#sirius black x son
finding solace
sirius black x son reader
description: sirius and his son havent had much time to catch up, but it seems he and harry have already bonded as father-son. you feel neglected and sirius realizes he's been neglecting you as a father.
The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix was bustling with activity. Harry Potter and Sirius Black were engrossed in conversation, catching up with each other since Sirius's return from Azkaban. While this was happening, you watched from a corner of the dimly lit room. Lately, it seemed like Harry was the only person his father had time for. It had been two years since your father's return, and you hadn't been able to talk to him much at all. You couldn't help but feel neglected, and it was beginning to weigh on you.
One night, after everyone had gone to bed, you found yourself alone in the living room. You couldn't hold back his tears any longer, you were thinking too much about everything with your father and were filled with self-doubt. Remus noticed you while passing by the room. And he cleared his throat to make his presence known. He walked over to the couch next to yours.
"May I sit here, Y/n?" Remus asked gently.
You wiped your tears away hastily before answering. "Sure, Remus."
Remus sat down. "What's bothering you, Y/n?"
Leo hesitated for a moment before opening up. "It's just... it seems like my dad only cares about Harry. I've never even really talked to him before, and I can't help but wonder if I'm not good enough for him to pay attention to. I've never really had a father, he's been in Azkaban, and in the orphanage, you don't find parents." You laughed a bit at how that sounded. You hadn't intended to say so much but once your mouth opened you couldn't stop yourself, and your tears seemed to be flowing with no bounds.
Remus put a comforting arm around your shoulders, bringing you close. "I understand why you feel that way, but your father cares about you deeply. Sometimes he gets so caught up in protecting Harry that he forgets to show it. Still, that doesn't make it right, I'll talk to him about it, okay?"
You nodded, grateful for Remus's understanding and now reassured that he would talk to Sirius.
The next day, after a particularly tense Order meeting, Remus found an opportunity to speak with Sirius regarding your feelings.
"Sirius," Remus began with a stern tone, "I want to talk to you. Do you realize how much time you've been spending with Harry in comparison to Y/n? If you haven't, then you should know that Y/n's been feeling pretty neglected, and he's not wrong for it. You need to change something."
Sirius's expression shifted from concern to guilt. "I didn't even realize. I've been so focused on Harry and the Order..."
Remus put a hand on Sirius's shoulder. "I know, but Y/n needs you too. He's your son, and he deserves your attention." Remus understood to some point how Sirius was feeling, he was the one who had gone through Azkaban and he could tell his mind was still a bit scattered.
Later that evening after dinner, Sirius sought you out and found you in the kitchen, sitting at the dining table. Your expression showed that you were still feeling down.
"Y/n, can we talk?" Sirius asked gently, and you nodded, "I'm so sorry for not being there for you as much as I should have been. I've been absent and I'm sorry for not making as much of an effort to be here now. I'm honestly still sort of messed up, but I'm not going to let that excuse anything, and I promise from here onward I will make more of an effort to be present."
You looked up, surprised and relieved. "Really, Dad?"
Sirius nodded, a deep sense of guilt in his eyes. "Absolutely. We'll do things together, just the two of us, like we should have all along. I don't want you to feel neglected when you have me."
He wrapped an arm around you and you leaned into his touch, taking in his musk scent, and it felt like the rift that had formed between the two of you was beginning to slowly heal.
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lolo-gay · 16 days
One random day in the Great Hall
Bellatrix : The Noble House of Black will always be on top !
Remus : *spits out his pumpkin juice and starts laughing uncontrollably*
Sirius : *blush furiously while trying to get Remus to shut up bc everyone is looking at them*
James : *trying for his deer life (and failing) to understand what's so funny*
Lily : *smirks* *just smirks*
Minnie : *gives her 5 galleons while looking visibly frustrated and glaring at Sirius*
Remus : *laughs even harder if it's possible*
Regulus : *trying to forget the horrible traumatic images that are forming in his head and silently crying*
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cherryslyce · 1 year
Second Son (Epilogue) | Regulus Black
Series Synopsis: Forbidden from contacting Harry over the summer, you opt to explore the eerie halls of Grimmauld Place where you stumble upon a lonely portrait of the House's second son.
— Chapter Synopsis: The new era. The end of one chapter, and the beginning of another.
Part XIX / Series Masterlist
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Pairing: Regulus Black x GN!Reader
Notes: Thank you all so much.
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You peer out of the fenestrated walls, eyes glazing over the faint swinging of wooden signs and veranda covers. The ambience around you swirls like a sheer veil as you lean back into your seat, sighing out blissfully as your cooling charm beats with fervor, shielding you from the blistering heat of the summer day. 
Dragging your eyes away from the bright view, you run your finger along the thick cardstock in front of you. The blocky letters begin to fade into the background of snowy mountain caps and faded waterfalls as you continue to trace your eyes over it. 
‘Greetings from OREGON’ 
You flip the postcard over and swipe a finger across the swirly letters. 
‘Hope you’re well, kid. - A. Fiske’ 
A sudden thudding noise echoes across from you, and you slowly shift to sit straight as your eyes drag themselves away from the letters. You tilt your head with a coy smile as your companion leans back to get comfortable, evidently miffed by the unrelenting heat waves. 
“Good to see you, B.” You smile saccharinely, fingers dancing along the chilled cup in front of you. 
Blaise rolls his eyes and places his own drink down on the table—iced americano, simple, bitter, and everything that Blaise wasn’t. You would never understand his fascination with the drink. He huffs before smiling sarcastically at you, “Yes, how long has it been? Two days?” 
“Don’t whine, it’s unbecoming.” You mutter playfully, twirling your straw around the rim of your cup. 
“Merlin, you’re even starting to sound like her. Really, no wonder mother finds you so endearing.” He tuts as he throws his elbow back to rest on the back of his chair. 
You chuckle and shake your head, “Okay, let’s digress then.” You lean forward and cross your legs, “How is Draco doing? Theo is irritatingly uninformed on the topic.” 
“He’s alright, thanks to you and Potter anyway. His father might not be facing a long sentence, but many of the elected Wizengamot heads are shifty even with your statements. Lucius Malfoy has been a slippery eel for a few years too long.” He hums, face unflinching as he sips on his potent drink, “How the mighty have fallen so.”
Nodding, your voice drops lower as you survey the rest of the cafe, “Azkaban will still do a number on him even with a lighter sentence. Narcissa is worried.” 
“As she should be,” he replies curtly, “and speaking of Azkaban, how is Lord Black nowadays? He’s become quite the hermit. Is he faring well?” 
You sigh and rub your chin, “Yeah, he’s just been busy with remodeling. He’s still quite miffed that Reggie and I decided to move out.” 
“At least he has Potter with him.” Blaise supplies, eyes darkening in rumination at the mention of Regulus. He levels you with inquisitive eyes, “Before I forget, what should I send over?”
Furrowing your eyebrows, you hum, “How do you mean?” 
“Your house warming gift, daft one.” He rolls his eyes lightly. 
“Just bring your lovely self.” You huff out. 
Blaise crosses an ankle over his knee, “A vase then.” 
“If it clashes with the aesthetic then I’m tossing it into the basement.” You warn jokingly, smiling widely at your friend. 
He shakes his head with a muffled chuckle, “No worries. Anyways, you still need to unpack, right? Need any help?” 
“Oh? Work not keeping you busy enough?” You rest back against your chair, head bleeding with thoughts about how taxing work has been in the past few months with the Ministry trying to dial the reconstruction process to an inconceivable pace. 
Blaise groans at the reminder, taking a long sip of his drink, “Merlin, they should rename the whole Department! Department of International Magical Cooperation? What a joke, all they do is sit in an oval and squabble.” 
You throw your head back to laugh, a feathery light bubble of relief expanding in your chest. It was mind-boggling to think that not even a year ago you were all fighting for your lives, and now the same backdrop of fear that followed everyone around for so many years had disintegrated. People strided through halls and streets with lifted shoulders and bright eyes, war-hardened, but jovial as their burdens gave way. 
Blaise had worked his way up the Department of International Magical Cooperation, often leaving meetings with a sharp migraine and dwindling hope in the frequency of common sense. Theodore was faring well, now a highly revered Unspeakable for the Time Branch, all made possible with his swift denouncement of his father. Draco was the more withdrawn one out of the three, but you held out hope for him, having corresponded with him over his budding fascination for Alchemy. 
