#sisi passing
rosepompadour · 13 days
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Demel Candied Rose Petals
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 6 months
*pops up out of nowhere, grabs you and hugs you tight* no escape for you, yuri >:)
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I do think it's very funny and charming that (via the podcast) sisi stringer apparently read the script for that dhampir dancing scene and was like "dimitri wouldn't dance"
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ayyponine · 8 days
what the hell and also fuck. only two and a half sleeps and then i'll be omw to viennaaaa 👀🤯
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simonrillleyyysss · 7 months
omg imagine ghostybooboobear with a tiny girlfriend, like she literally hasn't grown since grade school 😋
this is so cute
(this is going based off of height NOT an actual grade school body thank u)
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he LOVESSSS teasing you. can’t reach something and ask him to get it?? he’ll crack jokes shamelessly, poking you in the side! have to get on your tiptoes to see at concerts?? imagine!(he’ll put you on his shoulders)
calls you his itsy-bitsy; loves making up different petnames for you alllll the time!! peanut, little thing, mouse!!
‘y’all done your dinner, mouse?’
‘mhm! ate most of it.’
‘good girl.’
he MELTS when you cling onto his hand in public, having to slightly slouch down to reach closer to you, your pinkie wrapped around his own larger one— humming contently!!! loves knowing he’s a big brute compared to your feeble little figure, smirking.
‘hang on tight, lil’woman, might lose you.’
‘not funny, sisi!’
‘i think it is.’
loves going clothesshopping with you, watching you try on all of the clothes—most sweaters hanging off your shoulders!!!
only HE is allowed to tease about your size, anyone else mocks you? he’s immediately cursing at them with threats, dragging you along as the other being scampered away; pressing gentle kisses to ur forehead!!
‘fuck off, dickhead!’
‘si—chill out..it’s okay!’
‘no, it’s not. wont let anyone try and fucking bully my dolly.’
fucking dies when he sees you wearing his clothes, his baggy shirt passing your hips, socks pulled up your thighs—his pants are suddenly growing tight and he’s too busy pulling you into a kiss to properly close the door, slamming it shut with his foot!
size kink
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daisygirlwrites · 1 year
Are you're requests open? If not just delete this
What would be the task force 141 (+ konigs) reactions to seeing Crash all fancy for the first time? Like they have to dress up for an undercover mission and everyone sees crash in a dress/suit and all pretty
Little Black Dress (mini fic + headcanons)
Pairings: Task Force 141 x fem!Reader (Platonic), König x fem!Reader
Note: Callsign 'Crash', no use of (Y/N)
a/n: hello hello! oh boy, it's been a minute since i posted. i do apologize for that, life got hella busy. also, i passed 500 followers! will make another post about it soon but if you're reading this, feel free to send a request or even questions. i like talking to you all :) anyways, should be posting a couple more fics this week, so look out for that. thank you so much for reading my work and feel free to leave any feedback!
edit: original title, Dress Up
taglist: @bobfloydsgf , @warenai , @devilsfoodcake22 , @imalovernotahater , @cutiecusp , @allen-444
gif credit: @ruzekburgess
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The mission was easy, quick in and out. Just getting some important intel from a target’s laptop in a high security event, what could go wrong? A lot of things can and with Soap calling it an “easy mission” basically jinxed it. He immediately looks away as both you and Ghost simultaneously whip your head around to glare at him.
“It’s a charity gala and there will be high profile people there, so the security will be tight,” Laswell says as she pulls out the layout of the venue. The Hofburg, which houses the Sisi Museum that you took a tour of two days before. König was with you, posing as a couple. But given the nature of the mission, he and some members of the team are staying behind as backup. Laswell looks at Ghost before turning to you. You don’t show it but you feel your stomach drop a bit.
“Crash, Gaz and Price will enter the party as guests. Given her computer skills and being the fastest in the group, Crash will be the one gathering the information,” Laswell watches your shoulders drop before continuing, “Gaz and Price, you’re in charge of protecting her.”  
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You weren’t happy, they could tell that much. Price was worried that you were gone for a couple hours without telling anyone where you were going except that “I’m going shopping.” Soap and Gaz were trying to give him a peace of mind. Since they grew up with sisters, they knew you needed some alone time. Ghost wasn’t too worried though and if he really wanted to, he could look up your location on his since you shared it to him and vice versa.
You got back at a good time, Price was starting to get antsy. They heard your distinct knocks but Soap calls out anyways, “You got a key card!” “My hands are full, open the door!” 
Gaz, ever the gentleman, opens the door for you. They watch you stumble in, carrying a couple large bags from high end designer stores. “I hope that didn’t come out of our budget,” he comments.
“I have my own money, thank you very much!” You huffed. “Can you be a dear and open my room door?”
Gaz does so and also reminds you that everyone will meet up an hour before the event. 
“I’ll be done before that,” you give him a smile.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You finished with ten minutes to spare. Walking out of the room and noticing how empty it was, you assumed that everyone was downstairs by now. Before leaving you give yourself one last look, seeing if you need to touch up on anything.
The woman in front of you was someone you thought you’d never see again. The bun was simple and elegant, same with your makeup. The dress, which was a black spaghetti strap with a tulle skirt, the hem stopping just above your ankles. And the black pumps topped the outfit off. You couldn’t help but think about your mom.
Your phone buzzed in the pocket of your dress, interrupting your train of thought. Pulling it out, it was a message from Gaz, Ready when you are. Grabbing the lace gloves and shawl from the table, you leave the room and quickly make your way to the elevator.
He was looking at the bar, having half a mind to get a drink before hearing the elevator door ding
He looks over and watches a beautiful young lady walk out, the black dress moving as she does. It wasn’t until she was walking towards them that he realized that it was Crash. 
Price takes a look at you and suddenly remembers how young you are and how in another world, this would be the life you’d live. Having fun and going to parties, not risking your life everyday
He was staring yet he hadn't said a word, which made you worried. “Are you okay, Price?” You ask. Silently, he takes your hands into his and looks into your eyes, before saying, “You look absolutely lovely.”
Maybe it was because you were stressed out or the fact that your own father never complimented you, but you began to tear up.
“Aw, Crash. Please don’t cry, I wasn’t being mean kiddo.” He gives you his handkerchief and watches you carefully dab away the tears so as to not ruin your makeup. “You did nothing wrong. I’m not used to someone telling me that,” You tell him as you hand his handkerchief back. He almost didn’t hear it with how quiet you were, mumbling, “My dad never says anything nice about me.”
Price had to fight the urge to give you a big dad hug and ruffle your hair
He remembers a phone call he had with his brother. He was telling Price that he cried as he watched his daughter walk down the stairs, all dressed up for a school dance and how happy she looked.
He can’t help but feel the same way
His eyes widen with shock as he mumbles “Damn girl.” He waits after your and Price’s interaction before talking to you, “Looking good there, mate.”
You let out a small laugh before telling him ‘thank you’. “You clean up nicely yourself, Kyle.”
He’d ask about the outfit, which pieces are from what brand and how much money you spent. You don’t give him a clear answer for that last one, stating “It’d make Price cry.”
For a moment, Gaz forgets about the mission. He thinks of the memories he had with his friends, showing off their outfits before heading to the clubs
It was basically the same, just for a fancier occasion.
Looking at you reminded him of his older female cousins. After they went off to college and into their respective careers, when he’d visit, they always looked so put together. There was an air of confidence around them. 
 Low key wanted to take pictures and post them on social media but they both know that’s a horrible idea and could compromise the mission
When you first met each other, he did find you adorable, with your short stature and now, with you all dolled up, he thought you were really pretty
Kind of sees you as a younger sibling but he finally understands why a lot of new recruits and König have a crush on you
After the mission, he’d probably plan an evening of going to the opera so both of you have an excuse to get all fancy
He grew up with two older sisters. At around eight years old, they would sometimes let him hang out and keep them company whenever they’d get ready. He’d help pick out their outfits and watch in awe whenever they did their hair and makeup.
At the end, they would ask him how they looked and with no hesitation he’d respond “Bonnie!”
“Very good lad. Always say that to a girl when they take the time to get pretty,” they would say to him. 
And that’s what he did when he saw you walking over to them. 
He’s the type of hugger to pick up the person they’re hugging
He basically tackles you, lifting you up and rambling “You’re so beautiful!” as he swings you around
Begged him to put you down since you didn’t want to mess up your outfit. “Of course, Bonnie! My bad.”
Gushes over you like a grandma and since you’re not really used to compliments, you put your hands over your face
“Aw, don’t be shy now lassie!” He tells you as he pries your hands off.
Soap is just really happy and supportive
He kind of shares the same sentiment with Price, with how young you are, it feels like you should be living a different, less dangerous life. 
Again, all the members of 141 see you as family. Soap missed out on watching his younger siblings grow up and important milestones as well. 
So seeing you like this, it made him happy. 
Honestly, getting all dressed up doesn’t really mean a lot to him. He’s not a fan of big events nor does he want to be around people that are strict about social etiquette
He’ll put on some nice pants, a button up and some dress shoes for a night out but that’s more so for the 141 than himself. 
Has done these undercover missions before. He tries to get it done as quickly as possible though
Was thankful that he wasn’t picked for this one. Did feel a little bad for you, given your discomfort of undercover missions and knowing the fact that these kind of events remind you of your family
But seeing your reactions with the other members of the 141 and seeing you smile, he knew you were going to be okay
He doesn’t say much to you, instead he gives you a look down and a nod of approval. That was good enough for you.
