caycanteven · 17 days
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Absolutely smitten... A redraw of some fanart I did a long while back before I got into Clip Studio. ...happy (belated) bday to my awesome fren @mothiepixie who has been a inspiration teehee.
Was gonna add some easter eggs, but may do sketches instead cause I'm tired after this one, whew...
Motti belongs to Mothiepixie Lex belongs to me.
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alexcharmsyou · 7 months
Eddie's never really cared that the other Sirens looked down on him like an outcast his whole life. He didn't fancy them much either. Just because he wasn't inclined to kill casual doodlidads didn't mean he was any less than the rest. He had...hobbies.
Or at least that's what he was completely set on before the age 20- Adulthood was slowly seething into view, and Ed [after long an deep self evaluation] decided it was about time he give it a shot, what's the worst that can happen right?
Oh nothing--except the two dumbasses high from ass to tit right in front of you after you devastatingly fail at the one thing Sirens do best: Failed Siren Song.
Eddie, who was already standing awkwardly from his newly shifted lower limbs, stood in disbelief, expression at a complete halt like a thief caught mid-job. This was NOT how the thing's supposed to go...
"rObIn lOok I cAughT a REaL sWoRdFIsH"
"nO DInGuS tHatS a FoRciPigeR LoNgiTrOsTris"
They stopped for a short moment, immediately followed with A burst of laughter.
"pFFt- wHAt tHe hELL iS a fOrCePiGer LoNG..aTrOciOuS"
They went on and on for hours, comment-giggle-comment-giggle. The entire time Eddie was just contemplating HIS escape, a complete backfire. But, every now and then he'd observe the two creatures. He had to admit it was fascinating how strong their connection was- must be nice. He also wondered how long it would take before the song wore off.
It didn't for a long, long time. So, he sat and watched them. Studied their expressions, their gestures, the way they wiggled around in the chairs Ed had them tied them to. It was captivating to say the least. He definitely wouldn't try this again for a while, but he had to admit- he chose the right pirates to start with.
NOTES: heyo!! so i haven't really been on top of my game latley with writing so I wanted to make a teeny post about an idea i had with Stoddie to hopefully start off my accounts original content:D
The idea of Trippy(s3 sequel) Stobin getting lured in by Eddie only to have the killer move flunk and be the cause of the intoxicating was totally a blast to imagine, maybe ill write more on this sometime. I hope it could bring someone a giggle or two. Have a lovley night/day beans! ^^
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ironized · 10 months
whenever someone reblogs content for an old ship onto your dash and it activates something in your brain like a sleeper agent
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lexmiren · 7 months
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While the train was passing.
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dcxdpdabbles · 9 months
Master Post
All the dabbles I have posted on my DC x DP account. Under a read more due to how long it is. Broken into three categories:
Multi-parts - Dabbles that have more than one part written.
One-shots- Dabbles with only one part written.
Requests- Dabbles written for the requests of readers. (Note: If a request is for a continuation of the other two categories, they will be filed in Milti-parts)
(Updated as of 02/10/2024: Master Post 2 has latest)
The Royal Consort: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
The Bakery is a Front!...right?: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Child Support: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Alfred's Boy: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
The Adoptive Son: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Phantom's Number 1 fan: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Part 4 , Part 5
Passion for Fashion: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Danny and The Fan Blog: Part 1, part 2, Part 3
Congratulations! It's Triplets!: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Ghost King Summon dare: Part 1 , Part 2
The Dauntless Matchmaker: Part 1 Part 2
Demon and Angel Brat: Part 1, Part 2
The Assistant: Part 1
The Ghost Trio's Food Trip: Part 1
Legal Compensation: Part 1
Love Among Fans: Part 1
Lex Luther's Youngest: Part 1
Misplace Baby: Part 1
The Infinite Realms Hobby Store: Part 1
Obsession Runs in the Family: Part 1
Farm Hand: Part 1
Vague Threats: Part 1
Game of Deadly Love: Part 1
Retired-Rouge: Part 1
The Real Blood Son: Part 1
The Kid of Candles: Part 1
Magic Older Brother: Part 1
Keep The God Kid Busy!: Part 1
Dog walker: Part 1
Clockwork's Cookbook: Part 1
Respawn and Relive: Part 1
The Summoning Conditions of the Ghost King: Part 1
Finders Keeper: Part 1
What's the rule again?: Part 1
The Contact, the Butler and the Sly Time Lord: Part 1
Big Fish in Gotham Pond: Part 1
Immunity system: part 1
Wrong Number: Part 1
Timeline Prevention Squad: Part 1
The Masters are Aliens: Part 1
Ghost Zone Read: Part 1
Red Hood's Snow: Part 1
Jason Sees Dead People: Part 1
Ghost Dad: Part 1
Wayne Manor Ghost: Part 1
The Siren of Iceberg Lounge: Part 1
Single Dad: Part 1
The Orginal: Part 1
The Ghost King's Fibs: Part 1
Red ParentHood: Part 1
Woo thy Butler My Lord: Part 1
Jason's Doll: Part 1
Double Vision: Part 1
Dealeyed Soulmates: Part 1
Rescue Mission: Part 1
Danny's Online Persona: Part 1
Practice makes perfect: Part 1
Alley Boyfriends: Part 1
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le-sluagh · 1 month
#3 Incorrect Batman: Vigilante (My AU)
Harley Quinn: What time is it?
