructed as the hand that was caressing your back moved to your hip. He helped you sit in his lap, well he helped you straddling him as your thighs were on both sides of his hips, his hands on them and yours on his face, caressing his beard while you waited for him to talk, “You make me feel good, you bring my feet back on the ground, and if this means I’ll get distracted then so be it… but you’re so much more than just a distraction, you’re my motivation, you’re what keeps me going… and I love you so much for this.”
“I love you too…” you whispered, almost out of breath upon hearing his sweet words.
“I mean every word I said babe,” he looked at you, deep into your eyes, while his thumbs went under the top of your pjs, touching the smooth skin of your tummy that was hidden from it, “you pushed me to do my best, to be confident again, and today I even got to score a goal! It was all thanks to you and the trust you have in me…”
“No chance,” you shushed him with your finger, “you scored because you’re talented Mase, not because of me, I didn’t do anything… it was all on you Mr Goalscorer…” you teased him once again with the nickname.
“You were there, and that’s everything that counts for me…” his voice dropped as his stare was burning into your eyes.
You could feel your faces gravitating towards each other’s, your breathing getting shorter by the minute, your lips grazing until they collided.
What started off as a loving, gentle kiss, turned into a heated one in the blink of an eye; Mason’s hands were cupping your face as he deepened the kiss; your tongues were fighting for dominance as if you were trying to battle on who missed the other more through a kiss.
Your hands started to move from his chest, up to his neck and in his hair, tugging at the short strands as if you wanted to keep him as close as possible.
“Take me to bed, Mase…” you breathed in his ear, hearing him groan back at your request.
“You wanna go to sleep?” he smirked, moving his hands from your waist to your butt and giving it a firm squeeze.
“Sleep is the last thing on my mind right now, honestly.” you bit your lip as the feeling of him getting hard under you was more than enough to keep you fully awake.
“And tell me, what’s on your mind then my love?”
“You.” you said, lowering your face towards his once again before you kissed the corner of his lips and rolled your hips down on his to create some sort of friction that you both were now so needy for.
“I love you…” Mason whispered as he held you tightly against his body.
“I love you too…”
“I gotta have you…” the neediness in his voice was more evident with each second that he was holding you; the close contact between your bodies igniting a fire deep within him, one that he couldn’t control any more.
“I’m not stopping you baby…”
“Hold on tight,” he instructed as his hands were now firmly placed under your butt, “I’m gonna take care of you…”
And he did, he carried you to bed while you just enjoyed the warmth that was radiating off his body; he never stopped leaving small kisses on your exposed shoulder, not even while he walked upstairs with your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. He whispered sweet, loving words into your ear that had you giggling from the happiness you were feeling just from having him home once again.
In between laughter, he gently lowered your body on the bed before he erupted in a fit of giggles once he understood you wouldn’t let him go, not even to get undressed.
“I’m not going anywhere…” he chuckled in your neck, nipping carefully on your skin.
“Good, because I don’t want you to.”
“But you have to let me pleasure you babe…” he said as he pressed his body down on yours, eliciting a moan from you.
“I want to make you feel good Mase…” you whined, raising your hips up to meet the slow rolling of his.
“You will, once I’m done with you…” he growled. His pupils were slowly dilating, he was famished for you, and his hunger was quickly making an appearance.
“Please Mason…”
“Please what?”
“I need you…” you breathed, “Please…”
“Where do you need me?” he whispered against your lips. His hand sneaked its way under your silky shorts, and he groaned when he felt how wet you already were for him, “You want me inside you?”
“Yes… please…” your breathing was getting laboured just from the touch of his fingers, “Oh fuck…” your head rolled back into the pillows as Mason’s eyes couldn’t part from the blissful expression painted on your face while he slipped one, then two fingers inside of you.
“I missed this baby,” he rasped, clearly getting more aroused by watching you, “I missed seeing you like this, all mine.”
“Fuck Mase I want more… I need more…” you wrapped your hand around his wrist, the feeling of his fingers inside you doing very little to satiate your need for him.
He stopped his movements, leaving his fingers inside of you while he kissed you fiercely. You bit down on his lower lip, hoping that it would help his resolution crumble, and it did.
He got off the bed but his eyes were still glued to you; his chest was rising and falling harshly, as he was trying to slow his breathing. His hands made quick work of removing his t-shirt, before he kicked off his trousers. He kneeled on the bed once again, unable to keep himself from kissing you any longer.
“You’re so beautiful…” he said in between kisses, “I’m so lucky to have you…” those words were escaping his mouth as he slowly undressed you, starting from your top, and then taking off your shorts.
He stared at you as he sat back on his heels: your naked body, sprawled in front of him, just for his eyes, called him in.
“Why are you staring at me like that?” you blushed under his gaze, “Mase?” you chuckled as he didn’t have it in him to answer your question, he was too busy admiring you.
“You’re perfect,” he breathed as you were now kneeling on the bed in front of him, “I missed this… I know it wasn’t that long of a time but still-”
“Kiss me.” you blurted out. You placed your hands on his chest; your fingers caressed the warm skin on his collarbones and they slowly traced their way up his neck and into his hair while he hungrily put his mouth on yours.
Those words were all he needed to snap out of his trance, because as soon as his lips touched yours he was all over you. His hands moved on your body as if they followed a precise path: they gently touched your face, your jaw, and with each stroke of his tongue on yours they went lower, down to your boobs, grazing your ribcage and earning a whimper directly in his mouth.
As he heard the sounds you were making, he sat back on the bed, wrapping his arms around your middle and bringing you to straddle him once again, just with little to no clothes this time.
Mason’s lips never parted from yours, not when he freed his cock from his Calvin’s, not when he lowered your body enough to slip it inside of you.
“Fuck Mase…” you silently moaned as he stretched you out.
“Oh God… you’re so tight baby,” he groaned, with his mouth still on yours, “I don’t know how I am gonna resist you…”
“Don’t…” you moaned, “I want you to fuck me Mason please...”
“Shhh baby,” he smirked, before he had to bit down on his lower lip to suppress a moan after a particularly deep roll of your hips, “I don’t want to rush things… I want to take my time with you…”
You could only moan back at his words, as Mason was making it really hard for you to form a simple word with the movement of his hips under you. His hands were slowly moving you over him, in a teasing rhythm that had you both whimpering in pleasure.
“You don’t know how much I love you…” Mason groaned in your neck while he helped your movements as he squeezed your butt, “Fuck, you feel so good…”
“I love you more…” you murmured in his ear, out of breath from how deep he was inside of you.
You let your hands slide from his hair to his back, right between his shoulder blades as you pushed his chest closer to yours. Your nails grazed his skin, making him hiss as his hips stilled at the sensation.
“Jesus baby,” he rasped, looking into your eyes with his black pools of desire, “you’re making me go crazy, fuck…” his strangled moan came out against the skin of your shoulder, while he was biting down on it.
“Do it again…”
“You want me to bite you?” Mason smirked up at you as you nodded, while his right hand tangled in your hair as he pulled on them; he had your neck on full display for him, a white canva that waited to be painted by his teeth.
His intention was never to hurt you of course, and it showed in the careful way he let your body down on the bed while he now hovered over you.