You’ve talked about your family to him before. About your mom, how beautiful she was and that she used to model before becoming a diplomat. He’s seen a picture of her once, making a note of how similar you are. And with how you look, it was almost a spitting image. 
When they entered the vehicle, Ghost was all business from then on. Same with all of you, taking one last check to make sure your coms were working and hidden
Soap and Ghost drop you off at a parking garage, the KorTac team already waiting. Before you, Price and Gaz, Ghost calls out to you. You make your way over, slightly leaning down to hear him from the cracked window.
“You’re pretty, Crash,” he tells you, watching your mouth drop and eyes widen with surprise. There was a beat of silence before he continued. “Pretty fuckin’ annoying." “Piss off, LT.” You roll your eyes as you flip him off. “Not very ladylike, Crash.”
He wasn’t there for the grand lobby reveal but he did catch a glimpse of you at the parking garage where Soap and Ghost dropped you off. 
His teammates next to him heard him hitch his breath. He just stared at you and if it weren’t for his sniper veil, they would have seen his jaw dropped
Your eyes met his and you looked at each other for a moment before giving him a small wave from your gloved hand and a sweet smile. He watched you take Gaz’s arm, wishing it was him taking you to the gala instead, and walked out along with Price.
It was the first time he saw your hair up, not a strand out of place. And while the shawl covers the top half of the dress, he liked how fluffy the skirt looked and how it flows with each step. 
You looked like the female leads in the 1950’s movies he’d watch with his grandmother. 
He doesn’t see you again until later in the night. You got the intel but somehow got separated from Gaz and Price. Thankfully, that museum date stakeout you two went on, you managed to leave some gear on the roof as a backup plan. 
He was in a van with Soap and Ghost when Price informed them that you weren’t with them anymore. He felt some relief when you spoke on coms, telling everyone that you got the USB with no issues. But it was short lived when you suddenly yell, “Bring the van now!”
König was ready to jump out of the moving vehicle, but thankfully the van stopped just in time. Without a second to waste, he hauls ass to your direction
He knows that rope was secure, however he forgot to take into account that it can still be cut. He saw movement from above but his main goal was to get to you first
Hearing your scream made his stomach drop and yet, he was at the right place and at the right time. 
Arms ready, he feels you hit them, letting out a small ‘oof’ as you do. Quickly, he pulls you close, as not to let you go. 
While your hair was a mess from the running and falling, some strands fell but framed your face nicely. He didn’t notice then, however upon a closer inspection, your makeup was subtle yet it enhances your features. 
König couldn’t help but think of the paintings he saw days before. Portraits of royals, queens and princesses of his homeland. It was as if Winterhalter painted you himself.
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drewharrisonwriter · 9 months
Donor Part 4 (Final)
Part 1 | Part 1.5 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Pairings: Bestie Henry Cavill x OFC
A/N, Warnings: 18+, this is it... the last part of Donor. English is not my first language.
I’m AO3, too as MoonDjarin ^_^
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“Oh…” A gasp escaped your lips, your hand instinctively covering your mouth as shock settled in. Tears welled up in your eyes as you stared at all three positive pregnancy tests resting on the bathroom counter. A silent rush of emotions flooded over you, causing your hands to tremble in disbelief as you picked one up. The cool, marbled counter became your anchor as your legs threatened to give way beneath you.
Taking a deep, steadying breath, you attempted to compose yourself. With the sleeves of your sweater, you wiped away the tears that had started to flow and went out the bathroom with one of the tests to look for Henry. Your heart is racing and your mind feels like it’s about to turn into mush, you should be happy about this, why are you so nervous?
The voices drifted from the kitchen as you reached the landing of the staircase. Passing through the living room, you moved under the archway that led to the dining area. And there stood Henry in an old and faded gray t-shirt and jeans, hands submerged in soapy water, gently tending to your 7-month-old daughter, Vivienne. The kitchen told a tale of joyful chaos—baby food scattered about, unfinished waffles sitting on the kitchen island, and blueberries on the floor.
“Mama!” A joyful squeal from your 4 year old daughter, Marianna, or Mari as you fondly call her, greeted you as she caught sight of you at the kitchen's entrance, her little sister, two year old Serena (Sisi), mimicking her with a wave.
“We cwean the house fow you!” Sisi's prideful proclamation filled the room, her adorable voice resonating with accomplishment. A soft smile adorned your lips as you warmly acknowledged your young helpers. Under your breath, you praised, “Great job, babies.”
Henry turned around with a beaming smile on his face, his laughter still echoing from moments earlier when your 7-month-old daughter had been gleefully causing a watery mess in the kitchen.
“Hey, darling, how are you feeling?” he asked, his smile tinged with a touch more concern. He gently scooped up the baby, wrapping her in a towel and patting her dry.
Your throat tightened, and your eyes brimmed with tears once more. As though Henry sensed the impending news, he shook his head in disbelief, a chuckle escaping him. "No, no way…" he muttered, his grin so expansive you thought his face might rip in half. 
“Hank…” you began, your voice trembling. You trailed off, the weight of emotions overtaking you, and you broke into sobs.
“Oh no!” Mari exclaimed, getting up from the floor to hug your leg. “It’s okay, mama.” She said softly, rubbing a hand up and down your leg, and you managed to chuckle a little, running a hand through her dark curls to show your appreciation. Sisi, the ever clone of her older sister, did the same. 
He moved closer, his voice soothing and warm. “Oh, no, no, no, darling. Don’t cry, just tell me,” he cooed, placing the baby in her high chair and wiping his hands on his trousers as he walked toward you and the girls, enveloping you in a comforting embrace.
“I’m so sorry,” you repeated between sobs, but he shushed you gently and the girls went back to picking up blueberries from the floor. 
Henry knew. 
Of course he does. He knows you so well, and you’ve been feeling sick and losing appetite the past few weeks, plus your period came in really light earlier in the month. You have been so sensitive to touch and have been feeling sluggish and sleepy. 
But the icing on the cake happened the other night where you cried watching a wildlife commercial where a bird was swallowed by an alligator and Henry fought back so hard not to laugh but failed, miserably, exploding in a fit of laughter which got you even more riled up, throwing pillows at him. You both had been through this three times before, with the last one not being that long ago, he knew the signs so well by now. 
He had playfully suggested you take a pregnancy test before seeing your doctor, those mischievous eyebrows of his wiggling with a teasing twinkle in his eyes. You had brushed it off, convinced it was too soon and impossible. 
Yet, here you were, holding one of the three positive tests in your hand. His response was laughter, a joyful sound that blended with the soft kisses he planted on your tear-streaked face.
“I told you so!” he teased, his laughter mixing with your sobs.
Through your tears, you irritatingly asked him, “How do you find this so amusing? Vivi is only 7 months old. How are we ever going to manage?”
Henry's laughter lingered, accompanied by the cheerful chatter of his other daughters in the backdrop. In that moment, his heart felt as though it might burst from the sheer joy of the moment.
“It’s alright, darling, don’t cry,” he cooed, wiping the tears on your cheeks with his thumb.
“You’re not upset?” you were surprised by his unwavering calm in contrast to your own turbulent emotions. “Or scared?”
He chuckled, his affectionate response carrying the weight of his feelings. “First of all, I could never be upset about having more babies with you. And no, we've been through this before. You're giving me another child, for god's sake, nothing can make me happier than that.” He sealed his words with a lingering kiss pressed to your forehead.
Despite his reassurances, your fears lingered. “I’m so scared.” You admitted, “And I feel like we're not being fair to Vivi.” Your gaze drifted to your 7-month-old daughter, snugly wrapped in a soft, yellow chick towel. She sat there contentedly, fingers in her mouth, her wide blue eyes taking in the world. A cascade of curly brown hair framed her face from under the chick hoodie, still holding onto droplets of bathwater.
Henry's voice carried a reassuring tenderness. “It’s going to be alright, darling. I'm always here for you, you know that….” 
You were well aware of that. For over two decades, Henry had consistently shown what an incredible best friend he could be — his generosity and love knew no bounds. However, all of that paled in comparison to the depth of his role as your husband and the father of your children.
Henry then leaned in and whispered so the kids won’t hear, “You know how much I love it when you’re pregnant, right?” You let out a brief chuckle as he nuzzled his nose against your earlobe and you buried your face in his chest, muffling your voice as you exclaimed, "Ugh, Haaaaank... how did we end up here?" 
Your words were absorbed by his chest, and he couldn't help but burst into laughter once again. He gently pulled away and turned his attention to the little girls who were now devouring the blueberries they were meant to clean up from the floor.
"Guess what, my lovely princesses. You're going to have another baby sister!" Henry's excitement filled the room, while you responded with a groan. The girls cheered, their joyful leaps reflecting the news.
"How can you be so certain it'll be another girl?" You posed the question to him.
"Well, given the pattern we've got going, isn't it a safe bet at this point?" His smile conveyed his playful confidence and you only shook your head in disbelief.
Eight years have passed since you and Hank began clinically trying for a baby – as best friends. Seven years since you tied the knot, wasting no time to start your lives together just months after the events of Charlie's birthday. You spent your honeymoon in Amalfi, and bought a farmhouse outside of London, big enough for the big family you were planning. 
But while your relationship and its changes flowed smoothly, your attempts to conceive were still not as easy. It took nearly two more years before Marianna was conceived naturally. 
After over a year of trying, you and Henry considered going through another round of IUI, hoping that it would not lead you to the IVF path. But an accident during the final show of your tour sent you to the ER right after the last number. The standard blood work results brought an unexpected surprise – a positive pregnancy test – leaving you momentarily breathless.