Joker: I don't know; pass me that kazoo and we'll find out
Joker: *Plays kazoo extremely loud*
Joker: It's 2 am
Two Face: You were stabbed. Do you remember anything?
Poison Ivy: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital.
Two Face: That wasn't an ambulance, Harley Drove you.
Poison Ivy: But I heard a siren.
Joker: That was Harley.
Harley Quinn: Sorry, I got nervous.
Riddler: I swear to god I'm the only one here with a braincell.
Two Face, Joker, Harley Quinn, and Poison Ivy, sarcastically: ALL HAIL the keeper of the sacred braincell!
Two Face: Never going to a meeting of the Legion of Doom again. Riddler started his argument with "Riddle me this".
Robin: *running towards Batman with open arms*
Batman: *moves out of the way*
Robin: Hey, why'd you move?!
Batman: I thought you were going to attack me.
Robin: I was going to hug you!
Batman: Why would you hug me?
*Comments under an image of a really hot knife cutting bread*
Joker: Imagine stabbing someone with this knife.
Poison Ivy: It would instantly cauterize the wound, so the person wouldn't bleed, so it's not very useful.
Two Face: if you want information it is
Harley Quinn: why would you STAB a person when you can have TOAST?
Zoom: Your internet connection is unstable.
Two Face: You should see my life.
*at a zoo*
Joker: What are they in for?
Lex Luthor: Joker, this isn't prison.
Joker: So they can leave?
Lex Luthor: No, but-
Joker, pointing at a meerkat: I bet that one murdered someone.
Riddler: At least try to sound slightly more sophisticated when you threaten someone.
Harvey Dent: Oh, I'm sorry. I should ask; dost thou want to engage in a duel, my good bitch?
Riddler: Somehow that's worse.
Mr. Freeze: Well you see, the explanation is perfectly simple and scientific. It was because shut up. Shut up is why.
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caycanteven · 2 months
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Size doesn’t intimidate either of them~❤️
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bluesidez · 12 days
Lauro’s Current Miguels in case you were curious
Gym Rat Miguel
Firefighter Miguel
Personal Trainer Miguel (The Trendy Couple)
Cowboy Miguel
Actor Miguel
Chef Miguel
OG Spider-man Miguel (Wash Day)
Dad Bod Miguel
Academic Rival Miguel (also Lex’s Miguel 🫶🏾)
Sim Miguel (not a story…just my literal Sim)
Office Siren Miguel [NEW 🤭]
They run rampant in my head. Living rent free in condos.
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sanguinesky-if · 13 days
Ok...but MC office siren attire im talking cinched suit cute short pencil skirts kitten pumps, glasses the whole shebang! id imagine their sister dressing them up for the day. How would the ROs react? ;3 or to the MC wearin anything sexy in general?
Hi, I apologize for the late response and to everyone who is waiting for a reply to their messages. I will do my best to respond to them eventually.
How would the ROs react? ;3 or to the MC wearin anything sexy in general?
I hope you don't mind if I answer in a general sense, as I want my response to be suitable for all MCs.
At this point in the story, all the ROs usually meet the MC in their office. So if they come in one morning to the MC's office and see them in an overly sexual or revealing outfit, I think it would go something like this…
Kyle / Keira
The moment K sees the MC, their embarrassment will be evident by the redness of their neck and ears. At the same time, they will be very displeased with how impractically the MC is dressed for work (especially if they are wearing heels). They will definitely make remarks, not hiding their irritation (which is partly caused by their embarrassment), and ask the MC to change into something more suitable for work. But the sight of the MC in their memory will keep them restless for the rest of the day (and maybe a few more), replaying in their mind over and over again.
Lex / Lexie
L will try very hard not to show what they really feel upon seeing the MC in such an outfit, worriedly asking if the MC is sure they're comfortable in that clothing for work. This stems from L's desire for the MC to feel safe around them, showing the MC that they see them as more than just an object of sexualization. However, another part of L will want to get closer, maybe adjust the collar of their shirt just as an excuse to touch the MC. What happens next depends on the MC, and if the MC shows interest, I'm pretty sure it could lead to a heated moment between them.
Morgan will freeze (congratulations to the MC, they've just broken Morgan). The MC will have to ask if everything is okay, and Morgan (with a noticeable reluctance) will look away, nodding. A few silent seconds later, Morgan will offer the MC their lab coat. If the MC asks why, Morgan will bluntly say that such an appearance will attract too much attention. This would be a good opportunity for the MC to flirt, saying something like, "But yours is the only attention I need," (bold MC) or "Does that mean it attracts yours too?" (shy MC).
Roderick / Rebecca
R will slowly look the MC up and down but won't say a word, even if the MC will ask them about it. However, if the MC is very attentive, they might catch a fleeting glimpse of something raw and steely in R's eyes. Out of the MC's sight, R will give a death glare to anyone who dares to stare at the MC for even a few microseconds longer than necessary (and their definition of 'necessary' is very short).
