#sick Peter parker
irondadmadlads · 6 months
Irondad Prompt #200:
Peter: Merry Christmas Mr. Stark!
Tony: Merry Christmas Peter! How are you?
Peter: I’m fine. The hospital bed is kinda itchy but it is what it is. How are you?
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 6 months
I have a sickfic prompt for you!
Okay, so imagine Peter sick in bed. Tony babysitting because May has to work. Before May leaves she mentions to Tony, “Can you grab his pjs out of the laundry? He always wants a particular pair when he’s feeling sick-“
And Tony doesn’t think anything of it. So he goes to grab Peter’s clothes and sees the pjs…
Are a tourist shirt and Hello Kitty pants
This ask came in all the way back in March. It was a fun idea so I held into, hoping to eventually turn it into a mini-fic. Well, friends. Today is the day. Have a big dose of soft, guilty Tony and sick, cuddly-warm Peter.
Hello Kitty Pajamas - 826 Words
“May! May, I’m here!” Tony called as he let himself into the Parkers’ apartment. He’d received a message an hour prior requesting his presence. Specifically, so he could babysit a significantly ill spider-baby while his aunt went in for a mandatory shift. He’d hesitated at first because was he really the best choice? May had assured him there was no one else. And that even if there were, she was sure Peter wouldn’t want anyone but him. An unfamiliar warmth had bloomed in his chest, prompting him to obtain his keys.
“Sorry!” May called from down the hall. “I'm sorry! He sweat right through his clothes. I was changing the sheets, so you didn’t have to.”
Tony pulled a face without meaning to. A slight laugh escaped May’s lips as a result.
“He’s in the shower now. That should help with a lot of the congestion.” she paused, sighed and twisted her lip between her teeth. “I know he’s old enough to take care of himself. I just- with his fever going up and down so rapidly I didn’t want him to be here alone. Just in case.”
“It’s fine, May. You know I don’t mind spending time with him,” he said, keeping his voice as steady and nonchalant as possible. “Thanks for changing the sheets, though. Housekeeping isn’t really my thing.” They both knew, without a doubt, that he’d do it again if needed. But neither of them commented on it.
"Shoot! How did it get so late? I really need to get going.” He watched May scramble to find her purse and keys. “His favorite pajamas are in the dryer. Can you grab those for him?”
“Of course.”
“Thanks again, Tony,” May said, already halfway out the door. “You have no idea how much I appreciate this.”
Tony smiled and waved to her toward the hall. “Any time, May. You know that.”
Once she was gone, he located the laundry area and opened the dryer. Inside was a heap of towels of varying sizes. Among them, he managed to stop a white shirt and some pink fuzzy pants. Although it wasn’t until he hauled them out that he realized what they were. Hello Kitty was patterned across the bottoms, and the top was the over-sized tourist shirt. He suddenly realized it was the outfit he’d purchased the kid directly after their first argument. He blew out a breath as an image of Peter, wearing that exact outfit with tears running down his cheeks popped into his head. Guilt began to swirl in his gut. He dug around in the dryer hoping to find different pajamas. He couldn’t fathom how those could possibly be Peter’s favorite. Unsuccessful, he clutched the shirt and pants tightly in his fist and carried them to the restroom door.
“Pete?” he called. “I’m putting your PJ’s outside the door.”
“Thanks,” Peter rasped, coughing harshly after. “I’ll be out in a minute.”
“Take your time, Bud. No rush.”
Tony sat down on the couch. His leg bounced and his fingers tapped on his knee as he thought more about that decidedly horrible day. The whole thing has been his fault, really. If he’d just told the kid he’d called the FBI… He squeezed his eyes shut and ran a hand down his face. God, he’d been a jerk. He shouldn't have shouted in the kid’s face and really shouldn't have taken the suit. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the bathroom door creak open.
“Hey,” Peter said as he rounded the corner. “Sorry, May made you come.”
Tony swallowed with difficulty. The sight of the pajamas making his stomach churn. “I-”
“Are you okay?” Peter interjected.
“Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that?” Tony quipped. Peter continued to frown. “I’m fine. Just- thinking.”
“Definitely,” Tony agreed, then sucked in a breath. “May said those are your favorite pajamas.”
Peter hummed positively and dropped down onto the couch. “They’re comfortable.”
Tony's brow furrowed. “They don’t make you think about that day?”
“Sometimes,” Peter shrugged. “But mostly they make me think about you.”
A warm wet head landed on Tony’s shoulder. Water soaked through his shirt. He found he didn’t really mind. “I’m so sorry, Kid,” he whispered. “I really didn’t handle that situation very well. I didn’t communicate with you the way I should have, I lost my temper when that backfired, then I took it all out on you. I shouldn't have done that. Forgive me?”
“Already did,” Peter yawned. “Like- a long time ago.”
It shouldn’t have been that easy, Tony thought to himself. But Peter is such a good kid… he leaned his cheek against the top of Peter’s head and sighed. “Tired?”
“Yeah. Sorry. I don’t feel so good.”
“Well, let’s get you into your bed, hmm? May changed the sheets and everything.”
Peter nodded and started toward his bedroom. Tony followed behind, smiling softly as the kid exhaustedly crawled under the covers. Astonishingly, the sight of the pajamas didn’t bother him so much anymore. He traversed the room and ran his fingers through his kid’s hair.
“Sleep well, Kiddo,” he murmured. “I’ll be out there if you need me.”
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kelconfetti · 8 months
peter , delirious and feverish but doesnt want tony to worry
tony who already found out: peter are you ok?
peter internally: dont let him know your sick, just say no..
peter: dont let him say no.
tony: what
peter: what
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aindyghosh · 2 months
Fix Me Up (IronDad fic)
Peter hated formalities.
No, that was too mild a word to describe his feelings on the topic. Peter despised formalities.
Detested them. Abhorred. Loathed. And any other synonym that Oxford had come up with to date that he’d be able to remember as soon as Peter’s mind returned to the right track.
As it was, Peter’s brain felt all jumbled and disoriented, as if he were in a daze, because the morning sniffles he’d dismissed as a reaction to the accumulated dust in his room were, in reality, a case of severe cold due to the weather fluctuations that New Yorkers were experiencing and thus, very much not insignificant.
The last time Peter had fallen ill was three years ago before a visit to OsCorp had juiced him up on a — what would probably be perceived as ‘freakish’ — spider-serum (well, it was more of a spider-bite than a full-fledged serum, but that was what he called it, anyway) that turned his vision into a ten out of ten, dialled his senses to an eleven, and for the initial few months, made him stick to pretty much every surface available. No, that wasn’t a double entendre of any kind. It had been a real issue, thank you very much, until he had hauled control of it into his own hands.
Now one might ask, how did his sickness tie into his hatred for formalities?
Well, it was like this: Peter was sick, all he wanted to do at the moment was go home, politely refuse Aunt May’s chicken broth that was more likely to send him to the ER than to make him feel any better, allow sleep to treat him like he was dead until he was ready to return to the land of the living, and the fever, with any luck, would subside by the time he woke up again.
He didn’t think these were, in any manner, unreasonable demands.
Yet, his school acted as though he’d broken into Nexus and stolen the nuclear codes that he could access on Mr Stark’s servers.
Not that he’d ever say that to anyone because it would be incriminating Mr Stark, even though he was around eighty-three per cent sure it was one of those open secrets that everybody knew but pretended they didn’t. Adults were so complicated.
Regardless, coming back to the point, Aunt May was unreachable over the phone, which Peter had already suspected would be the case because she had a very important meeting with some angel investors who had expressed interest in the latest venture that her NGO was trying to set up for victims of domestic abuse.
Peter had said that to both Mr Harrington and Principal Morita, and had practically begged to be permitted to leave because anybody with a functional pair of eyes could see that he wasn’t faking an illness for the fun of it (Principal Morita had blanched at the hundred-and-three-degree temperature the thermometer had displayed; apparently, the spider-serum had increased his body’s tolerance to the extent where he didn’t keel over while burning up, but still, it would’ve been nice to not fall sick at all).
They had denied his request, of course. Formalities. See why he despised them?
With Peter being miserable in the infirmary and Aunt May not answering her calls, the natural next step in the administrative process was to either call the second emergency contact tagged to his name or the hospital.
Peter had put his foot down when Mr Harrison had tried to make noise in favour of the latter choice. Whether it was his uncharacteristic blunt protest or the pitiful murmur he had exhaled for being too exhausted to attempt anything else, Principal Morita had, though begrudgingly, relented.
That had stripped them down to one option. The second emergency contact. And that was where the root of all his problems laid.
Even when he had been one of the sickliest children, Peter’s file had been empty of a secondary contact since Uncle Ben’s demise because, besides Aunt May, he hadn’t had any such person in his life. But two years ago, his Aunt May had applied to add one.
Tony S.
It had been Mr Stark’s idea after their initial application had been rejected because “there is no way Tony Stark is your emergency contact, Peter; such kind of pranks will not be tolerated!”
As insistent as Ms. Banks was on not being taken for a fool, she hadn’t batted an eyelid when Peter had submitted the revised application with the name tweaked from “Tony Stark” to “Tony S”. At the time, like in one of those really old movies, Mr Stark’s “People are gullible, Peter! They think they know and understand everything when they barely see a quarter of the full picture,” had echoed through his head like a voiceover.
But he was digressing. The point he was trying to make was that despite the fact his school hadn’t, and still didn’t, believe that he had an internship — which wasn’t even a lie — with Stark Industries, much less that Mr Stark would ever agree to be his secondary contact (if Peter was being honest, he too found it ridiculous and surreal sometimes that Mr Stark had been listed as one of his emergency contacts), he hadn’t imagined that Principal Morita and Mr Harrington would stammer say an outright “no” to the man’s very face.
Peter watched, perched on the uncomfortable bed that threatened to make a germaphobe out of him, as Mr Stark’s face underwent a long series of varied emotions until it began oscillating between intrigued amusement and concerned frustration.
“I am his secondary emergency contact,” Mr Stark stressed for the third time. “You saw the papers! They have May’s signature! Why, on God’s holy green earth—” ( Ooh, the fancy curses were coming out now. When Mr Stark started saying things like “God” and “holy”, the best course of action was to run.) “—would I want to compromise your records? Do I look like a kidnapper?” Principal Morita failed to reply within a satisfactory period because Mr Stark pinched the bridge of his nose for the fifth time in the past ten minutes. Someone was developing a new anxious tic. “Why would I want to kidnap a student, Principal Morita?”
“We don’t think you’re trying to kidnap him, per se,” Mr Harrison swiftly cut in, seeing as Principal Morita seemed more interested in mimicking a fish and flailing his hands like an octopus. “But surely, you must see why we’d be, um, sceptical about allowing Peter to go with you?”
