#she’s so womderful
spoiledmilks · 3 months
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Furina doodle!!!
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appsa · 1 month
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OBSSESSED w marcille and laois first meeting apparently being because she thought he kidnapped/forced falin to drop out of magic school and chased after falin to save her probably ajdgdkdhd
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slowtovvn · 10 months
That drag queen I posted a while back. Is gonna be a plaintiff in ACLU case in texas. So fucking cool
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tysonfurybattlepass · 2 years
Ralsei? Just curious 👀
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people will go on and on about how off putting and strange he is forgetting that this is a severely isolated and socially stunted teenager living under a crushing religious doctrine that emphasizes his lack of worth as a person like of course he’s Fucked Up. it’s how he’s learning to be a person. it’s howhe’s spent so long believing that his only purpose is to be Useful and Agreeable to the lightners. it’s how he’s molded a doormat personality around the fear of not being Useful and Agreeable. it’s how he’s starting to realize he doesn’t need to. it’s how he’s not afraid to be sassy to the lightners anymore. it’s how he’s playful and snarky when he lets himself be authentic. it’s how his relationship with susie starts out as overbearing and stiff with him trying to force upon her an archetypal personality because thats what ralsei has done to himself in order to Fit the prophecy, but once ralsei begins to let go of his idealized understanding of Destiny he realizes that he genuinely likes susie as a person, not just as a delta warrior. it’s how he’s just a kid with bad coping skills and maybe some information that he is withholding but he is trying so hard.
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ariose-ghoul · 2 years
met some ferrets this weekend. very nice little creatures. ppl dont like to hang out with the bitey one which is kinda sad bc shes pretty cool :(
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exculis · 2 years
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its wide wlw wmonday
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shukuchiisms · 6 months
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imblocking-you · 6 months
#death's game#netflix#killing someone? that is most definitely foreshadowing come on#a model huh#i wonder whats on with him that has this ep stretching more than usual#ALSO i love how they can all carry out yee jae's demeanour so neat#hmmm what about you can push to kill? curious#15:45 it's jisu probably bc everyone is always fucking connected and we always end up cleaning loose ends anywah#OH THEYRE DEF THE TWO THAT END UP DEAD DURING THE BEGINNING SCENES#AND IT'S TAEKANG CEO'S FAULT FOR SURE#and the reason he would want to kill is Jisu YEP YEP PIECING IT TOGETHER#how do they maintain the losercore energy yeejae has LMAO#actually ang heartbreaking nga ng naging ending nila sana sila pa rin sa huli huhu#THE FLOWERS ARE BC SHE WON#no wonder the same fit#girl she did the interview after the breakup#and then she didnt get to tell him ab the win bc he died T T#ITS BEEN A FEW DAYS TOP#TOO*#i womder how shes beem#WHERE IS THIS PLACE LIBRARY OLUS CAFE#kala kong walang ganito sa la salle eh HAHAHAHA#GOD I HATE HOW LEE DO HYUN IS PERFECT FOR THIS#FUCK THE PEN THIS IS GETTING SADDER AND SADDER#a love that persists through 12 lives 😭#he is def gonna take good care of the place the gf goes there LMAL#he just invites himself in girl id think you were a stalker not my bf in a new body 😭#IK IT HE'S GONNA SAY HE HASNT DECIDED ON THE NAME YET FOR HER SAKE UGH#SHE FOUND THE PEN SHES PROBABLY GRIEFING GIRL I CANT SHE KNOWS HE'S DEAD SHES PROBABLY ONE LF THE FIRST WHO FOUND OJT GOD#WHAT IF OH NO IM NOT I CANT HANDLE THE CONFRONTATION WITH THE MOM IK IT'S COMING IN A KATER EPISODE
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quin-ns · 1 year
Invisible String (Joel Miller x Reader)
Word count: 3K
Summary: bill and frank host. tess is jealous. joel is confronted with his feelings. you cry over a shower
Tags: 2007 (as seen in ep3), age gap, protective!joel, jealousy, tess isn’t painted in a bad light but she gets her feelings hurt a lil, angst, joel being emotionally suppressed, everyone hiding their emotions actually no one copes normally, emotional hurt/comfort, hugs, pining!joel, hugs, fluff
Request: anon: “hello! i am totally obsessed with your work! i was womdering, if you still take requests, if you can write a joel x reader fic where the reader has a tough exterior with everyone, including Joel, but he knows how sensitive and delicate she is on the inside and behind closed doors. picture this for reference: she had warm water at bill and frank's and she started sobbing uncontrollably, but in front of joel she will always deny she doesn't feel depressed and emotional, but he knows better that this and they both help each other to open up.”
Request: anon: “loved your first joel fic!! if you’re okay with requests can you do another joel fic where maybe tess is jealous of how joel softens around the reader? like he’s not really an affectionate guy but with her he is and tess realizes how he feels about the reader? maybe they’re at frank and bills house and she knows joel doesn’t want to stay but for the reader he will? or something like that it’s up to you- you’re the writer after all”
A/N: so since both of these requests included joel being soft for the reader and them being at bill and franks, I decided to combine them. I liked both concepts and I thought mixing them would lead to something interesting. I feel like there’s more to this story so if y’all want a part two lmk
Cross-posted to ao3 • tlou masterlist • writing masterlist
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When you, Joel, and Tess first met Bill and Frank, none of you had any idea how you’d end up feeling about the two men.