Theo / Tess
For T, the MC is a 10 out of 10 no matter what they're wearing. To start, T will definitely compliment the MC, appreciating their effort to dress up. However, what matters to T is not the MC's attire but their intention. If T catches even the slightest hint that the MC desires a more overt display of appreciation, they will happily oblige, and I'm not exaggerating when I say it could happen right in the MC's office. By the way, I pointed out in the main story itself that there are no cameras in the detective's office 😏
Isaac / Iris
I will try very hard to look away and act normally, but their eyes will keep returning to the MC, again and again. After several failed attempts to not stare at the MC, they force themselves to turn away completely (if that's possible in a given situation), closing their eyes a couple of times, trying to calm themselves. However, instead of relief, they see the image of the MC in their mind, making it even worse (honestly, their mind is their greatest enemy). If they notice someone giving the MC more than a friendly glance, it will upset and anger them. They'll hold back these feelings as best they can, knowing they have no right to feel that way about the MC. They'll want to know why the MC is dressed like that but can only manage to say, "You look… different today," before immediately closing the subject, not giving the MC a chance to respond (even though they started it, poor idiot). It will be very difficult for them to focus on anything other than the MC on this day.
Sebastian / Selena
S will smirk, slowly look the MC up and down, and say something like, "I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I can only show how much after we finish." However, if the MC makes a couple of deliberate moves—say, accidentally drops something and bends over to pick it up, or leans over the table—I think… Yes. As mentioned, it’s good there are no cameras in the office.
Thank you for the question!
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oliversrarebooks · 3 months
The Rare Bookseller Part 43: Katherine's Advice
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September 1925
TW: conditioning, discussion of abuse, panic attacks
Oliver put the finishing touches on a set of egg-salad sandwiches, neat triangles with the crust removed, and set them on a platter along with an assortment of tea cookies from a local bakery. Truthfully, he didn't know the first thing about entertaining -- with no friends or family and a tiny bookshop apartment, it wasn't anything he'd ever had to do. Alexander had some helpful suggestions for things he'd seen other thralls do, and had procured the supplies Oliver would need for a light midnight lunch (or whatever one might call it.)
In fact, Alexander had been hovering around Oliver a great deal since their fraught conversation a couple of nights before. He'd bought a bounty of foods he supposed Oliver might like, and seemed to be popping up around every corner of the library to show Oliver interesting books.  It was as though his master thought he needed to win his favor all over again -- despite the fact that Oliver was still very much enthralled, his thoughts often going hazy and filling with imagined echoes of siren song.
Oliver didn't really need the attention, but he did appreciate the advice on entertaining. Embarrassing as it was, Oliver really did want to impress his guests. So much had happened over the past few weeks, his entire life and conception of the world turned on its end. The only people who might really understand were vampires' thralls. Miriam hadn't seemed quite lucid enough for a true conversation, but Alexander had told him that Miss Ruth's thrall, Charlie, was quite intelligent and together.
It'd be nice to talk to someone else who had gone through... this. That was all.
He had just finished up in the kitchen when the doorbell rang and his master rushed to greet the guests. "Hello hello!" sang a voice that Oliver would never forget: Miss Lily. She brought both of her hands to her face in a dramatic mock gasp. "Lex? No, it can't be. You don't look like you just clawed your way out of a grave. Who are you, and what have you done with Lex?"
"Mm. Nice to see you too."
"And look at you!" Miss Lily ruffled Oliver's hair. "You look like you're adjusting quite well! Are you the one responsible for Lex's shocking good health?"
Oliver blushed, not certain how to respond to the praise. She seemed different from how she had been in the auction house, more relaxed, but something about her voice and mannerisms still made Oliver feel a bit dazed and eager to please. "I'm just glad I was able to help him, sir."
"Of course you did. I just knew a thrall like you could do him a world of good. Speaking of which..." She pulled her thrall Miriam through the front door, and she looked at Oliver with her usual clouded expression. "Miriam, you remember Oliver, don't you? Lord Alexander's new thrall?"
She looked confused for a moment before her face lit up a bit in recognition. "Oh, yes! From when we were staying at the auction house. It's good to see you again."
"It's good to see you, too." Miriam's uncertain mental state made him a bit uneasy. If Lily and Alexander were anything alike, would he end up similarly entranced? Would he even realize if it happened? Was it happening already?
"But Miriam's not the only person I've brought along. I took the liberty of inviting one of our old friends that Lex has been avoiding."
Alexander looked confused. "Ruth? I haven't been avoiding her."
"Ruth's on the way, too, but no, not her."
"Oh -- you don't mean --"
A sophisticated-looking older woman, gray hair tucked in neat curls, stepped out from the porch. She was wearing an old-fashioned, dark blue flannel dress with a high collar. Behind her was another older woman, also wearing an old-fashioned flannel dress, hers covered with a ruffled white pinafore.
"Edith! It's been ages!" said Alexander.
"And whose fault is that?" she said, in the tone of a worried mother. "You kept turning me away when I called on you, and I'd hear all about it from Lily -- how you refused to take a thrall, and were drinking bottled blood --"
Alexander looked uncharacteristically cowed by the scolding. "And I'm sure she's told you that I have a suitable thrall, now, so you needn't worry about my health."