He was quick in entering you again, his dick twitching inside of you upon seeing the lust painted on your face. This time he wasn’t holding back, he wanted to let go, and for you to let go with him, under him, at his mercy. He knew you loved it like that.
“Am I fucking you good enough now babygirl?” he groaned as he could feel your nails on his skin once again.
“Yes…” you moaned, wrapping your legs around his hips and keeping him as close to you as possible, “you fuck me so good Mase…”
“Say it again.” he whimpered as he pounded into you, chasing both of your highs.
“Oh fuck Mason…” you whined as you could feel yourself getting closer to the edge under Mason’s thrusts.
“I love it when you moan my name baby…”
“I love you,” you said out of breath, your arms wrapping around his neck, your hands in his hair once again, “I love you so much…”
“I love you more…” he said as he stared down at you, “…so much more.”
He leaned his forehead against yours, as he whispered sweet words to you. The image you had in front of your eyes was one you wished you could keep in your mind forever: his eyes were full of lust, eyelids half closed as he was trying to not let go and cum right there and then; his parted, red lips were so inviting you had to resist every urge to kiss them as you were too busy taking him in; the muscles in his neck, in his shoulders, in his chest were contracting and relaxing under the fast rhythm of his hips.
“Like what you see?” he smirked as he took your lower lip between his teeth, igniting an even bigger fire inside of you, “You can’t lie, I can feel you clenching down on me baby…”
“I’m so close Mase, so so close…”
“Me too baby,” he brushed his lips on yours again, teasing you, “I’m right here with you…”
“Oh fuck!” you moaned as you felt his fingers drawing circles on your clit, giving your body the final jolt it needed to fall over the edge.
Your knuckles turned white as you tugged on the sheets at your sides; you missed this, the ecstatic feeling only Mason could provide you with. You missed Mason, and that was no secret.
“I’ve got you, I’ve got you baby…” Mason groaned, caressing your face as he let go, finishing inside of you, “fuck… oh fuck I love you…”
After you both came down from your highs, you took a moment to just lay there in your tangle of limbs; the weight of Mason, that was still laying on top of you fully spent after the game and after your reunion, was comforting you, telling you he was back in your arms.
“Am I crushing you?” he asked out of the blue.
“Nothing I can’t handle…” you giggled.
“I think I’m too tired to move…” he confessed with his adorable, sleepy voice.
“Don’t move then…”
“I don’t wanna hurt you…” he said as he slowly removed himself from you, “C’mere now.” he pouted as he pulled you into his chest, already regretting having to separate your naked bodies.
“I’m not going anywhere that’s not close to you Mase…” you whispered in his ear, as you watched his eyes already falling shut after the intense day, “or should I say Mr Goalscorer?”
He chuckled, already half asleep, wrapping his arms tighter around your body, as he hid his face in your neck, where sleep finally found him.
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auras-moonstone · 5 months
Holaaa me emocione bastante con saber q eres de argentina (yo no soy de argentina soy de Mexico) pero esta cool saber q también hablas español lol
llevo rato leyendo tus trabajos y me encanta como escribeees, no se que te parezca la idea de una historia de Ethan como Spiderman tbh es mi head canon favorito y no hay mucha gente que lo escriba ahí una idea no se si sigas aceptando requests o si ya habías escrito algo de Ethan como Spiderman pero me encantaría leer algo así escrito por ti obvi 🤭
(En ingles ofc!)
Perdooon si escribí bastante me emocione jajaja apenas agarre el valor Para dejar un request
hola 🇲🇽 ! perdón por haber tardado tanto en escribir esta request😫 me encantó la idea, hace bastante que quería escribir algo sobre ethan como spiderman <3 espero que te guste❤️🫶🏻
the story of us — ethan landry
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word count: 2,693
pairing: spider-man!ethan landry x fem!reader
summary: ethan and y/n’s relationship might be ending soon because of the boy’s behaviour and secrets.
based on: the story of us by taylor swift
warnings: mention of blood. a bit of angst.
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Y/N SHOULDN’T FEEL SURPRISED FOR HAVING BEEN STOOD UP BY ETHAN, it seemed to be his favourite hobby lately. But when he came up to her with regretful puppy eyes asking for them to meet so he could explain the reason behind his behaviour, she really thought he would keep his word and show up to fix things.
But once again he failed her, and now Y/N was walking back home alone with mascara running down her face and with her chest filled with disappointment and sadness.
Y/N was walking through the dark and unsafe NYC streets, wondering what excuse her boyfriend was going to use this time, when she heard a whimper coming from the creepy unlit alley she was passing by. Her whole body tightened with fear, hands instantly became sweaty, her heart thundered dangerously fast and yet she stopped walking. Then the noise came again, this time more clear—it was a pained curse from a male voice.
The girl couldn’t decide if she was stupid or too brave, but she walked towards the person. Her eyes widened at the scene—there, sitting next to a container, was Spiderman; a bleeding Spiderman.
“Holy hell, are you okay?” she cried, inspecting the wound. “Of course you’re not okay! You’re bleeding a lot! A lot!”
Ethan cursed internally. Of all the people who could have found him, it had to be her. “Thanks for the calming words.” the superhero said between gritted teeth.
“Sorry! I shouldn’t have said that. I was exaggerating, it’s not that bad.” Y/N tried to convince him.
“You’re a horrible liar” his hands were shaking as he tried to put pressure on the wound.
“Okay, let’s get you out of here, the smell is awful.” the girl said, putting one of his—very strong and muscled—arms around her shoulders. “I know you’re in pain, but I need you to use a bit of your strength to help me lift you to your feet. Can you do that?” the masked figure nodded. “Okay, at the count of three.”
Ethan closed his eyes in pain as he let out a cry of agony. He had been walking towards the cafe where Y/N worked when he heard screaming. An old woman and her granddaughter were being robbed and it was his duty to save them. He would’ve made it to his date with Y/N if the thief’s partner hadn’t caught him off guard and sliced his stomach. Time didn’t matter anymore, he couldn’t show up wounded, and he didn’t have the energy to walk so he stayed in that creepy alley where Y/N found him.
“Ouch!” he yelled when the girl carelessly dropped him on her couch as soon as they arrived to her apartment.
“Sorry!” Y/N said guiltily. “My arms hurt.”
“It’s okay. Thank you, I just need to rest here for a few minutes and I’ll be out of your sight.” he panted.
“You can’t leave! I need to clean you up and then you need to eat something.”
“No, it’s okay. Look, just lend me a first-aid kit, I’ll do it myself. Then I’m leaving.” it wasn’t that Ethan was ungrateful for her help, he just didn’t want to be a burden. Also, if she was to see his body, she was going to recognize him instantly. And Ethan was not going to let that happen.
“Hey, you’re always saving our asses, it’s time someone finally takes care of you.” she smiled softly.
“I really appreciate that, seriously. But I’d be more comfortable doing it myself, if you don’t mind.”
“As you wish.” she said in understanding. And as he stitched himself up, Y/N went to the kitchen to prepare something for him to eat.
Ethan watched her from the doorframe. He wanted to close the space so badly, he wanted to wrap his arms around her waist and never let go. They saw each other everyday, but it’s been days since the last time he got to hold her, kiss her, touch her.
