#side effects of fish oil
sac-bestsupplements · 5 months
Is Algal Oil Safe? Revealing the Toxic Side Effects of Algae Omega-3 DHA & EPA in Just 3 Minutes!
Discover the best Algae Oil supplements + FAQ & Tricks: https://super-achiever.com/best-algae-oil-supplements
#algaeoil #bestsupplement #algae
Hello, Achiever Fam! 🌊 Today, we dive into the lesser-known waters of Algae Oil.
While it's celebrated for its Omega-3s, DHA, and EPA, it's important to also explore its potential downsides. In “Is Algae Oil Safe? Revealing the Toxic Side Effects of Algae Omega-3 DHA & EPA,” we'll uncover what lurks beneath its healthful surface. Let’s navigate these murky depths! Don't forget to subscribe for more insightful content! 🛎️🔍 Algae Oil: A Deep Dive into Safety: - Generally well-tolerated, but it's crucial to consider the supplement's formulation. 🌿💊 Checking Supplement Ingredients: - Look for active components and potential allergens in the ingredients panel. 🏷️🔬
Be wary of additives like chemical preservatives, synthetic coloring, and added sugars. 🚫🧪 Omega-3s and Blood Thinners: - High doses of omega-3s might interact with blood thinners, but typical supplement levels are generally safe. 💉🌿 Liver Health and Omega-3s: - Can reduce liver inflammation and fibrosis, but excessive amounts might increase fatty liver risk. 🧫🍃 Potential Side Effects: - Oral consumption is likely safe, with mild effects like fishy burps and stomach discomfort. 🐟🚫 - Excessive consumption (over 3 grams of DHA and EPA per day) could slow blood clotting and increase bleeding risk. ⚠️🩸 FDA Recommendations: - Limit DHA and EPA intake to no more than 3 grams per day, with dietary supplements not exceeding 2 grams. 📏🌿
In conclusion, while Algae Oil is a safe vegan Omega-3 option, moderation is key. Have you experienced any side effects with algae oil? Share your experiences in the comments below, and remember to subscribe for more content from the Super Achievers Club. See you in the next video! 📹👋🌊
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blogingwala · 7 months
Omega-3 Fatty Acids Unveiled: The Ultimate Guide to Their Health Benefits
Enhance your diet with Omega-3 fatty acids for improved health and vitality. Find out how these essential fats can make a difference in your life. What Are Omega-3 Fatty Acids? Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat that are considered essential because the body requires them for various physiological processes but cannot synthesize them internally in sufficient quantities. There…
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emeraldcreeper · 1 year
It’s time for everyone’s favorite rage emotion: I’m gonna punch two doctors in! the! dick! I was having a great day until my mom called and was like hey remember how you’re genetically doomed by your dead father? Yeah you’re doomed genetically by your dead father, our doctor wants you to try supplements before the big boy drugs can happen! I’m so tired of going through hoops to get something scientifically backed and not uhhhhhh a supplement that made me super sick one time that I wasn’t even taking for cholesterol because it was 6 years ago! I’m ready to start punching doctors in the dick because due process is stupid at this point I know my issues better than either dude does!
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nightbunnysong · 15 days
Boost hair growth naturally
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Herbal teas and their role in hair growth
🌸Green Tea
Active Components
the powerhouse in green tea is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a potent antioxidant
Biochemical Mechanism
EGCG helps in blocking the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Elevated DHT levels are linked to hair loss, particularly androgenetic alopecia (male and female pattern baldness). By reducing DHT production, green tea helps in preventing hair follicle shrinkage and hair thinning. Additionally, the polyphenols in green tea enhance blood circulation to the scalp, ensuring that hair follicles receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen to thrive.
Drink 2-3 cups of green tea daily to reap its hair-boosting benefits. It can also be used as a rinse post-shampooing to stimulate the scalp directly.
🌸Nettle Tea
Active Components
Nettle is rich in iron, silica, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, D, and K.
Biochemical Mechanism
Nettle tea works as a natural DHT blocker, similar to green tea. Its high iron content supports hemoglobin production, enhancing oxygen delivery to the scalp and hair follicles. This is crucial because a well-oxygenated scalp provides an optimal environment for hair growth. The silica and sulfur in nettle also strengthen hair strands, improving hair’s structural integrity and reducing breakage.
Regular consumption of nettle tea (1-2 cups daily) can provide these essential nutrients. Additionally, a cooled nettle infusion can be used as a hair rinse to further strengthen hair shafts.
🌸Rosemary Tea
Active Components
Rosemary contains ursolic acid and caffeic acid.
Biochemical Mechanism
Ursolic acid found in rosemary improves scalp circulation, similar to EGCG in green tea. This ensures that hair follicles are well-nourished, promoting robust hair growth. Rosemary also has anti-inflammatory properties, which help in maintaining a healthy scalp environment by reducing potential scalp conditions like dandruff, which can hinder hair growth.
Drinking 1-2 cups of rosemary tea daily or using it as a hair rinse can provide these benefits. Infusing rosemary oil into your tea can further amplify its effects due to the added antioxidants.
Nutrient-dense foods for hair growth
🌸Biotin-rich foods
Key Foods
Eggs, almonds, sweet potatoes, spinach, and seeds.
Biochemical Mechanism
Biotin (Vitamin B7) is crucial for the production of keratin, the structural protein that makes up your hair. It acts as a coenzyme in fatty acid synthesis, which is essential for the growth and repair of cells, including hair cells. A deficiency in biotin can lead to hair thinning and brittleness.
Incorporate biotin-rich foods into your diet regularly. For example, adding a boiled egg to your breakfast or including sweet potato as a side dish can help maintain adequate biotin levels.
🌸Iron-rich foods
Key Foods
Lentils, red meat, spinach, and fortified cereals.
Biochemical Mechanism
Iron is essential for producing hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to tissues, including the scalp. Oxygenated blood nourishes hair follicles, facilitating the growth of strong, healthy hair. Iron deficiency is one of the most common causes of hair loss, particularly in women.
Combine iron-rich foods with vitamin C-rich foods like oranges or bell peppers to enhance absorption. For example, a spinach salad with orange slices can optimize iron intake and support hair growth.
🌸Omega-3 fatty acids
Key Foods
Fatty fish (salmon, mackerel), flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts.
Biochemical Mechanism
Omega-3 fatty acids are integral to maintaining the lipid barrier of the scalp, which helps retain moisture and protect hair from drying out and breaking. They also reduce inflammation, which can sometimes hinder hair growth by causing scalp conditions like psoriasis or dandruff. Omega-3s contribute to the overall health of cell membranes in the scalp, making them more resilient.
