#sirius black motorbike
aeteut · 2 years
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sirius <3
By likeafunerall, and reposted with permission.
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evyltalks · 1 year
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Wear you helmets kids and happy pride !! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
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Fleamont: You
Sirius, blinking heavily:
Fleamont, handing Sirius the keys to his old motorbike:
Sirius: Why would you give it to me?
Fleamont: Because you’re a great best friend to my little Jamie. And you’ve got a big heart. And you. Deserve. It
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lulublack90 · 4 months
Prompt 27 - Blind Date
@wolfstarmicrofic May 27, word count 984
Sirius had agreed to go on a new TV show designed for you to basically pick a blind date. It was hosted by a blonde that he couldn’t quite remember her name. Nita, Tina? 
He was behind the scenes being prepped by a producer or something. 
He was placed behind the stage, ready to go on when he was called. With him was the presenter. He still couldn’t remember her name. She completely ignored him and barked orders at her poor PA. 
“Ready when you are Ms. Skeeter.” A woman with a headset and microphone said.
“Good, let’s get this over with.” She said with a total lack of enthusiasm. 
“Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s Blind Date, and here is your host, Ms Rita Skeeter!” The announcer told the audience. Rita burst through from the side of the stage, waving and blowing kisses at her cheering audience. 
“Hello and welcome to Blind Date.” Rita smiled, opening her arms wide. “We have three lovely young men all hoping to go on a blind date tonight and here they are!” She swept her arms to the side and that was the last Sirius saw, as he was promptly spun around so he couldn’t see the stage. 
“He shouldn’t have been left here!” Someone shouted. “He can’t see the contestants, that's the whole point of the show.”
He was rushed to another part of the backstage while Rita introduced the three men he was going to choose between. 
“Right you’re on,” He was suddenly pushed out a little door and onto the main stage. 
There was a single chair in the middle of the stage and a large partition, blocking his view of the others. 
“Hello, Sirius!” Rita gushed. “Sirius is from London and from what I’ve seen, all of our contestants will want to take him home.” Sirius sat in the chair, holding the cards with his pre-written questions. “Right, Sirius, you have your questions, so let’s get started!” The crowd clapped as Sirius cleared his throat.
“I’m a boy who likes a good time. I don’t like to be bored. If you could keep me entertained, what would we do? Er, contestant number 1.” He spoke clearly. 
“What an excellent question, Sirius, but let’s make sure to keep our answers clean gentlemen.” Rita spoke a bit louder over the partition. The crowd ate her words up.
“Well, I’d take you to my favourite spa and treat you to a bit of pampering and then, after that, I have a box at the theatre.” Contestant number 1 answered. Sirius pulled a face, he was bored already. 
“Er, thanks number 1. Number 2, same question.” He hoped it was better than the last. 
“I’d take you to the races and then out for an elegant dinner at the savoy before we head back to mine for drinks looking out over the Thames.” Was the answer number 2 gave. Sirius rolled his eyes, fat chance of that happening. He felt like giving up already. 
“Sounds like fun,” He tried to smile. “Number 3 your turn.” 
Number three took a second to answer. 
“I’d take you on a tour of London,” Oh lord, Sirius thought, all duds. “But the secret London. I know where the hidden passageways are and the gorier stories to tell. I’d probably end up at my favourite bookshop, which has a fireplace and café where we could curl up with a good book before we go out in the dark to search for the hundreds of ghosts that are meant to haunt London.” Sirius was literally on the edge of his seat. He didn’t need to hear anymore. He'd already decided who he wanted. 
“Oooo, such different answers,” Rita cooed. “Next question, Sirius,”
“Dogs or cats? For all three again.”
“Neither,” That one got a boo.
“Dogs,” Sirius smiled. He shuffled to his last card. 
“How do you feel about motorbikes?” He had his fingers crossed. 
“Love, love, love, them,”
“Sorry, no. They don't agree with my hair.”
“Hate, not a chance you’ll get me on one.” Well, 2 out of 3 at least. 
“Alright Sirius, you’ve asked your questions, do you know who you’re going to pick?” Rita asked, trying to look serious. He nodded. 
“Yes, contestant number 3.” Cheers erupted from the crowd.