Y/N was really pissed at him, and with good reason. Countless were the times he had stood her up and he slowly—and absentmindedly—started to distance himself from her. And a few days ago, Y/N just exploded and they started fighting. Instead of telling her the truth (that he was a superhero and that the NYC streets were more dangerous than he had thought) he told her she was being dramatic and that he needed a bit of space. He regretted it instantly, and wanted to throw up as soon as his eyes caught her hurt expression. He was trying to keep her safe, but he handed everything in the worst way possible and ended up wounding the person that meant the most to him.
“You cooked for me?” he spoke up. Even though she couldn’t see it, she felt the smile on his voice.
“I told you, it’s time someone takes care of you.” she answered. “Is the wound okay? Does it hurt?”
“I’m fine. I’m a big tough boy.” he said in a teasing voice when she finished. “Thank you, Y/N. You saved me.”
“Anytime, Spider-boy. And honestly, you shouldn’t even thank me, you risk your life for us every- wait a minute.” she stopped when she realised something. “How do you know my name?”
Fuck, he cursed internally. He had messed up. “You told me.” he tried to sound confident.
“No, I didn’t. Do we know each other? Do we go to the same college?” Y/N asked curiously.
“I need to go.” he stood up abruptly, and a whimper of pain left his mouth.
“No! I’m sorry, I won’t press the subject.” she said, grabbing his forearms to sit him back on the chair. “I respect you wanting to keep your identity hidden. I won’t ask any more questions, but please stay. You’re still weak, you need to eat something.”
“You already did a lot. Really.”
“I swear to god, stop being stubborn.”
Who was he kidding with the hesitation? Just one look at her doe eyes and he was on his knees. As he ate, Y/N had her back to him so he could take his mask off. She could have turned around at any time and discover that the friendly neighbour hero was her boyfriend, but she never did. She respected his wish of not wanting to show his face, and that made him love her ever more.
“Your omelette was great” he said as he put the plate on the dishwasher. “Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome.”
“Why were you crying?” he asked, even though he knew the answer. Ethan and Y/N weren’t on speaking terms, so maybe by talking to her through his secret identity would give him an insight on how to fix the relationship he tore up.
The sad girl frowned and pressed her lips into a line. She didn’t talk to her friends much about Ethan because she didn’t want to put them in an uncomfortable position, as they were all friends, so she had been keeping her frustrations bottled up. And now there was this trustful kind stranger asking her about it, so she gave in.
“My boyfriend didn’t show up to our date. He has been acting so strange lately. He shows up late, he always has a different excuse and gets all nervous and defensive because he’s obviously lying, but most times he doesn’t even show up. Like today.” the exhaustion and defeat was evident on her tone and it broke his heart. “He was supposed to meet me today, so he could open up and tell me what’s going on in his life, but…”
“He let you down again.” he added in a sad tone. Y/N nodded, tears blurring her eyes. “What are you going to do?”
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath “I honestly don’t know. I love him, I really do, but our relationship has become one-sided. I’m trying to save it, but it seems like he doesn’t care anymore.”
Fear crept into his mind. Was that it? Was it their end? Was she going to break up with him the next day? He wouldn’t blame her. Yet, he couldn’t help being selfish—he did not want them to break up.
“Maybe there is something going on in his life… something that he can’t tell you for your own good.” he said, and he knew he sounded stupid.
“What could be so bad that he can’t talk to me about it? We have always been honest with each other. He knows he can tell me anything, he knows that he’ll have my support no matter what. I just want him to talk to me. I don’t know what happened with our relationship, but there’s nothing I can do unless he talks to me.”
“Things are going to get better.” the superhero said, rubbing her arm in a comforting gesture.
Ethan had multiple opportunities to be honest with her, to explain why he had become so distant and yet he held his pride and told her she was exaggerating the whole situation. So, as much as she tried to be positive and believe Spider-man’s words, she was scared the story of them might be ending soon.
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ETHAN REACHED THE TABLE WHERE THE GROUP WAS SITTING AT and eyed the two empty spots left. One was next to Chad, who was talking animatedly with Tara and Mindy, and the other one was beside Y/N. His spot had always been the one next to hers, but with their current complications and not knowing exactly in which page they were at, he didn’t know what to do. Seeing the way she was nervously pulling at her clothes and tried to look busy, he ended up choosing the first option.
Even though she was trying hard to avoid looking at him, his presence was overwhelming and it took all of her strength to hold back from peaking a glance at his gorgeous smile and perfect curls. She was dying to know if the situation was killing him as much as it was killing her.
Little did she know the boy was losing his mind. The anguish was too much, so many thoughts were running through his mind. He was dying to let her know what was going on, but he was scared it was going to put her in danger. He would rather have her be angry at him than her getting hurt because of him. The wiser thing would be to let her go, to free her from the chaos that came with being involved with a superhero, but he the selfish part of him couldn’t break things up—Ethan loved her too much to give her up.
He needed to come up with a decision. This contest of who could act like they cared less needed to end and he could not tolerate the loud silence between them anymore. “Do you think we could talk tonight?”
“If you have the decency to show up.” she shrugged.
Her armour was up, and it was understandable. “I will. I’ll meet you at your apartment after Econ?”
“Okay.” Y/N nodded. “I’m serious, Ethan. Show up. This is your last chance.”
“I won’t let you down again, Y/N/N. I promise.”
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ETHAN DIDN'T KNOW IF THE AREA WHERE Y/N WORKED IN WAS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS OR IF HE JUST HAD BAD LUCK, but every time he was near, something happened that forced him to step in. Thankfully, this time it was an inexperienced thief he easily managed to bring down but his wound wasn't fully healed yet so he was in a bit of pain after the fight. But the important thing was that he made it to Y/N's house.
The girl was unable to hide her relief when she opened the door, but it soon turned into worry. "Ethan, what the hell happened? You're bleeding!"
The curly-haired boy looked down to find a scarlet stain on his blue polo shirt. The wound on his abdomen must have opened while he was stopping the thief, and he didn't even noticed because of the adrenaline. "Um, it's nothing, I-"
"Sit down." she ordered right before leaving to grab the first-aid kit. When she lifted his shirt up, she frowned.
"What is it?" Ethan asked worriedly.
"Ethan, when did this happen?"
"Um, I was robbed while making my way here." the lie slipped off his tongue in an instant.
"You keep lying to me." she let out a humourless laugh. "This has been stitched before, Ethan."
He sighed, thinking of another excuse. "Okay, fine. It's not new. I fell and landed on something sharp, and it cut my stomach."
"Okay, now I'm not only angry because you lied to me twice in the past sixty seconds, but also because you think I'm stupid."
"I don't think you're stupid."
"If you believe I'd buy that shitty excuse, then yes, I think you think I'm stupid." she spat. "Tell me the truth. Right now, Ethan."
Silence embraced the room. As Y/N worked on the wound, Ethan tried to find the words to explain. "I don't know where to start."
"Let's start by telling me how did you get this."
"A thief did it to me." he said, and ignoring his girlfriend's warning glance, he continued, "but he wasn't robbing me. He was stealing from an old woman and I stepped in. He cut me while I was distracted."
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise as they scrutinised his face, trying to spot any sign that told her he was lying. She find none. "You fought them?" she asked in disbelief, and Ethan nodded. "That's... that's really brave. And stupid."