Henry was overseas with Kal doing reshoots for a film he did the previous year and won’t be back for another month. You were itching to call him right then and there and tell him but you decided it’s best if you do it in person, and so you wait. 
When he got back a month later, Kal immediately made a beeline for you, his tail wagged furiously as he bounded toward you, showering you with affectionate licks and nuzzles. You couldn't help but laugh, feeling his excitement to be home and to see you.
Henry smiled warmly as he entered the foyer of your home, watching the scene unfold. "Looks like someone really missed you," he remarked.
"Well, I missed him, too." You said in a special voice that you only use with the pets, cupping Kal's head in your hands.
Henry grinned widely, and asked, "And me? Did you miss me, too?" You snorted, standing up and you nodded your head in response. 
You embraced him, your arms circling his neck as he drew you in for a soft, lingering kiss on your lips. Henry's voice held a hint of longing as he whispered, "I missed you so much." You echoed his sentiment.
You settled on the couch where almost immediately, your fat cats, Tuna and Luna, jumped on you in their ever so softly feline way and began settling on your lap where they softly purred in contentment. 
Henry cocked an eyebrow and looked at you, “That’s new.” He remarked, knowing so well that the cats would rather lay down on burning coals than curl up with any humans. You only shook your head with a smile, gently stroking the cats who are now settling into a nap. 
“I suppose when we go outside by the barn, the birds will perch on your shoulders and our chickens will begin to sing?” He joked and you let out a loud laugh.
“Shut up, you watch far too many Disney films. How was L.A.?” You asked him, trying your best to buy yourself time before breaking the news to him. You don’t know why you’re so nervous, and he picked up on it when he noticed you were chewing your bottom lip as he spoke. 
“You're nervous." He stated, "What’s going on, Snow White?”
You giggled nervously, your heart skipped a beat at his words. There was no avoiding it now. You took a deep breath, meeting his gaze with a mixture of emotions. 
"Hank," you began, your voice wavering slightly, "there's something I need to tell you."
“Please don’t tell me you’re going away…” His tone dripped with a hint of heartbreak, his brows furrowing at the thought of you leaving and doing long distance again. As you hesitated, he sank back into the couch, his hand pinching the bridge of his nose in a gesture of frustration. "I just got home, darling. I was hoping we could at least spend some time together aft–"
You cut him off right then, “Hank, I’m pregnant.” 
His eyes shot open, his fingers still at the bridge of his nose, frozen as he processed the news.  "What?" he murmured, his expression shifting from confusion to a slow, dawning smile as the news began to sink in. You repeated the words, and he shook his head in disbelief, a grin stretching across his face so widely that you half expected it to split in two.
“We’re having a baby!” He exclaimed pulling you in a tight embrace, peppering your face with small kisses and then he began sniffling. 
Henry-Fucking-Superman-Cavill is crying at the news of your pregnancy. 
He did the same at the first one, and again when you got pregnant with Sisi and Vivi.
And now, with baby number 4 on the way, he's just as emotional as ever.
The kids have settled in for their mid-day nap, and with the kitchen now tidy, you and Henry find yourselves sprawled out on the couch. You rest against his chest, his hand gently on your stomach, tracing soothing circles, his breath is hot and wet on your neck.
“I can’t believe we’re having another baby this soon,” You said, reaching back to run your fingers on his curls to soothe him.
“Sometimes, I don’t believe that we are living the life we have now.” he choked on his words. "I've always wanted this with you, and all those years, it seemed like a dream."
His confession, though all too familiar from the countless times he’s said it over the years, still tugged at your heartstrings, and you smiled in response.
"It's funny, because you were very reluctant to donate sperm in the first place. I literally had to beg you." you teased, a chuckle escaping your lips, followed by his own laughter.
"But I'm so glad you did, though... Look at what we have now, three beautiful princesses and another princess on the way," Henry chimed in, his laughter laced with pride.
"Stop saying it’s going to be another girl, you might be disappointed. Remember how you were convinced Vivi was a boy?" you playfully retorted.
"Disappointed?" He chuckled in disbelief. "Impossible. Doesn't matter if I'm wrong or right about this one," He splayed his hand on your stomach that's still soft from your last pregnancy and now housing another growing life.  "You’re my children’s mother. That’s what matters the most." he kissed you on the temple as he gently pulled you in closer to him. 
You hummed, “Thank you for agreeing to be a donor.” You laughed together. 
Funny how things turned out after one silly decision that sprouted from an even sillier dream. If anyone had told you eight years ago that your life would unfold so beautifully, you'd have likely chuckled, maybe even taken a long sip from a pint of beer and wondered how it could possibly happen when all that ever happened to you up until that point is to find dead-ends in every relationship you’ve ever been in. 
You had at least made bank from the sad songs you’ve written about those relationships over the years. Something that Henry would often joke about or even sing just to annoy you, and those times you often find yourself pondering on what could have been, even more. 
If you hadn't mustered the courage to ask Henry to help you pursue your dream of becoming a mother, the path you tread might have taken a different turn. For all you know, you could be still touring at this moment, singing sad songs after sad songs, and not nestled in the arms of the love of your life, with your little dreams sleeping in their bedrooms upstairs in the house that you and Henry have made a home. 
All of these twists and turns coalesced to lead you to this very moment.
And despite all that you both went through, you wouldn't change a thing. Even if it took nearly 20 years for the both of you to pave your way into the path that you're in now. 
"I love you, Hank," you whispered.
"I love you more, darling." he whispered back, “Always.”
Tag list:
@jyessaminereads @summersong69 @itsrubberbisquit @sweetandgentlecreature @kingliam2019 @leaveitbythewave @mrsevans90 @evansabove1981 @bascmve01 @shellyshellshell @iamsana @foxyjwls007 @one-sweet-gubler @henryownsme @angelcavill66
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whetstonefires · 1 year
So like, I'm pretty darn sure Mo Xuanyu did not actually make a pass at Jin Guangyao.
For several reasons, like for one thing hitting on your own actual brother who is also your boss is genuinely insane behavior, in a way nothing else we know about the guy actually matches, other than his reputation for being crazy which mostly seems to originate from the same point as the sexual harassment allegations. which tracks because even with rampant societal homophobia, that's such a crazy thing to do people would question it if it didn't come paired with the information that he's insane.
Then there's the fact that if that had actually happened, there's basically no way master spin artist jgy would have let it get out, because actually experiencing that would trigger his sense-of-uncleanliness issues so hard.
But what we see is that somehow Everyone Knows that it happened, but also that Jin Guangyao totally didn't tell anyone, because he's too merciful and kind and respectable. It just mysteriously leaked somehow that this private scandal happened.
(Also, to step up a meta level, the gay goth kid who was never quite accepted into his own family and wound up self-destructing was in fact guilty of the homophobic allegations spread by the powerful man who manipulates reputation for personal advantage? This is not the kind of story where that would be true. The thematic dissonance is too much.)
The only way it's believable that mxy made a move on jgy is if jgy spent a long time maneuvering him into it, hinting and deniably flirting and just generally being maximum skeeze, just a huge elaborate incestuous honeypot, just to bait a 'ruined reputation' trap. Which makes no sense at all.
I don't think jgy is necessarily above that kind of creepy grooming behavior but I do think he would hate it, and definitely wouldn't resort to it when sowing rumors would work just as well. and expose him to less risk.
So Mo Xuanyu didn't do it.
So what we've got is that Jin Guangyao systematically obliterated this kid's credibility.
No one would listen to anything he said after being expelled in that sort of context, especially anything against Jin Guangyao, whom he now has obvious motive to smear. This was a preemptive strike against some kind of leak.
It's exactly the kind of thing jgy would do--it targets individual vulnerability, leverages the weak points in Mo Xuanyu's reputation into gaping chasms, in a way that associates jgy with scandal but makes him personally look better. also shows signs of jgy projecting his own issues onto others. The MO fits.
And his motive is easy to construct: Mo Xuanyu had had access to his secrets, such as Wei Wuxian's manuscripts and probably a lot of the other ugly shit. And Jin Guangyao needed him silenced, due to some thing or other, but as with SiSi didn't want to have to kill him.
(A fascinating thing about jgy as a villain is the moments where he yields to sentiment pretty consistently contribute to his destruction.)
But then we come around to: so why didn't Mo Xuanyu sic Wei Wuxian on Jin Guangyao, then?
In cql wwx does have a curse cut for jgy, to keep him in the plot and create an additional open storyline to resolve, since viewers are gonna be denied romantic catharsis, but in cql the homophobia plotline isn't there because all the gay is censored, and mxy allegedly hit on qin su instead. which is less utterly unhinged to do though still big wtf.
In the book, mxy summoned the Yiling Patriarch just to kill the Mos. (Which he didn't even do lmao.)
So I've always been sort of poking at that, like if you're destroying your own soul to get revenge, why spare the person who deliberately ruined your life?
Even if he had done the thing, it was weird! Maybe even weirder; if you're in a headspace where making sexual advances anyone should be able to predict are unwelcome seems like a good idea in the first place, there's a pretty good chance getting punished for them isn't going to make you think you were in the wrong. Otoh there is a zone where he could have done it, gotten the backlash, cleared his head a bit, realized it was fucked up to do, and therefore not held a grudge in that particular direction, but it's still weird. (And also he definitely didn't do the thing.)
But if he was so angry, why was he not angry at Jin Guangyao? Who definitely kicked him out of the Sect, all else aside?