“No, actually, I don’t.”
Mr Harrington waved his hands in vague gestures, not unlike Principal Morita but he resembled more of an orangutan. “You are Tony Stark.”
“I’m aware, but thanks for the reminder.” Mr Stark deadpanned, his flat features compensating for the raw vulnerability in his eyes as he kept shooting Peter worried glances. “Look, this argument is entirely pointless.” You tell ‘em, Mr Stark! “I have a sick child to take care of—” He wasn’t a child! He was an almost-adult! That was a thing! “—and he can do with some treatment that is not in this horrible room. Is this what you call an infirmary? You know what, it doesn’t matter! I will need Peter to come with me pronto.”
Principal Morita stood up taller as if something in Mr Stark’s speech had vindicated him. “That is what a kidnapper would say.”
“No, a mugger would say that while robbing somebody. Go on, accuse me of petty theft as well while you’re at it.”
Principal Morita stuttered something out, but whether that was in response to Mr Stark’s utterly unimpressed face or Mr Harrison elbowing him in the rib, Peter wasn’t sure.
The ongoing conversation gradually morphed into unintelligible white noise, overwhelming while being muffled at the same time, like being pulled out of the water after a long time under, the sound of waves rushing ringing in one’s ears and deafening them to their surroundings but unable to mitigate the imposing presence of the people around.
“M’st’r St’k?” After a short second, his brain-addled self wondered if he’d managed to get the words out in the world or if they had died a premature death on his tongue.
Maybe he had. “I d’n’t f’el sss...g’d, M-St’k—”
Peter blinked. And frowned when his view refused to stop swaying between pitch black and black with spots of red and green in it.
It was another moment before he realised his eyes were still closed.
When his eyes fluttered open, it wasn’t to Midtown High’s infirmary that left much to be desired, but to a clean white ceiling with a familiar huge and fancy circle of light decorating the middle which his brain placed right away.
The Avengers Compound’s MedBay.
He had a love-hate relationship with this corner of the compound, in that his body loved to end up here, at least, once a week while he had to actively hold himself back from cursing like a pirate anytime someone so much as mentioned the wing.
“FRIDAY?” He asked in a tone that even his brain thought suited an eighty-year-old, weary of the world, than a teenage kid with superpowers. No, not superpowers. That made him sound narcissistic and ostentatious. Spidey-powers. There, much better. “How long was I out this time?”
“You missed both lunch and dinner, if that answers your question,” came the reply from the person who was very much not FRIDAY.
“Mr Stark!” He attempted to sit up to no avail, Mr Stark’s firm grip on his shoulders gently pushing him back on the bed. Peter might have been stronger but Mr Stark was much more stubborn and a lot less prone to listening.
“How’re you feeling, kid?”
“Fine, actually, y’know, given everything.” He was no longer burning up, his skin didn’t crawl, the pounding in his head had subsided, and nothing felt jammed up his nose. All in all, he felt much more in control of himself. At least, the spider-serum worked fast.
“Good, because I need to yell at you and I’d prefer to do that while you’re not being miserable in your own body.”
“Oh, come on, Mr Stark! I didn’t even do anything this time!”
“Yeah?” The man’s eyes narrowed at him in that manner where, historically, it meant he had yet to decide whether to be angry with him or let himself show his amusement at his antics. Usually, the latter won out after a few minutes of forced yelling which was more to help keep up his façade of a responsible adult than anything else. Here’s to hoping! “Then was it your clone who assured your Aunt May in the morning that you were okay and, in fact, healthy enough to attend school?”
Had Peter been sitting, he would have bowed his head or looked away. Since he was currently laid out helpless on the bed as Mr Stark hovered over him like a concerned parent mentor, bowing his head wasn't on the table and looking away could be considered impolite. Mr Stark didn’t take kindly to rudeness and Peter was in no mood to be tickled.
“Sorry, Mr Stark.” Apologising? Now that came much more naturally to him. Mr Stark said it was a problem. Peter wasn’t so sure.
“What are you sorry for?”
That sounded like a trick question. Peter eyed the other man with carefully concealed suspicion. “For falling sick?”
Mr Stark sighed in that exasperated way that was typically followed up with something either deeply profound or extremely heartfelt, and in both cases, Peter would be left speechless and a tiny smidge teary-eyed.
“Don’t be sorry for falling sick, Peter! How would you feel if I apologised for getting hurt on a mission?”
Peter shrugged. “Good, actually, because then it would mean you’ll try not to throw yourself in the active line of gunfire when the next fight comes along.” After a moment, he added, “And maybe a tiny bit worried if you said the word ‘sorry’.”
“Pot, kettle, Underoos.” Mr Stark rolled his eyes. “And stop distracting me from the real issue here.”
“There’s no real issue, Mr Stark—”
“You should have told May that you had a fever, Pete.” He didn’t have a fever in the morning! “She was so scared when she saw the missed calls. She almost hitched a ride with Karen.”
“She hates Karen.” Peter’s mumble was barely audible, but somehow Mr Stark heard it.
“I know. I talked her down from blowing her dinner invitation with the investors. She’ll be here in another—” He spared a glance at his expensive wristwatch. “—fifteen minutes or so.”
“Thanks, Mr Stark! I didn’t mean to cause any problems—”
“You didn’t,” Mr Stark said, his voice soft. “We just worry, Pete. You’d know when you reach our age and have to look after a hyperenergetic kid who can’t seem to keep out of trouble.”
“That’s right, Peter!” FRIDAY chimed in. “Boss nearly went into a panic attack at the thought of you being hurt.”
Mr Stark immediately hushed his AI, but FRIDAY made even her silence seem...smug.
“I didn’t.” Mr Stark was convincing nobody. He was such a mother-hen.
Peter shook his head with a small smile. “This won’t happen again, Mr Stark, I promise.”
“Yes. Please remember, we’re all here for you, okay?” The man squeezed his hand. His touch was warm and assuring, and it grounded Peter.
“I didn’t expect a few sneezes to turn into a fever. I’d thought the serum had taken care of that.”
“Me too. I have talked with Bruce. If you are fine with him taking a couple of samples, he’s agreed to look into it.”
“Sure.” A year ago, he’d have been uncomfortable at the prospect of Doctor Bruce Banner wasting his precious time on something as insignificant as Peter’s blood tests. But Mr Stark had beaten the so-called “self-deprecation” out with his snarky retorts and sassy eye-rolls, and Doctor Banner had, after returning from “the garbage planet” (not his words), become something of a second mentor to him.
Also, this was for science. Doctor Banner was always interested in analysing the dos and don’ts and powers and the side effects of the spider-serum.
“Boss, Forehead of Security is pulling up into the driveway with Mrs Parker as we speak.”
“Oh, goody! She can take over the yelling now. FRI, order some pizza!”
“On it!”
“Mr Stark!” Peter called for the man with a tone of voice that, to unsuspecting people, might have sounded whiny, but really, it wasn’t. “Save me!”
“Nope! You deserve it!”
“I promise I won’t do it again!”
“FRI, remind the young lad of the last time he’d said the same thing, please.”
“Three weeks ago, on the twenty-ninth of March, at 8:14 in the evening, Peter Parker had promised not to hide anything from Tony Stark and May Parker ever again post a two-hour surgery for failing to alert anybody after getting shot while stopping a bank robbery.”
Peter resisted the urge to pout. “FRIDAY! You didn’t have to recount in such detail.”
“I am not programmed to recite half-information, Peter.” She was trolling him. He could feel it in his bones.
“Hah!” Mr Stark crowed. “I am so proud of you, baby girl.”
“Boss, I have done some research and I have arrived at a conclusion.”
Peter’s heart hammered at the declaration. What now?
“Oh? Let’s hear it, then!”
“I have looked into various published papers on human behaviour and the possible environmental factors that may have an impact on it, and I have deduced that Peter Parker’s tendency to hide his injuries and downplay his struggles are identical to your documented traits.”
It took a visible minute for Mr Stark to realise what transpired, and when he did, he let out an outraged screech that would have put a whole colony of bats to shame. 
Peter sucked in his cheeks.
“Are you implying I’m a bad influence on the kid, FRIDAY?”
“No, I’m saying that you and Peter are in the same boat, and both of you panic when the other gets hurt yet none of you do anything to set an example for the other, and since you, Boss, can be argued to be the adult in this relationship—” She bravely ignored Mr Stark’s squeak of protest, and pressed on, “the responsibility of not being a hypocrite, unfortunately, falls on you.” FRIDAY finished with a flourish. Peter could hear the flourish.
A beat of silence.
“That’s it! I’m donating you to City College. How dare you insinuate that I’m a responsible adult. I hate being responsible!”
And that was the point where Peter absolutely and hilariously lost it.
He was soon joined by Mr Stark, who was more giggling than guffawing like Peter. When the titters and the chortles were on the verge of subsiding, FRIDAY played an audio recording of a woman cackling as a representation of her own emotions, and the riot powered up again.
That was, of course, until the door to his room — yes, he had been in the MedBay a sufficient number of times for Mr Stark to designate a room specially for him — was pushed open and a harried May rushed in only to be greeted by the sight of Peter and Tony all but rolling over the floor laughing.
Peter’s ears rang with her screaming for days after that.
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lemonlillybee · 2 years
stay by my side (or keep me awake)
Title: stay by my side (or keep me awake) 
Fandom: Irondad
Word Count: 1153
Prompt: Peter is already prone to nightmares. Yet a fever can turn his dreams from scary, to downright horrifying (prompt #88 from @irondadmadlads) 
A/N: For @life-of-pines who should NOT BE ENCOURAGING ME LIKE THIS
Tony has been woken up by a lot of terrible sounds in his life. Sounds he doesn’t care to revisit, so he’s shoved them down, deep down, and sure, someday that’s probably going to come back to bite him in the ass. The point is, he’s seen sights and heard sounds that most people can only imagine. 
But nothing, he realizes as he’s jolted awake at 1:47 a.m. on a Sunday morning, is worse than being woken up by the sound of a child screaming. Even if that child is a sixteen-year-old with superhuman abilities.
“Peter!?” He stumbles out of bed and rushes out of his room, glancing up at the ceiling. “FRI?”
He doesn’t hear F.R.I.D.A.Y. tell him that Peter’s temperature is 102.9 degrees, or that his blood pressure is rising, or that he’s waking from a nightmare. He just hears another anguished cry coming from Peter’s room. He runs.
By the time Tony reaches him, Peter’s cries have turned to whimpers and muffled sobs. He’s curled up on his side on the very edge of his bed, face tucked into his pillow, shivers and sobs shaking his body. Tony drops down next to the bed, his hands hovering over the teen.