You found that your new friends were on your mind often, and you were endlessly grateful to them as they took Regulus’ reintegration into society with stride, often giving you advice on how to politely tell inquisitive reporters to bugger off. Meetings with them were slowly becoming a rarity as all of you became engrossed in work, but your friendships remained resolute as you all quickly became each other’s closest confidants. 
Luna wrote to you often, and you sent her trinkets and snacks by the dozen, finding yourself constantly worried that others would mistreat the girl with the absence of your friend group. Luckily, the girl found a friend in Ginny, and you were looking forward to reuniting with her during her Summer Break. 
Harry and Ron were inducted into the Auror ranks by Shacklebolt only a few weeks after the war. You had your reservations about their decision to jump into such a high-risk job, the stench of carnage and battle throbbing like an open wound, but they insisted that they would never be able to focus enough to finish school. 
On the opposite side of that sentiment, there was Hermione. She had quickly delved back into Hogwarts’ curriculum amidst its reconstruction, and was now looking to you with hopeful words about beginning her own sabbatical. 
You had published your research under both yours and Regulus’ name, omitting information about Regulus’ discovery of sentient portraits as a precaution for the future. 
You both respected Anders’ wish to leave his name off the cover and the research, but he failed to warn you against leaving his name anywhere else, so simply on the first page of your book, you dedicated the findings to him and Asger with a simple ‘For A. & A. Fiske.’ 
The research was groundbreaking, to say the least. You wouldn’t be able to forget the swaths of letters and documents from the Ministry, and one very heated missive to you from Blaise about how he was even more swamped with work, many foreign countries reaching out to inquire about the findings. 
It all paid off though, the royalties you and Regulus got would sustain you both for the rest of your humble lives, and the boost on your portfolio made getting a job in the Department of Mysteries a cakewalk. 
Once the sun rolled across the cloudless sky, the singing blues morphing to hues of pinks and purples, you bid your friend goodbye, wishing him luck with work and promising to gather with the rest of your friends the following week. 
You were certain that apparition was the most useful skill you had in your toolbelt, and you couldn’t fathom how you managed to survive the majority of your life without such a feat. As your shoes pad against the pavement, the bristling of leaves skidding around you, you let out a content sigh as you approach your destination. 
It was the closest thing you had to home for so long, and it still felt like safety and comfort despite the sudden heaviness of your own house keys in your pocket. As you pop the door open, head peeking around the heavy wood, your face lights up as a figure comes into view. 
“You’re home!” You exclaim excitedly, stepping inside with a wide grin. 
Harry approaches you and gives you a fleeting hug, hand raising to adjust his glasses as he pulls back, “Yeah, Tonks let me off early. How was your meeting with Blaise?”
“Good,” you draw out suspiciously, eyes narrowing as you both pace through the dim walkway, “how’d you know about that?”
“Regulus.” He answers simply, eyebrows raising in tease as you huff. 
You both cross into the threshold of the kitchen, stopping in your tracks as you see countless manuals splayed across the wide berth of the table. Regulus and Sirius are both hunched over in their seats, flipping furiously through the catalogues. 
“Some light reading, Sirius?” Your voice rings out playfully, body already moving towards your squinting boyfriend. Both men shoot up from their positions and blink owlishly at you and Harry, the sea of papers long forgotten. 
“Furniture shopping, pup!” Sirius replies with a tired grin as he stretches his arms over his head. 
Regulus rises from his chair and meets you halfway, arms wrapping securely around your body as he burrows his face into the crook of your neck. A few more moments pass by before he cranes back and blinks slowly at you, “Birdie.” 
You run a hand through his curls and smile lightly, “Love.” 
Regulus keeps you secure to him as he moves to drop back down into his seat, leaning his head against your stomach as you remain standing. Your eyes drop down to look at the varying bleak images on the shining white pages. 
Raising your eyebrows, your eyes drift around an image of a steep bookshelf with two glass doors, “Is this for us or Sirius?” 
Sirius leans back in his seat and rubs the bridge of his nose, “Your place. Reggie helped me pick out a few pieces earlier.” 
Your eyes wander around the aged cabinets and drabby wallpaper, trying to envision the space in a remodeled visual, one that would be Sirius-esque rather than screaming of cobwebs and medieval torture. You smile minutely before reaching a hand out across the table, bringing your other hand to card through Regulus’ hair as you mutter quietly to the tired man across from you, “I’m happy for you, Sirius.” 
The man reciprocates your smile and clasps his hand in yours, “Thank you, pup. I’m happy for you too,” he huffs and glances at Regulus, who remained immobile against your stomach, “the both of you.” 
The tender moment continues for a few more beats before Harry slowly leans on the seat next to Sirius’, eyes scrutinizing a forgotten pile of booklets off to the older man’s left, “Sirius, where are we going to put a lion table?” 
You snort out a muffled laugh as the man swivels over to his godson with beaming eyes, knowing that Harry would be whining to you later about Sirius’ ineptitude at interior decorating. 
“You should start cleaning up, Remus will be here soon for dinner.” You murmur with a pointed look at the trio. 
As the final outlines of the sun slinks away in the horizon, you and Regulus bid farewell to the occupants of Grimmauld Place, intent on spending the rest of the night in your home. It was fortunate that Regulus had managed to set up the floo network to your home only a matter of days before, and the journey back left little room for complaints as the green flames dragged away from your vision. 
You step out into the darkness of your study room, ears perking imperceptibly when the network flares again as Regulus joins you. The twilight sky filters into your home, dimly illuminating the barren room. 
“We’re home.” You mutter with a content smile. 
Regulus slowly pads towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he sways you both. Your eyes are drawn to the French casement windows behind the desk, getting lost in the sight of the dancing flower field. 
“Shall we head to the cliff, birdie?” Regulus muses, eyes following your gaze as he drifts into rumination. 
You nod and reluctantly step forward, pivoting on your heel and dropping a hand onto Regulus’ arm, “I’ll meet you at the front? I need to drop off a few things in the bedroom.” 
“Of course, baby.” He leans over to capture your lips in a soft kiss, hands dropping to your hips as he lightly grips onto you. 
Humming against his lips, you slowly pull back and rub a thumb across his cheek, “I’ll be quick, promise.” 
He pecks your lips again and gives you one last squeeze before he slowly backs away, shooting you a warm smile as he makes his way to the entryway. You retreat from the study room soon after, making a sharp right turn as you pace towards your shared bedroom. 
Regulus had been the one to bring up the idea of getting a beach house, assuring you that he was unsettled by still water and not turbulent waves. It was a quaint building, one that sprouted into the center of a lustrous flower garden, and you both knew it was the one when you toured it. Just a short walk away from the blooming fields, a precipitous cliffside broke away and loomed over a thick landing of sand, giving a small brief from the swaying waves 
As you enter the lusterless room, you shed away your bag and walk towards your bedside table, propping the Oregon postcard against your lamp. Atop the same white bedside table sat Regulus’ old golden frame, now whole and without trace of ever having been shattered. Under the frame, the folded piece of paper that Regulus had given you the night after you bought the property peeked out. 
You grasp both items in your hands, and smile lightly as an idea formulates in your head. 
“Kreacher!” You call lightly. 
The house-elf pops into the bedroom with a curious frown, teetering towards you as you extend the items out. You fish out your wand as Kreacher grabs the frame, muttering a faint engorgio at the rectangular object. The frame wobbles in the elf’s grasp before slowly stretching to nearly thrice its original size. 
“Could you possibly frame this note for me? Maybe above the headboard?” You request with a small smile. 
“Kreacher will do that.” The house elf nods and begins to fiddle with the frame. 
Your eyes run across the note one more time before you hand the slip to the elf, making your way out to Regulus with a fleeting farewell. The boy has a jacket slung over his arm as he waits for you by the door, carding his hair back as a flicker of joy flashes through his eyes when you appear in his line of sight. 
“All ready?” He murmurs once you reach him. 
“More than ready.” You reply with a hum, leaning to peck his cheek. 
The trek towards the cliffside passes by in the blink of an eye, and you’re left with butterflies in your stomach as Regulus picks several tulips for you along the way. By the time you’re close enough to the ocean to hear the crashing of waves, you are left to huddle close to Regulus for warmth. 
The sky begins to darken above you, but you give no protest when Regulus drags you to sit down on the ground. He peers up at the sky above him, eyes tracing across the faint twinkles of the approaching stars. 
You bring a hand to trace his chest as you do the same, cradling the flowers to your side as you begin to sift through the reel of memories in your head. 
“I love you, birdie.” Regulus whispers into the air, his arm moving to rest on your waist. 