And then I looked at the passage in Jin sect where we swap to Jin Ling's pov and he tells us one of the few first-hand things we hear about Mo Xuanyu: He thought Jin Guangyao was the most amazing person in the whole world. He adored him.
And being betrayed and rejected by him didn't turn that into resentment. Even though he resented the other side of his family enough to want them gratuitously murdered.
So you know what I think happened?
I think Mo Xuanyu thinks it was an honest misunderstanding. That Jin Guangyao, his idol, falsely concluded that his gay little brother was creeping on him based on a misinterpretation of his admiring behavior, and was appropriately revolted. And that Mo Xuanyu doesn't blame him for it. He blames himself.
He went back to his mother's family to rot genuinely feeling like the ruination of his life was his own fault for being creepy. And died like that.
Because of that, to a considerable extent. How can you bend any of your will to saving yourself, to getting out of an abusive situation and seeking a better one, when you don't think you deserve to be saved?
Fucks me up.
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under-the-dirt · 6 months
phone call. (part two)
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AHHHHHHHHHHHH i was so obsessed with the first part and so why not make a second!! (based on this, credit to rowarn and the anon who had the idea!!)
pairings: bf!simon riley x fem!reader
taglist: @cloudyeventss
tags: INTENSE VOYUERISM!! fingering, oral (f!receiving), overstimulation, a little dacryphillia if u squint, aftercare, p in v, lmk if i missed anything, and most importantly, UNDER 13 DNI!!
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A couple days later, you and Johnny had made it to 30 hours on your next FaceTime. So far, one of your records, getting close to your longest of 40 hours. You lay on the couch, practically falling asleep as you had a mumbled and tired conversation with Johnny about something or other.
“Pineapple does not belong on pizza. Period. End of story. Concluded.” You state factually, and he chuckles.
“Alright.. what about.. boiled carrots?”
“Boiled carrots? Are you out of your mind? No, they’re disgusting mush. If i wanted to look like i was eating shit i’d scarf down some pudding,” You yawn.
“Tired, lass?” He asks, turned away to do whatever, probably making some food.
“Hm.. Yeah,”
Johnny chuckles, returning to whatever he was doing, humming some song.. Toxic, by Brittany Spears. He was such a dork.
“With the taste of your lips i’m on a rideeeee,” You giggle, eyes closed and voice tired.
“You’re toxic I’m slippin’ under! With the taste of a poison paradiseeeeee, i’m addicted to you don’t you know that you’re toxic?” He belts, dancing, causing you to curl up, tearing up with laughter. He was the second biggest, scariest guy you knew, singing Brittany Spears in his kitchen.
“I’m gonna buy you a cute little sundress with a cute frilly apron, turn you into a little housewife.” You mumble, falling asleep a few seconds after speaking.
-a little bit later-
Simon walks into the room, seeing you passed out on the couch with the credits to a movie rolling on the tv, remote long forgotten. Johnny sits on the phone, eating some food. You look so sweet, asleep and vulnerable all curled up. He grabs your phone and slips it into his pocket before picking you up bridal style and carrying you to your shared room, placing you down gently among your many stuffed animals and comfy blankets. He plugged your phone in, mumbling a greeting to Johnny, whose face was currently stuffed with food.
You whined softly, making grabby hands at the lack of warmth. Simon quickly crawls into the bed, tossing your blankets over the both of you and wrapping his arms around you. You were so sweet.
Upon waking up, you find yourself on top of Simon, his arms around your waist, one hand resting firmly on your plump ass.
“Ah, good morning love.” He coos, and you reply with a gentle kiss to his soft, scarred lips.
“Morning, sisi..” You say softly, tiredly, nuzzling back into his chest.
“Forgettin’ ‘bout me, lass?” Johnny says from the phone and you giggle.
“I’m spending time with my boyfriend,” You reply, nuzzling back into Simon’s chest as he gently squeezes your ass. Simon chuckles and hums, rubbing your ass in gentle circles.
You look up and begin kissing him gently, sweetly, and he returns to kiss passionately, tongue slowly slipping into your mouth as you moan gently. He pulls you closer and kisses you deeper, indulging in a gentle make out session. He chuckles and bites your bottom lip, tugging gently and looking down at your sweet doe eyes.
“Say.. Johnny, how would you feel about comin’ over for dinner tonight?” Simon asks suddenly, looking into the camera.
“I coul’ neva’ tern down a free meal,” Johnny responds with a chuckle, and you squeal softly, happy to have him back to your house
“Hi Johnny!!” You squeal, running and hugging him tightly, arms around his large neck. He wraps his arms around your waist and hugs you back for a moment before letting go and putting you down.
“So, what’s fer dinna’?”
“I made pasta! The sauce is marinara, and I also made some garlic bread and salad as a side!”
“Sounds lovely, lass,” He coos with a chuckle, following you and Simon into the dining room where you have the food laid out, fresh pasta and bread steaming.
You all sat down at the table, serving yourselves and preparing to eat. You were sat next to Simon, Johnny across from you both.
You all were enjoying your food, but Simon was enjoying something else far more. As you ate, he’d been toying with your clit beneath the table, gently shoving two fingers in and out of your sopping pussy. You’re glad that the sounds of all of you eating, getting more servings, etc. covered the wet squelching of your tight cunt.
“Oh- Dropped my fork,” Simon chuckles, dropping beneath the table, fork obviously still on the table. He quickly kneels before you and sloppily, quickly eats you out, hearing you hide your moans in your food as you cum on his tongue. He wipes his face off and climbs back up, looking at Johnny who seems to have a grasp on what’s going on now.
“Such a sweet girl, ain’t she? Makin all this good food for us?” Simon purrs, rubbing your thigh with still wet fingers.
“Very good.”
“Johnny, why don’t you be a darling and put the dishes in the dishwasher?” You ask sweetly.
“Course, lass.”
“Thank you!”
And when he walked back in.. Steaming Jesus was he met with a sight. You were bent over the table, full doggy, gripping the tablecloth as Simon pounded into you. You were moaning, trying to muffle the noises, breath catching in your throat at each harsh thrust. Johnny sat back down where he was before, having a perfect angle to watch you get rammed into.
“Such a pretty lass,” Johnny chuckles, palming himself before pushing his hand beneath his waistband and gently stroking his length.
He listens to your sweet moans and whimpers, and Simon’s rough groans and grunts as he ruins your sweet cunt. He listens to the animalistic groan that leaves Simon as he empties himself inside of your fluttering hole, before looking up at Johnny through half-lidded eyes.
“You wantin’ desert, Johnny?”
“An’ what woul’ desert be?”
“You get to eat out her little cunt, all filled with my cum.”
“It’d be my pleasure,” Johnny chuckles, pulling his hand out of his pants, his boxers stick with his release. He walks over to you, kneeling behind you and spreading your legs, running a finger through your flooding folds. He groans at the sight of your tight little hole, clenching around nothing. He places a gentle kiss to your swollen clit, making you squirm and whine.
“Hey, jus’ cleanin ye up, lass,” He coos, slowly plunging his tongue deep into your cunt, causing you to moan and sob, squirming agains the table as he slurps at your puffy, cum-filled cunt. He groans against your core, the vibrations making you moan louder. He feels you cum onto his tongue as he licks the rest of Simon’s cum and yours out of your cunt. His face is soaked, but he’s happier than he’s ever been. He gets up, wiping the extra cum and slick off his face before patting Simon on the back as he leaves. “Ya taste good, big guy.”
Your back was pressed to Simon’s chest in the bath as he gently massaged your abused body. Breasts hurting from being pressed against the table, cunt hurting from the overstimulation, back hurting from being arched for so long, legs hurting because Simon’s cock always ruins your ability to walk.
“I know, I know,” He coos, massaging your soft tits gently as you whimpered, face pressed into his neck.
“Did ya enjoy that?” He asks softly, and you answer with a tired nod, to which he takes as bath time is over and it’s bed time. He picks you up, drys you off and carries you to bed, your naked body curling up to him instinctively, desperate for his warmth.
“Such a good girl..” He whispers, kissing your head as he too, succumbs to sleep.
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OK THIS WAS FUCKING FILTHY. but i had sm fun finally writing this!! in the middle, i got a call from a random girl saying she got my number from her brother who met me at a party which is weird bc i don’t go to parties often at least i haven’t gone to one recently so that was weird but it was funny af anyways i got my haircut and once it’s dry and looks good i’ll post photos. <3
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mooncheese3 · 10 months
the man called otto au, old man!sj and the luo family. he was not able to escape wyz in the iac bc wyz decided not to sneak into it, instead spending that week in a brothel to waste away a truly big bag of coin he was lucky enough to snatch.
cw // suicide attempts, suicidal thoughts
bc of this sj wasnt able to find out what happened to yq and cultivate,and so stayed a mortal. one day wyz comes across another kid, and tries to off sj since he'd outlived his usefulness. sj outsmarts him, so wyz just leaves with his new assistant, not finding sj enough of a risk to keep alive.
sj wanders, able to get by with money he'd acquired via the things wyz taught him--all very much illegal. one day he stays a bit longer in a town, and ends up staying the night in a brothel. apparently when you assist them in kicking out a horrible customer, they wouldnt mind it so much if you were to sleep in their storage room for free. (his pretty face also helped lmao. the only privelege sj has is pretty privelege, but even that doesnt come often). one night turns into a few days, and a few days turns into a week, and suddenly sj works there.