Aim to consume fatty fish at least twice a week or add flaxseeds to your smoothies or cereals. Walnuts can also be a great snack option to keep your omega-3 levels adequate.
🌸Zinc-rich foods
Key Foods
Oysters, pumpkin seeds, chickpeas, and cashews.
Biochemical Mechanism
Zinc plays a key role in DNA and RNA production, which is essential for the division of hair follicle cells. It also helps regulate the production of androgens, a hormone linked to hair loss when imbalanced. Moreover, zinc helps in repairing hair tissue and maintaining oil glands around hair follicles, which are crucial for healthy hair growth.
Include zinc-rich foods in your diet, like a handful of pumpkin seeds as a snack or adding chickpeas to salads and stews.
🌸Vitamin E-rich foods
Key Foods
Sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach, and avocados.
Biochemical Mechanism
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps repair damaged hair follicles, which can be a barrier to hair growth. It also improves blood circulation to the scalp, ensuring that hair follicles are nourished. Vitamin E helps balance oil production in the scalp, preventing dryness or excess oil, both of which can impede hair growth.
Sprinkle sunflower seeds on your yogurt or salads, or incorporate avocados into your meals for a healthy dose of vitamin E.
[photos from Pinterest]
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jadeleechsupportgroup · 4 months
azul's diet includes salad dressing and the blood of his enemies.
azul x reader
cw: mild blood, biting
also on ao3
gift for @boundlessentity 🐙🧡
“I learned some cool stuff in bio today.”
Azul glances up at you as he takes a bite of his salad. “Hm?” He has too many manners to talk with his mouth full.
You have a habit of eating much faster than him. Probably why you get the hiccups so often. But hey, food is meant to be enjoyed. “Yeah, like, all octopi have venom in their spit.”
He chuckles and dabs at his mouth with a napkin, then takes a sip of water. “‘Octopi’ is not a word.”
You scoff at him. “That’s your takeaway? First of all, language snobbery is classist. Second, I will die before I use ‘octopuses’ as a noun on purpose. I will accept ‘octopods’ as a compromise but it’s on thin ice.”
He merely smiles into his glass of wine. “What else did you learn?”
“Uhhhh.” You glance up at the ceiling like the air overhead holds the answers. “You don’t actually have tentacles, just arms?”
“Correct. I do, in fact, have arms.”
“Shut up. Also you could get eaten by a shark.”
“So could you.” He spears the last few leaves of arugula on his fork and swirls them through the lemon pepper vinaigrette. One of Vil’s recipes that probably cost him one of his eight (ten?) arms. “This does not sound like a terribly informative class.”
“Can we go back to the poisonous spit?”
“Whatever. Does your therapist tell you you deflect this much?” You take the last two pieces of bread and load them up with olive oil and salt.
“I am merely ensuring you do not commit false information to memory.” He repeats the napkin-and-water-sip ritual. “For something to be poisonous means that it causes damage by being ingested, inhaled, absorbed, things of that nature. Eating a puffer fish, for example.” His eyes take on a different cast as he gazes at you, though he rests his chin atop his hands with his elbows on the table, a tiny concession to the side of himself with fewer manners. “Venom, in contrast, is injected into the victim, as it must enter the bloodstream to work. Merely touching it poses no danger, assuming no other toxins with adverse effects are present, or the surface is not already compromised.”
You just sort of blink at him. “Is it, um…like…has it touched me?” One hand hovers over your mouth as your fight-or-flight response helps you vividly imagine what it would be like for your face to go numb with a deadly neurotoxin. He wouldn’t do that.
Though the hunger in his expression suggests otherwise. You really wish he would quit this diet nonsense.
“Perhaps.” Another laugh ripples out of him. The sound makes it feel like you’re underwater even though you’re in the dining room. “What would you do if I said yes?”
You have the abrupt, terrifying mental image of him climbing onto the table and crawling towards you, knocking all the plates to the floor, licking his lips and holding you captive with too many arms, watching you squirm until he bites you and you can’t move anymore.
Then his face lightens and he laughs cheerfully. “I am joking, my love. Besides…you would have noticed.” Another smile, another sip of wine and then water. Vil said it helps to cleanse the palate of any lingering acidity to preserve one's smile.
How reassuring. “This diet is messing with your head.” You aim your bread at him. “You need more protein.”
He has taken to running one finger around the rim of the wine glass, sending a whine through the air. “Perhaps you are right.”
You wish he would stop looking at you like you’re the protein.
Dating Azul Ashengrotto should have been frightening for reasons that mostly did not involve the man himself.
His line of work, somewhat. His clientele, certainly. But him? He had always treated you differently. Protective. Gentle. Sweet, even, though nobody would believe you for it. What he saw in you must have been special, because you had nothing to offer that would be of any measurable value in return. And not once has he roped you into a client’s contract or put you in danger.
The hell with it. You stand and go around to his side of the table to give him your favorite kind of hug, where you drape your arms over his shoulders from behind and bury your face in his luxuriant hair. He hums contentedly and lays one hand over the point where your arms cross, near what you are pretty sure is the space between his second and third hearts. His other hand finds your hair in return.
“You smell nice,” you mumble.
“You are much too kind.” He turns around in his chair enough to look at you, close enough to kiss but not actually doing it. His eyes drop to your mouth before moving back to meet your gaze. “And much, much too good for me.”
At least he does finally kiss you after all. And it doesn’t even taste like salad dressing.
{1} | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
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hastyprovocateur · 1 year
Drunk in Love (College!Abby × Reader)
Summary- Abby had no plans of staying back at the club until you caught her fancy, finding something oddly familiar about you.
Word count-1.2k
Cw- sexual content, mature themes
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• It had been ages since Abby traipsed down to a joint of this flavor. Maybe once upon a time in freshman year, she somehow caught herself with a lot into the whole night-clubbing gig. Never stayed long. Tonight was going to be alike, what with Manny hauling her ass out to this den.
• The ear-numbing music, pool of bodies writhing like fish in a net and liquor spilling like acid rain… wasn’t her deal. An all-in-all futile evening until she found her gaze resting on you like hands to a radiator. The dangerously short sequinned minidress wasn’t wasted on her. It clung to your body like second skin, low-cut spilling soft breasts.
Why was it so hard to look away?