You smile widely and press your face into the crook of his neck, “I love you.” 
And as you both laid under the stitches of glowing stars, sharing tiny whispers and shielding each other from the brutal winds, back in your home, Kreacher makes the last adjustments to the new wall decor. 
Kreacher mutely assesses the space as he backs out, the elf’s head full of future possibilities.
It was peaceful. After so many years, he felt at peace.
The door closes with a faint click just as the stars peek through the bedroom window, reflecting off the glowing frame. The swirls of inks encapsulated in the shining beams dance amongst the canvas of the wall. 
‘29 October, 1979
I wonder what being in love feels like. 
26 April, 1999
Love is like flying freely from the inhibitions of your burdens, where your person is your wings, your eyes, and your heart; you soar freely with the knowledge that they will carry you above the storms of doubt. I no longer wonder because now I know.’ 
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tag list: @krazyk99 @venomsvl @valsarchives @bunny24sstuff @novella12nite @elia-the-bibliophile @txorua @xlifexdeathx @trikigirl271 @the-marauders-world @sleepydang @blueberry-thrawn @lestat-whore @chanaaaannel @clockworkherondale @peachyaeger @thegayhoenextdoor @l--absinthe @ok-boke @summer-noir @mikeikax @musically-ambiguous @dittos-blog-dylanobrien @friendly-neighborhood-boricua @randomfaeriechild @misacc08 @that-bitch-bri @littleshadow17 @chocochannie @bl4stonesc @shari-berri @mrs-billyrussooo @pandemicboredom @gojosbucket @brain-has-left @googie-jeon @lovely-maryj @lokifriggason1 @aloramalfoy @godmitski @justanotherkpopstanlol @hpboysslut2707 @coffeehurricanes
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breeistired · 5 months
*Sirius finding out about starchaser.*
*Pointing at James*: BROTHERFUCKER
*Pointing at Regulus*: SON OF A BITCH
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engie-ivy · 1 year
(Upon popular request (really, thank you so much for the amazing response!), a second part to Your New Family! Where Sirius finds out who that stranger in the restroom actually was😁)
Part 1: Your New Family
Pouring his heart out in the loo might not have been Sirius’ best moment, but at least that kind stranger managed to somewhat reduce his anxiety about meeting Remus' parents. Until he sees Remus' father, that is.
Your New Son
As Sirius approaches their table, he sees Remus is not alone. An elderly woman has joined him. She has a round face framed with dark blond curls interspersed with streaks of grey, and big, honey-coloured eyes. Remus’ eyes.
Remus’ mum.
She must’ve gotten here early. Shite. Shite. And Sirius was at the loo the entire time! No doubt she already thinks he’s totally weird, dammit.
Sirius rushes towards them. “I’m so sorry I kept you waiting!”
“Oh my goodness,” Remus’ mum says as she turns around. “Could this be your Sirius?” She gets to her feet and takes Sirius’ hands in hers, but holds him at arm’s length so she can study him properly. “Look at you! Aren’t you a properly handsome young man! Remus has been going on about it, of course. ‘Mum, he’s so lovely. Mum, his hair is so pretty. Mum, his eyes are so nice.’ I assumed he was just smitten,” she turns back to Remus and smiles brightly at him. “But you really got yourself quite a looker, didn’t you, Remus?”
Remus beams at them proudly. “I sure did!”
Sirius, a little overwhelmed, wants to give a compliment in return. He’s aiming for something along the lines of ‘I always found Remus’ eyes beautiful, and now I can see who he gets it from’, he really is, but what comes out is “I like Remus’ eyes on you” which is just so weird.
Unfortunately, his remedying attempt does not quite make it better. “I mean, not Remus’ eyes. They were yours first! But you gave them to Remus. Not your actually eyes, of course. You still have eyes, after all.”
Remus’ mum looks puzzled, as she slowly says “...yes. I do have eyes.”
It’s only then that Sirius realizes Remus’ father isn’t there. Immediately, the worst-case-scenarios cross his mind. Remus’ dad has already decided he hates Sirius and doesn’t even want to meet him. Remus’ dad has looked up Sirius’ family and now wants nothing to do with him. Remus’ dad is not okay with Remus being in a same-sex relationship (which is absolutely ridiculous, since Remus has been out since he was fifteen, and his parents have been nothing but loving and supportive, but in Sirius’ anxiety-riddled state, even Remus’ dad changing his entire belief system overnight seems completely possible).
It is at that moment Remus’ mum says “You must excuse my husband. He just had to go to the restroom.”
Sirius lets out a sigh of relief. Right, the restroom.
The restroom...
The restroom.
Oh. Oh.
Oh no. Oh no, no, no.
“Ah, there he is!” Remus’ mum says, and as Sirius turns around he feels dread settle in his stomach.
And indeed. The man approaching them is the very same man Sirius just trauma-dumped all over in the restroom. The man has a smirk on his face. The exact same smirk Remus has when he thought of a particular wicked prank. Oh yes, he definitely knew all along.
“I’d already reckoned you’re Sirius!” The man says, reaching out a hand. “It’s about time we were probably introduced! I’m Lyall Lupin, Remus’ father.”
All colour must’ve drained from Sirius’ face as he shakes Mr Lupin’s hand. “I... You... I was... And you were... I didn’t... Oh my god. I’m so sorry! I can’t believe I...”
“Sirius,” Remus says in a levelled tone. “What did you do?” The exact same tone he uses when Sirius and James call him in the middle of the night to come pick them up somewhere.
“Nothing bad, nothing bad!” Remus’ dad quickly says, laughing while holding up his hands. “He just told me how anxious he was to be meeting his boyfriend’s parents for the first time. But only because he loves the boy so much!”
Remus lets out a small gasp before turning to Sirius with wide eyes. Eyes that Sirius is purposely not meeting, looking everywhere but at Remus.
“Oh,” Remus’ dad says, looking from Remus to Sirius and back to Remus. “You two haven’t...”
“Sirius!” Remus exclaims, smacking his arm. “I can’t believe the first time you say that you love me it’s to my bloody father!”
“Well, I did not know that!” Sirius says defensively. “I thought it was to a stranger in the loo!”
“That does not make it better!”
As the boys bicker, Hope wraps her arms around Lyall’s upper arm and rests her head against him. “So,” she says softly. “We approve?”
“His feelings for Remus are very sincere,” Lyall replies. “And I honestly think he’ll do anything for him.”
Hope lets out a content sigh as she looks at the couple. “I’m glad.”
“He seems kind and genuine,” Lyall adds. “And also, we’re going to have to adopt him as our second son.”
Hope lifts her head to look at her husband with a raised eyebrow. “You’ve already decided that?”
“He never had a real family,” Lyall says. “He claims he wants us to like him purely for Remus’ sake, but there’s more to it than that. I don’t think he’s ready to admit it, maybe doesn’t even realise it, but he’s craving it for himself as well. A family, a home.”
“Well, then he has chosen the right in-laws,” Hope says, accepting Lyall’s judgement without question as she lays her head back against his arm.
Then she chuckles. “My, my. That was some toilet break, huh?”
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bimoonphases · 3 months
@wolfstarmicrofic March 19 – prompt 19: Unbreakable Vow – word count 689
Unbreakable Vow - A magically binding contract that results in the death of whoever breaks it
Sirius knew he could scream all he wanted but his father’s studio was shielded and no one would hear him. Not that the over one hundred guests at the Sacred Twenty-eight Gala would actually care. No, they would probably just admire Walburga Black’s sense of discipline over her household.
He screamed again, every part of his body as if it was on fire, as his mother kept her wand pointed at him, her face twisted with rage.
“You thought I wouldn’t notice?” she hissed.
She lifted her wand and the pain decreased enough for Sirius to notice his trousers were sticking to his calves. He wondered vaguely if all the blood from the Slicing curse would finally ruin his best robes.
“You really thought you could get away with it?” Walburga went on. “As much as it pains me, I am your mother, I know you!”
There were spots dancing before Sirius’s eyes and a small part of his mind was sobbing that for once he had behaved. There had been no pranks, no impertinent answers, nothing. He had kept to himself throughout the reception and the dinner, focusing on the only thought that could get him through it. Moony. Moony and his calm, Moony and his smile, Moony and his embrace. Moony’s arms, Moony’s hands, Moony’s lips.
“Crucio!” his mother shouted.
Sirius screamed again, writhing on the expensive carpet, the office whirling around him.
“You thought I wouldn’t check why you were behaving so well?” Walburga lifted her wand again. “You really thought you could hide those disgusting memories from me?”