Peter turns his head slightly to squint up at Tony out of one eye for just a moment, and Tony sees the tears streaming down his face, pouring from bloodshot eyes. 
Tony starts babbling, then, a repetition of I know and it’s okay and I’m right here spilling from lips in an attempt to soothe Peter. He’s about to try to get an answer out of the kid about what’s wrong when he puts his hand on Peter’s wet cheek and feels that it’s hot against his palm. He slides his hands up into Peter’s hair, lightly rubbing the scalp through sweat-soaked curls, and Peter shudders at the touch before stilling, his body tense and chest expanding as he holds in a breath.
“You’re burning up,” Tony says, because fuck, it really feels like Peter’s skin is on fire. 
Peter huffs out a trembling exhale. “I am?” It’s the first thing Peter’s said since Tony got to his room, and his voice is wrecked. Tony isn’t sure if it’s from the illness or the yelling. 
Peter looks up at Tony in confusion, then brings a hand up to his chest, patting his shirt a little like he’s feeling for the part that’s burning up. He moves his hand up to his neck, fingers trailing through the sweat pooling in his collarbone, probing at his warm skin at shuddering again. “Oh no.” 
It comes out so sad and weak that Tony stills his hands where they’re running through Peter’s hair.
“Oh, Roos. I just mean that you have a fever. You’re sick.” 
“No, I’m not sick,” Peter replies hoarsely. “I’m…scared?” His voice cracks on the last word and it comes out like a question, and it’s immediately followed by a fresh round of sobbing. 
“Shit,” Tony hisses. He keeps one hand in Peter’s hair, resuming his motion, and uses the other to wipe the tears from Peter’s face as they fall. Peter squeezes his eyes shut, then immediately opens them again.
“Don’t wanna fall back asleep,” he whimpers, but he’s already nodding off despite his attempt to keep his eyes open. His eyelashes flutter rapidly then still as his eyes close, soft snores replacing the weepy exhalations. 
Tony stands carefully, moving as quietly as he can over to the door, and Peter snorts and snuffles into his pillow but remains asleep. He quickly grabs a fluffy towel and a washcloth from the bathroom, wetting the washcloth in the sink first before returning to Peter’s room. 
He uses the towel first to dry Peter’s hair. He drapes it over his head, rubbing gentle circles, then uses a corner to dab at the sweat along the side of his face and neck. There’s a small gasp when he places the cool washcloth on the back of Peter’s neck.
“I’m sorry, Roos, I know that probably feels cold.” 
Peter’s eyes fly open with another gasp and a stuttered “N-no, please! Don’t hurt…don’t…” 
“I’m not trying to hurt you, Pete. Just trying to cool you down a little.” 
“Don’t want to be cold,” Peter whimpers. His nose is stuffed up from all of the crying, or maybe from the illness that’s coming on, and it makes him sound younger. 
“Do you want to change into a dry shirt?” Tony asks, watching Peter shiver with a frown.
Peter nods and brings up one fist to clumsily rub at his eyes. “A hoodie?” He asks hopefully.
Tony shakes his head. “Nope, just a shirt, bud.”
“A…turtleneck shirt?” Peter asks, and Tony almost snorts out a laugh.
“A t-shirt,” he clarifies. “Your fever is too high.” 
“Karen? She has a heater?” Peter tries one more time, not yet losing his hopeful tone.
Tony sighs. “No, bud. Your body is really hot right now, and I know it’s making you feel cold, but your suit’s heater would not be good for you.” 
“You’re the one who gave her the heater,” Peter grumbles, his tone sliding into something more grumpy. His face scrunches into a little pout and he closes his eyes. 
After a moment, Tony thinks he might be falling asleep again, but then Peter’s gasping so hard it makes him cough, and he scrambles back toward the wall like he’s trying to escape something. 
“Peter! Peter, it’s okay! It’s okay,” Tony says, reaching out a tentative hand. His fingers find Peter’s shoulder. He waits until Peter catches his breath a little, then wraps his hand more firmly around his bicep. He really needs a new, dry shirt. “Hey, you okay? You’re okay.” 
Peter swallows back a sob. “I don’t want to see it again,” he whispers, voice broken and sad. “I keep seeing it when I…when I close my eyes…” 
Oh, shit. A nightmare. With the fever, Tony had nearly forgotten about the screaming that had brought him into Peter’s room in the first place. Peter is prone to nightmares, but never this bad. He takes a deep breath through his nose while he considers what to do, but he’s already making a decision. 
Peter’s already over on the far side of the bed, leaving enough room for Tony to squeeze in next to him. He wraps his arms around Peter and tugs him toward his chest, and Peter melts easily into the warm embrace. He sniffles a little into Tony’s chest and shivers, nuzzling against his shirt until he’s in a position he’s happy with, and Tony smiles despite being incredibly uncomfortable himself. He’s positive he’s going to be sore and sweaty within the hour, and he’s not really sure what kind of night they’re in for, but at least he can be here for Peter through it. 
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littlemissagrafina · 1 year
Beautiful Boy
My gift for the absolutely darling @sdottkrames for this years @friendly-neighborhood-exchange
Summary: Tony had stood his ground despite Peter's protests. "You and I both know that it's not easy for you to get sick, Bud, and that when you do, it hits you hard. You'll be down for the count for the next few days and I'm not having you push yourself and feel even worse just to stick to our schedule. We have the whole summer, Kid, let's get you better and then we can see about doing another trip but in a different area or whatever."
Read on AO3
Tony had leant over and ruffled Peter's hair in greeting, listening to his rambling intently as he pulled out onto the road. He would occasionally ask questions, somehow keeping track of each change of Peter's train of thought, but once they had mostly cleared the busy city streets, the rambling was mixed in with periods of comfortable silence as well as Tony's own brand of chatting through his own thoughts.
Tony had picked the teen up as soon as the last school bell had rung for the year. He had their bags packed and secured in the trunk, a takeout bag already waiting on the front seat when Peter had opened the passenger door.
It had set the theme comfortably for the rest of the road trip, easy conversation flowed as the highway (and the occasional gravel or dirt road) stretched out in front of them. They jumped from one topic to another, ranging from whatever site they were going to see to fun facts from the area they were in. Tony would have a fun memory of almost every stop they had made along their trip, recalling both the funny and downright stupid things that he and Rhodey had gotten up to on their own road trip years before.
Said memories were the entire reason for Tony and Peter's roadtrip, the teenager having let slip that he had never been on one when Tony and Rhodey had been reminiscing one weekend. Tony had the plan mapped out in his head before the weekend had been over and the next thing Peter had known, it was the beginning of summer and Tony had picked him up; the older hero all but bouncing in his eagerness to share all of the places he still remembered with fondness from his first road trip.
They had moved from one place to the next, sometimes staying in hotels but often laying down the seats with their sleeping bags spread out on, or even, on a few occasions, sleeping outside under the stars.
There was an almost terrifying amount of junk food, snacks, and diner food. An even bigger amount of souvenirs, pictures, and new memories to go along with it. Peter, Tony had found, had an almost alarming love for pebbles, the teenager finding the 'perfect one' at every stop and keeping them all in a pocket in his backpack.
(One or two had even made their way into Tony's pockets as little gifts and Tony made sure to keep track of every single one.) 
They watched sunrises and sunsets from coastal cliffs, drove more inland and explored more forested areas, laughed at the tourist traps but still went along on every overpriced activity. Tony laughed until he got a stitch in his side when Peter had slipped off the log he was sitting on while they were roasting s'mores when a bug landed on his arm. Peter had retaliated by recording Tony while a beetle crawled up his arm, managing to capture the exact moment the man had realised it was there when it creeped up his cheek.
Peter took pictures of everything that caught his eye, whether it was the brilliant pinks and oranges of the sunrise over the waves, lightning arcing across the night sky, or the deserted ant heap he had found during a hike, the millions of tunnels visible from a piece that had broken away from the rest of the heap.
They took selfies too. Some with backdrops at tourist stops and something with trees or beaches in the background. A few featured them in the diners that they had eaten at. 
Tony's favourite was one they had taken at an old retro style diner, the neon lights glowing in the background and milkshakes sitting in front of them. Tony's had been a double chocolate one piled high with whipped cream and melted chocolate drizzled on top and Peter's (to Tony's horror) was a blueberry cheesecake monstrosity that had been mixed with so much blue food dye it had stained Peter's tongue blue for two days afterwards.
With a blue stained grin and whipped cream at the edges of his goatee, it was Tony's favourite selfie of them during the whole trip and if it was set as his background before they had left the diner, well, only Pepper and Rhodey would ever know.
They had reached the last leg of their trip before returning home when Peter woke up with a scratchy throat and slightly stuffy nose. Both Tony and he had attributed it to the overload of sugar they had been eating and cut it down to more savory and healthier foods, but when he'd woken the following day with fully blocked nose, achy head, and even more scratchy throat, Tony had put a pause on the trip and immediately turned them towards the main roads that would take them home the fastest.
Tony had stood his ground despite Peter's protests. "You and I both know that it's not easy for you to get sick, Bud, and that when you do, it hits you hard. You'll be down for the count for the next few days and I'm not having you push yourself and feel even worse just to stick to our schedule. We have the whole summer, Kid, let's get you better and then we can see about doing another trip but in a different area or whatever."
Peter still tried to protest every now and again, the guilt obvious in his expression, so when Tony pulled over at a gas station to grab a few things and fill the tank, he made it his mission to fix things. He angled himself in his seat until he was facing Peter and leant his arm on the center console between them.
"Okay, three things, Bud. You're gonna listen and you're gonna take them in because they're true and I mean it." He raised a brow, waiting for Peter to nod before continuing. "Number one – we've had a pretty awesome time where we have gone so far, and that counts for something, right?" Tony clapped his hands together "It does. Number two – your health takes priority, Peter." He held up a hand when Peter frowned and went to speak. "And no, it doesn't matter that you're Spider-Man, you and I both know that your enhancements don't stop you from getting sick and that your healing factor just makes it worse because it speeds it up. Cho even proved it when we were developing all the medications you might need."
Tony leaned forward and smoothed his hand over Peter's messy curls, letting his hand rest on the pack of Peter's neck. He winced at the slight warmth radiating from his skin. "And number three. We can do this again, Roo. There's going to be more summers, more school breaks, even when you're off being a big shot at college we can find things to do. You're my kid, Peter, and I love spending time with you. Just because this trip is over a little bit sooner, doesn't mean we'll never do something fun again. Hell, next time we can make it a whole big family event and bring along Pepper, May, Rhodey, and Happy."
"You get it? I love you Pete, and this has been so, so much fun. What I need to do now is make sure my kid feels better because I hate seeing anyone I care about be hurt or sick, least of all you. Can you let me do that?"