"It's my job." he blurted out, making her look at him in confusion. "Well, it's not a job job, because I don't get paid. Not that I'd do it for money, even though I need it-"
"Eth!" she interrupted him. "I love it when you ramble, you're adorable, but could you please explain?"
"I missed you calling me Eth." he whispered, caressing her right cheek. "I miss you."
"I miss you, too, Eth. But we need to talk. Well, you need to talk. What is going on with you? Why are you so distant? Why do you keep missing our dates? What did you mean by 'It's my job'?"
"I'll tell you, but I need to warn you first. You were in danger before knowing this, but after I tell you... you are going to be an even bigger target. And you can't tell anyone, okay? No one knows, and no one has to know."
"Okay, just spit it out, Ethan."
"I'm Spider-man."
It was as if their surroundings had frozen, and minutes felt like hours. Y/N sat on the couch, dumbfounded, and Ethan's leg bounced as he bit his nails.
Meanwhile, Y/N's brain worked at a fast pace, trying to connect the dots. Now, in hindsight, everything made sense. His bruises, his wounds, why he was always in high alert, why his walls were up, his grades dropping, his tardiness... he became the friendly neighborhood spiderman. The vigilante she had found bleeding the previous night.
"Hey! You used your secret identity to get information out of me, asshole!"
"That's all you have to say?!"
"I mean, no... but I don't really know what to say."
"You're not mad?"
"I don't think so. I really wish you would've told me, could've saved up lots of arguments, but I do understand why you didn't tell me. I'm glad you opened up, tho. I am really tired of missing you and not kissing you."
Ethan laughed. “I love you. I missed you like crazy, and I'm sorry for everything.” he hold her close to his chest and let himself relax for the first time in weeks. “By the way, you need to quit that job. I swear there’s a robbery every five fucking minutes.”
“Have you been following me?” she arched her eyebrow.
“Keeping an eye on you.” he corrected. “I can’t let anything happen to my girl, and like I said, it’s a dangerous area.”
Y/N laughed and kissed his lips tenderly “I love you, my little stalker. Don’t keep secrets from me ever again.”
“Never. I promise. We’re a team.”
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ghostofhyuck · 3 months
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Taguan ng Anak series 6
Ex-lovers! Chenle and reader
Summary: Going home after studying abroad, Chenle wonders how are you and how well are you coping with the breakup because Chenle is surely not taking it up well.
But to his surprise, you seemed to be coping well especially when he found you playing in the park with a kid that resembles him so much.
cw: mentions of pregnancy.
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You were the first thing he wanted to see.
The moment the plane landed, Chenle just wanted to remove the seatbelt, jump off the plane and run all the way to your place just to give you the biggest hug ever.
Which is something that he can’t actually do because you two are no longer a couple and it was him who broke up with you.
Maybe a better thing to do was stop by a flower shop, buy a huge bouquet of pink roses, knock on the door of your house, kneel and ask for forgiveness. Chenle can do that. It’s much better than just coming through your life again after breaking your heart.
But he couldn’t help but feel guilty at the same time. You were loving, supportive, and understanding. You were the best girlfriend he ever had, so it hurts that rather than having remorse for him, you gave him your sweetest smile and hugged him one last time when Chenle decided to break up with you. Eventually, it was Chenle who cried to sleep that night. He hates that he has to call things off with you just because he has to study abroad.
Chenle has no choice. This is for his future and it was a huge opportunity, it’ll be a waste if not only he rejected it but if he doesn’t do well in his studies. And it’s not like you’re a distraction but Chenle doesn’t want to let you down if he ever becomes busy.
He explained it clearly to you, and that his intentions of breaking up with you were just shallow, and you were understanding enough to accept it. Wishing him good luck in his study and that you’ll support him no matter what.
“If ever,” Chenle nervously said. “If ever I return, is it okay if I pursue you again?”
You only smile, “Let’s see about that Chenle, you’re not the only one who wants to excel too.”
Right. Chenle’s not even sure if you’re there. From what he heard, you moved to Seoul because you got accepted to have a masters in a well-known university. He doesn’t have the courage to ask your friends about you, afraid that they might get the wrong idea.
As Chenle entered the arrival area, he couldn’t help but feel nervous. The air was cool and summer was near. It was the perfect season for him to go home. Chenle tucks his luggage closer when he hears screaming.
“Welcome back!” his friends greeted. Chenle couldn’t help but approach them, letting go of his luggage and hugging them one by one.
“Look at you! Still the same as ever!” Jeno shouts, ruffling his hair.
“Auntie and uncle are preparing your favourite meals, Jisung stayed behind and offered to help,” Renjun explained.
“We all know that he just wants to take a bite while no one’s looking,” Chenle commented, making everyone laugh.
“Should we get going now? Auntie said to bring you home as soon as possible,” Mark said, swinging the keys of the car.
“Of course!”
“Let’s go!”
“Everyone’s waiting for you!”
Chenle stops. Making them stop too.
“What’s wrong Chenle?” Jaemin asked.
“Everyone?” Chenle repeats.
His friends looked at each other, confused. Chenle wanted to bring up you but then again, he remembered that he doesn’t have the right to.
“She’s here Chenle,” Mark answered. “She went home a few weeks ago, said that it was her semester break.”
“We did invite her to your homecoming but she said she’ll think about it,” Donghyuck added.
“No, it's fine!” Chenle shrugs, cringing internally at how fake he sounds. “I mean, I broke up with her, it’ll be weird that she’ll show up to my house.”
His friends shared weird glances with each other. Chenle knows he’s being judged by his friends but he couldn’t care less about it.
“Come on now guys, I know you guys are hungry too,” Chenle said in defeat. His friends in the end, just brushed off what Chenle said earlier.
When they arrived at Chenle’s place, it’s already crowded with people. Their neighbours are waiting for his homecoming. The moment Chenle entered the house, strangers hugged him and welcomed him, asking him how his study was and whether he’ll go back again or not. Not even minding his jet lag, Chenle greets the people with ease, answering their questions and entertaining them as much as possible.
But Chenle couldn’t help but think of you. Sometimes he would look at the entrance of their house, waiting for you to come or perhaps pass by. And yet, a part of him knows that the possibility of you coming here and welcoming him would be small. You two are ex-lovers, Chenle should take note of that one.
“Ma! I’ll go out for a moment!” Chenle said, grabbing his jacket that’s laying on the couch.
And there’s that part of him where he knows that the two of you ended up without any resentment. You weren’t angry when he broke up with you, so why would you not be bitter enough to join the party? Maybe you’re too shy to go, or maybe you’re too busy. His friends did mention that you’re just there for a semester break.
“What!? Where are you going!” Chenle’s mother asked, her voice hovering over the guests.
“Just outside!” Chenle answered and before his mother could rebut, Chenle had left the place.
“Don’t worry auntie, we all know why he went out,” Renjun assures, taping the woman from the shoulders.
“That kid, it’s not like he’s going straight to her house right?”
Renjun could only shrug as an answer.
Your house was about ten blocks away from Chenle’s house. It’s a bit farther but Chenle didn’t mind if it meant seeing you again.
“Cairo! Cairo, come here!” But it seems like Chenle doesn’t need to go to your house when you seem to be closer than he thought.