Sirius’s heart dropped. With all her duties as hostess of one of the most important events of the year, he hadn’t thought his mother would take the time to use Legilimency on him, especially if he was behaving well. He really couldn’t win with her.
“No son of mine will ever consort with a half-breed!” Walburga went on. “No son of mine will ever have unnatural relations!”
“Then,” Sirius managed to whisper. “I’m not your son.”
Walburga’s features twisted in an evil grin.
“But you are, Sirius,” she lowered her voice. “You always will be. And if you don’t want to, I will make you. Next summer, you will take the Dark Mark and follow the path you’re destined to.”
“You will. You will take the Unbreakable Vow tonight and do as you’re told.”
 Sirius swallowed. The most powerful magical pledge you could take, which bound you to your word and killed you if you broke it.
“I’d rather die,” he spat.
“I know you would,” Walburga said slowly. “But you’ll take it with Regulus who will swear to help you keep your word. And you wouldn’t want something bad to happen to your brother, would you?”
She whirled around in a flurry of evening skirts and walked out of the office, leaving Sirius frozen in horror on the carpet. She was right, he wouldn’t make Regulus risk his life. He wasn’t fine with the idea of dying, but better him than Regulus. Always.
He managed to get up, leaning heavily on the fireplace, roaring despite the warm weather, and looked desperately around, locating his wand, which had been confiscated as soon as he had crossed the threshold coming back from Hogwarts, on Orion’s desk. Grunting with each step, he managed to walk there and grab it along with the ornate box his parents kept the Floo powder supply in. There was no time to think it through or hesitate, no time to wonder if there was another way. He needed to run. For himself. For Regulus.
He threw a handful of Floo powder in the fireplace and as soon as the flames turned green he said the first address that came to him before stepping in. James’s.
“I’m sorry, Reggie,” he sobbed, gripping his wand as the flames engulfed him and the fireplace in Grimmauld Place disappeared, the signet ring emblem of the heir of the Black family left glittering malevolently on the carpet.
He had always thought he would run away one day. He had never thought he would need to leave Regulus behind.
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querkynchaotic · 4 months
i gave you all x crimson rivers
SPOILERS crimson rivers chapter 50 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
for those of you who have read it :
here are the lyrics to i gave you all by mumford and sons, interwoven with quotes from chapter 50. because that song fucks me up, and that chapter fucks me up, so you know. might as well make a deal out of it.
don't thank me for the tears ;)
Rip the earth in two with your mind
"Betrayal is betrayal is betrayal!" Regulus shouts
Seal the urge which ensues with brass wires
"Grow up, Regulus." 
"You won't let me!"
I never meant you any harm
"I was a kid, too." 
But your tears feel warm as they fall on my forearm
"The one who didn't grow up is you, Sirius, not me. You're still that kid trying to protect me at every turn, but I got older, and I learned to take care of myself, and I don't need you anymore." 
But close my eyes for a while
"Shut up," Sirius says reflexively, his mouth dry, heart thundering hard in his chest. You do, he thinks desperately. You do need me. You'll always need me. 
Force from the world a patient smile
"What I regret most isn't that you broke your promise, Sirius," Regulus continues. "It's that I wasted time caring enough to ask for a promise from you at all." 
How can you say that your truth is better than ours?
"And I don't anymore," Regulus presses on. "Care, that is."
Shoulder to shoulder, now brother, we carry no arms
Sirius' mind just—doesn't accept it. Not this. Not from his little brother. His little brother. Always his little brother. 
The blind man sleeps in the doorway, his home
"Oh, you're clever," Sirius breathes out
If only I had an enemy bigger than my apathy I could have won
"You're not going to fight me." 
But I gave you all
"No," Sirius says. "I'm not." 
I gave you all
"You're my brother. I love you. 
I gave you all
That's what it is, that's what it's always been, and that's what it will forever be." 
Close my eyes for a while
"Only one of us can make it home" 
Force from the world a patient smile
Sirius softens, helplessly. "I know, and that's you."
But I gave you all
Regulus doesn't move, doesn't break his gaze, doesn't do anything for a long moment—and then, calmly, he says, "Are you willing to bet your life on that?" 
I gave you all
"Yes," Sirius says firmly, then holds his arms out and leaves himself an open target. All Regulus has to do is throw his dagger, and that'll be it. He doesn't. 
I gave you all
"Are you willing to bet someone else's life on that?" Regulus asks quietly, holding his gaze. "Your moon's, perhaps." 
And you rip it from my hands
And you swear it's all gone
Sirius doesn't let him finish. Doesn't even give him the chance. In seconds, he has Regulus flat on his back on the ground, hitting him once, twice, a third time. 
And you rip out all I had
Just to say that you've won
Everything seems to fall apart, and it hurts, because this—it's proof. It's convincing. Sirius, for the first time, doesn't believe in his brother. Because Regulus wants to say Remus' name, and that would hurt Sirius more than dying by Regulus' hand.
And you rip it from my hands
And you swear it's all gone
After everything that Sirius did for him. 
After everything that Sirius suffered for him. 
And you rip out all I had
Just to say that you've won
After everything that Sirius tried so fucking hard to fix. 
You've won
"I gave everything for you!" Sirius shouts, then hits Regulus again. "And this is what you give to me?!" 
Well now you've won
Sirius hits him again, heaving out a harsh breath that escapes him like a sob, hot tears dripping down the length of his nose as he confesses, "I hate you. I fucking hate you. Why would you do this? How could you do this to me, after I—after all of it? All I've ever done is love you! Everything I did, I did for you! It's your fault, and I hate that you were ever fucking born!" 
But I gave you all
"You'll have to kill me." 
I gave you all
"I will! Don't fucking push me, because I will," Sirius snarls, vibrating in place, suspended in this moment of horrible, sickening rage, and hurt, and betrayal, and fear. 
I gave you all
"It's okay," Regulus gasps, one bloodstained hand coming up to shakily cover Sirius' around the dagger. His fingers are slick as they wrap around Sirius' hand, and he swallows, he swallows his own blood just to look right at Sirius and choke out, "I love you, too. Wanted to say it for a while. Sorry. I'm so sorry I didn't. Sorry I'm saying it now, but I do. It's okay, right? It's okay. I love you, too."
sorry for butchering's zar text, i swear if the song had been longer i would have done that with the whole chapter. fucking masterpiece, that chapter is.
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remuslupinsdaughter · 4 months
New Masterlist
Here’s where you’ll find everything I’ve written 🙂
Natasha Romanoff
The winterwidows child
Bucky Barnes
The winterwidows child
Frank castle
Protect her
Part one part two part three part four
Criminal minds
Miss momma
Will LaMontagne Jr
Miss momma
Derek Morgan
Hospital stays and side effects
Aaron Hotchner
All too much
Hiding from school
Sons of anarchy
Part one part two part three
Happy Lowmann
Harley Lowmann
Part one Part two
Bloody hands
Mayans M.C.
Angel Reyes
Daddy’s girl
Harry Potter
Remus Lupin
Scared me
Under the weather
Not good enough
Dad Remus headcannons
Scared of the bad man
Sirius Black
As long as you need
Scared of the bad man
The Walking Dead
Scraped knees and kisses better
Peaky Blinders
Tommy Shelby
Molly Shelby
Part one Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six
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lartistrys · 4 months
It’s Actually Our Duty Chapter 33 sneak peek
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markliving · 5 months
That's my masterlist, some things are a little older and I don't write for them anymore, like BTS. My question is not open for now and i do not write nsfw.