• Siren? Enchantress? How does she move like that? Abby watched the iridescent fringes on your hem swirling around you, barely making any secret of your underbutt as you romped to the music. The strobing lights caught your beaming drunken face, hair fanning out oil spill like you were all just a part of some mindfuck special effect.
• "Careful, they might pop out” Manny nudged Abby’s shoulder. She scrunched her face at him, smoothing her ponytail and turning back to her lonely drink on the bar counter. Neon visions of you persisted, dancing behind her eyelids. It went down her throat like the heavy liquor she threw back.
• “I'm gonna bail” Abby shook her head, struggling to keep her voice level above the blaring music. “Come on” he urged her, another girl already whispering in his other ear “Loosen up.” "We got class at 9 tomorrow," she threw another glance at the dance floor, no sight of you. Manny broke out in a knowing chuckle as you tapped her shoulder, having snuck up from the back.
• Abby did a double take, looking from the tinsel strands in your hair, down to your pretty heels in the dark. “Thankyou” you blew a kiss at Manny, drowning the dregs of Abby's drink and taking her by the arm “But I’ll take it from here.” She felt her bicep spasm under her shirt sleeve at your touch. I’ll call, she gestured back to Manny as he flipped her off with a shit-eating grin, already heading out with the chick on his arm.
• “Me?” Abby wanted to doubly ensure. Aware that she might sully the experience. She didn't know the first thing about dancing drunk or even... drunk dancing with a girl as gorgeous as you. But something told her not to squander the opportunity. Everything smelt bitter and sultry. Like an animal’s lair. She watched your staggered saunter, hand wrapped around her wrist as the crowd stifled you both closer.
• Coming upon a reasonable clearing, you turn and put her arms around you, propping yours on her broad shoulders. Abby burned intensely, her back already damp as you leaned close to her ear “Drunk?”. “Yeah” she replied, aroused by the way your nails scraped the back of her neck. “I’m four shots down” You laugh deliciously, breath heavy with spirits.
• The feral atmosphere bled into her bones, headier than before as people pushed and prodded against her. She slid her hands across, resting in the steep dip of your spine, glaring at the men passing wayward looks, who tried jostling too close. She felt you pull her chin down to face you, “Eyes on me” You breathe against her neck before slowly dragging her sizeable hands up your sides and then back down.
• Abby closed her eyes, feeling your body collide into hers, falling into every curve and rise like they were made in pairs. She saw doubles, the glow of your smile, the swell of your breasts as they pressed up against her. All so familiar yet different. Senses swilled like dregs, and the music began thudding in her chest. You parted your legs, dropping down her front and crouching at her feet with your hands on her hips, sliding up her shirt… hooking onto her jeans. You rest your chin on her thigh, tilting your head coyly.
• Abby was no womanizer. Her sexcapades included kissing the class representative in the boiler room and promising to take it to the grave to save face. Tonight was a quick crash landing onto everything she knew. There was no face to save. She drank up every sway of your hips, bounce of your chest, and flip of your hair. The delicious curl of your lips drew her in deeper. She cradled the back of your head as she pulled you back up, flipping you around with a swift jerk.
• A shot of surprise as she pinned your hips back against hers, brows furrowing as she watched you smoothly grind back into her. You edged into her needily, bent forward with back arched beautifully. She caught the corner of your eye from where you glanced back at her, lust-ridden as she subtly humped you.
• Abby braced herself as you straightened back against her, feeling you writhe beneath her touch as she angled your face up to kiss your lips, pushing her over the edge. She felt her tongue unravel over yours, wet and hot as you tasted her right back. Her hands snaked below, artlessly pawing at the fringes of your dress before she felt yours guide her fingers up the hem.
• She groaned into your mouth as she felt the strap of your thongs digging into plump flesh, peeling them off your hips till they dangled in a twist around your thighs Curses left her lips as she cupped your slick pussy, fingers slipping in with little to no resistance. "Still wanna bail?” you ask breathlessly, as your hips buck, knees limp as you gaze up at her. “Fuck that” Abby groaned wickedly.
Following morning
• The fluorescent lights of the 9 am class were already giving her a well-deserved ache in the temples. She spent the early morning fucking around half-clothed in a women's bathroom stall. The girl from the club. It had consumed her entirely, once the liquor drained out of her, all she had were questions. Who are you? Why did you approach me? What did it mean? Could be nothing but she still had her thongs in her back pocket, nail scratches still scouring her back. The professor's monotone let slip something about pairing up and it entirely missed Abby by the time he was done sorting
• "Sir, I don't have a partner" she called out belatedly, hand lazily raised above her head. "Well..." he looked around in defeat as the entrance slammed. "Class representative!" the professor lightly clapped his hands "You're right on time" he gestured to you. A drained, mousy entity standing in the doorway "Please partner up with Abigail for the essay analysis."
• You nodded meekly, trudging up to where Abby was sitting. "Studying late again?" Abby poked, surveying your visible eye bags and pale lips. "Fuck you" you sounded entirely hoarse, snapping the reading open to the page on the board. Abby noticed the telltale bruise on your wrist and frowned. The handprint comically familiar.
• A quick flash of holding you against the bathroom wall poured back to her conscious. Wrist pressed to tile as you got yourself off on her thigh. She backed up, looking you up and down, and there it was. A single strand of tinsel in the class representative's hair. At this point, she couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Are you actually insane?" You turn owlishly to look at her. "No..." she leaned in, awfully smug "But I think you are after what you did to me last night."
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bomberqueen17 · 7 months
*vibrating slightly in place*
So ok. When I was in kindergarten, my classroom was arranged so that four desks were linked together, so we were in little groups. I used to regularly vibrate my desk and the three it was attached to, with three other children in them, across several feet of floor space, until the linked desks ran into the teacher's desk, which was larger and did not move with the force of my vibrations. I was a good student, but hard to control, and markedly uneven in my ability to like. Do anything. "Well," my mom said once, upon beholding my entire spectrum of a report card, "we'd just hate to be bored."
When I graduated with my bachelor's degree, seventeen years later, my mom said "I never thought you could do it," and when I, shocked, said "what?" she said "well what with your ADHD and all," and I said "my what?" and she said "well, i never wanted to shake your confidence, and I thought once they put a label on you it'd be over, but you super have like, turbo ADHD. Why, what do you think your deal is?" She said it nicely and not in those words at all, but it was the first time I'd ever really realized that I wasn't just mildly eccentric, I did seem to actually have something wrong with me.