“Let’s see who you didn’t pick. Come on over number 1.” A tall dark-skinned handsome gentleman walked around the partition. “Kingsley, such a shame,” Rita shook her head. Sirius shook Kingsley's hand, and he walked off the stage. “Number 2,” Rita called. A blonde man, who’d clearly spent too much time on his appearance. “Poor, poor, Gilderoy. Don’t worry sweetheart, you’ll find someone,” Gilderoy waved at the crowd and blew them kisses, forgetting to shake Sirius’s hand before he left. “And finally, the moment we’ve been waiting for. Sirius’s pick. Let me introduce Remus!” Rita cheered.
Remus walked around and Sirius felt his heart skip a beat. Remus looked shyly at him and rewarded him with a smile. Sirius forgot he was on a TV show and took Remus’s hand before trying to lead him off the stage. “Wait!” Rita called," we have to give you your getaway prize.” 
Reluctantly, Sirius led Remus back across the stage and waited for Rita to continue. “Well, Sirius and Remus, we are sending you on a weekend trip to the lake district. What do you think of that?”
“It sounds wonderful Rita, thank you very much. Now, if you don’t mind, this one’s got a tour to start.” That time he ignored everyone and he and Remus made their escape. 
“Hi,” He said once they were outside. 
“Hi,” Remus said back. Sirius knew just from sight that he and Remus would work out. So, being a bit cheeky, he pushed Remus up against the side of the recording studio and leaned in for a kiss. Remus closed the gap and that was that. 
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remus: fuck pure bloods!
sirius: please do.
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roblogging · 16 days
in our professional opinion as fanfiction connoiseurs, is it flirting for the queer barber i've gone to thrice now to say my hair smells beautiful and "i hope it diffuses into the air here" when actually i use fragrance free haircare
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lonely-parrot · 3 months
Routine and motorbike
@jegulus-microfic june prompts
Day 19: Mechanical
Word count : 1113
Summary: Regulus doesn't feel good, how will he escape that? Bit angsty I guess, reference to depression
Every day of Regulus’ life is the same way.
He wakes up, in a too big bed, Mr. Kreach comes and open his curtains for him. He goes downstairs to eat with his parents that he greets the way they taught him to.
And life goes. And life goes.
School has ended for a year, but Regulus isn’t in a wedding hurry. He’s only nineteen, and his parents have agreed to wait for a bit before choosing his wife for him. He learns how to handle the fortune of the families.
He learns how to be the Heir his brother should have been. He’s not as good as him.
Every day of Regulus’ life is the same way.
He lives through them as a robot would. Mechanical.
James doesn’t understand a single thing to what Sirius does, but that doesn’t prevent him from loving to spend time watching him lovingly fix an old motorbike. Sirius is good with that, mechanic and all. He tried to teach it all to James, who has only ever had a smile and a vague nod, so he ended up stopping. Now, he talks about that to his dad.
And to Moony, but it isn’t really fair or objective because he doesn’t understand either; Moony is just the type that would pay to listen Sirius talks, and Sirius doesn’t care that Remus doesn’t understand, because he just loves when he stares at him lovingly like he does while he gets to talk about what he likes.
Anyway, James never had to understand it to love it, just because it makes Sirius happy. It had been one of the first thing Sirius was able to get up for after he moved to the Potters. You could have thought that, after having left his abusive household, he’d be happy, but it hasn’t worked that way. For months, he couldn’t leave his bed, he spent his time fixing up the wall, only moving to go to the toilette, and when one of the Potter came and forced him to eat.
James remembers the day he arrived to take care of Sirius – since he couldn’t do it himself, and James will always do what Sirius can’t, and Sirius does what James can’t – their dad just bought a motorbike, wanting to fix it. That information had made Sirius look at James, something rare enough to be noticeable. The days after, all the Potters talked about it, until Sirius asked if he could see it.
James sometimes wonders how things would have happened without that. Hopefully, he can ask all he wants, he doesn’t have to see it. Instead, he can watch Sirius, covered in motor oil, grinning at him like a child, while they talk about everything.
“I love you, Siri…”
Sirius looks at him, a bit surprised. His smile returns quickly.
“Love you too, Jamie!”
Always the same.
Always the same.
Not the good same.