Just across the streets, the residential park resides. It’s small but enough for a kid’s playground to be placed. There’s a bunch of benches beside and trees enough to give shade. It’s still the same as ever; you’re still the same as ever.
As Chenle approaches you, he couldn’t help but be mesmerised at how long it has been ever since he saw you. You changed a bit but it’s still you, he remembers how bright your smile was and your laugh — it’s still music to his ears.
But he couldn’t help but notice that you’re not alone. You’re with someone — a kid who resembles him so much. Chenle felt like he was seeing things but no matter how many times he tried to squint, the kid just resembled him so much.
“Chenle?” and if it wasn’t for you noticing him then maybe he’ll be frozen there the whole day.
“Hey…” Chenle clears his throat, not knowing what to say.
“You’re back — I mean, I was informed but oh my god! You’re back!” you said with glee. It’s been a long time since you saw Chenle, you were surprised that he’s here since you were told that there will be a welcoming party.
“Can I ask you a question first,” Chenle asked instead, caughting you off-guard. “Who’s that kid?”
Chenle saw how your smile faded away. For a second, you glanced at your son before shifting your glance at Chenle. They do resemble a lot.
“Is he…mine?” Chenle asked.
You could only nod.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Chenle, you know why I didn’t tell you,” and for the first time, Chenle hears a tone of bitterness from your voice.
Truth to be told, it was you who asked if the two of you could talk. You wanted to inform him about your pregnancy before he leaves to study. At first, you were scared when you found out that you’re pregnant. You two have always been careful. But you did remember that time where you had unprotected sex — you remember wanting to be more close and intimate with him. Savouring every moment with him because in a few months, he’ll be leaving.
It’s not like you wanted to tie him to you, but you don’t want to hide it from it. But when you two talked, Chenle broke up with you first.
It didn’t surprise you either. Weeks before his flight, Chenle was agitated, as if something was troubling him. He couldn’t even look at you without feeling guilty. It had you troubled too, but sooner or later, you found your answer.
You weren’t able to tell him the truth, instead you understand why he called things off and shrugged it off like the fool you are. You didn’t resent him for what he did to you, and you know that maybe having a baby would be too early for the two of you.
But Cairo became a sweet bundle of joy to you. Your parents were angry at you first but they were left with no choice but to help you in raising Cairo. They’ve grown to love Cairo and became the best grandparents for him.
“So when you asked me if we could talk, you were about to tell me that you were pregnant?” Chenle asked, shocked.
“Yeah, but you went ahead and broke up with me,” you replied.
“I’m sorry, I…I didn’t know, when I asked you about what you wanted to say, you shrugged it off, telling me it’s not important,” Chenle explained.
“Well, it’s not really important,” you laughed.
“Hey! Don’t say things like that! Of course it was! I should’ve asked you about it, but I was just too scared,” Chenle could only look away, guilty. “I hurt you too.”
“No, I understand why you broke up with me Chenle,” you smiled. “It was my choice to keep Cairo too, it didn’t matter to me if he grew up with just me as his parents.”
“Well it matters to me!” Chenle shouts, surprising you.
“Remember when I asked you if I ever return, can I pursue you again, well I’m here to do it,”
“Seriously, I know that you said that we’ll see about it but I know that you didn’t say no, so I’m here to pursue not only but also Cairo.”
“Are you serious?”
“When was I not serious to you?” he grabs both your hands and smiles at you.
“And if I don’t want to?” you asked.
“Then I’ll just try harder until you give in eventually.” Chenle promises.
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sylvies-chen · 1 year
ok since the last one blew up I figured I would do this again so
diversity win! the silly ridiculous welsh man on your favourite football team is gay!
no but in all seriousness the colin storyline is really interesting, I like that they’re kind of playing this storyline as him not being out to the team and maintaining the sort of heteronormative facade that is expected in the very dude bro culture of football BUT without the internalized homophobia element this time which is normally included. like he doesn’t *seem* to be repulsed by his own sexuality in any way and his boyfriend is more than willing to sit with him for a night pretending to be just friends so I really like that they’re a healthy couple who seem to respect each other’s boundaries with sexuality
I also think ultimately, even if he slips up or is tempted to do something with this information, that TRENT WILL DO THE RIGHT THING IN TRENT WE TRUST
rebecca hinting at her psychic appointment and ted appearing immediately WORK WITH ME HERE SOULMATISM also noticed that thigh touch oop-
roy training jamie??? oh this is going to be comedic GOLD
it’s definitely bad that jamie’s right though. like, actually right about something for once???
zava is a much different kind of diva then expecting, in that he’s not so much a diva as he is a cult leader. uhh…. adorable! 😀
also wait MMM THE PSYCHIC TROPE OMG IMA EAT THAT UP EVERY TIME also guys. guys I can already smell the reactions to the green matchbook thing coming from miles away. we don’t need to worry! the matchbook was literally the first thing she mentioned of many things, it in no way means sambecca is endgame so we can all breathe. the family rebecca is a mother to is the AFC richmond family of course!!! and the shite in nining armour is most likely the guy that the whole of england has been calling names since his arrival, mr ted lasso himself!!
also OOH OMG SHE’S PREDICTING THE WATER SCENE WHERE REBECCA’S GOING TO FALL IN and the way she grabs rebecca’s hands when she says “but you’re safe” calling it now that ted will pull her out and make her feel safe sifjsifkskfkd 🥺
michelle dating her former marriage councillor is all kinds of weird and YES, unethical!! thank you to sassy for pointing that out! we love her for it
final comment: sam’s restaurant seems like SUCH a vibe oh my god I’m so proud of my baby for creating a community out of bits of his culture from his home, trying to bring home to england and celebrate with his richmond family ugh his big heart I can’t 😭
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hurtspideyparker · 1 month
Hi, sorry but could you recommend any of your favourite Peter Parker fics please?
For sure !!! *cracks open ao3 bookmarks*
Thirty Hours by polaroid15 - Peter doesn't take any breaks during a lengthy fight with the Avengers. The mind-melting fever that follows really should have been expected.
Hurt Peter Parker, my favourite tag <3 I love when Spider-Man is a badass and also lacks self-preservation. He's so cool fighting alongside the Avengers and we get some sweet hurt/comfort irondad!
Fitting In (Tiny Spaces) by aloneintherain - Peter's trapped beneath a collapsed building during a mission, hurt and unable to move. Luckily, his comm still works. Unluckily, the Avengers don’t realise how bad of a state Peter is in, and Peter isn’t inclined to tell them.
This fic is an icon in the fandom and for GOOD REASON. I just can not get enough of Peter Parker hiding his injuries. More heavy whump and angst!
All good things come in threes by Bergen - Peter has three secret identities: Spider-Man, the superhero who swings around the city to save people. Parker Benjamin, who gives Tony Stark unsolicited advice on his research. And NightMonkey, the Instagrammer who keeps uploading increasingly popular but embarrassing drawings of Iron Man.
And he can juggle them all just fine, thankyouverymuch.
Okay here is the fluff!!! Peter is a genius, a menace, and a sweetheart. Tony Stark runs into him (again and again) and can't help but have a soft spot for him every time. Funny and cute and an all 'round good time!
Held Together by Spiderwebs by TunaFishChris - Steve is not coping well in the twenty-first century. At all. Three months after the Chitauri invasion, he decides he's had enough.