"I'll stop being worried about your health when you start taking proper care of yourself," she said. "But I'd like to meet this thrall of yours. Is this him?"
Even with his master and Miss Lily around him, Oliver could still feel the pull of this new vampire's aura on his mind. It was soothing, almost numbing, and he had the odd thought that she must be a good master. "My name is Oliver Pines, sir, and I am indeed Lord Alexander's thrall. It's a pleasure to meet you."
"Oh, what a polite and charming thrall," Miss Edith said with a smile. She shamelessly took Oliver's chin in her hand to examine his face, and Oliver was surprised that his master didn't seem to mind. "Healthy, and his blood smells very nourishing."
"As you can see, I'm taking care of myself just fine," said Alexander defensively.
"I suppose this is a better state of affairs than your usual. But where are my manners? I haven't introduced myself properly." she said, and then turned back to Oliver. "You may address me as Dr. Edith. I'm a doctor who has served the vampire community for over a century. If you're ever sick or injured, no doubt your master will call on me to help."
"You're a vampire... doctor, sir?"
"There are very few health ailments that can afflict vampires, so I primarily take care of their precious thralls. After all, healthy thralls are necessary for a healthy vampire," she said, with a pointed look at Alexander.
He rolled his eyes with a smile on his face. "Yes, yes, your point has been made."
"And this is Katherine, my faithful nurse," said Dr. Edith, gesturing to the woman who had accompanied her.
Katherine delicately shook Oliver's hand. "Good to meet you." She looked bright-eyed compared to Miriam, but her hand was warm, and she clearly was not a vampire.
"Are you a..."
"Dr. Edith's thrall, yes, and her nurse and assistant and whatever else is required of me."
"I see," he said with relief. He was looking forward to having a chat with a thrall who seemed to still have her wits about her.
While the group was still exchanging pleasantries, hanging up coats and hats, when the doorbell rang once again. It was Miss Ruth, the vampire lawyer who had sized up Oliver's suitability for a clerk at the auction house. She was followed by a tall, broad-shouldered man.
"Do you remember me, Oliver?" she asked.
"Yes, sir, I remember you very well. You asked me to recite state capitals. I'm glad to see you well."
Miss Ruth looked at him with longing. "Oh, I do wish I could have afforded to buy you," she said. "But no matter how hard I work, I just can't compete with Lex's fortune."
The broad-shouldered man was named Charlie, and he was one of Miss Ruth's thralls and law clerks. He favorited Oliver with a stoic nod, and between him and Katherine, he couldn't help but feel a bit self-conscious. Now that he was fully enthralled and owned by a vampire, it was strange to be around other humans, even those in a similar boat. It made him more keenly aware of his situation, and he wondered how he seemed to other people, all too aware that he was under a hypnotic spell.
"Now that all of our guests have arrived, Oliver, why don't you get your tea and refreshments and show the thralls into the second-floor sitting room?" said Alexander. "We'll be meeting in the parlor, and I would prefer not to be disturbed."
"Yes, sir," said Oliver, feeling more than a bit like a child being shooed off so the adults could talk. But even though he'd love to hear what the vampires were discussing -- especially since he seemed to be of particular interest to them -- he was also eager to have a chat with the other thralls.
A few moments later, and he'd enlisted Katherine and Charlie's help in carrying trays to the sitting room. The curtains were open wide, offering a pleasant view of the gaslit city streets and the waning moon. Miriam settled into a plush chair and pulled a knitting project out of a small bag as Oliver poured tea for the four of them.
"Please, help yourself to sandwiches and cookies," he said.
"You're a lovely host, Oliver," Katherine commented. "And so lucid, as well." 
"Um --"
Charlie glared. "An awkward thing to say to a new thrall, don't you think?"
"At my age, I don't see any point dancing around the bush. I've seen hundreds of thralls, after all, and I'm well aware that we're some of the more fortunate ones."
"How long have you two been thralls?" asked Oliver.
"Six years for me," said Charlie.
"I've been with the doctor for nearly thirty years now."
"Thirty years!" said Oliver. "I didn't know... well..."
"Didn't realize that a thrall could last so long in the service of a vampire?" said Katherine, amused. "It's understandable, but it's more common than you might expect. I'm particularly lucky in that my master is a doctor, and so I'm kept very healthy."
"Do you like your master?"
"I do," said Katherine. "I'm under her spell, of course, but after all these years, that's practically background noise. But after having met so many vampires, I'm glad it was the doctor who enthralled me. I meet lots of interesting people and vampires, and I get to help them. I'm never bored. And she's always treated me well."
"I'm also happy to serve my master," said Charlie in a tone that sounded a bit strange. "I mean, I do miss my old life sometimes, and it's hard work to be a clerk, but my living conditions are so much better than when I was working at the factory, that's for sure. My math and reading have improved, too."
"And how about you, Oliver? What's your first impression of serving Lord Alexander?" said Katherine.
Oliver's mind swirled with thoughts, of his master's siren song and his feeding and his need, of the library and the comfortable bed and generous food, of his tiny apartment above the bookshop that used to be modest but his, of the threat of his master's sire.