Not the comforting same. The one that chokes you. One that makes Regulus go crazy.
Waking up. Greetings, eating. Reading. Snob partying. Eating. Sleeping.
Nothing great.
Nothing. It’s always the same. Even the tears that streams on his cheeks until the odd hours of the night are the same. The muffled sobs against his pillows until he can’t breathe, until he wishes he really wasn’t.
He needs to escape.
He thinks of Sirius. The night he escaped, he told Regulus, “come with me, we don’t need them. With me, you’ll always be safe. Please…”. Regulus stayed here.
Regulus wants to call Sirius’ name at night, because he needs to be saved, and who better than Sirius?
“Do you think of your brother sometimes?”
Sirius seems furious.
“Why do you ask that?”
“I don’t know, I just remember him younger, and I wonder how he is now…”
“He’s living the nobility life I quit. There’s nothing else to say. He was always more fit to that than I am. He’s probably really happy.”
“What if he isn’t, though? What if he isn’t and he has no one to save him?”
He needs to stop that.
He can’t let it stay that way forever.
He looks at the hill from his window. He needs to do something.
A motor roars outside, an unusual sound, up in the manor.
“What if he isn’t, though?”
“James. James!”
Sirius is at James’ side, near his bed.
“Wa’sgoin’ on?”
“I need to see him.”
“You should sleep, and we’ll go tomorrow.”
“James. I need it now. Please.”
Now, they’re on the first motorbike Sirius bought alone, in the middle of the night, travelling the countryside.
The motor comes closer.
A motorbike on the perfectly neat lane. Black hair flying against the sky.
Regulus knows that silhouette from instinct alone; Sirius is here. Sirius has come back for him. He runs down the stairs, he opens the big door and arrives there, just in front of Sirius and James, both waiting on him.
“You’ve come.”
First thing James notices: Regulus is pretty.
Second thing: he looks like Sirius when he moved to their house; he looks bad.
Regulus is packing. Sirius hasn’t let their parents talk, and Regulus is packing, with Sirius and James at his side, and he’s going away.
Since in all the years they’ve spent aside, Sirius hasn’t lost his ability to be an idiot, they’ll be forced to wait a few hours for Fleamont Potter to come with a truck to fetch the motorbike, since all three of them can’t fit.
And then.
Regulus seems to live his departure as bad as Sirius. Sirius who spends hours every day with him.
One day, Sirius is occupied, so James comes and take his place. He starts talking to him about Sirius. About mechanic. How’s that work, even though he doesn’t really understand. Basically, it’s the same everywhere, to a few minor variations.
“My life was like that.”
Regulus spoke.
Regulus spoke!
“Mechanical. Everything was the same. Everything was… it was too much.”
“Has it changed?”
Regulus wants to talk more.
He does, days after days. He’s eager for when James is going to be there. He’s more willing to eat. He goes and cleans himself.
James spends time with him after.
James is handsome.
Regulus is getting better, and he likes to hear James talks. One day, he grabs his hand, of his own will, like that.
Apparently, he likes to watch James, to hear him, and he really really likes to hold his hand.
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sliebman10 · 4 months
Sex and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
(I finally finished this one and it's my first prompt for @wolfstarbingo2024)
Sirius had been working in the garage for most of this warm, sultry afternoon. He was leaning over, cleaning his tools when he heard Remus come in. Remus paused in the doorway to admire the view. Sirius’s black hair fell in soft tendrils around his face as it came loose from his messy bun. His white tee shirt was damp with sweat and stained with grease and his ripped work jeans hugged his body in all of the right places. He looked delicious, Remus thought. Good enough to eat. 
Sirius turned around as he wiped his fingers on the microfiber cloth. Remus approached him slowly, taking the cloth out of his hands as he did so. He opened Sirius’s hand and passed the cloth over it, gently massaging the spots that were still black with grease until all of the grime was gone, leaving Sirius’s long, pale fingers pristine again. Remus raised his wrist and brushed the inside with his lips, feeling Sirius’s pulse quicken at the caress. 
“Did you fix what you needed to?” Remus asked, still holding his wrist as he ran his thumb over it gently, feeling his pulse quicken.
“Yeah. Should be good to go,” Sirius said, his eyes following Remus’s thumb. “You finished grading those papers?”