But just as he's about to end it all, he runs into the new hero in town.
This one focuses a lot on Steve but I really like him and Peter's relationship in it, and I think this is great Peter Parker characterization. TW for discussions of depression and suicide, it gets a bit dark!
5 Times Spider-Man Saved an Avenger's Ass (and 1 Time They Saved Him) by TunaFishChris - this fic showcases how strong and capable Peter is, he's definitely a BAMF. I really like this genre where the Avengers know Spider-Man but not Peter Parker, makes Peter feel more independent and mature like in the comics.
Five Time Faculty Members Had to Call Peter's Emergency Contact + One Time He Shows Up Anyway, Five Times Tony Stark's Fabled Intern Just Showed Up + One Time He Was Invited, and Five Times Strangers Talked About Peter and Tony + One time Someone They Know Did by kingdomfaraway - I am just gonna recommend this entire series. Super fluffy, extreme irondad and spiderson. They're just adorable from an outside perspective and I love when Peter gets to just be Tony's intern and a teenager for a while :)
research and disaster by blueh - “So, uh, Mr. Stark definitely knows Roomba-Kid,” Becket says and discreetly tilts his head in the direction of the pair.
“Oh my god,” Jess says. She almost sounds gleeful. “Oh my god, he’s not just some random kid. He’s Mr. Stark’s kid.”
or: the interns at Stark Industries have some questions about Peter Parker. The answers aren’t quite what they expect.
I just love intern Peter mk? Let him be a kid genius and have fun!!! Fluffy and humorous, again with the irondad.
Captain, Oh My- Not My Captain! by uncouth_peasant - Peter swallowed hard before firing a web to swing into the fray. “Cap’s going after civilians. I’m out of time.”
Bruised and bloody men <3. Just Peter being a badass and getting beat to a pulp. Cool fighting, lots of Peter whump, and of course the Avengers being protective.
Good publicity by Bergen - Between Peter Parker barely speaking, and Spider-Man being the ultimate chatterbox, how was Tony ever supposed to figure out that they were one and the same person?
Tony Stark is secretly a softie for cute kids, especially when they're a genius and have a sense of humour to rival his own. Peter is a foster kid who ends up finding a home with Pepper and Tony, very sweet.
The Third Option by Uncertainty_Principle - When Ben is murdered Peter goes into foster care. It takes just a tiny taste of superpowers for Peter to decide he doesn’t want to put up with his horrible foster father anymore—the streets are infinitely more appealing. All he wants is to be Spider-Man anyway.
So he leaves, simple.
Simple, that is, until Iron Man needs Spider-Man’s help.
Heavy TW for this one, mind the tags. This is a popular fic and for good reason. A very mature and realistic portrayal of the foster care system and homelessness. The Peter angst is really great and I could barely put it down, that boy needs a hug so bad.
Now here's some hydra!Peter fics cuz they're my jam:
Peter is a precious chickpea by Bergen - They attack the HYDRA safe house shortly before sunrise.
The only people defending said safe house are Peter and Leo, and Leo slams his cell door open and starts spitting out orders, but then promptly gets clobbered over the head and keels sideways.
So that just leaves Peter. And he’s not even going to try to fight a whole team of Avengers. He looks up at Iron Man filling the doorway. “I surrender.”
He’s never been captured before and he’s not sure what to do. Escape, probably.
This entire series is PERFECT. I just love how adorable Peter is, and all the relationships Peter forms with the Avengers absolutely melt my heart. Peter's characterization in this is really unique and I wish there was more. The Bucky and Peter friendship is everythingggg. I love hydra!peter and bucky fics.
Indoctrination by phoenixon - The Avengers thought they were on a typical assignment: Infiltrate the Hydra base and find the weapon. What they didn't expect was the small boy raised by Hydra that they found instead. And they definitely didn't expect him to stay at Avengers Tower or how he somehow wormed his way into their lives. As for Peter, he just wants to be good and obey what the Hydra men told him so he doesn't get in trouble.
I just really love hydra Peter changing into a sweet and intelligent boy once he's rescued and safe, and how all the Avengers take up such heart-warming parental roles around him.
out there, living in the sun by Hailfire_73 - The Avengers rescue Peter from a Hydra base ran by his father, Richard Parker, except Peter doesn't really see it as a rescue, and has trouble settling into a new life away from Hydra and his father at the Avengers compound. OR - Peter learns how to be an actual teenager, live life, and put his abusive past behind him, and Tony learns how to be a father.
Hydra Peter but he's most definitely a traumatized and moody teenager. I really enjoyed Peter's character arc and the exploration of his trauma. It felt more realistic the way his journey isn't just a straight or clear path. He's more mature in this one and it was a really compelling read, balancing the angst with some humour and fluff. Loved the ending.
Tinker, Tailor, Spider by Bergen - Tony is roped into a mission to transport a teenager to safety. But when things go south, it soon becomes more and more puzzling who the teenager is and what ‘safety’ means for him.
I really enjoy that the author doesn't water Peter being hydra down. Yes he is a highly skilled assassin and a badass who's trauma pervades his every thought and decision. Made me fall in love with the Tony, Pepper, Morgan and Peter as a family dynamic. Super domestic while still highlighting Peter's troubled past.
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tackytigerfic · 2 months
Tagged by @wolfpants and @oknowkiss , read their truly excellent lists here and here!
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Mornings After - 2.5k, Dron
This is trickier as this was a collab and @sweet-s0rr0w wrote the start, so my first line isn't the opener. Still I'll post it here, I think it was this one.
“She was alright about it,” Ron continued, matter-of-fact, hooking a finger into the elastic waistband of Draco’s underwear, “all things considered.”
Wield Me - Drarry, 10k
“You’re not an easy man to track down,” Harry said from the doorway, where he was leaning like he was meant to be there.
Fledgling - 2.7k, pre-Drarry
Harry hadn’t thought the sling thing through before he left the house, and now his whole back is aching and he keeps whacking people with the unwieldy changing bag that won’t stop slipping off his shoulder.
I Fall on Grass - 3.1k, Drarry
Harry has a garden.
Let Be, Let Be - 10k, Dronarry
The international portkey to Svishtov deposited them right beside the Danube, under the squatting legs of a cargo crane.
Howl - 9k, Drarry
Draco woke up on a Friday morning in a field hospital in Grasmere, without a single memory of how he had got there.
Take the Moon - 15k, Drarry
“I’ll do it, of course I’ll fucking do it,” Draco was saying, which didn’t make any sense, because he was supposed to be at work; maybe Harry was hallucinating him.
The Edge of Something - 1.4k, Drarry
“Well, the good news is that I’m not dead,” Malfoy said, the voice so very much his that it brought Harry out of bed and to his knees.
Far Side - 1k, Drarry
Harry has a photo on his desk; he says it’s his favourite.
Snow on Snow - 1.1k, Drarry
On the first night in the safe house, Harry was woken every hour by church bells.
Conclusion: hmmm I'm not in love with some of these tbh. I have been trying different things in the last year as my main focus is on a long WIP. So no real stylistic coherence. I'm reasonably happy with most of these fics (though not all, i say, eyeing one or two resentfully) but not sure that any of that necessarily translates into the first lines.