there he becomes friends with some of the prostitutes, and finds himself with a pseudo little sister with the name sisi
a few years pass; by this point hes a young adult. sj decides to travel around. he still hasnt accepted that yq could be dead (even if his head tells him its very likely yq is), so traveling would mean possibly getting closer to wherever yq may be. he moves in the general direction of cqms, as that was yq's destination. he goes through towns, cities, forests and roads, takes on odd jobs and errands but never begs--never again--yet despite all of that no hide nor hair of his older brother can be found. sj considers going to cqms directly, but if he were being honest...
yq tended to see the good in people. while not a bad thing in itself, it usually led to shitty things happening to people like them. added with the fact that yq was a runaway child slave with no money, wore clothes that kept the cold in rather than out, was illiterate and never learned how to mapread, had never traveled so far on his own with only a vague sense of where he was going, with unkown humans, demons, creatures and plants everywhere on his trek,,, the chances of sj finding his older brother decaying rather than breathing was too high
going to cang qiong and not finding yq there... to him, it would be as close to a confirmation that yq was dead. so he avoids it. (he doesnt stop himself from listening in on conversations about cang qiong, though)
thats how he spends most of his life, traveling and seeing the world, learning about all sorts of things on the way. he spends the freedom hed fought for in what he feels to be the fullest without being around people he doesnt already know. if yq really was dead, then hed be seeing the world for both of them while he could.
when days are too hard and the thought that he'd sent his qige to his death is too strong, sj feels the temptation to follow yq into the afterlife. the sword hed stolen and the dagger up his sleeve find themselves in his hands all too often on those nights, yet no injury ever appears on himself and he breathes just fine the following morning
one day he goes back to the brothel he used to work in, and discovers that sisi isnt there anymore. after catching up with his old friends he travels again, southward where the brothel theyd transferred some of their staff stood
eventually he and sisi reunite. she introduces him to her friend, meng shi, and her son, meng yao. hes appalled when he finds meng yao reading a fake cultivation manual, so he teaches meng yao how to tell a fake from a legitimate one. he also teaches him how to /get/ a legitimate one under a fair and affordable price. sisi wheedles sj into teaching meng yao more, so he does
sj goes back on the road, and somewhere along the way settles in a hut along the luo river. but even when he lives on the outskirts of the village, which was already a decent distance away from any cultivational sect, he still hears news of the head disciple of qiong ding peak's achievements in the defeat of tianlangjun. one thing leads to another and sj finds out that yqy is in fact his yq
a confrontation happens; yqy is beyond happy that sj is alive, if a little shocked and scared that all hes seeing is a ghost his mind conjured up. like canon sj asks why yqy didnt come back, and since yqy is a do or don't there is no try person (this mentality really fucks him up), yqy doesnt give any "excuse" as to why he was gone. he was a coward, incompetent and careless in his rush to go back to the qiu manor. the fact that he went back too late and /tried/ to save sj but found the estate in ashes didnt matter. to yqy, it is the end result that matters, not the effort and process it takes for him to get there. he didnt save sj, and that was that.
in the face of what sj went through, what he experienced was miniscule. look at them! while yqy was dressed in expensive fabrics with a face that looked no older than 20 bc of his high cultivation, sj was dressed in simple and cheap robes with signs of age, hardship, and days under the sun. what right did he have to stand here and make himself seem pitiful and sympathetic when he couldnt even save sj? in the end, all he says is a wretched "im sorry for not saving you."
(hc that yqy always had this mentality, it was just worsened by his shizun. yes hes totally downplaying everything he went through on his quest to try to save sj. yqy has serious self-worth issues)
sj refuses to go to cqms with yqy. hes far too old to cultivate so all he'll end up doing there is be a servant. in sj's view that was akin to returning to his old life, just under a different master in a far bigger "estate"
yqy visits often, leaving behind trinkets sj could pawn or sell and bags of money to keep himself fed and warm. he tries to reconnect with sj, but (like canon, just even worse) sj is not having it. to sj, these "gifts" are bribes for him to stay quiet to keep yqy's pristine reputation. sj drives yqy away, but always finds himself watching as yqy leaves. it seems that therell always be a small part of him that wants his older brother back.
as sj gets older he gets sicker, experiencing aches and pains and dreaded headaches.
yqy notices, and so starts to leave medicine as well.
the longer this goes on, the more yqy looks sad and regretful. the dark cloud that hangs above his head grows darker each time he arrives and is chased away
sj abruptly thinks that he should disappear. when he was gone, yqy was doing well. its only after he showed back up in his life that yqy seemed to start being more miserable.
it of course didnt help that sometimes one of yqy's martial siblings accompanied him on his visits. always staying on the outskirts of his property, but always with an odd and/or dissaproving look on their face. sometimes, sj would faintly hear them tell yqy that coming here wasnt worth it, or at least something similar to it (sj doesnt see the harsh and downright terrifying look yqy would then send that person)
the first time he seriously tries to end his life, it is unexpectedly cut short by a rapid knocking on his door
THIS IS WHERE THE LUO FAMILY COME IN!!! mme luo comes knocking on his door one day, carrying a small feverish toddler. she has no money to go to the nearest doctor (this particular doctor likes charging too high), and the closest neighbor that hasnt already ignored her pleas for help is sj
sj aggrievedly lets her in, giving mme luo an appropriate dose of medicine so she could be the one to coax the kid into ingesting it. the child ends up recovering fairly quickly, and as thanks mme luo leaves a delicious plate of fish in a woven basket for sj
sj returns the basket. mme luo fills it again with another dish, this time with a bowl of sweet and sour pork with bokchoy soup
following the movie, everytime sj (otto) tries to khs, his attempts are unkowingly thwarted by the people hes shown kindness to
at some point mengyao (now very newly named jgy!!) encounters sj again. jgy doesnt stay long, since he does have to return to the jin sect, but he helps around the house. he cooks sj breakfast, teaches binghe etiquette, and becomes an indulgent culinary student to a very eager to show off binghe
each time someone barges into his life, sj always tells them to fuck off. most times he lets them in anyway, but others he shuts them out.
he goes too far one day, so mme luo does her mom thing and somehow gets him to open up. shes always tried to get him to do that, but sj always closed himself from others. this one time, sj tells her about his past and explains why he acts the way he does
while it is indeed the only time hes done so, he begins to allow himself to grow closer with others and let them get to know him, just as much as he gets to know about them
eventually, very slowly, qijiu begin to reconcile. yqy finds the courage to tell sj that he was hasty and was trapped within the ling xi caves, that he did go back, just too late. while theyll never be like they were before, they still had each other in the end
it would be nice if, unlike canon, him helping people inadvertently gets him to live, yk? kindness spreads kindness, that sort of thing
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mariacallous · 4 months
On Sunday, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson went on television and mixed up Iran and Israel. “We passed the support for Iran many months ago,” he told Meet the Press, erroneously referring to an aid package for the Jewish state. Last night, the Fox News prime-time host Jesse Watters introduced South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem as hailing from South Carolina. I once joined a cable-news panel where one of the participants kept confusing then–Attorney General Jeff Sessions with Representative Pete Sessions of Texas. I don’t hold these errors against anyone, as they are some of the most common miscues made by people who talk for a living—and I’m sure my time will come.
Yesterday, President Joe Biden added another example to this list. In response to a question about Gaza, he referred to the Egyptian leader Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as the president of Mexico. The substance of Biden’s answer was perfectly cogent. The off-the-cuff response included geographic and policy details not just about Egypt, but about multiple Middle Eastern players that most Americans probably couldn’t even name. The president clearly knew whom and what he was talking about; he just slipped up the same way Johnson and so many others have. But the flub could not have come at a worse time. Because the press conference had been called to respond to Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report on Biden’s handling of classified documents, which dubbed the president an “elderly man with a poor memory,” the Mexico gaffe was immediately cast by critics as confirmation of Biden’s cognitive collapse.
But the truth is, mistakes like these are nothing new for Biden, who has been mixing up names and places for his entire political career. Back in 2008, he infamously introduced his running mate as “the next president of the United States, Barack America.” At the time, Biden’s well-known propensity for bizarre tangents, ahistorical riffs, and malapropisms compelled Slate to publish an entire column explaining “why Joe Biden’s gaffes don’t hurt him much.” The article included such gems as the time that then-Senator Biden told the journalist Katie Couric that “when the markets crashed in 1929, ‘Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the princes of greed. He said, “Look, here’s what happened.”’” The only problem with this story, Slate laconically noted, was that “FDR wasn’t president then, nor did television exist.”
In other words, even a cursory history of Biden’s bungling shows that he is the same person he has always been, just older and slower—a gaffe-prone, middling public speaker with above-average emotional intelligence and an instinct for legislative horse-trading. This is why Biden’s signature moments as a politician have been not set-piece speeches, but off-the-cuff encounters, such as when he knelt to engage elderly Holocaust survivors in Israel so they would not have to stand, and when he befriended a security guard in an elevator at The New York Times on his way to a meeting with the paper’s editorial board, which declined to endorse him. And it’s why Biden’s key accomplishments—such as the landmark climate-change provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act, the country’s first gun-control bill in decades, and the expected expansion of the child tax credit—have come through Congress. The president’s strength is not orating, but legislating; not inspiring a crowd, but connecting with individuals.
That said, although Biden’s Mexico mistake might not be a demonstration of dementia, it is a warning sign of a different sort that his campaign would be wise to heed. Recently, the White House declined to have Biden participate in the traditional pre–Super Bowl interview this coming Sunday. The administration framed this decision as part of a broader strategy favoring nontraditional media, but it was reasonably seen as an attempt to shield the candidate from scrutiny. The president’s staff is understandably reluctant to put Biden front and center, knowing that his slower speed and inevitable gaffes—both real and fabricated—will feed the mental-acuity narrative. But in actuality, the bar for Biden has been set so laughably low that he can’t help but vault over it simply by showing up. By contrast, limiting his appearances ensures that the public mostly encounters the president through decontextualized social-media clips of his slipups.