I've been trying to get a diagnosis ever since. I've never been able to. I had no health insurance at all for a huge chunk of my twenties, which put a damper on things. One doctor told me "you'd know if you had that" and when I was like "I... do" she was like "no i mean. you'd already be being treated." Which shows a wild and totally unwarranted optimism in our medical system, but she was a resident. The doctor overseeing her care of me suggested I try taking fish oil capsules. To "rebuild my brain tissue".
I did. It didn't help. I still buy them but mostly I use them now to get my cat to take pills.
Eventually in my 30s my doctors started sort of believing me maybe, or at least realizing they couldn't really brush me off (I have gotten... less easily-cowed as I've aged) but they were all like "oh, I can't evaluate that. You'll have to research and find a place that can do a neuropsych eval for you. Insurance doesn't cover those. So good luck. Have some antidepressants in the meantime."
I slid into my 40s, still undiagnosed. I read as many self-help books on the topic as I could find, did all the checklists I found. They all said "girl you super have like turbo ADHD." I tried meditation. I tried divination. I tried bullet journaling, which was hilarious. I tried yoga.
I actually damaged myself doing yoga and am banned from yoga, but at least I'm in physical therapy now. (Word to the wise: if you have really really flexible hip joints, don't fucking do yoga. "Usually I don't have to tell people not to get into that position," said my bemused physical therapist. "Oh," I said, blissfully bepretzeled. "It feels super good." "Mm," she said, "you've torn your labrum. Stop doing that." Now I do really, really boring stretches that don't feel nearly as good, but I also can walk without limping, so. Like. We take the good with the bad I guess.)
Anyway. My PCP in January was like "wait you didn't follow my super vague directions to go see 'the guys downstairs' and see if they can squeeze you into their eleven-month waiting period to get an evaluation that i cannot mention without saying it's several thousand dollars and your insurance surely won't cover it? you must not want this diagnosis very badly!" (At no point has anyone ever given me a phone number for 'the guys downstairs'. I still don't know what she meant by any of those directions. This PCP and I technically speak the same language but I've never understood a single thing she has told me and I don't think she understands a word I say in return, everything I tell her seems to be such a shock to her. You blame antidepressants for your weight gain? I've never heard of that. Ma'am please look up what the incredibly common side effects of antidepressants are.)
I called around but noplace both took my insurance and was accepting new patients. Finally I gave up. Then my Dude went on our insurance company's website and took over the search. He found that there's some kind of concierge service thing, which the insurance company normally charges $450/mo for but our plan includes it, because it's pretty well-hidden on the website and most people aren't ever going to find it anyway. So he said, you know what, I am going to instigate a query on this.
They took two weeks but eventually came back with a list of 13 places, most of them not remotely local. Ten of them were red X's, disqualified for varying reasons-- one because the phone number didn't work, another because it's a seven-hour drive away and doesn't do telehealth. One was in New Jersey. None of them were the local places I had already called.
Two of them were valid, but the insurance wouldn't cover the evaluation for various reasons.
One of them was fully covered, the insurance company said. So I went there.
Their website said "no you're not we can't see you". But Dude was like, call them on the phone. Surely, surely, the concierge service couldn't have lied??? Bet, I said, and called them and left a message, and said to him, if they call me back I will eat a hat.
But they did. They called me back. "Our insurance checker widget is down," they said. "But we do take your insurance! We can see you. We just don't know how much it will cost."
But. They could see me later in the week, via a telehealth appointment.
So I signed up.
The appointment was this morning. I turned up. Their insurance checker thingy still wasn't working so they couldn't be sure how much the appointment would cost me. I at this point don't care, and gave them my HSA credit card, and said do what you will.
I waited 45 minutes and then texted the number they'd texted me from with the confirmation, and a moment later the guy showed up. "Whoops," he said, "that system isn't working quite right either!"
He talked to me for like. Three minutes, and was like "yeah that sounds. Pretty textbook. I'm going to prescribe you stimulants." He then proceeded to take a very basic medical history, and I recognized all the questions because I have researched stimulant medication for ADHD so much. And he was like "We're going to start with Adderall, check at your pharmacy in like an hour." And then he gave me extremely useful and detailed instructions on how to take it, when to take it, what side effects to worry about, what to expect, what to note down in case it might mean a problem, and how to be safe about it. (He asked me three times if I'd ever been suicidal, and it had also been in the online pre-screening. I am aware that can be a rare but very serious side effect of stimulants!)
And then I went to Rite-Aid and I now have 16 pills in my possession, and i am going to wait until tomorrow morning to start taking them, and I am already scheduled for my follow-up in 15 days.
I have absolutely no idea how much any of that is going to cost, but for the record the pills were eleven dollars.
So. I don't know why the last decade of my life has been spent being told that a comprehensive and unattainably expensive neuropsychological evaluation was my only option. Maybe this place is a disreputable pill mill or whatever. But. I am going to get to try to medicate this disorder that has warped my entire life to this point, and I am going to try to see if I can't have some more control over my life, and if it doesn't work then at least I will know, instead of on my deathbed being like "i wonder if i'd ever tried amphetamines maybe I'd have been able to finish a project ever in my life, guess we'll never know".
Which was what I was starting to genuinely think was going to happen.
Literally though why can't a primary care doctor just refer you to a psychiatrist who can then decide whether you need an assessment or whether your condition is likely to respond well to a basic diagnosis?? I get needing the whole nine yards if you're not sure what's wrong with this kid and you don't want to give them the wrong thing-- like I know misdiagnosing a bipolar sufferer with depression can give you really bad outcomes, for example-- but-- I don't know? I don't know.
I just want to be able to start and finish projects. What I'd really love is to be able to make to-do lists meaningfully, as that is an ability I did used to have and now absolutely don't. I legit cannot make a to-do list in any meaningful or useful way.
So we'll see. I'm going to keep a journal and the real test of whether the pills work is to see whether I can actually keep the journal.
But I need to find some kind of edible hat, at some point, just to keep my word.
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darklovecat · 1 year
Beauty tips?
Taking my vitamins and beauty supplements every day!
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I believe that beauty and health go hand in hand so I got a complete blood work-up to figure out what vitamins and minerals my body was lacking, and I make sure I'm taking my them daily. On top of that, I take various supplements such as Collagen, Fish oil etc but I swear by my 10-gram daily collagen regimen. I take its powdered form right before going to bed and have noticed its benefits within a short time - My knees used to sound like a bowl of Rice Krispies when I bent down, but after a few days of collagen, the crepitus is gone. Plus, my hair is growing faster and my skin is looking plumper. It's done wonders for my joints, giving me a healthy glow, and making me look way more refreshed.