Tagging anyone who wants a go! And @boxboxlewis @elskanellis @fluxweeed @maesterchill @mintawasalreadytaken @myrtlefics @skeptiquewrites @sleepstxtic @stationintern @sweet-s0rr0w @teledild0nix if you fancy it?
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live-laugh-lenney · 18 days
platform roulette | arthurtv
i've seen so so so many of these on my dashboard recently and i loved every single one i read/saw so lots of inspiration has come from it... testing the waters... seeing how well they go down... :)))
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yourinstagram never too early to start on the grind. (but first, i need an iced coffee).
user1 where are you going??
user2 that's st pancras right?? international girly!!
user3 is this for an arthur hill video?? man's taking us all international now!! can't wait for the banger video you put together <3333
arthurnfhill Bloody hell, you're there early. -> yourinstagram hurry up, maybe?? -> arthurnfhill @/yourinstagram George was late waking up. Honest. -> georgeclarkeey @/yourinstagram @/arthurnfhill False. I think you will find that it was Arthur making us late... slept through that alarm.
user4 An Arthur Hill x George Clarke video incoming! -> yourinstagram don't you dare forget the little cherub that is @/arthurtv. -> arthurtv @/yourinstagram What have I told you about calling me that??
arthurtv Not very summer attire that jumper... Am I the only one that will be wearing shorts today?? -> yourinstagram preparing for any kind of weather, i guess. you never know what'll happen.
user5 the arthur hill reference in the caption killed me. -> yourinstagram it's a certified banger. (the coffee, not the song, btw). -> user5 @/yourinstagram howling. i love you so much
yourinstagram posted a story
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[caption] filming something spectacular today 🎥 tagged; arthurtv, arthurnfhill, georgeclarkeey
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yourinstagram i see you girlies are starved of content. i hope you're hungry...
user1 she's one of us.
user2 oh good lord. where are you?
chrismd10 Thank you so much. My tummy is full up now. -> yourinstagram i left my phone unattended and now have a whole folder in my phone full of their shenanigans today if you want them for the bank later on? ;) -> arthurtv @/yourinstagram Please don't do that.
user3 why is she there??? who is she??? -> yourinstagram i'm one of arthur's videographers, babe... have been for a while. feeding you girls the content you deserve. all the credit that goes to him should go to meee <33
-> user4 you deserve an award for a, the insanely good content you give us. and b, having to deal with the insanity of men when they're drunk. -> yourinstagram The three of them turn into children when they get together and have a few drinks. It's funny watching it unfold.
user5 oh good lord. george and the two arthur's with alcohol can only mean one thing: trouble. -> yourinstagram you're correct. today was like going out with three kids. you'll be able to feel my pain in the video. just you wait for the video to be posted and you'll understand.
yourinstagram posted a story
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[caption] the perks of filming with arthur hill means i get to break into the arthur hill bank account and order the expensive beers. 🍺 tagged; arthurtv, georgeclarkeey, arthurnfhill
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yourinstagram we somehow ended up in deal and it's become my favourite seaside town this year. platform roulette coming soon!
user1 what the hell have you been doing today?
user2 please tell us when it'll be out. i'm so so excited for this.
georgeclarkeey Of all the content you took and videoed today, you posted that weasel? -> yourinstagram @/georgeclarkeey he's a cute weasel?? -> arthurtv I'd rather be called cherub. -> yourinstagram @arthurtv sorry, my cherub weasel. <33
arthurtv We should go definitely back. -> yourinstagram will you also pay for my train fare like @/arthurnfhill did for me today?? -> arthurtv @/yourinstagram Of course. Not very gentlemanly of me to make my girlfriend pay for a date. -> arthurnfhill @/yourinstagram It was work-related. Wouldn't have paid for you if it was just for fun. x -> yourinstagram @arthurnfhill my resignation will be in the post.
user3 Has YN just hard-launched her relationship with Arthur? -> user1 check out the comments under his comment above. without a doubt... they've not just hard-launched them, they've practically shoved it down our throats. -> user3 @/user1 Oh my god. -> user2 @user1 I KNEW IT!!!! STAN TWITTER CAN DO ONE!!!
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ughgoaway · 7 months
How do you think the parent-teacher conference would go?
okay yes I have been thinking about this since i originally thought of this au
(Also, quick psa- these are never proofread, so if they are incoherent/ littered with spelling errors...shhh)
I can see matty getting the email through about parents evening and just PRAYING it's with you. Annie has two teachers (bc fuck having a class of 30 kids on your own are you mad) and he thought it might be with the other one. who is fine, she's an older woman and is very lovely... she's just not you
little does he know behind the scenes you had to kind of fudge things to get him for parents evening, your deputy head teacher comes up one day and tells you the plan for parents evening this year, he explains youre only getting half the class. so rather than doing it with your co-teacher, you'd do half and she'd do half. of course, you immediately ask, "Oh... okay, can I see my list?"
you read it and feel your heart drop, Annie wasn't on there. and you swear it's not just because you want an excuse to sit across from matty for 20 mins... you also genuinely love Annie and would love to talk about her and her progress.
you catch the other teacher in the staff room and have a quick chat, "Mrs Richards, do you think we could go over the parent's evening lists? I was just wondering if there's any students that you don't have that you might like?"
"Oh yes dear, let's have a look," she says, grabbing your list, "Ah yes, if it's okay with you, I'd quite like to see Jason's mum and dad. After the paper aeroplane incident last week, I think I need to have a proper discussion with them"
you scream internally, thankful you won't have to have that conversation, and that you might be able to snag Annie, "Oh yes, that's fine with me! why don't we swap for say... Annie Healy?" You say trying to play it off and act like you didn't already have a child in mind when you started this conversation.
luckily, Mrs Richards is completely oblivious to your crush (that you insist is not a crush) and says, "Of course dear, consider it done. I'll send all the emails tonight"
cut to actual parents evening and you are wearing your favourite dress. well, favourite appropriate dress. it's nothing much, floral and flowy, but it just works, and you love it.
and you totally did not try on every combination of dresses and shoes that you own to find the perfect one. at 3am.
you definitely did not do that because that would be insane...
anyway, you just finished your appointment with Lucy's parents, and it all went well. You did have to have a discussion about her habit of punching her male peers in... certain places, but it went down surprisingly well.
you completely forget who your next appointment is until you stick your head out of the door and see matty standing with a cig in the corner. for a good few seconds, you just stand and stare, enamoured by the glow of the cigarette lighting up his features. and the way his cheeks hollow as he takes a drag.
matty finally spots you and waves, dropping his cig and crushing it before rushing to meet you. you take a deep breath and straighten up, trying not to die from nerves before this meeting.
"matty! hi! come in, come in, " you say, waving him in. Neither of you notice the receptionist raising her eyebrows at you, calling him matty. she makes a mental note to talk (tease) to you about it later.
he comes in and sits down, and for the first 10 mins, it's a completely normal meeting. You discuss how Annie is doing, how she's interacting with her peers, and what progress she is making.
obviously, googly eyes are being thrown both ways, but you are both beautifully oblivious.
but soon somehow, you both get completely off topic.
"you've never seen true romance! oh love, that wounds me, " matty says, holding a hand to his chest in faux hurt.
you giggle lightly at his reaction, brushing over the pet name so you don't have a mental breakdown over it in front of him.