Frank had allowed the three of you to enter their isolated town and introduced them both (okay, nice enough), and then Bill had pointed a gun at you (not so nice). Why you? No particular reason other than that you were his closest target. From that moment Joel wasn’t a fan.
“If you’re gonna point that thing at someone, point it at me. Not at her,” Joel said sternly, his hardened gaze fixed on Bill. The two stared one another down for a moment as Bill quickly identified Joel’s weakness. Tess looked at Joel, working hard to hide the frustration on her face.
He obliged, turning the gun onto Joel.
“Bill,” Frank said softly yet firmly.
Bill glanced at Frank, who was silently asking him to relent. Bill lowered the gun with a huff.
With the hostility out of the way, or at least set aside for the moment, Frank offered you an apologetic smile.
“Would you like to see our home?” he asked as a peace offering.
“We’d love to,” Tess answered at the same time as Joel, who said—
“We actually should be going.”
You didn’t say anything, which caused them both to look at you. Tie breaker.
Tess had a feeling you’d agree with her, but what happened next still bothered her.
You and Joel exchanged a look, having a silent conversation. Joel registered that despite the gun incident, you weren’t fearful. It was only because of that that Joel looked at Frank and nodded.
“Alright,” he changed his answer.
Tess wanted to scream.
Frank seemed relieved and his smile grew. He led the three of you to the large white house that the two men called their home.
“You’re welcome to anything in the house,” Frank said kindly, ignoring the disapproving grunt that came from Bill. “Clothes, medicine, water, food—although Bill will be starting dinner soon—and of course the shower,” he listed off.
Your ears perked up at “shower.” Joel could tell by the way you actually lifted your head. Just a day ago you had been reminiscing on how long it had been since you felt clean. Like, really clean. Hot water, soap, soft towel—you longed for it and Joel knew that.
Frank noticed too. “Shower it is.”
“Thank you,” you said immediately. “For being so kind and sharing your home with us.”
“If I’m being honest, I’ve been bugging Bill for us to find some friends,” Frank admitted to you quietly. “Speaking of which,” he started. “Bill? Maybe you could get our other guests some drinks? I’m going to show—“ he looked back at you.
“Y/N,” you filled in.
“—Y/N to the shower,” Frank finished.
You didn’t hear what Bill had to say, but that was the least of your concern as Frank gestured for you to follow him.
Joel watched as you followed Frank away. He itched to go after you, not comfortable with you being apart from him. He felt incredibly protective over you and maybe it wasn’t the healthiest reaction, but he didn’t like to let you out of his sight. It scared him—not that he’d ever admit it.
“Don’t worry, I think she’ll survive without you,” Tess said sarcastically, smothering the genuine bitterness she felt at the man’s reaction. Joel was never like this before. Well, before you.
Joel threw her a glance, but didn’t say anything. Bill was approaching them and grumpily suggested they follow him into the kitchen.
They all made casual conversation, Tess doing most of the talking.
Upstairs, Frank was showing you to the shower. He’d given you a towel and found you soap, shampoo, and conditioner.
“Thank you so much,” you said yet again. Frank just laughed it off and told you no worries, and that if you needed anything you could just call for him.
You closed the door, isolating yourself in the bathroom. You turned on the water and held your hand under it until it was warm. A smile spread across your face. You quickly stripped and stepped under the water, longing for the feel of a hot shower.
It was everything you had hoped for. You relished in the hot water rushing over your tired body.
You prided yourself on being tough—like not even flinching when Bill pulled his gun on you—but something about the comfort that reminded you of the old world brought tears to your eyes. Their house was so normal. Nothing like the wilderness, the destroyed towns, or even the QZ. You were only a child when the pandemic happened, but you held onto a few fond memories. You never felt at home in the QZ.
The only thing that made it feel comfortable and safe was Joel, but this was still so much better than the QZ. It was overwhelming.
Next thing you knew, a sob of happiness broke free. And once it started you couldn’t stop.
In the kitchen, Bill was standing at the stove cooking. Joel didn’t know what it was—but it smelled delicious. Frank had excused himself to set up a table outside so everyone could eat together in the nice weather.
“Sorry, by the way,” Bill announced, off topic from the previous discussion. He didn’t look up from his task of sautéing onions as he spoke. “For the uh, gun thing. Can’t be too careful.”
Tess and Joel looked at one another. They both suspected Frank must’ve said something to convince him to apologize. But beyond that, they both thought back to the incident. A flash of anger shot through Joel at the memory of the weapon being targeted at you. Tess remembered how reckless Joel had been, asking Bill to turn the gun on him. Would he really trade his life for yours? Once Tess started thinking about that, she couldn’t stop.
She started to become quiet during the conversation, which was pretty much when the talking fizzled out. Joel wasn’t very talkative, and clearly neither was Bill.
“I’m gonna go see if Frank needs help,” Bill decided after a few minutes. Joel and Tess exchanged a look. Obviously he just wanted away from them for a moment of relief—he wasn’t anticipating having to be social and wasn’t too happy with it.
Once they had a moment alone, Joel had a feeling Tess was going to unleash. It had been building up, Joel could tell her mood had turned sour.
“What was that?” she asked vaguely. Joel furrowed his brows. “Earlier,” she clarified.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Joel stated. He had an inclination, but he was hoping Tess would drop it.
She didn’t. “You asked him to point a gun at you!” Tess said in a hushed yell, frustration seeping out in her scolding tone.