Having perfect posture at all times!
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I think this is a very simple but overlooked beauty tip that truly elevates your appearance. It's like the secret weapon of beauty, it can transform not just the way you look, but also the way you feel. When you stand tall and hold yourself with grace and poise, you radiate confidence and elegance. Good posture also has numerous health benefits. It can help prevent back pain, improve your breathing, and even boost your mood and energy levels. Ever since I've started incorporating Pilates and Ballet into my routine to build strength and flexibility, my posture has improved greatly. The way you carry yourself says a lot about who you are and by standing tall and confident, you'll not only look beautiful but also feel empowered and ready to conquer the world.
Getting 6 hours of quality sleep every night!
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You know what's a major beauty tip that most people sleep on? Sleep!! Forget about slapping on expensive creams and doing a gazillion steps in your skincare routine. You gotta start with the basics, hun. Get your sleep game on point, eat right, and manage your stress. Now, I know we all have different needs when it comes to sleep, so I won't give you a specific number. But trust me, beauty sleep is not a myth, it's legit! I turn on Night Mode on my devices at 6:30, pop my sleeping pills at 9:30, and hit the hay an hour later. Oh, and I'm not afraid to take a nap during the day if I need to. Don't underestimate the power of a good night's sleep. It's the secret to looking and feeling amazing.
Growing out my eyelashes!
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I take pride in my long and voluminous lashes, they're one of my best features and one of my most complimented features. However, my natural lashes were not always this way, they became longer through regular lash serum usage. I do not really need wear mascara and after a lash lift, my lashes appear as if I'm wearing extensions. While Latisse has worked wonders for me, it's important to note that the product does come with potential side effects such as orbital fat loss and irritation. Thankfully, I did not experience any adverse effects. Another caveat is that the product only works as long as it is used consistently. Despite these considerations, I wholeheartedly recommend Latisse. To see the results for yourself, check out the Real Woman Gallery.
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shyocean · 5 days
Offloading responsibility from destructive organizations to individual choices
the context for this is that I am listening to the firesides at the end of Arc 2 for the Wizard, the Witch, and the WIld, Worlds Beyond Number, my favorite piece of media in the world. (If you also got sniped by the small talk comment, hear me out.)
It's making me think about the way that corporate and governmental structures actively hide and displace responsibility for the massive number of death, exploitation, suffering they craft onto individuals. The way that we dehumanize and pathologize victims, while the perpetrators of crimes are the leaders of society. The way that we have a diagnosis for drapetomania, for leukemia, but no dx for the kind of mind who enslaves people or commits mass, slow murder through environmental poisoning.
So in the Fireside, they are talking about Suvi, the Citadel Wizard, seeing herself as the only who cares about human death. That when the others acted to free the Great Spirit the Citadel had imprisoned, and was torturing and exploiting, Ame made the choice to sacrifice the Citadel wizards imprisoning him to save his life. There were the soldiers, and townsfolk, who died when his furious wife came to rescue him.
And I think this is a perfect example of the way that we totally misunderstand who ultimately holds responsibility.
The Citadel Wizards, Morrow in particular, were responsible for everything that Orima did to free her husband. They were committing a horrific wrong that dragged nature out of balance. To blame Orima, or the spirits, is to blame an abuse victim for self defense.
All the towns lost, all the lives in those towns, the blight on Port Talon and its fisherfolk, (all the animals!) all the soldiers, the people in the tidal wave, all of those deaths, the economic destruction and displacement: all the direct consequences of the Citadel engaging in horrific torture, abuse, and environmental depredation.
But it's hard to see, because the weight of the organization meant that no one person made the decision. Becaue cause and effect are spread over time and place.
Ame actively decided that the Great Spirit should not die, and that if someone had to, it should be the torturers imprisoning him. Further, the impact on the world long-term if the Ocean Spirit was lost from it? Incalculable. not just his wife's wrath, but that spirit had taken care of the people of Port talon, the fish, the weather, everything, AMe saved so many people by saving him.
Fundamentally, the Citadel as a militarized corporation does not care about people. It doesn't care about life. It doesn't care about the environment, or well-being. Those things don't show up on balance sheets. It cares about control, gain, prestige, pride, power, war, the ability to impose its will on others and the world. And that's what Suvi cares about.
Ame and Ursulon saving The Ocean Spirit saved countless lives, across generations and in the present.
Suvi doesn't care about people. She care about power, and the 10 people whose name she knows that she considers her equal. She cares about a war because she cares about her side winning, because her side is the only side, and because she is fucking a soldier. She's a neoliberal, a centrist, a miltarise, and a trained killer.
But she gets to lie to herself and say she is the only one who cares about human. She lives in a world where all the costs are hidden. The justification machine is so good.
Here's the Point
This is the way that English-speaking world's corporations and governments function. It's how the British starved something like 100 million people over the course of a few hundred years.
It's how current corporations are permanently destroying our ecosystems, making the planet unlivable, forcing 5 year old to work in mines, sweeping the poor into prison slavery.
And we are pointing the finger at individual choices. And people flying on planes, wearing leather, and palm oil. Usually in ways that damage the poor, disabled, and marginalized disproportionately. I am tired of people conflating the culprits and originators of harm to those responding, or to those who simply fail to be able to stop it.
People aren't the problem. But things like the CItadel, the East India Company, our corporations, our governments--they are set up to systematically hide reponsibility, to strip of agency, to make us helpless to change and coerce our support for evil.
(Galani is clearly a sweet and good person. Steel is such a great mom.)
Our language, our culture, our institutions, our beliefs structures are all carefully built to prevent us from seeing, and upon seeing, to make us helpless to change things. So really, the first step is seeing and naming, right?
Also, Suvi and Steel are still meaningfully, substantially better for the planet and the spirits and the people than people like Morrow. Please vote Blue, for fucks sake.
Anyway, I love this show. It's actually the best. Same episode, BLeeM sniped me between the eyes to ask me to get better at small talk lol.