Peter exhaled, his shoulders drooping as he relaxed back into the seat. "Yeah. I see. I'm sorry I freak out over everything." He frowned at himself and Tony poked him in the side, amusement curling when Peter squirmed away from it. 
"No apologising for things you can't control. Brains are annoying asses when they make us overthink beyond what's needed. Now sit tight, I'll be back in a bit, I'm just grabbing a few things to help you feel better and when I'm back, you're not going to feel guilty because everything is fine. I'm not against using tickles as punishments." With that, Tony hopped out of the car and jogged over to the gas station's store. 
He was quick, grabbing an extra box of tissues and a few throat lozenges in the berry flavours that Peter liked along with a few more snacks and drinks. He made sure to keep the sugar loaded and unhealthy foods to a minimum, instead finding some fresh sandwiches and crackers in the mini bakery section the rest stop had. He loaded in a couple bottles of juices too, but nothing that had mango or cranberry knowing that Peter hated those fruits.
Tony paid and was back at the car within ten minutes and, after filling the tank, they were back on the road. He looked over every so often, making sure that Peter was eating his sandwich and sipping at the juice, ignoring the huffs each time he checked again. It wasn't hovering, it was caution no matter what Rhodey liked to say. 
Eventually Tony grabbed his own sandwich, taking bites between watching the road and Peter. He had Friday on as backup in all his cars but he was careful in any case.
"How are you feeling?" Tony asked softly after Peter had stuffed their trash into the plastic bag that had become their designated trash and tissue bag.
Peter sniffed, shifting around in his seat. He grabbed his pillow and propped it up against the door and window before resting his head on it. He sat slightly skew in his seat but Tony was glad to see he was still buckled in and in a position that wouldn't be bad if something were to happen. 
But even then, Tony had made sure to put extra protection measures in both the physical and technological structure of his cars so he wasn't too concerned.
"I'm feeling a bit worse." Peter answered once he had settled, voice stuffy from his blocked nose. "I feel achy." He grumbled.
Tony felt a mixture of amused sympathy. Peter got adorably grumpy when he was sick and it often led to puppy-like pouts and grumbling over being sick in general. But at the same time, as much as sick Peter was endearing and funny, he was still sick, and Tony hated it. It unsettled him in a way that nothing else quite could. Then again, anything involving Peter being injured or unwell had a tendency to do that, so Tony was learning to go with the flow. 
Tony smiled in sympathy. "I'm sorry, Roo. I have some of your special painkillers in the glove compartment, but no actual flu or cold medicines that will help against your metabolism." Reaching over briefly, Tony pressed a hand to Peter's forehead. "You feel warmer than usual but nothing fever grade yet. Do you think you can try and sleep? It'll help give your body some strength and energy to fight it off."
Peter hummed, pressing against his hand for a moment before Tony pulled it back to the steering wheel. He settled back into his pillow and nodded slowly. "Hmm. I can try. I am pretty tired." He murmured in answer.
"Okay. Do you want the radio on quietly? Or one of your playlists?"
Peter hummed again. "One of yours? The soft rock one?" He blinked at Tony, completely unaware of the soft childlike expression on his face as he asked.
As if Tony would ever deny him anything.
"Of course, Bud."
Tony turned the radio on and asked Friday to queue the requested playlist, the opening chords to Blackbird crooning softly from the speakers as he turned his focus back to the road in front of them.
The songs switched over in the background, the playlist playing over in the background, and when Tony looked over again, Peter was fast asleep. He had turned his head into his pillow, his curls squished in all directions and his mouth parted as he snored gently.
The song switched, soft drums and guitar strings echoing through the car, the familiar voice of John Lennon accompanying it. Tony hummed to the tune, mumbling along to the lyrics under his breath.
"Close your eyes, have no fear."
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shironezuninja · 2 months
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I finally found the time to type out 3 different versions of what I daydreamed about a month ago. Now, I’m thinking about Gumoko teasing TAS Spidey in impersonating Uncut Kaiba with the phrase: “Come with me, Yugi…Down to Hell.”😁😈
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marvelous-writer · 2 years
Lost in Space
Chapter 3: No Trust
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“It’s been twenty-three days since Thanos came to Earth.” Rhodey says, breaking the silence of the room as they’re all gathered around the holographic screens, looking at the faces of people they once knew… who are now victims of Thanos’ snap.
Sam Wilson, King T’Challa, Nick Fury, Wanda Maximoff, Scott Lang, Hank Pym… all people Tony knows—once knew.
“World governments are… in pieces. The parts that are still working… are tying to take a census and it looks like he did…” Natasha says, pausing for a few long moments, swallowing thickly with a solemn look on her face. “He did exactly what he said he was gonna do. Thanos wiped out… fifty percent… of all living creatures.”
The room is silent once again as everyone takes in the information. Tony rubs a hand over his mouth as he tightly holds onto the armrest of the wheelchair he’s forced to be sitting in.
This is on him.
He could—should—have stopped Thanos.
If he had… millions of people would still be alive right now.
But he screwed up… big time.  
And that bastard Thanos is going to pay for what he did.
“Where is he now? Where?” Tony asks, turning his head to look at Steve across the room, who is leaning against a table with his arms folded over his broad chest.
“We don’t know. He just… opened a portal and walked through.” Steve says.
Of course, he did. Once Thanos finished his dirty work, he went into hiding like a coward. Tony thinks to himself with a huff as he looks away from Steve, only for his eyes to land on Thor, who’s sitting across the room in the greenhouse, hunched over himself with his brows pulled together. “What’s wrong with him?”
“He’s pissed.. he thinks he failed.” A new voice suddenly speaks up.
Tony raises an eyebrow as he looks across the table he’s sitting at, only for his eyes to land on a raccoon… the same one he’d wheeled by, thinking it was nothing more than a weird stuffed animal souvenir someone had left here.
Tony’s jaw would have dropped to the floor if he wasn’t surrounded by all of these people, some who he once called his teammates. Well… they just might have to be again if they wanted to stop Thanos once and for all.
“Which, of course, he did…” the raccoon continues. “but there’s a lot of that going around, ain’t there?”
“Honestly, until this exact second I thought you were a Build-A-Bear.” Tony tells the talking raccoon.
“Maybe I am.” The racoon retorts.
“We’ve been hunting Thanos for three weeks now,” Steve says, interrupting them, causing both of their heads to turn in the soldier’s direction. “Deep space scans… and satellites, and we got nothing. Tony, you fought him—”
“Who told you that?” Tony questions, brows pulling together beneath his sunglasses, which he’s now grateful Rhodey had knowingly handed him before they came up here from the medbay. After all these years, Rhodey knows him better than anyone, even himself. “I didn’t fight him. No, he wiped my face with a planet…while the Bleecker Street magician gave away the store. That’s what happened. There was no fight, ‘cause he’s not—he’s not beatable.”
“Okay,” Steve says, as he looks up at him from the ground. “Did he give you any clues? Any coordinates? Anything?”
Right. Because a mad titan that just murdered half the universe would give him coordinates to his hide-out. Tony thinks to himself, as he mock-salutes, making a farting sound in his mouth.
Steve closes his eyes with a sigh at the childish gesture, but Tony could care less.
“I saw this coming a few years back. I had a vision… I just didn’t wanna believe it.” He tells them, looking away, focusing on the wall across from him instead.
“Tony… I’m gonna need you to focus—”
“And I needed you .” Tony says, looking back at Steve, glaring underneath his dark glasses. “As in, past tense. That trumps what you need. It’s too late, buddy. Sorry.” Tony says, shaking his head to himself.
He looks at the table, at the bowl of some kind of soup in front of him. At the moment, he could care less about eating anything. After days of not eating anything, food has never looked so unappetizing. His only concern right now, is Peter. Anger bubbles up deep inside of him, causing Tony to slam the bowl of soup with his hand, causing it to fly across the table, spilling it’s contents across the mahogany surface, causing a few people in the room to jump at the suddenness of it.
“You know what I need? I need a shave. A-And I believe I remember tellin—telling…” Tony says as he stands up from the wheelchair, ignoring the way his legs shake in protest underneath him. He starts to pull at the IV in his arm.
“Tony— Tony ,” Rhodey protests, moving closer to him but Tony ignores him as he pulls the IV needle free from his arm.
“…alive and otherwise, that what we needed was a suit of armor around the world. Remember that? Whether it impacted our previous freedoms or not. That’s what we needed.”  
“Well that didn’t work out, did it?” Steve questions.
“I said we’d lose. You said, ‘We’ll do that together, too.’ And guess what, Cap? We lost. And you weren’t there. And that’s why there’s a fifteen year old, lying unconscious in a hospital bed three floors down from us—in a coma a-and there’s a possibility he m-might not ever wake up again,” Tony says, ignoring the way his voice shakes.
Steve’s face falls at that, as well as a few others in the room. Natasha looks at him with a questioning frown and Rhodey lowers his gaze to the table.
“But that’s what we do, right?” Tony continues. “Our best work after the fact? We’re the ‘Avengers’? Not the ‘Pre-vengers? ” He questions mockingly.
“Okay,” Rhodey cuts him off, stepping towards him and gently grabbing his arm, trying to have him sit back down in the wheelchair.
“Right?” Tony asks him.
“You made your point. Just sit down, okay?” Rhodey says, looking him straight in the face with a mixture of concern and seriousness on his face.
“Okay—no, no. Here’s my point—”
“Tony, you’re sick . Sit down.” Rhodey says as his grip tightens on him as he tries to force him into sittin back down in that damned wheelchair again.
“You know what—she’s great by the way,” Tony says as he looks over at Carol, the woman they have to thank for saving them. In a few more hours they for sure would have been dead in the Milano. “We need you. You’re new blood.” He tells her as she looks at him with her brows pulled together in an unreadable expression. Or maybe that’s just his eyes blurring out around the edges on him. He manages to shake Rhodey off of him as he stumbles forward, walking over to Steve with a pointed finger. “Bunch of tired old mules. I got nothin’ for you, Cap. I got no coordinates, no clues, no strategies, no options. Zero. Zip. Nada. No trust, liar. All I’ve got… is my kid who’s half-dead.”
Steve’s eyes scan his face, seeming to be almost shocked at his sudden outburst and everything that he’s saying. But Tony could care less. Without losing eye contact from Steve, Tony reaches down and taps his nanotech housing unit on his chest and rips it off his chest, not even wincing at the sting it causes. He reaches down and forces Steve’s hand up and shoves the device into his hand. Tony notices the way his breathing is coming out in short, raspy breaths now, blinking away the black spots dancing around in his vision.
I need to get out of here and get back to Peter. He thinks to himself.