"It's been good so far. Lord Alexander will be a good master to me, I hope," said Oliver carefully. "But... did you two know his previous thralls?"
Katherine exchanged a look with Charlie. "Ah, yes, Henry. I remember him. He was more... subdued. Like Miriam." 
"Like Miriam," Oliver repeated, his fear of having his mind fade away from him renewed.
Miriam looked up from her knitting. "Hm?"
"Nothing, dear," said Katherine. "I believe that Lord Alexander has, for the most part, always treated his thralls very well. He's a gentle vampire, and he's always treated me with more respect than is due a thrall. But..."
"Well... I have had to treat a number of mysterious injuries on Alexander's previous thralls. Miss Lily's as well. I assume you know what those two have in common."
Charlie looked impatient. "There's no need to beat around the bush. Our vampires won't mind us talking about this. They're probably talking about the same thing," he said. "Oliver, what has Lord Alexander told you about the Maestro?"
"The Maestro?" said Oliver, his eyes widening. "Is that... his sire?"
"Oh dear. Yes, he is," said Katherine. "So he's told you very little. It's the way of vampires, unfortunately. Even my master barely tells me anything."
Oliver gripped his chair. "I need to know. Please, tell me."
"I'm afraid I don't know that much myself. He's notoriously reclusive. But I have had to visit his manor to attend to thralls on a number of occasions. Even my master would prefer not to go there, but she says it's too dangerous to defy him."
"What was he like?"
Katherine leaned in close, as though the subject of their conversation might somehow overhear. "His power lets him control people's bodies utterly. His thralls are like toy soldiers, moving to a drum only they can hear. I'm used to all kinds of thralls, but his were uncanny." Katherine shuddered. "Even though he didn't lay a hand on me, he was glaring at me the entire time, and I could feel his influence pulling at my mind. A feeling as though I had to fall in line immediately, or something terrible would happen. Like I could barely think without him hearing it. I've rarely wanted to flee a manor so quickly as that one."
"That does sound... unpleasant," he said, trying to keep his hands from shaking as he sipped his tea, unable to stop his imagination from conjuring visions of himself being used as little more than a puppet. "And his thralls were injured?"
"My master complained that he hadn't called until they were practically bleeding out -- afterwards, of course, not while we were there. Malnourished, too, with a haunted look about them." She put a hand on his knee with a sympathetic look. "But these were the Maestro's own thralls, not Alexander's. You have far less to worry about here. As I've said, I've always found him to be a very gentle vampire."
"Convenient," huffed Charlie. "A vampire with a reputation for being gentle and honest, who gets to blame all his thralls' injuries on his notoriously cruel sire."
Katherine looked alarmed. "Charlie --"  
"I'm just saying that I find it hard to believe the apple falls that far from the tree."
Before Katherine could interject again, Miriam unexpectedly looked up from her knitting, fear written on her normally placid face. "But it is true," she insisted. "Lord Alexander has never hurt me. Neither has Miss Lily, except when she has to leave me there, and --" Tears began to roll down her face. "I can hear it. I can still hear it. Miss Lily told me I could forget, but I can't, I can't forget or he'll punish me --"
"Miriam, oh dear, Miriam, it's okay," said Katherine, pulling the sobbing thrall into an embrace. "It's all right, Miriam. No one's going to hurt you here. You're safe with us, dear."
"I can dance. I can do the dance perfectly, I promise, just let me try, I can do it." Miriam's anxious mumble was barely intelligible between her crying and the way she was pressed against Katherine.
"Miriam, you aren't there. You aren't anywhere frightening. You're having tea at Lord Alexander's house, remember?"
"I'm at...?"
"Lord Alexander's house. His thrall Oliver is being such a gracious host. It's perfectly safe. See?"
Miriam seemed to wake from her terror almost as quickly as she'd fallen into it. "Oh, of course, I don't know what I was thinking!" she said, glassy-eyed as she lifted her head from Katherine's shoulder. "Oh, I always enjoy when my madam visits Lord Alexander. He's very kind to me."
"Of course he is, dear," said Katherine, patting her back. "We really shouldn't bring up such awful topics around Miriam. She's a sensitive soul. Charlie, how's your baseball team doing?"
Oliver wanted to hear more, even though it terrified him, but he also felt awful that his questioning had thrown Miriam into a panic, so he eagerly went along with the topic change. "You like baseball, Charlie?"
"Love baseball, always have," he said, also looking relieved at the conversation switch. "My master gave me a great radio set, so I can listen to all the games. But my team's doing awful this year -- bottom of the league. They never shoulda traded their star pitcher..." 
As Oliver listened to Charlie rant about blown games and poor referee calls, as Katherine discussed birdwatching and a new bread recipe she'd tried, he could almost forget the fear of his situation and feel a little bit normal.
It was only later, after Charlie and his madam left and Miriam was engrossed in her knitting, that Oliver was able to pull Katherine aside. "Katherine, will you please hear me out?"
"Certainly," she said in a motherly tone. "I know how hard it is, the first few weeks of being a vampire's thrall."
"What you said before..." He glanced around as if he were afraid his master would pop out of the shadows at any moment. "Am I safe here? Will I be all right? I've been conditioned to be unable escape..."