“He wasn’t going to shoot me,” Joel deadpanned.
“He wasn’t going to shoot at all,” Tess confirmed. “So then why did you tell him to turn it on you?”
She was pushing for an answer she didn’t want, but now that she had started Tess wasn’t going to let up. She was stubborn like that.
“I didn’t like him pointing a gun at Y/N,” Joel admitted. The memory of it made him clench his fist. Tess didn’t see that, but she saw the way Joel wouldn’t hold her gaze.
Her jaw clenched. “You’re too soft on her.”
At that, Joel scoffed. The sound came out before he could stop it. “How is that being too soft on her?”
Tess was quiet for a moment, contemplating her next words. “It’s not just that,” she said, quieter, almost distant. It was a contrast to how loud she’d been getting.
Joel took a deep breath through his nose, then let out a heavy sigh. He finally looked Tess dead in the eye. “I’m not having this conversation with you.”
If it wasn’t for the desperate look on Tess’s face, he would’ve gotten up and walked away. She wasn’t done. She was struggling to say what she wanted to say, and Joel didn’t want her to.
“The moment she came into our lives, that was it,” Tess told herself just as much as she was saying it to Joel.
She was backing Joel into a corner. “Where is this coming from?” he questioned.
Tess let out a humorless laugh. “This has been a long time coming,” she confessed. “I see the way you look at her, how you act around her. She’s just about half your age and yet you always seem to find something in common. You cut me out, Joel.”
Joel was at a loss of words. He couldn’t seem to find the words to defend himself. Tess continued.
“We’ve been in that scenario before, do you remember? When you and I were making a trade and the punk pointed a gun at me?” Tess recalled. Joel recovered the memory quickly, and he began to zero in on exactly why this meant so much to Tess. “You never would’ve considered trading yourself for me. I know because you didn’t.”
“That was different,” was all Joel could come up with.
“I never would’ve made you choose between me and her, but you did on your own,” Tess held firm. Her jaw clenched as she fought to not let herself get any more emotional. “And you chose her. I see that now.”
“Tess,” Joel started, but she shook her head.
“Don’t try to lie to me. Please.”
“I wasn’t going to,” Joel said. He wasn’t even sure what he was planning on saying before. This had all come out of nowhere. At least for him, Tess had clearly had this on her mind for a long while and today just happened to be the final straw. “I’m sorry,” he decided, but it was too little too late.
Tess liked you. She really did. And you hadn’t done anything on purpose. You probably didn’t even know the effect you had on Joel. That’s what made being jealous of you so hard. She wanted to not like you, to blame you for stealing any ounce of affection Joel allowed himself to have, but she couldn’t.
She cleared her throat. “I’m going to go check and see if they need any help setting up outside.” The sudden calmness was eerie. Joel looked at her cautiously. “We’re going to just… drop this,” Tess decided. “And we can all try and have a nice time together, eat a real meal, take hot showers, and relax for the night before we head out in the morning.”
Suppression. Tess was going to bottle everything up. Ignore it and move on. It was something her and Joel had in common.
She left him then, and Joel felt no desire to go after her. He felt guilty about that, but he had nothing left to say to Tess about that and she’d concluded her piece.
Instead, Joel found himself leaving the kitchen table. He followed the sound of running water upstairs. You’d been in the shower for a while and there was a nagging feeling in Joel’s chest that longed to find you.
His feet carried him to the bathroom door, where he knew you still were.
Joel heard a sad, gasping sound from you. It was nearly drowned out, but he heard it. Concern overwhelmed him in an instant.
Joel pressed his ear to the door. He almost busted in, but wanted to take a moment. And it was good he did. What he had first thought were sounds of distress, was actually you muffling cries of relief. He could tell. He wasn’t sure how—maybe it was the tone, or the softness to the sounds, or he just knew you too well—but he could tell.
His hand reached for the doorknob. Joel grasped it and contemplated turning it. He leaned the side of his head against the door.
“Y/N?” Joel called through the door. He went blank over what else to say. Should he ask if you were alright? Would you be weirded out if he asked to come in? You were showering after all. Instead he said nothing.
You went silent. Joel felt bad now. You were never emotional around anyone, you tried to hide it from him. Joel wished you wouldn’t. But he supposed you were just following by example.
“Yeah?” you asked.
“Um,” Joel stalled. “I was just checking on you.”
“Oh, um, I'm alright,” you replied. A few seconds of quiet passed. “Thank you, though.”
Joel listened to the sound of water rushing from the shower. You’d stopped your tears it seemed, but Joel could hear the quiver in your voice when you’d spoken.
“It’s okay if you’re not,” Joel told you carefully.
“I’m fine, Joel,” you assured.
When Joel first met you, you were innocent despite the dark world and wore your heart on your sleeve. You used to express yourself emotionally, but now Joel couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen you let yourself break.
You’d gotten better about hiding it. He wanted to help you open up, but that was something even he struggled to do.
Joel went down the stairs and to the living room. No one else was in the house, he could see out the window that Frank was showing Tess around their garden while Bill was setting up the food.
Joel sat on the couch and thought over your interaction through the door. He wished he would have waited for you to come out of the bathroom to talk to you, to make sure you were okay, but he couldn’t bring himself to. Because then he’d have to explain himself as to why and after the conversation with Tess, he feared how you’d react to the knowledge of his feelings.