“Here, take this. You find him, you put that on… you hide.” He says, pointing an accusing finger right in Steve’s face… or at least he hopes it’s his face. His vision is blurring out so much now he’s seeing double.
Tony’s lets suddenly give out underneath him, causing him to land roughly on his knees on the ground, barely managing to keep himself upright.
“Tony!” Steve calls out as he quickly bends over, his arms outstretched to help him but he doesn’t make contact.
“I’m fine,” Tony says as Carol and Rhodey also rush towards him and quickly bend down to help him. “Let me…” Tony slurs out, only for the black spots to completely invade his eyes.
It’s like someone pulls the plug on him because the last thing he’s aware of is the side of his head colliding against the ground before he blacks out.
Tony opens his eyes, only to find the familiar metal ceiling of the Milano. He frowns as he sits up from his cot, looking around the place, only to find it empty.  
How did he get back here?  
Didn’t they get back home?
Or… was that all been a dream and they were still stranded up here?
Tony slowly pushes himself up as he steps away from his cot and ventures out into the lower deck of the ship. “Peter? Nebula?” He calls out.  
No response.  
There’s no one down here.  
Tony’s frown deepens as he heads up the ladder leading to the top deck. When he reaches the top, he can see the captain’s chairs and sees someone sitting in one of them, overlooking the galaxy of stars outside of the windshield. He can already tell from here that it’s Peter.  
Tony lets out a relieved breath as a smile pulls at the side of his mouth. “Practicing those constellations, Pete?” He asks as he makes his way over to him. “I can show you where you can find—” His voice falters when he stops next to the chair, seeing that Peter is slumped in the seat with his eyes closed, his head angled in what looks to be an uncomfortable angle.  
The poor kid must have been too tired to go back to his cot he must’ve fallen asleep up here. I’ll carry him back down so his neck doesn’t bother him in the morning. Tony thinks to himself as he reaches forward and starts to carefully snake his hand under Peter’s neck, only for him to freeze.  
Peter’s skin is ice cold.  
Tony’s eyes widen as he looks down at the teen’s too-pale face as he kneels down in front of the chair. “Pete?” He asks, waiting a few seconds for a response, a flinch—any sign of life from him.  
But there is none.  
Absolutely no response at all.  
“Peter? Pete… please. C’mon, kiddo… don’t do this to me.” Tony says as he gently slides a hand under the teen’s neck, only for his head to limply and unnaturally roll to the side at the moment.  
Tears are now pooling in Tony’s eyes, a few already slipping down his face.  
“Peter… please. W-Wake up, please.” Tony begs as his voice shakes. “I can’t do this without you, Peter. P-Please… I-I’m s-sorry. I-I’m so so sorry.”
Peter’s body remains still, his usually lively, cheerful face is now blank… almost unrecognizable.  
He’s dead.  
Peter’s dead.  
And it’s all Tony’s fault.  
Tony squeezes his eyes shut as he pulls Peter’s lifeless body towards him, gently squeezing him in a hug.  
“I-I’m s-so s-sorry, P-Peter… I-I… I-I’m so s-sorry…” Tony gasps out around choked sobs .
Tony’s eyes snap open as he lets out a gasp, flying up into a sitting position. He ignores the sound of beeping and a blaring alarm. His vision blurs around the edges as he frantically searches the space around him for Peter.
“Shit—hey-hey, Tony. It’s okay, you’re okay.” A familiar voice says.
Rhodey’s face comes into his line of sight, but it does nothing to ease him.
“P-Peter,” Tony chokes out, grasping Rhodey’s arm. “H-He’s—He’s gone. H-He’s d-dead.. b-because of me.”
“I-I killed him, Rhodey. I-I shouldn’t have let him come with me on that s-ship.” Tony says as tears build up in his eyes, threatening his vision.
“Tony. Peter’s alive. You had a nightmare. It’s okay, just calm down.” Rhodey says, grabbing his shoulders with gentle but firm hands.
Tony’s eyes snap up to meet his. “H-He is?”
“He is,” Rhodey confirms in a soft voice. “He’s in the next room, exactly where you last saw him. Bruce is with him now and taking good care of him.”
A few stray tears slip down Tony’s face as he takes in this information. It sounds almost too good to be true. “B-But I saw him. He was in the chair and h-he… he w-was… he was d-dead, Rhodey.”
Rhodey nods as he tightens his grip on Tony’s arm reassuringly. “It was a bad dream, Tones. I promise you. Peter’s okay.”
Tony closes his eyes and lets out a relieved and exhausted sigh. Rhodey helps him sit back against the pillows behind him. Come to think of it… how did he end up in a bed in the medbay? He opens his eyes again and looks over at Rhodey, who’s looking at him with an expression of both worry and pity.
“What happened?” Tony asks him.
Rhodey lets out a sigh as he takes a seat in the chair next to his bed. “You passed out.”
Tony distantly remembers hitting the floor during his (albeit, one-sided) argument with Steve.
“Wow… that’s embarrassing.” Tony mumbles as he lowers his gaze to the bedsheet he’s covered with.
“Yeah, I’ll say,” Rhodey says without sarcasm, causing Tony to look up at him with a raised brow. “Your stubborn ass scared Pepper and I half to death.”
Tony feels a new wave of guilt flow through him at that. He’ll admit is… he’s as stubborn as a mule and it ended up biting him in the butt because he didn’t want to be confined to a wheelchair, especially in front of Steve and his other ex-teammates. Not after everything that’s happened.
“Sorry…” Tony says, looking back up at his friend.
Rhodey breathes out a sigh as he rubs his eyes tiredly. “I’m starting to sound like a broken record here… but stop doing shit like this, please?”
Tony nods, a small grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. “I make no promises… but I’ll try for you, Honey Bear.”
The nickname earns a smile out of Rhodey, who just shakes his head to himself with a small chuckle.  
“How long was I out for?” Tony asks after a few moments.
“A couple of hours. Not long enough if you ask me. You have a lot of sleep to catch up on. You look exhausted, Tony.”
Tony shakes his head. “No… I have to be with Peter–”
“Who I know would say the same thing to you and he would be just as worried about you as I am right now.” Rhodey says with a pointed look.
That’s definitely true.
“I know,” Tony agrees with a sigh. “But I just can’t leave him, Rhodey. You… you didn’t see him up there in that ship. He needs me now more than ever. And…” He pauses as he feels the familiar lump forming in his throat. “I need him too.”
Rhodey reaches out and places a hand on Tony’s shoulder, gently squeezing. “I know. Peter’s strong and he’ll make it through this. He is your kid after all.” He says with a smile.
Tony feels something squeeze in his chest at that.
His kid.  
While Peter may not be biologically his… it feels like he is.
The thought has Tony thinking about May, only for his eyes to widen as he looks at Rhodey. “His aunt. I need to see if she’s… if she’s still…” He says, unable to finish the sentence.
If she’s still alive.  
Rhodey nods. “I’ll look into it. It’s so bad out there the internet and phone companies are all down with… you know, the sudden… staff shortage.” He says, his face falling.
If May didn’t make it… Peter’s going to be absolutely crushed when he finds out. May is his whole life, his last living relative.
And he’s going to have to see if Peter’s friends made it, too.
Tony lets out a sigh as he rubs his face with his IV-free hand.
“It’s going to be alright, Tony. We’ll figure this out as we go.”
“I know we will.” Tony agrees, nodding.
He hopes he’s right.
Because things are really looking bad right now.
And it only gets worse.
A whole week has passed by and Peter still hasn’t woken up and his vitals haven’t improved. With all of the nutrients, antibiotics and medications Bruce has been giving him, the kid’s healing hasn’t even kicked in like it usually does when he’s hurt or sick.
If anything… he seems to be getting worse.
“It’s called Refeeding Syndrome,” Bruce says one day as he and Tony sit together, looking over Peter’s medical charts.
Tony looks up from the results of a blood sample they took from Peter yesterday in hopes to see what is going on inside his body and why he isn’t getting any better yet. He can see the numbers himself–the low electrolyte, glucose, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium levels gave him the answer he needed. They’re so low… it's a miracle Peter’s even alive and breathing right now.
“I’ve looked at everything, gone over his charts every day–every hour. I’m giving him the proper dosages of everything and we’ve been gradually increasing the fluids we’ve been giving him to avoid this,” Bruce pauses as he closes his eyes, takes his glasses off and rubs at his face with both hands.
Tony’s frown deepens as something pulls in his chest, along with a sinking feeling in his gut.
The room is silent for a few long and tense seconds.
“Tony…” Bruce finally says, his voice sounding almost broken. He opens his eyes and looks at the table in front of them for a few moments, his own frown deepening as well. “There is a possibility… that we can’t reverse this… especially with how severely malnourished Peter is. He’s in a coma now, with everything his body’s been through… it’s shut itself down to preserve what energy it has left.”
It feels like a knife is driven through Tony’s chest at his words, feeling tears spring to his eyes. He can only wordlessly stare at his friend in front of him, the man who holds his kid’s life in his very capable hands.
“But there’s a possibility that we can. I’m going to try to get in contact with a doctor that’s experienced in gastroenterology and dietics to help. I just hope that there’s someone in the world that managed to survive the snap that can help us. I made you a promise, Tony… I’m going to do everything in my power to save Peter’s life.”
Tony nods, swallowing around the growing lump in his throat as he reaches over and places a hand on his friend's shoulder, gently squeezing. “I know you will.”
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chocolateandredbull · 8 months
When a heatwave hits New York City, it takes its toll on our favourite Spiderkid
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iwasbored777 · 9 months
The height difference in ITSV vs in ATSV is killing me 😭 Miles and Gwen were so shorter than Peter, now they're almost as tall as him
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pbnmj · 1 year
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it’s important to me that peter and co always have their bank accounts in the negatives . like it is fundamental that spider-man is broke
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irondadmadlads · 1 year
Irondad Prompt #169:
Tony, googling: How to take care of sick teenagers
Google: Autocorrects to “toddlers”
Tony: *glances back at Peter*
Tony: Eh, close enough!
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 6 months
Hi! I love you! It’s finals season and I’m barely scraping by and suffering lots, so I could use a fanfic to live through! What about a mini fic where Peter is doing some homework in his room (compound/tower, or just Tony’s house but Morgan doesn’t exist) and he has a pretty bad fever. Tony notices he’s getting frustrated really easy and checks his temperature and then lots of cuddles?
Another mini-fic! This time staring a feverish, grumpy little rain cloud Peter and a very dad-like Mr. Stark. :) Very very very mild angst and some good old-fashioned fluff. Oh. And Peter gets a hug.