"That's normal, yes. I assume Miss Lily was the one who handled your conditioning?"
"She was."
"Then no, I don't expect you'll be able to escape," she said. She put a hand on Oliver's shoulder. "I can't promise that you will be safe. What I said about the Maestro was all true, and while I do believe Alexander means well on the whole, you're among vampires now. We live in their world, and they do what they will with us."
Oliver felt his gut twist. "So then..."
"I've met so many thralls in my life. Hundreds, probably. Most in worse situations than you, and some in better," she said. "Would you like to hear my honest advice about surviving this?"
"Yes, by all means."
"Find happiness wherever you can. Find joy outside of your master's enthralling and feeding. Hobbies, food, art, education, anything that brings you pleasure -- indulge in it." She smiled warmly. "You'll need these pleasures to keep your mind sharp and keep your soul from despair. When you're permanently a prisoner, you need something tangible to look forward to, even if it's simply a warm drink or a beam of sunshine. You seem like the sort of man who can appreciate the mundane."
"...I like to believe so, yes."
"That's a skill that will serve you well, Oliver," she said. "Even if Alexander and his sire are cruel to you, you'll still have something to hold on to during your darkest moments."
"Something to hold on to..." 
"I think you will figure it out. With how much Lord Alexander seems to prize you, it wouldn't surprise me to meet you here twenty years from now, looking back on our lives with our vampires."
She seemed to mean it, and that gave Oliver hope.
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I really enjoy Edith as a character and hope to write at least one side story with her.
@d-cs @latenightcupsofcoffee @thecyrulik @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @wanderinggoblin @whumpyourdamnpears @only-shadows-dwell-where-we-are @pressedpenn @pigeonwhumps @amusedmuralist @xx-adam-xx @ivycloak @irregular-book @whumpsoda @mj-or-say10 @pokemaniacgemini @sowhumpshaped @whumpsday @morning-star-whump @shinyotachi @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @pirefyrelight @theauthorintraining @whump-me-all-night-long @anonfromcanada @typewrittenfangs @tessellated-sunl1ght @cleverinsidejoke @abirbable @ichorousambrosia @a-formless-entity @gobbo-king @writinggremlin @the-agency-archives @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @enigmawriteswhump @foresttheblep @bottlecapreader @whump-on-a-string @whumpinthepot @cinnamoncandycanes @avvail-whumps @tauntedoctopuses @secret-vampkissers-soiree
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cranberrytea451 · 11 months
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“Death is mercy, execution is vengeance.”
“How many people do you plan on…executing?”
“Who said anything about people?”
Before you could have called her a marine biologist, maybe a lover of nature. She was once a carefree doe, but even with all her graceful freedom, she couldn’t out run a bullet.
Neither could a hunter.
A hunter, fisher, and tracker by trade Hydie guts the things she once spent so much time admiring and studying. However, she’s after something more elusive than manatee, dolphins or whales: she wants a siren. A very specific siren.
Sirens are considered myths and fairytales in some waters, but not the ones she is navigating. Hydie used to have dreams of meeting one, maybe even having the pleasure of studying it up close.
Presently, she can count on one hand how many she has studied with the edge of her blade. Though her notes are scarce, there is one thing she breaths as she shatters their bones.
“It’s not real”
Sirens have the ability to wear the face of lost loved ones. Though their appearance is often a mockery, like a half finished clay mask, their voices rang true and clear. So, really, after the first couple times she should have gotten used hearing him scream. At least they could never replicate the sound from…
She’ll follow Motti on her quest. Foolish. Loyal. The red head needed a crew, and Hydie needed to sail dangerous waters. Maybe they will both find what they are looking for.
Perhaps, when it was finished, her captain will still have the same fire in her eyes. All Hydie can do is hope Motti is prepared for the kind of sea the ‘Black Fiend’ was sailing on.
Lex was right. Everyone had a past they were running from…
…but if Lex could stop putting hers down (booze bottles) on her notes that would be great. Hydie’s papers now had little condensation rings.
@caycanteven and @mothiepixie I’m just jumping on the boat if that’s okay 👍
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Jack and Maddie get commissioned by a billionaire named Lex Luthor to develop a device that would allow him to rival members of the Justice League explaining that he believed they were possessed. They ended up falling for it and developed a watch like device that can tell time and via a hidden switch can access the creature database of the device they call the Fenton Teratrix. Well as they're working on it Sam breaks into the lab to free the animals that Jack and Maddie had used DNA samples from and return them to the zoo without Danny's help since she doesn't want him in trouble. Well during this she losses her balance on a stool she was using to get the cage containing an otter down and the Teratrix latches onto her wrist and won't come off. The Fenton parents hadn't added a release feature yet. Sam gets the animals back to the zoo and goes to test out what exactly the Teratrix can do and finds her starting line up, which are the only ones in the watch
A large iguana like alien with red spines running down their back. They stand on their hind legs. They can spit balls of magma, use echo location via spine rattling, have red hot claws and can shoot red hot spins from tail. Their abilities rival Heatblast
an otter like alien that can create sharp crystals like Diamondhead while being faster and smaller
a cheetah like alien with sharp claws and an anthropomorphic build and some sort of armor with a visor, this alien is capable of potentially out running XLR8
a dog like alien that can create a sonic boom of a bark, a howl to echo locate, and tracking abilities that rival Wildmutt
a dragonfly like alien that leans more into the reptilian appearance, it's clearly a splice between a lizard and a humming bird, it can fly fast and breathe smoke, it can out maneuver stinkfly
a crocodile alien with sharp spikes and the ability to switch between two and four legs and spit high powered water blasts. It can rival Ripjaws in power
a small hyper intelligent frog alien with psychic powers its intelligence rivals Greymatter
a ghostly crow or raven like alien that can turn invisible, phase through objects, fly, and possess others, it is meant to be a stand in for Ghostfreak but won't turn evil
a wolf like alien that rivials Fourams in strength, maneuverability, and agility, it has sharp porcupine quills and can use it's howl to create a siren song to lure people to sleep or create a concussive blast of sound
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lexmiren · 7 months
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holding a rose.