All the titles will be posted, i just need translated them. And remembering, english is not my firt language.
masterpost | who do i write |
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mark tuan
let snow - mark tuan x f!reader, friends to lovers, fluff, a little of angst |
your favorite song - mark tuan x reader, fluff |
til' the road and sky align - mark tuan x f!reader, stable relationship, travel, fluff, angst | ongoin
im jaebeom (jay b)
ghost of you - jayb x f!reader, hurt/no comfort, angst | based in "ghost of you" by 5 seconds of summer
jackson wang
my star - jackson x oc!star, fluff and happiness |
there are good witches, you know? - jackson x f!reader, magic, fantasy, fluff | 1585 words
park jinyoung
lie to me - park jinyoung x f!reader, drama, happy ending? |
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min yoongi
better man - yoongi x f!reader, fluff | based in "better man" by 5 seconds of summer
unforgettable - yoongi x f!reader, fluff, stable relationship, travel, fluff |
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Harry Potter (marauders era)
sirius black
five of september of 1978 - sirius black x f!reader, angst, hurt/no comfort, but a happy end?? | 657 words
behind the portrait - sirius black x f!reader, angst, hurt/comfort, stable relationship |
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Top Gun: Maverick
jake seresin
meet me in the pale moon - jake seresin x f!reader, fluff, drama |
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son heung-min
strawberry - son heung-min x f!reader, just fluff |
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bucky barnes
after you - bucky barnes x m!reader, angst, fluff, happy ending
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jason tood
a kiss heals everything - jason tood x f!reader, just fluff | 1076 words
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One Piece
portgas d. ace
special day - ace x f!reader, fluff |
roronoa zoro
reunions - roronoa zoro x f!reader, after marineford, angst, happy ending, fluff |
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Jujutsu Kaisen
gojo satoru
miss you - gojo satoru x f!reader, platonic!megumi x platonic!reader, exes to lovers, drama, fluff, a little of angst, happy ending | 2499 words
Nanami Kento
by your side - nanami kento x reader, fluff, confort | 1057 words
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b-u-g-g-y · 1 year
Sirius: I’m willing to do many things in life, perhaps too many things.
Sirius: But admitting to Remus that’s I’m cold after he told me to bring a jacket is not one of them.
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sapphwriting · 2 years
a bit of father-son bonding
sirius black x son! reader
some conversation with father! sirius and son! reader. in this scenario reader likes running and is kind of the opposite of sirius (a bit shy and kind of a nerd).
you sat alone in the room doing bits of reading, writing and drawing whatnot in the room you and the other boys had been given while you stayed at grimmauld place. the adults were downstairs talking, you believed the twins had joined them to listen to their stories of the times of their pranks. ron, harry, ginny and hermione were in the room the girls had been given, talking about all the stuff going around with the trial and all that. you had just really wanted some peace and quiet. 
after what you assumed to be about half an hour, the twins came up to the room and sat on their bed. then fred turned to you to let you know, 
“your dad’s downstairs waiting for you.”
he wanted to talk to you, you couldn’t help but be excited. you hadn’t had much of a chance to talk to him privately. the infamous sirius black was busy with a lot of things these days, or at least people kept him busy. 
“did- did he mention anything about, well… why?”
“nope, it’s just him and tonks and she’s about to leave. he just said to call you downstairs. reckon’ he just wants to talk to you.” he absent mindedly replied while fiddling with what looked like a magic rubix cube. 
“alright then.” you put down your book and notebook and got up, almost shakily since your legs had cramped up from sitting for so long. you hadn’t even realised when they had gone numb. 
as you approached the stairs you found yourself repeating affirmations to yourself and taking deep breaths as if you were nervous before a presentation. and you slowly went down the stairs, pulling at the sleeves of your loose gray sweater. 
you went to the living room. it was just your dad sitting there, just staring at the wall from the old, once elegant couch. he looked up at you when he noticed you were there. 
“ah my boy! sit here!” he said enthusiastically, and patted to the seat next to him. you quickly did, and sat awkwardly with your arms crossed. you shivered a bit, and sirius wrapped his arm around you. then he sat and faced you. 
“we haven’t really had much time to talk, just the two of us. have we? during the day we’re all so busy with something, so i had to call you a bit later at night to talk. hope i’m not interrupting some beauty sleep routine?” 
you laughed a bit and shook your head, and sirius’ eyes wrinkled as he smiled at you adoringly. 
“glad to know. so that handsomeness you have is definitely some good genes.” he declared in a show-off type of manner. he ruffled your hair a bit as you shyly smiled at him. 
“other than that, had we not been on lockdown i totally would have taken you out. but unfortunately here we are. but if you’re up for it, we can explore this haunted house tomorrow? i need a break from adult business anyways.” he offered, and you were more than quick to bring out a shy “yes.” 
“so you do speak! what subjects do you like at school by the way?” he asked, suddenly changing the course of topic. 
“i- i mean i do like history of magic, but professor binns is really boring. and er i guess care of magical creatures! i like animals.” and when you said that his eyes lit up. 
“just to confirm, you know i’m an animagus right?” he asks. 
“yeah.” you responded. 
“do you like dogs?”
“personally more of a cat person.” you said, before remembering sirius’ animagus was a dog. “...sorry.”
sirius pretended to be offended, but upon seeing your guilty expression he laughed and told you he was kidding. 
“anyways! how about school? do you like any subject in particular i asked that already.” he realised. “but about binns i agree 100%, i used to hate history but then when i got tutored by remus i realised it really wasn’t that bad it’s just boring old binns.”
“yeah he makes the class barely tolerable, i’d rather go all the way up to divination.” you laughed. 
“heard you liked running by the way?” sirius mentioned, and you stiffened. you’d been caught once in the middle of the night running laps around the quidditch field and had gotten detention. how had he found out? 
“uh not really.” you lied. 
“sure because people who hate running totally go out for runs at midnight.” sirius said sarcastically. “i’m not upset with you if that’s what you think. i’ve gotten detention for way worse anyways, and i’m a lot of things but definitely not a hypocrite.” he said with humour evident in his voice. 
“well yeah, i was caught running and got in trouble for it.” you huffed out. 
“why run though? of all things to get detention for?” he asked.
“it helps me with things. running distracts me and lets me be angry. it’s pretty freeing.” you explained defensively. 
“you know what? fair enough.” sirius sat back defeated. “okay i know we just had dinner but i’m pretty hungry, you up for making something?” 
“and burning down the kitchen? no thanks.” you retorted.
“well…we can try our best…?” he said with a convincing grin. 
you playfully rolled your eyes. “...fine. but if anything happens! it’s your fault.”
hope you enjoyed reading!
i'm open to feeback and requests!
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cherryslyce · 1 year
Second Son (XVII) | Regulus Black
Series Synopsis: Forbidden from contacting Harry over the summer, you opt to explore the eerie halls of Grimmauld Place where you stumble upon a lonely portrait of the House's second son.
— Chapter Synopsis: Farewells and changes are on the horizon, as are unavoidable confrontations.
Part XVI / Part XVIII / Series Masterlist
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Pairing: Regulus Black x GN!Reader
Notes: I hope you guys enjoy this...
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You don’t think you’ve ever sprinted so fast. As you clamber through the bleached doorway of the home, nearly scaring Asger out of his skin, you suddenly jolt to a stop. Luna peers from over your shoulder, clavicle pressed against your back as she tries to distinguish the cause of your rigidness. 
Slowly stepping inside, you feel your knees tremble as doubt begins to seep into your veins. Asger shoots you a concerned look before filling a glass up with water and disappearing into Regulus’ room. 
Luna carefully guides you to the table and you take a moment to lean against the beat wood. 
“Are you going to stay here?” Her airy words were free of judgment, tone light and even as if she were simply asking you what tea you preferred. You wordlessly nod, barely reacting when the girl pats your shoulders and skips after Asger. 
You run your fingers down your coat as hesitation nips at your nerves, a bubble of anxiety rippling through your chest and up into your throat. Hobbling steps echo distantly in your head, and you’re faintly aware of Anders’ approaching magic. 
“You okay, kid?” His voice was gruff, but colored with understanding. 
You hum quietly, still lost in your head. An unnerving silence roots itself in the room, and you hear Anders shift from leg to leg as he seems to grapple with himself for the right words. 
“Alright.” He huffs. 
You spin around and face the man, eyes widening at him before gluing to the open window across the room, “Alright? You don’t think I’m a coward?” 
Anders rolls his eyes and limps towards you, placing a rugged hand on your shoulder, “Hell you thinking that for?” He moves to sit down next to you, “You’re a lot of things kid, a coward ain’t one of ‘em. Besides, I would do the same.” 
Tilting your head, you swallow harshly as a prickly sensation wraps around your neck, “What do you mean?” 
“If my Anne were to walk through that door right now, I don’t even know what’d I do,” He shakes his head with a wry smile, “Isn’t it funny that you can wish for something so desperately, but the prospect of it actually happening…” 
“It’s unbelievable.” You add, watching as the man nods solemnly. You almost feel selfish for allowing your emotions to taunt you, knowing that you were being handed an ineffable opportunity that the man would kill for. 
Before you can say much else, Asger cracks open the door with a resounding creak, slowly padding out with an unreadable expression, “He’s asking for you.” 
Your eyes widen considerably at his words, and you turn to look at Anders for guidance. The older man simply jerks his head towards the door, eyes closing as an imperceptible smile tugs at his lips. He looked like he was making peace with something–but what?  