As if on cue, there were light steps descending down the stairs. Joel turned to look at you.
Your hair was damp, and you were wearing an oversized clean shirt that must’ve come from one of the hosts (Frank was the nicer one, so Joel guessed it was him who lent you it) and a pair of jeans that you’d packed that you hadn’t worn yet.
“Hi,” you greeted.
“Hey,” Joel said, watching you as you moved over to him. “Everyone else is outside.”
“I see that,” you said lightly. “Is everything okay?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?” Joel asked.
You shrugged. “I thought I heard arguing earlier. You and Tess,” you explained. “Bathroom is right above the kitchen…”
A brief moment of unease filled Joel. “What all did you hear?”
“No words clearly, just Tess raising her voice,” you revealed. Joel just gave you a slight nod. He had a feeling that wasn’t the only thing you had to say. “Did you, um… hear me earlier?”
Joel knew instantly what you meant. “No.” He hated lying to you. “Yes.”
“I thought so. I just”—you searched for your words—“I’m fine. That was just—”
“You don’t have to explain yourself.”
You swallowed and took a breath. “I’m not weak.”
Joel let out a small huff. “I know that.” That fact that you thought you had to tell him was amusing in an odd way. He was well aware.
“Well, alright then,” you said decidedly. “It’s just been so long since we’ve had hot water and—“
“You don’t have to explain yourself. You’re allowed to feel,” Joel reminded. “I know you. You’re strong. But you’re also a good, sweet, caring person and I just”—Joel sighed, struggling for his words even as they were tumbling out—“I don’t want to see you go numb to the world. I don’t want you to end up like me.”
You looked at him curiously. He stood for some reason, it felt more natural for him. Your eyes held his on his way up. “You’re not numb, Joel,” you told him, sounding so sure of yourself. “I don’t think that. I think you put on a brave face just like I do. Although I guess I’m not as good at hiding it as I thought.”
A small laugh left you as you shook your head.
“It’s just been so long since I talked about… feelings,” you admitted.
“Same here,” Joel agreed.
“It’s weird, isn’t it? I shouldn’t be, but it is.”
Joel got an idea. He hoped it wasn’t a bad one. “Maybe we can… help each other with that. Y’know, find a way to talk about it.”
You gave him a gentle smile. Before Joel could process, you were wrapping your arms around him and clinging to him in a hug. It was a sudden, unfamiliar movement. Joel held you against his body, resting his chin on your head.
“That’s a good idea,” you told him, your voice muffled against him.
Joel hadn’t touched, let alone held, someone in so long. It was nice. Mostly because it was you.
The sound of a door opening and heavy steps alerted you, causing you and Joel to part from one another. Frank approached the two of you with a welcoming smile on his face.
“Dinners ready,” he informed, looking between the both of you.
“Seriously, we cannot thank you enough, Frank,” you said kindly. He gestured towards the door in an “after you” manner. You gave him a smile and headed outside. Before you stepped out, you gave Joel one last grateful look.
There was a slight smile on Frank’s face as he looked at Joel, who hadn’t moved yet.
“It’s nice to have someone in a world like this, isn’t it?” Frank asked in a sincere tone.
Joel looked out the window towards the garden where you joined the table. You smiled at the sight of the food and took a seat.
After having a whole conversation about allowing feelings, Joel decided that he didn’t want to suppress the small smile of appreciation that crossed his own face.
“Yeah, it is,” Joel answered.
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starting a joel taglist, if you’d like to be on it lmk through an ask or message!
joel taglist: @the-ice-frozen-ground-red-rose
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runesinthenight · 2 months
Batfam accent headcanons
Bruce has a vaguely British accent. He sounds mostly American, but he was raised by a British butler and it shows.
Dick's accent doesn't have a name because he can't stick to one accent. He picked up bits and pieces of language from the different people in Haly's Circus as well as from different places the circus stopped over the years. Dick can and will used 10 different accents in one sentence.
Jason has the thickest Jersey accent. He sounds like Tony Soprano, which does womders for him as a crime boss. It also helps him connect with the people of Crime Alley because he sounds like he belongs.
Tim has a vaguely transatlantic accent because his parents wanted him to sound posh and sophisticated when they brought him to galas. It's still the voice he uses for meetings, interviews, galas, social functions, etc. He developed a more.standard American accent while training prior to becoming Robin so his accent couldn't tie them together.
Damian has an upper class Arabic accent. He was raised in the League of Assassins as the heir of the Demon Head. He was raised to believe he was better than everyone else. His accent reflects that. He sounds slightly more American as Robin, but not by much.
Babs and Steph also have Jersey accemts but they're not nearly as strong as Jason’s. Steph's accent is stronger than Babs's. I feel like Babs has the tiniest bit of New Yorker accent.
Cass doesn't speak much, but when she does she tends to mimic aspects of the person she's talking with's accent. She has a bit of a mish mash of accents that she stole from various Batfam members, but she's nowhere near as bad as Dick.
Duke has an accent somewhere between a Jersey accent and AAVE. It's distinctly different from Jason’s Jersey accent.
Alfred is British.
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favcharacterpoll · 9 months
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here before "why would you pit two bad bitches against each other" its Marina Ida from Splatoon facing Miles Morales from ItSV/AtSV. Who do you like more?