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e-nonsense · 2 years
𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐩𝐭. 𝟏
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⇢ ʙᴀᴛꜰᴀᴍ x ʙᴀᴛꜱɪꜱ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
⇢ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ » ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ, ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ, ᴍᴜʀᴅᴇʀ, ɢᴜɴ ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴄᴇ
⇢ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ɪꜱ ʙʀᴜᴄᴇ ᴡᴀʏɴᴇ'ꜱ ᴜɴᴏꜰꜰɪᴄɪᴀʟ ᴅᴀᴜɢʜᴛᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀ ᴍᴇʀᴄᴇɴᴀʀʏ, ꜱʜᴇ ᴅᴏᴇꜱɴ'ᴛ ꜱᴘᴇɴᴅ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ɪɴ ɢᴏᴛʜᴀᴍ. ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ꜱʜᴇ ɢᴇᴛꜱ ᴘᴀɪᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴋɪʟʟ ᴛʜᴇ ᴊᴏᴋᴇʀ
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You ignored the loud noise of the police sirens behind in the distance, you were more focused on the Gotham Knights following you in the distance on the rooftops.
Sure they were on the roof and you were on your bike, but you did have Red Hood on his motorbike following you. You took a sharp left, hoping to lose your tail, but Jason was the one to teach you to drive so of course he'd make the turn. But he lost sight of you.
"Why are we even chasing the Knight?" ah yes your code name, always doing things for justice, a habit you picked up from your father. You only took the jobs that paid well and punished people who deserved it. But the right way, even the jobs that didn't pay properly, you could always convince them to give more. You've done jobs in a lot of places, never in one place for too long, not even Gotham and you've kept off Batman's radar.
They didn't know that it was you in the suit, people called you many names. Angel of death, White Knight, some viewed you a king, even a god, but the one name everyone agreed on was "The Knight". you didn't like it at first but it grew on you.
Back to the chase, you turned into car park, because you weren't stupid you couldn't outrun the Gotham knights, maybe some of them. Besides, the batarang stuck in your thigh was hurting you.
You stopped your bike and got off, sitting on the ground trying to pull the batarang with minimal damage. You heard the sound of several boots hitting the ground and you knew this was definitely the moment they found out it was you.
"Knight" Bruce's gruff Batman voice made you flinch, you knew they wouldn't notice because the mask you wore covered the bottom half of your face and your eyes, any important feature.
"Batman" you tried to mimic his voice, but your voice modulator made it sound deeper and less funny.
All the other bats had surrounded you in case you tried to flee, but other than their footsteps they were quiet.
"Y'know the mask is kinda intimidating" your comment got no reaction from him, until you pulled the batarang out of you leg like it was nothing "Mine's kind off hard to breath in right now" his eyes were fixed on you, you were sure he wasn't blinking. Funny how differently you get treated when they don't know it's you.
You tapped the side of the mask, and the nanites released and formed a nice stylish choker around your neck, (you stole it from Lex Luthor and got a friend to alter it for you).
Soft gasps and curses spread around the room. You looked up at Bruce and smiled, right before passing out.
Oh god what will Alfred think
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© ᴜɴᴏꜰꜰɪᴄɪᴀʟ-ᴊᴀʏᴛᴏᴅᴅ-ᴡɪꜰᴇ. ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ/ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟ/ᴛʀᴀɴꜱʟᴀᴛᴇ
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dcxdpdabbles · 4 months
Master Posts Links
All the dabbles I have posted on my DC x DP account. Under a read more due to how long it is. Broken into three categories:
Multi-parts - Dabbles that have more than one part written.
One-shots- Dabbles with only one part written.
Requests- Dabbles written for the requests of readers. (Note: If a request is for a continuation of the other two categories, they will be filed in Milti-parts)
Master Post 1 Link
Master Post 2 Link
Please read the indexes to determine which master post each au is filed in.
As of 02/10/2024: The newest stuff is inside of Master Post 2. If there are many parts from Master Post 1, they will remain on that one.