Slowly making your way towards the commodious room, you feel your skin buzz and numb, mouth drying up as you gradually sink into a pool of uncertainty. As you cross the threshold, eyes set on the floor, you feel Luna slink around you with a little pat to your back, leaving you both alone.
As the door closes behind you, you slowly raise your gaze up. 
“Hello, birdie.” Regulus’ smile is strained, as if he were pained, but his eyes are practically glowing under the light. He’s sitting up on the makeshift bed, arms resting in his lap as he slowly fiddles with the frays of the blanket. 
A sob tears through your throat, muddling your words into an incomprehensible blubber as you practically fly towards the boy, throwing yourself into his chest. Your tears were no doubt pooling through the thin fabric of his shirt, but the onslaught of searing emotion only continues to flare as you feel him wrap his arms around you.
His arms. It felt so foreign, but so safe. You don’t think you’ll ever get used to him not being in a rectangular frame.
“It’s okay now, I’m here.” He whispers, hand running down your back as he soothes you. 
You shift in his arms and lift your head up, broad tear tracks clinging to your cheeks, “Reggie…you remember me?” If you weren’t so doped up on a tidal wave of emotions, you would have cringed at how thick your voice came out. 
The boy smiles at you softly before bringing a hand up to cup your cheek, “Wouldn’t be able to forget you even if I tried, love.” 
A burst of affection threatens to demolish all of your sense of propriety as you gaze up at the boy, eyes furiously darting around his face to memorialize the tender emotion that paints his eyes. 
You rest your head on his shoulder and tiredly huff, feeling him shiver under you as the cool air hits his neck. It’s only after the passing of a few beats of silence when you realize that you’re practically sprawled across his lap. 
Gaping momentarily at the mortification that shatters your euphoria, you slowly shuffle off of him, “Sorry, Reg.” 
The boy tilts his head in confusion before tightening his hold, gently guiding your head back onto his shoulder, “Nothing to apologize for, birdie.” 
You take a few moments to compose yourself, gently sniffling as your tears begin to cease in intensity, only occasional droplets cascading down. Nuzzling into Regulus’ shoulder unabashedly, your voice comes out a tad muffled, “So do you remember everything then?” 
The boy drops his cheek down atop your head, fingers drawing patterns on your hand as he hums, “It’s all a bit foggy, but I remember the vital things. Of course, the memories from when I was a portrait are more coherent than my childhood memories, but I’m mainly trying to remember how to articulate having a physical body.” 
“You’re not doing too bad.” You tease, a light smile playing on your lips. 
Regulus’ chest vibrates vaguely as he emits a small chuckle, “Oh?” The boy peers down at you before dropping his lips down to the top of your head. Your heart skips at the blatant show of affection, and you grow impossibly fonder of the boy. 
“Thank you for coming back to me.” You whisper softly. 
He slowly drops back into the capacious bed, drawing you down with him as he tucks you against his side, “Thank you for finding me…again.” 
You laugh airily and drop your hand on top of his, suppressing your fluster as he effortlessly weaves your fingers together. The both of you lay together in a comfortable silence, a sudden exhaustion weighing on your chest as you listened to the rhythmic beating of Regulus’ heart. 
You’re unsure of how much time has passed the next time you’re fully cognizant, eyes blinking rapidly to shake away the heaviness of your eyelids. It seems the lethargic state you were reduced to after your emotional reunion led you to a dreamless slumber. In your sleep, you practically glued yourself to Regulus, coming to a realization that the boy had somehow been shoved into the crook of your neck, now also in a peaceful drowse. 
Brushing his curls away from your cheek, you run your fingers along his spine lightly, nails dancing along the clothed plane of his back. At your movements, the boy stirs groggily, a throaty grumble interrupting the atmospheric silence of the room.
You tighten your hold on him and grin when he blearily opens his eyes, head shifting to chase after the warmth of your skin. 
“Morning, baby.” He whispers, nose nudging up against your jaw. His voice is scratchy and still marred by inklings of sleepiness, and you’re not entirely sure if he noticed the little pet name. 
You bite your lip to tame the blinding grin screaming to escape on your face, bringing your fingers to run against his scalp, “Actually, I think it’s nighttime.” 
Regulus huffs quietly against your neck, “Good, so let’s go back to sleep.” 
You hum and open your mouth to agree, but the rumbling of your stomach cuts through the air. Coughing lightly, you ignore the blazing embarrassment that pins itself in your chest, choosing to instead continue your movements.
Regulus nuzzles against you again before slowly detaching from you, raising himself on his elbows as he hovers over you. You could see the sleepiness fade away from his gaze, and you bring a hand up to tuck a curl behind his ear. 
“Let’s get you some food, birdie.” He mumbles, dropping down to peck your forehead. 
The boy sluggishly stretches as he practically rolls off the bed, arms raised above his head as he yawns. You smile and begin to flee the cozy confines of the blanket, readily moving away from the warmth to stick by Regulus. 
“Do you want some tea?” You ask, keeping a careful watch to make sure he wouldn’t promptly collapse into a weak heap of flesh and bones. Luckily, it seemed that the boy was gradually gaining strength. 
Slowly pulling the door open, you peer out into the bleak twilight illuminating the house and sigh when you see that the others aren’t around. As you make your way to the cupboards, hands deftly flying about to quickly make some tea for the both of you, you feel Regulus wrap his arms around you. 
“Look at us being bloody domestic.” He murmurs, knocking his head gently against yours. 
You feel the blood rushing through your ears as you direct all your energy towards making sure you don’t accidentally break anything, too overwhelmed by the affection. 
You clear your throat as you put the kettle on the stove, leaning back against the boy, “Not that I hate it, actually, quite the contrary, but I didn’t peg you as an affectionate person.” 
Regulus draws patterns on your arms as he muses, “Hm, ‘m usually not. Just for you, I suppose.” 
You were sure you were about to go into cardiac arrest, one hand flying up to make sure your heart wasn’t attempting to fly out of your chest. You turn around to face the boy, eyes wide with uncertainty, “Just me?” 
The boy looks back at you with an assured gaze, smiling dopily at you, “Yes, just you, birdie.” You mirror his smile and nod slowly, still unsure of what to say. 
Before either of you can escalate the situation further, the loud whistling of the kettle rings through the air, its shrill screeching causing you to flinch back. You muffle a laugh behind your hand and watch as Regulus blinks in disorientation for a moment, shooting a look of mock irritation at the steel instrument. 
“No, please continue,” a brassy voice rings out from behind you both. You peer around Regulus to see Asger giving you a stare laden with impassiveness. Smiling impishly at the unimpressed man, you simply avert your gaze to the kettle next to you before glancing back at him, “Tea?” 
As the breezy coat of nightfall loomed in the skies, you all decided to head out for a small trek to a pier nearby. Luna skips ahead of you and Regulus, leading your small group, as she scurries around to look for unique stones. Anders and Asger were trailing the three of you, both men walking in a comfortable silence. 
A crisp wave of wind soars through the air, dotting your nose with coolness. Regulus has his arm looped with yours, eyes drinking up the sight of the environment around you, shining in disbelief and awe. 
A flicker of sadness lingers in your heart as you ponder about how muddled everything must have seemed to him when he was a portrait, time gelling together into indistinguishability. You weren’t sure which fate was worse: becoming an inferi or being stuck as a portrait. 
The echoing of your footsteps on the wooden dock sound through the night with a woody hollowness, eyes trailing up the pier and towards the inky pool of water around you all. You feel Regulus tense beside you, and you stop in your tracks to study him. 
His eyes are glassy and unfocused as he stares into the darkness of the water, body rigid as an internal turmoil seems to paralyze him. You want to smack yourself over the head with a bludger — Regulus was uncomfortable with the murky surroundings because it was reminiscent of his demise. 
Tugging at his arm, you slowly guide him away from the dock, shaking your head when Anders glances at your retreating forms. Regulus slowly floats back down to you, eyes no longer as dim. 
“I’m sorry. I totally forgot.” You mutter, hands reaching over to comfort him. The boy looks devastatingly vulnerable in his state, an anxious frown creeping up on his face. He had always been so strong for you, it was easy to forget that he wasn’t insusceptible.
He shakes his head and subconsciously leans towards you, arms slowly lifting up to wrap around your frame, “No, I didn’t even realize myself.” His voice is faint, seeming to be tucked away behind his brief panic. 
“Do you think you’re okay to travel, Reg?” You whisper, hands crawling up his shoulders to brush against his neck. The boy looks at you in confusion, but nods firmly. 