Marina Propaganda:
"there should be Splatoon 3 DLC where she and pearl get married"
"She’s a DJ, engineer, pianist and vocalist!! Hee songs kick ass!! She builds her own stages for splatfest!! She can ride a motorcycle! She can draw!! She skipped multiple grades bc she’s so smart!! She heard a song so good she decided to escape from the oppressive underground Octarian society!! She helped Agent 8 escape the metro and save the world!! She’s all but stated to be in love with her costar!! And she’s gonna show up in the next DLC too!!
She’s one of the most interesting and lovely characters I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing about and I hope you can see just how cool she is too!!"
"marina makes kickass music and has cool outfits and has a womderful short wife and is tall also she draws shoujou manga about the people she knows and is so. argargargagrhargargghhhhh"
"have you considered Marina has committed several war crimes and is also autistic and lesbian"
Miles Propaganda:
"love this dude. so amazing"
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The flashpoint Marvel family was so good and was such a piece of unused potential.
The kids were roughly the same age and growing up in a war ravaged world, all sent to the Wizard Shazam at the same time and sharing his powers equally with each one having one of the six blessings, they all have to call those powers together to become Captain Thunder and not all of them even like being Captain Thunder, Billy is a known magic user to some heroes, they’re all trying to be a family surviving the end of the world, Tawny is their actual pet tiger that is enchanted to only be seen as a house cat to people who don’t have the Shazam magic, Billy and Mary are still twins, and they tried talking to Womder Woman to figure out why she was perpetuating the war and was almost killed and scarred as Captain Thunder for their attempt.
Wish we had more of them
(Cut below with their comic panels)
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mewguca · 4 months
10 and/or 14!
10: ok this is a bit tricky bc i have a very big problem of being too absorbed in my own little world and thus the OCs i know most about end up being the ones i interact with most / hear about the most (as in. get told about the most bc im very bad at seeking stuff out on my own im very sorry)
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anyways i could list a LOT of OCs here but to save my hand i will not list them all.
from left to right:
Twenty Long Spears Pierce The Sky (@prismsoup) He's really fun to bully interact with and he is a very compelling antagonist (yay!!) and also rlly cool and scary
Enduring Calls Of Vices (ECOV) (@fauxbia) Honestly all jade blorbos could go here but ECOV is the most fun to interact with bc i love arguing as a fictional character and ECOV is very argumentative, LOL. also im huffing copium that one day PU and ECOV will get along </3
Counting Strings Of Beads (CSOB) (@cloverlady) Once again I could put all clover blorbos here. crazy how that works out. Anyways Beads' arc is womderful and Beads herself is also wonderful and i wish she was real and I could give her a hug
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ok ALSO to add variety uhhhhh...
Distant Frontier (@daszombes) Honestly Twisting Roads is still the best written so far, but DF has such a striking and instantly understandable concept that I'm sure his rewrite will be peak. tho maybe I'll end up liking UP more idk
Absolvent of Sins (@distant-frontier-simp) AOS is my friend and i love them and also im a sucker for characters with horrific backstories that are still unstoppable balls of sunshine
And for question 14 - modern AUs are fun and comfy i should draw them more i think. modern AU for luna OCs is particularly funny tho bc the MIPs still have the same origin and just go about mundane life anyways which is Very Funny To Me for Reasons!! (im very normal and can be trusted)
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babyxbluexmoon · 1 year
☁︎ ash girl | pt. 1 ☁︎
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Na'vi! Jake Sully! x Fire! Na'vi! Fem! Reader/Oc!
Warnings: Not proof read.
synopsis : Jake Sully had been living with the omaticayas as one of them for quite a couple years now, and after learning the forest, the creatures off by heart, he finds something new.
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Jake watched his best friend, Neytiri, marry the man of her dreams with a smile on his face. He knew her and Tsu'Tey would make womderful leaders for the clan. He had been a Omaticaya for the last three years now, and it has been the best time of his life. He could walk, run, he was free. He new knew this forest like the back of his hand, and the creatures like the back of his five fingered hand.
However, it was then he almost felt something watching. He turned to look over his shoulder, and his eyes widened slightly at a shadow like figure quickly moving out of sight. All he saw was a flash of.. red? Though it didn't look like an animal, more.. a na'vi. He got too curious and decided to follow it, the important part of the ceremony was over now, so he could come back for the after celebration.
He ran after the figure, using his senses and soon heard a.. Thanator? He approching quickly but quietly, and peeked around a tree, a gasp excaping his lips at the sight. There stood a red na'vi woman. She was a light red colour with darker red markings, and blacl paint around her eyes, a few stripes on her arms, and thighs, and ankles. She wore silver jewlery, two silver rings in each ear, a silver necklace, and a silver chain around her waist.
She wore black clothes over her breasts with no straps,then a black ripped mini like skirt covering her low regions. The thanator had red paint over his black body, and he found it interesting how she connected with him, and got onto its back. "She connected with a Thanator..?" He mumbled, but then saw her ears twitch and she looked right at him. Her eyes were a firey orange, blazing into his soul, darker than an Omaticaya.
"Uhh.. hi?" He spoke, and she quickly sped off woth the Thanator. "He-hey! Wait!" He ran after them, but soon had to call on his ikran, amd chased them. He landed infront of her, and his ikran roared, causing the Thanator to roar back and she hissed at him. "Hey, hey. I'm not threat." He said in thena'vi language, and she tilted her head when she saw his extra finger. "Demon.." the red girl spoke and he blinked a few times. "Excuse me?" He asked and she hissed loudly again.