The Royal Consort,
The Bakery is a Front!...right?,
Child Support
Alfred's Boy
The Adoptive Son
Phantom's Number 1 fan
Passion for Fashion
Danny and The Fan Blog
Congratulations! It's Triplets!:
Ghost King Summon dare
The Dauntless Matchmaker
Demon and Angel Brat
The Assistant
The Ghost Trio's Food Trip
Legal Compensation
Love Among Fans
Lex Luther's Youngest
Misplace Baby:
The Infinite Realms Hobby Store:
Obsession Runs in the Family
Farm Hand
Vague Threats
Game of Deadly Love
The Real Blood Son
The Kid of Candles
Magic Older Brother
Keep The God Kid Busy!
Dog walker
Clockwork's Cookbook
Respawn and Relive
The Summoning Conditions of the Ghost King
Finders Keeper
What's the rule again?
The Contact, the Butler and the Sly Time Lord
Big Fish in Gotham Pond:
Immunity system:
Wrong Number:
Timeline Prevention Squad
The Masters are Aliens
Ghost Zone Read
Red Hood's Snow
Jason Sees Dead People
Ghost Dad
Wayne Manor Ghost
The Siren of Iceberg Lounge
Single Dad
The Orginal
The Ghost King's Fibs
Red ParentHood
Woo thy Butler, My Lord
Jason's Doll
Cass the Halfa
Double Vision
Dealeyed Soulmates
Rescue Mission
Danny's Online Persona
Practice makes perfect
Alley Boyfriends:
Cave Boy
Cass the Halfa
Danny's Grill
Freelance Inventor
The Audit
Why Ten?
Mr. Flavor
Red Yummy
It's all Fun and Games Kids!
Professional Protector of Love
The Backroads
In 30 Minutes or less
One hell of a good bellhop
Mr. Flavor
Danny Fenton's Ex
Corporate Rivals
Rude Kryptonian
The Summoned Demon
New Management
Batman with a gun's lover
IRS's boogie man
Super Robin
Dear Elder Brother's mistakes
The Undead Florist
Pit's Merman
Dullahan is my roomate
Cluster of Cores
Nightowl Appartement
Demon Head slightly to the left
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dcsnextgaycharacter · 5 months
Not a full list but can people send me panels they would like to see for any ship below, need to outsource help (Hank ships are in here but I don't need help with those, I am using Green Lantern/Sentinel: Heart of Darkness panels for HankTodd):
Hal/Ollie JayRoy HankTodd Match/Inertia Dick/Joey Joe Morgan/Al Pratt Bart Allen/Preston Lindsay Riddler/Scarecrow Jason Blood/Bruce Wayne Dinah/Helena Clark Kent/John Henry Irons Clark/Lex DinahOllieHal Mister Mind/The Joker Tiger/Dick Chastantine Rose/Cassie Edwin Payne/Charles Rowland Diana/Kate Kane Constantine/Lucifer Cassandra Cain/Rose Wilson Helena/Renee Sandman/Corinthian Jay Garrick/Alan Scott/Richard Swift Linda Park/Wally West/Hartley Rathaway The Shade/Jack Knight Richard Swift/Charles McNider BerKon Renee/Scandal Wally/Kyle Riddler/Penguin Hal/Earth Villains Lois Lane/Selina Kyle Ollie Queen/Eddie Fyers Plastic Man/Vic Sage Halowog Cosmic Boy/Lightning Lord Coldflash Maps Mizoguchi/Gold Beetle Nightwing/Catman Black Canary/Lady Shiva Tatsu Yamashiro/Selina Kyle Mr Freeze/Bruce Wayne Vixen/Wonder Woman Superbat Barbara/Kara Wally West/Pied Piper Max Lord/Booster Gold Harper Row/Punchline Brainiac 5/Superman Batjokes Riddlebat Jon Kent/Ash Damian/Jay Cir El/Natasha Irons/Traci 13 HalJohn HalGuy HalKyle HalAlan Beth/Yolanda HankCam Bluepulse
Sandwave Batlantern Brainiac 5/Invisible Kid DickGarth Lightray/Orion Catman/Deadshot Donna/Starfire TimKon MidDickPollo Wonder Woman/Circe Lee Travis/Wesley Dodds/Dian Belmont Boostle Todd/Kaldur Dinahbabs Bruharv Konbart BeaTora Anita Fite/Traci 13 JonDami CissieCassie Ghostbat TimJon StephCass Supercorp Dick/Wally Virgil Hawkins/Richie Foley Courtney/Emiko Talia Kane/Laurel Kent Isamot Kol/Vath Sarn Pied Piper/Trickster Two-face/Riddler Wonder Woman/Cheetah SinHal Tim/Lonnie Birds of Prey Polycule GuyJohn AnitaCissie StephMia TimBerBartKon DinahZatanna CarolDiana JessKori DickRoy BruceOllie GuyDick Bernard Dowd/Jay Nakamura Karen Starr/Helena Wayne Halbarry BruceConstantine Young Justice Polycule Lois/Diana Lex Luthor/Braniac Max Lord/Ted Kord Jessica Cruz/Soranik Natu Lex Luthor/Will Magnus Pre N52 Kara Zor El and Stephanie Brown Steph/Mia Mia/Cissie Alan Scott/Jay Garrick Selina Kyle/Talia Al Ghul Gotham City Sirens Polycule Kyle/Connor
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