Remus nodded, as he tugged on Sirius’s wrist, pulling him close. “All done,” Remus murmured as he kissed him deeply, parting his lips with his own, running his tongue along his lower lip. He’d been waiting all afternoon for this.
Read more here.
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in-flvx · 2 years
Click. Click. Click.
The sound of Remus' camera shutter quietly melts into the background the more photos he takes.
Sirius smiles to himself, half wondering what could be so interesting for Remus to photograph in his garage, but still too engulfed in his work to look up from it.
Sirius loved that muggle camera. Loved that the pictures just stood still, that people in them didn't have a live of their own. He always thought that those still pictures were a much better glimpse in the past than the Wizarding ones. More real somehow.
Remus must have used up an entire film, when he finally sits down beside Sirius and pulls him into his arms, kissing him sweetly behind his ear.
"I made art today, padfoot," he whispers, voice warm and excited. Sirius chuckles. "refined your technique, have you?" Sirius wipes his oily fingers on his flannel, but tilts up his head to press a kiss to Remus jaw. Remus was apparently too lazy to shave this morning, so his lips meet stubble. Sirius has to kiss the same spot again, just for good measure.
Remus pulls him closer still, until Sirius sits between Remus' long, jeans clad legs. "it's not the technique that makes today's work art, it's the subject," Remus corrects, moving his head away from sirius mouth, to bury his nose in Sirius' hair. "is that so? What'd you photograph then?" Sirius melts back into Remus.
"you, of course!" Remus mumbles into Sirius' hair, and Sirius feels his heart speed up, a prickling heat spreading through his body. Sometimes Remus said the most romantic things, and always so matter of factly as if they were supposed to be obvious. Sirius was never prepared for it.
"You are my muse, Sirius. My inspiration. Anything involving you becomes art just by contact. Don't you know that, silly?"
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ziggstar · 6 months
ultra specific headcanon that is so right: the black brothers can't ride a bike. at all.
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staghunting · 3 months
sirius' motorbike, part 1
i started researching stuff for a timetravel au where genderswapped harry potter was gifted an enchanted motorbike like sirius', got distracted from writing because real life is so much more interesting than shitty worldbuilding by a terf, and basically just hadn't done anything.
but i have headcanons!
hagrid rides two different bikes in the movies- a bonneville in the first movie, then a royal enfield with a watsonian sidecar in DH1.
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in the first movie specifically, they used a 1959 Triumph 650cc T120 Bonneville. pretty fast, pretty big, pretty classic, and an incredibly British motorbike. it would make sense for sirius, freshly disowned and getting a not-insignificant inheritance from his uncle in golden galleons, to buy the most muggle thing he could.
and what's more muggle than transportation? although public transportation, arguably, is more human than having personal equipment you can use to get around (since the wizards used brooms to that effect before specializing in portkeys and manufacturing brooms primarily for sports), you cannot tell me that posh sirius, who grew up as a sheltered magical heir in the middle of muggle London but wouldn't be in a place to socialize with them, would care for the Tube during rush hour
being born with generational magic arguably means that inhabitants of 12 Grimmauld Place would use the floo or apparate instead of using the front door, where they had the chance of running into filthy muggles. and having a front door that is nothing more than decoration is such a rich people thing to do honestly.
so sirius would probably have bought a bonneville. he probably sat around the cafe racers in london, acting cool and undercover though everybody could tell he was too shiny and weird for the place, and more or less caught the motorbike bug. like a thrillseeking college-age kid with too much money to burn, of course he'd choose to buy a liter bike for his first motorbike, possibly secondhand from one of the racers he'd befriended because he believes it's much more better broken in and all that
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now, as to whether sirius actually liked being a motorbike owner...
i reckon he did. i don't think sirius played quidditch, though regulus in canon played, but he would fly around with james sometimes- i reckon he's a speed demon gryffindor like his other half. him on a bike and james on a broom in the skies would lead to soooo many great shenanigans that the world outside of 70s london would not be able to handle
and there's two pieces of extra-canon stuff that give evidence to this. the first being this photo from the props department for DH1, a motorcycle manual that can be seen in sirius' old bedroom.