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maddsmallow · 1 year
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finally!!! my month and a half late dutp mermay pic is DONE. i have a whole, like, story idea for this pic, which you can read here on my twitter! EDIT: fuck twitter, i deleted it, so the story idea is now under the cut if you're interested! i think signy and audwin from time princess' swan lake story can work really well with a mermaid twist on their characters. also i just want mermaid audwin and human signy to smooch a lot uwu
also. nothin' like drawing mermaids to kick your ass into figuring out how tf to draw water lmaooo
the story goes something like this: signy is the daughter of some rich guy and they've always been by the ocean (maybe the company has something to do with the ocean?), and i haven't quite figured out what he does, but either he or uncle arthur start getting into some shifty shit and maybe get into offshore oil drilling, or something that will hardcore pollute the water. she's expected to take over whatever the company is, but she doesn't give a shit and like, just wants to be a marine biologist. she has her own boat (bc rich people privileges) and often goes out into the water to just get away from it all and chill, and maybe she does some diving to look at the fish and coral n stuff. idk how any of this works irl lmao. but anyways, audwin has been watching her for a while, because humans are very interesting, before she finally spots him. after freaking out, she decides to keep him a secret because even as a marine biologist or whatever, she knows a find this big would be more dangerous to the merman himself than beneficial for any research. so she goes out to their meeting spot to hang out with him most days, and even though they cant communicate, she talks to him and he seems to understand. he brings her gifts and she brings him human stuff to look at. eventually she says something like, "i wish we could talk, i so badly wish to know more about you," and audwin's like. welp that's enough consent for me. so he uses his magic to turn her into a mermaid. and of course she FREAKS but then she's like!! oh fuck!! we can talk now! i can explore without needing air!! tell me and show me EVERYTHING. so they explore and they talk. audwin explains, a bit vaguely, about how he "doesn't belong with the rest of the mer people" even though they are a social species, so having to fend for himself for his whole life has left him a bit scrawny and, while he would have been riddled with scars from having to fight with other creatures on his own, has become very good at magic to defend himself. and now that they can understand each other and have an actual mutual conversation, audwin's like. oh heck. i like this girl a lot (assuming he didn't already consider her his mate because of the constant exchange of gifts).
just before she's about to be like okay this was fun but i gotta get back to my life on land, they spot a body floating in the water, and before audwin can pull her back signy goes to it and pulls the unconscious man to the shore and performs cpr and brings him back. he looks weirdly like audwin. she can't speak in any human language anymore (mermaids in this universe don't have the right vocal chord structure or whatever to speak human language), having taken the form of a mermaid, but he seems to understand what she's saying anyways? how could that be? she turns to audwin for an explanation and he's like, yeah so uh, the magic i used to give you a tail actually just swapped your human parts for another mer person's mermaid parts. so i guess this is the guy you swapped with and he's actually a mermaid, so he knows what you're saying. and signy is of course PISSED she's like this random other mermaid dude coulda died just for me to have a bit of fun?? that's fucked dude. and audwin's like, "why would i give a shit when i was cast out as a baby from the rest of mermaid society? YOU are my only friend." and then the other guy, who introduces himself as aldous (and i guess a side effect of audwin's magic is that he can fluently speak english or whatever now lmao), is like. yeah that's cool and all but, this is actually terrible fucking timing. some dude just came into my kingdom and is fucking everything up hardcore and i need to be there to fight him off. but even if audwin switched their tail/legs back, aldous would be too weak from, yknow, almost dying from drowning to actually fight whoever is fuckin shit up. so signy is like ME AND AUDWIN WILL DO IT and before audwin can even say anything, she grabs her cell phone from her shorts (let's just assume her clothes are on her boat and the boat is nearby lmao) and has aldous call her friend ben (the guard from the story!) and relay a message to him to meet her at the shore. he does and he sees the situation, and with aldous translating, signy tells ben to take care of this random dude she found on the beach. "dont ask questions its just REALLY IMPORTANT." and he's like. fuck okay sure. and just before signy and audwin go off to see what's going on with the mer kingdom, aldous gives audwin a pendant that will grant him access inside no matter what. every mer person has a pendant that has magic to allow them into their respective kingdom, but aldous had always had two of them, a gold and green one and a silver and purple one, and he feels that maybe the purple one belongs to audwin.
so aldous goes with ben to ben's place to rest and recoup, and signy and audwin go to the kingdom to see what their deal is. i dunno what's going on there, i haven't quite figured it out, but basically the king, aldous' (and audwin's) dad, is losing his marbles and made some kind of pact with a human who ends up being signy's dad or uncle, but then her dad/uncle was just going to betray the agreement and kill them all for access to an oil drilling spot? i dunno. but i have a scene in my head where they hide in what seems to be some kind of abandoned prison with one cell, and there ends up being one mer woman in there who ends up calling audwin's name when she sees him. audwin is shocked, and approaches carefully, and she cries while she explains she's so happy to see him alive and well. she tells him that his father separated him from his family just a bit after she'd birthed him and her brother because he was certain he was going to fulfill some kind of prophecy and overthrow him, and then he cast her into prison because she was so heartbroken that she was deemed "mad." the king brought up aldous as an only child with no memory of his twin brother or his mother, but always had an inkling that something was missing because of the second pendant he'd always had, which was given to him as a baby by their mother before she was taken away. audwin despairs at the fact that his mother and the life he should have had were ripped away from him by one man, and hugs his mother tight before swearing to take the king down.
some big climax happens and they take down the mer king and throw him in the cell that used to house the queen (cuz im not creative enough to come up with a non-prison sentence even tho fuck prisons and also acab irl), who then takes her rightful place back at the throne, and they also take down signy's dad/uncle or whatever, i dunno, i haven't figured this shit out yet lmaoo. but anyways, they sort it all out and they fall in love n all that shit. audwin speaks to his mother and tells her, he's never belonged to mer society and trying to integrate now would majorly suck, especially without signy at his side, who has to go back to land to give aldous his mer body back. he'd rather be by signy's side, separated by land and ocean, than not be near her at all. she's his one true friend. his mother understands, and bestows a new pendant to signy that, when worn, will allow her to understand the mer language even as a human, and allow her back into mer society should they ever return. they go back to the surface and they get ben and aldous back to the shore and audwin swiches signy and aldous' human and mer bodies back. it's a sad occassion. signy doesn't want to leave audwin behind in the water, and it's clear that aldous and ben have developed some kind of feelings for each other (do i have aldous and the guard fall in love in every dutp swan lake story i've ever thought up? YES). ben suddenly pipes up and is like, audwin switch with me!! and everyone else is like HUH?? ben explains that he doesn't really have anything in the human world to miss, he's not leaving behind much [insert some kind of tragic story for ben that i haven't thought up yet], and if they switch, they can both be with the people they want to spend their lives with. so they switch. audwin becomes a human and ben a merman, and then signy's like. welp, guess i don't need this anymore, and gives ben her pendant. they're all smiles and hugs, and then before they say goodbye and leave, audwin turns to aldous and says, "hey, say hi to mom for me." and aldous, who doesn't know they're brothers, is like WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED WHILE I WAS GONE--
and anyways. aldous gets to meet his mother (who will know exactly what happened with signy and auwdin the second she sees ben with her pendant and it makes her smile) and stay with ben who adapts to mer society fairly easily, and audwin gets to stay with his best friend and love in the human world. signy's dad's company tanks which she is glad for, and maybe she and audwin use the money she has to open up some kind of ocean clean-up project or something. standard cheesy barbie-like plot haha. wham bam, signy x audwin mermay story
will i ever write it? nope. if anyone wants to yoink this idea, go ahead! just credit me (and also @ me so i can read it hehe) !!!