She pulled out an axe like weapon, and Jake flinched, and gulped. "Wait, wait.. I am Na'vi. I promise, I am Na'vi." he said gently, and she tilted her head. "You omaticaya?" she asked and he nodded, "Yes, I am apart of that clan. I was sky person, now I am na'vi. I adapted." He said to her and she seemed to think for a moment, then slowly lowered her weapon and spoke english. "I sorry.. I no used too... this?" She spoke, her english was broken, but not bad, honestly.
"What.. what kind of Na'vi are you?" He asked her and she looked down for a moment, then back at him. "You people know I people as people of ash. Ash People." The woman replied and he slowly got off his Ikran, and she swung herself off of her Thanator and approched him. Before he could blink, she took ahold of his hand, inspecting it intensley with those sharp orbs. Her eyes were like slits, and the pupils so.. diamond like. Beautiful.
"My name is Jake.. you?" He asked, and she looked up at him. "Zuru'iki." He repeated the name in his mind, smiling slightly and feeling his heart pound slightly harder as she ran her fingers over the lines on his palm, and his extra finger. "You strange." She said, her voice was slightly deeper than Neytiri's, but gentle. "You are strange aswell.." he replied, looking at her hair that was half shaved, long and straight. No beads, no braids, no feathers.
However, she did have silver jewles around the her head, held up by her ears. On the middle of her head, between her eyes,but a bit higher but a silver cross shape, with ingraved markings covering it. She was stunning. Gorgouse. Outstanding. Every word the male could think of. "Zuru'iki.. where do you come from?" He asked, being curious. Neytiri never mention ash people before, and especially not red skinned na'vi folk.
She let go of his hand and pointed to three moutains, one huge one in the middle, and two smaller ones slightly infront of it. "There I home. There me clan." She said, and he nodded slowly, "may.. I go there?" He asked, an urge to learn of these new na'vi's. She shoom her head, "You omaticaya. You clan not happy you come." He took him a second to understand her, but spon caught on and sighed. "Then.. may I talk with you about it. We could find a place to sit?" He offered. "I would.. honestly, like to get to know you." He said.
She thought about it, and looked bacl at her thanator with a quesrioning expression, and the beast made a noise, seeming to shrug. She turned back to him and nodded. "We sit there." The girl pointed to a floating moutain, and he wondered howshe would get up there without an Ikran, but shrugged and nodded. "Alright, want a lift?" he offered, but she shook her head and we over to her companion.
He got on his Ikran and flew up into the aor, watching as her thanator ran through the trees, then stopped at the edge, looking up at the floating moutain. Suddenly the thanator walked away and Jake stopped Bob, the Ikran in mid air, wondering if she decided to leave, bit suddenly they came running back, and the thanator leapt off of the edge, and almost flew across the gap upwards, until landing on the floating moutain. "Whoa..". Jake flew over and got off thecreature again, detatching his braid and going over to her who also detatched her from from her beast. "That was amazing."
They sat down together and while Jake crossed his legs, she dangled hers over the edge, his Ikran sat on a ledge behind them and her Thanator curled up next to her. "So.. what do they meant by 'Ash people'?" He asked and she looked over, then pointed to the tallest moutain. "Watch." She spoke and after a couple minutes, as he was about to ask what he was looking for, the moutain, which turned out to be a valcano splurted out lava. "Most na'vi die near.. but we touch and be fine." She explained. "We fire na'vi. We one with fire." She explained and he gave a surprised expression.
"Why choose na'vi?" She asked, they had been talking for over an hour now, night slowly falling. Jake didn't mean too, but he slightly forgot the celebration, he didn't want this to end. Talking with her. "I betrayed my race because we were in the wrong. I fell in love with the forest, with the animals , and with the people." He said and she nodded slowly. "You betray sky people.. brave." Zuru'iki praised.
Her use of english made him chuckle every so often, the way she would forget to add words, or pronounce words wrong. The only sentence she could truely say propperly was, 'I see you' and he only knew that because she spoke to her thanator. "I see you, Omopaoni." She said, and he almost purred, nuzzling her. "Omopaoni? Thats a neat name. Did you pick it?" He asked and she shook her head. "He born it. He tell me when bonded." She replied and he made an 'ooo' expression. "You can understand them?".
"We understand Thanator. Thanator understand us. We one Thanantor." She explained and he understood, it reminded him of some of the other clans, how one clan were only horse riders, and another bonded only with Ikrans. These ones bonded with Thanators. Jake found that brilliant, considering one chased him the first time he came to the forest and how Neytiri explained that they did not like na'vi.
The night became darker and darker, and the little white dots on both their faces illuminated, aswell as the plants around them. It was then he noticed the orange flame like glow in the middle of the three moutains, and wondered how he never noticed it before. Why only now was he discovering this new side of na'vi. "Why dont you and the omaticayas get along?" He asked, "and also, why are you here?".
"In old time, ash and forest fight over land. Ash want fire, forest want tree. Soon, ash murder many forest, making ash outcast na'vi." She explained and he nodded slowly, understanding. "I here, i sent here by olo'eyktan, see." She said, now that he didn't understand, but decided not to ask further, but then she answered for him. "Olo'eyktan curious omaticaya." She explained and he nodded, noe he understood.