Sighing, your hands rest on either side of his face, thumbs swiping against his cheeks, “When I went back to the cave with Anders to retrieve you, we accidentally encountered Voldemort.” 
Regulus’ words nearly jumble together at the news and his mouth drops open, “You bumped into the Dark Lord?”
Grimacing at the wording, you shake your head, “Only briefly. He could only see me, but I’m apprehensive to stay here long. I don’t want to endanger the Fiskes.” 
“Where will we go?” He mumbles with furrowed eyebrows. 
You bite the inside of your cheek and divert your attention to the stars causing Regulus’ eyes to flicker around your face, “Birdie, what does that look mean?” 
Hesitating for a few moments, you consider all of your options before speaking. 
“Reg, maybe you’d be safer here,” you reluctantly voice, “I mean, where I’m thinking…it’s too hampered by uncertainties.” You frown, eyes meeting his gaze to try and implore him to see your reasoning. It was not an outlandish assumption in your eyes, as bringing him with you would mean answering inexorable questions and integrating him back into society amidst a full blown war. 
Regulus recoils as if you’ve slapped him, eyes wide with shock that rapidly bleeds into outrage, “You don’t actually think I’m letting you run off alone, right?” His voice is taut, bordering coldness, and you shakily exhale as your mind races. 
“You’re still recovering, Reg. Your magical core is still-” You begin to sputter, but Regulus shakes his head, and it has your words flushing away in a sweep of uncertainty. 
He shifts impossibly closer to you, eyes softening as he rubs your back, “I know that you’re concerned, birdie, but I want to be with you. I’m sorry that I got snippy with you right now, but this isn’t negotiable.” He frowns and leans over to nudge his nose against yours, “I’ll follow you to the ends of the world—wherever your heart desires, but I’m not leaving you to your lonesome when the Dark Lord is on your tail.” 
“If you come with me, it won’t be easy.” You breathe out. 
He smiles and tilts his head to the side, “All the more reason to follow you, then.” 
You assess him for a few moments before nodding, rolling your eyes playfully at the satisfied glint in his eyes, “Stubborn one, aren’t you?” 
Regulus hugs you to his body and muses, “Well, someone needs to keep your self-preservation in check.” 
As the stars slip away from the canvas of the sky to give room to the rising sun, you all gather inside the house, surrounding the dining table. You had to practically mandhandle Regulus into your usual seat as there weren’t enough chairs, but the boy only gave in once you compromised to share the seat with him. 
Luna periodically flashes the both of you grins, eyes shooting off through you as she tangles with visions of the future. Anders leans back in his chair to stare at Regulus, seeming to appraise his worthiness. Asger simply sips his tea and awaits for the conversation to ensue, humored eyes peering at you all over the rim of his cup. 
“Anders, I think that we should leave now,” you pause to clear your throat, “I don’t want to intrude and I hate the thought that I’m endangering you both, now that Voldemort is on my trail.” You word-vomit, hands fidgeting anxiously in your lap. 
Subtlety was not your forte. 
Regulus brings a steady hand to rest on your jittery ones as Anders grunts, “I understand, kid. You do know that we don’t mind though, right?” He raises an eyebrow at you when you don’t respond, “But I get it.” 
You breathe out in relief and straighten up in your seat, “Thank you, Anders, truly. This whole experience has been life changing to say the least, and I think I’m going to miss you both, honestly.” 
Both men meet your eyes steadily, and Asger breaks out into a small grin before placing his cup down, “I think we’ll miss you guys more, right Dad?” He turns to the older man, who merely grunts and looks away, but you would bet galleons that you saw a smile flash across his face. 
Anders slowly pushes himself up and walks off into his room, emerging moments later with a satisfied expression, “Here, kid.” You slowly rise up in confusion as Anders extends a stack of clipped papers towards you. 
The older man shakes his head and drops back down into his seat, “You didn’t think I’d actually publish someone else’s research, did you?” 
You hug the papers to your chest and gape at the man, “But, a lot of this is your research now. Besides, why would you…” You trail off, still boggled by a storm of perplexion. 
Anders waves you off and rubs his knee, “It's our research, kid. Anyway, I never intended to write it for myself in the first place, I’m much too old to get caught up in the academic world again.” He looks up at you with a proud sheen in his eyes, “Besides, you did most of the rune work and connection of theories. You better make something of yourself, yeah?” 
You are rendered speechless at the blatant display of care from him, and you find yourself wrapping the older man up in a hug before you can stop yourself. The man pats your back as you whisper hushed words of gratitude. 
You were practically holding your future in your hands. 
As the sun breaks over the veil of morning twilight, dispersing the ground of its mist and biting chill, you all stand at the edge of the village. It is bitterly nostalgic for you, mind flashing back to all those months ago when you stumbled upon Asger during the peak of night. 
Regulus stands back, now sporting one of Asger’s oversized corduroy jackets (a deep green, in slytherin fashion, and he looked offensively good in it). He watches as you and Luna say your final farewells to the father and son duo. Luna and Asger chat idly, with the older man patting the girl’s head fondly, smiling when she passes over a large blue stone to him. 
Turning away from the pair, you smile sadly at Anders, the older man already facing you with a calm expression, “Stay safe, kid. Tom won’t know what hit him.” 
You flash an assenting smile at him before stepping forward to give him one last hug. Closing your eyes, you are rendered inarticulate with poignance, “I’m gonna miss you, old man.” 
He pulls back and pats your shoulder reassuringly, “We’ll be alright, I think it’s time little old me did some soul searching.” 
Frowning in confusion, you lean back to ask, “How do you mean?” 
“Reine has treated us well all these years, but Asger and I were thinking of a change in scenery.” The man avows calmly. 
You step back and clutch the research papers tightly in your hands, “We’ll see each other again, right?” 
Asger swoops in and swings an arm over his father’s shoulders just as Luna bounces over to your side, hand clasping yours. The younger man grins at you brightly and inclines his head, “Who knows? We’ll be okay though,” he raises his head and his eyes grow serious, “but we want to thank you. You’ve given us a lot to think about, and I think it's time we celebrated my mother’s life instead of stewing in static.” 
You nod, mouth betraying just how sentimental you felt as it tugged into a frown, “Go well, both of you.” 
Anders cracks a small smile and they both wave you off. 
“Give him hell, kiddo.” 
“Take care of yourselves.” 
Wordlessly, you spin on your heel and walk towards Regulus with Luna in tow, the boy reaching towards you as you approach. In a blur, you’re interlacing your fingers with his and apparating away, the warping taking your mind away from any lingering sadness. 
As you touch down on smooth pavement, you feel Regulus shift closer to you, swaying ever so slightly on his feet. After steadying the boy, you turn to take in the sight in front of you — Zabini Manor. White pergolas embellished with thick grape vines curtaining the structure were erected serenely on the clipped lawn. Further back, winding balustrades, highlighted by Italian terracotta pots housing enormous clusters of begonias seemed to welcome you. 
The regal property towered over your figures, so much so that you all almost ignored the faint popping sound that echoed from next to you in favor of drinking up the sight. 
“Fiore be taking the Contessa’s guests to the parlor room.” 
You swivel around and face the house elf, nodding mutely as you’re all led inside. Regulus’ decorum is impeccable, years of etiquette lessons and pure blood preaching seeming to still be instilled in every joint of his body. Luna digs inside of her satchel all the way there and you hear vague clacking and shuffling from the bag. 
As the heavy wooden doors swing shut behind you, you feel your neck prickle with goosebumps as you release your magic, seeking out any familiar signatures. Your movements border robotic as you beeline to sit on one of the ottomans in the parlor, spacing out as you peer through the window and see rows of hydrangea bushes.  
It was time to face reality.
Regulus slowly traces shapes on the back of your hand as he glances around, no doubt comparing the furnishing to the dismal designs lining Grimmauld Place. 
“The brevity of peace is palpable these days, dear.” The euphonious voice breaches the threshold of the room before anything else, and you’re quick to school your face as the Contessa struts into the room, tobacco pipe clasped in one hand. 
You stand up and smile diminutively at the woman, “Contessa Zabini. Apologies for the intrusion.”
She sends you a sharp grin before taking her place on an ornate armchair, “No need for the pleasantries, my dear. I must say that you are rather better company than those friends of yours.” She takes a quick hit of her pipe, crossing one leg over the other. 
Masking your shock, you smile genuinely and shake your head, “I’m touched, Contessa. Which reminds me, I have failed to properly correspond with Blaise these past few months. I don’t suppose he’s tried to cajole those friends of mine for information?” 