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the motorbikes, motorbike company, and publishing company were all fictional, but if sirius had a manual presumably before he ran away in 1976, it would mean he was really serious (lol) about owning a motorcycle, if not riding
when he bought the motorbike is answered in the other extra-canon thing i mentioned. the terf once wrote a sort of prequel story for a charity auction (which later got stolen lmao?) which detailed freshly-seventeen james potter and sirius black giving the muggle police the run around in london
the story goes that they were on a night out, going beyond the speed limit, and when cornered in an alley they used the thing to fly abovehead
i don't have a copy of the actual story though i'm sure someone somewhere has it printed out and framed in their home. however, the story does have james and sirius lift up the police car to crash into three broomriders, who were also presumably about to arrest them for using magic in front of muggles (but NOT for underage magic)
the story took place three years before harry was born, so sirius black already had a motorbike and made some memories (and perhaps, highly illegal unregulated enchantments) on it on 1977.
this bike would've improved and gotten deadlier when he lent it to hagrid that night in godric's hollow, where he said that he "won't need it anymore."
i like to think sirius did not go ghost rider on peter when he could, because you can't really ride a motorbike safely when in a vengeful all consuming rage- that leads to death, and with death comes a lack of vengeance, and damn it if he won't avenge james.
the bike hagrid was using would look the way sirius rode it last. at first glance it doesn't look like it has any mods, so if sirius enchanted it to fly amongst other things, it would probably be spelled or carved into the engine or the body. the terf didn't really make it clear how the magic system in her fuck ass fictional world works, so we're left to interpret how enchanting stuff permanently/long term would work, as in the case of quidditch brooms or the entirety of hogwarts itself.
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hagrid would use sirius' motorbike once more, to rescue harry potter from privet drive permanently (and for some, seven years too late to do so)
[more on part 2]
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ravenoclock · 2 months
Marlene after Sirius showed her his motorbike: that’s an ugly oversized bike.
Marlene, shrugging: They both have the word bike in it they’re basically the same
Sirius, fed up: Now see here, McKinnon-
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
my cousin keeps posting dumb shit on his Instagram story but I love him and am legally obligated to like it -Andromeda at some point
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lulublack90 · 8 months
Prompt 22 - Rough
@wolfstarmicrofic January 22, word count 279
Opposite - Smooth
Remus had a love-hate relationship with Sirius’s motorbike. He loved how much joy it brought Sirius, but he hated the fact that it was a flying motorbike. It had been a rough trip the first time Sirius had taken him out on it. The bike had been jerky setting off, nearly unseating him, and when Sirius landed it, he was unseated. He was lucky that the ground was soft or he could have been badly hurt. 
He’d been cleaning in the garage when he’d stumbled and put his hand out to stop himself from falling. His hand hit the bike and somehow knocked it over. The sound of metal scraping on concrete was loud in the small area. 
He gritted his teeth as he pulled the heavy vehicle up from where it lay. On the side of the body was a huge scratch and scuff mark. Remus ran his fingers over it, feeling the rough texture beneath his fingers. Before he could even think about how to fix it, Sirius appeared. 
“Oh,” He said, frowning as he took in the damage. “You gave her a scar, Remus.” He touched the mark on his motorbike and withdrew his wand. 
“I’m so sorry, Sirius. It was an accident.” Sirius looked up, taking in the way Remus’s brow furrowed with worry. 
“It’s fine. Don’t worry, Remus, she’ll be good as new once I’m done with her.” Relief flooded through him, and he watched in awe as Sirius wiped away the scratch as if it were nothing. He had to admit he did such a good job that you wouldn’t have even known it had been there. He still hated that thing though. 
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ifyoucandaniel · 1 year
hmmm yes thinking things. thinking post apocalyptic sirius things…… thinking art things. thinkingggggg maybe post apocalyptic sirius with a steve harrington bat and tattoos and a motorcycle finding remus and making a bad pun ab riding his bike……. thinking about james and sirius taking on the apocalypse….. my time has come.
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chitaayakuqing · 1 year
(I'm sure someone has done this one but) Cop: Do you know why I pulled you over? Sirius: Nope. Cop: You have three people on one motorcycle. Sirius: Wait, three? James: OH NO— Remus: PETER FELL OFF
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