"I know! I know! it's been on my list for years but I've never got around to it, is it one of your favourites?"
matty then of course goes on a 5 minute rant about how amazing the film is and what it means to him, "I mean I wrote one of our most popular songs about it, as soon as I wrote it at 18 I knew it would be such an important song. to me. to the band. even to our non-existent fans at the time. well, our one fan, my dad"
you smile at him just in awe of his passion for that band, "Oh yeah, robbers, right?" You say shyly, trying not to show the intensity of the stalking you did.
matty just stops and looks at you, his face a mix of cockiness and pure adoration, "Yeah yeah, you been listening to my band?" he teases and pokes at your arm. Soon, his hand slips down and lightly rests on yours as you speak.
you just nod dumbly because how can you focus on what he just said whilst he's practically holding your hand?? thankfully, you catch yourself reasonably quickly and realise just nodding is not the appropriate reaction to what he just said.
you don't know what comes over you, maybe it's his hand on yours, the soft look in his eyes or the gentle smile on his face but you decide to just be honest.
"Honestly?" You say, and matty nods softly, eyes flittering around your face (perhaps even down to your lips) , "I didn't know who you were before, but now? I am a little bit obsessed. I listened to you on the drive-in this morning, " you say whilst avoiding eye contact.
"No way," he says, laughing to himself. He squeezes your hand to encourage your eyes up, and you give in and make eye contact, "what's your favourite song? you've got to tell me that"
"well i-" Of course, before you can finish, there's a harsh knock on the door. you both jump and separate hastily as you spring up and get it.
before you can say anything, the person behind the door starts talking, "Hi, we're Jackson's parents, are you miss y/n? I thought our appointment was at 6. it's 10 past, and I'm kind of in a rush"
you start stuttering out apologies, and matty is already behind you preparing to leave. He quickly grabs your hand and squeezes it as he brushes past.
you squeeze his to grab his attention, "paris. my favourite song is paris", you let go and usher the other parents in. they squeeze past a frozen matty, just standing and gazing at you.
soon you are closing the door to mattys shocked face, giving him one last grin before clicking it shut.
(paris is not my fav song, but it's matty's, so we gotta have a bit of romance)
blurb masterlist here!!
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naomi-nana · 5 months
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: a magician(mainly lynette)'s internal struggle?!
lyney x fem!reader (ft. lynette)
cw : incredibly rushed cuz i haven't wrote a new fanfic in months, ooc probably, some grammar mistake
a/n : new theme cuz i was bored!!(and i love HoRe soo) also i do not know how to write lyney and lynette properly so im sorry
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a loud yell was heard throughout the house of hearth, making lynette sighs while eating her favourite dessert. "what is it, dear brother?" she answered him with slight annoyance. how dare he to disturb such a peaceful morning, is probably what's in her mind right now. "you know the letter i was about to send to [name], right?!" the panic in his voice is easy enough for lynette to notice that the said letter is gone.
she sighed once again, "i am not spending my entire morning searching for your love letter that looks like it's been made by a kindergartener who doesn't know vocabulary very well yet." honestly, what lynette said is kinda true. because lyney isn't someone who's very good at writing..love letters. he was even decorating the letter with glitters that he bought from a children's toy shop. though, plus points for effort. "please, please, pleasee just this once help me!" she gazed at him and played the word 'just this once' over and over in her head. because, it is infact not the first time he had lost belongings of his. and lynette being the kind sister, of course she has to help search it.
"have you even checked your bedroom?"
"of course i do! it's the first place i check!"
lynette does not believe in lyney's words, so she decided to come to his room herself. but the sight before her made her audibly gasp. "oh!..that's not.." lynette muttered under her breath. clothes thrown everywhere, pillows on the floor, and the opened window. "have you ever looked at the window and think, maybe your letter flew outside because of the wind?" she said jokingly. even if it's just a joke, lyney might have taken it seriously and thanked her. "i knew it! you are a magician!" he runs downstairs to go open the door outside. "but you are the magician. also don't go outside in your pyjamas-" as lynette followed him downstairs, her brother had already ran far.
"..just what are you gonna do without me, lyney?"
"ugh..where is it.." lynette found his brother, crouching down in his pyjamas near bushes around the city while putting his head in each bush. looking for a love letter for his crush. "you know you look like an idiot, right?" but lyney does not hear his sister, as he already set his mind on searching for the love letter. "I FOUND IT! oh."
"it's a newspaper isn't it?" lyney stood up and sighed sadly, while dropping his head down. "what am i gonna do..." lynette actually felt a little bad seeing the state her brother is in JUST because of a love letter. so she steps forward to comfort him, until he shot his head up with widened eyes. "what if [name] finds it instead?!" and he ran away, again. really, maybe lynette struggles more during this whole thing. but lynette doesn't mind. at the very least, she can have fun with her brother even if it's just looking for a love letter.
after running around for quite a while, lyney felt tired and decided to sit on a bench. "ugh..maybe we should've checked the opera epiclese.." lyney grumbles as he threw his head back in frustation. "are you kidding me?" lynette narrowed her eyes. she stood up and walked over to a food stand near the bench before noticing something shiny float around. "huh? is that?" she squints her eyes and unconsciously smiled to herself before making her way back to lyney. "lyney! i might've found your letter!"
"really?!" he stood up before her. lynette nods and points to the direction where she had last seen it, and both of them decided to run after it. "can you stop sniffing like a dog?" lynette sighs in embarrassment seeing her brother sniffing the surrounding areas. even the people around them are looking away and laughing silently, maybe even throwing a few jokes here and there. but lyney did not care, until he finally bumped into someone.
someone that he hadn't expect.
"oh! hey lyney, lynette!" the person greets both of them with a smile, making lyney gulped and lynette nod. "hello, [name]." she greets her back. lyney froze in his place as he look at what [name] is holding in her hand, the white envelope decorated with messy red glitters on it. it's not just because she was holding the exact same envelope that both he and lynette has been searching for this whole time—it's because of how..childish the design is. "oh, you're holding an envelope." lynette quietly muttered the sentence as she pointed at it while nudging her brother on the shoulder.
"yeah! i found it on the road." lynette clicked her tongue at her brother's state, he is frozen and eyes widened looking at the letter. "psst, lyney" she called to him, but he did not respond. "psst, lyney!" he did not respond once again, so she resort to pinching his hand. that's when he let out a scream of pain. "ugh, lynette! why would you—" lynette shot him a glare while subtly pointing at the envelope. "..oh. haha, ahem. yeah! we've actually been..looking for it.." lyney looks down in embarrassment. "oh, really? who's it for?"
there it is. the death question. (or just a question that both lyney and lynette doesn't want to hear mainly because lyney is nervous and lynette is cringing). lyney is fumbling around looking for answers, but because he's taking too long, lynette decided to cover for him. "oh, lyney just-" "nuh-uh, i've got an answer!" lynette narrowed her eyes after he cut her off.
he took his breath and wiped the sweats off his forehead, with a wide grin, a messy hair and a dirty pyjamas, he confessed to the love of his life.
"i've liked you for quite some time."
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naomi-nana. do NOT repost, do not use,(with or without permission), do not reccommend or talk about my works outside of tumblr.
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