Finals Week Heat 980 words
Peter sat at his desk in Mr Stark’s workshop and grasped a fistful of his hair. It was only Wednesday, and he was already burnt out. Finals had been going strong all week, and he still had two more to go. His worst subjects. Spanish and world history. He released his hair in favor of rubbing his eyes and stared at his notes. As they blurred in and out of focus he slammed his fist down on the desk.
“Easy, Pete,” Mr. Stark called from across the room. “ What’s got you all worked up over there?”
“Nothing!” Peter snapped before he could stop himself. But he was so exhausted he ached and his head was starting to throb. It was making him unreasonably irritable. “I'm not worked up! I’m just tired.”
Mr. Stark arched a single brow. “It’s only eight o’clock.”
“Does it matter? I’ve been busy for days! I think I’m allowed to be tired.” Peter flourished a dismissive hand and directed his attention to his notes. “Just go back to your work and leave me alone.”
“Hey,” Mr. Stark warned. But for some reason, Peter didn’t take the hint, He visibly bristled and narrowed his eyes.
“What?” he aggressively shouted. “I know you’re in the middle of at least three projects and I have to study. Actually. You know what? I’ll just take this to my room. It’s whatever.” Immediately, he started haphazardly stuffing things into his bag, ready to flee the situation before it escalated further.
“Nuh-uh, no way, no how. Sit back down Kid.” Mr. Stark stood up, taking on an authoritative posture. “We need to talk about your attitude.”
Peter knew he should listen, and any other day he probably would. However, the tension in his body was wound so tight, he snapped instead. “I don’t want to sit down and don't want to talk to you. I just want to get this done.”
Mr. Stark's jaw clenched. “Sit. Down. Now.”
Knowing it was best to give in, Peter threw himself into his chair and crossed his arms tightly over his chest. Whether it was out of indignation or because an unexpected chill had consumed him, he wasn’t sure. Rather than contemplate it, he glared across the room.
“What are you studying for?”
“Finals. You know that,” Peter spat.
Mr. Stark’s face remained stoney as he regarded Peter with scrutiny. A few beats passed. He sighed and reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “You’ve been at it for hours with the flashcards, Kiddo. Why don’t you just call it a night?”
“Because I happen to like my 4.0 GPA, Mr. Stark!” The sarcasm was thick but the sentiment was genuine. He was at the top of his class and the pressure to remain in that slot was high. “If I don’t study, I don’t get to keep it.”
Mr. Stark's head tilted to the side. “Are you feeling okay?”
“I'm fine,” Peter grumbled. “Why?”
“You’re not usually this snippy with me,” Mr. Stark casually replied. He spanned the distance between them and ran his hand through Peter’s hair, down to his neck. The contact Made Peter shiver. “You’re burning up, Buddy,” Tony said, his voice significantly softer. “FRIDAY? Get me a tempt, will you?”
“Mr. Parker’s temperature is at one-hundred and two point three degrees.”
Mr. Stark nodded and gave Peter’s shoulder a squeeze.“Well, that settles it. You’re definitely done studying for tonight. The good news is, you’ll have a few extra days to review the material because you are definitely not going to school to-’”
“I have to go!” Peter growled. “I have finals to take!” He wished he didn’t. Staying home sounded idea.
“Nope. Zip it. The adult is talking.” Mr Stark, sent him a look, daring him to say anything else. Peter snapped his mouth shut. “You’re not going to school with a fever of a hundred and two. Not happening. You can make up the test.”
Peter slumped in his seat. “I want to be done with them,” he mumbled.
“And I want you to feel better,” Tony replied without missing a beat. His fingers went back to Peter’s hair. “You’re clearly miserable, Buddy,”
“Yeah,” Peter agreed, his eyes beginning to water. He gathered a tremulous breath and closed his eyes. “Yeah, you’re right. I don’t feel good.”
“Okay, Kiddo. You’re going to be okay.” Mr. Stark wiped a stray tear from Peter’s cheek and hauled him into a firm hug. “Let’s get upstairs, hmm?”
Inside the elevator, Peter leaned into Mr. Stark. “Sorry, I yelled at you.”
“I’d say it’s okay, but I definitely don’t want you biting my head off like that,” Mr. Stark said. He paused to swipe the bangs off of Peter’s forehead. Probably gauging the fever again, in the process. “It would be much easier if you just told me when you were sick.”
Peter sighed, unsure of how to explain how difficult it was to satisfy literally everyone’s expectations. “I didn’t want to-” he began, but Mr. Stark cut him off quickly.
“Another time, Bud. We’ll talk about it another time.” They had arrived at the penthouse. Mr. Stark stepped inside first and gestured down the hall. “For now, go get in your pajamas and meet me on the couch. I’ll fetch you some meds, and we’ll watch a movie until you conk out on me.”
Peter huffed a small laugh, knowing that’s exactly what would happen. He’d arrive at the couch wearing his comfiest pajamas, soft blanket in hand. Mr. Stark would give him some pills and sit in the corner of the furniture. He’d allow Peter to burrow into his side and, together, they would pick a movie. Probably something science fiction. It didn’t really matter. Mr. Stark was right. He’d be warm and comfortable and sound asleep before they made it a quarter of the way in.
Super happy to see you again @yescaptainmarvel123875 I feel like it's been a while! Hope you are doing well and enjoy this fic!!
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The Spiders Sister - Chapter 1
Summary: Reader gets caught hiding out in the avengers tower. In the end it turns out for the best.
TW: non-sexual nudity, illness, fainting, swearing
Words: 4.1K
A/n: Super long first chapter
маленький паук – Little Spider
It defiantly wasn’t part of your life plan to be living with your bother again in your adulthood.
You had spent an excellent few months on your own having finally moved out of May Parker’s apartment, it had been perfect. Well … as perfect as life could be for a parker.
Then … you guessed it … parker luck struck again. There was a huge fight, one you had been itching to join but your brother, peter parker, had it covered. And since nobody knew that you sometimes wore the spider-man suit when peter wasn’t able to, it would all be over if two Spider-Man’s ended up fighting some of the weird aliens that had invaded New York.
You see, you and your brother had more in common than most siblings did. Peter parker had been bitten by a radioactive spider on a school trip as was known to a few people. But, at the same time, you had been eighteen and chaperoning the field trip.
When peter had snuck off to the side you had gone after him. When he was bitten, so were you.
But for now, you had decided to try and stay away from the superhero lifestyle. But when the itch came, peter lent you his suit so you could scratch it.
You had helped him refine his web-fluid and had your own web shooters as well as one of his old suits just in case. May knew about you and peter after finding out a while ago. However, peter and you had kept everything about your existence from the avengers so you could live a semi-normal life. At least for now.
But the day the avengers were fighting off the aliens, New York had taken some heavy damage. You had been running a small illustration business out of your apartment in queens. Your apartment … which was now levelled in the fight was gone. Along with your business.
Since you had moved out young, May only had one spare bedroom in her apartment which peter was occupying. Leaving the Parker’s with one option.
As peter had a room in the avenger's tower, you could stay there or with aunt may. Peter being Peter didn’t want to ask tony if he could stay in the tower for the unforeseeable future without arousing questions. So, you had been secretly living in the tower for about three days now.
Peter brought you food and had bribed Jarvis to keep your existence a secret. You had his old suit if you wanted to leave the tower, you could swing away instead of walking through the building and getting caught.
It was a pretty solid plan and it had been working pretty well. Until the day you got sick.
Peters' bedroom in the tower was on the floor with the other avengers, meaning you had to be somewhat quiet so Natasha, clint or the others didn’t find you. But it had begun to get colder out, and Peters old suit didn’t have a heater. It had been made before tony had found out spiders, including peter and yourself, can't thermoregulate. And swinging around New York without a heater in the nippy winter air had left you with a pretty nasty cold.
Unlike peter your powers didn’t give you super healing. In fact, your powers differed from peters in more ways than one. For one thing you had small fangs which you could retract, they didn’t do much, but they were cool, and peter was mildly jealous. Another thing was you had taken on aspects of jumping spiders as you could jump higher due to your super strength and some weird spider quality peter lacked.
Like peter the bit had given your excellent eyesight, increased metabolism, a lack of thermoregulation, the weird sticky thing, the spider sense and super strength and the allergy to peppermint. But due to sharing the suit anytime you went out as “Spider-Man” you had to refrain from using your own unique powers, so you didn’t give anything away.
The thermoregulating thing may have finally come back to bite you now that you were in peters old suit. After taking one of his patrols for him so he could finish his assignment and you could get out of his room in the tower, the cold had made you sick. Heres the thing about having a high metabolism when you don’t have an increased healing factor. It went one of two ways. Either you had flash colds which were taken care of quickly and at a much faster rate than the average human, or if it was stronger than your immune system, it was quickly made into a bigger problem than it should have been due to your body processing things faster and speeding up its strength.
Anytime this had happened in the past, due to not being able to go to a regular hospital, you had thanked the gods for May choosing a career in nursing. Though she had been able to treat you superficially with regular medicine and not anything made for super soldiers or spiders as that was a Bruce banner specialty that was unique to the tower's med bay. So, you often just had to ride it out and if things got really bad, peter would try and smuggle you some of his medicine out of the tower for you.
So, this is where you ended up. Curled up in Peters bed in the tower, stifling rough sounding coughs into his pillow and making a mental note to wash his sheets soon. You were doing your best to remain quiet and not alert either of the super spies to your presence or any of the other avengers. You thanked Thor that only you and peter had super hearing which meant you could usually tell if someone was in the halls.
Feeling miserable you buried yourself further into the sheets and shivered, it was so cold but in reality, you probably had a high fever. Your lungs let out a wheezing noise whenever you exhaled, and you were beginning to think maybe your asthma was back. Unlike peter you had not been so lucky as to have had it cured by the bite.
Your asthma puffer was one of the few things that survived your apartment being destroyed. As you laid in bed feeling awful you thought back to that day.
You thanked the gods you had been out at the time. You had gone to a coffee shop downtown with your sketchbook, laptop and usual things you took out, including a range of art supplies and of course your emergency puffer which peter had managed to smuggle out which had doses that worked with your metabolism.
You were broken from your daydreams as another harsh coughing fit wracked your body. From what you could hear nobody was in the halls, but you did your best to keep quiet regardless. The wheezing that trailed after each breath was getting worse and your lungs were feeling tight.
You had been trying to use the puffer sparingly so it didn’t run out because you didn’t know if and or when peter could get you another. But as drawing breath grew harder you made the executive call to use it. You rolled over in the bed and threw an arm down to fish around for your red backpack. Finding it you fiddled with the zip before your fingers wrapped around the cool plastic of the device. Tony being tony had insisted it have a Spiderman case thinking it was peters which ended up being rather ironic as it was fitting for you too.