As Slate observed in 2008, the frequency of Biden’s rhetorical miscues helped neutralize them in the eyes of the public. In 2024, Biden will have an assist from another source: Donald Trump. Among other recent lapses, the former president has called Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán “the leader of Turkey,” confused Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley, and repeatedly expressed the strange belief that he won the 2020 election. With an opponent prone to vastly worse feats of viscous verbosity, Biden can’t help but look better by comparison, especially if he starts playing offense instead of defense.
But none of this will happen by itself. If the president and his campaign want the headlines to be something other than “Yes, Biden Knows Who the President of Egypt Is,” they’ll have to start making news, not reacting to it.
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Clockwork. - OC Story
pairing: COD OC!Victoria "Whiskey" Callahan x Simon "Ghost" Riley bonus: MootOC!Meabh "Pirate" O'Malley x Johnny "Soap" MacTavish words: 1.4k~ (on the dot, bby!) cw: canon simon backstory. + none. just toothrotting fluff.
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December and May are Simon's least favourite months of the year.
December because it's the constant reminder of his family passing.
May because it's the constant reminder that he was the cause of all his family's issues.
Simon was born within days of his own father's birthday; "a late birthday present" everyone called it...
Nevermind the fact the druggie was too high to even attend his own son's birth, and that his mum had to get herself to the hospital alone, with a young Tommy tucked under her arm.
Simon had a bad birth, having breached feet first, and having to get rotated in utero, and then having been born with the umbilical chord around his neck, which meant he needed extra care afterward.
Simon needed to get surgery at age 3 because of tonsilitis.
Simon needed glasses growing up, which is mum could barely afford.
Simon had trouble saying his Ss, so for a long time, he got mocked at school for calling himself "Shimon"... and ended in him having speech classes.
Simon's grades were horrendous, and he had a tendency to get into fights at school, which caused his mum to have to take hours off work to come see his teachers.
Always him, at the root of every problem.
And yet Simon was the only one in the house to raise his voice (and later his fists) at the drunk that was his father, which earned him countless trips to A&E.
Simon was the one with the neglected birthday, not because his mum and Tommy didn't remember, but because being right after his own father's, the leech would blow all their money on a rager, and leave the family unable to eat, let alone buy the boy a cake.
So Simon learned to not care.
Going into the Army, people didn't really show that big of a deal about it like they would at a normal job. Hard to, when you spend all your time fearing a bomb will fall on you or a bullet will bury itself on your body.
But then he went home, and when he kicked that bag of bones out of the house, and got Tommy into rehab... It got different. Got... better. The birthdays got easier. There were phone calls, and cards, and he actually... sort of... looked forward to it.
Whenever he'd be scheduled for leave, he'd go home, and mum would've bought them a cake and they'd sing happy birthday, and mum would give him things he needed; clothes, boots, they'd watch films together, she'd kiss his forehead so often...
Then, Beth came along. And now he suddenly was being forced fed cake and handed gifts that he had no clue what to do with... So his barracks suddenly had color. There were new towels, and little trinkets, picture frames with photos from home...
Then Joseph came, the little boy that had been the apple of his eye, that learned to talk in May, at 10 months old, and Simon got an e-mail with a video from them, where little Joseph mumbled his way past a 'SiSi!' while pointing at a picture of him in Tommy's phone... One of, if not the, best gift he'd ever received.
And they they were gone.
It only got so much worse after that night.
He swore he'd never celebrate his birthday again.
All he had ever loved had been stripped from him.
He wondered if it was his fault.
If he was, somehow, destined to bring bad luck to all those around him.
If he was, somehow, the root of all evil.
If, because he spited some God, all that he loved, all that he touched, was destined to die in his hands.
He spent three years locked in a haze. Mission to mission, job to job, move move move, and never stop.
He spent three Mays buried in work so he couldn't think, and buried in alcohol so he couldn't feel.
And then, on the fourth...
“He tried to get the radiophone off me, so I broke a couple of his fingers… And his wrist. And kicked him in the balls.”
“It's a… Mexican-style MRE. Has beans and cheddar cheese or something. It's the only one I actually don't mind eating. The others are disgusting.”
“That feels like a dig at my social skills.”
“I've been swimming since I was a girl. Navy made sense too.”
“Took a napalm bath.”
For once since that bloody fucking day, he actually wanted something more than to simply forget, to drink himself into a coma and only waking up days later with his phone ringing and Price talking about a new mission.
God, Victoria made him laugh. She made him roll his eyes. She made him scoff. She made him talk. She made him listen.
Of course he couldn't let that go... let her go.
Of course he went looking for her once he was on leave.
Of course he held her close for those two nights.
Of course he held her close in that safehouse.
Of course he bore his face out for her when he got shot.
Of course, of course, of course.
He didn't isolate anymore, every May after that.
Simon'd wake up on his birthday and throw back the covers and sit on the edge of the bed and before the thoughts got to him, she'd already be wrapping her arms around his midsection, and pressing her cheek to his back.
And he'd put his hands over hers, and hear her breathing, and her heartbeat pressed against his back... And he'd close his eyes.
They didn't need to speak.
Victoria never wished him a 'Happy Birthday', but she'd always make sure to bake him a little sweet treat for dinner.
They share it the same way they shared their ''wedding cake'': sat across from each other in their kitchen, with a backdrop of trees beside them, a single knife to cut a slice, feeding each other pieces off the blade.
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And when the thoughts got to be too much, on his birthday or all throughout the month, he'd simply turn and look at her, cup her face in his hand, and look her in the eye...
In those moments, he wanted to say it, he could feel it in the tip of his tongue...
That he cherished her.
That he appreciated all she did.
That she kept him sane.
That she was the best thing to have ever happened to him.
That she was like a lighthouse when he felt like a bloody gondola lost at open sea (wildly unprepared and definitely about to tip over and drown).
That he'd die for her.
That he'd kill (and had killed, and would kill again) for her.
That even if there was nothing else to go on for... he'd keep going for her.
That he loved her.
The words were always at the tip of his tongue.
Not just then, but every day. At all points of the day.
Whenever they touched, he'd want to say it.
Whenever they spoke, he'd want to say it.
Whenever they'd lock eyes, he'd want to say it.
Whenever he breathed, he'd want to say it.
His tongue would swirl with the taste of it, of the love he felt for her...
But the words never really made it out...
But he knew. And she knew.
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Then the news came, the baby, Meabh, it was always go go go, on the move, at home, never time to rest, just Meabh and the baby, and Victoria and him, and...
By the time Simon noticed, Fiadh was here, lying in his arms, little hands closed into fists, her small wrapped in a white blanket with anchors and fishes drawn on it...
And he looked up at his wife who stood beside Meabh, doting on her best friend and caressing her head, cooing at her that she did a good job, the girl a bit dozy from exhaustion from the recent breast feeding...
And then at the clock on the wall, marking 00:13 of the 19th...
And he felt his eyes begin to prickle, his jaw clenching under his surgical mask...
He looked back down at his niece again, little blind blue eyes, the same ones that used to belong to his best friend, staring up at him...
Maybe he didn't hate his birthday so much anymore.
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for you @loveandplanet for making me sad ; and also @crashtestbunny sorry for this :)
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lansplaining · 1 year
why i don’t think jin guangyao killed rusong
(or had him killed) 
“Then... then even if you had no choice but to marry Qin Su, you still could have neglected her,” Lan Xichen said. “Why did you have to... And why go through with the trouble of siring A-Song, only to kill your son with your own hands?” 
Jin Guangyao clutched his head in his hands and said in a bitter tone, “...After the wedding, I never touched A-Su again. A-Song... was conceived before we were married. At the time, I was afraid that a delay would cause complications...” 
So he and Qin Su had consummated their union in advance. If not for that, he would never have ended up committing incest with his own younger sister. He didn’t know whether he should hate his father, who was hardly a father at all, or his own paranoid, overthinking self! 
Lan Xichen sighed. “Next-- and do not attempt to prevaricate-- but answer me. Did you intentionally plot Jin Zixuan’s death?” (7 Seas trans., 86-7) 
This is the sequence where Jin Guangyao lays everything out. Given what he chooses to reveal, it seems safe to assume that he isn’t hiding anything. So why do he and Lan Xichen just completely drop the Rusong question? There’s potentially an answer in the way Xichen frames the question-- that is, it’s a two-in-one of “why did you sleep with her and conceive a son only to kill him” and JGY’s response answers both-- I didn’t know when I slept with her and when I conceived him. 
But why does even the narration seem to forget about it? Why doesn’t it say, “he would never ended up committing incest with his own younger sister and having to kill his own son”?
I think... because he didn’t. I get annoyed by attempts to answer questions that hinge on how someone “would” or “should” act because everyone is different! But! Murdering your own son is something that would demand at least a little emotional unpacking, surely?? Or at least a little more explanation. He was a total innocent, and a child! But we get more time breaking down murders that are ten times more understandable, if not justifiable in the eyes of those listening, just from surface knowledge of the relationships. 
We even get other opportunities for it to come up, and it doesn’t. In the very next section, for example: 
“Despite us being born of the same man, why was your father able to spend his leisure time at home with his beloved wife, playing with his child, while I didn’t dare be alone with my wife and my blood ran cold at the sight of my own son?” (88). 