i based the boat off of this pic of a greenline 39 yacht
consider supporting me on ☕ ! ko -fi. com / maddsmallow (without spaces)
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vaaspilled · 27 days
Ramble #1
(not online diary related)
For the past couple of years I’ve experienced super intense joint pain and I didn’t think anything of it in the beginning, months passed and I began to slightly worry. I searched up my symptoms (which I should’ve know was a red flag) and it began linking “bone cancer” I know that isn’t the case so I just continued to ignored it. A year after I told my mother and she convinced me to go to the doctors, the doctor said that it was because of vitamin D deficiency, I started taking fish oil supplements but it still didn’t help me. I remembered a while ago when I started my asthma medication ( I use one Albuterol inhaler, one Qvar inhaler and I take one Montelukast 10mg table each day) I read that the montelukast tablets affect something bone related and just in case I searched it up and it states that.
“Yes, joint pain is a possible side effect of montelukast, but it's not clear how often it occurs or if it's actually caused by the drug. Joint pain has been reported after the drug was released, but it wasn't reported in studies of people taking montelukast.”
So like I don’t know whether to stop taking my medication or not…my pains have started to intensify and it leads to intense nausea.
Idk what to do :(
Edit: bro the side effects of Montelukast are freaking scary 😨
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on-thee-fritzz · 3 months
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How to make Tempura: For Beginners
König was always very observant, especially with Nen. He watched as they skipped meals and ate only half of many dishes. He wasn’t a fan of their lack of appetite, they needed to eat. He could see how their shirts got bigger on their body and how they needed to wear belts tighter. He wanted to help, he did. But he didn’t exactly know how to. König would take Nen out more but they’d just get a box for a majority of their (uneaten) meal. He’d try giving them lots of different foods, from different countries and cultures but none were as effective as Tempura. He brought it home along side a bowl of Ramen, it was mostly Vegetables and he thought they would only eat the non Vegetable part but he was sorely mistaken. He watched as they ate the entire place of Fried fare with awe. All the pieces set into place. They LOVED fried food. Fish, Ice Cream, Gimbap, and especially Vegetables, all would be scarfed down in an instant. Anything dipped in batter and cooked with oil had a funny way of making Nen’s stomach open up. König didn’t give a damn if was unhealthy, they were eating! Eating all of it! So, from that day forward he always made a plate of something fried, something for Nen to engulf. So they would eat, and make him as happy as the day he brought some tempura home.
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namakes · 11 months
Not really sure where to go with this but I realized (when looking at the wiki for text) that the logo for Takoil (aka “The Octopus Oil Company”) looks a lot like the logo on the Eye of Justice helmet (Team Order headgear from Splatoon 2).
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They’re not identical, so could be a coincidence, BUT it did make me think of how Side Order looks like it will have a heavy theme of pollution and its effects on coral/oceans/life in general. The fish enemies are also covered in a black substance which, tying into the theme, could be supposed to look like petroleum (made of decomposed marine organisms); a crude oil used to make gasoline.
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eikonoklast · 17 days
Day 7 (Morsel): Be This Day My Last
   Lord Edmont had spared no expense in his quest to make sure his erstwhile children and diligent staff would be fed on this occasion. It was the Starlight Celebration - and while some in Ishgard did not enjoy the festivities, there were plenty who had learned to welcome the warmth and quirkiness of outsiders into their homes in such a time. Chiteni, Tataru,  and Aphinaud had been asked to come visit for an evening with the man who considered himself family to them, and Edmont was certainly not to be outdone.
   The center of the great room had been completely transformed. A series of tables lined the interior, with dozens of comfortable, plush seats to rest upon. Extra sofas and chairs had been acquired for the Count and his honored guests so they might rest by the fireside more peaceably, and trolley carts covered in beautiful pink lilies and rich blue asters dotted the room in vases large and small.
   Upon the tables were countless myriad dishes from Ishgard and the surrounding area alike: little platters of sweet and sticky marron glace dotted placemats at regular intervals, with frozen spirits in large pitchers adding a cool and fruity option in contrast to the mellow and aromatic Ishgardian tea and hot chocolate stationed at every seat. The warm spices of the hot drinks drifted up into the air buoyed on soft wisps of steam, filling the room with the rich scents of cinnamon, cocoa, and maple. Stuffed chysahl was surrounded by ornamental ginger and morel salads; filled with pepper, radish, the eponymous morels, and sesame - all drizzled lightly with olive oil. A worthy complement to the more savory, rich filling of their centerpiece.
   In the very middle of the room came the mouth-watering scent of dhalmel fricassee and baked pipira pira. They were flanked by all manner of stews and sides: simple cockatrice meatballs, coconut cod chowder from the Near East, the fish-based dagger soup, and creamy black truffle risotto. But Chiteni's eyes were on the far table. Even from here he could see a towering Sohm Al tart; filled with sweet cream and chestnuts and baked into a delicious mountain of creamy mousse. Nearby were the less-intimidating but ever-loved apple tart with its rich cinnamon custard interior, rolanberry cheesecake that was as creamy as it was sweet, and a well-to-do jellied compote that bounced restlessly on its platter - putting on quite a show, honestly. It was hard to resist some delicious sweets…
   Edmont bade his servants take his guests’ effects as he guided them to the tables to help themselves as they were comfortable. Chiteni dressed lightly even during cold weather, so he merely relinquished his weapon gratefully to an overeager Saulette. The sword was nearly as large as the young elezen, but her blue eye sparkled with pride to hold it regardless as she shuffled away towards the closet. Chiteni smiled, watching her uneven gait as she tried incredibly hard not to let it touch the ground. The Count placed a firm hand on the warrior's shoulder, squeezing gently to get his attention. Chiteni looked up at him, turning around. Edmont stared at him from head to toe - his expression a mixture of fondness and melancholy. 