You tried fruitlessly one last time to draw breath before achieving nothing but a crackling wheeze. Screw it. You uncapped the red lid and held it to your lips, propping yourself up on an elbow in an attempt to sit u straight to take it.
You exhaled and inhaled repeating it once more before drawing in a lungful of the super-medicine. Almost straight away you began to feel better. Your fast metabolism speeding up the medicines process.
Feeling like you could breathe again you replaced the cap and put it on the nightstand before curling up in the sheets again feeling cold still but also slightly damp from the thin layer of sweat that had been forming all morning.
You were dressed in spider-man pjs which had a thin t-shirt and long pants. You had considered getting up to grab one of peters hoodies to get warm or another blanket but the idea of standing up made your head spin.
You nestled back into the sheets and let your eyes fall shut despite it being almost midday. The curtains were drawn and so it didn’t bother you too much. You began to drift off into a semi-peaceful sleep broken by harsh coughing fits which were becoming harder to stifle in your half asleep and fevered state.
Meanwhile the avengers had just finished their morning training session, one which Peter had joined for once. Peter being Peter had barely broken a sweat and as a result had opted to hang out on the communal floor while everyone went o freshen up.
Stark had designed the tower well. With Peter’s bedroom being on the same floor as Natasha’s who was rather protective of her younger spider counterpart as well as Wanda’s, Yelena’s, Kate’s and a few spares. The rest of the avengers were a floor above.
At first peter had been a bit miffed about being on a floor of just girls but he ended up liking it a lot. And he had a second bedroom in the master suite with tony and Pepper which he proffered anyway. The one on the avenger's floor was more for if Tony and Pepper were away, and he wanted to be around the others.
Natasha was headed for her room after waving goodbye to peter who had settled down to watch more star-wars, when she paused in the hallway.
Retracing her steps she found herself stood outside peters bedroom door. Frowning she pressed an ear to the door and froze. Someone was inside and coughing. Knowing it wasn’t peter, nat carefully twisted the door handle.
Peter being peter had prepared for almost anything. As soon as Natasha had set foot inside peters room Jarvis had alerted peter of her presence.
Meanwhile Natasha peered into the dimly lit room. The lump in the bed was wriggling around and coughing. Nat was on high alert by now. She realised this person was ill but how had they managed to get in without Jarvis knowing? And why were they in peters bed?
She crossed the threshold and walked over to the bed. Taking note of the backpack on the floor and puffer on the bedside table as well as your spider-man pjs which had been a gag gift from Peter last Christmas.
Nat stood and observed for a second. Looking down at your flushed face which was burning with fever and the harsh coughs that were wracking your weak form.
Nat watched helplessly for a second unsure of how to deal with a sick intruder.
She hesitated before extending a hand to your forehead and feeling a very high fever. She sucked a breath. Despite being an intruder she had some ideas as to why you may have been here. Your likeness to peter wasn’t hard to spot. Yet. She was unsure.
Peeling of the blankets to get a better look at you, as she did you made a small noise of discontent and curled into a shaking ball still fever addled and half asleep.
Before she could continue the door opened and peter looked in.
“Uhh M-Ms Romanoff…” Peter said looking guilty as he stepped in and closed the door again.
“Peter, do you know who this is?” Natasha asked getting straight to the point. Peter hesitated and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Y-yes.” He said looking at your sick form with a frown.
“Peter.” She said crossing her arms. “Care to share whats going on?” Nat said as she headed for Peter’s bathroom.
“Um… She … she’s,, my sister.” Peter said unsurely. Natasha returned after a second and nodded. Now holding the first aid kit from peters bathroom in her arms.
“Anything else i should know?” She asked walking over to the bed and sitting down to rifle through the first aid kit.
“Petey?” You mumbled hearing his voice.
Peter seemed to break out of his trance and came to your side. “I’m here Y/n.” He said.
“‘S cold.” You mumbled making peter frown.
“Actually, I think she has a fever.” Nat said as she found what she was looking for, pulling out a thermometer from the kit.
Nat gently placed the thermometer under your tongue and turned to look at peter.
“Pete, you’re not in trouble but i need some more information.” Natasha said.
“This is Y/n. She’s, my sister. Her apartment was levelled in the last attack and so she’s been staying here ever since. She’s not a threat I promise.” Peter said almost tripping over his words in order to explain.
Before Nat could respond the thermometer beeped and she removed it to look at the small screen, drawing another round of coughs from you. Natasha rubbed your back with one hand while frowning at the screen.
“Peter… she should be dead. This says 106. There’s more isn’t there.” Nat said with some urgency as she began peeling the rest of the blankets off you in an attempt to cool you down.
“Ahh … yes. She had powers. Like mine. She … she wears the suit sometimes.” Peter said standing nearby and watching with a worried expression.
“Ok. So, she has spider powers? High metabolism, super strength, etc.” Nat said and Peter nodded. “Why hasn’t her healing fixed this?” Nat said feeling your forehead again.
“She doesn’t have it. Her powers differ slightly.” Peter explained as Nat cursed softly in Russian.
“Her fever’s still rising.” Nat said making a decision. “We need to cool her down fast before she gets too hot for her own good. Jarvis?” Natasha said and peter looked panicked for a second worried about more people finding out about you.
“Ms Romanoff-“ he started.
“Pete, we need to cool her down stat. I need some help.” She said and peter nodded still looking nervous. “Jarvis call wanda to Peter’s bedroom.” Nat said and peter relaxed slightly. Wanda was ok. She would be good for the situation.
“What are you going to do?” Peter asked.
“She needs a bath and I doubt you want to do that.” She said with a small smirk and Peter flushed for a second.
“Defiantly not.” He said shaking his head.
“Is there someone we can call? Someone who she’d be ok with dressing her once we cool her down. She may be sick but i don’t want to invade her privacy.” Nat said as she scooped you up from the bed and into her lap while they waited for wanda to arrive. You cough harshly again and wheezed making nat frown and look to peter.
“Asthma.” He said.
“Runs in the family huh?” She joked reaching over for the puffer on the bedside table.
“Uh… about that.” Peter said looking guilty. “Mine was cured by the bite. I need the puffers for her.” He said looking sheepish. Expecting Nat to be mad she grinned.
“You’re a good brother.” She said as she uncapped the device and pressed it to your lips.
“Exhale.” She instructed and by some small miracle you complied. When you went to inhale, she administered the medicine and told you to hold.
Recapping the device, she rubbed a hand up and down your arm. “Good job sweetie.” She said and felt you relax into her arms some more as you let out a breath.
The two sat in silence for another second before the door opened again and wanda slipped inside.
She was freshly showered, her hair damp and she smelt like jasmine and honey. She was dressed in a simple faded black t-shirt and grey track pants.
“Whats-“ she began before pausing, her eyes caught on you laid in Natashas lap half asleep.
“Wanda,” Nat said. “Meet Y/n. Peter’s older sister.” She said.
“Okay…” Wanda said looking lost before her expression morphed to concern as you coughed. “Is she ok?” Wanda asked.
“No. That’s why you’re here. Long story short, peter smuggled her into the tower, and she has spider powers and her fever is really high. We need to cool her down.” Nat said and wanda swallowed and nodded. “Peter?” Nat said turning to the younger parker.
“Yes?” He said looking up from where he had been studying his shoes closely.
“You never answered my question. Is there someone we can call to come and get her dressed after wanda and i bathe her?” Nat asked and peter blushed again and nodded.
“I can call May. It’s her day off.” He said and Nat nodded.
“You do that. Wanda and I will look after Y/n. We promise not to go further than her outer clothes.” She said and scooped you up into her arms. She headed for Peter’s bathroom with wanda trailing behind. You remained limp in her arms snuggled into her chest in an unconscious need for companionship.
Once the two redheads had you in the bathroom wanda looked at nat. “Now what?” She asked and Natasha smirked.
“Now we take her clothes off.” She said and gently she lifted your arms from where you were laid on the floor in her lap and pulled the spider-man t-shirt off over your head. Wanda blushed slightly at the sight of your red sports bra despite having seen Nat and herself train in about the same if not less clothes.
“You wanna help?” Nat asked with a grin that only served to make Wanda’s blush deepen. You squirmed slighting in Nat’s lap but stopped when she gently rubbed your arm after you buried your warm face into her stomach.
Wanda rolled her eyes in an attempt to feign nonchalance despite being way past that point.
She lifted her hands, and the familiar red glow of magic surrounded her hands. Her magic lifted your hips so Nat could slide off your pants. Wanda blushed again at the sight of your Black Widow boxers. Natasha however grinned at them finding it both adorable and very cute.
After a beat Wanda met Nat’s eyes again. “Now what?”
“We get her in the bath. She needs to be cooled down Asap.” Nat said hoisting you into her arms again as you wriggled, turning and grumbling into her chest.
“Not gonna lie she’s pretty cute.” Nat said and Wanda avoided her eyes as she used her magic to fill the bath with tepid water.
Natasha gently lowered you into the tub ignoring your whining protests and running her hands through your hair which seemed to calm you down as you relaxed again.
“So … now we wait?” Wanda guessed and Natasha nodded.
“Yep. Unless you really want to steal May’s job of getting her dressed again.” Nat teased making Wanda splutter slightly. “Im kidding.” Nat said. “I know what hot women do to your brain.” She winked and wanda slouched slightly.
After a second you grumbled and blearily opened your eyes, squinting at the two women.
“Peter is so dead.” You mumbled before letting your eyes drift shut again. There was a pause before wanda and nat both started laughing.
You groaned. “Peter!” You yelled before coughing again making Wanda and Nat frown. But before they could do anything the door opened to show a beat red peter with his hands covering his eyes.
“Yes?” He said in a small voice.
“When I get out of here, you’re dead.” You mumbled with a foggy glare sent in his direction.
“Hey. Peter did the right thing.” Another voice said from behind Peter.
“May?” You called. “Oh, wtf is going on right now.” You mumbled.
“Whats going on kiddo is that, once again, you failed to ask for help which landed you here.” May said entering the bathroom with a change of clothes.
“Nice to see you Ms Parker.” Nat said and wanda echoed.
“Please. Call me May. And thank you for looking after her.” May said and you groaned.
“I hate all of you.” You said hiding your face in your hands.
“Uh huh. Sure, you do.” May teased.
“It was no problem. Ms- May.” Wanda said. “We’ll wait in peters bedroom while you… yeah.” Wanda said before making a hasty retreat. Nat laughed and followed her out.
May gave you a disappointed frown once she had shut the door and turned back to you with a sigh.
“Honey.” She said.
“I know… I know.” You said still feeling like death but slightly less so. “Did the black widow and scarlet witch just really see me in my underpants?” You asked.