The woman exhales a cloud of smoke and hums, “Ah yes, Blaise was quite disappointed from what I hear, but of course we both understood your precarious position.” 
“I’ll have to write to him soon, then. I assume that everything is well here?” You begin to fiddle with the corner of the papers in your lap, back aching minutely from your prim posture. 
The Contessa brings a hand to rest on her raised knee, eyes momentarily flickering towards Regulus as she smiles, “Quiet and uneventful, my dear. Now,” she tilts her head to gauge the sight in front of her, “I see that you’ve found a friend.” 
You could see the cogs whirring behind her eyes, mouth set into a thin line as something akin to familiarity seeps through the cracks of her expression. Nodding, you peer at the boy from the corner of your eye to observe his expression before replying, “Yes, he’s actually what I was referring to when I mentioned my personal interests.” 
The woman, to her credit, masks her brimming curiosity well, eyebrows raising as she mutely encourages you to continue. Regulus clears his throat quietly, “It’s a pleasure to make your company, Contessa Zabini.” 
The Contessa smiles pointedly at the boy and hums, “Well mannered…how interesting. The pleasure is all mine.” She places her pipe down on the round table next to her, eyes never straying from Regulus’ expressionless face, “Forgive me, but you look quite familiar, have we met before?” 
Regulus raises his eyebrows in show, “I do not believe so, I’ve been in recuperation for a number of years now.”
She doesn’t seem entirely convinced but turns back to you with a delighted smirk as she continues to address the boy next to you, “I see. I do hope to get your name then as it intrigues me that you have the ability to convert someone—who the public thought to be a staunch Dumbledore supporter, into a neutral ally.” 
Before either of you can respond, the doors practically burst off their hinges as they swing open. The thundering sound has you wincing from your spot, eyes immediately flying towards the source of the intrusion. Your mouth peels open at the sight of your friends and a very enthusiastic Sirius. 
Harry immediately beams as he catches sight of you, but his eyes grow as wide as saucers when he takes notice of the boy next to you. Hermione looks exhausted by the commotion around her, no doubt having mentally aged a significant amount in the time of her babysitting duties while you were away. Ron blinks owlishly at you, and waves hesitantly, posture shifty as he averts his gaze to assess the undisguised glower on the Contessa’s face. 
Luna jumps up from her seat and scurries over to greet the trio, her smile immediately drawing Harry’s attention away from you both. 
Sirius chuckles loudly as he stalks towards you, arms splayed wide open as he goes to hug you, “Pup, you’re finally here!” You quickly hug the older man back, bewildered by his ability to immediately get tunnel vision. 
As he draws back from you, your taciturn demeanor only heightens as you watch shock bloom across his face. The man springs back from you in a flash, eyes bulging out as he stammers for words at the sight of Regulus. The boy next to you gazes at his brother with regretful eyes, shoulders now sagging under the weight of the older man’s presence. 
The fraught silence is interrupted by a disbelieving whisper from Sirius, “Regulus?”  
“It’s good to see you, Siri.” 
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tag list: @krazyk99 @venomsvl @valsarchives @bunny24sstuff @novella12nite @elia-the-bibliophile @txorua @xlifexdeathx @trikigirl271 @the-marauders-world @sleepydang @blueberry-thrawn @lestat-whore @chanaaaannel @clockworkherondale @peachyaeger @thegayhoenextdoor @l--absinthe @ok-boke @summer-noir @mikeikax @musically-ambiguous @dittos-blog-dylanobrien @friendly-neighborhood-boricua @randomfaeriechild @misacc08 @that-bitch-bri @littleshadow17 @chocochannie @bl4stonesc @shari-berri @mrs-billyrussooo @pandemicboredom @gojosbucket @brain-has-left @googie-jeon @lovely-maryj
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Shisui as Regulus' son sounds amazing and all the angst that would come from that is top tier, just thinking of Sirius somehow finding out during Harry's third year of Hogwarts when he escapes from Azkaban and realizing that he's an uncle and this boy is Regulus' son but he can't take care of him because he's a wanted man and akshdkskajkssj it makes me unwell in the best ways possible
Also shisui could 100% still look like himself through his mum so, besides some nearly shoulder-length curls and some ILLEGALLY beautiful grey eyes, we're talking Konoha's Hottie hits Hogwarts and something extremely LGBTQA+ is happening 🤣✨✨✨step aside Cedric.... Wait, wait wait wait SHISUI SEEKER, SHISUI SEEKER
also Pfffft imagine kreacher finding out when Sirius goes to Grimmauld and mentions it (shisui might know he's a black, he might go by the name and know his father, but that's all through Gringotts and he's never been able to go to Grimmauld because Walburga was alive) and kreacher is like
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So we have shisui (a hot, badass, Hufflepuff quidditch seeker) who would probably not know harry very well (just because 1) harry is surprisingly introverted and Shisui's dad is a known death eater and 2) house divide bullshit 3) shisui is probably manipulating the fuck out of DE kids as well as his own house which either looks dodgy or flighty to the outside) suddenly having a common cause together. Oooooh wait no this is even better because the whole scandal with black would cause massive attention for shisui and the whole thing with Hufflepuff in that year would mean there's problems with shisui being thought of as a traitor or the one letting Sirius into the school, there might be issues with shisui catching the snitch (Cedric can be a chaser idgaf) whilst harry falls before Shisui catches him too... Shisui would 100% get dragged into the mess at the shrieking shack and yes he would run off into the dark to re-catch peter and be put at risk by wolf!remus AS WELL as actually meeting both normal and TT!harry&Hermione... Ohhhhhh, yes yes yes
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Pull Over (1/1) (wolfstar)
Sirius was driving. All the windows down and the music loud. Remus was so drawn to the creaminess of Sirius' pale skin that was glowing under the light of the stars, and the way his hair flowed about his face, somehow his curls still perfect and silky.
Feeling a bit adventurous, and hunger within him, had Remus leaning over from the passenger seat to wrap his arms around Sirius' neck. He teasingly placed a kiss behind Sirius ear, and then whispered: "Stop the car babe let's get it on."
Sirius turned his head, a bit surprised but not enough to hide the glimmer of excitement in his eyes and the grin turning up his lips. With a raised eyebrow and in a cheeky tone he asked, "Feel the weight of the full moon, are we Remus?"
Remus' lips trailed down Sirius cheek, "oh come on love. It's not like you're trying to fight it. Let it carry you with the tide, across the country side."
Sirius smiled. It was true, he would go anywhere for Remus, whenever for Remus. His own yearning filled him. "Hmm When your mother calls you, don't you answer the phone," Sirius warned.
"I got fifty bucks and a feeling of being alone," Remus shrugged. And Sirius took the next turn off.
"Oh Lupin, through the rain, through thunder... even when all the storm clouds out number. I'd do anything you asked me too. And that's the way I want it," Sirius said as he drove up to this small secluded look out.
Once Sirius parked and turned off the car, Remus turned and grabbed Sirius' face with both his hands. Leaning in, he let his forehead rest against Sirius', their noses touching as they shared the same air. And as his lips brushed Sirius' Remus whispered, "I want ya."
The kiss that followed of course was desperate and pleading. Hands began to travel quickly, searching over every curve and bump and digging in slightly to any soft bits they could find.
When Remus' hands trailed down the buttons on Sirius' pants, he pulled away from his lips briefly, and looked up in question.
Sirius laughed, throwing his head back he spoke at the sky: "You can play with my hight hopes, just let me think that you're mine, love." And when he looked back down he was met with honey eyes that were more sticky than sweet.
"Oh Remus, I want you. I need you. You give me something, reason to be," Sirius consented, looking directly into Remus' eyes. As Remus listened to the permission, his hands moved quickly to let Sirius spring free. And it was only seconds later he head was down, and he was drinking Sirius in, blessed for the wildness that pumped through him so close to full moon.
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the train was remus’ favourite place on earth. it’s so comforting, how it’s away from home but not too far, a nonexistent space between complete loneliness and the stress of school. but there’s also nothing like seeing sirius again. the rush that comes with hugging him for the first time in ages, the rush he’s left with when he kisses him goodbye. sirius falling asleep on his shoulder, expressing exhaustion in a way remus admires and never could. holding hands for the last 30 minutes of their train ride back, preparing for weeks of separation. something about that was clearly so saddening, but it’s also more intimate than ever, and remus deeply enjoys how he wouldn’t survive the summer without it.
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