Again, dropping in “while I was driven to kill my own son” feels a little more rhetorically powerful-- if it happened. 
JGY leaves out potentially morally exculpatory evidence again and again when he isn’t asked for it directly-- like SiSi, like an explanation of how his mother was treated in the brothel he burned. The fact that he doesn’t go into Rusong’s death, and the fact that Lan Xichen just lets it pass without explanation, makes me think that the official version of events-- that he was killed in political retaliation-- is true. 
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wutheringskies · 7 months
Wei Wuxian: Critical Thought and Genuine Kindness
Wei Wuxian is so genuinely nice, kind and tactile. He's not a rambling, messy, loudmouth. He's never let secrets slip from his own mouth. He will never accidentally offer important information, or his weaknesses upto his enemies. Wei Wuxian isn't Jingyi. Even when he was a child, he wasn't that innocent, having lived on the streets and with Madam Yu.
And he doesn't wish to cause "trouble." If something will only cause pain and harm, he won't look into it. He won't uncover those secrets - such as those of Madam Lan.
To highlight his genuine kindness and tact, I'll break down this tiny snippet from the novel:
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Here, Wei Wuxian calculates that if such a devastating fact hadn't been unleashed on Qin Su, she wouldn't have taken her life. He deduces it was better for her to live as she was living than face this knowledge. Thus, he values life more than the truth, as the truth doesn't serve anyone - it only seeks to destroy. It doesn't protect.
On the other hand, now that the person who was most harmed by this is already gone, and the person who can be blamed for it is already being hated upon, the rest of the cultivation society deems it a great time to uncover truths. Yet, if the person who was harmed was their own blood, or friend, or sworn brother, they wouldn't dare uncover any truth! And if the person being blamed for it was someone who backed them up, they'd mindlessly defend him, say a person with no status like Bicao was lying!
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Now, all those who were jealous of the Madam Jin and her happy marriage, her beauty, her status and her authority pass comments that "oh, she actually had a shit life, haha, even though she was more beautiful than me, I'm the winner!" People are blaming her for being too weak.
Wei Wuxian is sympathetic towards Qin Su, already showing higher emotional intelligence than most of the people here.
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Here, while all the sect leaders are busy with their drama, Wei Wuxian, who is naturally keen and notices small things, sees the gold bracelet, and understands that someone must have gifted and guided Bicao and Sisi. Thus, a rich man's agenda is to have Jin Guangyao humiliated.
Nie Huaisang is also smart. He notices Wei Wuxian's insistence on figuring out why Sisi and Bicao came here, thus asks the question Wei Wuxian is thinking deeply, thus momentarily slipping under his radar of suspects.
Once again, the sect leaders have no critical thoughts ^^
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fae-only-reblogs · 1 month
My Little Nightmares headcanons
This is probably messy to read I apologize! Remember these headcanons are just for fun & while some of them might have roots in canon they are ONLY headcanons! ❤️
The sound of Nightmares 🎧 (TSON)
- Sisi & Otto were foster kids adopted by the same family (no biological relation)
- I don't personally think Sisi/Cici is Six but I lean of her being the RCG from VLN
- Sisi could be an entirely different character to begin with
- Noone is blonde
- Children in the Waking world are still super small just as in the games
Very Little Nightmares (VLN)
- the pretender has parents
- IF the pretender & RCG do have a time loop situation it's of the easiest to be broken
- RCG & The pretender are friends! Then eventually they'll become friends who are also girls and beyond that who knows!
- The pretender is porcelain but can still grow
- The pretender gave RCG the name Rain because children who enter the Nowhere eventually lose their memories from the Waking world.
- The pretender's parents are out on business, somewhere. Either in the pale city or some location from TSON 🎧
LN comics
- The long haired girl & the boy in green are siblings
- The hunched back girl has powers of some kind (shown off in the comics but unsure what kind of powers they are exactly)
- ⭐ refugee boy & his sister as well as the hunched back girl were born in the Nowhere (More on this in a bit)
Little Nightmares (LN)
- The Lady & Six are the same person (time loop)
- There were four previous ladies before the current one (Lady Six). But these four were different individuals filling a title rather than the same person completing a loop four different times!
- Lady 1 passed her powers to lady 2, from her to Lady 3, and I believe Lady 4 wasn't killed but sent to the flooded parts of the Maw to become the granny by Lady 5 (or the 1st version of her anyways)
- Lady 5/Adult Six & Six have been in their own time loop for quite awhile. Maybe it's because the Nowhere finds their time loop particularly entertaining or the supply of (misery/souls/meat/whatever else the Nowhere sustains itself off of) has been significantly more than what those past four ladies could provide it. Time loop = entertaining & or Time loop = efficiency.
- The Lady is close with the doctor, the teacher, the hunter, and the barber due to having their portraits hung around the Maw.
- Children can't permanently die & we'll just essentially respond unless 1 of 3 events occur: 1) The soul reaches a breaking point/corruption & just can't continue. 2) They get taken out by a power strong enough to perma kill them - the pretender's ability to just evaporate you completely as in VLN. 3) The Nowhere consumes them in one way or another
- The flashlight girl is the daughter of the Lady (Adoptive or biological)
- The flashlight girl's model is taller than Six & Seven's models so I think she's closer to her teenage years 13 years old
- Not many HCs on Runaway kid other than his 'name' is Seven & he's 9 years old
Little Nightmares 2 (LN2)
- Mono & the thin man are the same person (Time Loop)
- The Thin man is one individual rather than a role to be filled (like the Lady)
- The thin man is a TV show/Radio host
- Thin man & The lady still keep in contact somehow (I like the idea of messaging birds)
- The hunter is Six's adoptive parent
- Spoon girl & Lollipop kid are friends! She 100% protects him from the monster's every time
- Mono came from an orphanage that caught fire (based off the LN2 comics)
- ⭐ Non hostile adults exist in the Nowhere (Refugee boy comes from a village after all) These villages were probably formed by children who were able to grow up without becoming monsters or puppets to the Nowhere (The Lady/Thin man)
- The Nowhere probably isn't fond of anything that isn't misery so I think these villages could make deals with powerful entities or the Nowhere itself so that the entity gains something for protection (probably a child sacrifice- yeah....)
There's still more I can put here but that can come later once I've posted all my drawings I've been doing for my main blog! Thank you for reading!
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saintwrld · 1 year
Lift me up
pairing: shuri x reader
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summary: in which you discover your powers and help the mighty black panther in the war against Wakanda and Talokan
themes: angst
warnings: major character death (twice, idk what’s wrong with me)
translations: mntanasekhaya - sibling, sthandwa sam- my love, sisi omdala - older sister, usishiyile - she has passed (also meaning she has left us)
taglist: @pinkwright @zayswriting @vixentheplanet @inmyheadimobsessed @laurensmabel1 @ventingfanfics @quintessencewrites @ziayamikaelson @blackgirlfariy @shuriszn @6-noir @ogbells16 @cuddl3s4shur1 @n7cje @awolfcsworld @zhanylai @hetr0ph0bic @heejayy @heartsforjojo @locoforshuri @iloveekeiarah @khaleesi56 @thevenusianleo @verachii @axailslink @mbakuetshurisprincess @shinsousliya @letitias-fav @dejaonline (if i didn’t tag you, lemme know!)
a/n: i felt real angsty today 🤭 hope you enjoy
Wakanda had fallen silent.
The nation had been struck down by the loss of its sovereign ruler, Queen Ramonda, due to the same beings who kidnapped the American scientist along with your best friend, Princess Shuri.
Oh, Shuri. How your heart poured out to her whilst dealing with the pain of losing a mother figure. You could not imagine what emotions have taken over her heart. It pained you to even think of that dreadful day. How you had been occupied with figuring out your new found powers and had declined giving the American scientist, Riri, the tour of the palace. Believing it would be best for the queen to handle instead of you.
How it pained you to realise that your last words to Queen Ramonda were that of giving goodbyes and hugging each other as if you knew she was leaving. How you were having conversations with the elders of Wakanda on your deity, Bast, without yet revealing your new identity to them and the blast of water floods entered your spiritual vision before your actual vision.
Feeling the pressure of water pushing you and many other people. Hearing screams from each direction you turned your head. Holding on to anyone in your path, not realising that you had parted the water, leading the people towards the fighter stations near Bashenga's hut.
Your heart pounding against your chest had been the only thing you heard as you ascended into the air. Your vision had again turned white however you felt your entire body move as if you were fighting. Energy surging through your skin as you lost contact with your body, seeing the familiar hues of blue and purple in the sky outside of your childhood home near the river.
in the ancestral realm
Opening your eyes, you heard a voice behind you as if it was coming from the tv.
"We've gotten reports from the third world country of Wakanda that their sovereign ruler, Que-"
"Y/n!" Another voice cheered happily, you noticed the shake in their voice as you felt their presence coming closer and closer to you.
Looking behind you, you saw your older sister, Wami, beaming at you with tears streaming down her face. She had grown taller since the last time you had seen her, granted it had been years.
"Wami?" You barely whispered as you started at her in shock. Your entire family had unfortunately left you all alone as they were blipped, leaving you to find refuge in your second home in the palace along with Queen Ramonda who had lost two of her own children in the blip.
When everyone had returned after 5 excruciatingly long years, you welcomed Shuri with your whole being, seeing how she grew taller. After being with T'Challa and Shuri and being tempted to tell them everything that happened in the past 5 years, you ran to find your family.
After searching through Wakanda for hours on end, you found Wami sitting with an elder, consoling her and telling her that she will find her family. The reunion was bittersweet, knowing that it was just you and your sister and that the rest of your family was not coming back.