   “It is good to see you well,” he said simply, smiling. The slight quiver in his voice betrayed his true meaning, but as always he carried himself proudly.
   “And you,” Chiteni replied. They stood sizing each other up for a moment. The air was heavy with thoughts unspoken; the simple touch on the shoulder a poor substitute for the embrace the Count would no doubt have preferred if things had been more private.
   “My Lord, it is pleasing to see you in good health!” Alphinaud mercifully stepped up to the plate, unknowingly releasing the two of them from their stalemate. He held out his hand without hesitation and Edmont grasped it in turn with both of his own. 
   “Alphinaud, my boy! It does me good to have you all here tonight. And you're all still in one piece, I trust?” Alphinaud and Edmont walked off together to another end of the room, their chatter fading into the clamor of dishes and guests and song. Chiteni smiled, watching Tataru off in the corner conversing with Honoroit as Emmanelain sputtered something in his defense. 
   “It's a bit too loud in here,” Chiteni murmured, wandering to the door to stand outside for a brief moment.
   It was a clear, cold Ishgardian night - all in all not much colder than the hundreds before it, but frigid still at this time of year. The miqo'te wrapped his wings around his arms like a cloak as he stood in the quiet cobblestone street. He cast his eyes skyward. The heavens stretched out above in the twinkling expanse; some stars caught in a hazy celestial fog that gently wrapped around as far as the eye could see. His breath created small clouds of vapor as his mind wandered. To places he'd been and even more vistas yet unseen. He hardly noticed the door open and close behind him.
   “A bit chilly out, isn't it?” Chiteni turned his gaze away from the sky. Artoirel stood in the doorway a few steps behind him, a friendly smile on his face. In his hands he held a fur-lined coat. The young Lord walked up to his friend, placing it over Chiteni's grateful shoulders and burying even his cold-tinged feathers underneath. 
   “It's a bit big - I hope your father isn't inside without his coat because you called in a favor?” he mused. Artoirel rolled his eyes in good humor, shrugging while Chiteni shoved him gently. “Thank you.”
   “I'm glad you came, to be honest. You reject my father's invitation every year. I had half a mind to use your status as a ward to order you here this time.”
   “It's Master Kha now I'll have you know,” Chiteni pointed out obstinately. He and Artoirel weren't especially close, but the young Lord respected and deeply appreciated what the Scions had done for his brothers and father. And he held Chiteni in the same familial regard as the rest of them. 
   “Yes well, you'll freeze before you eat if I know anything about you. So maybe come inside and spend Starlight…closer to home, this time?” he gestured towards the doorway.
   “I suppose…the sweets did look passable…”
   The doors closed behind them. The stars twinkled down brightly from their place in the firmament - but not so bright as the warm lights and laughter coming from the manor on this particular night. Were this the very last day, mayhaps it would not be such a bad one. 
Author's Note: I'm not really one to write very happy stories, but I DO appreciate a good shoutout to food. I'm not as good at talking about it as my hero Brian Jacques, but I hope you'll indulge me at least this once. Morsel is just such a food-coded prompt to me, it'd be a shame not to try and emulate a writer I really admired growing up since the opportunity is staring me right in the face.
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1965. Spray helicopters. Burns Douglas-fir tussock moth control project. Oregon.
Credit: USDA Forest Service, Region 6, State and Private Forestry, Forest Health Protection. Collection: Region 6, Forest Health Protection historical files located at the Mt. Hood National Forest in Sandy, Oregon.
Image provided by USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, State and Private Forestry, Forest Health Protection: www.fs.usda.gov/main/r6/forest-grasslandhealth
Note: "During the period of June 10 to July 1 , 1965, a total of 65,945 acres were sprayed with DDT for control of early-instar larvae (Perkins and Dolph 1967). Application was by helicopter and at the rate of 0. 75 pound DDT in 1 gallon of fuel oil formulation per acre. Because of public concern at this time about side effects of DDT in the environment, impact of the spray on other resources, including fish, water, soil, forage, and cattle, was evaluated by scientists working independently of the project (Crouch and Perkins 1968, Tarrant et al. 1972). In addition, a small test was made of two other candidate insecticides, Dursban, an organic phosphate, and Zectran, a carbamate." From: Wickman, B.E.; R.R. Mason; and C.G. Thompson. 1973. Major Outbreaks of the Douglas-fir Tussock Moth in Oregon and California. GTR-PNW-5. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. 18 p. www.fs.fed.us/pnw/pubs/pnw_gtr005.pdf
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espys-art-stuff · 2 years
This has been brushed under the table by Wall Street (who own Norfolk Southern) and the Ohio/Pennsylvania govts, but reporting on it because it's a disaster: As a result of rail corruption/mismanagement (and USgov thanos snapping the rail strikes), a Norfolk Southern chemical freight train was derailed and spilled its load on Feb 3 near East Palestine (a town on the very eastern side of Ohio), which then apparently exploded. [Apparently. Lots of claims going around, but I can't find a source.] They decided to burn the vinyl chloride to stop it from leeching into the environment further, because letting it leech into the air was better I guess. This is relevant for anyone living in Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and potentially Western New York. The chemicals reported to be carried were Vinyl Chloride [carcinogen with a boiling point of 8F/-13C that releases dangerous gases into the atmosphere], Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether, Ethylhexyl Acrylate [carcinogen], and Isobutylene. The train was 50 cars long.
Immediate effects have shown up in East Ohio and West PA, including reports of "acrid smells", as well as smoke clouds and fish, birds, and foxes turning up dead. Contaminants are confirmed to have reached the Ohio River and have leeched into the water supply of vulnerable towns in West Virginia. Local water sources and well water should be avoided and treated with scrutiny, as far as Eastern/southern Ohio, Northern WV, and Western PA. It is unclear what other water supplies have been contaminated, but veering on the side of caution for now is better - tests are still being taken and the situation is developing.
As a result of the burn, Phosgene gas and Hydrogen Chloride are spreading into the atmosphere. Hydrogen Chloride, now pumped into the air as a result of the burn, bonds with water vapor and turns into Hydrochloric Acid. This may cause acid rain. The wind is blowing west to northeast and affects Eastern Ohio, Pennsylvania and potentially, should it reach far enough, parts of Western NY (though it's unclear how far this is going to spread). This will affect people and animals over the long term on a scale comparable to 9/11 and some of the worst oil spills, and was entirely preventable had rail companies not cut corners on the operation and safety of their trains and train routes. Additionally, two more trains with hazardous material have derailed in South Carolina and Texas, though no known burns have occurred from those yet.
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