"I get back, dark." She spoke and Jake felt that he did not want her to go, he wanted to keep talking to her. More than he wanted to talk to Neytiri when they first met. "Wi-will I see you again..?" He asked her as she got onto her thanator, then looked at him. "Do wish too?". He nodded frantically, "I-I really like talking to you. Could we.. meet here again?" He asked and she nodded. "We can. Tomorrow, Jake Sully." With that, her Thanator jumped roght off the floating rock and he gasped, running to the edge and watxhing as they handed on a tree branch, then too the floor, heading towards the moutains.
"Wow.." he said, a sicky feeling in his stomach, but it was an addictive feelings, like little wings fluttering. Like anxiety, but he wasn't in panic or fear. "Until tomorrow, Zuru'iki..".
Jake Sully woke up extra early, getting on his Ikran and flying to the floating rock. He didn't care if it would be hours before seeing her, he'd been up all night awaiting day break. Bow sat on the rock, he looked out at the three moutains, longing just to see her red face with black paint, and soon he couldn't help himself. He flew his companion towards the fire na'vi.
As they got closer, he could already feel the heat, but admired what he saw. Huge flowers surrounding the moutains, fire and orange coloured like a burning flame with black middles. Then there was the village, no trees, but little stone caves for homes, statues, those firey flowers. There there was a big tree in the middle, burnt but covered in lights, red lights made of glow stones, their hometree. Thanators roamed freely, each with red marked painting on their bodies and faces.
He hid behind a fire flower on the smallest moutain, and scanned the area until he finally spotted her, Zuru'iki. She was speaking to a very tall na'vi, red like her, an elder man. He decided to get closer, leaving his ikran to perch and soon he was in the village, hiding behind a couple painted rocks. "Sempul(father)! I try best!" He heard and gave a confused expression.
"You stupid, like child!" He yelled back, "you betray the people! Talk with omaticaya man!" He said and Jakes eyes widened slightly. "Sempul.. he not bad omaticaya, he not like people! He talk me, curious!" She yelled back and suddenly he turned to her and screamed. "You betray me! You just like you sa'nok(mother)! Curious.. curious get you killed, stupid girl!" He said, then turned away from her. "You no speak me until I ready.. I not look at you." He walked away as tears ran down her red cheeks, and Jake growled lowly, making her ears twitch.
She looked over and spotted him, making her mouth drop. "What you do here!?" She loudly whisperedd, coming over and looking at him, continuously looking around to make sure no one else was looking. The tears were still running down her cheeks, and she quickly wiped them. "I-I couldn't wait to see you.. I just really.. I really wanted to talk to you again." He whispered back, and then wantes to wipe those tears but restrained himself.
"You stupid.." she said, but she was giggling which made him smile at her quite lovingly. "Not here." She said with a smile, and then grabbed his hand, "come, come." She said and sprinted him to a cave, her cave. She closed the curtains made of stripped silver, like crystals before looking at him. "It nice see you." She said, lighting the fire to brighten the dark cave. There was only one big bed in here, showing she lived alone. Her thanator sleeping outside beside the cave under a wooden made like hut, with his own fire keeping him warm.
"You not be here!" She said, pushing on his chest gently, giving him that sicky feeling again. "I know, I know.. I just.. couldn't resist." He chuckled and she rolled her eyes, sitting own on a soft looking bean bag, and he sat on the other. He looked atvher skin, glimmering in the flame lit light, and how the silver made her really pop. On top of that, she was daughter of the olo'eyktan.. she was gorgouse.
"Your really pretty.." Jake mumbled, and her eyes widened slightly, then she seemed to look flustered and he smirked slightly. 'Why is she so.. alluring...?' He wondered, staring at her shy smile. "Are you.. mated?" He asked, and he couldn't believe those words left his lips. "No, why?" She asked and he played it off cool. "Just curious. Being the cheifs daughter means you have to find a mate before a certain age right? How old are you?" He asked, "I twenty year old." She replied, "and yes, but no fire male catch eye. I no interest." She explained and he felt a little happy by that.
'Am I.. falling for her..?' He wondered, and his question was answered when she said, "you pretty." She said, "you catch eye." She seemed to realise what she said and looked down, making his eyebrows raise and his lips part, but then she stood up. "But you omaticaya. So it don't matter if you pretty not." She walked over to a table of weapons, and Jake saw the axe she held yesterday, a few knife or daggers, and what seemed to be poisonous flowers.
"Why... why should that matter..?" He asked her softly, and she looked back at him. "We be enemies. No friends." He was kind of happy she considered them friends, but now thinking about it, he wished they were more. "What if.. I don't want to be enemies.. what if you catch my eye aswell..?" He asked and her heart skipped a beat, now that sicky feeling in her stomach.
"It no work-", "You don't know that, Zuru'iki." He approched her, but she backed away so he respectfully stopped, putting his hands up. "I will not touch you unless you say so, Zuru. But.. I want to be the.. the one to catch your eye." He admitted. "I know we only met yesterday, and we barely know one another but I really.. like being around you." He said and she found herself agreeing. "Why dont, we see how it goes? We hang out every day we can, and.. save eachother for awhile?" He offered.
"Save?" She asked, "Like, dont mate with anyone until we know how we really want.. us to go?" He explained and she gulped gently. "You determind.." she let out a soft chuckle, making him lower his hands. She stayed quiet for a moment, then sighed and spoke, "I do it. But reasons I no promises." Zuru'iki had a point of no promises, but that was enough for this five fingered na'vi. "Its settled then."