Months after, on one peaceful morning, Wami didn't wake up. Frantically trying to revive her then ultimately deciding to take her to the hospital where it was announced that she was with the ancestors. The royal family had gotten the news and had buried her using royal traditions. They brought you into their home, making you feel as apart of them even though you spent majority of your time there.
Wami had tried visiting you through your dreams but you would always reject them, believing that none of it was real, eventually blaming Bast for everything.
"Hi, mntanasekhaya." She weakly smiled, rushing forward to give you a big hug. You immediately crumbled, sobbing into your older sister's arms. As your sobs became more quiet, you had grown confused. After Wami's death, you were quick to accept that she was gone. Even visits from her became frequent and you allowed her back into your life whilst thanking Bast and restoring your faith to Bast.
"Sisi omdala. Why are you crying? If anything, being at home should be your happy place." You looked up at her, seeing tears gloss over her eyes once again. She looked away from you to sniffle and look out the window.
"This always happens when we get new people. You know me, the family crybaby." She grabbed a tissue from the living room table and wiped her tears.
"New people? The ones attacked because of the water?" You questioned. She nodded. "Along with the q-" Wami's sentence was cut short as you heard a loud shriek from behind you.
Opening your eyes, you saw you were being lifted from underneath your arm, both your feet floating above the ground. You lifted your head and saw you were going towards the palace entrance with Nakia, Okoye and Shuri running ahead of you.
You gained your strength back and put your feet back on the ground and started running, following the three women. You felt the breeze hit you as you ran, feeling your dress stick on you and your braids slowly becoming loose from their ponytail.
With the throne room door already open from the impact of the water from inside, you all rushed in, the scene before you causing your heart to drop. The throne room had so much water and the floor to ceiling windows were cracked open with you seeing a man with winged ankles floating, holding a staff.
Queen Ramonda and Riri were laying on the glass floor, being revived by both Nakia and Okoye. You felt yourself being pulled back and held into the arms of a Dora. You saw Shuri being held back by Aneka and M'baku, crying her eyes out and screaming for her mother.
You too were crying, resisting the urge to let go of the screams surpressed within your chest. You noticed the man still floating and he pointed to Shuri, who could barely contain her cries, breaking your heart more and more.
"Bury your dead. Mourn your loss. You are Queen now." He shouted. He declared that either Wakanda becomes allies with his nation or that he will wash Wakanda off the face of the earth.
His words became reality as Riri had coughed up the large amount of water from her lungs but Queen Ramonda remained still. Seeing Nakia's tears stream down her face, "Usishiyile." She muttered.
You managed to get out of the Dora's hold and ran towards the windows to chase after the man. Nakia yelled after you but there you were, flying towards him, trying to land a punch but he caught your wrist. He held it tightly, most likely causing bruises to form.
"Treat your new Queen well. She will need it." He smirked, letting go of your wrist, expecting you to fall to your death but only to be surprised by you facing him.
"You will pay for everything you have caused. How dare you." Your voice had cracked as you said your second sentence, it finally sunk in that he killed Queen Ramonda.
You turned away from him and flew back into the palace, immediately going to be next to Shuri as she held you tightly, sobs violently coursing through her body as she could barely look over to her mother's body.
With power surging through your hands and into the open field, you sighed out, feeling exhausted. A'awante chuckled at your exhaustion, uncrossing her arms and clapped her hands painfully slow.
"Congratulations, you've burnt the scarecrow of its stick. It took you how many tries?" She mocked, looking over at you as she appeared next to you in a flash.
"A'awante, we've been out here for hours. I promised Shuri that I would be back before sunset." You sighed out, holding your hands to your hips as you tilted your head back to face the sky.
You wouldn't necessarily call A'awante Bast's avatar but that is essentially what she was. During one of your many visits to the Ancestral realm, Bast had wanted an avatar to help you understand and figure out your powers to which she introduced you to A'awante, who is essentially the voice of Bast towards you.
"I guess I have been working you a little too hard. I would like to believe that you're very much ready for anything that might come Wakanda's way. Until next time. Goodbye Bahati." She said, waving and disappearing right before your eyes.
Everything you had learnt these past few days would be beneficial to the war that Namor had wanted. Your powers are quite powerful and versatile in a sense. You could manipulate anything using your powers. Your ability to fly had been improved and your strength would only be enhanced whilst using your powers. Temperature control and mind control were two of your favourites however you knew you couldn't take advantage of these powers.
Oh and your suit. You could summon two different suits using a special ring that appeared on your finger during your first training session. It's uniqueness stood out with its charm that made it look like a simple gold band to others.
Using your teleportation power to transport yourself to Shuri's lab, you closed your eyes then opened them once again to see that you were in the lab with Shuri in front of a large dna molecule model, with it eventually turning green all over.
"Griot, what's the confidence rate?" Shuri asked with a shake to her voice. "98.7%,Princess. Would you like me to print it?" Griot responded, causing Shuri to look at the module with pride without really displaying it on her face.
"Molo sana. Shuri." Nakia's voice broke the silence in the lab and Shuri turned her head to look at Nakia then you, who was standing right behind her.
"I thought you would be back in Haiti by now," Shuri said to Nakia. "And Y/n, you're early. I thought you said sunset." She directed her response to you.
"What is Griot printing?" You asked, going down the steps to stand next to Shuri.
"Y/n, it may be the recreation of the heart shaped herb." Nakia answered as she walked to stand next to Shuri as well. "It would be the greatest..gift to Wakanda since Bashenga's discovery and now Y/n's new found identity." She said, sighing with relief and a big smile painting her face.
"Griot, print it." Shuri instructed and held her hand out to you. "Come." She simply said, walking towards the 4D printer. Nakia walked next to Shuri and held her other hand for support.
"How do you know if it will work?" Nakia asked, as the printer began to run. "If it glows." Shuri replied and seconds after, the herb glows, causing you and Nakia to celebrate while Shuri looked shocked.
"You did it!"
Shuri had called you to her room as she was getting ready to present herself to the elders. You left Riri in the lab as she was working on the last adjustments on her suit.
You found Shuri pacing up and down the room, her curls were braided back and her suit clung to her body as she clenched and unclenched her hands. Her mood shifted as she came out of the trance of being in the ancestral realm, not wanting to share anything about who she saw whilst she was there. Her anger clearly shown as she punched a mannequin into the lab wall, gaining a reaction from you, Nakia and Riri.
"Shuri?" You quietly said, closing the door behind you and standing by the door, watching her slow down and eventually face you.
"I want him dead." Shuri started, shocking you. This wasn't the Shuri you knew. This one had revenge written all over her, eyes filled with hurt and rage. Dead? That would never be Shuri's first thought.
"Shuri, I'm not so sure that-"
"And you're going to help me. I refuse to let the man who killed my mother to live." She said, returning back to her pacing. You hesitantly walked towards her, stopping in front of her.
"I am more than willing to help you, Shuri but please think of this before we go out there." You pleaded and she stopped to stare at you. Her eyes staring into yours so intensely.
"Y/n, do you remember how you reacted when I had been kidnapped?" She asked, in such a demanding tone. Seeing where this was going, you immediately responded. "Yes but listen-"
"Had you or had you not said that you would kill whoever were to kill me?" She asked once again. You looked away from her face to avoid answering.
"I did." You muttered. "Speak up." She commanded and you looked at your best friend with such shock. "I had said that but I need you to get of this headspace, Shuri." You warned.
You could physically see your best friend become dangerous. The anger had consumed her fully and you knew that getting your Shuri back would be long after this war.
"This headspace is what is going to keep Wakanda safe, Y/n. I've suffered too long and it's time for me to get my lick back." She smirked after saying the last four words that you taught her.
It was as if she was in your mind and convinced you to go along with her plan. "So will you help me bring Namor's head back, sthandwa sam?" She wickedly smiled at you and it sent shivers throughout your entire body.
Shaking yourself out of her words, you began. "Shuri, no. You know that this is not the answer. Stop-"
"What are you afraid of?" She asked, slightly bending her tall body to match your eye contact level.
Keeping the eye contact, you remained silent. "If you are going to stop me, y/n, it won't work." Shuri stated.
Holding your hand out for her to hold, she placed her covered hand in yours. "Let's go show the fish man who the Black Panther is." You said, making Shuri smirk and lean in to peck your lips.
"Lead the way, sthandwa."
Looking over your beautiful nation through the windows of the throne room, Shuri stood behind you, holding your waist tightly.
"Are you fine, sthandwa?" She asked you as she peppered soft kisses along your neckline.
"I'm okay, just thinking of my powers during the fight." You replied. Thinking back to it, you and Shuri were against Namor. Your powers nearly burnt the Demi god to a crisp whilst Shuri held his wings in her hand.
Quickly healing her stab wound, you flew her into the sky as the fighter jet blew up into flames. Signaling that you go back to the ship to help the others, you fly over and use your gravity manipulation power to lift up the Talokanil crawling onto the ship and blast them into the ocean, similar to what Riri did to Namora.
"Do you still have the wings?" You asked, turning around and pecking her lips once. She nodded while smiling. "They're framed and sitting on the lab tables in the Great Mound lab." She said and her Kimoyo beads began to vibrate against your skin as she still held onto your waist.
"Have to look over the city, my love. Will you join me?" She held out her hands to you and you graciously accepted them.
"Of course I will." You smiled and hugged her, thanking Bast for bringing Shuri into your life throughout all the hardships thrown to you.
not proof read! I just went off on this one lol
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