“Yes, and I serves you right for hiding illness … again!” She said as she came over, rolling up her sleeves and helping you out, practically holding all your weight for you as your head spun.
May frowned and guided you over to the covered toilet seat to dress you again.
Gently she began to towel you off and change you into fresh clothes.
“I can do it myself.” You whined but May shot you a look and you knew better than to challenge the angry Parker and you and peter had called her as kids when she was upset at you for something.
“Now, once you’re dressed you are going to thank those two for their kindness and your coming home with me.” May said.
“But-“ you began.
“No buts.” She said and helped you up, now fully dressed.
She helped you over to the door opening it despite still holding you up. The two of you shuffled into the room where Peter, Nat and Wanda were sat on Peter’s bed talking in hushed voices.
“Pete. I love you but I can hear everything you’re saying dumbass.” You said rolling your eyes and May lightly hit your arm.
“Right.” He said rubbing his neck. “Super hearing.” He nodded.
“I’ll add it to the list.” Nat grinned and you groaned before May jabbed you in the side and looked at the two girls.
You coughed at her actions making her frown but quickly got it under control for the sake of your already fragile image.
“Thank you, Wanda and Natasha, for helping me.” You said still leaning heavily on May. Now you had been standing for a bit the room began to spin. Your face went a shade paler making Natasha frown and stand. It was a split second before you stumbled, almost bringing May down with you in the process. Luckily strong arms wrapped around you, and you looked up into Nat’s pale green and worried eyes.
“Y/n?” You finally registered she was talking to you. “Y/n?” She asked again a little louder.
You let out a soft groan and she huffed. “Right. Up we go.” She said hoisting you into your arms and making the room spin again as you buried your face in her arm.
You felt her gently set you down on the bed and feel your forehead.
Distantly you heard May saying something along the lines of taking you home and the sound of Natasha arguing they were better equipped to help with your powers and sickness. May relented and you went back to dozing.
“What happened?” Peter asked from where he was stood by the door.
“Probably got too dizzy from standing up. Her body’s already trying to fight off sickness.” Natasha said and Wanda nodded.
“Peter? Don’t you have a super high metabolism?” Wanda asked.
“Yeah?” He said looking lost as May seemed to catch on.
“Y/n when did you last eat?” May asked and you groaned and buried your face in the pillow. “Well, that answers that.” May said rolling her eyes.
“Peter, do you have any of those energy bars that steve uses?” Wanda asked and peter nodded and headed for his bedside drawer.
He fished around and pulled out one of them and passed it to nat. She unwrapped it and shoved it into your hands.
“Eat.” She said and you made a groan of protest. “It’ll help.” She said in a softer tone.
“Fine.” You said sitting up against the headboard and nibbling on it slowly.
“Better.” Nat said and you frowned.
“You know you’re cute when you’re mad.” Wanda said looking surprised by her own words and blushing at Natasha’s knowing gaze.
“Get some rest маленький паук” Nat said once you had finished eating, and she begun to shepherd everyone out of the room.
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mcfuckity · 11 months
You know what? Im breaking my silence. Im TIRED of people missing Jess’ character on purpose. Like, everyone can use context clues and fill in the blanks for every other character but somehow Jess is the only one taken at face value? Jess is being seen as a cold, detached, mean bitch by fans but I cannot determine whether we even watched the same movie.
Let’s address the elephant in the room, because she is a black woman who is NOT a mammy character, people criticize her harsher. Jess was MORE than Miguel’s “lackey”. She had her own thoughts and opinions. She definitely had her own personality and feelings about the entire situation. She lowkey stalled time to give Gwen chances to fix her mistakes.
If Jess was as cold as Miguel and such a “bitch”, she would’ve left Gwen the first time. Let’s not forget that Miguel was fully about to leave Gwen with her own father holding her at gunpoint, JESS vouched to bring Gwen under her name. Jess put her OWN position at risk to help Gwen and it required that she do her job accordingly. Jess made the boundary VERY clear, she is NOT Gwen’s mother. She is NOT her friend. I seen people argue that “Jess’ maternal instincts” should’ve kicked in to protect Gwen” but fully ignoring that Jess HAS A FAMILY! Jess is PREGNANT with her OWN child. Her instincts DID kick in and she chose her dimension with her family in it!
Jess was stuck in a rock and a hard place. She obviously wanted to help Gwen (considering she brought her in at the cost of her own position) but UNFORTUNATELY, GWEN messed up. Gwen saw Miles and that ultimately led to Spot escaping. You can love these characters and acknowledge that every character had their OWN thoughts and motivations that led to fuck ups. It’s not right to try to make Jess sound worse than the man who fuckin replaced his dead self out of grief, was about to leave a teen at gunpoint, and had an entire society of people chase a teenager who wanted to save his dad.
Don’t get me started on the “she’s fighting crime while pregnant argument” because we can accept superpowered people but NOT the possibility that their bodies are more resilient. NOT TO MENTION THAT PETER B HAS A WHOLE BABY ON MISSIONS???? Like, no one is calling him a bad father so what’s different with Jess? Miguel was mean as fuck to Miles upon meeting but Jess doing her JOB is considered being “mean”.
Then the “I didn’t see her enough to connect with her” is fair until everyone can somehow create entire {TERRIBLE} mischaracterizations of Hobie, Pav, and Peni who (arguably) had just about the same amount of screentime. She also shares traits with every other spider person with being snarky and quick-witted while being completely grounded. She’s literally one of the spider people that Miguel fully trusts but somehow the fandom erases her and goes “He loves Peter B and Lego Spidey🤪🤪”
Like, it’s crazy how people find it so easy to erase Jess and Margo (Spiderbyte) in fanworks for things they easily dismiss from other characters and it’s feelin like misogynoir. Like, Margo and Hobie served the same purpose with deciding to go against Miguel for Miles, yet only Hobie and Gwen gets that credit.
AND THEN THE MANY EXCUSES WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING! People keep hating on Jess/Miguel because she’s “obviously pregnant and married” but go right around and ship Miguel with Peter B. Same with Margo/Miles because it’s a bunch of “Miles and Gwen are obviously endgame” ANDDDD???? Since when did every ship HAVE TO be canon in order to be a ship? It’s especially crazy because I BARELY EVER see those comments on Miles/(Peni, Pav, or Hobie) or have no problem with having all the boys huddled around Gwen. The double standard is glaringly obvious.
In conclusion, some of you mfs dont deserve ATSV.
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lemonlillybee · 2 years
Keepin’ it 100
Title: Keepin’ it 💯 
Fandom: Irondad
Word Count: 795
A/N: Just a little bit of sick!Peter I wrote using @irondadmadlads prompts #20 and #22
“I know, I know, but I have to check for myself,” Tony says quietly as he pushes open Peter’s door, letting the light from the hallway illuminate a small path into the room. He takes a step inside, peering at the bed as his eyes adjust. “Peter?”
“Who were you talking to?” Peter asks sleepily, pulling his comforter up to his chin with a little shiver.
“He was talking to himself,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. quips. “He does that sometimes.” 
“What the–?” Tony glares at the ceiling. “She’s just mad that I want to take your temperature manually.” 
“Oh.” Peter looks confused. He rubs at one eye with his fist and rolls onto his back. “I’m not sick.”
Tony doesn’t reply, instead going over to sit on the edge of the bed. He pats Peter’s chest lightly and holds out the thermometer. “Open up.” 
Peter obeys, closing his mouth around the thermometer, his eyebrows knitting together as they wait. He looks tired, and still a little confused, like he actually hasn’t clocked that he’s not feeling well. When the thermometer beeps, Tony takes it out of Peter’s mouth and squints at the number. 
“100 even,” he says, glancing up at the ceiling with a slightly apologetic look.  
“I’m always keepin’ it 100,” Peter mumbles around a yawn. Suddenly, he inhales sharply and sits up, looking at Tony with wide eyes. “Wait, 100 isn’t a real fever, right?”
“Peter, please lie down.”
“May says that it’s technically not a fever if it’s under 100.4 degrees.”
“So I’m not really sick.” 
“And if I’m not sick, I can go to school tomorrow.”
Tony narrows his eyes, fixing his gaze on Peter’s flushed face. “Most high schoolers pretend they’re sick so they don’t have to go to school, and you’re pretending you’re not sick so you can go to school?” He holds up the thermometer. “I don’t think this was right. You’ve gotta be running a temperature of like, 103 degrees, or somewhere in that neighborhood. I think your brain is fried.”
“Actually,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. interjects, and Tony rolls his eyes. “Peter’s temperature is not 103 degrees, Boss, but it has just risen to 100.1 degrees.”
“See!” Tony stands. “So, no school for you tomorrow. Go to sleep. I’m going to go sanitize…everything,” he says, waving his hands and the thermometer as he holds them away from his body. 
“I don’t want to miss school!” Peter protests, and Tony sighs.
“You are staying right here, in your bed, and going to sleep. And tomorrow, when you wake up, you’re going to…well, you’re going to stay in your bed and rest. Just a lot of staying here in this room and keeping your germs in this bed. Capiche?” 
“But Mr. Stark!” Peter whines. “I can’t sleep!” 
Tony sighs and presses his fingertips against his temple. He’s already halfway to the door, and he’s not really sure why the next sentence comes out of his mouth. “What do you want me to do about it? Read you a bedtime story?” 
He hears a little sniffle, and turns to see Peter looking at him with the most pathetically hopeful expression he’s ever seen. “Really?”
“Oh…Um…Yes, okay. Really. Um.” Tony tries to process what he’s just offered.  “Really.” 
Peter swallows, wincing slightly, and Tony walks back over to his bed. He’s still holding the thermometer and the germs are probably crawling up it and onto his hands as he’s standing there. Maybe. That’s really more of Bruce’s area of study. He sets the thermometer down on the nightstand and perches on the edge of the bed again, shifting under Peter’s expectant gaze. 
“Get comfy,” he says, stalling only a little bit, and Peter moves around under his blankets without really changing much about his position. “I, uh, don’t really have any bedtime stories, but I could look one up on my phone?”
Swallowing audibly again, Peter grimaces and then clears his throat. It’s probably sore, Tony realizes. He’ll have to find some medicine.
“Can you just tell me a story maybe?” Peter asks, then adds softly, “please?”
Tony racks his brain for something, mind running through several inappropriate tales from his college days with Rhodey before he settles on something a little more tame, and he smiles as the memories come flooding back. 
“Have I ever told you about the time that Rhodey and I got kicked out of the study abroad program before the semester even started?” He asks, and Peter shakes his head. “Okay, close your eyes,” Tony says, and he waits for Peter to close his eyes before he starts his story. 
He’s only a little offended that Peter starts snoring before he even gets to the good part.
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