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mischaswife · 6 months
yeah. Im that person now
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❗TW: Mentions of murder, tourture, Swearing, Most likely insane reader
Pairing: Mischa Bachinski x !Yandre!Reader
Summary: mischa has been seieng this girl for a while, She loves him. Would do anything for him. Anything in the world for him. But maybe her promise gets taken too far....
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"id would do anything for you" She would always say to mischa. He thought nothing of it. He only started to worry when the people that seemed to have a intrest in him go missing. He just thought they got sick. But most of them never came back again. He was talking to this girl that had a huge crush on him. His girlfriend spying on them from down the hall. Monetering her. The way she laughed, Touched him, smiled at him. Just enough for her to go crazy. Ahe would walk up to them with a smile on her face. She would kiss mischas cheek. Leaveing a lipstick mark. If that girl didnt stop she would take matters into her own hands, or her own blade. "Hey, you seem really cool, wanna meet up after school" She says to the girl.
"Yeah! Id love too" the girl says, "Great, meet me near football feild" She smiles and walks away. At the end of the day she meets up with the girl. "Whats your name?" She asks, "Margo" Margo says. "Thats so pretty, your face is really pretty" She smiles. Margo smiles back. "thank you",
"it will look real pretty on my wall" She smiles. "wait what-" Margo says then (name) grabs her and puts a towel with chloroform on it over her mouth makeing margo pass out. (Name) Drags margo to her car and lays her down (thows her) in the back seats. She would drive to a abondoned house. (name) drags margo into the bacement and ties her to a chair and waits for margo to wake up.
Margo wakes up, "morning sunshine" She say to her with a mask on her face. "W-Where am i!?" Margo says panicked. "What were your intentions with mischa." She says ro amrgo in a cold tone. "I wanted to date him! Hes so hot and attractive and-" Margo gets cut off my a knife in her gut. "Mine. The boy is mine. Not yours, he only will love me not your ragity ass. Margo." (Name) said to margo as she was sitting in shock then died. She smirks and cleans herself off. She takes off the mask to reval a smile on her face showing she is satisfied with what she has done.
She leaves the building and drives home, Once she gets home she takes a shower. Must have no evidinve on her. None. The next day people are womdering where their little margo went. "I wonder where she went.." Mischa says to his girlfriend, "Yeah, After choir you wanna come over to take your mind off things?" she asks and he nods. After choir practice they walk to her car. little did she remeber Margos white shoe, with her drawing on it, name and that she had been wearing last time anyone saw her was in the passangers seat leg space.
They get into the car and mischa sees it. "What-Is that margos sho-" He starts saying in a shakey tone. (Name) Starts freaking out and knocks him out. She drives to the buiding and dragged him inside, she untied margos dead body and threw it with the other ones. She ties mischa up and puts her mask on and sits infront of him holding her trusty knife waiting. Waiting for him to wake up. Once he wakes up he realises he isnt at her house. Insted a bloody, cold bacement with wepons on the walls and dead bodies of girls and guys that have ever liked him on the floor. "What the fuck is this." He says trieing to get out of the chair hes tied too.
"Dont bother doing that. You I would do anything for you. Looks like you didnt quite belive that fully" she said circuling around the chair. "W-What have you done! You cant just kill the people that find an intrest in me!" He yells. Accent thinkening. "Oh but yes i can. I only do it because i love you, and i dont want anyone! To take that away from me!" She says, at anyone she slits his arm with her blade. He groans, "I love you too much for that to happen" She smiles and kneels down next the the chair and puts a hand on his thigh. "So, you have two options love, either tell people what you saw and i would unfortunately have to kill both of us, Or! Stay with me and tell no one what you saw, and we will live" She says in a happy tone near the end,
"I-I need to tell someone!" He says. She didnt quite like that and slit his cheek. "No you dont." She smiles almost insanely with a slight giggle. "Tell no one." She said and he nodded profusely, "Good. Now let me patch you up! I let my anger get the best of me!" she said takeing her mask off and grabing wipes and baindaids. She patches him up and unties him. "If you tell anyone i swear to god i will stab you untill my knife goes all the way through you body." she says coldly and then holds his hand, "Okay lets go!" she smiles and they leave and go to her house. Guess this is his life now. Stuck with her or she will. Kill. Him.
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i hope yall liked this! Toodles!
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fiberturkey89 · 1 month
I wonder if Dragons Rising is trying to like... or wanting to redo everything Jay's kind of done? Like he was kind of a jerk s1-7(you could chalk this up to that good ol' poor Tommy Andreason writing) to basically everyone, he treated people kinda poorly(Nya especially in the early seasons- people seem to forget that, but again.. time period writing ig) and made him SUPER Nya focused, and her character focused on him when they should've been like Zane n Pix, lovers but characters in their own right. Note how Pixal gets more human and sure of herself as the seasons go on. She cares deeply for Zane, but she can work as her own character. Zanes is obviously a main but looknat how much he's sort of.. struggling with how to act.
Cause, let's be real. Dragons Rising has a concrete direction they want the characters to go me thinks, they're actually delving into the fact the Ninja are people like you and I. People who hurt, laugh, love, and breathe in their own universe(or ours!) Like how Nya misses Jay, but she's also glad she has her family with her- same with Arin and Sora having fairly strong buildup.
I womder if they don't really wanna so kuch as rewrite Jay, but like.. edit him, and thats why they went the amnesia route
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